#first from the parents who already did not like having the 'dumpster pets' around
handfulofmuses · 1 year
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You know what I like about the new episode?
V's and N's reaction when they reunited with J. Even after everything, they still love their boss.
We have N, who is all excited: "It is you!" and then V's amused: "Classic J."
It makes me think that V's and J's relationship were a lot more positive compared to N. I said before that N seems to kinda look up towards J and with how she treated him, he really didn't have to react the way he did but he?? Still likes her and is just happy to see her.
The fandom really made her worse than she actually is and it's so bothersome.
Like I said before, I highly doubt that J's behavior is a standard thing. Yes, she can be mean. Yes, she treated N terrible. But remember, they all got punished in the mansion because of him. Half of the time, she was just following her orders and J is not the kind of type to do things without reason.
Even when she tells him he is useless and terrible in that flashback? I still think he messed up somehow that made her react violently like that. Because so far, they have shown us that J's behavior is not without reason.
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huntertales · 4 years
What Should We Name Him?
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Summary: Three years after gaining control of his own destiny, Dean Winchester discovers a puppy abandoned on the side of the road. What should he do? Take it home to his wife and children, of course. Painting: Dean Winchester x Reader (Series Rewrite Setting) Word Count: 2,137. Warning: Possible spoilers for 15.19! (???) 
This might be my little take on what life would be like after the show “ended.” (Plus I believe this is how that scene should have ended.) I wrote this out of whim, so it's not perfect. But there’s a whole lot of fluff because we need it right now. Enjoy!
Dean loves the high he gets after finishing up a hunt. He spent three days in Missouri due to a nasty vampire nest Sam was trying to take down with Eileen that got out of control and required some backup. His brother and fiancée decided to stick around to clean up, letting Dean slip back to the bunker and to his own awaiting family back in Kansas. 
The Impala drives down the empty road he’s taken thousands of times that always leads him back home. His favorite tunes play as he enjoys the feeling of the wind rushing through the open windows all by himself. Today is perfect weather with the sun shining bright in the blue sky, not a single cloud in sight. No little kids trying to touch the buttons to the radio or asking what the strange rectangular object is after they went snooping around underneath the seats searching for a toy they dropped. It was just Dean and Baby, just like the good old times. The only thing missing was his wife and little brother in their respective seats singing along. 
Dean finishes out the classic rock song by softly slapping his hands along with the rhythm of the drums. The music gets shut off for a brief moment when he spots the gas station he always stops by to fill up the Impala. He continues on with his routine of getting gas and thinking about what to get inside. Maybe some candy for the twins when you told them about how well they did on their spelling test. Hell, he might even pick up a six pack to celebrate the successful hunt.  
He stopped drinking heavily as he had in the past. And the hunts he participated in slowly dropped to only a few times a month. Dean’s lifestyle changed dramatically when Chuck was kicked out of the picture. It allowed Dean to breathe and step back at the life he was finally able to control. The man wasn’t getting any younger and his kids were growing up fast. He wanted to be a good father, best that he could be. Which meant not having the twins creating memories of  him nursing a beer at ten in the morning. And forcing himself to let Sam do more of the cooking and incorporating some greens into his meals. 
Dean wanted to live long enough to see his babies grow up—see what they were going to do with their lives. Make decisions their parents were never allowed to. Dean’s entire life someone has been telling him what to do, writing down what to say. Not anymore. For the first time ever the curse was broken and he was able to do what he wanted. And he wanted to be a better man. He wanted to grow old with his wife and raise his children right. Watch his baby brother walk down the aisle with Eileen. Have some quality time with his friends and live his own life, damnit. And he was. 
Dean checked his phone while filling up Baby to see you responded back to his text about heading back from the hunt. Like always, you warned him about making it back safe and signed off with a quick ‘love you ❤” that never ceased to make his own heart beat faster. He smiled to himself and shoved his phone into his back pocket once again. If there was one thing in this world that he knew, it was his love for you was tried and true. Your love was not a story that could be written or broken up. No one or nothing would be able to take that away from him. 
After doing his normal routine and fetching a few snakes for the short ride home, Dean decided to make one more stop to the bathroom when he spotted the sign on his way back to the Impala. That's when he hears it—a whimper. The noise caught him off guard as his hand lingered over the doorknob. A few seconds passed before he heard it again. Dean stepped away and tried to figure out where the noise came from. He followed it until he came across something that made him stop in his tracks.
“Hey, buddy.” Dean ever so softly greets the puppy that is hiding in a cardboard box that has seen better days. Someone might have confused it with the rest of the trash next to the dumpster. Inside was a puppy that had to be only weeks old with old sheets. Dean dropped down to a crouch to carefully inspect the puppy for any possible tags indicating an order. His lips stretched into a frown when there was none. “Someone’s gotta be missing you, right?”
Dean knew he couldn't leave the poor dog on the side of the road. He always had a strict rule of never letting any non-humans into his car. The guilt would eat him inside if he let the poor dog remain abandoned. Dean picked up the box and carefully set it inside the backseat. He decided to make one more pitstop before heading home. 
One stop ended up turning into two. The vet told him there had been no reports of a missing German Shepherd puppy recently reported. Which meant someone had abandoned the dog at the gas station in hopes someone might find him. Dean could have left it at that and headed home. But he kept staring at the dog. It reminded him of something that happened a few years ago. For some reason he wasn't able to part with the dog. He needed to be sure the mutt got a good home. The decision led to him making another stop—to the pet store. 
The vet cleared the dog of any possible or diseases until the next check up. Dean splurged on the new addition to the family; puppy food the vet recommended, a dog bed, toys, anything the mutt might need. And most importantly a collar and leash. He got himself prepared with anything the dog might need. The amount of money he spent that day reminded him of the times he prepared for the birth of the twins. Expensive. But well worth it in the end. He couldn’t wait to see their faces. 
“We’re home!” 
Dean found his family where he normally did after coming home from a hunt; the twins in the library doing their homework while you and Cas kept tabs on the network of hunters across the states. You quickly looked up when you heard his voice echo through the bunker. An expression of pure relief crossed your face when you realized he was all right. You opened your mouth to ask him what took so long, but you found yourself with more questions than answers when you saw what he was holding. And the small creature at his side. 
“Daddy!” The twins wasted no time dropping their pencils and jumping out of their seats to greet their father. Dean dropped the bags to the floor and crouched down to be attacked by two six-year olds with tight hugs. He embraced the both of them and gave out forehead kisses. 
“Monkeys! I’ve missed you!” He greeted his children with the same amount of enthusiasm like always. “Were you two good for Mommy and Uncle Cas?” The twins nodded their head a little too eagerly. 
“Dean,” You got up from your seat and headed over to your husband who had failed to yet mention the extra companion he brought home. You pointed a finger to the puppy sitting next to him. “What is that?”
“A dog.” He said a little too casually.
You rolled your eyes at the obvious response and tried again when he stood back up. “What is it doing here?”
“I found him on the side of the road.” Dean explained. “I couldn’t leave the little guy there so I brought him home.”
“Can we keep him? Please?”
“Please? Pretty please?”
“I promise I’ll walk him—”
“And I’ll feed him—”
“Okay! Okay.” You quickly stopped the twins from chattering your ear off at the possibility of adding another member to the family. You let out a quiet sigh when they wasted no effort in warming up to the dog. He was friendly enough, giving out licks and happy barks. You thought about this for a moment. “Maybe we can look after him for a little while. See if anyone lost this poor baby.” 
You had to be honest, seeing the little guy made your heart swell in delight. It was always a dream of yours to own a pet. But the life you lead made it impossible. A lot of things seemed like that. Until a few years ago when it all changed for the better. You didn’t want to get your hopes up that Dean would be on board with another member of the family. Especially a furry four-legged creature.
“The vet told me no one reported any missing dogs. My bet someone abandoned him.” Dean said. Your expression quickly flashed into anger at the news at someone’s abusive and reckless behavior on a poor and defenseless creature. “I say...their loss. Our gain.”
“Wait, what?” You sounded surprised at his reaction. “Are you suggesting we keep him?”
“Why not? He’s updated on all his shots and the vet ran a whole bunch of tests. This little guy needs a good home.” Dean said. He smiled to himself at the sight of Mariella and Robert playing with the dog. Their smiles were too pure. They’d be heartbroken if Dean denied them an opportunity to have a pet. “Looks like he’s already part of the family.” 
You can't help yourself when you make your way over to the dog and greet him with pets and ear scratches. You remind the twins to be careful when they take note of the puppy's floppy ears. The three of you look so happy in the moment. He couldn't wait to see Sam's reaction when he got home. He always secretly wanted a dog as his own. Today that dream was going to come true. 
“What should we name the little guy?” You asked. 
The twins thought about it for a moment before a round of names only a child could think of were shot off left and right, too fast for either you or Dean to keep up on. You let out a faint sigh when the discussion quickly turned into a fight about which name was better. Dean was quick to defuse the situation before it could end in tears. 
“How about...” Dean crouched down to give the dog a scratch behind the ear like he seemed to enjoy. He examined the mutt for a second before the perfect name popped into his head. “Zeppelin?” 
“Zeppelin?” You repeated the name, your tone the least be enthusiastic about the reference he subtly passed by you. “Are you seri—”  
“Zeppelin!” Mariella shouted the name with excitement. To her it was odd and unique, something a six year old thought was perfect. “I like it, Daddy!”
“Me too!” Robert agreed. 
Dean smiled to himself when you playfully rolled your eyes. Zeppelin decided to explore the bunker, his new home, with curious but cautious steps. He made his way over to the angel and started sniffing him out. 
“Hello, there.” Cas greeted the puppy. He offered his hand for the dog to sniff to try and get to know him better. “You are certainly adorable. And a perfect addition to the family. German Shepherds are known to be a perfect guard dog. They are loyal and smart. Very strong." 
“Sort of like you.” You softly nudged Dean with your elbow. 
“Then it’s settled.” Dean said. “Zeppelin’s here to stay.” 
Dean never really did like dogs. He always complained they shedded too much, barked at the smallest things and required too much attention. His opinion changed ever so slightly after taking a hunt with a German Shepherd that required him to meld minds with the animal. His opinion softened, but the lifestyle he led made it impossible up until this point in his life. But seeing this poor fella abandoned on the side of the road, the exact same way he did when all hope felt lost? He couldn’t turn his back on the dog. There was still an ounce of happiness left in him that blossomed back up. 
This little guy reminded him that he was in control of his life. There was no one who was going to take Zeppelin away. Or you. Or the twins. Or Sam and his family. And most importantly, Cas. It was funny how dogs could bring out the best in people and reminded them small miracles existed. Maybe dogs weren’t so bad after all.
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
BTS Meeting your pets (Hyung line)
Happy Fluffy Friday! I wanted to do all members (and will) but my job had other plans for me today and this evening. Ask box is open ^_^ Enjoy 
BTS reacts: Meeting your Pet(s) Hyung line
Jin:  You and Jin had been dating for almost a year when you asked him to come over to your house since you still lived with your parents. You had been pretty lowkey with them about what your boyfriend did for a living because you didn’t want them to make a big deal about it and you had been putting it off as well because your mom freaked out when she saw a picture of how handsome he was and started shouting about how beautiful her grandchildren were going to be. Yeah. So you hadn’t exactly been in a hurry to bring Jin over.But he had asked and so now the two of you were walking into your parent’s apartment complex.
“Stop being so nervous Jagiya, I’m sure everything will go great,” he gently rubbed your back.
“I have already warned you. My mom is crazy. My dad is fine. And Pete is a loud pervert.”
“Excuse me?” He raised his eyebrows at you.
You took a deep breath. “You’ll see.” 
Jin was suddenly the nervous one. The two of you entered your parent’s house. “Mom, Dad, we’re here!” you yell as you enter the family foyer. 
“Hello!!!” you hear your mom yell as she comes over to greet the two of you. “Oh my goodness, you are even more handsome in person!” She says as she fawns over Jin.
His face turns red, “Oh thank you. Here, we brought you these,” he hands over a box of cookies the two of you had made earlier.
“Thank you so much, come on in.” Your mother takes the baked goods and leads the way into the living room.
“Where’s dad?” you ask as you see him coming out of their bedroom.
Your dad gives you an awkward thumbs up, “you must be SeokJin.” your dad bows.
“Just Jin is fine,” he shakes his hand.
“Thank you for taking such good care of my daughter.”
“Of course. Of course. Thank you for having me over.” 
“KISS THOSE LIPS” a loud voice peels through the air. Your eyes go wide as you stare at your dad.
The four of you awkwardly stand in silence for a moment and then Jin starts to awkwardly laugh, resulting in a mocking laugh sound coming from the bedroom. “KEKEKEKEKEKE”
“Daaaaaadddddd…..” you moan.
It’s your dad’s turn to blush. “I apologize. Petey is our parrot. I moved his cage this afternoon but you know. He’s just loud.” your dad runs his hand through his hair and gestures apologetically.
“I uh…” Your dad tries again to apologize for the parrot.
At this point you and Jin are cackling with laughter and your poor Dad is heading back to the bedroom to see the bird.
Your mom rolls her eyes. “He and his work friends used to think it was funny to teach him to say all sorts of things. Of course that was decades go before we had [y/n] here. These parrots do live a long time. I apologize.” She sighs and goes to the kitchen.
“Is this why you didn’t want me to come over?” Jin dries his eyes, crying from laughter.
“Yessss…” you admit. 
“I think talking birds are really interesting. Bring that bird out here. I’ll show him these lips.” he jokes as he kisses your forehead. 
Suga/Yoongi: “No. No pets.” Yoongi puts his foot down. Or at least tries to. It’s very hard with you snuggling the adorable fluffy kittens that have been dumped behind your apartment. You and your husband had just returned from walking to the convenience store when you heard the tiniest mewing from the dumpsters. Of course you just had to investigate.
“But these babies don’t have a home. They are literally homeless living in the streets.” you say, feeling the tears well up in our eyes. “If we don’t take them they could die.”
“It’s a busy street, I’m sure someone else will come along and take them,” he tries to get you to quickly move along but now you are holding the little gray and white one.  
“It IS a busy street. They could get hit by a car. Please? I won’t be able to sleep knowing that they’re out here. Please?” you pout, while holding the little kitten to your chest. 
“Aish. We’re never home, we can’t take care of pets,” he refuses to pick up the little black kitten pawing at his shoe laces.
“You’re never home!” you counter, “ I’m home all the time. I work from home, remember? And my sister or parents can watch them when we both travel. Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee.”
Yoongi walks over and strokes your face. “Is this really that big of a deal to you?”
 “ Yes. Please. Just for tonight and then we can take them to a shelter or something tomorrow.” You wrangle the other kitten and look at him, pleading.
“Aish. Fine. Fine. But tomorrow, straight to the shelter.” he sighs as he starts to walk towards the apartment building.
“Hey!” you yell as  one of the kittens tries to get out of your grip. Yoongi walks over and takes it, the little black one and snuggles it to his chest.
“Hey. Don’t be so rude to her. She’s the reason you’re getting off the streets, yeah?” He pets the kitten’s head.
You lock the kittens in the bathroom with some water while the two of you go to buy a litter box and some cat food and you are amazed at the amount of time and thought that he is putting into buying these purchases for your 12 hour pets. When you meet back up at the checkout counter he has toys, a bed, and treats in the cart in addition to the food and litter you came here to buy. You eye him suspiciously. 
“What?” he says, noticing your stare.
“It uh, just seems like a lot for two little babies who we will be abandoning tomorrow is all.”
“Uh-huh,” he cocks his head to the side and flicks his tongue. “Well, I had a little talk with Belbes on the way up to the apartment and we decided on a trial run.”
“Belbes? You named one of them?” You say incredulously as you wait in line to pay.
“Yes, he’s the black one. You can name the other one.” he turns around and you just smile and shake your head.
---------- 2 years later Yoongi still liked to tease that Belbes and Gongdan were on a trial run whenever they would knock over water glasses or scratch on the doorframes, but the four of you all knew they weren’t going anywhere. 
JHope/Hobi: It wasn’t your fault that Hobi hadn’t asked you about pets on the first or second or twentieth date. Or that the two of you didn’t discuss things that each of you were afraid of until today. He had wanted to go to the Gondola ride up the mountain and you had refused. You were terrified of heights. You were fine with hiking up the mountain and back down. In fact you would rather walk the 8 kilometers than every set foot in one of those cable cars. But you felt bad because he had planned this date. “I just hate heights. I know statistically it’s safe and that driving is much more dangerous but it just scares me.” you say, hugging yourself with your arms and feeling awful for ruining things. 
“No baby it’s fine, I didn’t know.” he wraps his arms around you, hugging you close to his body “I wouldn’t make you do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Let me change shoes and we can walk up the mountain instead. “Ok?” You nod our head as the two of you walk back to the car. “I totally understand. I hate snakes. Am terrified of them and they brought one out for the show and I had to sit there. It was awful and I wanted to cry but I didn’t because we were filming. But I went home and scrubbed my body and threw those clothes away.” 
His story is meant to be comforting, but it is not at all to you because now all you can envision is him breaking up with you because you have a pet snake. You feel like there is ice in your veins and you stand there for a minute trying to think of how to proceed. 
“Wow. that’s awful that they did that.” you respond.
“Yeah, I think they thought I was a little afraid so it would be funny but it wasn’t. Oh well. Now I never have to see or touch a snake again so it’s all good.” he smiles at you as he stands up from changing shoes. “What’s wrong?”
You blink a few times. “Uhhh…”
“I told you, don’t worry about the Gondola. I’m just happy to spend time with you, ok?” he takes your hand and walks the two of you over to the trail.
You spend the whole hike agonizing about what to do. You’ve had your snake for 3 years. You can’t just abandon him. Maybe the two of you can just never go to your apartment. But then snake would be lonely. Maybe he could go live with your brother? His kids might like a snake. No. They might hurt the snake. You sigh. 
“[Y/N]? I feel like you’re somewhere else. If you don’t want to be here we can go do something else,” he says looking at you concerned.
“No. It’s not that. I would feel this way right now no matter where I am. I uh...I guess I have something to tell you. And if you want to break up with me because of it, then I understand completely. I really do.” you breath out, twilling the tears to not fall.
“Oh god. What? What happened?” he says, his mind immediately going to the worst. You cheated on him, you were tired of him always being away on work, you didn’t love him anymore. He felt like the air was leaving his lungs and he sat down on a rock.
You are trying to not cry as you prepare to get dumped and work on forming the words, “I..have...a….pet….snake.” you sob.
To your shock and slight annoyance he starts laughing.  “Why are you laughing at me?!” you cry, wiping snot on your shirt like a little kid.
“I thought you were breaking up with me.” he smiles at you and stands up.
“Well I can’t get rid of my pet so I’m pretty sure you’re going to break up with me.” your body shakes with each sob. “Go on. Get it over with.” 
He takes your hands in his, “It’s 1 snake? Right? And it lives in a terrarium right?”
You nod your head.”And Noodle is a good snake. He can’t even bite. He just wants to hang out on his rock in the sunshine.”
“His name is Noodle?” Hobi asks, trying to get you to stop crying.
“Yessss” you are still crying.
“Well how about I go and meet Noodle right now. Will that make you feel better? As long as he stays in the cage when I’m there it will be ok.”
“Are you sure?” you ask, your eyes starting to dry.
“Yes, I love you more than I’m afraid of a small snake.”
You smile, “What about more than a big snake?” you tease.
“Don’t push your luck,” he kisses you.
Rm/Namjoon: It was an overcast day in Seoul and Namjoon had decided to come read at the park. It was mostly not busy since it was the middle of the day and he found his favorite bench, under a tree. Things were going quite nice and normal until he suddenly felt something hit his book. He lowered the book from his field of vision and found himself facing a large yellow dog, holding a Neon green Frisbee. “Oh. Hey there is this yours?” he asks the dog, taking the Frisbee from its mouth. He then notices the dog is dragging a leash behind him. “Huh. I feel like you’re not supposed to be here.” He marks the page and closes the book, sticking it in his satchel. “Let’s see,” he grabs the dog’s lead and searches the collar for a tag. “Halabeoji. Grandpa??? Who names their dog that?” he sees a number on the back of the collar. [Y/N] [Y##] he texts the number.
[NJ]: Hello. I found your dog. I’m at a bench south of the hill in the park.
He pets the dog while he stares at his phone and waits.
[Y/N]: Oh thank you thank you I will be right there!!!!
He doesn’t have to wait long as he hears a voice frantically yelling out “HALABEOJI!?! Where are you!?!?” 
“Hey!” he yells and waves.
“Oh thank God” you mutter, ”Thank You!!!!”  you yell as you jog over to your dog and to the man holding your pet’s leash. “Thank you so much. I am so sorry. He’s never done this before. Some kids threw a frisbee and he lost his mind.” You are now standing in front of Namjoon who is still holding the leash.
“It’s no trouble. He just got here.” he hands the leash over to you and you crouch down next to your dog’s face, “You are so bad. Such a naughty dog. It’s a good thing I love you” You say these words with the sweetest voice ever while rubbing your dog’s ears.  You stand up. 
“Thank you so much for grabbing him, I don’t know what I would have done if he wasn’t on the other side of this hill. We usually don’t come to this park.”
“Yeah, the kids hang out on that side of the hill because it’s where the playground and basketball courts are. This is the good side of the park. It’s nice and quiet over here.” he smiles as he sits back down on the bench.
“Good to know.” you reply as Halabeoji walks up and nudges Namjoon’s legs asking for pets. “Sorry,” you start to call him back towards you.
“No it’s fine. I love dogs. My dog lives with my parents because I travel too much but I do really like them.” he pets your dog who has now progressed into asking for belly rubs. He moves fast.
“Oh cool. What kind of dog do you have?” You walk over and have a seat on the bench next to him.
He takes out his phone and shows a picture of his white fluffy dog. 
“So cute! So fluffy!!!!!” You squeal.
“Yeah he’s pretty awesome.” Namjoon smiles. 
You look at your watch. “Ughhh. I have to go, we just came here on my lunch break and have a zoom meeting in half an hour. You totally saved my day. Thanks so much!” You stand up and wrap the leash around your hand.  
“It’s no trouble.” he responds. He pauses for a few seconds and then adds “Ummm...I’ll be here again tomorrow if you want to tell me why your dog is named grandpa.” he flashes his trademark dimples at you.
You laugh, “Ok, it’s a deal. I’ll see you tomorrow.” you smile and start walking back to your home office; did your dog just get you a date? 
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wrote a very fun scene yesterday from the nonsense story.
it features Isabelle, Sasha, Sasha's brother Leo, about four months into Isabelle and Sasha's relationship when it's secret from almost everybody and they are both much in love but haven't said it yet.
(there's a very brief mention here of "parents being shitty to their kids" and also, like, this is not gaslighting probably, but if that is a thing you are sensitive about, it might not be your jam.)
they need to tell Leo, for a few reasons
-there will be significant political ramifications when they do go public and they will impact him also, so he should be prepared
-if he finds out when the public does, he will be genuinely very angry.
-Isabelle needs practice telling people before they jump into everyone knowing at once.
-Leo isn't super observant and hasn't noticed the modified bathroom yet, but Sasha would like to put in a stairlift so Isabelle can get to where the shower/bath is, and he would for sure be like "why do you have a stairlift?"
so the consensus is that they will tell him.
now, Sasha and Leo are twins and they are very close and they love each other very much.
-like, "I would give you half my liver, no question."
-Leo doesn't really care about anyone but his kids, Sasha, and his wife, in that order.
-Sasha lied to Leo's first wife several times about what he was up to, which she complained extensively about, but also did do.
-when they were kids, their dad was an asshole and he would sometimes deliberately be an asshole to Leo when he wanted to upset Sasha, because that worked better than trying to antagonize Sasha directly. he's dead now, he was a fuckhead.
-so, a deep and abiding love! but also, they are siblings, and sometimes they fuck with each other.
Isabelle is an only child, as was Robert, and doesn't entirely understand this, but she's heard of the phenomenon.
so Sasha is like "I can absolutely tell him myself, in person or on the phone, and I definitely want to do this in a way you're as comfortable as possible with"
-"but also, a thing we could do is just sort of... have you be at breakfast. it would be extremely funny."
-Isabelle does not entirely get this joke.
-people sometimes think she doesn't understand humor, but she does. she knows when things are funny.
- cat videos are often funny.
-she doesn't like straight comedies very much, but she likes bad sci-fi and those are often quite funny, both on purpose and by accident
-Robert was funny. Sasha doesn't joke on purpose as often as he did, but she is also sometimes funny.
-Sasha's English spelling is very funny.
-Isabelle's Russian is still very bad all around, and Sasha's spoken English is extremely good.
-but also, Sasha once wrote down "Wendsay" because she knew there was a stupid silent D in there somewhere, which is not even one of the letters that are often silent in English, and she forgot about the real D that you could hear while she was trying to remember where the fake D goes.
-it's not Sasha's fault that English spelling is a dumpster fire.
-Isabelle laughed for a solid minute.
-at which point Sasha was like "please list the days of the week in Russian in order," which was vindicating for her.
-so, anyway, Isabelle usually gets jokes, but is a bit shaky on this joke.
-but she commits to the bit, because of love.
-so Leo shows up for breakfast at Sasha's, as he often does, because he's usually too busy for other meals.
-and Isabelle is there, eating fruit. she is dressed very casually and not wearing makeup
-(she absolutely is wearing makeup, but Leo is a man).
-did Sasha forget to tell him that they were friends? did she double-book herself for breakfast and just decide to roll with it?
-is this a work thing? a very casual breakfast work thing?
-should he know about this?
-Isabelle is beginning to get the joke. it hinges on Leo's reaction to confusion.
-Leo does not, as a rule, ask questions when he is confused about things, in case he's supposed to already know the answer.
-this is because Leo's ego is the size of the moon.
-so that's his strategy. he sits down and chats and waits for one of them to say something useful
-Sasha does not say "Isabelle and I are friends and I double-booked myself"
-Isabelle does not say "I wanted to speak directly to you about a work thing so I came to breakfast with your sister for some reason."
-what is happening?
-did he miss a memo? a memo that said "your sister is breakfast friends with the woman who is running America's counter-revolution?" is that a thing a memo would say?
-did Sasha tell him they were friends when he was, for some reason, very drunk?
-his sister is a lesbian but Isabelle is straight, because that's the thing women previously married to men are, and also it would be a fucking nightmare if that happened, so that's not what's happening.
-people are often fooled by Leo's attempts to pretend like he already understands things, but Sasha is his twin sister and Isabelle is a genius.
-Sasha is not actually laughing, but this is extremely funny.
-finally, Leo decides that he has to say something.
-he can be casual about it, like "Isabelle, I wasn't expecting to see you at breakfast" and then surely they will provide some context.
-Isabelle is not always sure why jokes are funny, but she is committed to the bit
-so, in a masterstroke of comedic timing
-this is when she turns to Sasha and says, very casually, "could you pass me that, darling?"
-she doesn't even use pet names as a rule, that's not the point.
-the point is that Leo's brain breaks in half.
-Sasha manages not to laugh, but it's a struggle.
-Leo's first thought is not "the dawning realization that these women are dating"
-his first thought is "could this possibly be a real thing? no, that is implausible and would be a professional nightmare if it were true, so it's not."
-Sasha is fucking with him. Sasha is almost definitely fucking with him. that's a thing with extensive precedent.
-how did she get this woman to help her fuck with him, though?
-they must be friends, for Sasha to have pulled this off.
-does Isabelle make jokes? he has never actually seen her make a joke?
-he has only seen her in a professional context, but she does not seem like a joke person.
-also, why would Sasha make friends with Isabelle and not mention it to him?
-did he miss a memo? is this a very strange dream?
-he looks at their faces. Sasha is actively trying not to laugh, which makes sense, and... they're both gazing at each other.
-Sasha is both definitely fucking with him and also probably in love with Isabelle, who appears to feel the same way.
-really? really actually? that's going to be a nightmare.
-"how long have you two been seeing each other?" he asks, with very badly faked casualness.
-"about three months," Sasha says, not at all joking, still gazing at this woman who is gazing back at her.
-Leo waits until Isabelle leaves to yell at Sasha, at which point Sasha laughs out loud for a long time, which doesn't help.
-it is going to be a nightmare, and it sort of is at first, when people know, but Isabelle manages it as deftly as she does everything.
-about a year later, when nothing has blown up, Leo privately concedes that this joke was actually very funny.
-he will tell Sasha this at her wedding in another two years.
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goggles-mcgee · 5 years
A Little Birdy Told Me
Based off the AU by @ozmav , and inspired by @particularlygeeky ! I love Lizzie okay and i love her fic Little Ladybird.
Marinette is dealing with knowing Adrien is Chat while on the school trip to Gotham, while also having to deal with more of Lila's lies. It wasn't enough to turn everyone against her she guessed, apparently Lila was set on making sure Marinette felt no happiness. But Marinette makes friends in Gotham, friends that are willing to throw down for her. Out of all things she could have guessed would happen on this trip, falling in love was not one of them. She also didn't expect to reveal her identity to the Batfamily, she also didn't expect to find out their identities either.
Meanwhile Adrien is trying to figure out how to make Marinette his finally, one way or another.
I know what some of you are thinking, Goggles why the hell did you start another fic when you got so many going on????? My answer: I'm weak to a cute ship. I am very very weak.
I hope you guys enjoy!
It was dark out already and everyone knew not to stay out at night in Gotham, even tourists, but here Marinette was walking aimlessly, trying to find the hotel her and her class were staying at. It didn’t help that her phone had died an hour ago after her following the directions displayed back to the hotel, she hadn’t noticed how low her battery had been so she had kept the app open, she was still hours away, if she had to guess. She knew this trip wouldn’t be great but she had held onto the hope that everyone would be preoccupied with the new place enough to leave her alone, but she had been wrong. Somehow Lila had convinced everyone to leave the hotel earlier than they had planned, of course the day Marinette is early is the day they ditch her at the hotel. She decided to try and catch up with them by taking a taxi but she underestimated just how slow and hectic traffic could be, by the time she got to Wayne Tower she was told that her class had already toured most of the tower but that they would be on one of the upper floors. So she raced up to where they were only to see them get into the elevator, then she ran all the way back downstairs as fast as she could, but at that point she had been so tired that she just couldn’t catch up. The sight of everyone getting in the bus filled Marinette with such relief, she could catch up to them, she yelled out to her teacher who was the last one to get on the bus but it seemed like she didn’t hear her and the bus was quick to take off.
 Marinette had just stood there watching the bus drive off in disbelief. She had shouted, her teacher had to have heard her, right? Then why did they leave her again? Especially in Gotham! The Class President had put a whole presentation together on Gotham, especially about the crime and the curfew that they should stick to considering they were tourists. That’s specifically why she pushed so hard to book a hotel near the Wayne Botanical Garden instead of the one near Crime Alley like Principal Damocles wanted them to stay at.
 Needless to say she was on edge as she walked, her feet were killing her and she had a migraine, she definitely didn’t think she could try and grab another cab when it had taken her so long to get one earlier. At least Tikki and Kaalki were with her, she wanted to just transform into Ladybug but what if someone saw? Ladybug couldn’t be seen in Gotham, not yet anyways, and she would have asked Kaalki to open a portal for her but she didn’t have anymore sugar cubes to give to the kwami. Eventually, everything just got too much and she stopped in the middle of the alley she had been taking as a short cut and sat down, she couldn’t stop the tears that ran down her face, nor could she hold back her sobs.
 She was…she was just so exhausted. With everything, with school, with Hawkmoth, with everyone basically, and she was fed up with not getting to cry, so she let herself do just that, just to get rid of all the pent up emotions that swirled dangerously inside her. Her heart ached, her throat was starting to feel sore from her sobbing, and her lungs begged for more air, but she didn’t care.
 “It’s coming from over here Pam-a-lamb!” A voice said from somewhere behind her in the alley, it had a slight accent but she couldn’t place it. That was beside the point, someone was approaching and she didn’t know I’d they were friend or for so she slowly pushed herself up and tried to stop crying but that didn’t really work, if anything it made it worse.
 “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Another voice said, this one was softer. Great there was two of them! She needed to say something anything, but her voice wouldn’t come out, she realized it was even hard to breathe. She couldn’t breathe! She needed to breath!
 “Hey, hey, hey! You’re okay doll, everything is okay. Can you breathe with me?” The first voice asked, Marinette looked up when she felt one of her hands grabbed, she flinched and tried to tug her hand away but the person had a good grip. They placed her hand on their chest and breathed slowly. In, and out. In, and out. She soon found herself copying the breathing, she finally got control of her tears and blinked the rest away so she could see things other than colorful blobs.
 “You’re doing great!” The woman who had placed her hand on her chest said, she finally got a good look at her, she was blonde from what she could see under the red and black jester-like hat, she had white face paint with a black and red mask over her eyes, pink blush stood out among the face paint. Her outfit seemed to follow the black and red theme with a collared shirt jumper over a leotard that went and disappeared into boots. Marinette could feel the leather of the gloves that held her hand. The other woman had vibrant red hair, her skin had a green hue to it, her clothes seemed to be coming from her, like she grew them. The top was white, it looked like it had veins, almost like flower petals, vines act as a belt while her pants seemed to be made of leaves.
 Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, she recognized them from her research on the city. She knew that they were rogues, sometimes antiheros, it really depended on the day of the week it seemed, with how they were acting she was hoping they were feeling more antihero.
 “What’s wrong sweetheart?” Ivy asked as she pet Marinette’s hair, the girl couldn’t help but lean into the gentle touch, sure she got a lot of physical affection from her parents, but they weren’t here and she soaked up whatever comfort she could get.
 “I-I…it’s just been a really long day.” Marinette stuttered out before she launched into a full explanation of the day she had been having, she did her best to not break out in tears again, she surprisingly was able to do that, she chalked it up to the fact that Harley was sitting by her and a had a hand around her shoulders while Ivy held her hand. As she explained she completely missed the two women exchange looks of rage at what they were hearing.
 “I’m sorry you had to go through that my pet,” Ivy said in a soft voice as she stood up and helped Marinette up, “would you like us to take you to the police station?”
 Marinette shook her head with wide eyes. She really didn’t need to give her classmates more fuel to add to add to their dumpster fire of secrets and ridicule of her. “I’m sure things will be better tomorrow, but uh, can you help me back to my hotel? My phone was giving me directions, but it died.”
 “Of course, Doll! Where you stayin’?” Harley asked as she and Ivy walked on either side of Marinette, Harley still had her arm around Marinette’s shoulder, but the girl really didn’t mind, she felt comfortable with them, which really surprised her, but she knew the two weren’t anything like Joker or any other villain, they were more like Luka when he became Silencer. That reminded her that she was supposed to call him and Kagami to tell them about her first day in Gotham.
 “At Gotham Grandeur.”
 “You would have been walking for hours! How could they do that, don’t they know how dangerous Gotham can be?” Seethed Ivy, orange lilies started to bloom in her hair and thorns seemed to protrude from her vine belt.
 “I covered that in my presentation on Gotham weeks before we left, I wanted to have all bases covered, I mean it is my responsibility of class president…but I guess my teacher forgot or something.” She lamented, the ‘or intentionally forgot,’ remained unspoken. “That’s just my luck really but I guess Lady Luck decided to grant me some luck today! Afterall I got to meet you guys!”
 The two rogues smiled down at her and she smiled back, more genuinely than she had in a long time. She smiled more when Ivy asked if she would be okay if they traveled with her vines on the rooftops, she claimed it would be much faster and she said it would be safer for Marinette. Really, she had no problem with it, especially when some of the vines held her carefully when they jumped over to another building, kind of like a seatbelt. The thought made her giggle. It took them awhile but eventually Marinette was back at the hotel, she could see some of her classmates hanging out in the lobby, making her freeze, she really didn’t have the energy to deal with them if they noticed her.
 Apparently, Ivy and her vines felt Marinette freeze up. “Are you okay sweetie?”
 “Um, well, my classmates are in the lobby, and well we don’t exactly get along. I just really don’t want them to see me.” Marinette explained in a hurry as she tried to hide herself behind Ivy and Harley when Adrien turned to look outside, she couldn’t see him so she hoped he couldn’t see her.
 “Do you remember which room is yours?” Harley asked, her voice was cheerful, but Marinette could hear the slight fakeness to it.
 “Room 7021. Mine has a balcony…” She said, she felt the vines grab her once more before they lifted her to the seventh floor, right at her balcony, which thankfully she didn’t lock the door to her room when she had stepped out to take a look at the city and the gardens they were near. “Thank you so much, for everything. Oh, wait here!”
 Marinette rushed into her room and opened up the box that she had wrapped in some clothes and took out two macarons. Her parents had sent her with an assortment of them that way she had something to remind her that they loved her. Also so she could have a taste of home while she was out in an unfamiliar place. She quickly made her way to the two women who were leaning against the rails of her balcony. They smiled when she came back and she easily returned their smiles as she handed each of them a lemon raspberry macaron.
 “As a thank you.”
 “Doll you didn’t have to!” Harley squealed out before she immediately stuffed the macaron in her mouth.
 Ivy chuckled and smiled fondly at her clown, “She’s right, but thanks all the same…uh?”
 “Oh my god, I didn’t tell you guys my name. I’m Marinette!”
 “Thank you Mari-gold, it was nice to meet you dear, we’ll leave you so you can rest.” Ivy said as she nudged Harley with her shoulder, Harley nodded before picking up Marinette in a big hug.
 “Hope to see you again, Doll!”
 “Me too!” Marinette giggled. She watched as they left, and for the first time in a long time she went to bed not feeling dread about tomorrow. She really hoped she got to see them again. Hopefully she would, but she was really excited for their tour tomorrow, they were going to be going back to Wayne Tower and she was excited to actually tour the place with no rush.
 Ivy and Harley took a break on a roof, still close to Marinette’s hotel. Ivy was barely holding in the urge to cover the whole hotel in her vines and letting them have a couple snacks, but she took deep breaths to quell the tempting thought. Harley was doing no better as she swung her mallet around to relieve some stress.
 “They left her to fend for herself, Red…That’s just, that’s just wrong!” Harley yelled out as she paced back and forth on the roof.
 “I know, Love, I’m not exactly happy about it either. She was such a sweetheart; I don’t see how they could forget about her like that.”
 “I think something is going on with her and that class of hers.” Harley grumbled out as she came to stand with Ivy at the edge of the building. “Every time she mentioned them, she would curl in on herself, like she was trying to make herself seem smaller. That’s not okay. And the way she described being left behind? Yeah that was a load of baloney.”
 “You think they left her on purpose?” Ivy asked, she really hoped Harley was wrong.
 “I think we might need to seek out the Bat just so he can be on the look out just in case they “forget” her again.” Harley said with a frown as she stared off in the direction of the hotel they had just come from. Ivy really didn’t want to have to talk to the Bat but arley was right, it would be the smartest thing to do for Mari-gold.
Bugs Before Hugs @immagothamitetermite
#onlyingotham I swear I just saw Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy on some rooftops with a teenage girl, it could also be the Red bull and coffee taking effect though. #essayduetomorrow #killmemydudes #thatsnotaninvitationroguesisweartogod 
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itty-bittle · 4 years
I know absolutely no one asked for this, but I was overcome and had to get this out of my brain. and i had to break my 4 months of writer’s block. so here’s this, i might make more! i am selling a product for which there is no demand 😌
Nursey/Dex, 1500 words (so far)
He knew this road like the back of his hand. All of them, really, the way they sprouted and converged with one another, each leading to a building or a park or a neat row of raccoon-infested dumpsters he’d seen a thousand times. It was easier at night to see them all again, brain on autopilot as one hand worked the steering wheel, the other tucked under his thigh. It made him almost angry, the nostalgia that’d wormed itself into his chest again. He hated this fucking place. 
The only part he liked was the Persian tobacco store owner who’d sold to him since he was a scrawny 16 year old, who saw his shaved head and poorly ace bandage-bound chest, and passed the carton of cigarettes across the counter without even asking for his ID. He smoked half the pack in one sitting the first time, hoping his lungs would just shrivel up on the spot. They didn’t, he just felt sick and lightheaded his entire drive back home. He didn’t stop, though. He almost liked the way they made him feel. The nausea drew him out of his body, clenching his stomach instead of his heart for a few brief minutes. 
He was smoking now, actually. The filter of a fresh dart pinched between his index and middle fingers, stinking smoke into the ceiling of his pickup. Luckily it’d already reeked of ashtray when he bought it, so he didn’t have to feel bad about ruining the upholstery. He shifted his unused hand to steady the bottom of the steering wheel while he took a drag. No one knew he smoked, at least at Samwell. He didn’t live in the Haus so it was easy enough to hide, not that they could do anything about it if they found out. His coaches could tell him to stop, but he did well enough on the ice with black lungs already. He just knew Bitty would be disappointed in him. 
The road was quiet, like it always was after 8pm. In a town full of hicks and the elderly, everyone was busy either snorting pills or resting up for early church service. The night was mild and sweet outside his windows, insects screeching in the foliage framing either side of the road. Dangling his cigarette between his lips, Will dipped his hand outside the window, wind whipping through his fingers like silk. The headlights of the truck barely illuminated the road immediately in front, but it didn’t matter. He knew all the curves were coming before he even had to think about it. He was thinking about going to the shop, Izad was usually there well past closing and would let him in as long as he paid in cash, when his phone started buzzing against his thigh. Glancing down, he saw a facetime request from Nursey, his contact name “annoying shithead” staring back at him. Confused, he spotted a parking lot a little ways down the road and pulled in, heart thumping faster in his chest. He chalked it up to the nicotine buzz.
“What do you want?” He said once he parked, resting his phone on the middle of his steering wheel. The streetlight illuminated him just enough that Nursey couldn’t complain about not seeing his ‘stupid mug’. 
“Hello to you too, sexy Dexy.” Nursey drawled. Behind him, Will could see a gorgeous oak desk covered in every manner of clutter: dishes, books, loose papers and half-finished granola bars. “Is a man not allowed to check in on his favorite little star every once in a while?” 
“Ha ha.” Will said, flicking the ash off his cigarette where it hung out of the window, safely out of frame. “Then to what do I owe the, uh… pleasure?” 
“I missed you.” Nursey said simply, like that wasn’t enough to make Will’s throat tense up with… something. “And I wanted to ask you if you’d quit that awful job yet.” The only decent one he could get in this shitty town, Nursey meant. Will sighed, watching as the ember ate away at his tobacco. 
“No, idiot, because they pay me enough to keep gas in my truck. And it’s… I don’t know. It’s nice to do something. To have like a purpose.” Nursey nodded sagely, and something flickered across his face. He probably had a wealth of time sitting on his ass doing nothing, Will thought, and he definitely didn’t envy him. Nursey liked to keep things moving along as much as him, and Will couldn’t imagine what he’d even do if he didn’t have to worry about putting gas in his car or food in his sibling’s mouths. Nursey was probably going insane with boredom. 
“What about the lobster boat?”
Will sighed, scrubbing a hand across his face. “The hull is fucked. My uncle crashed it into a sandbar that had a few too many rocks in it. It’ll probably take him all fucking year to get around to fixing it.” The news was disappointing, but not shocking when it came. Uncle Matt had a tendency to drink a few too many when the water got still and the stars were out. Will couldn’t say he blamed him, it was lonely out there. Still, sucked that he had to spend eight hours in a sweltering mechanic shop all summer rather than on the ocean. “How’s C?” 
“He’s fine. Cait’s coming to visit him soon.” The scenery behind Nursey changed as he made his way down one of what Will assumed to many long hallways in his house. He’d never actually been, but in his mind Nursey lived in a mansion on top of a skyscraper. “How come you never visit me, babe?” Nursey pouted, little frown replaced by an easy smile when Will scoffed. 
“Because I have a job.” Will replied, deciding he didn’t care if Nursey knew his car and his hands and his breath smelled like an ashtray, he paid eight fucking dollars for the carton and he wasn’t going to waste a cigarette because Nursey liked impromptu facetime calls. Besides, Nursey was a lot of things, but he definitely wasn’t a snitch. He took a mildly shameful drag, flicking his eyes away from the screen as he pulled and exhaled. Nursey didn’t look surprised at all. 
“American Spirits. Didn’t know you were a fuckin’ tree hugger, Dexy.” Despite himself, Will smiled, taking another pull. 
“Fuck off.” Was all he said. There was silence as Nursey reached into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of, oddly enough, white wine. “Whoa there, big shoots. I thought your parents didn’t drink.” 
“They bought it at some fundraiser cus Ma liked the art on the bottle. I’m just going to mix it with cranberry juice, make myself a nice little rose.” Will gagged loudly, scowling at his screen while Nursey laughed. The worst part was knowing he was dead serious. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Will murmured through a mouthful of smoke. 
“Bestie withdrawals.” Nursey sighed dramatically, uncorking the bottle and dumping it into a pint glass. He waved the open neck under his nose, inhaling deeply, eyes comically rolling back in his head. “Mm, I’m getting strong notes of… let’s see… cat piss, vinegar and oh,” he inhaled again, “Hints of rubbing alcohol. Simply splendid.”
Will was giggling despite himself. He hated how much he loved Nurse’s stupid antics. “C only left four days ago, how can you already be having withdrawals?”
“Yeah, but I haven’t seen you for like, two months.” He said, and again the same feeling jumped up into the back of Will’s throat, twisting at his guts. It was weird. It was hard to tell when Nursey was being sincere about this kind of thing. All the flirting, the pet names, all of that was a joke, obviously, it had to be. But sometimes Nursey would say things so easily, like they were true, like he really did capital-m miss Will. It wasn’t that Will didn’t miss him too, of course he did, some days he’d wake up and the first thing he did was mindlessly open his phone to scroll through Nursey’s insanely long Snap stories, just to look at his face. He’d never tell him that, of course, which is why the sweet nothings Nursey would casually admit probably affected him so much. Probably. 
There was silence again as Nursey rooted around in the fridge for the juice, and Will flicked his ash out the window. 
“Y’know…” Will started, hardly believing he was saying what he was about to say. “I do have a Friday off next week. And the shop is closed…” 
“Saturday through Monday. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Nursey was grinning, the kind that made Will’s ears heat up and he had to turn his eyes to the window again, pretending he was watching something outside. 
“It’s a hell of a drive, though. You better be worth my time, Nurse.” Will said, trying to sound mean but it mostly just came out soft. He stuck his cigarette back in his mouth so he wouldn’t say anything else.
“Oh, I’ll make it worth it, William.” Nursey said, and Will didn’t even need to look to know he was waggling his eyebrows at the screen. 
“You’re paying me gas money.”
“I’ll pay for a new shitty fuckin’ pickup if you bring some of your brother’s hooch with you too.” 
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jiffyjimin · 4 years
Crush Culture Pt.1
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Title: Crush Culture
word count: 2k
Genre: Hybrid Au, Barista x reader, Romance (Eventual Smut)
warnings: mention of abuse
Pairings: Yoongi cat hybrid + Jungkook bunny hybrid x reader, ( Eventual Taehyung fox hybrid x reader)
summary: y/n works at a small cafe in the heart of Seoul. She has a busy life managing college and work, and has only recently realized how lonely she has become. That is, until she meets two hybrids in the alley behind the cafe who are in desperate need of her help. Suddenly her world is no longer lonely, but is it too much to handle? ——————————————————————————
I ran full speed across the street and down the small sidewalk, managing to slam into the cafe’s door in the process. Once I opened the door, I was greeted by the one person I was hoping not to see today.
His name is Jackson. He’s been my coworker since I started working here at the Dream Bean Coffee Shop. The reason I don’t want to see said boy today, is because I missed my alarm by an hour and had to fly my ass out the door so I wouldn’t be late. Again. For the 5th time this month. This left me no time to fix my hair, so it’s currently in the messiest, ugliest bun I’ve ever laid eyes on. It’s not that I really want to impress him or anything, but I can’t help but shy away when his eyes glance over my appearance.
“Nice hair” jackson snickered.
If I didn’t think that laugh was sorta cute I probably would’ve smacked that smirk right off of his face.
“Yea yea. Whatever, at least I’m not late.” I sighed as I tied an apron around my waist.
If I had been late one more time I would’ve been fired and I really can’t afford to lose this job. I’m studying at the college nearby and in order to pay for both my apartment, and college, I really needed this job. Both of my parents are well off and send me money if I need it, but I hate it when they do that. I’d prefer to support myself, even though balancing school work and real work is proving to be a struggle.
I don’t have time to talk to my friends anymore and I’ve realized how lonely I actually am in my 2 bedroom apartment. When I first bought the apartment I thought I was going to move in with a friend, but that never worked out.
Jackson is the only friend I have left that I talk to constantly. He’s always there for me, even on my hardest days. We have a very strong friendship, and I plan to always keep in touch, even once I graduate and eventually move to a nicer area. We also agreed that if neither of us are married in 10 years that we’ll get married to eachother, but only for the sole purpose of saving money. There would be no romantic connection, ever.
“So. Why are you almost late this time?” Jackson asked, while pouring a drink for a coustomer. I shook my head. I didn’t want to tell him I overslept again.
“I uh.. was working on homework and lost track of time” I said, busing my hands by making a drink.
“I don’t believe that for a second. How late were you up? You know I worry about you not sleeping enough.” He said, a frown creeping it’s way onto his usually cheerful face.
“I wasn’t up that late.” I lied, while avoiding his soft gaze .
“I’m fine. You don’t need to worry” I sighed, placing a drink on the counter.
He suddenly placed his hands on my shoulders, causing me to look up at him. He was a lot closer than I expected, and I could feel my cheeks heat up. I don’t know if it was just because I wasn’t use to human affection, or if it was the fact that I was still a little self conscious of my scattered appearance.
“You know I can’t help but worry. I care about you y/n” he said, looking into my eyes meaningfully. He slid his hands down into a hug, and I hugged back. I sighed heavily into his shoulder, letting out all of the tension I had been holding in for the past week.
“Thanks. But really, I’m doing alright” I said genuinely. I looked up into his eyes and got lost in the golden flecks that encompassed a light honey brown. His eyes were always so soothing and I wasn’t sure why. I got chased out of my thoughts when a customer dinged the bell to get service.
I quickly spun around and rushed to the counter. I could hear a quiet sigh behind me and frowned a little. I don’t want him worrying about me, I’m figuring everything out.
“Hello what can I get for you today?” I took down the customers order and was about to start making it when Jackson snatched the cup out of my hand.
“I got it.” He smiled, running away before I could protest. I huffed, and decided to go restock the cups instead since they were running low. When I went to get them, I noticed the pile of garbage bags in the storage room and decided to take those out first.
I grabbed as many bags as I could fit into my weak noodle arms and shoved my way through the back door to the dumpster. The sight before me when I opened the door caused me to drop all of the bags, the glass inside one of them shattering everywhere.
There were two hybrids inside the dumpster, digging through bags looking for food. The only way I could distinguish them from normal humans was their ears peeking out of the trash. At first I thought they were just strays, and I was about to shoo them away, but then they peeked their heads out of the dumpster. One was a black long haired cat hybrid, and the other seemed to be a white rabbit hybrid. Their features were mesmerizing and they both had a soft kind of beauty. It wasn’t until I stood there starting at them that I realized they had cuts and bruises all over their bodies, and their fur was matter with both blood and dirt.
“Ah hah! Jackpot!” The bunny said, holding up a bag of stale buns that had been thrown away.
The cat lit up at the sight of food, but that’s when they both noticed my presence. I let out a small gasp and as they were jumping away from the dumpster I tried to get them to calm down.
“Wait! I won’t hurt you! I was just-“ I tried explaining what I was doing, but they had already started running back down the alley, as far away from me as possible.They were clearly being hurt by someone, or something, and don’t have any food. I felt really bad for them. And I hate that I scared them away.
As I stood there, trying to figure out what in the hell just happened, I felt a tap on my shoulder and screamed. As I spun around I was met with Jackson stumbling back at the sound I made.
“Oh uh- sorry I-“ he stampered and I just looked down and rubbed my face, exhausted.
“No, you’re fine. I just... never mind.” I said, deciding not to tell him about the hybrids I had seen. I’m going to try to leave food out for them, and I don’t want him scaring them away.
“Are you sure? What just happened?” He asked, motioning to the trash bags that are now leaking onto the floor since they ripped when I dropped them. I didn’t answer, and just began scooping up the trash and throwing the ripped bags into the dumpster. He didn’t ask any more questions and decided to leave it be, which I was happy for.
That night at the end of my shift, I left the hybrids the tray of leftover pastries that the cafe always threw away anyways. I’m not sure if they’ll come back after our encounter, but I’m hoping they do. I can’t get the image of all the bruises on their bodies out of my head. They deserve so much better. It really makes me sick that people think they can just get away with abusing hybrids like that. The whole hybrid system has always been a little messed up in my opinion.
There was a time where I thought about adopting one, but I hated the idea of more or less owning a person. As lonely as I was, I didn’t think it was right. If I ever did adopt a hybrid, I would treat them as equals, and not just as a pet. They are half human after all, and they deserve their own rights. The government is actually working on passing laws that allow hybrids to have more rights, such as being able to work, and not having to wear collars to be outside. If I run into them again, I’m hoping I can get them help in whatever way I can. I just need to earn their trust first, and the way to any mans heart, is FOOD!
I went home that night and had a hard time falling asleep. For some reason, I was worried sick about those two hybrids I had seen. What if they had gotten into trouble when they ran? How long have they been on the streets? There were so many unanswered questions and I just wish I could help.
I awoke the next morning, and was relieved that I didn’t have class today. I still had to go to the cafe however, but now I have something to look forward to when I got to work.
I got ready faster than normal, and rushed to the cafe. I ignored Jackson’s hello, and immediately rushed to the alley. The plate of pastries was completely empty to my relief. I smiled, and let go of a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. I couldn’t see them anywhere, but I know now that they must be staying quite close.
I grabbed a couple of bagels from the storage room and placed them on the tray from last night. This could hold them off before I get the leftovers again, assuming they don’t find food anywhere else. I’d rather be safe than sorry. I don’t want them to starve out there.
I’m not exactly sure why I suddenly started caring about them so much. They’re just two stray hybrids. There’s probably not much I can do, and they’re more trouble than it’s worth.
But when I think back to how cute the bunny was when his nose scrunched in excitement when he found the buns, and the way the cats fluffy tail did a little flick behind him, showing his eagerness, I can’t help but care. They’re just two innocent boys who got stuck in a bad situation.
I was halfway through my shift, and I was taking a small break for lunch. I let Jackson know I was going to the back room to eat, and he waved a hand in acknowledgment as he smirked at his phone. Sometimes he seems so nice, and then other times it’s like I’m not even there. I can’t really complain though, because if I ever actually needed him, there was no doubt that he’d be there for me.
I bit into my sandwich and started watching a YouTube video on my phone. I had my headphones in and couldn’t hear much around me. But, I could have sworn I heard a scream. At first I thought it might’ve just been the video I was watching, but then it got louder. I paused the video, and realized it was coming from outside.
I started to panic because I could hear men yelling loudly outside the door that led to the alley. I didn’t want to get involved, but I was just praying it had nothing to do with the hybrids.
I stayed behind the door and tried to listen, but once I heard two gunshots I opened the door, which was probably a mistake. The sight infront of me made me lose my breath. My knees began to shake and I had to hold the frame of the door so that I wouldn’t fall. I almost fainted when I saw how much blood there was.
There were three older men, surrounding the two hybrids from yesterday. They were holding guns and from what I could tell, the gunshots I had heard were aimed at the hybrids. Their shoulders bled prefusley and I let out a sob at the sight. Which was another mistake.
The three men turned to glare at me and one pointed a gun. I fell to my knees, thinking I would be shot. This was the end. Why did I let these hybrids become the death of me? I don’t even know them. God y/n you can be so stupid sometimes.
“She’s not worth it. Neither are these dumb muts” one of the men said, holding the gun away from me. I let out a quiet sigh as they started to leave. And once they were completely out of sight I caught my breath. I was panting, and I don’t know why.
As I was calming myself down, I realized the two hybrids were still laying against the wall, bullet wounds in their shoulders. I jumped up and rushed over to their sides. They flinched back and growled at me. The cat hissed and tried to swipe at me, but I dodged the weak blow.
“Woah woah woah. Calm down kitty. I’m just trying to help” I said keeping a distance to show that I meant no harm.
“Stay. Away.” The cat warned, his tail whipping angrily behind him. The way he snarled at me has me slightly afraid, but I knew with the condition they were in,they wouldn’t do any serious damage.
I crouched down to their level, to try to seem less intimidating and I think it worked because they seemed to growl less. I stared at the blood gushing out of their wounds and immediately ripped off my jacket. I tore off a sleeve and I reached out a shakey hand. I was going to try to tie it around the wound to apply pressure and stop the bleeding.
It was the bunny this time that growled as I approached. I didn’t even know bunnies could growl like that. It caused me to fall back a little onto my hand and scrape it against the concrete. I winced in pain and looked at my hands which were now slightly bleeding. The bunny’s gaze softened for a moment when he saw my hands, but then he returned to growling.
I just about had it. I’m just trying to help them and all theyre doing is growling at me. “Look. I’m just trying to make sure you don’t die. You can growl at me all you want, but please just let me help you.” I said, slightly irritated.
“Yeah. And why should we trust you?” The cat sneered , trying to push himself away from me.
“I know you probably don’t trust me. But I’m not like those men. I won’t hurt you... I promise” I sighed, looking at my hands. If they wouldn’t let me help them, then I would need to call for backup. There was no way I was going to leave them like this.
The bunny cried and held his shoulder. His ears were flat against his skull and he looked like he was about to pass out. The cat looked at the pain the bunny was in, and seemed to be having an internal battle with himself. He looked at me, his eyes burning into my soul.
“Fine. But so help me, if you even THINK about hurting him, or me, you’ll be dead. And that’s a promise.” The cat said sinisterly. But as his shoulders relaxed, I could tell he knew he needed my help. He just didn’t want to admit it to himself.
I reached forward hesitantly, and began wrapping the cloth around their wounds. I got a few growls here and there, but neither tried to stop me. The bunny had passed out as I was wrapping his shoulder, and that’s when I began to panic.
“Oh god. No! please hang in there.” I said, my breath ragged. I pulled his body forward and without thinking, placed his body over my shoulder. I stumbled backwards at his weight, but managed to keep myself standing.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” The cat hissed at my actions. Looking like he was ready to fight me again.
“Relax kitty. I’m taking you two to the doctor.” I said, trying to walk but failing with the weight of the bunny.
“Yeah, and how’s that working for you?” He almost laughed at my pitiful attempt to save them.
“And stop calling me kitty..” he growled, eyes narrowing in on me.
“Look!” I almost yelled.
“I’m trying my damn best. It’s not like I experience this every day. And it would really help if you would just cooperate so that you don’t both die.” I exclaimed, as I shifted the weight of the bunny on my shoulder, now able to walk a little easier.
The cat glared up at me, and let out a huff as he tried to stand up. “I didn’t ask for your help you know” he said, but continued to walk with me down the alley.
“I know. But here I am” I said, not looking at him. I could feel his gaze on my every move, and I thought I heard a quiet sigh come from him, but I might’ve been hearing things.
I directed them to my car which was about a block away, and carefully placed the bunny in the back seat. The cat looked at me skeptically, but got into the back with the bunny.
I drove as fast as I could to the hospital and immediately got them into a room to be taken care of. I waited outside of their room for what felt like ages, until a doctor finally came out.
“So good news! Your hybrids are going to be alright. The bullets didn’t go that deep, so we were able to extract them and sew up their wounds. They need to stay here for another day to heal, but after that they should be fine” the nurse explained. I didn’t have the heart to correct her when she said they were my hybrids.
“That’s great news! Thank you so much.” I let out a relieved sigh. I guess I could leave now that I know they are okay. But something inside told me to stay.
“You can go in and visit them now if you’d like.” The nurse said, opening the door to their room. I wasn’t sure if that was such a good idea, seen as they both hated me, but my feet were taking me into their room before I could even think.
I looked at the hybrids laying on the beds, their shoulders wrapped in gauze, and IVs sticking out of their arms. They hadn’t noticed my presence yet, so I cleared my throat. “Hey... uh..” I said, trying to think of something to say.
“Thank you.” The bunny whispered, catching me off guard.
“W-Wait wha-“ I stuttered, but he cut me off.
“Thank you for saving us. I’m sorry we were such trouble.” The bunny quietly said, twitching his nose in the process. My heart melted at his words and I could have died happily right there at the sight of this bunny shyly thanking me for saving his life.
“You’re welcome. It’s the least I could do.” I said with a small smile.
“Yeah, but you didn’t have to. You could have just finished us off like those men would have” the cat explained, looking at me with a slightly more aggressive look in his eye.
“But I guess, thank you.” The cat grumbled. The bunny gave a little huff and the cat whined.
“And... I’m sorry.” The cat exhaled, as if he were in trouble and were confessing his sins.
I chuckled at the cats attempt of an apology, but It meant a lot that he tried. “You’re welcome. But there’s really no reason to apologize. I probably scared you just as much as those men had. I really don’t blame you. If anything, I am sorry. And thank you for not killing me in return for this” I chuckled, which earned a small smirk from the cat.
“Who says I won’t?” He chuckled. If it weren’t for the small smirk he had, I might have actually believed his threat.
“I never got your names?” I said, hoping to learn more about them before I likely never saw them again.
“Yoongi. And this is Jungkook.” The cat- Yoongi said, pointing to the bunny- jungkook next to him, who’s little bunny tail twitched in response.
“Nice to meet you Yoongi, and Jungkook. My name is y/n” I smiled reaching a hand out, but then realized they can’t exactly move their arms right now. I awkwardly put my hand back down and the bunny chuckled. I couldn’t help the blush that creeped onto my cheeks.
“Yeah. It’s nice to meet you too..” the cat said, scanning me up and down. He still seemed quite guarded.
The nurse barged in suddenly and began typing something into a computer. “So.. it looks like we couldn’t pull up any information on these two. Would you happen to have their adoption papers?” The nurse asked me.
I shuffled awkwardly and glanced at the hybrids who just looked at their hands ashamed. “Uh... no. I don’t. They’re not mine” I explained, looking at the nurse unsure.
“Oh! I see. Well in that case, since they don’t have an owner, we’ll just have to take them to the pound.” She said, nochalantly.
“Pound?!” I said, my heart suddenly racing, I couldn’t let them be taken to the pound where they’ll likely end up in a bad situation again with a bad owner. I could hear the two hybrids whine behind me and I turned to them. They shared a terrified look and I wanted nothing more than to stop their fear.
“Unless that is.. you want to adopt them?” The nurse asked, looking at me curiously. I stood there shocked for a moment. There was no way. I mean, I do have an extra room at my apartment, but I work so much that I’d never be able to be there for them. And I’m probably not that great of an owner in general. They’d be better off finding some other owner.
But as I looked back at the two hybrids, they were both looking at me as if I were their last hope. I was the only one who could stop them from being further abused. I sighed, “um... would that. Would that be alright with you two?” I asked anxiously, studying their expressions to see if they would object.
“I just don’t want you to end up at the pound. And if for any reason, you want to leave and find someone else to stay with, I understand, and I won’t make you stay. I just want what’s best for you..” I said not meeting their gazes, at the fear of them saying they wanted nothing to do with me.
There was silence for a while and I began freaking out. “It’s alright. Really. I understand, I’m sure the pound isn’t-“ I began but was cut off.
“Yes.” Yoongi said.
I looked at him confused.
“We’re alright with staying with you.” He further explained. I sighed in relief and didn’t notice the bunny smiling at me weakly.
“You’ve given us no reason to fear you, and you’re right, you’re probably a better option than the pound.” Yoongi said, explaining his reasoning. I smiled and bowed my head slightly.
“But don’t expect us to be cuddling with you anytime soon. We still don’t know you” yoongi said giving me a side glare.
“Thank you for trusting me. I promise I won’t make you regret it.” I said, approaching their beds a little bit more. I saw them flinch, and it was then that I knew I got a little too excited too quickly. It would take them a long time to warm up to me, let alone fully trust me. They’ve been through so much, it’s selfish of me to want them to be comfortable with me right away. I just hope they eventually let their guard down.
(I’ll eventually put the link to part two here)
Hello! Thanks for reading the first part of Crush Culture! I hope you all enjoyed it, and don’t be afraid to message me or request story ideas, or just to chat. This is my first big project I’m working on, so it’s probably not great, but I hope y’all still enjoy it :)) I hope you’re all doing good during quarantine💜 much love
Xx jiffyjimin
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years
A Full Party
Thanks to a donation, this has been made available to read!
Athena and Tibbs greeted them like anyone else that was considered a friend, they barely even paid any attention when they stepped off the elevator. Athena briefly flicked an ear in their direction before returning her attention to the rare belly rub she let herself enjoy that Bucky was giving her, and Tibbs rubbed up against their legs before he dashed over to Peter when he shook the treat bag. But Flynn? His reaction was...interesting to say the least.
Everyone was relaxing and spending time with each other while Wanda and Cassie made dinner and snacks for their regular team bonding day (otherwise known as movie night), when the fox suddenly screeched. Quill was on his feet quicker than anyone could turn their heads, but when he saw who the kit was screaming at, he groaned and stomped over to pick him up by his scruff.
"Hey! Relax! Do you see Athena freaking out?" The god huffed and Flynn immediately fell quiet. Whether it was because he was safely in Quill's grasp or if he understood him was a mystery though. "They're friends!"
Shuri bent over cackling and T'Challa merely shook his head as Flynn squirmed in Quill's grasp to try and get to his shoulders. The celestial held him up and let the fox curl around his shoulders, and Flynn sniffed the fingers that Shuri offered after she was done laughing. She pet his head a few times before he playfully snapped at her and she took her hand back.
"I swear he's not racist." Quill said. "He doesn't do that shit with Sam or Rhodey."
"They're new to him. He hasn't seen them before." Stephen said as he approached them. "I'm glad you could find some time to get away." He said to T'Challa.
The king smiles. "We needed a break and we wanted to visit."
"You came at the perfect moment. We're having our monthly movie night. How long are you staying?" Stephen asked as Quill stepped away.
"A week if that's alright." T'Challa said.
"No can do kitty-cat." Tony says from the couch. "There's no room. You'll have to sleep in the dumpster outside."
Stephen rolls his eyes. "Don't listen to him. There's plenty of room. You can stay on Sam's floor."
"Thank you."
T'Challa and Shuri step out further into the floor to socialize, the king going over to Steve and Bucky, and Shuri of course joining the teens. She did eventually end up with Diana and Valerie a little while later and both girls were enraptured by stories of her brother's good deeds. It was nice to see the baby warm up to her so quickly since they rarely saw the royal pair. But it also rubbed Stephen the wrong way because that meant she was becoming less attached to him. At least in his mind she was. If he asked anyone else, Valerie was just as attached to him as she usually was. She was the baby that he could have every single day and wasn't expected to change back to normal within 24 hours or completely miss out on. He enjoyed when the boys and Cassie had been changed but they weren't actual babies. Valerie was, and she was growing up too fast. Sometimes it felt like he had been snapped again because it seemed like just yesterday that he brought her into the world.
He missed her tiny hands and feet, the way she curled against him, and even missed the times she would fall asleep on his shoulder and drool all over it. It was amazing how much he had changed. The old him before the accident would have scoffed at the idea of having kids. Now, he actually thought of the accident as a blessing in disguise. It humbled him. Gave him the opportunity to meet Tony, to have this huge family instead of being alone for possibly the rest of his life.
Stephen really did want another one. He could have ten and Tony would barely blink. He'd just look at however many kids Stephen brought home (whether adopted or magical) and put aside some money for college for every single one of them. He already did that for the twins. Everyone joked about Stephen bringing home the next kid, but sometimes he thinks they forgot who brought home the first two.
Peter and Harley were Tony's first. Stephen just swooped in and took over. Peter very easily cracked the ice around his heart, Harley stuck a chisel in it, and Diana dealt the finishing blow and smashed the ice to smithereens when he accidentally brought her into the world. Stephen's heart was now soft and mushy, and grew with each kid.
He was the fucking Grinch of kids.
"Honey, why do you look like you ate something sour?" Tony asked and Stephen looked at him.
"I…" he blushed. "No reason. Just thinking to myself."
There was another screech from Flynn and an irritated "why are you like this?!" from Quill and Stephen looked over to find Carol on the balcony. Considering she didn't use the elevator, she probably flew here and might have spooked the fox, so he didn't really blame Flynn this time. Tibbs happily trotted over to the woman and rubbed up against her leg before looking around her.
Carol laughed as she crouched down to scratch behind his ears, "sorry fuzzball. No Goose this time."
Tibbs actually sounded like he meowed in disappointment, but he enjoyed the scratches and followed her back inside.
Carol smirked as Stephen approached her. "Have any popcorn?"
"It's for movie night!" Cassie called from the kitchen and Carol raised an eyebrow. "Dinner's almost ready!"
"Guess I'll go get cozy." She said as she scooped up Tibbs in one of her arms and sauntered over to the couch.
Peter seemed to give up on the cat once Carol arrived, knowing Tibbs would spend as much time as possible with her since he rarely saw her. She was in the top three of the cat's favorite humans, Peter and Tony being the other two. Quill finally found himself on the couch again with Flynn contently curled up on his lap and both T'Challa and Carol looked at them.
"Even I know the fox is new," Carol said. "What was with the screaming?"
"Stephen thinks it's because you're new to him. I think it's just because he's a brat." Quill huffed. "The universe decided that I needed the neediest fucking animal alive."
"He can't be that bad." T'Challa said and Scott snorted from his spot on the ground where he was playing cards on the coffee table with Sam and Clint.
"He's that bad. He cries if Quill goes anywhere without him. Hey! I saw that!" Scott said to Clint who had tried to slip a card away for later.
Things got a little too busy for Valerie so she joined Stephen on the couch when he finally sat down. Athena did too once Bucky finished giving her obnoxious belly rubs, and dinner ended up having to be brought to the sorcerer and Valerie when it was ready. Thankfully, Vision was kind enough to do just that and they both thanked him. Tony managed to find his way next to Stephen with his own dinner, and when everyone was settled with a plate, a family friendly movie was started. If only for the sake of the younger children. Once they went to bed, the older kids would go watch another movie in one of their bedrooms, and the adults would drink.
Stephen really needed a night to let loose. It had been a while.
So when the younger kids went to bed and the older kids squirreled away into one of the bedrooms with endless snacks, Stephen didn't even bother replacing them like he usually did. Tonight was a freebie. He was going to drink and he would let his kids get sugar high and consume a concerning amount of other junk food. They knew the adults were going to be drinking, so they knew leaving the bedroom would be at their own risk. It was a good thing William knew how to make portals and teleport.
"Mom, I swear if that's a bottle of wine I see, I'm going to stage an intervention." Clint said with a groan.
Stephen raises a brow as he opens the bottle in the kitchen, then rejoins everyone. "This is mine. I don't know what you're all going to drink." He said with a smug smirk.
"Oh, wow. Who's being a bad influence on him?" Carol asked.
Everyone looked at Thor who looked back with a little offense.
"Why are you all looking at me?" The Asgardian asked.
"Thor had nothing to do with it." Stephen said after draining a fourth of the bottle. Tony had watched in amazement with a hint of concern. "I just need this. I parent...I don't even know anymore." He mumbled.
Sam cackled after he came from the bar with bottles of hard liquor and every single shot glass Tony owned. "I'll drink to that. We children are pretty wound up from missions."
Everyone else laughed and started off with a shot before deciding on a drinking game. Stephen took his time on the rest of his bottle of wine while everyone else decided on a game of Never Have I Ever. Steve, Bucky, Thor, Carol, and Quill drank Thor's Asgardian stuff to even the odds, but even then, everyone was pretty shit-faced pretty quickly. They all knew a concerning amount about each other's sex life or whatever else they were drinking to, except Scott and Quill's sex life wasn't a surprise. Shame wasn't in their vocabulary.
Stephen finally polished off his bottle and joined the game just as Laura said, "Never have I ever done it while a child was in the room."
Stephen and Tony each took a drink and everyone stared at them. The sorcerer simply chuckled and shrugged.
"Valerie was asleep."
Bucky was the one to burst into laughter. "Even I didn't think you'd go that far!"
"I take it where I can get it." Stephen said. "Whose turn is it?"
"T'Challa's." Scott hiccupped.
"Never have I ever been thrown out of a bar or club." The king said.
No one was surprised when Quill took a drink.
"It's not what you think!" He exclaims after swallowing the ale. "It was during a fire. One of my buddies actually threw me out the window...it was before they knew about my powers."
"He probably always wanted to do it." Sam laughed and Quill shrugged.
"Alright," Natasha said to get everybody's attention. "Never have I ever sent a sext to the wrong person."
Every single person took a drink. The ones with kids blushed bright red...and Quill even grabbed the bottle of ale while mumbling something like, "Cass and my work buddies probably need therapy."
Stephen coughed at the god's words and his eyes water from the burning in his nose. "Please don't tell me you sent your daughter an unsolicited dick pic."
Quill groaned. "I did. Thankfully we were both home so I was able to keep her from seeing it. I never got out of bed so fast."
"I should put filters on the kids phones." Tony mumbled. "Or add their personal AI's or Friday to them. Friday, make a note of that."
"Yes, Boss." The AI said.
The game went on for another couple of hours until everyone passed out where they had been sitting. It was weird seeing the king of Wakanda passed out on the couch from drinking, but Tony figured the weird level of that was very low on the list of what he'd seen. He hadn't drank nearly as much as his friends and decided to go out on the balcony and sit in a chair with a cigar. It was something he rarely indulged in, but it was the perfect time to do it. The kids were all asleep and the smoke wouldn't bother anyone, but halfway through it, Stephen had gracefully stumbled out onto the balcony and landed in his lap.
Tony chuckled. "Hi honey. Thought you were dead to the world."
"You left." Stephen mumbled. "Are you smoking?"
"A cigar. A rare treat." Tony admitted.
"Hmm...I like the smell on you." Stephen hummed pleasantly.
"When you're not in danger of puking, I'll make it up to you."
"That's too bad." Stephen whispered. "I thought maybe we could do it right here."
"Tempting...but we do have thirty something kids." Tony laughed.
"I want another one." Stephen slurred as he dozed off on Tony's shoulder and the mechanic rubs his shoulder with his free hand.
"I know. Soon." He promised to his sleeping spouse.
He liked having Stephen in his lap like this. Maybe next time his wife would be sober and they could enjoy the stars from next to the fire at the lake house. He would indulge in a cigar again, have the man cuddled up to him in his lap just like this...and they would look up at the stars. Better yet, it would even be relaxing for Tony. No triggers from looking up into the vast expanse of space, just pure enjoyment.
"We'll have as many as you want." He whispered before placing a soft kiss to Stephen's brow.
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lakesandquarries · 5 years
After the Storm (Chapter One)
great news everyone! cringe culture is dead and i’m fortnite dancing on its grave. i wrote sonic 2020 fic. please enjoy. 
AO3 link
Tom Wachowski’s search history looks like this:
-what do hedgehogs eat
-hedgehog care
-hedgehogs as pets
-can hedgehogs eat hot dogs
-adopting children
-how to raise adopted kid
-how to help kid with ptsd
-accidentally adopted a kid
-help for adopted parents
-dr robotnik
-san francisco terrorist attacks
-therapists in my area
-can you tell therapists about illegal stuff
-therapist confidentiality
-how did my life end up like this
-really fast treadmill
Sonic, luckily, walks in while he’s googling the last one.
“What’s that?” he asks, leaning against the couch. Tom shuts his laptop, stretching.
“It’s a secret,” he says, which gets him an eyeroll and a pout. Tom finally glances at the clock for the first time in….two hours, apparently. It’s barely noon. “Did you just wake up?”
Sonic nods, climbing over the arm of the couch to make himself comfortable. His...he doesn’t have eyebrows, per se, but his eyes squint in a way that on a human would look “worried”. “It’s okay you slept in, kiddo. S’been a busy few days.”
“I’ve never slept in a bed before,” Sonic says, which was what Tom has been thinking, but it’s a lot sadder to hear out loud. “Except that time in the hotel! That was a bed. But this one felt way comfier, and way cooler looking, and the blankets were so soft, and honestly I don’t think the other one counts because we were trying not to die and it’s really hard to sleep well like that. This was way better!”
“Hotel beds are weird,” Tom agrees, half listening to Sonic’s rambling. “You want breakfast? Well, I guess it’s brunch now.”
“Food?” Sonic asks, eyes going wider than should be physically possible. Tom assumes that’s a yes. He pushes himself off the couch, Sonic darting ahead to bounce around in the kitchen eagerly.
“You like eggs?” he asks, grabbing the carton from the fridge. Sonic shrugs.
“Never had any before!”
Right. Sonic’s been hiding for most of his life. He seems so much like a normal kid, it’s easy to forget he’s some kind of magic alien.
“Well, what kind of food do you like?”
Sonic shrugs again, climbing up onto the kitchen island. “I dunno! I just kinda eat whatever.” He pauses, going still for the briefest of moments. “If I tell you I did something illegal, are you gonna arrest me?”
Tom shakes his head emphatically. “I’m not gonna arrest you, Sonic.”
“Well….y’know the rat problem the local diner had? And the dumpsters getting broken into and stuff? And how raccoons keep getting everywhere?”
To say Tom is surprised would be a lie. A little sad that Sonic’s apparently been eating garbage for however long, but with everything else knows….yeah, that tracks.
“Kid, how many weird conspiracies around here are actually just you?”
“Pretty much all of them? Except for the cow that got abducted that one time, that wasn’t me!”
“Gonna have to tell Annabelle to scrap her article on the town’s super smart raccoons,” Tom says, with a huff of laughter. “Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. No more breaking into grocery stores, okay? We’ll take you with us next time we go shopping.”
Tom has never seen someone look so excited about grocery shopping. Sonic beams at him, swinging his legs and kicking them against the island. “Really?”
“You can pick out anything you want,” Tom says.
“Anything” turns out to be “everything”.
Sonic’s kind of an open secret, at this point. The town is small enough that, within a day of the the whole “Robotnik Incident”, everyone knows what happened and who was at the focus. And, to the town’s credit, people seem...surprisingly okay with it. So Tom doesn’t bother with any kind of disguise when he and Maddie take Sonic to the grocery store, and maybe a few people stare, but no one says anything other than “hi”, and “how are you?”, and “good to see you!”
It’s not too busy, luckily. There’s maybe a handful of people at the store. Sonic still seems a little overwhelmed at the attention, but he does a good job managing, greeting everyone like old friends - which, from Sonic’s perspective, they kind of are. He’d told Tom all about how he’d watched the town, familiarized himself with its inhabitants, pretended to be a part of it (and he’d also, luckily, agreed to stop.) So while the townsfolk are meeting Sonic for the first time, Sonic has already known them for years.
The majority of people don’t seem to mind too much, and Sonic isn’t actually paying much attention to them anyway. He seems far more excited about the food. He’d started out in the cart, little legs kicking against the hard metal, but had ended up jumping out by the first row. It takes fifteen minutes to get down the chips aisle, as Sonic inspects every flavour and asks Tom his opinion, and that’s before he notices the cookies on the other side.
“You know, we go grocery shopping pretty much every week,” Maddie says as Sonic stares at the fifteen different varieties of oreos. He taps his foot on the ground, a frantic pace that Tom would usually think of as anxious but with Sonic is just normal. “How about you just pick one for today, and then try something else next time?”
The tapping slows a bit. “Next time?”
Maddie nods, reaching down to place a hand on Sonic’s shoulder. “We go through food pretty quick, so we’ll probably be back in less than a week. Or we can stop by whenever you want.”
Sonic throws the mint oreos into the cart.
He moves quicker after that, darting back and forth between aisles and the cart, a little blue blur Tom has to be careful not to trip over. Maddie directs him towards some of the healthier options, too, fresh fruit and vegetables and food that isn’t full of sugar. She gives him a whole speech on vitamins and nutrients that Sonic very clearly does not listen to, seeing as he immediately starts grabbing cartons of ice cream once they’re in the dessert aisle.
By the time they’re at the checkout, the cart is overflowing. Sonic is a helpful hand with unloading, though Tom does have to give him a couple pointers. The cashier, a young lady named Jane who Tom recognizes from the time her dad called the police over his rat problem, smiles as she rings them up.
“Someone’s excited,” she comments, as the price climbs higher and Tom starts getting nervous. “Settling in well?”
Sonic beams at her. “They said I could get anything I wanted!”
“Made some good choices,” she says as she scans a carton of Ben & Jerry’s.
Tom fishes his wallet out as she nears the last items, but she holds up a hand. “Hang on.” Jane rummages around her cash register, digging out a couple gift cards that she scans, along with a stack of coupons. By the time she’s done the total is nearly halved. “As a thank you,” she says, finally allowing Tom to hand over his debit card.
Sonic tilts his head. “What’re you thanking us for? I mean, I know I’m pretty cool and all but - well, I did kinda almost get your city blown up!”
“You saved it in the end, though, didn’t you? Plus, Tom’s helped my family out a million times. About time I returned the favour.”
“Thank you,” Tom says, before Sonic can keep rambling. “We really appreciate it.”
Jane finishes ringing them up, helping them bag everything and showing Sonic the best way to do it. He waves goodbye to her as they leave, yelling out another “Thank you!!” that’s loud enough to get the whole store’s attention.
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darks-ink · 5 years
Absurdism Chapter 1
Rating: Teen/K+ (a lil swearing, because teenagers, man) Warnings: - Genre: Family, Hurt/Comfort Additional Tags: Sibling Bonding, Family Bonding, Alternate Universe - Halfa Jazz AU, Jazz makes friends
Chapter 1: Mirror Image [AO3] [FFN] First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Jazz rolled her shoulders, shifting her backpack to lie more comfortably on her back. It resettled easily, and she kept up the pace as she walked back home. Sure, she could have asked Danny to drive her, but… well, she liked walking! The fresh air was good for a growing youth like her.
That, and Danny’s driving was either far too careful, or not nearly careful enough. And, quite frankly, she wasn’t very big on either of those.
So. She walked. It wasn’t like the school was that far from home anyway.
If she trusted her new powers a little more, she might consider flying to school instead. It would probably be faster, which would leave her with more time for studying. But, then, there was also the possibility of people seeing her, causing a ruckus. So, maybe not.
Whatever. For the moment it didn’t matter anyway. She could barely fly in her ghost form, and not at all in her human form. Well, not on command, at least. Only the occasional bout of accidental floating, although luckily that didn’t happen a lot. Not nearly as much as the partial invisibility or intangibility, at least.
If only there was some sort of guidance for this! She had gone through all books she could find, her parents’ entire ghost library, but she hadn’t been able to find even the slightest hint of this happening before. A human with ghost powers, a ghost/human hybrid… nothing. Absolutely completely nothing!
Hell, she had even tried the internet. Even if the online sources tended to be sketchier, there had to be something, right?
But, no. She hadn’t been able to find anything.
So she was forced to figure out herself. Alone.
Sure, she could tell her parents. But… But what if they didn’t believe her? What if they thought she was a ghost playing pretend?
Jazz knew her parents cared about her, about their family, but… she also knew how little they thought of ghosts.
As long as it wasn’t killing her, and it didn’t seem to be, did she really have to tell them? She was smart, wasn’t she? One of the cleverest in the school, despite being only 14. She was sure she could figure this out herself, somehow.
Besides, if she didn’t know much about ghosts, she was certain that her parents didn’t, either. They sure acted like they knew a lot, but Jazz was fairly sure it was based on nothing. For all their bluster, her parents hadn’t even seen a ghost.
And she? Well, she most definitely had. Even if the few animal-like ghosts hadn’t been anything too spectacular, she doubted her parents’ claims about them not being able to feel pain. The screeches of the Ectopi when she punched them sure sounded genuine.
Not to mention the two humanoid ghosts Jazz had encountered so far. Even if both seemed a little more inclined to pick fights that humans, that didn’t mean they were malevolent. They just… They just worked a little strangely! They wanted to do good things, but their methods were a little strange. That was okay!
Like the Lunch Lady, she just wanted people to eat well! And even if she had lashed out at Jazz, and at the human lunch ladies, she had calmed down well enough. Had listened to Jazz when she explained the intricacies of a healthy diet, and when Jazz promised that she would talk the school into a more varied menu, the ghost had agreed to hold off and watch.
So Jazz went and talked the school into a more varied menu. Which, really, someone should’ve done earlier. Even if she agreed with Sam about vegan options, you can’t just force that on people. Not everyone can live on a vegan diet, after all!
It took a bit of work, but thankfully Jazz had already found herself the teacher’s pet, so she managed to convince them. The menu was changed, the Lunch Lady calmed down, and then she went back to the Ghost Zone.
Which was, of course, the moment Jazz had realized that the Portal was always open. It would, constantly and without ever stopping, let through any ghost who wished to enter Amity Park.
And Jazz seemed to be the only person who cared. Her parents didn’t care, or didn’t realize how many ghosts might wish to pass through (or liked the challenge, maybe?), and her brother was still somewhat skeptical on the topic of ghosts being real.
The rest of the town? No one knew about the Portal. Not about what it could truly do, what power it held. What kind of danger they were in.
She couldn’t let that slide. She was the one who had turned the Portal on, after all. She was responsible.
So she had to stop any dangerous ghosts that came through. Ghosts like the animals that roamed the streets, now, and ghosts like the Lunch Lady.
And ghosts like Dora, who had come into the lab as a giant roaring dragon, but who had thankfully shrunk down once she had removed the necklace.
Dora, who had promised she would stay in the Zone, as long as Jazz gave her the necklace back.
Jazz’ core hummed in her chest, suddenly, and she paused. Cold energy gathered in her lungs, then puffed out as a visible cloud of ectoplasmically-tainted air on her next breath.
It was her ghost sense, she knew. But where? How?
Looking around, she couldn’t see anything that stood out. She didn’t have much experience with ghosts, she had to admit, but still.
Every ghost she had encountered, the humanoid and the animals, no matter their intelligence, they all shared a single behavioral trait. They all sought out civilization. The human ones, like Lunch Lady and Dora, had both come to Amity Park with a goal in mind. And the lesser ones, they all sought to terrorize people, all targeted the human population of Amity.
So why was this one hidden somewhere were she couldn’t see it?
Realization clicked, and she looked up.
Yes, there it was. So high up in the air that she could barely see it, a small blurry dot of black and white. Its glow hidden against the bright backdrop of the sky.
She eyed it pensively. It didn’t seem out for trouble, true, but that didn’t mean anything. Lunch Lady hadn’t either, but she still would’ve caused quite a bit of chaos if she’d been left to her own devices.
Even if this one just hung there in the sky… Jazz had taken responsibility for all ghosts in the city, and that would include this one.
Although she would admit, in the privacy of her own mind, that part of that reluctance might come from how high up the ghost was. So sue her! She didn’t even trust her flight to carry her from home to school, let alone go that high up! If it failed, if she was forced back to human form, she would surely die! She was just fourteen! She didn’t want to die, especially in a way so grizzly.
So she heaved out a sigh. As much as she didn’t want to, she had to go check it out.
Taking her eyes off of the distant ghost, she looked around. Ah, there! An empty alley off of this already quiet street. Perfect!
She ducked out of sight, half-crouched behind a dumpster to make sure no one saw her. Then she tapped into the ball of cold energy in her chest, which thrilled in response. It was still foreign to her, unusual and strange and--
But she had practiced with it, regardless. If these powers would be part of her life, now, she had to be in control of them. And if she hadn’t quite nailed that yet, at least she held enough control to shift to ghost form without too much hassle.
Blue-white energy crackled to life around her. Darts of light and electricity, spreading into a single ring around her waist. Then, splitting into two separate rings, flew past her body. Lit up the alley she was in.
Replaced her ordinary clothes with a dark purple jumpsuit, so much like her parents’ it was a little embarrassing. Her hands, and most of her arms, were now covered with long white gloves, and her neat shoes were replaced by sturdy white boots. An equally white belt around her waist, a hefty bag attached to one side, balanced by a Fenton Thermos on the other side.
The upward ring caught her hair, carrying it upwards into a ponytail. Dyed it purple, vibrant and unearthly, as its ends started flickering like fire.
As the rings faded, Jazz blinked her even sharper eyes as she refocused. Her senses had already gotten enhanced by the Accident, but they grew even better when she shifted into her ghost form.
Glass crunched under her boot, and she glanced downward, automatically. A ghost met her eyes, warm gold staring back at her, its glow brightening in shock.
Then she laughed, the startle wearing off, and her mirror image did the same. Oh, how embarrassing. At least no one saw that.
She focused her enhanced vision on the ghost, worried that it had left, but no. It remained in place, hovering high above Amity Park. Even now, she could barely make them out. Humanoid, she thought, and dressed primarily in black. The ends of their limbs were white, including what she assumed was their head. How match-y.
Still, she had stalled as much as she could. Now the only thing left was… to go up there. And, hopefully, talk.
Grasping onto her confidence, she pushed off. Like a jump, except gravity wouldn’t—couldn’t—drag her down. Just a continuous path upwards.
Her flight was a little shaky at first, but she managed to smooth it out a little. She was still climbing slowly, but that was better than rushing and losing control. She just had to get up to the ghost, but at least they didn’t seem to have noticed her. Didn’t seem to be trying to get away.
At this point, she was willing to take whatever she would get, really.
Now that she was finally getting closer, she could make him out properly. Because he certainly seemed to be a boy. A teenager at most, barely any older than her brother. The black she’d seen was just his outfit. He wore a jumpsuit in all black, of similar make to her parents’. And here she was, thinking they were the only ones who would wear such stuff.
Although, she supposed she was, as well. Maybe he’d gone and died wearing one of those for protection, too. Even if she wasn’t sure she counted, herself. She hadn’t died, after all. Just become… half-ghost? A human/ghost hybrid? Something along those lines.
Much like her own jumpsuit, the ghost wore white gloves, white boots, and a white belt. Unlike her, however, he wasn’t carrying a Thermos. Not that she had expected him to, of course! But it was kind of funny to see a ghost wearing something so similar to her!
Before she knew it she was approaching him, and he still hadn’t noticed her. His back was turned to him, his snow-white hair heavily windblown and messy.
His build was lean, and he looked a little twiggy, but there was no denying the muscle definition underneath his jumpsuit. She hadn’t seem any such muscle on the Lunch Lady or Dora, but then, neither of them wore such tight clothing.
If this ghost was human, Jazz was sure he could carry a mean punch. She might not know enough about ghosts to know if that carried over, but she didn’t feel like risking it. Even beyond his lean muscle, he might possess all kinds of ghostly powers.
Finally she drew even with the ghost, hovering right behind him. He still hadn’t noticed her. Hm, well. She was hoping to just talk, right?
She cleared her throat, then said, “Hey, what’s up?”
The ghost visibly started, flipping over his own feet in an attempt to turn to face her. He hung upside down, blinking wide green eyes at her.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” she assured him, raising her hands placatingly.
He blinked once more, then slowly started to rotate upright again. “It’s… okay,” he said, slowly, almost hesitantly. “I just wasn’t… expecting anyone to be here.”
Now that he was finally angled properly, she could make out his face. He was definitely a teenager, losing the softness of his youth. If she had to guess, he would’ve been sixteen, like her older brother Danny.
But that wasn’t the only thing about his appearance that reminded her of Danny.
There was… something about his face. About his facial features, the shapes and the angles and the proportions. It was almost eerie, really, how much this ghost looked like her brother. If she just imagined his hair black and his eyes blue, he might as well be Danny.
He was squinting at her, too. Eyes shifting like he was studying her.
She didn’t know how long they hung there in silence. Looking at each other in silence.
But she did know that it was the other ghost who broke it. He spoke up, haltingly, voice questioning.
And that just confirmed it for her, really. Because she hadn’t told anyone her name. The Lunch Lady and Dora both only knew her as Specter, her (improvised) alias for her ghost form. She hadn’t wanted to tell them her real name, and even if Specter was a bit of a stupid name, well. She couldn’t go back now.
So she was Specter to all ghosts, and ‘ghost girl’ or ‘ghost gal’ to the few humans that knew of her existence.
In front of her, the ghost of her brother frowned, his white brows drawn together.
“Danny?” she finally responded, thrown off. “How are you-- What’s going on?!”
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dejayoonw · 5 years
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part 4 : walking in the wind | loser baby backstory drabble jimin and taehyung's graduation
"we had some good times didn't we. we wore our hearts out on our sleeve. goodbyes are bittersweet but its not the end, i'll see your face again."
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sitting with her three best friends yn found it hard to believe that she'd gotten so lucky. to think the same ten year old sitting alone in a tree would one day be giggling and talking about her memories from high school with three of the best people she would ever meet was still not entirely believable to her. though of course this was yn we were talking about, nothing ever came easy or without hardships.
when yn was first introduced to taehyung, it was on accident as jeongguk was bringing the handsome older boy back to his house after a date. she could still feel the heat rising in her cheeks thinking about how embarrassed she was to be waiting for jeongguk on his couch when he came stumbling in holding hands with taehyung. she'd quickly excused herself rushing back to her own empty home not sure how to react.
"So, I guess now you know." jeongguk told her the next day when he found her in their tree. he'd been so nervous for his friend to find out about his sexuality. deep down he knew she wouldn't care, yn was too good of a friend to think differently of him. he still couldn't help but worry about her reaction, so much so he couldn't even force himself to meet her eyes that were now on him.
"What do you mean?" she questioned catching him off guard. there was no way she was oblivious to what she'd witnessed the day before. yn had blossomed quite early, it didn't go unnoticed by jeongguk nor their classmates. sure yn and jeongguk weren't so popular but yn's glow up during high school had certainly earned her some unexpected attention.
"You know," jeongguk hoped that she wouldn't make him say it out loud. he never had before, even with taehyung it was something he hadn't fully addressed but something they both just knew. with each passing second it became more and more clear that yn was not going to let it go unsaid. if she knew what he was implying she was doing a damn good job at hiding it. with a deep breath and a reminder that this is yn, jeongguk's best friend for five years now, he finally said the words that had been on his tongue for ages. "I'm gay."
"Oh," yn's shock scared jeongguk but what he didn't know was that it wasn't the shock of finding out, it was the shock that he thought she didn't already know that. "Guk, I kind of knew that."
it was a moment they'd talk about for years. the relief jeongguk felt knowing she didn't think differently of him, followed by the endless questions of the exact moment she found out. to which she never had an answer, she just knew. to other people it came as a shock, seeing jeongguk with a boy and not yn. what did shock her was the day jeongguk knocked on yn's door with tears in his eyes, crying over taehyung.
jeongguk should've known better, his parents would never approve of their son dating someone like tae. he just hoped that seeing him so happy would be enough for them to change their minds. unfortunately his parents were stuck in their ways and since taehyung's family was purely prudens and jeongguk’s was fortis there was no way they'd accept it. jeongguk could only date a boy from fortis, it was just the way it had to be.
but he loved tae, he'd never met anyone besides yn that understood him the way that taehyung did and that was saying something. jeongguk was fully prepared to continue seeing tae against his parents wishes, even behind their backs if he had to. it would be easy to sneak around, it might even add some excitement. taehyung on the other hand wasn't so keen on having to sneak, but for jeongguk he'd do it. until the day jeongguk's mother found them out and told the both of them exactly what she thought of their relationship. it was too much, jeongguk had always been so close with his parents, his mother especially but little by little it was ruined. taehyung faulted himself for the downfall of jeongguk's relationship with his parents, the pain that was evident in his boyfriends eyes every time he thought of his parents. so taehyung did what any boyfriend would do, he broke up with jeongguk for his own good.
it hurt yn to see the change in her friend from that day on. he wasn't entirely different but also not the same. she still loved him no less and stuck with him through the endless nights of tears, the days he spent hoping tae would come back, the weeks avoiding him when he didn't, even the smorgasbord of boys jeongguk would "date" even though none of them lasted more than a night. until three months after the breakup when jeongguk had slept with nearly every single boy at their school and was making his way through the neighboring towns school as well. that was when she finally met her breaking point.
"You're late." jimin said, pushing himself off the large metal trash can he'd been leaning against. he'd reached out to her a few weeks after the breakup to check on jeongguk. apparently taehyung wasn't doing much better even though he was the one to do the breaking up in the first place.
"Sorry, went to the wrong dumpster." yn mouthed off at the otherwise innocent boy. it wasn't that she had any issues with him per say, but she was naturally so protective of her best friend and taehyung was currently public enemy number one. jimin being taehyung's best friend just meant that he'd be caught in the crossfire.
after a few digs at taehyung's character yn finally calmed down enough to help jimin come up with a plan to get the two boys back on speaking terms. as witches they knew the hardships the boys would face if they did continue their relationship, of course as the two boys closest friends they'd support whatever decision they made but the main focus was to show them that even if they weren't able to date it didn't mean they had to lose the bond they'd formed. so with the simple plan in mind yn set off to jeongguk's house, trusting that jimin would be on his way to the cafe that taehyung worked at.
yn knew what she'd probably be met with when she walked into jeongguk's house. the extra car in the driveway enough to confirm that her friend had company. not bothering to knock she made her way to the living room where the sounds of sloppy kisses could be heard. she cleared her throat, watching the two part a confused sound left jeongguk's date though her friend remained unfazed. he'd sensed her coming the moment she stepped on the porch but he hoped she'd take the initiative to go away and come back later.
"Babe, who is that?" yn had to hold back her laughter at the pet name. she raised her brow at the boy on her best friends lap shooting him a tight lipped smile. he only stared back at her with a warning glare as if he was afraid she was some kind of competition. it was clear that jeongguk had no intentions of sending the boy away so she took matters into her own hands.
"You know, it's not polite to stare." with a wave of her hand the boy’s body went limp on jeongguk, his eyes shutting almost instantly. jeongguk rolled his eyes and pushed the boy back so he was laying comfortably on the couch.
"Was that really necessary?" jeongguk asked. he knew how yn felt about his escapades but that didn't mean he was going to stop. he was a teenage boy with the hormones of a new witch there was no way he could.
"I saw Park Jimin today." yn said, ignoring her friends question. she pretended not to notice the change in jeongguk's demeanor, occupying herself with his familiar, a black rabbit named Gureum.
"Where did you, how, um was Tae, I mean did he mention,"
"We talked about you and Taehyung yes. No he isn't dating anyone and yes he knows about your, newfound hobby." yn's eyes shifted to the boy on the couch and back to her friend, whose own eyes held a glint she hadn't seen in a while. since the breakup yn had been careful not to bring up taehyung, but as recent events would show maybe she should've.
"Cool." jeongguk said nodding his head quickly before walking off to the kitchen. yn knew he was just trying to distract himself from any feelings he still had for taehyung, whatever they may be.
"I think you should talk to him, Jimin agrees." yn said cutting right to the chase. the whole plan wasn't to deceive them, they were meant to get a feel of how both boys would react to the idea of seeing the other and go from there. hopefully they'd both agree but yn had a feeling jeongguk wouldn't make things that easy.
"Why would I do that? Taehyung broke up with me, he made that choice not me. I'm finally getting to a point where I don't think about him every second of everyday and you're suggesting I go talk to him? For what? It's not going to change anything. We can't be together yn, you know that. Plus he's graduating next year anyways so it's pointless to even try." jeongguk didn’t get why yn even thought bringing him up was a good idea? she knew how much pain he'd gone through when taehyung broke up with him why was she trying to send him back to that mindset?
"It wasn't pointless when you two were together. I know being in a relationship with him might not be in the cards but why does that have to mean you never speak to him? Look at what being without him does to you Jeongguk you're not yourself. Maybe you don't think about him every second of the day but don't you dare try to look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you're okay with the distractions you have to resort to." it was obvious jeongguk wasn't ready to hear and accept what she was saying. he needed time to think, but yn wasn't so sure that he would. instead of dealing with his emotions jeongguk had found a new way to cope over the last month and she wasn't sure that her words could break him of the habit. all she could do was try.
"Whatever yn. You've said your piece, can you leave now so I can deal with my date that you knocked out?" yn knew that the bitterness jeongguk was directing towards her was deeper than him being annoyed with her. she knew her words had gotten to him and as hard as it was to hurt him she knew that's what it would take to break him of this. he needed to be reminded of who he was, the boy who wore his heart on his sleeve. the boy who was compassionate and loving. not the boy who had meaningless encounters every night and broke countless hearts without blinking an eye.
days went by without a word from jeongguk, yn had expected it but she couldn't deny how lonely she felt without her best friend. summertime was always harder because she would be home alone on her days off from work, usually if jeongguk wasn't busy they would spend the day together. so when the cute guy that always came into the restaurant she worked at finally asked her on a date she of course said yes. the date had been average at best but the drive back to her house seemed to be taking a turn for the better. his hand had made its way dangerously high up on her thigh by the time they made it to her house, feeling bold yn asked him if he wanted to come in. they wasted no time after the door was shut, pulling one another in for a kiss almost immediately.
"Parents?" he mumbled quickly while letting her tug his jacket off and throw it towards the door.
"Dead. Aunts at work." yn said pulling her own jacket off before connecting their lips again. she'd twisted her hands in his hair when she caught a sense of someone else in the room.
"Yn!" before she even had the chance to pull away she'd heard the annoying voice, her date jumping away from her quickly taking in the figure in the dark. "It's about time you brought a guy home to meet me." jeongguk said a shit eating grin on his face. yn knew she had this coming, that was the worst part.
"What are you doing here?" she asked wondering how she hadn't sensed him when she first came in.
"Who is this?" yn's date mumbled not entirely sure what he was about to witness. his eyes carried a similar look to the boy from jeongguk's house all those days before.
"I'm Jeongguk, Yn's best friend and you are? No don't tell me, let me guess. Kyle, Caleb, Tyler, lets go with Tyler. What are your intentions with my friend here?" Jeongguk teased opting for the asshole rout rather than doing any magic.
"Yn, what the hell is going on? Who is this guy?" 'tyler' was getting defensive and yn knew that there was no way she was going to get what she'd intended on. jeongguk flashed the boy a smile as if he had no idea that he was doing anything.
"I think you better go." yn told her date apologetically. she led him to the door, apologizing multiple times. when she turned back to jeongguk she waved her hand, sending him back onto the couch a trick his own mother had helped her prefect.
"As a devout feminist I refuse to say you hit like a girl." jeongguk said brushing his shirt off as he followed her up to her room. he knew his friend well enough to expect it from her, it was actually her signature move when the two of them would bicker.
"What do you want Jeongguk?" yn asked, trying her best to ignore the annoyance she felt. she was well aware of the pent up frustration she'd built up over the last few weeks, if it weren't for jeongguk all of that would be disappearing right then.
"I'll do it." he told her sighing when he realized she wasn't picking up on what he was saying. yn never let him get away with being vague. after she left he was so pissed at her for bringing taehyung up to him, but that night he realized she was right. neither him nor tae wanted things to end the way they did. taehyung broke up with him because he thought that's what was best, and maybe it was, but why did it have to mean they lost contact? as hard as it would be jeongguk would take any form of communication with taehyung he could get. "I'll talk to him."
the next day jimin and taehyung were knocking at yn's door. it hadn't taken much for jimin to convince taehyung to talk to jeongguk. even though he'd been pretty hurt when he heard of jeongguk's games post breakup he still wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. even if it looked like jeongguk had moved on quickly to the public tae knew deep down that jeongguk had been hurt over the breakup just as much as himself.
"I missed you Tae." jeongguk's voice was soft, his emotions finally catching up with him at the sight of his ex.
"Did you?" tae's hostile tone caught the boy off guard but he knew he deserved it. they'd agreed not to let the breakup change anything but jeongguk had broken that promise almost immediately.
"I did. I know I did a shitty job of showing it but, I'm sorry. I never wanted to lose you but I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to handle just being friends with you. Honestly I'm still scared of that but anything would be better than this." jeongguk confessed not wasting any time. he'd almost forgotten the effect taehyung had on him, almost but not really.
"First of all, I'm pissed that our friends had to plot together for this to happen." tae started not breaking his cold stare on his ex. the months of watching jeongguk hook up with every available and willing guy in their school was the worst part of all of it, but he kept reminding himself that that is not jeongguk, that was the pain getting to him. "Second of all, I missed you too."
"So, does that mean we can, be friends?" jeongguk said giving tae a look comparable to a puppy. he knew the weakness tae had for him and he could tell that even after all this time it was still there.
"Oh don't do that. Don't give me that crooked smile and think it fixes everything." jeongguk laughed at his ex and pulled him in for a hug knowing he'd won him back over, even if they could only be friends.
looking back all of it seemed so silly now that the four of them were such close friends. they'd gone through a lot as a group but there never seemed to be anything they couldn't get past. even now, standing outside the school auditorium on the day of taehyung and jimin's graduation it didn't feel like they were going to lose each other. it would be two years before they were joined again at Schola Veneficas but they all knew that they'd keep in touch regardless.
"You know," jimin said smiling softly to himself, turning to look over at yn. "when I first met you I thought you were a huge bitch."
"What changed your mind?" yn asked chuckling lightly with her head cocked to the side. thinking back to the first day yn had actually met jimin all those years ago by the dumpster outside the restaurant she worked at.
"Oh I still think you're a bitch, I've just grown to love that about you." he told her making everyone laugh. yeah, they would be alright.
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
Red Queen and Dorothy Must Die Headcanons part 2!!!
Like before, Red Queen first. Reday? HERE WE GO!!
Even before his betrothal to Evangeline, Cal met and was good friends with Ptolemus. The two met during a meeting between the high houses and had a small sparring session, maybe got into a slap fight because one of them cheated, and ultimately remained on good terms until Tibe's murder
Evangeline saw a broadcast of the King giving a speech with Elara, Maven, and Cal present. She saw Cal and her mother pointed to him and said, "One day, that boy will be the king. And you will be his queen."
Mare did cut her hair once, but it looked horrible, so she let it grow long
Daniel, Mare's dad, SAW Tibe, but did not formally meet him or even introduce himself. The only interaction they had was an order and "yes, sir."
Tibe's weapon on the front was not a typical gun. He used a bayonet instead because he wasn't the best shot, but was good with a blade
One day, while spending time with his father, and while he was a boy, Cal asked him where Mother was. Tibe simply answered that she was here and Cal could find and talk to her, if he wanted. Cal corrected himself by asking, "No, where's my mother? Uncle Julian's sister?" Tibe was very uncomfortable, but answered, after a long moment, "She's not around. Not anymore." Cal asked if she'd come back and Tibe shook his head
Elara was not Cal's biggest fan. She thought he was a spitting image of Coriane and was too emotional, even when he was training as a soldier
Someone started a false rumor that Elara was sleeping with Volo Samos. Because he was constantly drinking and in a giggly mood, Elara thought Tibe started the rumor, which he denied knowing anything about, despite how funny it was. After the rumors died down, Julian admitted to Sara that he started the rumor
In addition to knowing Morse, Tibe was also fluent in signing (one of his commanders was deaf)
Maven had always wondered what was happening in the Lakelands. Cone King's Cage, he'd get his answer
Cal did learn how to speak the language of the Lakelanders, but it ultimately grew rusty as time went on
Cal does not drink very often. It's only on special occasions, and even then he only has a small amount of alcohol
During Theory lessons, Cal actually got raptured ear drums from the blanks being shot of near his head. It wasn't too bad at first, but he noticed something was wrong when he was eating dinner with his family and couldn't hear their utensils against their plates or the conversation they were having. Sara started healing his ears after every Theory lesson and he had to spend some time in the library with Julian
Onto Dorothy Must Die:
Thank goodness she went to Oz, because for a while Amy watching and reading Willy Wonka/Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
Before he parents got divorced, Amy was quite the gamer. She also learned more from reading magazines and hearing gossip
Dorothy never got the chance to really talk to Tommy. He was bummed out when she disappeared again, but he never forgot the girl who traveled over the rainbow
Amy is a future relative of Tommy's, like his neice or cousin (maybe his grand daughter?)
Amy does not like farms. At all. If you take her on a date to a farm, don't expect a second date
Dustin felt guilty when Amy was taken to Oz; he thought she'd ran away
To calm himself down when he was stressed, Nox would sit under the stars and listen to everything around him, a habit that he kept up in Kansas
Pete used to have a small crush on Nox, and some jealously, but that all changed when he saw the "no nonsense" guy he was. And it got weird when he thought about Nox's history
I already made a post on this, but screw it: DO NOT TOUCH NOX'S HAIR
One of the first things Amy made Nox watch was the Final Destination series and Breaking Bad. He laughed for the most part, but was quick to leave the hall and bathroom as fast as he could so no acid dissolved bodies would fall on him (watch Breaking Bad, you'll see what I mean)
Nox isn't exactly a dog person. Nothing against domestic dogs, but he had a run-in with one of The Lion's wolves, one that led to a severely close call and a disinterest toward dogs.
If you time it just right, you can find Nox free soloing up Mount Gilikin, no gear, no ropes, just his bare hands and feet. He doesn't usually fall because he's good at climbing.
Amy and Nox do actually get their own pets: Amy gets a hamster and names it Jellia. Nox caves and gets two cats (his landlord's okay with it as long as Nox doesn't try to smuggle in the raccoon he found in the dumpster), a black cat named Cave and an oriental shorthair names Wicked
Surprisingly, Madison, Dustin, Amy, and Nox hang out quite often, which helps Nox big time since he's kinda new to Kansas
Madison got Nox into Naruto and some other funny meme stuff. Amy still hasn't forgiven her. Or Nox
And there's the Headcanons part 2... which no one probably asked for...
Oh, well, hope you all still enjoyed!!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
How 6a Foreshadowed Beth’s Return in S10/S11
Okay Everyone! This will be long and sprawling. In other words, very typical me. ;D
Let me preface it by saying that there are three things that have been floating around in my mind over the past week: the Phantom of the Opera template, the Pied Piper Template, and then I kept having the thought that maybe I should go back to 6a and look at Operation Lead the Walkers Away again. I’m not even sure why I kept thinking that. Maybe it’s just the obvious fact that we’re dealing with TF being surrounded by a huge horde in S10, so there could possibly be some parallels there. But I didn’t know for sure, beyond what we’ve already seen in the past.
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I finally went back and watched a bunch of 6a episodes this past week. Boy was I in for a treat. ;D
Pied Piper Template:
Let’s start with the Pied Piper. My fellow theorists and I had discussed this briefly, though not in great detail. The reason we came up with it at all is because we’ve seen so many rats this season. I think we saw them 3 times, but I’m already forgetting where one of them was.
We saw a bunch of rats running ahead of the walker horde near Yumiko and Kelly. Then we had Negan equating rats with possums. Which is super important because that links Beth to the rat symbolism through the possum, in a 6-Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon sort of way. ;D 
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And I think we saw a dead rat in a cage. Originally, I couldn’t remember when. I remember thinking the cage looked a lot like the ones in the pet shop in 6a, and I was hoping we would see a dead dog inside (twisted as that sounds) because it would've been more Sirius symbolism. But it wasn't a dog, it was a rat. And I was disappointed. Looking through screenshots, I found it. It was during the Michonne/Virgil episode. She found a dead rat in a cage when she was snooping around his compound.
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The conundrum I have with the Pied Piper symbolism is that I'm not sure exactly how we’re meant to interpret it. Obviously, there is a major musical theme in that legend, and that's good. But at the same time, the Pied Piper (the one who played music and therefore the one who would probably be equated with Beth) was kind of an evil character. He led the children away (and Beth does have a child and baby theme around her) but he basically led them to their deaths and separated them from their parents. Really doesn't sound like a very Beth-ish thing to do. So again, it's not that I doubt the template being used. I just wasn't sure exactly how to interpret it.
Then I got this ask in my inbox. It totally kicked me in the butt and sent me somersaulting down a tunnel. Check it out.
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So, to answer the Nonny who asked it, I really don’t think Carol will figure very heavily in the actual “leading away” of the walkers. She’s around, of course. She and Kelly were seen filming separately from others in part of the city, so I think they’re going to have their own arc, separate from Daryl’s. I have some evidence for this belief based on foreshadows we saw in 6a. I’ll get to that in a minute. That said, thank you SO MUCH for this ask. I really led to a lot of clarity for me, which I’m about to explain in the rest of this post.
6x01: Operation Lead the Walkers Away commences
I've totally never thought to equate the Pied Piper template with Operation Lead the Walkers Away. Maybe I should have. Why haven't I? Probably because they didn't actually use music to lead the walkers in 6a. There was some noise, such as the noise the flare guns made, but for the most part they used flashing lights and the motion of the cars. Not music. So. it just didn't occur to me.
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But I think this Nonny is completely right and onto something. It's what made me go back and watch a good portion of 6A.
My mind started spinning with all these possibilities.
The basic premise of what I’m about to say here is that Operation Lead the Walkers away in 6a was a foreshadow what's happening now with Alpha’s/Beta’s horde. And that's super important because in my mind, it shows the Beth is about to be back.
Like, right now.
With all the social media stuff they're doing, I think it's pretty obvious that Beth will show up in the finale, but this cements it for me.
So, Nonny suggests that Beth and Carol will lead the walkers away, but I don’t think so. Carol was nowhere around the horde in S6. She was back at Alexandria fighting the wolves. But remember this decomposing chica?
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Everyone on TD equated her with Beth and she’s not only leading the horde, but is directly behind Daryl most of the way. So, I don’t think Daryl and Carol will lead the walker horde away from the hospital in S11.
I think Beth and Daryl will.
Think about it. That’s how Beth fits into the Pied Piper template. She won’t be leading children away (who knows if they’ll even use that part of the template at all?), she’ll be leading rats away, and in TWD world, rats = walkers. This entire sequence in 6a was one big foreshadow of what would be going on when Beth returns. There will be a walker horde storyline, and she and Daryl will be leading them away from Alexandria/TF.
Hence, why this blond, female, Beth-ish walker is so front and center during the entire sequence. Also, just for the record, this walker ends up front and center just before Glenn falls off the dumpster, which also equates her with the death fake out. Just saying.
Next up: the Sasha/Abraham dynamic. This is an edit I made and have reposted several times. 
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There are some significant shots where it shows a lineup of Sasha, Abraham, and Daryl from the side. We also hear Glenn was counting 1, 2, 3 at the tractor place. I think the “1, 2, 3” could represent the three parts of the 15-season arc. One is Bethyl being together (Sashraham). Two is Daryl alone. Three is Beth’s return (Blond walker).
After 6x06, I came to realize that Sasha and Abraham were a Bethyl proxy. Once I realized that, I took Daryl being beside them as a way to associate him with them or them with him. To show that they were proxies of Beth and Daryl. But it's a lot more than that. It not only shows that there were proxies of Beth and Daryl, but it's a way to show that Beth and Daryl together (i.e. Sasha and Abraham) will end up leading the walker horde together.
(By the way, not all of this will probably happen in the finale. I'm thinking this can be a big part of the story line 11 A.)
So, here's the thing that really killed me about 601. Just as the horn goes off and the walkers start leaving the road and heading toward Alexandria, we see a sign advertising the mansions of Alexandria. 
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There's an eight on it. It says they started 800K. And then at the top of the sign is the phrase, "You're almost home." For me, that shows that this is a foreshadow of something that will happen eight years later, and will bring the Sirius character home.
6x02: Enid’s Backstory and the Wolves
We’ve always seen a lot of Beth parallels in Enid’s backstory. And we’ve never known exactly why they used her for those parallels, though there have been plenty of theories over the years.
We have to look at 6a as a whole rather than at each episode in a vacuum. If you do away with the episode break between 6x01 and 6x02, we have is a situation where they showed that sign (800 K/“you're almost home”) and the very next thing we see is this girl on the outside alone who survives and ends up at the gates of Alexandria.
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That's why there's so much that symbolism around Enid in this sequence. We were spot on back then. She is most definitely a proxy for Beth, but she wasn't a proxy for Beth back in S6. She's a proxy for Beth coming up in season 10/11. Also, that red jacket she's wearing? Red equals resurrection, right? So the point is, they're telling us that in conjunction with a great big walker horde, the Sirius character will return, it will happen eight years after the time period of 6A, and that a female character who's been out on her own for a while will show up at the gates of Alexandria. Oh, and she’ll be a resurrected character. 
The Wolves
Let’s talk about the wolves, who we’ve long equated with the Whisperers. There's been a lot of conjecture about the gray ninja being from a new group. So, in the middle of Operation Lead the Walkers Away, a new group shows up at Alexandria (the wolves). Now, we have another huge walker horde storyline, and a new group (the gray ninja) has shown up. My point is just that the parallels are there.
Carl and Enid in 6x02. This is SO great, guys, and something we never could have recognized back in S6.
When the Wolves first show up, Carol sees them out the window. Carl comes running down the stairs holding a gun and says that he saw them from upstairs and they’re coming in from everywhere. Carol then tells him to STAY THERE AND PROTECT JUDITH.
This jumped out at me because, in terms of what this foreshadows in S10, who is the one who is protecting Judith right now? It's Daryl. Rick is gone, Carl is gone, and even Michonne is gone. So, Daryl is Judith's protector and mentor right now.
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Long story short, Enid and Carl represent Beth and Daryl in the sequence. It's a foreshadow for things that will happen when Beth returns in S10/S11.
So, Enid gets into the house of a set of KEYS. Obviously, that's a huge symbol because, Key Theory. Carl almost shoots her before realizing that it's her. Random aside: I wonder if this will end up happening in some way with Beth and Daryl. He’ll think she's whisperer or something and almost shoots her before she reveals herself.
Enid says she's leaving, and Carl says she isn't. He says she needs to stay there and help him protect Judith. (Again, obviously with Rick and Michonne and Carl gone, Beth would stay with Daryl and help protect Judith.) Also, keep in mind that Enid and Carl were Bethyl proxies in terms of their romance and they did the intertwined fingers hand hold in S7. Just saying.
Then we have lots of interesting Beth dialogue. Carl (Daryl) says, "Don't tell me goodbye." Enid replies, "Okay. I won't tell you goodbye." I think we could interpret this a couple of different ways. On the one hand, perhaps it shows that once Beth returns, there will be no more goodbyes between her and Daryl. That's definitely my favorite interpretation.
But to be fair, Enid was being sneaky here and using a play on words. She didn't tell him goodbye, but she still left. She snuck out when he wasn't looking. That may just equate to Beth not saying goodbye to Daryl when they were first separated in S4/S5. So, another way to equate Enid with Beth. Maybe we should be reading other things into this as well, but if so, we probably won’t know what they are until they play out in the show.
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During the Enid/Carl/Don’t-tell-me-goodbye scene, Enid said something interesting. She was saying that Alexandria was too big to protect. Too many blind spots (so, a Beth proxy talking about blindness). And then she said, “That’s how we—” and Carl cut her off.
I don’t know if everyone remembers this, but when it aired, there was a lot of conjecture about Enid being part of the Wolves group. Like maybe they sent her in ahead of time as a scout. Obviously. that wasn’t the case, but it’s because of this line that people thought it. I still have no idea what the end of this sentence would have been, but I’m wondering now if it was merely symbolic. Maybe it will make sense the second time around? Thought that was worth mentioning.
We definitely several bicycles when the wolves attacked. And at one point, Carl leaves the house to help Ron. When they focus on Enid, standing on the porch, she's framed by a yellow doorway. I thought that was interesting. And remember that, after Enid leaves and meets up with Glenn in 6x07, we see her playing with a little red firetruck in the café.
I’m also wondering how far the Carl/Enid = Beth/Daryl metaphor will extend. In 6x05, we had the slap fight between Ron and Carl,
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and it occurred to me that Ron represents a second love interest for Beth. I know, I know. We don’t like to think of her having any love interest except Daryl.
For me, I always think that maybe there will be someone in her group that is interested in her, but she doesn’t really reciprocate. (You could argue that this was true of Enid, as she often lied to Ron about leaving Alexandria and was ALWAYS looking at Carl.) So, I’m wondering if this foreshadows circumstances when Beth shows up, or if it doesn’t extend that far and is JUST meant to be a Carl/Enid thing. That could be the case, too.
Okay, let me deviate for a minute and talk about Morgan. At some point, I had the random thought that Morgan was one person who would not be part of the sequence in S10. In the same way a lot of the characters that were alive in S6 are now dead, he was there in S6, but now he's gone to FTWD, so I don't expect to see him when what S6 foreshadowed comes to pass in S10.
Or should we expect to see him?
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As soon as I had that thought, things started jumping out at me about Morgan. For one, there's the conversation with Michonne about the peanut butter protein bar. A lot of people commented on that back then and how it was discontinuous. Because if you go back and watch Clear, Michonne is clearly not eating a protein or granola bar. It looks and crunches like potato chips. Back when S6 first aired, I also didn't understand peanut butter symbolism. It’s still a discontinuity, but if they’re changing something like that, in a way that fans can easily figure out and scorn them for, there's got to be a good reason for it. In short, they probably changed it specifically to put in the peanut butter symbolism.
Now, the peanut butter is definitely a Beth symbol. It also strikes me that we have Rick, Michonne, and Morgan together in the shot. As of right now, Rick is with the helicopter people in Michonne is going there to get him. So, it could be that Morgan will run into them inside the helicopter group in some way. (Just as a reminder, all these characters have their own arcs and while we focus on Beth symbolism, each character’s arc is probably foreshadowed in much the same way, and we just don’t realize it because we don’t focus on anyone else.)
We definitely have hints that the FTWD characters will run into the helicopter group at some, right? So many the peanut butter symbolism is more about Rick than anything else. I'm not sure, but it's interesting.
Then, we have the part when Morgan holds Judith on the porch while he's talking to Rick. It’s interesting because Judith is such a huge part of the storyline right now, and maybe this foreshadows that Morgan might have something to do with her storyline when this sequence comes back around in S10.
He’s also the one who reaches the wolf truck with Spencer and silences the horn.
Yes, I know he's on FTWD and that would constitute a major time jump for his arc, but I always think it would be cool if anybody from Fear suddenly popped up on TWD. It doesn't even have to be Morgan. I'd be super happy to suddenly see John Dorie show up in the woods or something. (I answered an ask mentioning this yesterday, btw.) But I digress.
Here’s the next thing that’s super crazy. I…well, didn't exactly forget, but I wasn't thinking about this at all until I did my re-watch. The truck that hit the church, that was driven by the wolves, the one whose horn began to blare and pull the walkers off the road? Do you remember what kind of truck it was? It was one of those Dell Arno trucks. The one that says, “how the harvest gets home” on one side.
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Back in 5x16, when Daryl and Aaron first triggered the wolf trap, EVERYONE equated this with Beth. I don’t want to go into the specific symbolism now, but it has to do with life and growth and coming home. So, in short, the harvest = Beth. Yet another reason we thought she would “come home” in conjunction with the wolves.
But do you see? This may be the best thing I found in the episode. It means the "new group" that shows up during the S10 walker horde storyline is going to be how the harvest (Beth) gets home. Boom! Confirmation. Right there. She’s got to either be this ninja, or with this ninja’s group.
6x03: Pet Shop, Glenn’s Death Fake Out, Rick’s Epic Marathon, and the Weirdness of Daryl
Onto episode 603. There’s definitely some interesting stuff having to do with Rick and his storyline. Episode 3 is Glenn’s death fake out, of course, but also had the parts where we saw Rick running along the road for long stretches of time. He ran on foot back around the route and got into the RV, right?
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Well, the RV had yellow balloons tied to it. Rick got into the vehicle with the yellow balloons tied to it and drove away. I'm thinking that's pretty much the same thing as him escaping through the yellow carnival ride in 7x12. This is a very early foreshadow of him having a death take out and escaping death. (Which could also be why they included Glenn's line of "good luck, dumbass" from S1.) Then we have the RV not starting for him near the end of the episode and at the beginning of 6x05, he comes running up to the gates on foot. Not sure exactly how to interpret that but I think it's interesting and probably a foreshadow.
(A note on 604: Morgan’s Big Episode. I didn't rewatch it. I don't think I need to go over the specific symbolism in it. While it’s important (remember it has a goat named Tabitha, who was resurrected in the bible) it’s not terribly applicable here except to say that, like Enid’s backstory squence, it's once again important that they interrupted this whole sequence to show us Morgan's back story and the massive Beth parallels in it.)
Remember the weirdness of Daryl? I’ve posted about this more than once. (HERE) His behavior in 603 was just really strange. First, he abandoned Sasha and Abraham to go back and help Rick, but he couldn't find him. Then he heard gunshots on the radio and started to freak out because he didn't know where Rick was or if he needed help. Then, with no explanation and without telling anyone, he simply met up with Sasha and Abraham again and stayed with them. I just thought it was weird that he suddenly changed his mind and it didn't explain what his thought process was.
Meanwhile, on a panel after that episode aired, someone asked Norman about it. He was obviously very reluctant to answer, because he didn't want to give spoilers, and all he said was that Daryl did it for more than Rick. There was more of a reason for it than just that. Once again, that's never been explained. I think I know what it means now. 
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What I'm thinking here is that this foreshadows Daryl finding out Rick is still alive. Warning: this may not be anybody's favorite idea, but I’m just putting out there what I’m seeing. If Sasha and Abraham represent Bethyl. and we have Daryl leaving and them getting mad at him, maybe we’ll reach a point in the story where Daryl finds out Rick is alive and leaves to go find him.
While I'm obviously not in favor of Beth and Daryl splitting up ever again, right about this time, rumors of this Daryl Dixon movie started circulating. I know it's not official. It hasn't been greenlighted. So, it's not something we can really count on. But people are really misinterpreting what's being said as well. If they do the Daryl Dixon movie, it will be between seasons. Which means he would probably be the finale of one season, they’ll do this at this to the movie in the off-season, and then he would be there again for next season. I really don't see Norman not being on the show for any stretch of time. But this opens up some interesting possibilities.
Understand, I'm assuming Beth would be back in 10×16. And there will probably be another Operation Lead the Walkers Away/Pied Piper template in 11a. Probably not much time will pass during that. Maybe only a few days. So, let's say hypothetically after that, Daryl learns that Rick is alive. I'm thinking of the sequence in 6a where he leaves Sashraham to go find Rick. Neither of them were very happy about that. Plus, there were major Beth vibes, both in Daryl saying, “Nah. I have faith in ya.” And in Rick’s walkie-talkie speech, where he said, “This…is for them.”
So, if Daryl goes, maybe Beth will be angry at him for leaving. But think about that. If he leaves, he would leave her in charge, and she would be the sheriff.
Again, these are just possibilities. It may be much more symbolic than this. And you could also interpret it as that he THOUGHT about leaving Sashraham, but didn’t really. I mean, he did for a few minutes, but he didn’t REALLY go back and help Rick. So maybe it will just be a small part of things rather than something he actually does. I can see someone saying that Rick would want him to stay and watch over Rick and Michonne’s kids, and that convinces him to stay. And incidentally, that would parallel well with Rick’s speech over the walkie in 6a about staying the course and seeing things through. (“This is for them. If we go back now, it will be for us.”)
Phantom of the Opera Template
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Full Disclosure: I’ve been mildly obsessed with the idea of the Phantom of the Opera template lately. There are really two reasons I keep fixating on this. One is just because I think it would be awesome. I’m totally rooting for it. ;D
From a more symbolic standpoint, it's because of Daryl's, "I never sung out in public before," line. I can just see that coming to pass in the Phantom of the Opera template storyline.
I will say that I can also see it happening in this Pied Piper storyline. Because I'm assuming that Beth and Daryl lead the walker away together, they will probably use music to do it.
I'm not saying Daryl will embrace his inner Miley Cyrus and suddenly belt out pop music, but if Beth is singing, and he's helping her in any way—perhaps if he holds a radio or something to contribute to the music and bring walkers toward them—I think that would qualify as satisfying the foreshadow. They’ll be out in front of people and sort of on display with something musical going on.
It’s too bad juke boxes are huge and need to be plugged in. I’d be all for Daryl holding one up over his head like John Cusack in…whatever that 80s film was. ;D
So with that in mind, maybe I don't need the Phantom of the Opera template, right? It's much more likely that it will happen somewhere in the Pied Piper template. I could get behind that 100% and accept that the rest is just my head canon.
Except for one thing.
Do you remember Denise’s storyline in 608/609? Obviously, she's a proxy for Beth. Remember that Creepy Wolf Dude took her captive for a short time, and Greg Nicotero said that he kinda fell in love with her?
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Yeah, sounds like the Phantom of the Opera template to me. At the very least, it shows that someone — probably someone foreshadowed by the wolves, which would be a whisperer—will take Beth captive for time and probably fall in love with her.
I don't know how familiar everyone is with Phantom of the Opera, so let me give you a quick rundown. In the play, the Phantom (that would be Beta because he wore the mask) falls in love with Christine (that would be Beth) who is a singer. At one point in the story, he kidnaps her and her love interest Raoul (obviously Daryl) follows to get her.
The interesting thing is that he doesn't really save her. Don't get me wrong, he shows up and they get away together, but the Phantom gets the better of him and it gets to a point where the Phantom demands that Christine do what he wants, or he’ll kill her lover. I can see something like that happening between Bethyl and Beta. (I mean, we’ve all had the sense that at some point, Beth will save Daryl, right? I’m also thinking of the symbolism of Lydia showing up in a pillar of light to save him from Alpha earlier this season.)
But what really works in terms of Beth's arc is that Christine pretty much saved herself. She agrees to do with the Phantom wants in order to save Raoul, but really, by bringing across harsh truths to him, she basically talks him into letting them go. Which he does.
Now, the Phantom ends up living in the play. He just doesn't end up with Christine. I don't really see the happening with Beta. Because this is TWD, I'm sure they'll kill off Beta at some point. That’s just how they’ll deviate from the template. And remember that Creepy Wolf Dude with Denise was bitten and died.
The other thing I want to talk about is the idea of sexuality in Phantom of the Opera. So, in the story, the Phantom isn’t a rapist. At least, not in a classical sense. Not in a throw-her-down-and-attack-her sort of way. He talks openly of marrying her and even puts her in a wedding dress at some point. BUT he also makes no secret of the fact that he wants to have physical relations with her. And then there’s the fact that he’s forcing her to be with him and she has no choice in the matter. So, it’s a form of rape, but again, not an attack rape so much as a manipulative, Weinstein kind of rape. *shudders* So anyway, obviously I don’t think Beth will be raped or anything (for the record, Christine wasn’t; she and the Phantom never had sex). But I was thinking that if the threat is there with Beta, it could fulfill something I’ve been harping on forever: the idea of Gorman having been a foreshadow of something else to come. I always said the next threat would be bigger and, even just in terms of stature and shoulder width, Beta is definitely a bigger threat than Gorman.
The rest is more general. (I’m almost done; I promise.) In 605, we have Maggie and Aaron in the sewer. And this is more that isn’t very well explained. I know the two walkers they find in there are supposed to be the people Deanna banished, but it still wasn’t explained to my satisfaction.
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There’s also a ladder in there that hits Aaron (Beth proxy) in the forehead and bloodies him. The ladder is usually about people saving themselves or being rescued, so it’s not clear why one was included here, other than symbolically. As this is literally a dark tunnel and in conjunction with Glenn’s death fake out, I’m sure you can see the symbolism. But even so. I’m sure this points to something in S10.
Remember that they showed the sewer grate below Beta’s horde at the hospital, and we’ve seen the sewer at Alexandria be used many times to hide, escape, or sneak around. So, if Aaron = Beth, I’m wondering if Beth and Maggie will use that sewer beneath the hospital in S10 to either get into the hospital, or get people out of the hospital.
When Rick is attacked in the RV by wolves, he finds that jar of baby carrots, right? For the first time, that is making sense beyond just the carrot symbol. Because the carrot symbol is a thing, but why have it in this sequence? Again, to show that when this happens again with the horde, we’ll reach the second phase of Beth’s story, and the carrot doesn’t mature until its second season of growth. The second time around, if you will.
The last thing I’ll talk about briefly is episode 6x06. I actually didn’t rewatch it for this post, but that’s because I know that episode backwards, forward, and inside out. The short of it is that 6x06 is chalk-full of Beth symbolism that points to Daryl meeting Beth out in the woods.
So without getting into the nitty-gritties, much like Enid’s backstory and Morgan’s backstory, it’s just significant that they put this episode here, in conjunction with the walker horde storyline. Everything about 6a was hinting at Beth’s return. It just wasn’t going to actually happen until 8 years later.
I will say that the events of 6x06 do muddle the chronology a bit for me. Everything else points to Beth leading the walker horde away with Daryl, but 6x06 happens AFTER they’ve led the horde away.
So, there’s a good chance I’m interpreting at least some of this a little incorrectly. In fact, just let me reiterate that. I’m sure I’ll have lots of people who disagree at least with parts of this. A lot of this is just me brainstorming and I could turn out to be wrong. That’s totally fine. 
But the rock-bottom line? Who cares! Everything points to Beth’s return in conjunction with the walker horde story line. So if I’m a little off about some or all of this, I’m cool with that. As always, it will make more sense as it unfolds in the show.
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tozierpunks · 5 years
“I love you both, so much.”
A commission for my buddy, my pal @whatidoisxsecret. Something I call lemon fluff, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Featuring: Bill x Mike x Richie. Hanzier/Hanbrough/Bichie. Whatever we wanna call that. lol And a warning: it’s finna get mildly nsfw.
One of Richie’s records played quietly in the background. A total of two candles were lit, accompanied by some incense. For Mike, Bill, and Richie, this was what they could afford on their budget. The trio crammed themselves into a one bedroom apartment, decorated with second-hand furniture they found on street curbs or just far enough from the dumpster to deem safe. Their mattress, mostly flattened due to years of use, was picked up from a neighbor - thanks to a Craigslist ad.
Below their apartment, they could hear the cars and music from nearby nightclubs. New York was their dream city growing up, and they finally made it. None of them cared how much (or how little) they had.
Tonight they christened in their new bed, eager to retire their old sleeping bags.
Bill sat between Mike’s legs, Mike’s cock buried deep inside him. One hand held Bill’s throat, the other rested firmly on his flat belly. He moved it only to brush his fingers through Richie’s wild mane of hair. As Mike kissed Bill, Richie busied himself by sucking his cock. It didn’t take long at all for Bill to cum, having the most attention.
“A top, a bottom, and a verse walk into a bar.” Richie would sometimes joke.
Mike was the constant top, Bill was the faithful bottom, and Richie demanded a bit of both.
The first time they had a threesome, he jokingly said the words “fuck train,” and understandably, Bill and Mike were no longer in the mood.
If he was the worst with words, then Bill was the best, gifted with the ability to sweet talk (and dirty talk) either boy into a weak puddle. Meanwhile Mike, who also had a way with words, showed more through his actions. He was the one who remembered allergies and preferences, and who thought to order Chinese when Bill insisted he would cook, knowing damn well he wouldn’t. This wasn’t to say Richie brought little to the table; Mike saw his worth when no one else did. Richie made them happy, and yes, they all made each other happy, but Richie didn’t even have to try. He could smile and make the whole room feel better. He was magic.
Slipping two fingers into Bill’s mouth, letting him suck on them, Mike thrusted his hips a few more times before his cock throbbed and he came inside Bill. Richie’s head bobbed as he sucked Bill off, his own cock soft by now. He usually came first, sandwiched between Mike and Bill when they had sex. This usually worked for Bill and Mike, seeing as Richie would preoccupy himself with going down on one of them. Although they would never admit it, Richie gave the best blowjobs.
There was a time he made Mike cum so hard, a shot of it landed on their bedside lamp, frying on the piping hot bulb. Richie laughed until he couldn’t breathe, and he never failed to mention the story at least once a month. Over dinner, no less.
Another time, he went down on Bill when they were alone on the subway. He bet Bill he could make him cum before they reached the next stop - winner buys sandwiches from the deli. Mike looked up when they returned home, seeing Richie waltz in with an armful of subs and a cheesy grin stretching from ear to ear.
“Fuh-fuck!” Bill stammered, cumming down Richie’s throat. Circling his thumb and forefinger around his balls, Richie didn’t stop sucking until Bill bucked his hips and pushed him off. “I’m not Mike, babe.” He was breathless, a small smile on his face. Richie learned exactly what his boys liked from their blowjobs; Bill was painfully sensitive after an orgasm, while Mike liked being sucked off until he was soft again.
“My bad, Billy,” Richie said, crawling over to Mike. Taking Mike’s cock in his mouth, he lowered his head slowly, licking off the cum. Bill didn’t hesitate to drape himself over Richie, kissing down his shoulders and back. His legs were tangled with Mike’s, who leaned his back against the wall.
The paint peeled around them, but they paid no mind. A lot of the little filthy details went unnoticed when they first examined the apartment. They were just too excited to care. An apartment in New York meant freedom. It meant being who they were as best friends and lovers for the first time in their entire lives. Growing up in Derry, sure they had their other friends, coming together as a band of losers against the world... but they all wanted more. Needed more.
During the summer gay marriage became legal, Mike suggested they move to New York. It wasn’t radically far from home, but it was far enough that they could find their place in the world.
Richie originally had his sights set on California, but he knew perfectly well how close Mike was with his parents. He didn’t want there to be any excuse for him to miss a Thanksgiving or Christmas, so he agreed on the big apple. New York’s comedy scene was better anyways.
Bill was willing to follow Richie anywhere. The two grew up together, knowing each other since diaper days. When they were kids, Bill would tell scary stories over a fire in his backyard, leaving Richie unable to sleep for the rest of the night. It didn’t help they usually spent it in Bill’s treehouse. It especially didn’t help when his kid brother, Georgie, would peek from his window and wave creepily at Richie.
Their first kiss was in that treehouse.
Before Bill’s dad tore it down, Richie and Bill climbed up for one last hurrah. The lied on the creaky planks, listening to an old Linkin Park CD from Bill’s emo phase (which Richie didn’t believe he fully grew out of). Bill asked if he could try something, and he kissed Richie. Neither of them said anything, but they didn’t need to. Richie grabbed a fistful of his hair and crushed his lips against Bill’s for a second kiss.
“Bill?” Mike tilted his head up, his eyes following Bill as the scrawnier boy stood up.
“I’m gonna get a towel,” he said, disappearing into the bathroom. Richie and Mike could hear the water running, and Bill returned moments later with a damp rag. Gingerly wiping the cum from Richie’s stomach, he left soft kisses along his pelvis. When he turned to clean off Mike, distracted by folding the rag, Mike grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him in for a deeper kiss. His tongue glossed over his bottom lip, flicking against the tip of Bill’s tongue.
Richie sat up, impatiently waiting for his turn.
There used to be a time when Bill was the impatient one. When Richie first introduced Mike to him, Bill couldn’t help but noticed the way their eyes lingered on each other. He wanted to step between them. Keep them apart. They talked about music Bill didn’t like; Mike introduced Richie to sounds and ideas he’d never had himself.
When he caught them kissing in Richie’s room, Bill thought he’d been punched in the gut. He couldn’t breathe as he ran down the stairs and escaped the house he’d spent so much of his childhood in. Richie followed after him, but he didn’t hear half of what his best friend said. They hadn’t mentioned their kiss since it happened, but Bill assumed Richie understood.
He loved him.
Surprisingly, it didn’t take much for Bill and Mike to get along. Mike sought him out at school, asking about the book he was reading. He explained how much he liked Richie, but he would back off if Bill was already starting something with him. Bill wanted to agree, but then Mike added an “or” to his statement. He teased the idea of a friendly competition, but didn’t mean it. Richie would love who he wanted to love.
“You can’t ask Richie Tozier to make a choice. He’ll end up choosing both on everything,” Bill said.
Mike contemplated that for a moment before going, “I wouldn’t mind.”
He winked at Bill and the rest was history. Bill had never been so charmed by a boy since knowing Richie, but somehow, Mike managed. Although it might’ve seemed silly to anyone else, the moment Bill fell for Mike, was when he rode Bill’s old bike. Good old Silver had seen better days, but Mike offered to repair the bike, and even grease up the poor thing’s joints to make it ride more smoothly. He mounted it when he was done, riding around his lawn and laughing. The clicks from the fresh spoke cards rang out loudly.
Bill couldn’t help but laugh too, a warm smile replacing his distrustful expression.
“Blow out that candle, would you, Rich?” Bill asked as he snuggled against Mike. Richie fanned out the tiny flame, crawling over to cuddle against Mike’s free side.
Lying between them, Mike pet their heads, savoring their warmth. Whenever the heater broke in the winter, he had his boys to keep him toasty. They had each other, as a matter of fact.
And when it was too hot outside, they could lounge around the apartment naked without a care.
When they got drunk at the bars below, singing at the top of their lungs as they stumbled across cobblestone streets, at least one of them (Bill) was smart enough to hydrate, and could take care of the others in the morning.
When Mike forgot something, Richie didn’t.
When Bill cried, Mike and Richie comforted him. No or. He needed both.
They completed each other in ways most couples didn’t think about.
Bill and Richie leaned over Mike’s chest, kissing each other before coming down to kiss Mike. He laughed as they pushed each other for access to his mouth, and when they returned to his sides, he squeezed them closer.
“I love you both, you know,” he whispered. “I love you both so much.”
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benisasoftboi · 5 years
So on Friday night I made this post:
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Which I expected that maybe ten, twenty people would see? I didn’t think anyone would really care about a joke about something so old and obscure, and it would just get lost in all the Detective Pikachu stuff. Instead, within five hours, it had become my most popular post. 
I know it’s still not a huge number, but it’s still way more attention than I’ve ever received for anything... ever, so I’ve been thinking about Pokemon Live a lot since. Which has been bad, because this morning I had to take a very important political economy exam, and instead of thinking about Bretton Woods or Marx, I was thinking about Pokemon. I nearly referred to my country’s former Prime Minister as ‘David Camerupt’. It wasn’t good. 
I need to expunge my thoughts. Specifically, my thoughts on one topic in particular - the way this show treats, or rather mistreats, the character of James. Because I truly, truly love Pokemon Live. I do. It’s one of the most glorious dumpster fires I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching a poor quality recording of. But this is the one thing I definitely don’t love.
I don’t expect anyone to read this. I mean, I said that last time, but this time I really don’t. It’s a long essay on a niche topic, and it isn’t even funny. But on the off chance it’ll get you to stick with me, I promise that there will be pictures of Andrew Rannells cuddling puppies at the end. 
How Pokemon Live Mistreats James, and Why It Matters:
The Mandatory Mentioning of The Actor
I’m guessing anyone who knows anything about Pokemon Live also knows that now highly successful, Tony-nominated Broadway and television actor Andrew Rannells was in it playing James. And if you didn’t, now you know why I’ve mentioned him twice now. I’m a big fan of this guy.
He hated this role. Absolutely despised it. Apparently the show was a miserable environment to work in for everyone. The costumes were uncomfortable. The audiences were unbearable. There’s a making of for this show, which can be viewed on YouTube in its entirety - I’ve watched the whole thing more than once and you can see in every cast member’s eyes - there’s no light there. They’re all dead inside. It’s almost heartbreaking.  
To be clear - he’s the only one of these people I, or anyone else I’ve seen, ever makes fun of for this show. And that’s because he’s fine. He’s fine! He’s done very well for himself and talking about it won’t hurt his career, and there’s just always something really hilarious about seeing very successful people in terrible things, isn’t there? Chris Hemsworth in Saddle Club, Zach Braff in Babysitter’s Club, literally everyone in Foodfight. It’s not malicious or in any way intended to be punching down - just poking fun at a really good actor’s really bad early work. It’s not even really making fun of him, more that he was in this.
But there is one reason he hated the role that I don’t find so funny, and that’s that he felt the people that wrote the thing had made James a grossly over-the-top, borderline-to-over-the-line (depending on your tolerance) homophobic stereotype. And... yeah. They undeniably did that.  
Rannells understandably dislikes the character, and to be honest - that makes me a little sad. Knowing that musical!James is probably the only version of the character he (and likely a lot of parents who saw the show, and other cast members) ever really encountered, that’s a huge shame. Because if we go back to the anime the musical’s based on, the one I, and many others, grew up on, James is quite different. In fact, I personally consider anime!James to be the best character in the entire Pokemon franchise.
Why We Love Team Rocket 
Just want to quickly note that I can only discuss the anime up to about halfway through the Sinnoh seasons - I’ve seen basically nothing after that. My childhood was some original series, a lot of Hoenn, and a fair bit of early Sinnoh (somehow skipped over Johto almost entirely, don’t really know how that happened). If any of this is now not accurate, well - it’s not really relevant for this discussion anyway, but I still apologise. 
The Team Rocket trio, James especially, is, pretty queer-coded. This is not unusual for villainous characters in children’s media before the 2010s, so much so that I would guess that a lot of the time it wasn’t even being done deliberately - it was just that common a trope that it was all but expected your show would have at least one flamboyantly effeminate, villainous bloke. And James - especially early James - has no qualms about showing his feminine side:
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Notice that Jessie adopts masculine attire to match - she doesn’t always do this, but I like that they have her at least do it sometimes. 
Team Rocket’s disguises became less and less likely to involve cross dressing as the show went on, but it’s one of the things best remembered about them. James also has a strong association with roses, and possesses several other feminine mannerisms. Arguably he’s far more downplayed than most other villains of the type (even more so than others present in Pokemon - Harley’s a great example, who was also, coincidentally, played by Andrew Rannells), but it’s present. And while yes, obviously in real life none of those things should be taken as definitive indication of a person’s orientation, and straight men are perfectly capable of twirling around in pretty dresses - in fact, I fully endorse it - this is fiction. Specifically fiction from the early 2000s. And in fiction, certain things are intended as visual cues and shorthand.
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So I really, really doubt we were supposed to think James is entirely straight (I personally have always thought that he’s actually bi, but I’m not opposed to alternatives). You could make the case, but like. Come on.
But how is this different from musical!James? And how is this different than any other villain like him? Very simple. Anime!James has depth.
Not a tremendous amount. It’s a children’s cartoon made to cash in on a popular video game. But he, and Jessie and Meowth, are among the most well-rounded characters in the show’s cast, in a way that’s actually very relatable. It helps that they aren’t actually very villainous people most of the time. I know so many people who grew up with the show that loved, rooted for, and identified with them over the actual protagonists, by a mile. Myself included - I can remember two separate James-centered episodes that made me cry as a kid.
And these three are particularly beloved by young LGBT adults. We know from their backstories that they all came from rough circumstances - Jessie desperately poor and struggling to get anywhere or be recognised, Meowth having changed a fundamental part of himself in attempt to gain love and instead being ostracised for it, and James running away from an abusive household. They’re three people (/Pokemon) who felt alone in the world, that have now found each other. And whether you view Jessie and James’s relationship as romantic, friendship, or found family, it’s far more compelling than any other relationship in the show, at least to me. They may be criminals, but it’s not hard to see why some kids - especially the kids who might already feel like they’re just a bit different - would latch on to them. 
Even if you didn’t know James’s backstory, he still has a character. He’s frequently shown to be the most moral of the trio, he has a stronger bond with Pokemon than honestly even Ash - even more of a running gag than his flamboyance is the fact that his pets love him so much that they just wanna hug him all the time, with inevitable slapstick consequences - he has dorky hobbies like bottle cap collecting, and he’s even occasionally shown to be a bit of an environmentalist. Yes he is in many ways a stereotypical camp villain - but he’s also more. And that’s why we love him. 
And I’d bet anything there probably were some little boys who watched the show and saw James and thought ‘that guy’s like me!’. And yeah, that guy is a villain, because god forbid a maybe-gay character also be a good guy. But more than any other character like him that I’ve seen, he’s also always been a person. And considering how most of the other options kids like that had at the time were either one-note villains or nothing (and even now it’s sparse pickings) - that’s valuable.
And then there’s Pokemon Live.
*long, long sigh*
Oh, Pokemon Live. You beautiful disaster. 
What did you do to my boy?
Is there nothing that better encapsulates it than the bit where James asks Giovanni where Mecha MewTwo (...I know) “stands on campaign finance reform, social security and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”?
First off, I like that James is politically engaged! Good for him! Completely out of character, but still!
And I do find this line incredibly funny, but I want to be very clear about why I find it funny. The line is funny because referencing a real world American discriminatory military policy in a Pokemon musical is just... so completely absurd. It’s super jarring and when I first watched it, I had to pause it so I could stop laughing about the possible implications of Pokemon Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Is there a Pokemon American military then? Pokemon Democrats and Pokemon Republicans? Pokemon Bill Clinton? POKEMONICA LEWINSKY???
It just raises so many questions.
Also Rannells’s delivery is incredible.
But the thing is, that’s not the joke here, is it? The actual ‘joke’ is ‘HA HA HE’S GAY! HE SAID THAT BECAUSE HE’S GAY!’. Which gets even worse when you think about it and realise that this situation is really just a gay man (I don’t think there’s any doubt about it in this particular incarnation, is there) asking his boss whether or not he thinks people like him should be discriminated against. How is that a joke? (The answer is that it isn’t.)
Which makes it that much more inappropriate for a children’s Pokemon musical, which is sort of, in a dark way, almost funnier. It’s that juxtaposition of something kiddy and cute with something that definitely isn’t. 
But hilarious as I find it, given the chance to I would go back and get rid of that line. I dislike what it implies - that being a gay man is nothing more than a punchline - more than I like the absurdist humour. 
And that’s the whole problem with how they chose to write James for this whole thing. They took a really good example of how you can have this type of villain while also making him a good character, and they turned him into nothing more than a stereotype.
You could say ‘but it’s a much shorter story than a TV show! They wouldn’t have time to make him nuanced!’, to which I would say 1. He doesn’t have to be nuanced, he just has to be slightly more than I’M GAY and 2. There have been 21 Pokemon movies at time of writing, two of which came out before Pokemon Live did. None of them, at least of the ones I’ve seen, committed any character assassinations like this. The first one even had another baffling reference to real world America:
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That’s so out of nowhere and silly that I laugh every time I think about it (the Minnesota Vikings are an American football team, if you didn’t know). See, Pokemon Live! It’s possible to do jokes like that which aren’t at the expense of a minority group! Wow!
The anime even has examples of how you can do the gay jokes and make them funny. They are very rare in the show (beyond the humour of James’s personality), but remember the whole Flaming Moltres joke? It’s actually great. It’s a couple of good puns, it’s possibly Rachael Lillis’s best delivery in the whole show, and, just for confirmation, I’ve shown the clip to a few actual gay men in my life, who all said that they think that it’s very funny, and totally non-offensive. The joke is still ‘lol he gay’, but it’s also a neat play on words, it feels very in character for both of them, and it doesn’t have the same malicious, taunt-y feel of the Pokemon Live ‘joke’.
Look, the Pokemon anime is far from perfect. There are lots of moments where you have to grit your teeth and remember when it came out. But it still gave us a really, really wonderful character, and he absolutely deserved better than this.
Do I Still Love Pokemon Live?
Even with all of this, it’s still an absolute masterpiece of unintentional hilarity. In some ways, this makes it funnier. Of course, of course, it couldn’t just have terrible costumes and a nonsense plot and really, really bad rapping - of course it’s also kind of offensive. Of course it is. Why wouldn’t it be.
And I would love to talk about all the things I genuinely love about it, and maybe I will one day.
But the thing is, it’s also representative of everything that was wrong with gay-coded characters at the time, something that the show it’s based on came way closer to handling well than most other stuff of its time, no less. And that, as a whole, isn’t funny at all.
So I want to be clear. I love laughing at this show because it’s a weirdly earnest cash-in musical for something that definitely shouldn’t be a musical, with endless bizarre, quotable moments - not because the way it warped this character is actually funny. I love laughing at the character’s lines because they’re absurd choices for a Pokemon musical - not because they’re in any way funny on their own. And I love laughing at the fact that Andrew Rannells was in it because he is so much better than this - not because this is what I think he should be reduced to.
And speaking of, here’s those pictures I promised:
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I love one man.
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btsmutimagines · 6 years
Say I Love You
*Hello, this is a monster fic that I probably shouldn’t have written but I just love this show so much*
Hoseok x Reader
Inspired by the anime “Say I love you” 
Word count: 17k (rip to people on mobile)
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I know my editing skills are shit please don’t tell me
You stood in front of your homeroom teacher, her sighing as she pulled out your career sheet. Beside the banal information like your name and signature, the paper was pretty much blank.
“Y/N, how could you not have an idea what you’re going to do with your life? You’re the top of the class, top of the grade but you take everything for granted! The other students say you don’t even speak to them and you’re always alone. At first, I just thought it was because you were focused on school, but it has been the core of your personality.”
“Life isn’t just about school, you have to create relationships and grow with others…” She said more but you started to drown her out when she started to talk about relationships.
Why would you need people?
People were unreliable, unforgiving and ungrateful.
Friends were temporary relationships formed to keep oneself from being alone but, even in a sea of friendships, you would still be lonely.
People need you until they don’t. They will turn their back on you just as quickly as the relationship began. You don’t need people like that, you didn’t need people.
“Y/N, go home and talk with your parents about this. I expect this filled out by the end of this semester.” You took the paper from her, stuffing it in your bag when she was out of sight and walked home.
Your father was still at work, you rarely saw him these days and mostly cared for yourself. You grabbed leftover pizza that your father ordered and heated it up. The silence listened as you ate alone, the greasy pizza warmed up your throat and your stomach was satisfied with the food.
“Jingle?” Your cat leapt up on the counter, looking at you and you petted her back. She was a sleek black cat with blue eyes, such a stunning creature. You rescued her when she was abandoned in a dumpster, Jingle warming up to you and your father quickly and you couldn’t remember a day without her.
She purred to your touch, you smiled at the gentle sound and continued to pet her head and behind her ear.
“I wonder what it would be like to be like you, Jingle. Free to roam wherever I liked, free to be alone if I wanted to. Not having to conform to a stupid society that judges you for not wanting to be around people.” She looked at you, clearly not knowing a word you said but she still meowed at you.
You washed the dishes, going to your room with your cat trailing behind as you pulled out your books. The career sheet came out, crumpled from being shoved in and you scoffed.
You were only 17, still going through your second year of high school and they already want you to decide what to do for the next 50 years? You don’t even know what you’re doing next week, let alone the rest of your life.
You crumpled it up into a ball, tossing it into your garbage can and focused on your homework.
What’s so bad about wanting to live in the now?
You woke up the next morning, Jingle snuggled into you and you woke her up so you could get ready for school. You went to the bathroom, taking a shower and brushing your teeth. You slipped on a fresh pair of underwear, the soft cotton was comforting to your skin and you wore your school uniform.
You left your door open a little, just enough that Jingle could come and go as she pleases and opened the fridge. The fridge was barren, expired milk, an apple and an empty Chinese container. It was time to go shopping again.
You went with the apple, taking a few bites while you checked your watch. You tossed it the rest, not wanting to be late for school and rushing out the door.
Walking down the path to school, kids on bikes passed you by, girls gossiping to one other, boys horsing around, and you kept your pace. You entered the front gate, moving out the way for anyone that was trying to pass you and manage through the front doors.
You went so close to making it to your classroom before you saw two boys and a girl standing near the door. The girl spoke in a high-pitched tone, probably trying to act cute as she chatted with the boys.
“Hobi~ Let’s go out tonight.”
“I don’t know, me and Joon went out last night and-”
“You had all those girls all over you, even the girl I was talking to kept asking me about you! What about the girl you danced with?”
“Hobi, you went out without me and danced with some other girl?!”
“Her? I just talked to her, she seemed nice.”
“Nice?! You didn’t even try to get her number?”
“Oh, was I supposed to? I thought she just wanted someone to dance with.”
“How could you be so popular yet so clueless?”
“I’m glad, that girl probably wasn’t good enough for you.”
“Minyoung, that isn’t nice to say-” You snapped out of your trance when someone bumped into you, receiving a glare and you walked past the trip without a second glance. You could feel eyes on you, you ignored the stares they were probably giving and took your seat.
Eventually one of the boys and the girl entered the classroom, taking their seats and your teacher walked in.
“Class president.”
The day was already halfway through, the bell for lunch ringing and you quietly left the room. You went down to the back of the school, seeing a familiar cardboard box and crouching to see the cat and the small kitten you secretly fed.
They were hiding here, you stumbled upon them when you were staying at school for a bit. You wanted to finish a book that you kept holding off on reading since you spent most of your time studying. You won’t forget the small meow you heard before finding them.
The mother was protective of her baby, something that you expected from her, but she began to grow fond of you after coming back with food for the two of them. The kitten was a messy eater, often having pieces of tuna stuck to his fur and meowing for more food. You gave the kitten a small piece of cheese, worried he might not be able to properly eat if you gave him too much.
Relief washed over you when he licked your finger and you gently scratched under his little chin. He began to play with your hand, his little paws trying to trap your fingers between them and you giggled.
You heard the bell ring again, reluctantly leaving and going back to class. You took your usual seat, ignoring the chatter around you and pulling out your books.
The school day came to an end, you going to your locker to pick up your shoes and walking to the grocery store. Your bag was heavy with books, but you forced yourself to pick everything you thought you need to get through this month.
“Oh, Y/N, it’s been long.”
“Miss Kong.” You bowed to her, she’s the owner of the store and had known your parents for a long time. She once showed you a picture of the three of them when she first inherited the store from her family.
Of course, you faked your interest, just wanting to get back to your house and she didn’t seem to notice your disingenuousness.
“It must be hard to cook for your dad, huh? Your mother always said he was like a toddler.” You simply nodded, ignoring what she said about your mother. Why would she even bring it up?
“Yeah but I have to keep trying, I guess.”
“What a good daughter.” She praised you, your need to get out of the store growing larger as she kept chatting. You wouldn’t say much back, quickly packing your groceries and rushing out of the store.
Your face met a chest as your groceries fell everywhere.
“Oh shoot, sorry.”
“No, it was my fault-” You began picking up things, your hand touching the stranger’s and you looked up. His eyes met yours, his chocolate eyes distracting you for a moment before you snapped out of it.
You picked up the last piece of grocery from the ground and got up at the same time he did.
“Wait, aren’t you the girl from this morning?”
“I-I don’t know what…?”
“You are, I recognize that emotionless expression.” Is this how he talks to complete strangers? How strange of him.
“Is that how you talk to people?” You mumbled before walking away from him, his presence giving you a feeling unfamiliar to you. He called out to you, making you only take off in a sprint and looking back to make sure he wasn’t following you.
Who does he think he is?
It was the same old day, you entered the front door and going to your locker to change your shoes, but you felt someone standing next to your locker door.
“Good morning.” You flinched a little, seeing the boy from yesterday leaning against the lockers and you looked at him, bewildered. How did he even know where your locker was?
“Oh, I didn’t mean to startle you or anything. I just wanted to apologize about the other day. I didn’t mean to sound rude and I was being inconsiderate of your feelings… Please forgive me!” He bowed to you, startling you and you looked around to see others staring at the scene in front of you.
“I-It’s okay.” You stuttered, him standing straight and flashing you a smile.
“Great, I’ll see you around…” You quickly rushed in the other direction, taking the pause as an opportunity to get to class and quickly sitting in your seat.
Why did he feel the need to apologize? People have said worse about you and they won’t do as much as acknowledge your existence.  
What a strange boy.
You didn’t ponder about him any longer, focusing on what your teacher was writing on the board. Your hand quickly wrote notes, catching all the things your teacher spoke about and reading off the board.
The bell rings, lunch had started, and you began to go to your usual spot. You quietly eat lunch, watching the kitten bonding with his mother. Between eating, you fed them some of the chicken you brought and gave them some water from the hose nearby.
You could have sworn you felt like someone was watching you, but you looked back, not seeing a soul and continued to spend your time watching the felines.
Class commenced again, this time you had gym and you went to the change room with the other girls. They were talking about various things, most subjects disinteresting to you and you quickly changed.
“Alright, let’s start with laps, girls!” The majority has groaned in unison, your coach whistling at all of you and you walked on the track. He started his timer, whistling again and the jog began.
You were decent at laps, gym wasn’t a class that you particularly excelled at, but it didn’t mean much to you anyways. Gym wasn’t your future.
“Out the way, turtle!” You heard from behind you, a girl shoving you out her way. She ran past you, you rolled your eyes at her rudeness. Would it kill anyone to be considerate of others?
“Alright, girls, who’re up for soccer?”
Your muscles felt sore, soccer ended up being you running up and down the field without touching the ball once. You would have liked to stand since you weren’t really playing but your teacher had hawk eyes. He wouldn’t miss seeing you not actively participating since ‘you won’t learn if you don’t try’ as he typically tells you.
“Hey!” You pretended to not hear him, walking towards the exit and leaving. A hand grabbed your wrist and yanked you, you let out a yelp and you turned to glare at the owner of the hand.
“Didn’t you hear me back there?”
“I'm guessing you didn’t then, mind if we walk home together?”
“I do mind.”
“I don’t know you. So, can you please…?” You looked at his hand, still around your wrist and he pulled away from you.
Why does he keep appearing?
You were carrying the books for your next class as you ‘volunteered’ (one of the girls in your class shoved the responsibility onto you) and you could barely see over the stack.
“Need some help?”
“A-ah, no.”
“Come on, let me help you.” He took some books from you, revealing his smiling face and you quickly looked away. That weird feeling came back, you broke into a brisk pace and he followed.
“Say, how come you haven’t told me your name?”
“I don’t know yours.”
“O-Oh, you’re right. I’m Hoseok, Jung Hoseok.” Of course, Hobi was just a nickname, Y/N.
“I see…”
“This is the part where you tell me yours.”
“Hobi!” You heard a voice call out to him, seeing a boy and girl jog towards him. You walked off, entering your classroom that just so happened to be close. His friends distracted him, and you took a breath of relief.
You didn’t know if you could stall his questions, he seemed persistent since he managed to find you despite the largeness of the school.
The next class started, the boy from earlier carrying the rest of the books in and the class president passed out the rest.
You excused yourself to the washroom, taking a hall pass from your teacher and going into one of the stalls. After flushing the toilet, you were washing your hands when someone entered the bathroom.
“What are you looking at, mute?” You looked away, drying your hands and walking back to class. You took your seat, picking up from where your teacher left off and letting class distract you until the end of the day.
“Y/N!” You looked over, seeing Hoseok jogging up to you as you put on your shoes and he was grinning.
“You know it’s not nice to ditch people who help you out, Y/N.”
“Sorry.” You mumbled, Hoseok leaning in closer as if he couldn’t catch what you said but the proximity of his face to yours made you push him into the lockers across from you. His hand hit hard on the space where a lock is supposed to go, and you saw others watching the two of you.
“I-I-” You bolted, the gust of air hitting your face as you shut your eyes to run as far away as you could. You could hear their judgemental thoughts even from where you were, how they hate you for hurting him, how you were a senseless mute with no manners, how you thought because you were top of the grade, you could treat anyone how you liked.
These were the kinds of words that you knew they were thinking. These are the kinds of people they are.
Who needs them?
You sat in the courtyard, enjoying the flowers the gardening club planted for their spring project. The vibrant array of coloured tulips, crisp whites of the chrysanthemums, the staple roses along with the bright carnations. These brought you a bit of joy in the otherwise dreary day
“You know, you make it really hard to find you. I guess that’s how you want it to be, huh, Y/N?” You looked to your right, seeing Hoseok a little sweaty but still smiling. Why did he always smile like that?
Why did he always smile around you?
Your eyes shifted from his smile to his hand, seeing a bruise on his hand. How could he still smile with a bruise like that?
“Your hand.”
“Oh, it’s nothing, I’m a lot tougher than I look.” You searched the pocket of your school blazer, feeling the band-aids you usually carried with you and put one in his bruised hand.
“Oh, I don’t think these will be enough-?” You showed him the whole row you kept with you and he took them with you, scratching his head and you picked up your bag from the bench you were sitting on.
“No, wait, this isn’t what I came here for.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, that’s not it either.” You looked at him with a frown, confused. This couldn’t possibly be him finally telling you why he’s been following you around, could it?
“Give me your phone.” You blinked. If he’s trying to steal from you, he’s not doing a very good job at it.
“Ah, no, I’m not stealing your phone, I just want to put my phone number in.”
“So, we can be friends, Y/N.”
“I don’t need friends.”
“Look, I know it was weird that I was talking to you without introducing myself, but I wanted to get to know you and become friends-”
“I told you I don’t need friends.” You cut him off, repeating yourself before walking away.
It was the end of the day, you manage to fend off the deathly glares you were receiving from most of the girls in your grade. They must have gossiped about what happened yesterday. You opened your locker, seeing a few sheets of paper falling to the ground.
You were about to toss them all away, most of them were just insulting you about hurting Hoseok but one of them had numbers on it. You opened it properly, revealing a phone number and Hoseok’s name on the bottom. He also wrote: Call me :) You were tempted to toss it out, but you just folded his note up and slipped it into your pocket.
“Oh, Y/N, here for another shift?”
“Of course!” You worked at a bakery, the lady who lived a few floors below you had been running the place since you moved there, and she offered you the job after you started high school.
You stood behind the counter, seeing a few people in the store looking over the options.
“Excuse me?”
“Yes, how may I help you?” It was a regular customer, she has been coming to the bakery since you started working there and she always bought the same item: three peanut butter chocolate cookies.
“I would like three of the usual.”
“Of course. That will be 1800 won.” She handed you 2000 won, you quickly giving her change and bid him goodbye.
“Please come back again.” You quickly bowed, the next customer walking up to you and you greeted them.
You kept checking people out, eventually, the store became empty and you sat in the back with your boss.
“You seem different, Y/N.”
“You seem more distracted; did you get a boyfriend?”
“Miss Song.”
“Eh, you’re so cute, Y/N~ Love is amazing, isn’t it?”
“I-I don’t have a boyfriend, I swear!” You stammered out, avoiding her eyes and you placed your hands between your knees.
“Don’t be so shy, Y/N~. He’ll come around, I promise.”
“Miss Song!”
You bowed to Miss Song when you left, adjusting your bag and began to walk home. You looked back, just seeing a crowd of people going in multiple directions.
You kept walking, the feeling of someone trailing behind you became hard to shake off when you stopped, and someone rudely pushed past you.
“Can’t you see people are going to places?” They curtly said, and you took the opportunity to look back again, seeing the woman from earlier in the distance trying to be inconspicuous. You pretended to not notice her and walked into a convenience store.
You didn’t bother calling home, knowing your dad wasn’t going to be home since he wrote you a note saying he’s going drinking tonight. You looked over your shoulder, seeing that the woman was still outside and staring at you.
What can you do? Think, Y/N.
You remembered Hoseok’s note, take a deep sigh before dialling his number.
“Jung H-Hoseok?”
The one and only, this is Y/N, right?
“Yes, y-yes.”
Is something wrong? You sound…different… Are you drunk or something?
“I need your help, okay! And I don’t know how to ask you.”
Calm down, Y/N, what can I do for you?
“Can you come to Junko’s Convenience store, please?” You whispered. He hung up on you, your nerves going haywire.
See, Y/N, this is why you don’t need friends. Did you really think he was going to come and save you because you begged him to? There’s nothing in it for him in helping you out. Quit thinking people are going to be there for you.
You shut your eyes, wanting the taunting voice in your head to stop. You knew you were stupid to think he was going to help someone like you, especially after all you’ve done to him…
“I’m an idiot.” You whispered to yourself.
“No, you’re not, Y/N.” You opened your eyes, seeing Hoseok in more casual clothing and visibly panting.
“In the flesh. Are you alright?”
“Y/N?” You clung onto him, almost collapsing on him and he didn’t stay anything.
“I didn’t think you would come… after everything…”
“You called me, why wouldn’t I come? Now, can you explain what’s going on? Unless this is an impromptu date?”
“Can you really joke at a time like this?” You explained to him about what was going on, him stealing a glance at the woman and you looked down at your shoes.
“Looks like you have a stalker, have you seen her before?”
“She came by my job today, she’s a regular. I don’t know why she would be following me.”
“I’ll walk you home and get her off your trail, just trust me.” You didn’t know why you trusted his words, but you nodded, following his lead as he bought two bottles of pop before leaving the store.
“Do you trust me?”
“Y-Yes.” He turned you to face him, you became locked in eye contact before he leaned in.
It took a few seconds to process the feeling of his lips pressed against yours, his arms wrapped you as his hands pressed into your lower back. You didn’t know how to react, letting him pull you in closer and he pulled away.
“She’s gone.”
“Y/N?” You stumbled backwards a bit, Hoseok looking at you strangely.
“Oh, I should have warned that I was going to kiss you. Sorry.”
“Wait... was that your f-”
“Please stop talking. Just stop.”
“I didn’t know, really. I…” You started to walk away, Hoseok jogging up next to you and you felt an aura of embarrassment surrounding you and you wished you could melt into a puddle.
Your first kiss… Taken by someone like him, someone who could just easily take it away from you without a second thought…
“Say, now we have each other’s numbers now.”
“What?” He showed you his recent call list, your number at the top of the list and you sighed.
“Don’t be so glum, Y/N. I’m not going to blow up your phone with messages. I’ll call you when I need help. Will you come rescue me too?”
“Can you…”
“If you’re going to ask what I think you’re going to, then, no can do. You owe me one.”
“I want to take it back.”
“Take back what? Your favour or your first kiss?”
“I thought I told you to not talk about that!”
“Sorry, sorry. No takesies backsies, Y/N. Now, where’s your place?”
You got home after spending 10 minutes convincing Hoseok to go home instead of inviting himself over for tea.
You were already embarrassed enough for shoving your face in his chest, stupidly calling him to even come to the convenience store and… kissing him.
The softness of his lips was like nothing you’ve ever felt before, his lips smooth, and they kind of tasted like blueberries. The sweet kind that you used to pick with your grandmother when you lived near her farm. She would always let you taste her best pick, the delicious juice squirting in your mouth as you bit into the sweet fruit.
You touched your own lips, trying to remember the feeling more and your eyes widen as you realized what you were thinking about.
“I’m not crazy, am I, Jingle?” You said to her as she walked over to you, hearing her meow in response felt like she was saying yes, and you lowered your head.
It was just one silly kiss, he just did it for your sake. It meant nothing to him but why does it to you?
“Good morning, Y/N. Did you sleep well?”
“W-What are you doing?”
“What do you mean? I was just saying hi.” He frowned, his friends walking up to him and they looked at you. You could feel yourself shrinking on the spot and you wanted to disappear at this very moment.
“Oh, Y/N’s here too.”
“Good morning, Y/N!” The girl said, giving you a small wave.
“Ah, this is Namjoon and Minyoung. They’re in your class, right?”
“It’s nice to meet you.” She grabbed your hands, smiling at you and you weakly smiled in reply.
“Hobi, why didn’t you come back after you left? The girls won’t talk to me afterwards.”
“Oh, my mom called.” Did he leave his friends for you?
“Can you come out tonight? The girls from Class C have been bugging me about when you’re going out again.”
“Tonight’s good.”
“Y/N?” You looked at Minyoung, who was still holding your hands and she cocked an eyebrow.
“Oh ho, I know what’s going on here. I’m stealing Y/N~”
“Have fun!” She dragged you along, you surprised by how strong she was and you two were definitely out of earshot and their sight when she started to speak again.
“You’re the reason he left last night, weren’t you?”
“Sounds just like him, Hobi would do anything to help anyone if they need him.”
“Did anything happen?” You didn’t want to tell her, part of you felt like she liked him and was going to warn to stay away from him like you were in a drama. Also, because you were really trying to forget that he kissed you. And how his lips tasted like. And the way your heart raced when he looked at you afterwards. Damnit.
“He kissed you, didn’t he?”
“How did you know? Does he do that to every girl?”
“There are rumours about him kissing half the girls in the school, some from other schools and… I was also one of them.”
“But I don’t like him that much, I like someone else now. I’m thankful for Hoseok doing that, though. It helped me out a lot.”
“You like him, don’t you?”
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly, how could you tell from just one kiss? You barely know him, but you couldn’t deny that you felt like you wanted to get to know him a bit more than before.
“Well, I know that there are a lot of girls that would love to be where you are with him right now but there’s no pressure.”
“I hope that we can become friends regardless, right?” You nodded, it was still unsure whether you could really trust Minyoung but if she can be around Hoseok, she can’t be a bad person, can she?
You came to your usual spot of lunch, managing to sneak past Minyoung and Namjoon and took a sigh of relief.
“You like to hide here a lot.”
“You say my name in such an interesting way.”
“I w-wasn’t scolding you or anything, I just like the way you say my name.” He looked away from you, covering his mouth and you felt your cheeks growing hot. Get your mind out of the gutter, Y/N!
“O-oh okay…How did you find me?”
“Oh, I wanted to talk to you and tried to follow you… and saw you playing with a kitten and I couldn’t interrupt, I guess.”
“Sounds like you were stalking me.”
“I’m not afraid to come towards you, Y/N. Besides, do you always call your stalkers to come and save you?”
“I’ve never been in a situation like that before… but thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, I would always help you out if you just call me. I’ll come running for you.” Gosh, did he have to say things like that so easily?
“Two thank you’s from Y/N, what have I done in my past life to get so blessed?” You rolled your eyes, he’s more dramatic than you thought.
“Oh, and a smile. Mission accomplished.”
“What kind of mission is that?”
“I always wondered what your smile looked like, just as pretty as I thought it would be.”
“Quit it.”
“I’m being honest here!”
Hoseok was standing near your classroom’s door, people staring as he looked at you as you walked out and stopping you. You looked up, you usually walked with your head won to avoid eye contact with anyone.
“Let’s walk home together today.”
“But Namjoon…”
“I’ll join him later. Come on.” He took your hand, pulling you along to your locker and watching you change shoes and put some of your books away. You walked with him, avoiding the looks people were giving you and you felt something warm slip between your fingers.
“Just ignore them, I’m here.” You took a deep breath, Hoseok squeezing your fingers and you continued to walk home holding onto his hand.
“What did you and Minyoung talk about earlier? I hope she didn’t scare you or anything.”
“Oh, she told me about the r-rumours about you…”
“Ah, people really have nothing better to do than making up stories about me. They aren’t true, Y/N.”
“So, you didn’t kiss Minyoung?”
“That’s… true but it didn’t mean anything.” Just like when you kissed me. You untwined your fingers from him, gripping your skirt and he looked down at his hand.
“I get it, Hoseok. She told me you did it to help her and that you would do anything to help someone out. Kind of like you helped me out.” Although it feels like he cursed you with endless thoughts of him, thoughts that you wanted to push away behind a door and never have to unlock ever again.
“Yeah, I guess.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets, continuing to walk next to you and he didn’t say any more until you were near your place.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N…” He left before you could say anything back to him, you watched his retreating silhouette and you felt like breaking down. He looked so dejected after you brushed aside him and Minyoung kissing like how he kissed you, but he said that it didn’t mean anything to him. How he kissed you… how was that any different?
Hoseok was confusing.
“Morning, Y/N!”
“Mornin’, Y/N.” Namjoon said after Minyoung, the two of them at your locker without Hoseok in tow. Your heart ached at the realization, but you still put on a smile for the two of them.
“You have such a cute voice. Can you say ‘Good morning, oppa’?”
“Kim Namjoon, don’t make her say weird things, you pervert!”
“Minyoung-ahh, why do you have to ruin my fun? Is it because Hoseok’s not here?” Namjoon whined.
“No, you’re going to taint Y/N’s innocent soul with your weird perverseness. Come on, Y/N.” Minyoung stuck her tongue out at Namjoon before walking away with you.
“I think I forgot my textbook in my locker, meet you in class?”
“Okay.” She gave you a smile, you returned the gesture before taking a detour to the bathroom.
“Did you hear?”
“That little mute has been clinging onto Hobi and people are even saying they kissed!”
“Was he drunk? Why would he kiss that stupid mute? She walks around the school like she’s untouchable because she gets good grades. Someone needs to tell her friendless ass that nobody, including Hobi would never want her in a million years.”
“Besides that, what about that girl, Minyoung?”
“You mean Miss ‘My ass can’t find a chair to sit in’?”
“Remember how they had to give her a custom chair because she kept complaining about the regular ones?”
“I bet she got implants with her daddy’s money, there’s no way they’re real.”
“Too bad she can’t implant a personality into her body too.” You were fuming about the way they were talking about Minyoung, she hasn’t done anything to anyone to deserve to be talked about like this. Behind her back, especially.
You purposely swung your stall door open, making sure the two girls had taken notice to your presence and they glared at you before turning back to the mirror.
“Nobody’s as fake as the designer bags you have.”
“Oh, look, the mute is finally talking, isn’t that cute?”
“You think you can get brave now that Hoseok knows you exist? News flash, you’re still nothing around here and Hoseok isn’t going to protect you.”
“This isn’t about Hoseok. It’s about the way you talk about Minyoung. She hasn’t done anything to you.”
“Aw, the mute wants to protect her little friend.”
“Aw, the mute thinks she has a friend.”
“It’s getting really annoying hearing the two of you continue to talk.”
“Oh, you don’t want to talk, huh?”
You sat at the courtyard, Hoseok sighing as you crossed your arms and looked in the other direction.
“I leave you alone for a change and you come back with scratches on your face? What happened?”
“It’s nothing, I promise.” He sat next to you, turning your head and you winced. His thumb was touching your scratches and he quickly moved his thumb underneath your chin.
“Sorry.” He mumbled as he pulled out the band-aids you gave him for his hand and put them over your cheek. You blinked as his fingers stroked your cheek a bit before he stopped himself.
“Promise me you won’t let your pretty little face get hurt again, please.” Your heart stupidly skipped when he said ‘pretty’ and you nodded, getting a smile from him.
“I hope we’re not interrupting anything.”
“N-No.” You blurted out, Minyoung immediately touched your cheek.
“Is this why you came in with your hand on your cheek this morning?”
“Be careful, I don’t like seeing my friends get hurt.” There’s the word again, friend. Did you really think of Minyoung, Namjoon and Hoseok as friends?
“Minyoung, I hurt my arm!”
“Did you? Let me see.” She touched his arm, Namjoon blushing and you watched as Minyoung attentively looked for his injury.
“Ya, you’re not injured!”
“Internal bleeding?” She glared at him, Namjoon nervously laughing and the rest of you joined.
Maybe they could be your friends…
“Hobi, Hobi!” A girl ran over to your group, going directly to Hoseok and he looked at her with a smile. Does he smile at everyone like that too?
“Oh, Eun Ae.”
“We missed you last night, Joonie said you were coming but you didn’t.”
“Yeah, dude, I was going to ask you this morning, but you were MIA.”
“I really wasn’t feeling it yesterday, I guess.”
“That’s too bad, I was really looking forward to hanging out again. Like we used to.” Your ears perked up to her words, Hoseok already knew her, huh?
“I’m up for it, Minyoung.”
“As long as you’re paying, Joonbug.”
“Is that all I’m good for, Minnie?”
“Aw, Joon.”
“What about you, Hoseok?” Eun Ae put the focus back on Hoseok, whose eyes were on you and you didn’t notice until you met his eyes.
“What do you say? I’ll do what you want.” You felt eyes on you now, Hoseok shifting the attention onto you and you immediately became nervous. The glare from Eun Ae was apparent, knowing that she didn’t like that Hoseok was letting you choose for him and that he even cared about what you wanted.
“I guess it’ll be fun.” You didn’t miss the smirk on Eun Ae’s face before she looked innocently at Hoseok.
“I’ll see you later, Hobi.” She didn’t spare any of you a glance, walking off and you let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“Wow, I could see Eun Ae ready to pounce on you again, Hobi?”
“Eun Ae’s been like this for so long.”
“What is it, Y/N?” Hoseok looked at you, you avoided his eyes before speaking again.
“How do you guys know her?”
“Eun Ae, she used to go to Hoseok’s middle school. The prettiest girl in our grade and she came to the same school as us. She was Hobi’s-”
“Enough, Namjoon.” Minyoung said, looking at you sympathetically and you smiled at her.
“Alright, sheesh. Sorry, Y/N, I just really enjoyed middle school.”
“I think you’re the only person on the planet who enjoyed any part of school.”
“You liked middle school a little, didn’t you, Hobi?”
“Sorry, bud.”
“Y/N, you can back me up, right?”
“S-Sorry, Namjoon.”
“Majority rules, Joon.”
“Some friends you guys are.” You giggled with Minyoung, Namjoon pouting in response and Hoseok put his arm on his shoulders.
“Let’s go together?” You nodded, Hoseok walking ahead of you and you rushed to catch up to him. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets, you quietly disappointed that he didn’t reach for your hand like last time. Could he be upset about yesterday? Did you say something wrong earlier, maybe?
“You looked different today.”
“You keep calling me different…”
“Ah, I guess that can sound kind of rude, I mean you looked really happy today. Like you were enjoying yourself.”
“Well…” You smoothed over your hair, not really knowing what to say. You only started talking to everyone a few days ago but it felt natural to be around them. Was having friends really this easy?
“I-I mean you seem to like having friends, it’s nice to have someone to share moments with, right?”
“I wouldn’t go that far…”
“Such a dandere.”
“W-what is that?”
“Or maybe a hajidere?”
“Why are you calling me those weird words?”
“Ayee, are you blushing, Y/N? What’s going on in your mind right now?”
“Q-Quit teasing m-me…”
“You’re so cute when you stutter.” You ran away from him, hearing him running alongside you and you took off in a sprint until he grabbed your wrist.
“Slow down, Y/N, we’re here. Come on.” You followed him inside, judging from the sign, the place was a karaoke bar and you stood behind Hoseok as he talked to the receptionist.
“Namjoon booked our room already, let’s go.” He led the way, making sure you were in step with him still and he opened the door for you as you saw Namjoon, Minyoung and Eun Ae already sitting in the room.
Eun Ae smiled at Hoseok first, shooting you a glare before talking.
“Aw, Hobi, you missed me singing our favourite song, remember?”
“Sorry, Eun Ae, but what song was that?” Minyoung laughed, causing you to laugh and Namjoon chuckled.
“I’m surprised you remember where the school is, Hobi. So forgetful.”
“What day is it, Hobi?” Hoseok let you sit first, sliding into the booth next to you and you shyly smiled to yourself.
“It’s Thursday, Hobi.”
“At least I was close?”
“You poor unfortunate soul~”
“Good to know that Minnie is confirming that she is in fact, Ursula.”
“Shut up!”
“Good to know you two are getting along.” The two of them shot Hoseok a look and you laughed as they both whined his name.
“Do you see what I have to deal with, Y/N?”
“OH, Eun Ae, I almost forgot you were here.”
“Minyoung, play nice. Sorry, Eun Ae.”
“Sing with me to make up to me?” He grabbed the mic from her, carefully getting past you to sing with her and you looked to your lap.
You didn’t possibly think that you could keep Hoseok to yourself, did you? Oh, you even thought that you could have him to yourself too, huh? Silly girl.
You looked at Hoseok and Eun Ae, quickly choosing a song and the music began. Hoseok started, shutting his eyes as he started to sing. His voice was so deep and gentle, it was comforting like a warm hug, melodic like an orchestra, light like whipped cream on top of your favourite latte.
“Hobi’s a pretty good singer when he wants to be.”
“What about me, Minyoung?”
“Namjoon, honey, you should stick to rapping.”
“I thought you would at least cheer for me.”
“Who’s next?”
“ME, me! I’ve been practicing.”
“Y/N, you might want to plug your ears.” Hoseok whispered to you, you leaned away from him and Eun Ae tapped his shoulder.
“Hobi, let go get some drinks.”
“Oh, sure.” He left with Eun Ae, Minyoung letting out a huge sigh as soon as the door shut.
“What’s wrong?”
“That leech, I hate her.”
“Minyoung is usually blindly optimistic about people but she really doesn’t like Eun Ae.”
“Yeah and she keeps trying to steal Hoseok from Y/N!”
“W-What, we aren’t like that. W-We’re just-”
“Don’t worry, Y/N, you have our blessing.”
“B-Blessing?” What are they talking about, they don’t mean-? Your face was scorching hot and you covered your face.
“Oooh, are you blushing?”
“Namjoon, don’t tease her so much, she’s really innocent and pure unlike you.”
“Hey, how did this turn back on me?”
“I want to help Y/N in her quest for her pure love!”
“Oh, Y/N has a crush on someone?” Hoseok said, Eun Ae carrying snacks to the table in front of you three and you grabbed your bag.
“Y/N-” You bolted past Hoseok, wishing that you didn’t exist. You were always running away from something, whether it was Hoseok, your own emotions, the stares people would give you and even you…
“Y/N, slow down! Y/N!” Hoseok pulled your arm, you stopped at his touch and freezing on the spot.
“If you keep making me chase after you, I’m going to be an Olympic sprinter in no time.”
“Why is everything a joke to you?” You blurted out, Hoseok had for once looked a little shocked.
“I’m sorry.”
“Just go back.”
“Not unless you’re coming with me.”
“Why do you even care about me? Why are you always wondering about what I want? Am I one of those people that you pick as some sort of charity case?”
“N-No, it’s not like that.”
“Then tell me-” He leaned in to kiss you, his lips meeting yours for a brief moment before you pushed him away.
“There you go again, just kissing me like it’s nothing to you.”
“I just want you to feel better.”
“Nothing feels worse than being kissed by someone that doesn’t even love you.” He kissed you again, holding your arm that was up to push him and you fought yourself to not kiss him back. His lips were hungry, attacking yours with power than you didn’t know he had. It was a hot kiss, you weren’t sure whether it was from his lips or from your cheeks.
“This is the kiss for the girl that drives me nuts.” He whispered against your lips before kissing you again. This kiss felt different, it was more languid and sweeter unlike his hungrier kiss before. It was airy and light like one of the souffles Miss Song let you take home once when she started making them. You remember how the sweet it was, every bite melting in your mouth and you only wanted to eat more.
“For the girl I want to get to know better.” He kissed you once more, a rush of electricity running through your veins as his hands pressed into your back. The noise of the world faded as you became submerged into kissing him. Your willpower crumbled to dust as you kissed him back, your hand on his chest as he intertwined his fingers with yours.
“Can you tell the difference?”
“Do I have to kiss you again?” You covered your lips, Hoseok chuckled at you and you hit his chest with your other hand.
“Don’t laugh at me…”
“You’re just so cute, Y/N. I can’t help it.”
“Only for you. Now, who is this mystery guy that you have a crush on? You might have to tell him that we might have kissed once or twice.”
“Ahem. Four times.”
“Not my fault. Your lips look like they’re meant to be kissed all the time.” You covered your face. He can’t stop saying stuff like this, can he?
“Don’t say those words…”
“Look at me.” You did, those same chocolate brown eyes making your mouth run dry and your heart began to race. How could he do this to you without saying anything?
“Is it me? Is it me that you like?”
“I-I can’t just say it...”
“Why not?” He pouted, his eyes mimicking the same sentiment and you thought you were going to burst at how cute he looked. You tried to break free of his hold, in turn, he pulled you closer to him.
“No running away this time. I want to hear you say it.”
“H-Hoseok… please…”
“Gosh, why do you say things like that?”
“N-Never mind. Let’s go home.”
“But your bag…?”
“I’ll just tell Namjoon to drop it off. Let’s go.” He still held your hand, taking you along with him and you meekly walked with him.
You were getting ready for gym, Minyoung pressing you for questions about what happened after Hoseok ran after you which led to you needing 10 minutes to calm down since you thought your face was going to melt off.
“Look it’s the freak meeting.”
“It looks like Freak #1 has a good reminder of our warning.”
“Warning? Y/N, what are they talking about?”
“Aw, she didn’t tell you, didn’t she? What a bad friend.”
“What are they talking about?”
“I’ll tell you, Freak #2. She tried to defend you, not realizing that she was better off being a mute.”
“Maybe Freak #2 threatened to sit on her if she didn’t defend her.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised.” They both laughed, you clenched your fist and Namjoon came charging into the conversation.
“You’re just jealous that both your asses are flat! Minyoung’s butt is just the perfect size and anyone would kill to have that ass. I mean-”
“Oh ho, look Freak #2 has a new protector now, huh? Of course, he’s only a pervert.” You looked at Minyoung, her hair covering part of her face and she ran off before you could say anything to her.
“Aw, look at her. She’s going to cry, isn’t she?”
You looked out the window in the hallway, seeing other classes outside having gym. Minyoung still spoke to you when you found her in the classroom, avoiding Namjoon instead and you apologized for not telling her about what really happened to your face.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Can I talk to you?” You nodded, and he exhaled.
“I don’t know if you noticed but I really like Minyoung.”
“I know, Hoseok told me.”
“That son of a- Do you have any advice? I mean you managed to get Hoseok tied down.”
“It’s n-not like that.”
“Whatever you say.”
“I think you should just be honest with her… I mean she doesn’t know how you feel unless you say it. Speak from your heart, Namjoon.”
“O-Okay, I think I know what to do. Thanks.” He took off, leaving you back to watching the kids outside and pondering why Namjoon thinks you have Hoseok tied down…
Are we like that? Does Hoseok want to be…?
You shook off those thoughts, going through the whole school day before Hoseok appeared before you.
“Hey, you.”
“You ready to go?” You nodded, Hoseok taking your hand and the two of you walked down the path. It felt different than usual, Hoseok was beaming in a different way, the warmth his hand radiated felt warmer and the walk home began to feel shorter.
“Namjoon said thank you.”
“For what?”
“I think he said your advice worked, him and Minnie are dating now, I think.”
“I’m glad.”
“I didn’t know you were a secret love whisperer. What can you whisper to me, Y/N?”
“Tell me more.” You bit your lip; did he always have to tease you like this?
“Alright, alright. Say, are you free this weekend?” Right. Today is Friday.
“I-I have to wash my cat, she’s really dirty…”
“All weekend?”
“She’s really, really dirty.”
“I can help you out, what do you say?”
You didn’t say anything, but he was in your apartment lobby on Saturday, wearing a sweater and some ripped jeans. He had a mask covering his face, pulling it down to reveal his handsome smile. You held your breath when you met his eyes, clasping your hands together nervously and looking away.
“I w-wasn’t expecting you to actually come.”
“Didn’t I say I would come and help you?”
“I promise I’ll be good.” He blurted out, making you blush, and you looked down.
“O-Okay.” He followed you upstairs, holding your hand as you led the way to your apartment. Your father wasn’t home, leaving you a note that he was going to be on a business trip for a few days and to call if you needed him.
“Do you live alone?”
“My dad isn’t here, he’s away.”
“What about your mom?”
“I don’t want to talk about her.”
“Sorry for asking.”
“Let me get Jingle.” You went into your room, Jingle stretching on your pillow and you leaned against the door. Jingle looked at you, hopping off the bed and pawing at your leg when she got over to you.
Don’t think about her.
“Come here.” You picked her up, opening your door and seeing Hoseok sitting at the counter.
“Oh, she’s really pretty.” He carefully reached out to her, Jingle letting him pet her and she purred to his touch.
“She doesn’t look that dirty to me.”
“She is, trust me.” You two walked into the bathroom, Jingle was calm until you opened the faucet.
“I can hold her if you’d like.”
“Be careful, okay?” You handled her off, making sure that he was holding her properly as you looked through the cabinet for Jingle’s shampoo.
“What’s her name?”
“What a cute name.”
“Do you describe everything as cute?”
“Only when it came to you.” You set yourself for that one.
“Just put her in the tub, please.” You found the bottle, seeing Jingle sitting in the water. You stood there, seeing her sit in the tub calmly and Hoseok poked your thigh.
“How did you do that?”
“I put her down gently and she sat.”
“Usually, she scratches me before dipping her toe into the tub.”
“Let me see.” You unrolled up your sleeve, revealing some of the scratches she’s given you and Hoseok touched them gently before raising your arm to his lips. He kissed each one gently and you widened your eyes as his lips moved up your arm.
“W-What are y-you doing?”
“Kissing them better.”
“You sound like a manga character.”
“Oh, does that make you my main girl?”
“I think Jingle has been waiting too long!” You opened the shampoo bottle, rubbing the liquid into her fur gently and Hoseok sighed. He started rubbing her upper body as you washed the lower part.
She purred at the gentle scratching, you smiling to yourself and reaching for the shower head. Hoseok handled it over to you, carelessly brushing your fingers against his and almost dropped it.
“You alright?”
“Just fine.” You washed her, making sure that no soap was left over and using a washcloth to wipe her face.
“Can you put this away for me?” He took the shampoo bottle away, you taking Jingle out the tub with a towel and drying her. You let the tub drain, Jingle shook the towel off her before walking off.
“She’s pretty independent, huh?”
“I once caught her eating some tuna I was cooking with on the counter.”
“Wonder what your cooking tastes like.”
“How stern. I’ll try it one day. Maybe when we’re married.”
“Let’s go do something. I mean Jingle is washed and it was going to take you all weekend.” You bit your lip, knowing that you didn’t have anything to rebuttal with.
“I guess we could.”
“Thank you, Buddha, God…any other deities out there.”
“So dramatic.”
“Come on, come on.” You went to your room, searching for something to wear. Do you wear something casual, do you try and match him, do you dress up?
“Hey, Y/N, are you alright in there?”
“J-Just give me a minute.”
“Don’t dress too fancy, Y/N?” That crosses one option off your list. You settled on a pair of black shorts with legging underneath, a white wool sweater and your brown boots.
“Do I look bad? Should I go change-”
“No, you look beautiful. Seeing you in regular clothes is just new to me.” He clears his throat, taking your hand and you left the apartment with him.
“Do you have anything in mind?”
“It’s a secret.” He winked at you, your heart skipped a beat and he smiled.  
You two walked through the busy streets, people of all ages and genders strolling wherever they needed to go. Some rushed down the sidewalk, others taking their time and you were just trying to make sure you didn’t trip over your own feet.
“Have you done something like this before?”
“What? You mean a date? I’m not sure.”
“I suppose you always get girls asking you to go somewhere with them…”
“But I’ve never gone to get a girl to come out with me.”
“I’m serious, Y/N.” You smiled to yourself, he’s been a lot of your firsts, your first kiss, your first friend, your first boy- You caught yourself, you weren’t even sure if you liked him yet… right?
“Oh, we’re here!” He pulled you inside, not giving you time to read the sign, but you could guess where you were based on the scenery. The walls had comics hanging, some in stands and there was a counter with small treats.
“A comic book café?”
“I thought we could just hang out and read. You seem to do that a lot.”
“They’re more words, less pictures.”
“Will you at try them out? For me?”
“You’re so cute when you stutter my name, Y/N.”
“D-Don’t say things like t-that, it’s embarrassing.” You said, your hand touching your lips and your cheeks were burning again.  
“Oh, what is this? Is that Mr. Chick Magnet, Hope?” Hoseok turned around, you looked at the two people who entered the shop. A guy you didn’t recognize and Eun Ae holding his arm. She has a boyfriend?
“Ah, it’s Y/N and Hoseok. Are you on a date?”
“Yes, we are-”
“I-It’s not a date-” You both said simultaneously, looking at each other but you looked away from him first.
“She’s a little shy, I guess.” You pinched his arm, him wincing a little and you looked at Eun Ae. She was definitely glaring at you but for what reason?
“Eun and I were going to go see a movie in a bit, you two should come with us.”
“What do you say, Y/N?” Why do you always put this on me, Hoseok?!
“Great! We should go earlier so we can get good seats, babe.” Eun Ae said, both boys agreeing and you didn’t say a word as you followed. The movie theatre had a lineup, oddly enough you saw couples waiting together and your nerves went haywire.
“Is it National Couple’s Day today or something?”
“That feels like every day with you, Eun.”
“Yoonie.” She whined as he kissed her cheek, maybe they really like each other. You shouldn’t worry about Eun Ae, she has a boyfriend and she won’t cheat on him, would she?
“Oh, Y/N~”
“What is it?”
“I want a kiss too.” You covered your lips, Hoseok laughing at you and you turned your head. His lips gently kissed your ear, you internally screaming but you manage to let out a little squeak.
“Oh, what was that noise?”
“Ahem, you two. We need to find our seats.” Eun Ae said sharply, you sidestepped away from Hoseok a little bit and following Eun Ae and her boyfriend. You took a seat in the middle row, you ended up seeing next to Eun Ae and Hoseok. He still held your hand, occasionally running his thumb over the back of your hand and you felt a smile tugging at your lips.
There was something so indescribable about holding Hoseok’s hand.
Words couldn’t fathom how gentle it was, no comparison could hold weight to how warm it felt, no feeling could capture how soft it was.
Everything about Hoseok was so new and foreign to you, part of you just wanted to dive into anything as long as he was next to you, but you had another part of you that feared everything that you didn’t know about Hoseok.
It feared how little you knew about the man next to you, how much more there is to him. How attached to him you may become.
It scared you.
“Y/N? Can you come with me to get some snacks?” Eun Ae asked you, not wanting a response before pulling you out into the lobby.
“What are your intentions?”
“You can’t be this clueless, can you? I mean what are your feelings for Hoseok?” Why does everyone keep pushing you to give them an answer? What gives them the right to know?
“I don’t know…”
“You don’t know? Wow, clueless and dumb.”
“Why are you being so rude?”
“I’m just in disbelief that a girl like you is blinding Hoseok from someone who actually deserves him. I mean I was his first kiss, his first date, his…” She leaned in close to whisper to you, “…his first time. What would he ever see in you?”
Yeah, Y/N, what would he ever see in you? You walked away from her, going into the theatre and avoided Hoseok’s eyes.
“Y/N, where are you going?”
“Wait, what?” You walked off, trying to fight the tears welling in your eyes.
You knew it felt wrong to react like this, but this is your fears becoming a reality. Things that you wanted to with him, things that made you think about the future. A future with Hoseok’s sparkling eyes and dazzling smile in it. He’s already experienced it all with someone else. Someone else that wanted him and at some point, he wanted to.
“Y/N, I don’t know what Eun Ae said but I’m sorry.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
“Don’t give me that, Hoseok. That you were each other’s firsts.”
“Oh, that?” Can he take anything seriously? You scoffed, feeling a hot tear fall on your cheek and you looked at him.
“Let me guess, you did it to help her because she begged you to.”
“Well yes but-”
“I don’t have anything to say to you.”
“I still do.” He took the opportunity to grab your hand, pulling you in the other direction and you couldn’t break free from his grip.
“I don’t know what Eun Ae said to get ideas inside your head about me, but I want o clear my name.” You didn’t say anything to him, letting him take to what looked an elementary school and he let go of your wrist.
“I know you could just bolt at any second but please hear me out.” You pursed your lips, not sparing him a glance but letting him speak.
“I went to middle school here, goofing around and making friends. Eun Ae picked me to be hers, making me do like ask her to dances, dress up how she wanted me to, even convinced me to ditch one of my best friends for her.”
“Our first year in high school, she still had her leash on me, telling me that sleeping with her will help her feel better, make her feel loved, so I did it.”
“Two weeks later, I caught her making out with one of the jocks under the bleachers before a game.”
“I didn’t know that…”
“I didn’t want you to know how much of a coward I was.”
“Maybe that’s why I like you so much.”
“You always do things the way you want, at your own pace. You have so much control, I’m envious.”
“You don’t have to say it back to me yet, I just want you to know how I feel about you.” He stepped towards you, brushing hair behind your ear and you blushed at the simple gesture.
“Can I kiss you?” You nodded, his warm hand cupping your cheek as he pressed his lips against yours.  
It’s so hard to be mad at you, Hoseok…
The cool winds of fall turned harsh as the winter came in. You wore your heavy coat, trying to maintain any sense of warmth you could get. Of course, holding onto Hoseok’s hand had helped a lot. Especially when he held you close before he let you go home…
“Hey, Y/N~”
“You know what’s in a few days, right?”
“Um, our timed English essay.”
“Not that, silly.”
“What is it?”
“Valentine’s Day and Hobi’s birthday.”
“I forgot you didn’t know his birthday but how could you forget Valentine’s Day?!”
“I was always single, so…”
“So, what do you do on Valentine’s Day?”
“E-EH?” You tried to quiet her down, it’s already bad enough that you had asked her about it but how do you celebrate something that you didn’t know existed?
“Minyoung, please.”
“I know Hoseok is a sweet tooth. Are you good at baking?”
“I’ve never tried…”
“But you work at a bakery!”
“I just work at the cash register…”
“The things we do for love. Maybe you should ask your boss?”
“EH?” You just explained Miss Song about the position you were in without eluding to the fact you doing this for a certain someone. She would tease you to no end about it, you were sure of it.
“Miss Song?”
“How do you not know how to bake?”
“You’ve never really taught me…”
“That is true.”
“Can you please tell me a simple cake recipe? It’s for a friend.”
“Oh ho, with Valentine’s Day so close, you don’t think I know who you’re really baking for.”
“I-It’s not like that!”
“So cute, Y/N. Okay, okay, I can give you a simple recipe, just remind me before you go.” You quietly fist pumped to yourself, going back to the counter when you hear a customer come in.
You worked through your shift, taking the recipe from Miss Song and going to the closest store to buy the ingredients.
You went home, changed and started to follow the recipe. Measuring the flour, pour in the milk, melting chocolate…
Jingle sat on the counter as you carefully placed the batter into the oven.
“I hope it’s not bad.” You kept checking, putting a toothpick in it to make sure it was baked properly and you sliced off a small piece.
“Too sweet.” You coughed, the sweetness from the sugar and chocolate was overwhelming and you washed it down with some milk.
Maybe you should try again tomorrow…? You thought to yourself, finishing up some of your homework before going to bed
“Y/N!” Hoseok called out to you, you looked at him in surprise. He’s been to your class a few time before but he’s never called out your name like that.
“What is it?” You asked quietly after Hoseok took you outside of your class.
“Let’s get lunch together.”
“Okay.” He took you to the rooftop, laying out a blanket for you two to sit on and you sat down gently.
“Where do you go yesterday? I missed you.”
“Miss Song needed my help, s-so I took an early shift.” You took a bite of your food, hoping he wouldn’t press.
“Are you free today?”
“Just feel like hanging out together, just the two of us since last time was kind of messed up.”
“Oh, I have plans!”
“Really?” You couldn’t tell whether he was shocked or disappointed but the pout on his face may have told you it was both.
“Yeah, Jingle is s-sick, and I need to take care of her. By myself. A lot of vomiting.”
“I could-”
“No, n-no, you shouldn’t! I can handle her, Hoseok.” You tried to say coolly, still stuttering but you played it off by taking another bite of your food.
“Oh, okay. I guess we’re not walking together today, then?”
“I’m sorry…” You nervously smoothed over your hair, you felt guilty for hearing him so sad… He was usually so bright and carefree, so the sudden shift was getting to you.
You were praying that the cake would pay off… Anything to take away the silence he was giving you and restore his beautiful smile…
“What is this? Sweetheart?” You were in the middle of mixing when you heard your father’s voice, your heart skipped a beat. Although, you couldn’t tell it was because you missed him, or you were scared of him…
“W-Welcome home.”
“Baking something? Is it for someone?”
“A-Ah, it’s not for anyone in particular.” You avoided eye contact, his presence always made you nervous.
“You’ve never had an interest in baking and I…”
“Yeah, I know. I just picked at the habit from working…”
“Oh, I forgot you worked for… what’s her name, Miss Hong?”
“It’s actually Miss Song...”
“My mistake.”
“I’ll make dinner soon, please go wash up…” You mumbled, your dad walking out of the kitchen and into his room. He hesitated as if he wanted to say something, but he retreated to his bedroom and you exhaled the breath you were holding.
“I hope this turns out right…”
You went to school, checking the calendar and seeing it was the 14th of February and nervously clutched your bag. You were earlier than usual, wanting to use the teacher’s fridge and checking up on the felines.
They were still sleeping, the day for them still not starting yet and you left them be. You walked down the hallway before feeling a hand grab your arm.
“Let go of me!”
“I’ve never heard you yell before…” You looked to the owner of the hand, seeing Namjoon cheekily smiling at you.
“There’s someone out there with my voice?”
“It’s pretty normal…”
“Bet Hoseok’s voice is oh-so-distinct to you, huh?”
“W-What does this have to d-do with him?”
“And you’re back to normal.”
“Why did you decide to grab me like an evil spirit instead of just call my name?”
“Oh, are you afraid of spirits?”
“Not the point.” You muttered, Namjoon chuckling to himself.
“Alright, I’m done with the teasing for now,” You mentally rolled your eyes before he continued, “I wanted to know if you’d think Minyoung would like this.” He opened his bag, revealing a small bear that was holding little roses and a keychain with the same bear and charm that had ‘M + N’ on it.
“Is that good or bad?”
“She’ll love it.”
“But when do I give it to her? When she walks in? After school? Lunch?”
“I guess, lunch?”
“You’re right, lunch would be best.” You nodded, it was kind of weird to see Namjoon so nervous when he’s usually so confident about things…even when he was dead wrong about them. He must really care for Minyoung…
You spend the morning with Namjoon while your classmates began to file in the classroom, Minyoung looking at the two of you with a cocked eyebrow.
“Joonie! And Y/N?” She kissed his cheek, making his cheeks turn a little pink as he naturally placed his arm around her waist when she stood next to him.
“Good morning.”
“I hope my Joonie isn’t trying to involve you in any weird schemes.”
“Minnie~ I was just telling her about the surprise for Hoseok.”
“You know he hates surprises.”
“But if Y/N was involved…”
“Doesn’t he always celebrate his birthdays?”
“Last time we had a surprise party, he walked out and didn’t speak to us for a week.”
“But I think if you did something for him, he would never turn it down. Plus, who could be mad at you?” Minyoung was squishing your cheeks, you put your hand on her wrist in an effort to make her stop.
“You three, to your seats!” The class president said, you quietly walking to your seat as your teacher walked in.
You went to the teacher’s lounge, quickly retrieving the cake and looking at it again. Your frosting skills were terrible, and you were tempted to just toss in the trash when you saw Hoseok walking in your direction.
You were glad that you hid it in your bag as he jogged over to you, beaming as he always was. If I could bask in your sunshine forever…
“Let’s go.” He took your hand, leading you to the rooftop and you carefully sat on the concrete.
“Today seems different.”
“It does.”
“Close your eyes.” You were taken back by the sudden command, Hoseok taking your hand and slipping something on your ring finger.
“Perfect.” You heard him say before he let you open your eyes, seeing a silver ring with a small pearl in the middle. How could he afford something like this?
“H-Hoseok, how?”
“It’s a special day and you’re someone special…”
“But how did you afford this?”
“Saved up my allowance, it’s worth it for that smile though.”
“Now, what’s hiding in the bag?”
“I noticed you’ve been clutching to the scrap like it’ll break if you let go. Just show me.”
“I-It’ll ruin this moment and –”
“Y/N. Don’t be nervous, it’s just me.” That’s exactly why, because it is you, Hoseok!
“Close your eyes.” You sheepishly opened your bag, placing the cake in front of him and tapping him to open his eyes.
“It’s bad, isn’t it? I–” Hoseok suddenly kissed you, the quick peck barely registered in your mind before he spoke.
“It’s perfect.” He took a wipe of the frosting, licking it off his finger and made an ‘mmhm’ sound.
“And delicious. You’re the best.” He kissed your forehead before digging into the cake. You watched him happily munch on the cake, some crumbles sticking to his lips and you reached over to wipe them away. He stopped, looking at you but your eyes were focused on his lips. You could just…  You leaned in, one of your hands on his cheek while the other was on top of the hand he had holding him up on the ground.
“Y-Y/N.” You didn’t know why you had the urge to kiss him, the thought of kissing him usually made you a nervous wreck but you didn’t hesitate this time. His ears were red along with his cheeks and you touched your own, feeling the usual heat.
This surely can’t be good for your health…
“There were c-crumbs…”
“I think they’re still there.”
“J-Just finish the cake, please!” You blurted out, Hoseok laughing and you intertwined your fingers.
You sat on your bedroom floor, surrounded by clothes as you looked for something to wear. Minyoung told you that the surprise party was going to be at Hoseok’s house and you didn’t know how to dress for this kind of event.
You wanted to impress Hoseok but he’s always saying that you would look beautiful even in a trash bag. At this point, you were contemplating a trash bag.
A knock on your door interrupted your current mental crisis, you got up to answer the door to see Minyoung with Namjoon in tow. You glanced at your attire, your Sailor Moon sweater and black pants and you didn’t want to answer.
Would it be bad to cancel?
“Ya, Y/N, open up!” You sighed, opening the door and Minyoung gasped.
“Please tell me that isn’t what you’re wearing.”
“I’m getting flashbacks…” Namjoon said, Minyoung petting his head and you looked at them, confused.
“It’s a long story.”
“You promised we would take it to the grave, Minnie.”
“Y-Yes…” What are they even talking about?
“Anyways, Y/N, I got some stuff from my closet that you could borrow since I thought you might be stressing about what to wear.”
“You know me all too well.”
“Of course, what are besties for?”
“What about me, Y/N? I reminded Minnie!”
“You’re my friend too, Namjoon.”
“So needy, Joonie.”
“Only for you.”
“Right! Let’s get ready.” Minyoung took your hand, going into your room despite not actually knowing the layout of your house but she cleared a space on your bed to place some options down.
“Hoseok’s favourite colour is green, but I’m pretty sure he won’t care about what colour you wear since it’s you.”
“I want to wear green.” You said, Minyoung putting out green dresses and you settled for the simplest of the bunch. It was a mid-thigh length, the skirt light and flowing with a bare bodice with a v cut neck and spaghetti straps.
“I didn’t notice this because you hid your body with your blazer but damn Y/N, you’re so pretty.”
“Not as pretty as you, I mean you make everything look good even in our uniform.”
“You’re too kind.”
“It’s true!”
“You’re so cute, Y/N. Now, change so I can do your hair and makeup. And don’t try to politely decline, I’m not taking no for an answer.” You pouted, Minyoung not giving in and you changed before letting her do her thing.
“I think I need a second opinion… Joonie?” She took you into the living room where Namjoon was scrolling on his phone and he looked up when Minyoung called him.
“I think Hoseok is going to faint.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“Yeah, I think he’ll forget it’s a surprise party and stare at you all night.”
“Then Y/N might faint instead.”
“I think I know CPR, no worries.” The two of them joked and you end up laughing with them before leaving your apartment. Jingle purred as you petted her goodbye and joined your friends in walking to Hoseok’s house.
He didn’t live far away from your building, but his house made it feel that way. Large steel gates with an intercom at the entrance made you understand how Hoseok could save up his allowance to purchase the pearl ring you were wearing.
“I didn’t think his house was this large…”
“He’s one lucky dude, I have to share with my little sister and she’s going through puberty.”
“I’m an only child…”
“Lucky.” Namjoon punched in some numbers, the gate opening and the three of you walked up to the front door. He looked in the plant nearby, opening the door and seeing the front decorated with streamers and a banner that said ‘Happy 18th, Hope!’ and balloons. You saw more people come out with things, a table set up with gifts and you felt stupid for not bringing one…
“I should have brought him something.”
“Don’t worry about it, he won’t notice.”
“Are you sure?”
“You’re so innocent, Y/N, but yes, Hoseok isn’t really into birthdays.”
“Yeah, he forgot mine twice.” You laughed, giving Namjoon a comforting pat while Minyoung kissed his cheek. The two of them started to get lost into each other, as you liked to call it when they started to solely focus on each other without a care about the others in the room and you started to wander.
In this large house, there was so much room… You didn’t think your whole apartment was even the size of his living room. You could do so much in here if you wanted to…
It feels pretty lonely, though…
“Y/N, he’s coming. We need to hide.” Minyoung took your hand, taking you back to the front hall and hiding underneath a table. You stayed quiet, Hoseok’s voice projecting into the room after the door opened.
“I miss Y/N, why won’t she call me? Did I do something wrong?” You took a deep breath, the cuteness of his whine made you want to pop out and hug him.
“Ah, Noona.”
“I take you out for breakfast and you’re whining about your girlfriend?”
“I miss her.” You knew Minyoung was wiggling her eyebrows and you had to hold back the urge to nudge her out of embarrassment.
“Ah, why are the lights off?” The lights flickered on, you three popped out from under the table and Namjoon popped confetti with Minyoung.
“Happy birthday, Hobi!” You said in unison, Hoseok standing there gobsmacked.
“Go on, you said you missed her, didn’t you?” He walked over to you, you shyly lean against the table you were under and he lifted your chin up to make eye contact with you.
“Isn’t it rude to not acknowledge your other guests?” You looked over his shoulder, seeing Eun Ae and a different boy this time.
“Look at what the cat dragged in.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Did you think I would forget your birthday, Hobi?” She walked over to you two, shoving the present into your hands and starting to flirt with Hoseok.
“I always liked you better in suits, Hobi.”
“Suits aren’t really my thing…” You walked off, really not wanting to be around them. They are right about Hoseok not noticing you came empty-handed, he wasn’t going to notice you either.
“Woah, Hoseok let you out of his sights, after all, that whining?”
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to come here.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s easy to get lost. Your name’s Y/N.”
“Yes.” You bowed, her laughing in response.
“You don’t have to bow, Y/N.”
“Now, why are you wandering around?”
“A girl named Eun Ae came, started talking to Hoseok and –”
“Oh, that leech showed up.” Everyone seemed to dislike her but Hoseok doesn’t notice it…
“Come.” She said that but she was going to take you with her regardless, Hoseok was still talking to Eun Ae while the poor boy she brought awkwardly stood near them.
“Oh, Eun Ae, it’s been a long time, huh? Let’s chat in the kitchen.”
“In a minute–”
“Is that any way to treat your unnie?”
“Right. Come along, bring your friend as well.” Eun Ae glared at you, her eyes pierced through your soul.
Hoseok took your hand, taking off in a direction and you could only follow him. He stopped when the two of you entered what looked like a guest room. The two of you sat on a couch, Hoseok opting to hold your hand and stare at you…
“Noona must like you then.”
“She really didn’t like Eun Ae when I was in middle school, always calling her a gold digger and a bad influence… I wish I listened to her sooner.”
“Don’t hold it against yourself too much. You just have a giving heart.”
“I want to give everything I’ve got to you now.”
“Don’t say things like that so easily.”
“I can only say it so easily because I’m saying it to you. You’re the reason why.”
“Come here…” You moved closer, Hoseok pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you. His side profile was the first thing you focused on, mindlessly tracing down his jawline.
“I almost forgot…”
“What is it?”
“Happy birthday, Hoseok.”
“You’re so adorable, Y/N.” You smiled before planting a kiss on his lips. One of your hands settled on his shoulder, the other holding his hand as he leaned in to deepen the kiss.
You didn’t know why but it always caught you off guard how Hoseok could make every kiss feel so different. It was hard to describe what it was like, he could kiss you like you were the sweetest thing he has ever tasted to kissing you like it was the first time he’s ever kissed someone.
“You’re incredible…”
“I don’t think you should be complimenting me so much, it’s supposed to be about you today.”
“Hm, there is one thing you could do for me.”
“What is it?”
“I want you to call me ‘Hobi~’.”
“Baby sounds good too.”
“Wait a m-minute, where is this coming from?”
“As much as I love when you call my name, I want you to call me by a nickname.”
“But everyone calls you Hobi.”
“When you say it, it will sound different to me…” He looked away from you as he said it, was he being shy?
“H-Hobi.” He placed your hand on his chest, you felt his warm chest, but the beating of his heart made you feel embarrassed
“Hearing you call my name, my heart.”
“You’re so dramatic, Hoseok.”
“Aw, Y/N, you can’t deny a man his wish.”
“You didn’t say to say it from now on, so your wish was granted.”
“Defeated by a technicality… No wonder you’re top of the grade.”
“Is there anything else?” He points to his cheek, you leaned in for his cheek and he turned his head. You quickly pulled away, Hoseok gave you a mischievous grin and you frowned.
“Can’t resist your lips.”
You stood in front of your mirror, looking at yourself in your uniform.
It’s now spring, meaning light clothing and warmer weather. Hoseok would take you home later than usual but your dad worked less in the spring…
It was awkward coming home to your dad on the couch, reading one of his novels or eating leftovers. Jingle, despite being a cat, could sense the awkward tension between the two of you and stayed in your room as usual.
Being around Namjoon and Minyoung felt more natural and you started to branch out to others in your class. Of course, you still felt Eun Ae’s glares every so often but a simple squeeze from Hoseok’s hand was enough to distract you.
You watched Hoseok in a different light, his words still made you nervous, or shy, or embarrassed or a combination of the three but you didn’t stutter like you used to.
Yet not hearing his voice made things felt incomplete. You feared that your attachment to Hoseok was going to scare him off but with every kiss, hug and calling of your name… The thought melted away like the snow on the busy streets.
You grabbed your bag, heading downstairs to see Hoseok sitting on the lounge chairs before getting up.
“Morning, beautiful.”
“Good morning, Hoseok.” He smiled at you, taking your hand and walking out of your building. The two of you walked close down the street,
“Your hair looks pretty. And is that vanilla?”
“You noticed?”
“You always smell good but why the change?”
“You said it was your favourite smell, so I… That sounds weird, doesn’t it?”
“It’s kind of cute in a way.”
“Did you hear about the spring festival?”
“No, actually.”
“Ah, really.”
“It’s in a few weeks and I was-“ Namjoon jumped on his back, Minyoung shook her head as she caught up to the three of you.
“Did I interrupt something?”
“No-“ You and Hoseok both said, Hoseok sighing in response.
“Shoot, sorry, guys.”
“It’s alright, dude. But get off me, you’re heavy!”
“Hurtful, Hobi.” Minyoung comforted him, the two of them walking alongside you and Hoseok. You looked at Hoseok, who was unusually silent, and he didn’t glance at you.
Was it because you said Namjoon wasn’t interrupting? He usually doesn’t mind.
You went through most of the day, Hoseok still withdrawn from speaking a lot and you asked Minyoung about it.
“Did I say something wrong? I didn’t mean to upset him...”
“He did look super annoyed like he had something to say.”
“He was talking about the spring festival this morning.”
“Wait, really?!”
“Yeah but, Namjoon kinda jumped in.”
“Yeah, literally. If he was talking about the spring festival, then he was...”
“He was what? Minyoung?”
“Nothing, nothing. I was just thinking. You should totally come, there’s free food.”
“Of course, there is.”
“Oh ho, what happened to my sweet and shy Y/N? This one is sassy.” You giggled at her bad acting, any place that had free food would be where you would find Minyoung. She loved her food.
“This is your influence, Minyoung.”
“I’m kind of glad. Who knew you were the missing piece from our group? Plus, I don’t have to be outnumbered by the boys anymore.”
“But Y/N?’
“You needed to tell Hoseok how you feel.”
“Where is this coming from?”
“You two have been pining over each other for months, going on dates, kissing even you think no one’s around, walking home together. Didn’t he confess to you even?”
“I know I shouldn’t try to rush you, but you deserve to be happy, whether it’s with Hoseok or not.” You hugged her, trying not to cry from her sentiments.
It was weird thinking that months ago, you were fine being without friends and living on your own. If it weren’t for Hoseok, you wouldn’t have been friends with Minyoung and Namjoon, you wouldn’t have opened up to people. You would have been stationary, watching everyone move on without you and leaving you behind.
“Oh, what is this I see? What are you two gossiping about?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Joonie?” He kissed her head, putting his arm on her shoulder and you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned your head and heard a laugh in your right ear.
“Over here.” You looked at him, his face was really close to yours and you were pretty sure that you were blushing.
“Wow, your cheeks are so rosy.”
“Don’t say that out loud…”
“Why~? It’s true.”
“You’re impossible…” He grinned, you were unable to stop yourself from smiling and he grabbed your hand. You knew he was going to whisk you somewhere, your feet already matching his steps as you two walked down the hallway.
“Hoseok, where are you ta-” Your back hit the wall along with the crashing of Hoseok’s lips against yours. Your hands gripped his shirt, taken back by the sudden aggression Hoseok portrayed. It wasn’t the first time you met the hungrier side of Hoseok’s kisses, the sweet taste of urgency and deep desire hit you in waves.
Your mind was going blank with each second spent kissing him, his lips always had a way of making you feel dizzy. He only pulled away when you two heard people coming your way.
“Sorry, I just…” You grabbed his tie, pulling him in again for another kiss. You pulled away before you got overwhelmed again.
“See you at the end of the day, Hobi.” You said, walking back to class and hiding your face in your textbook. It’s only fair if you teased him a little bit too, right?
You walked to your locker, expecting to see Hoseok leaning against the one next to you as usual but seeing two girls walk up to him. One of them handed Hoseok something before running off with their friend and you tried to pretend you didn’t see.
“Hey, cutie.”
“How monotonous, did something happen? Did you fight those girls again?” You could see he was fumbling with the item that girl gave him and it only sparked your curiosity.
“No, Hoseok.”
“You know you can tell me anything, Y/N.” Except that you liked him.
“It’s nothing, really. Let’s just go.” He looked like he was going to say something more, but he dropped it when you took his hand and began to pull him along.
“I’m sorry about this morning… I wanted to talk to you about the festival since it’ll be the first one I wanted to go to…”
“Oh.” Is it because of you? Y/N, don’t get ahead of yourself, maybe there’s going to be something that he really wants to do at the festival…
“I heard there was going to be some special booth, I need to check it out.”
“That sounds cool.”
“Yeah, I wonder if there are prizes…” You absentminded agreed, regretting that you didn’t take the opportunity to see if he was wondering about going together. 
What Minyoung said earlier has struck a chord with you, how long could Hoseok be comfortable with whatever you two were until he’s had enough? Your mind replays the two girls coming up to him, Eun Ae’s attempts to shamelessly flirt with Hoseok in front of you and chase you off. If it wasn’t Hoseok getting sick of you, maybe it’ll be the girls that are actively pursuing him…
“Earth to Y/N!”
“What were you daydreaming about in that pretty head of yours?”
“Would you like some tea?” You blurted out, that oddly being the first thing that came to mind. He nodded, you led the way to your apartment and fumbling with your keys to open the door.
“It’s just as cozy as I remember it.”
“Let me get the kettle on.” You took off your shoes, put on slippers and grabbed the kettle from the cupboard. Hoseok took a seat at your table, you sat down across from him and Jingle walked along the table.
“Hey, Jingle.” He petted her back, she purred in response and you smiled at Hoseok played with her a bit.
“I didn’t think you were a cat person.”
“I just really like cute things, like you.”
“Do you ever get tired of saying that kind of stuff?”
“No, I know you secretly like it. You always smile when I say stuff like that.”
“How about right now?” He poked your cheek, you trying to keep a straight face while he kept poking.
“Knock it off!”
“See? I don’t even have to say anything either.”
“I’m checking the kettle.” You got up, hearing the familiar whistle and grabbing two cups.
“What kind of tea would you-” Hoseok was in front of you, reaching for the tea on the second shelf and you pressed into the counter.
“Chamomile… Orange… Cinnamon…” He put one down on the counter, next to you and his hand rested next to it. You were cornered by him, his smirk confirmed that he knew it too and you knew what came next.
“Y/N? Are you in the kitchen?” You dad said, walking in on the two of you and you shoved Hoseok away as your father’s eyes widened.
You awkwardly stirred in some sugar for your cup of tea, your father looking at Hoseok at the table. It was already awkward between you and your father but to add Hoseok to the mix… You didn’t want him to see this side of your life…
“So, you go to school with Y/N?”
“Yes, sir. We’re in the same grade.”
“Ah. Are you two friends?”
“Oh, well…” Hoseok looked at you, you met his eyes for a second before looking away. God, what were you two?
“We are, dad.”
“Y/N is an amazing friend. I can tell how precious Y/N is to you by the way she is. So wise, kind, righteous and honest…” Yet you haven’t told him how you honestly felt about him…
“My Y/N… it looks like you’ve found a friend that sees how precious you are.”
“She means a lot to me, sir.” He took your hand, your intertwined fingers resting on your thigh closest to Hoseok and you smiled shyly. You glanced at your dad, seeing him smiling at the two of you before looking at you.
“Please stay for dinner, I want to know more about Y/N at school.”
“It’s up to Y/N if she’d like me to.” They both looked at you, you only nodded in response and began to cook dinner for the three of you.
You listened a little to your father and Hoseok’s conversation, the two of them seeming to be comfortable talking to one another without you. It’s expected of Hoseok, he always had his way with people, always knowing what to say, what to do.
You made do with the groceries you brought a few days ago, making dumpling soup and serving your father and Hoseok first before joining them with your own bowl.
“Wait, dad, why are you hiding your phone?”
“It’s nothing, sweetie.”
“Hoseok?” You turned to him, Hoseok avoiding eye contact with you and your eyes shifted between the two of them.
“Let’s eat. Thank you for the meal.”
“Thanks, Y/N.” The two of them dug in and you ate with them, making sure they would drink something in between. They both pay their stomachs in unison after finishing dinner and you cleaned up the bowls.
“Need some help?”
“I’m fine, Hoseok.” He leaned against the counter as you washed the dishes and dried your hands with a cloth.
“Yes, dad?”
“You should walk Hoseok home, just to make sure that he’s okay.”
“Okay.” You put on your shoes, following Hoseok out the door and he took your hand as always.
“It’s cool to see your dad, maybe not how he caught us…”
“I’m glad he’s warming up to you. I don’t really bring people over anymore.”
“I feel honoured.”
“I’m glad you were there for me…again…”
“I’ll always be there for you. Always.” He kissed your hand; did you really deserve him?
“Good night, Hoseok.”
“Night, Y/N.” He kissed your forehead before you walked off, waving to Hoseok and running home. Your dad was sitting on the couch when you got home, you awkwardly walking towards him and he spoke first.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry for not being there for you after what happened… I’m glad that you grew up so beautifully, finding people that treat you as preciously as I should have.”
“Dad...” He went over to you, engulfing you in a hug and you broke down.
You used to live with your parents in a normal home, being a traditional family and your parents loved you unconditionally. At least, on the surface. You still remember your mother tucking you in for bed one night, singing you a lullaby before kissing your forehead. That was the last time you saw her again. She took off into the night, taking everything, her car, her clothes, her jewellery along with your father’s heart.
Your father turned to alcohol and work, you turned to school and never looked to each other for comfort. The two of you were depending on everything else except each other, the only other person who could know how it felt when your mother left.
“You’re all I have left, Y/N.” He said as he let you cry into his chest. These were the words you were missing… Thank you, Hoseok…
“I never thought you were the type to wear pigtails.”
“Eh? What are you talking about?” You were having lunch with Hoseok, him randomly bringing up this topic unless…
“He showed you?!” You squeaked, Hoseok laughing at your expense. That explains why he kept smiling at his phone, your dad sent him some of your photos from when you were younger.
“Delete them.”
“So demanding. This isn’t the Y/N I know.”
“Jung Hoseok.”
“Why~ You looked so cute, it’s nice to know that you were cute all your life.”
“Tell you what, if you can reach my phone I’ll let you delete them.” He stretched his arm out, you reached over to grab his phone. You ended up in his lap, still trying to grab his phone and only being able to touch the screen when his lockscreen popped up. It was a photo of you, you looked surprised as if you caught him trying to sneak a photo of you while you weren’t looking.
“I’m your lockscreen.”
“It’s the first thing I want to see when I wake up.”
“So cheesy.”
“What can I say? It’s my favourite photo of you, after the one of you on the swings.”
“You took a photo of me then, too?” You two stopped by a park sometimes, just talking about your day and things you were excited about. Hoseok would occasionally have his phone, looking like he was texting someone, but you never noticed it.
“Ha, I just tattled on myself, didn’t I?”
“You did but I don’t mind… I want to capture moments of you too.” You looked at him, seeing him blush and he laughed it off.
“So well articulated, Y/N.” Maybe you need to make more of an impact.
“I meant it, Hobi.”
“I-I need to get to class.” You got out his lap, Hoseok rushing out and you frowned. Was it too much?
It was the day of the festival, the past few days leading up to it made you extremely nervous around Hoseok again. You’ve come to terms with yourself, knowing that you’ve liked Hoseok this whole time, but you just didn’t feel like you were… worthy to?
Your mind would think back to Eun Ae, someone who captured Hoseok’s heart at some point, how the two of you were polar opposites in every way. Then, Hoseok would remind you of why he liked you or say something stupid and cheesy that takes your mind off it.
He was sure about you. And you needed to show him that you felt the same.
“Y/N! Your dad let me in.” Minyoung walked into your room, you currently looking for an outfit. You were trying to find something that would catch his eye as the online article on confessing said you should do…
“Need some help?”
“Yes, please.” She laughed a little, walking over to you and the two of you rummaged through your closet. You didn’t have any many options, but you decided on an old skater dress you had and your old black tights.
“Y/N, how could you always look this good? I’m jealous.”
“Min, you know you’re really pretty too.”
“You’re way too humble, no wonder you and Hobi get along so well.”
“I guess we do…” You smiled, Minyoung nudged you and you looked at her. She wiggled her eyebrows in response and you nudged her back. She changed into the clothes she brought with her, you bombarded her with compliments and the two of you head out.
“Don’t be out too late, Y/N.”
“I won’t, dad.” You said before leaving, walking to your school where the festival was taking place. Lanterns light up a path with many booths on either side of you. There were children running around, couples walking hand in hand and people waiting at booths. You saw Namjoon who ran over to the two of you, giving you a hug and kissing Minyoung.
“Where’s Hoseok?”
“He said he’ll show up, dunno when though?”
“We can hang out, though.” You smiled at Minyoung’s offer, knowing they were just being nice, so you just went along with them. Once in a while, you find yourself searching for Hoseok in the crowd, or checking your phone to see if he texted you.
“I can call him if you’d like.”
“It’s fine, Namjoon. Maybe he’s busy or something.” Maybe he doesn’t want to see me…
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, there are some things I want to see. Don’t wait for me, okay?” You said, walking in the opposite direction of the two of them. Maybe you’ve missed him or something, or maybe he decided not to come?
You sat on the edge of the fountain, people passing you as you stared at your phone. Wishing that you’d hear your text tone and see Hoseok’s name appear on your screen… Your phone buzzed, you immediately picked up the phone.
“Hoseok? Where are you?”
I’m near the fortune tree, meet me here?
You hung up, running in the direction of the tree and looking for him.
“You got here fast.”
“That’s because I didn’t want to miss you.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.” He took your hand, leading you to a bench and the two of you sat. It was comfortable as you let yourself catch your breath and thought about what you had to say.
“I heard this festival has a legend to it.”
“What is it?”
“Couples that confess to each other on this day will never break up.”
“I hope it’s true.”
“Hey, Y/N…”
“Yes?” Is he asking you out?
“Do you want to write a fortune with me?”
“O-oh…” You two walked over to a table with blank fortune cards, each of you writing your own and Hoseok being particularly secretive with his before putting it in an envelope and tying it to the fortune tree.
“Is there anything you want to do?”
“Can we go somewhere quieter?” He nodded, taking your hand and leading you to the bridge near your school. The steady stream of water calmed you down as you two leaned against the rails of the bridge.
“Hoseok…” He looked at you, you took a deep breath before continuing.
“I know this is long overdue and I should have said this sooner, but I didn’t know how I truly felt. You bring out sides of me that I didn’t know existed, embraced parts of me that I was ashamed of and loved the parts I hated the most. I didn’t think I deserved to say that I love you, but I love you so much, Jung Hoseok. I love you.” You didn’t realize you were shaky until he put his hands on your shoulders. His hands grabbed yours, pulling you closer to him as he kissed you.
It was soft and sweet, his lips gently pressed against yours.
“You don’t know how much I wanted to hear that.”
“I think you showed me, Seokie.”
“Seokie? I like that. But I think there’s one thing I’d like to be called more.”
“What is that?”
“Your boyfriend.”
Always the smooth talker, isn’t he? Your boyfriend, Jung Hoseok.
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