#fence skating au
boopshoops · 5 months
Jocia Gains - Second Half of the Whole
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Name: Jocia Gains
Nicknames: Jojo, Jo, Hosta, Reine des Epices, Barracuda
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bicurious
Birthday: November 29
Age: 18 in canon TWST age, 20 in TCOAV AU
Height: 5'10 or 178cm
Voice Claim: Rosa
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Twisted from: :)
Unique Magic: N/A
Grade: Junior
Class: 3-A
Hobbies: Figure skating, playing baseball, working out, motorcycling, skateboarding, fencing, sparring.
Likes: Animals, family, high speeds, summer, competition, the ocean, seafood, bad TV productions (to make fun of), storms, bulgogi.
Dislikes: False gossip/shit talking, olives, cooking, baking, studying, reading, school, cleaning, dry weather, her anger
Fears: Bugs, spiders, losing her family, failing to protect people, being abandoned.
Summary: The local delinquent of Royal Sword Academy. She has a threatening aura that keeps other classmates far away from her, and she is only a student in name. She spends most of her time attempting to find a way home, even if that includes sneaking out of campus and skipping class.
With a spicy hot temper equivalent to a ghost pepper, Jocia is no stranger to fights. Her anger often gets the better of her, landing her in all sorts of trouble. However, her intentions are often good. She works harder than most in order to defend and protect those she cares for, even to the point where she would prioritize them over herself.
Similarly to her sister, Yuu, she is aware that she is not a great person. Unlike Yuu, though, she does have a set of morals. She works to better herself, and she doesn't go out of her way to harm those she sees as innocent.
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Character Playlist - Outfit Inspiration
Author's notes: Jocia is probably my oldest character ever. Well, at least of the ones that have stuck around. There were a few before her which have been scrapped or recycled into my newer OCs. I created her in middle school, approximately around 2015. She typically acts as a protagonist or morally-iffy anti-hero type foil character.
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cuddles-with-dragons · 4 months
Give me a High School AU!
The Batch are all sophomores, the original 4 are bros. Echo & Fives are their cousins that moved in with them.
Omega and Boba are freshmen. And have the worst sibling rivalry.
The "show the new kids around" is what gets Omega into the friend group. Hunter has to show her around, make sure she knows where everything is, etc. Fennec does the same for Boba.
Every school has to have a sport to obsess over, and I'm choosing soccer. Jango is the coach, he is tired of wrangling the Kamino Kraken.
This inevitably leads to Crosshair yelling "TECH WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY SHINGUARDS?!"
Hunter tried to flirt with Fennec and she slapped him.
Tech is having trouble asking out this cute girl who flirted with him and Crosshair says: "Ask Hunter if you wanna know what not to do."
Phee is that girl. The cool, doesn't-give-a-shit-what-you-think, skateboards-to-school girl.
Tech ends up with the bright idea of learning to skateboard. Everyone else is completely on board because they want to see him fail miserably.
It actually ends up working and Phee notices him, just not in the way Tech intended.
Tech, after falling flat on his face at the skate park: ...owwww Phee, who witnessed the whole thing: *runs over and kneels next to him* Holy shit, are you okay?! Tech: *looks up* *flustered stuttering* Phee: Hey Brown Eyes, I asked if you're okay? Tech: ...um...just a few scrapes...um...uh... Crosshair, standing behind the fence of the skate park: *hands Fives 10 bucks* Well, she did notice him. Fives: Just not in the way he meant.
Tech: Dumbest scar stories, go! Hunter: I burned my tongue once drinking coffee. Omega: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned. Echo: I have a piece of graphite in my leg from when Fives accidentally stabbed me with a pencil in the first grade. Wrecker: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn. Crosshair: I have emotional scars.
Hunter: Is it still visible? Where Fennec slapped me? Omega: Your face looks like a don't walk signal. Tech: Your face looks like a photo negative for the hamburger helper box. Crosshair: A palm reader could tell Fennec's future by looking at your face. Fives: The phrase 'talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening' doesn't work for you, because the hand is your face. Hunter: ...A simple 'yes' would've sufficed.
*while waiting outside the principal's office* Crosshair: What are you in for? Fixer: Oh, they just want to know if it’s cool if I miss my classes tomorrow to run sound and lights for a presentation in the auditorium. What about you? Crosshair: I stabbed a kid with a pencil. Fixer: Fixer: Fixer: We live very different lives. Crosshair: Yes we do.
Hunter, near tears: I have the sex appeal of a math book! Crosshair: I don’t know, dude, I've never met anyone besides Tech that opened a math book and didn't say “fuck me”.
Hunter: We all have our demons. Omega, grabbing Boba: This one’s mine!
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Bruised Figure
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason aspires to become a figure skater despite obstacles in his personal life.
Chapters: 2/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Catherine Todd, Willis Todd, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain
Additional Tags: Figure Skater AU, Chronically Ill Jason Todd, Hurt/Comfort
Chapter Two: Corkscrew
The year after Jason's skating lessons with Catherine started, he saw the World Figure Skating Championship for the first time. His eyes were glued to the screen as the men and women glode across the ice. Catherine slept on the couch behind him. That was all she did as of late. So, he'd skate by himself. He couldn't afford to go to the rinks, so he took his ice skates to the private academy. A girl in their neighborhood showed him how to sneak onto the campus once, and he was still small enough to fit under the hole in the fence. Jason was determined to do what he saw the men on tv doing, even if it took him a lifetime to learn. He found the unlocked entrance to the school's gym, and he snuck down to their ice rink.
Once Jason managed to pull the heavy metal doors open, a few boys and girls were already there. He hesitated, but the slamming of the door behind him drew attention to him. "If you snuck in to skate, you're one of us!" one of the boys yelled. All the other children agreed with him. Their voices melded together as they shared their thoughts. Jason rushed down the bleachers and took his shoes off, tying them around his neck before putting on his ice skates.
An older girl skated toward him and stopped right in front of him. "You wanna see something cool?" the older girl asked. Jason nodded. He moved a few paces away from Jason before approaching a spin. Jason waited for the girl to come back, but the girl didn't. She just kept skating. Eventually, Jason checked his skates to see if they were tied correctly and went out on the ice. He was scared to skate close to all the older kids, so he kept close to the edge. Before attempting anything, Jason closed his eyes and imagined Catherine was right there. The thought of her voice soothed him, and when he opened his eyes, he was spinning.
It caught the older boy's attention, and Jason's breath caught as the boy that first spoke to him came close. He swallowed hard and swizzled backward into the guard rail. "How old are you?" he asked.
Jason chewed his lip and whispered, "I'm six years old." He wrung his little hands, and the older boy backed away, just enough for Jason to see that he wasn't a threat. Jason's shoulders relaxed.
"Do that spin again," the older boy commanded softly. Jason nodded and closed his eyes again, focusing only on the imagined sound of Catherine's voice, and when he opened his eyes, he did it again. He felt self-conscious, but the wide-eyed look of wonder in the older boy's eyes set him at ease. "I know most boys in Gotham wanna go into hockey, but I think you should think about figure skating. You'd be good at it." The older boy messed his hair up and glid away. Jason grinned an open mouth grin, and he kept practicing at the same spin until he was too tired to go on.
He changed into his shoes and took the bus home. It was nearly dinnertime when he got back, and Willis was furious. "And where the hell have you been?" Willis yelled. Jason took his skates off his neck and set them down on the floor. "It's almost dinnertime, and don't tell me you were at the rink because I didn't give you any money to go! I checked!" Willis picked him up and shook him.
"I went to the rink at the rich school," Jason confessed. Willis dropped Jason, and he landed hard on the carpet. Jason closed his eyes, anticipating a blow to the head, but nothing happened. He opened his eyes and wiped his face as a few tears slid down his cheeks. Willis crouched down in front of him. "Honest," Jason whispered.
"Go get ready for dinner," Willis muttered. Jason got up and ran off to the bathroom to wash his hands.
Catherine sat up on the couch and looked around the room. "Was that Jason?" Catherine asked. Willis didn't answer. He turned the oven off and sat down at the kitchen island. Jason came out of the bathroom, and he went straight to Catherine.
She wrapped her arms around him, but it didn't give him any comfort. Her weight was heavy on his shoulders, and she smelled different. He wanted to pull away from her, but he didn't want to hurt Catherine's feelings. When she let go, he went to the kitchen and took his tv dinner out of the oven, and he sat down at the coffee table on the floor. Willis had a drink and sat down across from Jason, blocking his view. "The two of us guys should go to the gym. Hit the heavy bag," Willis grinned, "Give the skates a rest during the warmer weather?"
Jason looked down at his dinner. He didn't want to make Willis mad. "I like ice skating," Jason mumbled. Willis grabbed his wrist as a threat.
"I'll be damned if I let my son—."
"Willis, let him go," Catherine whispered. Jason took a deep breath and tried to take his wrist back. Willis held his arm in an even tighter grip in response. Jason let out a whimper, and he nearly let out a cry as Willis picked him up by his arm. "Willis, stop! You're gonna break his arm!" He yanked Jason over the coffee table, and Jason's arm popped.
He started to wail violently, and once Willis realized what he'd done, he cursed under his breath. "Shhh... Stop crying. Shit. Jason, I'm taking you to the emergency room," Willis whispered, "Just stop screaming! Stop!" Jason tried to, but he couldn't stop crying.
"Give him to me," Catherine whispered as she got up from the couch. He picked Jason up, gave him to Catherine, and she followed Willis downstairs. She stumbled a few times down the steps, and Jason held onto her with his uninjured arm. "I know it hurts, but you're gonna be alright."
Willis hailed a cab, and the three of them got in. "The emergency room," Willis commanded calmly. Catherine buckled her seatbelt while holding Jason on her lap. Jason hadn't stopped crying since his shoulder popped out of its socket.
"Can you roll the back window down a little? Maybe the cold air will calm him down," Catherine whispered. The driver nodded and rolled Catherine's window down. Willis tried to touch Catherine's arm, and she pulled away. Catherine pressed a kiss to Jason's head and whispered something to Jason that neither Jason nor Willis could make out. The cab driver heard her, and he continued to drive towards the emergency room.
Catherine carried Jason to the front desk while Willis paid the cab driver. The nurse took him to check his vitals, and she took off his jacket to look at his arm. "Hi, I'm Nurse Lila. How old are you, sweetheart?" the nurse asked. Jason tried to stop crying as he answered her, but he couldn't calm himself. Catherine lied about Jason playing at the playground and popping his shoulder out of the socket. The nurse nodded, and she took Jason and Catherine into the hall, and Willis followed behind them. Lila explained what was going on and gave Jason a sedative. During that time, she sat and talked with him. "How old are you, sweetie?"
"Six," Jason hiccupped as he calmed down.
"So you're first grade?" Nurse Lila asked. Jason nodded. "Can you tell me what time it is on the clock right now?"
Jason sat up and looked at the clock on the wall while the nurse popped his shoulder back into its socket, and she messed up his hair. The sudden shift startled him, but it didn't hurt. "Seven-oh-three," Jason answered. She chuckled and said something to his parents, and he lay back in his seat. He didn't remember much after that.
When he woke up, he was in his pajamas, and his arm was in a sling. He was still sore, but Willis never asked him about boxing after that. It was the last time they ever talked about Jason's skating. Willis left it alone after that, but the fear never left Jason.
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symphonic-scream · 2 months
Persona XMen/Mutant au update!
So I've narrowed down only a few characters, those all being P5 characters. So I guess I'll focus in on that group for now, but I still wanna do stuff with the SEES and Investigation Team, not just the Phantom Thieves
If a characters name is Red, they're locked in. If their name is blue, I'm on the fence. White name means I have Nothing
Here are the ones I have so far;
Joker - physical mutation of demon sorts. Horns, maybe wings, feathery black wings. Maybe he's got a second one that's like, related to Thievery or Stealth? I'm trying to work out something like Third Eye
Ryuji - monkey tail! That's for sure, monkey tail. But he's like a power cell, he can "steal" electric charges and power from things he touches, and can release it, too.
Ann - physical immunity to fire, along with taking on a form made of fire. Think, Iceman, but fire
Yusuke - frost breath?? Ice touch?? I'm very lost for him
Makoto - friction manipulation is what I'm calling it? She can change the friction between herself and stuff around her, like lowering resistance with the ground to skate on it, or raising it to hold something back
Futaba - something tech related??
Haru - I've got nothing
Sumire - who's to say?
Goro - nope. Nothing here yet
Bonus! Sae - knows her odds. She knows the chances of her decisions resulting in good or bad results, and makes judgements off of those odds
Now, for some plot stuffs. I don't have much just an idea
So each of the three teams would be catered towards one aspect, like the SEES are the Combat-focused team from Igor's school for Mutants. The Thieves would be, thieves
Like, stealth. Retrieving important documents and info, planting viruses and such before a more head on attack by SEES, working very behind the scenes, with the end goal being to keep the world safe, and help the relationship between humans and mutants
Each would have their own reasons for being at the school. Looking for ideas for those too
Anyways. Yeah. That's the update! If you have ideas at all I'm so down to hear em
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ladylooch · 2 years
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Current Master List
Updated: 1.12.2024 | plz read rules here before requesting 😘
Purple Text indicates a series/ LadyLooch AU
Smut is indicated with a * ; 18+ content, Minors DNI
Mat Barzal
Drunk Me
Your Protector *
Barzy on a First Date
College Graduation
Sweet Caretaker
Anthony Beauvillier
Begin Again
Kevin Fiala
Letters in your Last Name (Series) *
Magic in the Kitchen * & The Best Part of It * & Beach Day
All Star
Hot Tub Smut *
Nico Hischier
What My World Spins Around (Series) *
Handsy in Target
Where I'm Supposed to Be
Hurt on the Road
Ours *
Nico's Biggest Fan *
Next Morning
The Devil and a Ranger *
What the Doctor Ordered
A Night of Firsts *
Morning After
Zebras on a roof top
Part 2
Tik Tok Torture
part 2
Fake *
You're Not The One
Flower Picking *
Swiss Showers *
Crossing Paths
A Real Man *
At Home with Nico
Losing Control *
No Nut November *
Nico's New Girlfriend
Movie Night at Home
Summer Heat *
Nico Hischier and Anniversaries *
Recovery *
His Superstar *
Anything to you *
Island Injury
Halloween Let Down
Nico Hischier & Timo Meier & Kevin Fiala
Lio & Lucie ( Hischier & Meier cousin Blurb Series) *
Liv X Luca (Meier & Fiala kids Blurb Series) *
Adrian Kempe
Another Round of Me and You * & Yours
Greener Side of that Fence
Soft Moments
Skating Coach
Friends to Lovers & New Girlfriend
The Way You Look Tonight
Parallel Lines
Timo Meier
Loving & Leaving (Series) *
Never Til Now *
Inexperienced *
New Neighbor in Jersey
Nailed It *
Keep My Head Up
Beard Burn *
Halifax *
More of This
Flashing *
Skating with the Sharks
Eager Beaver *
Yacht In Ibiza *
John Marino
Odds were against us
Trevor Moore
Choose Me
Brady Skjei
All About You *
Tie Me Up *
Miles Wood
Shot In the Dark AU (Series) *
Size Matters *
Nothing Like Her
Days Like This
Mile High Miles *
I Need a Big Boy *
Perfect Storm
All I'm Seeing is Red *
Concert with your big boy
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polutrope · 7 months
Oh my God Daemags + ice skating pretty please?
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Here you are @imakemywings and @i-did-not-mean-to! 1.1k words of everyone's favourite nerdy gays. No warnings other than a couple soft expletives and one suggestive remark. Context: In this AU, Daeron is Luthien's brother. Daemag have the "And they were roommates" arc. This is about 6 months into their romantic relationship.
“I think we should go on a date.”
Daeron stilled the chopsticks supporting a cascade of rice noodles over his steaming bowl of pho and wrinkled his nose. “Isn’t this a date?”
“Like an actual date. This is just us being too lazy to cook.”
“Dates are expensive.”
“I’ll pay for it.”
“Oh no no. I told you I don’t like it when you get all charitable.” Daeron glared and lifted the noodles to his mouth. “I have money,” he grumbled around a slurp.
“Great,” said Maglor, exasperation mounting, “then why do you care if it’s— never mind. I thought we could go skating at Ivrin Square.”
“Skating?” Daeron’s face twisted in disapproval. “Oh come on Mags, that is so silly. Not to mention what a waste of energy it is cooling the ice… you know temperatures are 3 degrees above average this winter?”
Maglor reached across the table and smacked his boyfriend’s arm affectionately. “Get over yourself, Dae-bae. I’m taking you skating and you’re gonna have fun.”
Shrieks of glee and the scrape of blades against ice filled the square as a crowd of skaters looped round and round the large Christmas tree in the middle of the rink.
“Someone is definitely going to crash into that thing,” said Daeron, tipping his chin in the direction of the tree. “Dammit, these things are so uncomfortable!” He shoved a foot into his rental skate.
Maglor snugged Daeron’s scarf around his neck and pulled him forward for a kiss. Daeron made a sound of protest but didn’t push him off. “It’s a good thing you’re so cute when you’re cranky,” said Maglor, then affecting a posh British accent, “Dost thou require help with thy boot, Prince Daeron?”
Daeron snorted. As he laced up his skate, he muttered teasingly, “You’re such a nerd.”
“So says renowned local history podcaster Daeron Singh-Goel! Oh, and please remind me which of us studies Aramaic on work time?”
“Akkadian, not Aramaic.” Daeron tied a bow on his second skate. “I’ve told you this like a hundred times.”
“Whatever, they’re both equally dead.” Daeron opened his mouth to protest but Maglor leapt up, dragging Daeron with him. “You ready?”
They shuffled awkwardly to the rink entrance. “So,” said Maglor, bracing himself with one arm on either side of the gate, “when was the last time you went skating?”
“Uuh, I dunno, Lúthien dragged me to Aelin Uial when it froze over last winter. Maybe February? Why?”
“Mmhm. And are you… good at it?”
“I mean I know how to stop and skate backwards and stuff.”
“Cool.” He slipped Daeron a smile and grasped for his hand. “Come on, then!”
“Maglor. Do you know how to skate?”
“Sure!” Maglor fixed an enthusiastic grin on his face. “How hard can it be?”
“Oh my god,” Daeron said, as he was dragged onto the ice. Almost immediately, he was straining to hold Maglor upright.
“I can’t believe you don’t know how to skate!” Daeron shouted, guiding Maglor to brace himself on the flimsy plexiglass fencing. “This was your idea!”
“Yeah, and I know how much you love being better than me at something.” Maglor yanked him into am embrace. “See? I’m already holding myself up.”
“I am holding you up,” Daeron said, “which is really not easy considering you’re half a foot taller.”
“More than half a foot, I think. Come on, Dae, show me your fancy tricks.”
Daeron groaned, but slid his hands down Maglor’s arms to clasp both hands, then began to slowly pull him backwards. “All right, good. No, no! Keep your feet together. Yes, like that, toes in. No, not that in. And look at something that’s not moving— no, don’t look at me.”
“You love this,” Maglor whispered.
Daeron ignored him. “All right, we’re gonna turn now, easy. Just keep your weight balanced— wait, no!— aaahh! Ow!”
In an instant, they were horizontal on the hard ice, Maglor laughing gleefully and Daeron sputtering a string of curses that only made Maglor laugh harder, especially considering the number of small children dodging them.
“You did that on purpose!” Daeron cried, scrambling to one knee. “Get up, get up!” He yanked Maglor to a seated position. “That’s dangerous! We have knives on our feet. Get up! And stop laughing like a madman, someone is going to think we’re drunk.”
But no one seemed to be under that impression as far as Maglor could tell. The other skaters wobbled and glided past them with amused smiles. “Fine, fine,” he said. “I’ll do better staying up for you.”
“Oh my god.” Daeron rolled his eyes. “Are you drunk?”
“Of course not. I’m just having fun.”
Daeron took both his hands and looked at him with resigned affection. “You’re so crazy. Come on,” he held out an arm to act as leverage, “get up.”
It was only once upright that Maglor registered the smarting of his hip and knee, so he stuck to the sidelines for a while after that. Daeron, as predicted, could not resist the temptation to show off a little. Maglor smiled as he swooped past him, throwing in the occasional flourish with his arms. And as it turned out, once you got the hang of it, skating round and round wasn't that difficult.
It was also rather boring after about ten minutes, and Maglor found himself singing along to the carols blasting on the speakers.
“You know I can hear you all the way on the other side,” Daeron said, sliding up beside him.
Maglor raised his voice in answer. “A beautiful night, we’re happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland.”
A passer-by whooped and clapped. “All right!”
“…to sing a love song, while we stroll along…” Maglor reached for Daeron’s hand.
“Now you’re showing off,” Daeron said.
“Come on, Dae, I need a harmony— He’ll say, ‘are you married?’, we’ll say, ‘no man, but you can do the job when you’re in town!’”
Daeron pursed his lips in a way that said he was trying very hard to resist joining in.
“Later ooon, we’ll conspire, as we dreeeam by the fire, to face unafraid, the plans that we’ve made.”
Daeron relented, and together they chorused the last lines: “Walking in a winter wonderland.”
A family on the sidelines cheered and applauded. No more able to resist the draw of an audience than Maglor was, Daeron smirked and guided Maglor in a cautious twirl.
They both laughed as Maglor narrowly avoided another fall.
“So, are you having fun?” Maglor asked.
Daeron huffed and said, “Yeah, yeah. I guess,” then gave Maglor a quick kiss before gliding backwards and launching spiritedly into the next song.
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adoptedmadrigal2 · 2 months
Modern au headcannons for upcoming stories
These head cannons are for my modern au that is set in the early 90's and extends through to present day. Ocs will come later for right now Isa and Dolores are only smol
Pepa owns a small business where she makes custom jewelry with crystals she tumbles herself. She also makes photo frames and nerdy home decor to sell.
Julieta runs a catering business out of the home. She has plenty of room and is excellent at time management. Her clients always leave astonishingly large tips for her because the quality of her work is so high.
Agustin is a carpenter, he works from 6am to 8 pm on weekdays and has weekends off unless there is an important deadline. He usually brings home the biggest weekly pay unless it's the holidays, then Pepa brings in big bucks for her commissions.
Felix works with his brothers at their pool and outdoor refurbishment company, depending on the day he could install a pool, mow lawns, pressure wash sidewalks, etc. He goes in at 7am after dropping the kids at school and is often home either by or before 6 the next evening. Rare occasions have him working later especially if complications arise with a pool
Isa and Dolores are extremely crafty and responsible. There's always some type of craft or project in progress between them. In their spare time they like to do all sorts of things as far as sports or creativity goes.
Luisa is often roped into the eldest two's shenanigans and she loves it because sometimes she feels left out because she's two years younger than them.
Mirabel and Camilo love to run and play while Pepa and Julieta keep watch. When they're playing their favorite game to play is pretend, Camilo has such a big imagination and Mirabel feeds off of him. They can come up with some wild stories
Dolores and mariano are high school sweethearts
Casita keeps magically growing and each kid has a subdued gift (ex Pepa only controls the weather of the room she's in or has a small cloud above her head only, Isabela can only make flowers bloom or form flowers in her hands)
Bruno is a truck driver and is seldom home, he comes home only for holidays or if he's in the area.
The house is on a half acre property and is completely fenced in.
All kids have bicycles and roller skates. The five of them like to take the evening and go around the block. The eldest can go by themselves to most places in town. Luisa is usually accompanied but can go on her own if she pleases, Mir and Milo must be accompanied if they leave the property.
There is a large backyard swing set and play house for the children to play on.
The eldest girls have flip phones. Though they hardly ever use them unless it's an emergency. They all love playing games on the family Nintendo (GameCube, then Wii after Christmas 2003)
To prevent arguments each family member has their own Gamecube and Wii remote to use.
Hope you enjoy ❤️
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kori-senpai · 2 months
What’s an au (or aus) that you would love to see in the Fence fandom? Any guilty pleasure tropes, tags, universes? 🪐💫✨
AUs I like. Hm. Im a big sucker for pirate AUs in general (@ryerum did a really cool secret Santa fanart for that and while it wasn't for me it really made my day). Since I haven't read any fics in three years, a fact that I cry over nightly btw, I can't tell you if an AU for that exists, but if it doesn't then someone should get to that. Soon. When I'm finally able to read again I need me some pirates or I'll promptly just wilt away :')
Oh, something else that gets me everytime is cowboys. Johanna made lovely fanart for that a good while ago and I remember other people mimicking that after that, so that was neat to see. Inspiration is like a forest fire I suppose and I'm the black kite watching happily at my brethren spreading it yada yada insert something actually philosophical here
Magical fantasy stuff is also a seller to me. But people tend to go off on tangins with that, either over explaining or not explaining original ideas at all, which whiffs me out a bit. It's a difficult balance, but if you find a good one that hits then boy oh boy 👀
Honestly, all things considered, it's all pretty basic. I read most things if they're formatted and at least decently written (English isn't my first language either so I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to grammatical errors and punctuation - I mean, look at all my commas. At least half of them will probably be incorrect as well since I'm used to putting so many, because us Germans love them commas in, the, middle, of, the, sentence)
If you wanna get Fence specific, there's the very obvious 'Nicholas actually being raised by Robert as his son' which is neat, anything that deals with Seiji's parents in a good manner (more trope than AU here), and I like the different sport AUs that give the guys anything but fencing. Big defender for the most used being ice skating if I assessed that correctly
Look, an ask where I stayed on topic the whole time. Isn't that neat. Anyway, thanks for the asks, anon, it was really nice to reflect a bit on all that lol :)) (translation for: wow I sure do love attention gimme more)
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praline-elegy · 5 months
I want to write a Fence!Hockey au. Would the au just be called Hockey then? lmao 😆⛸️❄️✨
Alternatively a solo skater au, or maybe just an au involving skating at an ice rink or frozen lake during winter break ❄️✨
I can picture Nicholas knowing the ins and outs of operating a zamboni… He’d probably own a dull orange skate patrol jacket too ⛸️🧡
Tbh this au is for Thomas but I could easily envision Seiji and Nicholas in the background 👀💞✨
Omg and a cute hot chocolate scene!! 🍫🍫✨
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glowingvenus · 4 months
What other sports aus would you love to see our favorite Fence characters in?
well, as a former cheerleader that's the first thing to come to mind, and i love boy cheerleaders but i simply don't think these boys have the right flavor of toxicity and drama like the girlies do... there's really nothing like teen girl venom 📣 it could be fun to write (or read) something short tho. seiji is serious about his stunts and nicholas just wants to wave his pom poms
my favorite sports are the ones that are mainly excuses for minxy little outfits. I know there is an ice skating AU fic "cold as ice" that I'll have to check out one day. I'm also in love with starwritess' tripping over air, and the outfits therein. I also had fun writing about ballerina seiji in pas de deux. 🩰 ballet is a sport, right?
gymnastics... wrestling... oh, what about boxing? ufc? I have to admit the scene where nichoji beat each other's asses in the closet is one of my favs...
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
TMNT 2012 High School AU
Quick headcanons on what I think the 2012 turtles would be like in a high school setting.
The over achiever/teacher’s pet
Has a panic attack if he gets anything below an A-
Class president
On the baseball team, book club, student council, choir, and the fencing team
Mr popular and all the girls at school like him (but ironically he can’t get a date, he’s bad at flirting), most likely will win Prom King
Secretly a geek who loves sci-fi movies and shows specifically Spaceheroes
Works a part time job after school
Reminds the teacher of the homework assignments due
Trouble making bad boy, not a bully just dislikes a lot of people
Gets detention every other week
Skips classes he doesn’t like
Rides a motorcycle to school
Really artistic (Art is his best subject next to gym)
Got kicked off the football team for bad grades, but still does boxing and play street hockey with Casey
Has a crush on Mona Lisa (she hates his guts but he thinks that’s hot and is convinced she’s only playing hard to get)
Has a soft spot for animals
Would be a straight A student, but is failing gym glass
Everyone wants to be his partner in every school project
Has a crush on April (stuck in the friend zone) Everyone at school knows he likes her. The only person who doesn’t know that Donnie likes April is April
On the debate team, chess club, science club, and mathletes
Tutors his classmates on his spare time
Has stage fright and has a hard time doing solo presentations alone
Carefree class clown
Invited to every party
Friends with everyone at school
Failing most of his classes (doesn’t care)
Apart of the school’s drama club and started a skating club and video game club
Most likely to start (and win) a food fight in the school cafeteria
He has a crush on Renet, but he’s happy just being friends with her
Takes a cooking class at school and everyone loves the food he makes
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thornilee013 · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Time to pick up @/kedreeva 's game again this week!
Anyway, rules:
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Here is what I have to offer this week:
1. Silly Little Jean Moreau Fic 2. Baby Jean 3. Dealer's Choice (aka I work on RBB project and then another random project) 4. Needle AU (CW: mentions of self harm, wound infections, and stalking) 5. 101 Ways Not to Say I Do
Snippet from Silly Little Jean Moreau Fic under the cut:
“Oh, I actually didn't start playing Exy until high school,” Jeremy said before taking a bite of his own pancakes and seeming to melt into them. “Oh, I did good,” he moaned before swallowing and continuing. “Anyway, I actually grew up playing hockey and soccer. I got roped into playing Exy because they didn't have enough people on the team and fell in love with it.”
“So you can skate?” 
“I mean, yeah. I used to, at least. It’s been a few years so I'm not sure I'd still be able to skate very fast anymore, but I sometimes get back on the ice at Christmas when my cousins and I are all at my grandparents’. We go down to my grandparents’ ice rink and play a game of hockey together and try not to break each others’ noses.”
Jean took another bite of his pancakes, and somehow they tasted even better in the second bite than they did the first. Jeremy also dug into his plate, making small noises of approval as he progressed. 
“What about you? Did you play any sports back in France?”
Jean shrugged. “Some.”
Jeremy gave a huff of laughter and went in for another bite of pancakes. “Such as?”
"Fencing, ballet, horse riding," Jean listed off, a heated blush rushing across his cheeks as Jeremy’s attention landed on him. “Fencing? You used to fence?”
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blankblueblur · 5 months
I remember a few years back, I made a Sports AU for MyStreet.
Aphmau was a new boxing member who met Aaron, a former wrestler, who also started boxing for some reason and they have their whole enemies to lovers story. I actually didn't really write much about the romance itself, just more about the sports. I think down the line I changed it from boxing to Judo, but then switched it back to boxing.
Now thinking about it, maybe it would be more interesting if she used to be a boxer, he used to be a wrestler and then they were united via judo cause it's like a defensive sport rather than a fighting one.
Katelyn, instead of being a volleyball player, she did Karate. Mostly because I thought it fitted with her more hotheaded and fight-y demeanour from highschool. And then later down the line she'd start struggling with her sport because she relys too much on her anger and negative emotions, so she starts doing meditation to help with it and improves over all as a person, a sorta full circle moment.
Nana/Kawaii-chan was a gymnast. I later realised how much this fell into the "Meif'wa synonymous with cat" stereotype and tried changing the sport. I considered making her a ballet dancer because it fit with her pink, cute, coquette aesthetic, but reflecting on the fact that this fitted into her "Kawaii-chan persona" which was superficial and basically a coping mechanism for her lack of individuality in her family, this didn't seem like a good option (in my own personal opinion).
I did think of writing about her trying to fit in with the ballet dancers and then realising she actually likes a different sport. But like, this was a funny silly AU and doing plots with character development was not the plan, so I left it at that. I also considered roller skating , but it's usually a team sport rather than an individual one, I also considered ice skating for her, but didn't think she'd suit being in a cold environment all that much. So I just left it at gymnast.
She was going to have a whole encounter and duel with Zane, a fencer, (which she loses) but it makes her decide to take a different sport, which was archery. So she technically did both gymnastics and archery in this AU.
Travis and Dante where Tenis players. Travis was originally a ping-pong/table tennis player who later did Tenis after Dante introduced him to the sport, but I decided to rewrite that, for some reason that I don't remember. I did consider badminton but just stuck to Tennis.
Zane did fencing, (at the time, I forgot that originally Vylad did fencing in Phoenix drop High) I think fencing fits Zane better since it's stereotypically seen as a posh and elegant sport, which is perfect for his stuck up attitude. Also Kacey would do fencing, which is how Zane ended up bullying him. And as I said, he'd have a whole confrontation with Nana which would start their budding (one-sided) friendship which later turned into romance. I did consider him for Ballet, but then decided that Kacey would be a former ballet dancer who started fencing, which would be the reason why Zane picked on him (cause he a BITCH)
(Also, I'm a Zane fan, but he's a bitch for 80% the series. It's an irrefutable fact)
For Garroth, I remember being stuck between making him a rugby player or just keeping him with baseball. I think I decided to make him a rugby player just for the sake of changing things up (since this was an AU)
I changed Laurence to a swimmer, cause football is basic AF (I'm not saying it's a bad sport, its just a lil boring. Also I refuse to call it soccer, the entire sport is played with your feet, it's called FOOTball), also I considered making him some kind of surfer or something.
Cadenza was a dancer, I don't remember what type of dancing it was but I remember it was multiple, I think it was flamenco along with some type of Middle eastern dancing, like belly dancing.
I know this sounds really sus, but I remember choosing pole dancing for Lucinda AND HEAR ME OUT, it's such an impressive sport, takes a lot of core strength to do and it's kinda like gymnastics but on a pole. Honestly I consider it one of the most underrated sports just because people associate with stripers, which are two completely different things, but this sport is such an art, at the time I just felt like it fitted her. I also think she did some kind of dancing along with Cadenza, but I don't remember which one.
For Vylad, I chose rock climbing for him, just cause it's not just a sport about physical strength, but mental strength requiring a lot of endurance, also it's very nature related. I imagined Vylad just going out in the wilderness and climbing a massive rock or mountain just for the fun of it.
Gene was a hockey player
Sasha did ice skating or figure skating, which ever they called it. (fits her better than KC tbh)
And sadly I don't actually remember what I chose for Zenix. All I can remember is that I wanted the Shadow knights to all have some snow or ice related sport.
For Ivy and her two friends Alex and Lily, I thought it'd be fun to put them in a roller derby team, I thought it was pretty funny to have them together fighting as a team in roller blades.
Teony was a cyclist, her calves were unmatched and she was always on time, for anything and everything cause she cycled there. I do remember changing her to a badminton player at some point but I don't remember which one I stuck with in the end.
I think Michi was a ballet dancer and, in present time I think she's better suited for it than Nana. I also WOULDN'T make her a villain or antagonist, omg, she'd get along with Nana and they would have fun together as besties. She would be a bit mean and snarky but she would be like a sarcastic opinionated friend who is blunt with you and defends you no matter what and that u can always rely on. (I just wish Jess stopped writing Michi as an awful person 🙏)
Kai was also a swimmer and Nicole did Karate with Katelyn.
And think I just made Kim stick to yoga, like in MyStreet. (I just don't remember if I came up with something different at the time 😭)
Also, I'm writing these from memory cause I came up with this back in 2017. Idk if all these sports suit the characters now that I look back on it.
At the time I didn't add Skate boarding cause when I googled it, it was very unclear if it was considered an actual sport or not, so I didn't add it in. I didn't add running because I thought it was boring at the time (I'm sorry to all track runners 💀)
Also, I didn't add much dancing because that could be its own AU, a whole dance AU because there's so many dancing styles, from modern to traditional and stuff, I thought it would be too much, so I just stuck to basic sports.
But yeah, I just remembered this out of nowhere and thought it'd be fun to share.
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hazmatazz · 1 year
domestic byler headcanons?
i unfortunately don't know the definition of a headcanon but i'll try 👍
some of these will be when mike and will live togeth some will be miwi shit everything's everywhere
they have a bunny for a few years. they both spoil the thing rotten and are sooo soft towards it
while the party doesn't live as close together as when they were younger they still live near enough to hang out sometimes. the party does continue playing d&d but because they all can't meet up always sometimes mike and will just fantasize. maybe it's an adventure or maybe they just make their characters chill just like they're doing
speaking of their d&d characters: they're always together or getting together. the party rolls their eyes at this but will and mike kinda just flirt through it
they have at least one set of matching stuffed animals like this
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uhmm will paints on the parties clothes (as i've talked about before) but do you know how much painted things mike has? like if something of his disapears one day he just assumes will has taken it to customize. he loves every single one no matter how many things he has
when they get their bunny one of them cooes over it and the other finds both of them adorable (this happens a bunch of times)
el gets rlly into beaded bracelet making at one point and mike and will ofc have matching bracelets
said this before but before they get together they are: normal au best friends. cleradin companions. cowboy au partners
mike works at a fancy diner at one point. he hates it but i promise you he looks so pretty in whatever outfit they give him (will def agrees) (also i think both him and max should work at a place where they have rollar skates. even if i don't think they're the best on rollar skates just imagine)
matching tattoos (will made)
the kids in whatever area they live in adore them (i just love the idea they repeat the cycle of the older st kids and are there for some kids in their town. i mean nothing bad happens but like y'know? :) )
mike ofc gets into fencing
mike got an old record player from a thrift store and they sometimes dance to random records (not always slow dance songs)
you don't understand how many love letters will has gotten. even randomly mike just thinks about will to hard and scrambles to get it all down on paper
if they have a backyard they have to have a swingset
they have a set procedure for what to do when the other is having a nightmare. it works everytime
mike figdets with will's hands
while "me and michael" isn't typically will's style iirc he cries to it the first time he hears it (not out of sadness but relief)
fuckers would love legend of zelda
mike would flirt in puns and will would find it cute (while the party groans each time)
miwi time
you know i think tiny mike would be hyperfixated on dinos <3 (and dustin w robots)
will always hated the game tag (me fr)
miwi always hid away from the other children on the playground at recess
will got reallyyy into planetariums and bugs as a kid. but he also afraid to touch bugs so he got mike to do it
will got into origami for just a bit (mike just made hexaflexagons). he still knows how to make a dragon after yearssss
mike always rested his head on will's shoulder/head when they were looking at the same thing
yeah there's some :)!
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ugh-yoongi · 3 months
what sports do you think each of bts would be/look good in?
ooh, fun! maybe an olympics AU kinda thing?
namjoon — winter: speed skating / summer: baseball
seokjin — winter: snowboarding / summer: water polo
yoongi — winter: curling / summer: basketball
hobi — winter: alpine skiing / summer: tennis
jimin — winter: figure skating / summer: gymnastics
taehyung — winter: ski jumping / summer: lacrosse
jungkook — winter: ice hockey / summer: boxing
as for regular sports that maybe are not what they're already into or good at:
namjoon — rugby, american football
seokjin — kickboxing, parkour
yoongi — any kind of martial art or clay shooting
hobi — cheerleading, bobsleigh
jimin — auto racing (formula 1 imo), equestrian
taehyung — soccer, fencing
jungkook — skateboarding, bmx, any kind of x-game
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aromanticbuck · 1 year
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Burzek + the Hockey AU
The first time Adam Ruzek put on skates and stepped onto ice was when he was eight years old, and he never wanted to leave it. He wanted to keep skating, and learn to play hockey as well as his father did, and maybe go all the way to the NHL. That was the first dream he ever had, to play for the Blackhawks one day, even if he wasn’t quite tall enough to use a full size stick yet.
Enthusiasm alone could only get him so far, but that’s what he had a coach and a team for. As soon as he was old enough, his dad signed him up for a club team at the local rink. It wasn’t much, and the team didn’t win many of their games, but he had fun, and he liked coach Olinsky, and he was getting better. All the practice and games, even if they didn’t always end the way they wanted them to, only helped Adam hone his skills.
So, he played through all of middle and high school, learning everything that his coaches had to teach him. When he graduated, college wasn’t exactly his top priority. He wanted to keep playing the game, keep getting better at it, maybe put his name in for the draft. He didn’t quite get that far with it.
He still trained, still spent three hours at the rink, four days a week, running drills and practice shots against the same coach he’d had since he was ten. The encouragement helped, between picking up shifts at one of the food stands at the arena for cash, and he kept all the enthusiasm he’d had for a decade of his life. Eventually, it actually got him somewhere.
Specifically, it got him into a grey and red jersey for the Chicago Mice.
The team had a record that was actually worse than any of the ones from his teen years. They had never won a single trophy. Their playing had been getting better, but they were still far from even reaching for a title. But it was a place to start.
Kimberly had her entire life turned upside down when she was barely a teenager. Her last name was changed, she was moved to the other side of the city to live in what was basically a mansion, she had her entire wardrobe thrown out and replaced with things that would be perfect for the cameras that would follow her around. It had all seemed so silly, living with the Gerwitzes, acting as though they were family when she only shared blood with two of them.
She was a bandage, something to cover the blemish that Gregory III’s affairs brought upon his reputation. She was there to look pretty at events, with her hair done perfectly and her dress some brand new design with a name attached. She was there to get good grades and be the polite little sister to a brother she had to real introduction to before he was driving her to and from school every day. She was there to go to dance lessons that she didn’t want and apply to college programs she wanted even less.
When her father bought a hockey team - just another thing for Greg to inherit instead of her, she was sure - she made a decision. if this family, the one that was supposedly hers, was going to upend her life to pull her into theirs, then she was going to make sure she was an active part, not just an accessory.
She went to watch the Mice play whenever she could get a ride to the arena, even if it meant taking the bus. She cheered louder than anyone on the rare occasions they scored. She made sure the cameras saw her being as loud and as enthusiastic as Thelma Gerwitz made sure she knew she shouldn’t be. She was supporting her father’s latest business endeavor, after all, when her brother would rather be fooling around with boys under the bleachers and lying about how much time he spent fencing.
After high school, she didn’t waste any time. Kim applied to the same business program that Greg had been studying for two years, and made it in, and that was just the start of her master plan. After graduating in less than three years, only missing getting to receive a degree at the same time as her brother buy a few months, things were moving along even faster than she intended them to. But there was a job available at the family business - not something menial like secretarial work, of course, that wasn’t exactly becoming for a Gerwitz, but she wasn’t exactly running things, either.
She ran the schedule - or a version of it. She made the calls that got them better seats on flights, and nicer rooms in hotels at a discount, and that was her routine for every business conference or executive visit. She was in charge of flights and hotels and restaurant reservations, occasionally making extra calls to a few driving companies in the city to ensure there were rides for their visitors everywhere and they didn’t have to arrange them themselves. And she was good at it. But it left her with quite a bit of free time.
All that meant was that she could go back to her old routine. There were still Mice games to catch now that she wasn’t too busy with studying anymore, and she could actually go to them without worrying if she’d have a ride home afterwards.
And, if the first game she caught after settling into her new job happened to be the first time she’d ever seen them actually win, with the winning goal scored by a rookie she’d never seen play before, maybe she could consider that a sign of good things to come. 
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