#feral discussion
ms-demeanor · 2 years
Neighbor shithead is standing in his driveway talking to some friends and joking about how many kittens in the last two litters got eaten by coyotes.
Every couple of days I hear someone driving down the street honk suddenly and then I have to wait for a thud to see if the cat that ran out into the road made it or not.
I took a picture of four of the kittens (in a new litter!) the other day and every single one of them has visible, terrible ear mite issues (which you can tell because they've scratched the fur completely off the back of their ears) and one has a really severe eye infection.
Our friend lent us a trap to take the kittens to the shelter for spay/neuter/vaccination but at this point none of the cats has taken the bait and honestly I would be surprised if any of them were considered healthy enough to release.
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starmocha · 2 months
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Love and Deepspace + Tumblr Text Post ↳ Sylus: No Defense Zone
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
Vettonso complaining about each other not respecting schrondinger's track limits on the radio compilation + Seb's commentary that made me a bit feral
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Must include these sexy ass pics okay, it makes me feral how hard they race each other.
Also SO upset that we got this vid and there's also pictures(and presumably a vid out there somewhere) of Fernando, back then, ALSO debriefing this race. And yet we never got them together?????? Evil. Fucked up.
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Imagine seeing them complaining about each other but also having to (begrudgingly if you're Fernando) compliment each other IN FRONT of each other. Maybe its a good thing it doesn't exist, bcs then I'd have a heart attack.
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barawrah · 7 months
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been extra miserable about them this past week
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cursedzucchini · 2 years
DC x DP prompt #5
This is so dumb but Danny is Bruce's uncle.
And not in the Danny is old or whatever, no, my dude is 15 looks like he's 13 and when he was running away from home, he met this really really old lady which looked at him, looked at his wounds and went "aight I'm adopting u"
Danny thought she was a ghost and this was her obsession, so imagine his surprise when it turned out that not only this lady was alive, but also supposedly from very influential family??? Danny wasn't sure Abt that one, bc he himself never heard abt these "Waynes" like that just sounds weird, but hey. It made the lady happy so.
Anyway they part ways, bc the lady only wanted to adopt not care, and Danny decides, hey now that I have a new fam, maybe i should get to know them or something?
Well imagine his surprise when he found out some guy in his fifties is supposedly his nephew and has like bazillion kids.
Idk what happens next yada yada sheniganas happen and than Danny ends up in Gotham. And meets Bruce Wayne. Who obviously sees young child w si gns of abuse, black hair, blue eyes and is immidietly like "aight I'm adopting u" (like grandma like grandson huh)
Only this time, Danny is sure he isn't a ghost, and has a counter argument "u can't adopt me I'm ur uncle" and immidietly flees bc dealing w his problems isn't something he does.
Cue confused batfam or stuff idk, I'm so tired and this is just an excuse for crack
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schneiderenjoyer · 10 months
Now that global's getting some more good world lore with the recent two events, I can finally just talk about how much it fascinates me that arcanists, by nature of their genetics, actually are just a different species of their own.
Like, the clear discrimination aside, the fact they definitely stand out among humans truly emphasizes the battle they face to be recognized as equals to humans if you view their race as not a sub-category of human, but as a different species entirely. How like fantasies depict humanoid creatures such as elves and dwarves, but they're never classified as human. That's what arcanists are starting to feel like.
This idea is also supported by the many hints and factoids scattered around the in-game UI. How the Celluloid Activity (the game's energy system) is a form of genetic DNA seen only in arcanists that help them control arcanum. Or how the concept of Gnosis or Deep Thought is their way of focusing their energy and help process the world and the arcanum around them. Blonney's struggle narratively in the event shows just how much arcanists think very differently compared to humans that it's seen as "odd" and "not normal" (also love the neuro divergent subtext of that for arcanists honestly).
But the real kicker of how it makes me confirm that it's not just a human discrimination of a race, but straight up xenophobia for an entire species is the conversations we get from the entire Nightmare in Green Lake, where the majority of the cast is purely arcanists interacting with other arcanists.
From the conversation in car of casually talking about Tooth Fairy eating fairies to the point she got cursed to have her teeth stolen like it's a conversation about the weather, to them just glossing over the erratic behavior of Changeling keeping campers hostage and later just getting rid (or throwing them out of the campsite) once she's bored of them. These are seen as normal behavior to arcanists.
Like, forget the members of the foundation probably seeing worse, I'm surprised Blonney didn't react more to the realization, it's honestly hilarious. But that just shows the clear divide of what makes arcanists different from humans. Which also explains why a lot of the arcanists talk so cryptic and artistic, sometimes not making sense unlike the human characters who talk straightforward and direct.
Because to us, as humans, we understand that language better and viewing arcanists' language is hard to decipher since they're a different species with a different culture and way of thinking.
This opens up larger avenues of viewing the struggles of arcanists in a human dominated world and the dark implication of the Foundation potentially experimenting on arcanists not to find the cell to withstand the Storm, but to transplant the ability to use arcanum onto humans through genetic alteration. Which can be backed up with the masks the Manus gives to humans to withstand the Storm, but in exchange turns them into monstrous beings because they can't handle the forced application of Celluloid Activity on their body.
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slttygeto · 9 months
studying for my finals and brain is full of engineering student suguru who scribbles down on his paper in such an attractive way. he uses a black pen, no colored pens and has papers taped to the wall facing his desk. he chews on the cap of his pen because he refuses to smoke in his room, but his knee keeps bouncing as he stares at the formula before him. when he gets frustrated, he slams his pen down on his desk and throws his head back with an annoyed groan and he pushes his chair away. he cracks his neck and knuckles, stretches a little before getting down to the floor to do a plank for a full minute. he doesn’t get back to studying until he feels the muscles in his arms burning.
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glacierclear · 1 year
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need everyone to remember the little mole on leon's neck. they put that there as a target. it's a bullseye. bite it kiss it lick it.
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thankstothe · 8 months
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astrabear · 4 months
A coworker watched The Old Guard on my recommendation and he really liked it and I am being so normal about it. I am not interrogating him about his favorite parts or infodumping or squeeing or anything. Absolutely killing it with my impression of a sane human being who cares about this movie a reasonable amount.
It's awful. I hate it.
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cindersart · 1 year
kaz getting friend jealous because everyone keeps buddying up to jesper is an underrated trope and i WILL NOT stand for this. i know deep in my heart that any time nina calls jesper her best friend or sturmhond/his crew asks jesper to join them, or some other grisha character is like 'wow u should come to ravka :)' kaz is looming in the background emanating strong 'get your own bestfriend!!!!!!' energy
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flyinglowdown · 4 months
i have a dream. and that dream is cressida/eloise/lord debling
#bridgerton#OKAY OKAY BUT HEAR ME OUT!#eloise has her strong interests in women's rights and philosophical discussions and escaping the societal rules of the ton#cressida wants more than anything to have her OWN home and spend her time running it with people who value HER not her “value”#+ we can see so clearly how she's begun to change + become her own person around those who won't judge her (too harshly lol) as she breaks#Debling is such a free thinker and so committed to his work with the same passion Eloise has and wants freedom from the burden of his title#BUT MOST OF ALL someone who can accept him for who he is despite /not/ fitting in how he's “supposed” to#THEY HAVE SUCH POTENTIAL!!!#Cressida free to run a home#Eloise free from the marriage mart#Debling free to explore the world#Cressida + Eloise continuing to spend their time together while Debling is on his travels#And when Debling returns home there is so much newness for them both to learn about!! such steady warmth and welcomness for the two of them#while Cressida keeps the both of them engaged in the ton and going out to meet new people/have interesting conversations#even when they forget that's one of the benefits of the ton#and Eloise's wit and charm keep them both so entertained and in such vibrant spirits even when apart#you just kNOW Eloise's letters would be something else#writing at least once a week (w/Cressida's love + polite questions peppered in) even if they know they won't be delivered 'til the next por#I'M GOING FERAL!!!!!#is this what gets me back writing fanfic again lol#eloise bridgerton#cressida cowper#alfred debling#lord debling
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oifaaa · 1 year
so ive just read UTRH and ok. i dont know if jason can ever be comfortable around his family to like, not be an asshole to them? like yes he wasnt an asshole to the batfam in the webcomic Redhood and the Outlaws but the webcomic also nerfed him really hard (they take away his batman funding so jason flies economy rather than just steal money? ok jan).
idk. im having a lot of conflicting feelings about jason. mostly "maybe if you stop being an asshole to your family they'll stop being assholes to you" but also "you should stop trying to seek validation from your family and go back to using real bullets"
See I really don't like any rhato media including the webcomic I just feel like it all really misunderstands Jasons anger and changes his character too much - in utrh Jasons anger is 100% just being angry at Bruce he says he's pissed bc Bruce didn't avenge him after he died especially bc it was joker who killed him the most unredeemable person in existence - then they do something really interesting in countdown where its explored more if Bruce killing the joker would actually make Jason happy and the answer is firmly no which furthers the question why did Jason want Bruce to the kill the joker even though he knows Bruce never would and the answer is simply bc he knew Bruce wouldn't he wanted Bruce to fail bc he needed a reason to be angry at Bruce he needed his anger to be justified bc he never took the time to really examine why he felt the way he did - which leads me to the point I want to make Jason will never be able to play happy families with this other bat's until he does a fuck ton of soul searching to really figure out why he was so angry post resurrection and if there is any possible future where he could co exist with the bat's or if its better that he stays away
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chaotic-orphan · 14 days
So I've been reading Intoxicating Fear for a while now and (Oskit shippers don't come after me) I don't see Kit and Ambrose being together. I get Ambrose but can be somewhat gentle with Kit, but I just don't think I've really seen it till now. I don't think their vibes or morals line up. I could see Jude and Ambrose together, as like a power couple of sorts, but I think don't Kit and Ambrose would be well together. (I'm sorry if this is repetitive and no one asked for my opinion on the matter. I love your work so much,
HAH HAAAAAAGGHH!!! YES!!!! WOOOOO!!!! THANK YOU ANON!!!!!! *sending kisses and bouquets of roses and popping champagne* I ABSOLUTELY ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION ON THE MATTER!!!! HAHAAAHHH! I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!! Now, Oskit shippers also don’t come for me, but I agree!!! Wholly and completely.
I agree that Ambrose can be gentle, and that their morals or vibes join up at all! My reasoning against them as a couple is simply because Kit would never, ever forgive Ambrose for what he did to him, what he took from him. Kit didn’t have a good life growing up, and then he found Mentor and his calling in the Hero academy — so when Mentor took him in and gave him a home and a life and love, Kit slowly, very slowly, let his guard down and started to believe the stories and movies about life being good, and then— Omen attacks and Kit is left alone again after taking the risk of hoping for a better life for himself.
It also doesn’t sit well with me because who has the power in their relationship? Ambrose, always, always Ambrose. So even if Ambrose made advances would Kit be too afraid to say no? And that makes it too like situations that happen in real life for me
Jude and Ambrose however? They are on the same kind of power balance (both in power and status and how they hold themselves) which would be a-okay to write, but because Kit is Ambrose’s second victim *ever* [and also just his victim] it is far too personal for Kit to ever get passed that and love Ambrose —— unless, Ambrose compelled him, and then it kind of goes into the Jessica Jones realm
Having said that, Oskit shippers, I get it, I love a good unbalanced power dynamic myself where love blooms — hell power imbalances in general (esp in whump, WOOF) — and I also love that you see something in the story that I never intended, and felt strongly enough about it to bring it to my attention!!! It has been a very fun and fucking hilarious experience, and I really like the coffee shop AU idea so it probably will happen, just not in canon 😉
But ANON, may the gods smile on you today for sharing your thoughts and opinions on the matter, I thought I was fighting against the army of Oskit shippers by myself, but now we can go back to back and fend them off with spears XD
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schneiderenjoyer · 10 months
Aracnist's UDIMO
There's not many conversations about it and what people mostly chalk their UDIMO (animal/item suitcase form) up to is that it represents the arcanist as a person. Like symbolism to their personality.
But I also like how it also reflect how they're raised and what their upbringing is like.
The main ones being people raised under the Foundation, or taken it at a young impressionable age, are all dog UDIMOs. Sonetto, Horrorpedia, Medicine Pocket. Arcanists that are likely taken in by the Foundation before their arcanum has fully manifested. They're all dog UDIMOs so far. (It could as be a jab at Pavlov reference to having experimented on mainly dogs, which is fucked up) And even arcanists like X is a lil lab rat UDIMO.
I find it fascinating that UDIMO has so much more symbolism to them than just their nature as a person, but also reflects their upbringing and overall viewed by a greater narrative.
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lukasadss · 8 months
The day we get any pictures/clips of Mason at the family dinner scene I need to be locked up
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