#bisexual Meredith Grey
chicleeblair · 6 months
Dawn of Redeeming Grace [4/23]
Title: Chapter Four: December 23, 2005 || FFN
Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Pairings: Meredith Grey/Derek Shepherd
Six weeks after Derek left to take the NIH job, Meredith is ready to use the holidays to prove she has this working mom thing on lock. Sure, he neglected to tell her he'd be bringing a guest, but whatever, 'Tis the season for truces. Even Ellis Grey took the day off. But with every moment of family togetherness, a return to the trenches seems more impossible. Can a few days of peace put their relationship back on track, or has she fallen for the illusion of a snow-globe, destined to either settle or shatter?
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Dawn of Redeeming Grace|| FFN
New York Derek. Genetically-engineered for Manhattan, maybe, but it’s not all about genetics. The show never goes into it explicitly, but I think it’s very important that Derek went to Bowdoin for college. At eighteen, he wanted out. I think he came back because of Amelia, and between Mark and Addison, found his life shaped into this Upper East Side, house in the Hamptons lifestyle that he didn’t actually like. The guy with that life isn’t even the one Addison fell for, judging by things like the Chinese food on Thanksgiving. She might’ve felt as out-of-place in the world they would’ve been in if he’d had the self-awareness, or felt allowed to make the choices that would’ve taken them toward a life more like the one her and Meredith get—but it wouldn’t have been as extreme as the trailer.
I go back and forth as to Derek’s desire to have kids, and knowing what happened with Amelia makes a lot of sense in that regard. I know people who were really responsible for their siblings and feel like they had their kids. That said, his dad is his hero, and nothing in his life looks at all like his dad’s life. Kids would change that—but he’s best friends with a guy who had well-off parents who likely had their kid for the wrong reason. He wouldn’t want to do that.
At the beginning, I think a lot of the appeal of his relationship with Meredith is the fresh start. That’s a huge part of their s3/s4 issues. This guy, who clearly adores his family, wants to leave all the past in the past. He can’t do that. After he has to necessitate Meredith, he’s sitting there with Addison and Mark at his sides—exactly like he would’ve been when Amelia OD’d. It’s not a coincidence to me that his mom showing up is part of the arc before his s5 breakdown. But his assertions about his family, about “normal” families, are also pretty rose-colored. Amelia’s arrival on the show is after he’s been offered the D.C. job, but their interactions; that he reminds her of the person he used to want to be—I think that has a lot to do with why he can’t let it go. Also, we’re not two full years out from Mark dying. It’s still one of the longest periods he’s gone through without him.
If anything feels like foreshadowing or a dark joke in this chapter, it is. This whole fic is about how the past affects you, particularly on holidays where tradition rules, this is the chapter with the most allusions to A Christmas Carol. Derek throughout the end of his time in New York is a very Scroogian figure if you ask me—I really should’ve Amed one of my Shepherd kids Fred.
For reference, here is my Shepherd family headcanon.
Kathleen + Reid (2nd husband)
Allegra (’87 stepdaughter)
McKenzie (’89 stepdaughter)
Stephanie (’93)
Oliver (’99) or Lucas (’96)
Nancy + Peter
Carly (’90)
Elena (’92)
Shepherd (’94, nicknamed Squared)
Hunter (’95)
Tyson (or Lucas, ’96)
Liz + Ian
Briana (’93)
Frances, Maria, Patrick (or Lucas)* (’96)
Hannah (’00)
*I’d have to reconfigure for Lucas to be Liz’s, I think, because I don’t see him as a triplet. I think he’s Kathleen’s, since he’s Derek’s favorite and Meredith liked her kids, but if he’s not I like having the gap between her youngest wider because of how I’ve written Stevie.
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somos-deseos · 1 year
“Dejar ir es la parte fácil, lo doloroso es seguir adelante.”
Lo dijo Meredith Grey
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chicleeblair · 9 months
First, Do No Harm [13/28] ||[FFN]
Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Pairings: Meredith Grey/Derek Shepherd
An assailant from her past renders Meredith Grey temporarily deaf with her jaw wired shut. Derek traces the less visible damage that led to someone trying to silence her, and finds himself at the root. She can’t shake the belief that he’ll resent her for time spent away from the NIH. Neither of them can answer the true question: Is this is a six-week truce, or will their skill at non-verbal conversation keep their marriage from shattering with the silence?
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wandamaximommy22 · 8 months
all the women in greys anatomy are fruity… prove me wrong.
(apart from bailey)
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crime-wives · 9 months
i am a firm believer in the addison montgomery is in fact bisexual agenda. everything about her screams that she is attracted to women. if you disagree with me you’re wrong. and anyway, kate walsh herself has said she’d be down for a meddison plot line so…
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emily-prentits · 11 months
meddison not quite being able to bring themselves hate each other despite being opposite sides of the derek love triangle was sooo gay coded. i can't BELIEVE nothing ever came of that
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bipunkharrington · 10 months
I'm on Season 3 of Grey's Anatomy and here's an idea, why doesn't Derek just go away, and Meredith and Addison can date??
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jerichojemini · 5 months
I just updated my mini( which I hope stays a mini fic but by the looks of it it’s not ending in three chapter.) fic please read. It’s a Calzona fanfiction. Bye TOOTLES <3
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greysramblings · 2 years
And you can't kind of be a lesbian.
TW: biphobia
The rampant biphobia among characters in Grey's Anatomy is infuriating. If it were followed up with a comeback, or an apology, or dialogue about how it's inexcusable, then it'd be important and admirable to include. But apart from the first major biphobic incident, it's not. And that fosters an environment of justification and normalization.
The first big time that it happens is the last scene with Erica Hahn in S5E7. "There is no grey area here," she says heatedly. "You can't kind of think this is okay...And you can't kind of be a lesbian." The thing is, she's wrong. Her character never reappears on Grey's Anatomy. And Callie looks at her dead in the eyes, and says "Yes, I can." There is a grey area, there's a whole rainbow. Callie acknowledges that, the show acknowledges that, and that's powerful.
But in her relationship with Arizona? There are occasions when she's blatantly biphobic, and one of the worst instances of it is when Callie's father comes to her place of work with a priest to talk about her sexuality. At first, it's handled beautifully. Callie walks away after telling him, "you can't pray away the gay."
Then she rants about it to Arizona, her girlfriend, who should be supportive. Instead, she asks "are you done?" and when Callie says she isn't, Arizona interrupts her again later, saying, "he hasn't done anything here. You're the one who changed the game." She told her girlfriend, to her face, that her father--the one who isolated her from her family after she came out, the one who cut her off financially when she came out--hadn't done anything.
That would've been bad enough, but it goes on. "You didn't expect a little understanding when you came out to your parents?" Callie asks, visibly taken aback. "I never had boyfriends, ever," Arizona says, cheerfully condescending. "But you, you dated men your whole life...all of a sudden, you're a whole new girl. So, cut him some slack."
I can talk more about the biphobia on this show--Owen's reaction when Teddy came out, the fact that Amelia's bisexuality is always treated like a joke or an experimentation, the fact that Teddy was a serial cheater. But I'm just mad on behalf of Callie right now, and on behalf of all of the bisexual watchers, especially the young ones, like me who were a little horrified and a little scared, maybe thinking, am I supposed to allow my parents to treat me like this?
So here's the response that Grey's was supposed to give you.
You deserve unconditional love, support, and respect from the people who are closest to you. From your parents. You are not obligated for one second to put up with biphobia just because you deviated from the heteronorm. You are allowed to cut people off. You are allowed to be angry. You don't owe them a conversation or an apology or forgiveness.
You are beautiful and valid and so is your anger--or whatever other reaction you have.
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casbeeminestiel · 2 years
Grey’s Anatomy is a safety hazard for bi girls
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