#first attempt babey....
grandmaskisses · 2 years
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the silliest 🥺
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yogubog · 26 days
doin a lil dancey dance
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the thing they don't warn you about freshly pierced ears is the Sleep Anxiety
#im so worried about like... irritating them / ripping them out in my sleep#what if they get caught on one of my many blankets or pillows hm...#last night was the first night with 'em and i already had a stress dream#which unfortunately was one of those double deckers where The Demons™️ try to get me#but geez.#i arranged my bedding in such a way that im kinda sitting up and my head is stabilized enough so that i dont turn onto my side#or put pressure on my ~lobes~#thus begins a long couple of months of Healing#cant wait to take these babeys out and switch things up#not that i dont like the ones i have for the healing process!! im very happy with them!!!#but Ough. monkey brain impatient....#absolutely unprompted#i got a uhhh Saline Spray to clean em#and im so worried im gonna run out way prematurely#my depth perception and spatial awareness is a little... Off...#so it takes 2-3 attempts to actually Spray The Piercing#i end up wiping water off of my face and neck lmfao. my hair is Dripping every time#its just a general air of Paranoia#the last time i pierced my ears was years ago and i got a nasty ass infection that put me off of it until. like. a day ago#i was convinced this time bc it was done professionally with a needle and everything#INFINITELY better. lots of fun. i feel somewhat confident that it'll heal correctly#even if my bank account wont. But Its Worth It Tho Its Worth It-#and Yes im procrastinating sleep#my ability to scribble abruptly tanked so maybe ill write a bit instead#see if the artism Transferred
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the-fictive-haven · 4 months
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"No matter how many times it breaks, I'll fix it. Because you're my precious friend..."
Late night doodle because this art block will not defeat me!! And I needed to draw something cute and wholesome!!! >:D
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fiepige · 10 months
Heyo chapter 2 is here!
“HOLY SH-” Miles and Gwen simultaneously turned to cover Pav’s mouth so as to not alert the creature in the middle of the carnage below them. The creature either didn’t hear him or it was too preoccupied with whatever it was doing. To his regret Miles soon realized what that was, as another wet snapping noise broke the silence once more. The creature was crouched down on all fours over what Miles assumed was the body of an officer, though it was so mutilated that it was hard to tell for sure. Its head was buried into the chest of the body beneath it, another wet snapping noise emerging as it pulled out a couple of ribs between its bloodied jaws... Or The Spider-Gang goes looking for Hobie. They don’t like what they find.
We finally get to meet the dude that gave me the motivation to write this fic in the first place!
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vveissesfleisch · 2 years
tuesday afternoon in the middle of nowhere
written for the @allvalley100 prompt: aftercare (or lack thereof)
“You ready?”
Terry blinks up at the ceiling, still seeing stars. “Huh?”
“Seriously? You’re still in bed?”
“Up you get, lieutenant. Let’s go.”
“Go?” Terry’s head lolls. Johnny’s got his jacket on, hair damp from the shower. Orange shards of sunshine pierce broken motel blinds and catch on his eyelashes.
Terry’s a puddle of goo.
“Come on. I’m starving.”
“Johnny...” Terry sits up, sludge-slow. “Your entire fist was inside me twenty minutes ago, maybe give me a second?”
He scoffs. “Fine. I’ll be in the car.”
Terry groans, bereft. It’s Captain John Kreese, what did he expect?
Fucking cuddling?
Read it on AO3 here.
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buddyapologist · 11 months
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these r my first gifs ever feedback is welcome <3 pls do not use w/o permission <3
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rulesforthedance · 1 year
Basically sports are never going to be a Totally Fair And Equal playing field where the only thing that determines your success is how hard you work because there are always going to be a million different types of bodies and genetic potentials in any category you might think to create. AND it is worth having SOME categories to make sports a little closer to fair and give more people a chance to be competitive. But the categories people choose to obsessively, rigidly police, the things about which people will say "THIS thing has to be EXACTLY EQUAL, nevermind all the other things that are not equal that I will never mention"... are. Telling
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transmandayoung · 21 days
would you guys forgive me if I blogged about animorphs on here 👉👈
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months
I do agree with your assessment that Eridan is one of the more repressed trolls of the Alternian friend group but I do not believe so full-heartedly that he never found time to enjoy himself for a scant few seconds at minimum. So I ask you what does a week look like for Eridan Ampora on Alternia, and how much of it is composed of desperate posturing towards others?
It's less that he's never enjoyed himself and more that his perceived experience is that of never enjoying himself. He self-describes murder as "all i evver done practically," and while that's obviously not LITERALLY true, it's how he FEELS the truth to be - that his entire life has been dominated by this endless cycle of murder, preparing for murder, cleaning up after murder, thinking about murder, obsessing about murder, and feeling like he should be doing something about murder.
It's anxiety - Eridan is one of those people who has no idea what to do with himself if he doesn't have some sort of Task hanging over his head (we see it with his utter inability to make smalltalk with Feferi, and his general reluctance to shoot the shit without some sort of goal in mind for the conversation). Under these circumstances, any fun or enjoyment he DOES have feels stolen - like he shouldn't be having it. If you can lean, you can clean. If you have time to be watching a movie or shopping for clothes or playing pretend with your shitty wands, you have time to be MAKING SURE YOUR WHOLE SPECIES DOESN'T DIE IN AGONY.
It's not that he literally never has fun, it's that any fun he does have feels undeserved, unearned, and shameful. Distractions from his responsibilities. Failures to live up to expectations. That's why the few leisure activities we actually get to hear about or see him do are usually couched in being part of his duties - FLARPing with Vriska feeds their lusii, and his attempts to hang out with her are transparently hidden in trying to get her to build him doomsday devices. He dresses to emulate Dualscar first and foremost, and even though he prefers drama and romance, he only lets himself read them in the context of military history.
It makes his love of wizards more striking because he can't come up with a good excuse for it - he just ardently fucking loves magic and pretending to be a wizard. But even then, he clearly feels shame for liking magic, because he's constantly decrying it for being fake kiddie playtime shit for wigglers. See what I mean? It's not that he doesn't have fun, it's that he doesn't feel like he's ALLOWED to have fun. Even when he is doing things that are objectively fun, there's a part of his brain chastising him for wasting his time. He's always filled with a nonspecific fear that if he isn't doing something "useful," then Something Bad Will Happen. So to that end, as much as he's been able, he's tried to make his hobbies all somehow related to fulfilling his various overhanging Duties and Responsibilities, to the point where his own lived experience is one where he is perpetually on call. Das mental illness babey!!!!!
The one exception to this seems to be his long conversations with Karkat, where we actually see Eridan chill way the fuck out, crack jokes, and talk about his and Karkat's feelings. It helps that Karkat's, like, the only person on the team who takes Eridan's problems seriously.
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blond-jerk-tourney · 4 months
Blond Sweetheart Tourney: Round 4, Poll 2
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Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
She’s a sweetie who can kick your ass
she's so sweet that there's a whole episode dedicated to how unsettling it is when she's angry. whenever she yells at anyone who isn't a bad guy, it isn't often, but it's potent, showing just how unused to her being mean everyone is. shes called "the joy and the laughter". she once saves the city of townsville from becoming monochrome and lifeless, and her first attempt is to color people in with crayons. her working attempt is to start a song about love making the world go round. bubbles is my babey you see
when it comes to sweetness, come on. Bubbles is the clear winner here. I mean, she has one pretty big reason why in her favor already: She's literally made of sugar.
Vash the Stampede
Vash is super sweet, "love and peace" is his whole motto and the whole point of the anime is that he's always getting himself into situations where he's required to fight but he always tries to avoid killing people to the point to where his whole body is littered with deep scars, stitches, and missing flesh where metal had to replace it from trying to keep his fights non-lethal. He's empathetic and kind to the point of it being self-destructive. Because of all the trouble he gets into, he's framed as a dangerous person and purposely keeps up an exaggerated goofy attitude to hide his identity and make sure people aren't intimidated by him. He travels a lot, and throughout his travels he usually plays with the local children and befriends adults. That's all the examples I can think of, Vash is a huge sweetheart!!
link to Vash propaganda image board
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hakugin0 · 5 months
So that new Levi card, woah boy(positive). I get how setting is slightly dubious but unfortunately my brain stopped at the ‘childish jealousy’ part and yeah childish was the perfect word he actually is throwing a bratty tantrum about MC talking about their time with Minhyeok WHILE THEY'RE NOT EVEN NEXT TO HIM. Levi, babey, you're not beating the Tsundere allegations.
Also the part about the sins was very interesting ‘cause it kinda puts in perspective why he feels like there's no King he's close to. Or at least that's my read on that part, all their sins have some positive parts while his is the only fully negative one so of course he couldn't feel close to them. (Personally I do think that part is his viewpoint on their sins and it would be interesting to see the other Kings’ too, Satan in particular since I feel like his sin and depressive mood swings do go hand in hand)
Now for the read more aka wiiiild speculations because he didn't come home in the reduced ten pull aka see you in 3 months bae when I have 500 pulls and you still refuse to show up(looking at you bath Satan), fair bit of character analysis and slight canon divergence(???) plus personal MC involvement.
Aight? Aight! Here we go gamers
Gonna start this off by saying that when they dropped the first teaser for the card my expectations for the story were jelly Levi wants to replace minhyeok and thus enters MC's memories except surprise surprise it was actually some corn set in a high school (don't pretend those aren't a thing, we're all adults here, and with MC’s track record in that game it would not be surprising) in part because the story had to get spicy at some point.
Personal belief is that what we see in the prologue of Levi is the closest thing to a ‘normal’ him aka a version of him that got to experience a normal childhood and not have all the trauma of… ya know… HIS WHOLE PAST. The way he expected an attack when MC initially trips breaks me in a very particular way, he has never known peace, he expects everything to be some sort of attempt on his or his people’s life. The one time he wasn't as uptight ended up with him heavily injured (Bloodshed card).
There is also him ascertaining that they had different starting points. Now this could refer to a lot of things but to me one thing that does is put a definite line between them. To me it sounds like he's reasoning with himself that because of their very different lives they would be incompatible (combined with that thing about his sin being the only negative one it shows he always separates himself from people he would otherwise form bonds with)
Now he's still not nice, far from it, but he can be accommodating and look out for MC when he is not thinking 24/7 about possibly being attacked. Whether he reasons that it would endear himself more to them or out of pure instinct he looked out for MC, those were not Minhyeok’s actions he mimicked but his own.
So yeah, average Levi is horrendously bad at emotions and frankly probably the one who understands his own emotions towards a potential romantic partner(since tbh that is what MC is) the least. (This is a whole other can of brainworms about how aside from Solomon he probably has not been attached to anyone in that way until MC based on something he says in his H-Scene, but that can of worms shall be opened later) please get some therapists in Hell, clearly everyone would benefit from it.
There is also something impossibly endearing to me about seeing Levi in a high school setting even for a bit because that's not something he ever experienced and I wish his time exploring that part of MC and Minhyeok's past was a bit longer. I want to believe MC gets to ask him later in the story how he felt about it.
If you were only here for the character analysis then thanks for reading, have a lovely day/night/evening, we are going into wild speculation territory and some personal things regarding my MC Jin in that particular scenario.
tl;dr: After Jin's parents were killed she pretty much secluded herself in their home doing most of her studying through online courses and only showing up physically at school for a couple of days.
I choose to believe she was aware of stuff from the start but in that way you're aware you're in a dream while you sleep, she can tell things are a bit off but not fully what is wrong. She knows the person with her is not Minhyeok, she also knows who Leviathan is, but there's a certain disconnect when trying to piece it all together, but the further the dream goes the more she ‘realises’ and ‘awakens to the truth' if you will.
She cannot help but pity Levi’s situation even if she knows if she ever said that she'd probably get insta-hanged, so a part of her cannot help but wonder if he wanted to experience some normalcy for once. (She's not the brightest tool in the shed so the fact that he wants to replace Minhyeok would not pass by her singular braincell) (I love her I swear, being mean is my love language)
So I imagine after the whole dream thing is over and she next visits Hades she doesn't raise any questions about that event. She seems annoyingly unbothered and not curious at all. If anything this just makes Leviathan more angry because she can't be that unbothered after everything and pretend nothing happened, he should've been the only thing on her mind and yet she still sometimes mentions that detestable human. Oh how he should hang her for it. And then one day she has a conspicuously familiar candy in her mouth. “Was the experience at least a bit pleasant?” She's soft spoken anyway but she sounds almost apologetic. Why yes the experience was quite pleasant if Levi had to be honest but he'd never praise her openly… and then it hits him. She's not asking about that, she's asking about how he felt in a normal human high school.
When she gets no answer she stammers and starts speaking again, trying to fill the void. “I didn't exactly… go there often…” The pauses are plentiful and her shoulders droop almost in shame. “... so I imagine whatever you saw was rather lacklustre… aside from… my pathetic display-”
“It wasn't bad.”
A short sentence and it was enough to make the human girl perk up instantly. From anyone else that would be considered nigh an insult, but with Levi's temperament that was the highest praise she could hope for. By the time Jin was next to his desk after he'd beckoned her with a wave of his hand her visage had brightened significantly. ‘Stealing’ the lollipop from between her lips was ‘child’s play’ after that, the girl clearly took stunned to speak and becoming redder by the second.
“Yes, not bad at all.”
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schoopsahoy · 2 years
i've binged all your writings and i just wanna say that I LOVEEE love love how you write your stories. can i request a hurt/comfort with steve where he accidentally hurt the reader's feelings. no specific requests bcs im just a sucker for these types of fanfics, i'll leave it all to you to decide on what you wanna write. THANKK YOUU
aah thanks so much for the love babey !!! here’s a little somethin for your req, i hope you enjoy it <33
cw: steve being a dumb boy. bit angsty. general hurt/comfort, soft make up vibes. not proofread.
Robin’s brow furrows deeper as everyone around the table keeps laughing, the girl still as confused as she was when the joke was first told despite the multiple attempts at explaining it.
“It just doesn’t make any sense.” She grumbles, slumping back against the booth in a huff with her arms crossed over herself to really cement her annoyance.
“C’mon, you’ve gotta get it by now.” Your words come out as a laugh, cheeks a little sore from the way your grin had tugged at the corners at your mouth all night.
“Yeah Rob, even she gets it.” Steve’s head tilts towards you, a gesture only a modicum more subtle than pointing. “Surely you can.”
You instantly feel a drop in your stomach, a nasty feeling not that different to when your foot slips from underneath you or when you peer a little too far over a high ledge. You don’t let your smile falter, force out a fake laugh because you don’t want to make things awkward for anyone by being upset by something so little, so stupid.
Because maybe you are a little slow on the uptake sometimes, whispering to Steve to explain things to you or joining in the laughter a few beats after everyone else after it’s finished processing in your head. Away with the fairies, a little ditsy and easily confused, but it’s just how you are.
You know Steve didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, you can tell by the way his arm still slung over your shoulders to keep you pressed close to him. He hasn’t even noticed that you’ve dropped out of the conversation, suddenly quiet and withdrawn because you’re stuck in your own head and a little embarrassed because is that how everyone sees you?
You feel like you’re not really there for the rest of the evening, head all foggy and the lights suddenly feeling too bright - eyes blinking hard to try and keep them from watering. You’re not going to cry, the sting along your lash line only makes you more determined to hold it together, at least until you get home.
Steve has to nudge you to bring you back to the room enough so you can shuffle out of the booth, an unconvincing smile flashed to him when he looks at you with pinched brows and confusion across his face.
“What’s up with you? Y’gone all quiet.” Steve clicks his seatbelt into place, eyes looking at you rather than the keys he’s turning in the ignition.
You shrug, still feeling a little silly for being upset and letting a throwaway comment have such an effect on you. You sit low in the passenger seat, tucked into yourself as you stare out the window at the inky dark night.
“Baby.” It’s almost a whine, a plea to you to give him something more than a lift of your shoulders. “You can tell me y’know? You can tell me anything, any time.”
He waits for you to say something more, or anything, but it doesn’t come. Your lips pressed shut, if the light hit them he’d probably notice them quivering as you try to hold it together, breathing slow and quiet and controlled.
The car ride is almost silent, save for the hum of the engine and the nervous tapping of Steve’s fingers against the wheel. He knows somethings wrong, he just doesn’t know what.
Your eyes stay on the window, following each droplet of condensation trickle down before it’s swallowed by the door frame. It takes all your courage to finally say something, voice barely above a whisper and the words come out as a croak with how much you’re having to control your breathing.
“I’m -“ You take another deep breath, it’s needed with the way Steve instantly looks over to you despite the fact he’s driving. “I’m not stupid, y’know.”
“What? What d’you mean? Of course you’re not stupid.” His hand is instantly on your thigh, the best physical comfort he can give right now. “Why are you saying that?” You can hear how upset he sounds, and you almost feel bad for saying anything because you know he’d never want to hurt you, always so careful and soft around you like you’re the most precious thing in the world.
Your inhales are shaky, tears once again threatening to spill over your lash line as you push your words out. “‘Cause you said “even she gets it”, like I don’t get anything, like I’m stupid. But I’m not stupid.” You wince a little at how much you sound like a child, voice all weak and close to a whimper.
“Huh?” Steve gives your thigh a squeeze, eyes darting between you and the road so he can find somewhere to pull over. “Babe, I don’t think you’re stupid at all.” He puts the car into park, perched on a curb only a few blocks away from your house. “I didn’t mean it like that, I’d never mean it like that.”
You still can’t look at him, not more than a glance anyway because you’re certain if you make eye contact you’ll lose your composure. “S’not nice though, guess I’m a little slow with it sometimes but I get things.” You have to tuck your bottom lip under your teeth to stop it quivering. Your lashes blink quickly as you feel a couple of tears break over the barrier of your lids, rolling down your cheeks leaving little damp trails behind.
As soon as Steve hears you sniffle, face all scrunched as you try to keep any more tears from spilling, he’s straight on you. Belt unbuckled so he can lean over the center console and wipe at the sad stripes left down your cheeks with his thumbs. “Hey, nonono, don’t cry, oh baby.” His voice is all sad and soft as he takes your face in his hands, your eyes closed tight as you try to avoid his gaze. “Y’not stupid, you’re my best girl, yeah?” He punctuates his words with gentle kisses on your cheeks. “If anything, I’m stupid, sayin’ stuff like that.”
You let out a small laugh, a little sad with how you sniffle again after but it’s genuine at least. “You’re not, you’re jus’ a big meanie.” Your voice is still shaky but there’s a smile pulling at the corners of your lips as Steve keeps kissing there, a smile of his own appearing when he sees yours.
“Yeah, you’re right, I am.” He pouts at you, eyes all loving on you as his thumb rubs soft circles on your cheekbone. “I’m really sorry, baby. Y’know I never want to make you sad, think you’re the best thing to ever happen to me.”
“So dramatic.” You roll your eyes, the flush on your damp cheeks ruining any attempt at teasing. “Guess you’re forgiven.”
“Yeah? Y’sure?” Steve nudges his nose against yours, and even with his face so close you can tell
his grinning by the lilt in his voice.
“Mhm.” You nod, brushing your noses together again. “I’m sure.”
“I love you, you know that? So much.” Steve pulls back slightly so he can look at you properly when he speaks, eyes grazing all over your face as he keeps a gentle hold on it.
“I know, Stevie, I love you too.” You still feel a little shy saying it, even though you know Steve feels the same way. The words still leaving you with a dizzy head and flutter in your chest like it’s the first time.
“If I ever upset you again, you give me a good hit yeah? A real smack.” He watches you until you give him a small nod, all giggles at how seriously he’s looking at you. “I’m not kidding, babe. Knock some sense into me. Promise me you will.” He holds his pinky out to you.
“Okay, okay, I promise.” You’re smiling properly now, laughing at his proposition as you link your pinky finger with his.
“Good girl.” He brings your hand to his lips so he can press a kiss across your knuckles. “We best be gettin’ you home, yeah?”
You nod, dabbing at your cheeks to dry any lingering wet spots when Steve lets go of your hand to start driving again. As soon as he has a hand free again he holds it out to you, wiggling his fingers at you until you take it and hold it in your lap. You draw lines up and down and around his knuckles with the index finger of your other hand, tracing slow patterns across his skin whilst you sit in the comfortable quiet - occasionally broken by a small sniffle even though you don’t feel like crying anymore.
“I love you.” Steve looks over at you as you focus on your fingers motions, voice all soft and sincere and you find yourself smiling down at where your hands link.
“I love you, too.” You don’t think you’ll ever get tired of saying it, or hearing Steve say it to you. It’s probably your favorite thing to say now, when you really think about it.
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niftukkun · 1 year
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New from RECAP Weekly!!! An Exclusive Interview from Hermitopia's Emperor?!?
for the third week of @shepscapades ’s hermitcraft character design event, i offer grian as an empires smp member!
ok so first off, that head. thats just p03 from inscryption. but grian. it fits! but also! go play inscryption go go its on sale Right Now (until june 30) go play it its so good then go watch this video afterwards join my fandom please please please join us
ok back to hermpires! so i originally was gonna take an empire from s2 and just insert grian into it, but while browsing through the esmp s2 wiki i came across/remembered hermitopia and my brain went yep! this one. so i thought a bit about what grian would do if he was an empires smp member and how hermitopia would happen, and i think grian would crash the economy on purpose. i mean it almost already happened when the hermitpires crossover happened so i dont think im too far off. i think grian originally exported something simple, like maybe sugarcanes or mud, something easy to farm yknow, but then i dunno got bored or something so he made a couple more farms. then kept making more farms. then the hermitopia we all know and love happened!
actually maybe hermitopia isnt grians first empire. i think grian has a separate empire but decided to invite his friends to help him make some farms and then it just kept going. then hermitopia happened. i like the collaboration aspect of hermitopia so i think thats how that happens. hermitopia isnt necessarily grian's but its under his command so it gets called his. (isnt there a word for this? was it vassalage? i think its vassalage)
with that in mind i went with a robot-y grian because grumbot and a snazzy cool suit because business man (sidenote im looking over my pre art notes and one of them is just capitalism man and. yeah! not wrong). i gave him more steampunk-y wings than the usual feathery ones cause that fit better. i gave him a crown not really sure why but it fits since without it the design was more Just A Guy but with it he's more Emperor yknow. the buttons have a g on it because he would and an (attempted) gold trim cause that looked nice and fancy. originally he was gonna have four wings cause fun fact four wings is part of my base grian design but four wings kind of crowded the drawing so i didnt include them (sad) and i also didnt include the tail hes supposed to have because i couldnt find a good way to add it in with the pose. but in my heart he has both four wings and a tail
now why magazine style artwork? i 'unno. i thought itd look cool. and it does!! it looks SO cool!!! im so proud of it. recap magazine!! because of course im gonna make a hermitcraft recap reference are you kidding me recap is practically already a magazine reporting what gossip is happening on the hermitcraft server on any given week. its very specifically volume 9 issue 34 because thats when the crossover happened season 9 week 34 babey we love little esoteric details hell yeah!! i looked up how magazine covers work and its supposed to be like, main article big and smaller supporting side articles just kinda floating around so i did that!! and i made them funney references because of course i did! local bard catches scurvy because you cannot convince me that oli orionsound would not catch scurvy he would. does god is gay is a reference to that does bruno mars is gay nonsense article that makes me laugh everytime specifically in reference about mr smallish bean because he. has so many children. and none of them as far as i know from the lady server members theyre all lovechilds from gay lovers its hysterical and hilarious. quit your job join our sun cult is about the dawn empire because thatse the vibe that empire gives me and i think its funny. also!! thats hermitopia!! in the background!! i got the image off of the empires smp wiki and just Biggen'd it and it makes a bomb ass background hell yeah ^-^!!
also version with no text here lookit it!!
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zarvasace · 10 days
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing/art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
Ahhhh okay, thank you!! 💜🌻 I finally have a free moment (aka work is slow) so I'm going to work on drafting this out :) I have far too much art I'm proud of—I'm at a stage in my progress right now where I think my art looks pretty awesome. So this list will be stuff from my Greatest Hits collection on AO3. In order of oldest to newest, I think:
incandescently happy
An LU post-adventure work, one of the first longer fics I posted. I released one chapter a day over the summer of 2022, so a lot of the notes have something about my day in them. It's about 30k all told.
I absolutely adored expanding on what the boys might do after the whole LU adventure happens (though I did forget about the fact that I think Time and Malon have a kid during this time!) This work features some proto-Shatterproof stuff, like Wind having a prosthetic leg and Four starting to specialize in crafting prosthetics/disability aids. I gave Hyrule longer hair and a job making maps for the royal family. Legend got another adventure but also started a magic garden/orchard, which pulls in more business than Ravio's stuff. Four and his grandpa adopted a single mother and her two kids. Man I went off with some of these headcanons. I've always considered writing more in this world, but I think it stands very well on its own. Maybe someday I might revisit and rewrite it with some of my new skills. :)
Rise and Shine and Fall
Whumptober 2022, focused entirely on LU! Guys this thing is almost 78k. I realize now that most people pre-plan or pre-write for things like Whumptober, but I wrote these one by one every day, which was extra-hard because I had both college classes and a day job at the time. I came up with some fun AUs, learned a lot about writing (especially whump), and proved to myself that I can do hard things like this!! I've adored doing daily challenges since, though I haven't done it in a while. I look forward to this year's whumptober though!
I really like the table of contents in the first chapter—it makes things easy to find. I know individual works are probably more accessible, but I was still getting to know AO3, and those big numbers are fun. XD I have a hard time picking favorites, because I really went off on these, but I'd say a couple of them are:
Chp 3, "Right Here" about Sky
Chp 7, "Proof of Life" about Four and Shadow
Chp 18, "I'm onwy a babey :(" about Wind
Chp 21, "6:13" about Hyrule and Time
Chp 26, "Silence is Golden" about Wild
Chp 31-32, "The Worst Thing About Earth" about Legend, but kind of more specifically the rewrite/expansion I did last year... haha...
The Marvelous Misadventures of Wind and His Merry Band or Maybe-Human Heroes
It's been a while since I updated this story (56k, 6/8 chapters), but it's constantly on my mind. I've started chapter 7 twice, and I know what I want to happen, but I am easily distracted by the siren call of some other whump fics. XD
I freaking love this story, though. I really want to finish it. It's kind of an... experiment? I guess? I want to get published someday, and I picture myself writing middle-grade novels. This story is sort of my attempt to hit that tone. Also I just love Wind so so so much. Let him be cool!!
Blood-Sucker's Guide to High School
56k Four Swords completed story! I wrote this in a frenzy of like two or three weeks, then took another two to edit. It takes plot points from a vampire novel I enjoyed and twists and applies them to a story about Shadow and the Four Swords manga boys. I'm very proud of what I accomplished here, and that it's a complete story! I think it worked out really well. I learned a lot about plotting and handling larger stories, and it helped that I had the half-remembered structure of an existing novel to use as training wheels.
I love the worldbuilding in this story! The premise is that Shadow is an evil soulless vampire from a (rather abusive, not that he sees it) family of the same, but then he gets the ability to walk in the sunshine. He's assigned to go to high school for a while to get a feast for the vampire gala, but meanwhile he's developing a conscience and getting very attached to these human boys. I think I did a good job. I love rereading this, every scene is just so fun! :)
55k exactly of a stupid LU darks AU. This started life as a series of oneshots and then the plot progressively got more and more convoluted and I love these stupid boys so much. The plot is very much not tight, in contrast to Blood-Sucker's Guide, but I learned a lot about how I write and how I like to plan with this one, too.
The characters are stupid and the plot is just kinda silly and there is both a bathhouse scene AND a spa scene. Legend blows up multiple things, my lovely nasty little Dark Links need smacks and therapy, and Prince has a legitimately emotional moment at the end. I love how it turned out, it's like an ugly little stuffed animal I made and hug until the eyes pop out.
That's five but I would be extremely remiss if I did not also mention something from Shatterproof:
The Incredible Shrinking Chain
About 10k, this is entry 31/68 in my series Shatterproof, which is a close-canon AU in which each of the boys has a different physical disability. This series also plays into my publishing ambitions, because whatever I publish will very likely have some disability representation. I'm rather passionate about it, actually! Shatterproof is close to my heart, and I'm so honored that so many people seem to love it too. :) I need to work on the next entry again!!
This entry in particular is so much fun. In it, the whole Chain sans Four is stuck mouse-sized, and Four has to travel out to Twilight's castle with them to get Dusk to help break the curse. They all have to figure out how to navigate while tiny, and Four pulls some very silly stunts. I love them.
Anyway, there's my list!! I've written a lot over the last like two and a half years, and I'm so so glad that I get to be here and part of this community. The LU fandom as a whole (or at least the parts I've seen!) is so welcoming and positive and I try to give back where I can! I'm going to suggest looking through my bookmarks and ultimate rec list collection to find some new favorites from some very talented authors! :) (oof I need to update the collection soon!! I've been seeing some awesome stuff!)
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bonefall · 10 months
Do Clerics have like. Doctor-patient confidentiality in general?
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[Shrek meme: "They don't even have HIPAA"]
Nope. ZERO protections babey, the Cleric is a tiny Pope without a funny hat. They can do whatever they want unless the OTHER unaccountable religious cult leader decides to do something about it.
Cats like Featherwhisker, Spottedleaf, Runningnose, and Jayfeather are hit with realizations about this. For a few simple restrictions... you have nearly unquestionable power. You answer directly to StarClan. The amount of influence you have over a Clan is actually kind of insane.
The "Leader's Rights" and "Cleric's Vow" commandments were attempts to reign in the power of Clerics, with a lot of collateral damage. The Cleric is only overruled by the direct command of a leader, which means that the Cleric can ALWAYS act first unless the Leader pre-empts them.
Pearstar was a Cleric who violently overthrew Morningstar, before the invention of the Leader's Rights. The Leader's Rights were created in response to Larkstripe's Cleric Strike.
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