#fleshy squishy beings. humans
Do you have any more stuff for Sunny & Sides? Your designs for them are some of the best I've seen, and I'd love to know more about your plans or headcanons for them!
No pressure ofc, I support you and your absolute galaxy brain :D
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Sure, here is a bunch of random stuff about in no particular order, lot of this stuff was just pulled from my notes but whatever lol 
Sunstreaker is egotistical, he knows he is the best and makes sure everyone knows it too. He also has the skills, looks, and combat prowess to back it up. Sunstreaker only really cares about himself and Sideswipe, considering pretty much every bots below him or not worth his time. He often makes sly comments, belittling or cracking jokes about bots whom he deems lesser. His friends are either Sideswipes friends who can tolerate him or bots who think he's cool, which is usually due to factors outside his personality. He's always down for a good fight, being ruthless and downright merciless in combat while still somehow managing to get as little dirt, energon, or other various combat filth on himself as possible, sometimes being nearly spotless after a battle aside from the energon coating his blade. Sunny likes to keep himself in good condition, making sure his paint is perfect and his polish shines, it really helps accentuate how he's the best.
Sideswipe is the nicer of the two brothers. He's outgoing and usually pretty friendly. Sideswipes is always looking for a fight. He loves the thrill of combat. He often treats serious situations more like a game than the high-danger situations he often places in. Sideswipe often can't sit still and always need something to do, and if there is nothing fun to do then he will make his own fun, he is often sparring with his fellow Autobots, trying risky stunts, pulling pranks on other bots and generally just causing chaos. He's very impulsive, often doing the first thing that comes to mind because he thought it might be fun, never considering the consequences. He's kinda like a jock who treats war like a sport with an almost ruthless approach to combat. He often tenses and banter with other autobots, sometimes making jokes at their expense, but unlike Sunny, he usually knows when to stop or when he's gone too far.
info dump bellow↓↓↓
Sideswipe and Sunstreaker both emerged during the Autobot Decepticon war and never known peace times. They are the youngest of the crashed Autobots, both being around a thousand years old, which is very young when your species can live to their hundred thousands.
Twins are what happens when a shuttle-sized spark splits into two, so before Sideswipe and Sunstreaker split, their emerging was highly anticipated because shuttles are rare and extremely powerful, but their spark ended up splitting. When they finally emerged, it was a great disappointment.
they were mentored by Inferno and, to a lesser extent, his conjux Redalert (they are one of the many reasons for Redalerts anxiety). Sideswipe has a pretty good relationship with his mentors Sunny… not so much 
Sunny hates Earth, it's filthy it's wet it's squishy it's sticky it's too hot, at least compared to Cybertron's frigid temperatures, and its dominant species are nothing but a pain he hates he has to hide his existence from the stupid inferior fleshy creatures that rule this dirtball of a planet he hates how often on missions he has to have a fleshy human chaperone to perform basic task that he could easily do himself or wouldn't be a problem if humans just didn't exist. Whichever bot or bots are on a mission with Sunny where human help is required, the other bot will always be the one transporting the human because Sunny refuses to let a human inside of him.
Sideswipe likes Earth, there so much to see it his first time being anywhere without the war consent looming present of the great war, but having to hide all the time on Earth is frustrating, he's been able to seek out and do some street races without Prowl knowing, he likes quite a lot of human stuff human music is pretty good and he like some human tv shows and movies mostly the ones with a lot of actions and explosion, he like interacting with the humans he's allowed to interact with especially Carly and Raoul, thought Sideswipe often struggles to understand how fragile humans are and often can put them at risk without even knowing it. Sideswipe is still a little homesick for Cybertron, even if he's only ever known it as a war-torn mess.
their poses often mirror each other
Sunny tells Sideswipe to smile with his mouth closed because his split beak. 
Sunny is the decision-maker of the two, and though Sideswipe may make destinations for himself on his own as a pair, Sunny always has the final say. 
Sunstreaker hates Sideswipe stickers but gave up on trying to remove them because whenever he tried, he got his claws sticky. 
Sunstreaker and Tracks have a bit of a rivalry going on, though Tracks hates Sunstreaker more than Sunstreaker dislikes Tracks. Also, Sunny usually comes out as the victor of most of their little spats.
Sideswipe pulls pranks but doesn't dare prank Sunstreaker because he knows there will be hell to pay if he messes up his brother's paint job. 
sideswipe loves to cause chaos, Sunny often help
Sunny has some artistic talent, though he doesn't use it much
Sunstreaker always makes sure his frame is clean and in near-perfect condition. Sideswipe doesn't care as much but Sunny, make sure Sideswipe keeps up to a certain standard.
Sideswipe is very extroverted, loves interacting with other bots, and will talk to basically anyone. Sunny is more introverted and prefers to keep to himself and select bots. Sunny tries to encourage his brother not to hang out with bots he considers not good enough to be associated with them which is most bots.
As for plans for them, I like keeping what I share plot-wise pretty vague. They appear pretty early on, and they both are pretty plot-important. I don't really care about spoiling characters who appear in the first seven chapters. After that, I'm a little more sneaky and vague about who will appear.
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
I am procrastinating homework and finals studying so I'm making another DPxDC au -- or more accurately, I am making an au of an au. or combining two aus to make a third one, because I am Procastinating And thinking about it.
(the part two for my Danny is Jason Todd au is like,,, half-made and I will get around to finishing it, promiiissse)
So the two aus I had in mind were combining, of course, the two clone aus - the Danny Clone and the Damian Clone au. For folks who haven't seen either posts (or saw one but not the other) here are summaries of both:
Damian Clone Au: The LoA make a clone of Damian Wayne specifically to either kill Damian Wayne and have the clone take his place as the heir to the LoA, or to bring him back. At 6 years old though and through magical teleportation mishaps, Baby Damian ends up in the warehouse district of Amity Park and picked up (and later adopted) by Danny Fenton. They develop a brotherly dynamic with one another.
Danny Clone Au: Danny is straight up a clone of Bruce Wayne, doesn't find out until a year after he has his accident. And, for the fun of it, is also mostly-powerless (he retains his ghost sense and a semblance of a ghost core and signature, but no ghost form). His reasoning for becoming Phantom is because he has walked into the lab watching his parents dissecting ghosts post-portal working more times than he can count. And due to this, changes his beliefs from "ghosts are evil" to "ghosts are sentient and sapient beings who don't deserve this treatment". (masterpost pinned on my blog, its currently incomplete) He is also a little GNC, as a treat. Long-haired Danny ftw. Ellie is a halfa because of the ectoplasm that Vlad used, and also the same age as Danny. They call each other twins and she is viciously protective of him. He uses a baseball bat and brass knuckles that I call 'jawbreakers' to fight ghosts.
Now admittedly, not much probably changes with the combination of these aus other than the potential parallels between Damian and Danny, and Bruce and Damian - and of course, I am always a sucker for parallels. Plus Damian's running off would take Danny finding him much longer, since he can no longer fly, but all the more meaningful because he still took so much time to find him.
(It probably also makes their first meeting different as well - Danny wears a ROTTMNT Casey Jones Jr. esq. mask when he goes out, but Damian would recognize lazarus green anywhere. He'd probably try harder to kill him though once he sees his face, since he knows that its not his father but an imposter.)
It also includes what I consider a hilarious conversation: "Since I'm a clone of Bruce Wayne, does this make me your dad or your brother?" "Don't be an idiot, laeazir." "You didn't answer my question."
The biggest change that comes from this is, of course, the fact that Danny now no longer has a leg to stand on with the "you're a human, I am a ghost" excuse in order to prevent Damian to help him with ghost-fighting, because now Danny is also a squishy, fleshy and fragile human just like Damian. And a human who, arguably, has less combat training than Damian and no powers to make up for it.
Now, Danny in both aus are about 16-17-ish in age, so they've had time to adapt to their new vigilante-hero lifestyle, but its still not the same as Damian's training as an assassin. Damian, unlike in the original clone au, remains insistent on his want to help Danny.
And,,, eventually wears him down after weeks or months of sneaking out after him, helping in fights, interfering, arguing, etc. Danny eventually agrees, exhausted, but he makes Damian promise, promise, that he will be careful and to focus on dodging and distraction. At least until Danny can figure out a safer alternative. He wants him as far removed from the fight as he can, he's a child for ancient's sake, after all.
Which is another issue too - if we follow Damian Clone timeline, then Damian is six years old when this happens. I'll be point blank, I do not see Danny ever actually agreeing to let a literal 6 year old go with him. SO, solution, I bump Damian's age to 7 when he arrives in the Fenton Family, and make him freshly eight years old when he finally gets Danny to agree.
It still SUCKS. He is still very much an itty bitty child, but as someone who has seen the difference between a six year old and an eight year old due to working at a daycare, an eight year old is still... slightly feasible. And an 8 year old assassin even more so (even if he hasn't trained properly in nearly a year or so)
So Danny, reluctantly, agrees to let Damian come with him on patrols.
He ghost-proofs Damian's sword (as he has since learned to do with his bat and jawbreakers), makes him a grappling hook and a Fenton thermos, and reluctantly lets Damian come with in his old LoA uniform that he appeared in (with some tailoring and ghost-proofing, because he has since begun to grow out of the uniform).
(and Danny himself also finally starts looking into alternatives to improve his own "suit" - which is all but a hoodie and reinforced jeans and a hockey mask. He needs to set an example to his little brother, goddammit.)
Then, as they're planning for Damian's eventual (dreaded on Danny's part) debut, they sit in their shared room and brainstorm for what to call Damian. "Ellie already uses the name Spirit." Danny says, sitting criss-cross at his desk with the eraser nub of a pencil chewed between his teeth.
(Behind him he has an investigative corkboard set up -- his accident left him with the ability to see ghosts not capable of being seen on the visible plane. 'Stereotypical' ghosts. Between school work, his social life, and ghost fighting, some of his downtime is spent figuring out ways to help them move on. His most recent is a cold case.)
(Bc with Danny, I loove to have him have some sort of trait that ties him in with his original counterpart. Nature vs Nurture and all that. Investigative work can be part of that.)
"What about Wraith?" Damian suggests from the floor, leaning against the bed frame while he goes over one of his english books. They've been practicing his reading and writing.
Danny furrows his brows. "A ghost seen typically shortly after or before someone's death?"
Damian nods. "Yes, it's of a similar cadence to 'Batman and Robin'."
"What's with you and your thing with Batman and Robin?" Danny asks with a playful half-smile, Damian shrugs and looks at his books. Danny sticks the eraser back between his incisors. "Phantom and Wraith... that works, though."
The first night out together, Danny fusses over Damian, making sure every bit of uniform was secured and in place -- something Damian took mild offense over. His outfit was far more reinforced than the juvenile get-up that his older brother wore.
But he let him fuss anyways. It made him loved.
"Now remember, Wraith--"
Damian interrupts him: "Yes, I know, Dany. Avoid and distract. Stay situationally aware. I fear that is something I should be telling you, however. Mother would have your head if she ever saw what your training was like."
(It was, not for the first time, that Damian wondered how his,,, "mother",,, would react if she ever met Danyal. Not good, he knows.)
Danny's shoulders sag, and he sighs. "I believe that, what with that super-secret spy--"
Danny sends him a half-hearted chagrined look, "Assassin," he corrects, "organization that made you. I'm sure I'd give your mother an aneurysm." When he's finally okay with whatever make-believe issues he found with his suit, Danny reaches for the nearby side table and carefully slips on a black domino mask over Damian's eyes. It was thin, flexible, and made with some kind of material that Danny reassured was environmentally safe.
("Some kind of matieral that Wayne Industries invented awhile ago, Sam bought it for me." Danny told him when he first showed it to him.)
It was also cold. But the chill was made up for, slightly, with Danny's warmer hands smoothing it out over his skin, and ridding of any ridges that could form. Damian isn't sure entirely what Danyal did to keep it stuck onto his face, but when he touches it with his fingers he feels a very faint seam at the edge, and it doesn't budge against his hands. It felt like a second skin.
"There we go." Danny smiles, pulling his hands back. He still looks nervous. "It's not the same as my hockey mask," which sat atop his head, ready to be pulled down, "but I think a domino mask will work better for you considering your background."
He was right, a hockey mask would only hurt Damian's peripheral vision. This mask was thin enough that it didn't.
"Ready to go, Wraith?"
"After you, Phantom."
Damian has much issue with Danny's suit. He can think of a million ways to make it better. It is one of the things he and Samantha Manson can get along with, and the few times they have spent time together they have brainstormed suit ideas. He knows that since Danny took him on as Wraith, he has started to look into better suit alternatives.
However. They are both aware of the same thing:
Danny is not Batman, nor Superman, nor Wonder Woman, nor Aquaman, or the Flash, or Green Arrow, or Nightwing, or any single hero on the public roster. He is also not rich like Lex Luthor or Vlad Masters or Bruce Wayne himself.
He has no money and no contacts, and thus, no way of properly improving his suit to be something even half as safe as the other supers.
And he refuses to let Samantha Manson help him find a way to fix that - even with all that money, Samantha Manson is on an allowance from her parents, and also, despite her other range of abilities, not capable of getting those materials without putting herself on a list of some sort. They are at a standstill.
Damian knows this, because he has asked.
Until one day when Danny is talking about a case he is working on and telling Damian about old adventures he had in the Ghost Zone, does he see his brother get hit with a lightbulb.
He slaps a hand against his forehead and straightens up from his swivel seat. He huffs a laugh, "Of course! Why didn't I think of it sooner?" And he turns on his heel and hurries to his bookshelf, pulling down a notebook and flipping open to an empty page.
Damian frowns, "Laeazir?"
"I know you don't like my suit, Damian," Danny says, striding over to his desk and snatching a pencil out of a cup. He begins jotting something down on the notebook. "And there's nothing I can really do about it because, well, I'm poor in comparison to my facesake, and I don't have the resources to get my hands on someone who would make me a new suit."
"Yes, we have talked about this..." Damian nods slowly, still frowning, and trying to follow his brother's line of reasoning.
Danny shoots him a megawatt, half-tilt smile, his hair tied up into a half-bun. "But! I was thinking about it from the wrong angle. I don't have the living resources to help me get a suit, but..." he trails off, staring at Damian intently.
It dinged in Damian's brain to where he was going, "But you have the undead resources instead." He says, his eyes widening slowly. Of course, of course! Danyal was ridiculously charismatic by accident, and Damian has seen plenty of times where his heart-of-gold had one or two non-hostile ghosts be incredibly grateful to him.
His brother makes a loud, 'ding-ding-ding!' sound, pointing his pencil at Damian as his smile stretches further across his face. In a few quick strides, he was sat down next to Damian and showing him his notebook. "Correct! When I first started out as Phantom a few years ago, I managed to help a ghost who called herself Taylor, and apparently she was a seamstress both in and out of life."
Damian watches as Danny writes the name at the top of the paper, and creates bullet-points down the page. "She said that in return for saving her, I should come find her in the Ghost Zone if I ever need clothes made for me. It's a one-time thing, but I was thinking that she could perhaps help make me a new suit."
Danny turns a bit pink at the ears, and rubs his neck, "I never thought much of it because I didn't think I'd ever go into the Ghost Zone, or ever need ghost clothes, so I forgot about it up until now."
A scoff forces itself out of Damian's mouth, but he is smiling. "Danyal, you are the smartest idiot I have ever met."
For the next hour, both he and Danny make a bullet point list of what both of their suits would need. Reinforcement in certain areas, gauntlets with reinforced knuckles to replace Danyal's jawbreakers. A different weapon than a bat.... a utility belt, reinforced boots. Anything they could think of.
It was Damian's idea to add a cloak to both of their suits, asymmetrical and torn at the edges for a more 'ghostly' look. They have a theme, after all. It's quite fun.
Then Danyal calls up Sam for help in drafting up design ideas. And while Danyal steps mostly to the side when it comes to the design itself, Damian and Sam fill pages with designs until coming up with one they both agreed on and like.
"What about a lightning bolt on the chest?" "Why are we using my traumatic accident as a symbol of my identity?" "Ghosts do it all the time, Danny. Ember sings about her death." "I'm not dead?" "No that won't work, Manson. Shazam already has a giant lighting bolt emblem." "Okay, but I still want to use it somewhere." "How about this?" "...That could work. Okay, now onto your emblem--"
Last was the hard part: getting into the Ghost Zone without the Fenton parents noticing the disappearance of their precious Fenton Specter Speeder. They employed Jazz's help with that. She would get the Fentons out of the house long enough for him and Danny to get into the ghost zone, hopefully find the seamstress, and cash in that favor.
They went through with their plan that following weekend. Danny tossed Damian a small jumpsuit as they both climbed into the specter speeder, but did not grab his own. He had a small duffle bag on him that he threw under the seat.
"What is this?" Damian asks, nose scrunching up at the gaudy picture of Jack Fenton's face square at the center of the chest. He held it far away from it, as if it had a disease.
"Your hazmat suit." Danny replies, settling himself into the driver's seat as the door hissed shut and he began turning it on. He had some sort of gas mask on in his lap, too small to fit Danny's head, but certainly the right size to fit Damian's. "Normally you wouldn't need it since you'd stay in the speeder, but we're both getting out once we find Taylor. It's to protect you from the ectoplasm."
A scowl forces itself across Damian's face, "You don't have one." He points out, finding seat in the passenger chair next to Danny. His arms cross over his chest, and he was not pouting.
Danny looks at him amusedly, "I have enough ectoplasm in my body that I don't need one, you however, do not." He retorts, poking a finger into Damian's ribcage pointedly. "If you don't put it on now, you'll put it on when we find Taylor."
Damian's scowl deepens, feeling petulant as he sunk into his chair. Danny turns back to the console and flips a few more switches. "I will not, it looks ridiculous." He turns it around to show Danny the Jack Fenton Face.
The Specter Speeder hums to life, and there's a moment of turbulence as it lifts off the ground. While it does, Danny turns back to him blankly, stares at the emblem, and then reaches forward and yanks it off with a scriiiiich of the emblem. He crumples it up with one hand, and throws it into a small bin at his feet.
"There, fixed." He smiles. Then turns back to the controls, taking the yoke with both hands. "And I'm calling Dad Rights; you will put it on when we find Taylor or you'll stay in the speeder."
Damian sputters, sitting up incredulously. "You are not my father." He argues.
"Teeechnically, I am." Danny says, "I'm a clone of your father, and since I am fully his clone, that makes you my son by a technicality." He says cheerfully, pushing the specter speeder forward and into the swirling green portal.
Before Damian can retort, they're passing through the portal. This was his first time going into the Ghost Zone, and for a few seconds there was nothing but bright, swirling green filling his vision. His body felt like it was being twisted and pulled, his up and down reversing and returning. It was painless, but dizzying.
It only lasts for a few seconds, but it feels like a minute, and when they exit out the other side, Damian is holding his head while his vision spots and swims. Internally, he felt like those cartoon characters when their eyeballs rolled around in their head.
The dizziness fades away slowly, and as Damian regains his sight, he notices Danny's hand splayed over his sternum, gently keeping him pressed against his seat. It fell away when Danny saw that he was alright.
"Put your seatbelt on," Danny orders, nodding to his chair. Damian listens absently, before remembering their conversation before they went through the portal.
"That is not how it works." He scowls, and, annoyingly, only gets a challenged eyebrow raise from Danny. He could see the words written on his face without Danyal ever having to say it.
Because, dangit, he was technically right. Damian refuses to say this aloud. He screws his jaw shut, and crosses his arms back across his chest.
Danny chuckles under his breath, and turns his eyes back to the ghost zone. "My point still stands, either you wear the suit, or you don't leave the speeder."
They eventually find where the seamstress is. Through quite a lot of Danny stopping to ask questions with any friendly ghost he came across, they eventually locate an island with a strange, urban city bustling with life on it. Massive, rocky stalagmites grew from the ground, and buildings were built on top of it or around it, with strange, warping architecture.
It was oddly beautiful.
Danny parked the speeder on the side of the street with a two hour parking sign on a nearby post. As he turned off the engine, he flipped a switch on the console that darkened the windows. He unbuckles his seat, and stood up, stretching out his back with a deep groan.
"Alright, put your suit on. The windows are tinted, so nobody should be able to see into the speeder." He orders, pulling out the duffle he brought in earlier and unzipping it. He pulls out his hockey mask and the hoodie he wore out for patrol, and the notebook they'd been using to jot down ideas for their suit.
Danny even had the hindsight to write in their respective heights, and with Tucker's help, some of their measurements. While he did that, Damian sourly pulled on his hazmat suit, irritated by the need to wear it.
Unfortunately, he also had to wear the boots and gloves for 'extra precaution'. Damian nearly bites out a grumpy 'you're as paranoid as father', but holds his tongue. He wasn't going to tell Danyal that secret.
Once he was done and Danny has his hockey mask and hoodie on, Danny grabs the gas mask and helps fit it over Damian's face. It was a sleek, simple design, shaped similarly to a regular face mask, with little filters on both sides of the mouth and a clear, protective covering around the eyes and forehead. Danyal improved it from the original his parents made.
He was smarter than he gave himself credit for.
Danny checks, then double checks that it the mask is tight, then smiles. Patting Damian's shoulders before standing up fully. "Taylor's shop should be somewhere nearby." He says, grabbing the notebook and tucking it under his arm.
Damian nods, and follows him out the door and onto the busy streets.
Finding Taylor becomes remarkably quick now that they were inside her city - something that Damian silently wondered was based loosely off NYC. Danny kept a firm arm around Damian's shoulders the entire time they walked down the street, keeping the both of them on the inside sidewalk.
Barely anyone passed them a second glance, spare the few odd looks shot at Damian. Danny whispers to him the first time it happens that it's because he has no ghost core, those more attune to their signatures might've been picking up on it.
They didn't notice Danny, because he had one, albeit a weak one.
Taylor's shop has a big sign on it in logographic writing that Damian has no idea how to read. The text shifts slowly, a jambled squiggle of lines, dots, and connected curves that look like a mix of messy cursive, gibberish, and logographic alphabets. He only knows its Taylor's shop because Danny pulls them towards it, stating that it was the place.
"You can read that?" He asks, incredulous as they draw closer to the door. Danny moves his arm off his shoulder, and wraps his fingers around Damian's instead.
"Yep," He replies, then scrunches his nose up, "sort of. It's - uh--" he stumbles over a word that Damian's ears cannot comprehend, but fills his head with slight static regardless. Danny winces. "It's the written form of ghostspeak, but since I'm not a ghost, I can only read some of it. Like uh, dyslexia."
"...I see." Damian says after a moment of silence, trying to replay the word in his head. His mind can't grasp the sound.
When they enter, the door doesn't ding with the sound of a bell, but rather it makes a low scream. Nobody bats an eye to the sound, keeping to their slow search through the racks of clothes.
At the counter was a woman talking quietly to another woman, one of whom Danny recognizes, as he walks over to her.
He doesn't need to say anything, because the woman behind the counter sees him coming, and her face positively lights up with delight. "Phantom!" She cries, and gestures to come over. "I was wondering when in the high ancients you were going to come see me!"
Danny's face is obscured by his mask, but Damian knows he's smiling sheepishly with the way he tilts his head and the way he tenses his shoulders. "My bad, Miss Taylor," he says, reaching the counter and standing beside the woman she was talking to, "It kinda... slipped my mind."
Taylor waves her hand dismissively, "Well you are here now!" She replies, grinning wide. Then her eyes pop open - literally - and she puts a hand over her chest. "Oh, how rude of me!" She turns and gestures between Phantom and the lady next to him, "Miss Mabam, this is Phantom. I told you about him a couple of years ago. He saved me from humans. Phantom, this is Gigi Mabam, she funds my shop. In return I make clothes for her and her staff."
The 'Gigi' woman turns just as Danny does, and smiles wide at him. Damian narrows his eyes at her, shuffling behind Danny legs as he looked her up and down. She had silvery-white hair and purple skin, and wore a darker purple business suit, a red gem cravat at her collar, and teal cat-eye glasses.
There was a lot of purple.
"So this is the ghost-touched you were telling me about, dear!" The woman, Mabam, said. Her voice was rich and low but she spoke in a whimsical cadence. It made Damian's skin crawl, and his narrowed eyes turned into a glare. "I must thank you for saving my seamstress, it would've been quite a fizzy-wink if she had been lost to those ghosty hunters."
What were those nonsense words? Damian hated it.
"Miss Mabam here runs a five-star hotel nearby," Taylor explains, her body turned to Danny, "she also is in charge of the city's Battle Nexus."
Danny is silent for a moment, and his free hand lifts and places itself on the back of Damian's head, keeping him close. "Battle Nexus...?"
Mabam claps cheerfully, laughing low, "Oh yes! Ghosts from all around the zone come to attend and watch as their fellow haunties are ripped from limbity-limb in a blood-curdling battle!"
Danny is still as stone. "I see." He says, careful. Damian wraps his fingers around his pant leg. "Well, I hate to interrupt your conversation, but I was hoping to cash in that favor, Miss Taylor?"
"Of course! What do you need?"
Danny looks down at Damian, and he looks up at him, locking eyes with the ominous green glowing from the eyeslits of his mask. He nods, and Danny looks back up. "Do you know how to make suits? Of the protective kind?"
The seamstress it turns out, is capable of such a thing. And she ushers the both of them into one of the backrooms, sending off Mabam with a farewell and a promise to continue their conversation soon.
She flips through their design book, and immediately gets to work making their suits. In the end, with the help of her powers, she gets both done over the span of four hours. It's longer than both Danny and Damian want, but neither rush her.
Damian just hopes that Jasmine can keep the Fenton parents distracted for that long. She will have to.
The suits are better in real life than on paper, and Damian preens from the side in his own custom suit as Danny examines his own in front of the three mirrors. They were both dressed in all black, but whatever fabric Taylor used was of a blackest-black, turning Danyal - and Damian's - bodies into a black hole to look at. Both of them were fitted for agility, with reinforced padding around their shoulders and chests, as well as around the joints of their legs. Their boots were reinforced as well.
("It was hard to make your boots shock absorbent," Taylor explains, "since we all fly, but I applied similar stuff to what I did with your shoulders and chestplate.")
On the side of Danyal's legs were raised, black, lichtenberg-like figures that were contained to the seams and disappeared under his boots. There were similar designs going up his sleeves, with spiked gauntlets wrapped around his lower arm and hands. The knuckles were reinforced, just like he wanted.
Damian's favorite parts were their capes, however. Black like the rest of the outfit, but "wrapped" around their shoulders like an apocalyptic shawl with a back that went down to their knees, and at the hems the capes were torn and ripped like a wraith. Danyal's mask had gone through very little change. It was made of a stronger material, and Taylor had gone and made it more skull-like in its shape, with three large grills at the front, and the sides curving inward below the 'cheekbones' of the skull to better fit his face. It was still shock white, the only white part of Danyal's entire costume.
Damian's suit was almost identical. However, rather than having the seams of his suit resemble lichtenberg figures, the seams of his sleeves and upper torso were that of a black skeleton, with bone-y designs over his gauntlets and the fingers an ombre of dark red-to-black. And around his torso were raised lines that looked similar to a ribcage. The edge of his cloak was splatter a dark red as well. And he had a new domino mask that looked similar to the upper half of Danyal's mask, with the outer edges curved downward over his cheekbones. He was briefly allowed to take off the upper part of his gas mask to try on the mask.
The best part however, was that since the suits were made of material native to the ghost zone, they could also be taken off quickly and hidden in a small artifact. It was magic, is what it was. Danyal chose earrings, and Damian chose a ring.
When they got back to the Fenton house, Jazz demands a box of chocolate for her hard work. Damian thinks that's only fair as Danny takes them both out to get candy for Jazz.
But other than vigilante stuff, not else much changes. Danny gets to pull a "Dad By Technicality Rule" card over Damian when he's being a brat. Danny doesn't have his run in with Rift (a ghost who portals him into Gotham) until after he meets Damian/lets Damian join him on patrol and when they get new suits.
My reason? Because I want it to happen after that point in time lol. It also makes the eventual "heyyyyy you have a clone" @ bruce much funnier to me because not only does he have a clone of HIMSELF but also THAT clone has a clone of Damian living with him.
Also when Danny destabilizes for the first time Damian is terrified for his safety. The fentons are surprisingly good at cloning, Danny hasn't had any issues up until this point in time, and that's only because he got hit with a new gun from Skulker that messed up the ectoplasm he had in his dna, which in term fucked with his own DNA.
Danny's destabilization, imo, is not "I cast you with Melt" he's not Ellie, he's not made of 50% ectoplasm. His parents surprisingly knew what they were doing, and he was human. So his destabilization should be unique to himself and different. Thus his destabilization is "I cast you with Compromised Immune System" his body slowly weakens over time as his cells destabilize. He becomes unnaturally frail and sick. Damian calls Ellie for help when Danny doesn't get up after being hit in a fight that he normally, and Ellie helps figure out that he's destabilizing. This is whats gonna happen in OG clone au too, but Ellie is going to be there rather than Damian.
It makes going to Wayne Manor after that slightly more interesting,,,
#dpxdc crossover#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#danny fenton is not the ghost king#danny fenton is a clone#damian clone au#i couldnt NOT describe their new suits. i just couldn't. they're leaning into the ghost culture of being scary as fuck looking#i feel a little cheesy for giving them magic jewelry that lets them hide their suits instantly#but i have to make up for danny's lack of ghost form SOMEHOW#damian just gets it too by association#if anyone is curious#Ellie's ghost form is identical to Danny's suit just the colors are inverted. so her suit is all white and her mask is all black#its not a starry au unless its got a read more#did anyone notice the Big Mama cameo from ROTTMNT#its because Danny's mask looks like Casey Jones Jr's mask from ROTTMNT without the red marks on the eyes#Danny and Damian's dynamic itches my brain#Danny: im calling Dad Rights - youre grounded#Damian: nnOOOO#also also. danny uses sign language if he's in view of the living since they could recognize his voice. damian does not yet know ASL#so thats on his 'languages to learn' list#although he is not seen by the public since he has school and ghost attacks happen around danny and not him#Red Huntress gives the Phantom so much shit when she sees his sidekick. Phantom tiredly explains that he had no choice - Wraith would have#come with anyways. truly a robin at heart.#“idc if you say no imma do vigilantism ANYWAY. i dont NEED ur permission” is robincore and bruce/danny going#“fine but i'm gonna make sure you dont DIE then”#clone^2
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adrenalineaquaries · 10 months
Something I was randomly thinking of while scrolling through the 'Humans are space orcs' tag.
Aliens are perplexed about a human's physical abilities and appearance (and mental strength but that's for another time), right?
I want to know how humans react to this knowledge. I want to see a human struggling to comprehend why aliens find humans scary. Aliens. The galactic creatures that have tentacles, horns, multiple eyes, could be insanely tall, have claws, sharp teeth, yada yada. And yet humans terrify them? Humans. These short, fleshy creatures that have limited ability with their skinny legs and their small fingers. These squishy beings that can barely understand their own species and can (almost) never get along. These weird abominations that either don't die despite falling off of a mountain side or instantly destroys half of their bodily system by falling down a few flight of stairs.
Of course, humans are the one's thinking this way. Many of them don't consider themselves to be anything special or even interesting and then suddenly, aliens think that they are amongst the most vicious creatures in the universe??? They don't understand why??? And there’s just confusion on both sides.
I'm just rambling at this point but I really just wanted to write this down.
Also bonus:
"You...think I'm scary?" The human pointed to xemself.
Tynid nodded. How could xe not? Humans were scarily powerful. They were durable, had good endurance, fast, agile, strong, a predator, and were venomous. Xe is just scratching the surface, if xe was being honest. So why did the human look so...unsure?
"I...really don't get why you all are scared. I mean, look at you!" The human gestured to Tynid. "You're tall, have horns, has a tail that could probably snap my bones in one swing- just." The human fell silent.
"I'm...we're not that scary, we can't be that scary compared to other sentient life out there. It just doesn't make sense..."
Tynid didn't know how to feel. Why is the human so convinced that xe wasn't scary? Why is xe so convinced that they were all scarier? Was xe unaware of xes own prowess? Were all humans like this?
-cutting it off here because I don't know how to write sci-fi; also cus I don't know what I'm doing-
Also, what do aliens think of countries and the different languages? I'm curious what would happen if an alien met someone from the Nordic countries or from Southeastern Asia or from an African country. Just some food for thought.
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
Sneezes and hiccups are super cute BUT i love the angst of the bots reacting to more serious medical issues. Rafael has to keep a nebulizer at the base, maybe Jack has to give himself insulin injections. God forbid Miko is stung by a wasp and starts to swell up. Humans just got so much going on Magnus in particular doesn't understand how we aren't extinct.
The team would take any medical condition VERY seriously. Squishies are already so fragile. Ultra Magnus is indeed absolutely befuddled when it comes to humanity somehow managing to drag itself away from extinction.
Ratchet would personally tend to Rafael nebulizer. He would learn how to care for it, how to make something similar in a pinch, and probably throw himself into understanding raspatory issues as a whole. One can never be too careful. Bumblebee would also probably begin carrying around an inhaler just in case. The rest of the team would go through a rundown from June in order to help if Rafael needs assistance.
Jack's injections scared the every living daylights of the team originally. To them it looked a great deal like Ratchet's attempt at playing with chemicals over the vorns. However once his issues become clear, the team would largely accept the situation and move on to helping. Ratchet keeps a small store of insulin near his work station. Arcee has been dutifully instructed in the art of giving clean injections. The rest of the bots, being too big to help with such small objects, were given a crash course in how to get to the nearest hospital in record time if need be.
As for Miko? Well let's just say Wheeljack and Bulkhead were absolutely certain she was about to explode until she reached for her epipen. Watching her swell up like some sort of balloon haunted the team for a while and they made sure to begin storing a pen in their alt modes, just to be safe. Smokescreen had to go purge after Miko's first run in with a wasp. Fleshies shifting like that isn't normal and it has haunted his dreams ever since.
Ultra Magnus will never not be confused.
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fiber-optic-alligator · 6 months
Hi may i please request swerve trying to be the human liason on the lost light's wimgmech untill they jump grab his shoulders do a pullup and smooch him.
Thank you! Hope your flights arent horrifically delayed.
Thank you for the request, and sorry for how long it took to finally get it out lol! Coincidentally my flights ended up being okay despite the hell I went through to get onto the planes.
I put a lot of thought into this request, and I wasn't entirely sure what you meant with Swerve being the reader's wingmech, so I went down this route. I hope you enjoy it! Sorry it's on the shorter side. Thanks again! :D
Pairing: IDW Swerve x Human Liason Reader
Word Count: 2181
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Summary: After noticing you are lost in love with an anonymous mech, Swerve decides to help you prepare for going after the secret crush you have.
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  Swerve has been watching you for a while now.
  It’s not uncommon for the Lost Light’s crew to focus on you. You are, after all, the only human aboard the Cybertronian exploration ship. Though you’ve been here for months, no bot can help but find you fascinating. And Swerve? Well…he’d never admit it to anyone, but his interest in you goes well beyond mere fascination. Yes, you're small, smaller than even him. Yes, you're soft, and squishy, and adorable, and sometimes he really wants to scoop you up into his arms and kiss you right on the lips after confessing his love-
  Okay. So maybe he has a bit of a crush on you. But that’s all it is! A crush that compels him to  keep tabs on where you go and what you do. He’s learned about you from the various conversations he’s listened to during busy nights. He knows you adore dogs and melt at the sight of cats (What are dogs? What are cats? Like hell he knows. He isn’t particularly caught up on his Earth knowledge). He knows you like to turn in early and wake up late. He knows you aren’t exactly a party person, and sometimes being surrounded by robots three times your size is incredibly overwhelming. And following that little tidbit, he understands you don’t like coming to his bar.
  So why are you here now?
  He’s watching you while he makes drinks. Your little form is tucked away in a corner at one of the smaller tables reserved for minicons, hunched over a notebook, eyes focused on the pages of written material he can’t read. Even when he zooms his optics in, your writing is far too small for him to coherently pick up on from this distance. With one hand propped against your cheek and the other idly tapping a pen against your head, you look far too troubled for someone who’s currently spending time in a place where all troubles are drunken away. It makes him curious and concerned. Why would you, someone who hates large crowds and loud environments, be writing in such a place?
  He needs to get to the bottom of it.
  Now, he knows what someone might say about this: “Swerve, it's none of your business. Swerve, they clearly don’t want to be bothered. Swerve, eavesdropping is bad.”
  Well, you know what he would say to all of that? “I’m a bartender. My business is everyone else’s business. That’s what being a bartender entails.”
  So yeah, he’s snooping. But it’s all for a good cause. Being around you is worth it. He’ll always take the chance to talk to you if he can.
  “Whatcha writing?” he asks when he pops up behind you with surprising stealthiness. You let out a surprised shriek and nearly jump right out of your seat. He barely catches a glimpse of your notebook’s contents before you slam it shut and cover it with your arms.
  “Swerve!” you yell, fleshy human cheeks flushing a wonderful pink color (Oh, how he loves the way you blush like that. He wants to make you do it more). “Don’t scare me like that!”
  “Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. You humans make the cutest sounds when you're startled.” He folds his servos behind his back and leans forward a little. “I don’t see you in the bar often. A place like this isn’t really the best for writing stories, ya know.”
  You sigh and slip your notebook into the knapsack you always carry around. Darn, he thinks, how will your secrets be spilled to him now? “I’m not writing stories. I’m just…doing research on something.”
  “Research,” he says. “In a bar.”
  “Yes. Research in a bar. Is that so hard to believe?”
  He does a quick scan of your features. The blush on your cheeks has deepened to a shade of red that almost matches his paint job. You're fiddling with your knapsack and guarding that notebook with your life. Suddenly, it comes upon him like a tidal wave; his smile widens with the victorious air of someone who just won a medal. “Oh, I know what's going on here,” he says. “You've been spying on someone, haven’t you?”
  Your reaction only further proves his theory. You look horrified, and the way you frantically rush to defend yourself is like a bright neon arrow pointing directly at your head. “What? No! Nonono, why would you think that?!”
  He laughs. “Oh, you totally are! Your notebook is probably chock-full of evidence, amiright? Wait, don’t tell me! Let me guess!”  He circles the table and plops down across from you. “Is it Ratchet? Nah, too grouchy. Cyclonus? Mm, too weird. Oh, oh! It’s Rodimus, isn’t it? It has to be Rodimus!”
  “What are you talking about?” you ask him.
  He leans forward and smirks. “You're in love, little one. Am I right, or am I right?”
  “I-I’m not-there’s no-” You stutter for a moment longer, then get a hold of your emotions and reel them in. Sitting back and going stone-faced, you stare at him with only the color of your blush signaling what you are currently going through. “I’m not in love.”
  Does it hurt to know you have a crush on someone who isn’t him? Absolutely? But telling you that would mean admitting the feelings he has for you, and no way is he doing that now. His spark aches with the sting of rejection, but he hides it well and decides messing with you will make him feel much better. “C’mon, squirt. You can’t lie to me. It’s as clear as day that someone on this ship has you smitten.”
  “It’s not someone on this ship. I’m a human.”
  “You being a human and us being mechs means nothing. How many months have you been aboard this ship?” He counts off his digits. “Two? Three? No, it’s been five months, hasn’t it? Five months with us and your little spark has finally decided humans just don’t compare to mechs anymore. Aw, how adorable.”
  You look like you want to jump across the table to snap his intake shut. Instead though, you slump back in defeat and groan, rubbing your hands across your face. “Is it really that obvious?”
  “To me? Yeah. But that’s only because I’ve picked up on your reactions. Plus, the fact that you came here to jot down ‘notes’ means…” Now he gets excited. “It has to be someone in this bar.”
  You regard him cautiously. “And what if it is? What will you do about it?”
  He shrugs. “Nothing! My job is to pour drinks and listen to people’s woes. What kind of reputation would I be giving this fine establishment if I were to go around tattling on my loyal customers?” He taps his index digit against his dermas. Scrap, this is really going to hurt him. But he wants to see you happy. “I could help you, you know.”
  “Help me?” you echo.
  “Yeah, why not?” he forces himself to say with enthusiasm. “I’m always ready to help a pal! I’ll be your wingmech! How’s that sound?”
  A wide smile splits across your face and you cover your mouth to muffle your giggle. “Wingmech? Seriously? That’s so cheesy, Swerve.”
  By the Allspark, hearing your laughter is music to his ears. He’s envious of whoever you are crushing on. They’re one lucky mech to have someone like you chasing after them.  But he swallows down his jealousy for your sake and puffs out his chassis proudly. “Cheesy or not, I’m sure I can help you woo your future sweetspark. All you gotta do is learn to use a little bit of the ol’ Swerve charm and bingo, this bot will be yours in no time. So, whattaya say? You wanna employ my humble services?”
  You bite your lower lip and look down at your knapsack. “I don’t know. The Swerve charm may not exactly work on the mech I’m thinking of.”
  “Aha!” He stands up and points at you. “So you admit you're in love!”
  You give him a pointed look. “Alright, alright, fine, I admit it! Yes, there’s someone on this ship I really like. I’ve been writing down things he may or may not enjoy so I can come up with ways to show him that…that I want to…askhimout.” This last part comes out as a weak mutter. It’s obviously difficult for you to admit it, but oh boy is Swerve glad you have.
  “So it’s a he. Hm. IIIInteresting. Mind telling me what he’s like?”
  You smile. “Well, he’s outgoing. And very enthusiastic about what he does. He always has an upbeat attitude and definitely knows how to make me laugh. Some might think he’s a bit of a wise-ass though.”
  Swerve chuckles. “Sounds like a real dream boat.”
  “You…have no idea.” The way you say it sounds strange to him, but he doesn’t think any more of it. You drum your fingers against the table. “What…what would you do if you wanted to tell him that…that you like him?”
  I wouldn’t. I’d tell you I like you and no one else. “I’d probably do something bold. Something that would really grab his attention, ya know?” He thinks. “Does he like you back?”
  “Well, you see…I-I think so? I’m not sure. I talk to him a lot, but we’re…kind of different. I’m definitely not like him, but we get along. The more I hang out with him, the more these feelings grow.” You stare at your hands. “I don’t know if I should be admitting all of this.”
  “No, no, it’s okay!” He’s quick to reassure you. “I want to help! Seriously! I said I’d be your wingmech, and I’m going to uphold my word! So, let’s think! You think he likes you, and you definitely like him back. He’s the extroverted type, bold and brash…so give him a show! Really show him that you want him and you to be together, and you appreciate all of the good company he’s given you since you boarded the ship. The key is to really hit him here.” He thumps his chassis. “Right in the spark. It’s all emotions, squirt! Nothing else to it!”
  “Emotions, huh?” Once again, that odd look crosses you. “Do you think we could…practice?”
  “Yeah, like, working on what I’ll do when I finally admit my feelings to him? Would that be okay with you?”
  “Oh, yes, totally!” He stands up. “C’mere, let’s go through it. Think about what you want to say, and then act it out to me.”
  You stand up as well and walk over to him. Looking down, he sees just how small you are compared to him; you barely make it up to his chassis. You study him, biting your bottom lip. You look so nervous. It makes him want to be gentle.
  “Don’t be shy,” he says softly. “There’s no reason to be. It’s just you and I here, yeah? No one will pay attention to us.”
  You draw in a deep breath. “Okay, Okay.” Shaking out your arms, you fixate on him determinedly. “I’m not going to say anything. I’m going to do something. Is that okay?”
  “Oh,” he says, a bit confused. “Sure, yeah! What are you going to do?”
  You take a step back. Then, you jump forward, and he’s startled when you grab his shoulders and pull yourself up. His optics widen when you lean in and give him a short kiss. Every mechanical nerve in his body sings when he feels your lips on his, and he seems to lose control of himself, becoming nothing more than a statue.
  Then, it’s over. You let him go and drop back down, taking a step back and looking at him anxiously. He stares at you, air whooshing in and out of his intake as his systems attempt to cool.
  “It’s…It’s me?” he whispers.
  You lower your head and nod.
  He can’t talk. He can’t make a sound. It’s only for a good few seconds, but when he finally regains control of his vocalizer, he begins to laugh. And laugh. And laugh. And then he’s picking you up and spinning you around in a tight hug. “You like me!” he cries. “You like me, you like me!” He couldn’t care less if anyone else in the bar is watching this. The one he’s been crushing on for months has been crushing on him back!
  You laugh along with him. “It took you this long to figure it out? I’ve been dropping hints since we started this conversation!”
  “That’s why you’ve been doing research in the bar! Primus, how did I not realize it sooner?” He holds you back so he can see your brilliant smile. It makes him melt. “I can’t believe you really like me,” he whispers.
  You cup his faceplate in your hands. “I’m guessing your happy about it, Mr. Wingmech?”
  He kisses you again, leaning into your touch. “Well…looks like my humble services paid off.” He pauses. “So…what did you think of the Swerve charm?”
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Hi, I hope you're having a good day/night <3 could I request a romantic TFP yandere starscream vs TFP yandere megatron with human darling? I'd love to see your dynamic now in TFP😭 Either in concept or scenario. Thank u
- Anon 🫧
It's very similar if not the same to other Starscreams and Megatrons but I'll see what I got :)
I struggled a bit on this as it's been a bit since I've seen Season One of TFP but I hope you enjoy! Not edited so it may have spelling errors.
Yandere! Starscream vs Yandere! Megatron
(Transformers: Prime - Human! Darling)
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Cybertronian/Human pairing, Abuse of power, Dehumanizing behavior, Kidnapping, Brief stalking mention, Possessive behavior, Rivalry, Trauma, Violence, Attempted murder, Forced relationship/Pet dynamic.
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For the most part they're the same as other versions of Megatron and Starscream.
It's just Megatron is out for most of the starting obsession.
The obsession for both of them also takes longer due to you being human.
Since Decepticons usually see the fleshy creatures as some sort of pet.
Things most likely start when Starscream assumes "rule" of the Decepticons.
Megatron is stuck on life support and is unable to be a part of the concept for now.
You most likely meet Starscream first because of this.
It would take some time but he may eventually see you as a needed asset.
This could be for a number of reasons.
You could be associated with the Autobots, which means you have information.
Or maybe you're a researcher, which means... again, you have information.
That would be the primary reason for why Starscream would take you onto The Nemesis ship.
Starscream would plan and watch you, maybe even asking Soundwave to record your routine.
He wants to get all the information he can before he takes you in.
When Starscream eventually makes his getaway with you, information is all he really wants.
That is until he realizes he can vent his frustrations about Megatron using you... along with feel powerful by bullying you around lightly. (too much and you could break!)
Honestly, Starscream's obsession is a lot like the fic Power Trip I made a long time ago.
TFP Starscream would use his human to feel like he's stronger over someone.
I imagine he has some trauma due to Megatron and uses you as an outlet.
When he's done using you for information he doesn't plan on just letting you go.
During your interrogation he learns he can keep you as a "pet".
Afterwards that's exactly what he does.
He'd purposefully make you praise him and be loyal to him.
He can't hurt you as you're fragile and squishy.
The most you're hurt is maybe bruising and scratching as he's so large.
He hits you wrong and you go flying.
Most of your "relationship" with Starscream is him dehumanizing you.
Soon he feels daring and even makes you say you love him.
At first it was to see how far he can push you... but hearing you say it made his spark shudder for a moment.
Safe to say he becomes addicted to hearing you praise him and say you love him.
Even if to you it's all rehearsed.
This is the life to him, ruling Decepticons and holding his lovely human pet.
That is until Megatron awakens and takes back the role of leader.
I'd imagine this is where the rivalry begins.
However... first Megatron has to like you.
Megatron most likely learns about you through Soundwave and the fact that Starscream keeps clutching you so close in order to hide you.
In an attempt to hurt Starscream, Megatron takes you.
He can tell you and Starscream are close which he finds really weird.
At first Megatron thinks he should just kill you.
Then he hears you've been made into a pet... one loyal to the Decepticons.
Honestly, he has to applaud Starscream for managing to tame a human.
So instead of removing you, Megatron keeps you in a hanging cage.
You're just in sight to make Starscream remain obedient.
Megatron doesn't entirely fall for you until later.
He mostly just enjoys seeing Starscream look so distraught and seeing how obedient you are.
Again... you're used for a feeling of power.
How Megatron treats you is very similar to how he treats you in this concept.
Like Starscream, he uses your forced loyalty to stroke his own ego.
Megatron likes to think of you as his human pet.
Who knows, maybe if you say you "love" him like you did with Starscream, Megatron may grow more attached.
As time goes on, Megatron decides you'll thrive better in a larger cell.
Soon you have your own "enclosure" on The Nemesis, one where only Megatron gets to look at you.
Megatron also learns how to care for you through Knock Out and Soundwave.
He may even be able to threaten some info out of Starscream.
While at this point Megatron has claimed you for his own, he allows Starscream to see you in order to keep him behaved.
By this point Starscream doesn't care about ruling anymore.
He just wants you back, then he'll even leave!
Starscream may even wonder if he should attempt to take Megatron offline again...
He was close last time... this time maybe he'll succeed.
Unfortunately... Megatron isn't willing to have Starscream leave with you.
You know belong to Megatron, not Starscream.
Megatron keeps you in your enclosure, closely watching over you and speaking to you.
Meanwhile Starscream plots on how to steal you out of it.
Starscream may even create a plot where he has the Autobots storm The Nemesis all so he can take you in the aftermath.
It's unfortunate that you're stuck between the two....
You thought Starscream was bad, but now you have Megatron too.
There's two ways this could go.
Megatron exiles Starscream in order to keep you... or Starscream manages to run off with you.
Even then, there's still a chance you could fall into the claws of the other Decepticon.
Even when exiled... Starscream will just convince the Autobots to help him somehow if he says a "human is in danger."
Or if Starscream runs with you, Megatron won't stop searching until both of you are found.
Even if the Autobots save you some how, now both Decepticons are competing on who can locate you first.
Ever since meeting Starscream... your fate has been sealed.
You fear it may be too late to escape once both of the Decepticons are attached.
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
(The Succubus Reader)
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Hi, I liked the last order, and I have a new one! What if the Decepticons kidnap the Succubus reader after they found out that she had distributed Asmodeus crystals to the Autobots and about their abilities. They forced the reader to bring the same crystals, after which the reader said she would give them back - if they let her go and did not touch the Autobots. They agreed to the terms, after which the reader entered the portal, they thought that she had escaped, but after 3-4 minutes she came out of the portal with the crystals, after which she gave them back and showed how to use them (Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Knockout, Breakdown and Shockwave)
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(Asmodeus Crystals for every Decepticon)
Good luck to you, you can do it whenever you want!
I hope you love this! Sorry it took a bit, like my other post, work as been a bitch. Again, I'm sorry this took so long!
Decpticons X Demon Reader
The decpticons where assholes. All Reader wanted to do was stay in the nursing home and mess with the old people. Scaring them and making them think they are seeing things. Reader was in the middle of scaring a old lady while they pretended to be the grim reaper when a groundbridge opens behind them and one of Soundwave tentacles come out of it and grabs Reader, taking then through the groundbridge. There, Reader is met with Megatron standing before them. They explain that they found out Reader has the ability to give the autobots the power to turn them into humans. Reader just roll their eyes and explain it's stone and not that she has powers. Megatron yells at them to give him and his decpticons stones! Reader says ok, and when Soundwave puts them down, they watch in surprise when reader just get absorbed in the ground. The decpticons now think reader escaped. 2 hours later, they see a portal open and Reader comes out. Reader is there, holding crystals. Reader says hi and explained they got it for them.
He would take the crystal and look at reader questionly and ask why they did it so willingly.
Reader explains that they enjoy watching drama and watching the decpticons and autobots turning human to fight will be the best action and drama movie ever.
Megatron thinks reader is wierd for that.
Megatron then asked how to use this stone!
Reader obviously fucked with him, saying shit like "gotta stand on one foot and say gaga 4 times"
Eventually, reader had their fun and explains how to actally use it.
When he turns human, he would look at himself and be disgusting.
Why is he fleshy.
He dident thank and snatched the stone out of you're hand.
He dident ask how to use it and just walked away.
Starscream was having so much trouble dude.
Like, people heard hum screaming in his berthroom.
Demanding the stop to work and that he commands it.
Eventually, he would get so pissed that he will come to read to ask demand them to train them how to use it.
Reader obviously would help them once starscream apologize for what they did.
He would not.
After 2 days he does, and he hates reader.
Once he turns human, he is disgusted by how he is.
He dosent look scary, he is to fleshy, what do you mean humans can't fly?
Ya, he hates being human. Take the stone back.
He would gently take the stone from you and look at it.
He then shows a thank you screen while asking you how to use it.
You will explain that he has to show his face if he wants to be human since he can't really have a screen for a face.
Intel days later, he shows you a screen face humans use
The mask
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You would help him turn into a human and he is actually fine how he is.
Yes, humans are squishy and it feels wierd but he actually uses his ability to go to a human library.
He wanted to see what books they had.
He would immediately say it's impossible for him to turn human.
He would reject the stone all together.
If megatron demands him to have it, he would take it but not much else.
He would thank you though if you give him the stone.
If he sees one of the other decpticons turn into a human, he might try turning into one.
You will help him and once he is human, he would write down everything about him.
Like, humans have flight or fight, skin is useless, their reproduction organs are on the outside, etc.
He would be so fascinated but also grossed out.
What do you mean he needs to take a shit?
Ya, after that, he immediately went back to being a cybertronian.
He will stick to dissecting humans they find.
Ok, we know him, we know what he is gonna do.
He is gonna be all about fashion.
He would ask how to turn human and when you explained and helped him, he would look at himself very disappointed.
He would ask Soundwave to give him a human card with money so he can get clothes for himself.
He will be the most fashionable person in the world.
He would take you and breakdown with him to go shopping.
Rip all those cashiers since you guys will be rolling up with 4 carts full of expensive clothes.
Once he got all of them, he would try each clothes he has.
He will make you sit through it.
Megatron hates you more now since knockout was already obsessed with his looks as a cybertronian.
Ok, so he definitely will be excited.
Like a kid on Christmas.
He would listen to you Intently while you explain how to use it.
It took him a few tries to transform into a human but once he does, he is so happy.
He would bring you along to try human things.
Like icecream, movies, ect.
Intel you guys run into Bulkhead.
Bulkhead would be immediately confused and worried for reader but if he sees breakdown he would try it.
Now, both of them will fight but when they realized they can get stronger by working out.
They both hit the gym together and yell at eachother while working out.
Like, both of them will be lifting 400lbs while yelling "you weak ass cybertronian, I'm better!"
Look what you did.
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painonthebrain · 22 days
JuneofDoom Day 19 - “This can’t be happening!”/Sobbing
Part two of two - Reverb gets exactly what’s coming to him… but he also gets a second chance. (Previous.)
Content: Demon whumpee, whumper-turned-whumpee, whumpee-turned-whumper, demon hunter whumper, female whumper, forced transformation, forced humanization, threatening to kill, gun use
The gun fired, blinding him with a flash of light and throwing Reverb backwards into the wall behind him. He was left in a crumpled heap on the ground. The hunter had fallen to the ground too, but she’d fallen in the way someone who knows how to break their fall does, and returned to her feet in the blink of an eye.
Reverb choked, trying to ask What the fuck was that? — but nothing came out of his mouth. His wings twitched, and the skin between them felt stretched too tight, wrong.
His entire body was too small, prickling and twisting and he couldn’t move during it all, he could only watch as his talons shrank away, as his tail disappeared and he lost feeling in his wings, as every little thing that made him him vanished.
Everything became duller, muted. Fuzzy.
He brought a heavy hand to his face, feeling his cheek. It was soft and squishy. Fleshy. He felt his scalp. There was hair there now — and where were his horns!
No, no… this couldn’t be happening —
No fangs, brownish skin, dulled senses, short nails —
The hunter had made him human.
He gasped for air.
… Air?!— He even had to breathe now?
He coughed, gasping for more.
“Wha.. th’ffuck?!” He tried to say, unused to using muscles that were supposed to be his own.
He lifted himself up with shaky arms, looking up.
Holy shit. Holy shit.
The hunter was right there.
His heart beat faster and faster, and he breathed harder, his head spinning from how fast he was taking in oxygen. Reverb felt as though his ribcage was going to break.
The hunter looked down on him.
“Say, maybe I’ll give you a chance — I count down from ten, you run for your life, and if I don’t find you afterwards, then you get to live.”
“Got it?”
Reverb sat on the ground, staring up at her, pathetic in the way he backed away.
Everything shook. He didn’t even nod. He bolted.
The hunter watched him go.
Reverb stumbled, not used to running. He couldn’t take flight and it was an awful feeling, being stuck to the ground.
He could still hear her voice. Dammit, he wasn’t far enough —
He scrambled past a dumpster, wondering if that would be a good hiding place but discarding the thought. He ran out into the street, dodging cars and weaving through the city.
He could barely hear her voice anymore, but the countdown continued in his mind. He pushed through pedestrians on the sidewalk who were still out at this hour, ignoring their angry shouts. Who cared that he was inconveniencing them anyway?
He was sure he’d lost her now. But how sure could he really be? … He continued running, aimless, deeper into the city.
He’d slammed into a lamppost.
He held his head, aching.
Shit, it hurt!—
He turned and on a whim, entered a bar, still clutching his head, avoiding the windows.
The door closed with a thud, and he pressed his way deeper inside, desperate.
He held his breath.
Nothing happened.
He stumbled his way further into the building, entering the bathrooms and locking himself in one of the rooms.
When he did, he could glimpse a reflection of himself in the mirror.
His breathing quickened again.
He looked disgusting. Pathetic and disheveled and filled with terror.
Something tightened in his throat.
… Reverb watched as the version of him in the mirror started crying.
His vision blurred, and he grabbed his chest as it heaved, sucking in deep breaths, sobs leaving his mouth.
Oh god.
He shuddered, sniffling.
He was stuck like this.
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x-galactic-star-x · 1 year
idk why
but i have this hunch about Cayde that he dont care what kind of body you have
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he still gonna worship your body like its a gift from the gods
but for real tho
i bet my hecking soul this MAN will literally hold you close to him and will nevwr let go, cause ur trapped in his arms now. thats your fate!
his hands roam around your body and smoothly complimwnts you, like you are a freshly made ramen.
no joke
ur human?
gods he love squishing you! your soft body so warm against his metalic frame and he just wanna burry his face in ur chest, wichever gender u are he dont care he will cherrish your backside too. just watch as his finger squeese your body ever so slightly and watch the pressure does to your squisht self, like a stress toy, plus if he will 100% squish your face, ur his little squishy burbr now ♥️♥️
ur awoken?
this man will look at your eyes and just stare at them lovingly fr, he still lov the squishy parts, but now he can look at your skin, the pale like skin is just so beautiful and the litrle glowy parts that sometimes just glaze over your skin? damn.
he could stare at you all day ans his hand would play with your hair, and roam around your neck watching where the little lights goes 🩵🩵
ur Exo?
this guy is literally an exo he knows whats going on, but damn for he will wprship your body as much as any fleshy being!
he would 100% tinker with any joints and part hw k ow prpbbably sensitive to exos, and he would enjoy seeing you react to it~
exos might not have any jiggle but damn if he dont wanna be crushed by anything thats on you, you can crush him anytime thats fine by him just let his fingwrs wander 🩶🩶
Cayde wouldnt care if ur plush sized or not he will cuddle the hwck out of you
just tought i should share 🍜
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ik youre not on the topic rn but i LOVE the cursor alan au. the body horror of it all. he is an internally undifferentiated slab of mechanical nerves and hates it so much
Oh! Honestly, people can ask me about any au any time if people want too, honestly!
I just answer what asks I'm getting, and since people have been asking about apotheosis alan, that's what I'm answering! But honestly, and this goes for everyone, if you're wondering about another au, or have a thought, go ahead and send in an ask even if I'm not talking about it at the moment!!! Because I'm happy to talk about any of the ;3
But!! YEAH!! YOU GOT IT!!! He has gone from being a fleshy, squishy human with limbs and muscles and eyes and ears and now he just- he's nothing but a slab that can at most twitch and fly- but he doesn't know how to do the later part- and it's HORRIFYING and he hates it so so much
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sol-consort · 28 days
Do you enjoy soulmate tropes? How do you think adrien victus would react to finding out he had a human soulmate? Or the turians in general with their own squishy soulmates?
The turian Primarch? now that's a name I haven't heard in a while. It's a pleasant surprise; I didn't expect anyone to bring him up again.
Adrien Victus served in the First Contact War as a general. Not only that, but he comes from an extremely noble family despite loathing aristocracy himself. His methods are frawned upon by most turians for being "out of the box," "risky," and "experimental," yet they bear fruit, which is why he managed to rise to the position of general.
Unpopular amidst turians...except for his own crew, whom adore him to death, holding immense blind faith in his unorthodox methods.
Now I'm not saying serving in the FC war means he hates humans... but it has to have left some sort of unsavoury impression, a bad taste lingering in his mouth whenever he gazes upon a human. be it guilt, remorse, or annoyance.
If anything, the biggest issue would be with the human possibly taking offence.
There is a difference between romancing Garrus who's a victim of circumstance, never participated in that war nor had any say in the matter yet he suffered the same consequences from the humans being wary of him on the street.
And romancing Adrien, who not only participated in it, but was a whole ass general commanding a fleet. To put it into perspective, he could've been the one responsible for the dishonouring of Ashley's grandfather. 623 humans were killed, a nearly equal amount lost in the turians' side as well. By the end, the council ordered the turians to pay heavy reparations for the humankind—akin to adding salt to the wound for the turians were only following rules set by the council to begin with—it made most of them hold an even bigger grudge against the humans, souring the relationship even more.
It depends on which stage during his life does he discovers that soulmate. Turians believe in the "spirits" of things and most birds mate for life. It's not far-fetched to imagine for them to believe in a spirit embodiment of love, which could translate into a soulmate.
If it's during the three months war
Adrien'd be extremely wary and confused. He barely knows anything about your species besides being aggressive and hostile, more clever in war tactics than he imagined them to be as they started to pose a real threat on his fleet. Why would he ever love a human? They're nothing but bloodthirsty, terrifying animals who have no sense of honour or shame.
If you're a war prisoner or a soldier they managed to snatch for interrogation, then he'd visit your cell frequently–under the pretence of gaining war intel–just to try and make sense of this whole situation.
Never giving you much information or revealing his true purpose, only probing you with one question after another. Why would the spirits ever lead him to you? What do they see in you?
War-political conflict aside...how would this even work? He's a whole feet taller than you, with sharp claws, rough skin, and razor-like teeth. Adrien could eat you up, even the simple prison cell floor is enough to form bruises on your soft skin from sitting on it for too long.
...Logistically, how would it even work? There isn't a single part of you he could spot that could handle his touch or mouth without a scratch or two....you're too small in comparison to him, fragile looking ankles and wrists, why do your hips curve into your waist? why is your neck so bare and exposed? What is that tuff of fur on the top of your head? Why are your eyes so wide and shiny? Why does he get the urge to bite these plump fleshy things at the front of your mouth? lips, you called them?
...and by the spirits why do you smell so delicious when you've been rotting in a cell without a shower for at least a week.
Everything you are is squishy, exposed and defenceless. If turians first contact with humans was when seeing one walking through the Citadel streets with that body of theirs...your species would've held a very different reputation amidst his kind, becoming famous for all of the good reasons rather than this mess you humans made.
As any patriotic turian, his curiosity is stumped by his desire to serve his planet. The daily visits and intrusive questions are all that he'll allow himself to indulge in. You're promptly released and handed back to the alliance after the council peace intervention.
Adrien doesn't dare look for you or contact you afterwards when things have settled and turians are on okayish terms with the humans. He thinks seeing his face will only bring you misery, cursing himself for acting so creepy and uncivil during the war.
Conceding himself to a lifetime of melancholy, bitterly accepting that he ruined any all chances with his soulmate, that he should just focus on the only thing he's good at, being a general.
Post-FC War
Sweeping the reapers threat under the rug, this is the best case scenario. Adrien is more open to being with a human, albeit self-aware enough of his position and past deeds to know that a human might have problems being with someone like him.
He still takes the initiative to try at least. Turians' devotion and loyalty can come across as creepy or obsessive to other species. It's just normal feelings for them, the whole reason behind their famous patriotism.
He, however, still has more decorum and self-restraint than your average turian. Before doing anything or taking any steps, he reads as much as possible about human courting rituals, what your kind considers attractive, watches all the..."educational" videos and reads all the books.
Implenting it as he goes. Charming with a hint of awkwardness that only comes off as endearing, he might hate politics, but he still makes a good diplomat when he puts in the effort. A dinner date with you becoming a reality rather than a mere dream.
As for his reaction to his soulmate being a human, it's less dramatic this time around. He's not as startled or horrfied by the revelation. More curious and intriguing, a bit welcoming this change of plans, more willing to indulge his desires.
He views it as an ironic twist of fate, but a fair one, if being fated to a human is the spirits way of granting him redemption then who is he to object?
There is some public backlash the more offical and set-in-stone your relationship becomes. He is Palavan's Primarch, after all, the representative of all turians, and to think a human is his fiance? So many noble turian families object, a lot of smeer campaigns against your kind.
Your species is attractive, yes, but Turians value more than that. There is a difference between fetishization and appreciation. Wanting to sleep with humans doesn't equate respect.
There is also the whole "humans are war hungry and feral" narrative still held by the elder turian population. For your species shot back after being shot by an unkown alien race, how ready and prepared humans were to go to war beforehand raised a lot of eyebrows. Why would a species who didn't even know of aliens' existence still prepare for these scenarios? Why were all your ships equipped with firepower? Where did you develop all these war tactics from? Turians view it as humans, basically going into space already looking for a fight.
Luckily for you, the council really wanted to make a valuable deadly assest out of your population, which prevented the war from escalating.
Adrien isn't the type to lay and take it. He'd absolutely go toe to toe with any opposers and publicly denounce their honour, calling out their regressive views, proving their hypocrisy.
He doesn't do politeness in politics. He loathed being a noble for a reason. He belongs on the battlefield, not on some cushy officer chair.
If anything, all of this fuels his desire to be with you even more, make his love for you burn with the intensity of a thousand suns. How he proudly shows you off at every event, the cute human hugging his arm as he walks you around.
Taking pride in being with one of your kind. The way he handles this whole situation with confidence, directing stating his feelings for you and not beating around the bush, it indirectly improves the human population views on turians.
I mean, if their primarch is this devoted to loving a human...maybe turians aren't so bad after all. It encourages even more turian-human couples to come out in the open, officially getting together and informing their families. A general acceptance of the whole affair.
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cosmica-galaxy · 11 months
I legit woke up at 4 am this morning and asked myself these questions. The mimic goobers are so precious!
Can a disease transfer from a mimic to a human and vice versa? Are the clothes on mimics really clothes? Or is it skin? Can the articles come off? How would the mimics react to eating a whole lemon or just a slice(the human tricked them)? How would the mimics react if the human had regeneration powers or they just couldn’t die? Ex. They get beheaded and their body just casually walks over to their head and picks it up before putting it back on and the wound heals. How would the mimics react if the human got hurt? Possibly a lost limb or they’re just losing blood in general at an alarming rate.
Yes! Flus and colds can bounce around both mimics and humans. Which is why sick mimics usually go into isolation. So if you were comforted by a mimic while you're sicks, but then you don't see them around as often--they probably picked up your virus!
It's a adapted form of skin! Mimic 'clothes' aren't just for looks. They can sense temperature, atmospheric pressure, electricity charges, and touches through their clothes! So, their outfits are actually part of their bodies. However, if they peel it back, it will reveal what is called their "underskin". Which is the more softer-fleshy parts of the mimic that is protected by the outer layers. It's very smooth, squishy, and can come in a variety of colors or shades!
Those with tongues will probably recoil, but those without tongues would eat the fruit and not react at all, due to a lack of tastebuds.
They would be surprised and in awe. If a mimic did try to eat you, it would probably have an eternal food source...but thankfully, these mimics are more interested in courting you. So they would view it as a massive perk of being your lover.
First, they would deal with whatever hurt you that bad. If it's alive, it won't be for long. If it's inanimate, they'll rip it to pieces. But most importantly, they would rush to your aid and would make short work of picking you up and hauling you to safety and medical professionals. They will bowl over anyone or anything that gets in their way!
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shadowofroses · 2 years
Dying a Happy Man
Chainsaw Man
Pairing: AFAB Reader x Denji platonic (could be romantic, but I'm not feeling anything romantic with it.)
Warnings: Fluff, humor, talking about Boobs, Human bra's, Use of Memes, groping, big breasted Reader
Summery: Reader has big boobs, and it hurts them from time to time, so Power comes up with a solution to her problem.
Note: I don't think I need to put a mature label on this, considering it's just boobs. Normalize that shit. Free the Titties and all. And really nothing sexual. Perverted? Maybe. But that's it. That's my logic.
You sat back in your chair, hissing drawing Power’s curious gaze. “Either you are mad which I have not seen before or you are in pain, and I cannot understand from what.”
You ended up slouching again, before trying to sit up straight, and comfortably. “Sometimes when a woman’s breasts are too big, it can cause back problems, and pain.”
Power frowned at that thinking back to how Denji was just drooling over your boobs an hour ago. She didn’t understand once you seen or poked one, you’ve touched them all right? “I was under the impression that you humans enjoy and even enlarge breasts for ones pleasure…”
You nodded to the side, “Which is correct, some humans do, some have them removed, which I’m really debating on right now.”
Power’s eyes widened, “You can detatch your boobs?! I WANT TO SEE THIS POWER I HAD NO IDEA HUMANS COULD DO THAT!” In her mind she was imagining boobs that can be plopped off, and form like squishy balls similar to stress balls only fleshy, and now much Denji might enjoy that. Hell Power would enjoy this. 
You chuckled, “Oh no, though I wish I could detach my boobs and just stick them back on when I wanted to. Honestly I’d be content with a Human Bra…”
Power sobered up a little, “I didn’t know you were this…sadistic I LIKE IT!”
Your eyes widened before laughing, “Oh nonono, sometimes with Humans in relationships. One partner will reach around like this from behind,” you made the motion to pretend someone was behind you and that your arms were someone elses, you just grabbed your boobs and lifted them up and letting out a moan by accident. “Like that, and just stay there for a bit. And it just helps out. This works with women in Pregnancy too with their partners just holding their belly up for a little, taking the weight off the back for a bit.”
You turned never seeing such a serious look on Power’s face before. “I’ll be back with the solution!” You blinked, but you thought nothing of it, Power was slightly weird, but you got along with her, you didn’t question her quirks. You continued working on your laptop, before you heard your name being called. You turned your head as Power dropped Denji on his ass. 
You watched as Power slapped Denji upside the head, “THIS BAD BOY CAN HOLD ALL OF YOUR BOOBS!”
You choked between a sob and a laugh, understanding she just pulled a meme. Denji glared at Power, “WHAT THE HEL-wait…” His eyes widened and stars seem to be sparkly all around him. “Did you say boobs. YES! I CAN HOLD ALL THE BOOBS!”
Denji rushed over, and wrapped his arms around you, using his hands to lift up your boobs causing you to moan out and blush of that. Power grinned, “Problem Solved!~” she put her hands on her waists and walked off to tell Aki of her proud problem solving skills. 
Your back just felt so much better. “I’m sorry Denji…I…”
“Don’t apologize! This is fine!” You were unable to see the pervy look on his face, “Is….is this okay though? I don’t want yelled at…”
You smiled, “No this is fine, I appreciate it.” Denji seemed to have melted at that thought, and his head rested on top of yours, “Feel free to let them go whenever…”
Denji rubbed his cheek against your hair, “Nope you’re stuck with me for life now, I’m now your bra.” Sighing, and randomly groping your boobs gently.
You busted up laughing,  “Okay, lets see how long this will last, you’ll grow bored…”
Denji’s eyes narrowed on you, “No, I won’t. You don’t know me at all! I don’t need to eat, drink or do anything else now that my hands have found your boobs! I can die a happy man now!”
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
Question. How do you think the TFP bots each find the squishies that are humans look. Like aesthetically. Which ones find them cute or gross or funny looking? Cause in the Scraplet episode, Ratchet said “Typically I find your fleshiness your least engaging qualities.” Meaning that Ratchet find the humans gross to some extent, meaning that the Autobots does have aesthetic opinions about the humans. And it seems like everyone got different opinions. So what’s your head canon for each of their opinions?
Ooooooh now this is a question I will happily answer!
Ratchet: His views on humans and squishies in general is summed up to GROSS. He sees humans as essentially a bunch of organs in a poorly made plastic bag walking around on stilts. They are worse than hairless cats in his optics. They may be nice enough, but he would prefer to poke them with sticks or handle them with a hazmat suit if given a choice. He's warmed up to them, but will never find them particularly appealing. Interesting? Yes. Appealing? Primus no.
Bumblebee: Bumblebee thinks humans are a little unsettling, but he appreciates them in the way one would a pet tarantula. He can find something to see as appealing in them, although as a general rule he is not particularly enthralled with them. He is fond of human eyes, largely because their pupils dilate a great deal like how his optics cycle. He also finds it fascinating how many colors humans can have their eyes up being.
Arcee: She sits in the same boat as Ratchet for the most part. However she has one aspect of humanity that she is surprisingly fond of. She thinks human hair is quite "cute" in a sense. It reminds her somewhat of stories of Solus and she has always found it fun how humans can style their hair in so many unique ways. She has even gone so far as to ask June to teach her how to braid hair simply because Arcee also finds the texture of hair to be facinating.
Bulkhead: His thoughts on humanity can be summed up simply with: Smol Beans. He thinks they are adorable in the way one would look at a mouse and think it cute. Sure humans can do gross things like execrate and create strange internal liquids and sounds, but they are just so small. He can't help but find that fact appealing.
Wheeljack: He is neither grossed out or really invested in humans. He could care less what they look like. He's been everywhere and seen everything, so very little bothers him anymore when meeting new races. He does think that human teeth are interesting though. Cybertronians have their own version of the mouth bones, but humans growing the mouth bones and then having a few sets of them is something he just thinks is rather inspiring.
Smokescreen: He... doesn't like humans. He's in Ratchet's boat, but he's a lot less tactful in his outward reactions. His first few weeks on Earth involved a lot of gagging at humans as a whole. Squishies are not his cup of tea, but he's learned to handle it for the most part. So long as the squishes are clothed reasonably, he can pretend they are armored and ignore the fact that they are walking bags of bits and bone.
Optimus: He doesn't mind humanity. He doesn't think they are physically appealing in any real regard, but he admires their minds. Such small creatures holding hope and intellect on par with the more technological races is something he finds impressive. He also holds an appreciation for their voices simply because they are clear and without complication. It is new, and for that reason he finds it beautiful in a sense.
Ultra Magnus: He doesn't like humans. Period. He tolerates them for the sake of the team and negotiations, and he may be appreciative of human comrades and friends. But the species as a whole? He is not fond of them. He is largely more confused than anything else. He has no idea how such a fleshy and delicate species lasted so long. But he has largely shrugged it off and moved on with life.
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eitherlyingorstupid · 9 months
G1 concept: When Teletraan-I scanned the vehicles and electronics of earth, it did not realize the soft, fleshy things near and inside said objects weren't part of those machines. As a result, the Autobots and Decepticons' newly-reformatted frames come with some... parts that they did not have before.
None of them have any idea what these weird soft squishy things between their legs are; cybertronians often adapt to mimic other species but they've never experienced something like this. Some of the bolder bots discover the new parts are very sensitive, and clumsy but enthusiastic masturbation ensues.
Hound, being the most curious about organic life, is the first one to make the connection after observing some skinny-dipping humans.
On the Decepticon side, Starscream puts his former scientjst smarts to work figuring out what's going on with these weird parts, and accidentally stumbles on a method to rub two mech's respective arrays together to create... something. It definitely works up a lot of charge.
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rawmeknockout · 10 months
Tarn blue screening internally while being shot at by his squishy sniper soulmate. Megatron's orders are absolute and in conflict with each other.
Helix has a horrified fascination of how would you even go about seduceing a fleshie smaller than your spike? Vos cannot see at the moment, but can atrest to their skill as a sniper. Tessarus has a headache. Koan is excited for a new pet to tame; he's excited to give Tarn pointers.
omg a human smaller than his spike help
i feel bad for vos, a sniper rifle sniped by a sniper
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