#feral and protective buck in one episode
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Favorite Buddie Moments Per Episode: 5x6 Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1
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tenebrous-academic · 4 months
About the previous anon. I agree that we did get something but felt like we didn't get anything (?) to indicate their relationship status. I'm not wording this correctly. I mean we know they've been together for a while, *possibly* spending the night at eo's, but at the same time buck haven't talked about tommy apparently? (Idk if it's just bobby or the 118).
It feels like they're still in the testing things out/dating area and not boyfriends just yet, which is fine really.
But I'm hoping the hospital scene is gonna be a step for them getting closer, tommy being there for buck to relay on and get the support and comfort from him. It's gonna be a waste not to use this scene to advance their relationship.
I really hope next episode provides some solid information as to their canon status too! But buckle up because I’m about to overanalyze the fuck out of the scenes we did get:
Based off of this episode, I think it’s safe to say they’ve been seeing each other for at least a few months. During the award ceremony it was mentioned the cruise ship disaster happened “last March.” I didn’t see anything showing what month it current is, but based off the wording we can at least assume enough time has passed for it to be considered last year and not “this March.” That gives the relationship at least 3-5 months depending on how long it took Buck to work up to courage to call Tommy for the first tour of the harbour.
Buck and Tommy have also been together long enough for Tommy to feel comfortable enough to talk about how he was treated by Captain Gerrard and, likely, how he behaved around Chim and Hen back then. I wish we could have actually seen that, as well as the scenes between Tommy, Chim, and Hen hashing things out to make sure there’s no bad blood, but all we have are these new interactions showing all of them as friends now and the past firmly behind them.
But!!! What we did get this episode!
Buck softly signing when he sees Tommy getting his award and beaming like a proud partner.
Buck and Tommy being in sync as they walk around the station together.
Buck giving his bitchiest glare to Gerrard and putting his body between his man and that piece of filth (Chim is iconic for that new nickname).
We also get Buck shown as Tommy’s family/loved one during the ceremony. A clear pattern is established with Hen getting her medal and Karen and the kids clapping, Chimney getting his medal and Maddie clapping, and then Tommy getting his medal and the camera panning over to Buck as he breathes deeply and glows in pride for Tommy. (I also acknowledge that Eddie is shown after Buck gets his medal, but the show has established that Eddie and Chris are family to Buck so I don’t think there’s anything to shippy about it).
He hasn’t talked to Bobby about it, and we don’t know if he’s been talking to anyone else, but we do know that it’s not a secret. That hospital kiss was his announcement and maybe he’s happy with that being the extent of it. I think Buck is the kind of person to keep his happiness to his chest a little bit longer to make sure that it’s his and not everyone else’s. Which I know goes against his past relationships and how he’s always talked about them - but Tommy feels different, so the way Buck would treat their relationship would be different too. It’s something he was to protect and nurture and he doesn’t feel the need to ask his family about it because he already knows the answers.
So, yeah, definitely not as much as I would have liked, but the pieces of their relationship ship we did get were pretty indicative of something solid and meaningful being built between them. I’m crossing every finger the finale gives us more though. We’re being given scraps and I think we’re all going a little feral over the lack of anything truly substantial.
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neptune-scythe · 2 months
thinking about Buck's relationship with Hen and how he probably gravitated towards her over everyone else when he first joined the 118 because she reminds him of Maddie.
like obviously they are very different people, but they're probably around the same age, both strong but in a very nurturing and protective way. and it is safe to say Maddie is the only meaningful relationship in Buck's life until the 118, but at that point he hasn't seen or heard from her in two or three years, so he probably (subconsciously or not) gravitated toward Hen to fill that void.
And Hen fills that position in her own way that's very different from Maddie but still giving sibling energy. which yes she is just naturally a very nurturing person and very protective of her friends and family, but she has a special genre of protectiveness and love for Buck; even as early as the first episode when she's the only one that says anything to him after he gets fired. which if I'm remembering correctly she says something like "we're all sad to see you go" but like ... she's the only one that actually says so to him.
I'm sure there's other instances in seasons 1 and 2 that I'm forgetting (tho tbh that scene in season 1 when they're playing video games is just so sibling coded it's ridiculous in all the good ways), but especially the whole first half of season 3 really highlights their bond.
when everyone is talking about how Buck is moping around his apartment and not doing anything and how he needs to get back to living his life, Hen is the only one who is advocating for him; which is not at all to say the others were attacking him or anything like that, but they did disagree with his choices and Hen was at the least trying to get the other's to see his perspective more and sympathize.
and after the tsunami, the way they hold onto each other
makes me so feral
but it's the way Chim just had one hand on Buck's arm and Buck was just sort of vaguely holding onto his arm too, but then Hen comes in with both arms around him, and Buck holds her arm with both hands and is low-key resting like his entire body's weight on her because she's the only one he can really lean on in that way because he and Chim aren't really that close at that point and he's always subconsciously or consciously trying to prove himself to Bobby and make him proud and Eddie is paying attention to Chrisopher and Buck's had to be strong for everyone all day and then Hen is there and she catches him and supports him and he just lets her because he doesn't have to pretend around her and jqndkdnskfjskjfksjfkdd
but then how she's the only one who welcomes him back on his first day and gets him a cupcake that "bleeds when you cut it" and is just being so casual and normal about him being back and the lawsuit and the blood thinners like it's just any other day and no biggie when everyone else is acting differently towards him in some capacity, mostly negatively (or at least he perceived it as negative).
and the way Hen was the one that convinced Bobby to let Buck out on calls, and was like the first person to just drop the whole lawsuit issue and be like nah it's whatever's welcome back bro
and several smaller instances in later seasons as well,
their conversation in the ambulance in Buck Begins "if you guys hadn't come in when you did" "but we did, and we always will"
Buck going to Hen over literally everyone else in his life including Maddie and Eddie for advice about the sperm donor situation
when they went to the Renaissance faire together with Denny??? mad sibling energy there like that was actually insane
the very specific way that Buck greets her in the hospital after the coma. idk I could be trippin bout that one but its just so soft and completely different from how he greets everyone else and more in line with how he is around Maddie in that scene and when they get back to his appartment
Hen wiping the blood off Buck's face when she's literally concussed and in much worse shape than him and trapped in an ambulance about to fall off an overpass girlie was insane for that
and yeah we all knew Buck was gay, but it's the way Hen knew ... which, gaydar canonically exists among the gays and I can sniff em out a mile away, but I'm just choosing to call that the fact that Buck is Hen's lil brother and she simply knows him in ways no one else does
anyway they are simply siblings and they are so special to me and it's making my brain go feral it's all I can think about I will be posting about it for days just you wait
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minusgangtime · 2 months
The apocalyptic kitty crew batch 12 bios:
“I won’t be deterred,I will protect my family from you.”
Name: gallace
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: determined
Bio: when the crew was allowed to fight infected,he jumped on the chance,using whatever weapon he could to fend off infected,however,there were times where he got hurt and scarred,losing sight in one eye,despite that,his determination hasn’t been deterred,he has stayed loyal til the bitter present. Though he’s super serious when dealing with infected,he’s super energetic and positive with his family.
“They’ll all come around,I know they will,everyone’s strong.~”
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: hopeful
Bio: through the entire apocalypse,he’s seen everything,and has stayed inside the whole time. No matter how difficult his siblings have been,he never loses his patience with them,he’s incredibly sweet and patient with them. He believes deep down,one day,his siblings will heal their physical and mental wounds,though he hasn’t been around long,he knows they’re strong.
“I may not be able to support you in battle,I’ll support you emotionally! With hugs!!!~”
Name: Goldie
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: optimistic
Bio: Goldie hasn’t tried going out or fight,he knows he wouldn’t stand a chance,so instead,he spends his time being a ray of sunshine,doing his best to raise everyone’s spirits despite everything. He really is like his uncle blue..
“I’m sorry for being..u-u-unreliable..”
Name: cookie
Age: 20
Status: infected (stage 3 of glitch infection.)
Feeling: guilty
Bio: cookie was originally a scavenger,he had confidence in his husky genes. However,one day,as he was returning home,he got ambushed by the glitch,it stabbed him in the side,ripping one of the straps from his bag,infecting his blood with the glitch,it corrupted his legs and arms before he was able to get away. Now he stays in his room,not wanting to be a burden to anyone anymore..
“You want my family? You’ll have to get through ME!!!”
Name: rascal
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: determined
Bio: when the crew were allowed to fight,rascal jumped on the opportunity. He uses a baseball bat,and uses his rabbid energy to good use to bash in the infected skulls. Even when not fighting,he can pretty intense,often screaming when feeling a strong emotion,happy,angry,etc.
“Don’t worry,I won’t let them get to me.”
Name: biscuit
Age: 20
Status: immune
Feeling: focused
Bio: when biscuit learned she was immune,she used it to her advantage. She is a scavenger,going out to get supplies,she uses her dark color scheme to blend into shadows,and her long legs to run fast. Whether she’s out or inside,she’s always planning something,thinking of places to get important stuff like food. She has always stayed on topic and focused.
“I know I shouldn’t be scared in my own home..but…”
Name: marshmallow
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: paranoid
Bio: marshmallow has stayed inside during the whole apocalypse,however,the more people that got infected,the more scared she became. Eventually,she stopped coming out of her room,she is paranoid that at any time..she could get infected..if someone chooses to talk to her,she’s often shy and quiet..though she can get loud if she has a episode where she gets more anxious then usual.
“I’ll do anything to protect my family,and make up for my mistakes!”
Name: Cheeto
Age: 20
Status: healthy (cured from corruption.)
Feeling: determined
Bio: about a year and a half into the apocalypse,Cheeto was manipulated and toyed with emotionally by a corrupted infected,and if used that to corrupt him,but luckily,he was saved. Ever since,he’s wanted to make amends for “betraying” his family. So he uses his new corruption abilities and his feral nature to take care of infected. When interacting with his family,he speaks more gently than he did before.
“Shut it! I don’t care what you say!”
Name: buck
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: neutral
Bio: when he was allowed to fight,he joined in to help,he took a spare sword from blues old room and he uses that to deal with infected. He often trash talks infected,especially the more talky ones. When not fighting,he’s the same as he’s always been. He can be feisty and a bit intimidating when serious.
“Oh? You wanna hang with me?”
Name: pixie
Age: 20
Status: healthy
Feeling: insecure
Bio: seeing everyone in distress,pixie at one point,became very insecure of not being much help..as well even though she was a extrovert at heart,she doubted anyone would wanna talk to her..so in order to pass the time,she dove into the world of escapism,by playing video games in her room. Though when someone DOES wanna talk to her,she’ll stop what she’s doing,to pay attention to them,astonished that someone would wanna talk to her. Or if someone wants to play games with her,she’ll invite them over.
-mod shelby
(I'm scared for what's coming for the other doggos ;w;)
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jwnchstr · 5 months
Title: Let Me Tell You (dribbles) (episode 5)
Summary: The Alpha has a big heavy responsibility which was making sure his Pack Members was protected, his Pack Warriors strong, the Pups safe in his Territory. That also means ignoring his nature about mating even though His Omega was sitting right there. Until a plane crashed onto the Alpha's Territory, leaving a pack of human Men wandering closer and closer into his Pack House. Somewhere between the Hunt, the Alpha realises that what if he was one of those Men? What if he died and leaving His Omega think that he rejected her Mating Call instead of only keeping her safe?
Other fics | My Wattpad | Series Masterlist (will update later)
The Alpha found the Men resting and sleeping around a small fire camp in a clearing. It was not a big clearing but enough tree bucks and dry stick for them to make fire to warm themselves. These humans. They shouldn't be here! The Alpha thought the Patrol had directed them away from the Territory but instead, they entered deeper.
In the silence of the night, with the wind howling in the trees, the Alpha made himself presence. He did it on purpose. He wanted these Men to know he's there. In the clearing. With them. He wanted them scared of him. He wanted to kill them all at once. He had the strength. He'd win in the challenge.
These men were humans. They were only humans. And he was a werewolf. An alpha werewolf. The Alpha Werewolf. And he has the Omega who was just as strong as him, but he couldn't bear to see another one of those looks in her eyes after his Pack Member died. And he wanted to kill these Men who had caused this, but he can't.
His Patrols were now with him. He walked out of the shadow, growled and bared his teeth. His eyes stared at the Alpha Man. He's with a torch. The fire will hurt him, but will not kill him.
Then, his eyes averted to the weakest man of the men. He took a slow step forward. His yellow eyes stared at him as the weakest man took a step back. And soon, they stood in a horizontal line like pupils getting punished by their teacher. He growled a few seconds more at him before returning to the Alpha Man.
"Alpha, let's go home," His Second-in-Command suggested. "You don't want to do it tonight. It's the Full Moon."
The Alpha shook his head. The silent conversation scared those Men.
"No. That is exactly why we have to do this."
But the Alpha didn't attack them straight away. He turned around and returned to the blackness. He howled. His Pack members howled. It's the Full Moon. It's the Mating Call across the werewolves continents. While omegas have heats and the alphas have ruts every months, but it's different during the Full Moon.
It's intense. Mated alphas and omegas should be in the chambers together for the whole night to avoid getting feral. That includes the Alpha. However, since the Alpha still seem to think that it's dangerous to answer the Mating Call and be with His Omega, he decided to attack the Men with the betas.
He wanted to kill them himself. He wanted to kill the Alpha Man right now himself. But for joy, he decided that he'll do the Alpha Man last while he watch his betas torture one of them to death. Though this time, he made sure no one was badly injured.
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queerdiaz · 3 years
I really love that both Begins episodes show the great examples of how Buck and Eddie show their love for love each other. 
In Eddie Begins, we see Buck go absolutely berserk when Eddie’s in danger. He’s yelling, trying to dig his way through 40 feet of mud. He’s loud. 
In Buck Begins, when Buck is in danger you see the fear in and worry in his eyes but he’s controlled, bc remember, ‘war zones are kinds my thing’. But he’s the first person to reach Buck to have his back in a scene that has no words shared. He’s quiet. 
Buck is loud while Eddie is quiet. It’s who they are in general and we see it specifically when it comes to each other. Buck loves loudly while Eddie loves quietly. 
*informercial person voice* But wait! There’s more. 
Also in both Begins episodes, we’ve seen two things in their dynamic that have been shown a lot since the ending of s4.
With Buck, in Eddie Begins while they’re coming up with a plan we see Buck be the opposite of his loud worry. He’s silent. Completely and utterly distraught. Very un-Buck-like. And it isn’t until he sees Eddie’s alive and save that he’s back to loving loudly, rushing to Eddie to have his back and giving the biggest and smile and laughing.
Now in the s4 finale and s5, we’ve definitely continued to see Buck love Eddie loudly. The entire sniper scene when he saves Eddie, literally yells that’s he coming from him, ‘stay with me, Eds’, etc. Buck literally breaking down in front of Christopher, Eddie’s son, and letting all of his emotions out through his sobs. All the times his Protective Husband mode was on and trying to get Eddie to tell him why he was having panic attacks. Buck yelling and running for Eddie again in 5x06 when he hears a gunshot and runs towards it - while Eddie finally witnesses Buck going feral when Eddie’s in danger.
But, we also see Buck love Eddie quietly as well. 4x14, after he finds out that Eddie’s okay and breaks down, he’s quiet, distraught (like in Eddie Begins) letting all the effects of what happened just swirl within him. The way he silently smiles at Eddie and Christopher at the end of 4x14. The little moments with in s5 (i.e. when Eddie alludes to breaking up with Ana, his lil smile at Eddie in the balcony scene, ‘Eddie’s acting weird too’, his smile when Eddie tells him ‘You’re stuck with us’.)
I’ve been thinking about the other day and how you mentioned how I keep my true feelings from others. I’m staring to think that you might be right.
Eddie’s not the only one who keeps things to himself.
Which leads me to Eddie.
Eddie usually loves quietly. The soft smiles, the little touches here and there. The way he teases/ And yet at the same time his love language to Buck is also words affirmation. He can be a man of few words when it comes to his feelings in general, but he always knows just what to say that is exactly what Buck needs to hear. (i.e. “There’s nobody in this world I trust more in my son more than you”)
And Buck Begins we see this:
“I had to do it.”
“I know you did.” - He says while giving Buck the softest and purest smile and heart eyes known to man.
And in 4x14 we continue to see these words of affirmation with the iconic double whammy of “No one will ever fight for my son as hard as you” and “Because, Evan....you act like you’re expendable but you’re wrong” and s5 with “You’re the guy who likes to fix things”.
He knows Buck. Deep and intimately. And when he sees that Buck needs to hear those words of affirmation, needs Buck to sees how Eddie sees him, and tells him.
in conclusion: Both Begins Episodes show how the Buck and Eddie show their love for the other (the character whom the episode is focused on). Buck loves loudly but also silently, and yet even that silence is loud. And Eddie loves silently but also can be loud in the sense of the words he says and the pure conviction in the way he says them, how loud their meanings are. And yet he’s still quiet about it, so soft. 
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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I usually do this in our little group chat, but this ep is looking spicy, so I thought I'd make it a post (read all the way through to watch me lose my shit and also guess the ending half way in):
9-1-1 5x06 Live React (SPOILERS)
Is this man gonna die or is he gonna kill everyone?
It feels premeditated, probably by Lucifer
Why do these people only wear fire masks when it's relevant to the plot?
Bobby had the feeling and he was rightttttt
First rule of horror movies guys PLEASE
This is the second mistaken identity issue this season, get y'all's shit together oh my GOD
Okay that angry look on Eddie's face is EVERYTHING 😍
Both of them look very good when they scowl
Eddie is already thinking five steps ahead and planning for the worst I can see it
What do you do when both your child's parents are in mortal danger?
Yes, fuck yes feral protective Dad Buck!!!! rest of the ep under the cut, because this is a long ass post
Ohhhhh shit Bobby got his thinking cap on
This episode is low-key terrifying ngl
Lotta stress 🥲
I stg if Eddie is taken hostage because Buck reacted more angrily at Christopher's threat then he did I'm going to lose it
Buck and Eddie sure have a lot of back talk in them for two people with a gun trained on them
Where's the self preservation you sassy assholes
I don't know if in more worried for Bobby and the crew stuck in the prison or Buck and Eddie rn
I like the Lil ol lady's cardigan ☺️
Oooooh Bobby's doing this run on his own??? Shit!
I'm so proud of him 😍
Awwwwwh hen's missing Chim
WTF do they want at a hospital
Does Lucifer's ex work here???
Haha "Pretty Boy"- don't get fucking shot again pretty boy 😥
Eddie is SO calm- I love this badassery from him
Athena coming in CLUTCH!!!!
Also, Athena and Buck 😍
Ooooooh shit there's a kid involved
Awwwwwh no HE'S GOT A SICK KID
Oh shit he came to give him his own heart?!?!?
Okay okay
Here's my guess:
The situation ends when Lucifer or I guess Mitchell shoots himself and so he's dead and they can use the heart immediately.
I just don't know if Eddie's going to get out of this unscathed.
Oooooh Ravi's going in!! Holy shit he is SO brave for this
Okay decision over I'm more stressed for Bobby and hen and Ravi because the other two have Athena and Athena's is going to take care of them
Jebus cripes hen is doing FULL surgery
Dr. Wilson my beloved ❤️🤩❤️
I'm glad they're getting out and all but can't you die because of nitrous oxide overdose???
I guess we're just going to brush right over that it's okay moving on
Oh my God they made it thank God
The situation is very easy in Buck's eyes: Kill the guy, save the kid, save his boyfriend partner
"I want you to shut up" Eddie says as if this psychopath hasn't killed several people and has a gun in his hand ready to kill Eddie also???? you go bitch 💯
Eddie is trying to actually help this guy... It's the dad in him- I wonder if he'd do the same for Chris
Eddie got fucking caught up in the sentimentality of a dad giving us everything for his son and I think it's going to bite him in the ass
Oh my God bucks face holy shit oh no baby
First off, the desperation and panic in Buck's voice oh my God chef's kiss
Second, there is nothing more in the world that buck wants to do right now then make sure that Eddie is okay and Eddie tells him to run and buck does it- I love these two so much
Just noticed that firefighter boots look like clown shoes, love that for them
The heart looks like one of those Big gummy hearts you can buy on Valentine's and I can't stop giggling at it
This series is going to end with Hen being a doctor and that's when we finish I'm already in pain thinking about it
Okay first off why are buck and Eddie sitting on different sides of the waiting room but that's inconsequential
Eddie saying he's going home to see his son and then buck immediately after him like yep I will also be gone for 48 hours no specific destination in mind- yeah in my head he is fully following Eddie home, you cannot tell me otherwise
Series is making up for not giving Ravi a depressing backstory by giving him immediate trauma
And Bobby immediately pounces on that, is like that is my new son, another one for the list
Okay I don't know which doctor was in charge here but that wound is so much bigger than the teeny bitty bandage they put on his head what
Honestly every episode I love BuckTaylor more and more, she's so sweet and she's always worried about him
AND THE episode ends with an absolutely heart-meltingly adorable scene of Chris and Eddie and okay everything is fine I'm fine now that was wonderful
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Chels my love. Hope you’re having a wonderful Sunday. What’s your favorite Buddie moment?! 🥰
Juju my love!! Hi babe! Aww thank you so much! I hope you're having a great Sunday too! 💙💙💙💙💙
Oh lord!...can I just say all!? Okay I'll try!
My Favorite Buddie Moment(s) (definitely not in order, I don't really have just one favorite) -
1. Eddie's first apprence, Seeing him through Buck's eyes and hearing whatta man! Chef's kiss! Actually I love that whole episode for them which takes me to my next one
2. "You can have my back anyday" "or you know, you can have mine" what the hell was all of this!? Eddie was pulling some eyes at Buck and Buck was all bashful and the smiles after!
3. Basically any and all Buckley Diaz family scenes! Just seeing the three of them together looking like a little family makes me so happy and makes me cry!
4. Of course 3x03 ending scene! Everything about it! Like "Buck there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more....then you" what the hell Eddie! You just basically just told the man you were in love with him! Like that's HUGE for Eddie to say that because Chris is his whole world and he doesn't trust easy so this is huge! Buck's face after he says that is a man realizing some things! Also Eddie's hand placement kills me but you know this about me! Lol
5. Of course the whole entire scene of the kitchen scene!! Unfff. You know that that scene would've ended differently if Chris wasn't there and it was on a different channel 👀 but no homo right! Just straight bros being bros!
6. Eddie begins. Buck digging and screaming for Eddie really freaking shocked me! That was the moment I thought holy shit I think they might actually be making them happen! And the montage! 😘
7. "Show off" "I had to do it" "I know you did" and those freaking soft looks!! Ughhh
8. Eddie coming home in 4x08 and them having that domestic little scene in the hallway! Like that is the softer cleaner version of the kitchen scene! So good!
9. The hugs! All 3 of them but especially 3x01! The way Bobby pushes Eddie to hug him first and they hold onto each other for a second after they stop hugging and just Eddie's hand on Buck's waist makes me feral!
10. Eddie being a petty little bitch about Abby in 3x18 still gives me life! 😂 he was being so protective over buck and then in the train car he had it! He was jealous and petty and pissed/worried that Buck would risk his life over her and you know what, same! Just anytime they've shown jealousy and being petty (Eddie about Taylor and Abby and Buck about Ana and Shannon a little bit), I love it!
11. All of 4x03 was amazing! But honestly they've always had incredible scenes in the 3rd episode (2x03, 3x03, 4x03 and even lone stars 2x03)
12. I really love the boxing scene. Cause it shows Eddie being there for Buck and listening and supporting him and shows that Buck truly opens up to Eddie and I think that's beautiful!
13. Last one! Just anytime they're bantering and bickering and roasting each other is good shit!
Sorry this is so long babe! I couldn't just pick one cause I love them so damn much! Cause I mean look at them! I'm Bobby in this gif! You can practically hear him thinking "now kiss!" Same Bobby same! Love you babe!! 💗💗💗💗 thank you again for sending this!!
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9lph9tr0n5s · 6 years
Meet Rohan and Valkyrie (aka my take a stand au)
So, everyone in the zootopia fandom has seen all sorts of OC’s, fanships, stories, fanarts and other stuff that would be too much to remember. But, i’ve never seen someone create a fusion OC (even though they exist in other fandoms). So, without further addo, may I present you zootopia’s FIRST fusion character…
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This beauty is the merged character of Robyn and Hannah by @crewefox . After eight months of wait i’m finally glad and proud to introduce you all to my OC. what follows will be a bio of her charachter. Then I’ll put a link to her backstory and the whole series of events that led to her birth. Beware that the read more option may not work, both in the app and in the computer
Full name: Rohan Marheather Wildesavage
Species: fusion, fox/rabbit hybrid
Fusion components: Robyn Heather Wilde and Hannah Marian Savage
Date of first fusion: 28th of june 20344, Canary Islands
-Robyn: mechanic
-Hannah: radio host and ballet dancer
-Rohan: fitness and MMA trainer
-common jobs: superhero leader, dimensional traveller and peacekeeper
Physical description
-Age: same as Robyn and Hannah
-sex: female
-gender: bisexual with more intrest in females due to Hannah being lesbian
-height: 8.2 feet (around 2.5 meters)
-fur density: soft and smoother than silk, can get winter coats
-fur color: overall ginger with darker spots on the fingertips and the eartips, black eyebrows and tail tip and black and white stripes following hannah’s pattern. Rohan can change her fur color in any possible color scheme: from plain tan, to cream with red spots or patches, to black with yellow stripes (as a chevron) to even purple or shining blue silver
-paws: all have paw pads like a fox, the feet are as long as a rabbit and can stand up digitigrade and both hands and feet posses retractable, sharp claws
-tail: long, wavy, poofy, soft and capable of moving as a third arm thanks to more muscles in it. Rohan usually likes to smack unsuspecting targets to prank them
-Body shape: slender like Hannah with wider hips and strong muscles taken from Robyn
-eyes: right one teal and left one turquoise normally, can be changed in any color like the fur in any combination possible: red, green, pitch black, blue with orange shard… the eyes can also assume a plain colorization
-ears: longer than Robyn’s, slighty wider and capable of hearing further than any other mammal.
-muzzle and mouth: the muzzle lenght is between Robyn and Hannah’s and the nose has a very sharp smell range. The mouth is composed by sharp teeth and a razor buck tooth
-other peculiarities: Rohan can assume a feral form, standing on four legs, or just with her hind paws digitigrade; unlike most hybrids she’s fertile and this fertility has been transmitted to the components; her body is very flexible, but it can’t stretch like plastic
Robyn’s side:
-rash: Rohan can trip into dangerous situations without thinking twice, but always manages to get out alright, mostly
-crass: when Rohan is angry or really pissed, she can swear as instant reaction to an insult or a bad comment
-loyal and trustworthy: like Robyn, Rohan is loyal to her friends and, in no case, she can be corrupted or turn with the bad guys. She’s also extremely careful in respecting a promise or keeping a secret
-respectful: despite having the habit to center herself in rare situations, Rohan knows who’s in charge or is the most experienced on something. Many times, she asks for constructive criticism or honest thoughts about a certain subject and acknoweldges when she’s wrong
-hot tempered: strictly related to having a coarse tongue, Rohan has robyn’s short fuse when being pestered, mocked or scolded. This can occasionally lead to a fight when it happens and the one who insulted her heavily won’t go back home without a bruise… or a broken bone
-gold heart: deep inside, she cares about who she loves and is always willing to help for any problem
-energetic: Rohan as a carefree and upbeat personality just like robyn
Hannah’s side:
-empathetic: Rohan, like Hannah, instantly recognizes what somebody else feels and either joins someone in their happy moments or comfort sad mammals
-polite: from Hannah, Rohan has inherited her calm and collected demeanor, which strangely enough, doesn’t clash with Robyn’s short fuse
-focused: Hannah’s focused mind is another trait that distinguishes rohan: she can elaborate a good startegy, study someone from the outside and guessing the inside and never lose track of an individual or lose control of the situation
-clingy: when Rohan gets attached to someone, it’s hard to take said attachment away, and this can lead to rohan putting first him/her than her team if he/she’s in danger, just like Hannah with Robyn
-emotional: while this is mostly a trait taken from Hannah, Robyn has also a tender side: when sad, Rohan can easily burst into tears while trying to keep herself collected and this leads many people to believe she’s a crybaby
-romantic: Hannah’s romantic side shows up in Rohan when being courted by someone; this unfortunately has led to episodes of boys and girls chasing her for a date because they found Rohan “lovable as hell”
Common traits:
-dorky: both Robyn and Hannah are dorky af, so it’s normal to see Rohan being silly in a playful way
-adaptive: wheter the situation is a long wedding or a hard strike againts a crime lord gone wrong, Rohan quickly adapts to the situation and keeps up, just like Robyn and Hannah
-smart: although many see Robyn as a normal C student and Hannah as a top A mammal, both girls are extremely intelligent. Just don’t overestimate her
-loving: is there much to say about this? Rohan deeply cares about anyone and is always available for comforting or cuddling someone
Unique traits:
-tricking: Rohan seems dumb from shallow and small-minded individuals, but 75% of the time she’s just faking; she’s a cunning mammal and this shows in her ability to pull of tricks or turn the tide of a situation in a way neither robyn or hannah are capable of. This seems to be a recessive trait taken from Robyn’s father Nick.
-charismatic: this charismatic side the wildesavage couple has doesn’t show up very often; things change when rohan is in the game: thanks to her charisma, Rohan is a natural born leader, and everybody follows her or ask for her advice; this trait seems taken by both Nick and hannah’s father Jack
Favorite things in groups
-Favorite foods and drinks: everything KFC cooks, turkey meatballs, spaghetti with tomato sauce, masala cod, fried ginger crickets, pepperoni pizza, crispy mcbacon, oven pasta
-favorite movies and TV shows: Enter the dragon, the princess bride, Star Wars: the last jedi, black panther, karate kid, the big bang theory, steven universe, every disney princess movie, fantasia, the incredibles
-favorite games: the uncharted series, the last of us, overwatch, call of duty black ops 3, rise of the tomb raider, destiny 1, Star Wars battlefront 2 (the old and the new one), titanfall 2, horizon zero dawn, GTA 5, team fortress 2, god of war (the 2018 version)
-fandoms: disney princesses, Star Wars (the sequels side mostly), MCU, love stories, Overwatch (not the porn, nor the toxic side)
-favorite music: punk rock music, dancable music, Green Day, Ed Sheeran, Queen, the Pirates of The Caribbean, Star Wars, star trek, back to the future and the incredibles themes, Cole Rolland, Imagine Dragons
General Likes and dislikes:
-being petted, cuddled or having her fur stroked
-crude humor
-being a dork
-topping herself
-being nurturing and kind to everyone
-friends and family
-protecting zootopia for good
-comfortable clothes
-being pressured
-having a fight with a loved one
-being harassed just because of who she is
-small minded mammals
-corrupt people
-whoever threatens her city
-heavy junk food
-strobo lights
-nudity in public
-toxic mammals and fans
Robyn’s side:
-father: Nick Wilde
Occupation: mayor of zootopia
Status: alive
-mother: Judy Hopps
Occupation: police chief of the first precinct
Status: alive
-grandmother: Marian Wilde;
Occupation: former vigilante known as “the maid”, now hero trainer and supporter, mostly for hacking and I.T. professor at the zootopia university
Status: formerly dead, currently reanimated and alive
-grandfather: Robin Loxley Wilde
Occupation: former vigilante known as “hood”, now hero trainer and couple advisor
Status: formerly dead, currently reanimated and alive too
-Grandparents (Judy’s side): Bonnie and Stu Hopps
Occupation: carrot farmers
Status: alive
-Ryan, Ronan and Reginald (reggie) Wilde: Robyn’s triplet brothers; Ryan is a laid-back lover of yoga, Ronan is a pro gamer and Reggie is a panmusical mammal
Status: stillborn at the beginning, now brought back to life
-Luna Wilde (Robyn’s half sister)
Occupation: surgeon at the zootopia hospital by day and patroling zootopia by night as the vigilante Andraste
Status: alive
Hannah’s side:
-father: Jack Savage
Occupation: MCB agent (major crimes bureau)
Status: alive
-mother: Skye Winter
Occupation: MCB agent, works with Jack
Status: alive
-known grandparents:
Hannah Savage
occupation: pensionate
Status: deceased then brought back to life
-siblings: none
-Victoria Todd (luna’s mother)
status: dead, then reanimated
-Alice Kirabito-Wilde (Robyn’s sister in law)
Occupation: videogame and anime reactions youtuber, superhero, quartermaster and weapons assistant
Status: alive
After a year Robyn and Hannah adopted their first son Aaron, he wished to have siblings like her moms (who also wanted biological kids on thier own); this was possible through a pregnancy pen: a device invented by olivia dawson and crafted by her and luna which allows two blood drops and a drop of seed of each couple member (gay or hetero) to mix and create full embryoes and literaly plant them into the one who wants to be pregnant, but the “carrier” has to be female; from this union, five kits were concieved and born from robyn as aaron’s birthday gift, who decided to carry on the pregnancy and aaron welcomed to the family his new siblings. Also, after a foster home was shut down due to cruel personnel and heavy mistreating of the orphans, robyn and hannah decided also to adopt two mammals who were unwanted and left without a family. Needless to say: all those children made judy go on cloud nine… and it gave nick a heart attack.
-Ash, Sarah, Iris, Dylan and Mitchel Wildesavage (respectively M,F,F,M,M)
Species: fox/ rabbit hybrids
Date of birth: 8th of december 2039
-Aaron Wildesavage (this character is also by crewefox, he was so adorable i decided to keep him in my AU too)
Species: male koala
Date of birth: 31st of december 2033
Adoption date: 21st of december 2038
-Skylar Wildesavage
Species: non-binary otter
Date of birth: 24th of august 2033
-Penny Wildesavage
Species: female black labrador
Date of birth: 15th of february 2032
Both skylar and penny were adopted the 27th of october 2040
Side notes:
-i know dogs shouldn’t exist in the zootopia universe, but in mine they do
-Robyn and Hannah originally wanted one or two kits, but Robyn’s bunny genes let her have five kits in the end 
Since Robyn and Hannah are both superheroes, there had to be Rohan’s superheroine alter ego so, i present you VALKYRIE 
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 Now it’s time for the superhero part
Alias name: Valkyrie
Alligned to: team Ceartais, ZPD, MCB, Camelot
Role: leader
Hero suit: red carbon fiber jumpsuit with white parts, a dark red hood and cape made for gliding and flying when necessary, a dark turquoise chestplate, blue and white shin and forearm guards, a blue and white checked mask and a gem storage in the middle of the chest for the infinity fragments protected by a small sheild. The suit itself has tron-like lines as an attire choice. The suit, the cape, the armor plates, tthe mask, the lines and the weapons can change colors into everything and every pattern. The suit itself is resistant to fire, shocks, electricity, cuts and explosives; the problem is that some parts are left exposed and rohan has to be careful to those weak spots
Power level: supermammalian to god-like
Steel blood powers: Robyn and Hannah’s originary power both originate from some nanomachines called “steel blood” which helped them survive a severe case of sepsis and other damages occured during a tsunami that nearly killed them
-healing factor: Robyn’s primary power consists in a powerful healing factor which repairs and wound or damage instantly. This also renders her, and by proxy Rohan, immune to poisoning of any kind, by simple alchol and cigarettes to vast amounts of cyanide in her body. Unfortunately, the more poison enters her body, the more it takes to rohan to process it. Also, the healing process takes more time if Robyn or Rohan are shot to the head. Another good side though is that Robyn and Rohan can survive being grinded, having their head chopped off, being squashed by two walls and being liquefied
-super strength: the steel blood also strengthened Robyn’s muscles, giving rohan an immense physical force, at the point of being five times stronger than robyn normally is
-high jumping: strong muscles and an energic, athletic attitude is the perfect match to jump high. Rohan can jump about
-high stamina: the nanites powered up her whole skeleton and inner system, which means that rohan, and robyn in the first place, can fight for a long time, running over 100 miles, training in a gym for 24 hours straight without getting tired if put under pressure. Eventually in the aftermath of one of those things, Robyn (or Rohan’s) body feel and become more tired than usual and require more amount of sleep to return in shape
-faster reflexes and speed: since hannah was blind when she received the steel blood nanites, those should have supposedly healed her sight; instead they went on powering up her reflexes and speed. This makes rohan agile and fast on the battlefield
-ability to become blind and go back to full sight on command: this power was mastered during a time when Robyn and Hannah were left stranded. Hannah managed to get her sight back, but also practiced between shifting in full sight and blind. While seemingly useless, this power can come very handy if someone generates a strong light and rohan can still fight without necessarily closing her eyes, especially if she doesn’t have a protection
-super senses: when Hannah or Rohan go blind, all the other reflexes (hearing, taste, contact and smell) heighten up to compensate the lack of sight. Those senses can become handful depending on the situation
-pulse field generation: Hannah’s trademark power consists in “seeing” while blind. While tecnically what hannah sees is a blank world with no writings or images but just the primitive shapes of her surroundings, the nanomachines allow her heart to generate a pulse everytime it beats that detects all surfaces and objects in five miles. Rohan’s area is wider and can arrive up to 20 miles
-healing factor: Hannah also has a healing factor, but it works slower than Robyn’s. Rohan partially compensates this with a faster regeneration in case of sight or hearing loss
-memory link: Rohan’s memory is made up of all memories from robyn and hannah and her own, which are all stored into a neural, indestructible cloud. If one member loses all memories, just one tap on the body or fusing can make the lost memories come back. By proxy, the wildesavages share rohan’s memories and their own, this means no secrets between the couple in normal life
-feral state: if robyn is shot to the head, all her strenght and speed multiply by nine, but, as the name suggests, the nanomachines while healing the damage awaken her feral instincts, making her a savage beast. If this should happen to rohan, she would turn savage for a shorter time than robyn. Only few mammals and beings know how to tame while savage
infinity gems powers (they’re much more than the listed ones and some must be discovered): after being found out by Robyn and Hannah, six fragments of the infinity gems linked with them and grant more powers. while these powers are mostly used by rohah, robyn and hannah also use them separatly, abeit with less efficiency than their fusion. The fragments after rohan unlocked the infinity state, transformed into full gems
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power (red):
-energy control and manipulation: the power gem allows rohan to manipulate all sorts of energy in any form, from kinetic to nuclear, and any way: force fields, power sharing, recharge, power overload…
-laser, maser wave or pulse energy blast: most importantly, rohan can use that enery to mimic and use a certain energy primarly for a laser blast; said power can manifest in a powerful shockwave or a presence that burns and slowls incapacitates everyone near her. Rohan could kill someone with her powers, but she chooses not to unless there’s no other choice, or her foe is unpowered and defenceless. In that case, she uses the power for knockback
-energy and power share: Rohan can gift some of her power to anybody else who needs it to strenghent him or her. This also applies to electronic devices
-maximum power state: when rohan unleashes the full power of the power fragment her body becomes glowing red in color and physically a pure manifestation of energy. In this form rohan is surrounded by energy vamps like a sun and is totally invincible. This form consumes a tremendous amout of energy, leaving her helpless when she stops, so rohan must use this as a last resort
Time (orange):
-time manipulation and travel: thanks to the time gem, Rohan can control time around her and with others. She can freeze a single moment, create a loop, rewind her own time or a recent situation and even age or de-age every living being. With the right amount of focus rohan can also travel through time
-time mastress state: at full strenght, the time fragment turns Rohan’s body orange and magical gears appear. In this form rohan’s time powers are amped up to ridiculous heights at the point rohan BECOMES time itself and is able of creating or erasing some events or a complete timeline. In the aftermath Rohan dissociates temporarly for three hours before her molecules line up
Reality (yellow):
-reality manipulation: the reality gem allows Rohan to bend the primary shape of everything around her at her will, always turning the situation to herself, like a wizard using magic. But if the power is used without limits, rohan could alter reality for a long time before fixing it, thus she has to be very careful when using the reality related powers
-creation of everything: this superpower allows Rohan to do everything she imagines: she can materialize a toy in front of her, turn water to fire of give herself new powers; the only things she can’t do are: copying powers related to the other gems (unless she temporarely gives new powers to other beings) and bring people back from the dead
-illusion and hologram control: rohan can create multiple copies of herself or turn temporarily a place in what she wants to with hard light
-reality bender state: this state renders rohan yellow and the surroundings in an area of 10 meters constantly shape. All the afromentioned powers are strengthened at the point rohan can create multiple universes at once. This state doesn’t consume much energy and it’s currnetly rohan’s most used super form
Soul (green):
-soul dislocation: with the power of the soul gem Rohan can either exit her body becoming a green ghost or force the enemy’s soul to exit the body, leaving both, rohan or the foe, numb and defenseless
-control and power over life: the soul power can also heal wounds, physical and broken morales, temporarely take back the dead as zombies or trap other souls into the fragment
-soul detector: Rohan can discover and make visible all ghosts (souls of dead beings), talk to the and even command them if necessary
-ability to travel to the soul realm: the soul gem hosts a pocket dimension called soul world; here all the souls of the dead live a neverending life of joy. Rohan can enter this world and take whoever she wants without turning them into ghosts and her soul powers within the world increase even more
-soul guardian state: in this state Rohan gets engulfed by green light and has total control over the spirits: she can evoke hordes of ghosts againts her foes, catch easily all souls within a certain range and gradually weaken everbody. The aftermath leaves Rohan internally weakened and unable to move, though she still can see everything happening around her with the same perception as someone in a dream
Mind (blue):
-mind control and other abilities: Rohan’s most basic abilities with the mind gem include: controlling the mind of the weak, shutting their mind down leaving them open for attacks, creating false memories, breaking brainwash and telepathic control on others and reading memories. Rohan is also immune to all mind-based powers; for example, she can’t be brainwashed
-mind link: Rohan can connect minds withan ally and see through its eyes. She can also talk to them in their mind by giving them advices and makes them immune to mind control. Usually though, Rohan uses this tecnique to calm down scared mammals since she can also alter emotions
-memory share: just by touching on the head somebody, Rohan can share her memories to other mammals
-brainstormer state: Rohan becomes all blue by entering this form and becomes able to access all the minds of a single planet she can go into. The aftermath isn’t as bad as the other, but it does leave her with a huge headache that lasts for five minutes after she exits this form
Space (purple):
-teleportation: Rohan can teleport herself in any place she wants. Where she goes depends on her memories of the place, or where she looks at. She can also teleport enemies or teammates away or where she wants too
-ability to control space and movements around: the space gem also allows Rohan to speed up, slow down or stop movements in a maximum area of three miles, usually by bloking foes in mid air or speeding her time up becoming faster from the eyes of the spectators. Rohan has also total control over gravity: she can increase it or decrease it to the point of nullification in a certain spot
-molecular dislocation: Rohan can phase out her molecules becoming intangible; while dislocated phisically, she can’t be hit or touched and can pass through any solid object. She can also phase out her opponents and stick them into solid objects, but she doesn’t use that power very often on normal, powerless criminals since she finds it brutal
-traveller state: Rohan’s last normal final state covers her body in purple light and nullifies gravity in an area of 50 miles. Rohan’s space powers heighten up exponetially at the point of teleporting an entire population on another planet or move planets herself. Rohan can also create gravity wells or black holes and dislocate entire armies. The aftermath leaves rohan intangible for one hour
-immortality: since the infinity gems are part of the universe itself, Rohan and by proxy Robyn and Hannah can’t die in any way. If they should be disintegrated, their bodies would simply regenerate and their aging becomes stuck at the age of 25
-self awareness: this doesn’t mean rohan has total control over her senses, instead, rohan is fully aware she is an original invented fusion character by me, that their components were born from the mind of an irish, bisexual assistant surgeon and that their parents come from a very beloved disney classic movie. In few words, she can break the fourth wall
-SECR (acronysm for supreme energy coalescence ray): rohan can channel the power of the six fragments into a powerful, multi colored beam which can totally erase existance where it hits; she swore to use this power only if the enemy outranks her or in apocalyptic, near failure scenarios as her goal isn’t to cancel life. Rohan doesn’t need to enter the infinity state to use the SECR
-the snap: Rohan’s most powerful move definitively constist into the snap, where rohan uses all six gems and snaps her fingers to make every wish of hers come true. This time the aftermath is a mix of all the other aftermaths of the singular powered state of the fragments: namely, rohan becomes intangible, dislocated in time and soul, physicaly and mentally weakened for eight hours. The only way to carry her to safety is trapping her into an electrostatic box. When the “hangover” effects vanish, rohan wakes up with a giant headache. The snap has a cooldown of a year
-infinity state: even if the snap is indeed powerful, Rohan can enter the ultimate state by unlocking all the ultimate power states of the fragments and combing them. In this form, Rohan becomes totally white in color with gold shades. her powers heighten up to god-like levels and she’s able to use any power, steel blood or infinity based, heightened up, while accessing to every mind in the universe, bending all matter and reality at her own will, moving entire galaxies, controlling time while also having vision of future and past events and powering up every ally, no matter where they are or which species they are, temporarely gifting her powers to them. The aftermath effects are the same of the snap, but the time for the relocation lowers to two hours, and there’s no headache
weaponry, gadgets and arsenal:
-mega nightstick: Robyn uses a titanuim telescopic baton 1 meter long in combat, formed by two nightsticks and two handles which can simply split in two or also form two tonfas with the two handles. When Rohan plays the baton (which becomes 2 meters long with her) and it’s subweapons become harder than diamond. Each stick also has a hidden blade made out damascus steel with a diamond tip in case of tougher opponents
-constructo guns: Hannah’s primary weapons are two guns which can combine into other weapons after their upgrade: for example, a simple machine gun, a shotgun, a grenade launcher, a minigun and a small crossbow. They can also fire traquilizing pellets, laser shots or normal bullets
thanks to the realty fragment both weapons can combine into five other weapons, which also have powered up forms
- a baton with guns on each end; this doesn’t have a powered form, but it can still split and form two tonfa guns
- a javelin with a ninjato-like blade and a double barrel gun where the blade is placed. When powered, the guns spin in a circle and fire faster than a minigun while the blade knocks back enemies up to three miles
-a double sword with the central handle curved, a blade with an axe tip (like megatron’s sword on TF5) and a long barrel for sniping as long as the blade on each sword; normally it can also split up into two blades with curved handles, turn into a hi-tech bow or a giant boomerang. Powered up the guns shoot bullets and laser that pierce through everything, the blades cut even more (but not everything), the bow shoots further, its arrows strike harder and the boomerang locks onto the enemies until it gets them
-a halberd with a giant blade and a grenade barrel on top; this could be considered as a more brute version of the javelin since Rohan uses it for larger opponents. The powered form grants two additionals grenade launcher barrels and allows every strike to cut enemies or generate slices of pure red energy
-a baton that turns into a whip with a flick of the wrist and a double gun separated from the melee weapon unlike the previous four; the baton can let the tip and the rings of it’s whip form exit and let a yellow energy blade come out of the handle while the rings and the tip form a small shield. Powered up, the whip can generate small quakes where it lands, the shield assumes the aspect of a circual saw and the energy blade becomes able to slice through everything
(if you are confused and don’t know what the weapons look like, i can say that for some i got inspired from the weapons the praetorian guard from The Last Jedi wields)
volcano comet: while the nightstick, the guns and their combo forms are more than a match for any enemy, rohan wields a red, double bowed crossbow which can shoot tranq darts, arrows and laser beams at ligthspeed, for sniping attacks
concussion grenades: these grenades developed by Robyn and Hannah’s friend Olivia Dawson, create a shockwave that pushes everyone meters away from the explosion point
hacker spine: in honour of Marian Wilde “the Maid”, Robyn asked to graft into her suit a short-range hacking device which activates only whey she and hannah fuse and allows her to enter the enemies’ computers and devices, thus controlling them or shutting everything down
hyper goggles: Rohan’s domino mask contains many options into her lenses: x-rays, heat vision and ray beams
-fighting styles: boxing, MMA (mixed martial arts), blood ballet (a style invented by hannah which mixes dance styles and MMA), cloak and dagger strikes, teräs-kasi, shien, djem so and yuvo
small side notes:
-when dressed in civilian clothes, rohan sports her gems combined into a single rainbow gem embedded into a jade bracelet
 As for her backstory, the link is here
And there she is; after months of working on her bio i’m finally proud to welcome the first zootopian fusion to the fandom. I hope you like her and if you wish to use her for a story or a fanart, message me first. I may add extra info later.
And to finish, here are the credits:
thanks to @crewefox for allowing me to use robyn, hannah, scarlet, bullet, aaron and other characters (too many to name) and helping me with the correction of the post
thanks to @jafethortiz who made the arts and the coloring
special thanks to  @chickwithdreads and this post for giving me inspiration about the charater sheet
And last but not least, thanks to the whole zootopia fandom, who dedicate a bit of their time to admire the first zootopian fusion character
thank you and see you soon 
the infinity gems, iron man, namor, mister fantastic, black bolt, doctor strange, professor x, the skrulls, the super skrull, the kree and ronan belong to Marvel®
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chandlers-third-nip · 6 years
Touch- Imagine
Fandom: MCU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GenderNeutral!Reader
Word Count: 1127
Warning: fluff, TouchStarved!Bucky, Playful!Bucky, Sleep!Bucky, Soft!Bucky, HAPPY!Bucky
Summary: On a day off, Bucky definitely takes advantage of being able to touch you as much as he likes.
Mornings on days off were some of your favorite. They were quiet and seemed never ending, until of course Steve came in to try and pry Bucky out of bed for their morning run. This morning Steve had found the two of you twisted up in the sheets, you tucked under Bucky’s chin, his arms wrapped around you protectively.
You woke up to the sound of Steve’s voice drifting across the room, “Buck, c’mon, let’s go on a run.” Bucky shifted, coiling his body tighter around yours. You opened your eyes and looked up at Bucky. He had his eyes still shut tight. You glanced at Steve who had started advancing toward the bed. With each step he took, a low growl erupted from Bucky’s chest. Steve hesitated before deciding to continue, but slower. This time the growl was louder, so fierce, sounding almost feral. You giggled as Steve halted in his steps and turned right around, leaving the room.
You looked up at Bucky again and leaned up, kissing him softly on his stubbled chin. His face spreads into a smile. “I think you scared him off, you dangerous thing, you.” He growled again but playfully. Then without warning, he flips you over so he has you caged underneath his thick body. You yelp and turn away from him. “Oh no! Someone help me!” you call out teasingly. Bucky retaliates by smothering your face in scruffy kisses. You giggle as his lips press to your forehead and cheeks and nose and eyelids. “Bucky!”
He pauses his assault, his nose pressing under your chin, encouraging you to tilt your neck so he can place kisses there as well. “Yes, doll?”
“It tickles!” you gasp. He pulls back and smiles down at you, pressing one last kiss to your lips. You sigh and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Soon your hands are in his hair and legs are wrapped around his waist. Bucky scoops you up, lips still attached to yours, settling you in his lap. When you finally pull away to breathe he tightens his grip around your waist.
“No,” he whines, jutting out his lower lip, “I’m not done kissing you.” You peck his lips once more and quickly roll away. He reaches for you and you jump out of his reach.
“C’mon baby, I’m hungry, if you want kisses you’re gonna have to get out of bed.” You hear his whine shortly followed by his heavy footsteps. You smile as you enter the kitchen, already filled with many of the other inhabitants of the Tower. You grab two coffee cups and fix your coffee just the way you know Bucky likes it. He has seated himself on a stool and you move to sit in the one next to him before you wraps his arms around you again and plunks you right on his thigh. He has his metal arm wrapped around you for support and the other one grasps the warm mug you placed in front of him. He takes a sip and hums in approval.
“How do you make it so good, doll?”
“I put extra love in it.” you state, smiling behind your own cup.
“Steve! They’re being gross again!” Sam whines from the opposite side of the counter. You stick your tongue out at him and turn to Steve, daring him to say anything.
“Leave them alone, Sam, just leave if you don’t wanna see it.” Steve winked at you as he placed an overly large plate of pancakes in front of you. “Dig in, hope you’re hungry.”
After eating, you wait for Bucky to finish, sipping your coffee and flipping through the newspaper, more for something to do than anything. “What do you wanna do today, Buck?” He pauses drowning the remaining pancakes in syrup and thinks.
“We still have like half a season of Friends left, we can finish that if you would like, or we can just go back to bed?”
“Hmmm, I really like the idea of both,” you suggest, turning to see his face light up in a smile.
“This is why I love you.” He gives you a sticky kiss on the cheek and quickly shoves the last of the food into his mouth and then sweeps you over his shoulder, heading back towards your shared room.
You kick your legs, “Let me go!” trying to sound convincing but your laugh gives you away. Bucky stops and loosens his grip on you. You squeal and cling to as much of him as possible, trying not to fall flat on your ass.
Bucky holds you close, “You know I would never let you fall,” he says pressing his face into your hip, which is closest.
“Liar, you let me fall for you pretty hard,” you teased. To this, Bucky gently flipped you over on the bed.
“That’s only because I fell for you first.” You smiled up at him and kissed his shoulder. The two of you crawl up on the bed, arranging the pillows as back rests. You pulled the blankets up and made a little nest while Bucky pulled up Netflix and scrolled through to find Friends. He pressed play and relaxed beside you. You snuggled into him and he wrapped his arm around you, leaning into your warmth.
After the second or third episode, he looks over at you. “Hey, doll…” he looked back down, embarrassed. You immediately tore your attention away from the television. His cheeks had a slight tint to them.
“Come here, I know you want to.” He looked at you gratefully as he climbed in between your legs, draping his long body over yours. He settles, his head upon your chest, right over your heart. He nuzzles in and sighs happily. You wrapped your arms around him, one of your hands mindlessly tangled in his hair. This immediately causes him to hum louder. Your other hand slowly pulled up the back of his shirt and you rubbed small circles on his back. Passing over scars and bumps in his skin gently, your warm and soft touch comforting him beyond belief.
It’s not long before you hear his breathing even out as he drifts back to sleep. “Unbelievable,” you whisper, pressing soft kisses to the top of his head. He shifts, burrowing deeper into your body, trying to touch as much of you as possible. The warmth of his own body begins to make it impossible to keep your own eyes open and you slip into a deep sleep as well. Days off were some of your favorites, the late mornings, the pancake breakfast, the bingeing of Friends and of course your sleepy Bucky, curled up safe and sound. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
hope this made you guys smile! sorry about the lack of posts, school had been kicking my ass but I needed this so tada soft bucky!!
-flawlessara <3
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lemonzestywrites · 2 years
if you really think about it 5x06 was such an insane episode- like genuinely the writers fucking sat down and scripted the entire scene of buck running, without hesitation, to eddie at the sound of a gunshot. the way the both silently and so effortlessly would protect one another and jesus fuck the will being a thing that exists and something they’re both so profoundly aware of in the midst of all this. they way it adds another layer, another unspoken stake the two of them share together- christ it makes me feral
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headlesssamurai · 7 years
Your thoughts on the new Star Wars?
[Disclaimer: The following is sarcasm targeted at social trends and contrarians the world-over. If it offends you, buck it up and have a fucking sense of humor.]
A Completely Serious Breakdown OfStar Wars: The Last Jedi
by Anita Sarkeesian & Rachel Maddow
To begin, let’s just say the best format in which to write anything on the internets is by breaking it down into a comprehensive list for no goddamn reason, other than maybe the idea that lots of people like to read lists or something because it feels a lot less like reading, and lots of people dislike reading. Right? Right.Thus, the following is a list of reasons why Star Wars: The Last Jedi is an atrocity bordering on Nagasaki levels of horror.WARNING: The following will contain spoilers and angsty disappointment.
1. Not enough transgender charactersThis one is clearly a no-brainer. Every respectable sell-out of a Hollywood screenwriter ought to know by now that their movie should contain at least one transgender, one gender-fluid, one gender neutral, and one tri-sexual character, if not more. And this is especially true in bombastic, overblown blockbusters. It disgusts me to see them disregard such a large percentage of their viewership. I know they tried to placate us with the pink-haired drag queen admiral who takes command after Leia is incapacitated, and the Asian kid who is running around with Finn the entire movie, but these characters seemed more like afterthoughts than anything else. To see them be so cavalier and conservative with their dramatis personae is just shameless.
2. It supports animal murderRight off the bat, we’re treated to a horrific scene in which Luke Skywalker, previously a shining beautiful example of a peaceful pacifist Zen master, is shown violently murdering an innocent fish with a barbed spear, then casually carrying the poor slaughtered animal back to his hut like a caveman. If that’s not enough, we later see Chewbacca, previously the most non-violent and docile character in the entire franchise, roasting a poor decapitated penguin on a spit over an open fire like some uncivilized neanderthal. Did he skin the creature while it was still alive? Perhaps we’ll never know, but it was clearly murdered with an intent to eat, and the Wookie carelessly roasts the creature’s remains in full view of its mournful cousins who must be wondering which of them will be next for bloody execution. This blatant disregard for the lives of the magical, peaceful animals of nature is truly horrifying. I can’t imagine how the filmmakers could be this vulgar. For achieving such advanced levels of technology, the people of this galaxy sure behave like feral savages.
3. Not enough wacky comedyI know there was a scene in which a confused elderly woman plays the general of an army, a riff on Karate Kid, an awkward reference to deep throating, a robot doing its best Solid Snake impression, a little kid getting mercilessly whipped by a character from a Pixar movie, Yoda acting like a weirdo again, furry anime creatures making cute noises, a guy getting unexpectedly electrocuted, enough bad dialogue to fill a Star Destroyer’s cargo hold, a fucking prank phone call scene in a Star Wars movie, and Benicio Del Toro’s face; but still. This movie could’ve used more comedy. This is made by Disney, after all, the same studio who gave us Guardians of the Fallacy, I mean every gag in that movie is just such a fucking knee-slapper, you know? Goddamn.
4. Too much explicit sexualityI was very glad to see that in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Disney decided to completely sever all of the vulgar and explicit sexuality depicted in every previous Star Wars film, particularly making certain this new portrayal of the galaxy was as sterile and sexless as a Dominican cloister. However, they’ve decided to flush that newfound dignity down the fucking toilet with this film. You all know what I’m talking about. There is a single scene in this movie where one character kisses another character on the lips. I know it’s just a little peck, but that’s just too much. This movie is vulgar, kids should not see it. Don’t even get me started on Kylo Ren’s sexy shirtlessness, Snoke’s pervy sex offender vibes, and all of Rey’s wet t-shirt scenes.
5. Not enough Han SoloHan Solo isn’t in this movie. ‘Nuff said.
6. Female heroine needs a manRemember Rey? That amazing, strong feminist icon from Episode VII who could do anything, fix a ship, fly a ship, shoot a gun, wield a laser sword, speak any language, and conquer anyone who stood in her path? Yeah, that girl decided to take a nap in this movie. You guessed it, she’s all fire and energy, yet the moment she sees Kylo Ren’s sweaty shirtless abs this new Rey can’t resist and falls head-over-heels for a guy who tried to slice her in half the first time they met. I mean, nothing comes of it, thank god! But seriously Disney? This is just lazy writing, and feminists everywhere should boycott this movie and fire-bomb any theater still showing it, along with all the homes of those who buy tickets to support it.
7. Too much talkingAgain, this movie was made by Disney, right? So why the hell is all the talking filled with so much boring character-driven dialogue, and not a goofy joke or lyrics in a sing-a-long? I cannot imagine how they expected to tap their drooling Marvel MCU fanbase with this many narrative-relevant scenes of people talking which don’t include funny gags or nerdy references from a Tony Stark-esque character. What a disappointment.
8. Not enough racial diversityI know there’s a Spanish-Puerto Rican man, a black man, a Guatemalan man, two Vietnamese women, a few white people, another black guy, a Wookie, the previously mentioned drag queen, a Mon Calamari, some other aliens visible when they go to Monte Carlo, and whatever alien that one dude was; but still. That’s only representing a few out of, like, hundreds of thousands of other ethnic groups all over the planet, not to mention the millions if not billions of alien species throughout the galaxy whose children have no characters to look up to in this movie. The distinct lack of Jews was most jarring for me, and I wouldn’t hazard to call this film anti-Semitic exactly, but it does make you pause for contemplation.
9. Glorification of violenceDo I really need to say this out loud? Holy shit. There is so much violence in this movie it makes me nauseous. People blowing people up, decapitation and dismemberment, savagely beating each other to death with clubs, animals being whipped, children being whipped (even if it’s funny, it’s still violent), casino patrons being violently trampled to death by stampeding anime creatures, bodies being engulfed by fiery explosions, explosions engulfing explosions, and at least two cases of fanatically intentional suicide which result in the violent death of hundreds if not thousands of others. All told, it’s one of the most violent movies released this year, with a body count that likely surpasses Man of Steel and the first Avengers film combined. How can audiences be this bloodthirsty? It’s just, I don’t know, sickening. You fandom kids should renounce yourselves and practice self-flagellation, as far as I’m concerned.
10. It supports child slave soldiersIn the very first scene, the character Poe Dameron supports a group of Resistance bombers who are trying to destroy a First Order dreadnought. We see the flight leader protecting the bombers is a young girl who couldn’t be older than twelve piloting an A-wing fighter and mercilessly blasting TIE fighters out of the sky. Forgetting the fact that war is already traumatic for fully grown adults, how is the Resistance okay with putting a child in harm’s way like that? I’m astounded. This is so controversial, I can’t believe it isn’t being hotly debated by mouthbreathers all over the internets.
11. Not enough lightsabersLikely the film’s biggest transgression of all. It’s a well-known fact that the mindless drooling fans who attend the cult gatherings known as Star Wars Celebrations and sew their own costumes to wear to premieres (only to turn around and hatefully review the film later on YouTube) only really want to see one thing: lots and lots of lightsaber battles. That’s the only thing Star Wars has going for it these days, after all. And this time nobody bangs a lightsaber against another lightsaber even once. Not once in the entire movie! Jesus, Joseph, and doggy-style Mary! What pointless drivel. I’m considering petitioning the studio for a bid to get my money back after seeing this farce. Don’t they know anything about what makes Star Wars great?
Parthian shotsDespite all of these many, many flaws, Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi is not entirely without merit. There are some cool CGI effects in almost every scene, for one thing. Throughout the film we also learn some very valuable life lessons, such as:- Anime creatures have invulnerable faces that can smash through anything without the slightest injury.- Shields work best when gunfire is coming from very far away.- Any man in a position of power is either irredeemably evil or an impulsive and weak-willed incompetent fool.- All roads lead to failure.- The best way to be good at something is by sucking at it.- It’s okay for bystanders to be violently trampled to death so long as they’re rich.- All law enforcement officers are evil corrupt bastards.- Freeing captive animals is more important than freeing the slave children who tend to them.- And the only way to win a war is through the magical power of love, even if the enemy is in the process of blowing up your friends while you’re deliriously saying so.
       侍   headless
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theaurorfileshq · 4 years
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R I V K A   W A L D R O N  /  A U R O R   C O R P O R A L
AGE:  Thirty-Three
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Gendervoid, She/Her
IDENTIFYING FEATURES: blackwork sigil tattoos covering back, shoulders, arms, & feet ; usually wearing black (or red, on occasion) ; hair never longer than shoulder-length, rarely brushed ; constantly has sweets in pockets ; always looks like she’s slept six hours or less
(+): Dueling/Combat Magic, Occlumency, Wandless Magic
(-): Protective Magic (Cannot Conjure a Patronus), Touch Aversion, Maledictus - Raven Form (Beginning to Lose Control of Shifting Episodes)
CW: implied domestic abuse, child abuse  
Rivka grew up deep enough in the Mississippi swamps that it would be difficult to pinpoint exactly where on a map. It was a place so drenched in old magic that it was palpable in the very air and water, and seemed to make the environment around them constantly shift. She and her mother - Delvene, father - Gil, and paternal grandfather - Lochar lived in an old manor house that had previously belonged to her mother’s proud Pureblood parents… Leaving them the place in their will was just about the best thing they ever did for their daughter, a squib, who otherwise would have inherited nothing. That they died only months after a short & sweet little wedding on the front porch wouldn’t arouse suspicions for many years.
Contrary to her mother, she displayed her magical abilities early, around age four. Young Riva left a trail of mayhem in her wake whenever she went tearing off into the swamps to play. And when she came back it was with all manner of critters and trinkets she shouldn’t have been capable of collecting herself while she was so small… She had a knack for making things move without touching them, going so far as to levitate some crawdads right out of the river. At age five, a particularly bad argument between her parents in the kitchen resulted in a lot of upturned chairs and broken dishes, as well as one dark-eyed toddler up a tree in the shape of a raven. They couldn’t manage to get her down again until she fell asleep and naturally shifted back in the middle of the night. But by then the damage had already been done… she had gained her father’s attention.
Her wild ways would only continue to intensify as time went on, especially after Gil decided in a fit of devilish inspiration he was prone to that he needed to harness the raw potential of her magic as soon as possible. He set Rivka to task running errands for him, usually to harvest potion ingredients, but sometimes to sit in certain places to listen and watch, sometimes to carry little packages or scrolls back and forth… He twisted what should have been a carefree and adventurous childhood into a rigorous training regimen. And the more she tried to resist his lessons, the crueler and more insistent Gil became. He demanded absolute obedience and deference and, brilliant little thing that she was, Rivka realized quickly enough that it was better to do as he said rather than risk the consequences. But, instead of controlling her, as he anticipated, his abuses only made her find every possible route of escape and every reason to buck authority. It made her elusive and feral, incapable of letting anyone in close enough to touch.
The one exception to this rule came in the form of Fidel Romero, a local auror in Mississippi who had been tasked with monitoring large-scale truancy & neglect cases of newly school age magical children in the area. Despite the many messages sent to the manor house in the swamp, the last officially known address for Rivka, now eleven, none of her Ilvermorny letters had been opened, nor had they received any indication she would be attending. When Fidel visited, he found that only Delvene remained, among a mountain of unopened envelopes, in a crumbled shell which had formerly been a stately Pureblood house of some repute. And all he could get out of her as she sat nearly catatonic on the porch in an old grey rocking chair was that a demon had crawled out of the swamp and swallowed her whole. With no other clues to go by, he ended up encountering Riva by chance… when he caught her stealing a handful of candies from a corner store in town. Once he plied her with a sundae the size of her head, Fidel got enough out of her to determine that her father clearly had no interest in her attending Ilvermorny. And so, he didn’t hesitate. He took her into protective custody that very evening.
Riva may have put something of a target on her back when she loudly declared in the entrance hall upon first entering Ilvermorny that she was not afraid of any bullies. That she did so while single-handedly dispatching of one such bully before ever laying hands on a wand did nothing to dissuade the particularly vicious or determined among them; but all the same, she took to Thunderbird house and to her studies like a lightning bolt to the tallest tree in the forest. Contrary to what her wild demeanor and odd social habits outwardly suggested, it was an environment that she thrived in. She was even capable of being attentive and quiet during class, although her reputation of wildness suggested otherwise. All it took was a good teacher to recognize her struggles and advise her to redirect her anger and frustrations elsewhere. After Riva became captain of the dueling club, there was a decided shift around her. The bullies that once targeted her were suddenly less eager to engage when she challenged them to a formal duel, in the proper arena.
In the summers between school, she would return to Fidel’s care briefly before vanishing again into the swamps she loved so dearly. He worried over her constantly, always concerned she was with her father. He had grown to distrust and despise the man over time, after gleaning what he could from Riva about his cruelties. Every time she left, he almost expected to never see her again, but miraculously, about two weeks before the end of summer, she would reliably arrive on Fidel’s doorstep again like clockwork, as if nothing had ever happened. He learned to be content with that for a while, until she came home one year with tattoos on her hands and back. Seeing red, he tore through the swamps looking for Gil for days and found nothing but a low, faraway sound like an echoing laugh taunting him. Despite his best efforts, Fidel couldn’t keep her away from him, as no lock or barrier would keep her. She flew through his fingers time and time again like a bird slipping through the bars of a cage. But he didn’t want to cage Riva… he only ever wanted to protect her.
She managed to hide any new tattoos or bruises she came home with after that, not out of fear of her father, but to protect Fidel and his big stupid heart as best as she could. She knew he wanted to tear Gil apart, that if he could he’d spend his whole life hunting through the ever-shifting landscape of the Mighty Mississippi bogs until he brought him to justice. But as much as she wanted to, Riva found herself unable to resist each time Gil summoned her to that old house constantly moving through the swamps. Somehow he held Dominion over her thoughts and actions, so much like that name she always overheard coming in hushed whispers from the darkest corners. The summer before her final year was when everything came to a head, when one night she returned unexpectedly early, in strange clothes, scratched and bruised and bloody, hands and feet and hair all torn from her flight… She would never fully explain to Fidel what happened, but what she saw that fateful night would come out in pieces, in nightmares, in long silent stares into the darkness. There had been fire, blood, and shadow, ancient tongues, and strangers in the woods. In the end, although she managed to claw herself out of her father’s grasp, she would never feel truly free of him.
The Mississippi River had always been her deepest & truest love, and the most comfortable home she had ever known. And so it only made sense that she’d follow it to its end. Living with Fidel and getting close to his family had helped guide her there, to the NOLA auror academy. Riva knew it was an opportunity, not only to improve her skills, but to further distance herself from the life with her father she had escaped. However, this time had its own share of challenges… It was in the academy that she finally had it explained to her exactly what being a Maledictus meant. To say that the diagnosis devastated her would be an understatement. In many ways, Riva felt that her world ended right there. In others, she knew she needed to do what she could for the people she loved in the time she had left. Becoming an auror was suddenly so much more important and urgent for that reason, and because she wanted to follow in Fidel’s footsteps while still walking her own path. But as it turned out, protecting him would also eventually mean deceiving him.
In her first year as an auror, Fidel got too close to finding Gil, close enough that she took it upon herself to throw him off the trail. Riva knew the swamps better than anyone, knew how to get to her father wherever he was, like her life depended on it. And so she also knew exactly how to keep Fidel away, this man that she had somehow grown to love more than her own blood. She followed him, carefully manipulating the clues as he came upon them, throwing her voice here or there, making just the right noise at the right time to get him to turn and miss something. She always kept just out of sight or out of reach in the dark, her heart pounding in her throat whenever he grew within arm’s length. It was one of the most difficult things she ever had to do, and not just because of the emotional toll it took on her, or the hurt she knew it would cause if he ever discovered the truth; but also because Fidel was damn good at what he did. It would be a few years before she saw him set the case aside, and even then she understood that it wouldn’t be forever.
Despite her adventurous nature, Riva was content to stay in Mississippi for a long while, perhaps because she found it difficult to miss out on even one moment with the ones she loved, knowing she would eventually run out of time with them. Instead of pushing to climb the ranks as quickly as possible, she focused on making herself like water, flowing easily along her path, trying not to rush too quickly towards or away from anything. She worked this way for ten years, collecting cases under her belt but largely avoiding anything that might draw too much attention to herself. But fate, as always, demonstrated that it had other plans for her… that it was not content to see her wasting away in one place, however comfortable she was to stay there. About a year ago, fate quite literally snatched her away in the middle of a case. Her superiors knew for certain that something was wrong when they didn’t hear from her for a week. But as soon as they mobilized a force to search for her, she turned up with a fuzzy memory in northern Minnesota, prompting investigation into the incident from MACUSA (since she had been transported over state lines such a significant distance). In the days following her recovery, she fervently worked on a list of codes that would not stop running through her head, insisting to anyone who would listen that they were significant to her abduction. Finally, about five days after turning up on the other side of the country, she saw the strange messages for what they were: a set of clues she had left for herself. Once she deciphered them, she was able to lead MACUSA to the northern branch of an Animagus trafficking ring operating along the Mississippi River, where they managed to take five or six smugglers into custody. This prompted her superiors to recommend her to MACUSA, after over a decade of solid work for them. And after meditating on it for a while, and receiving some vital encouragement from a certain gruff father figure, she agreed to apply.
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lesliepump · 7 years
Podcast #138: Starting a Legal Non-Profit, with Animal Legal Defense Fund Founder Joyce Tischler
In this episode Joyce Tischler discusses lessons learned from the founding of Animal Legal Defense Fund, which she founded in 1979. Today its annual budget is nearly $13 million and it has over 200,000 members and supporters. Joyce explains how she founded ALDF, what she learned, and gives some tips to anyone interested in starting a legal nonprofit today.
Joyce Tischler
As founder of the Animal Legal Defense Fund in 1979, Joyce Tischler has helped create and shape the emerging field of animal law. Joyce litigated some of the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s earliest cases, including a 1981 lawsuit that halted the U.S. Navy’s plan to kill 5,000 feral burros, and a 1988 challenge to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s rule allowing the patenting of genetically altered animals. She was the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s first executive director for twenty-five years, and now serves as the agency’s general counsel.
You can follow Joyce on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Thanks to Ruby Receptionists and Clio for sponsoring this episode!
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This transcript was prepared by Rev.com.
Voiceover: Welcome to The Lawyerist Podcast with Sam Glover and Aaron Street. Each week, Lawyerist brings you advice and interviews to help you build a more successful law practice in today’s challenging and constantly changing legal market. Now here are Sam and Aaron.
Sam Glover: Hi. I’m Sam Glover.
Aaron Street: I’m Aaron Street. This is Episode 138 of The Lawyerist Podcast, part of the Legal Talk Network. Today we’re talking with Joyce Tischler, Executive Director of the Animal Legal Defense Fund about how to start a legal nonprofit.
Sam Glover: Today’s podcast is sponsored by Clio Legal Practice Management Software. Clio makes running your law firm easier. Try it for free today at clio.com.
Aaron Street: Today’s podcast is also sponsored by Ruby Receptionists and it’s smart, charming receptionists who are perfect for small firms. Visit callruby.com/lawyerist to get a risk-free trial with Ruby.
Sam, last week we spoke with Rikke Hansen about what to do if you want a career change, including a few minutes about how to think about how to save the world as part of your career change.
Sam Glover: Or what to do with those feelings, at least.
Aaron Street: Yeah, yeah. This week we’re kind of riffing off of that, and you’re going to talk with Joyce about how to start a successful legal nonprofit. You and I both have friends through TBD and the rest of the small firm legal community who’ve found ways to try to solve similar access to justice legal problems with similar client pricing models but in both for-profit and nonprofit firm settings. I thought it’d be interesting to kind of, as we preview the discussion you’re about to have with Joyce, talk about, for a minute, how to think through the distinction between solving these problems in for-profit versus nonprofit formats.
Sam Glover: Yeah. Specifically, Shantelle Argyle, who’s been on the podcast, has a legal nonprofit out in Utah. Emily Cooper, who hasn’t been on the podcast, but has been … Yeah, she’ll be, eventually. She has a for-profit law firm here in Minnesota. They both use almost the identical sliding scale. I think it actually is identical or close enough that it bottoms out at 75 bucks an hour to represent their clients and a lot of family law, some other stuff. Shantelle has a bit of a wider client base. Point being, Emily is … her goal for this year is, I think, a million bucks in gross revenue. Shantelle is a nonprofit, and they’re not starving, but they’re definitely not going after that same sort of successful business model, and it’s-
Aaron Street: Well, they are going after a successful business model. They’re just not going after profit.
Sam Glover: Yeah, right, but that comes along with lower wages for everyone who works there. It’s interesting to me that they’re both doing, essentially, the same type of good in the world with very, very different business models around it. I guess that part of me is like I really don’t think that you have to think about access to justice as sort of nonprofit charity work.
Aaron Street: Right. At the same time, I think what Shantelle is doing, and what we’re going to hear from Joyce, the role of nonprofits in providing legal assistance is super important. But it is interesting that, I think, most people jump to the conclusion that, kind of, if pro bono public interest access to justice issues are the things that they either are passionate about or want to pursue, that nonprofits are the path there. I think it’s interesting that there are models both ways, all of which are successful. They are both meeting the needs that they’re striving to and are able to grow and sustain themselves according to their goals. But I like that we don’t have to start from the premise of nonprofit. That said, if you’re going to start a legal nonprofit, I think your discussion with Joyce today is a really great primer on how to think through doing it successfully.
Sam Glover: Yeah. She says a lot of things that I wish nonprofits who had started that I’ve been involved with had known from the beginning. It’s really some valuable advice. ALDF has grown a lot, and you’ll hear more about that. We don’t talk a lot about what the Animal Legal Defense Fund does, but if you kind of know and if you’re sympathetic to the mission and you’re interested, if you want to attend the Animal Law Conference in October, you can tweet @animallawcon with the #lawyeristpodcast, and you’ll get a chance to win one of two free tickets. With that said, now here’s my conversation with Joyce.
Joyce Tischler: My name is Joyce Tischler. I’m a California attorney, and I’m the founder and general counsel of the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
Sam Glover: Hi, Joyce. Thanks for being with us today. Besides defending animals, how does the Animal Legal Defense Fund go about doing that? Tell us what does the organization look like today?
Joyce Tischler: Today, the organization has about 45 employees. We’re based in California and in Portland, Oregon. Some of our employees are long-distance, remote, working out of their homes in Texas, Wisconsin, New Jersey, New York, and other places. We also have a volunteer pro bono network of attorneys, and that’s about 2,000 attorneys throughout the United States, including some of the biggest firms in the U.S. These attorneys handle cases for us and do a variety of research projects for us on a pro bono basis. We have a supporter base of around 200,000 people in the U.S. These are not necessarily lawyers. In fact, most are not.
We’re a national organization. We have few basic programs. The first one is litigation, where we bring civil suits and challenge institutional abuse of animals, and then our criminal justice program, in which we assist prosecutors of cruelty cases throughout the U.S. We have an animal law program, which focuses on introducing classes to law schools and helping student Animal Legal Defense Fund chapters start. We’re pretty much in most law schools in the U.S. today. Certainly, every ABA-accredited law school has either an animal law class or a student group.
Sam Glover: Wow.
Joyce Tischler: Then we have some minor legislative work and a few other things going on. We offer a fellowship program for people graduating law school who would like to learn how to litigate animal law cases. We’ve got our fingers in a lot of pots.
Sam Glover: Yeah, absolutely. That’s very cool stuff. When did you start ALDF?
Joyce Tischler: I started the group with another lawyer, Larry Kessenick, out here in San Francisco in 1979.
Sam Glover: Was it just the two of you?
Joyce Tischler: At first, yes. Yeah, it was just the two of us. It may seem like a no-brainer now, but at that point, it was an unusual thing to do. With me, what led me to that was I always loved animals from a very early age. We had dogs always. As soon as I could walk around the block, I was bringing home cats I thought were lost, probably stealing people’s cats and didn’t know it, bringing home injured birds. It was always there, that special connection. I’m one of those children of the ’60s, and a lot of nonprofits were formed coming out of the 1960s. For me, I became involved as an activist in 1968 when I was 15 years old and just stayed involved going from one movement to another, civil rights, anti-Vietnam war, peace movement, feminism, prisoner’s rights, but I always came back to the animals. It was connecting those two dots, the social activism and the love of animals. That’s what took some time.
There was no legal group focused on protecting animals. There was nothing called animal law, no classes, nothing really. Coming out of the ’60s and reading a book called Animal Liberation by philosopher Peter Singer, I put the two together and thought, “This is the work I want to do.” I’d been out of law school a couple of years. I was working at a firm. The work they were doing was perfectly honorable. I just wasn’t interested in it. I knew, going in to law school, that I wasn’t a big corporate lawyer or a big firm lawyer. I had this activism. I was headed towards a nonprofit. It was just a matter of which one, and I ended up forming my own. As an activist, that came easily to me.
We started, the two of us, Larry and me, thinking, “Well, if there’s two of us, maybe there are more,” so we put an ad in our local legal newspaper. Six more people showed up, and that was our core group. We spent a few years teaching ourselves about the laws relating to animals, both nationally and in our state, the problems. At some point, people started coming to us wanting us to represent them.
Sam Glover: Was there much litigation around animal law at the time? I guess I’m just kind of wondering how did the idea that there might be enough work here for a nonprofit to do get into your head?
Joyce Tischler: We didn’t really approach it from is there enough work to do? We assumed there was. There was very little litigation being done, and it was very spotty. There were animal protection groups such as The Fund for Animals, and if they saw something that they wanted to litigate, they would hire some local attorney who knew nothing about how to protect animals but just was willing to work for them for free, for pro bono. What we wanted to do was develop a specialty, develop an ability to understand the various laws that relate to animals and to specialize in that, and then to do a really fine job.
Back in 1979, we all had jobs. In 1981, one of those tipping points came when we heard about a situation in China Lake, California, which is the middle of the Mojave Desert, in which the U.S. Navy had a problem with donkeys, burros, coming onto the air strip. Their solution was they were going to kill 5,000 of them. That seemed like an overreaction to me. I went into court. I pulled an all-nighter, went into court and got a TRO. As a result of that, we got a seed grant from a group called Animal Protection Institute. It was $6,000, but it was all I needed to leave the firm and start doing this work full-time.
Sam Glover: Til then, you’d been doing it for free.
Joyce Tischler: Yeah, yeah.
Sam Glover: Gotcha.
Joyce Tischler: Completely pro bono in my weekends and evenings. Really, you can’t practice law on your weekends and evenings. That’s not a way to do it properly. The seed grant got us going. A lot of people who’ve accomplished things have not known at the start that would be as hard as it is, which is a good thing, because maybe they wouldn’t have done it, and I’m one of those people. Once we got the seed grant, I started doing the work full-time, but the work included litigating, being the administrator, trying to build a board, trying to get us financially solid and do fund raising. I couldn’t do it all at once. I didn’t realize it for a while, and so I was beating myself up.
What I learned is that administering a nonprofit corporation … We incorporated. We formed a nonprofit corporation. Administering a nonprofit is very similar to administering a for-profit. The money comes in different ways, but you have to have sound fiscal management of a nonprofit. You don’t get a free pass. You’re running a business. I had to learn on the job a whole lot of things that they don’t teach you in law school. I’ve joked that I wish I had an MBA in addition to a JD, but I had to learn how to develop the board and how to bring people on who could benefit the corporation. I had to learn to be an administrator, hire people, fire people, coach them if they weren’t doing well.
I had to learn to fundraise, which is a terrifying thing for most people, but there’s a lot of help out there. If you’re passionate about what you do, you get over the tin cup mentality of, “Oh, dear. I’m begging for money.” You realize that you have something valuable for people to invest in. You’ve got the time. They’ve got the money. If you can come together, you can create some beautiful music.
Sam Glover: Where does your money come from now? Is it more from those 200,000 supporters or are you still relying on foundations or a combination?
Joyce Tischler: What has developed over the years is that it … The first 10 years were really rough, and we were bringing in money bits at a time.
Sam Glover: Yeah, I bet.
Joyce Tischler: For the first few years, we never had more than two-months’ income at any given time, which was scary and difficult, and so we started … I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, and I didn’t have money backing me up. None of us did. My entire board was young lawyers. We looked into how could we bring in money. We tried some grant writing to some of the bigger animal protection groups, and they weren’t interested in supporting us because we didn’t … They would rather bring on staff. Finally, we did something called direct marketing, which is those letters and phone calls, the telemarketing, the stuff you get via email today, which didn’t exist then. Back then, it was mainly letters to people in the mail, junk mail. If people would respond, then they would become our members, and we would build from there.
Once we got a stable source of income from doing direct mail, then we began other forms of fundraising. Fundraising is … There’s a certain amount of art, but there’s a lot of science to it. It’s not magical. When people show that they can give more money, you start to meet with them. You call them on the phone. You meet with them at their homes or at restaurants. Those people become what are called major donors. You tell people, through your newsletter, to please donate to the organization in their will. That’s a very inexpensive, simple way to get people to put an organization, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, into their will. At first, there were just trickles of money, and now it’s a significant part of our income, which is interesting. Once you’ve been doing this for 20, 30 years, people have left you in their wills, and it’s a significant source of income. Today, we also got to foundations. Again, back in the early ’80s, there were not many foundations giving to animal protection. Today, they are many more. We’ve diversified our sources of income. Our first annual budget was $12,000. Today, we’re around 8 million, so we’ve grown.
Sam Glover: Wow. Yeah, no kidding. I’m wondering how much of your time were you able to spend on actual legal advocacy versus fundraising and things? Because I think that’s a concern that a lot of people have when it comes to starting a nonprofit is, “Will I actually be able to do it or am I just going to be asking for money all the time?”
Joyce Tischler: It’s both. Yes, you will be asking for money all the time. Get used to it. If I had it to do over again, I would do it differently. I would build a pot of money so that we had operating funds for a couple of years, and that wouldn’t have been all that much money back in the ’80s, and then I would have hired someone else to do the fundraising. For me, success has been every time I can give away a piece of my job to someone else, then I know I’m doing well, and I did that over time.
Sam Glover: Which looks a lot like a for-profit business. I mean it-
Joyce Tischler: It is.
Sam Glover: It’s the same thing, yeah.
Joyce Tischler: Yeah, it’s very much like a for-profit. You need to plan. You need to get into strategic planning. You need to focus on some things and say no to other things when your focus is getting too wide. You need to meet the legal requirements with the Internal Revenue Service. There are annual filings with the IRS. You need to meet the reporting requirements with the State Attorney General, Secretary of State. You need to have board meetings with minutes. I mean all of this, as I said earlier, is part of running a business, and you need to attend to those details.
There came a point, frankly, where I had to choose other people … I was able to hire other people, and I had to choose between litigating and being the administrator. I felt that I had the skills to be an administrator, and so I went in that direction and hired other people to do the litigation. Today, we’ve got litigators. We’ve got communications people. We’ve got development department. We’ve got IT and operations. We’ve now got experts doing the things that little old Joyce was doing back in 1979, and not very well. I was all over the place.
Sam Glover: Well, I need to take quick break to hear from our sponsors. When we come back, I want to talk to you about that growth and how you managed it over the years. We’ll hear from our sponsors for just a moment, and then we’ll be right back.
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We’re back. Joyce, I’m curious about how the organization has grown, how you helped it grow, and how your thinking about that has changed over the years. Did it feel like there was just sort of a groundswell of support that kept growing or did you really have a vision for how you wanted the organization to grow and go about it strategically?
Joyce Tischler: I always felt that I wanted the organization to be lean and mean, and I had certain models that I looked to of nonprofit organizations that I thought were operating in a way that I liked. I never wanted us to get too big, because I thought we … I’d seen organizations that get so large that they’re appealing to the mainstream, and they lose their core message. That’s not something I wanted us to do. I did have role models all of the way for a variety of things. For example, in the early days, there was group that’s now called Earth Justice. Back then, it was called Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund. They were nearby, and their executive director was very kind to me, would take me out to lunch, and we’d talk about how things are running. We’d talk about how to select litigation. We put together a committee of litigators to oversee litigation that I wanted to bring, because for those who are litigators, you get very involved emotionally very quickly, and I needed to be able to have a group that would step back and look at it objectively.
We grew over time. There’s been a lot of experimentation that’s gone on, and I’ll give you an example. In the early days, people would call and they’d say, “My next-door neighbor has put his dog in the back yard. The dog has no coverage, no shade, all he gets is food and water, and he barks the whole day long. What can I do about that? I’ve called the Humane Society. I’ve called the police. No one will do anything.” That person might be in Minneapolis, or Paducah, Iowa, or someplace in North Carolina, and we were a tiny group sitting in California. There was nothing I could do. It was very frustrating, but out of the frustration came an idea. The idea was if prosecutors can prosecute such a case or are willing to prosecute such a case, we, as lawyers, can help them in the background quietly. We can do legal research for them. We can find sentencing options, and charging options, and expert witnesses on whether a turtle feels pain, or whether an opossum feels pain, or whether that cat died of starvation or disease. With that, that kernel of an idea, we started what is now a major program.
As I said, it’s been experimental. Some programs we started and then we said, “You know what? This is mission drift. We need to just let go of that. Let somebody else do that. It’s a good idea, but it’s not something we ought to do.”
Sam Glover: You have a pretty clear vision that you measure your strategies and your projects and things against.
Joyce Tischler: Yes, that’s correct. We do. We haven’t always had that clear vision, but we have developed it over time. We got involved in strategic planning, I think, for the first time in 2000, which … I’m a firm believer in strategic planning, but if, at that time, someone commented that we were a mile wide and an inch deep, and that’s not a compliment. You can’t be all over the place. You can’t focus effectively on every … for us, it’s every animal problem. For any business, you get more of what you focus on, so you better focus on stuff and do it well. For us, it meant saying goodbye to certain programs that just weren’t working for us and focusing on other programs where we thought, “Okay, if we focus on this, we could really make some progress. We can dig deeper.”
That’s what we’ve done over the years. We do it every three years. It has helped us to grow in so many ways, particularly financially. One of those strategic planning times was where we said, “Okay. We’re doing good work, but we’re not bringing in enough money, and that’s holding us back. So how are we going to focus on strategically bringing in more money?” We did, and it worked. It was an interesting transition. That’s when we really doubled our budget from about 4,000 to 8,000.
Sam Glover: How do you commit to spend money on strategic planning, time and money on strategic planning, when you’re strapped for one or both?
Joyce Tischler: We have always had to make choices about where we spend our time and our money. Strategic planning works for us, and so we do it. We have to. If we don’t do it, we’re going to get lost, and we are going to experience more mission drift. You can see that if you’re looking closely at certain nonprofits. You can see that, over time, they’re just not doing … They’re not as sharp as they used to be. They’re not as focused. Their message is not as clear as it used to be. We’ve always, somehow, found a way to find the money to do what we wanted to do.
Way back when, people started leaving us stock or giving us stock. Instead of using it for then-current budget needs, we just socked it away and socked it away. By doing that, over about a 10-year period, we built a really nice investment fund for ourselves. That’s our nest egg.
Sam Glover: Very cool.
Joyce Tischler: That was another way to plan ahead.
Sam Glover: Well, you were talking with other organizations. My sister worked for Justice up in southeast Alaska, so that resonates with me. While you were talking with other organizations, I was reflecting on my own experience with nonprofits. It often feels, and maybe this is even more acute in the legal world where it’s a smaller world and there are plenty of non profits, it often feels like there’s a real territorialness going on both for defending my turf for funding reasons or whatever. How do you deal with that? It is you just become the biggest badass and you blow everybody else out of the water or do you build connections? How do you approach that, and how do you try and … I feel like I want it to be less.
Joyce Tischler: Yes. Personally, I just accept that it is what it is, and if we all just accept that and also realize that there’s not a finite amount of money out there, and one can build new sources of income. Sometimes we are riding the coat tails of the larger organizations. Direct mail, direct marketing is … It’s not that it’s complex, but there’s a real system built in of what lists you go to and who you purchase or rent lists from. I don’t know if you want to get into all that. It’s its own cottage industry. By using that, we were able to build our list. We were able to be strategic. I realize I’m using the word strategic a lot.
Sam Glover: That’s all right. That’s all right.
Joyce Tischler: We were able to be strategic about that and to be business-like about doing fundraising. One of the things I learned was that it’s not finite. If you build your nest, you may also be building someone else’s. I think we all realize that to some extent. Yes, there is competition. Yes, there is a lack of trust. That just is what is in the nonprofit field. We’re always looking for ways to partner with other groups, and we do partner with many other groups. What that brings us is they may have knowledge on a topic that we’re not as knowledgeable about. Especially as lawyers, we need to have people specialize on what is a factory farm and what are the practices that are going on there or what’s happening in research labs. We can’t be the experts on everything, so partnership is our MO. We do it all the time.
Sam Glover: You consciously seek out higher ground and try to support rather than contend with others?
Joyce Tischler: Yes, yeah. I mean because there’s enough to go around for everybody. Those partnerships have been very valuable to us over the years and will continue to be. One of the things that’s happening now in our field is that we’re finding common ground with environmentalists over the issue of factory farming. We are creating partnerships there and creating a bigger tent for everybody.
Sam Glover: Yeah. It feels like the current environment, maybe it’s not quite the ’60s, but I know a lot of people, lawyers included, are starting to feel like, “What am I doing with my life? I need to go and help people.” They’re … whatever, whatever kinds of people or whatever issues you care deeply about. I know because I hear from a lot of lawyers that they want to go start a mission-driven nonprofit to make change. As someone who’s done that a while ago now and had a lot of experiences and success over the years, what advice would you give to somebody in 2017 who feels compelled to do something like that?
Joyce Tischler: Okay, yes. Follow your passion. Live the life you were meant to live, is my first piece of advice, and you will be a happy person. You won’t be the richest person around, but you’ll be very happy lawyer. There’s so much information and advice and so many resources out there from Nolo Press about how to start a nonprofit, how to manage a nonprofit, how to fundraise for a nonprofit. Just go online. Nolo Press is one book publisher, but there are many others. There’s so much information on the internet.
Board development, you’ll need to focus on board development and understand what is a beginning board, what’s a middle-range board, and what’s a very sophisticated institutional board? There’s a group called BoardSource, and they have a variety of materials, again, aimed at helping nonprofits make the most out of their board and be successful. HR is another hole. Each of these buckets has to be filled with knowledge, and you need to understand what it is to be an administrator. Again, there are many, many books on the shelves about how to be an administrator, how to be a … One-Minute Manager is the name of one … how to draw on the people who are interested in what you’re doing.
There’s a lot on fundraising. There’s a group called the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Early on, I found this group, and they were wonderful. I had an individual mentor. I would go to their conferences. I learned so much from these folks. It was different from what you described before of the competitiveness in the nonprofit world. These people were happy to share their knowledge, and it was just delightful, and still is, to be around these fundraising professionals.
There is a lot that you will need to learn. You can learn it all. Don’t try to learn it all at once because that will overwhelm you, but over time, you can. If you’re particularly interested in animal law, check out our website, aldf.org. If you’re interested in working for a group, we have a lot of openings that are listed on our website. If you want to get to know the people in the animal law movement, come to our conference. It’s in Portland, October 13th to 15th, and it’s at www.animallawconference.org for more information. There are so many ways to get into the vein of the nonprofit world that you’re passionate about, conferences, online resources, books, mentors. It’s doable.
Sam Glover: Very cool. Speaking of your conference, your organization is offering two free tickets to the Animal Law Conference. Listeners can tweet @amimallawcon, that’s the Twitter handle, using the #lawyeristpodcast saying why they would like to attend, and they’ll pick two winners.
Joyce Tischler: Oh, lovely.
Sam Glover: If you’re listening to this close in time, go ahead and do that, and you might be a lucky recipient. Joyce, I’d like to ask you one last question by way of closing, and that’s what do you know now about starting a legal nonprofit that you wish you knew 25 years ago?
Joyce Tischler: Oh, boy. I’ve alluded to that earlier. If I knew how hard it was going to be, I probably wouldn’t have done it, so I’m glad I didn’t know that. I’m glad that I was able to learn on the job slowly, painfully at times. I wish I knew I was going to be a success. Maybe I wouldn’t have had so many nights where I was waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.
Sam Glover: Yeah. Do you wish you had started strategic planning earlier?
Joyce Tischler: Yes. Yes, I do. I wish I had done what I said earlier, which was I didn’t feel like I could go to … I didn’t know major funders, but I didn’t feel like I could go to someone and say, “Hey, believe in me. Trust in me. I know what I’m doing, and I’m going to build this agency,” before I ever filed my first lawsuit. I did it the other way around. I wish I’d had some money up front. I would have had fewer sleepless nights.
Sam Glover: Very cool. Well, Joyce, thank you so much for being with us. I really enjoyed learning more about ALDF but also about your journey of starting a legal nonprofit, so thanks very much.
Joyce Tischler: Thanks, Sam. Thanks for having me on.
Aaron Street: Make sure to catch next week’s episode of The Lawyerist Podcast by subscribing to the show in your favorite podcast app, and please leave a rating to help other people find our show. You can find the notes for today’s episode on lawyerist.com/podcast.
Sam Glover: The views expressed by the participants are their own and are not endorsed by Legal Talk Network. Nothing said in this podcast is legal advice for you.
Podcast #138: Starting a Legal Non-Profit, with Animal Legal Defense Fund Founder Joyce Tischler was originally published on Lawyerist.com.
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