#f/f marauders fic
mvnvgedmischief · 10 months
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tags: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lesbian Marlene McKinnon, Butch Marlene McKinnon, femme dorcas meadowes, Butch/Femme, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Alternate Universe - no Wizarding War, No War AU, Period-Typical Homophobia, 1980s, Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), mechanic marlene mckinnon, Healer Dorcas Meadowes, marlene has a lesbian posse that she hangs out with, one of whom took her in when she ran away dorcas and friends have all felt pretty abandoned by her
summary: Marlene Mckinnon used to be one of the most promising witches at Hogwarts. she used to have friends, she used to have dreams, she used to have a lot of things, but none of those things were authenticity. Running away seemed like the only option, so that was what she did. She built a life in muggle London, with friends who cared about her, a job that fulfilled her, and found herself. She found a way to express herself, and her butchness, without fear of whispers and hexes, and without fear of her friends finding out. Now, seven years later, everything has changed. But her world was about to shift once more, when she found a familiar, beautiful, stranger out one night with her friends.
words: 5,709 chapters: 2/16
this is a butch/femme fic predominantly from marlene’s perspective! this is a no war au, in which marlene has become a muggle mechanic. she has a muggle friend group, and has integrated herself into muggle life, after running away seven years ago in the midst of her final year at hogwarts. dorcas is a healer at st mungo’s, living a life without her best friend for seven years. how will things change when marlene’s past confronts her, and the two lives collide?
read it on ao3 here!
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not-rab · 25 days
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this with jily BUT james ends up falling in love with the therapist (*cough* regulus)
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fourmoony · 2 months
I HAVE THE BEST REQUEST AND IT'S PERFECT FOR JAMES! like imagine reader sitting at home and suddenly she gets a text from james to come outside and he's standing there🥲🥲🥲🥲 so she asks what he's doing there and he's like "i just wanted to kiss you" SORRY IF IT'S TOO SPECIFIC
thanks for requesting, sweetie!
f!reader 1.1k words cw: drunk jamie
You're half asleep when your phone pings, illuminating the darkness of your bedroom in a distracting glow and you're half asleep, content to ignore the single ping, a problem for tomorrow. But another one follows a moment later, the third only seconds after the second. With a huff, your hand reaches out to grab blindly for the device.
James' contact photo smiles at you from the corner of the notification box, his glasses askew and hair a mess. Your favourite photo of him, despite how vehemently he detests it. The messages are a jumble of words you struggle to make out, vowels in the wrong places and an amusing amount of emojis, even for James. A laugh huffs it way out of you as the three text bubbles appear once again, and a fourth message comes through. A photo of your house.
You'd be concerned, should anyone else have sent you the eerie looking photo of your house in utter darkness, but James is a love sick fool. You'd have to be blind not to know that about your boyfriend, even if things between you are still pretty new. He's not got a bad bone in his body. But it doesn't stop the way you sit up in a panic, scanning the floor of your bedroom for less embarrassing clothing. You come up empty, and your phone is incessantly buzzing in your hands now that James knows you've read his messages.
You use the glow of your phone to find your way downstairs, your house keys, make your way to the door and unlock it. James is sprawled out on the grass of your front garden, phone comically close to his face as he squints at the words he's typing. Drunk. Absolutely obliterated, clearly. You'll give Sirius shit for it, tomorrow, you think, as you let an exasperated laugh tumble from your lips.
James whips his head around at the noise, scrambles like a puppy to stand and bound his way over to you. He tramples some of the flowers planted around the borders of the grass and you fight a wince. He's on you in seconds, warmth radiating from him despite having been out in the cold for god knows how long. His arms are strong and steady, even though he reeks of beer, as he pulls you into them, lips firmly planted on the top of your head.
You try to peek over his shoulder for any sign of who dropped him off, but the street is empty, desolate, and you decide he must've walked from the pub.
Sleep still clings to the edges of your eyes as James pushes you back - uncoordinated and a little roughly, but you don't mind - and holds your face in his warm hands. "Hi, lovely girl." His voice is sweet and brimming with excitement at the sight of you and your heart swells.
"What on earth are you doing here, James?" You ask, though your words are kind and laced with amusement.
Your boyfriend only grins like the cat who got the cream, like he can't wait to tell you all about his adventure, until his eyes snag on your pyjamas. Technically, his pyjamas. His old juniors rugby top from secondary school and his boxer shorts, left abandoned by him last week when he'd slept in for breakfast with his mum and left in a hurry, a kiss placed to your cheek and the promise of being home for dinner. It had felt so domestic you'd had to talk yourself down from overflowing excitement for hours.
"Woah." James breathes, eyes wide.
You'd known he wouldn't mind you wearing his clothes, even if a little embarrassment at the idea had clung to your skin as you slipped them on before bed. But you hadn't expected him to feel like that about it.
"Easy tiger, you're three sheets to the wind." You chide softly, using the distraction to usher him into the hallway.
You close and lock the door behind him, place the keys in the bowl beside the door. James finds you in the darkness, hands soft against the fabric of his clothes on your body. You don't have to see him to know he's smiling that coy smile he gets whenever he seems to remember he has you.
"Am not." He mumbles, as if your statement has just now caught up with him.
You laugh, take his hand to lead him towards your bedroom. He follows quietly and without protest, but frowns when you flip on the overhead light and place him on the edge of your bed.
"What happened to Sirius' epic boys night on the town?" You ask, hands on his face as you crowd the in between of his legs.
His hands come to rest against the backs of your thighs, grip firm but soothing. He smiles, head lolling to the side, "Well," He sighs, as if buckling in for some wild tale of beasts slaughtered and mountains climbed, all just to get to you, "Sirius and Remus got drunk, like really, really drunk, and touchy and they were kissing and it made me realise how much I wanted to kiss you. So I left, and I came here for a quick kiss."
"A quick kiss?" You ask, eyebrow raised.
James just smiles, nodding dutifully, like it makes the most sense in the world. "Yeah, I gotta go back. They don't know I left."
You let out a long, suffering sigh, reaching for your phone beside James. "You can't just leave and not tell anyone where you're going."
"If they even realise I'm gone, they'll know where I am. With you." James shrugs.
"How do you reckon?"
"Where else would I be?" He asks, so serious and determined, so sure of himself that it makes your breath catch in your throat.
You can't help but smile, sweet and saccharine, glowing all over as you lean down to press your lips to James'.
"You're sweet."
James wrinkles his noise, grip tightening on your thighs as he pulls you down to him, falling backwards with a gentle thud. You catch yourself before your head collides with his nose and James grins, childish and playful, "You're sweet, too."
"Thanks, Jamie."
He presses his lips to yours, again, simple and warm. He knows he's in no condition for anything else, simply tucks you into his side and tries to get you to fall asleep with him, right there in the middle of the bed, on top of the blankets.
He's dead to the world in seconds, so you don't have much room for argument.
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cosmal · 1 year
aerial!! I need your thoughts on casually dominant remus and shy reader!!!
sit down
yes!!!! okay I love this idea thank u
summary remus helps you find an outfit when you're stressed.
note this is a little boring sorry.
content remus lupin x fem!afab!reader
You’ve spent the last twenty minutes trying to get your hair to sit right. Your arms ache from the effort. Your fingers tingle and your shoulders feel like they’re about to slip out of place.
To make things worse — or better you’re not sure yet — Remus knocks at your door and you haven’t even picked out what to wear.
You open the front door wrapped in a towel and a little flustered. “Remus,” you sigh. Half relieved because he’s here, half anxious because you’re running late. "I'm so sorry, I promise I won't be long."
He lets himself in and locks the door behind him. "It's okay, dove, take your time. The reservation isn't for another hour."
"Right," you pant, turning to rush back down your hall. Remus's lovely dress shoes click slowly behind you until he meets you in your room.
You're so stressed you don't notice the bunch of flowers in his hand. You drop your towel in only a pair of tights and a bra, and whizz around the room, back and forth between your dresser and your wardrobe. Holding your options up to the light, muttering things about how stupid you feel.
"No, god," you curse, letting the skirt in your hand fall to the carpet, "I can't find anything."
Remus catches you before you can speed past him again. He wraps a soft hand around your bicep and you snag, "Dove, take a breath."
You breathe in quickly and drop your head, "Shit, sorry," you mutter.
"What's the matter?" he asks, snaking his arm down to grab your hand. He squeezes gently, pressing his soft fingertips into your skin. It's grounding.
You step into his space and push your cheek into his soft button-up. "I can't find anything to wear."
He wraps his arms around your back and you hear the cellophane around the flowers crinkle. "Do you want me to help?"
"You got me flowers," you say instead, feeling stupider by the second.
"I did," he says off-handedly. "Go sit down, sweetheart, and I'll find you some clothes."
You pull your face back to look at the flowers. A bunch of pink tulips in paper and plastic, the smallest yellow ribbon keeping them together. "They need a vase."
Remus laughs. "You need to sit. I'll find you something to wear and then I'll put these in some water."
"Pass them over."
"Sit," he says, sterner than you're expecting.
You sigh and let him go. He's infuriating. Infuriatingly kind. "Can I have a kiss?"
He smiles widely and you feel better already. Kissing you quickly he nudges you kindly towards your bed. "You can have a proper kiss when you relax."
You frown but sit down anyways. You sit with your chin in your hand and watch Remus rifle through your clothes. He passes through hangers and you hate him for how pretty he looks and how stupid you feel. He's dressed in a pair of black slacks and a white button-up that's rolled up his arms and folded at his elbows. You wish you had it as easy as him. He's so flawlessly pretty.
You hate him even more when he finds the dress you've been looking for all night. He trods over with the material between his fingers, holding it out and says, "I think this one."
You take the blue dress from him with the loveliest smile you can manage.
He encourages you to stand and you step through the hole to slip it on. Spinning you around he does the zip up without forgetting to let his knuckles trace your spine along the way.
He kisses your neck before saying, "Perfect."
You turn and look him in the eye, "It doesn't look funny?"
He holds you by your hips, fingers spread over your stomach, looking you up and down until you shiver, "You look amazing. Gorgeous."
"Thank you," you say softly. You hold him by his wrists and you hope he knows you want a hug.
He hugs you because he's your boyfriend, wrapping you up in long arms until his chest presses into yours. Breathing deep and you match it. "You worry a lot," he says with a kindness. You know what he means.
"Stressed," you tell him.
"You could've shown up in a paper bag and you still would've been the prettiest girl there," he says back, squeezing you hard for emphasis.
You laugh and smother your face in his shoulder, startled by it. "Sure."
"It's true!"
You hold him closer like it's possible, breathing in the still strong scent of his lovely cologne. The softness of his detergent. "Can I have that kiss now?"
He pulls back with a look that says, of course, you can, leaning in to kiss you. Longer than the last and much warmer. You stand on your tiptoes and lean your entire weight into him. He grunts and pulls you up until your dress bunches in his arms. You'll both be a wrinkled mess by the time you leave.
Pulling back he says, "Now go put your shoes on and I'll find a vase."
"My Doc Martens?" you ask.
He kisses your nose quickly, "Definitely."
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curtsycream · 4 months
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My Greatest Love, My Greater Enemy
James Potter x F!Reader
endgame is Remus x Reader but it’s still James centric for the angst. I love that trope where one falls first but the other falls harder yet it’s too late to do anything about it. Not proofread, oops
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No one tells you when it’s too late how much it hurts. No one warns you of the pain in your heart when it happens. No one tells you that you’ll spend many days and nights worrying about why it happened. No one does…
Her eyes followed his as he looked across the hall at her. The way his smile changed from being subtle to a full blown grin. Yet she didn’t falter remembering his mischievous nature.
But it didn’t stop her from comparing herself to Lily Evans. The redhead was an image that lingered in her mind at night. Sometimes she took up too much space and all she could think about was how much it would hurt if he loved her.
Though that thought was just an idea one that wasn’t true until it was. As she sat in the common room beside her friend she couldn’t think of anything to say. But he could, he always could when she was around.
It was a bittersweet feeling being happy for someone while also dreading that you weren’t the reason for it. Though it was her own fault she never had the right words to use. She never knew how to tell him just how much he meant to her.
Until it was too late.
Standing in front of James she looked anywhere but at him. The confession still fresh on her tongue as she waited for him to say something, anything really. But as her eyes found their way back up to his face he looked worried.
It took everything in her not to crack a smile and tell him it was just a joke. But she knew better than that, he would know better than that.
“I’m sorry dove, but I just don’t feel the same.”
Those words when he spoke them didn’t hurt as much as she thought. Maybe it was the way he looked at her as if she would break on the spot. Or the way he said those words as if she was fragile and needed to be held onto.
“It’s okay, Jamie.”
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He found it odd the way his heart sank when she didn’t hang off every word he said. How she no longer waited for him after quidditch practice to tell him he did well. Or even when she would offer him one of her many baked goods because she was curious of the taste.
But what he found the strangest is how his heart ached when she began to do those things with someone else. He wasn’t upset when she hung off of every word Remus said or how she would sit in the common room and read with him. Or even how she would go up to Remus and offer him those same baked goods.
What he felt for Lily was spurred on by his many years of playfulness. But what he felt for her was something much more what he felt for her made his heart pound in his chest.
It left him anticipating seeing the way she would laugh to herself when she read. How her eyes held a tiny hint of mischief when he would talk about pulling a prank with the other marauders. But most of all he just missed having her treat him the way she used to.
But he was too late as he watched Remus kiss her forehead as she handed him a cookie. The look in their eyes was mutual and it pained him even more. It continuously reminded him of how his eyes were filled with something different when she confessed to him.
‘If only’ rang deep in his mind as he finally looked away from them snuggled up together. In another universe he would probably be laughing and smiling and nothing bad would have happened to them. But in this universe he had no one but himself to blame for hesitating.
But oh how the universe will always be his greatest friend and his biggest enemy.
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Expect a Regulus, James, and Robin Buckley fix soon. I have three or four lined up. I also have a few requests to get to before I do a few more smut fics
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sp1rit-realm · 10 months
༻¨*:· 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐓 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ you hate remus lupin, and he hates you. what happens when you get stuck in a lift together?
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 I actually quite enjoy this fic so far 𖦹 enemies to ?? 𖦹 forced proximity 𖦹 fem!reader 𖦹 i did not proofread this bc i'm lazy ⎝(ˊᗜˋ)⎠
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 184
pt. 1 -- prologue >> hour 1
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Like clockwork, you see Remus Lupin every day. It's always in the lift on your way to work. Then there's the additional once-a-week you see him. It's always at the same pub with your friends. You see him at major holidays, at birthdays, at weddings. You see him everywhere, and maybe that just adds to the irritation. Or maybe it was the fact that he hated you first.
He started it.
That's what you tell Sirius. That's what you always tell Sirius. You're being truthful about seventy percent of the time. But, make no mistake, he started hating you first. 
You greet him as he walks into the lift—it's the polite thing to do. As a woman, you were always told to be polite, especially to men. Not that you thought Remus was capable of hurting you, no matter how many times he threatened to choke you out.
"Morning," He greets back, disdain clear in his eyes. Remus is a nice person... just not to you. You see the way he interacts with your friends—the way he interacts with strangers. He's kind to them.
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me when i like what i write🤯🤯
lmk if u wanna b tagged!
@queerpumpkinnn @ay0nha @knaveism @whennyxfallsinlove @freezing-my-brain @starlit-epiphany @inkluvs
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Hii! I was wondering what your favorite Marylily fics are! Maybe you've already answered this question before, but I'm looking for some recommendations!
Also, I just read the first two chapters of your She-Ra AU and loved it! ♡"
still king's cross (and pulling heartbreak out of hats) by onelastgo ( @youcouldsayimalesbian on tumblr) Word count: 50,000 - I love this fanfic a lot, it's my favourite marylily fanfiction. It's about Mary and Lily figuring out their relationship and friendship in Hogwarts while so many other happen, and each chapter stars with a letter they wrote to each other during the summer break. I actually am obessed with the style of writing, of everything, and also the letters inspired me to write something of my own...
Running to the end by friendofthefrogs (@friendofthefrogswastaken here on tumblr!) Word count: 82,180 - I really like the lily and Mary dynamic in this story, and this is also them figuring it all out with the threat of the war and Hogwarts. A lot of angst, which I really love, and a lot of fluff
Silver Springs by tastenostalgia Word count: 168,161 - I love this one, it has so many different POVs and so many interesting stuff
forget me not, mary by goldmoons Word count: 17,101 - Ok so I've read a chapter of this, and I really enjoyed it, I like the writing style. its canon, so you know Lily and James die...
Two birds on a wire by ilbartiz Word count: 44,102 - I really liked the concept of this one, angst, it is a fix-it fic. Next to my to be read, I'm acc rlly excited for this one.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!! The train ride to the end of the world by RavenBird_e Word Count: 25,644 - This is an in progress fic, but it's probably one of the only AUs I've seen on marlily and been instereted. This is victorain era marylily, where Lily escapes from her soon to be marriage with James and meets Mary. I'm anxiously waiting for updates
If you wanted them on Wattpad or anything else I'm really sorry, I only read ao3 and reccomend you to get an account, it's easy
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spillthebea · 2 months
wolfstar in my PROJECT NOMAD BOYS be like:
sirius "there is nowhere to run from but so many places to run to" black and remus "there is not one place to run to but many places to run from" lupin
me screaming and crying and kicking my feet to my partner in crime: THEY'RE SOULMATES OH GOD THEY ARE SOULMATES *falls from the couch, house explodes*
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valluvsu · 2 years
Remus Lupin x reader
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Remus Lupin couldn’t believe how lucky he was.
Here he was, head in the lap of the girl he’s liked since he was 14, her voice softly reading the words of a book he asked her to read. Her hand was softly making its way through the strands in his hair making him feel more at peace than ever. Everything about her just made him feel calm. 
Yeah, definitely the luckiest guy in the world. 
“You falling asleep on me Lupin?” 
It was the soft tug on his hair that made Remus open his eyes and see that she was now looking at him and not at the book. His face warmed and a soft smile covered his lips. 
“Can you blame me? I’ve got the prettiest girl at Hogwarts reading to me while running her hands through my hair,” Remus replied. 
It was Y/N’s face that warmed this time. Despite being with Remus for a year and a half now, she never got used to the compliments he constantly gave her. 
Y/N proceeded to change the subject, not wanting Remus to get too smug. 
“I think we should head in soon. It’s starting to get quite late, wouldn't want Filch catching us out,” she said while packing up their things. 
Remus agreed and helped her up. He took her bag from her hand and replaced it with his hand. They slowly made their way back into the school and towards the Gryffindor Tower.
“Are you coming to my room or am I going to yours tonight?” Remus asked. They’ve been sneaking into each other's dorms to sleep together since they realized they both slept better with each other. It’s something their roommates find both endearing and annoying. 
“I’ll go to yours. The girls are getting quite irritated with how loud you come into the room,” she jokingly replied. 
Remus threw her a fake glare. 
“I am not loud. They are just very light sleepers. I mean we’ve done this for how long and not gotten caught?” he retorted. 
Y/N just playfully rolled her eyes and pulled him into the common room. There his best friends were hanging out doing something she didn’t even want to ask about.
“I’ll see you in a minute, just gotta get changed,” Y/N murmured to Remus. 
Remus pulled her into a little kiss and said he’d be waiting for her in his room. 
Y/N rushed up into her room quickly changing and brushing her teeth, not even noticing her roommates in the room. 
“Why in such a rush? Is loverboy waiting?” Marlene teased. 
Y/N let out a gasp in surprise, her face warming once again. 
“Leave them alone. I think it’s cute how they always sleep together. I wish I had someone to do that with,” Dorcas said longingly. 
“Yeah, whatever. As long as Lupin doesn’t come barging in here again,” Marlene groaned. 
“Oh shut it, you’d be doing the same thing with Sirius if either of you had the balls to say something to each other. Plus, Remus is out by the time any of you wake up, so there is nothing to complain about,” Y/N replied. 
It was no secret that Marlene and Sirius felt something for each other. Almost the whole house had bets on when or who would say something first. 
As Marlene went to say something back Y/N made her way out of the dorm and into Remus’ room. 
The boys were having a similar conversation. 
“Moony, how come your girlfriend is the only one allowed in here?” James complained. 
“Prongs, I’m the only one in here with a girlfriend. Lily has made it clear she doesn’t want you and Sirius could have one but he’s too scared to say anything,” replied Remus. 
“Hey hey hey, don’t drag me into this. I do not like Marlene,” said Sirius. 
“I didn’t say anything about Marlene,” Remus smugly replied. 
Sirius just grumbled something along the lines of “I’m going to bed” and closed the curtains around his bed. 
Y/N entered the room and immediately met Remus on his bed. He closed his curtains and laid down so she could put her head on his chest. It was his turn to run his fingers through her hair. This was always how they fell asleep.
“I love you, Rem,” Y/N whispered quietly on the verge of sleep.
“I love you so much,” he replied. 
While she was sleeping he kept thinking how lucky he was. He had some amazing friends who would do anything for him. He was getting an education some kids dreamed of. And he had an amazing girlfriend who he loved more than anything and he knew she loved him just as much. 
There were moments in his life when he thought the universe hated him so much, but he realized just how much that was untrue. 
And with his love in his arms, he fell asleep. 
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garfieldsladybird · 1 year
barmaid | the marauders.
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the marauders (james potter) x fem!reader. (use’s she).
Warnings — fluff. blurb. smoking weed/pot/cannabis. alcohol; parents drinking. cussing. loving parents :) mentions of a TV show making young adults make dinner out of a deer.. im sorry :(
Summary — smoking with mia and monty causes James spirit to die a little and you become a bartender.
Credits: This is my work. I do not own Harry Potter but this is fanfiction, and I created this. It is not to be plagiarized.
Masterlist, Navigation, Poly!marauders List.
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It’s a little after 9 p.m. as the hazy smoke in your best friends parents dimly-lit room begins to reach up to the ceiling. The greatly rolled blunt makes its way around the circle and back to you, diminishing in size each time. Leaning against a desk on the floor you get a little lost in the smoke that was surrounding all of you.
As you begin to focus a bit too hard on creating rings of smoke from your mouth, your neighbor in the circle, Sirius says, “Oi, pass it will ya?” funny enough he said it with a smile, jokingly.
As he said that you were already re-inhaling for another hit before passing it to Sirius who was on the edge of the bed in front of you, Remus was sitting behind him looking at a book that Monty wanted him to read but you didn’t know what it was about. The parents were drinking, Mama Mia was going on about something about dogs and she was sitting on a stool that was next to you but you couldn’t see her face while Monty was sitting on the other side of Sirius, James was sitting behind his dad on the bed.
These moments were the best, everyone was having fun, relaxing and smoking. There’s conversations going on around you but you weren’t really paying attention to any of them, your eyes were on the tv. On the TV screen, a show was playing but it was a real life show and it was where these parents sent their, most likely, young adult children to a wildlife show where they have to spend a few days in the forest and survive going through different tasks but the tasks are also life lessons. One of those life lessons seems to be making dinner, which includes cutting up the animal of that meal, it so happens to be a deer.
A shocked expression comes on your face when you see that a it was a deer, it wasn’t showing anything that explicit but it was dead. That’s for sure.
Looking over to your dearest friend James, you now notice that he was also watching the show with a terror-stricken expression, His eyes widened with no glasses, mouth parted open, head a little tilted to the right giving off the ‘what the fuck is this?!’ look that Remus would give Sirius when he suggested stupid prank ideas.
“Now you see this is what I was doing when i was your age,” Mama Mia comments, “My ma made me do this shit if i was bad!” She laughs before sipping on her alcoholic beverage which was vodka and cranberry juice, pretty good actually.
“You’ve had to cut up a deer before?” James asks his mum with an appalled look and a shocked voice.
“Yeah, you know I lived on a farm growing up.” she explains but says it like he should know this by now which he does but he’s shocked. “Oh! you know we ate a dear I caught once when you were younger?”
“Oh don’t worry we haven’t done it in awhile and I don’t think I want to get back into that.” The only reply she got after that was just a deep breath of relief. One she may or may not know the reason of why.
The show continued on and so did the conversations, the diminishing blunt now being passed to james, smoke filled his mouth as he inhaled, looking real nice when he blow it out.
“Hey, barmaid, new drink ah?” Monty says, grabbing your attention from james, looking over you see him holding his cup looking at you with his usual playful grin that james always has.
“Oh yeah,” you mumbly, getting up with a smile you grab his cup to go and make him a new drink, before leaving he stops to tell you how much ice and alcoholic, and redbull.
“Wait, why does she get to make the drink?” Sirius asks, looking at you and him with wide eyes and a pout.
“Cause shes’s the only one who makes it right, and you always drink it.” Monty tells his son, laughing at the gasp and the face of betrayal Sirius made. Even though he should be used to the dramatic acts by now.
“She drinks it to!”
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‎© 𝗀𝖺𝗋𝖿𝗂𝖾𝗅𝖽𝗌𝗅𝖺𝖽y𝖻𝗂𝗋𝖽. 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾!!
— I didn’t really know what else to add and I kind of just wanted to end it. If you like it and maybe want another one or for me to continue this kind of thing, please request it :) 🫶
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vini213 · 1 year
The soulmate au fic’s been left on hold for a bit because I’m actually trying not to write it and focus on exams (I’m not doing very well with the focusing on exams). But! I do have about 1.6k words so far. And so far James is just a silly, funny guy (while Regulus is a bit annoyed). idk what this says about my humour but you guys can have some snippets:
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not-rab · 2 months
fic idea ~
it’s nearing 9 years after the Marauders, a popular boyband consisting of James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, announced they were taking a ‘break’ to pursue solo careers
less than a month before the Grammys, the guest list was released to the public, displaying all four of the boys as nominees for their individual work
this will be the first time in almost a decade that the whole of the band have reunited to the public eye after their ‘divorce’ as it’s known to fans
what’ll the outcome be?
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fourmoony · 2 months
𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫
f!reader x Personal Trainer!James
summary: reader has a massive crush on PT!James
cw: working out, weight training, pointed out muscle definition
"You've got three more, for sure." James urges you on, looking far too relaxed for your liking where he stands above you, his arms crossed over his chest and his stupidly big muscles bulging against his thermal long sleeve.
Your abdominal muscles feel like they're ripping apart. If you weren't concerned about the ten kilogram kettlebell falling from where it's raised above your head and cracking your skull open, you'd consider throwing it at James' stupidly amused face. You raise your legs, put them back down and James counts, "Two more."
It takes every bit of energy, every morsel of motivation to finish the final set of leg raises, and you allow the kettlebell to tumble out of your grasp and to the left with a loud exhale of pain. You've been attending Personal Training with James long enough to not be embarrassed about the groan that follows, or the way you curl up into a ball. It's nearing the end of your hourly session, and James laughs at your dramatics. "You're not gonna catch your breath with your lungs constricted like that." He chides, and his hands comes into view.
You grumble, hating that you know he's right. Your muscles squeeze uncomfortably as he helps you up, despite you allowing him to take most of your weight. You've seen him workout, before, you know he pulls double your body weight with ease. He smiles wide when you're standing, gives you a little tug until you're stumbling closer to him. He smells like the gym, a little bit of woodsy cologne.
Your cheeks heat and you release his hand with a quiet, "Thanks." It's not like you're blind, James is beautiful. He's ripped and he's tanned, and his hair is stupidly soft. But it doesn't help that he's cheeky and funny, or that he's such a nice guy you always feel guilty for the profanities you spew at him on shoulder and back day. James picks up your abandoned kettlebell with ease and sets it on the bench you've claimed in the small studio gym.
"You good to hit legs for a couple before we finish?" James asks, and you know you don't have much of a choice because he's already turned and is walking towards the barbell weights in the corner.
You hum, reaching for your bottle of water, "Sure."
James lifts two twenty kilogram plates and walks them over to where you're standing. You try not to look at the way his muscles pop with the weights in each hand and James pretends not to notice you growing flustered. He sets them down next to each other and does the same again. By the time he's done, you've caught your breath.
"Elevated Sumo Squats," He gives you a knowing grin. He's fully aware how much you hate these, and he's unapologetic about it. "You know the drill, foot on each set of plates, squat until the kettlebell touches the floor."
You nod, "'Kay."
James holds out a hand as you step onto the weight plates, careful they don't slip out from under you and then hands you the kettlebell. "Try for ten. If you get to ten, we'll go for twelve."
You huff, a smile playing at your lips, "Just say try for twelve, James."
"Okay," James grins, "Go for twelve."
With a petulant eye roll, you start. The first set is never the problem, and James knows this. He watches you closely, an eye on your form at all times. You try not to think about the fact half of his job is staring at your ass, and you definitely try not to wonder if he likes what he sees. Sleeping with your Personal Trainer would be wildly inappropriate. You know James takes his job seriously, but it's hard not to imagine such things when he's standing over you muttering affirmations and praise. It's even harder when he reaches forwards, his fingertips grazing the top of your ass cheek, his voice low as he murmurs, "Keep your head up, back straight. You'll feel it more here."
You nod, mouth dry. "Like this?"
James nods at your corrected form. "That's ten, try two more."
The weight thuds against the ground when you're done and James helps you off of the plates. "How'd that feel?" He asks, fingers gentle as they grasp your wrist, turning it until he can read your heart rate from your smart watch.
"Like I'm gonna be waddling, tomorrow."
James huffs a laugh through his nose, "Well your heart rate is in zone four."
"Gross, so unfit." You snatch your wrist back.
He shakes his head, hands you your water, "Means you're working hard, pushing yourself. And pushing yourself gets results."
You answer with a shrug, swallow the water. James takes it back, nods his head to the plates. "Go again, this time, hold a half squat on the way back up for a couple seconds."
"That's hateful. You're being hateful."
"You got it." James encourages.
James' eyes your form carefully, nods subtly to show he's happy with it. "Working tonight?" He asks.
He has an incredible talent for making conversation at the worst times but you indulge him nonetheless, always willing to talk to him outside of what muscles you're working, and how to correct your form. "Nah. A rare day off."
You smile, "Yeah, I feel so lucky right now."
James laughs. He laughs like a summer breeze. His eyes light up and his lips twitch. For a guy who looks like he could drop absolutely anyone who came near him, he's incredibly soft-hearted. It always stuns you, how kind and bright he actually is.
"You have clients til' late?" You ask, even though it feels like your lungs might explode.
"Thats eight," James tells you, "No. Just one after you."
You nod, "Early finish. Work harder, Jamie."
James unfolds his arms to point at you, tsking before he orders, "I was gonna have you stop at ten. Go for twelve, now."
It goes on like that through your final set, steady conversation that barely leaves the area of general small talk. You help James put the weights away, even when he tells you not to bother, even though you can only lift one where he lifts two. He checks your watch again, is happy with how hard you've pushed yourself.
"Are we taking progress pictures, this week?" You ask, scooping up your water bottle and car keys.
James shakes his head, "Next week, but I wanna show you something."
He guides you to the mirror against the weight wall where he stands behind you. It's hard to ignore the way he towers over you, almost swallowing you whole, and the inappropriate thoughts that spring to mind, the things you could do in the mirror, the things you'd love to see him do. You swallow. James lifts his hand, his fingertips grazing your shoulder, "You see how your shoulder is more rounded, now, instead of flat?"
You nod, scared to speak.
"That's muscle. It's the same here," His fingertips blaze a burning trail down your arm, "Your biceps, your abs," They skim over your waist, dip around your back, "Your glutes, your thighs, calves," He removes his hand, fingers flexing at his sides as though he's physically straining not to touch you. "All the muscle is growing. You're getting along so well you don't need progress pictures to notice it anymore."
Your face feels like it's on fire, your body leaning back into him until you feel the heat of his body, your shoulder brushing his arm. "So you're worth the money, then?" You ask, voice hoarse.
James smirks, his eyes lighten a little, "Oh, for sure."
Your eyes meet in the mirror, his head tilts a little downwards into a nod. "Same time next week?" He asks.
"That works." It comes out in a breath, your eyes unable to leave his.
You're not sure what normal behaviour is from a PT, but this doesn't seem like it. The thought of him acting like this with other clients makes your tummy twist uncomfortably, and you come to the startling realisation that you may be well and truly fucked. There's a reason you look forward to going to the gym, even though it takes all of your energy, there's a reason you save your nicest gym sets for the days you attend training. There's a reason you find yourself purposefully having the wrong form, if just to feel James' touch. It's wildly inappropriate, you know that. But you can't stop it or change it.
James nods, "Okay, well. You did great today. You should be chuffed."
He's so genuine, so nice, so fucking handsome. His brows hook in the middle at your hesitation, the way you force a smile onto your lips as you step away, turn to face him. "Thanks, James."
"Give me a message if you need anything, but if not, I'll see you next week." His eyes flick to the metal door, which creaks open and his next client comes through.
You hate the way you feel relief at the man who waves at James, the fact it's not some beautiful, toned woman. It makes you feel childish.
"Cool. Bye, James."
He waves, letting you start to walk away before he approaches his next client. The door swings shut behind you after a small smile to the man waiting, the cool air dousing you with a cold, startling reality. Your relationship with James doesn't extend past the gym, past a professional setting where you're paying James to train you. He'll never see past that.
And if James is inside the gym getting shit from his best friend about flirting with his cute client, about being so stupidly infatuated that he's come into work on his day off just because it suited you best, well, that's no ones business but his.
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cosmal · 1 year
crying into Remus' arm after a terrible day- he’d be so gentle and understanding :'(
break down at aldi
summary you break down at aldi and have to walk to remus's flat in the rain. remus warms you up after worrying too much. or just the right amount.
content remus lupin x fem!reader, hurt/comfort
Your knock against Remus's door is tiny. You're surprised you hear him shuffling up the hall after a few seconds of moping outside. Though the surprise doesn't last for long when there's another sob wracking its way up your throat.
You stifle it when Remus appears. He looks tired and soft all at once. Though his tiredness quickly warps into something like worry. His eyes widen, "You're all wet."
Right. You'd forgotten it was raining. You feel a little numb. "I'm sorry, were- were you asleep?"
"No." You know he's lying.
"Can I come in?" you hiccup through another dry sob. You don't know why you're asking. You're tired and you need to sleep. He hums a sympathetic noise and moves to the side to let you in when you step forward. You slowly move past him and stop at his shoe rack to toe your joggers off.
"Don't worry about that, just go sit down, sweetheart." He put his hands on your shoulders to guide you out to his dining room.
"I'll get grass on your rug," you mumble wetly, letting him move you around like you've never been to his flat before.
"Did you walk here?" He ignores your qualms about making a mess and sits you in a chair. You slump into it and it scrapes backwards.
"My," You stop to sniffle, pushing your palms into your eyes meanly, "my car broke down."
Remus moves to kneel at your feet, carefully untying your laces, "You couldn't call me?"
You push into your eyelids until you see stars, "I locked my phone in my car," you sigh.
He takes your shoes and wet socks off, and moves up to grab your hands from your face, "Sweetheart," he coos. He squeezes at your fingertips and it feels nice. It's unexpected. The numbness stretches out and all you can feel is the heat from his skin.
When he wipes the moisture from your face you're not sure if it's tears or rain. You’re sure it's both. Remus stands again and moves to your side to wrap his arms around your shoulders.
"You'll get all wet," you mumble.
"Don't care," he says, squeezing you closer.
"You're in your nice pj's." You look up at him with glassy eyes and Remus feels like he could actually cry with you.
Despite yourself, you push your face into his abdomen and let yourself cry some more. If he wasn't so nice it might be easier to not cry. It's strange. He's so lovely that you cry because you feel like you can.
Remus sets to pushing the damp hair away from your wind-whipped face, tucking strands around your ears. Wiping the water that beads at its ends on his shirt. With your face in his torso, he can get away with making a mess.
“Where’s your car?” he asks, using his hand to hold your head close. He wants you to cry now if you’re feeling like it so he can get you out of your wet clothes without you as upset. He’d rather you not cry at all, really.
“The carpark at Aldi,” you sniffle into his shirt. When you talk all you can smell is him. Like his sheets and the rosehip shampoo you bought for him.
“The Aldi near your work?” he asks. You can hear his own upset he’s trying to hold back.
“Sweetheart, that’s 20 minutes away,” he tells you like you don’t already know this. Like you didn’t already walk here.
“I didn’t know what else to do.”
Remus hugs you closer like it’s possible and worries, even more, when you shiver. “It’s okay. Let’s just get you changed, huh?”
You nod and Remus lets you go when he thinks you want him to.
He helps you into some of his clothes. A pair of old bottoms, and a cable knit sweater over the thickest thermal he can find. He gets you on his sofa under at least three soft blankets, and a cup of tea. He thinks maybe he should get you in his lap to make sure you really are warm. He decides against it.
“Warm enough?” he asks once he settles down. You reach for his hand straight away.
“Perfect,” you murmur, setting your head against his shoulder. His shirt soft under your cheeks, soothing the sting of your skin. You relax.
There’s a beat of silence only filled by the whir of his small fan heater on the rickety stool he’d made sure was pulled as close as he could until the cord pulled taut.
He nudges your head with his shoulder, "I'm sorry you had such a shit day, dove."
You push your nose into his arm and breathe him in. "It's okay," you say a little jumbled up. You'd rather stay here in his arm than talk about it. You'd rather be with Remus than do most things most of the time. "I'm just glad I'm home."
Remus's heart swells, "Home." He could die on the spot, he's sure of it.
You know what he means. Remus's flat has been home for you for longer than both of you can remember. It hadn't felt like home for him until you. "Yeah," you say, eyes fluttering closed.
Remus is sure he'll tease you for how quickly you fall alseep around him. He's sure he'll ask you to move in as well.
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lunardeao3 · 3 months
Hello everyone!
Just a quick message to let you know I posted chapter 35 of Footnotes and Wildflowers. I also finished to outline the fic so it should be 65 chapters long.
Also, my friend @vandekogh made this beautiful moodboard for the fic and I wanted to share it with you all. I added it to the very first part but I know some of you won't ever open it again yet it deserved to be seen.
Enjoy this chapter and take care of yourselves 💚
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where-is-vivian · 1 year
jegulus valsing/slow dancing more or less clumsily to Comme D'Habitude (by Claude François), together and alone in James' Headboy Dorm, at night, because it's winter and it's too cold to meet at the Astronomy Tower now
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