#feel free to drop me an ask about this
starry-teacup · 30 days
like real people do by Hozier is SUCH a violinspector song bc think about it:
-the singer is the remnant of someone laid to rest long ago who has a limited perspective in comparison to the one they're singing to
-their lover has a much greater experience of the universe but some important stories they're not telling about themself to the singer
and it just makes me think of post-tbi lyf being not quite lyfrassir edda anymore and how Marius' backstory is never really explained. lyf is an echo of what they used to be discovered by a traumatized person who never even alludes to what has led him to be who he is today
but anyway this works even BETTER in a scenario where after getting bifrosted lyf loses their memory before Marius finds them.
the singer wonders what the lover was searching for, what led them to find them buried deep in the earth (or in this case, floating deep in space). They decide it's better not to ask and to enjoy the warmth so alien to them that being with their lover grants them.
Marius was searching for lyf's ship when he found them, but upon finding they don't remember anything, decides to try to keep their story from them in an attempt to cover up the fact that he left them, and to shield them from the trauma that the memory of loss will bring them. Lyf gets the sense that Marius is keeping something from them, but he makes them feel real and alive, like a real person, something they'd lacked all those years floating alone through the cosmos without companion or memory. They decide they trust Marius and don't push him on it.
So yeah I'm writing a fanfic lol
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catsharky · 5 months
May I ask for some details about your Tav? What do you mean by hasnt really lived as a tiefling before? Like literally has never seen another tiefling? Seems like being abducted by the mindflayers introduced major life changes to your Tav
I'm sorry this took so long to answer, but I ended up doing a whole bunch of art to answer this!
Ember has a really extensive backstory that's kind of long, but the short version of it is: she was caught in the crossfire of a deal her parents made with a devil. They couldn't have a child of their own because her mother was too severely ill, so they made the deal in the hopes of returning her health and along with it the ability to bear children. Unfortunately devil deals being what they are, they ended up with Ember who the devil stole from her birth parents.
Her mom was a high elf and her dad a half-elf, and her mom's side of the family were quite vocally anti-Tiefling. Because of her mother's health problems, however, they couldn't just sever contact with her parents because they relied on their money to cover the cost of healers, expensive potion ingredients and the like. They couldn't be trusted not to be a threat to Ember though, so the decision was made to disguise her as their biological daughter throughout her childhood.
Here's an age chart!
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As a result, Ember didn't even know she was a Tiefling until she was around 4 or 5, when she began to present as a sorcerer and accidentally undid the disguise spell (she ends up a bard thanks to her mom, but her control of magic comes from sorcery).
Before the events of the game, the most time she ever spent as a Tiefling was when she was 13- when her mom died and her dad disappeared, the disguise spell having relied on her mum's magic. She went through hell for a while after that and as soon as she could learn how to cast the spell herself, she jumped at the chance and went back to living as her old half-elf self. So when she gets taken by the Nautiloid, it's her being forced to actually live as her real self and as a Tiefling for the first time. As a result she doesn't have great control over her tail, because she's just straight up not used to having one.
She also spends a lot of Act 1 jumpscaring herself whenever she walks by a mirror lmao.
I do plan to do some comics that are set earlier in the game at some point, and those ones will explore more of her backstory. What I've done so far has just happened to be set in Act 3, after she's already sorted a lot of her shit out. I just have no idea when that'll actually be!
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total-drama-brainrot · 5 months
you guys ever hear a new song and frantically conceptualise a whole AU around it, starring your current Main Blorbo? or is that just me?
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leixo-demo · 1 year
SORRY FOR KEEP YOU WAITING,,,, im having spring break over here and finally got time to end these sketches,,, hope u like em!
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pocketgalaxies · 11 months
hey y'all - genuine question, how would people feel if i used wayback machine to watch old talks episodes and continued to liveblog them? i'm truly not sure from a Moral Quandary perspective whether it's worth it and would appreciate hearing how it might make others feel if they saw posts about it. (and i would never compromise on the rule to write the posts as if foster is not there.) not a rhetorical question, please let me know!
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xinyuehui · 10 months
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✦ Not sure what milestone I'm celebrating here, but there's always an occasion for a giveaway!!! ✦
This one is for my Oh No! Here Comes Trouble "obsessions"
There'll be 2 winners for this giveaway
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✦ Both winner will get a copy of the Peng Cianyou 1626 magazine
✦ One will get the A ver poster and cards
✦ One will get the B ver poster and cards
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✦ Both winners will get the Yiyong & Guangyan shiny laser cards designed by @萌姜女 (MengJiangNü)
+ I will also throw in photocard sleeves and top loaders and other small knickknacks ♡
✦ You don't need to follow me. But you have to be an ONHCT & Peng Cianyou fan (obv)
✦ Reblog to enter, likes won't be counted. No spamming, a few reblogs are okay. No giveaway blogs
✦ You must be 18+ to enter, and is comfortable sharing your name and address with me. I will DM you via tumblr message so make sure that's open!
✦ Ends on 30 SEPTEMBER 2023 23:59PM (GMT)
✦ No entries from China region <- bit of a dumb rule but I carried all of these back from China, I'm not shipping it back to China 😂
▶ This giveaway is now closed, thank you for participating! ◀
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Ohhh heheheeeeeHEHEEHHEEEEE giggles and rubs my hands together evilly. so we’ve had cult leader!geto and you who’s mad at him… and we’ve also had you who’s slowly accepting loving him…. But what about cult leader!geto and reader that’s just. Moved on. Accepted it when he left because of the understanding that it’s just the way life goes. Doesn’t mean to say that you didn’t miss him, that you still don’t, it just means that you understand that there’s no point being angry about things you can’t change, so you let it go. Obviously, it’s sugu. There’s no replacing him. But you don’t try to replace him, you just carry on with life. You find other people who are special to you and you don’t try to fill the hole he left in your heart, you accept it, heal it, and work around it. He sees you again years later and he excepts you to be angry at him — wishes that you’d be angry at him — but you’re not, you just smile at him. There’s no anger in your eyes, no bared teeth or quips of bitterness, just a soft kind of understanding that you can forgive him and carry on with your life without allowing him back in. IM ACTUALLY GOING INSANE PLEASE…. It’s not quite you forgiving him and loving him, moreso just understanding and accepting that he was someone very special, but just not accepting him into your life again. He can’t exactly tame you because you’re not angry. There’s no storm to wait out, there’s no rage for him to soothe. Nonchalance and acceptance I think is the best way to combat him methinks… :333 OMGGG think of that beabadoobee song “the way things go” ohhhhh..
“Passed your house when I was on the train, in my mind you’ll always stay the same.” “And there’s so much left to say, I guess I’m just the bigger guy.” “A distant memory I used to know, oh I guess that’s just the way things go.” SCREAMS!!!! AUGGHHH IM SORRY THIS IS WAY TOO LONG BUT. AUGHH I could scream ab sugu forever…. <333 — stsg anon !!
STSG ANON i need you to know that this broke me. gutted me. i feel numb inside THIS IS SUCH A TASTY SCENARIO I’M SCREAMING
okay so. just putting this out there; i think this would break him. lmao. this is the cruelest thing you could do to him because it’ll hurt him like nothing else. and he deserves it!! this is the best possible scenario for you, but the worst for him. and that’s just….. soooo bittersweet.
He sees you again years later and he excepts you to be angry at him — wishes that you’d be angry at him — but you’re not, you just smile at him. There’s no anger in your eyes, no bared teeth or quips of bitterness, just a soft kind of understanding that you can forgive him and carry on with your life without allowing him back in.
goshhhh stsg anon…………. the way you wrote this…………. :(((( i’m in awe of you always. this made me so so emotional i’m just ……… hhhhhhh…… my heart is crumbling a tiny bit but i’m gonna try to be coherent…… T_T
i think geto would be happy for you. i think that despite his own feelings, he’d ultimately make the painful choice to respect your wishes and stay out of your life. it hurts him but there’s also this sense of inevitability — this is the natural consequence of his actions. he was a fool for expecting anything else, hoping for anything else. but a part of him always wished that you could be together again; and i think that wish hurts him more than anything.
geto really is just a lonely guy at the end of the day, and the thing about his ideal world is that it doesn’t even just boil down to a world without non-sorcerers — to geto, it boils down to a world where i don’t have to see my loved ones suffer. that’s what he wants more than anything!! and i think that even though he knows it’s unrealistic, even impossible, a part of him was always hoping that you’d wait for him to create that world for you. that you could one day go back to the way things were.
so meeting you again, and being forced to accept that it just won’t happen… that he’s just a person of your past and nothing else…. yeahhhh. it breaks him a little. then again, he always wished for your forgiveness; at least he has that. at least he knows you don’t hate him. there’s a kind of comfort in that, even though he probably would’ve preferred feelings of hatred to no feelings at all. :(
no but this is genuinely heartbreaking from geto’s pov and it’s even worse because you’re just doing what’s best for you!!! there’s no anger, no hard feelings, and it irks him because there’s nothing he can do!! you’re so right stsg anon!!! there’s no storm to wait out, there’s no rage for him to soothe….. there’s nothing he can do to change your mind. it just is what it is.
i also think this forces him into unveiling himself. this is just my own take but my interpretation of cult leader!geto is that he’s pretending to be something he’s not like . 80% of the time…. i think he copes by creating all these new personas, silly and overbearing and cruel, when deep down he’s still just sad and a little bit lost. a little lonely. it’s very telling that he felt the need to create a new family, because that’s just the kind of guy he is — he needs to have people around him to protect and cherish. very similar to gojo (stsg soulmatism strikes again)…. when he meets gojo in jjk 0 he feigns nonchalance, but later, when he’s watching the sunset and thinking about their history, he just looks sad. resigned. there’s a softness he’s trying to hide, but it never quite leaves him.
and i think that with you being so open, so sincere, he really wouldn’t have any choice but to meet that with a sincerity of his own. i can see him giving you one last sad smile, and honestly telling you that he’s happy for you. that he wishes you nothing but the best. and he truly means it. he wants you to be happy more than anything; it’s fine if he can’t be there to see it.
it’s a shame, but he’ll learn to live with it — for you.
so anyway this made me cry AND THEN YOU TOP IT OFF WITH BEABADOBEE????????? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME????????? THAT SONGGGGG STOP STOP PLEASE I CANT TAKE IT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it’s so geto i’m abt to throw up blood
can’t remember how to say your name // let alone count all the freckles on your face // a distant memory i used to know // oh, i guess that's just the way things go // oh, i guess that's just the way things go
can’t remember when you said you called // miles away, and it was still my fault // the love you said you had, it sometime showed // oh, i guess that's just the way things go // oh, i guess that's just the way things go
passed your house when i was on a train // in my mind, you'll always stay the same // i’m happy now, i ought to let you know // but i guess that's just the way things go // oh, i guess that's just the way things go // and i don’t mind that that's the way things go.
:(((((( stsg anon i’m not even joking this made me tear up …… he’s just so lonely. you’ll always be you, and he’ll always be suguru. i don’t think he could ever stop being fond of you, even if you were to forget him one day. in my mind, you’ll always stay the same………….. sniffle. he’ll always, always remember you.
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sleep-nurse · 3 months
uh. basically wtf is Wrong with her. like how did the Hima go from silly lil fella to Oh God (aka: i just need a short enough summary of the backstory where I can make lyrics about it i guess)
OHHHHHH HER GENERAL BACKSTORY? well. cracks knuckles
i've posted about it ages ago but here's a summary basically himawari was a girl who used to suffer from illnesses that mostly have to do with the digestive tract (just like me fr!!!!!!!!). her family wasn't the best at taking care of her either because her mom passed out when himawari was really young (like 2 years old) and her dad (miu akabara) is a busy scientist-doctor who works for a really long time. so she was hospitalised really often then one day at the age of 16 himawari died from gerd that progressed into esophageal cancer from too much acid exposure. the hospital akabara works in though works in a project that is aimed to transfer the memories & personality of a deceased person into a robot body who resembles them, which involves transferring their brain (if it hasn't been damaged yet). himawari was the first ''success'' of this project and is often nicknamed as ''the angel in a robot body'' because of this. i say ''success'' because himawari deals with the engine being fucky and that often leads to her being really distressed and sometimes it causes not so good incidents since himawari wanted to work as a nurse or a doctor ever since she was young, they decided that himawari was gonna be the mascot of the hospital and work in there as a nurse
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dearmahiru-archive · 11 months
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y'know, the way both haruka and mu are so blasé about his suicide ideation reminds me of how they're the only ones who's murder is represented as symbolically killing themselves.
i mentioned it ages ago but not only does mu consistently projects herself onto her victim but even uses a box cutter. although it's the only weapon feasibly allowed in a school, in media box cutters are typically used for self-harm. sure, i'm still disgusted with mu for using haruka's life as a bargaining chip but i feel like mu's relationship with suicide also got brushed aside just because she's more arrogant now.
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lairmadness · 9 months
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How about that Ogerpon
Please read the tags!
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ilostyou · 1 year
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taylor x 5sos parallels - part 2/?
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saltynsassy31 · 6 months
Oh my god it is actually staring to hurt how little there is for greyghost 😭😭😭
Ao3 has over 200 fics of them, I read almost all of them already (some twice) except the ones I can't physically stomach, I went to fanfic.net cuz I thought "Hey, that place existed before Ao3, should be more, right?"
Seems like Greyghost is a recent phenomenon or something cuz fanfic net had only 33 fanfics in total, most actually being recently and already reuploaded to Ao3 and I've already read them too
Unless I fucked something up in the filters cuz fanfic still kinda trips me out a little gkdksja
I so wish this ship had more attention and love tbh 😔 and I barely got time in my hands to contribute, I wrote like one fic and that's it, I gotta revisit my DP lore cuz man some thing I do not remember happening gkskska
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mdverse · 2 months
hey this is so random hahah, but have you read "my heart's a leather jacket i'm waiting to give to someone sweet" on ao3? it's my favorite brittana fanfic. essentially though, it's just badass!brittany (worn out leather jacket, bloody knuckles, yk) and santana falling in love and there is NO fanart of it whatsoever. i was just thinking, if you ever run out of inspiration and need something new to draw, i would literally dieee if you made brittana fanart of that, i've been searching the entire web lmao. okay sorry for the rambling, just an idea!
hi! i have not read that fic yet (i did not know it existed) (tbh i have not read a good brittana fic in. too long. i really don't know that many lol) but consider me intrigued!! i do love the sound of badass!brittany, so i'd love to add fanart of the fic to my art to-do list lol
my brain is so full and jumbled these days so i probably won't read it just yet (i'm genuinely so determined to write vb au fic so i'm desperately trying to keep my head in that world until i at least finish my first draft lmao) but thank u sm for the rec, i'll try to check it out at some point over the summer :)
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skeletalheartattack · 9 months
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you after i free you from the tetrisphere
#ask#anon#im not sure what the thanks is for without assuming it to be like ''thanks. for those tags.''#anyway youre welcome? youre free from the tetrisphere now. find and enjoy life. out from the egg made of tetronimoes youve hatched from.#or whatever.#im still recovering from that nap#its fucked. i nap on my bed sometimes if i havent had enough sleep earlier in the day. and instead of using the bed normally#my ass just sleeps at the end. watching my moavies (youtube streams)#like a dog#ended up having to wake myself up cause i had my legs rested over a nearby table cause the width of the bed is not very wide#and my body feels so good when i wake up. scrunched up and shit. i feel So normal#anyway tetrisphere is a game i got long ago that. i dont know from where.#i either got it from a yard sale. or ebay. but im leaning towards yard sale. since it was around the same time i got hey you pikachu#also did you know the mic quality for hey you pikachus microphone is actually pretty decent#anyway i dont remember a lot about tetrisphere beyond you picking a robot to play as. and you drop tetrominoes onto a fucking ball#i completely forgot you freed a thing from within#as for why this was the first thing i used to reply to the ask. anytime i get an ask im not sure how to respond to. i look through my phone#and. this tetrisphere image made me laugh seeing it back when i first downloaded it#i think i had more i wanted to say but im at a loss for words now that im looking at this image again#its so beautiful and hes so free#that is how baby birds leave the egg. but opposite. they do it from the inside. instead of needing tetrominoes to open the egg.#can you tell im still not fully recovered from my fuckim nap#anyway thanks for the ask anon. i think!
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stormyoceans · 3 months
Hi Monica! 😊 are you gonna watch the Last Twilight concert? GMM concerts tend to be long, so I wonder if they’ll do some scene recreations, play some games, or perform their Vice Versa songs too. Maybe all 3! And I’m sure there’ll be surprise song covers and stuff too! I’m excited to watch it. But I don’t know if I’ll wake up at 4am to watch it live or wait til the rerun to watch it later 😅
i gotta be honest here, im not sure im gonna watch the last twilight concert ;;;;;;; i definitely wouldn’t be able to watch it live anyway, because while we don’t celebrate easter as a religious holiday, my family still uses it as an excuse to come together and eat way too much, so my saturday is gonna be spent cooking and helping my mom out with some other stuff
i was considering buying the ticket for the rerun, mostly because performing like this was one of jimmysea’s biggest dreams and i do want to support them however i can, but i’ve already spent so much money this month for their fan meet in rome, and im still unsure whether to get their photobook or not, and my feelings for last twilight are so complicated…….. im just afraid buying the ticket would make me feel more bad than good ;;;;;;;;;
im sure the concert is gonna be so much fun tho!!!!!! everyone is working so hard for it, and while i wouldn’t hope for any vice versa content, they are still gonna sing and dance and recreate scenes and maybe act out new ones!!!!!! maybe we're even finally gonna get the morkday marriage proposal that we deserved!!!!!!
hope you're gonna have a great time whether you decide to watch it live or wait for the rerun!!!!!!!
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thinking about how someone tried to insist to me that hellcheer was 'gross and pedophilic' because they had 'a huge age gap' and i thought it was the stupidest shit i'd ever heard so-
in true Extra Ass Bitch fashion i calculated roughly what the oldest/ youngest possible ages chrissy could be and the oldest/youngest possible ages eddie could be based on canon evidence (eddie's 2 failed years, chrissy's '86 necklace, etc.) and approximate school cut off dates
anyway, this is a rough approximation (not that it particularly matters because they're both still in the same age range/stage of life so a few years isn't rly much of an issue given their canon interactions) but if anyone was curious:
eddie should have been born in '65 or '66. backwards calculation places chrissy either late '67 or early '68. eddie failed his senior year twice and was supposed to have graduated in '84, he's on his third try. chrissy is head cheerleader and wears an '86 necklace, she's a senior in '86.
the youngest Chrissy could be is about [17yrs + 7 months] assuming a birthday around August of '68
the oldest Chrissy could be is about [18yrs + 6 months] assuming a birthday of around September of '67
the youngest Eddie could be is about [19yrs + 7 months] assuming a birthday around August of '66
the oldest Eddie could be is about [20yrs + 6 months] assuming a birthday in September of '65
even in the 'worst case scenario' where eddie is the oldest he could be and chrissy is the youngest she could be, eddie is 20 and chrissy almost 18
if you go with the opposite, with chrissy being as old as possible and eddie as young as possible, then eddie is almost 20 and chrissy is over 18
the other combinations average out to a 2 year age gap, which for the record, for high schoolers is still incredibly common. again, this is a stupid argument, but i can be spitefully pedantic sometimes and i enjoy having all the possible information i can before i talk shit
and i love to talk shit. so i went to go get the data myself
anyway grace van dien once said that she thinks chrissy is a pisces and i trust her so assuming that's true then chrissy was born sometime between mid february to mid march of '66, meaning chrissy would haven just turned 18 as s4 began, while eddie is still in the 19 to 20 range depending on when you place his birthday
but all of this seems ridiculous when you realize that based on what school year they're in during s4, chrissy was a sophomore the first time eddie was a senior. so like. everything else is just being pedantic for the sake of finding smth to be mad about
either way i rest my case this is a dumb argument to use against the ship, hellcheer haters get bent just say you don't ship it and go
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