#female autism test
athenaokas · 1 year
Overcoming Subtle OCD Compulsions in Females
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a challenging mental health condition affecting millions worldwide, including females. While OCD is often associated with visible rituals or compulsions, there are also subtle manifestations that may go unnoticed. However, with proper understanding and treatment, OCD can be managed and individuals can lead fulfilling lives.
Diagnosing OCD
Diagnosing OCD requires a comprehensive evaluation by a mental health professional. They will assess the patient's symptoms, behaviors, and thoughts to determine if they meet the diagnostic criteria. Subtle OCD compulsions in females may include repetitive mental rituals, reassurance-seeking behaviors, or the need for symmetry or orderliness. It is crucial to recognize that OCD is not simply a personality quirk or a matter of being neat and organized. It is a chronic anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors that interfere with daily functioning.
The Experiences of Female OCD Patients
OCD can manifest differently in females compared to males, and the societal expectations placed on women can exacerbate the condition. Females with OCD anxiety disorder may experience additional distress due to fears of being judged or not meeting societal standards. For example, a woman with OCD may feel compelled to excessively clean or sanitize her surroundings, fearing contamination. Others may struggle with OCD intrusive thoughts related to harming their loved ones or themselves, causing immense guilt and anxiety. Acknowledging and validating these experiences is essential, ensuring that female OCD patients receive the support and understanding they need.
Overcoming Subtle OCD Compulsions
While OCD can be a lifelong condition, it is important to remember that it can be effectively managed and treated. Here are some strategies to help overcome subtle OCD compulsions:
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a well-established therapy that focuses on challenging and modifying negative thoughts and behaviors associated with OCD. It helps individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and reduce the impact of intrusive thoughts.
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP): ERP involves gradually exposing oneself to feared situations or thoughts and resisting the urge to engage in compulsive behaviors. This process helps reduce anxiety and retrain the brain's response to obsessive thoughts.
Medication: In some cases, medication, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), may be prescribed to help manage OCD symptoms. It is important to consult a psychiatrist or a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and medication management.
Support System: Building a strong support system that includes understanding friends, family, or support groups can significantly contribute to the recovery process. Sharing experiences and receiving support from others who have faced similar challenges can provide comfort and encouragement.
Seeking Professional Help
Overcoming subtle OCD compulsions in females requires a multi-dimensional approach that includes diagnosis, understanding, and effective treatment strategies. By recognizing the unique experiences faced by female OCD patients and providing appropriate support, you can help them navigate their journey toward recovery. Remember, OCD can be cured and individuals can regain control over their lives.
If you or someone you know is struggling with OCD, reach out to a mental health professional for guidance and support. In case, there’s a woman affected by OCD and would prefer to consult an expert in a gender-specific setting, then Athena OKAS is the place for her.
One of the most reputable and trustworthy residential mental health treatment centers is Athena OKAS, which was specifically created for women. We concentrate on women's physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health in coping with any mental illness. Our gender-specific setting encourages women to converse more freely and openly because it has a staff of skilled specialists, 24-hour caretakers, spotless, comfortable lodging, and fully stocked treatment rooms. That sounds intriguing. Contact us to learn more about our treatment programs and facilities. Our representative will get in touch with you right away if you call or email us.
Click Here: Women’s mental health,  Best Lady Psychologists In Gurgaon
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nedlittle · 30 days
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need the historical romance girlies to go back to their roots and read forever amber (1944)
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briarmae · 2 months
My psychiatrist, within half an hour of meeting me for the first time ever, "Have you ever considered that maybe you could possibly have autism...?" 😅
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pixthepixel · 9 months
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neurodiverse tumblr friends, I have some autism questions!! if you have autism, and especially if you were older when you found out about it: at what age did you begin to suspect you had autism? when/if you got an official diagnosis and how you went about it? would you recommend pursuing a diagnosis or at least talking to a medical professional about autism to someone wondering if they may have it? to you, what are the benefits of having a diagnosis/not having a diagnosis (depending on which one applies to you)?
#autism#neurodiverse stuff#neurodivergent#I'm really trying to get serious about answering some of my questions about myself and my oddities before I go to college#and since we're currently at about....9 months? if everything goes as planned? before I head off to school#I really am trying to get on top of this now#also I was helping my mom take the RAADS-R test last night and reading thru all the questions again made me remember#how much I related to a lot of the autistic traits described in the test#and ftr: I'm not saying I /AM/ autistic#I just suspect that there are some Things that I Experience that aren't necessarily true of a vast majority of humans#and I'm trying to learn as much as I can about different forms of neurodivergence in order to hold them up against my experiences#and see if any of the hats fit. as it were.#I still very much think I have ADHD and autism is just a slight possibility but I gotta be frank here and say that#the more research I've done on autism--esp female-presenting autism--and really the more I've read behind the experiences#of people /with/ autism (especially women)#the more I've noticed similarities and discovered what may be explanations for things I've experienced#some of which I hadn't even fully noticed I was experiencing until I became aware of their existence due to reading others' experiences#gurt says stuff#reblogs on this are totally fine btw!! and feel free to leave your answers in either the tags or the comments/replies!#considering making an AD(H)D version of this too so I can get some opinions on that from people who've lived with it as well...
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maeliacybele · 8 months
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fmdiagnostics · 2 years
Fmd Diagnostic Centre is the perfect place to go for high-quality diagnostic services. With the latest technology and a team of highly skilled professionals, you can rest assured you’re in good hands.
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redditreceipts · 1 year
Ooooo I'm a trans person I'm so scary ooooo
I am going to use a PUBLIC RESTROOM 👻
Like imagine if you were born with a dick but with the same brain that's all trans women are, why be afraid of a little girldick or boypussy, trans women are women darling I don't know what to tell you
Ooooooooo --a super scary tranny faggot who loves being transsexual
Okay, let's imagine me being born with a dick but with my exact same brain. I would
be less likely to be sexually assaulted
have a higher probability of being diagnosed early with autism instead of later in life
be able to not wear makeup and still be accepted as a functioning member by society
only have to do the bare minimum to hold a partner
have the entire medical industry being catered to me
earn more money than my female counterparts
get taken more seriously in discussions
be physically stronger than most women I encounter
be more likely to be promoted at my job
have people with my body type be the standard when testing cars for accidents
be able to walk alone at night
have to spend way less money on clothing that is also higher quality
not have to be afraid every time I meet up with a person who I know off the internet
and the only thing women would ask of me to please not go into their spaces and claim to understand what they are going through when I most definitely do not?
doesn't sound too bad, to be honest
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SOOOOO..... I have been seeing animal HRT show up on Twitter a lot in the trans community because of @ayviedoesthings little dragon comic so I thought "Hey why don't I join the fun." But there are two problems.
I'm a straight cis mostly white guy and
SO I DECIDED! ah to hell with it I never cared about my masculinity, I am a being of ADHD, autism, OCD, AND CHAOS! FATE GAVE ME A MALE FORM TO EXIST IN!! I WOULDN'T GIVE A FLYING FLIP IF TOMORROW IT GAVE ME A FEMALE ONE!!! and also I'll just do it in a written story. but I am not doing someone going through the whole HRT process. 1. because I would probably be very grim describing it and 2. my brain won't stop thinking about what would happen if the military had access to a drug that would turn their soldiers into animal soldiers. SO HERE IS
Part 1
General Samuel grumbled as he rode the elevator down. If it was up to him he would have never approved this project. If it was up to him he would have never tested this on former soldiers. If it was up to him he would have gone with the doctor with the German-sounding name instead of putting the cryptic scientist who somehow knew about the project and contacted the government about being in charge. And if it was up to him he would have never would have never put himself as the one to be reviewing this project. As the elevator stopped and the doors opened Sam saw a man in a lab coat waiting for him. "Ah, General. So nice of you to visit us." said the man. Sam assumed this was the scientist. Doctor Thánatos. "Come in, Come in. I got something big I want to show you." The scientist turned around and quickly walked down the hallway. As Sam walked down the hall with the scientist, he noticed big cells to his sides with humanoid beasts in them with the names of the occupants by the cell, one of whom he recognized. Sergeant Thorn, one of the best hand-to-hand fighters he knew, before she lost her legs and an arm in an explosion. But now it looks like she was more than a fighter, she was a beast. Not only were her legs and her arm back, but she now sported green scales and a long tail. She resembled a female version of the villain the lizard. Suddenly Thorn jumped towards him, causing him to step back. her claws struck the reinforced glass wall that divided them. She let out a guttural laugh. "Ah, it's nice to see a familiar tasty face." She said licking her teeth "What's wrong soldier. Don't you know time changes people?" Sam was shocked. This was not the Thorn he knew he knew. She was tough, but she would always rather make friends than start a fight. "What's wrong captain. Not happy to see old friends captain." Said a voice behind him. Sam quickly turned around and saw in front of him a creature with dark black feathers covering its body, razor-sharp claws for feet and hands, and giant black-as-night wings sprouting from its back. "Oh sorry is it General now?" It said from a sharp-beaked mouth. Sam turned to look at the nameplate. Pilot O'hares. Sam knew him. One of his old drink buddies. He had heard that he quit the Air Force when he crashed his favorite jet, one he had gone on so many missions with, saying he would never fly again. "Ah, Ignore them. They aren't important right now." Sam turned to the scientist who was at the end of the hall by a big metal door. He was about to question what he did to his old friends when he noticed something. Three empty cells, one of them having more dust than the other. Doctor Harris, Private Gorgonzola, and Private Tompson. "I got some questions for you egg head. Why the hell are these people in cells, Why the hell are three of them empty, AND WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THEM!" The General yelled angrily "I was told they would look more human like this far into the project and not like animals. They also shouldn't be acting like ones too." The scientist only let out a laugh. "Oh I will answer the first and third questions but I will only answer the second once you see what's behind these doors. Now the cells are for ours and also for their safety. The normal drug that excuse of a doctor is selling is quite too slow, so with some modifications, I was able to speed it up, though it does seem to increase a person's animalistic instincts. Still, I see that as an improvement. My version is much more suited for the battlefield." The scientist pressed some buttons on a keypad and the metal door opened. "Now let me show you my personal project."
This is part 1 and part 2 will be out soon
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homunculus-argument · 9 months
i’ve never read a stranger’s blog and been so convinced they have subclinical autism as i have reading yours.
i know literally nothing about you besides about a months worth of your blog and i know you’re a trans man but you have female BAP all the way
Well, when they tried to find autism in me the last time I got tested, the conclusion they came to was "mild asperger traits but not enough for a diagnosis", and while asperger syndrome isn't an official diagnosis anymore, at the time it was what you got diagnosed with if you were mildly autistic, but not enough to be autistic autistic.
I've got mild fragment traces of mild fragment traces type of autism. The LaCroix flavour autism.
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birmit · 17 days
Ilandis Scarletveil
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✧ Name: Ilandis Scarletveil ✧ Race: Night Elf | Kaldorei ✧ Occupation: Druid, one of the senior alchemists of the Cenarion Circle ✧ Age: about ~10,000 years ✧ Gender: Female
Note: I am not very knowledgeable about the lore of the night elves, especially their history. Therefore, there are not many details regarding traditions here, but I plan to add them in the future. Also, Ilandis is my character in the ttrpg "A Time of Changes", so some fragments of her biography may change. The article also intentionally omits some details from future events, so as not to spoil the plot of the personal quest for fellow players (and also because at the moment I want to focus on the image and life of Ilandis "before" certain events).
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Ilandis is a tall, thin night elf with long green hair. She has sharp features, and her skin is already showing the first signs of aging in the form of dark circles and wrinkles around her eyes.
One of the most obvious features of her appearance is her long, knife-like ears. Ilandis has longer ears than many other night elves, which often becomes a problem, especially in cold climates.
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Her body is covered with traditional tattoos of her race, which she has applied throughout her long life. The first were patterns on her face and ear, which marked her coming of age. Otherwise, Ilandis's figure can attract attention only by its excessive thinness and even bonyness. The druidess rarely eats anything other than decoctions and infusions, which has greatly affected her appearance over the years. The fact that Ilandis does not disdain to test the results of her own researchs on herself also adds to the sickliness of her appearance.
Headcanon: Night elves (especially those who have mastered the art of druidism) require much less food and sleep to survive. This is why Ilandis can go longer than others without rest.
Сharacter traits
— An old and grumpy elven woman, that says it all. — She distrusts and disdains all races except the Kaldorei. She considers them inferior and unworthy of much attention. She is tolerant only of representatives of other elven communities (except the Sin'dorei). She despises the Horde and can agree to cooperate with them only in cases of extreme necessity. — She can rarely be seen smiling or simply content with life. Most of the time she is gloomy, and her eyes look as if in her thoughts she is somewhere very far away. Ilandis has difficulty expressing emotions, but she herself does not suffer much from this. — She prefers the company of books and her own research to society.
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Most likely, Ilandis had some kind of psychological (or congenital) deviation from birth, which in the realities of Azeroth simply went undiagnosed, since no one really cared about it. Since childhood, she was withdrawn and silent. She was not interested in playing with others and was always busy with her own things. With endless persistence, she could repeatedly move things from one place to another or arrange tree leaves by shade and degree of sickness. No matter how much her parents and teachers studied with her, she remained terribly straightforward, although she could perfectly well repeat every line from etiquette books by heart. As a teenager, she was not interested in relationships with others or events and could spend days in her own room, which was more like a library.
Note: I don't know enough about medicine or psychology to make a specific diagnosis (and I don't want to put a label), but Ilandis most likely had some form of autism from birth.
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Elven age smoothed out all these nuances and taught her to better adapt to society. Or, at least, to pretend that she was at least a little interested.
Even before women were officially allowed to become Circle druids in Kaldorei society, Ilandis became interested in this art. Since childhood, she was attracted to everything related to nature: from studying plants to collecting butterflies and insects. And — their dissection. She was interested in how it all worked, how she can "reassemble" any manifestation of life and what it can be used for. Secretly, she eavesdropped on the lessons of other druids, and so gradually, step by step over many years, she was able to master this magic herself.
Ilandis' views on nature and the druid way have always been quite different from the mainstream. Instead of blindly protecting any living thing, she followed the principle of "survival of the fittest." Therefore, she studied all manifestations of life and death.
Another favorite hobby and the meaning of Ilandis's life was alchemy. Even before she came of age as a Kaldorei, she began making potions, decoctions, and poisons. This direction opened up a whole new path for her experiments, which she did not fail to take advantage of. Very quickly, her house turned into a storage room for all sorts of ingredients, notes, and experimental samples. The elf often tested the effects of various mixtures on herself, which is why her body, especially on the inside of her arms, has faded remnants of specific scars.
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Artwork by aunhana
After her talents as a druid and scholar became known to the community, she was forced to become a member of the Cenarion Circle. Ilandis always felt love and a certain patriotism for her people, so despite her reluctance to interrupt her studies, she still agreed to move to a new position. Thus, Ilandis became one of the first female druids invited to the Circle.
Despite the fact that experiments on living beings were not very approved by the druid community, the results of the work of the Scarletveil always justified any risks. For example, she made some of the best healing potions, whose recipes could not be repeated by other alchemists. In matters of antidotes, she often had no equal, since she could determine by the smallest signs what exactly the wounded were poisoned with - and how to provide them with first aid. On the battlefield, she remained cold-blooded even in the most frightening situation, which saved the lives of many kaldorei and representatives of the Alliance. Therefore, for a long time, everyone turned a blind eye to what other dubious concoctions Ilandis made and what ingredients she used for them.
Ilandis always refused any titles in the community and preferred to remain in the shadows. But despite this, she was still appointed senior alchemist - and later mentor. After all, even the Circle is not averse to politics, and they were well aware that sooner or later Ilandis could cross the line. And losing her work would be too inconvenient in view of the constant aggravation of conflicts between the Alliance and the Horde. Therefore, they tried to assign students who showed talent in alchemy to her many times. But, except for one, no one could withstand her difficult character and teaching methods.
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Artwork by CHELOBEK
A Time of Changes
Note: Northrend - about 25 years from the opening of the Dark Portal, until the start of the full-scale war with the Scourge.
Ilandis Scarletveil rarely left Kalimdor for official reasons, and even more rarely as a member of an expedition. But this time, when the Circle approached her with a request to join a group of other druids traveling to Northrend, for some reason she agreed. It is currently unknown whether this was due to an unexpected surge of altruism, or if the night elf was pursuing her own goals.
Having safely reached the northern continent, the expedition set up camp in the Borean Tundra. But during the night, their camp was attacked by undead, who killed most of the druids. Ylandis miraculously managed to survive, but she woke up on the cold stone floor of a frozen prison, completely without equipment and even without clothes. And more importantly - surrounded by unknown and motley representatives of the peoples of Azeroth.
Among them, a huge furry mass stood out, taking up most of the cell. This "mass" eventually turned out to be a tall tauren - and moreover, a druid, who, however, could not possibly be part of their expedition. In other darknesses of the small room were, as Ilandis then decided: two obvious elven women with ears similar to sin'dorei; a man in a cloth mask, which for some reason was left to him; and a blood elf with eyes burning with the fel fire.
At that time, Ilandis could not yet imagine that she would have to forget about her principles regarding other races and enter into a temporary alliance with this inveterate group of adventurers.
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Artwork by SYR
— Ilandis is ambidextrous and can use both hands equally well. She also speaks Darnassian, Druidic, and Common. Ilandis is 230 cm tall.
— She believes that life in animal forms is a humiliation for true kaldorei. She herself also rarely uses them, preferring to rely on the magic of the stars, as well as healing spells. The only forms she uses are the half-elven moon and tree forms.
— Ilandis is asexual, she does not feel attraction to others and is not interested in romantic relationships.
— She runs a store with potions. She herself never appears there, having shifted all the work on interacting with clients to hired employees. Over her long life, she has accumulated quite an impressive capital, but does not monitor it in any way.
— She has a huge collection of various dried insects and animal skeletons. She was into taxidermy for a while.
— She loves herbal teas and can survive for a long time eating only them. She does not tolerate alcohol well.
— Her only "successful" student eventually ran away from her to another continent and even refused to join the Cenarion Circle.
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momma-pixel · 2 months
I Must Speak But Don't Have The Words
[TW: Suicide] When: 1988 Where: Playground, Kindergarten Situation: Little Me strongly and firmly believes that if I antagonize the girls and make them chase me then when I get caught they'll turn me into a girl like them as punishment. Apparently boys will be boys.
When: 1989-1994 Where: My bed, every night / Home Situation #1: I prayed to god every night to let me wake up as a girl. Situation #2: Caught wearing my sister's panties a few times, said it was because I couldn't find my own underwear. Situation #3: Constantly asked to help with yard work, would prefer to help in the house. Told that's women's work, what are you a girl, stop being lazy.
When: 1993-1995 Where: Home / Hospital Situation: General moodiness and angst, aches and pains. Breasts and hips are forming. Why parents? You're fat (I wasn't). Get confused for a girl out in public, parents force me to cut my hair and go on a strict diet. Doctor says I only have one testicle but also wants to run chromosome and hormone tests. Parents balk at cost. Surgery to find a missing testicle. I prayed to god, for the last time, to have the doctors turn me into a girl. They find a testicle slightly smaller than a marble, it's atrophied.
When: 1996 - 2000 Where: High School / Home Situation #1: Fell in with the punk and goth crowd. Had friends. Learned about the world at large thanks to them (and this new thing called the internet!). Discovered I was Bisexual. Learned the term 'transsexual'. Boom, head blown. Female bestie opens her arms, heart, and closet doors to me. Wearing black lipstick, black nail polish, eyeliner. Parents hate me. Wanted my ears pierced, dad said it was for girls and fags. In an argument about something dumb my mom calls me a cocksucker - I quipped that at least I was getting dick, flipped my hair, and walked away...we didn't speak to each other for a month. Situation #2: Attempted suicide twice. Both attempts failed right before they would have succeeded thanks to some spectacular reverse-final destination shit. Parents blamed my friends, my books, and anything else they could. Boyfriend jokes it's because god is scared of me after ignoring my prayers for so long and needs time to come up with an alibi.
When: 2001 - 2005 Where: Therapist's Office Situation #1: Asperger Syndrome (to be changed much later to Autism), Depression, Transsexualism. Do this thing called a Real Life test. Standards too rigid, too high, failed test. Situation #2: Final suicide attempt. Lots of counseling, meds, and restrictions.
When: 2010 - Present Where: New State of Being/Mind/Residence Situation: Grabbed life by the gooch and made it my bitch. Found new therapist, learned about myself more, began fixing myself, started a proper transition.
I never knew the words needed to express my mental anguish and emotional turmoil. They were concepts in my mind colored with prismatic abstract thoughts. My world was a tiny box with the only things allowed in governed by my parents. I wanted so badly to say to someone, anyone, that I was in pain and needed help but didn't know how. Even today I still have trouble putting words to thoughts - as an example, this post alone has already taken an hour to write.
For any of you out there struggling to talk about your changes, your transitions, your mental state of you, take this advice - there are words out there for you! Take your time to craft them as purposely and gently as possible. Some people will kick up at them and try to break them, but they are your words and you made them. They can't be broken, they can't be sullied or tainted. Those words were crafted by hand with love (for yourself) and perseverance (for a better tomorrow) by the best craftsmen in the world: You.
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stal3bread · 3 months
[Reposted from my reddit account]
Did anyone else get misdiagnosed with ADHD before getting diagnosed with ASD?
I was diagnosed with ADHD at 14 after experiencing pretty severe mental health issues for years. I was then diagnosed with ASD (no level attached) at 17 (coming up on two years ago now). I think I was quite an obviously autistic child, to the point where when I saw a psychiatrist for something entirely unrelated and when I described my symptoms of autism in childhood at her request, she asked (quite concerned) why I wasn't taken to a psychologist as a child. I displayed very intense interests from the age of 1, obvious stimming (e.g. rocking, pacing, stroking other children's arms, etc) up until I was about 9 or 10, sensory issues which caused meltdowns until well into my teen years, as well as quite severe social deficits which made forming relationships with other children very difficult. I even had to get my hearing tested (it ended up being completely fine) at 7 because I didn't respond to my name.
The psychiatrist that diagnosed me with ADHD did not do a very thorough assessment. He only got me, my mom, and my teachers to do a single questionnaire about me each and looked through my school reports. Furthermore, when I brought up possible ASD to him after my ADHD diagnosis, he dismissed me entirely and even laughed. I think that because I was assigned female at birth (I am a trans man) and received good grades in school, it was seen as totally impossible that I could be autistic, even when I displayed such obvious symptoms.
Did anyone else experience something like this? I think my old psychiatrist could tell I wasn't neurotypical, but he didn't know enough about autism and so wrongly attributed my symptoms to ADHD.
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jenyifer · 21 days
You know the kind of book that is going to scar you for life but you are semi happy for the trauma wounds opening over your skin?
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The sell: there is a trigger warning at the beginning which I ignored but as someone with panic disorder and trauma I should have listened to. HOWEVER 1. I love the narrator for the audio addition. 2. Trans Rep Autism Rep. Panic/Anxiety Disorder Rep. Female empowerment yep. 3. Not a story where love can magically conquer all. There are magical elements but really not so much so that it tears at your immersion. I was fully engaged I screamed a couple times and because of my panic disorder rabbit heart I swooned literally about…. 8 times. It was a test of my bravery. I don’t think I’ll ever read another book in this genre or by this author but I did really and truly enjoy it in its own way it was a story I needed to hear. I’d say if you liked finding neverland you’d def enjoy this.
Woah I feel awful. Drained. I need a nap. I think it’s good to set my panic disorder through some of its greatest fears sometimes. I only had to skip over 2 scenes and… hide in the bathroom for one ahah. But will I be able to take one after this book probably not. I liked the open for imagination ending I wasn’t expecting it to be so satisfying while being intriguing something most authors can’t strike a balance between. Idk woah. Feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. But definitely if you can give it a read for just how unique it is.
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tower-of-hana · 10 months
mfs online will say these are symptoms of autism and just list traits that I have, they should be more inclusive of people with ADHD smh
the raads-r will say "I am an autism test" and just list my whole personality and life story, they should be more inclusive of people with ADHD smh
the asq test will say "I am also an autism test" and then give me the exact same score as the average female autistic person, they should be more inclusive of people with ADHD smh
Guys help, we need to beat these evil bigots (also how do they know so much about me?)
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thefakerachelray · 8 months
February is Turner Syndrome Awareness Month!
So, I rarely talk about this on here, but February definitely feels like the right time to do it. I was born with a condition called Turner Syndrome (TS), and since February is both my birth month and Turner Syndrome Awareness Month, I thought it would be a good time to spread some information about this condition that a lot of people don’t know much about!
Turner Syndrome is a condition where a person is born with only a single X chromosome in each cell, and the second sex chromosome partially or completely missing.
There is also a “mosaic” form where the second sex chromosome is only missing in some cells. TS can take a lot of different forms!
It’s more common than you might think! Approximately 1 in 2500 AFAB individuals in the US have TS according to Cleveland Clinic.
One common symptom is short stature (which is why TS Awareness Month is the shortest month!)
Heart issues are more common in people with TS than in the general population, as are thyroid and kidney problems. There is also an increased risk of scoliosis, osteoporosis, nearsightedness or farsightedness, and hearing loss.
TS can affect cognitive function as well, especially in the areas of executive function, attention, and social skills. It’s not uncommon for people with TS to also be diagnosed with ADHD or autism.
Kind of a funny note on the social skills thing: my experience has been that in social situations people with TS are usually kinda quiet, but if you get a bunch of us together we WILL NOT STOP TALKING.
You often see a LOT of different symptoms of TS listed, but the reality is that it presents differently for pretty much everyone, so it’s important for people with TS and their doctors to know their own personal concerns.
While most people with TS that I know (myself included) identify as female, there are people with TS all across the gender spectrum!
That being said, you may see TS referred to as a “female condition” in a lot of places, including medical sources. Just keep in mind that a lot of people no longer consider that to be universally true, and there has definitely been pushback against that language in recent years.
TS is typically diagnosed either at birth with genetic testing or at the normal age of puberty due to a lack of typical physical development.
Treatments often include growth hormone replacement during childhood and other hormone replacement therapies later in life. Care is usually managed by an endocrinologist, and most people will be followed by a cardiologist as well.
Butterflies are used as symbol for TS! The idea of going through hardship and coming out stronger (like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly) is something that resonates with a lot of people with TS. I actually have a butterfly tattoo!
If you want to learn more…
Here’s the Cleveland Clinic’s page on Turner Syndrome
And here’s Mayo Clinic’s
Here’s the homepage of the Turner Syndrome Society of the US! They have a lot of good information, although their website is a little confusing and probably needs updating.
If you’re on Facebook, here’s a post with some general information from the TSSUS page you can read and share!
These are definitely not the only sources out there, so feel free to do your own research.
Since I live in the US, I’m not really familiar with resources in other countries, but if anyone knows of some non-US based sources feel free to add them in a reblog!
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