#fingers crossed anyway!
soupdreamer · 26 days
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hey brennan what the fuck
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sprucewoodmpreg · 2 years
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Here are the results! Thank you to everybody who contributed to the original survey ^_^
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egophiliac · 1 year
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ten minutes into the trip and already Leona's elaborate get-out-of-work-free plan has gone wildly off the rails. off to a great start!
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
Happy Fathers Day, I'm finally on time for something!!! I don't have that much flavor this time though folks. just sweetness. that's it. hope that's cool, never too bad.
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if you think this is anything but platonic then no, plz. away
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xinyuehui · 22 days
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If I told you that you could travel back in time through photos, would you like to take the chance?
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shirozora-draws · 8 months
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*looks at the clock* oh god not AGAIN-
I was editing the Grogu baby crimes shaker charm to get a second samples order on order, but I had some stuff from Shotdeck, an excellent resource for your composition and color key needs, open on the side as references for the 3quelfic illustrations, and saw one out of the corner of my eye that had a particular composition/color key. That was all I needed for the brain to flip a switch and demand I break out the quick/rough sketch brushes.
I have the worst impulse control.
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alabasterpickles · 2 months
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Have a little doodle I did about two weeks ago 🫣
I struggle posting thing individually, but I am working on fixing it
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marlynnofmany · 2 months
All right, what's on the ol' professional to-do list for this morning? Ah yes, a photoshoot with Stabby the Roomba. Naturally.
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mattodore · 4 months
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ria, pack leader of three
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weebsinstash · 5 months
so like in the most awful manipulative evil way possible can you imagine Valentino pulling some outright DEBAUCHED, VILLANOUS shit like making Angel do one of those "ha ha you were blindfolded and your partner isn't who you thought it was" sorta pornos because yes that's an entire genre and for him, the blindfold gets ripped off and it's, ya know, his friend, YOU
and you'd think "oh chicks would be safe though right" WRONG BECAUSE APPARENTLY ON ANGEL'S WIKI IT SAYS HE'LL FUCK WOMEN IF THEY PAY EXTRA also like how does that even work out. Like... dude is a hole a hole for you??? Like with Husker??? I guess being able to withstand sex is different than being actively turned on and desiring but I guess that's pretty sad on his part, he's probably snorting pills and shit to get it up just to get the job done
Also I need to visit genuine nonplatonic yan Angel x male Reader at some point but that's a story for another time. God the absolutely TOXIC potential of poly Val/Angel/Reader like ughhhhh the suffering, throw Vox in there too and you've got just a bunch of toxic codependent horny addicts and then also there's the TV they watch porn on cjfjfnfjr
But like. Valentino just being a MENACE because one or both of you have CROSSED HIM. he wants to punish you both in such a fucked up horrible way that he also wants to get off on and potentially film for himself or profit(and I imagine even outside of this specific scenario, Val would be 500% a voyeur/cuck to some degree and loves watching his toys play together, like didn't he even kinda make Vox strip in a gram post once? Once you're his ho, you're his ho, that certain "I haven't fucked you" type of respect is never regained back)
I just picture. Maybe Angel is blindfolded but he's still in an aggressive dominant role and maybe even instructed to be rough or say really mean shit (slapping you, calling you a whore, demeaning you about how much you're definitely enjoying this) and all he can tell is that his partner is gagged and restrained, and at some point in the most traumatizing post nut clarity possible the blindfold is removed and one of two things happens
1. You were gagged but unlike him WASNT blindfolded so you could see him and cry through your gag and like pointlessly uselessly call for his help and tell him who you are but it doesn't work and that's like part of your punishment
Or 2. You're blindfolded and kept ignorant and Valentino holds this over Angel's head like an atomic fucking bomb. "You better remember this the next time you try to betray me, because I have pleeeenty of nice footage to show your little friend if this happens again"
just saying, I doubt Valentino would even NEED to use Angel's contract to make him behave anymore after getting THAT kind of dirt on him. Angel's SO lonely, and he can't lose his best friend, and also, he couldn't possibly traumatize you even worse like that.... totally not also being potentially selfish and self serving "I can only protect you if you're around me" or some deranged shit... and of course, now Val gets another nice little plaything out of it too, isn't that so nice for him ❤️
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friendcrumbs · 2 months
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once again crunching for uni so ofc i remade the motivational posters instead of being productive. alt version for dan under the cut
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pianokantzart · 6 months
Do you think Peach sees Luigi as a little brother? Like she takes one look at the clumsy, shy man that he is and then is like, "I don't care if he's a bit older than me, he's my little brother now too."
I hope Mario is willing to share his little brother custody of Luigi with Peach.
Honestly? That is everything I want out of a Luigi/Peach relationship. In their brief on-screen interactions, we got... Peach trying to protect Luigi:
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and Peach praising Luigi for how brave he was:
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"Mom friend" is already her neutral state, so I totally see that evolving into more of a "big sister" role as she becomes familiar with the full extent of Luigi's capabilities. But I think Mario will be more than happy to share custody.
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bright-and-burning · 2 months
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relax and catch the manic rhapsody: summon on the pearl rosary
(oscar piastri/girl!lando norris, explicit, ch1 of 2, 1.7k)
Oscar's phone lights up where it’s plugged in on the bedside table. It’s a text from Lando, a string of almost incomprehensible emojis. A comb, what google tells him is a shaking head, a knot, the shaking head’s nodding counterpart, and then several in a row so suggestive he can feel himself blushing. Complete nonsense, he supposes, to anyone else. Practically a novel to him.
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causeimanartist · 2 years
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Totally not projecting onto Bruce, nope
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snarkspawn · 1 year
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a little sketch for the kinnporsche anniversary event week 1: favourite main character
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elizabethshaw · 1 year
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