#fictional or otherwise
astaroth1357 · 5 months
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I don't check nothing.
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Jesper: Playing make believe with kids is so confusing, you “shoot” them and they come out with some nonsense like ‘actually I went back in time so it doesnt count’
Jesper: The hell are you talking about buddy? You just gonna rip a hole through time and space? Thats irresponsible
Wylan: Jesper, hes 6
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lady-astras · 2 months
Healed Promises - Pt 1
! By Xizara i mean Evil Xisuma, that’s the name I have him !
! These phone numbers are purely randomly typed into the keyboard, please do not try calling them !
Xisuma prided himself on the fact that he kept his promises. He was a man of honor - whatever he told someone he’d do (or implied that he’d do it), he would do it. No one would be let down under his watch, least of all his hermits. 
He didn’t see Wels all that often, but he liked to think of their pride as a bonding connection.
Maybe there was a reason for that. Maybe it was the guilt that consumed his soul every single day since he was eighteen. The guilt that ate away at him, constantly reminding him of a fateful portal he’d opened.
He’d let them down by leaving.
He always kept promises after that though. Ones he could keep, ones that were iffy. He always kept them. A promise was like a little trinket, something small that meant something big to someone else. They’d entrusted him to keep it and so he honored that wish.
Which was why he was initially so hesitant to send a reply letter back. By no means was it a huge commitment. But… did he really want to see him again?
Xizara had never, ever done anything wrong. He had always been the one to wrap Xia in blankets and whisper soothing words to her, all while he himself was the one who invoked arguments with his parents as a last-ditch effort to try to help. Maybe if he’d been more emotionally available for his siblings they wouldn’t resent him so much. Xizara had probably asked to meet him just to tell him off after gathering the courage to see him after fifteen years.
He picked up the letter to read it again, parchment clearly ripped out of an empty notebook, the paper softened from the times he’d crumpled it up and instantly regretted it.
Xisuma -
I write to you after a while to tentatively ask to meet. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, and as everyone knows, twins always stick together.
Void if only they could have stuck together, like False and her twin did. 
I know you’re busy - you always are, precious Admin child.
Was he being made fun of? Was that some form of anger being expressed in the note of always being overlooked?
So if you could please write back that would be great. We can arrange a time or something?
My new comm number is 682-720-8165 if you want to save it. If you’re mad at me just say that.
Inanis’ blessings,
Xizara Void
Dammit this was difficult. Was he annoyed or not? Surely if he was annoyed the letter would be worded differently? But he could be trying to hide it.
He pulled out a piece of paper and a fancy pen from his stationery drawer.
Hey Xizara,
Yeah I’d be down to meet! I’m pretty busy lately but as the admin of the server I’m sure I can delegate or something, haha.
Do you want me to come back home or do you want to visit me here? I can make accommodations for the air and stuff, but it’d be helpful if you still have the helmet or mask I gave you.
I don’t have much of a preference but I get the feeling I’m not really welcomed at home anymore…
You can contact me as well if you like by personal comm at 451-269-0157. If that’s the wrong number just let me know, I get my work and personal numbers mixed up sometimes.
Xisuma Void, Ad.M
He sighed, setting down the pen. The promise was inked and he was now obligated to send it.
If this was a trap waiting for him he’d rather be prepared, but if it wasn’t he didn’t want to estrange his siblings even more.
To the interdimensional post office.
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chainsawmascara · 5 months
Hi, hello, if you're a fan of astarion (which you are bc this is tagged solely with his name), consider familiarizing yourself with the words "sex worker" and "trafficking victim."
Because if i see one more post where astarion fans casually say prostitute and hooker like that's Still Cool to Say, I'm going to lose my goddamn mind. He says that about himself in a derogatory way. Why are you then referring to him and other characters in a derogatory way? What. What are you doing. Why are you doing that. Why do you think that's okay.
I've done various forms of sw. Never fssw, to be fair (also I've had multiple partners try to traffic me and this is a thing i, under any other circumstance, would NEVER bring up but mario voice here we GOOOOO) (fssw example: the drow twins), but boy howdy! Half the astarion fandom makes my skin crawl with how frequently and flippantly those terms are thrown around!
Pixels vs real people, etc, etc, yes, HOWEVER. Your use of these phrases are a direct reflection as to how you'd refer to Actual People in That Industry or Who Are Trafficking Victims irl given that's how Terminology Works.
They are. The least respectful words you can use. There are people in the bg3 fandom who have been trafficked and see you consider them hookers! Against their will! There are probably fssw in the fandom who see you saying hooker! Which is degrading and commonly regarded as an outdated and distasteful phrase! There are other swers who see that! Maybe stop calling people hookers and prostitutes and respect people! Even if they're pixels! Because basic human respect should be normalized! And self-loathing derogatory statements a trauma victim makes about himself should not be normalized as the Acceptable Terminology for People Experiencing These Things! Because language and culture are connected regardless of whether or not we're speaking about fictional characters! Fiction is, by its very nature, allegorical! These words have meaning! Maybe use the words that aren't awful!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I'm very excited for the extremely likely backlash I'll receive here!
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neoninky · 6 months
AHHHHH-Diasomnia Ch 7 spoilers and lots of nerd rage-HHHHH
Ok hold up
Did any of the other OB bois have motherfuckin’ One Winged Angel Sephiroth Doom music following them around????? Or is OB Malleus just that terrifying?! 😂 What the actual fresh hell y’all I’m dying
Malleus is legitimately scary and rightly angry laaaawd *shakes fist at wispy ass senate members*
Fuck YOU👏
Fuck yo MOM👏👏
That guy is COOL *fist bumps Lilia* 🐰🤜🤛🦇
Fuck👏 yo👏crusty👏infuriating👏lying👏prejudiced glowing Diet LoZ Navi asses👏👏👏👏
*makes very angry notes for her SC Diasomnia story*
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*morphs back into normal self* Also I hope all y'all are doing well ok I love you bye bye :D <3
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 years
I've always subscribed to the idea that "child stealing jedi" was more of a rumor planted by the Sith? Doubt there's much support for either idea in actual canon, but I think it would be neat to have Leia learn that they talk to the parents about how Raising Force Sensitive Kids is hard and then the parents decide if they should/shouldn't go with them?
It could lead to her realizing that even if she knows Palpatine's game, she's not immune to his* manipulation, which would be interesting.
*his being Sith in general, since it wouldn't have been started by Palps
(not that you'd have to! I'm just rereading and had Thoughts)
That's...not really an idea I have much interest in. I have very specific Thoughts about the behavior of the Order across 1,000 years and how they were perceived by the public (both generally and specifically in relation to taking on initiates).
I don't really talk about it much because, well, any mention seems to summon the exact sort of people I was afraid I would encounter when I started writing in a fandom as large as SW for the first time (very angry, very very vocal about it). Aside from my general disinclination to fight with strangers on the internet because that never goes well, I also know how little canon material I've consumed relatively speaking, and it's pretty clear to me from the lurking I've done more recently in SW fandom spaces that I...do not consume the media like most fans? Or at least, not the most vocal ones. So fighting seems doubly not worth it. We can just enjoy our own spaces.
Anyway, if any well intentioned Jedi ever sat Leia down and explained to her how reasonable the process was for taking in children and why it was so valuable, she would have two immediate thoughts, mostly emotionally driven.
How dare you dismiss my parents, they raised me Just. Fine. In full view of a Sith Emperor!! And Vader!!!! And
(Recalling what Shmi has told Leia of how Anakin was taken) If Qui-Gon Fucking "Ends Justify the Means" Jinn were alive right now I would kill him again...
No matter how many objective facts you threw at her, Leia would look at the situation that harmed Her Family and led (ultimately) to the destruction of Her Planet and be Very Unimpressed with anyone's arguments.
(Could she believe that Palpatine took rumors of Jedi stealing children and leveraged them to further isolate the Jedi, sure. But Leia of DLB didn't hear that rumor from the Empire. The person who suggested it to her was Luke, and whatever biased or faulty information he might have had, Leia knows governments well enough--even well intentioned ones--to be suspicious.)
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donnydamakkk · 1 year
i so love that 911 didn't make the lee's resent chimney after kevin. so many shows go that route. it is so relieving that they didn't go that route.
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anxiousxdreamer · 1 year
Consider this ask one to just. Let it rip about all the stupid discourse facts and opinions you’ve got. I find stupid discourse fascinating and fun and having an outlet for even the stupid inconsequential feelings is important
well since i've got Bluey on the brain. Full disclosure: i know arguments about this show are fucking dumb but some people don't know how to act about even fictional children let alone real children.
read more for the people who don't have "shorten long posts" on
Muffin is, at worst, a hyperactive and demanding three year old. I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND finding her annoying, and if any five year old said to me "i hate Muffin a lot and if she jumped at me i'd kick her" i'd be like "that's not very nice" at most (assuming they're not a kid i need to worry about impressing further morals upon like a nibling or cousin or something) cause yeah, you're a kid, whatever, i get it. Muffin would have bothered me too at your age. But there's NO reason to want to fucking eviscerate her as a whole ass adult for, again, just being LOUD. I also INCREDIBLY disagree with people who call her spoiled. Idk if i just have a specific ass definition of spoiled, but we see her not get her way MULTIPLE TIMES. Is it cause her parents don't beat her for being loud or some shit? I dunno! Maybe!! But fuck man!!! That's a good thing!!! She will mellow out over time and I do stake that on the fact I KNOW her parents don't just give her whatever she wants all the time. But for now she is still young enough that she has some developmentally appropriate issues that, were she real, would be ironed out over time (and may still be within the show idk)
Then there's JUDO. She is an only child, about Bluey's age so like, six. There's a whole episode where, because she finds Bingo annoying (Bluey's 4 y/o little sister) she convinces Bluey to run away and abandon Bingo and it hurts Bingo's feelings real bad because Bluey wouldn't usually do that and also that sucks!! To be found annoying and to have other kids run away from you is heart breaking as a little kid! And because of that some people are JUST as horrendous in how they talk about Judo as they are about Muffin. I just wanna be like "I HAVE BEEN. IN BINGO'S POSITION. IN THIS SAME SCENARIO. THERE IS NO REASON TO WANT TO BEAT JUDO. THEY ARE ALL CHILDREN. THEY ARE ALL CHILDREN. THEY ARE ALL JUST CHILDREN LEARNING HOW TO PEOPLE. AND JUDO HAS LESS CHANCES TO BE AROUND SMALLER CHILDREN AND LEARN TO BE CHILL WITH THEM BECAUSE SHE'S AN ONLY CHILD."
And not to bleed over into discourse about Real People but EVERY TIME i see a video of some child Not Behaving Perfectly. whether it's a tantrum, just not wanting to let go of something, wanting something they can't have, smacking their parents in the face (by accident even!!), breaking something, being a bit pouty, being a bit lippy, there are ALWAYS ALWAYS AAAAAAAAAAALWAYS comments from people saying how badly they wanna hit those kids. EVERY TIME. From "kid reached for something and looked a bit miffed they couldn't have it" to "full down temper tantrum" there is ALWAYS someone talking about beating that child. I cannot fucking stand it. Most of the time I just roll my eyes and don't respond to them but at the same time there's always this little spike of rage in me about it.
And the inanity of some of the arguments i've seen over Sanders Sides? Eugh. I frequently have new tags to block immediately after anything happens because people have no chill. Patton, Mr Morality, is not being a secretly evil manipulator for being wrong sometimes and leading Thomas in that direction. Nobody is a bad person for liking the "dark" sides. Thomas taking a long time to make new Sanders Sides content is fine, actually. Roman went too fucking far making fun of Janus's name. The ads are getting annoying though I will give that.
I think it's a disservice to Serana's character to make romance mods for her, but at the same time, I do believe in "she's lines of code, animations, and some dialogue. do whatever" yknow? Maybe it's the aromantic in me that's just "can I keep her?" but it's fine
i am deeply suspicious of anyone who likes mineta from mha. it's dumb. but at the same time...
Oh another one involving People Not Being Chill about Children, last time I poked my nose in the Shugo Chara fandom, I saw people hating this like, 11/12 year old child with vitriol because he, as I could boil it down, "is immature." WHAT?! THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLER IS IMMATURE? NOOOOO- Like yes his flaws sure are his flaws good job. also he's like 12 and these are very reasonable flaws in a 12 year old. maybe we don't have to wish death upon his character about it.
Anyway I'm hurting my head with too much boiling over so thank u for asking for whatever bullshit I could spit today here it is
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niishi · 1 year
I just think ppl who primarily idolize toxicity and being stagnant and unhealed in fiction, don't leave that in fiction. and it's such a red flag for me as a real person who idolizes being healthy and healed and not constantly stuck in my misery. as someone who works hard to grow and find love for life. as someone who doesn't always want to be the victim. I only get triggered by this bc I've had too many friendships irl where ppl have done this and their toxic media portrayals don't stay in a fictional realm and they can't separate that fictional idealism from reality and then you get villianized for not wanting to be stagnant and unhealthy.... it's personal for me lol.
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dumb-hat · 2 years
Prompt #13: “Confluence” - FFXIV Write 2022
The morning air in Evander's apartment smelled like whiskey and inspiration.
And also regret.
And also maybe just a bit like vomit.
The whiskey and vomit made sense. The inspiration and regret were a bit more mysterious. He was a stranger to neither, especially in the wake of a celebratory bender, but he usually had the dubious luxury of remembering where either came from. Instead, today they hung about at the edge of his consciousness, hovering in and out of view like a desert mirage. Just there, but not there.
He slipped into some pajamas and hauled himself out of bed, and as he made his way to the living room, things slowly fell into place. His memories were still hazy and elusive, but the sight before him at least gave him context for the curious, ephemeral emotional miasma that he woke up to.
And Twelve, what a sight.
What a glorious, stupid sight.
All of the furniture in his front room had been pushed as far to the side as he could manage, piled up in corners, against the wall, or atop his bar. In the center of the room were two large oval tracks that ran parallel to each other. A model train hurtled down each track at the same speed, but in opposite directions. On each train rode one of his crabs. As the two trains neared each other on the track, the crabs would tussle, each attempting to grasp each other to throw it from the train on which it rode in a bizarre, gladiatorial display that was at once both a celebration and a disparaging mockery of a joust.
A drunkenly engineered crab battle. Evander found it hard to imagine a more stereotypical confluence of his interests. He could only assume that his original plan probably involved the crabs somehow robbing each other, though even now, the morning after, he couldn't really figure out how that would work.
At some point, he'd need to get to work putting everything back in its place, but that was a problem that Past Evander had left for Future Evander. Luckily, he was Present Evander, and he barely even knew those other two assholes, so he decided it wasn't his problem while he plopped down on the floor to try and puzzle out exactly how things ended up as they had.
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vitospaghetta · 2 months
I've been going back and forth with two asshole customers all week with the names Chris and Leon and I have to find the humor in that otherwise I WILL lose my fucking mind.
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fandom-geek · 4 months
btw, the violinist in tmp 4? he's probably james smithson, of "founder of the smithsonian institute" fame
so what do we know about our violinist? he grew up in alnwick abbey, he was illegitimate and had legitimate full siblings, a father "certain of his celestial significance", and he has a nephew to whom he leaves his violin
and smithson? well, his father restored alnwick abbey in the 1750s, which was in ruins up until then. smithson was the only illegitimate child of any of the dukes there in the 1700s, which is when the statement is set
smithson also left his estate to his nephew after his death, with the condition that his fortune would establish the smithsonian institute if his nephew died without any children.
here's a point of divergence, however. in our timeline, smithson was a chemist and mineralogist. in tmagp's timeline, he was a violinist. however, as u/New_Helicopter836 pointed out to me on reddit, when smithson's body was disinterred by andrew graham bell, his right little finger was such that it suggests he played "the harpsichord, the piano, or a stringed instrument such as a violin"
looking at smithson's life, he left for university in 1782, so it's likely that tmagp 4 is set around the same time. it might be a bit earlier since the royal court orchestra moved from mannheim to munich in 1778 (putting smithson at about 13), it might be another point of divergence, or smithson is describing it this way to call back to its earlier significance. i'm not sure, but it's weird either way.
all that said, i'm not terribly sure why smithson describes his father (sir hugh smithson/percy, duke of northumberland) as "certain of his celestial significance", especially when the only other time he says celestial is to describe the violin's music. the user i mentioned before found that sir hugh, a major patron of architectural projects, had an observatory built, but i find smithson's language too specific. is his father an avatar too? mannheim is only a bit north of schwartzwald, after all, and this is about thirty years before tmag 23 where albrecht writes to jonah magnus.
let's look a little at smithson's bequest to found the smithsonian institute in the first place. smithson asked for it to be "an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men". the magnus institute, notably, is described in the arg as a place of education, and it was founded in 1818. although smithson died in 1829 and his nephew in 1835, the original smithsonian (the columbian institute) was granted a charter by the us government in 1818.
the letter is strangely absent of any names for the violinist or his family, and i can't help but wonder if this is why. and if it is because this is smithson - is this related to why the magnus institute exists instead of the magnus archives? the smithsonian, before it was renamed, was originally granted a charter by the us govt in 1818 - the same year that the magnus institute was founded in tmagp.
this is set 30 years before we know anything of jonah magnus, at least in tmag, so is it possible that he persuaded smithson to fund his educational institute focusing on the supernatural? the changed course of smithson's life from scientist to supernatural violinist would certainly be conducive for that, not least to mention the strange absence of his fortune from his letter to his nephew.
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heronpoxed · 5 months
Say what you wanna say about Kelsier but that man knew how to love and he loved with a raw fucking passion.
For years he was led to believe that Mare had mercilessly betrayed him before she died and yet he still insanely loved and missed her — something that he stated as a simple fact and not as a guilty confession.
Kelsier and Mare had 0 page-time together, but they still managed to snatch my fucking heart and push my expectations through the roof precisely because of how Kelsier talked about her! Is there anyone who does it like him? Hell nah!
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fryday · 5 months
not to get deep, but dan and phil epitomise the thing i dream of having in a relationship: complete and total comfort. the amount of ease they share, the kind that's so total they'd allow the other person into their literal and figurative space without blinking, without thinking, without noticing — because that's just the way it is, and should be. like "I would like to be the air that inhabits you for a moment only. I would like to be that unnoticed and that necessary" (margaret atwood)? they are there. that's them. and it makes me a little weepy, i'm not gonna lie
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mr-mafias-wife · 7 months
Hi I love you blog, I was wondering if I could get, Denki, Todoroki, Shinso, Kirishima, and Bakugo teaching their girlfriend how to give head. Thank you!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
OMG this sounds so sweet!!!!!!!! I think I’m gonna make this a series. So ig here’s part one! GN reader!!!
Bakugou; Denki; Todoroki ; Shinso
If you don’t like it… DONT READ IT!!!
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I know a lot of people will disagree with this, but i think that for your first ever blow job, bakugou would be a bit soft
Not saying he’s coddling you, just saying he’s not fucking your face aggressively
He would ask you at least four times if you were sure
It’s not like you’ve never done anything, there have been hand jobs and face sitting, but you’ve never put him in your mouth
You sit below Bakugou, hands placed gently on your knees as you look up at your boyfriend who’s sitting on the end of your shared bed. He had an uncharacteristically gentle smile graced his face as his callous palm cradles your cheek.
“Y’sure ya wanna do this peach?” he asked, voice gravely and dripping with lust.
You nod, learning your face into his hand as you kiss his palm. He chuckles and sits back, pulling his cock out of his sweatpants. You whimper at the sight of him pumping himself, his fist wrapped tightly around his girth as he worked to get himself harder than he already was. Once he was comfortable, he gently grabbed your hand, placing the oddly small appendage on his base, moving your other hand to wrap around the space just above.
“Now,” he grunted, pulling pillows up behind him and gently petting your head, “You move them up and down at the same time.”
You tried that, just like how he taught you when you just use your hands. Your brows furrowed in concentration, “Like this?”
Bakugou grunted heavily, sucking a sharp breath as he grabbed your wrists. “Now keep doing that, but move them like this.” He gently rotated your hands, moving them so your forearms were apart when you reach his tip but then your wrists would touch when you got to his base.
You shifted in your position on the floor, your knees digging into the pillow below you as you hovered over his cock. He chuckled at your position, you just look so cute when you’re concentrating! There was a moment where neither of you talked, just him enjoying the pleasure and you enjoying his sounds. But you started to get antsy. He noticed and spoke.
“Wrap your lips around the tip, yeah?” he graveled out. You nodded gently and leaned forward, giving him a kitten lick before wrapping your plush lips around his throbbing tip. He hummed in appreciation and gently placed his hand on the back of your head — not for power, but for guidance.
You sucked on his tip for a hot minute, moving your wrists the same way. Soon you got curious, sucking farther down his cock and only reaching a third of the way down his impressive length. You hummed gently, smiling to yourself as he bucked his hips making you gag viciously as his tip hit the back of your throat. You pulled back quickly, coughing strongly and clasping on to Bakugou’s thigh.
He shot up, gasping apologies to you as he brushed you hair from your face. Once you had calmed there was a beat of silence.
“I’m so so so sorry peaches,” he mumbled.
“I-I’m okay,” you smiled gently down at the ground.
“What?” he whispered.
No response.
“Peaches,” he slipped a hand under your chin and moved your eyes to meet his, “What’s wrong?”
“I kinda liked it,” you whispered, shuffling closer to his open thighs and placing a small hand on one.
“Yeah?” You nod. “Well then,” he smirked as he leaned back into the pillows, threading both hands through your hair and grabbing a fistful, “Three taps on my thigh means stop.” And that the last thing you heard before you were gagging and sputtering around his thick cock, whimpering as his derogatory names for you and rough thrusts.
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Now, even though he talks a BIG game, i think it would be his first time too
Not like with sex — i know his virginity is LOOOOOOOOONG gone — but more like his first time having someone’s mouth around him
He’s not used to the personal attention, he mainly focuses on his partners, so he’s just as nervous as you are
He will DEFINITELY cum early but hell try so so so very hard to hold back — plus he’s a sucker for overstim so just keep going!!!
“A-are you sure? ‘Cause I can just ea—“
Denki’s rambling was cut off by your yanking of his belt, “I told you, Denks,” you smile, unzipping his jeans and shoving them to his knees with his boxers, “I wanna do this! You always wanna do stuff f’me, lemme treat you, Sparky.”
He smiles fondly at you, brushing his knuckles against your cheek, “Why’re you always so sweet to me, Sunshine?”
With a wink back you grab ahold of his cock. It’s thin, but long, and pink at the tip. You give him a few good tugs then look back up at his flushed face, “Now, I watched a few videos before, and I saw some girls twisting their wrists like this and putting their mouths on the tip.”
You hum as your wrap your freshly glossed lips around his tip and hear his groan of approval — he always did love your lip gloss. Then, you begin to twist your had around his shaft, loosening as you got to his base and tightening slightly as you got to his tip. At the first stroke, Denki hunches over you with a whimper, screwing his eyes shut and digging his hands in your hair.
You didn’t stop however, you were too addicted to the near pornographic moan he let escape to calm down. Instead, you took your free hand and started lightly tracing the underside of his balls, like you had seen a porn star do in one of the videos you found.
“B-baby! Slow down!” You sped up at his whine, sucking harder, stroking faster, massaging his balls in your palm with he occasional gentle tug.
He was twisting a turning above you, desperately fisting your hair as his face flushed a deep shade of red and his hair rose from the static of his quirk. He was moaning and whimpering unabashedly and his knees began to quake as he neared his end.
“S-sunshi-ne,” He hiccuped, “‘m gonna cum! Put — put more of me in…please!”
With a giggle, you carefully popped a few more inches of his cock into your mouth, rubbing your tongue across the thick vein along his shaft.
Denki came. Hard. He fisted your hair desperately and you looked up just in time to see his head thrown back and face twisted in pleasure as he moaned out your name.
You continued to softly jerk him as he came down, removing your mouth to catch the dribbles of his seed he left on your chin, staring up at his lulling head above you.
“Denks?” You reach a tentative hand to his chest as he shutters. One of his hands covers yours, lanky fingers twining around your palm.
“Can you do that,” he breathes deeply, letting out a chuckle, “every night?”
All you can do is laugh and nod as he lays you out to return the favor.
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It’s always the quiet ones?! He’s very soft dom, all guiding and loving, but also very dominant, sometimes strict when he’s had a bad day
At first he’d be shocked but then he’d grin softly and help you kneel before him and just let you explore his body
HES GOT RULES — but he totally forgets every single one as soon as your lips touch him
Your heart was racing, nearly beating out of your chest as you knelt at Shoto’s feet. Your hands were placed gingerly on your thighs as your eyes traced every one of his movements, including the bobbing of his aching cock.
Shoto sat in front of you, completely naked and sprawled out on the couch. His hand picked at a stray thread in the couch as he studied your position. You gulped.
“Are you sure you want to do this, my love? There are plenty of other activities we can fill our night with,” he murmured as he placed his elbows on his knees and delicately traced your jaw with a hand.
“I’m sure, Sho. Teach me,” you whispered back. He quirked a brow.
“There’s a good pet.” He smiled as he leaned back, pulling you closer to his crotch by your chin. He motioned for you to place one hand in his and you jumped a bit as he crudely spat in your palm. “Now,” he smiled slowly and relaxed further into the cushions, “wrap your fingers around the shaft and squeeze a little.”
You did as instructed and he grunted. You were mesmerized by the way his tip glistened and how his abdomen flexed with every restrained breath of his. With out even thinking, you began to stroke him, long and steady as you watched a few beads of pre-cum glisten down your fist. Shoto didn’t speak because he was curious of what you would do, how you would explore him.
Not that you noticed anyways, you’d moved on to using two hands, one right above the other, and pumping faster. Eventually, the milky lube at his tip became too tempting and, tentatively, you licked a drop. The flavor was unique. Obviously salty and tangy but it had a slight sweetness to it, something that compelled your to wrap your lips around the pink mushroom-like head and suck you your heart’s content.
“Such a good pet,” Shoto moaned openly, releasing the rules he’d set in favor of allowing you to explore to your heart’s content. “Just like that.”
“‘M doing good?” You pant, fanning your breath over the underside of his dick as you lick a stipe from balls to tip.
“So so good, take your time, my love, you have all night,” he mumbled, combing his fingers through your hair in silent praise and pride.
You smile, already thinking about your next step: giving his beautifully shaved balls some much needed attention.
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Imma be honest — I have ZERO fukin idea, he seems 1 of 2: asexual or uninterested in his own pleasure
I mean, i think it would take him a bit to get used to the idea or he’d just be bored
Now, if you say it’s for YOUR pleasure, I bet he’d be on board in a heartbeat
This exhausted muppet of a man would splay himself out and say do WHATEVAH
You giggled, shifting nervously on the foot of the bed as your boyfriend is starfished naked on the bed, a lazy — defiantly weed induced — smile graces his face. “Whatever?” You question.
“Whatever.” He repeats.
“So just anything I want to do?” You ask. He nods. “What if I mess up?” He rolls his eyes. “What if I hurt you?” He chuckles. “But seriously, Shin, I’ve never done this. What if my teeth catch on you or my han—”
Suddenly, Shinso is grasping your cheeks with his thumb and forefinger, almost enough to hurt, and bringing your nose-to-nose with him, “If I’m in pain, I might let you know. But I like it. So I most likely won’t. If it doesn’t work, then I’ll help direct you. However, if this becomes something that spreads any semblance of insecurity, I will not hesitate to stop you and lick, fuck, suck and spank every ounce of it out of you. Understood?”
With a whimper you nod. You always did love when he would get more dominant with you. After a quick peck on your forehead, he lays back down, gathering a few pillows over his hands to lay his head on, looking as comfortable as ever. You told a deep breath before shaking your hands out and settling back between his legs.
With shaky hands, you grabbed the small bottle of lube he set out next to you earlier and gathered a little spurt before massaging it into your hands. After another deep breath you grabbed his cock.
It’s long and slightly tilted to the left with a thick base. It made your mouth water. With one hand resting on his thigh, the other began to stroke his dick, watching as his foreskin moved to cover his glistening pink tip slightly. You shifted forward a bit, concentration written all over your face as you watched his cock twitch with each move.
Shinso was enjoying this more than he felt he should. Watching his adorably shy lover finally break out of their shell. He made a point not to say anything, wanting you to have full control over what will make you comfortable. It arouses him to no end knowing that you found it to be pleasurable, it’s the only reason he’s doing this in the first place.
You’d moved the hand on his thigh to the base of his cock now, your thumb just barely brushing his balls. You’d found it interesting that more pre-cum would spurt if you tightened your hold around his tip. The second you realized this he let out a guttural grunt. You smiled and he swore in that moment that you were the most devilish angel to ever grace this earth.
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sukimas · 6 months
i think that it's not necessary in general for games where you can cast fireball to have that be a society-altering change. however.
i think that if you do take the consequences of "you can cast fireball" and make them spread out to society as a whole you can do some really interesting stuff. how would this, for example, select for the type of people recruited into armies? how would this affect relations between different social classes? you have so much rich stuff you can dig into but you are trying to figure out where indigo dye comes from.
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