#femme dorcas meadowes
mvnvgedmischief · 9 months
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evergreen master post: read the 80’s dorlene fic sweeping the nation on tumblr here!
tags: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lesbian Marlene McKinnon, Butch Marlene McKinnon, femme dorcas meadowes, Butch/Femme, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Alternate Universe - no Wizarding War, No War AU, Period-Typical Homophobia, 1980s, Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), mechanic marlene mckinnon, Healer Dorcas Meadowes, marlene has a lesbian posse that she hangs out with, one of whom took her in when she ran away dorcas and friends have all felt pretty abandoned by her
summary: Marlene Mckinnon used to be one of the most promising witches at Hogwarts. she used to have friends, she used to have dreams, she used to have a lot of things, but none of those things were authentic. Running away seemed like the only option, so that was what she did. She built a life in muggle London, with friends who cared about her, a job that fulfilled her, and found herself. She found a way to express herself, and her butchness, without fear of whispers and hexes, and without fear of her friends finding out. Now, seven years later, everything has changed. But her world was about to shift once more, when she found a familiar, beautiful, stranger out one night with her friends.
words: 9,348 chapters: 3/16
this is a butch/femme fic predominantly from marlene’s perspective! this is a no war au, in which marlene has become a muggle mechanic. she has a muggle friend group, and has integrated herself into muggle life, after running away seven years ago in the midst of her final year at hogwarts. dorcas is a healer at st mungo’s, living a life without her best friend for seven years. how will things change when marlene’s past confronts her, and the two lives collide?
read it on tumblr here!
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
read it on ao3 here!
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I just...
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deceasedanddesist · 1 month
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She’ll say, “You don’t know what you’ve been missing”
And by the time she blinks, you know she won’t be listening
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lesbianremu · 2 years
marauders butch hcs!!
in conjunction with my last post, here r some butch hcs to get the ball rolling!!
marylily: femme4butch
butch: lily
femme: mary
lily realises she’s a lesbian after she kisses james.
she instantly feels this detachment from womanhood n doesn’t feel as connected to femininity as she once did.
she starts experimenting. she cuts her hair shorter, she wears vests n baggier clothes to give her a more masc shape.
mary doesn’t know how to deal with it, bc her best friend is suddenly the most attractive person she’s ever seen.
lily regularly flusters mary, which is a big deal bc Nobody flusters mary.
lily’s confidence grows tremendously and she loves being called handsome.
dorlene: butch4butch
dorcas has always presented masc.
she hates the wizarding robes bc they feel too similar to dresses, so she always breaks dress code n wears pants.
she likes wearing button downs.
her locs must always be kept above her shoulders; she hates having long hair.
marls forces people to call her just that, bc she hates her full name. she deliberately won’t respond to her full name bc it makes her feel feminine.
she grew up ashamed of being tall n lanky, but now she loves it bc it’s affirming.
dorcas exclusively used to pursue fems bc she felt like she had to. being butch, she needed to find a “complementary” fem so she suppressed her feelings for marls.
it wasn’t until she let go of this binary way of thinking, that they got together.
eventually it all builds to a point where dorcas can’t keep up her charade, pretending she doesn’t love marls when she really, really does.
marls was unsure about dorcas’ feelings bc of who she always pursued. she tried not to let it get to her, but she couldn’t understand why dorcas stared at her.
why dorcas should look, when marls isn’t what she wants.
dorcas tells her she looks bc she’s everything she’s ever wanted, n it was the only way she could have her without taking what she wasn’t “supposed” to have.
pandorcas: femme4butch
(my personal fav)
butch: dorcas
femme: pandora
the femme identity is intrinsically linked with butches. it is inseparable from the act of loving butches (platonically or romantically), n in the 70s this was paramount for lesbian couples.
pandora uses her privilege as a femme to protect dorcas and together, they protect each other by being perceived as a cishet couple.
they’re childhood best friends n have always had this solidarity between them b4 they ever fell in love.
dorcas having always presented masc, pandora would help her affirm her identity.
pandora would help with dorcas’ loc retwisting to keep it at that shoulder length dorcas needed.
she would fashion button downs and rings for dorcas out of any materials she could find — they got better with time.
pandora felt her most beautiful whenever dorcas complimented her n when they were just friends, she never understood why.
dorcas who also learnt how to make her own clothes over time, returned the favour n made pandora any dresses or skirts she said she wanted but couldn’t afford.
when they’re older n they have their own house, they experiment with different clothes n styles. their sewing room is so messy, u can hardly see the floor.
they’re each other’s muse, n they create together until their fingers r too stiff to do anything else but hold each other.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 5 months
Marauders/Emeralds Era Characterisation/Builds/Backgrounds in my fics
-I’ve seen a few newbies looking for head-canons to try out in their fics. Feel free to use any of these.
-there is some variation, of course, plus some of my fics are set at the younger Hogwarts ages, but usually in this order from tallest to shortest as adults:
Remus Lupin (6’ 1”-6’4”) - typically an inch or two taller than James, but rarely quite tall. Lanky, long-limbed with curly dirty blond/light brown hair. Sometimes, he’s stronger than he looks, other times he’s a wet noodle. Disabled (usually physically, but sometimes with Tourette’s or Epilepsy). Introvert. Classic literature/fantasy novel buff. Neutral Good. Welsh. Bisexual with a preference for men. Smokes occasionally, prefers weed.
James Potter (around 6’) - athletic with strong upper body, solid but rarely super muscular. Wears glasses, intelligent, and has ADHD. Chaotic Good. Messy curls. Wide open music taste, but always Queen and a sucker for a ballad. Deep voice. Extrovert. Deeply romantic. Usually Desi via Euphemia, but love the Latinx James hc. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for James). Non-smoker.
Barty Crouch Jr. (around 6’) - athletic, but slim. This man has no arse. Stronger than he looks. British, but love the hc that he’s Italian. Burnt out gifted kid, occasionally tech savvy. Heavy-metal and emo fan. Usually has ODD. Extrovert. Chaotic Evil. Omnisexual or Bi with a preference for mascs. Often with tattoos and/or piercings. Heavy smoker.
Dorcas Meadowes (5’9-5’11) - athletic, or slender with some curves. Black, British, and the most intelligent of the group. Long braids. Ambivert. Love her characterisation as a good Slytherin. True Neutral. Listens to R&B, but secretly loves pop music, mostly sapphic artists. Occasionally has Depression. Neither butch or femme exclusive, bit of both. Bisexual or Lesbian. Non-smoker.
Evan Rosier (5’9”-5’10”) - painfully average floppy-haired blond white boy with a tan. Neutral Evil. Solid build. Grunge music fan. Piercings rather than tattoos. French or British. Ambivert. Demisexual. Prefers edibles or shrooms to smoking.
Regulus Black (5’7”-5’10”) - usually a hair taller than Sirius, but he was shorter by a bit once or twice. Chin-length wavy hair. French. Writer (poetry) and/or musical prodigy. Introvert. Slim to average build. Lawful Evil. Anxiety, OCD, and/or Autistic. Classical music or jazz, nothing with lyrics. I have written him as intersex (or trans in a few WIPs), but usually a gay cis man. Non-smoker, mostly. Social drinker, but overestimates his tolerance.
Sirius Black (5’8”-5’10”) - most attractive amongst the guys. Usually slim, but strong and flexible. Highly intelligent, but easily bored and uninterested in academics. Artistic (painter) and/or musical (percussion instruments). Rock/grunge junkie. Shoulder-length hair and tattooed. Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral. Sometimes ADD, often emotionally stunted with abandonment issues. Heavy drinker, occasional smoker.
Mary McDonald (5’8”-5’10”) - depends on the fic, but always in heels so she seems taller. Curvy queen. Most attractive and socially aware of the entire group, extremely trendy, designs/sews a lot of her own clothes, high-femme. Prefers soulful music and light pop. Popular, but keeps her emotions buried. High expectations. Does not suffer fools. Lawful Neutral. Black, British, and extroverted. Natural hair. Social smoker and drinker. Neurotypical. Aromantic or lesbian.
Lily Evans (5’6”-5’8”) - very curvy to plus-size. Super long dark red hair, often braided with a fringe. Academic overachiever, Lawful Good, pretty, and fiery/defensive when confronted. Fantasy book nerd. Introvert. Neurotypical with anxiety. Pop music girlie. Artistic (usually sketching). Welsh/British. Non-smoker. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for Lily) or Femme Lesbian, but rarely wears make-up.
Marlene McKinnon (around 5’6”) - athletic/ stocky queen with thick thighs. Blonde, usually in a ponytail and shoulder-length with fringe. Scottish/British. Music-obsessed (mostly 70-80s rock) and lives in band tees and Docs. Tattooed. Extrovert. Chaotic Neutral. Social smoker, but rarely. ADHD. Butch lesbian who loves eye-liner. Occasional short skirt to break Dorcas’s brain.
Peter Pettigrew (5’5”-5’7”) - stocky/plus-size, straight blond hair. British. Logical and strategic, but struggles with abstract concepts. Chess player, comic book collector, video game/movie buff, and weed fiend, but non-smoker. People-pleaser and supportive of his friends, but ambivalent around strangers. Ambivert. Asexual, unlabeled, Questioning.
Pandora Lovegood (5’-5’3”) - always petite and slim. Long blonde hair, usually loose or in elaborate half-updos (like Phoebe Buffet in Friends). Hippie vibes and high-femme. Usually Autistic. Ambivert -depends on who she’s with. French. Animal lover, compassionate, high-strung, a gossip but rarely maliciously, collects crystals. Pansexual. Non-smoker, but open to experimentation. Rarely drinks.
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saintsenara · 7 months
Sorry again for the number of asks. What do you think about the popularity of Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes as a ship? It is apparently the 22nd most popular pairing on a03 in 2O23.
thank you very much for the ask, pal!
having a bit more femslash in the world is a good thing, and while there can be some issues in femslash spaces - especially the fact that the overwhelming majority of femslash fics tend to favour conventionally attractive femme characters - which it's always worth us being cognisant of [as, indeed, there are in m/m and het spaces too], i think it's good for all of us as fandom citizens that a femslash ship is becoming so popular. i vibe with that a lot.
what i don't vibe with - the hill i will fight to the death on - is that dorcas and marlene are not the same age as the marauders and that the fact that they're pretty much always written as being so makes the ship less enjoyable for me than it could be.
i hate this fanon! it makes no sense! dumbledore is not running the order of the phoenix as a child army! the death eaters' targets in the first war are - almost exclusively - politicians and other prominent civil servants, and the order exists as a paramilitary group which was primarily formed to offer resistance within the confines of the wizarding executive to voldemort's sustained campaign of ministry infiltration.
all of which is to say... if dorcas meadowes has the dubious honour of being the only person other than james and lily who we know to have been killed by voldemort himself during the first war, and if marlene mckinnon's entire family was wiped out by one of the top death eaters, then this is not because they were plucky twenty-one year old freedom fighters. it's because they were incredibly prominent politicians.
give me dorlene where they're both hard-nosed, fifty-year-old ministry dykes who could have mad-eye moody crying with a single raised eyebrow, and i will tune in. but i kind of don't care about dorlene in which they're just the same bundle of 'isn't it tragic how young and pretty we are' tropes that all other marauders-era pairings so frequently become. middle-aged butches deserve their doomed love stories too.
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Ok so you who needs to become a thing? Dorcas and Mary. And here are my selling points.
[quick question, is it just me who makes an insane amount of correlation between the colour lavendar and Dorcas? Like idk it just makes sense somehow. Ykwim?]
1) Their shipname would be something like:
A. lavendarhaze (cause prev point + Mary canonically has a hazy memory of her past. It makes no sense now that I'm typing this out but I swear it works)
B. or lavendarsea (from the research we did on Mary's name yesternight)
C. or OR ✨️Femmefatale✨️ (cause, hear me out on this, I can't think of a more femme person in our fandom than Mary and plus who can be more fatale than Dorcas "Voldy had to kill me personally" Meadows? Is it obvious that I am extremely sleep deprived rn?
D. Realizing her name has Meadows has now given me the option: SeasMeadows. (Can we please have an assessment of all these options please I need your thoughts.)
2) They would both love gossiping and they'll already be besties because of it. And then one day they're sitting together and Mary sees her laugh and in her head she is like oh and abruptly says "I like you." And Dorcas is like thrown back for a second but then she smiles slowly "I like you too." And that's that they now go on dates and they're a couple. Is that too boring? I feel like I'm always going to the oblivious sapphics trope. I mean I love it but... ykwim?
3. Their dates would be like picnics by the Great Lake watching the sunset and cute coffee dates and going on walks and making gift baskets for each other and stuff like that. Wowie is my brain so dry rn
4. They are lipsticks stains and written letters and heart emojies in texts and blue hour and rose bouquets and wine glasses with left over rosé and out of breathe giggles and crossed ankles below the table and origami swans for each other and late night phone calls and goodbyes in sticky notes on the fridge door.
5. I just think they're nice. : )
And I am extremely tired I shall go sleep and be back in an hour or so. Gn<3
Also random af but lemongrass as a shipname for Moontail? No I did not stare at a bottle of lemongrass sticks and think it'll make neat shipname whaddoyoumean
yes!!! dorcas and mary belong together. they would be so amazing together omg
and yes, I also associate purple with dorcas. it just fits her idk
1) all the ship names you picked out are incredible. jaw-droppingly beautiful is what they are.
lavenderhaze is the cutest thing I have heared in a while
lavendersea is cute too
femmefatale? so true. slay
seameadows???? omfg that's so pretty. can't compare to lavenderhaze though
moral of the story? I'm in love with lavenderhaze. I literally love that ship name sm and I have no decided that that's officially their name
2) there is never too much oblivious sapphics. there isn't at all ever. but omggggg the idea os mary just looking at dorcas one day and being like. "oh. that's what this is." is adorable and dorcas just being like: "yeah me too." is so perfect. geodbsob I love them sm
3) yessss. one of their favorite activities is making fun of their friends for being oblivious idiots
4)&-*@;@[@;@[- YESSS THEY SO ARE OMGG
5) they are nice. the nicest actually :)
lemongrass for moontail??? osnsiebo yess please! it's adorable I love it :)
gn <33
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comfortablynumb · 10 months
My (Possibly Controveral) Marauders Sexuality Headcannons:
James Potter: Pansexual Demiboy (He/They)
Remus Lupin: Gay (He/Him)
Peter Pettigrew: Heteroromantic Asexual (He/Him)
Sirius Black: Bisexual and Gender Fluid (He/She/They)
Regulus Black: Bisexual, Demiromantic, Trans Masc (He/Him)
Pandora Lovegood: Pansexual and Trans Femme (She/Her)
Barty Crouch Jr.: Aromantic, Pansexual, and Non-Binary (They/Them)
Dorcas Meadows: Panromantic Demisexual (She/Her)
Evan Rosier: Greyromantic Homosexual Demiboy (They/He)
Lily Evans: Bisexual (She/Her)
Marlene McKinnon: Lesbian Demigirl (They/She)
Mary Macdonald: Lesbian (She/Her)
Alice Longbottom: Biromantic Asexual (She/Her)
Frank Longbottom: Bisexual (He/Him)
Bellatrix Lestrange: Pansexual and Non-Binary (She/Ze/They)
Narcissa Malfoy: Bisexual (She/Her)
Andromeda Tonks: Panromantic Demisexual (She/Her)
Ted Tonks: Bisexual (He/Him)
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woundjob · 3 years
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when there’s no way in hell your best friend is into girls. not a chance
some dorlene for the timeline! i designed them for cool girls before i knew abt the fanon designs lol 
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moonys-mars-bars · 2 years
・Marauders as Songs
(In my opinion)
- Remus Lupin, Changes (David Bowie)
- Peter Pettigrew, Come on Eileen (Dexys Midnight Runners)
- Sirius Black, Back in Black (AC/DC)
- James Potter, Heart of Glass (Blondie)
- Lily Evans, Dreams (The Cranberries)
- Marlene McKinnon, Dreams (Fleetwood Mac)
- Mary MacDonald, Blister in The Sun (Violent Femmes)
- Dorcas Meadows, I Saw The Sign (Ace of Base)
- Regulus Black, I Wanna Be Sedated (Ramones)
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mvnvgedmischief · 9 months
evergreen chapter three just dropped
i’ll put together a promo post tomorrow!
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ao3feed-jily · 5 years
The Marauders: Year One (Femme)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2L0EyIR
by Zahrathemarauder
It's the Marauders' first year at school, and it's going to be full of madness, mayhem, and above all, magic. (Sirius Black, Jamie Potter, Remus Lupin, and Petra Pettigrew.)
Words: 1810, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Marauders
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Marauders - Fandom, Marauders Era - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lily Evans, Petunia Evans Dursley, Euphemia Potter, Fleamont Potter, Walburga Black, Regulus Black, Kreacher - Character, Orion Black, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Frank Longbottom, Alice Longbottom, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Fabian Prewett, Gideon Prewett, Antonin Dolohov, Andromeda Black Tonks, Ted Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks, Peter Pettigrew, Mary Macdonald, Severus Snape, Mulciber Jr. (Harry Potter), Avery Jr. (Harry Potter), Lyall Lupin, Hope Lupin
Relationships: Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Antonin Dolohov/Fabian Prewett, Andromeda Black Tonks/Ted Tonks
Additional Tags: Abused Sirius Black, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst, wolfstar, wolfstar angst, Marauders era, Marauders, Hogwarts, Suicidal Thoughts, Abuse, Female Marauders (Harry Potter), Femme Marauders, jily, Male Lily Evans Potter, Female Severus Snape, Female Regulus Black, Werewolf, Depressed Sirius Black, Depressed Remus Lupin, Female James Potter, Female Peter Pettigrew
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2L0EyIR
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Sur une feuille à grains
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jK3mFX
by EllaCx
Narcissa a attendu son âme-soeur toute sa vie, mais n'aurait jamais imaginé un tel résultat. Le monde paraît si beau, à présent ; les couleurs se perdent dans la lumière, lui donnant des reflets aux nuances infinies. Tant de chaleur, de délicatesse, de douceur et de noblesse qui flottent devant ses yeux.
Mais la Répartition continue sans lui laisser le temps de reprendre son souffle, et sa tête lui tourne un instant : une femme, Née-Moldue, de onze ans. Est-elle donc censée épouser cette inconnue ?
Words: 4944, Chapters: 1/4, Language: Français
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Lily Evans Potter, Narcissa Black Malfoy, James Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Andromeda Black Tonks, Severus Snape, Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald, Dorcas Meadowes
Relationships: Narcissa Black Malfoy/Lily Evans Potter, James Potter & Lily Evans Potter, Lucius Malfoy & Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape
Additional Tags: Soulmates, Color Blindness, Friendship, Rare Pairings, Hogwarts, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Canon Compliant, Falling In Love, Drawing, Muggle London, Slow Burn, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jK3mFX
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dorcassing-blog · 7 years
hello !! i’m mar, but i also respond to linda belcher, because she’s my inspiration in life, tbh. i will gracing ur dashes with the ?? nerd who goes by dorcas meadowes. under the cut will be some rambling && i cannot wait to talk to u all abt our charas eeee
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DORCAS MEADOWES ? oh, you mean the TWENTY ONE year old MUGGLEBORN. they’re working as an SHOP ASSISTANT AT NOLTIE'S BOTANICAL NOVELTIES now, aren’t they ? I’ve heard they’re really ALTRUISTIC, but i know for a fact that they can be UNREALISTIC at times. No wonder they’ve decided to SIDE WITH THE ORDER.
LINKS: bio, pinterest 
it’s been a hot second since i’ve played this nerd so? here goes nothing. the bio above is more of an overview of her life and this is more a ?? RAMBLE. yolo!!
um dorcas is basically? a walking inferiority complex. literally. she has so little self worth it’s a miracle she hasn’t disappeared yet. people don’t Really know about this though, as dorcas is v extraverted and bubbly generally and doesn’t mind putting herself out there, which makes her come off as pretty confident. she’s Not, though. don’t be fooled. it’s part of the reason why she’s good at being an order member --- she values her life v little & will take on the most dangerous missions and take big, selfless risks. 
is under the dumb impression that she’d not mind dying for the cause, which in truth, she would not. she does romanticise the hell out of it though --- to her, dying for the revolution sounds beautiful when it’s? not. it sucks. she will find that out tho !! lol !!!!
is an adopted muggleborn ( her dad’s a muggleborn, too, and her mum’s a pureblooded witch / blood traitor ) and comes from a warm nest of adopted kids. really loves her fam. will fight anyone over her blood status. really. TRY HER. her being adopted does fuel her inferiority complex tbh and it’s something she has tried to let go off, bc she Has a family that she Loves, but she just? cannot let go that someone didn’t want her. is not trying to search for her parents though.
has a few siblings too, that are open to app for! they can be any ethnicity/age and stuff so yeah this is lowkey a plug for that lmao. just hmu if ur interested!
as a person she’s, as i said up there, pretty bubbly. dorcas loves surrounding herself with people (unless they’re a-holes, then she’ll ... be annoyed w you) and likes having fun. is also here for genuine convos altho she doesn’t like opening up herself a lot bc ... she’s emotionally constipated af. will listen to u for 6 hrs while drinking liquor or tea or both though. um? likes making puns. 
also really likes herbology. is a nerd when it comes to plants, tbh, and will talk abt them if granted the opportunity. works in a store that sells plants!! loves it!! idk man if she wasnt in the order and occupied with that, she would have gone on to become a herbologist and that’s lowkey still a dream of hers. she just has Priorities rn and thinks fighting the good fight is more important than having a career
drugs tw // sidenote: also loves a plant called hemp and smoking it. lmao.
was sorted into hufflepuff bc she’s One Loyal Son of A Bitch. also a hard worker tbh. at hogwarts she was rly into clubs and a few subjects ( read: dada, herbology & potions ) and didn’t put much effort in anywhere else. tried out for the quidditch team a few times but she fell off her broom the first time she tried out and they just never ... forgot that. which, tbh, is fair. was a loud presence tbh, really liked talking about ANYTHING that caught her interest ( one week it was cars, the others it was the environment ). was a flighty, loud idiot who was known for tumbling off stairs and crying during her first transfiguration lessons. um? idk. just a mess. never changed. 
dorcas loves girls and identifies as a lesbian. will make a lot of gay jokes. identifies as a demi girl and switches between she and they, as will i when writing abt her --- she has days where she feels more femme than the other. 
idealistic fuck who likes to talk abt her convictions re: a lot of stuff. goes to muggle demonstrations a lot and wishes there were more in the wizarding world tbh because the world is FUCKED!! activist child, tbh. 
loves punk. a lot. calls herself a punk, too, and is not just a fan of the music but also a POLITICAL PUNk and she’s the kind of punk who’s like ... u cant like punk if u dont also do the political stuff it’s a combination! it’s not just a way to dress or something! it’s a lifestyle!!!!! ( did i base this on my dad, who was a punk during this time? mayhaps. )
feels things deeply. loves easily, but hates easily too. tbh she just flies from emotion to emotion so dont try to make sense of it bc i cant follow it either? dorcas meadowes voice: im just so angry that i’m happy that’s why im crying!!
wants to learn how to play the guitar but her guitar has been gathering dust ( #relatable ) and she just knows the g chord at this point it’s tragic.
eats a lot of take out. 
currently residing in muggle london in a shithole appt. i’m up for a roommates plot aye!!
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mvnvgedmischief · 10 months
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tags: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lesbian Marlene McKinnon, Butch Marlene McKinnon, femme dorcas meadowes, Butch/Femme, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Alternate Universe - no Wizarding War, No War AU, Period-Typical Homophobia, 1980s, Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), mechanic marlene mckinnon, Healer Dorcas Meadowes, marlene has a lesbian posse that she hangs out with, one of whom took her in when she ran away dorcas and friends have all felt pretty abandoned by her
summary: Marlene Mckinnon used to be one of the most promising witches at Hogwarts. she used to have friends, she used to have dreams, she used to have a lot of things, but none of those things were authenticity. Running away seemed like the only option, so that was what she did. She built a life in muggle London, with friends who cared about her, a job that fulfilled her, and found herself. She found a way to express herself, and her butchness, without fear of whispers and hexes, and without fear of her friends finding out. Now, seven years later, everything has changed. But her world was about to shift once more, when she found a familiar, beautiful, stranger out one night with her friends.
words: 5,709 chapters: 2/16
this is a butch/femme fic predominantly from marlene’s perspective! this is a no war au, in which marlene has become a muggle mechanic. she has a muggle friend group, and has integrated herself into muggle life, after running away seven years ago in the midst of her final year at hogwarts. dorcas is a healer at st mungo’s, living a life without her best friend for seven years. how will things change when marlene’s past confronts her, and the two lives collide?
read it on ao3 here!
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mvnvgedmischief · 10 months
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tags: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lesbian Marlene McKinnon, Butch Marlene McKinnon, femme dorcas meadowes, Butch/Femme, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Alternate Universe - no Wizarding War, No War AU, Period-Typical Homophobia, 1980s, Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), mechanic marlene mckinnon, Healer Dorcas Meadowes, marlene has a lesbian posse that she hangs out with, one of whom took her in when she ran away dorcas and friends have all felt pretty abandoned by her
summary: Marlene Mckinnon used to be one of the most promising witches at Hogwarts. she used to have friends, she used to have dreams, she used to have a lot of things, but none of those things were authenticity. Running away seemed like the only option, so that was what she did. She built a life in muggle London, with friends who cared about her, a job that fulfilled her, and found herself. She found a way to express herself, and her butchness, without fear of whispers and hexes, and without fear of her friends finding out. Now, seven years later, everything has changed. But her world was about to shift once more, when she found a familiar, beautiful, stranger out one night with her friends.
words: 3,206 chapters: 1/16
after much fanfare, i’m finally publishing the first chapter of my dorlene fic! this is a butch/femme fic predominantly from marlene’s perspective! this is a no war au, in which marlene has become a muggle mechanic. she has a muggle friend group, and has integrated herself into muggle life, after running away seven years ago in the midst of her final year at hogwarts. how will things change when her past confronts her, and the two lives collide?
read it on ao3 here
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