#first wlw edit!! <3
its-tea-time-darling · 11 months
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➳ @themazewomen , prompt: confessions.
& if we ever meet again I hope you're not too proud to admit that walking away was a mistake. - Ginnie Bale
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macbcth · 14 days
what your favourite dunmeshi ship says about you
farcille: you're classic, you make sense, you like to see the lesbians winning and also you're a bit of a monster fucker: you may or may not specifically have a wing kink
chilshi: you like your men hairy and fat, also you are not immune to panty-shot propaganda, your love language is acts of service
chilaios: you have a size kink
labru: you would literally settle for any ship as long as it's mlm even when there is wonderful, incredible yuri happening, you think character foils should fuck
laimar: your favourite trope is friends to lovers, also you like to see the bisexuals winning, you're also.. what the poets might call.... weird
marchil: your favourite trope is enemies to lovers, your love language is banter, and you're the kind of person who says 'i can fix him' far too often
kabumisu: your ship could burn down the world and violate the geneva convention and you would still call both of them babygirl, also you like angst
laios x monsters: you like tentacle porn
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neallo · 8 months
wedding doves & leather gloves
for @dnkinktober day 17 (brat taming) <3
category: F/F | rating: explicit | word count: 1,000
pairing: mello/near
tags: brat taming, punishment, pain play, dom/sub, dirty talk, mild possessiveness
“Don’t tell me,” Near says, derisive tone tainted by her words wavering. “You want to hear that I’m yours.” Exquisite pain blossoms across her scalp as Mello yanks on her hair. “Don’t be a fucking brat,” Mello hisses. “Answer me. What are you, Near?” “I’m a detective,” she replies flatly. “Just like you are.”
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snowysobsessions · 4 months
"Do I Have A Crush?" Quizzes as an Aromantic
In a previous post I had mentioned that I love taking "do I have a crush?" quizzes as an Aromantic. What I didn't share in that post was all of my findings from taking basically every quiz on that topic I could find. This is gonna be a bit of a long one, but I hope it will be an enlightening one!
Being an aro and taking these quizzes is pretty interesting. Because I do get plushes, which for me share some qualities with crushes, but are a completely different experience as a whole. For lack of a better equivalent, I have used my plushes while taking these quizzes. This will become relevant later on.
Anyway, here are my findings:
1. The target demographic for these quizzes is teenage girls. Well, the majority of online quizzes are intended for teenage girls. But these ones are especially designed for teenage girls. It's often painfully obvious by the way they are written, the answers available, and the scenarios provided. About crushes specifically though, this makes sense. Most people have their first crush during their teenage years. So the next logical step is to be curious about these new feelings and take an online quiz to figure out what's going on. Why only girls, though? Hard to say. It could be because they assume boys generally feel more confident in their romantic interest and thus would have no need for such a thing. Worth noting it was very hard to find a TRULY gender inclusive quiz. There's tons of wlm and wlw, but almost nothing for mlw or mlm. And if you're nonbinary or your crush is nonbinary, good fucking luck. The vast majority of them rely on some sort of gender stereotype. So many of these are clearly written from the perspective that you are a cishet woman interested in a cishet man. In multiple quizzes I have actually found typos where instead of using they/them, they accidentally use he/him in one question, almost like it had been up for a few years, then someone edited it later and missed one. A freudian slip if I ever saw one.
2. Practically all of them assume you are currently attending high school I understand that this is the time when most people get their first crush... but there are people who only crush on celebrities and fictional characters until they are an adult. This is not an extremely uncommon occurrence. So as you can imagine, there are a lot of questions that ask about how you interact with this person at school. Usually the addition of "or at work" feels like an afterthought. Some quizzes I've come across don't even consider that an adult might be taking the quiz. Like the question just openly states that you are at school.
3. They frequently assume that your crush is NOT someone in your friend group. This is probably the most interesting one to me personally. Because I myself cannot get a plush on someone until I've known them as a friend for at least three months. And I know plenty of non-aro people that need to get to know someone as a friend before developing romantic feelings. It's just... such an oddly specific assumption, y'know? They don't even consider that maybe this person is already in your friend group (unless you are talking specifically "do I have a crush on my best friend" quizzes). They just doesn't consider that the way you feel about someone can change over time. It's love at first sight or you will never feel that way about that person, I guess. (I think this is more teenager shenanigans. Because "am I about to enter a relationship with an abusive guy" doesn't appear to be the concern. Just that both or either friend group might not approve...?)
4. They generally assume your crush is a stranger or someone you do not know very well. Related to the previous one, this one is kind of weird to me. I understand the concept of love at first sight, but these are "do I have a crush" quizzes, not "is this love at first sight" quizzes. Almost every quiz I took had a least one question that assumed you had fallen in love with someone you have never spoken to. And often for answers on other questions instead of including an "I'm on the fence for how I feel about this person" option in the answers, which would be pretty logical to include, they have an option that says "N/A because I don't actually know them." However, the "do I have a crush on my best friend" quizzes are an exception to this. Instead they often assume you are spending every single free moment of time you have with this person.
5. If you have a crush on your best friend, you have either terribly misinterpreted you feelings and theirs, or they will never feel the same way about you. Um, yeah... I guess some people just can't tell the difference between romantic attraction and just being really good friends. But an important note: I think in some cases there's definitely outside pressure saying that two people "should" be in a romantic relationship simply because they are close platonically. Making those people question how they feel. Hence the existence of these quizzes. I can definitely feel that pressure while taking them.
6. They assume that your friends are all a certain type of person and your relationship with them is very specific. So here's the common assumptions I found across most quizzes:
Your friends are the type of people that are very invested in the love lives of everyone in that friend group. (And also outside of your friend group...)
Your friends are the type of people that will tease you about your romantic interests instead of being supportive.
You talk frequently about your love interests, love life, or lack there of with your friends. (Before you say "What? Everyone does that!" Not everyone does that.)
You are the only person questioning your feelings, everyone else is certain you have a crush.
Thankfully a teenage friend has informed me that this is 100% a teenager behaviour that happens all the time. Although I have seen cases where women under the age of 25 can also do this. I would go into detail about each of those but I think how these are not good assumptions to make is pretty self explanatory. You don't know me, you don't know what my friends are like, stop saying your experiences are universal. I will say blindly trusting the quiz taker's friends is not as reliable of a choice as it sounds. Sometimes people will just call any fond feelings for someone, platonic or not, a crush. And they sometimes will insist that person has a crush even if they say that they do not have a crush and simply want to be friends. And after awhile it can get to your head and feel like the only opinion that matters.
7. They assume this person is someone who you know/you regularly see in real life. In every quiz I took they asked at least one question that I could not answer because the plush I was using for all of these is someone I only know online. Specifically, it was some variant of "how often do you stare at them?" I understand this is a defining part of having a crush for most people, but I was rarely even given the option to say that this person and I are not regularly in the same room. Okay, let's say a teen girl gets a crush on a boy on from another school during like a sports game. She cannot answer this particular question truthfully either because imagining how often you'd stare at someone you met once if you were regularly in the same room with accuracy is not easy.
8. They assume you have the biggest crush, as anything less could lead to negative results from the quiz. Because I do not experience the same feelings, sometimes answering these questions truthfully is very difficult because my options are usually like this:
Q. If your crush asked you to hang out, how would you react?
Well, we hang out all the time (as friends) so this is just a normal Tuesday for us.
I haven't even introduced myself to this person so they literally cannot ask me to hang out.
I'd make an excuse to not go.
And none of this is even close to how I feel about my plush. Or even about my friends. I cannot answer this question with 100% honesty. Legitimately, I've felt like I've gotten "you don't have a crush" results for the simple reason that I am not head over heals for my plush. Often it was either "every thought in my mind is of them" or "they're alright, I guess." But you can see how only the first option, with the most intense feelings, suggests that you have a crush. The other three options are either completely neutral feelings or suggest dislike. And since that's what people are taking this quiz to figure out, almost everyone is going to pick the first option. It might as well be just "would you hang out with your crush if they asked you, yes or no?"
So these quizzes are built on the assumption that you do, in fact, have a crush. You just want those feelings validated.
"Okay that's great Snowy, but what results did you get from these quizzes as an aromantic?"
Well, I didn't write down exact numbers since there were so many quizzes I took over about an eight month period. Some of them I took multiple times months apart and got different results. But I'd say about 60% said I had a crush, or was likely to have a crush. And 40% said I did not, or it wasn't likely to be a crush.
The funny part?
When I took some of those I didn't have a plush on anyone at the time. I was just using how I felt platonically about a close friend as the "crush." And while this did sway the results, it was not by much. Turning it more into a 50/50 chance.
No plush, no sexual attraction, they are JUST my friend. And yet, the results screen tells me I am deeply in love with them about half of the time.
When I said they assume you do have a crush, I really meant it.
Finally, I have actually made my own "do I have a crush" quiz that hopefully avoids doing everything I just talked about. No assumptions about the person you may have feelings for, no assumptions about your friends, no assumptions about you, who you are, or why you are taking it in the first place.
It's password locked since I'd like to get results strictly from people who find this post on Tumblr (for now). So type in this word when prompted:
Thank you for reading all the way to the end. I spent a long time with all the research and writing so it means a lot to me. 💖
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marlopawsome · 2 days
MY GOD CAN YOU FUCKING STOP CALL PEOPLE HOMOPHOBIC OR QUEERPHOBIC who are skeptical because of the genderswap of Michael??
1. The Writers made us doubt Francesca love for John with the kiss at the wedding and her „I forgot my name“ when meeting Michaela
In the books there is no doubt Fran and John love each other over the moon, they enjoy themselves emotional and physical
Michael falls first, not Francesca, Franny loves Michael as a friend and then with her overcoming her grief she starts to love him in a romantic way
Now we have a she’s married to John whom she clearly likes but we now doubt if it’s real love like Violet tried to convince her for 3 episodes and clearly she’s attracted to Michaela
So it’s not the Michaela is a woman it’s the whole do Fran really LOVE John or is it just mutual likeness? And why would they erase this love they had? They didn’t need to do that! They could have sticked to the book and let Fran fall in love with Michaela after John’s death
2. Michaels whole conflict was based of his GUILT taking EVERYTHING from John
Beginning from his titles and land, Michael never wanted that or the commitment coming with a title
We now had three seasons and Queen Charlotte with whole lot of conflict where WOMAN were on the brink of loosing everything because they could not inherit the title and lands
So after he inherits everything he really struggles to be around Fran, to be true to his feelings because he’s thinking „I am not taking the last thing John had from him!!“
How would that now go with a female Michaela?
As I said the SHOW showed us clearly no female could inherit land or titles
Damn it even was a crucial part in season 2 & 3 with the feaheringtons and changing that would made all the hardships Portia going through invalid
Also they could have just scrapped the Mondrichs/Lord Kent Plot altogether then
So again: it’s nothing to do with Fran should not love a woman BUT with the In-Universe Canon and how that can work out with one of Michael’s biggest inner conflicts? People are not AGAINST it they’re are just wondering how this could work out?
Edit: I see a Eloise and Michaela are going to get woman’s the right to inherit land and titles plot and Fran has a daughter of John but would loose everything and Michaela wants to save her (although Fran has always her family in London)
3. Francesca wants to be a mother more then everything
And yes, wlw couples struggle a lot with getting pregnant and getting kids too
But In the books Francesca struggles to concieve, and after John’s death she miscarried
We don’t have a lot of screentime for this kind of life and struggles, besides in Queen Charlotte, and it would be cruel to remove this
Francesca wants to be a mother so bad and although adoption is a way (but I wasn’t shown in 4 seasons so it would be strange to just pop up in Frans story) or sperm donor (which I don’t think Fran would be compatible for) again it clashes with what the show runners established in the In-Universe Canon.
Surely they can implement that now, it would have just been better to build that up! Not a sudden „it’s possible now“
So the genderchange brings two major plotquestions for the characters and the way the show did it invalidates Frans Love to John
ALSO! That feels so much like forced queerness! We love and want and need queer representation! But we deserve good story’s, nice build up and true feelings!!
In the end we have to wait how the show runners execute the plot now, and what they gonna do, how the actors work etc and can’t say if it will fail or not
But to be critical and question the decision because of how the show handled a lot of topics crucial for the John/Fran/Michael Plot does not make one homophobic or queerphobic.
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girltigerclaw · 6 months
breaking into ur house rn
top ten characters and bottom ten. reasons are optional
I just finished this chart thing i think i actually stole from your blog a few months ago <3 Slightly edited to my own prefs.
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If anyone wants the template check the reblogs, and feel free to add you own. I'd love to see. I'm just rambling under here:
Leafpool: She is more special and sacred than the virgin mary. She has everything. Daughter of the first protagonist, ex boyfriend for me to hate, TONS of wlw situationships<3, a lifetime of tragedy, and some of the most gorgeous canon art to exist.
Crookedstar: Crookedstar is a trans woman to me. Her life is genuinely just so tragic and fucked, I love it. The erins asked: “How much truama, death and misfortune can you fit into a single cat?” and then they wrote Crookedstar’s promise.
Tawnypelt: GIRLS WHO HATE THEIR FATHERS. The erins dont love her like I do.
Tallstar: I love old men… I fucking love seeing older characters and how much they’ve changed from their younger selves. Tallstar is considered one of, if not the most peaceful leader in the clans. But also when he was like 19 he went on a quest to fucking murder a guy :3
Cloudstar: I rlly do not care abt anyone in Skyclan(I like Leafstar but she's not a fav yknow?) Cloudstar... he was based as fuck. Why did Starclan get away with this shit for real??
Scourge: It’s fucking Scourge. He’s awesome
Briarlight: I’m disabled and I love her. She has such a consistent fun, sweet personality and she makes me happy!!<3
RavenBarley: It deserves all the attention and hype it gets. Though I wish mlm ships didn’t overshadow wlw ones in this fandom, RavenBarley is genuinely well written and makes me very emotional even if the publisher didnt allow it to be explicitly canon.
CrookedBlue: TRANS WOMEN CROOKEDSTAR YURI. Two leaders having a forbidden relationship and kits is way more interesting than Oakheart. The angst of Crooked and Blue sitting next to eachother every gathering while the entire forest has their eyes on them. Don’t look for too long, don’t let the mourning slip into your voice. You have to pretend your lover is a stranger. You… have become strangers. You can never be together again. You're enemies now. This is what we wanted, isn’t it? …We’ll never be happy again.
Mothwing: Her novella delving into her relationship with Hawkfrost was so good and heartbreaking.
Heathertail: Daughter of leader, sister of a major villian, and former love interest of a protagonist! Why did she fall off the second po3 ended. She’s shown to be very compassionate and willing to put her own feelings aside for the sake of others. Would’ve honestly prefered her as a mate to Lionblaze or get a pov herself over the nothing we got.
Blackstar: *Murders an elderly woman trying to stop me from kidnapping children. Supports a dictator openly abusing/neglecting children and the elderly. Murders a man for refusing to kill mixed raced children- then tells said man’s sister that she will never be safe.* Man…. i sure do feel bad for abusing and killing all of those people…. Good thing I will face no consequences and proceed to be made leader, where I will have even more power over the wellbeing of others.
I hate. This guy.
The New Prophecy: A classic. My first series was actually tnp! i feel more attached to first arc cats tho, if you couldn't already tell by my list lmao
Johanna Map- Best Tawnypelt content out there
BlueQuince: My personal handcrafted, homemade Yuri. Bluefur feels terrible about Tiny going missing and promises Quince she’ll help her find him. They never did, but they had a very… fleeting but intimate relationship. Quince is grieving and Bluefur feels so overwhelmed by the duties in her clan. They’ve always thought of eachother since but never met again.
Tigerclaw: My name sake<3 The angst of his earlier life is so, so facinating to me. Starclan being straight fucked up and decided killing him is their only option? He was a kid and they saw him as a lost cause from the start. They never tried any other methods, never tried to steer him in the right direction or… even just take it into their own hands and kill him themself, which they have SHOWN they’re capable of.
They watched all the the horrific crimes he commited, entirely aware they were going to happen. Thats. Fucking. Horrifying. Starclan is scary as shit… and his death? FANTASTIC. I only wish he’d gotten lives from cats he killed so that him coming back to life to suffer over and over was an actual curse from Starclan and not blessings. They knew how he would die and they gave him the lives to torture him for his sins…
Flywhisker: Adhd girlies. Painfully relate to that feeling of the constant scolding for never being “good enough” because I prefer to do things a certain way or struggle to focus. So, SO happy for her when she left the clans! You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone! Hope she’s happy and warm indoors with her brother💕
(P.S. I was very suprised to find she actually had an official art piece!)
Bluestar: Get behind me women with mental disorders. I will defend you. Beautifully complex and tragic character, my favorite written in the series. Literally can't think of a single other female character in handled as seriously and with the complexity of Bluestar. (Although her super edition was a bit of an L with how others treated her, it ultimately makes her breakdown even more painful.)
Exile from Shaodwclan: Nightstar my beloved! He's such a great guy. The rightful leader of Shadowclan, always and forever.
Crookedstar art: So beautiful. I genuinely think she's one of the prettiest cats in the series. This along with her official art by Wayne Mcloughlin.
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Leopardstar: As a kid I hated her and loved Blackfoot, now I hate Blackfoot and love her. #feminism. But seriously I think she has way more going for her than he ever has. Her father is a medicine cat who hates violence, the DRASTIC change in Riverclan's view of outsiders upon Crookedstar's death and her leadership. Her already having a position of power before proving she's unworthy of it. (Unlike Blackstar who gets rewarded for his racism and violence by being made leader afterwards) and the fact she has to interact with her victims on a daily basis after what she did.
The writings attempts to redeem her are really lame and dismissive of the actually damage she did, but at the very least they TRIED to do something else with her. Personally, I would have loved to see her assassinated by Mistyfoot. Just like her mother Bluestar was almost killed all those moons ago by Tigerclaw... The parallels of violence for power and violence for peace. A victim repeating the actions of the very man who killed her brother to put an end to what he started in Riverclan.... A shadow in Riverclan, if you will. (<-Pretending erin hunter has hired me to rewrite their series)
Windclan: Tunneling as a concept and inviting outsiders into their clan so friendly and casual makes the clan seems so much more diverse than the others. It always stuck out to me!
Andddd there are my current warrior cat options as of 2023! If someone actually read this whole ramble ily<3
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
try again masterlist smau
pairing/s: florist! kim minju x high school teacher! gp! oc
summary: when batch '16 decides to hold a high school reunion, minju decides it was a good idea to tag along with her friends to attend the event, but a good decision before is a bad decision now if it means encountering her old high school sweetheart and first love, ahn hyunjae.
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"you still like tulips?"
"yes, what about you? do you still love marigolds?"
"yeah, i still love them (the same way i still love you)."
tags... crack, fluff; angst; hurt; no beta we die like men; second chance romances; exes-to-friends-to-lovers; non-idol au, old high school sweethearts meeting again, straight-a troublemaker x straight-a good student, adult au, wlw
warning/s... angst; suggestive/smut themes; dark jokes; strong language, bullying (affectionately); multiple mentions of alcohol and its consumption; violence mentioned; idk anymore, i'll add more if i notice something;
posting schedule.... whenever a sense of motivation hits
featuring... izone, some nmixx members (mostly haewon & bae), some ateez members (mostly wooyoung & seonghwa), and many more idols that are either mentioned or appeared in some chapters.
status... will rewrite
profiles. spawns of satan, the chaos within, the flowers in the meadow
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chapters (number of chapters & some titles still unidentified)
⭐ - fav chap
[0] the collapse
[1] the gfs are worried
[2] backstreet's back alright
[3] curious minju pt.1
[4] our divorced parents ⭐
[5] what if?? ⭐
[6] stranger danger ⭐
[7] 1st day
[8] new girl?
[9] active era ⭐
[10] yes, better than u
[11] pink tulips (written) ⭐
[12] uh-oh??
[13] hide-and-seek ⭐
... many more
taglist (open!): @awkwardtoafault , @kimsgayness , @dream-chasers-things
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a/n: jae can be interpreted as the reader or whole other person. it was supposed to be y/n, not jae but i find it hard to imagine if i pair minju to someone i can't imagine, so that's where jae is born.
disclaimer all images and pictures used in this story are not all mine. they belong to their rightful owners and i therefore give credits to their edits. i DO NOT CONDONE or ENCOURAGE the violence mentioned here.
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@ eventuallyaugust 2023 | navi
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sea-owl · 3 months
Saw a tiktok about a guy having a breakdown over some romance books that have like 1-3 sex scenes in them. Calling them porn and saying romance readers have a porn addiction.
First of all sir those are not the porn books. I can give you a porn book, I accidentally picked up a supernatural erotica once during a buy a box of books sale. It was actually pretty good, WLW monsterfucker erotica.
Second of all, just because someone likes romance books or even the sex scenes in those books doesn't mean they have a porn addiction. Practically every scene in a book, especially traditionally published books that go through round after round of editing, serve some sort of purpose to the overall story, and yes, that includes the sex scenes. Whether it be good, bad, downtime, stakes raising, comparison scenes, or even showing readers the physical and / or emotional connection, it has a purpose.
Third of all, just because you see people reading their romance books in public doesn't mean they aren't reading other things. My romance books are more travel friendly. But at home I'm also reading a book on how Victorians were the original true crime girlies, a book on poisonous plants, the history of poison, and an art history book on tue works of Alphonse Mucha.
Fourth of all who cares?! The romance genre has been around forever and so has the love for a love story. Let people enjoy things damn. They're not doing anything to you! They mind their own business with their book boyfriends and girlfriends.
And my final point, well advice, stay off AO3 and fanfiction sites sir. You would not survive.
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pluralsword · 3 months
An Essay: Trans History and Retcons Regarding IDW1 Arcee and Her Spotlight
As we've slowly learned more and deeply immersed into IDW1 Arcee's writing over the years, finding much more than just kinship to her, we felt this urge to dig further, to understand, feeling threads that were there regarding trans history, but not having much knowledge regarding historical transmedicalism, so we dug. We dug because we wanted to show that Arcee's writing from 2012-2018 not only is a beautiful trans story unique in science fiction, but that her personality there and in part in her Spotlight (which absolutely did not intend trans stuff and walked into a minefield in that regard that inadvertently opened up the opportunity for the writing and consulting team in Phase 2 and Phase 3 to figure out beautiful character arcs for her) are direct successors of the original personality frameworks for G1 Arcees, and to show the impact and legacy of both Sunbow/Marvel and IDW Arcees along with more Arcees combined on many versions of her thereafter.
Here's the introductory paragraph:
In much of the last decade, a lot of people familiar with Transformers’ trans stories appreciate Arcee being trans and her arcs in that regard from 2012 onwards. But during those six years from 2012-2018 where her narratives that firmly navigated her agency as a trans gal were being established by a number of writers, with consulting help in 2015 for Ask Vector Prime and 2018 for IDW1, there was and remains uncertainty over how exactly that works for her, specifically for her comic iteration where her transness was first hinted and then plainly stated. The variety of understandings in this regard in part originates from her introduction to the IDW1 run, Spotlight Arcee, in 2008, which was received rather turbulently because of how it portrayed her gender and transformer gals at large. Writing years after would navigate resolving this rather beautifully as showing Arcee having struggled with transmedicalism, isolation, abandonment, loneliness, and alienation, the brutality of a violent (and androcentric) world, as many trans people across gender and parallel spectrums or lacks thereof have in real life. Her story is done in a wlw trans gal context in particular. She is shown getting closure on all this, finding her happiness by the end of that continuity that would along with her story at large as a sweet, ferocious, outspoken old warrior sage help set the tone for her portrayals afterwards. Much of this overlaps with how she was described in her The Transformers Universe bio all the way back in 1986. In these regards, we (the writer of this is plural, we'll have a note about that near the end) think it is pertinent to take another look at how her story played out, what was actually written and shown vs. what was intended, to navigate transmedicalist history that overlaps with her story, and to show that Arcee’s trans iterations are directly part of the legacy of G1 Arcee overall
also a brief fact check edit regarding HRT:
we said HRT only effects hormones but realized we should fact check that, and apparently for some people HRT does effect their genes!! (this is separate from the discussion of gender journeys and epigenetics which we personally know next to nothing about) this a deeply understudied topic you can read about it here:
Gender-affirming hormone therapy induces specific DNA methylation changes in blood
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lgbtpopcult · 1 year
Top 20 WLW TV Shows & Movies- 2023 Edition
20. Sleep with me
19. The Favourite
18. The Last of Us
17. Atypical
16. Killing Eve
15. Dickinson
14. Imagine me and You
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13. Willow
12. Fucking Amal
11. The Owl House
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10. Carol
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9. I Care a Lot
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8. Fingersmith
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7. Crush
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6. The Haunting of Bly Manor
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5. The handmaiden
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4. My First Summer
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3. Harley Quinn Animated Series
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2. Fear Street
1. Gap The Series
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lumosatnight · 1 year
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Lani's Birthday Oneshots: 2023 Edition!
So, today is my birthday (SCREAMING!), and as a continuation of last year's tradition, I present a ONESHOT REC LIST to celebrate 🥳! Here are 15 oneshots, all under 10k words, one for each day in June leading up to my birthday. Lots of genres, lots of tropes, ordered by ship (kinda).
🌼 - fluff | 💔 - angst | 🔥 - smut | 👀 - mind the tags
1. Potter's Got a Tiny Dick (that I can't stop thinking about swallowing whole) by @vukovich [Draco/Harry, E, 4.1k] 🔥🤣 This is crack. Hilarious and filthy crack with bff Ginny, nasty car sex, and unhinged Draco wanting "Just a little nom of a cock."
2. Boy Wonder by @maesterchill [Draco/Harry/Ron, E, 6.1k] 🔥🎹 Established in love Rarry with Draco returned from abroad! Wonderful Ron characterization, witty snappy dialogue, and dacryphilia!!!
3. A Saving People Problem by @the-francakes [Draco/James, E, 5.9k] 🔥🏍️ Draco living at Grimmauld place, and James can't keep his eyes off of him. Oh heck yeah! Surprisingly sweet for such a hot cross-gen pairing. Also poor Harry lol.
4. Gray Eyes (Tell No Lies) by @danpuff-ao3 [Sirius/Draco, E, 3.7k] 🔥🍏 Draco with a lingerie kink! Sirius with a one-way magic mirror! So hot, so delectable. Throw in a praise kink too, and I'm drooling.
5. A Sight to Behold by @lumoslyra [Sirius/Luna, T, 2.5k] 🌼🥐 Luna and Sirius dancing around each other. Hermione watching it all and Harry is just confused. Super cute and sweet.
6. in rivulets, in waves by @dulosis [Bellatrix/Luna, M, 2.0k] 💔👀 Dark and deceptive. I couldn't put this fic down. What happens if Bellatrix survives the war? What if Luna takes her in?
7. Catch Me As I Fall by @this-world-of-beautiful-monsters [Bellatrix/Lily, T, 5.8k] 🌼💔 This fic is a wonderful AU of Lily befriending Bellatrix at Hogwarts. How she slowly changes, how she still is roped into the war. Just spectacular!
8. (give me) the first taste by @iamsiriuslyriddikulus [Narcissa/Lily, M, 4.4k] 💔🌿 Narcissa and Lily as hot moms smoking weed!!! Yes!! This Muggle AU is so well thought-out. The characters are so memorable. (Also I'm a sucker for flangst).
9. Love in a Hopeless Place by @dragonsandotters-dh [Remus/Narcissa, T, 4.6k] 💔🐺 So much hurt but also so much comfort. Draco gets bitten by Greyback. A heart-wrenching and hopeful look into the aftermath.
10. Male Bonding by musigneus [Remus/Severus, E, 9.8k] 🔥👀 This is angsty fuck-or-die to the max. Trapped in a cellar before the full moon. But it's SO GOOD and a somewhat hopeful ending.
11. Open a Vault For Me by Sevanna_OHera [Charity/Severus, M, 3.4k] 💔🧪 I found this pairing recently, and the angst level is off the charts. So much hope and longing in this fic and also a canon-compliant ending.
12. Table for One by @littlesixxwrites [Dean/Blaise, T, 3.2k] 🌼🎄 I LOVE THIS SHIP. Bean is the cutest. This fic has instantly smitten Blaise and equally enamored Dean. Lovely fluffy fic that made me squeal with happiness.
13. Maybe This Time (alternatively: once more, with feeling!) by @wanderingdonut [Regulus, G, 4.6k] 🤣👻 THIS FIC!! I died laughing from this fic, then I came back to life cackling and died all over again. Ghost Regulus is perfect. Snarky and entitled and wallowing in death lol.
14. toxicology by @batmansymbol [Hermione, G, 2.9k] 💔💌 A fascinating dive into the possible implication of Harry being a horcrux for so many years. I love how we view everything through Hermione's unreliable narration.
15. just a few sweaters by Prettything_uglylie [Molly, G, 2.4k] 🌼🧶 This story is a cup of hot cocoa in front of the fire. Warm and sweet and content. I adore it with my whole heart.
BONUS FIC (>10k): Tiny Dancer by @rainchance [Neville/Pansy, M, 12.4k] 🌼🩰 A super sweet Panville fic with ballet dancer Pansy and film student Neville. Wonderful background characters and mutual pining.
Want more fics to read?
Try my rec tag: #lumosinthelibrary
Bday Oneshots 2022, 22 Fic Recs 2022, WLW Library
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valittlecorner · 9 months
Hello, today we're complaining about Bushiroad's tactics and clear exploitation of the Sapphic community in their rhythm games💘 cause I'm feeling like a hater rn.
For starters, I've always noticed WLW representation is usually non-existent or placed on a side character with 3 seconds of screentime. It's pretty hard to even find appropriate WLW content that isn't sexualized to appeal the male gaze. And when you do find it, it's probably either cancelled midway (the owl house) or it makes you wait 6 years to see a proper display of affection (adventure time). Now this complaint came to me since it's reflected in a lot of female centric rhythm games, especially Bushiroad rhythm games.
First, Bang Dream. Pretty sure the Bandori fandom still remembers Bushi HINTING at every character from it being Sapphic, but were too afraid to confirm or say it clearly. And you know why is that??? Well, most of their income comes from thirsty males who wouldn't want to see their anime 'waifu' not appealing to them or being 'unavailable", that's how the market works bestie!!! So their solution is having extremely vague depictions of WLW while still making sure it's appealing to the male gaze. The main point that messes with WLW rep is misogyny, and how men are constantly trying to twist women into being their own little trophy that appeals ONLY TO THEM and completely ruining how people view Lesbians. To me, Bushi's rhythm games are a prime example of that.
Now let's talk about D4dj. D4 struggles with the same thing as Bandori, but arguably manages it worse. Since D4's characters are mostly adults, their cards are very suggestive, often showing their characters in questionable situations with one another, this is an example of wanting to appeal to the male gaze via the sexualization of Lesbians. And in the game's dialogue they show characters clearly blushing or being flustered around one another and overly exploit what I call "Sapphic bait". Sapphic Bait is showing you two female characters with CLEAR INTEREST IN ONE ANOTHER but never making it canon and just using it for clout. A clear example of this is TsubAoi (Tsubaki is clearly in love with Aoi and they play around with the concept a lot, but it's just that. It's never taken seriously enough, it's just a bait). The main problem with D4 is how they don't commit to the bit unless we're talking HayaCoco, their first Canon couple. They're the only ones who brought back hope of Bushi eventually stopping the Sapphic Bait, though I still think that's impossible to be honest. I really have no idea how their reveal went over in JP, but those two are a step in the right direction. However, there's still a long way to go when it comes to these topics AND ESPECIALLY coming from Bushi.
I know many other franchises do this, but I'm Bandori centred so that's about it. Conclusion of this rant being: Give proper Lesbian representation instead of just baiting your Sapphic audience into thinking they're finally being heard. It's tiring!!!
Edit: I made A HUGE mistake with the D4 card section of this post. I did not mean "sexualized / suggestive" cards, I was referring more to those Sapphic bait cards D4 has. Those with two characters involved in more romantic situations that Bushi usually plays as bait and is never mentioned again yknow!! My bad I wrote this when I was mad and didn't research properly oh my god
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door-insurance · 6 months
Revisiting life is strange and its fandom is really bittersweet
I don’t think the fandom is completely dead, it’s not what it used to be and I accept that but it’s bittersweet
also I don’t wanna gatekeep anyone from discovering LiS late, I don’t believe in “true fans”- I’m glad we’re still getting fandom babies hehh, thankfully there is a lot of fan materials to be discovered
I just wanna be a sentimental fool about the life is strange fandom, I was there when the first episode came out I was as old as the characters and it was an event, a moment that can never be replicated- the barbenheimer for tumblr lesbians
We never had a game like this before, it felt tailor made for us and we went crazy
It was fun, you’d just log on tumblr and find new fanart of your favorite character or ship- inside jokes and shitposts were rampant, a couple of fan writers and artists came together and made a fan game- “Love is Strange” where Max gets to romance Chloe, Kate, Victoria, Amber (tell me I’m not the only who remembers shrektoria and Rachel eating a salad while laughing meme)
I made fanart and memes and they blew up but I lost that account
They’d call us sjw trash on YouTube and make fun of the game, we didn’t give a shit
But I think it was around before the storm where i started to lose interest and was burnt out, also I just didn’t like the direction they went with for the game I thought it was an unnecessary edition to the main story (Rachel didn’t need a complicated backstory, Elliot, too much conflict for 3 episodes) and I don’t think I was the only one cause this is where the fan art and fic updates started to slow down
Then I moved on to other things, other fandoms- shit happens.
Life is strange was just another part of my cringey teenage self who the hell cares I was cringe
But now I’m an adult, I have responsibilities and anxieties that I never knew I’d have to deal with- i went through a lot in the last 8 years sometimes I wish I was still that cringey ass teenager. This year was particularly bad, lost someone I loved
I stumbled upon old fan art on Pinterest and it reignited my love for the first game, I felt happy that I had something to take my mind off and goddamn revisiting the fandom years later is so bittersweet. I miss my old fandom mutuals, the blogs that used to update everyday were last active 5 years ago and most of the og fan artists had either rebranded or had left, one of them got hacked
Tumblr doesn’t make it easy for you to look up older posts, you have to rely on old blogs, Google or Pinterest (kinda made it my mission to archive what I can find)
There are new artists doing their own thing and I love that for them! Also people still write fanfics and update them, when I have the time I sketch out my fave characters and ships- it seems like there is a vocal community on tiktok but idk i don’t wanna go there
But it’s not what it was and I accept that, shit happens I’m glad I got to experience it during its peak and that I was left with good memories and content I can still enjoy
I’ve definitely seen shittier and deader fandoms
Before LiS and Steven universe there weren’t a lot of spaces that let you enjoy wlw ships, they were either upstaged by yaoi stuff or fetishized (deviantart) this game and its fan base helped me accept my identity as a lesbian, told me it’s not a fetish when two girls hold hands
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calliettes-posts · 7 months
If you had to how would you rank the skams wlw couple? With mayla season 6 (let’s forget about s9)
1. Kieutou
This is me being incredibly biased, but watching Fatous season live did something to my brain, because as long I can remember there's never been a black main character like her on german TV, and that's why I'll defend Fatous season with everything. Also I loved how Kieu My and Fatou talked about being children of immigrants and how they related to eachother about that topic. And I loved that it wasn't a season about coming out, but that in s5 and 6 at least, everyone was casually gay and it was no big deal and they could talk openly about it. Additionally, even though the general audience may have not liked it, i absolutely lived for how the season was catered to non-white people, and our struggles, and for that druck s6 will always be the best skamverse season for me.And also, the symbolism. I lived for all the symbolism regarding Kieu My being the ice queen and the axolotl, and Fatou the warmest person ever, and how they complemented each other. And lastly for now, Kieu My climbed on a fucking roof for Fatou, alone for that they'll be always my top 1 skamverse couple
2. Anobbie
I don't think I've ever seen a skamverse couple in general having such great communication, and I don't think there's a skma season where a couple is already together early in the season and staying together and growing together throughout the clips and episodes and learning more about each other. And just like Fatou and Kieu My, Anais and Bobbie really complement eachother and I love that. And I also love how Anais season is lowkey Fatous season from Kieu Mys perspective and I also love how there are so many parallels between those two seasons. I also love how Bobbie tries to help Anais to stand up for herself, and just how much she cares for her, and also how much they can't get enough of eachother, they're just really cute so far
3. Mayla
First of all, Lola really went through it in her season, I don't remember everything from s6, but her suffering is what I remember because there was so much, I love how cute Lola and Maya were together and honestly I just watched skam france for them, I didn't even watch the other seasons, which shows just how popular they were as couple
4. Crisana
I've actually never watched Skam España before, but I've seen edits of crisana, and I know their season was iconic because it was a wlw of an isak season. Honestly they're really cute, but I need to watch the season to make a better judgement
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bru1sed-apple · 3 months
this isn’t to dig on ur anti zutara post but rather start a discussion.
in my experience, the reason we zutarians don’t like zukka is because of the animosity we get from the fandom. we analyze the subtle details we are given because practically every zuko and Katara interaction in the show is because all of them save the first have some degree of zutara in it. their chemistry- be it platonic or romantic- is undeniable.
and yet, we are told by zukkas and kataangers that we are wrong for shipping the ship. a lot of zukkas sideline the women in atla- sokka is given a lot of Katara’s qualities that are stated in the show (ie: people claiming that sokka is the team dad when he literally confessed that he saw Katara more as his mother than his actual mother), mailee is just there (majority of the mailee fics on ao3 are just them being a side couple in zukka fics), and not to mention comradekatara’s posts from back when they were lesbians4sokka about Katara being homophobic. even if it was a joke, it was something that people took seriously. a lot of the same zukkas are the ones making fun of katara for talking about her mother’s death when that literally happened three times outside of the southern raiders episode.
dont get me wrong, I know that the zutara fandom was absolutely rabid in the early 2000s and that���s where we get our bad reputation, but the only time that we’ve had issues with other people in the atla fandom was when they interacted with our content and it blew up.
Honestly you make some points I agree and disagree with so I'll go one paragraph at a time
I do agree that some zutirans get hate that isn't deserved. I definitely think that a lot of the fandom doesn't like zutartians, I'm part of that group as well (for the most part). I also do think they have chemistry, but more in a way that's more like family rather than lovers.
I think the over-analyzing is a bit too much, I'm overwhelmed every time I see a zutara post. Obviously, some analyzing is okay, I sometimes analyze ships, but I feel like zutartians do it sm that it feels kind of annoying?? Maybe that's just me, but I feel like you don't have to analyze things just to justify your ship. Just ship what you like
I agree with the fact that zukka shippers tend to sideline women in fics. I've def read fics where katara is sort of villanized, and I definitely don't agree with that. A lot of the time, ppl prefer MLM ships to than WLW ship, (which if you ask me, is because ppl prefer male characters to female ones (*cough* misogyny *cough*)(though i dont think most of the misogyny is purposeful))
Idk if it's bc we're in different parts of the fandom, but I've never really seen ppl say that shipping zutara is wrong?? I've seen ppl say they don't like it, and why, but they always state that they don't care if people ship zutara and that they're only stating reasons they personally don't like it.
Perhaps it's because I tend to stay away from the more toxic part of the community because if I see smth I don't like I more often than not just scroll past. But I def believe that their are zukkas who are toxic, but I think some of that is just because ppl are toxic, no matter what fandom you're in.
I can't really speak on kataangers because while I do like the ship, I'm not really in that part of the fandom, so I'm not sure if ppl are unnecessarily mean to zutarians.
(Edit: nvm kataangers can be real assholes, I def believe that they're unnecessarily mean to ppl who dont ship kataang 😒😒)
As for the zutara Fandom in the early 2000s I can't really speak on that bc I didnt watch atla until I wanna say 2017 or 2018. So I don't really know what the fandom was like.
So yeah, that's kinda my take?? Idk I spent like a good while trying to figure out what to say 🤧🤧
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umeqii · 12 days
natsuki x fem!popstar!reader headcanons for a reader who's a semi-famous popstar that goes to the same school and joins the club? :33 (IM CRINGING AS I WRITE THIS GUYS 😔🥰)
NATSUKI MENTIONED RAAAHHH SHE'S SO MEEE (also dw dollface it's not cringey :33)
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-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀AS IF I WOULD EVER LIKE YOU, IDIOT⠀!⠀⠀. . . ⠀⠀⠀ just be more careful .
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character - natsuki
fandom - doki doki literature club
gender - fem reader
a/n - no sayori (i cldnt be bothered 🙁.) + swearing + mentions of wlw sex things (??)
creator - umeqii
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okay so, natsuki is very known throughout the school on how she likes "childish and cutesy" typa things
and even throughout the club she was looked down on for her cutesy exterior; she knew they meant well but she wasn't taken that seriously :((
but you were quite similar !
you had interests that no one else had, and was mocked in school, but then you got into music and boom!!
you were famous !!
yur songs were mostly about how you feel, with hidden meanings in them or some of them just being lyrics you thought of at 2 AM when binge watching KNY
the first song you made was called 'P.U.N.K GIRL' (P.U.N.K Girl by Heavenly btw :33!!), and it blew up !!
it was used throughout wlw edits, like shinomitsu and hachinana >3<
natsuki had also seen an edit using that song and she LOVVESS it :33!!!
it's in every playlist she makes, no matter how different the playlist themes are !!
and you started posting more and more songs and your popularity grew more and more each and every day !!
for example; 'WHERE YOU BEEN HIDING?' (Where You Been Hiding by Sinéad Harnett) was one of your most popular songs !!
when you transfered to their school, you were actually in yuri's class
when she first saw you, you were definitely very accessorised and had a very different style to most people
she immediately thought of natsuki when she saw you
you actually got seated beside her, and the reason on how ym started talking was bc yu were writing another one of ur songs :P
'BANG BANG BANG' (Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls)
you were on the verse where it mentions, 'neon streets are full of lust.' and then yuri decided to speak up
despite her socially awkward demeanor, she spoke and carried herself very nicely
she already knew you were a singer due to her classmates' conversations (she doesn't talk in class unless she gets chosen so she js listens in on others)
and you started saying how you have writer's block and couldn't think of anymore lyrics
yuri then mentioned the literature club and said she could take you along with her after class
she was genuinely so scared if you would say no, because she didn't wanna embarrass herself :((
but luckily u sed yes :333!!!!!
anyways, to the club, mc was the first one to realise you :o
( btw, in this au, monika isn't basically the creator and mc is a real 'character' aswell as you and all of the other ddlc girls )
he was literally js abt to enter the club ://
then ym started talking and he seemed to not recognise you so you were quite happy because of how yuve been getting alot of attention from ppl so it was a nice change
im kidding i luv yuri shes js my least fav member
NOT LIKE I HATE HRR BUT I JS PREFER THE OTHER MEMBERS (natsuki, monika, sayori n yuri idc if no one asked fuck you)
and he was js like "whoa, so you make songs? cool." and fr js walked inside
like where's the enthusiasm :/// slash jay
then as you walked in, mc started talking to this pretty brown haired girl who seemed quite surprised to see you
then yuri told you to wait by the door and she went to mc and spoke to the green eyed female
as you were waiting, you could hear their mumbles and as the girl with the ponytail was abt to speak, a door fr hit you
"ah, hel-"
and the thing is, the door didn't even stop moving when yu screamrd ☠️☠️
and as you were fr abt 2 throw hands, yu saw this lowkey short pink haired girl who was holding a tray of sumthin
"sorry, do you mind being more care-"
i feel like of natsuki was a big fan of ur music, she wld FREAK if she saw yu irl
esp since she hit u w a door !!
but yk who doesn't hit their celebrity crush every now n then
(devon bostick ily/j)
she webt RED RED ://
not like "omg her cheeks flushed red...kawaii..."
her whole ass body n things
"are you okay natsuki?" - monika
and she dropped the tray and turns out it was cookies and u gen felt yur heart shatter
"oh yeahhahaha that's me..!"
bro why do mfs always recognise you in the stupidest times
like sm1 fr recognised u in the bathroom when yu were gnna piss
but yh HEADCANONS time bc i'm a lazy shit and i have to wake up at 5:30 tmrw for skl
okay so natsuki is naturally insecure of her tendencies to push people away, and she honestly hates herself for it which is SOOOOOO real lmfao
but how she is towards the other members is so different compared to you
she always has a giddy smile on her face just bc of the mention of ur name
and her heart always skips a flutter seeing yur smile
she doesn't show it though of course..
they just have a littllleee bit of a softer side for ya !! (natsuki is she/they argue w the way if u disagree)
you're lowkey rich asf but not THAT rich bc yur stupidass self spends too much monry on merch n figurines
good thing yur amazing producer, mari, helps ya out >3<
i'm the creator not you like bffr ://
anyways im kidding ily probably unless you're an eyesore but anyways ahahhaa
when yu first introduced natsu 2 mari, SHE HATED HER ☠️.
mariyas js a bit too mean sometimes
"what's with that outfit? i wouldn't be caught dead wearing that ugly thing out of the house.."
"who do you think you a-?"
"ugh, shut up. your voice is hurting my head. and that's a lot judging from how i listen to Y/N's singing like..every month..."
but then again, they're really similar but they just view things differently
like mari doesn't wanna be scary, and natsuki doesn't wanna be cute >_<
anyways how ym got together was that she invited u over to make cupcakes and she sed she cld even help u w a new song
and blah blah blah she was implying it as a wlw song and you js ended up kissing eachother n made out n probably scissored or smth idfk i js saw a bird fall to it's fate ☠️ .
I SWEAR IM NOT TRYNA SEXUALISE NATSUKI BUT SHES OVER 18 N YH (im js self projecting bc im a bitch and this is what i wld do dont hate me guys)
but yh, u did make a song
it's called , 'SPACE GIRL' and it's based off of natsuki's pov of you
(space girl by Frances Forever)
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