#fitz fortune
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A Fitz Kreiner/Hawkeye Pierce Moodboard 🫒💋
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pixelrhys · 1 year
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He was supposed to be a furry version of Fitz Kreiner but I kinda like his design. Oops!
But you know how people make furry guys based off of fictional characters? Yeah
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so who's gonna make me a Dean vid to Wolf Parade's Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts?
I got a hand/so I got a fist/so I got a plan, it's the best that I can do/now we say 'it's god's hands'/but god doesn't always have the best goddamn plans, does he?
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lightfromandromeda · 3 months
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OMG is that Fitz Fortune?
You haven’t done your research, darling. I’m Fitz Fortune, of course. Just as big as that guy -’ he gestured at Elvis - ‘back in the old twentieth century. The printing department must be a bit behind; I expect there’ll be posters of me up there any day now.’
‘Fitz Fortune?’
‘The one and only, baby!’
Earthworld, by Jaqueline Rayner 2001
ever since i read that passage ive wanted to make fitz some of his own posters.....based off of this one
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i hav another one on the back burner that i hope to finish before pride month ends but ive been ,, very fatigued these past couple weeks
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sunshinesickies · 12 days
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A S1 Skye fic for you all! Hope you enjoy. Just so everyone knows I probably wont write anything else for S1 Skye, but I will for S2-7!
Skye x female!reader sickfic, S1 Skye
There For Her
“Ugghhh” Skye woke up with a groan, a massive headache overtaking her senses the second she woke up. She took a deep breath, or well, tried to as the air in her lungs immediately caught, sending her into a painful coughing fit which only made her headache worse.
She let out a tiny whimper as the coughing fit stopped clawing at her throat. Reaching out in bed, she hoped to feel you and your warm body as you slept next to her. But much to her disappointment, you weren’t there.
She sighed. She knew she was sick, though it had gotten bad fast. Last night she went to bed feeling a bit off, and now, well, she felt as though she’d been hit by one of Fitz-Simmons’ ICERS…multiple times, then punched in the face by a Centipede Soldier. Skye hated being sick. The only thing that ever made it bearable was having her girlfriend by her side, yet you weren’t, and she wondered why.
Desire to find you momentarily overcame her awful symptoms and gave her enough motivation to get up and look for where you could possibly be at this god-awful time in the morning. Glancing at the small alarm clock in her bunk, Skye had to do a double take.
She could’ve sworn it was like…2 am, but in reality it was almost noon. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, the brunette took another deep breath—this time aware of her current state—and got up out of bed. Her legs ached as she touched her feet to the floor and she immediately shivered as the warm blankets fell from her body.
She quickly grabbed the closest warm thing she could find, hands clutching a dark grey sweatshirt and the edge of the bed. Throwing it over her head, she noticed the familiar, extra-soft fabric and realized it was one of yours. Brining the sleeve up to her nose, Skye tried to smell you on it, but her attempt proved her to be to congested to do so, the action only making her nose start to run which she then wiped on the tip of the sleeve. With a firm sniff, she set out to find you.
The Bus was only a plane after all, how many places could you actually be?
*A few Hours Earlier*
You sighed as you quickly stopped your beeping phone, careful not to wake your sleeping girlfriend. Squinting at the light of the screen, you saw an urgent message from Coulson, alerting you to meet him in the debriefing room asap with instructions not to tell anyone, including Skye.
Throwing on your favorite dark grey hoodie, you silently slipped out of the room—you were a trained spy after all. Upon entering the debriefing room, you saw May standing with Coulson. “What’s up?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow.
You walked back to your room after the quick meeting where you were told your expert abilities were needed on an urgent, fortunately not dangerous mission but that the need for secrecy was imperative. You were to leave in 15 minutes.
Slipping back into your shared bunk, you saw Skye still sleeping peacefully, the early morning light casting a beautiful glow upon her face. You gazed lovingly at her, wishing you could just curl back up with her, fall back asleep, wake up with her, and spend a rare, lazy morning together. But you had a job. You were an Agent of Shield, and so was she, well, soon hopefully. You both understood the importance of the job and the sacrifices that came with it on a daily basis.
Careful not to wake her, you gently brushed a few strands of hair from Skye’s face, however, you paused as your fingertips grazed her skin. She felt warm. Too warm. Bending down, you placed a feather light kiss to her forehead, frowning when you found it feverish.
You’d kissed her enough to know when she had a fever. Right now it was low, but there nonetheless. Stroking her warm skin lightly, you sighed as you knew what this meant. Skye would wake up and feel sick and crappy, you wouldn’t be there to take care of her, and she wouldn’t know where you were.
You always took care of your girlfriend when she was sick. Always. It had taken her a while to get used to it since she had never had anyone to take care of her in that way before you came along. But now, whenever she was feeling even the slightest bit off, your girlfriend would turn into a, well, a clingy puppy. She needed constant care and got upset whenever you were gone for too long, even if it was for something like making her soup.
But you didn’t mind, you knew what it meant and you loved being the one Skye let her guard down with, being that someone she could be vulnerable with. Plus you never minded the extra cuddles, movie marathons and excuses to lay around all day with your favorite person.
Your heart tugged as you moved away from your girlfriend. You shook your head, you were needed elsewhere, even though this was where you wanted to be more than anywhere.
You had about ten minutes to get ready now. Starting to do so, you stopped as an idea dawned upon you. If you couldn’t be with Skye when she woke up, you would make sure she knew damn well that you were still there for her.
Rushing to the kitchen, you quickly found and filled a S.H.I.E.L.D issued water bottle that kept liquids warm or cold for days. Brining it back to the bunk, you placed it at Skye’s bedside before closing the shades to block out the bright sunlight that would surly bother her if she woke up with a headache. You took off your hoodie, folded it up and placed it on the edge of the bed. Lastly, you found another blanket and draped it across the normal one that was already covering Skye’s body, knowing she was always freezing when she had a fever.
Happy with your actions, you finally got ready and went to meet Coulson and May in the hanger not a moment late with just enough time to inform them Skye was sick before grabbing a parachute and jumping out of the plane, landing stealthily at your mission site.
After searching all the obvious places, Skye sat down to take a break. Her body ached too much for her to keep looking for you so she curled up on one of the Bus’s cushy couches, bringing the hood of your sweatshirt over her head and fully prepared to sulk until you found her instead.
Her few minutes of quiet were interrupted when her nose began to itch. Brining her sleeve to her nose, she rubbed it in hopes of quelling the annoyance, but instead she just made it worse. “Nuhh…sHhuhHh!” She muffled a sneeze into the fabric, quickly followed by another two soft sneezes before her nose calmed down.
Skye let out a small whine followed by a harsh sniff. Looking at the time on her watch, she saw it was almost two pm. You never went this long without making sure she knew where you were, well, unless you were on a miss…wait. Skye literally smacked her hand to her face. You were probably on a mission, duh! All she’s have to do was locate your tracker on her computer and then she’d know where you were and if you were safe.
Her head spun as she shot up from the couch, but she ignored the dizzy feeling as she made her way to her small workspace she had set up for herself. However a few minutes later, all she found was that your tracker was deactivated, the last known trace was in your bunk, where she knew you weren’t.
Immediately a wave of worry washed through her—though that might have also been fever chills. Standing up, she quickly found who she knew would know where you are. She found him in the debriefing room.
“Coulson!” She growled the second she entered the room. “Skye! I assume you’re here about…” the older man started but she cut him off with a nasty glare, though it didn’t look nearly as threatening as she wanted due to her current state and the fact that she was literally swaying on her feet.
“My girlfriend? Yeah. Maybe you could tell me why she isn’t here, didn’t leave a note, and why her tracker is off!” She snapped, raising an eyebrow, clearly unhappy with the situation. If she was in less of a fevered daze, she probably would have been able to make sense of everything and be reasonable, but all she knew right now was the she had no idea where you were and she felt like crap.
Coulson let out a small sigh, but was smiling kindly. “I understand how this seems, and I know you’re worried, but…” Skye scoffed, his calm demeanor making her blood boil.
“Yeah I’m worried! I…” she started but he cut her off this time. “…but I assure you that Agent y/l/n is perfectly safe.” He finished but Skye wasn’t ready to let it go.
“How would you know?!” You sent her on a mission without a tracker, or backup or comms, or….” Skye didn’t know for sure but she had a feeling she was right. Coulson moved closer to her shivering form and put a hand on her shoulder.
“Skye, calm down. It’s okay. I know because I was just talking to her a moment ago on comms before someone decided to interrupt us.” He informed gently and Skye immediately froze when she head his words.
“Is she..can I…?” She struggled to find the right words in her feverish, post-frantic state but Coulson knew what she meant.
“Go right ahead.” He said softly, handing her a comm. She took it with a growing blush. “Thank you, Sir. I…I’m sorry.” She added, barely above a whisper and Coulson nodded understandably.
“It’s alright, Skye.” He said before leaving the room so she could talk to you in private. Immediately, she put the comm to her ear. “Yn?”
You were waiting for Coulson to get back on comms when you heard the unmistakable sound of Skye’s voice in your ear. She sounded hopeful and desperate.
“Skye? Babe, are you okay?” You spoke into the comm and you could practically hear your girlfriend roll her eyes at you. “Am I okay?! Are you okay?! You weren’t here…and your tracker…and Coulson…and…” Her voice was shaking and she stumbled through her words.
“Skye, Skye, baby slow down. I’m okay, I promise you. I’ll explain everything soon.” You interrupted her frantic rambling and could sense your girlfriend finally calm down now that she heard from yourself that you were alright. You heard her take a slow breath.
“Sorry. I…just panicked. I can’t lose you, y/n. I need you.” She admitted through the comm and you felt yourself smiling softly. “You won’t lose me, Skye. I’m here.” You assured her gently.
“Now, how are you feeling? How’s your fever?” You asked, loving concern in your tone. “Uh wha—how did you…” Skye started but you cut her off with a small chuckle.
“I’m a spy, love.” You reminded her. “Right.” She let out a short laugh. “I feel like shit. When will you be back?” She asked, her voice turning soft and vulnerable like the adorable needy puppy she always resembled when sick.
“Soon, baby. The Bus should be picking me up within 30 minutes.” You said and Skye let out a small whine. “okay” she mumbled, wishing you were already there.
“You know I want nothing more than to be with you right now. I promise we’ll cuddle for the rest of the day as soon as I get back.” You hummed. “Now go back to bed, Skye, please. You need the rest and I’ll come to you the second I get back.” You promised. “I love you” Skye hummed back.
“I love you too, and remember to stay hydrated. I left water near your bed and a few other things for you.” You informed her though you were sure she already found some of them.
Skye let out a happy sigh. “Thank, you boss, will do.” She joked and you smiled to yourself as you stood in the snow in the woods you were currently waiting in. “See you soon baby.” You were glad she had made a joke. If she still had her humor then she wasn’t feeling completely awful, just semi-awful and probably missing you more than anything.
You looked up at the clear blue sky, thinking of your Skye and the way you always swore you could see the stars every time you gazed into her eyes.
After taking out the comm, Skye padded back to her bunk, finding the water and drinking what she could before getting back in bed with a small smile on her face as she closed her eyes, knowing the next time she woke, you would be there.
Briskly walking through the halls of The Bus, you dropped your mission bag in the supply room before immediately rushing to your bunk to find Skye in almost the exact way you left her—though this time she was wearing your hoodie like you’d hoped. Sitting on the bed next to her, you moved some sweaty locks away from her face. Even in the one motion you could feel a strong heat radiating from her skin. Her fever had grown higher.
You hated that she felt so bad but you were happy now that you could take care of her. Without waking her up, you slipped back out of the room, returning a minute later with a cool, damp compress which you gently dabbed along her forehead, cheeks, and neck.
Skye groaned softly as she shifted closer to your touch, feeling something gloriously cool against her skin. “Hey, baby.” You whispered when you saw her start to wake up. She slowly opened one tired eye. Her vision was blurry but she’d recognize the warmth of your gaze anywhere.
“Y/n?” She slurred, a hand clumsily coming to touch your face, needing to feel that you were actually there. “You’re home” Skye smiled slightly and you nodded. “Yeah. I’m here baby.” You hummed softly, however your heart rate picked up when tears started forming in your girlfriend’s eyes.
“Hey, hey, no. You’re okay Skye. It’s okay, I’m here now. I’m here love.” You immediately scooped her into your arms and held her close as she started crying softly into your shirt which she gripped tight with her hand.
Her nails poked at your skin but you didn’t care. She needed to know that you were there and that you weren’t leaving. You ran your hands through her hair and hummed gentle reassurances in her ear until she finally calmed down and fell asleep, feeling safe and loved in your arms.
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roostercrowned · 10 months
the Fool: yeah Clerres had this whole grift going on where they would charge people for fortunes and hand-pick prophets to engineer futures that financially benefitted them. I'm not about that though Fitz: ..... the Fool: I'm more of a non-profit prophet Fitz: [contemplating which of his poisons will kill him fastest] why is he so hot
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 4 months
Summary: When two individuals explode out of the heart tree at Winterfell, the Bolton's think it's a blessing from the gods. It certainly is a change in their fortunes. Sansa expected to die the day the Bolton's did after their guest made the ground shake with her fury. Only she didn't, and now she is nominally the one in charge. With no army, no support outside of those men who saw an angry god and decided not to help their liege Lord, and said god is now her terrifying guest. Daisy would like to stop being mistaken for a god, and also reiterate flaying innocent people alive is not an acceptable practice. It would help if Fitz would wake up already because she's clearly not going to be able to get them out of the medieval hellscape they're now trapped in. Although Fitz wouldn't be her first choice of companion to be stranded with. And magic ice zombies, because of course there's magic ice zombies.
Author: @bibliophile-rhino-nerd
Note from submitter: -A++ for world building and logistics -Daisy is amazingly well written -No Game of Thrones knowledge required to absolutely fall in love with this fic
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oliversrarebooks · 3 months
I will not stop pestering you, unless I run out of fascination for your world (not likely).
Fortunately, I have prepared a new question.
What exactly is the system for blood grading? Do you have like, an idea on the statistics?
I. E Fitz's triple A blood is peak and best blood = 1 in every 100 or 1000 humans?
Do some vampires prefer lower grades - for their taste? Like, say you went to a Steak restaurant and while fillet is most pricey, but you have a craving for Sirloin - does it work like that? Or is it like Triple A is most refined/less bad bits and the lower grade you are it's less tasty. More like a ready-meal / cheap imitation than a product of a good restaurant/or homecooked meal?
I'm just really intrigued! Also Fitz boasting about his blood is so adorable. Like aww - even with the horrific implications of it all. 😂
Anyway, hope you're having a great day!
Please don't stop pestering me!
I've read advice that writers should never provide exact statistics because then people can come poke holes in them easily, so I won't do that. Fitz's peak grade blood is pretty rare -- the auction house generally only gets a thrall of this quality to sell every few years, if that.
I think there's room for lots of individual tastes among vampires. Blood as fine as Fitz's will be desired by just about any vampire, but when it comes to, say, an A vs. a B it can be a lot more subjective. Vampires judge their purchases by smell as well as blood grade. Some vampires are very picky and only really enjoy top grade blood (Lex is one of these) while others don't really care that much and have more of a "blood is blood" attitude.
I hope you're having a great day too!
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fitzfortunee · 2 months
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Just realized I haven't shown my development in my Doctor Who collection so here's a waypoint!
Past collection update posts:
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Miscellaneous Doctor Who Headcanon Pride Icon Requests for @melodyandpond, @eightdoctor and @gumshoesniper 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
Free to use with credit 💜
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rudikawhy · 1 year
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Two
While watching season two, I took some notes of my thoughts. I only started on S02 E09 so before that there isn't too much.
Sorry, this is going to be mostly Fitzsimmons but you can't really blame me, because it's THEM
But first, two last things for season one "I couldn't live if you didn’t" "Well, I feel the same way. There has to be another way." "You're taking it" "Why would you make me do this? You're my best friend in the world!" "Yeah, you're more than that, Jemma" seems to now live in my head
Also the desperation and intensity in Jemma's voice, while Fitz's is so calm and kinda trembling, but both are absolutely heartbreaking in their own ways
But now to season two:
Fitz having trouble with words is both absolutely adorable and heartbreaking
Bobbi reminded me at first of the person (?) from Asgard who helped them get Lorelei
I am curious why Hunter says that his ex-wife was so horrible because so far, I love Bobbi
I just can't shut up about Fitz. But no-one I know in real life would know what the hell I'm talking about, so I just think about him and write about him
(S02 E03) When Jemma wakes up by the sound of her alarm and the song started playing, I thought "Hold on, I know that song", and yes, I love "God help the Girl"
Also it's kinda ironic because it says "God help the Girl, she needs all the help she can get" just as she steps into the lift which brings her to her work at Hydra
(S02 E04) Hunter: "Guys, drop everything!" Fitz: "No, this is worth a fortune. I'm not gonna drop it."
(S02 E07) "Would anyone like to leave before we get started" I would have raised my hand too
(S02 E09) Mack: "A Storm's coming" - Fitz: "No, weather's fine, actually. There's not a cloud in the sky. I checked."
[Jemma knocks on table] "That's not wood, is it?"
Why is literally any conversation Fitzsimmons have killing me? The "I can work for you, I just can't work with you"? I beg your pardon? How am I supposed to accept that?
"Come home, Jemma" (S02 E11) HQ's their home :D
Fitz's hands trembling :(
(S02 E12) This moment when you recognize the face of the woman that came from the ocean but can't recall WHO it is (Lady Sif)
Fitz seems so left out when Jemma tells him about them changing the ICER
Why is Jemma saying "Sir, the boys were right" so funny to me?
Nooo, Coulson said "Fitz and Simmons", they're no longer one and the same
I mean I agree that it wasn't right that Fitz lied to the rest of the team about Skye but please, can Fitzsimmons just be at least friends and work together
(S02 E14) Jemma: "Oh, Fitz!"; Fitz: "Well, don't 'Oh, Fitz' me!" - I kinda waited for him to say that
I am so confused by this whole "real S.H.I.E.L.D."
"No, it's not that. You're afraid 'cause of what happened to me and Skye, how we both changed. But you know what the scariest change is, Jemma? It's you." You know what? At this point maybe I don't want them to talk at all anymore, if every time they do, I just sit there and think "Why are you doing this to each other?"😭
(S02 E15) "I told you, Leo,[...]" Okay, Jemma, this doesn't feel right, calling him by his first name, I regret asking in the first place
I am REALLY confused by the real S.H.I.E.L.D.
I'm glad that even Fitz puts the USB in the wrong way at first
Did Fitzsimmons finally make up when sitting on the ground by the table when "real S.H.I.E.L.D" attacked?
(S02 E16) Don't do this to me, Jemma, don't say you want Fitz off the plane!
Don't leave Jemma alone, Fitz!
Okay, I've changed my mind. Apparently there was a plan behind Fitz leaving that I didn't catch. ("Nice work, Jemma")
Also: Proscuitto + Mozzarella, Be Safe! Love, Jemma 🥲 - The world's most dangerous sandwich is back
I know it's actually a bit late but I have honestly no idea what S.O. means (I suppose it doesn't mean Significant Other) (Rewatching parts of season one reminded me - Supervising Officer)
I really want to like Bobbi (and I still do) but I am afraid I won't much longer
(S02 E17) I kinda like Lincoln
Skye telling the story about not being anywhere longer than two years despite being 25 (or actually 26) actually brought me to tears
Okay, THAT I didn't expect. That this was Skye's mother
"The Girl. I couldn't save her" I didn't know May could make me cry
I thought that when Fitz was in that public bathroom with Coulson's cube (I forgot the name) that Ward was outside knocking and I already saw Fitz getting captured
(S02 E18) That was quite a run, Fitz, I would have been fallen down at least five times (not to mention my lack of stamina), three times alone on the stairs (I know that others have run more and under different circumstances but still)
I feel for Fitz, rocking his leg, I totally understand
Don't you dare, Ward, talking to Fitz!!
Grateful for Coulson's and Hunter's quick reaction
(S02 E19) Was it worth it, Ward? Betraying S.H.I.E.L.D. for leaving Hydra again like half a season later?
I'm glad Fitzsimmons finally talk to each other again like normal people
"Mistakes were made..." - "By you" "...and people got hurt..." - "By you"
No, I'm not okay. "Be careful, Jemma"😭
"So, how does this work? You just click your heals together and whisper, "There's no place like home"?" Is this a S.H.I.E.L.D. director thing? Quoting The Wizard of Oz?
One moment I really like Skye's mother and ten seconds later I can't stand her
(S02 E21) this whole show is confusing me. Who's on whose side?
Now Gordon too!?
Leave Bobbi alone!!!!
I'm not sure if I like Lincoln anymore
(S02 E22) Nooo, Bobbi!
That's what you've got, Ward! Now your girlfriend's dead
"There's nothing to discuss, Jemma" - "Maybe there is"😢😢 I can't with them
"Science, biatch" I actually squeak-laughed
"We're not bad, we're misled" Aaaaand I like Lincoln again
I need someone asking me out the way Fitz did, asap
I mean I knew what was about to happen to Jemma (I saw a GIF somewhere) but fuck, with sound and context it hurts SO MUCH MORE
Okay, that was it with season two. I know I need to step down a little bit with how many episodes I watch daily (because season two has only been six days), but no matter how much I know that, I just can't stop. But enough with this talk.
It was fun doing this, I think I'll do it again with season three.
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ravenousgf · 1 year
for the first time is fitz's horror and remorse at his choice of giving up the fool for icefyre making me realize the fool's great fortune in having his changer and the love of his life be the same person.......as muddled as that makes his motives (at least in fitz's eyes) his intentions and loyalties stay steady. and fitz is never afforded that divine overlap of love and virtue not even in the end. fucked up if true
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docholligay · 2 years
Books read 2023
~ = denotes reread
 * = denotes A Big Rec of The Year (Nothing I reread was allowed a Rec note. If I’m rereading it, I probably think it’s pretty good)
#–denotes Follower Pitch
^–Denotes Commissioned Read
♪–denotes Pitchless Draw
&-- denotes Holligay Book Club Pick
 Rogues edited by G.R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois
Food of a Younger Land by Mark Kurlansky*
Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers~
Curry: A Tale of Cooks and Conquerors by Lizzie Collingham*
Montana Women From The Ground Up: Passionate Voices in Agriculture by Kristine Ellis
The Neverending Story by Michael Ende#
Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz by Garth Nix
To Paradise by Hanya Yanagihara^*
Fortune Smiles by Adam Johnson
Frog Music by Emma Donoghue#
Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlanksy~
House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne~&
The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay ♪
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke*
Four Treasures of the Sky by Jenny Tinghui Zhang#
Provenance: How a Con Man and A Forger Rewrote the History of Modern Art by Laney Salisbury and Aly Sujo
David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell
Kill Creek by Scott Thomas~
Ten Restaurants that Changed America by Paul Freedman
Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead#* 
The Billionaire’s Vinegar: The Mystery of the World’s Most Expensive Bottle of Wine by Benjamin Wallace
Lone Women by Victor Lavalle (A sister holligay forceread)
The Mist in the Mirror by Susan Hill
The Iron Tracks by Aharon Appelfeld~ 
Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers ♪
The Power of The Dog by Thomas Savage
The Faceless Old Woman That Secretly Lives in Your Home by Joseph Fink #
Bedknob and Broomstick by Mary Norton
Never Have I Ever by Isabel Yap
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield#
Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng^
Close Range by Annie Proulx
Watership Down by Richard Adams&~ 
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier^ 
She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker-Tran^
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke~*&
Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead~*#
Snake Ropes by Jess Richards^
Les MIserables by Victor Hugo~
Currently Reading: 
On deck:
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zemkzone · 2 years
Welcome to My Fic-Dom!
Since I’ve apparently got more than one ColdFlash fic out on A03 now, I figured I might as well have the individual links up here in one place.
Sparks in the Ice
The Legends broke time, leading to interesting consequences. What if Barry Allen and Leonard Snart had met in a hotel and begun a more-than-casual arrangement two years before canon? And what if Len had been hit by the blast from the particle accelerator too?
When Lightning Hits Ice - a Team ColdFlash take on Season 1
Memories in a Bottle - a lil boozy pre-canon one-shot
That Rare Arctic Thunderstorm - a Team ColdFlash take on Season 2 (WIP!)
Other Masks We Wear - a growing collection of one-shots of Barry and Len letting out thier geeky costume-wearing side
Oh, @notquiteinsane made a Spotify playlist for this. Do check it out!
Perspective: A Regency Romance
A Regency-period tale. Baron Barry (Fitz)Allen rejected Leonard Snart’s proposal eight years ago. Now Barry has lost his fortune and Len is the wealthy Viscount Wynters. Will past affections be rekindled when they meet again at a wedding celebration? Featuring the wonderful art of @hardwiredweird.
And if you’re in the mood for just browsing around, you can head straight to my A03 Profile.
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marvelousmop · 1 year
Not a lot of people have read "What Was It?" by Fitz-James O'brien, and that is such a shame. I stumbled upon it in the anthology "Doorway to Dilemma" and ever since I've read it, it has been lodged into my brain - probably not for the intended reasons, but still. It's probably one of the oddest subversion of a ghost story I've read.
(you can read it here if you don't want to be spoiled)
It starts off with some very typical preamble about the house being haunted, including references to a Mr. A---- who died of heartbreak not inside the house, but his death caused people to think the house was haunted, and the reports of doors moving on their own certainly didn't help.
The narrator and their friend (who live in this building) end up hitting up some opium and the friend talks about some spooky stuff that really upsets the narrator, so they go to sleep high and paranoid... but not for long. Something - no, someone drops from the ceiling right onto his chest! There's nothing there, but the narrator can feel it, and he can feel the bony hands encircle his neck...
And so he grabs the invisible thing and beats the seven bells out of them.
To say I lost it at this point is an understatement. This whole time, the story has been playing all the typical ghost story beats, and then they just beat up the ghost! The roommate even gets in on the action.
And it only gets weirder from there. They both learn the creature is very much very much not a ghost, but rather some unexplained invisible house imp. The narrator then proceeds to show it off to all their other housemates, and then a bunch of scientists who chloroform it and get a mould of it - apparently it has sharp teeth and is about the size of a small boy.
Their landlady threatens to evict them over it, but they refuse to take the invisible imp thing. Fortunately, the issue sort of takes care of itself. They had this thing tied up for 12 weeks and apparently never tried feeding it, so naturally it just died.
It's such an odd story...
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Josie Day "She has the ability to make whatever she paints come alive and leave the canvas, allowing them out into the real world. This is because she herself is a living painting, created as a backup body for a deranged space billionaire."
Fitz Kriener "First of all, he is THE poorest little meowmeow, which isn't important for the Stranger thing but you need to understand about him. Second of all, man loves his false identities. He's tried being James Bond, Sam Spade, and world-famous rockstar Fitz Fortune (in that last one he got involved in a cagematch to the death with an Elvis impersonator). It never works out for him because again. Pathetic little man. There have also been the identities forced upon him, like the time he got brainwashed into being an assassin, or the time where he got cloned over and over and over again every time he died, gradually losing more of his original identity over time until only the being known as Father Kreiner remained. Then he got re-created from scratch by the TARDIS, but he still couldn't be sure if he was the same as the original or not, because he'd been constructed from the memories of someone else. Like I said. Poorest littlest meowmeow."
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