#five nights with froggy
choeto · 8 months
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This is Draco! My plush Chinese dragon and the hero of the game Five Nights with Froggy 🐉✨
(God I can draw people 😭)
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gamertailsfoxdoll · 3 months
reblog...... i guess.
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( i grabbed this image from @scrunkl3bunk1e )
(ignore the tags)
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frogberttt · 8 months
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gigglegirlhappy · 20 days
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Did the six fanarts challenge a while back with some friends on discord. You can almost see the exact point where my tablet started lagging and I had to get simple with the backgrounds, lest it explode.
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froggityboingerrr · 7 months
Mangle is my fav animatronic! Have I mentioned that I love fnaf before. Guess I’m saying it now, I love fnaf
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With Friends Like These
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Fizz awoke with a yawn, the man giving an a huge stretch, limbs shooting out as he turned over.
"Morning ba-" He paused mid morning greeting, the Imp finding himself alone in Asmodeus' massive bed.
Sitting up, the Imp looked about, wondering where his big blue and purple lover had run off too.
He jumped, hearing Ozzie's distinct voice scream from the other room.
The Imp, after a moment, got up, zipping off to find Ozzie in his office, the man rather aggressively growling into his phone.
"Do you know who the FUCK I am!?"
The Imp, not wanting to approach him empty handed, quickly zipped off, snatching up some coffee before he zipped into the Office.
"MoOorning Babe~" He purred, presenting him with Coffee. "Some asshole giving you trouble?"
Ozzie, seeing his love zip into the room, sighed, rubbing his face.
"Hey baby." He greeted, his tone clearly wary. "I didn't uh, wake you did I?" He asked, the Sin genuinely concerned.
Fizz smiled, zipping up to kiss the man's cheek.
"Nah babe, I was already awake." He assured, sipping his coffee. "Is... everything alright babe?" He asked, giving the mess of papers on his desk a glance.
Ozzie sighed, rubbing his face.
"Yeah Froggy, I'm alright." He sighed, the man rubbing his brow as she stared at a piece of paper.
"What's up?" Fizz asked, the man releasing a frustrated sigh.
Ozzie sighed, rubbing his face. "I've got a dozen orders for materials on five rings that are over due and I'm struggling to contact each supplier to make sure the shipments are actually handled."
Ozzie grumbled, scribbling something on a page.
"Don't ya have someone for that?" Fizz asked absent-mindedly, guzzling coffee.
Ozzie sighed, rubbing his face. "Yeah... I did." The man told him sombrely, rubbing his face.
Fizzarolli cringed, rubbing his neck. "Ooooh. sorry babe, didn't mean too..."
Ozzie chuckled, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
"It's cool babe, but, well..." He sighed, gripping him in his massive hand, kissing the man's cheek.
Fizz cringed, remembering the night before, standing there for a minute, glancing at the stacks of paper before him.
"... Ozzie, can you tell me about Niko, what was he like?" He asked, looking at him from the corner of his eye.
Ozzie, pausing his scribbles, froze, the man putting down his pen.
Sitting back in his massive chair, the man sighed, rubbing his face.
"Well... In a lot of ways, he was like you."
That instantly caught his attention, the Imp staring at the Sin.
"When I first met him, I was... Different." He hummed, looking over his office "I was a lot more arrogant back then. Bold, as i liked to call myself, but really i was just an ass."
They both chared a giggle. "Back in the day, I thought I was the king of all Sins, minus Luficer, who ya know is the king of all Sins."
He finished almost playfully, resting on an elbow, fizz sat on his desk.
Fizz smiled, seeing how open his lover was, and not in the lewd way.
"... Niko... where should I begin on Niko?" Ozzie hummed, rubbing his chin. "Well, I first met him in the RnD division."
"I had a whole department dedicated to developing toys and such, that was back when toys were booming."
"Lot of good ideas came out back then, i thought mine were amongst them, but well, let's say I had ideas that didn't always work out." He shuckled, sighing softly. "Not that I'd admit as much."
He chuckled, looking to the side.
"I can remember it like it was yesterday. I came waltzing into the office, proudly calling to RnD with my latest crazy idea." He hummed, staring off in the air. "And back then they chose what project they'd do, so I was just waiting for someone to jump at the chance to work on my miracle toy."
The sin chuckled sloftly, sighing as though in a fond memory. "But nobody stepped forwards... Nobody was stupid enough to try the impossible and risk failing me."
"All except some little Imp. Barely a teen, and yet he took on a job nobody else would. And did so with gusto."
Ozzie spoke warmly, leaning on a forearm.
"He stepped up, and in less then 48 hours, the man had a working prototype of a product that should have been impossible."
He hummed, glancing at a small statuette of Himself holding a large Heart shaped sex toy, the exact dimensions better left off of Tumblr.
"He had to make quite a few adjustments, yet he presented me with exactly what I wanted." He smiled warmly, glancing at Fizz, reaching out to scratch the base of his jesters hat.
"I've had a lot of assistants over the millenia." He chuckled, humming as he twirled his finger over the man's jester hat. "But Niko? Niko was... he was something else."
Fizz watched the man, noting how warm the man's smile was, the Sin resting on an elbow as he seemed lost in thought.
"Hell has always been ahead of the curve, ya know. It helps when we've got powerful magic and all the smartest sinner end up down here."
"And yeah, I was on the curb, but Niko... He was ahead of the curb."
He hummed, smiling softly as he picked up the Imp, holding him to his massive chest.
"He showed me the potential of automation, not to say I didn't have an interest. But Niko man, Hell, half of the factory was designed by him." he smiled softly, humming as he glanced to the side, seeing a 1:1 scale model of the tower.
"Man showed me the real results of automation, and trust me, there were results. Hell, most toys were made by hand before, Niko practically pioneering the factory line on Lust." He hummed, holding Fizz close.
"I was always interested in the newest tech, tinkering and making it work to my will, but with Niko's help, I brought production up to the modern age." He hummed, holding the man close.
". . . Niko meant a lot to you, didn't he?" Fizz asked softly, looking up the man, thinking over the interaction he last had with the man.
Ozzie didn't say anything for a long time before the man sighed, leaning forwards and kissing the man's head.
"Yeah... Niko was a damn good friend, and an even better assistant."
He sighed, rubbing his face.
Fizz sat there for a moment, rubbing his face.
". . . I'm sorry." Fizz sighed, holding himself close, the Imp feeling guilty that he'd inadvertently caused their break up.
"Oh baby." Ozzie cooed, spinning him around holding him up to his massive face.
"Fizzy, baby, I don't regret what I said for a second. I love you baby, your my world." He cooed, kissing the Imp, rubbing a thumb to the Imps squishy cheek. "I don't regret what I did for a second. Not a second Fizz. You mean the world to me."
He sat there for a minute, looking to the side.
"I just... I just wish I'd handled the situation with Niko better." He sighed, nursling his Jester Imp lover. "Niko... he deserved better then... then what I said."
An awkward energy hung in the air as the two sat in silence, Ozzie holding the Imp close as he slumped back in his chair.
Fizz sat there for a minute, before silently sighing, the Imp leaning up, giving the Imp a passionate kiss.
"Keep it up babe, I know you can figure it out." He hummed zipping out of his grasp, sure to plant an extra kiss to his cheek as he zipped out of the room.
Fizz had to call in several favours, paying off one of his Ozzie men to find Niko's residents, the Imp finding his home in one of Lusts more influential districts.
After a brief Limo ride, telling Ozzie he was off to but something, he found himself in an impressive residentiql building, knocking on a door with a prominent 69 on the door.
There was silence for a while before he knocked again, this time getting some grumbling quickly followed by yelling from the other side of the door.
Niko slid the door open, several chains keeping it secure as he glanced through the gap.
He looked tired, bags beneath his eyes as the Imp stared at the man for several moments, the Imp glaring at him, his breath reeking of alcohol before slamming the door.
The sounds of several locks being undone ringing through the door before he finally opened the door.
Niko stood in the doorway, holding it open as he tiredly held the door open.
"What do you want?" He asked coldly, shielding his eyes as he walked in, Niko quickly walking over and slumping onto his couch.
Fizz took a minute to inspect his apartment.
Inspecting the various artworks, he found most, if not all involved Asmodeus in some regard, the most prominent being a painting of the man in a rather suggestive pose across the penthouses largest wall, seemingly blowing a kiss to the viewer.
Niko, slumped on his massive couch, the thing looking like it came straight out of Ozzie penthouse, hummed, rubbing his face.
Fizz fixed his collar, scratching his cheek as they sat across from each other.
Fizz hummed, glancing around the surprisingly humble penthouse.
". . . Come back." Fizz spoke softly, the man not looking the Imp in the eyes.
There was a long moment of Silence before Niko asked coldly.
"What the Hell did you just say?"
Fizz sat there for a moment before sighing softly.
"Look, I get you feel abandoned, but Ozzie, He... Ozzie, he misses you." He spoke softly, reaching out to the Imp, resting a hand on his knee. "He needs you." Fizz spoke softly.
Niko stared at him for a long time before looking away.
"No. He doesn't." He spoke shortly, the man looking to the side. Niko clenching his jaw. "He has you after all. That's all he needs."
Fizzarolli stared at him for several moments before sighing.
"Look, I get it. Your hurt. You feel abandoned. I know..." Fizz rubbed his robotic limb, sighing softly to himself as he felt the metalic limbs. "I know what it is to feel abandoned."
"But Ozzie didn't abandon you Niko." He tried to assure him, Niko showing no reaction as he leaned towards him. "He... He fucked up, i know. But he misses you Niko. He honestly does. He might not say it in so many words, but I know the man, and he regrets what happened that night."
Fizz leaned forwards, sighing softly.
"I've been where you are right now. You need to tell him how you feel or you'll regret it for the rest of your life!"
Niko sat there for a long time, not saying anything, before releasing a deep sigh.
"Look, Fizz-" he quickly cleared his throat. "Fizzarolli. It's nice your trying to help and all that, but well."
He reached over, grabbing a bottle, grumbling as he realises it was empty.
"Put simply, this ain't your call." He sighed, tossing the empty bottle aside. "And I don't need help from a Fucking clown."
Fizz stared at him for a long minute before standing up.
"Your right. It wasn't my call." Fizz hummed, looking at the man.
"... 'wasn't?" Niko asked, looking up at the man.
"Yes. Because now, I'm making it my call."
Leaning over the coffee table, he knocked the bottles to the side, looking at the man.
"I'm giving you a week. 7 days Niko. Then I'm telling Ozzie how you feel. And while you may be able to hide from me, Ozzie won't let you off so easy."
The man stood up, turning and walking away, stopping at the door for a moment, turning to look at him. "1 week Niko."
Niko fumbled over himself, tripping on a bottle as he tried to stop him.
Fizz just shutting the door, heading back to Ozzie.
Fizzarolli had no intention of telling Ozzie the truth, not really. The Imp just wanting to see the man act on his emotions, instead of waiting for outside forced to force his hand.
But the mote he thought about it, he realised he was those outside forces, the Imp wondering if he was any better then Mammon.
He felt guilty of course, almsot ashamed of forcing his hand, the clown honestly considering calling it off several times, though every time he saw his beloveds gloomy expression, no doubt lingering on thoughts of Niko, his resolve was reinvigorated.
He honestly fully expected the Imp to call his bluff, Niko seemed the sort to dig in his feet and Fizz didnt have the resolve to fully hold out, expecting his plan to fall through.
So when Niko showed up one busy morning, the man walking into Ozzie's office like he owned the place, dressed in a more casual attire, Fizz was over the moon.
The man shared a cold glare with the Imp, Niko clearly unimpressed with the man, before walking up to Ozzie's desk.
It took a moment for the Sin to realise he was there, Ozzie's eyes bulging, the Sin jumping up as he realised Niko was present.
"Niko!" He practically cheered, the man all smiles as he steps around the table. "It's so good to see you! What do I owe the pleasure?"
Niko breathed deep before sighing, the man looking away from the man.
"I figured I'd hand this off." He spoke curtly, holding out a notebook. Ozzie's expression dimmed as he reached out, taking the notebook.
"What's this?" He asked, clearly disappointed by the revelation.
Niko swallowed the lump in his throat, the Imp not meeting the sin's gaze.
"It's an itemised list. Names and locations of every supplier and their resources in the 7 rings. Figured you could use it." He finished curtly.
A silence hung in the air for several moments, Ozzie anxiously stepping about as he stared down at the Imp.
"Is... Is that all?" He asked, hope bleeding through in the question.
Niko opened his mouth, Fizz leaning in, hopeful, expecting him to say something. Hoping he'd say it. Damn, he'd be happy if he said anything.
But instead he just turned away, shaking his head. "This was a mistake." The man quickly turning, storming off.
Fizz immediately shot into action, the man zipping up to the man, landing besides him.
"Wait Niko, please!" He gripped his arms, pleading with him. "You can do this!"
Niko, doing his best to hold in his emotions, biting his lower lip. "This was a mistake, I shouldn't have come here."
He growled, emotions seeping into his voice.
"Come on, you can tell him." He tried to assure, doing his best to be supportive.
"I don't have to tell him shit!" Niko snapped back, slapping his hands away.
"Tell me what?" Ozzie's voice suddenly cut in, the both of them freezing in place.
Niko went rigid, eyes wide in fear.
"Nothing." He spoke up after several tense moments. "It's nothing Asmodeus, I was just-"
"Stop that!" Ozzie snapped, man suddenly breathing heavy.
Niko, froze, the Imp looking towards the sin.
"Stop acting like everything we've been through, our friendship, means nothing..." The Sin spoke, emotions suddenly thick in his voice. "Your my friend Niko. Probably my best friend. I've considered you it for a long time... please don't act like none of that matters."
Fizz would look to the man, sad to see his beloved so upset, but turning back to Niko, he'd be taken off guard as anger quickly flared.
"Like none of it matters!?" He snarled, looking up to the man for the first time.
"I'm not the one who said you don't matter!" He yelled, turning to the man. "I'm not the one who chose soem fucking IMP over you! Now am I!?"
He was angry.
In fact, Niko could barely think he was so angry.
"NO! You abandoned everything we did!" He yelled, throat restricting, eyes burning as tears formed. "You abandoned ME!"
He stood there, panting hard as tears grew in his eyes, the man taking a shuddering breath.
"You abandoned me." He spoke, barely keeping it together. "You meant everything to me."
Hot tears were already streaming down his face, the man barely keeping it together.
"I would have done anything for you. I worshipped you. FUCK, I loved you!!!"
He cried, a sob racking his form.
"... I loved you..."
He held his face, sobbing into his hands for several minutes.
"I... I had no idea." Ozzie spoke up after several minutes.
"Yeah, I know!" Niko snapped. "I know you didn't know cause I told you years ago I loved 'somebody'. Said I was over the moon for him, practically fucking described you to a T, and you know what you told me?! You told me that shit didn't fly on Lust. So yeah, that killed any illusions I ever had I could end up with you."
"And ya know the worse part!? I didn't care!" He sobbed glaring at the man. "I didn't care because I still had you, and that'd all I needed, but now...!?... now I've got nothing."
Niko wiped his face, turning to glare at the man.
"'Sides, you expect me to believe you'd ever get with some nobody like me?" He grumbled, wiping his nose, turning away from the Man.
"Niko." Ozzie began, clearly trying to defend himself, stumbling over his words as he tried to explain himself.
"Save it." Niko sniffled, the man furiously wiping his nose. "You act all buddy buddy but you didn't even tell me you and Fizz were a thing."
He wiped his eyes, glancing at him. "That's how close we are, huh?!" He growled, tears forming as he snapped.
"You know what, they're fucking right, you are a fucking hypocrite. And a lier. And! And..."
He turned, tears building in his eyes.
"And I hate that I still love you!"
He was barely keeping himself composed, sobbing softly as he held his head in his hands.
Fizz and Ozzie stood there, the two of them completely unsure of what to do as the man had an emotional breakdown.
Fizz was... well, he wasn't sure what to think.
On one hand he wanted him to be honest and tell him about his feelings, which he did...
But he didn't want it to be so confrontational. He wanted him to... well, to be honest with both himself and Ozzie.
"Niko." He began softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. To which Niko slapped him away, snarling at him.
"Don't fucking touch me! You dont get to pity me, not when you got the guy. You don't have the right!" He snapped, tears streaming from his eyes.
Fizz stepped back, shocked at the outbreak.
It was as he stood there, breathing heavily, that Ozzie stepped forwards.
The man moved towards the Imp slowly, Niko still sobbing, hunched over as tears streamed from his face.
"Niko." The Sin spoke firmly, standing over the Imp.
Niko, still in tears, sobbed softly, hunched over, clinging to himself.
"Niko." He spoke again, voice firm.
The Imp wiped his eyes, turning his head to snap at him. "What?!"
Leaning down, the man placed his massive hand against the Imps face. "I'm sorry Niko."
Pushing his hand away, the Imp scowling, gritting his teeth. "Fuck you!" He snapped.
But Ozzie didn't flinch, the man bringing his hand up to cup his tiny body.
"Just stop!" He snapped, but this time his voice was full of emotion, tears streaming down his face yet again.
But Ozzie didn't, instead the man held him, hands cupping his form, pulling the Imp to his massive chest.
"STOP!" Niko sobbed, trying to push his hand away, the Imp still in tears as the Sin held him.
But Ozzie didn't, instead he just held the man even as he cried and squirmed in his grasp.
The Sin slowly pulled him closer, Niko sobbing, angrily trying to push him away, but the Sin didn't respond, simply pulling the Imp close.
The Imp cried, and whined and sobbed as the man pulled the Imp close.
Niko fought it, squirming and writhing, pushing the Sin away as he pulled him to his chest.
"I'm sorry." The sin spoke softly as the man fought and pushed, tears streaming from his eyes as the man resisted.
"No. No. Fucking stop!" He cried, almost pleading. "You can't do this shit!" He cried, pushing the Sin away, only for the muscular embodiment of Sin to pull him closer, holding the Imp to his chest.
"You can't do this!" Niko sobbed, Ozzie pulling the Imp close, the man breaking down, trying to squirm out of his grip, but failing as Ozzie pulled him to his chest, holding the Imp close.
Niko was a sobbing mess, the man smacking his hand against his chest, demanding him to release him as he violently sobbed, trying to escape his grasp, but as he pulled and pushed, he rapidly lose steam, the man crying as he pressed against his firm chest.
"Leave me... please... stop!" He pleaded, sobbing into the man's chest, a great wet spot appearing on his shoulder as he held the Imp close.
"I'm so sorry." Ozzie spoke softly, holding him close. "I'm so sorry I didn't realise."
The Imp cried, sobbing and battering his fist against the man, trying anf failing to escape his grasp, sobbing violently as he smacked his fist into the Sin's chest.
"Just... stop..." the Imp sobbed before he collapsed against the Sin's chest, the Imp crying as he gradually lost his steam.
Niko would collapse against his chest, crying as he gripped his coat, the man having a full on breakdown as he sobbed and cried into his chest.
Ozzie... Ozzie felt awful. His best friend. The one Imp he could always count on had been in love with him for over a decade and he hadn't realised it. Well, really, he hadn't realised cause he hadn't cared too.
Niko was right, he caused this.
Ozzie pulled him close, holding him carefully, the man wanting to show he cared. Yet as the man collapsed against him, Ozzie simply sighed, an expression of shame crossing his face, the sin almost in tears.
Taking a shuddering breath, Ozzie cupped his face as he fell unconscious, Niko utterly exhausted, passing out in his grasp.
"I'm so sorry Niko." He spoke softly, tears stinging his eyes.
Fizz was shocked.
He'd never seen the Sin tear up before, the Jester half believing it wasn't possible, yet here he was.
Ozzie turned to the Imp, reaching out to him. Fizz smiling despite the circumstances, zipped towards him, resting atop his shoulders as then carried the Imp to his bed.
The Sin carried the Imps to the bed, Fiss watching the man with a sympathetic expression, watching the man as the Sin got into bed, pulling the both of them close.
"What's next?" Fizz asked softly, looking to the now unconscious Imp.
Ozzie, wiping the tears from his eyes, took a deep breath.
"I don't know If he'll forgive me. Hell, I'm not sure if he should forgive me, or if I even need to be forgiven." He sighed, rubbing his face.
"I just... I need to show him I care. He... he deserves to know I care about him."
He sighed softly, gently rubbing just below Niko's horns, just as he would to Fizzarolli, Fizz noticing this, not feeling jealous, but realising just how much he cared for this Imp.
"Babe." He began, kissing his cheek. "I love you. Just... be honest with Niko. That's all I ask."
Ozzie froze for a second, smiling at the man.
Pulling him in they shared a passionate kiss.
"I love you froggie." He purred, Ozzie giggling, nuzzling the man.
"Love you too my hunk of burning sin." Fizz giggled back.
The two curled up, embracing each other, getting comfortable as he turned to the unconscious Imp.
"I hope we can work it out. I... I like Niko. I hope it works it out." Fizz hummed, a sense of guilt buzzing through him.
Ozzie just nodded, pulling him close. "Me too... Fizzi-pop." he sighed softly, the Sin looking down at the now unconscious Imp. "Me too..."
This is a sequel to my 'what about me?' Headcanon, I hope you like it.
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sirfrogsworth · 11 months
FFFF: Froggie's Fuckin' Fancy Foray
In a previous post I was debating whether I should go to the Sam's near me, which requires a short 11 minute drive, but the path to get there is quite stressful due to traffic and construction and frustrating detours onto narrow side streets.
There was even a time when a bunch of signs got knocked over or removed and I accidentally went down an unfinished road that dead-ended into a pile of rocks. That was a fun moment. Especially when people stared at me as I did some improvised off-roading to get turned around.
Like I said... STRESSFUL.
Or I could head the other direction across the river into Illinois.
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A scenic 22 minute drive with empty highways to a much nicer Sam's. The extra 20 minutes of total drive time is a lot, especially after all the walking required to collect my groceries. And I feared it would test my energy limits, since I had to go to Sam's and Schnucks to get all of the groceries I needed. Sam's is great, but sometimes I just don't need seven dozen of something.
I was having a decent energy day, so the scenic route won.
My plan was to go to Sam's for the bulk of my groceries and then drive all the way back across the river, past my house, and go to the Schnucks that stocks my favorite new fancy Fitz's soda. Which would add another 30 minutes of driving. Though I figured if I wasn't feeling up to it, I could go to Schnucks another day.
But as I stood in the Sam's parking lot holding a five dollar rotisserie chicken, an idea struck me... "Maybe there is a Schnucks near here."
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I opened Maps and to my dismay, there was a Schnucks just down the street and for three entire years I never thought to check.
Literally half a mile down the street.
I think we are all familiar with the concept of chain stores varying in quality depending on the area they are located.
There is a Schnucks only 1.2 miles from my home. It is what I would call "tolerable."
Let's deem this location "TS" for Tolerable Schnucks.
TS is clean and has all of the essentials but they try to shove ten pounds of Schnucks into a five pound bag. It is cramped and poorly stocked and the lighting is somehow extra florescent.
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They managed to squeeze in a decent deli, but that is where the niceties end. They usually have one register open even if the checkout line wraps around the dairy section. I have yet to find a less busy time to go. It's always filled to the brim with people—morning, noon, and night.
And, frustratingly, they rarely stock my new botique soda obsession, Fitz's.
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I allow myself one occasional sugary treat to manage the cravings and I never know if they are going to have it.
However, if I travel an extra 15 minutes then I can upgrade to the Schnucks I would call "nice." So we'll go with "NS" for Nice Schnucks.
Weirdly the NS is near the "tolerable" Sam's (no acronym because that would be confusing with Tolerable Schnucks (TS)). They are only 3 minutes apart but the store quality difference is pretty drastic. If I have the energy, I will try to stop at both places in one trip since they are so near each other.
NS is a much bigger store than TS and they even have a bigger selection to go with that extra space. I have to get my fancy soda there because I guess TS figured "let's just fill the aisle with Diet Coke and nothing else." NS has a much bigger deli and full bakery and a fish person and even a quaint little floral department. They usually have multiple registers open and they stay open past 8pm so you can go when it isn't busy. The lighting is a little better, they keep things in stock, and they even have half-sized shopping carts that are easier to push if you only need a few things.
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I thought that was the gold standard for Schnucks.
As nice as it gets.
But then I discovered this new Schnucks near the Nice Sam's and that assertion was about to be shattered.
Let me introduce you to the FFS.
The Fuckin' Fancy Schnucks.
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The first thing you notice at the FFS is the front has well-maintained landscaping. Like, proper shrubbery.
That's fuckin' fancy.
The second you enter the store you are greeted with a fully staffed floral department.
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It felt like if Valentine's Day could manifest a jungle. Brightly colored flowers everywhere surrounded by mylar balloons wishing people happy whatevers.
Then I turned the corner to see the biggest Schnucks of my life. With one entire side of the store dedicated to bespoke food items.
They got a deli. They got a bakery. They got a fish person. They got another fish person who just makes sushi all day.
They have an entire wall of prepared food items made at the store daily. Sandwiches and salads and pastas and full chickens. They even make their own frozen pizzas.
And then I noticed... the Meat Masters.
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They have their own damned butcher on staff!
I found myself just going up and down all of the aisles and discovering new things the other Schnuckses never stock. The soup aisle was ridiculous. I was getting pretty tired and I was paralyzed by too many choices. So I decided to just get my normal boring soups and come back another time to explore the Fancy Soup Section.
The FSS at the FFS, if you will.
And the lighting was just so much more pleasant. It didn't feel like a 90s office building.
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And look at that flooring. Did they hire an interior designer?
TS & NS just have generic square tiles.
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I mean, I guess making some of them blue is something. But even the ceiling is drab comparatively.
And look at the TS Zapp's display compared to the displays at FFS.
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I will say, TS takes much better care of their robot friend. FFS stuck their robot in a very undignified location.
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This Roomba with a giant erection spends all day counting stuff and they stick him next to the men's room? Let him hang out with the Meat Masters or the fish people.
This is how a robot uprising starts.
The soda aisle was at the end of the store so I arrived there last. I was nervous they might not have my beloved bottled soda pop. Not only did they have it, but they also had 4 other flavors I didn't even know existed.
I guess you could say the FFS had an FFFS! (Fuckin' Fancy Fitz's Section)
I got that same feeling when you unlock bonus items in a video game. I don't know what the difference is between cream soda and "cardinal" cream soda... but I'm gonna find out!
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Update from Future Froggie: It's fuckin' tasty!
Future Froggie approves of Fuckin' Tasty Fitz's Soda from the Fuckin' Fancy Fitz's Section at the Fuckin' Fancy Schnucks and is sad Nice Schnucks and Tolerable Schnucks Failed Future Froggie with their Lacking Fancy Fitz's Soda Section.
FF approves of FTFS from the FFFS at the FFS and is sad NS & TS FFF with their LFFSS.
Got all that?
I loaded up the FTFS and my frozen pizzas and my non-fancy soups and headed over to the registers. They had 3 lanes open despite hardly anyone shopping at the time. I didn't have to wait in the dairy section for 25 minutes. So I justified that extra drive time and then some. Because standing in line is harder than sitting and driving.
So I guess I answered my question about which path to choose. If only I had known about the FFS earlier I would have forgone NS and Tolerable Sam's and just drove the extra 20 minutes across the Mississippi River to and from MO & IL.
On the one hand, it is kind of depressing that just like public schools, property taxes dictate the quality of vital stores in our communities. I mean, these are stores run by the same company. I know the physical property can necessitate some variation due to size and configuration differences. But it's clear they are pumping a lot more resources into the FFS. Not just more cashiers with a bagger on every lane, but actual experts in flowers and fish and baking and deli.
And who knows how much a MoM costs. (Master of Meat)
On the other hand...
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We live in a society and can't fix capitalism overnight and all that.
I need my FTFS and FSS at the FFS, okay?
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daisygirlwrites · 2 years
Could you be able to do a headcanon of a video game night with the 141, I keep thinking about that headcanon in the third part of the ghost headcanon
Game Night Headcanons (Task Force 141 + afab!Reader)
note: König and Horangi appear, no use of (Y/N)
a/n: hey hey, this was really fun to write and there might be a second part to this. also this is a little shorter than normal, sorry about that. anyways, thank you all so much for reading!
taglist: @bobfloydsgf , @warenai , @devilsfoodcake22 , @itsscromp , @dilfsaremyfavourite, @imalovernotahater , @cutiecusp , @allen-444
gif credit: @pedrokkstuff
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The typical 141 game night, more often than not, leads to a fist fight at some point
As well as name calling, accusations, threats and sometimes, crying. Last part is done by Crash most times
It wasn’t like this before. Game night was more relaxed. There was usually multiple systems and even board games going at once
That is until Soap suggested Mario Kart. He was whining on about how he wanted the group to play together, even for one round
You and the others give into his insistent whining. However, Price used his ‘old man’ card to get out of playing and agreed to watch from the sidelines.
It took a while to convince Ghost to join, Soap literally begging on his hands and knees. But it was you that ultimately got him to play, by taunting him. There is still a rivalry going on between you two though it’s become friendly in recent times. 
Your taunting worked, calling him an old man to his face and that he’s probably embarrassed to play because it’s the one thing he’s bad at. The thing that pissed him off most was you told him that he’s a ‘has-been’ 
He stares at you as you give him a smug grin back. Ghost opens his hand towards Soap, not breaking eye contact with you, he says one word, “Controller.” Johnny lets out a little “whoo!” and places a switch controller onto his hand
Ghost would either main Shy Guy, Dry Bones or Dry Bowser for obvious reasons
Soap plays Bowser or Bowser Jr. He mentions something about having a similar hairstyle as them. (Bonus points if he’s matching with Ghost)
Gaz plays as Toad because the little screams Toad makes is low key funny
Crash usually plays as Isabelle but whenever Ghost joins, she switches to King Boo
First game, Crash wins with Ghost coming close at second place. Lowkey, Crash got real nervous during the last lap since Ghost was in the lead but with the magic called button smashing, she kept blue-shelling him.
Second game, Ghost absolutely demolished everyone, paying close attention to you. 
You, being a sore loser, calls him out for cheating and demand a rematch
To everyone’s surprise, he does. And round after round, he beats everyone
Gaz was speechless, Soap looks at the Lieutenant with awe and it took everything in you to not bitch slap Ghost
The little argument becomes a little bit too intense which turns into a yelling match
Crash : “Bitch do you want me to jump across this table because I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY FOR THIS, OKAY?!” Ghost, with a shit eating grin under his mask : “You feeling froggy? Leap.” Crash, rolling up her sleeves : “Okay, well here I come."
Price, who was napping on the lazy chair while they played, woke up to a scuffle. Lifting up his hat, he takes in the scene in front of him:
You were very animated, talking with your hands as you argue with the Lieutenant. Ghost has his hands on his hips, back straightened as he looks down at you.
Soap was in-between you and Ghost, hand on the latter's chest and the other on your shoulder, keeping distance from each other. He looked a little nervous, being literally in the middle of Ghost and essentially, a mini Ghost. "Hey, let's talk this out first, no need for fightin'!"
Gaz had a hand on your other shoulder, trying to pull you away. He would lift you up, and he can, but he doesn't want to get his ass beat by someone who's five foot four
Price, after watching them for a couple minutes, finally steps in.
Had to use the 'dad voice' on everyone
That weeks game night ends there
The next one though, basically the same thing happens. Only difference is that you guys were playing Super Smash Bros.
Ghost would either play Dark Samus, Sheik, Cloud or Snake
Soap plays Bowser, Roy or Ryu
Gaz usually plays as Lucario or Ness, but sometimes switches to Marth
Crash mains Kirby, however she does have a soft spot for all of the cute game mascots (especially Pikachu)
Same thing happens, Ghost beats everyone and you start an argument because "No one his age knows how to play."
"For God's sake, Crash, I'm twenty-nine!" "Pretty fuckin' old to me." "We're six years apart, Tiny."
You low key hated that nickname. It was a reminder to you that everyone else was six foot and taller.
With no hesitation, you jump towards him
Thankfully, this time Price is awake and grabs you just in time
He holds you back as you shout "These hands are rated E for Everyone"
After that, game night was cancelled for a while, for oblivious reasons
That is until the KorTac team joins them. Game night is brought back since it's good for 'team bonding'
It's mostly König and Horangi that hangs out with them, with Hutch occasionally coming by
All of them are really good at Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros.
It was kind of embarrassing for the 141 to get beat against the new guys
Everyone was nice at first but as game nights continue, König lets out a snide comment
"Thought you guys are the best of the best. Guess you're not good at everything."
As much as you liked König, you were not gonna let that slide. Same with Ghost
Both of you form a truce and team up together
As you were on the field, both of you are a deadly combination
Unsurprisingly, you win. But learning from previous mistakes, you behave yourself.
König and Horangi lose gracefully, telling you "GG" and even apologizing for the comment he made earlier
Price gives a sigh of relief, not wanting to break up a fight, especially since one of them is almost seven feet tall
Other games the team plays:
Halo (specifically the first three). Ghost doesn't say but he low key relates to Master Chief. Soap likes it because there's a pretty lady that talks to him
Mario Party. Price has to supervise
Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. Everyone is surprisingly chill when they play those two. Just something about Super Smash Bros that gets they hyped up
Untitled Goose Game and Goat Simulator. It's mostly you and Gaz playing. Funny games that makes you forget about the world for a few hours
The team also plays card and board games as well but that's for another time
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areyoudreaminof · 12 days
WAIT I forgot you’re the brilliant mind behind BOE Game Night ☺️ if the kids played it, how do you think it’d go? Who is left lying on the floor in shock?
Hmmm, good question. Let's check in on the teens and pre-teen and see how it's going.
Froggy shoved more cheese crisps into her mouth as she leaned back onto the sofa. She probably could have gone to bed a while ago when Ori did, but watching these two bicker was just too fun.
The pieces were scattered along the map in a catspaw. Nyx and Cricket were virtually two sides of the same coin, Froggy noticed. Both grabbed the larger continental landmasses in opposite hemispheres and inciting smaller land wars for resources. Neither one of them had gone in for a total invasion. Nyx could probably do it from the north, Froggy thought. Although if Cricket stopped trying to show off and be competitive, she could win with her navy.
All of the adults were gone for the evening and the children were left to their own devices at the River House. Froggy began the game as normal, and she and Orianna had paired up. The Land of Rainbow Pegasus held it's own quite well until Cricket colonized them when Ori fell asleep at the table. Froggy didn't mind. She preferred more sophisticated strategy games, like chess, anyways.
Froggy felt a little nudge in her mind, like an intrusive thought.
"No powers, Nyx!" Cricket snapped. Froggy just crunched into her cheese crisps. Crumbs scattered down her dress, but she didn't care anymore.
"I was just gonna ask for some cheese crisps," he said as he reached for her bowl.
Froggy kicked his arm away. "Nuh uh, there are MINE."
"Nuala made them for all of us," Nyx objected, making another grab. But Froggy dumped the rest of the bowls contents into her mouth. "Focus on your army up north, dummy.' she said as she exaggerated every single crunch. She could swear Nyx muttered, brat, under his breath.
"You can't help him," Cricket hissed. Her red hair was standing on end from a night of constantly running her hands through it in frustration.
"Focus on your navy," Froggy shrugged, "There, I helped you."
Nyx doubled over in hysterical laughter on the floor while Cricket launched a pretzel at her sister's face. Froggy caught it and popped it in her mouth, and Nyx howled.
"You guys are too loud!"
Ori stood at the door in her nightgown. Her wings were droopy and her hair was mussed. She dragged her little stuffed pegasi on the ground, filthy from love and use.
"We're sorry," Froggy said, as she patted the seat next to her. "We're almost done." Ori shuffled over and cuddled up to Froggy.
"We're not even close to being done," Cricket said. She swiftly moved a cluster of pieces of her navy towards a small peninsula.
"How come?" Ori asked as she peered over the table.
"Nobody has won yet," Nyx said, "do you need to go to the bathroom?"
Ori shook her head and pointed at Nyx's pieces, "Is this you Nyxie?" she asked, her silver eyes large and owlish.
Nyx nodded, "And Cricket is here and here," he pointed to several places on the board.
Ori picked up Nyx's bright red General piece, "How come you don't go here? You can make a circle like Ring Around the Rosy." Ori moved the piece to the northern plains, effectively trapping Cricket's largest army into a valley and stranding her navy on a barren shore.
For a moment, no one spoke. Froggy ran through her calculations again. She saw the northern attack but not the way Ori did it. How did she-
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Cricket shouted, her eyes bulging out of her head. Nyx began to laugh. Deep, wheezing belly laughs and screams as Cricket blinked at the board. "There is no way," Cricket said in a daze, "There is no way she did that. She is FIVE."
"Well, she is the General's daughter," Froggy said with a giggle. She grabbed Ori in for a hug, "and she has freed us from suffering!"
Ori hugged Froggy back, turning her innocent and sweet face up.
"Are there any more cheese crisps left?"
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candycryptids · 3 months
Happy Birthday!! Hope its a great one!!
Ionce worked in a kitchen next to a creek, so every night at closing the back door was covered in frogs eating the bugs around the light.
Great job perk!
THANK YOUUU >w<!!!!!! Oh my gosh ; ^; That kitchen was also an all you can eat froggie buffet… down here we have cricket season and the place around me is so landlocked dry what have you it’s just. A bird smorgasbord. It is. 🫣😖 crunchy.
The other day after some heavy storms I saw a very teensy little black frog at my friends parents house (we were stopping by to check on em cos that was when everybody lost power it was a whole mess-) but THEY live on the hill from a river… uwu it turns out it was a Toadlet! Which means I couldn’t identify it even knowing what region I’m in because toadlets all look kinda the same at this teeny tiny stage….. I want to hold five of them at a time…. They look like little sprinkles… ;-;
A small frog I could find around here AND identify tho would be the Rio Grande Chirping Frog •v• surprisingly for frogs sometimes the females will also call during mating season, though it’s not clear why. The calling ladies tend to be smaller than those who don’t call, though, so maybe they’re just hoping to catch some guys eye !
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ebbing-terror · 1 month
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He had ventured from the north down south for one reason and only one reason - for help. He needed to find someone and he was hoping that he could find trace of her in the south, if not then he would be doomed to die in this body and that was something that he wished to avoid at all costs. This land was strange and foreign to him, even stranger to the body he had started to call his own, by lack of choice.
He travelled by night and slept during the day. He would not risk it nor chance it. He remained as far away from the roads, from paths and from people as much as he could. He didn’t want confrontation, he didn’t want anyone picking up his own trial and hunting him, afterall he was not an idiot - he was a worthy kill - something to boast about in a tavern with a warm woman in your lap and a cold drink in your hand.
Yet this night he had went a little bit too close to the road and he heard it. Two travellers had been set upon by bandits and beaten senseless - they had been left alive, but their valuables had been stolen from them and now both of them fucked around trying to clean one another up instead of hightailing it to the nearest village to report the crime and get proper help.
It was then that he could smell it. A twitch at first but it was strong. Blood. It only reminded him how fucking hungry he was. How he had not truly eaten properly at all. Refusing to give in to what this body needed, he barely ate and when he did it was fucking berries of all things, something that would just barely keep him alive and keep him going.
But there it was, two idiots, bleeding and wounded, just standing there wanting to be fucking killed and eaten and it was tearing him apart. It would be easy, too fucking easy. He was bigger than any creature they would have ever seen, faster and stronger as well. They would not last five seconds against him - but it was wrong, he knew it, but he could not pull away from that temptation.
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He thought about it for the moment, and then the next he moved, and it was easily done as well, the first man was lifted up from the ground with ease, head dipping back, mouth opening and swallowing him whole, the legs kicking back and forth and screaming there one moment and then gone the next. The other man tried to turn and run, as he wasted no time, the to tongue fired out like a slingshot and caught him, wrapping around the leg with ease, dragging him back through the ground and into the waiting mouth, eating him as well, within the flicker of a moment and nothing more.
Still, despite that he was starving, and two humans, for the first time, tasted delicious, they had been a worthy meal for someone, or rather something like him, but then once more, it was not enough as he was already on the move, seeking and searching for something or rather someone else, to find and devour as well.
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Just then a girl leapt down from a tree like a flying squirrel, belly flopping onto the great frog's back. She took two overflowing handfulls of green blubber, squeezing and pulling to her heart's content as if the man-eater was nothing more than a ball of dough.
"I've been looking everywhere for you~!" Seriously, one wouldn't think a creature of this size would be elusive but Lynn had been on the hunt for days. She snuggled into the clammy flesh of her enormous baby, swiping her arms in big circles to give the amphibian rubs and scritches.
Lynn sat back, straddling her greedy steed. How the tables had turned. It seemed like it was only two weeks ago when she was carrying the froggy around but look at him now, big and strong enough to carry-or eat- several people.
"C'mon, let's go home!!~" Lynn patted the frog's head and her feet nudged his squishy sides, gently spuring her behemoth to turn and start hopping their way home.
She knew well enough now that the froggy was a stubborn thing, a behavior Lynn was certain he learned from her. She leaned forward into the frog's line of sight, gazing onto one of those marvelous, shining orbs.
"I have some dinner for you back home~ I made sure they had a nice big meal before locking them up, so they're nice and nutritious!!"
He was a growing boy, so he needed hearty meals! Lynn rubbed the tip of the frog's damp snoot, papping his head once more.
She ordered, pointing firmly in the direction she came from. He was a smart boy, and Lynn knew he understood what she was saying.
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magnolix · 2 years
The Road Home | a kny isekai { 1 }
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Synopsis: Once upon a time, you were just a normal girl taking a normal trip with your normal friends. But one day, after a shrine offering gone wrong, you find yourself in Taishō-era Japan.
+ warnings: gn!reader, adhd!reader, insomniac!reader, cursing, violence, mentions of nudity, mention of trauma, pain (inflicted/received), weapons, mentions of taking sleeping medication, mentions of taking medication,
+ word count: 4.2k
+ categories: gn/m, gn/f (partially), isekai, fanfiction
+ hashira, hashira family, kagaya ubuyashiki, kamaboko squad, made up slayers
✩ author's note: this fic is heavily inspired by @kingkyoujurou's "Another Era, Another Universe". please go give it a read because without them I wouldn't have any idea of what I'm doing
chapters: one, two, three, four, five
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Compared to others, you had a good life. You were almost done with college, you had a loving family, and you lived in a cute little town in the countryside. But today was different, today, you and your friends were traveling through Japan. And as much as you wanted to go and keep exploring, the sun was setting, and you couldn't risk the wrath of all your friends.
"Come on, just two more stores! I can see a ramen store right there!" You whined as you and your friends all walked into the hotel lobby. They all laughed as you got into the elevator with them.
"Come on Y/n, we went across half of the entire city. That's a lot of walking!" One of them said as she yawned. "Besides, you almost went bankrupt, it's day two and you've already spent two-thirds of your spending." Another commented, wrapping his arm around you to lean on.
You sighed as the elevator doors opened up with a ding. The four of you begrudgingly all walked down. But, nevertheless, you steeled yourself, grabbed your raincoat, your hiking boots, your bag filled with all of your necessities, and your old froggy umbrella. You smiled as you took in a deep breath and opened the door.
You made sure to lock your door and pull against the handle a few times just in case before you took your shoes off. The rest of your friends all undressed as you looked at your phone to see what you had done.
"Maiden Road, raccoon cafe, anime store, maid cafe, oh!" "What is it?" "We missed that shrine near the forest! Can we go now? They say it's best at night!" "Hell no! It's gonna start raining soon and I don't wanna get swept away!" Your other friend said as she let her hair down and snatched up a towel.
You hummed to yourself as you thought about what you all would do tomorrow. But the promise of the shrine visit was killing you. You wanted to see it, no, you NEEDED to see it. You looked back at your friends. You were still in your clothes and had the location up on your phone but you had to come up with a good excuse. After a few minutes, finally, one appeared.
"I'm gonna go downstairs to the little convenience store and buy some food. I'll be back in a second!" Your friends all waved you off as you grabbed your hotel key and made your way downstairs and hailed a taxi. This was gonna be fun.
Ever since you were little, you had always wanted to go to Japan. The food, the culture, the colors, and the people. Anything and everything made you so excited. But most importantly, you wanted to see the shrines. Of all the books you read about Japan, they always mentioned the unique and mystical shrines dotted across the country. And you were gonna try your damndest to visit every single one, no matter what it took.
You paid the driver and got out near a street lamp so you could get your barrings. You slowly began to follow your map which led you through a massive, and eerily quiet, forest. The lack of noise creeped you out and made you wish you had your headphones.
Finally, after what felt like hours, you spotted a paper lantern with the kanji "参道" on it. You followed it until it led to one lantern after another and then, in all of its glory, was the shrine. It was a tall pillar of white stone that was surrounded by smaller statues and beautiful wisteria trees. Each flower was a beautiful purple and seemed to almost glow in the moonlight.
You sighed and took a moment to catch your breath, silencing your phone and rolling up your sleeves. You walked up, bowed, clapped your hands twice, and went to reach for your--
oh no,
"HOW DO I NOT HAVE ANY COINS?" Your scream caused a stir in the forest. You panicked and patted down all your pockets. Surely you had at least one 10 yen coin, but none were found. "I can't turn back. I'm not gonna turn back." You thought about what you could offer. Paper money wouldn't be okay, nor your credit card, and then you thought about a different offering.
You walked over and pulled off a wisteria flower. You knew it was wrong and not the right offer, but you were desperate. You placed it down and yawned. You were more than ready to go back to the hotel and get some sleep, but you still had one more thing to take care of.
As you turned your heel to walk out, a twig snapped somewhere in the dark forest. How cliche, You thought to yourself. You scrambled to get your phone and turn on your flashlight but it was knocked out of your hand by a hand full of claws. You looked up and were face to face with a...a...
"HOLY SHIT IT HAS TEETH!" Your fight-or-flight instinct kicked it, and you chose flight. You ran into the forest, not caring about staying on the path, you just needed to get away. You ran past trees, jumped over rocks, and eventually tripped over a large root before landing on your face. The creature grew closer, breathing heavily and making noises like a wild animal. You turned over to meet your fate, but before you could, sleep clouded your vision and a moment later, you were out.
As you started to stir, you could hear voices and a soft, flickering noise. You opened your eyes expecting to be surrounded by your friends and hospital equipment but instead were surrounded by empty beds, a few strangers, and the stench of old bandages. Your nose stung from the smell alone. You did your best to sit up but felt a pair of tiny hands push you back down.
“No no no! You need to stay down Miss L/n!” The little girl whined. She looked as if she was going to pass out, her little worried expression was precious. But that still begged the question…
“How do you know my name?” “Oh no, Miss L/n have you forgotten?” “And who are you?” “I-I’m Terauchi, don’t you remember? I work with Nakahara-chan and Takada-chan. Oh no, do you really not remember?” Terauchi looked as if she were about to cry. All of the others in the room looked at you with concern. Some even looked with pity. Could these be your friends? Did you just wake up from a coma? Have you been living in Japan the entire time? Was life a simulation? You did your best to remain calm but couldn’t.
Terauchi ran out of the room and came back with two others who you could only assume were Nakahara and Takada, following behind was a slightly older girl with big blue eyes and short hair. She walked over and held your hand as your breathing returned.
What felt like only a few minutes ago, you had been running for your life in a forest from some sort of thing. And now, you’re waking up in a whole new world surrounded by people you didn’t recognize. Even worse, these people somehow knew you. You needed to calm down.
You took in a deep breath as the girls around you all smiled and let you take your time. You did what you could to calm down as your heartbeat slowed and your pulse went to normal. Terauchi hugged you while she and the other little girls left, leaving behind the older girl.
“Can you really not remember anything?” Her voice was surprisingly stern for someone so young. Like a mom but…teenier.
“No, I can’t. And who are you?” “Aoi, and you’re in the butterfly mansion.” “That’s a weird name.”
Aoi groaned and reached into her apron, pulled out a small paper bag, opened it, poured out some medicine into a small cup next to you, and mixed it thoroughly before handing it back. “Drink this three times a day, morning, noon, and night. Don’t move around too much, you’re still too weak to be walking. And for the love of God if you need help just shout and someone will come.” As you drank, your eyes wandered around the room.
It was large enough to fit at least 8 patients but small enough to still be manageable. It was bright as well. All of the windows were wide open letting in a nice, cool breeze. The smell of the gravel and the sound of the trees reminded you of your home. You managed to take a deep breath as Aoi gave you a nod and left.
After that, it took you a while to realize this was no dream. Actual weeks went by. So much so that you had to start training. You had only ever picked up a sword to do cosplay or just to drool over the idea of having a big piece of metal in your hands, but this was new. This was going to be your life now. You were a demon slayer, more specifically a Kanoe, just like one of the other inhabitants of the mansion. Her name was Kanao from what you remembered. This meant two very important things.
First and foremost, this was not your first injury. You had been here before, fighting demons and kicking ass. Secondly, it meant that you had survived. Somehow, you and your dumbass self had survived a dozen or more demons, multiple times. However…
It also sucked.
The others around you that you had come to learn were your friends all started to leave you out of sessions. Your memory loss wasn’t enough to prove to them that you weren’t the same person they thought you were. You were left to figure out what you could do on your own. And, surprisingly, you were able to figure a little out. You learned how to block and how to swing. That was it. Just enough so you could defend yourself and run like hell away.
But even if you had learned a lot, you still had the issue of going back to the butterfly mansion at the end of the day to sleep in a room that wasn’t yours. Your phone was gone and you were slowly going insane. Plus the infinite amount of books you could find wasn’t gonna be enough for you.
But finally, after a few weeks of training and getting yourself back together, another one of the demon slayers approached you. He seemed excited as he approached you in the hallway.
“L/n! L/n! Guess what?” “Hmm?”
You struggled to remember his name before pronouncing it slowly. “Ez..ume…right?” The boy’s eyes lit up and nodded. A smile appeared on both of your faces as you listened.
“We’re heading to Swordsmith Village! We’re finally gonna get our Nichirin blades!” You raised one of your eyebrows in confusion.
“Don’t we already have swords?” “The training ones? No! Those are wooden, they could never kill a demon.” He hit the back of your head in a friendly manner. “Come on, L/n, you need to keep up.”
You let out a chuckle and rubbed your head. “Well, when do we leave?” “Before daybreak, tomorrow. Your crow should be here any minute to give you more info.” Ezume looked back down the hall at a smaller group of slayers who were waving for him to join. He smiled and waved at you before running over to join them before they all disappeared further into the mansion.
Sure enough, a few minutes later, your crow arrived practically screaming at you about your mission. As it did, you took your uniform off and cleaned it up for tomorrow. You left your room to go and eat before you and Ezume chatted for a bit; even going outside to practice your skills before you both parted ways.
The moon above you glowed in the middle of the night sky as you finally entered your room. Your face was washed, your uniform was cleaned, and even your crow was fast asleep. You pulled the covers up and held them close as the sounds of crickets and the trees waved. Yet, you couldn’t sleep. Usually, you have the option of taking some meds to help you out. But now you were forced to lay awake as the moon’s glow filled your room.
Hours went by and you continued to lay awake in your room. You didn’t have a clock but considering how late or early it was you got up and readied your uniform. But you couldn’t help but hear the faint noise of conflict a few doors down. You walked over and pushed open your door before sneaking off and creeping down the hallway. The two voices were entirely different. The first one was soft and gentle with a sad undertone, a female’s voice. The second was husky and filled with anger. A male voice.
As you approached a corner you paused and stuck your ear out to listen to the two.
“Please, Y/n just needs more time. I’m sure that they’ll be back to their duties very soon.” “You don’t understand, they’ve never been like this. Ever! Something happened in Akigawa \valley, something bad.” You could feel the house shake as you heard what sounded like a punch to the wall. “They’re practically a different person!” “Y/n has been learning, they’re getting better. It’s a memory issue--” “Repeating it to me won’t change my mind Shinobu! They had enough skills to become a Hashira!”
You let out a small yawn, it was barely above a whisper but somehow caught the attention of the two. You felt a big hand grab your wrist and pull you into the light. The man holding your wrist was tall and had white, spiky hair and surprisingly pretty, pale purple eyes. The other was more familiar to you, Shinobu, the head of the mansion. A little ravenette with purple eyes and short hair. She frowned at seeing you listening in but instead walked over and pulled the man away.
“Sanemi, that’s enough. You’re hurting them.” Shinobu smiled at you as she looked over at you. “You’re healing, that’s good! Are you excited to go to the village?” You nodded at her words only to get shouted at by Sanemi.
“Don’t speak to them as if they’re a child, they’re a demon slayer. They’re practically a Hashira--” “I am a Kanoe and I fucking enjoy it!” You said with a strange sense of pride. You stared the white-haired hashira dead in the eyes as a sadistic smile crept onto his face. He grabbed your collar and lifted you up with ease. His eyes burned red like burning hot daggers.
“What did you just say? Did a weakling just speak back to me? I must have misjudged you, maybe you aren’t ready to be a Hashira. Maybe you’re dead meat.” “And maybe you’re a bitch.” You could feel your heart racing as you said those words. A sick comeback you would only think of in the shower, you couldn’t wait to tell the others. If you were still alive at that point.
“Why I outta--” “Caw! Wake up, wake up! Caw! You must leave for Swordsmith village!”
Your crow screamed from your room as you heard several others wake up and scurry to get their uniforms on. Shinobu separated you from Sanemi before you fell down, bowed to both of them, and ran to your room, putting on your uniform and getting a small bag ready. You followed your crow out to the gates of the grand estate where you met up with the others and set off on your journey.
“Hey L/n, you don’t look so good, are you-” “Later, Ezume. Later."
The trek to the village had been long and rough. You all had tried to stay happy and kept morale up but it was no use. The mountains you had to climb over, the valleys you had to walk through, and the stupid paths you kept getting lost on made you want to rip your hair out. Sure, it had been pretty, there were birds and stuff but it was still almost a full day of traveling.
So by the time that you arrived at the village with your company in tow, you were ready to rest. The entrance was a tall group of houses that led to a long narrow road. The sound of clanging metal and the scent of steam was almost too much for you but you went on. The others all seemed to have a designated location to go to. Some of the smiths opened their doors and gave them their blades almost immediately. Others welcomed them with open arms and offered them food and drink. Ezume walked to a small house and was led in to go and see his swordsmith, leaving you alone to stand awkwardly for all to see.
You walked around the rows of buildings, listening to the sounds of laughter and work mixed together. The smell of sake and steam drifted through the air making your nose twitch, you never really enjoyed alcohol. And as you rounded the corner, you felt an oddly familiar hand touch your shoulder.
“Y/n! It is very good to see you! How are you?” Standing next to you was a tall man in a clown mask, you hopped back a bit as you didn’t recognize him. He tilted his head and lowered himself, holding up his hands in a friendly manner. “Y/n? Are you okay?”
“Ah- Uhm..” “L/n lost their memory!” Ezume shouted as he walked up to you, at his hip was a long sheath which you assumed held his new sword. “They what?” The man shouted in a rageful voice. He looked between you and Ezume. “When did this happen? Was it a demon? Where is your sword?”
You put your hands over your ears as the man went on, expressing not just anger about what had happened to you, but also anger about his swords. Some of the other villagers had to practically come out and hold him back while he calmed down. As he did, another stranger appeared. He was much older, and frailer too.
“Ah, young L/n,” He said with a bow “I see that you have come for your blade, yes?” “Yes sir?” You offered him a weak smile, he let out a soft chortle and walked over to the screaming ball of rage. 
“Hotaru, you are an esteemed sword maker, please act as such.”
“Yes, Chief Tecchin.” Hotaru managed to calm himself down, stand up and took your hand to lead you to his home. He opened up the sliding doors and you were met with the sight of a busy workspace. A barrel of water, a large anvil, and several sticks of Dango everywhere, both clean and unfinished. He let your hand go and reached up to a tall shelf before pulling down a long, elegant blade.
Your eyes sparkled as you looked at it. It was long and completely black with a unique hilt. It was a lavender-colored oval-shaped hilt with a dark purple rim, on the top was a detailed etching of a familiar-looking tree next to what looked like a statue of sorts. Hotaru took a moment to admire his work before carefully handing you the blade. You took it with a grateful bow of your head before holding it in both hands. As you did, the blade began to take a beautiful greyish-pink and purple color, much like the trees that had surrounded the master’s estate when you had visited last. 
“The handle is a mixture of wisteria and cork as per your request. I understand that your hands tend to sweat during battle so the cork will be able to absorb the residue until you clean it next.” Hotaru reached over and pointed at the hilt and opened his hands as if asking for it. You gave it to him and he reached into his pocket to pull out a long piece of fabric. He set the sword down and tied the fabric across the hilt in a unique pattern before handing it back to you once more. “Try holding it.”
Because of how it had been wrapped, the blade fitted perfectly into your hands with ease, familiar and comforting ease. You stood up and twirled it around a bit, smiling and laughing like an idiot the whole time. Hotaru cleaning enjoyed seeing his work admired.
“Welp, that does it for us. I’m delighted to have seen you and hope your memory returns.” Hotaru gave you a nod as you gathered yourself and walked out, offering him a wave before walking toward the rest of the slayers.
“Yep, me too…”
Darkness had fallen faster than anticipated forcing the slayers to run. They still had a while before they were close to the roads but that wasn’t their main worry. Their main worry as of now was surviving, and Y/n wasn’t helping. So, with blades held tight and their minds focused on getting the hell back to the butterfly mansion, they ran as fast as they could through the tall brush, unable to see if they were heading the right way.
Darkness had fallen faster than anticipated forcing the slayers to run. They still had a while before they were close to the roads but that wasn’t their main worry. Their main worry as of now was surviving, and Y/n wasn’t helping. So, with blades held tight and their minds focused on getting the hell back to the butterfly mansion, they ran as fast as they could through the tall brush, unable to see if they were heading the right way.
“Keep going, I think I see a clearing up ahead!” Shouted Ayako, one of the others in the group of five. Sure enough, she was right. Just ahead you could see a small space surrounded by massive trees. You pulled your shit together and ran up to the open space, looking back and watching for both the others to see if anything was chasing you.
Ezume was last to follow, heaving and collapsing once he made it to the clearing. Ayako was having none of it. She kicked his side, forcing him up.
“We need to keep going,” Ayako shouted. “We need to take a break!” Ezume shouted back. “We need to get our bearings.” Yelled another. “We NEED to Shut the fuck up!” You screamed. The others went dead silent as you listened to the forest. This felt all too similar to something else.
The moon was in the middle of the sky and the forest was eerily quiet. You held up a finger to your mouth, having the others quiet down and taking up defensive positions as Ezume got himself up as well. The lack of noise creeped you out and made you wish you had your headphones. Headphones… Headphones.
“What’s the nearest landmark to us right now?” “What?” “Ayako, listen to me, where are we?” “The uh- the valley.” “WHICH FUCKING VALLEY?” “DON’T SHOUT AT ME!”
“Akigawa!” Ezume screamed as he looked around frantically. “Why? What’s wrong?” His question was answered by a twig snapping and a clicking of some hollowed mouth sounded out from the dark forest. You turned to face your enemy. A tall and gangly demon with long limbs and a tongue hanging loosely from its mouth. Its eyes were glossy as if it had been blinded and its body was covered in sparse hairs and battle scars. You went dead quiet, moving ever so closer to your group and whispering as quietly as you could.
“Everyone, don’t panic. I think it can’t see us so whatever you do, don’t-” "HOLY SHIT IT HAS TEETH!"
Your fight or flight kicked it, and you chose flight. You ran into the forest with your comrades, not caring about staying on the path or out of danger, you just needed to get away. You ran past trees, jumped over rocks, and eventually tripped over a rock before landing on your back. A loud crack broke some of the silence and you felt your leg come undone. The footsteps grew closer, breathing heavily and making noises like a wild animal. You turned over to meet your fate, not sure if you were ready to die or not.
You could hear the others running past as you locked your sight on the demon. It approached slowly, sticking its long arms out and waving them like it was using a cane. You had an advantage this time and a good one at that. Your fight or flight kicked it yet again, and this time, you chose to fight.
You managed to get up and got into a battle stance, doing your best to remove as much weight from your broken leg as possible as you held your sword, took a deep breath, and listened to what was around you.
Heavy footsteps.
Distant screams.
And a strange sense of power coursing through your body.
You opened your eyes and spoke quietly.
“Wisteria Breathing. First Form: First Spring.” Your body lunged forward and you side-slashed the demon from the right to the left at an angle, taking its head off with a satisfying and clean cut. The demon fell to its knees, turning into ash.
You let your guard down for a moment, stumbling back and falling down, your injury getting worse as you landed on your ass. You let yourself roll onto your back and let out a deep and heavy sigh as the night air washed over you.
“sleep now, young one”
✩ author's note pt2: HOLY CARP! FOUR THOUSAND WORDS! I guys, it's ya girl, Magnolix. I first off want to say thank you to everyone who's supported me, liked, commented, reblogged, and all of that stuff. It means the world to me ♡ In the future, I'll be doing smaller stories as well as continuing this larger story. I've never written Isekai before so this had been fun. I hope you all enjoyed this fic and I'll see ya later,
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frogberttt · 9 months
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The gayest man alive
41 notes · View notes
writefinch · 2 years
Study Aid (gentle femdom, chastity, pegging, helpful tutors)
(One of my first ever Patreon-exclusive stories, now unlocked)
Jack knocked the door, twice. A few moments later, when he knocked a third time, he said, "Uh hey, Eri, it's—"
"It's open, come in."
In front of him, Erica was hunched over in her chair. She had one hand on her keyboard and another on a stack of surveys, transcribing the results. He turned to shut the door behind him and when he turned back, Erica had turned to face him. Her cotton dressing gown was open at the front, black briefs and a black sports bra underneath, her chubby thighs and stomach jiggling ever so slightly.  She brushed a strand of flat, ginger hair out of her face, brought a can of Coke up to her big froggy mouth, and sipped.
"Hi. Uh." Jack reached for his bag to take out his notes, panicked when he realized he hadn't brought his bag, and calmed down when he remembered she'd told him not to bring them. "So, what did you want to do tonight? I saw your text so I came over, but like, we already had a tutoring session this morning. And, uh, the exam is in the morning, and I thought you said studying on the night before is bad because it's bad for sleep. And it's poor planning."
Eri set the half-full can of Coke down on the desk. "You're right. Studying the night before is inefficient and rest is critical. Your meds will have worn off by now so you won't be very well able to concentrate, and besides," she said, smiling kindly, "you've done very well. You've come a long way since I started tutoring you."
Jack felt a little ember of pride within him. He'd come a long way indeed. He'd come to college as a half-bright skinny kid with a mop of black hair who had lucked into a local scholarship he didn't deserve because he read a lot of books and his high-school teachers liked him. He spent his freshman year drifting out of his depth on schoolwork, not making any friends, and gaming for ten hours a day. 
Everything started falling apart in the first term of sophomore year, they threatened to pull his scholarship, he looked for a tutor, and he found Erica. The $15 a week his dad had sent him along with the threat of disowning him wasn't enough to afford the full rate for any tutor, but Eri worked out an arrangement where he helped her out with some of her projects in exchange for intensive tutoring. Some of it was a little weird, but he wasn't in a position to turn down help. A few months later, his scholarship was mostly safe, his classes didn't feel hopeless, and he felt good—not just about his studies, but about everything.
It still didn't explain what he was doing here, though.
"So, uh," he dredged up the words from the soup that formed in his mind after his daily dose of concerta wore off, "what did you want me for, tonight?"
"I want to help you prepare for the exam." Before he could respond, she said, "Not study, prepare. You need to rest and you need to be ready in the morning, so I want you to stay here tonight to make sure you sleep properly."
"I sleep properly in my dorm," said Jack, a touch of hurt creeping into his voice. "Y'know, like, it's not like I was going out and getting wasted tonight. I was just gonna play CS:GO until the blocker app switched my laptop off and sleep."
"I know." She smiled. "You've been very responsible, I'm not worried that you'll stay up late or anything. But I'm not worried because you've made a lot of changes, and they haven't been easy changes to make."
Jack shrugged. "They've made things easier. Last year I couldn't study for an hour a week, forget five hours a day."
"Yes, and getting you there required hard changes, a change in routine and behaviors different from anything you've gone through before. It's taken a lot of work for you to maintain these changes over the past three months, work without breaks leads to stress, and exams are stressful enough as they are. So," Eri straightened up in her chair, fixing her pale blue eyes on Jack, "I am going to relieve your stress, you will sleep easy, and you'll be calm going into the exam tomorrow. Relatively speaking, that is."
"What kind of stress relief?" Jack glanced around, saw an old Xbox under her TV with half a dozen disks strewn around it. "Co-op Halo?"
Eri giggled. "Maybe after your exams are over, but not tonight. Will you get into your testing uniform for me? It'll be easier to explain like that."
Jack felt a twitch in his stomach, giddiness with a touch of fear. "Oh. Sure, yeah, I'll do that."
The testing uniform was much less about what he put on and more about what he took off. He took off his jacket, hung it on the back of the door amid a dozen of Eri's coats, kicked off his sneaker, pulled down his jeans and pulled off his t-shirt, and finally slid his boxer briefs down to his feet before kicking them away. 
Three items of clothing remained: a pair black thigh-high socks on his legs, a thin black choker around his neck, and a galvanized steel chastity cage locked over his penis with a high-end stainless steel lock. Eri handed him the last part of the uniform, a hairband with a set of black cat ears. He placed it on his head, and stood in front of her with his arms by his side, presenting himself for inspection.
She looked over his near-naked form, smooth and skinny, and then looked him in the eye. He shivered, felt his cock harden, and winced as it pressed into the studs inside the cage. The feeling was maddening. He'd been feeling it all day. He'd been feeling it all week. Hell, he'd been feeling it for months.
"Have you cleaned yourself out?"
"Yeah, of course, I always use the bulb before I come over."
"Not always, remember?" She winked at him. He shivered again, remembering *her* efforts to clean him out. 
Eri went into her bathroom and came back out carrying the testing chair. It was a sturdy plastic stool with a buttplug mounted on top of it, already covered in lube. She placed down the chair in front of him.
"Take a seat, Kitten."
Jack blushed at the nickname, feeling something between comfort and embarrassment, and was further embarrassed at how easily the plug slipped inside him. It used to be so difficult. It had taken an hour to get that thing inside him the first time they'd tried.
That had been early during his tutoring. Eri had done many similar things with him. Along with transcribing surveys and doing data entry they were his part of the bargain to get high-intensity tutoring without paying high-intensity prices. She helped with his big exams, he helped her with her "little tests."
He'd got a good deal out of it, that was certain. She was an excellent tutor. The classes he struggled with were ones she'd done five years previously. She knew what he needed to learn and she knew how to teach it, but she hadn't just made him better at psychology. She'd made him better at studying. 
She'd picked up on his ADD for one thing. He’d never called it ADD before or heard it called that, he’d only heard it called laziness and dopeyness. She found a psychiatrist friend who would make the diagnosis cheaply. She'd even called up his dad and persuaded him to pay for the generic prescriptions. His dad would never have said yes if not for the other improvements she'd induced: He started turning up to lectures again, he did the reading before seminars, he did the exercises afterwards. His grades improved immediately.
She did more than teach him how to take notes like a normal person, she taught him how to take notes like a person with ADD: use pre-filled note paper with the topics already written in, use lots of shorthand, and most importantly cheat by recording every lecture on your phone. He learned to plan his time, not so that he could cram in as much studying as possible, but to limit the amount of studying he had to do. If he thought he needed to study ten hours a day he would become dispirited and give up, but if he limited it to five hours a day he could do it. 
She taught him to spend time, spend it on planning, spend it cleverly. A professor who assigns three hours of reading for a seminar full of callow business students will be impressed by the student who has done even fifteen minutes of skimming. She taught him to prioritize work by required effort and by grade importance, to not spend longer on any piece than it requires, to stay fit and well-rested to study, but to still study even if you are not fit and not well-rested. She taught him that a half-assed job is infinitely better than a no-assed job.
Of course, none of this would have been possible without removing distractions. Jack had videogames, he had the internet, and he had masturbation. Eri installed blocking software on his phone and laptop. No games, videos or social media during study hours, and everything switches off at 11pm. She set the password, and he gave her his word that he wouldn't look for other devices or try to find workarounds. She didn't block porn, even though he could happily spend three hours a day watching porn and masturbating. She had a much cruder solution to that: a chastity cage. 
It was galvanized steel and had a set of holes throughout, large enough to pump through water for a basic cleaning without unlocking it. Erections became impossible to achieve and painful to attempt. No masturbating, no porn, no going out to parties looking to get laid. 
She'd given him the cage the day he arrived back on campus from christmas break, given him a day to test the fit, and he'd been locked up day in and day out ever since. Every three days she would cuff his hands behind his back, remove his cage, give him and it a thorough cleaning, and lock him back away. 
He hadn't had an orgasm for eight weeks. He was starting to feel it.
Eri walked up to him and around him. "How does that plug feel, sweetie?"
"Full." His thoughts came like treacle. "It feels... nice."
She ran her hands over his shoulders, his back, his chest. Jack wasn't a big guy. He had no muscle to speak of and a little extra softness on his chest and tummy from too much soda and not enough cardio. His skin was hairless, she'd made him shave it.
"Your shoulders are stiff," she whispered into his ear, "and your back is all tense. I think there's other kinds of tension too." She took one of his nipples between thumb and forefinger and twisted lightly. He gasped.
She looked down. He followed her gaze. His hips were grinding back and forth on the plug, his thighs were pressed together. She walked around in front of him, put her hands on his knees and parted his legs. His cock was dripping precum through the cage, a sticky spot pooling on the seat. 
His breath caught in his throat as she wiped up the fluid with a finger, his whole body froze as she raised her hand to his face. She wiped his precum over his lips and held her fingers there.
He opened his mouth to suck her fingers, licking away the slippery, salty fluid.
"Good boy."
She cupped his balls in her hand. Her palm felt so warm, and it was so close to his cock. She had the key, somewhere. She could unlock him any time she wanted. "This is where the tension is, isn't it? This is where all that stress is coming from."
"Yeah." He swallowed. He almost whined. "Yeah, it really is."
"I haven't let you cum for two months," she said, her voice thick with sorrow and sympathy. "I've even made you hold it in a bowl of ice water before I let you out for cleaning, and then it's straight back into your cage. I can't even imagine how frustrating that must feel."
"It's fine, I'm—it's not..." he babbled, his thoughts trailing off. He wanted to grab her tits, paw at her soft stomach, pull her onto his lap and kiss her deeply. He kept his hands behind his back, his fingers fidgeting over one another to stop himself from reaching out.
"Jack," she said, "give me your right hand."
It took a moment to work out right from left, and another moment to work it out with his hands behind his back. He presented his hand. Eri grabbed his wrist and guided his hand into her panties. 
Feverishly hot, soaking wet, the inside of her panties were already slick, coating his fingers coated in her honey. She ground into his hand, the stubble on her crotch scratching his palm. 
"Can you feel how wet I am, Jack? Can you feel how hot it is?"
He nodded dumbly. 
"P-push a finger inside, put two inside me."
He did. She squeezed. It mashed his fingers together, hard enough to make him wince. She moaned, giggled, and gasped. Breathing hard, she took hold of his wrist again and guided his hand away. 
Hesitantly, he put his hands behind his back. That was where he always kept them unless she told him otherwise.
"I could take your cage off right now." She leaned forward to speak into his ear. "You'd be hard in a second. I'd sit on your lap. I'd ride you. You'd fuck me."  
Dizzy, breathless, his heartbeat was a bass drum inside his ears. His dick throbbed in the cage, and the plug throbbed in his ass.
"You could drag me to the bed and fuck me," she continued, "You'd pin my ankles up to my shoulders, you'd put me on all fours and fuck me like a dog, you'd fill me with cum."
He thought of fucking her, the thought of sinking his dick inside her so vivid it was almost a lucid dream, he pressed against the studs in the cage, the pain distracted him from his thoughts, his cock softened, the softness provided relief, the thoughts of fucking her returned.
"You'd get hard again," she paused to nip at his ear, "you'd make me mount you while you sucked my tits, you'd roll me over and I'd wrap my legs around you, you'd cum again, we'd make out, you'd get hard again, you'd fuck me face-down until the springs in the mattress broke, you'd cum, I'd suck you until you were hard again, we'd fuck, you'd come, I'd suck you, I'd let you fuck my ass—"
His fingers dug into his palms, he smelled her sweat and deodorant, she was going to unlock him, he'd pounce on her, she was going to fuck him—
She straightened up and dismounted him. "But that goes against psychological best practices."
"I'm sorry. It's a bad idea. I can't let you out of your cage."
"Why?" Jack's voice cracked. He felt tears welling up. The cage hurt, his cock was still trying to harden against it. 
"See, this little cage," she tapped it with her fingertip, eliciting another frustrated gasp, "has been a life-changing psychological intervention. It has allowed you to focus on the things you need to do and the things you want to do in a way you were simply not able to do before you used it."
"I know, but..."
"Shh, Kitten, let me finish," she said. "If I remove this cage and allow you to experience indescribable pleasure, that would be textbook operant conditioning to reward removing the cage. That's also why I make you submerge your dick and balls in ice water before I let you out for cleaning, so you associate removing it with discomfort. If you associate removing the cage with pleasure, you might grow to resent it."
Jack stifled a growl. He resented the cage plenty already.
"No, that won't do at all. We need to make you associate staying in the cage with indescribable pleasure. We need to make you cum your brains out while locked up tight, and I want to make sure it's like nothing you've ever felt before." She smirked at him, her frog-mouth spread wide. "That's the real reason I haven't let you cum for months. I want there to be no comparison between your sad little jerk-off sessions and what I'm going to do to you tonight."
"But like," he was still absent-mindedly grinding against the plug, "I can't get hard if I'm in the cage."
"I can't cum if I'm not hard..."
Eri grinned viciously. "Oh, we'll see about that..."
She ran into the bathroom, clattered around for a few minutes while Jack squirmed atop the testing chair, and bounced back out wearing a strapon dildo. It was nine inches long, veiny, and cherry red, and it bounced around as she adjusted and re-adjusted the straps. 
"Gimme a sec with this, if the harness isn't tight in the right places it's like trying to play baseball with nunchucks."
Jack clenched around the plug. "Holy shit..."
"Now," she said, the dildo wagging to-and-fro as she approached him, "if you would like, you can go home. I'll uncuff you, you can get dressed, I'll even walk you back to your dorm."
She crooked a finger under his chin and pulled him up to look her in the eye. "You might feel pent up tonight, you might even feel a little frustrated during your exams, but you've been a model student lately so I'm confident you'll be fine. That's one choice.
"Uh-huh..." Jack kept glancing down at the strap.
"The other choice is where you beg for my dick and I fuck you until you can't see straight."
Jack whined. Eri laughed.
She sat down on her bed, the dildo bobbing in her lap. "There's your choice, Kitten. If you're still sitting there in ten seconds, I'll take you home. Otherwise come over here and start sucking my cock."
Jack looked at her, looked at the door, looked down at his still-leaking dick, and looked back at her. "Oh c'mon!"
She shrugged. "Eight. Seven. Six..."
"Alright, alright, I'm—ah!" He rose, stopped, and rose again much more gingerly until the plug slipped out of his ass.
"On your hands and knees, crawl over to me."
Jack grumbled as the cheap carpet grazed his skin, batting discarded socks and t-shirts out of the way, shuffling forward until he reached her knees. The dildo was directly in front of him, smelling faintly of new plastic. He opened his mouth to take in the tip, but she pulled it out of the way and slapped it against his cheek. He tried again, and was rebuffed again.
"Rude!" She slapped him with the dildo twice more, and put her palm on his forehead to stop him from moving forward. "Good boys don't try to suck someone's cock without asking nicely first."
"But you said—"
"Good boys don't answer back."
Jack bit back an answer and pouted. Then, he asked, "Can I suck your cock?"
"Please can I suck your cock?"
"Mmh." She looked down at him impassively.
"Pretty please? I'll do such a good job, I promise."
She grinned and she giggled. "Why do you want to suck my cock so bad, Kitten?"
"Because if I—" his voice cracked, "if I do that, you'll put it in my ass."
"You just want me to put it in your ass and what, leave it there? You just had a plug in your ass, what was wrong with that?"
His cheeks burned. "I want you to," he swallowed, paused, "fuck my ass."
"Oh, I see. Why do you want to get ass fucked?"
"'Cause I wanna cum."
"Really? Y'know, most of the boys on campus don't beg girls to fuck their tight little assholes when they want to cum, they just fuck the girls. That's what real boys do. I bet half the guys in your comparative psych class are dicking down their girlfriends right now. What's your problem, huh?"
His dick pressed painfully into the steel surrounding it, and his voice trembled. "B-because I'm in a chastity cage..."
"Oh, of course, how silly of me! You need this real bad, huh? That's okay, just say 'Daddy, please let me blow you like the needy whiny cocksucker I am,' and I'll let you start sucking."
The words poured out of his mouth before she'd even stopped speaking. "Daddy, please let me blow you like the needy whiny cocksucker I am!"
She leaned back and thrust her hips out. "Eat up, Kitten."
Jack took it into his mouth and sucked. He bobbed his head, he licked along the shaft, he kissed it, nuzzled it, worshipped it. He was clumsy but desperate. She cooed and petted him. 
"Arch your back and wiggle your butt, I want a show while you blow me."
He arched his back, sticking his ass out. Wiggling it while arched was harder, and trying to wiggle, arch and suck all at once was beyond his capabilities. She tutted, grabbed his hair, and thrust into his mouth deep and fast enough to make him splutter. She fucked his face for a minute until drool spilled from his lips, at which point she pulled out, wiped up his slobber in her hand, and rubbed it into her face. Jack felt himself pressing painfully against the cage again.
"That's a good start, I think. Now, up on the bed, hands behind your back, face down on the mattress, ass up in the air."
He obeyed. She lubed her fingers, ran them up and down the crack of his ass, teased his hole with fingertip. He tried to push back into it and got his ass slapped for his trouble. "Needy! I decide when you get fucked, not you!" 
Toes curling, wringing his hands behind his back to stave off the temptation to grab at the sheets. One finger went in. After the plug, it went in easy. All the way in, all the way out. Two fingers. Tension, relaxation. She fucked them all the way in and out a few times, then angled them. It felt like his cock was being touched. He squealed and pushed back into them, getting spanked several times more before having his balls grabbed.
"What did I tell you about being needy?" she snapped. "Do I need to take you over my knee and go at you with a hairbrush until your ass glows in the dark?"
He shook his head. "Mfmmff, no, I'll be good, please don't stop please..."
"Good. Now, stay in place."
A third finger went in. Stretching, widening, each nudge from behind sent waves through his cock. It took all his concentration to not start rolling his hips, and the enforced stillness while she explored him only intensified the feelings. His left foot twitched and beat against the sheets.
Three fingers withdrew with a slick sound. Eri giggled and told him to look underneath. He craned his neck, seeing spots, his vision blurry at the edges. There was an unbroken line of precum dribbling out of his cage into a small pool on the sheets below.
"Let's turn that puddle into a lake," Eri said, coating her strapon liberally with lube. 
She stood on the bed, staggering as she put her feet either side of Jack's knees. Just like her fingers, she rubbed the tip up and down the crack of his ass, then put it on his hole and held it there, nudging half an inch but not pressing forward.
"Tell me what you want, Kitten."
He looked back at her, cheeks flushed, eyes wide, voice shaking with desperation. "Please fuck me, Daddy!"
"Good boy." 
She pushed in and did not stop pushing as it slid in, stretching him out and stretching him through, stopping her pushing as something from within slowed its progress. Jack gasped. She waited in place for a moment, and pulled out. 
Her hips went back an inch too far and the head popped out of his ass, leaving a dime-sized 'O' for a second before she eased the dildo back inside. It went in halfway, it pulled back, it went in a little more, it pulled back a little less. A few dozen thrusts later, Jack felt a cold metal harness ring pressing against his taint.
"You took it all the way, this is the biggest toy you've ever taken," said Eri, giddy with pride. "How does it feel?"
"Should I stop?"
He shook his head frantically. "No!"
She giggled, and then she fucked him. Long, slow strokes became long, quick strokes became short machine-gun pumps deep inside him, neat fingernails digging into his hips, her teeth gritted, trying not to let his moans and squeals distract her. His precum dripped onto the sheets as her saliva dripped over her lips and onto his back. He gripped the sheets, arms aching as he moved them out from behind his back, the intensity of her thrusts threatening to shunt him across the mattress. 
She slowed down, thighs quivering, taking in deep, ragged breaths. She held onto his hips with locked-straight arms, holding herself up more than holding him down. Her thrusts were slow again. They were not timid or weak, but purposeful, steady, committed.
Jack couldn't think. 
Jack didn't want to think. 
Jack had no need to think. 
His brain had moved down to somewhere between his ass, his cock, and his bladder, and Eri had pulverized the thing to mush. His ass burned from the rough treatment but with every thrust it felt tingly and pleasant. His groin was an incomprehensible mess of need and pleasure that his thoughts slid off without finding purchase.
He knew he hadn't cum, yet.
"Get down on your belly, Kitten, I wanna fuck you prone."
He lowered his hips to the sheet, flattening himself out. Eri laid on top of him, her breasts pressing against his back, and kissed his shoulders. She slid the strapon inside him, and his mind tilted sideways.
"Mmm, this is better," she murmured into his ear, "I don't have to tire my legs out, I can fuck you like this all night..."
She fucked him at a deep angle so that each thrust bumped his prostate. He winced from the pain of being stretched and fucked but the pain was blending into something tingly within him. The pain became indistinguishable from the tingling, which was becoming indistinguishable from pleasure. His skin prickled with heat and shivered with cold, his fingers clawed at the sheets, his toes curled until his feet cramped and spasmed.
"D'ya think your father might have given you more money to find a tutor if he knew this is how you'd end up? You think he knew I'd turn you into a pent-up slut begging for my dick?"
Jack shook his head, his face rubbing against the sheets. "No..."
Eri reached under his chest and pinched a nipple viciously, eliciting a squeal. "No *what,* Kitten?"
"No, Daddy!"
"Much better," she said, thrusting into him effortlessly. "How are you feeling?"
He gasped and trilled incoherently for a few moments before searching for words. "Hnahh, mmfmm, it feels good I think, it—ohh—it hurts, please, more..."
"How do you feel inside?"
"Like there's, there's like a bundle of something, mmhm, something tingly..."
"Relax into it, let it grow, don't try to resist it."
"It's—" something happened in his pelvic floor, something loosened and something tightened and something sent a ripple of pleasure up through his throat, "—oh fuck, fffuck, yes, fuck!"
Eri was giggling again."You're getting there, huh?"
He moaned and felt embarrassed at how rough it sounded, whimpered, made nonsense noises between sobbing and keening.
With the same amount of force, Eri began thrusting faster. She was going to carry him over the finishing line, and she didn't have far to go. He became a quivering mess underneath her, trembling with every thrust as Eri grunted, huffed and laughed above him. 
She grabbed his hair, gripped tight and pulled his head back. "Cum for me, bitch!"
It hit him like the strobe lights of the universe. Reality flickered on and off as he lost control of his body from the chest down. His legs moved but he did not move them, his hands pulled the sheets free from their corners without his direction. Everything became a twitchy, spasmodic ball of pleasure, wave after wave, blotting out everything but the feeling of the dick deep in his ass and the soft warm creature laying on top of him. He only realized he was cumming as the waves began to ebb, not recognising the weird sensation of cumming through a limp cock. It coursed out of him, not in spurts, just a thin, steady stream.
She was still thrusting. He was still cumming.
At some point, they stopped.
His butt felt sore as Eri pulled out. His dick felt sore too. She rolled him over onto his back and sat up, cracking open a can of coke. Slowly, gingerly, he shuffled his way up towards the pillows. He took a deep breath. Even his lungs felt sore. 
Down the bed, there was a patch of cum. It was a pool of cum. It looked like he'd spilled a shot glass full of moisturizer onto the sheets, with a trail of the stuff leading directly to his still-locked chastity cage.
"Don't worry, I'll make you lick it up in the morning," Eri said between sips of coke. She passed him the can, which he held in two hands, and drank from it gratefully. 
"So, how do you feel?"
Jack nodded. "Totally."
She smiled at him, her bulgy blue eyes losing their intensity. "I'm proud of you, Jack. Not for cumming from your ass, not just that at least, but for everything. You've been a model student."
Jack snuggled up to her, resting his head on her chest. "Thanks, Eri."
She idly ran her fingers through his hair. "There's an unopened toothbrush under the sink, and you can charge your phone from that socket. Go get ready for bed, Kitten. I might even let you return the favor before we sleep."
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froggipied · 8 months
Intro post
I'm usually called some variation of Frog,froggi,frogger, something along those lines; it comes from my discord username, which is FroggiPied. Generally, call me whatever the hell you want, i don't mind.
I'm 20 and transmasc, going by he/they.
I've been writing fanfics since around 2020 (i have not finished a single one, i am one of THOSE authors im so sorry) but i have been roleplaying or some other variation of writing for a good decade
The fandoms i've written for before:
-Lego Monkie Kid (still my magnum opus)
-Detroit: Become Human
-Five Nights at Freddy's
-Shall we date: Obey Me
-Sally Face
-Soul Eater
-2009 Avatar
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omniuravity · 1 year
My Rules and Masterlist
Hey, I'm Anna. Here's my rules so we can all be safe here.
Follow my Valentino ask blog: @moth-pimp-val
Follow my Hazbin OC blog: @jessica-rabbit-music
Follow my Fizzarolli ask blog: @ozzies-froggy
Follow my blog for my playlists: @anna-the-dj
Tw//This blog often has NSFW content
1. If you are a minor, please don’t interact if you want me to stick around!
2. I will not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, and general bullying.
3. Don’t talk shit about my broskis, or my moots, or I will throw hands.
4. Don’t bully people, if I find out about it I will block and report you.
5. Please don’t spam me, I am a busy person and I am not on 24/7.
6. DON'T SPOIL SHIT!!! I am a busy person, I will get to it eventually.
7. I do accept character anons!
8. Just be good people!
.Five Nights at Freddy's
.Bendy and the Ink Machine (and its sequel games)
.My Hero Academia
.Jujutsu Kaisen
.Junji Ito
.Helluva Boss
.Hazbin Hotel
.The Amazing Digital Circus
.South Park
.Welcome Home
.Lots of musicals and I'm open to listening to more
.Greek Mythology (legit just took a class about them)
.Basically any popular horror movie franchise
There are more, this was just all I could think of right now.
Here's my masterlist!
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss:
NSFW Alphabet Valentino
NSFW Alphabet Fizzarolli
NSFW Alphabet Lucifer
NSFW Alphabet Vox
NSFW Alphabet Ozzie
Dating the Vees
Discord Kittens
NSFW Headcanons Part 1
NSFW Headcanons Part 2
Hazbin Hotel Rut/Mating Season Headcanons
Bendy and the Ink Machine/Dark Revival:
More Sammy Lawrence (NSFW)
Sammy Lawrence
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Sukuna (NSFW)
My Hero Academia:
Yandere Overhaul (NSFW)
Denki Kaminari (NSFW)
Random Thought #1
American Horror Story AU Collab
Choir Headcanons Part 2
Choir Headcanons Part 1
Wally Darling
If You Love Someone You Should Never Hurt Them (Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader)
Candyman!Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
Fizzmodeus x Reader Headcanons
StaticMoth x Reader Headcanons
Poly Vees Headcanons
The Sins Headcanons
Dating Adam Headcanons
Hazbin Fic Recs
StaticMoth Mating Season fic
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