#first 'i love you's are soft and spoken almost like she is thinking that it'll ruin things
willowdied · 11 months
anyhow important thing about stephanie lauter is she will never admit to it but she very much so does not remember a time that she has heard anyone say that they loves her and because of this has a Very big love hate, scared wanting with those three Big Words, usually will not say it first ( with a Few certain circumstances ) and might even take a second to say it back to someone once they've said it to her but is the type to whisper it when she thinks someone can't hear when she starts feeling it because as much as she has not heard it, she has a hard time keeping it inside of her because what if someone else need to hear it too? ---- she just does not have the courage to say it with her whole chest.
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luveline · 2 years
hi jade! i hope you are doing well! could i request a shy reader x eddie blurb where the reader is afraid to tell eddie she loves him?? thank you 🫧🤍
hey!!!! this may be my softest eddie yet, ty for ur request! this is very established relationship/domestic bliss ♡ shy!fem!reader | 0.9k words
The plastic of the toilet seat lid bends under your weight. You shift until it feels safe. 
"Here," Eddie says, holding out your toothbrush. He's already squeezed toothpaste onto the bristles. 
You brush your teeth. Eddie brushes his own in front of the mirror, though his sights are on the dark tarnish staining the cold faucet rather than his reflection. He prods at it with his finger and then glares when it doesn't come off. 
You watch a drop of water from his wet hair snake down his temple. It's startling how handsome he is sometimes, especially when he's in motion. Dark brows pulled down in his frustration and eyes that are usually so meltingly soft creased. 
You smile around your toothbrush. 
Eddie spits, runs the water and then looks at you inquiringly. "What is that?" 
You shrug, get up to spit yourself and rinse your mouth with mouthwash. He bends at the waist and examines the mystery tarnishing with a growing frown. You slip the hair tie that you usually keep for him around your wrist down to your fingers and stand at his side to pull his wet hair back into a loose ponytail, just until he's finished whatever it is he's doing. 
He sighs. "I hate that. What is that?"
You laugh softly. "I don't know what it is." 
"Huh." He straightens up and seems to realise for the first time that you've tied his hair up. "Thanks, babe." 
You feel a little shock of pleasure that quickly fades, because all week you've been trying to tell Eddie you love him, and every day you've failed. It should be easy. It feels easy to love him, so why does telling him feel as surmountable as climbing Everest? 
You wipe a little spot of toothpaste foam from the corner of his mouth and let him half carry you to bed. 
Under the covers, it only feels harder. You won't sleep for hours; Eddie's getting comfortable against the pillows with a paperback and you're getting comfortable by his side, body curled towards him like a half of a heart. That's a lot of time to prepare yourself. Gather your courage, like he'd say. 
"What chapter are we on?" you ask quietly. 
"Fourteen. I'm gonna read the last bit again, I think you were too far gone last night to hear any of it," he says, just as quietly as you'd spoken but with a teasing lightness. 
He reads to you. His arm curls behind your head and his hand rubs the slope of your shoulder, at first with determination. As he grows immersed he forgets to do his voices, and his stroking of your skin becomes softer, slower. 
"'The passageway opens. Morgan creeps toward the glowing seam and feels the impossible heat of day breaking over her skin, a warmth that seeps into her chilled skin both blessed and deeply unnerving. How can it be warm? she hears someone ask. 
"'Morgan wonders the same thing. How can a heat blossom from the deep? How can the sun bloom from the Earth? She presses her hand to the soft wood of the passage's door. She doesn't look back as she enters.'"
"What's down there?" you ask. 
Eddie squeezes the top of your arm. "I don't want to ruin it for you." 
"Give me a hint?" 
He can't resist your pleading, not when you're whispering and looking up at him so earnestly. 
"It's a fallen star." 
Your eyes widen almost imperceptibly. "A fallen star?" 
"I can't tell you anymore!" he protests. "It'll ruin the story." 
You huff in defeat and crawl closer toward him, laying so the side of your face kisses his chest. You close your eyes. "Okay. Read more to me." 
He cranes his head to kiss the top of your head. "Yes, ma'am." 
His voice is unlike any voice you've heard before. Tired, it takes on a gravelly quality that you adore, and his chest reverberates under your ear. You draw closer still until you can hear his heart's rhythm. 
You're not sure how much time passes. 
He's everything you've ever wanted. You look up at him and move the book out of the way so you can see each feature clearly, intent on telling him. 
You're terrified, but he deserves to know. 
"Eddie, I love you." 
He lets the yellowing paperback he'd been reading from fall to the sheets. His cheek inches toward his shoulder, his eyes plainly adoring as he brings his hand to your face. 
"I love you, too. More than anything, yeah?" 
You nod and lift your chin. "Yeah," you agree, pressing your lips to his. 
It's a shorter kiss than you'd imagined for this moment. Next thing you know he's pulling you up the length of his chest to trail kisses from the corner of your lips to just under your jaw. When he gets there he gives you a slow, nearly aimless kiss, stroking your back as he goes. You melt.
He laughs under his breath and encourages your head back to meet his eyes. "Don't fall asleep. I'm trying to show you how much I mean it." 
You nod again, suddenly feeling wide awake. 
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yesimwriting · 2 months
For what i gathered from your style of writing (immaculate btw) i think reader would not responde to nates advances, because contrary to billy, stu and felix he doesnt hide his asshole ways.
So i think the main thrope would be groveling from his part
omg this ask feels like such a cross over!!
you're so right and i love the way you're thinking through this, but let's break down nate's character a little more (and reader's)
one of the major takeaways from that scene where everything that nate looks for in a girl is laid out and the scenes that explain what he liked about maddy is that there's this theme of being drawn to traditional feminity/someone that can play a traditionally feminine role
i think there are a lot of factors that play into him wanting that-- it reflects what he's familiar with, a more feminine partner will push back less/be easier to manipulate (in his head at least), and maybe a smidge of comphet depending on how you read his sexuality
one of his main fantasies is saving maddy from another man and when maddy was trying to win him over, she played into her femininity (and cassie kind of did the same)
and when you think about these reasons and the kind of girl he'd want to go for (and you look at the way he treats maddy when he apologizes and when they first started dating) it's natural for him to have some kinder qualities that come from the instinct to fill that traditionally masculine role in a relationship
so, when considering all of that,, i think nate can be really charming, maybe even a little chivalrous when he's really trying to win someone over
i also think nate's relatively good at reading people, and he can clock that the reader from that last blurb is trying to be a party girl more than actually being one, he knows that reader would never want to be around him if he's openly an asshole, so he manipulates subtly (telling reader to keep their interactions a secret from maddy for her own sake, all while knowing that the sooner he breaks that 'secret keeping' barrier, it'll only get easier to get reader to keep more and more from her friends)
i also see nate as someone who is very capable of being likeable when he wants to be, and reader being kind of sheltered/"innocent" and maddy's friend and being so determined to not like him makes him want to put in the work,,
so he's going to make a point of being soft spoken and nice when he has to see reader, and the harder she tries to dismiss him, the more he's going to commit bc it becomes less about getting maddy's attention and a little more about his ego,, and then finally, about reader
and if we're comparing this reader to final girl!reader or best friend! reader,, (you guys have no way of having known this, i barely referenced it in one sentence) i see this reader as being less looked out for
i picture her mom as one of those moms that wants to be "the cool mom" so bad so that she can pretend her daughter's friends are hers too, and she's so excited that reader is being more social/popular that she's a little lost in it
and i see reader's dad (not me finally giving readers a dad) as being almost the polar opposite, strict and traditional,, so reader still feels the need to hide going out and drinking bc it starts arguments with her parents and that makes her feel guilty
i'd really love to write a fic explaining all of these dynamics and how they overlap with the same style of narration that euphoria episodes that center a specific character's background story are,, i love mimicking niche voices like that it's so fun
anyways this was really long for no reason <3
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k-nayee · 10 months
Cookout Hyung Line + Jimin
wc: 3.4k
Dreamer M.List
ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
• 𝐍𝐎𝐓 gonna lie, it was a rocky ass start when y'all first arrived
• having the meeting-the-family for the first time jives and all
• boy way shaking and sweating bullets the moment he stepped through the backdoor
• and to add salt on to the wound, almost the entire yard went silent when they spotted him
• with a strained smile and wave, you walk over to your parents
• Namjoon of course stayed close to your ass like white on rice
• the tension slowly went away as you spoke to the older generations of the family
• sweet baby Joon just sitting there quietly, ain't saying nothing in fear of messing up
• even though it wasn't being spoken, everyone was curious of the new face, hence the side glances every now and then
• it wasn't until your LEAST favorite loud mouth no filter having ass boy cousin came over to start some shit up
• "Aye ____, why you bring this anime non-speaking Nigga up in here? Black men ain't too good enough or something?"
• you purse your lips at his words, ultimately done with the bullshit
• it became even more awkward when you heard murmurs of agreement around
• "First off, I very much can speak and understand English. Secondly..." Joon steps closer, towering over the froggy male with a look of contempt, "What does me being Asian have to do with it?"
• "......."
• "........"
• ".........MYYY NIGGA! WASSUP MANE. Aye you know I was just testing you right? Gotta see who right for my cuz and all."
• people let out forced laughs while [Cousin Name]'s dumbass try to cover up his mistake
• surprisingly after that, Namjoon begins to open up and talk more with the family
• more so the younger ones, but at least he trying and that's all that matters
• the little kids think he's some kind of dog whisperer since all the dogs crowd around him for some reason as he tells them stories
• your parents damn near teared up when they found out he was smart
• "Oooh, ____ got a smart one y'all! Not only is my baby in college, but she also dating an Einstein! Oh [Auntie Name], I almost forgot to ask how your daughter doing with that locked dope dealer boyfriend of hers. Chris was it?"
• "Mama, please. Now is not the time to be starting stuff. This ain't a competition between me and [Cousin Name]."
• "Yeah yeah, whatever. Now baby, now that I know ____ got somebody like you around. Please help her raise them grades up, cause whew chile!"
• "Mama!"
• since he's still afraid to go out of his way to socialize unless being approached, Namjoon decides to spend most of his time with your mother
• bastard even got a chance to see the photo album that held ALL of your baby photos
• "Awwww, look at this photo! You were so cute ____!"
• "I swear Joon, Imma beat your ass if you don't get them photos out my damn face."
• "But why? You're adorable in these~"
• "Adorable? Adorable?! Just cuz you fucking me doesn't mean you gotta lie. We both know those some questionable ass baby pictures."
• he's so soft spoken and polite in conversations but wouldn't mind starting some shit up if needed for your sake
• ...words be so sly that it'll take a few minutes before your brain finally process what he said
• "I'm surprised ____ was able to get into [prestigious university], let alone in a whole 'nother country!"
• "It's really hard to get into [prestigious university] of Seoul while even being an international student. Then again, I don't even know why I'm telling you this. Not like you could meet the entry requirements needed to attend."
• not a roaster, but definitely one to throw light jabs and heavy shade
• being your grandma's favorite (even tho she says she loves all her grandkids equally) you knew it was over when finding out that she likes him more than you
• at least you still got your Uncle Pookie. It always take a few years before he warms up to the outsiders of the famil-
• "Oh yeah, did I mention I did a collab with Nicki Minaj and Juice Wrld before?"
• all hell breaks loose
• everybody asking questions left to right
• even Uncle Pookie don left your side to talk to Namjoon about it
• "...did...did he just...?"
• ....yeah, he stole ya family
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• despite having met your parents before, he was still nervous about meeting the whole family
• that doesn't mean he was gonna show it tho
• with a mask of full confidence on, he walked through the back gates and into the backyard
• even when feeling eyes on him, he kept it up. 'just fake it til you make it'
• eventually, the confidence quickly became real once speaks to your parents
• it wasn't until he saw the amount of food at the table did he fully relax
• your mama saw the dazed look on his face and immediately walked him over
• "Nice to see you again Jin! That food caught your attention huh? Don't worry baby, what you want to eat? Just tell me and mama will fix a plate for you. And don't be shy either, especially when ya looking like ____ ain't feeding you right!"
• "Really mama?!"
• "Hush now! You can't blame me, look at him! Now come on sweetie, let's go get you some food~"
• ate every and anything placed in front of him
• finished damn near five plates before he decided to take a break for desserts
• so many of the serving ladies (who were mostly your aunties and older cousins) dropped their panties when they saw the number of empty plates and tried to feed him more.
• "Here sweetheart, you want some more greens?"
• "Edna don't nobody want them dry ass greens! Here, try some of my chicken. Saved the biggest piece just for you~"
• "Please, we already know you bought that shit from the store so it ain't no use trying to act all brand new Zelma. Know damn well you ain't fooling nobody with ya fake chicken having ass!"
• a war would've broken out had you not stepped in and took Jin away as he continued to watch the fight while stuffing his face with some of the chicken
• even after, he went back to try the spicy foods on the other side of the table
• quickly fell in love and got everything he could put his hands-on
• "What's this?"
• "They're homemade jalapeño poppers."
• "I'll take 50 of them."
• "Jin that's damn near all of them!"
• "Well it's homemade right? So they can just make some more then...problem solved!"
• seeing him gobbling down the food, your grandma comes over and the two end up in an intense conversation
• what's it about?
• you guessed it: food
• Jin became really good at dancing to the Wobble once he studied everyone's movements for a few moments
• but immediately goes in a corner out of embarrassment until your grandma calls him back to talk (about food again lol)
• when he found out she made those jalapeño poppers...extreme fanboy mode on
• your grandma enjoyed his enthusiasm so much she gave him the recipe and a to-go plate before y'all left
• rest assured that he's definitely been invited for the next social event
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• it's kinda a good thing that it's a cookout because he refuses to handle a family gathering in one room
• "I don't got time to be breathing in all that shit, what if somebody got the 'Rona over there?"
• "Yoongi...you really ain't shit. You know that?"
• "Didn't hear you deny it tho."
• "...Whatever let's just go."
• "Now don't forget your facema-"
• "Yoongi!"
• "Okay, okay!...I'm still bringing that can of Lysol spray with me."
• even though he's quiet, he doesn't hesitate to talk some shit if needed
• is only nice with the adults, but not the kids caus-
• "Fuck dem damn kids! They ain't mines, and even if they were...fuck my own kids then. I don't talk to people younger than me like that."
• he snaps at your rude ass aunties and shows off some of his unfinished raps and beats
• the kids and your cousins are amazed
• "Woah...that's so dope!"
• "____! Why didn't you tell me how cool your boyfriend was?!"
• they watch him with their mouths dropped open in awe, eagerly hanging on to every word he spits out in a freestyle rap despite it being in a language they didn't know/understand until the food is ready
• your parents (low-key only your dad cause momma still didn't forgive him from that stunt he pulled at church) smile at how soft he is when he looks at you despite having a glare as his resting bitch face
• eats only one plate that was made by you
• the same older cousins and uncles that silently talked shit about him suddenly does an 180 and tries to kiss his ass once they find out he's a producer and rapper of big company
• "Aye mane, you think you could listen to my demo or sum cuz? 'Preciate it."
• reluctantly agrees to listen, but Yoongi -being the way he is- straight up stops the music by middle chorus and gives his honest opinion
• "Um...what the fuck is this?"
• "Whatchu mean mane? It's fye huh? So you can put me on an album or sum?"
• "You do know that the background music is the goddamn theme song from that Sofia The First show right?"
• "...yeah, I wanted to add a 'lil twist to it. Was there a mistake in it?"
• you immediately remember how brutal the idol can be from time to time and step in before he can get an asswhooping from dudes that's three times his size
• "...mistake? My guy, I don't know if you know this, but yo whole so-called song is a mis-"
• "Yoongs..."You give a strained smile, ignoring the wondering gazes at what you're suddenly saying in Korean, "please shut the fuck up."
• "Wha-why the hell do I have to shut up?! If anything, we know who needs to, and not to mention that wonky-ass Disney Cinderella song they call a beat."
• "You do know they just got out right?"
• "Of what? Kindergarten? 'Cause that's all I can tell from those barely basic ass rhyming words they put up in there. Pssh, you would think they would learn how to actually rap with all that free time they had."
• "Yoongi!"
• he's...an overall good guest...somewhat
• will help clean up because he trying to get back in your mother's good graces (and not because you promised to give him some sloppy toppy if he at least tried)
• dances...very very aggressively
• accidentally don electric slide right into the poker table
• y'all gonna mostly be by yourselves because he doesn't really want to socialize
• keep in mind that he is blunt and aggressive, which is a type of attitude a lot of black family members hate with a passion
• but does Yoongi care about what your family thinks of him?
• "Do I really look like I give a fuck? Well too bad...cause I FUCKING DON-"
• he will snap off if they say something shady, even if there's a little hint of it: hands will be thrown
• "Waste of my goddamn time right here...you made us come all the way to Korea when you could've easily came to the states, and for what?"
• "To watch her become the best fucking [dream profession]. And it's not like yo broke ass paid for the tickets and hotel, probably wouldn't have been able to afford a cardboard box to spend the week in if it was up to you."
• he ain't gonna sugar coat SHIT
• might end up fighting a relative if it comes up to it
• "Now listen here young man-"
• "No you listen here you ungrateful ass excuse of a person, you've been nothing but a pain in my balls since the moment we met. So you better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up. I don't give a rat's ass who or how old you are. Whether you a man, woman, non-binary, or a damn tree, I don't give a FUCK. But I do know one thing: these fists are pansexual and rated E for everyone, so you can catch 'em if you want."
• depending on how prideful they are, they might not like that
• when you guys leave and go back to your apartment you cuddle
• "You didn't have to do all that Yoongi. Some family are just like that, gotta roll with the punches."
• "I don't care who they are to you, you deserve the same respect you give them. Not any of that petty bullshit they love to spew out. And speaking of petty, that's why I took both pans of the peach cobbler and banana pudding too."
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• he's excited
• not a single drop of nerves running through his body at all
• he's super happy that the two of you finally reached the next level of a relationship which meant meeting your family
• greeted the cousins casually but with a mega watt ass smile
• some even came up to you complaining about it
• "Damn ____, tell your man to calm down with all that smiling shit! Almost went blind."
• "...but ain't you already blind Cousin Brian...?"
• "And? It gotta mean something if I was able to see a bright ass light in all this darkness."
• "I-well okay then. Hobi stop smiling too much, you messing up my blind cousin's eyesight."
• "Oh oka-what?"
• everyone adores him, yes even that one messy cousin that's always trying to ruin a family member's day (and relationship) with their new boyfriend/girlfriend
• you tried to keep Hoseok away from her, but he just had to say something when he saw her standing alone in a sheer dress that was clearly once a t-shirt
• "No Hoseok, let's go this wa-Hoseok!"
• "Hello! Very pretty dress you wearing~"
• "...okay and? The fuck you telling me that? You want your lil dick sucked or something Asian boy?"
• he laughs brightly at her words
• "No no thank you. But you should smile more, very pretty face to waste by frowning."
• with that, he takes your hand goes over to the kids which damn neared baffled the whole yard of the two's interaction
• and thanks to him having to be a nice piece of shit, you now gotta fend him off from ya messy ass cousin who now crushing on him
• plays games with the little kids, all the women swooning as he chases them around and picks them up like a father would with their child
• "Awe ____, you got you a cute white boy."
• "Thank you grandma, but he's Korean."
• "Well I like him!"
• when at the table he proudly brags about your achievements at work while also handling the process of obtaining a degree at the same time
• when you bring up his world-known status they are   s h o o k
• goes with you and your cousins to the liquor store when all your low-key alcoholic aunts and uncles drank them all
• "____, I like your family. They're all really fun to hang out with!"
• "Mmmm, you say that now. But give it time, I'm sure you'll change your mind."
• as stated before, he naturally gets along with everyone
• but just because he's safe doesn't mean that the shit relatives you have won't try to come for you
• and after learning some tips from Yoongi, he's ready to defend your honor
• "Want to talk all that smack about ____, just wait. She's gonna be the greatest [dream profession] there is! Bet you won't be able to say shit then."
• this definitely gets him more respect from your parents and older male cousins
• he won't stand for anyone trash-talking you
• not at all
• so yeah, they overall love him because hello? He's Jung Hoseok
• he fixed the younger kids plates, even sneaking in extra desserts which made him a long time favorite amongst them
• complimented every food he tried, even if the macaroni and cheese Cousin Brian made was dry
• "Hey now, it wasn't my fault! I didn't notice that the dial was turned all the way up when I first turned on the oven."
• "Cousin Brian...you blind my guy, how could you have known?! Now, matter fact...who the hell gave this man the responsibility of cooking in the first goddamn place?!"
• ate at least 3 plates and quickly danced all that food off when the music started
• cupid shuffled right into ya grandma's heart while grinding into your aunties'
• courtesy of ya [Uncle's Name] giving him a cup of 'juice'
• poor baby had passed out not too long after drinking too much of it and woke up without his watch and shoes
• luckily, you knew that something like this would happen and was easily able to retrieve them all before leaving
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• socially awkward, but is still a good person to be around
• and since babes got that shmoney, he made sure to bring expensive presents along even when you said not to
• if any of your family try to mooch off him you shut that shit down real quick
• "Aye now, if you don't keep your crusty ass hands away from my boyfriend them $90 nails gonna be a waste of money when I get through with them."
• he just loves it when you get defensive over him sometimes, a little blush grazes his face
• they ask all sorts of questions about his life back on back without even giving him a chance to answer
• seeing him visibly flustered from the lack of understanding what they're saying, you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind to sidetrack their focus on him
• "His parents are in Empire."
• "Really? Say sike right now."
• "N-no for real! Y'all don't remember the those few episodes...with...those Asian parents?"
• "..."
• "..."
• "...you know, now that you mention it..."
• "Oh shit! ____, you gotta keep him. And if y'all break up, you know where to hit me up."
• They treat him like a long lost son that's been reunited with his family once more
• "Has ____ been good?"
• "Yes ma'am. She's been working so hard lately that she even got promoted!"
• "Oh that's good to hear. But sweetpea you don't need to so polite!"
• "Sweetpea, you want another plate?"
• "I-if you don't mind ma'am."
• "Oh please with all that ma'am nonsense baby! Call me Grandma~"
• he likes the vanilla wafer cookies in the banana pudding the most
• good with baby cousins
• "Can you get the water hose and play with us ____'s boyfriend? My momma said the kids can't do it by themselves."
• low-key got all the single relatives checking him out.
• Especially when his shirt became translucent from the water which shown a slim waist and built abdomen that was hidden while some old shorts he borrowed from you showed off his thicc thighs and ass that's even plumper than yours
• "Ooh, look at ____'s boyfriend! Bet he taste just the way he look: real good huh~"
• "Yup, and he's mine too [Cousin Name]. Better watch yourself before a few tracks go missing boo~"
• "Damn ____! Where you been hiding him? Mmm mm mm. What's good ____'s boyfriend, you looking for some fun later on tonight?"
• "Um...n-no t-thank you. I-i'm fine."
• "Aight no pressure, just let me know when you need me."
• "[Cousin #2 Name], you ain't in no damn prison penitentiary anymore and Jimin ain't one of those 'lil he-bitches you can fuck just because he got ass. So back the fuck off."
• "Aight damn cuz, you ain't gotta get all territorial and shit....so Jimin...do you got a snap or some-"
• "I swear if I see you, [Cousin Name], and any other of y'all thirsty hoes around my boyfriend one more goddamn time! I'm beating some asses."
• everybody adore him
• like there is not one single family member that dislikes him
• even if y'all were the type to be messy and filled with drama, he'll fit right in once they saw that he didn't take shit from nobody
• and when they do try to for either of you, cut off and put in their place immediately
• "I still can't believe it. How did ____ manage to get someone like him?!"
• "Oh? You mean Just like how you managed to get divorced five times?"
• the whole table done exploded with 'oh shit' and 'he got you [Auntie Name]'
• some even had to walk away from that one
• Jimin definitely earned a place in the family
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voidendron · 10 months
1, 2, 12, 13, 28, 50 for Jen x Kitty and/or Lina x Felix? (wiggle questions and pairs as you like)
Thank you, Pauletta! 💚💜 always love an excuse to talk about the smuggler boyfriends, and I don't get to ramble about Lina/Felix enough <333
(Internet being spotty, so typing this out kinda quick. Apologies for any mistakes or Rambliness™️!)
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(For anyone who may just happen across this: Kitty is the Sith Pureblood, Jen is the Cathar lol)
1. What were their first impressions of one another?
Jen didn't trust Kitty as far as he could throw him. Jen is lowkey scared of Sith, so one look at Kitty's face without knowing him had him on edge - he only let Kitty on his crew in the first place so his kids could have a roof over their heads.
Kitty was grateful of Jen, respected him for his help, but found him arrogant and kind of unbearable to be around for extended periods of time.
Obviously those negative impressions didn't last lol
2. What was their first date like? If they haven't been on a date yet, how would it go?
Theirs was pretty stereotypical. Baesk babysat the kids, Jen and Kitty went to a nicer cantina for drinks. They flirted, laughed, exchanged stories, that kind of thing. Kitty also proved to be a lightweight - Jen thought it was hilarious, but had to call Corso to help get Kitty back to the ship so he could sleep it off.
12. What would they say each other's worst quality is?
Jen thinks Kitty's is his selfishness when it comes to strangers in need. He won't risk his own life for someone he doesn't know, and it's caused some arguments.
Kitty 100% thinks it's Jen's tendency to run headfirst into things with zero planning or preparation.
13. What would they say each other's best quality is?
Jen adores Kitty's soft-spoken nature, and also thinks his medical know-how is invaluable to the crew.
Kitty thinks it's Jen's selflessness and courage when it comes to helping those in need; he admires it, but has a hard time being the same way, himself.
28. Are they affectionate in public? Is it too much?
While Kitty is a little more reserved simply due to the fact he's quiet around strangers, neither of them is afraid of PDA. They're happy to hold hands, hug, give a passing kiss on the lips or cheek, and Jen likes to bump his forehead against Kitty's chest or neck.
Jen is also subject to purr if Kitty has an arm around him.
50. Is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
They're both afraid of losing each other to something stupid - which can make Jen's tendency to put himself in dangerous situations pretty scary for Kitty.
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1. What were their first impressions of one another?
Lina saw a loyal trooper, and was interested in learning more about his experiences since her brother was also in the Republic military.
Felix saw a surprisingly stubborn Jedi with a bright smile. He was...pretty smitten almost immediately.
2. What was their first date like? If they haven't been on a date yet, how would it go?
They both suspect Synnda purposefully tasked everyone else with things offboard to give them some time alone, though he never confirmed nor denied when asked about it. They took it as a chance to talk in private, get to know each other better without Tharan or Zenith making comments or Nadia giggling when she thought they wouldn't notice.
They never really had an "official" first date where they went somewhere fancy or spent fun time together, but that night alone was a big step for their relationship, and they fell asleep with Lina laying her head on his chest.
12. What would they say each other's worst quality is?
Lina thinks it's Felix's tendency to be selfless to the point of putting himself in extreme danger. She's had a few scares because of it.
Felix thinks it's Lina's poor improvisational skills. When Plans A and B fail, she balks, and he's always worried it'll get her or someone else hurt when it happens.
13. What would they say each other's best quality is?
Lina loves that he does what he thinks is right, but also that he's not really a by-the-book type of guy. She quickly grew to admire his leadership when she saw how he dealt with his men on Hoth.
Felix loves her arms her big heart and how it pairs with her sarcasm for a pretty damn endearing personality. He also likes that she's a good team player, working very well with most groups.
28. Are they affectionate in public? Is it too much?
They're both pretty reserved in public, though a passing peck on the cheek isn't unheard of. Their reservations on PDA is a leftover habit from when Lina was a Jedi, but they both know they don't need a bunch of it to know they love each other.
50. Is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
Lina's worst fear already came to a head when Zakuul captured Felix. She could sense he was alive, and his distress was great enough even she could feel it, and she worried every day for when that feeling would just. End. And she'd know he was gone. She bawled her eyes out when they were reunited on Odessen. (It didn't help that her brother was Also missing for about half that time, and when he came back he was in Bad shape, so she had a lot of thoughts about what might be happening to her husband which just distressed her more)
Felix is afraid of losing her in any way, though to age is what he worries about most (since she's a doctor/healer, so personally not in danger very often). She's a few years older than him, so it's fairly likely she'll die before him. He was admittedly also a little worried that in the years he was missing that she was no longer in love with him, or that she'd even found someone else. He felt guilty about it, but reminds himself that the thought was put in his head by Jarak, while he actually knows Lina.
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elias-the-corvid · 2 years
So now that I've had a good night's sleep I can talk about one of my favourite parts of moon knight: the psych ward.
It was very confusing (which I loved) because at times I felt like maybe he is just a traumatized guy who made up these things but then why is the psych ward built like a pyramid?? And why are there sarcophagus and blood and stuff? But like, it 100% could be him imagining that stuff, because the parts with the therapist were SO GOOD??? Like, they felt like real therapy and it was scary.
The way the therapist talks is just very realistic (and I'm sure a lot of people have said this but I need to talk about it or my brain will explode /hyp) so I felt like I was the one on therapy and y'know? That impacted my watching of moon knight a lot.
The way he said "what I find extremely interesting is this new um... The new animal character" is SO SIMILAR to my own therapist, the way he talks is so... Cautious? And it reminds me a lot of my therapy sessions, they talk in this strange way Idk why, maybe they're checking for the patient's reactions? AND the way he says "character," my therapist and I have talked about a few "characters" that appear in different contexts and it's just so so similar.
"a rhinoceros-" "hippopotamus" "you're right, I'm s- it was a hippopotamus" that is so similar to my own therapist too sbdnxhbdxh like she'll say something I've said back to me but it'll be a bit wrong so I correct her and she does that. Like, she's sorry she didn't remember that detail because it is important.
"you're not a doctor" "I- I feel real, I feel like a real doctor... alright alright, it's not about me, okay? Let's start with you." He's soft spoken and doesn't get angry at him, he just says "I feel real" and then goes back to him, because he's the patient, he doesn't let Marc deviate the conversation and shifts the focus back to him. When I first started therapy I tried so hard to talk about myself but when something hurt I'd try to put my therapist's attention to something else and she'd catch me almost every time. She wouldn't force me to talk, she'd just... Let me know she noticed and tried to make me feel safer because "we're here to talk about you."
My dad's comment on these episodes is that they were "really weird" (I think he means that as a good thing), and he was a bit shocked to find out how similar he talks to my own therapist, we had completely different experiences watching this because he hasn't been to therapy so yeah... Idk I just loved that part, it fucked with my mind lol
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desireandduty · 10 months
leia isn't even a minute old when padme takes her last breath. she is named, but it isn't her final words. her final words are of hope - there is still good in him - before one of the many vibrant lights that the clone wars tried to dull is extinguished.
leia doesn't scream like her twin; she stars at her, even so very new in this galaxy, she stars as the droid holds her wisely. for the rest of her life, she will remember this moment: her name being spoken like a prayer, chestnut ringlets matted to her pale face, and eyes that looked at her like she was water to parched lips, like she was holy, are shut forever. it'll be eternal feedback of fuzzy images, words, but mostly feelings.
love. grief. hope.
ani, you're breaking my heart!
"what do you remember about your mother - your birth mother?" luke asks on that wooden bridge.
leia, now nearly twenty-three years old and not an infant no more, is taken aback. however, she knows luke deserves an answer, so she supplies it: "not much, really. feelings, mostly ... images."
a soft, almost vulnerable: "what was she like?"
leia. anakin thinks it's a girl. if it's a girl, name her leia.
"well ... she was very beautiful, kind, but ... sad."
beautiful in every way a person could be beautiful; big brown eyes that look her with a fierceness of devotion, even as she spoke of hope about another, even if her heart was breaking just as much as its beating was slowing by moment. she fought on.
"why are you asking me this?" she asks because it's been years ago and all the images she has are beyond recognition. just like she knew - he never said it but she knew - obi-wan had held her, had been the first one to hold her, as a little girl.
"i never knew my mother."
WOW legitimately crying now 😭
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teddy06writes · 2 years
Favorite Poet
requested by this anon: "Hiii 💛 I absolutely love your dps fics!! is it okay if I request one where the main character is a new student and todd saw her one day and can't stop thinking about her and stares at her every time he sees her (the guys especially neil notice it too) but he's too shy to approach her so the guys push todd to do it"
Todd Anderson x fem!reader
trigger warnings: none
premise: It seemed like since you had gotten to Welton, the cute blond boy from your English class had been ignoring or avoiding all of your attempts to talk to him, or get to know him better; but one day, you find out why.
You'd only been at Welton for a few months, but in that time you'd made friends all over the school. It seemed like everyone knew you, and you knew everyone.
You could hardly make it down one hall without people stopping to talk to you.
After all, new was interesting.
Everyone was more than happy to talk to you, everyone except for one boy.
Todd Anderson.
His soft blue eyes, and soft-spoken nature had drawn you in at first. But he seemed to want almost nothing to do with you.
Every attempt at conversation was dodged, every smile sent his way just seemed to result in his looking away.
Now, as you finished reading your poem to Mr. Keating's class, the rest of the students began to clap, and you looked up from your paper with a smile, glancing around to find Todd staring at you.
As soon as he realized you'd caught him staring, he ducked his head, staring down at his desk as his face started to flush.
"Excellent Miss (y/l/n)!" Keating cheered as you moved back to your desk, "The beauty of nature is yet another one of the main themes of poetry! Mr. Anderson, you look scared. Lets get you up here and out of your misery."
"I- uh- I didn't write a poem." Todd muttered.
"You didn't write a poem?" Mr. Keating questioned.
"No, sir, I didn't."
One thing led to another, and soon, Todd was up in front of the class, words tumbling from his mouth, "-And from the moment you enter crying to the moment you leave dying, it'll just cover your face, as you cry, and wail, and scream."
For once, it was you doing the staring, looking at him in awe.
After the class had ended, you opted to sit outside during your lunch, taking advantage of the warm day.
You heard them coming before they had rounded the corner to where you were sitting.
"Come on Todd, you've got to!"
"I can't Charlie!"
"Todd, you've just gotta talk to her! You don't even have to do anything else!"
"Like your one to talk, Knoxious! You still haven't even talked to Chris!"
"Oh, lay off PIttsie!"
"Their kind of right Todd-"
"Oh not you too Meeks."
"All I'm saying is, I saw how she was looking at you after your poem!"
You watched as the group of boys came around the corner, Todd missing from their ranks, and then hurried past you, acting like they hadn't done anything.
"Heya (y/n)." Charlie grinned.
"Stop looking so suspicious Charlie." You half called after him.
After a moment, Todd came around the corner, slowly walking up to you, "is- is it alright if I sit here?"
You smiled up at him, "Go right ahead."
So, together you sat in mostly comfortable silence as you picked at your lunch, and he flicked through homework assignments.
"Oh by the way-"
Your words came at the same time as his, "I- uh- whos-"
You chuckled, and Todd seemed to grow flustered, "Uh- i- You first."
"I just wanted to say I really liked your poem," You smiled, "Your really cut out to be a poet, Todd."
His face flushed red, and he ducked his head a little, "Th- thanks."
"I mean it, really. uh- What were you gonna say?"
"That I really liked your poem," He grinned sheepishly, "Do you have a favorite poet?"
You thought for a moment, "Well, before it was a tie between Whitman and Camus, but now I think its a three way tie between them, and Anderson."
"and- and Anderson." He repeated softly, "I don't- I don't know any Anderson."
You stifled a chuckle, "Well, he just put out this great poem. About the truth, and how it's not enough... and something about a sweaty toothed madman."
"Oh- oh!"
Todd's eyes seemed to go wide, and his face went even more red than before.
"Yeah, he's quite good," you laughed, "You should really read him sometime."
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fia-bonkginya · 3 years
for dorym prompts: the fact that only the ExU crew know Dorian's real (first) name?? Can only imagine it'll come to bite them?
(i have so many thoughts about this and i really might write a longer thing of this concept at some point? but here's this for now! protective orym and fearne my beloveds)
It took Dorian... too long, maybe, to realize what was happening. It had just been so long, that it took the man who was waving at him a few tries to get his attention.
"Bronte! Hey, Bronte!"
And when that word finally pierced Dorian's brain, it triggered a deep, uncomfortable panic, one that he thought he had left behind, at the same time that he left that name behind. And he froze.
The young man- and, god, Dorian couldn't even remember the man's name, let alone how they knew each other- either didn't notice the panic or didn't care, and took Dorian's eye contact, apparently, as an excuse to start approaching him. The smile on his face did absolutely nothing to hide the calculating, almost predatory glint in his eyes, and Dorian could feel himself moving backwards in time, back to being a scared little kid who never did anything right, back to never being what his family or his peers expected of him, back to being the person who was never, never, enough.
"We all wondered where you went, Bronte," the man continued, still getting closer, and that name coming out of his lips felt like poison in Dorian's veins.
He stumbled back a step, and his brain wasn't going anywhere besides get away and don't say that name, but he couldn't find his voice to be able to make either thing happen. Typical Bronte, claims to be a performer but doesn't even know how to speak when spoken to. Typical Bronte, never says the right thing at the right time, never acts the way he's supposed to, never good enough.
And then, suddenly, he wasn't alone.
Fearne, standing at her full height in front of him, blocking his view of the man almost completely, and Orym, standing beside him, sword held in his clenched fist.
"Can we help you?" Fearne asked, voice soft and sweet, but the snakes on top of her staff were already starting to curl and hiss.
"You leave and come back with a group of freaks, is that right, Bronte?" the man asked, stepping to the side and ignoring Fearne completely. "You know, your mother invited me to dinner this week. I'm sure she'd love to see you."
Beside him, Orym growled. "I don't know who the hell you are," he hissed, "but you need to leave. Now."
"You're a little confused," Fearne said, and there was a smile on her face but none in her eyes. "Dorian, do you know this guy?"
"I... no," Dorian said, and he was almost surprised to find that his voice was working again. His hands were trembling, but he could speak.
The man scoffed. "Dorian? What kind of name is that?"
"It's his name," Orym said, and the look in his eyes made Dorian realize that he was moments away from stabbing this man.
Fearne took a step, closing him in between her and Orym, and finally, finally, the man started to look uncomfortable. "We don't want to make a scene," she said, "and I don't think you do, either."
Orym moved, too, putting his small frame directly in front of Dorian. "I would leave now, if I were you," he said, practically spitting out the words.
The man scowled, but he seemed to finally notice Orym's sword and Fearne's snakes. "Fine," he said, and then he looked up, right into Dorian's eyes, and added, "I'm sure your mother will be glad to know that her dear Bron is back in town." And, with a final sharp smile, he turned and walked away down the street.
Dorian stumbled, all of the energy leaving his body at once, but at the same moment, Orym and Fearne appeared on either side of him, Fearne with a supportive hand on his shoulder and Orym with one on his hip.
"We can still go kill him, if you want," Fearne said, and her tone was light, but there was an undercurrent of intensity to the words, and Dorian knew that she meant them.
"No," he said, shaking his head, trying to get rid of the foggy panic. "No, that's... That would be worse, I think." He blinked, then, looking up, and asked, "Where are the others?"
"We told them to go ahead," Orym answered, and he was doing nothing to hide the quiet rage on his face. "Imogen could feel your... your panic, so she pulled the rest of them away."
And, okay, maybe Dorian would have to unpack that later, the fact that his feelings were loud enough to broadcast right to Imogen, but for now, he just let himself be grateful.
"We heard him say that name," Fearne said, "the one that isn't yours anymore. Are you alright?"
"Not really," Dorian answered, and it was surprising, how easy it was to admit that. "Hearing that name come out of his mouth... I just froze. I don't know what he would have done, but whatever it was, I wouldn't have stopped him."
"But we heard it, too," Orym said, reaching up and grabbing Dorian's still-shaking hand in his.
Fearne nodded once, and reached down to hold his other. "And we stopped him, so you didn't have to."
Dorian exhaled, letting the feeling of their hands in his ground him in the moment. He was Dorian, here on a mission for the Air Ashari with two of the people who were more of a family than he had ever had. "He knows your faces now," he said, voice soft. "If he tells anyone else about you, then-"
"Then we'll handle it," Orym cut him off, squeezing his hand. "We're in it together, Dorian. Whatever it is."
"Always," Fearne agreed, soft, and finally, Dorian let himself smile.
He was Dorian Storm, and no one was going to take that away.
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White Lies (Pt. 06 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 2.2 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
<- Previous part (05)
Next part (07) ->
{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
{John Wick Masterlist}
Being Held
“I don't care what you think, you'll do what's best for (Y/N).” Keanu didn't want to be this rude with Mrs. Davis, but she's giving him a hard time. The doctors have already spoken to her and she agreed on not telling (Y/N) the truth since her health and the baby's depend on it. But still, seating on the first floor's balcony, as (Y/N) showers and changes after the morning walk, Lucia doesn't seem very happy about it.
“Of course not, Mr. Reeves. Or whatever you fancy people rather be called. But this isn't fair, and it isn't right. Do you plan to have this going on for how long?” She raises her voice, what makes Keanu's heart skips a beat. He looks over his shoulder, just to make sure (Y/N) isn't anywhere near. “My son is dead, but this is his child. You can't steal it from him.”
“Everything I'm doing is to keep her healthy.” He whisper-yells, both hands resting on the circular wooden table as he stands up, bending forward, trying to look as intimidating as he can. He doesn't give a damn if Lucia is her mother-in-law and the child's grandmother, he won't let her do anything that may put (Y/N) or the baby in danger. “You weren't here. You didn't see how desperate and lost she was, but I did. Breaking the news to her may lead to a miscarriage. Is this what you want? To lose your grandchild?” He spits the words out, tired of this stupid conversation. This woman is an idiot, he thinks, because he knows she had a meeting with both Dr. Wright and Dr. Harris about (Y/N)'s situation. But Keanu's last words make the woman sink a little, eyes softening, but he can still see some anger. Lucia Davis doesn't like him, that much is clear. “I'm not trying to steal anything from your late son, I'm just–”
“Keanu?” Her soft, low voice calls from the inside, cutting his words short. He takes a deep breath before turning around, watching as she shyly walks to the balcony, curious eyes already looking for Mrs. Davis, and she stops when her eyes find her. “Hi.”
“(Y/N), this is Lucia Davis. Your mother's friend.” He says, reaching out his hands, which she quickly takes, moving to stand next to him. “You were somewhat close.”
With a hand on the small of her back, Keanu listens to the small greetings, thinking if he should go away now, unsure if it's safe to let Lucia alone with (Y/N). But he quickly remembers that the first floor bathroom is close by, with high windows that will allow the conversation to reach his ears. He doesn't want to spy on them, but this is (Y/N)'s health, and he'll do whatever is necessary.
“I'll take a shower.” He tells her in a low voice, offering a small smile when she nods. Placing a kiss on her forehead, Keanu touches her belly gently, at the same time shooting a hard glance at Mrs. Davis. It's a warning, a reminder of what's at risk of she opens her mouth. Then, he leaves, heading to the bathroom after quickly grabbing some clothes, the low voices successfully making their way inside the bathroom.
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You're bouncing your leg lightly, wondering how long Keanu will take. This woman is weird, she hasn't stopped asking about your husband, if he's taking good care of you. At first, you thought she was a fan, but now... There's anger in her eyes, like she's pissed off. Ten minutes into the conversation and you want Lucia to go already.
“Has he ever tried to... Force you?” She asks, leaning forward on the table, across from you.
“What do you mean?” Sighing, you play with a strand of hair, twisting it around your finger.
“Has Keanu tried to get intimate with you?” Lucia speaks faster now, grabbing your hand over the table. “Because that's not ok. Even if... Even if you're married–” She spits the last word as if it's something disgusting. “–you don't remember him, so he can't force you to do anything. Don't let him trick you into it.”
“Mrs. Davis, Keanu has been amazing.” You repeat, the conversation draining your strength. “He hasn't forced me into anything. I'm still sleeping in the guest room and so it'll be as long as I want. He's giving me all the space and time I'll need to get things together.” You really hope she can't see you blushing, because there's heat spreading through your face. You haven't thought about any on this yet, and you do hope it won't get into your head. “I assure you everything is great. He's taking good care of me.”
She sighs, shaking her head slightly. “If he ever does anything you're not comfortable with, you call me and I'll take you with me to Argentina.”
A laugh escapes your lips because you can't believe your ears. “I'm not going to leave my husband.” You tell her, crossing your arms over your chest. “I'm completely fine, you don't have to worry about me.” The headache that had just vanished is starting to come back, and you begin rubbing your temples.
“I'm just–”
“Headache?” Keanu speaks suddenly, startling you a little just before you're filled with relief.
“Yeah.” He knows you well. “I think I'll take another pill and get some rest.” Hoping Lucia will get the hint, you stand up, taking Keanu's hand.
“Mrs. Davis, I'm sorry, but I think you should go now. The doctor's said (Y/N) has to rest whenever the headaches get bad.” He says, and you nod, giving the woman a small smile and a wave before heading inside.
That was beyond awkward, and you don't think you'll want to meet with her anytime soon. Making your way to the bedroom, you sit on the bed, back resting on the headrest. It's terribly hot in here, and you jump back to your feet just to push the two windows open before going back to bed. You were expecting Keanu to come to check on you, but long fifteen minutes or so pass by before you listen to his heavy footsteps, and then it doesn't take much until he's opening your door. You're fanning yourself with your hands, the wind coming in not enough to push the heat away.
“I didn't like her.” It's the first thing you say. “And she doesn't like you one bit.”
“I noticed.” Keanu sits next to you, furrowing his eyebrows. “It's probably the age thing.”
“What age thing?” As you speak, you get irritated, pulling your hair off of your shoulders and pinning it above your head with both hands. “Damn it, why am I so hot?”
For some reason, it amuses Keanu, who smiles. “It's called a hot flash.” You were just about to snap at his smirk, but when he leans forward and blows on your neck, the fresh sensation makes you close your eyes and relax just a little bit.
“That's so good.” You mutter, closing your eyes. Then, an idea flashes through your head. “Oh! Go get some ice cubes.”
“Ice cubes?” He asks, quite uncertain.
“Yeah. I had an idea.” Playfully, you give his leg a light kick, smiling when he gives in and stands up.
A couple of minutes later your husband is back with a glass bowl full of ice. You're still fanning yourself and the moment he sits on the bed, you take two cubes, one in each hand, placing them on your neck. “Damn, this is good.” Giggling, you close your eyes to take in the cool sensation against your burning skin. “Help me out.” You ask him, eyes opening again to give him a look. “If you want of course.”
He hesitates a little, eyes lingering on you before he takes an ice cube too. “Where?”
“Uhm...” Thinking for a while, you sigh. “Here on my chest.” Pinching his eyebrows together, he hesitates again. “C'mon, I'm burning up.” With your hands slightly wet from the melting ice, you put the thin straps of your shirt down your shoulders a little. A smile comes to your lips when he finally gives in, softly brushing the cube on your skin, bellow the collarbones. “Thanks.” You mutter, feeling as the heat slowly starts to fade. “What was that you said before? The age thing?”
Keanu sighs, eyes on his current task as you run the cubes through your neck. “Some people are very judgmental about the age difference between us.” He starts, and you're sure he gets a little sad. “It got me thinking too, of course. You definitely should be with someone your age so–”
“Yeah, but here we are.” Deciding to cut him off, you stare at him even though he won't look at you. “I can't speak for myself before, but whoever I was, I married you. So it's probably everything you gotta know about it. And now...” Maybe you shouldn't say it, but you know it's true. And when his eyes meet yours, filled with doubt, and something you've never seen before, you know you have to say it. Keanu needs to know where you stand now because this is like a forced restart. “...I find it really hot.” Muttering, you feel a different kind of heat spreading through your body.
Keanu's lips break into a smile, and a soft giggle reaches your ears. You absolutely love the sound, it makes you want to kiss him. Wait, what? You knew that what Lucia said would somehow get into your head, but you never thought it would be that fast.
“You know what else is hot?” Keanu asks as you pull the ice cubes away, throwing them back in the bowl Keanu placed on the nightstand.
“What?” You inquire, wondering if there's a joke coming your way.
“This,” Keanu answers, tilting his chin slightly, pointing out at you. Now your burning again, cheeks red for sure, looking away from him.
“Don't tease the pregnant woman, Keanu.” You warn him, voice suddenly and unexpectedly weak. “Lucia also said that she'd take me to Argentina with her. As if.” You didn't want to bring her back into the conversation, but you're willing to talk about anything else, eager to calm yourself down and get rid of the thoughts of kissing Keanu.
“If you want to go, you know I won't stop you, right?” He puts the ice cube away, and you sigh, turning your attention back at him. “I'm sure she'd take good care of you.”
“I doubt that. She'd never rub ice cubs on me.” Taking his hand, you give it a little squeeze. “I'm happy, Ke. Living here with you is great. There's a lot to get used to and a lot of things to work on but... This is good. I feel good and safe with you around.”
The smile he has on it's amazing, beautiful. It's the most beautiful smile you've ever seen. “This makes me happy too.” He mutters, bringing his free hand to caress your cheek.
“So don't worry. As if I was going to leave the father of my child behind.” Changing to a joking tone, you place his hand on your belly. “I don't even speak Spanish.”
He giggles again, but soon enough Keanu gets all serious. “You have no idea how much it means to me that... That you're feeling fine. Happy...”
It's true that sometimes you even forget about the accident. It never lasts for more than a couple of minutes, but it means that you can move on from it. But you don't think the same happens with Keanu. You feel like the accident is everything he thinks about, and you hope that taking care of you isn't overwhelming to him. You wish there was something you could do to ease his burden.
“Ke, I... I really want us to work out. If I remember or if I don't, I want things to be completely, one hundred percent fine here.” Moving to sit on your legs, standing closer to him, you touch both his shoulders. “You worry too much. And I get it. My body is still recovering, and there's the baby too, but... I don't want it to become too much and... Ruin things.”
“You're not ruining anything, beautiful, I promise.” With his index finger under your chin, Keanu makes you look into his eyes. “I'm doing this because I love you. I worry because I love you. And nothing will change that. It's not too much, I can do this.”
“Alright, but... Share things with me, you know. Let me help as much as I can being... Well... Like this.” There's a lump in your throat, and you feel tears starting to form in your eyes.
“Hey, don't cry. Come here” Keanu gently pulls you into his arms, and you don't even try to fight it. You had planned this, you decided to fall for him again, but you didn't know your feelings would start to grow by themselves, without you having to force them. You want him, you want to be in his arms, so you don't think much before placing your legs over his, allowing him to hold you. This is everything you need right now, everything you want, to be held by him.
@multific @inumorph @aestheticallywinchester @bvbwestfall @liviiii98 @allie1804-fan @gian-giannina @playboygeniusphilanthropist @partypoison00 @mariafetamina @fortheloveoffanfic @trin303
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randomdreamywriter · 4 years
A New Friend
A/n- Hey! So this is my first ever Shigeo Kageyama x Fem!Reader fanfiction. It could be interpreted as platonic, since I just wanted make this soft. Since I'm 14, I decided to self-indulge and make something for myself, and I absolutely love Mob. Hopefully you like it! I will be making my rules soon, and I hope you understand if I refuse to do your request, given that I'm still a minor. Thanks! More shall come in the future. Maybe even a sequel :))
Y/n- Your name
F/n- Friend's name
H/c- Hair color
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Math is seriously going to kill me. Y/N felt her head throb as she stared at the myriad of numbers on her notebook. The combination of symbols and letters made her head spin, and the equations weren't making sense like they used to. I'm usually able to figure this out after a few tries, what's so different now? A sigh escaped her lips, and she felt as if her brain was TV static, her thoughts foggy. Great. Now I'm at that phase.
"That's enough for today. You may go home now. Number 3-5 will be your assignment for tomorrow to be checked." Her teacher's stern voice was enough to pull her out of her thoughts, and she silently stood up, making a mental note of solving the math questions later, her eyes scanning over the equations again. He chose the hardest ones for us to answer. Guess I'll have to ask F/N for help later.
Her hand reached for her backpack strap, which was slung over her chair. The weight of her backpack made her shoulders ache, but otherwise, it was fine. She was used to it anyway. The sound of the chairs screeching against the floor and the murmurs of the students as they got out of their seats echoed in her ears. Y/N instinctively reached for her phone, practically a routine now whenever she was about to leave the classroom, before something unexpectedly caught her eye.
A classmate with a clean bowl cut seemed to be in a daze at the back of the classroom, staring at his notebook in utter concentration. Huh. Good to know I'm not the only one struggling. Usually, Y/N was not one to approach other people. She was too scared of being an nuisance, or ruining their impression of her with her habit of rambling and stuttering whenever she's nervous, but this kid; he felt different.
His silent awkwardness, his gentle voice, the way his eyes would burn with determination whenever she caught him jogging with the Body Improvement Club. It interested her. Her eyes have been on him for a while now. The H/C haired girl didn't know what it was. It could be a crush for all she knew, but it was too early to tell. Either way, this was an opportunity to talk to him. Kageyama Shigeo.
"Hey. You alright there?" Y/N placed her hand on his desk, which made him flinch, startled by the sudden voice. The girl waited patiently for him to answer as he slowly looked up at her. She noticed that his cheeks would no longer turn pink whenever someone of the opposite gender approached him, and she didn't really know how to feel about that. I guess he just grew out of it. Good for him. "Yeah. The questions were just a bit confusing." It was like the mere sound of his voice was enough to help her relax, the dull ache in her head slowly fading. "Isn't it? It's probably going to take a lot of help from my friends to be able to get these right. You think you can pass those by tomorrow?"
Kageyama stiffened at the question, his lips trembling in realization. Y/N observed his behaviour, and was quick to figure out what it meant. That looks like a no. If I recall correctly, he had an outstanding younger brother, but I don't think even he can help him with this, since he's in a lower grade, and I'm pretty sure his friends at the Body Improvement Club aren't exactly the studying type, not that that's a bad thing. They all seem like good guys. Before she could think about it, the girl jumped at the opportunity presented to her. "Do you want me to help you with it? My friends are really smart, and they help me a lot with homework. I could let you join us so we can work together." Her lips curled into a smile, her expression perfectly calm. Her thoughts, however, could not say the same. WHAT AM I DOING OH MY GOD THEY'RE TOTALLY GONNA SCARE HIM OFF I'M GONNA LOOK LIKE A TOTAL CREEP WE'VE BARELY EVEN TALKED TO EACH OTHER WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF I'M SUCH AN IDIOT I SHOUL-
"Sure. Sounds good." Y/N blinked, her eyes staring at him in utter surprise, taking her a second to realize what he had just said before slowly pulling herself together. "Great! I'm going to meet up with them in front of the school as soon as I leave the classroom, do you want to come with me? It'll be easier that way." Kageyama smiled softly, nodding his head as he stepped out of his seat and put his notebook in his brown backpack. That turned out better than I thought it would. He's really as nice as I thought he would be. It's pretty comforting.
The two walked out of the classroom in comfortable silence, the sound of student chatter and footsteps echoing inside the school hallways. They passed by a certain classroom, and Y/N watched as Kageyama's eyes sparkled, stopping abruptly as if in a daze, staring at a pretty black-haired girl giggling at what her friend was showing her, his lips curling into a bigger smile. "Ah, Tsubomi-chan..." The words were spoken with such sweetness and admiration, it took Y/N by surprise, her eyebrows raised. Must be his crush. Can't say I blame him though. She's gorgeous. An almost unnoticeable pang of insecurity shot at her heart, but she didn't pay any attention to it. She's barely even talked to Kageyama, there's no way something like this would hurt her, even if she thought he was a little cute. Either way, she tapped his shoulder, making him yelp, his cheeks turning red with embarrassment. He opened his mouth to apologize, before she cut him off, an amused grin sitting on her face. "Heh. I get it. No need to apologize, Kageyama-kun." The jet black-haired boy blinked, his eyes a bit wide, unsure of what to think of her statement, before closing his mouth and nodding profusely, his face still slightly pink. Y/N couldn't help but giggle at his reaction, finding it adorable. He's just so innocent. Who knew someone like him still exists in this world.
Y/N's phone suddenly made a sound indicating a notification, making her pat her skirt pocket, where her phone resided in. "That must be my friend. Seems we've made them wait long enough, let's go!" A cheeky grin grew on the girl's face as she reached for Kageyama's wrist, making him blink in surprise, and before he could say anything, she took off running, forcing him to keep up the pace to avoid stumbling, although it wasn't with as much difficulty as he imagined. Can't force him to run faster than he's comfortable with. That would be mean. Y/n looked back at him, the smile consistent on her face as she pulled him along the school hallways, and Kageyama couldn't help but reciprocate. It seemed he's made a new friend once again.
A/n- I'm sorry if this flooded your dash. I'm formatting this on mobile and I dont think the read more option is actually available on this, and honestly, I think that's total bs. Still, I hope you enjoyed it :))
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xbellaxcarolinax · 4 years
Forging A Heart (Ivar the Boneless) 25- Trust Issues
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Pairing: Ivar x Artemis (OFC)
Word Count: 3498
Warnings: Ivar being an ass.
24- Let Them Come
It was eerily quiet, not at all like the yelling from earlier.
As soon as they entered the hall, Ivar stomped over to his council chambers without a second glance at anyone, Bjorn following behind him. Hvitserk remained with his two brothers as a sort of peacemaker.
The rest stayed out in the main hall, keeping warm by the large fire pit in the center. There was an awkwardness that lingered about, and Artemis wanted to defuse it immediately.
"You may sit by the fire if you'd like. Get yourself and the children warm." She says to Torvi. The older woman nods, guiding her babbling children to sit upon the floor. Artemis sighs, turning to see Ubbe hesitating to say something, his lips parting and closing like a hungry fish.
"Artemis," He says finally, "It is good to see you."
"Likewise." She replies with a small smile, and he nods, the corner of his lips curving upward. Even after all this time he seems to have retained his gentle heart. Before she could say anything more he heads down the corridor and into the council chambers.
Heahmund remains out in the hall, leaving the brothers to themselves. He calls for the thralls to attend them, bringing out food and drink for the children and their mother.
"Ubbe is kindhearted." Torvi speaks against the silence, though she made no movements to indicate a start to a conversation. She keeps her hands up towards the fire to eliminate the chill, "I sometimes think it'll kill him."
"Ubbe is the kindest of all the Ragnarssons," Comments Artemis, "I hope that does not change." Torvi stays quiet for a few moments before deciding to speak again.
"Lagertha used to express her regret giving you to Ivar," Her voice was soft, almost melancholic, talking of her former queen, 'What were the odds that the girl would be a blacksmith?’ is what she would say," Artemis thought she heard amusement in her tone. "She thought you'd hinder a weakness in him." Artemis scoffs, shaking her head at such a ridiculous notion. Ivar was never weak.
"But you weren't Ivar's weakness. You only fueled him. It was indeed Lagertha's weakness." Torvi continued, rubbing her hands together to rid the chill. Artemis casts a glance at Heahmund and then Tordis before stepping close to Torvi and her children. She gently sits beside the older woman, keeping her eyes on the flames.
"I will not deny you nor your children the hearth," She says quietly, "But why are you here?" From the corner of her vision she sees Torvi turn towards her. The blonde clenches her jaw and swallows thickly before answering.
"Help?" The children began to play with the growing kittens and the large mastiff, emitting giggles and little shouts of glee. So innocent.
"Our plan was to take Hedeby, but we had very few supporters and not enough men to take it."
"Did you know a shieldmaiden named Dabria?" Artemis asks suddenly, turning sharply to look at Torvi. The fair haired woman wrinkles her brow in confusion, eyebrows almost touching together as she searched her mind for any memory of the name.
"Dabria..." She repeats, before her eyes widen in sudden realization, "Yes, I knew her. She was a shieldmaiden serving Lagertha back when she was the Jarl in Hedeby. She fought against your husband in the war. I assumed she was killed. Why?" Artemis shrugs, noticing how both Heahmund and Tordis watched them carefully. Geirdis saunters to Heahmund with a horn of mead, and they both smile at each other. She'd inquire about that later.
"Ivar thinks perhaps Bjorn had sent her."
"So what, you're saying is that she's not dead?"
"She is now," Artemis shrugs, "She attacked me. Wanted to kill Ivar's Queen in return for killing hers." Torvi frowns.
"She had no allegiance to us." Artemis only hums in response. This was perhaps the first conversation she's had with Torvi as their other encounters were wordless, mostly due to their different stations and status. Torvi seemed calm, despite their reasons for being in Kattegat.
"And what did you hope to gain by coming here?" Torvi accepts mead from Aria, who then places a gentle touch on Artemis's shoulder before standing with Geirdis.
"As Bjorn says. An alliance."
"Ivar would never give it you."
"We know," Torvi says with a sigh, "But you are his Queen, and if anyone could get through to him, it would be you."
"You want me to convince Ivar into forming an alliance with you?" Artemis could have laughed, and she almost did, cracking an amused smile, one that Torvi did not appreciate.
"Look," The shieldmaiden says, "Ragnar was avenged. Lagertha had gotten her revenge on Aslaug and Ivar on Lagertha. This game is over. What we need is an alliance and an army to help us gain control of Hedeby. Ivar has the means, and you have his ear."
"And is that what they speak of in there?"
"I imagine."
"And what does Kattegat gain in return?" Artemis asks. She was not one for political negotiations, but it was a start.
"Protection against attack, men for war and raid if need be. Trade, of course. And," Torvi looks intently at her," A marriage between my children and your future heirs to strengthen the alliance." Artemis felt her cheeks burn at the word heirs. It seemed that the gods were postponing any heirs, no matter how heated their chambers had gotten with activity. The thought made her cheeks redden more, and she had to place a cold hand on her skin in order to focus on Torvi.
"How are we to trust you? How am I to trust you?"
"I can see why you wouldn't, but I take you for a smart woman," Torvi grabs hold of her youngest daughter who had been running round in circles with Heracles stomping behind her. The girl screeches in delight, falling into her mother's lap as she fought against her mother's kisses.
"My children need a home, Queen Artemis," The blonde says after a moment of coddling her child, "And although you wouldn't believe it, Ubbe has spoken fondly of you. Even Bjorn. They believe you have the power to sway Ivar's fickleness."
"Ivar wouldn't forgive any of you so easily. He wears his hurt like armor." Artemis says with a sigh.
"Your Christian ways give you a soft heart. Help him to forgive whatever transgressions he feels we have commited. Is it not the Christian way to forgive?"
"There are no Christians here besides Heahmund," Artemis mutters, jerking her head towards the bishop now in deep conversation with Geirdis.
"Oh?" Torvi blinks, "You are no longer Christian?"
"You sound surprised."
"Should I not be?" Torvi answered, "Last I saw you, you wore a cross on your neck. Everyone was surprised Ivar let you keep such a thing." Her blue eyes shift down to Artemis's collarbone, finding not a cross, but Mjölnir, hanging from black cord, "But...his fondness for you was no secret. You follow our ways for him."
"I have my own reasons why," Artemis says, "And I am still learning your ways." Torvi smiles at this.
"I made you out to be something useless in my head," She admits, and laughs when Artemis scoffed, "I always thought ill of you, though I had no real reason other than you being a Christian."
"You sound like Floki." Artemis mutters.
"Will you help us take Hedeby?" Torvi had expectant eyes twinkling like little sapphires. Artemis stares at her, not fully trusting her, but the plan sounded decent. Bjorn could rule over Hedeby in Denmark, while Ivar ruled in Norway, far enough away from each other to avoid personal conflict, but close enough to help each other as allies.
"I need to know I can trust you." She says firmly, "I do not wish to be betrayed or made a fool." Torvi nods in understanding, letting go of her daughter and reaching to pull off a silver ring from her finger. Taking it gently in her hands she holds it out to Artemis, the silver shinning brightly.
"This ring has been in my family for over 3 generations. It was my mother's, and her mother's before her," She motions for Artemis to hold out her hand, and when she does, Torvi places it firmly in the middle of her palm. "A symbol of trust and loyalty. I shall like to be friends one day, if the gods see fit. You are an extraordinary woman."
It was Torvi who Artemis regarded as an extraordinary woman. She was a fierce shieldmaiden and a mother. There was nothing extraordinary about a foreign blacksmith. Artemis stares down at the ring in her palm, admiring its beauty. She bites her lip, closing her hand into a tight fist.
"I swear upon the gods," Torvi finishes, putting her hands over Artemis's fist.
"I accept your oath, Shieldmaiden," She says firmly, "I will bring it to the King's attention."
Torvi smiles brightly, and that alone made Artemis's mood lift.
"No, I do not wish to discuss it any further." Ivar grunts out, already annoyed at the stubborn look Artemis was producing.
"Ivar, I have the right to speak."
"Yes, my love, you do, but not on this matter." He rolls over onto his stomach, one eye peeping at his wife putting on her nightgown, quite angrily if possible.
"You're stubborn." She mumbles loud enough for him to hear.
"You think this is the type of talk to be had after sex?" His voice is muffled from shoving his face into a pillow. Artemis's eyes lingered on his bare back, noting how his skin glistened in the candle light. His muscles were lean and tight, and not what she should be thinking about at the moment.
"I think it's a good start, yes." There was a smile in her voice, Ivar could detect it.
"Ivar." She whined, moving away from the window and jumping upon the bed, her fingers already gravitating to touch the tight lines of his back.
"Artemis, do you intend to torment me as much as my brothers? Come, lay beside me." He lifts an arm up, still laying on his stomach, but turns his head slightly to pop open an eye, using it to convince her. It was enough. She sighs, snuggling in under his arm. She turned her head to gaze at his tired features, the one eye already drooping in the tell tale sign that sleep would soon evade him.
"My love," She says softly to him. He frowns, though his eyes still remained shut, "Will you not at least negotiate?"
"Stop. You sound like Hvitserk," He whines, "He is the last thing I want to think about in these moments."
"Your brother is smart."
"He is a fool. Nostalgia eats away at him."
"He misses his family," Artemis frowns, "I can relate."
"I'm sure you are not related to any traitors as I am."
"Well, what if it was your mother who had killed Lagertha, and Bjorn were to take revenge on her? Would you not have defended your mother?"
"That is not what happened." Was his simple reply. Artemis rolls her eyes.
"But what if?" Ivar remains quiet, feigning sleep, and doing a very bad job of it. His lashes flutter slightly until finally he peeks up at her. She was frowning and he sighs.
"What would you have me do, hmm? This isn't a simple matter. This is about power, Artemis. I will not risk being made a fool nor betrayed over a failing town."
"A failing town that could rise into prominence with our help! Hedeby has some advantages, does it not?"
"Mmm, I don't care," He groans out, frustrated, "How do you know so much about Hedeby all of a sudden?"
"I talk to the people, and the people talk to me."
"Well, don’t ." Ivar says stubbornly now rolling on his back, as if his missing touch would keep her quiet. He stares up at the slanted roof of their chambers in silent thought before speaking.
"I did not marry you for any political reasons, nor did I marry you for the supposed strategies of politics you think you possess. I married you because you have a pretty face and look lovely as a Queen. You are just a blacksmith, not a dignitary." It was quiet for a few moments, and Ivar knew the wheels were turning in her head, but he did not bother to turn towards her.
She says nothing still, quietly getting up and wrapping herself in her furs before leaving their chambers in silence.
"Where's your shieldmaiden? You shouldn't be out here on your own, it's dangerous." Artemis scoffs, turning to look over her shoulder. Bjorn put his hood over his head to block the cold, though he made no movement to approach until she allowed him too. She jerks her head so that he may come closer.
"Dangerous? You are already here, that is the only danger I need to be worried about." He chuckles, smiling as he leaned against an ancient tree and crossed his arms. They were near the entrance of the Great Hall, which is probably why Artemis decided it was fine to be alone. He takes note of a hammer hanging on her side from a belt around her waist. Ahh. That was why.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Artemis."
"I would hope not, I'm trying to help you despite our history." She replies. She doesn't turn round to look at him, her focus taken up entirely by the full moon that shone over Kattegat.
"So you'll help us?" She could hear the snow crunching under Bjorn's boots as he goes to face her, "You've spoken to Ivar then?"
"I've tried..." Artemis sighs, tightening her cloak, "But he won't have it. He'd rather insult me." She could taste the bitterness of the words on her tongue.
"My little brother has a way with words. That should not have escaped you." Bjorn says just as bitterly. She sighs again, placing a cold hand on her brow at the oncoming headache. She sniffled, and a few tears escaped her eyes but she quickly wiped them away, not daring to cry in front of Bjorn. If he noticed then he did well not to mention it.
"I am well aware of Ivar's attitude," She says before clearing her throat, changing the topic, "How is the cabin I had prepared for you all? I hope you are comfortable." Bjorn smiles. She was acting every bit a queen.
"It is quite comfortable despite all the guards. We thank you. I came hoping to speak with Ivar again, but-"
"Try your luck tomorrow, he will not hear you now."
"Or ever," Bjorn mutters, and Artemis cracks a smile.
"I...am sorry about your mother," She says to him, "I seemed to have been involved in her death." The words came out awkwardly as she realized how horrible the situation was. He makes a noise before replying.
"I saw you shoot the arrow," He says, and he almost smiled at the look of horror on her face, "I heard you are quite impressive with a bow," His eyes shifts to the weapon on her waist, "And skilled with a hammer, of course,"
"It was fated by the gods," He interrupts, though he swallows thickly, "Let us speak of it no more." Artemis eyes him wearily, but nods.
"Why don't you come and visit the cabin? I'm sure you're tired of the bishops company." He offers.
"I don't think that's wise, Ivar-"
"Hvitserk is already there. You can bring the shieldmaiden if you'd like." Artemis ponders for a moment. Perhaps it wasn't that bad of a suggestion, and she really didn't want to be under the same roof as Ivar anyway.
Let him sleep alone for the while.
"Ivar sent scouts searching out for weeks," Artemis says. She sat close to the fire, Heracles laying beside her. In her hands was a warm cup of mulled wine she had brought for them, "Where did you go?"
"Perhaps it isn't wise to reveal such information, in case we need it again.” Mutters Torvi beside her, gently petting Heracles's wrinkly head.
"Does he follow you everywhere?" Ubbe asks, eyes glued to the giant beast. He's never seen a dog of such build before.
"Basically," Hvitserk answers for her, "He killed Dabria."
"Dabria?" Bjorn perks up at the name, stepping over to him, "My mother's shieldmaiden? I thought her dead."
"And we thought you might have sent her. She attacked me." Artemis replies, turning her gaze to him, "There are those who still support your mother even in death. That is why Ivar doesn't trust you."
"Because he thinks we rally supporters." Ubbe finishes with a sigh, sitting beside Torvi and placing an arm about her shoulders. Both Hvitserk and Artemis notice this but say nothing of it.
"It is a rational thought, I suppose, even for Ivar." Bjorn says, rubbing the stubble of his shaved yellow hair.
"Too much has happened between all of you for Ivar to willingly offer assistance," Artemis says, "He would need something to prove your loyalty. All of you."
"Like what?" Asks Torvi.
"I've been studying with Headmund." Artemis begins, the tone in her voice has everyone on edge.
"And what has the bishop been teaching you?" Hvitserk asks with narrowed eyes. He was civil with Heahmund, but did not trust him as fully as Ivar did.
"The laws of governing in Wessex."
"You don't mean to rule Kattegat like those foolish kings of England?" Bjorn snorts with a shake of his head, "Ivar would never allow it."
"No, no, nothing of the sort," She says quickly, watching everyone grow weary, "It is only to understand their ways for any plans in the future. Ivar still controls York, meaning we will encounter the King at one point."
"You clever girl," Hvitserk grins, moving from the table to ruffle her hair like a child, "You have the makings of a queen." She slaps his hands away, producing a smile, but it falters, remembering Ivar's words.
"At least you think so." She says quietly.
"So what do their politics teach you?" Ubbe asks.
"You won't like it," She answers, turning to look at both Torvi and Bjorn before continuing, "When kings and noblemen demand loyalty to be proven from an enemy, a ward is issued...like a hostage."
"What are you proposing?" Torvi demands, losing interest immediately in the mastiff. Artemis stays quiet for a moment, her eyes shifting between Bjorn and Torvi again before landing on their youngest daughter, sleeping soundly beside her brother. Everyone's eyes follow hers.
"No, no, I forbid it!" Torvi yells, though low enough to not wake the children.
"You mean to make Asa a hostage?" Bjorn demands, crossing his arms. He too was angry, though he did better to control his anger.
"How can you propose such a thing?" Hvitserk shakes his head, "To take a child from their mother?"
"You had no problem taking me from my father," Artemis snaps, her eyes flickering over all of them as they fell silent at her word. "Just listen to my reasoning." She commands, her voice more stern than ever before. Ubbe reaches over to place a hand on her shoulder in comfort. Even after all this he wished to show her kindness.
"We're listening," He says, sighing when Torvi shrugs his arm off her shoulders.
"If Ivar were to take Asa as a ward, she would be under my care. She will be safe with me. Unfortunately, it is the only other way I can think of, and I believe there is a chance Ivar would agree to it."
"Holding her hostage would be holding us hostage. He'd have us by the throats." Comments Bjorn, turning to walk to the farthest corner of the cabin.
"Any word of disloyalty and betrayal, any wrong move, and you risk her life." Artemis says, lowering her eyes in shame. It was not something she wished to propose, but it was the only option she could see succeeding.
Suddenly there was a pounding on the door, and Torvi rushed to the children in case they woke in fear.
"My Queen, it is the King and his men." Tordis says hastily.
"It was a matter of time before he came for you," Bjorn says, "Go, we will discuss this further in the morning." Artemis stands with a sigh, Heracles already jumping to his feet, his eyes glued to the door. He recognized the sounds of Ivar's crutch and braces, and it made his tail wag in excitement.
"Will you come, Hvitserk?" She asks him, and he nods, downing his wine before making any movements. He goes to hug his brothers and Torvi, and Artemis nods her farewell.
"Have a goodnight, Queen Artemis." She hears Bjorn say before opening the door.
@heavenly1927 @didiintheblog @leilabeaux @jzr201 @inforapound @a-mess-of-fandoms @rastakami23 @ostra814 @zumzum96
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barnes-and-rogers · 3 years
"Wish we were"- Stucky: soulmate au
Steve traced the star on his left forearm. The same would be on his (hopefully) future wife. He should’ve felt relief; he was lucky to even have a soulmark. However, he couldn’t help but feel like he’d be burdening her; never embodying the man she truly wanted. He’d never be the man he wanted: 6 foot (so probably taller than them) and muscular. Like Bucky.
He wanted to be Bucky. Everyone liked Bucky. Unfortunately, even he liked Bucky (in a platonic way). How couldn’t he; Bucky was perfect. Whoever had him as a soulmate would be very lucky. Yet the mere thought of Bucky having a soulmate left an insatiable pit in his stomach.
Once Bucky began knocking he knew it was going to be the first time. The first time he’d see Bucky’s soulmark.
At first, he thought the exchange would be sensual— something to symbolise the depth of their friendship— now, it filled him with dread, knowing his best friend might eventually leave him. Not physically, but spiritually. Soon Bucky would meet someone at his level, a level higher than Steve could reach (though someone who is 5”4 can’t reach much).
Bucky smirked, wiggling his eyebrows as Steve left the bathroom. Steve blushed, one would assume it was due to embarrassment, however, it was because of that goddamn smirk. If only he could smirk like that, when he smirked he looked like a puppy (a cute little puppy). Ignorant to the fact that Bucky was implying something “private” had happened in the span of 10 minutes.
“C’mon, birthday boy, I won't be young forever.” Bucky swung his arm over Steve, leading him into his bedroom. 
“Sure, how old are you?” Steve feigned curiosity, “almost sixty, maybe seventy?” 
Bucky punched Steve’s feeble arm, “Punk.” He chuckled once he saw Steve’s boyish grin. It was cute, and somewhat fitting for Steve.
“Jerk. Besides, I can’t control the fact that you're seventeen going on seventy.” Bucky ruffled Steve’s hair, before shoving him onto the bed. Steve began laughing; his contagious laughter had Bucky creasing. The joke wasn’t even that funny. It definitely wasn’t worth the almost asthma attack.
Bucky sighed, satisfied by the pressure leaving his abdomen. He wiped the tears out of his eyes, before pulling Steve— who was still somewhat struggling to breathe up off his back. Luckily, that made it easier for Steve to begin breathing again. 
“You okay, buddy?” Concerned for his friend, Bucky rubbed Steve’s back. Strangely, it upset Bucky that laughter harmed Steve, probably because Bucky preferred the sound of Steve’s laughter over his. And how was he meant to conceal his own laughter without Steve’s.
“Holy fork,” Steve breathed out, “I think I just lost seventy years of my life.” That breath was somewhat relieving for Steve seeing as it seemed Bucky had forgotten what they were meant to be doing.
“Anyways, back to the matter at hand: Soulmarks.” He’d spoken too soon.
Bucky began pulling the sleeve on his left arm, ready to show Steve his soulmark.
“Wait!” Steve yelled, desperation resonated in his voice. Bucky was a good listener, and was always (usually) honest, yet Steve was unable to explain his fears to him. What was he supposed to say, “Sorry Buck, I’m scared that you’ll finally leave me, even though you didn’t when you had the chance. And get this, you’d leave me for a girl. Imagine, you'd ditch your best friend for a girl, crazy right?.” Sadly, that would be weird. 
“Bucky, I—” Steve paused, “What if she doesn’t love me?” Steve refused to look Bucky in the eyes, embarrassed by his childish question. 
“Maybe she won’t, but you’ll still have me.” 
“Asshole, you're meant to be comforting me.” Unbeknownst to Bucky, his statement actually was comforting.
“Trust me, you’re irresistible.” Bucky chuckled, ruffling Steve’s hair and pinching his cheeks. Steve attempted to fix his hair, even though Bucky was the only person there.
However— since Steve has twigs for arms— his sleeves slipped down, bunching up at his elbows. Bucky caught a glimpse of his forearm, seeing a familiar star on Steve: his soulmark. 
Bucky smiled smugly at Steve. Steve jokingly glared at Bucky. 
“Thank you for the inconvenience, have a nice day.” Steve flashed an almost unnaturally large grin, before it went down  to his standard smile.
“Okay Stevie you want some advice. I know your soulmate adores you.” Steve put up his finger, ready to intervene. “Don’t.”
Bucky inwardly groaned, when Steve began to speak, “But my gut—”
“Your gut’s broken. I guess all the punches it took really did some damage.”
“If my gut’s broken, then so is my soulmark.” Bucky felt offended, unable to speak, before Steve continued, “I mean I don’t deserve one; it’d be a waste.”
“You know what’s a waste? Your self-doubt.”
“Steven Rogers, shut up for a minute and listen. Anybody would adore you. The puppy mimicking the guard dog personality is adorable. And look at those big blue eyes, they’re like— ” Bucky paused, taking a moment to collect himself, “What I am about to say is embarrassing? You can’t tell anyone I said this, am I clear.”
“Crystal.” Steve said without skipping a beat. 
“Crystals. They’re like crystals in the morning sky. And your hair is soft, women will be dying to run their fingers through it. There’s still so much, like your smile, and how it makes you...” Bucky sighed before muttering “beautiful.”
Mesmerised Steve looked down, concealing the lovestruck grin that overtook his face. On the other hand, Bucky was internally scolding himself for being so open about his emotions. 
“Bucky...” Awkwardly scratching the back of his head, Steve continued, “thank you. Uuuh...You look neat.”
“That was anticlimactic.”
“Shut up, Buck.” Steve shoved Bucky, though he barely made a dent. Bucky just laughed it off. Leaving some empty space between their words, tension mistaken for awkwardness.
“Anyways...” Bucky said, diminishing all tension, “soulmarks?”
Steve froze, somehow unable to form a sentence. This was it: the moment he was waiting for; the moment that was tormenting him for the past ten minutes; the moment that left him speechless.
Until, “Soulmarks,” left his mouth. ‘Let’s just get it over with.’  
Steve rolled his sleeve up as Bucky began to remove his jacket. Although, wearing a jacket in summer was seemingly unnecessary, it made him look amazing. They say girls like “bad boys”, and Bucky seemed like just the forbidden fruit. However, a small part of Steve wished he didn't. On Bucky’s arm lay the same mark that Steve saw earlier. 
Was this it? The feeling was not different from what he usually felt around Bucky. He didn’t think life’s questions would be answered,he would see God, or he would develop some supernatural abilities. But he thought he’d at least feel different. Happier maybe. Maybe sadder, not just numb. All the preparation he made didn’t prepare him for this. That Bucky was his soulmate.
How would people react? Yes people knew that what soulmate you got wasn’t a choice, but that doesn’t mean people wouldn’t try to blame you. Although religion didn't really back up the possibility of soulmates, doesn't mean it wasn't used against certain groups of soulmates. A false notion presented to people about soulmates was that they were based off of your life experiences, as if the soulmate you got was forced upon you by a karmic justice system. 
But Steve didn't deserve this, not the karma, but Bucky. He wanted to deserve this, he really did, but he just couldn’t. He’d always found Bucky unbelievably attractive, and he usually ignored it. He usually went to church and prayed, always left with more questions. Bucky wasn’t that religious so he was probably not thinking these thoughts. He couldn’t do this, it just wasn’t right, to lead on Bucky.
On the other hand, Bucky was having his own discourse, there was nothing stopping him from pursuing Steve, other than Steve. However, Steve and him had history, years of friendship down the drain. It was either a relationship or a broken friendship. Even with this it felt like it'll all end up in flames. There were no good endings.
“I think you should go,” Steve whispered, shuffling to the door opening it for Bucky.
“Yeah,” Bucky choked out, trying to delay his departure. “I’ll see you.”
“I guess… Bye Buck.”
“Bye Steve.”
Once Bucky had left, Steve felt nothing. As if all his distress and passion had moulded together and cancelled each other out, leaving an overwhelming amount of apathy. 
Steve wanted to cry, he wanted to tear the soulmark off his arm, ripping it apart, forgetting  this ever even happened. He wanted to just walk away and stay with Bucky, the way they were. But how would Bucky feel? Anticipating the first time he’d meet his soulmate, only for the unpredictable to happen. It just wasn't right— it didn’t feel right. All he could was suppress it, until he saw Bucky next. 
Note: I spent over a year writing this, I had the idea ages ago and I finally finished it. I'm sorry about the end dudes. But yeah this is my first time writing stuff like this. I hope people enjoy.
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piers-wifey · 4 years
Lear x reader (Babys first word)
You were in the kitchen, sitting on a chair and writing a shopping list, when Lear came in. Holding your child in his arms.
"What are you doing, y/n?" he asked you curious.
"Writing a shopping list. We're out of baby food and nappies again." you mumbled. The silver haired prince just nodded and eyed his child lovingly. When you looked up and saw the gentle smile on his handsome face, you just couldn't resist the urge to smile as well.
"You know, you really should do that more often. It looks nice on you." you said. When Lear heard that, his cheeks turned red. "Oh uh t-tjanks I guess?" he stuttered. You just giggled and got up from your chair. "You're welcome." you said sweetly and gave him a loving kiss, which he returned immediately. Both of you then looked deep into each others eyes. But the moment only lasted for a few seconds, before the happy giggling of your child, eyeing both his/her parents curiously, attracted your attention.
"Seems like someone wants all the attention to himself/herself." Lear chuckled and lookedat you in amusement. You nodded and gave your child a tender kiss on the forehead. This time your baby made a very joyful squeak, which made you both laugh wholeheartedly. When you heard the silver haired prince making that noise, your heart just melted. You knew that it was very rare for the young male to laugh like that. Hearing him laughing at his babys squeaks and giggles like that, made you smile even wider. You could tell, that he had changed a lot, since your son/daughter was born. He's much more caring now and, even though he denies it every time you mention it, has become a lot softer. Especially when he's around his precious kid. He really has a soft spot for his son/daughter. You often caught him playing peek-a-boo or got your nose with him/her. Of course Lear thinks that nobody sees him doing this, and it's true. Nobody ever did. Neither Rachel nor Sawyer had seen their Master being a little goof around his kid. Nobody knew he could be like that, except for you of course. But you would never tell him that you know about it, since you know, he would literally die of embarrassment if you did.
"I love you so much y/n. You and our precious little prince/princess." Lear said and rested his chin on youe head, holding you close, while you snuggled up to him. "I love you too, Lear."
~Little Timeskip~
"I'll be back soon and don't make any trouble, okay?" you said jokingly and gave both, Lear and your son/daughter a goodbye kiss, before you left. The silverhead blushed a bit when you said that. He knew exactly what you meant by that. And it was still very embarrassing for him
Being covered in baby powder and having milk spilled all over his expensive clothes and the couch, isn't exactly what you would expect to see, when you come home after being out with your friends for a few hours, right? You could never forget Lears sheepish smile and the embarrassed look on his face, when you stood in the entrance of the living room, watching him trying to clean up the mess he had made. Of course you wondered, how this could've happened, especially after being away for only three hours. But to you, it was a hilarious sight. And as soon as you entered the room, you grabbed the camera and took a few pictures. You would later write on the backside of one of them "A day with papa"
You had promised Lear not to show those pictures to anyone, but there was no chance you would deny your friends to see this cute and funny moment. You even showed them to Rachel and Sawyer. Everyone of them, could hardly hold back a laugh. It was just too funny seeing the crown prince and future king kneeling on the floor, covered in milk and baby powder, trying to clean up everything, while his son/daughter sat on the couch, clapping and laughing. After you took a few more pictures, you helped him. But since that day, you would always look at Lear say, that you're the mother of two children.
"This time, it'll be different!" Lear says to himself and heads to the living room. He had almost reached it, when suddenly Rachel and Sawyer appeared out of nowhere.
"Oh, there you are, young Master. We've been looking for you." the dark skinner man said. The silverhead rose an eyebrow and looked questioningly at his two servants. "What is it?" he asked. Rachel took a step forward and bowed her head slightly. "It's about Team Break. We heard they're making trouble again. This time, they attacked the Champions and tried to steal their Pokémon."
The young prince narrowed his eyebrows and let out a irritated sigh. "This damn Team Break is really starting to get on my nerves!" he growled angrily, but stopped immediately, when he sensed the uneasiness of his child. He gently rocked it back and forth, trying to calm him/her, before he looked back at his two servants. "As you can see, I have to take care of the kid now. And as long as y/n isn't back, I can't go anywhere."
Both, Sawyer and Rachel understood what their boss meant with that. "Understood." The dark skinned male said, before he and the purple haired female gave a slight bow of the head and left. When both of them were gone, Lear let out a quiet sigh of relief. He knew that he wasn't completely honest with them. Of course he could've given the child into the care of another servant, but the thing is, he just don't want another person to take care of his child. Lear was absolutely sure, that both, Rachel and Sawyer were fully aware about his little lie. But on the other hand, why should he care? He's not only their boss, but also the future king. So they had to follow his orders, no matter what. And besides, he was absolutely sure, that this brat Scottie/Bettie, would've taken care of Team Break, long before he even had the chance to grab his Pokéball. So why should he even bother to go? Right now, he has better things to do, than chasing some idiots in ridiculous masks, around the island.
When Lear heard his childs babbling, he looked down. As soon as his purple eyes met his sons/daughters blue ones, he couldn't hold back another gentle smile. "Your eyes are just as beautiful as your mothers." he said softly and nuzzled him/her. And as if the child had understood its fathers words, he/she started to giggle and tried to 'say' something in baby language. Hearing the happy babbling of his baby, gave Lear an idea. He quickly went to the living room. When he entered said room, he headed to the couch and sat down. His kid soon stopped its babbling and looked at the silverhead witj big, curious eyes. After a last, bery careful look at the entrance to the room, Lear started to speak. "Let's surprise mommy, okay?"
The baby tilted its head slightly, not knowing what the words, his/her father said, meant.
"Well, since your trying to speak, let's teach you your first word."
The child started to laugh. His/her eyes full of delight.
"Okay, now listen very carefully. Say Papa."
Again, the child just giggled and babbled something, Lear couldn't understand. "Hey hey, try to focus little one. You're a prince/princess."
But since the baby didn't knew what a prince/princess was, he/she just kept laughing and squeaking.
"No no, say Papa." Lear said, even though he was more laughing than speaking.
~Small Timeskip~
The young prince had no idea, how long he was sitting here, trying to teach the baby to say Papa. A brief look at the clock then told him, that it must've been at least two hours. Lear raised his eyebrows. It really surprised him, that he had the patience to sit here for two hours, trying to teach his kid his/her first word. Every person, Lear included, was aware of the young prince's lack of patience. Especially when he had to repeat himself more than two times. But around his son/daughter, he was completely different. Gentle, soft spoken, patient, even a little goofy and most importantly, loving and caring.
"Come on, say Papa. I know you can do it!" the young, silver haired man said encouraging.
"Da..." The little boy/girl tried to imitate the sound his/her father had made.
"Yes almost. Do it again, say Papa."
The child tilted its head again. "Da...Da..." There was a short pause, before the baby tried it again. Lear just smiled. "You're doing great! Come on, one more try. Pa-pa."
Lear could see, that his kid wanted to say it again, but he /she was interrupted by a huge yawn.
"Huh, seems like someone's tired." he said, sounding a bit disappointed. The baby yawned again.
"Okay little prince/princess, time for your nap." he said gently and picked him/her up. As soon as Lear held his child in his arms, he/she buried his/her face into his chest. When the young prince entered the childs room, he turned on the nightlight and headed to the crib. Before he put his child into it, he gave him/her a very tender kiss on the forehead.
"I love you so much, my sweet little prince/princess. I know that I'm not the best father, but I'm really trying my best. And I promise you that I, as long as I'm here, will do everything, to protect you from any harm!" he promised and gave his child another loving kiss. After he had put his son/daughter carefully into the crib, he gently touched the sleeping babys cheek. This made the little one smile.
"Dream well, my precious little boy/girl." he whispered, before he turned to the entrance. The silverhead had almost reached the door, when heard something. It was his childs sleepy voice. Lear had to listen very carefully to hear it, but when he realized what his son/daughter had said, he could feel a wave full of pride and joy rushing through his body. A big smile appeared on his face.
~And another Timeskip~
"Lear, I'm back." you called. The silverhead, who was in the kitchen, came out to greet you with a sweet kiss.
"Hello love." he then said. You noticed that big, shit eating smile on his face immediately. Wondering what could possibly made him grin like that you asked: "What happened? Why are you smiling like that?"
But the only answer you received was another kiss. Confused by that, you returned the kiss. After you two were done, you asked again. This time he just looked at you. His purple eyes filled with pride and pure happiness.
"Our son/daughter said his/her first word." he told you. You gasped and looked at him, as if he had said something funny.
"Our baby did what?"
Lear grinned and hugged you tightly. "You heard right, our baby just said his/her first word."
Your eyes are starting to tear up a little. "What was it?" you asked.
Lear released you from the hug and looked deep into your eyes. Smiling proudly he said. "It was Dada."
A/n: This fanfic was inspired by a Hc from pokemon-fluff-and-headcanons. Check out his/her blog if you haven't done it yet. His/her works are truly amazing and super sweet. :3
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rideboldlyride · 5 years
Courage (SOLS AU)
A full glass of whiskey sat untouched, it's caramel color glowing in the only light source - her scroll screen. The fight from the night prior still echoed in the growingly cavernous house she fought to call her home. When did it feel so big, so empty? Her soul longed for the cramped warmth of an apartment she used to share with...
The sense of loss, the memory of actually being happy, being in love had driven her from the bed she shared with James and to this scroll screen. Thinking she needed liquid courage, she had poured herself a healthy glass of whiskey.
Surprisingly, she found no need for the liquor. Pouring her heart, her thoughts, her needs on to the page had been cathartic, and, if she was honest, easy. Her finger hovered over the "send" button, suddenly embarrassed at her own words. The couch that had comfortably held her felt hard and awkward. Shuffling in the seat, she found herself glancing down the hallway to her daughter’s room.
Despite the pain, the anger, of the evening before, to open this door... She had no idea how Qrow would respond. He had seemed quite content at the party to speak sweetly to Topaz, to shower the married woman with attention. There had been no attempt to hide her own presence, and yet he had made no comment to her, no motion until she had escaped to the terrace...
It was no surprise that he had summoned to James office as soon as he had arrived at Atlas.
The tension was thick in the air. It wasn't uncommon for the two to cross paths- Ozpin's inner circle was a small one and interdependent.
It didn't mean either man had to enjoy the interaction.
"How has Amber's training progressed?" True to character, the military man cut directly to the meat of the matter.
"It's... Doing. It's been difficult to break her of the regimented way that you and Glynda taught her. And when she does, she's been a challenge to balance her temper into acuity during battle."
A muscle twitched in the headmaster's jaw.
"Which is why we taught her in a regimented way-"
"-Which Oz felt needed to be supplemented with my style. Not every battle will be won by battle plans and strategy. Sometimes it's a matter of fight and flight.
It's something you never quite learned. It's also why Team STRQ always beat you."
"It's also why Team STRQ is in shambles across Remnant."
Qrow's eyes narrowed, as his shoulders set. The anger and shame associated with his role in the implosion of his team began to rise. Taking a small step back, he swallowed down the rising tide, and dismissed Jimmy's insinuation.
"We're not here to discuss Amber's training, or your personal distaste of me. Something has come up?"
"Yes. A rumour has been slipping through Atlas. Something about an uprising among the Faunus."
Qrow scoffed. "Good for them. Let Schnee face his own consequences."
"That's not your right to determine. The complaints against the SDC have not proven to be true, to this point. No," the headmaster turned back to his desk, pulling a data chip from a drawer. "The real issue is that within the rumour there is talk of an unknown source plying this faction of the White Fang with more dust and resources than they could acquire on their own."
Taking the chip, Qrow raised a brow. "Alright. So what role are you asking me to take on?"
"The source of the rumour is a high-ranking SDC member's wife. One who is known to enjoy the company of other men while her husband is away.
I need to know where this rumour is coming from and if there's any merit to it."
"So let me get this straight. You want me to woo a married woman to get more information about this rumour?"
The General scoffed as he turned back to his dark wooded desk.
"I doubt this is the first, nor will be the last time you've done it. At least this time it'll be for a good cause..."
Something clicked in the world weary man's brain. While there were many things in his life he wasn't proud of, even he had a line he refused to cross. But it was better to leave the General's preconceptions in place, and figure his own way around it.
And besides, Jimmy's negative perspective on Qrow's morals would at least allow him a good jab.
"Alright, Jimmy- she gonna be at this shindig of yours tonight?" Qrow reached for the data chip that Ironwood held out to him.
"Of course. And her husband is, in fact, out of town."
"Almost like you planned it."
"If anyone asks, I have no ties."
The wiry Huntsman nodded as he turned to the door. Halfway there, he looked over a shoulder brow raised.
"Speaking of married women- how's your lovely wife?"
The part of Qrow that he used to excuse himself from his guilt told him he just wanted the good jab at Jimmy. His conscience, his true self, knew better.
He wanted to know that Summer was happy and healthy.
Fire stoked in the General's eyes as the spoken insinuation hit home.
"Get. Out. Qrow."
Throwing a snide smile and a lazy two fingered salute, the lanky man disappeared out the door.
Of course she would be at the party. That was a factor he forgot.
She was stunning in navy blue, a sweeping dress draped tastefully over all the right curves. Just enough skin peeped through the hints of lace, and his thoughts strayed to old memories. It took all of his will to focus back on the tipsy woman at his elbow.
The older woman took in a long swig of her cocktail - some sickly sweet concoction - and let out a shrewish cackle at someone in the group’s borderline racist joke, before trying to turn what he assumed to be her attempt at a seductive glance to him.
“What do you think, Qrow, darling?”
He forced the disgust back and smirked in return. Helping her upright, he gently moved her to support herself against a nearby table.
"I think it's time to get you home..."
“So soon?” She purred
Chuckling, he deftly dodged her hands as she moved to cling to him.
“Definitely. Let me go call a car.”
Before she could protest, he moved out of the social circle, and slipped through the crowd, maintaining his facade of enjoyment. As soon as he slipped out the door onto the terrace, the mask fell and he clawed for the flask in his jacket pocket.
The coolness on his tongue followed by the warmth down his throat eased his nerves, and his discontent started to calm. Propping himself against the door frame, he rested his head back, opening his eyes to take in the clear, cold night. Steeling himself, he screwed the lid back on the flask, unseeing, and pulled off of the frame, only to stop.
Before him, at the edge of the terrace, overlooking the city of Atlas, Summer stood, back to him. The navy blue fabric took on the depth of the night sky, and he was struck. Shaking off the surprise, he slipped the flask back into his pocket. Hesitantly, he cleared his throat.
She didn’t move.
Cautiously, he tried again.
“Aren’t you a little underdressed for the cold?”
“I’m fine.”
Her tone was as icy as the night air. Qrow winced like it had been a physical blow. Refusing to leave on such a note, he pushed on.
“That’s... good. Um...” he rubbed the back of his neck, but couldn’t break his eyes from her. “You look beautiful.”
The words had slipped out easily, and he chastised himself for his indiscretion. This wasn’t Summer Rose, his teammate, his lover. This was Summer Rose-Ironwood. Wife of the headmaster of Atlas, quietly one of the most powerful women of Solitas.
Surprisingly, she turned. But the small hope he had that maybe she was open to friendly discussion was dashed at the look of distance in her eyes, and the blank expression on her face.
“Thank you. You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
With a sweeping gesture, he saw her encompass the intoxicated woman inside that he had been favoring. He dropped his head in defeat.
“It’s - it’s not like that, Sum...”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Pleading eyes met hers, and he stepped forward.
“Yes it does. It matters to me. That you know.” Words faltering and coming at intervals, the lanky man tried to express what he meant, but couldn’t without breaking his cover. Instead, he just sighed, crumpling again under her hard gaze.
“I must look like such an ass.”
An eyebrow rose, and she turned back again to the view.
“Well. I see no reason to argue that point.”
He took in a deep breath, and brought himself to his full height. There were things - many things - he knew he should have said years prior, but hadn’t. Those things came to him in the long sleepless nights, and haunted his memories. But the only thing that he knew he could say, that he should say, needed to be aired.
“I’m sorry, Summer.”
Her steely disposition slipped, and she rounded on him, eyes wide and flashing.
“You’re sorry? That’s the extent of it??” She hissed at him. “That’s all you have to say?!”
Stepping back, he cowered for a moment. But the pain hiding behind the anger in her eyes stopped him, and he set his heels and faced down the storm he caused. Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. A warm hand cupped her jaw, and he met her wide, furious glare.
“I’m so sorry, Summer. I was wrong.”
“DAMN you!! You don’t get to pull this again! I know you, how you work, and I’m not going to get hurt by you again!”
He nodded.
“I know.” His words were soft, and he could feel his chest constrict. “I’ve screwed up. So much, in so many ways.”
“You have no idea.” Silver eyes flashed as she spit the words out. The fire in her gaze had started to tame, however, and she had yet to withdraw from his touch.
“I’m not looking to change anything, Sum. Just...” he sighed, and rested his forehead against hers. “Something I should have done a long time ago.”
Her breath was fast and hot, her cheeks flushed, and hot tears fell freely and they stood locked for a few moments in silence.
Qrow almost didn’t hear her when she spoke.
“If all you are is sorry, you need to go.”
He nodded.
“Yes ma’am.”
Gently, pulling back, he kissed her forehead. Turning away, he left her side, moving to the exit off of the terrace and out into the dark of the night. He paused.
Her tear filled gaze had watched him leave, and as he spoke, they met his red eyes.
“I still mean what I said all those years ago. I will always love you. And I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”
Turning to leave again, he paused and nodded, his lips drawn into a thin line. He glanced back at her one more time to give her a small bittersweet smile, before turning back to the dark.
A few moments passed, and she slowly turned back to the banister of the terrace. Gripping its edge, the tears fell freely.
She choked back a sob, but when the second one hit, her knees failed her.
“Damn you, Qrow.”
The blinking cursor flashed in the darkness.
It was an odd color shift in the whiskey next to her with each flash, and she allowed her mind to be focused on the mundane fact that blue and caramel did not combine well in a crystal glass. Finally shaking off the distraction, the feelings came crashing down on her from earlier that night. Tears sprung to her eyes again, and with pure will, she forced them down. She had cried enough that night over Qrow.
She couldn’t do it. Not again. Her heart couldn’t take the pain anymore. Either she would send this note, this message, and reopen the option for pain, for more agony. Or she could stare down the unhappy marriage she found herself in, and give her daughter stability, certainty.
Making her choice, she closed her scroll with a snap, leaving the message unsent, and snatched up the whiskey in the same motion. She would need all the liquid courage she could muster.
If you want to read the ongoing story, here’s the link!
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she grows flowers like memories.
word count: 977
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Momo planted peonies the day you met, humming a soft tune that reminded her of the sound of your voice.
It was spring now, and she looked to her window to see the petals holding their face to the sun. Her eyes held the same sort of something when they fell on you.
It was an early Saturday morning, and the smell of tea and homemade biscuits warmed the room. She had been up rather early, finding in her a great desire to do something thoughtful for her friends.
They had all been working hard; what was a driven life without time for sweets and good company?
She was humming again, only this time, it was to a conversation about the existence of black rain frogs you'd been excitedly discussing with Tsuyu—who mentioned that she had an uncle who's Quirk was quite similar to those.
The way your face lit up as you raved about how they were the best—besides the Tsuyu frog, you gushed, slinging an arm lovingly around her shoulder—made Momo appreciate the preciousness of the little things.
Her cheeks warmed at the thought of your little eye crinkles when you smiled, and the lively disposition you, as a new classmate, brought so easily to their lives.
She was so focused on dusting the treats in front of her with sugar, she didn't realize she wasn't alone anymore. As if recognizing the tune Momo sang, you gravitated toward her with a welcoming bounce in your step.
"Good morning, Yaomomo," you lilted sweetly. She nearly dropped her sifter and almost knocked over the bag of sugar.
"Oh," she stated simply, doing her best to remain calm as she placed a gentle hand over her heart. Momo was used to being called by that nickname, but for some reason whenever you did it, her chest thrummed even more.
You winced, concerned with making a bad impression already. The two of you had never spoken before, but you knew very well who she was.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you."
She flinched, collecting her thoughts and coming to. Momo squeaked, realizing she hadn't even said hello!
"No, no not at all! I-I mean, don't worry, it's quite alright. I was just concentrating," she tilted her head sheepishly.
"What is it that you're working on?"
You peered over her shoulder curiously, beaming excitedly when you saw what she was making.
"That looks wonderful, Momo!" Your enthusiasm and her first name made her feel near faint.
"Would you... like to help?"
"Really? You wouldn't mind?"
"Of course not," she smiled a little tentatively.
You took that as a cue to scoop up a pastry and grab at the filling.
"By the way, I'm—"
"I know who you are," Momo smiled at the countertop, glancing at you through her eyelashes.
"Right. Of course."
You started to work on showering each piece in sugar. Neither of you said anything when your hands kept bumping into each other.
. . .
She eyed the Irises on her sill. Momo planted those the first time you actually spent time together.
"It'll be so much fun, guys, can we please go?"
You stood in front of the TV, desperately waving a little flier with an ad for a local carnival moving in. Ojiro, Kyoka, Sero, and Momo stared at you curiously.
"It's just a local pop-up thing; they'll have more of those when it gets cooler out," Mashirao stated, swishing his tail onto his lap.
"Yeah, you're acting like you've never been to one of those before. It'll be—" his voice faltered upon the unusually hangdog expression on your face. "Don't tell me you've never been to a street fair before?"
Mina, who had been standing in the little kitchenette behind the couch, let out an unnecessarily distressed gasp—you amusedly waited for her to slap the back of her hand to her forehead and fall over.
Jirou's finger twisting her earphone—ear loopies, you'd called them once—froze as she stared with pitiful horror.
Momo, who had been too shy to chip in, piped up with an encouraging optimism.
"Besides, there will be plenty of food, and lots of artisan crafts to go look at," she prompted. "Think of all of the music."
Ever the brilliant strategist, she had hit all of the right points, and suddenly your friends buzzed with anticipation, relenting, "It's been a while since we've been out together."
You clapped your hands together in absolute joy; "Thank you, thank you so much!"
You pointedly eyed Momo, softly mouthing a thank you just for her.
She knew it was worth it, especially because the next day, you were by her side the whole time.
. . .
Finally, the pink daisies and baby's breath—those were just saplings now, wiggling their way into life in little clay pots she'd made herself. Momo planted those last week, when...
A knock scraped at her door.
The door cracked open and out popped an excitedly beaming face.
"Hey! You ready to go?"
She smiled lovingly, hoisting a grocery bag of foods and snacks up for you to see.
"All set."
"Did you throw in those pastries we made?"
"Of course," she hummed.
Momo stepped out to meet you, closing the door behind her as gently as she could. It wasn't too early in the morning for everyone to be asleep, but she still worried about making any noise.
You grinned at her, silently slipping your hand into hers, and bending her arm to lightly kiss her knuckles. Yaoyorozu blushed a lovely shade of pink.
Which reminded you.
"Those flowers are coming along nicely."
If the sun could be held in one smile, it was for sure hers.
She glanced down at the delicate way you cradled her fingers, admiring the way they fit so perfectly together.
"I think so, too."
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