#feel free to respond/add on/disagree
idontplaytrack · 27 days
can i do a request of just some rejanis fluff. Like what you did in the home alone fanfic! Thanks boo💕🤗
Sleep(or not)
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, mentions of Regina’s bus accident, chronic pain from said accident
In which Regina’s back pain keeps her up at night, and Janis is worried
“Janis, go to sleep.” Regina says, looking at her nails.
Janis sighs softly, “No.”
“It’s two in the morning, Janis.” Regina continues, putting her hands down.
“Exactly. I’m not going to bed without you.”
“I can’t sleep, baby. You know that.” Regina admits.
Janis watches the clock on the wall, hears the sound of the water boiling in the electric kettle, the sound of the crickets outside…in the dead of the night. Yet, they were awake. “Go to bed. It’s so late.”
“I’m not leaving you alone while you’re in pain, G.” Janis insisted.
Truth be told, Regina wanted to cry. That’s why she wanted Janis to go to bed— she didn’t want Janis to see her like that. “Nothing new.” Regina adds on, “It’s been like this since that damn bus ran me over.”
“Is there anything I can do?”
Regina shook her head, “No. It just hurts and I hate that— never mind, I shouldn’t.”
“No, say it.” Janis urged, “Get it out of your mind.”
“You already know what I’m gonna say, J.” Regina averted her eyes from Janis’. Janis very carefully wrapped her arm around the blonde. “Say it if you need to say it. It’s clearly weighing on your mind no matter what you think.”
Regina scoffs, “I hate that damn bus. How could’ve that guy just speed through like that?”
“Least he got sued.”
“No amount of money makes this pain okay. I’m only turning eighteen and I have to live like this for the rest of my life.”
Janis plants a kiss to the side of the girl’s head, “I’ll be here with you, no matter what.”
“It actually baffles me why you are.” Regina replies, “I tormented you for such a long time and you just forgave me?”
“Regina, let’s not—” Janis disagrees, “All of that: the Burn Book, the name-calling that’s nothing compared to you getting hurt. I’ll recover from that stupid shit, but this? G, this is serious stuff. I like you, and you like me. I’m just glad we’ve both come to terms with our feelings for each other and are where we are right now.”
“I just…feel like a burden.”
“Regina, babe— we’ve both got our issues. You put up with me, I put up with you. Listen, we’ll get through it together no matter what it is. We’re partners.”
Regina couldn’t help but crack a smile, “Thanks, J.”
“Don’t even mention it.” Janis mirrors her smile, relieved, “Now…are you a hundred percent sure you don’t wanna try going back to sleep?”
“Going back? I didn’t even fall asleep the first time.”
“So no to sleep, no to the pill, do you want to soak in a bath?” Janis asks.
“A bath?”
“Yeah.” Janis huffs, “That helped the other time, no?”
“Aw, you remembered.”
“Of course. It’s not like my memory’s been failing me or anything, babe.” Janis responded, “So, what do you say?”
“Fine.” Regina gives in, letting Janis lead her upstairs. Which was a pain by the way. Anyway, they made it back to Regina’s room, Janis picks out a fresh set of comfy clothes for her before going to the connected bathroom to run a bath.
“Go back to bed— I’ll be fine.”
“I know you will, but I’m not going to bed so give it up.” Janis stated, “I’m staying up with you.”
“Jan, are you crazy? There’s school in the morning.”
“It wouldn’t kill me if I skipped a day to take care of you, you know.” Janis sat down beside her.
“It’s not your job to take care of me.” Regina spat.
“It’s not, but as your girlfriend it’s what I’m supposed to do. Otherwise I’m a shitty ass girlfriend.” Janis reasoned, “Stop fighting me on this. Just let me keep you company.” Regina kept quiet, taking a few deep breaths.
“I just hate asking for help. Would rather deal with it on my own.”
Janis looks at her for a moment, “If it was me, would you be leaving me alone to be up all night?”
Regina ponders over her question, “No. I wouldn’t.”
“So, please. Don’t feel bad for stuff like this— I get that it’s hard for you, but I need you to know it’s okay to just tell me you need or want something. I may not be able to give you everything, but I will damn well try.”
As Regina sat in the tub, Janis sat on the floor, face with face with her. “I feel a little better like this.”
“I bet you do.” Janis nodded, gently squeezing her hands as she spoke.
“I think we should both try and get some sleep once I get outta the tub.” Regina said back, squeezing the smaller girl’s hands too.
“If that’s what you want, sure.” Janis shrugged.
When the pair got back into bed, it was nearly 3a.m., but Regina was in significantly lesser pain and more sleepy after sitting in warm water that was lulling her to sleep. Regina sits in front of Janis, back facing her. Janis was giving her a bit of a massage. “Oh, shit.” Regina groans lowly. Janis immediately retracted her hands, “I’m sorry.”
“No, silly.” Regina chuckles, “That felt pretty good.”
“Oh.” Janis heaves a sigh of relief, “Thank God. I thought I was hurting you more.”
A smile creeps onto the blonde’s face, unbeknownst to Janis. “Baby?”
“Thank you.”
“No problem.” Janis says, her hands still massaging Regina’s back, “Happy to do it,”
Regina started shifting in her seat and eventually turned around to face her girlfriend. She grabs Janis’ hands into her own and brushes her thumbs over her knuckles. Regina wasn’t sure what made her do this, but she was doing. Janis chuckles a little bit, confused, “What are you doing?”
“I dunno.” Regina admits, “Just felt like doing that. And seeing your face.” Janis’ cheeks were tinted a light pink at her words, her head turns away from Regina. “Wow, it’s still so easy to make you blush?” Regina teased. “Damn, you’re so cute.”
“Shut up.”
“You are.” Regina sighs softly, cupping her cheek in one hand, “Your big brown eyes look like a doll’s. And your nose? Adorable. God, those lips. So pillowy soft.”
Janis allows a grin to show up on her face. Regina tugs on her arm to get her to climb into her lap. Janis gets the hint and got on, legs bracketing either side of her hips. “I don’t say this enough, and I know it. I want to change that.” Regina brushes the hair out of Janis’ face, tucking the loose strands behind her ear.
“I love you.” The blonde said softly, pressing a tender kiss to her lips. Janis reciprocated immediately, smiling into it.
“I love you, too, G.”
Regina held her like this for awhile before they eventually crawler under the covers to get some sleep before the sun rises. “Face the other way. I can massage your back for you until you fall asleep.”
“Mm, no.” Regina hums, “I want to see your face.”
Janis bites back a smile, “Okay.”
“I’ll be okay, I promise.” Regina whispers, wrapping her arms around Janis. “It’ll just take a day or two for it pass.”
Janis nodded, snuggling against her chest comforting, “I hear you, babe. I know. You’ll be okay.”
“Close your eyes.” They both said, nearly in unison making them both chuckle.
“I’ll make you pancakes in the morning?” Janis grins, face buried in her chest.
“Yum, please do, baby.” Regina agreed, holding her closer.
“Good night, G.” Janis nodded, “Get some sleep.”
🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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marvelmusing · 2 years
In Another Life
Part Sixteen
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Alternate Universe!Reader
Summary: Together, you and Aleksander journey to the monastery of Sankt Feliks. To mend the tear at the making, a sacrifice from one of you is required.
Warnings: canon level violence, small amount of blood, the reader goes through a painful altercation (I really hope that what I’ve come up with makes sense because it could be possible canonically but canon doesn’t really make sense either).
My Masterlist • Series Masterlist • Next Part
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Aleksander extends a hand to you, as your ankle nearly twists when you step on a rather loose rock. He holds tightly onto you, urging you closer so that he can steady your body with his own.
The walk to Sankt Feliks’ monastery was precarious, and you had needed to abandon your horses nearly an hour ago. Aleksander had gifted you a beautiful white mare named Luna for the journey. She hadn’t seemed too upset by being left tied to a tree further down the mountain, free to graze alongside Nocturne.
As you’re walking, you can’t help but compare this moment to the scene in the books. Aleksander had been the one leading the group, just as he is now.
In the books, he had been wearing tattered robes, his hands had been bound to prevent him from summoning, and he was flanked by sun soldiers. He had been the enemy then.
The Aleksander holding onto your hand is almost the polar opposite of that man. He’s wearing his fur collared cloak, to shield him from the cold of the mountain air. The two of you are surrounded by friends - the Grisha you trusted most to accompany you.
There’s a small glow of pride in your chest, that you are the reason why everything is different. If everything goes wrong now, and you fall at the last hurdle, you know that you’ve already changed this world - and Aleksander’s life - for the better.
The monastery appears almost from nowhere. One moment you’re watching your feet as you nearly stumble over another boulder, the next, Aleksander has stopped and you’re staring up at a series of large stone arches carved into the rock face.
There’s no door, only a small dark tunnel.
“Wait here.” Aleksander instructs your group.
Zoya and Ivan both look ready to disagree with him, but Aleksander gives them both a firm look, whilst you nod and smile reassuringly.
“We shouldn’t be long.” You add.
As Aleksander steps forward into the entrance, you’re reminded of the tunnel underneath Ulla’s chapel. Just as he did then, Aleksander keeps his fingers curled around yours, and you can feel his shadows clinging close as you walk over the uneven ground.
You aren’t walking for long before you step out into cold sunlight once again. The monastery has no ceiling, though some shelter is provided by the huge branches that sway overhead.
Dark red buds adorn the winding arms of one central tree, with black thorns that are longer than your forearm. There’s a painful twist in your heart when you identify the tree.
This is the thornwood tree.
A woman steps out from the shadows. Her dark hair is pulled back tightly, and her features are sharp as she surveys you and Aleksander.
She bows lightly, before greeting you both in a language you don’t understand. Aleksander responds in what you assume is the same language. When he notices your frown, he dips his head down to inform you,
“Ancient Kaelish.” You hum in response.
“We know why you are here.” She says, her voice smooth and clear.
“We?” Aleksander remarks with a raised brow.
All around you, monks step out from shadowed nooks, flashes of red silk that soon surround you. Opening up your bag, you pull out the heart of Sankt Feliks.
“I believe this belongs to you.” You say, stepping towards her with more bravery than you feel.
She tilts her head aside as she looks at you.
“You’re not from this world, are you?”
You raise your chin, swallowing down your fear.
“No. I’m not.”
She steps closer, moving her hands slowly towards the heart. As she takes it in her hands, you say,
“I think it can be used to mend the making.”
“Mending the tear will demand a sacrifice from one of you.” She says lightly, her eyes remaining fixed on the heart as she turns it over in her hands.
“One of us?” Aleksander asks. She turns to face him.
“You have a heart strong enough to hold the tear in the making closed.” You know what that means and you shiver at the thought of Aleksander suffering for eternity. “To do so, you must stand at the doorway between worlds forever.”
You haven’t come all this way for Aleksander to suffer a fate worse than death. The monk’s words play over in your mind - one of you. Meaning that you also have a price to pay, instead of Aleksander.
“What about me?” You say.
Aleksander turns to look at you with widened eyes, and for a moment he looks frightened, as the monk studies you.
“You have the making of two worlds inside you. The tear is what brought you into this world, and it must be mended from one side.”
Looking over at the broken gap at the base of the thornwood’s trunk, you frown before you ask quietly,
“You mean I can go back to my world?”
She nods.
“But you will never be able to return to this one.”
The thought of leaving Aleksander behind, and never seeing him again tugs hard at your heartstrings. After all you’ve been through, you can’t even consider such a thing.
“And if I mend the tear from this side?”
“You will sever the connection you have with the world you were born in.”
You frown.
“Meaning you will remain exactly as you are now.”
Turning towards her, your frown deepens.
“For how long?”
She doesn’t respond, merely glancing over at Aleksander before her gaze settles back onto you. Somehow, he seems to understand what this means.
“Forever.” Aleksander says in explanation. You turn to him.
“Forever?” You whisper.
The idea of living forever is a baffling concept. Especially for an ordinary otkazat’sya like you, who is from a world where no one lives forever.
You straighten, nodding.
“Well, it’s obvious what we have to do then.” You say, bending down to discard your bag in preparation of whatever you need to do in order to mend the tear.
“Don’t rush into this.” Aleksander warns you, curling his fingers around your wrist. “Forever is a long time.” He adds softly. “Alina didn’t want it.”
You look up at him, meeting his eyes. You can see the worry there - that you might be making a decision you’ll regret. Forever is a long time, especially for regrets. But you’ve already made up your mind.
You place your own hand over his, giving his fingers a reassuring squeeze as you tell him,
“Alina didn’t have you. I do.”
He smiles softly, nodding in agreement.
“You do.”
With a determined expression, you turn back to the monk.
“What do I have to do?” You ask her.
“The heart must be blessed with your blood, before it can be returned to the thornwood.”
She retrieves a knife from between the folds of her crimson robes, and a touch of fear settles into your heart. The monks unnerve you, and the idea of one of them coming near you with a knife isn’t pleasant.
“May I?” Aleksander asks her, holding out his hand for the knife. She gives it to him.
You swallow nervously as you eye the blade, but Aleksander keeps his eyes firmly on the monk.
“How much blood?” He asks. She turns snapping her fingers, and another monk appears at her side.
He’s young, with dark eyes and a mop of curly blonde locks adorning the top of his head, and his face flushes red as he scrambles to flick frantically through the pages of the book in his hand.
Then he turns it around, displaying a page with a symbol painted over it.
“Enough to draw this onto the heart.” She says.
Aleksander nods.
Then he takes your hand delicately in his own, encouraging you to hold your pointer finger out with the soft tip facing skyward.
“Monk’s always go too far with their ceremonial blood drawings.” Aleksander mumbles, and you would laugh if you weren’t so nervous. “Wholly unnecessary, and rather messy.”
Aleksander seems nervous as well, as his rambling halts and he inhales slowly. His voice softens as he adds,
“This shouldn’t hurt too much, my love.”
“Aleksander.” You say in a small voice. He looks up at you sharply, his motions frozen in an instant. “I love you.”
He smiles softly.
“And I love you. Are you ready?”
You nod.
He slices the tip of your finger with the knife, enough to draw a small amount of blood with only a sharp sting of pain.
Eyes on the symbol in the book, you trace your bleeding finger over the hardened wood-like material of the heart. The monk watches intently, and once you’re finished she nods in satisfaction.
“Now return it to the making.” When you look over at the thornwood and hesitate, she adds, “It will hurt.”
Both you and Aleksander turn sharply to look at her.
“But not, ‘suffering for eternity’ level of hurt, though?” You prompt, brows furrowed as you stare at her. “Right?”
“Less than holding the door between the worlds together for eternity, yes.”
Aleksander looks unconvinced by the monk’s words, and he eyes you carefully as he waits for your reaction. You have a feeling that if you said no, he wouldn’t mind. That he would ensure that the two of you would find another way.
But you need to do this, despite your fear.
You nod.
“Are you sure?” He asks.
“I’m sure.”
Stepping forward, you climb over the gnarled roots towards the trunk of the thornwood. There’s a small area that looks as though it has been carved out, and you can only assume that is where the heart belongs.
Once you’ve placed it back with shaking hands, the monks approach, lying their own hands on the bark as you step away. They’re fabrikators, you remember, and they will ensure that the heart mends the tear at the making.
As you rejoin Aleksander, a pain wracks through your entire body and you collapse against him. He wraps an arm around your waist, keeping you upright, but when you groan lowly he quickly eases you both onto the floor.
It feels as though a part of you is being ripped away, slowly, inch by inch, and you grit your teeth as you struggle to process everything. Then a searing burning runs over your skin, as if the tear inside you is being sealed with a soldering iron.
Tears flood down your cheeks, as you fight to control your breathing. Aleksander holds onto you, allowing you to dig your nails into his clothes as you grip them tightly in an attempt to handle the pain.
Every bone in your body aches, and your muscles tighten uncomfortably as you gasp and writhe in pain.
Aleksander holds the back of your head, ensuring that you don’t thrash to the point of hurting yourself. You press your forehead hard against his shoulder, tears coating your face.
Then it stops.
Sweat glosses over your brow, and your tears begin to dry against your cheeks.
Aleksander’s hands cup your face delicately, tears welling in his own eyes. He can see the relief in your expression as he scours your face intently. It’s over. You’re alright now.
“I thought I told you to stop risking your life.” Aleksander remarks laughingly, though his voice is thick with emotion as your body collapses weakly against his.
“Did it work?” You ask, your voice hoarse.
The monk appears in the corner of your vision, and she gestures to the side of the courtyard.
“See for yourself.”
Aleksander helps you to your feet, and you hold onto him as you move over towards the thick stone wall. There’s a small gap, a window of sorts, carved into the side of the monastery.
As you peer through, all you see is clouds of white. The sunlight shines down, and a breeze scatters the cloud line. Then you see it.
What had once been the blackened sand of the unsea, stained by centuries of darkness, is now a vivid burst of green. The Tula Valley has been revived. Your breath catches in your throat as you stare at it. Then you look at Aleksander.
A tear traces its way down his cheek.
He looks down at you and his face breaks into a smile of pure elation. Aleksander scoops you up into his arms, twirling the two of you around as he laughs in disbelief. You cling to him, his laughter infectious. You did it.
Then he kisses you.
Warmth spreads through your chest, and you feel as though you could burst with happiness. Aleksander drops his head down further, kissing you with every ounce of feeling he has. The fear of losing you, the distress of seeing you in pain, the joy of knowing that you succeeded.
A thrill runs through the entirety of your body, and when Aleksander’s lips leave yours you’re glad he doesn’t go far, pressing his forehead against your own. Then a bright red petal falls into his hair.
You frown, picking the delicate portion of flower from his dark locks. The two of you look up, and the thornwood is in full bloom.
Sliding your hand through Aleksander’s hair, you ruffle it affectionately in an attempt to shake the gathering petals away with a soft laugh. The adoring look in his eyes has emotion swelling in your chest. A look of surprise crosses over his features, and you frown.
Following his gaze, you watch as vines slowly creep over the nearest root of the thornwood, decorating the dark wood with a luscious green that begins to grow delicate buds as you watch it.
“The thornwood has not bloomed this brightly for several centuries.” The monk states, her voice filled with awe.
All around you, the monks drop to their knees. Some of them pray openly, and you see one or two them with tears in their eyes.
“You have received the blessing of Sankt Feliks.” She says, looking directly at you.
Glancing over at Aleksander, your eyes wide with confusion, he appears to be lost in thought.
“I did this?”
He nods slowly.
He ponders your question for a long moment.
“You have the making of two worlds in you. Cutting the connection with your own world, must have strengthened your connection to this one.”
“So I’m Grisha?”
Aleksander takes your hand carefully, his brows furrowed. You still don’t feel that sense of certainty, and Aleksander’s expression doesn’t change. He shakes his head.
“I can’t feel anything.”
“Our saint has given you the gift of creation itself.” The monk explains.
You frown. The only form of creation you know is the forbidden science - abomination.
“Merzost?” She shakes her head.
“Something far older. The same matter that holds the universe intact.”
“I understand now.” Aleksander says quietly, and you turn to him with confusion in your eyes. “Morozova’s amplifiers were drawn to you, because your connection to the making is deeper than any other Grisha.”
He traces his fingers over your cheek, his eyes filled with awe as he looks at you.
“The power of pure creation. They recognised themselves in you.”
“Sankt Feliks could grow crops even in the harshest of winters.” You recall. Aleksander had told you the story of Sankt Feliks, many months ago.
Aleksander nods.
“You have the same power as him.”
Before you leave, the monks are all eager to give you their well wishes and prayers. A few of them reach towards you, and you let them clasp your hand between their own.
Aleksander sets his hand at your lower back, guiding you forwards as you head back along the tunnel to return to your group.
You can hear their excited voices as they look down the mountain range, where the Tula Valley is now in the full bloom of summer for the first time in centuries.
Once again, you almost tumble as you step on a loose stone, which catches the attention of your group. They turn to face you both, relief and joy filling their expressions.
“You did it!” Zoya exclaims, rushing towards you and throwing her arms around you. You grip tightly onto her, as your relief finally settles in.
Zoya’s family lives in Novokribirsk. Now she can visit them whenever she wants to.
A small sob wells in your throat as you bury your face into her hair. Despite your new power, and immortality, you’re still aching and exhausted. She pulls back searching your tear filled eyes.
“There weren’t any creepy monks I have to go put in their place, were there?”
You laugh, which causes a few tears to spill out as you admit,
“There were some creepy monks, but I think we’re friends now.” She raises a brow.
“You better not have replaced me.”
The two of you smile widely as you shake your head.
Aleksander settles his hand back against your spine, and he murmurs softly,
“Let’s get you checked over.”
You nod.
Zoya wraps her arm around your waist, helping you walk over the uneven ground as Aleksander hovers closely behind, his fingers lingering on the space between your shoulder blades.
Fedoyr examines you once you’re settled onto a large boulder.
As always, the process of being healed is uncomfortable, the feeling of itching as your pain is removed. Usually you don’t mind the feeling, but when every bone and muscle in your body requires some healing, it’s quite unpleasant.
Aleksander cradles the back of your head as he sits beside you, and a few tears escape your eyes as you press your face against his shoulder.
Once Fedoyr has finished, you sigh in relief.
“Thank you, Fedoyr.”
He nods, giving you a smile.
“My pleasure. Well done.”
He bows lightly, and moves back towards the rest of the group. For a moment, you and Aleksander are quiet, and you simply enjoying being safe in his arms. The sun is shining down, and despite the cool breeze, you no longer feel cold.
“Are you alright now?” He asks softly.
You smile at him.
“Ravka is on the brink of rebirth. I have an incredible power, and I’m going to live forever. Not to mention I have you.”
Leaning forward, you kiss him tenderly.
“I’ve never been better.” You assure him.
Aleksander cups your face in his hands, and kisses you. You’re both smiling against one another’s lips, and your heart sings with love for him. Then you hear Zoya speaking,
“I don’t mean to interrupt a happy moment, but…”
You look down at where Zoya is staring, and you notice a carpet of delicate flowers slowly growing over the rocks around you and Aleksander. Warmth spreads over your cheeks.
“I should probably figure out how to control that.” You remark sheepishly. Aleksander hums with a soft smile on his face as he brushes his knuckles over your cheek.
“I will help you.”
“You’re Grisha now?” Zoya says with a hopeful smile. You nod and her smile widens. “You’re sitting with me during lunch.”
“With the summoners?” Fedoyr protests with a frown. Zoya points down to the patch of flowers that continue to bloom.
“The flowers were summoned.”
“Corporalki is the order of the living and dead. Plants are living.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
Aleksander chuckles quietly, sliding an arm around your waist as he guides the two of you into standing, and you begin to walk further down the mountain.
“It appears your Grisha order has caused some contention.” Aleksander remarks and you laugh softly.
“I wonder what colour kefta I will have.”
Aleksander frowns, and you could say that he almost looks offended.
“It will be black of course.”
Warmth spreads over your cheeks, and giddy excitement fills you at the thought of wearing a black kefta as you stand by Aleksander’s side.
“You’re sure?” You ask, even though you know what his answer will be.
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur
In Another Life Tag List: @parabatai-winchester @dangerousbluebirdpoetry @jambolska-grozdova @mxacegrey @budugu @cynthianokamaria @scarlettqueen190 @eloquentree @sharp-cheekbones-locked @sorrow-and-bliss @biblophilefox82 @tartiflvtte @rainbowgoblinfan @savagejane1 @sande5098
Aleksander M Tag List: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @jazmin2211
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia
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asexualstellar · 11 months
as someone who has no idea what is going on with the whole dream situation, could you explain what is going on with the whole dream situation?
oh god, I really hope you mean as in relevance to today because all of the shit against that man.. I don’t want to type that.
SO… in relevance to the past couple of days, it all started when Quackity announced the QSMP, the worlds first multilingual Minecraft SMP. That’s cool, right? NOPE, not to dream! he also announced his own multilingual Minecraft SMP, the USMP. ok, thats fine, they can each have their own server, right?
(this is incredibly summarized/assumed from gathered info) but basically Dream and Quackity got mad at each other because when Dream announced his smp directly after Quackity announced his, Quackity got upset and felt like dream was cheating off of his idea. in turn, Dream made it very clear- in a very suspicious manner- that they were completely seperate and that it was actually HIS idea first and not Quackity’s, and that Quackity was taking credit from him (and also got all pissy because Quackity wasn’t responding to his dm’s).
Quackity then proceeded to essentially (at least publicly) remove himself from Dream, going as far to delete some pictures of them together. You can imagine this pissed off a lot of stans, especially since Quackity had ‘stuck around’ aka said nothing about the grooming allegations against Dream during the whole October of 2022. In my opinion, I think the QSMP vs USMP is finally what pushed Quackity to try and break public ties with dream.
Sometime around all of this happening, Tommy released a video speaking about how he almost quit YouTube because a few years ago he was doxxed and stalked and the only person who warned him and stuck around for him during that... was dream.
This got inniters and dream stans into this weird not-sure whether or not tommy supported Dream or not because he never explicitly said whether or not he stood with the USMP or QSMP, but this was basically cleared up yesterday when Tommy released this video:
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in it, both both directly (for an entire roughly 2 minute chunk of the video) and indirectly dissed dream and not-so-subtly took Quackity’s side about how he felt towards the green blob.
Dream, like the so super mature individual that he is, took it upon himself then to like and unlike hate tweets from his fans in response to the video.
Fast forward to today, and now Twitter dream stans are contacting and @ing Tommy’s mother telling her to “set her son straight” and to, quite literally “knock some sense into him.”
oh, and did I mention that the stans are also telling everyone (including Tommy’s mom who has dealt with doxxing and being accused of child abuse because of forged documents) that you’re a doxxing and abuse supporter if you disagree with them? yeah.
If I missed/got something wrong, please feel free to add on to this lol this is what I could get while kinda busy atm
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Dungeon Meshi Confessions
A blog for you to share any Dungeon Meshi views, headcanons, opinions, rants, etc., about the manga, the anime, or the fandom.
No DNI. Anyone can interact but I will delete any asks I feel are bigoted or hateful. That being said, please do not harass anyone for their opinions on this blog.
Do not send asks with any sort of bullying in them— this includes calling other fans idiots or other insults. This is meant for fun, I do not condone bullying or harassment.
Do not send asks that may promote or encourage self harm or disordered eating— this includes talk of using dungeon meshi to fuel said things.
I will not tag spoilers, as I'm currently not keeping up with the anime and wouldn't know what needs to be under a spoiler. Enter at your own risk.
I will be posting asks I disagree with. The asks sent in here are not indicative of my own viewpoint.
Feel free to ask how many posts are in the queue!
This is a sideblog, so I can't follow or like from here.
Please only send asks in English, as I can't verify what you're saying if it's in another language.
Queue will be adjusted by how many asks we have, so activity will fluctuate
If you want me to answer an ask with complete honesty, add 📣 to it! Otherwise, I may respond on my fandom blog @blorbo-hellspace
Remember: fandom is a hobby, please have fun with it!
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oriley42 · 27 days
Tl;dr: here's the chart I made, react at your own time if you'd like<3, sorry for the bible below.
Hello again legend, I present to you my magnum opus relationship chart, updated to where I reached when I started it which was about early-mid s7 (I now finished) and therefore does not feature Park or Addams.
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You can probably tell which parts might be inspired by your fics (the og ducklings polycule, House and Wilson married, Cuddy and frankly any woman, 13 and Amber etc), which parts are rooted in canon (Cuddy and House, Taub and Rachel, 13 and Foreman etc) and which parts are fully just me going ham (some friendships and ships with people who never met in canon, some of them sharing homes oops).
I would absolutely love to read a live reaction from you on stuff you agree and disagree with and what makes no sense to you because I honestly think your brain is huge as far as dynamics go. Feel free to add anything you can see I blatantly missed, I for sure didn't include everything here.
I know most of your fics don't venture outside of the earlier seasons regarding characters and dynamics but I've been having brainrot about the whole lot of them, I have loads of headcanons regarding the chart:
- It took Foreman a long time to give up his house but because he literally cannot do casual relationships and is hardcore married to 3 people and dating 13 he just sleeps wherever
- Kutner and Masters have a crazy bonding arc that ends with them sharing a house and they balance each other out
- Stacy and Cameron used to fuck over shared weird ass relationship with House
Anyway seriously ama I can explain everything even why Lin Manuel Miranda's character made it to the magnum opus I'm being so fr
No pressure at all to respond unless this brings you equal brainrot, at your leisure boss
Wahoo! This is so cool! I’ve only seen charts like these occasionally, and never gotten a chance to really dive in. I love how this visualizes the complex network of relationships and their nuances, and crystallizes a particular snapshot of them. And I’m so flattered that my stories could play a role in how you imagine these relationships! I do tend to favor the early seasons, so this is a good chance to think about the later fellows as well, who I also love <3 (Will attempt to put my response under a read-more...if I can figure out how these work...)
Starting with Foreman: I love how he’s his own big nexus! The show has such intense main character syndrome with House, but I totally agree with how you’ve framed Foreman and Thirteen as other key spokes in the bonkers wheel of toxic polycule-ism that is PPTH. Foreman wants to be a responsible homeowner but he’s got marriages all over town! And really he’s married to his job! How’s a guy supposed to manage a mortgage situation like that? 😅 Foreman and Kutner (I almost just misspelled his name as Kuntner, which, honestly…serve) didn’t really get to do much together in canon, and I love to imagine them getting to have a relationship of their own, not just in the context of PPTH. Would they chill and play video games, and it would be a chance for Foreman to just be a person, instead of A Doctor? Would he get to enjoy Kutner’s laid back nature, but because they keep things casual, he doesn’t have to deal with the stuff that would absolutely drive his ordered mind crazy—you know he wouldn’t stand for a fridge that’s empty except for a jar of mustard and one (1) liter of Mountain Dew. Also I can’t believe I forgot about that plot point that Taub roomed with Foreman, oh my god. Yes. And Foreman and Rachel Taub secret pals? Delish!
Thirteen has pulled every young, gorgeous, eligible person in her orbit, as she should. Sampled all the flavors, as it were. Except C&C—I agree, she doesn’t vibe with the blonde twins, especially as a set, though I think there could be something interesting in the whole ‘Thirteen is House’s metaphorical daughter’ vibe that Cameron would just go apeshit over. ‘Oh, it’s House, but he’s a hot, impressionable young girl who’s also dying?!’ ß catnip for that messed up gal! (Sidebar: I am fighting for my life every time I try to make Cameron sapphic because that actress simply reads as unbearably het to me. It took everything I had to write explicit Cuddy/Cameron. I’m so sorry to all the lesbian!Cam truthers out there, you’re stronger than I! Especially considering Jennifer went on to be half of such a powerhouse WLW ship on OUAT…I don’t know why, but the only kind of queer for her that really works in my head is aro-ace. That girl just wants to save lives, she doesn’t have time for any other nonsense!) On that note, love the idea that Cameron/Stacy had a thing. Go girls, the best way to get over House is to get under someone else (who also wants to fuck him!) Cuddy/Amber is galaxy brain, god, let these powerful yet deeply insecure and structurally maligned women try to step on each other, fail, and fuck nasty about it 😭 I’m also glad you fit sweet little Masters in, I’ve only written her as a cameo because s7 is so…Like That…but she’s delightful and deserves the (intimate) attentions of beautiful and terrifying women such as Thirteen and Amber. And Kutner & Masters friendship, what a delight that would be! I think they would both bring eldest sibling energy to it that would turn out to complement one another, as Kutner shows her the ropes of having fun and learning when to bend the rules, and she can help him buckle down and connect with the times when the rules are actually important to follow. Kutner was always the youngin’, so he didn’t get to mentor anybody, and he should have gotten that chance!!
I think Cuddy and Wilson have a Something…that cannot be defined. Is it sexual, platonic, friendly, familial? Are they besties, are they both just good at being social, are they bonded primarily over their UST for House, would they have been the world’s most perfect Lavender Marriage??? (Which raises the point of kids, yikes! That would need to be a whole other chart, of kids had, imagined, and desired…) Similarly, canon implies that Wilson and Stacy are good friends and have been for quite a while (though we don’t get to see it enough!) and I always wonder how that went for James ‘Trips Over Friendship Into Marriage’ Wilson. Was his friendship like Stacy like his relationship with Cuddy? Are they surface level friends who really bonded over House—or over the kinds of things that draw them to someone like House, e.g. the dark unspoken desires they both paper over in their pursuit of appearing “normal”? Maybe it’s like what Bonnie said, if she’d slept with Wilson right away, she could have gotten over him…maybe Wilson slept with Cuddy and/or Stacy and they were like ‘that was fine, but what if we just did brunch once a month and gossiped instead.’
I agree that Cuddy should have gotten to keep Lucas, like a pet. He was delightful! House Lite, a little scamp, but one who could be kind and relied upon when it was important. And totally agree that House should get to keep Alvie, that musical theater freak helped him keep it together in one of the worst times of his life! Those episodes of s6 are a fever dream that I wouldn’t trade for the world. House needs his emotional support boy best friend (there’s that one post that says without Wilson, House flees to the nearest manlet…so real.) It’s so natural, then, for the two manlets to bond. Lucas and Alvie have killer karaoke sessions together that are as humiliating to witness as they are incredible to experience.
Thank you for sharing this inspiring chart (and for referring to me like I’m a mafia don, it makes me feel so butch and famous) 😎🥰 Please do reblog or reply if any of this stream of consciousness sparks clarifications/questions/additions!
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strawberrylabs · 5 months
In response to the responses to my Wriothsley post from months ago...
For context, I added my piece to a chain of posts talking about their opinions on what Wriothsley did to Lyney and his siblings. I mentioned I didn't like how he handled the situation and I disliked how traveller acted after the situation. I also comment on some things to do the fatui and Childe and travellers opinions on said characters. The post is on my blog if you'd like to read
guys I don't hate Wriothsley and I'm not saying he should be different simply because I say so, and I'm not trying to come across as biased or like everyone should agree with me. This is MY opinion and MY take on how it all went down. This was just after the archon quest before we got his story quest or anything else. To the people who literally messaged me from throwaway accounts saying to off myself for disliking aspects of their favourite character- grow up. I do like Wriothsley as a character, I just don't like or agree with his takes on things, and how traveller responds to certain events. I know I can't change it, and I know people don't agree. If you don't agree with what I'm saying just move on, or if you have something to add feel free to do so, but at least be RESPECTFUL. I've had people reblog with their own opinions and I love that because I love reading what other people think! It's the people who reblog and call me names and call me controlling and stupid that take the fun out of discussion and debates.
There will always be aspects of characters people dislike- and it's not the same for everyone. There are people who hate Childe, who hate Diluc, who hate Yae miko, and various other characters for various reasons.
I don't hate Wriothsley, I just disagree with him, and that post was my reasons why.
I felt the need to make this NOW because for whatever reason more people are seeing that post, and ive gotten more than a few unsavoury responses to it.
Please be respectful of my opinions and the opinions of other players.
(obviously I know there are some opinions out there that are seriously controversial and not ok, but I don't think disagreeing with a character is one of those.)
Anywqys- I don't really know how to end this post SO- thanks for reading ig?
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squaletta · 4 months
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→ This is an independent roleplay blog for a female version of Squalo Superbi from the Katekyo Hitman Reborn series by Akira Amano.
→ My interpretation may be different from what you expect. Since I haven't watched anime for a long time or very occasionally, my portrayal is not very anime-ish. It is more influenced by TV series or reading books from the mafia environment. I just really like Squalo as a character, and I found it interesting to develop her further based on him differently.
→ Although her origin is in anime, I would not wish to label her as just an anime character.
→ My portrayal is the female version, meaning Squaletta was born like a girl.
→ It's a heavily headcanon-based portrayal.
→ My attempt is to add another dimension to the portrayal of this muse. In terms of portraying this muse, I try to give her a psychological component and a realistic interpretation of her life within the mafia. That's why my interpretation is fandomless and fully adapted into the world of other TV fandoms or anime fandoms. → As stated above, this portrayal is headcanon-based, so please do not repost, paraphrase or use my headcanons as your own. I will not tolerate that.
→ This is my interpretation of the character. If you disagree with how I write, you are under no obligation to interact with me. If you harass me about how I interpret this character, you will be blocked.
→ This blog is mutual only.
→ If I follow you, it means I want to interact. Feel free to send me prompts and memes to my inbox or DM me to plot something. I'm always open to plot, and if you ever have an idea for a roleplay, message me, and we could discuss it. You can message me privately anytime. I'll get to you as soon as possible. No need to be shy. My private messages are always open. Don't be afraid to start a conversation with me. I don't bite, I swear.
→ Please let me know if you’re following me from a sideblog so I know we are mutuals.
→ If we’re not mutuals, you may like posts and send asks.
→ I write in a third-person point of view. I can be detailed and descriptive to create a long storyline, but I can also write short banter. Banters are fun to do next to long storylines. Sometimes a little banter turns into a bigger roleplay. For long storylines, I prefer plotting before writing.
→ English isn't my native language, and currently, I am learning it by myself, so I am sorry for any mistakes. I'm trying to improve it as much as possible, but I make grammatical and spelling mistakes. So please, do not bash on my English. However, you are welcome to correct me nicely and politely so I can improve.
→ I want to tell you or rather ask you not to be afraid to write to me if I don't understand something in our thread. I am fully aware of English is my second language, not my native language, so there can be a certain language barrier. So don't hesitate to come to me and tell me if I misunderstood or wrote something wrong. For many of you, English is the first language, and the higher demands and expectations are placed on me. I am very happy to contact you when I don't understand either, but it happens that I feel that I understand, but the reality is obviously different. I am not aware of some mistakes, and I do not make them on purpose. I don't want you to think that I don't put effort into our thread.
→ Writing in my native language – Slovak language – is highly desirable.
→ Writing with Czech roleplayers is very welcome as well.
→ If we start writing, I only ask you to be patient with replies because I'm an adult with a real job and hectic life or sometimes don't feel like replying. Just as I am patient for replies from my writing partner. I may not respond for a couple of days or weeks. You can remind me if I haven’t replied for a long time (let’s say 7 days) unless I have stated a reason for my absence. But sometimes my muse or I just am not feeling in the mood.
→ If I disappear and do come back months later, I am either super willing to continue old storylines like no time has passed, or I will drop things and come to you asking for fresh new things.
→ This account is multiship and multiverse. It means that every romantic relationship will go into a different world.
→ Shipping will only happen if my muse feels romantically interested, if we build up a close emotional connection between muses and if our muses have brilliant chemistry after long-term interaction. I prefer slow-burn romance.
→ If my muse ship with someone, I will continue doing romantic roleplays with other muses because, as I said, this is a multiship roleplay account.
→ It's fine if you're a single ship, but don't expect the same from me. I do not tolerate jealousy or drama.
→ Other fandoms, crossovers and alternative universes are more than welcome! I'm excited to put my muse in other universes. But I prefer TV show/movie fandoms and anime fandoms I am familiar with.
→ I am OC friendly, but I will hold OCs to the same standards as canon muses. I will write only with well-developed, well-written and that make sense in the context of my muse.
→ Smut will only happen if my muse feels romantically interested if there is already a close emotional connection to the other muse and our muses have brilliant chemistry.
→ As for the explicitness of sexual scenes, I put more emphasis on the playful form of interaction, teasing and foreplay, flirting and body language. I don't mind the description of the sex scene, but I prefer sex was "tasteful" and not too explicit. I personally dislike a sex scene that feels like an anatomy lesson and sounds too clinical. I prefer to linger on the emotions involved rather than the body parts. These scenes, I believe, are supposed to show the emotion and intimacy between the muses, which means more sensual terms and less pornographic actions. For me, a bit explicit works better with fast and rough, and tasteful more with soft and slow.
→ Adding me just for pure smut is a waste of your time because it's not my cup of tea.
→ Dark and triggering themes will be present. However, it is earned and story-based when occurring. My muse is a assassin and swordswoman, so there can be violence, blood, alcohol or offensive language, and some adult situations involved with this account naturally because she is associating with the underworld.
→ I will not interact with roleplayers under 18.
→ This account is drama free. I have no tolerance for real-life drama or out-of-character drama. If you don’t like the content I post or how I portray my muse, you are free to unfollow me. I'm here to have fun and write my muse.
→ The writer of this blog is 30+.
→ She/her pronouns are preferred.
→ My time zone is Central European Zone (CET).
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paperstorm · 1 year
Absolutely blows my mindhole that people are giving you grief for acknowledging something weird exists in fanfiction. I will admit that I am baffled by some things people write and don’t understand it, but you know what I do about it? I don’t read it. If I don’t like what is it about, I am not the target audience. SOMEONE ELSE’S FANFIC IS NOT ABOUT ME.
When I have read something I am squicked out by, 100% of the time it was because I did not read the tags. It was clearly labeled “tentacle porn” and my excitement for the “whump” tag meant I did not pay attention. IT IS MY FAULT FOR NOT READING TAGS.
If you have really bad triggers and aren’t sure the tags you need are there, you can DM authors or read the notes to see if you should avoid reading something. A lot of authors respond positively to requests to add tags,
For anyone who likes whatever someone else says is weird, do your thing, baby Smurf.
And those who Cannot Abide, if you cannot navigate the tags then kindly fuck off and read something approved by a Texas or Florida school board.
This is certainly how I see it! People are free to disagree but this is how I see it. Fanfiction as a medium means so much to me and I want people to feel safe to be as weird as their little hearts desire.
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piracytheorist · 1 year
SxF episode 20 German dub
See what I mean? Instead of writing I go back and watch stuff I've already watched - but but it's in a different language see? Oh well XD
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When the Shopkeeper called during Yor's imaginative scenario, she said "Speak of the devil, and he will call." The actual idiom in English ends with "and he doth appear" (no I didn't know that I googled it just now), so now I wonder what the German version of the idiom ends like. A quick search didn't give anything and I'm too bored to search further XD
When Loid talked about how the white robe makes him look more professional, he added a "Don't you think?" at the end. This was cute, how he included Anya in the exchange :D
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One of the funniest things about this dub is noticing Anya's language mistakes. She says "Schankedöhn" instead of "Dankeschön" (thank you very much) pretty much every time, and here she said "lennenzukernen" instead of "kennenzulernen" (get to know).
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And this reminds me that I wonder, whether young kids make similar mistakes in their native language that people who learn that same language as a foreign one do. Like, the main mistakes I do in German grammar is a) not being sure when to use Akkusativ vs Dativ (like I understand the concept cause we have similar cases in Greek, but I often I forget what case each verb and preposition uses), b) using "haben" instead of "sein" for certain verbs in Perfekt, c) confusing "Ich werde" with "Ich wird" and vice versa, and a common mistake I would see in my fellow classmates was that they were forgetting to put the verb at the end of secondary clauses. Oh, and verbs with prepositions. Some I remember but most of them I'll just never manage to learn what preposition they take and whether Akkusativ or Dativ follows. I reached my foreign language quota at English and with German I've just been... struggling XD
Anya wrote how Loid's work is a paradise and Loid said, "I'm happy to hear that" with full irony on his voice and face.
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Why do I find this so funny it shouldn't be funny asddgfdhgd curse you spy x family!! SADSFhdgfjfhdgfd
Anya called the consultation room "boring" because it was not like the operating rooms. Then she asked about the brain modification machine and Loid said "I have the feeling that you haven't understood the profession fully". Then when he wondered where she's getting all those ideas from, he thought he should reduce the time she spends on TV. And look... you won't find me disagreeing with this lmao.
Fiona told him "You and Anya seem to understand each other well" and he responded with "She causes me more work than expected." Fiona also used informal "you" with him. I wonder if in the next episode she'll use formal "you" when in front of Yor.
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When Anya was in the vents being all SUS and her foot got free from the pipe, she said "Saved! Back to the base!"
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I'm not sure about this one, but when Loid saw the mess Anya made with the sandbox, I think he said "What demon possessed you?!"
When Yor told Anya about Loid's "concussive therapy", Anya responded with "Violence at the workplace." LMAO
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I wanted to add this screenshot for the end; when Anya gave her "secret code" to Damian she said "A secret code. Are you smart enough?" I love it when she's all sassy like that XD
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What you said about masking really kind of hit home, and it made me ramble way too much in this ask. So feel free to skip everything after this paragraph, and regardless I hope you have a good day
My mom still will get super aggressive over innocuous statements, like sometimes I'll say something like "I tend to try to avoid sugar" and she'll be like "well I like sugar" in a very attacked voice
This despite know what I mean is that I don't think sugar is that important, and a little goes a long way, and she literally cuts sugar in recipes all the time cause they're too sweet otherwise. So it's... it's not even like we disagree, I just get snapped out of nowhere sometimes
And... it just kind of... like I actually have a couple friends these days, and they're over all good friends, but it feels like pretty much everyone lashes out periodically in one way or another without ever apologizing
Like it ranges from like... trying to educate me on stuff, like how one time when I was complaining to a friend about how I get tired of my mom having meltdowns at me if I ask stuff like where something is ("oh god, I don't know")
And my friend is like "well I don't think she means to be hurtful, it sounds like she's just overwhelmed" and it's like... of course that's true. Like I know that, I just also know we can hurt the people around us even if we don't mean to, it's why I work so hard to thank people when they bring problems to my attention. I may be hurt, but I want to cultivate an atmosphere where people feel safe coming to me with stuff, cause I hate not having that with my mom... I know how much it sucks
It just really does feel like I always have to be the right person for people. Everyone likes me... to a point, and past that point they'd hate me if they knew me, and that's not self loathing talking, I can point to concrete things they've said or done that back me up that this or that specific thing they'd hate about me
...though the self loathing is bad these days. I obviously don't think anyone could ever love me, but I've even got to the point where I question why my cats want to be around me. I feel like it's just cause they don't have any other options, though I know that's really warped thinking
I just... I don't know, I literally bluntly say all the time that I'm just working with the evidence I have. I know it's probably warped, but I don't have anything to counter it
...I don't know, doesn't matter. Despite my mental health getting worse I've gotten more done lately. I really only care about moving forward, getting the stuff I want done taken care of. It benefits me and is my best chance at changing my mood maybe. Still, thankfully kind of shows my mental health doesn't matter at all, what matters is I figure out how to get myself to move regardless of how I'm doing
So sorry about this whole mess. I really hope you read what I said at the start, looked down at how long I went on for, and took my advice not to read it. I talk way too much and say more or less nothing to people who shouldn't have to listen... that's how it feels anyway
(See I work at it and try to catch stuff like that which is kind of unintentionally manipulative, it's how I feel but it's hard to respond to that, which is why I try to diffuse it as at least being my feelings rather than... rather than fishing for compliments or whatever)
I do hope you have a good day though. If you read all this you shouldn't have, but I do hope you have a nice day
Okay so it's going to sound like I'm off topic but I swear it's relevant.
There are phrases of speech called softening language that are essentially...verbal padding. It's all the extra words that get added onto a sentence to delineate tone, intention, etc. They're the words we add to manage other people's responses to our words.
When I was growing up, I was taught that you had one chance to make your point because only first impressions mattered. This led to me being an incredibly compelling persuasive writer, but an incredibly unliked and caustic little autistic kid because absolutely nobody enjoyed being "talked down to" by an eight year old even.
Problem was, no one could ever tell me what was so hurtful about my words because they all acknowledged I was technically *correct* I was just *upsetting* about it. Took me almost 20 years to learn that what I lacked was softening language. I have since come to understand that neurotypicals care A LOT about softening language. You have to use the right kinds in the right combinations at the right times and in the right ratios basically at all times or they simply Do Not Like You and they will never even be able to tell you why.
I'm really good at softening language now to the point that some neurotypicals gently suggest that I use less of it and I have to - equally gently - let them know that I used to and it went badly. That I appreciate their suggestion and would genuinely love not to invest so much time and focus into padding my language for neurotypical ears, but that when I say people used to despise me for the way I talked I truly mean it and I have no desire to return to that.
That said, I have learned that part of being "unmasked" at any given time is declining to use softening language. It's choosing to be straightforward, direct, and simple about my word choices. I usually only make this particular unmasking choice around other autistic people, but those moments of being able to speak simply and clearly are so deeply filled with relief that it's worth it.
Anon, sweetie, your ask is overflowing with softening language. A solid 75% of it is you minimizing your needs, adding caveats to your actions, justifying others' behavior, apologizing for taking up space, etc. I am not saying this to scold you or try to correct you, but I want you to know that I see you. I see YOU behind all that obfuscating padding. I see the loneliness, the heartbreak, the confusion, the stress, the countless tries at "doing better" only to be told it isn't enough. I see you shrinking smaller and smaller, compressing yourself into ever less visible space in order to accommodate others, all the while desperate just to be truly heard for once. I'm really sorry that your world squeezes you so tightly, Anon. I know that feeling, and I do not miss it. I hope the same distance for you some day, the same vastness of self. In the mean time you never have to apologize for hanging out in my inbox 💚 that's what it's here for.
I am 100% sure that your kitties love you very much. Kitties are like that. They love with their whole little bodies, but from a distance. Kitties aren't like humans, and they value very different things. They like when you pet behind their ears, they like when you meow back to them from across the house, they like when you give them catnip and a whole bag of treaties and leave them alone all day, and they like when you blink very slowly at them. The rest barely matters. That's what I love about cats. They love a fair bit like I do lol.
Boundaries are important, Anon. They protect you, and they strengthen your relationships. Cats are very good at boundaries, and I feel we can learn a lot from them. You deserve to take up space, regardless of what you seem to think.
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po-pulari-tics · 1 year
If you don't like what an intellectually/communications disabled (I/CD) person says, you can tell them. Being disabled doesn't make us anymore right or mean we can't handle criticism.
You might want to change how you tell us, of course. Tips that work for me (I/CD folks, feel free to add on or disagree):
Write a very clear, "I agree/disagree with..." at the top.
Shorter sentences.
More paragraphs, or break things into bullet points.
Put your main points in bold.
(Add clarifications in parenthesis.)
Don't talk in circles or jump topics a lot.
Keep in mind that lols and hahas seem like mocking to a lot of people. (When your whole childhood is people making fun of you, it's hard to see innocent laughter for what it is.)
Add a tldr if possible.
Avoid acronyms that are not popular. Best case, define them the first time you use them.
Use examples and metaphors.
Be patient. We could take a long time to respond.
And of course, never ever criticize us for how we say things. (If you try to tell us what we "really meant," you're a vile ableist.) Quite frankly, being I/CD means we will say things in a strange way, we will mix things up, and if you cannot handle that, it is best that you do not engage.
(This isn't prompted by anything recent.)
TL,DR: you can argue with us, just like anyone. I gave tips on how to be understood when you do.
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strangertheories · 2 years
ops on melvin shippers?
Anon, what are you hoping to achieve with this? What do you want me to say? And how is that going to do anything in any way? I've gotten asks like these in the past and I think people want me to see these asks and go "Melvins are crazy and homophobic and dumb" or whatever. And I know you want me to be negative or else you'd have said Mileven. But that's not going to do anything. You're only sending these asks to create conflict.
You can feel free to ask me my opinions on a ship or an analysis of it or whatever, but I don't feel comfortable generalising a large group of shippers based on the worst of them. I don't want people to think me shipping Byler or being anti-Mileven as a ship means I'm down to be rude about a group of shippers who for the most part are just trying to ship Mike and Eleven in peace?
It might come through, but I'm just becoming so disillusioned with ship drama. Don't get me wrong, I understand why people might not like a group of shippers. Ironically, every time I've defended Mileven I have gotten rude asks from toxic Mileven shippers. But I guarantee you an openly Mileven account gets lots of negative asks too. Because everyone hates how their ship because of the worst people in a group and then do the same thing. And it's all so silly because most of the hate is reactionary to people from other ships so if we all just stopped demonising each other and tried to get along it would stop. But I know that would never happen, so I'll at least try to make my account an ok space for people who ship things I don't like as much (unless it's a bad ship like st*bin or h*rringrove in which case don't follow me).
And if you respond to this ask saying "oh but Mileven shippers are worse because they're homophobic" or "Byler shippers are so toxic and hate Eleven", congratulations, you've missed the point. Because in my experience, both sides kind of suck sometimes. I get sent mean anti-Byler asks if I post about that ship. But if I disagree about anything that Byler shippers say, then I get rude asks from them. Hell, I even got told I was disrespecting Byler because I wanted both Byler and Ronance to be canon. I shouldn't be scared to post because people get angry at me from both sides. I made this account because I wanted to anonymously share my thoughts about the show I love without fear of being judged or being cringy and then I get sent stuff like this where I'm expected to slag off people doing the same thing just with another ship.
I completely understand why someone might dislike another ship if they've had negative experiences with that ship. I've had bad experiences with toxic Mileven shippers lots of times and it's easy to dislike them. But slagging off an entire group of people isn't going to actually do anything beyond just creating conflict and arguements. If a rude anti-Byler slides into my ask box and I have something constructive to add to it, I still will, but please know that I'm not down to slag off all Mileven shippers. I'm just so sick of ship wars, it's all anyone cares about. I want to make posts about theories and the show I love but nobody cares unless it's about a ship which makes me sad because I think people don't appreciate the actual show enough. I can't wait for everyone to say the show is horribly written if one of their ships doesn't become canon because that's all they value about the show :/. Ships should add to your enjoyment, not have your enjoyment depend on them, y'know?
Hope this makes sense.
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So! Since some people are clearly INCREDIBLY dense, let me make myself perfectly clear. If you are buying that game, I do not like you and you deserve to feel any and all guilt that decision brings you. :)
I do not condone death threats or any other harassment or hateful/violent speech towards any human being. However,,, letting someone know they are actively causing harm and by knowingly doing so have lost my respect and any trust/validity in my eyes is NOT harassment. It is simple fact.
I personally have never gone into anyone’s comments/reblogs/replies/etc. and shamed anyone. Ever. However… this is my blog and I hope all of you buying this racist bullcrap feel shamed and ashamed of yourself. I hope your experience with it is terrible. I hope you take one look at that disgusting excuse of a “plot” and vomit. I hope you learn from your mistakes and do better.
But if you don’t… you do not deserve my respect. It’s very simple. I feel like a lot of people have said this in much more descriptive terms than me, and I’m not looking to engage in discourse, so I’m not going to attempt to change your mind. I will say that if you are thinking of buying this game, and you’re feeling guilty? Good. You should feel guilty.
We are not children anymore. I would hope for everyone’s sake that we have grown the capacity for compassion and love of human beings. I would hope we have all learned to think critically and use kindness. But if you haven’t… you should do some self reflection, because blaming trans people for your guilt over a nasty decision YOU MADE is NOT OKAY.
I personally don’t care if you disagree. I personally don’t care if you’re an ignorant misogynistic racist transphobe. But DO NOT claim to be an ally and disregard it when it’s convenient to you. You do not get to spit in my face and tell me it’s raining. Shut the fuck up and go be a bigot elsewhere.
If you disagree do not argue with me… you will be blocked immediately and I will move on with my life secure in the knowledge that my worldview is not based on insecurity and vile hatred. I am actively working on being a mindful of others as I can. This does not make me weak or soft or stupid or whatever the fuck. This makes me actively stronger and smarter than any terf has ever been.
I will be blocking anyone who comments/replies/reblogs any stupid ass comments. If anyone wants to add their rants on this post feel free. I’m tired of this shit. I’m angry. It’s okay to be angry about other peoples harmful behavior. It’s okay to call them out. It’s also okay to block them when you get overwhelmed or sad at the state of this shitty world. I highly suggest playing the block game with any terf/idiot in the replies/reblogs. It’ll help you to just slap a ban hammer on them and move on. You will live rent free in their minds knowing they took time out of their day to reply and you didn’t bother responding. And you can move on and never think of them again!!
Anyway, to any of the many people being harmed by Rowling and her nasty terf cult. I love you. You’re allowed to be upset, but just remember this is ignorance and insecurity. None of this is your fault and you are beautiful. We are beautiful. Have a beautiful day lovelies! 💜
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charcubed · 2 years
Hello, "gay Castiel" anon here 👋
Thanks for taking the time to respond ❤️ I appreciate your thoughts.
I just want to respond and give my own thoughts now that I've read your response. Sorry that's it's so long, and feel free to ignore. I just want to get this out to somebody lol. I won't address EVERYTHING, just the highlights:
Your response did help me understand the gay!Cas interpretation more, esp since you are right about there being so many instances in canon of him being specifically gay coded.
However, and I hope this doesn't sound demeaning in any way, but I think the reason I don't prefer the label "gay" for Cas is cuz it feels too limiting.
Gay (as I understand it) is a person who identifies as male who is sexually/romantically interested in other men. So...
1) I don't necessarily accept that Cas identifies strictly as "male." I agree that he's comfortable in his male body, as you stated, and I know that the story of Dean&Cas wouldn't have played out the way it did if he hadn't taken a male vessel. But all that aside, I think Cas' attitude towards gender is probably very fluid compared to our society's typical binary. Compared to humans, his species and gender is Other™.
I personally prefer this idea cuz I relate to it more. I have a female body that I'm perfectly happy with, and I don't mind ppl seeing me that way; I don't have dysphoria. But at the same time, I don't have a strong feeling of "I AM a woman" if that makes sense. If I woke up as a man tomorrow, I'd be fine with that. I see Cas in a similar way: He likes his body and is attached to it, but he doesn't necessarily feel that it being male is essential to who he is or his identity.
I feel that while Cas is in a male body and is happy with it, his gender identity most likely exists outside of the human binary construct. Automatically, this makes him more umbrella "queer" to me rather than gay.
2) And also, as I said in my earlier ask, I think Cas' sexuality is just: in love with Dean. There are moments in the show that COULD be interpreted as feeling arousal or attraction to women, imo. But I don't see any moments that would suggest he's attracted to men other than Dean.
So to me, this suggests he is demi (for Dean, specifically) rather than blanket gay.
I understand the gay coding (like "sensible shoes," for instance) are about being gay specifically. But I also think those tropes have traditionally been applied to human male characters. Since Cas is not human (does not have our human standards for gender), not a typical "male" (nonbinary, imo), and not seemingly attracted to men in general (just Dean), those moments just reinforce that Cas is queer – "gay" is just too narrow a definition to encompass all that he is (imo!)
Anyway. Those are my thoughts. This is all my personal interpretation, and I am NOT saying ppl have to agree with this!! But I have decided (with your help, thanks) that people can't tell me I'm wrong either 😊 based on what canon supports, it's totally fine to NOT label Cas as "gay."
Thanks again for your thoughts. I love your meta and shit ✌️
(Anon is referencing this post with their previous ask and my long answer)
Hi gay Castiel anon!! Thank you for returning to meeee :') Really happy to know my answer made its way to you!
And thank you for sharing your thoughts!!! I honestly don't disagree with any of this. I do think all your points are fairly valid so I just want to reiterate that. And as I said in my post I certainly think "queer" can be and is applicable to Cas both for the reasons I had laid out and for the fact that there is very much room to see complexities in his queerness because he's an angel–as you've laid out here.
As a non-binary person myself I also totally get the vibe of what you're discussing. I want to add a side note that in the "real life," as it were, there are plenty of non-binary people who do align with the label of "gay" even without identifying as a man or a woman. It's not inherently limited by binary gender. (I say this as a reminder more for the benefit of anyone who may read this public post rather than to you, because I'm sure you know.) But does that mean Cas would align with it as a word/label? Not necessarily, obviously, in the reasons and ways you've described.
Glad you feel more certain in not being "wrong" and I'm really happy my post helped you come to that certainty 💕
Thanks again for sharing!
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
hey i hate to be this person but idk if u got my post asking about the way people consume media?😭😭 this is not rushing u to respond in any way i’m just rlly curious for ur input tbh like ur rlly smart n i can’t vocalize myself all that well n idk i feel like you’d have smt smart to add onto the topic or like a new angle i haven’t seen before😭😭 pls feel free to tell me if u disagree with me too
dw ur okay!! i have seen it but it warranted a more thoughtful response than what i can give rn so i was waiting to answer!! i have a lot to say about it actually so ahdjsjd but yes i will get back to u i prommy! thank u for being nice about asking i appreciate you it
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I have to say I am really sad to see how you too diss someone as an AA or an Ackles worshipper if they have some different opinion.
I have to say I'm really sad you didn't check that person's profile or history, the comments they usually make. I gave them the benefit of the doubt, still, the way they were trying to accuse everyone and twist things negatively was exactly like an AA does which was my point. Behaving like Jensen's flying monkeys. They are free to be as AA or whatethey they want but that person could have expressed their point just like everyone else with differing opinions that I did post, in a clear, respectful way. Instead they chose to attack everyone by following a supposed other Anon's example. I don't have to tollerate rudeness and it's extremely dangerous what these people are doing, always trying to start huge dramas over conversations that don't even interest them. Telling me I "diss" others with differing opinions couldn't be farther from the truth. It must be confirmation bias, because plenty of opposing opinion have been posted on this blog, most from people full on harassing me and forgive me but I am going to be painfully blunt: it's abusive that you expect me to sit there and take anything anyone throws at me without responding with boundaries and clarity. That "some different opinion" was full of vitriol, a toxic emotional rant disseminating limiting paradigms and making negative assumptions about post that did not contain the content she claimed, I am saddened you can't recognize that.
I've stated several times on this blog, I don't care what anyone ships or stans, what I care about is humanity. We can be in harmony even being very different but that requires mutual respect and healthy boundaries.
And contrary to your belief, it seems, I don't have to tollerate abuse in any way, shape or form just because my opinions are different than what someone else expects. There are plenty of people I've discussed with that disagreed with me and yet never resorted to spreading lies and accusations to start drama like that vally person did. In fact, some of my followers are completely different from me and may even hate me liking Jensen yet they are pure joy to interact with and always respectful. So it's a matter of choice, those who want to live in harmony do so without trying to limit others.
And again, if anything on my blog is not for you, feel free to unfollow, it's up to you to curate your online experience and I absolutely support that, I'm not for everyone just like not everyone is for me. I don't see why anyone should ever tollerate or expose themselves to content they dislike, it's unhealthy and stressful so I appreciate those who recognize that. Should also add that I'm human so sometimes, just like everyone else, I may make mistakes or not be on brand and that's perfectly okay, I get to grow and learn and I'm grateful for that.
It's hard to tell tone from written messages so I apologize for being brutally honest, I still reinforce what I said, no one should accept toxic behaviors because we all have the ability to interact without engaging in them.
Also, do you really mean to tell me those people don't over worship Jensen? Because that's also untrue. Balanced people don't go around starting fandom fights over their favorite because, for one, they recognize the value of differing opinions and secondly, they aren't over invested in said celebrity. What's wrong with helping people become aware they are overinvested? Or would you rather they waste their lives on worshipping Jensen and attacking everyone on their path while foregoing their personal dreams and goals? That's the saddest part of all, that people get caught up in fandom drama and wars and neglect themselves and their life over a celebrity obsession. In the process, they also destroy many others which is why I discourage anyone who exhibits that kind of behavior. There are much bigger issues in life than fandom drama so it really helps to get some perspective.
Also, I sometimes get accused of being an AA too but you don't see me going to other blogs to harass them or their posts over Jensen and then insist on how I am not one in the process. 🤣
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