#fish are animals to they deserve to be treated like them
chai-the-leopard · 4 months
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there was a hawkfish at the store I pet store I worked at that had been there for 5+ years and the head of the department and I were having a conversation about how glibly people will speak about the fish that have died in their care (it was so common to have a parent come in and "replace" all the pleco's because they messed up while cleaning the tank and the kids due home from school in a few hours) and what kind of policy we could potentially have to educate and curb the idea that we would just keep supplying new fish when there was clearly a lack of willingness to change behaviors (like the same people would come in over and over and laugh about "accidentally" killing another beta fish and it's like maybe don't say that so loudly and unashamedly in the place you're coming to get another one) anyway the guy pointed to the hawkfish and reminded me that the fish was smarter than any of the other pets in the store but because we couldn't hear it speak we didn't honor it's intelligence and i just think about fish and their lives a lot differently after that
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mauswyx · 3 months
old ties, new beginnings [ch.2]
Thomas Hewitt x f!reader: ch1 // ch3
TLDR: By chance, Thomas encounters someone from his past and gets to be treated like a normal guy for an afternoon–except he doesn't want the treatment to stop. [pt.2]
CW: mention of past trauma/abuse, slight nudity
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“I’m really glad you remember me...”
She was sitting with her legs sprawled out in front of her while she leaned back onto her hands, staring out over the lake-top as the warm breeze gently weaved through her hair. The lake was practically still, save for a few ducks that had flown down; she watched as they preened their feathers and dove for fish.
Thomas gave a low hum to let her know he had heard her; he was sitting cross-legged a meter or so behind her, pulling at the grass around him. The ever looming thought of what he’d have to do made him nervous. A part of him hoped you’d excuse yourself right now and leave; Hoyt would find you—take you back to the house and you’d just be cattle again. It would be easier that way. He could put on his face and you’d never know it was him…your dying thoughts wouldn’t be hate for him. The image of you dying caused a pain in his chest; the pain only worsened when the thought of you calling out for him, begging him to save you flooded his mind. Would your final words be his name on your tongue? To his horror, the idea excited him. You had been nothing but compassionate towards him–a beacon of warmth when all anyone else had done was treat him like an animal, a beast. And here he was, daydreaming about slaughtering you.
With a slight groan you pulled your stiff legs to your chest, snuggly wrapping your arms around them with a satisfied purr. His shirt rode up your thighs and rested around your hips, slightly exposing your bottom; with a grunt he darted his eyes away from your flesh. He didn’t deserve to look at you in such a way–not when he was going to be the one to wipe you from this earth. His fists clenched at the dead grass as the situation weighed on him; he didn’t want to do it. He really didn’t. He wanted to stay in this moment forever–wanted to live in a time where you wanted his company, content to sit in his presence without fear or judgment. In this moment you were alive. Alive with him. 
He looked to the sky, to whatever god Mama had long since given up on getting him to pray to, for an answer. No one else had ever done the things you had done and it had to mean something. It had to.
It had been him to stumble upon you, no one else, like you were a gift left by the heavens waiting just for him. His. Straightening his back and releasing his grip on the grass, the thought dawned on him. You could be his. Everyone else seemed to have their own company–be it sisters, pets, or working girls–so why couldn’t he? He could be good to you: he would treat you much better than a pet and substantially better than the way Hoyt treated his guests. 
He’d take care of all your needs–you’d be his responsibility, he was the one inaugurating you after all. You’d be well fed, he wouldn’t rest until you had a full stomach every night; you’d never get bored, sitting in with Mama and his aunt on their lunchins or more realistically tending to your own chores around the homestead; and though he, himself, didn’t really care for bathing, he figured a respectable woman such as yourself would, so he’d make sure you had every opportunity to stay clean; the house had many rooms but most of them were filled with clutter so you’d have to wait a bit before getting your own room. He pondered for a moment, thinking about what room would suit you best; he liked the idea of you having one of the rooms with the fancy windows that Mama once cherished. In the meantime, you’d have to stay in his room…have to share a bed with him too. His fingers twitched at the thought of sleeping next to you. He had to physically shake his head, when the thought of you waiting-up for him at night after a hard day's work–unable to sleep without him crept into his head; he couldn’t get distracted by such thoughts, there was still so much left to work-out.
You had sealed your fate upon entering the town’s border; in his heart-of-hearts, Thomas knew this was the only way to keep you alive and that’s all he wanted; that’s all that mattered. You’d definitely need some adjusting to their way of life–you were a saint but he knew not even you could understand right away why they needed to do the things they did, but you could learn. He’d keep you alive–even if it killed you.
The sound of a sniffle pulled him from his plotting.
You had hidden your face in the crook of your arms that now rested atop your knees, while he had thought out his plan. Oh no. What had he done? Did you finally realize how disgusting he was and were mortified to be with him? Had you said something personal and he had ignored you–too caught up in his own world? How could he be so selfish! He let out a whine as his thoughts ran wild with possibilities of what he could’ve done to upset you. It felt as though his very world was crumbling around him–keeping you needed the foundation of you not despising him.
“I’m sorry…” you huffed out, raising your head to wipe at your eyes, “I’m just…I’m sorry!” The tears began flowing freely despite your efforts to contain them. You felt pathetic for crying, you had nothing to cry about when it was Thomas who had been the victim.
“They were so c-cruel to you-ou,” you hiccuped through sobs, “and I did noth-hing!”
For years you had watched as they had treated him less-than the dirt beneath their feet and you had been too much of a coward to even defend him. To even console him. Having only been a child did little to console you: even at such a young age, you knew what they were doing was wrong and you still chose to turn a blind eye. You were no better than any of the other children who had run away from him or the townspeople who had mistreated him; you knew you deserved whatever punishment they had coming. Had he not only been just a child, as well? How was it fair for him to be treated like a walking-disease, merely for being different, while other children got to live normal lives at no cost at all. It was maddening and the guilt for not having done anything to prevent his abuse or ease it was tearing you apart. 
“Oh Thomas, I’m so sorry! You didn’t deserve-”
The words died in your throat as the sound of settling grass alerted you of his presence. He was kneeling next to you now, holding out an uncertain hand mere centimeters away from your face. His hand was formed as though he was intending to cup your face but wanted permission. His stormy eyes couldn’t keep yours as he shifted his gaze around nervously. How could he be so considerate towards you? He should hate your very being. You wanted to turn your head away from him, you didn't deserve his comfort. He should just leave you to rot! But you couldn’t bring yourself to pull away; choking back a sob, you leaned into his touch–allowing him to bring you solace. He wasted no time in sweeping your guilty tears away with the pad of his thumb and gently massaging at your temple. His tender care only made you want to cry more.
Thomas couldn’t help but admire how bewitching you looked while you cried softly against his hand: wet eyelashes pressed against puffy-flushed cheeks and cherry-red lips turned into a soft pout. And when your eyes opened, to peer into his own–he hated to think it but you truly did look pitiful. Looking up at him like he was the only thing that could soothe your pain. The tight feeling in his chest returned. He didn’t care about the past, or rather he didn’t care about what you didn’t do in the past. He knew what you did do and that was enough for him. Everyone else’s actions had nothing to do with you so how could he fault you, the only person to ever treat him like he was worthy of some human decency? He had grown accustomed to the insults and the physical tormenting stopped when he hit his growth spurt; those that continued to pester him after which were no more significant than gnats buzzing in his ear. Even now when unruly cattle would hurl insults at him, he knew it was all meaningless. At the end of the day they were still just that–cattle. To Thomas, you had done nothing wrong and there was no need for you to apologize–it only crushed him to see you so distraught over something you had no control over.
Overcome with emotion, he leaned closer to you and let out a whine into your hair. 
The unexpected proximity was startling, Thomas had all but engulfed you into himself. Though you didn’t mind. He was warm and smelled of musk and something else you couldn’t quite place–it was almost metallic. The smell was comforting nonetheless. You leaned into him–absent mindlessly closing the small gap in between you–grazing your nose just under where his mask met his skin, trying to figure out what that smell was. The sudden contact must have startled Thomas as you felt him tense around you, but he made no move to remove himself from you.
“Is this ok?” you breathed out, not wanting to take advantage of his goodwill. You could feel the rumble in his throat and his hair tickle your face as he gave a singular-short nod.
With your new allowance, you leaned fully into him: tucking your arms in between you as you grasped at his stained-shirt, burrowing your face against his neck to ride out the remainder of your tears.
“I really am sorry…” you muttered against his skin, you could feel him shiver but you couldn’t bring yourself to move away. He was warm and the skin-contact was soothing. His breathing was heavy and you could feel another rumble pass through his throat as he just barely grazed against the now-dry shirt on your back–giving you time to push him away–before settling against you. You could feel as he moved to lean his own head against yours, his warm breath showered against your ear. You stifled another sob against him with a whine, this awkward side hug was far more than you deserved.
A fire burned in Thomas’s chest as he clutched you closer to himself. In this moment, with this small act, you had proven to him that he was correct: you were different and there was no doubt about it–you being brought back to him was so that he could make you his. And he would be damned if anyone tried to take you away from him. 
The sun felt warm against your skin and the heat that Thomas expelled only heightened it, your earlier swimming and recent crying fit had finally worn you out. Your eyes fought against the pull of sleep, but ultimately the rise and fall of Thomas's chest against you lulled you into the unconscious abyss.
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jo-harrington · 1 year
Loving Eddie (Grim Reaper!Eddie x Reader)
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Pairings/Relationships: Reaper!Eddie Munson/Reader
Warnings/Themes: Implied Character Death, Animal Death, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Note: I was in a mood tonight and had the sad playlist going as I read Loving Reaper so I wrote a little thing inspired by it. Definitely gonna shoot some recognition to @fairyysoup for forging the path with Death and the Maiden and @vintagehellfire who is an excellent writer regardless and has mentioned a future Reaper!Eddie story. And of course @chestylarouxx who wrote the softest puppy story and @somnambulic-thing for their edit.
I guess this is a little love letter to all of you guys. And just...a soothing little thing for me.
I know this isn't the point but...I'll be making a donation to Chicago Animal Care & Control for some fun little treats so the little babies know how loved they are before they find their forever homes.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Life and Death have been in love for longer than we've had words to describe...
Eddie knew what it was like to be alone in the world, with no one to love and no place to turn to.
It wasn't that long ago that he was left to wander, to pass unseen, unable to meet a soul that cared to know who or what he was.
First his body had been left in the Upside Down to rot, and then his spirit was left to wander the Earth to do the same.
It jaded him.
Turned him off people, who saw his disheveled spectral form but thought nothing of him. Not to stop or even give him a second glance.
But animals?
Animals flocked to him.
That was where he rediscovered his place in this endless mortal coil.
He'd always considered himself an animal lover, feeding the stray cats and the raccoons that wandered around Forest Hills. Giving extra pets to Mr. Ford's dog that got left outside a little too often.
Even in Death, the birds ruffled their feathers and sung a little louder for him. A butterfly had no fear to land on his fingers and kiss them with their wings as they became bony and unfamiliar.
And the first time he came across a poor little soul that had been left, tethered to a stake, on the side of the road...he knew what his path would be.
He sad beside them and ran his hand overhear head, giving it companionship for the last time...
Maybe I was a bad dog?
No, you just loved bad people. You were a good boy.
...and when it was time to get up, they followed him for as long as they could, until they disappeared into starlight, feeling love for one last time.
It happened again and again.
Cats and birds and fish.
And he didn't know where they went when they crossed into starlight, but he took comfort that he was the one to ferry them there.
To show them the softness in death that they lacked in life.
One day...it wasn't an animal that earned his softness.
It was a human.
It was you.
He was softly petting a rabbit who had dreamed of a lush field of greens, and had only known a cage, promising them flowers and the blue skies and an endless spring when you'd shown up.
Your hand went through his as you scooped the little creature up.
"I'm sorry Bunny," you whispered gentle. "Lets get you someplace nice."
He watched your retreating form resentfully. Not because you'd taken his charge away...but because you must have been just like the others. His natural resentment for everything human now.
He followed, of course, and watched as you nursed Bunny back to health. As you called around to friends and family to see who could take them. As you told your neighbor off for buying a rabbit on Easter in the first place if they had no intention of caring for it.
"Susie told me you'd brought it out to the woods. Bunny was dying. What did you even feed it?"
His anger dissipated, just the slightest bit. But he still distrusted you.
No matter. Bunny survived, and had the endless spring they deserved.
And Eddie could forget you.
But he couldn't. Because you showed up again and again, in his path. Stole his purpose from him.
Why he hung around, he wasn't entirely sure.
It's not like he needed to validate your sincerity. You'd stopped your car for enough ducks and bottle fed enough chipmunks for him to know that his little buddies were safe with you.
He could have moved on, soothed the abandoned souls and led them to starlight elsewhere.
He simply felt tethered to you.
Life sends countless gifts to Death...
You had even seen him one day.
You'd stumbled coming down the some steps as you shopped around town, a sudden and unexpected imbalance, and he grabbed you on instinct.
Eddie expected...well he didn't know what he expected. But it wasn't your hand coming to grip his. It wasn't your soft, relieved breath filling his hollow cheeks with life again. It wasn't the sparkle of your eyes meeting his as you thanked him.
"God I don't know what's wrong with me," you laughed. "Sorry...sorry. I didn't mean to just fall on you like that."
"It's alright," he replied with a voice gone raspy from lack of use. "People fall for me all the time."
The smoothness of his response was unexpected too.
You talked for a few minutes.
You always came this way; did he? Was he new in Hawkins? Did he try that coffee place on Main? Anyway, it was nice to meet him. You'd see him around.
He was dumbfounded.
Because you saw him.
You talked to him, touched him.
Showed him the humanity that he'd been lacking--secretly yearning for deep down--for decades. The kind that he had begun to believe didn't exist anymore.
And as you walked away, and as everyone ignored him, he decided he didn't want anything to do with it.
The time had come and gone. Eddie Munson had come and gone. The starlight, the softness, was his new purpose now.
Death was his new name.
He did his best to avoid you, but when had what he wanted ever come to fruition. The more he tried not to see you, the more you saw him.
A bird had fallen from the nest in your neighbor's yard, and you saw him as he carried their soul away, wings too small to fly yet.
You waved hello to him as you hobbled up the sidewalk, after you'd sprained something on your lunchtime walk.
He told another little friend at the animal shelter that their suffering was over, that the hands and feet that never stopped for them were silly and stupid. He would take them to the park for one last game of fetch.
And you were there for a work picnic, the sight of him being the only thing that had put any light in your eyes all day, tired and sunken as they were.
You'd really put your all into planning the picnic, you told him.
He couldn't care one bit.
All he saw was someone who tried too much, gave too much--to people and things--and he simply...despised it. Because those little things you did to give, also took.
They took from him.
He tried one last time to escape you.
Went to the beach.
Walked long and fast and far on untiring feet until his skeletal toes that had long-since ripped through the caps of his sneakers touched the lapping waves of Lake Michigan.
It was a wasteland, and exactly where he belonged. Exactly where he could give some softness. He was right where he needed to be.
The gulls looked for food and only found trash.
Choked on cigarette butts and straw wrappers.
He could sooth them, nourish them, lead them to oblivion.
When he was 12...his uncle had taken him to the beach and he'd witnessed two of the dastardly birds fighting over a piece of fried chicken.
He wished he could see that now.
And not you, sitting on a blanket reading, bundled up in a pullover and sweatpants that dwarfed you.
Funny he could have sworn he'd seen you in those during one of your first encounters. They fit fine then.
It wasn't a particularly cold day...but cold enough where there weren't that many people on the beach so it was easy for you to spot one another.
"Oh hey stranger," you called out to him with a weak wave. "How is it that we keep running into each other? Even 3 hours away at the lake?"
He couldn't help but approach you, maybe save you some embarrassment from the few other stragglers noticing you were talking to yourself on an empty beach.
"Must be fate," he commented bitterly.
"Hmm," you shrugged and looked back at your book.
Eddie sad beside you, uncaring if he was on the sand or not. He couldn't feel the grains between his bones. There was no discomfort anymore.
He considered that for a moment, his appearance. He was sure he was just...a skeleton in some ratty clothes now. But you never batted an eye at him.
Why did he care?
Curiosity. That was all.
"You never seem shocked to see me," he commented after a beat.
"Why should I be?" you asked. "We live in the same town right? This...I mean I wasn't expecting you to be here."
"No, I mean...how I look," he clarified.
"You're like...a metalhead right?" you asked and placed your book down. You hugged your knees to your chest and then reached out to poke a patch on his vest that, to him, was just a tangle of threads now. "Just a little dated. Ok, ok...a classic...forgive me. Metallica is a classic."
"Of course it's a classic. It's Metallica," he scoffed and rolled his eyes. You smiled at him serenely and he felt his ribcage bloat with something.
Joy. Fondness? Maybe you weren't that bad.
He'd just hardened his heart for so long.
"Where'd you even find that? Do you go to the Five Star Flea Market on Highway 69?"
"Never been."
"Garage sales then? I just had..." you yawned. "I just had a garage sale last weekend. Got rid of a lot of junk. I don't need it."
"One persons trash is another's treasure." His uncle always said that when they brought some chipped old mug home.
Where were those mugs now? He wondered.
He told you about them, told you about the Garfield one he got for Wayne for Father's Day one time.
"He hated it but refused to drink coffee from anything else," he told you proudly.
"I have these Campbells soup mugs," you contemplated. "You can have them if you want. One for you, one for your uncle."
"Oh uh..." How could he tell you that both he and Wayne were dead? He couldn't. "That's ok."
"I don't think you like me that much, Eddie," you announced after some time.
You'd wheedled his name out of him at some point.
The shame burned, replaced the fondness he'd realized was there.
"Why do you say that?"
"Just a feeling."
"I wouldn't be here with you if I didn't like you," he said confidently, truthfully. He allowed himself to be soft with you, for the first time, tone so different from what I had been before.
"We friends then?" you asked.
You both smiled, renewed by the agreement.
You were funny and kind and you got his humor and even recognized his favorite band. 30 years after the fact.
Metallica was a classic though. He'd wouldn't have offered his friendship if you didn't know them.
But yeah, you could be friends, maybe more if you had the time and the means...if you were gonna keep showing up in his life.
In his Death.
Eddie pushed himself to his feet and then held his hand out to you.
You didn't hesitate to grab it.
You felt a lot lighter as he pulled you up, floating almost.
And the two of you started walking, walking, walking...until the night came...until the darkness came.
The starlight.
And for the first time, Eddie didn't have to lose the softness of a new friend to the starlight. You were able to stay for him for a long time, hand entwined with his.
Into eternity.
...And death keeps them forever.
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svt-rosalie · 6 months
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Seventeen’s Rosalie and Her Family Open Animal Shelter in Honor of Late Sister Jiyeong.
June 2, 2023 By L. Hoseok
SEVENTEEN’s Rosalie recently held the grand opening of her family’s new non-kill animal shelter in Seoul, South Korea, in honor of her sister Park Jiyeong.
The name of the animal shelter is “LOVE & shelter”, a name that Jiyeong decided on before her passing says Rosalie.
Many fellow kpop stars and fans attended the showing such as — Suga, RM, and Jungkook of BTS; Haechan, Jaemin and Mark of NCT; all of Aespa; Yeri and Wendy of Red Velvet; Soobin of TXT; Tzuyu, Momo, Nayeon, and Jihyo of Twice; Wonyoung of IVE; Hongjoong, San, Wooyoung, and Jongho of Ateez; Rin and Lee Know of StrayKids; all of her fellow SEVENTEEN group members as well as many more idols.
Her fellow True Beauty cast members Cha Eunwoo, Hwang Inyeop, Kang Minah, and Park Yoona also made an appearance to show support.
“My family and I want to continue to show and express the love Jiyeong has for the for both people and animals.
Jiyeong always spoke of opening an animal shelter for dogs, cats, turtles, birds, fish — basically any animal she can find. She wanted to give them an opportunity to learn what love feels like and this is how we are going to do it!
Every animal no matter how big or small deserves a loving home and all the treats then can get! Welcome to LOVE & shelter”
We wish nothing but the best for the Park family and hope their animal shelter will thrive.
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halfetirosie · 2 months
🔥😅♨️ #SquadGoals ♨️😅🔥
(Exercise 10 - 13 React-os!)
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His Dad Energy™ will be off-the-charts!!!
2) PFFFT!!! 😂
You're getting too predictable, Dante!
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Nah but, it will never stop being adorable how well Eiden knows his bois.
Plus, Eiden worked Dante-Teasing™ into his explanation so seamlessly, he doesn't even give him time to react before moving on! Outstanding move! 👌
3) Blade's Robo Abilities validating all the fanfic writers once again--
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Kinda interesting that Yakumo gets nervous on boats. Maybe it's just because he's never been on one before? Or because it's so different from his natural environment, he instinctually dislikes it? 🤔
4) The return of Peepaw Kuya that canonically hates water!!! 🤣🤣🤣
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He's gonna do his Ghost Bullshit of popping up behind him any second now, just watch-
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Yup, that's our boi! 😂 Looks like Kuya's getting too predictable, too!
Kuya's like the fuckin Lord Voldemort of this universe. Don't say his cursed name!!!
5) That's kinda funny--- they accidentally re-created the Pokemon Starter Trio (except instead of Yaku for fire/red it's Dante)!
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If I ever had to compete against their team--even if I were physically on-par with them--I would be hella intimidated. 2 of the 3 of them are insanely competitive by nature, and all three of them are workaholics that treat everything seriously. 😨
Not to mention, knowing my luck, I'd get stuck on a team with one slacker and one...shall I say....under-skilled person. Just, based on my history with college group projects... 😭😭😭
6) I am suddenly reminded of the crazy Australians/Floridians that wrestle crocodiles...on purpose...
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(⊙ - ⊙)
...I better see fanart of this scene, or else I'll be disappointed!
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I can't even blame Eiden for his awe at this weird-ass/random/kinda-funny situation, cuz I'm right there with him!
Also, Impromptu Fish-Wrestling is cool and all, but when do we get to see Quincy grill???
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Pleaseeee. ( - _ - )
You expect me to believe that Garu and Yakumo, with their yokai-senses, would actually get caught off-guard by a random animal or something? Or that Kuya would honestly believe that??? Him, the one constantly hyping up yokai and their superiority????
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...Yeah, that too. Kuya ain't that nice.
He's 100% the smartass lazy kid in the group project that shoves all the real work onto the other members, while pretending that the task they chose is actually difficult/time consuming when it actually can be completed in 5 minutes.
8) Always a fan of 🐾 Cat Dad Dante 🐾 moments! ♡♡♡
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I'm also a huge fan of Sooley's thematic accessories!!!
I fuckin called it, dude!!! I knew Dante was jealous of Topper getting to have stylish outfits!!!! (And on that note---who made Sooley's lil' bandana? Eiden, I assume? 🤔)
9) Leave it to Dante & Co. to militarize cooking! 🤣🤣🤣
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I mean, look at this shit! How are they so insanely coordinated?? Did they practice the choreography?????
10) (◔_◔)
Dante, babes, this situation isn't serious enough to justify one of your classic cheesy one-liners...
(Has anyone else ever commented on that? How Dante says a ton of cringey shit (affectionate) that sounds like it came straight out of an anime?)
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--That won't distract me from his impressive skills, tho. I mean, I already knew he had some cooking knowledge from Frozen Echoes (in that side-stroy where he goes ice fishing and then cooks the fish with Karu, Blade, and Eiden).
But this isn't just the rudimentary "cook a thing over a fire until it's not raw anymore" sort of situation---this is an actual understanding of how to cook something and why you should use certain methods for the best results.
My mans is fun to tease, but honestly, he deserves more credit!
Go off, king! I'm proud of you!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
11) ---*snort*---
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I'm sure this is still a compliment to Dante, but Eiden just can't resist goofing on him, huh? (≧∇≦)
🔥 End of report! 🔥
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brunhielda · 3 months
Because this is becoming THAT blog-
The one where I review old movies we all have already seen, but I personally, have not seen for years until recently.
I just watched “An American Tale.”
If you were a child of the 90s, you just thought- “There are No Cats in America 🎶? THAT American Tale?”
If you had that thought, you likely already know. If you have not had the absolute joy- buckle up. I am going to rant about a classic.
First of all- This is Don Bluth.
His movies do not get worse with age.
They get BETTER.
And American Tale is example number ONE.
No, it is not fond memories or nostalgia glasses, you can breath, and then go treat yourself to a viewing.
Secondly- the man did not dumb down or sanitize his history.
He said “I’m going to tell the immigrant story” and then opened with a fucking ethnic cleansing.
I said what I said.
The movie is set in the early Russian Empire, a time full of anti-Semitic sentiment and enforced laws, also seen in “Fiddler on the Roof.” Fiddler on the roof might actually be tamer on the subject.
Every other historical note in this movie is on point and easy enough to look up in a history book, if you have the common sense to realize that names have been altered.
The Statue of Liberty was not built by a pigeon, for example. It was built by a Frenchman. (Frederic Auguste Bartholdi).
I don’t know of an “honest John,” but I did guffaw out loud when he started taking names of the dead at funerals to add to his vote count. Ghost votes were very real, one of the reasons people are still so twitchy about voter fraud today.
I do not recall a moment in 1886 when the minorities of New York managed to run off prominate members of authority… but with how on point everything else is? It would not shock me.
Thirdly- Bluth DID NOT FLINCH
I don’t remember who said it first, but both Bluth and Spielberg had a belief that you could put very sad and scary things in children’s films, as long as the ending was happy.
This movie has multiple nightmare moments. Cats, monster waves, more cats, bugs and fish, and of course, the horrifying “Mouse of Minsk” (iykyk).
The thing is, it’s not even how they are drawn. Like, yes, the image is scary, but it’s the storytelling around it. It’s the lighting change. The soundtrack. The horrific sound effects. Seriously- whoever did foley on this film deserves all the awards- you make me scared of the kitty kats, and I LOVE cats. 🐈
Some people will question whether or not it is appropriate for small children. I would say maybe wait until they are six, and watch it with them, but they should watch scary things if they can. Being scared in appropriately safe space teaches you how to react to fear and handle moments when you are scared in real life. It is my major argument for Halloween. But each parent has to do as they think is best for each individual child. In any case, watch this one first before showing it to your kids- definitely more scary than you remember.
Finally- the animation on this film is a national treasure. I honestly hope this film is in the Library of Congress collection.
There are animation techniques here that don’t exist anymore.
Sparks. Sparkles. Glimmers. Stars in the Night Sky. Smoke billows.
Actually, I almost paused the film on a smoke billow. Sony is doing some things in the recent “Spiderverse” trilogy that are insane- and part of it is their mixed animation.
All the smoke billows? Hand drawn.
They look the same as Bluth’s smoke in this film, which is making me wonder if one of their artists studied under him. Maybe not- maybe they just did their homework on good hand drawn cloud formations. Either way, realizing how close they got to the master work in this film made me appreciate them even more.
Speaking of insane animation-
I don’t know WHO Bluth felt he had to show off to, but this man could DRAW WATER and he fucking knew it.
Like water is hard to do, ok? Like hands, Da Vinci had notebooks full of sketches of the substance, proving it to be the bane of the artistic existence.
Most water in hand drawn animation comes in two forms-
Flat water color with pretty things floating in it to distract you-
Or drawn over a live video of water that they spliced into the image.
Even that was hard to do, and they used a technology no longer available to us. It looks pretty cool honestly.
But no, not DON fucking BLUTH.
Not only can this man hand draw water without the underlying video, but he draws it moving in multiple different ways. He shows it from the top, side, and sinking underneath (with moving bubbles and shifting light, no flat blue for him).
The more I watched this film, the more I realized that if Milt Kahl had the head swaggle, Don Bluth had water, and by God was he going to use it.
He wrote plots AROUND the idea of water, so he could showcase it in every scene. “Rock-a-doodle,” and “Pebble and the Penguin” come to mind. “Anastasia,” “Thumbelina” and “All Dogs Go to Heaven” all feature action scenes in water. Heck- the one in “All Dogs Go To Heaven” came out of no where, and makes so much more sense if it was just Bluth wanting to show off.
“An American Tale” had the travel by boat sequence and our main hero being thrown over board. He could have left it there. NOPE. There were puddles and sewers and fire hoses and action scenes at the docks.
And the few scenes without water? Let’s throw some scary sparks in there. Maybe some smoke billowing. For funzies.
Also- we’re going to have a Love Song with the most incredible Night Sky you have ever seen and a Comedic song featuring fun house mirror distorted reflections because WHY NOT???
I think he was trying to make sure Disney regretted him leaving, the way you dress up when you know your toxic ex will be there, and I love that for him. 🩷
Also- the backgrounds are all beautiful water color. I love a good water color.
Also- yeah, the sound track holds up. The songs are just as catchy as they ever were- if you have ever seen this movie you WILL find yourself singing along.
As previously mentioned, when it comes to the scary parts, the composer UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT and the music easily fits into a good horror film.
And finally- the music at the finale when everything is made right, and the happy ending is finally here, is the most heart breaking thing you will ever hear. You will cry. Watch the movie, but bring the tissues. 🤧
This movie is definitely worth a watch.
This movie is more than worth a watch, it should be mandatory for elementary history and college animation classes alike.
But also it’s just fun. 🤩
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dangerously-human · 6 months
What does in defense of imago dei mean?
It's the foundation of my sense of justice and indeed entire worldview, a recognition that every human being is created uniquely in the image of God and deserves to be viewed from that perspective and treated accordingly. It largely aligns with the consistent life ethic but I think I apply the concept a bit differently, and the base motive is less about behaving ethically (though that is an important consequence) and more about aligning myself with God's point of view.
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:26‭-‬27 NIV
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tieflingkisser · 3 months
Pacific Indigenous leaders have a new plan to protect whales. Treat them as people
For Māori conservationist Mere Takoko, “losing one whale is like losing an ancestor.” The animals “taught our people about navigation across the Pacific, particularly across the Milky Way… And this is information that was given to our ancestors.” The environmental activist from the small town of Rangitukia, on New Zealand’s east coast, is spearheading a movement of Indigenous groups in the Pacific pushing to protect the magnificent marine mammals, inking a groundbreaking treaty to make them legal persons with inherent rights. The document is part of a multi-pronged effort to safeguard whales, which also includes quantifying their monetary value as carbon-depleting “bioengineers of our oceans”, and deploying the latest tech to track boats that harm them. While the declaration is non-binding and would still need government recognition to become law, conservationists hope personhood will lead to enhanced protection for these creatures, with many species endangered. “Our mokopuna (grandchildren) deserve an ocean brimming with life, where the melodies of whales echo across the vast expanses,” Māori King Tūheitia Pōtatau said at the signing of the treaty in the Cook Islands. Along with the Māori of New Zealand and groups from the Cook Islands, Indigenous leaders from Tahiti, Tonga, Hawaii, and Easter Island signed the He Whakaputanga Moana treaty. According to the document – whose name means Declaration of the Ocean – granting personhood to whales ensures them freedom of movement without enduring “mental suffering caused by human activities,” and the entitlement to inhabit a healthy environment “free from pollution, unsustainable fishing practices, ship strikes and climate change.”
[keep reading]
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rebellionmoon · 1 year
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idk but i just love imagining random facts about illumi, that don't really add to his character, but kindof do too? Maybe it's because there isn't much screen time of illumi in the anime that my brain needs to fill all that empty space of longing in my heart of what could have been.
He drinks beer and uses his teeth to open the bottles. He used to have a collection of bottlecaps, but then he gave them to Killua. So whenever Illumi opened a bottle, the cap would hence force go to Killua. Now the jar of bottlecaps is somewhere in Killua's room collecting dust.
After finishing an assassintion, he likes to get fastfood. Something quick and indulgent, like it's a cheat day. If he was on a job with his brothers then they'd hit a bodega afterwards. Sometimes he would bring food back to Milluki too.
He can hold a burger in one hand and tear through a ketchup packet with his teeth. He dips his food so much, he rarely eats anything without sauce.
Like Silva, Illumi has had a few pets in his life. One of them being a bear. He named it Pikelet. (I'll explore this one more in my fic!)
Although murder is his trade, that shouldn't hinder his other passions, including wild life conservation! This boy grew up in the mountains, albiet privately owned. You can't convince me he isn't a goblin child at heart.
He always thought he deserved to have fangs.
When he sees a walking stick lying on the ground, he has the urge to pick it up and wield it like a sword.
When he was eight he read all the narnia books. Peter was his comfort character, but he wanted to be Prince Caspian. To this day, if you ask him why he likes Narnia, he will give you a disseration and explain why Lucy is the strongest of all the penvensie siblings. He has never had turkish delight, but believes he would betray his siblings for them, they just look so good!
He could grow antlers out of pure will power. No, literally, he can. He can and will show you. "I'm a crytid. Look at my antlers."
He's still a Goosebumps kid at heart. When autumn rolls around, he he lays in bed and watches his favorite spooky shows (scooby doo, goosebumps, are you afraid of the dark?, tales from the crypt)
When he was little, he used to play in the forest by himself ALOT. One time, he crawled into a log, but the log was at the top of a hill and it began to roll down with him in it and then it rolled into a pond. He was able to escape, but he almost drowned and never told anyone what happened. He was a little mortified to tell anyone because he almost died doing something stupid. He'll tell you he has done alot of stupid things in the woods, but won't divulge more than that.
He's actually kind of good at acting and loves watching movies. This is part of why he is so good at diguises, he studies the actors in movies lol Sometimes he repeats lines from movies randomly in the house. Out of nowhere, he shouts 'BILBOOOO BAGGINSSSS' in a gandolf like voice. It's okay, just accept it.
Illumi has rehabilitated many opossums in his life.
He owns an animal rescue ranch, under a different identity of one of his disguises, that rebahilibates injured animals and prepares to release them back to the wild. His current disguise is an old man, but Illumi plans to 'die' and come back as his son/heir. Yes, he has worked out an entire line of succession for a rescue ranch. Did he have to do this? No, but he did anyway.
Once Illumi officiated the wedding between a frog named Freddie Lime to another frog named Emily Spinach. Oh, he was also high, but the wedding was beautiful, and Milluki fished him out of the pond afterwards.
There's a deer in Kukuroo Mountain that is fond of Illumi. If it sees him, it will run up to him. Illumi doesn't know what the forest calls the deer, but he calls it Thimble. He gives Thimble treats, and Thimple lets Illumi pet him, the arrangement has worked out very well so far.
Kukuroo Mountain is self sustainable, and alot of the food they cook they grow themselves. There's also a farm, with cows. Illumi would just be chilling on a hamick and then suddenly killua runs past him, and then so does a cow. Illumi goes back to napping, this isn't his mess to clean up.
"Concept: I will continue to bottle up all my emotions until I snap."
Here were some facts! I have more stuff, but those are spoilers for my fanfic (where shadows touch), My obsession might be unhealthy but it's delicious and i love it so I'm not gonna stop.
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chai-the-leopard · 4 months
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tumblezwei · 11 months
I'm gonna make a kind of pretentious rant rn bc I saw a post I didn't like so bear with me
So like, there's this post I saw. it starts out with "finally figured out exactly what it is about the 'stop complaining about the lack of women in shonen anime, if you want stories with strong and interesting female characters shojo is right there' argument that bothers me so much" and then it says this
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I'll be honest, the biggest annoyance here is calling shoujo and shounen "genres." And to me that just shows that even though OP seems to get the actual intention behind the above statement, they still have some fundamental biases against shoujo that makes them think all it has to offer is "girl stuff."
Like, look at the comparisons they give. Princess Tutu and Madoka (which isn't even confirmed a shoujo) vs Naruto and MHA. Ask literally any shoujo fan for a rec that compares to Naruto and I can guarantee you neither of those above will be the first to cross their minds. Because surprise surprise! Shoujo does, in fact, contain as much deep, complex, and interesting stuff as shounen! And that even includes action! I can give you so many examples of a shoujo being mistaken for a shounen (cough Banana Fish cough) or a shounen mistaken for a shoujo (cough Horimiya cough) because demographics are not defined borders. You can't just say that of course someone who likes action/adventure won't like the Girl Stuff. It's a reductive view of what female-centered media can be in and of itself.
But like, I get it. As someone who also grew up with traditionally masculine interests, it can be annoying to hear people say that you should try the Girl things for Girls. But I'm gonna be real here, you just straight up aren't going to get good female representation in your traditionally masculine interests unless you also show support for the traditionally feminine. Which leads into this addition to that post:
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Like that's the thing about this. It's all well and good to say that boys deserve good female characters. They absolutely do and we should continue to advocate for such, but that sentiment rings so hollow when those good female characters already exist and y'all just don't want to touch them. I get that you don't want good rep for some random series, you want it for Naruto, for One Piece, for Demon Slayer. But I am stressing so much that the reason shoujo fans are so insistent that you try these other series out is because that's how you show that you want it.
Because again, it's perfectly acceptable to clamor for good rep in the series you already love, but by consuming nothing but shows/manga made for men, by men, with majority male casts, you are telling them that that's what you want.
A caveat: I'm not pointing at you the reader or OP specifically and saying "it's YOUR 🫵 fault shounen has poorly written women because you haven't read Fruits Basket," because it's obviously more complicated than just pure numbers. But it's frustrating to see people plead for y'all to diversify your reading portfolio only to get met with the brick wall non-solution of "well boys deserve good female characters too you know!!"
Like yeah! They do! We never said they didn't! But all saying that has done is plop us right back to where we started. What am I supposed to do with that? What am I supposed to do with any of this? As great as it would be for MHA to suddenly start treating it's female characters better, we both know that isn't happening. You gave us a problem and we're trying to offer a solution. So why are we the bad guys here just because you have preconceived notions of what shoujo is like compared to shounen?
And to add another caveat, it's ok to not like shoujosei stories people recommend! You don't have to like Basara or Yona or OHSHC or any other that you may have tried and dropped. I don't want it to sound like I'm guilt tripping people into being ashamed for not enjoying stuff they don't enjoy, but 9 times out of 10 the people pushing back with that kind of attitude haven't even tried. How do you even know you won't like the series we recommend if you don't even care enough to know that they aren't all one genre?
And I guess that's it. Like, at the end of the day you can do whatever you want, I just wanted to put my frustrations out there. Which is why I screenshotted this instead of rbing OP. I'm sure they want a lengthy argument just as much as I do (not at all).
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
How would the hatters react to their s/o surprising three with lingerie? If I spelled that right..
A/N: Hey sweet anon! If you mean the word lingerie, yes you did spell it right! I know it’s one of those weird words lol. However, I’m gonna make a wee assumption that by “three” you meant “them” because I’ve had spellcheck TRY to fix that for me like that lmao. I hope this is what you were looking for! Thanks for requesting!
Btw; HQTAS is Harley Quinn the Animated Series…its just a mouthful lol
Trigger Warning: highly suggestive, alludes to sexual activity nothing explicit
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The Mad Hatters’ React to Reader Wearing Lingerie
Arkhamverse Mad Hatter: 
- Jervis is surprised at first.
- He’d gasp shakily, but they'd quickly morph into giddy chuckles. 
- To say he's extremely pleased is an understatement. 
- He won't waste any time reaching his hands out to touch you.
- Hold you, caress you, whisper sweet nothings in your ear. 
- That is if he doesn't just immediately pounce on you.
- Jervis would be delighted to see you in something like this time and time again…
- Maybe even as a certain character perhaps…?
BTAS Mad Hatter: 
- This mad lad is dead to rights. 
- Absolutely positively paralyzed but in a good way…
- His mouth is opening and closing like a fish out of water.
- He's kind of panicking, wondering if there's some special occasion he may have forgotten. 
- But no, you just wanted to treat him, he always spoils you but you rarely get to return the favor. 
- Once the initial shock is over, he’s absolutely smitten with you
- Practically falls in love all over again. 
TNBA Mad Hatter: 
- Much like his BTAS counterpart.
- He's rendered speechless and smitten. 
- Jervis has to blink a couple times, maybe even pinch himself for good measure.
- Nope, yeah you're real. 
- He knows he should say or do something.
- Jervis will try and form some sort of sentence, some flattering comment
- It comes out in scattered mumbles but you’re able to piece most of it together. 
- You’ll probably need to help him from here on out. 
- Which you don’t mind, it’s a treat for you both anyway.
Gotham Mad Hatter: 
- I don’t know why. 
- No idea why, but like I can see him gifting you with lingerie. 
- Of course once you two get comfortable and he realizes that's a thing you're into. 
- Jervis is all about spoiling you. 
- You deserve nothing but the best overall.
- Albeit, you’d look gorgeous in anything. 
- He appreciates how it hugs and contours your body’s natural curves.
- Much like what his hands do whether your clothed or not. 
- Much like what he wants his hands to do about now.
HQTAS Mad Hatter:
- Oh…
- Oh ho ho ho
- Mad lad’s mad giddy. 
- He’s delightfully surprised. 
- His plans for dominating the world through peculiar headwear
- Will have to be put on hold
- You’re much more important and tantalizing. 
- Extremely excited and eager from the sight.
Joker’s Asylum Mad Hatter: 
- Aww this poor wee mad lad.
- He wasn't ready.
- Kinda like TNBA, he's pinching himself, he's mumbling unsure. 
- He was always worried you were some kind of vision or fantasy. 
- But nope you're very real, and you reach out to him to remind him, cupping his cheek.
- Jervis becomes smitten with you all over again as he looks over your scantily clad form. 
- Who needs tea, hats, and storybooks?
- When all his Wonderland needs is a gorgeous, warm, person such as you?
Society Six (2009) Mad Hatter: 
- You’re dead in the water unless you have a hat.
- This Jervis LITERALLY had Knockout walk past him completely nude and didn’t bat an eye
- But since it’s you, it helps that you two already have a relationship and he already adores you. 
- But the hat will make a difference just, just trust me babe. 
- You'd capture his attention so quickly. 
- Literally bouncing around, tickled pink he would be.
- Jervis won't need to hypnotize himself anymore to feel euphoria
- Why would he when he has you?
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medaart · 3 months
About My Tav: Bernadine the Half-Elf Druid (Part 1)
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Bernadine "Bernie, Bunny" Schwartz
Half Wood Elf
Circle of The Moon Druid
Neutral Good-ish?
Romancing Astarion
Original meme by @for-tymora, for the @tav-dex if they're interested!
What’s the significance behind your Tav’s name?
Bernadine is Russian for "bear", and she's a Circle of the Moon Druid! It's actually a happy coincidence. She's an OC I've taken from fandom to fandom and used in other RP's-- first Team Fortress 2 (she was a RED Medic), then Pathfinder (she was an Alchemist/Chiurgeon). I always give her a class with healing capabilities as a nod to where she began, and Alchemist wasn't available in BG3, with Druid having the closest skill set to it.
Does your Tav have a last name? Is there a meaning behind it?
Schwartz, German for "black". She was a mad scientist in her first incarnation, and I've kept some of those aspects in her later incarnations (as a Druid, she has a soft spot for spiders & bats, thinking they're important parts of the ecosystem, & she knows how to craft/recognize various poisons.
What is your Tav’s go-to comfort food?
I don't know if the lore is the same in D&D as it is for Pathfinder, but in Pathfinder, Wood Elves are typically vegetarians. But Bernadine is pragmatic, and I'd imagine (if BG3 would let me) she'd Wild Shape into bear form and catch venison and fish for the team if they were low on camp supplies.
She has a sweet tooth (her eyes light up at the mention of pastries), and likes a good mug of Dwarven mead, too.
Does your Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
Her hands are lightly scarred from playing with her dad's chemistry set when she was a kid-- the same accident that bleached a lock of her hair.
What is your Tav’s main color palette? Why do they choose those colors?
Green/Gold/Brown, since she lives in the forest. She's not super religious, but reveres the Oakfather and the idea of all species being integral to the ecosystem (including vampires).
Where are they from? What was home like?
[tw: bullying] She was born in the Evereska/Forgotten Forest area to a Human mother and a Wood Elf father, but moved to Baldur's Gate because of her fathers' alchemical job. She went to school there and lived there her entire life, never really fitting in at school (between being socially awkward and having weird interests, like creepy-crawly animals and gross plants). She had no friends, and was bullied relentlessly by a small group of kids. The other kids were too afraid to stand up for her, and she could never understand why the bullies hated her so much. She tried ignoring them, bargaining with them, offering them home-made potions as a bribe, nothing worked. One day, she snapped. She'd been studying Druidic magic in private, Wild Shaped into a cat, and clawed the ringleader of the bullies in the face. This only made her reputation worse, and her parents (who did love her, and were not bad people) didn't get why she couldn't "just get along" with the other kids. Bernadine wasn't sure how to make other people like her. She wasn't intentionally malicious or anything, but she felt like she had no one to turn to. So she kept Wild Shaping as an excuse to just be by herself, until one day she was grabbed by an errant Mind Flayer. I wanted to write her as a person who wasn't entirely comfortable being the main character, would prefer to be a background NPC who lets someone else take charge, and is struggling with that.
She's still in the part of her trauma where she sees herself as the villain of her own story on a redemption arc to not treat others like she was treated. She's still trying to figure out what she "did wrong" or "did to deserve" being ostracized, while being very aware nobody else in her party deserved their treatment. If she were an NPC, ironically, I'm not sure how her plot line would work in a video game, as her struggle is very internal. She'd get along with Dark Urge in some respects if they were to ever meet, I think.
Is your Tav more likely to fight/flight/freeze/fawn?
She's very much a freeze. Social situations are not her forte, which is why she admires Astarion, and wants to emulate his positive traits, as much as she loves him. Before she really knew him, her idea of him was this very cool, debonair person who was never nervous around people-- which got shattered very quickly. She pursued him thinking he was her opposite, everything she wanted to be, only for them to truly bond because of their similarities, ironically enough.
What do they do for fun, when not adventuring? What are their hobbies?
She wants the kind of house Thom Yorke sings about in "No Surprises"-- a little house with a little garden. Just a place to plant herbs, with a table for her chemistry set. A place to read all the books she's hoarded. In her "main canon", she had a dog and a horse, and I'd imagine she'd be a doting pet mama here too (and/or maybe an actual mom, depending on whether Astarion is willing to adopt).
Do they have any enemies outside of the main plot? Any friends?
I'm not sure if I'd even count her childhood bullies as enemies, per se. They may have even forgotten Bernadine ever existed, and moved onto being shitheads to other people in their lives. The only way Bernadine would take revenge on them is if they became Cazador-level abusive shitheads that had moved beyond just namecalling and punching other kids in the face.
Where/with whom do they feel safest?
Astarion, weirdly enough-- he had all these chances to stab or rob her, and didn't, and that earned her respect in a way. She cares about the whole team, and while Astarion is the only one she has romantic/sexual feelings for, she has strong platonic, protective feelings for everyone else. Maybe Gale and Shadowheart, since Shadowheart/Gale/Astarion (aka the Shadow Wizard Money Gang) are my typical party.
What is their MBTI Type?
She's very much an INFP. Mom friend who bottles up her own worries, trying to fix other peoples' problems and putting her own on the side until they explode.
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
Today I'l finishing up presenting and giving my thoughts on all aquatic Digimon. For previous parts of this series see all fish, all mermaids, all aquatics part 1, and all aquatics part 2. Today I'll be covering the remaining ultimate/perfect and mega/ultimate level Digimon.
The first one of the ultimate/perfect is Anomalocarimon. Anomalocaris is one of my favorite extinct animals and I'm absolutely delighted that both Digimon and Pokemon based a monster off of it. It also definitely takes after a sea scorpion with it's scorpion-like tail. It was even born from scientific data about extinct species. I think this is a great Digimon that deserved more attention. Anomalocarimon caused a bit of a translation kerfuffle when it was given the English name Scorpiomon (because American kids are too dumb to know what an Anomalocaris is I guess). Well there's also another unrelated Digimon called Scorpiomon so the English dub was forced to change its name to SkullScorpiomon. Yes, this has caused confusion before. Anomalocarimon also has an x-antibody form that looks like it was standing next to a bunch of exploding spray paint cans.
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Anomalocarimon X
Next is Dagomon, who was given the English name Dragomon. It's a minor change but kind of dumb because Dagomon comes from the Cthulhu mythos character Father Dagon and has nothing to do with dragons. Despite being named after Father Dagon, Dagomon is clearly Cthulhu as a Digimon. It's also treated as such in the animes. in Digimon Adventure 02 it rules over deep ones in an extradimensional spaces called the Dark Ocean and is implied to be more of a Lovecraftian horror than a Digimon. In Digimon Ghost Game it starts turning people into deep ones and is powerful enough to overwhelm a higher-level Digimon. I know it also shows up in Xros Wars, but I didn't watch that. It wears Buddhist prayer beads. In a heavily Buddhist country like Japan, a monster dressed like a Buddhist is probably the equivalent of historically-Catholic countries having vampire priests. I dig this one and while I say that a lot of Digimon could use more attention, I think Dagomon only showing up a little bit and being overwhelmingly powerful and mysterious is very appropriate for a Lovecraftian Digimon.
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Related to Dagomon is Hangyomon, called Divermon in English. It's very much based on sea monsters like th Creature from the Black Lagoon, but with scuba gear. I think it's a neat Digimon. Notably, Hangyomon's most prominent appearance in the anime wasn't actually them. It was in the same episode as Dagomon and the Dark Ocean where at the end it's revealed that the creatures that presented themselves as Hangyomon were actually disguised deep ones serving Dagomon.
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Next is Gusokumon and listen, I'm a simple nerd, I see a giant shrimp that shoots fish-shaped torpedos and I like it. It's also based on real-life biological phenomena relates to the deep ocean. Like many real deep-sea animals it lives life on show mode, being able to live an extremely long time while not getting to eat very often. It feeds on injured Digimon that sink to the bottom of the ocean, which sounds a lot like deep-sea scavengers and whale falls (Whamon falls?)
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Next is MarineChimairamon, an aquatic chimera. Yes, it's spelles chimaira instead of chimera. When I looked it to to find out if that's an alternate translation from the original Greek I found out that "chimaira" is the name of a heavy metal band from Ohio. So congrats guys, you accidentally have a Digimon named after you. Two actually, because there is also a Chimairamon (English: Kimeramon) and the two are very similar concepts. They're artificial Digimon made out of a combination of body parts of multiple other Digimon. OC, do not steal. I actually like MarineChimairamon more that the original. I can see Coelamon's helmet, Ikkakumon's head and tusks, Octomon's horns, One arm from Ebidramon and the other from Hangyomon, and tentacles from Gesomon.
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Finally at this level is MarineDevimon. Just like how MarineChimairamon is the aquatic version of Chimairamon, there is a land-based Devimon. While Devimon is an evil genius, MarineDevimon is consumed by hate and can destroy its enemies with raw power. I think it's a great design for an evil aquatic Digimon
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The apex of Digimon evolution is the mega/ultimate level and there are indeed megas lurking in the depths of the Net Ocean. One of the many horrors down there is Cthyllamon. This very new Digimon is an evil version of MarineAngemon. It's just as tiny and like MarineAngemon, it preferes to not fight. While MarineAngemon uses the power of live to drain its foes of their fighting spirit, Cthyllamon terrifies enemies into diving up and brainwashes lower-level Digimon into serving it. Cthylla is a less-well known member of the Cthulhu mythos, a daughter of Cthulhu who looks like a winged octopus and serves as a back up body for big C if he is ever killed. Cthyllamon doesn't really have anything to do with that. I think it's a great counterpart to MarineAngemon and a delightful little villain
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KingWhamon is a bigger version of Whamon and that's about all we know about it. Generally the measure for whetehr or not a Digimon is official is if it has an entry in the Digimon Reference Book and KingWhamon doesn't. The Reference Book is where you get the lore of what that Digimon is and does, so we don't have that for KingWhamon. Despite not appearing in the Reference Book, KingWhamon has an anime appearance in Xros Wars and a card in the card game, which sounds pretty official to me. It's a gigantic whale with an island growing on its head. Te idea of a sea creature so vast that it can be mistaken for an island is common in the legends of seafaring cultures around the world. It's a fine Digimon, I just wish we had more to go off of.
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Next is Xiangpengmon and while it looks like a bird dragon, it is aquatic. It's based on the peng, a Chinese legendary creature that can turn from a bird to a fish. This is seen in its evolutionary line, starting as the bird Xiquemon, evolving to the fish Huankunmon, and finally ending as a dragon. Chinese dragons were often depicted as living in the sea and being capable of flight. I think Xiangpengmon is a great Digimon. It is one of 6 species that debuted in the China-exclusive mobile game Digimon New Century and all of them are amazing.
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If there can be said to be an aquatic Digimon that's the most powerful, it would have to be Leviamon. Named after the mythical leviathan, Leviamon is not only a big red crocodile, it's one of the Seven Great Demon Lords. They are the epitome of evil in the Digital World and some of the most powerful Digimon ever. Each Demon Lord bears the power of one of the seven deadly sins and Leviamon holds the power of envy. Despite being ungodly powerful, Leviamon envies those it sees as better than itself and lashes out against them. How big is Leviamon? It's big enough that it could swallow the Digital World in one gulp. It's definitely for the better that it spends most of its time asleep in the depths of the sea. The lore says that the limits of Digimon power are being decoded and Leviamon has none. Its existence is also the foundation of evil in the Digital World. So it's a being with no limits that is the origin of all evil. Sounds less like a Digimon and more like some unfathomable embodiment of evil that happens to be masquerading as a Digimon. I think that's super cool and while Leviamon is definitely the least visually interesting of the Demon Lords, it's still one of the coolest. Leviamon also has an x-antibody variant and oh boy. The aquatic Digimon have actually lucked out when it comes to having decent x-antibody variants and you may wonder why I call x-antibodies as a whole overdesigned and ugly. This, THIS, is what I mean when I say x-antibody variants are overdesigned. There are so many lines on this thing that it can be hard to tell what I'm looking at. And it's not even the worst x-antibody form, not even close. The seal of envy hovering over it like a halo is cool, but all the Demon Lords get their seals incorporated into the x-antibody designs so it's not even a unique idea. There is just no salvaging this x-antibody design.
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Leviamon X
That wraps up the aquatic Digimon and I had a lot of fun doing this. Since Halloween is up maybe I'll showcase some of my favorite spooky Digimon or the other Demon Lords. I may also do an intro to Digimon post because I have gotten comments from people saying they like the Digimon but don't know much about the franchise and how to approach it.
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horseimagebarn · 1 year
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welcome to the first weekly horseimagebarn interaction recap where every week i find the important tags reblogs and comments you lovely people have left for me to read and i respond to them in one fun post i will do this every friday to recap another week of horseimagebarn so get ready
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if i were to make any other blog in the manner of the horseimagebarn it would likely be fish as i feel there is more variety in regards to fish and while i love new world monkeys and many of the old world variety there are certain types that really frighten and disconcert me and many pictures of monkeys you see in the modern day are actually apes which i have a distaste for though it is no fault of the apes and i do not blame them at all and still love them as creatures of this beautiful earth to put it simply i dont like their nipples and one time i saw one shit into its own hand and eat it right in front of me and it really gave me a fright however back to the fish subject i have gotten really into fishkeeping as of late and i thoroughly enjoy them and find it a most rewarding hobby to tend to a mini ecosystem in my own home and i love the practice dearly however i am dedicated to the continuation of this account for as long as possible and feel my interest in this blog is a one time thing that i must give myself to fully and if i were to make a fish blog it would be one for my personal fish and also i love you too though i do not know you personally i feel and appreciate your affections
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this comment has given me much to think about as i am not he and this fellow as i have googled seems to be a politician and i do not prefer to associate myself with those types of folk especially those who participate in totalitarianism and fall off of their horses i am in fact a little hurt you would compare me to a rotten man such as this the further i look into it and i ask my audience to refrain from comparing me to such in the future
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i agree with this commenter immensely i always post images after giving the origins of the image the benefit of the doubt as i want to believe every human treats animals with respect and care and i want to spread the message that animals are beautiful and intelligent and deserving of that respect and care using these images and i want to give these humans a level of trust that they are acting in the best interest of their animals and if it is discovered that they are not i will take proper action whatever that may be i have refrained from posting certain images due to these ideals before and i will continue in the future if it comes to it long story short please treat animals with respect and educate yourself on the best ways to do so and please know that i will never ever post an image in which i believe an animal is being hurt and if it comes to my attention that the animal is for certain being hurt i will remove it
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thank you my friend i do indeed write poetry and have won one scholarship for it from my college in the past so i am happy that seems to permeate my life and the way i handle myself in general i have been thinking about submitting some of my writing to a literary magazine in my hometown recently and you have bolstered my confidence greatly i appreciate you
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happy birthday my friend i hope you had a wonderful day
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i love you dearly it is absolutely incredible to me that this account has gone from less than 100 followers to over 600 in less than a week i never thought that so many people would find joy in a blog i made as a silly side project to make myself and my girlfriend laugh every now and then but i am so happy we have gotten to this point
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shoutout james
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