#foe's cookie tray
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dragons!!! i wanted to try out drawing all of em + some draconic leaning fellas :]
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cupcakestreets · 1 year
For the Werevelvet thing, how about werewolf cookie waking up from a nap, only to realise he's covered in cake hounds, because???? Cookie?? Is dog??? Is dog!!! And joined him in the nap
Red Velvet comes along some time later and discovers the dog-pile up with his sweetie at the bottom, trying to get him to help him out
Red velvet either helps, doesn't help, or joins the dog-pile
Another warm and peaceful day graced the fields near the Cookie Kingdom. Red Velvet Cookie was taking some of his cake hounds out for a training session. Red Velvet Cookie has been training all of his pups nonstop for the past couple of weeks, making sure all of his soldiers were taken care of and prepared. This was all in between watching over the cake tray towers. This week's training was scouting. They have been training for about an hour now and Red Velvet Cookie hyped himself up for another round. He called his pups to attention, trying to hold back a yawn, and then held up a bone.
"ATTENTION! Alright soldiers, let's go one more round! Your mission is to retrieve this bone! The first one back gets an extra treat after training!"
Red Velvet Cookie walked down the line of the 6 pups so they got a whiff of the bone. They all bark excitedly to indicate to their commander that they were ready. Red Velvet holds up the bone high with his monster arm, waving it around to make sure they were focused on their target. He then reels his arm back before tossing the bone into the forested area. The cake hounds dash straight into the forest going straight for the bone. Red Velvet Cookie started the clock and waited for their return.
Time passed and zero of the cake hounds have returned. Red Velvet Cookie looked at his clock becoming more worried as each second passed.
"5 minutes? That's far too long... Did I throw the bone too far?..."
Red Velvet Cookie begins to walk in the direction he remembers throwing the bone in. He did not have to walk too far to find his Cake hounds.
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The Cake hounds were gathered around a dark large shape. It looks like...cloth? Red Velvet Cookie walked around to see that the shape was a cookie wrapped in a black cloak. It was Werewolf Cookie, sleeping on the forest floor. Werewolf Cookie was undisturbed by the Cake hounds laying around him. He unconsciously wrapped an arm around one of the pups and mumbled gibberish under his breath.
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Red Velvet Cookie was in awe at this display. He can't deny how adorable this was. Werewolf Cookie's usual stoic expression was now one that resembled the pups, his tongue poked from his mouth making this cute "blep" expression. Red Velvet Cookie's heart bumped looking at him and the pups. He took a quick look around at their surroundings and pulls out his smartphone to take as many pictures as he could in under a minute. After that Red Velvet Cookie took a second glance around and realized that his pups were defenseless in this state! The forest was crawling with unknown horrors, and it would be worse if a hunter cookie came across them. He could not stand for this and takes it upon himself to be on lookout duty!
Red Velvet Cookie pets all of his precious pups and gently caressed Werewolf Cookie's cheek, he was so handsome... A bit rugged and a mess however Red Velvet Cookie was attracted to that sort of thing. Despite how Werewolf Cookie viewed himself as a danger to those around him, Red Velvet Cookie knew he was never a threat to himself or others. His timid nature and his want to do good for others restrained him from causing real damage to the cookies or animals around him. Red Velvet Cookie recognizes how much of a threat he could be if he was pushed to his limits. Werewolf Cookie was truly a fearsome foe and Red Velvet Cookie is honored that he sees him as an ally. There was so much about Werewolf Cookie he loved but it would be irresponsible to get in a relationship with him... Especially knowing he will not have time for one whilst making sure the cake hounds were trained and the cake tray tower was functional for those who dare take up the challenge. If it was hell they wanted, it was something they would happily give. He sighs as he stares longingly at Werewolf Cookie's face. He could not resist kissing him on the forehead, it was a moment of weakness he allowed this one time. The kiss was not without its consequences. Werewolf Cookie’s pepper filled hair managed to float into his nostrils, and he quickly had to pull away feeling a sneeze coming on. He moved far away to make sure to sneeze into his arm as quietly as possible. He looks back to make sure they were not woken up by it. They were still sleeping soundly to his relief.
Red Velvet Cookie goes to a tree and begins his duties of watching out for any dangers that the forest may throw their way.
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Time passes, and nothing of note has come by Red Velvet Cookie. He noted a squirrel, a couple of birds tweeting by, and the trees rustled from the gentle winds blowing through them. The sun was beginning to set and the temperature starts to cool down and the sounds of nature were ever so soothing. Red Velvet Cookie's eyes grew heavy, the hours of lost sleep were starting to catch up on him and he was starting to doze off. He tries his best to keep himself awake but it was useless.
Werewolf Cookie eventually wakes up and notices the cake hounds around him. He slowly rises and feels something fall from him. He did not realize a pup was on his back. He recognizes this puppy, however.
Chiffon barks at Werewolf Cookie happily and he grabs something that was underneath him. It was the bone that was thrown earlier. Chiffon runs over to a body that was leaning against a tree.
Werewolf Cookie follows Chiffon to the body and sees that Red Velvet Cookie is sleeping against it. Werewolf Cookie looks around the area to see if anyone else was around. There was nothing, and he noticed that it was starting to get cold.
Werewolf Cookie takes off his cloak and leans down to wrap it around Red Velvet Cookie. Their faces were close... Werewolf Cookie does think about kissing him for a moment, he looked so at ease, and his face was so soft compared to his usual stern expressions... However, Werewolf Cookie decides against it and goes to sit in front of Red Velvet Cookie and watch over the now-awake pups.
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He did not understand the feeling Red Velvet Cookie gave him. It felt like a painful reminder that he can never get close to anyone. Although Red Velvet has treated him with nothing but kindness before and has also shown he can handle himself in a battle he still has haunting thoughts of hurting him somehow... He like Red Velvet Cookie but he knows he can not want more than the friendship they have now... He can't hurt another friend...
Chiffon barks to Werewolf Cookie taking him out of his thoughts. Chiffon holds up the bone and Werewolf Cookie takes it with a small smile on his face.
"We can play while your owners rest..."
Werewolf Cookie plays with the puppies happily and allows their commander to get the full rest he deserves.
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Chance Encounters (P) Encounter 4: Blue Glitter
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You stepped through the gate into Nameless City, scanning the citizens as you passed them. You could hear the Rude Boys running across rooftops and the pipes hanging high above, catching glimpses of them as they disappeared around a corner or climbed from ledge to ledge. Those within the city were still wary of you and, honestly, they probably always would be, but that was fine with you. They should be scared of you, you were a dangerous person both as a friend and a foe.
“Y/N-san.” A blur of green and red landed in front of you from the large pipe hanging overhead, blocking the sun. P straightened up, looking at you curiously. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here for you,” you answered simply, motioning toward him with your hand. “Go tell Smoky that you’re leavin’ for a bit.”
“Eh?” he replied with surprise. “What do you need me for?”
“Just go.” You waved your hand at him in annoyance. “I don’t have all day.”
He hesitated for a moment before slowly nodding and taking off down the street. You decided to return to the gate and wait for him there, stifling a yawn because you hadn’t really gotten much sleep the past few days. Every time you turned around, you were getting another job shoved in your face, but the requests had finally slowed. Technically, you were on a job at the moment, as well, but Jin was more than capable of handling it by himself. P returned to you with a curious expression still on his face. You said nothing, just turning around and beginning to walk in the direction of the Hoodlum Squad’s territory. He followed you, keeping a pace or two behind as the two of you walked.
“Where are we going?”
He hummed but didn’t press the issue, allowing the two of you to continue on in silence. Itokan Diner came into view, the official Hoodlum Squad HQ. The room tensed up when the two of you stepped inside.
“What is he doing here?” Yamato demanded, dropping his spoon full of rice onto the table as he stood up.
“What did you do?” Dan questioned, sending you an exasperated look, which you returned with a scowl.
“Why do you people always assume I did somethin’?”
“Because you always do!” Tettsu chimed in with a grin.
“You people have no faith in me and it honestly hurts,” you told them blankly, your hand over your heart.
Tettsu snorted. “You don’t sound very hurt.”
Cobra slowly stood up, his eyes meeting yours and his tone filled with warning. “Y/N…”
“Relax.” You held your hands up in surrender. “He’s not here against his will. Nothin’ will happen and if it does, I’ll take full responsibility for it.”
Cobra thought over your words before slowly nodding, settling back down into his seat which prompted Yamato to do the same. With the Hoodlum’s settled, you approached the bar where Naomi stood, working hard on the cookies and cupcakes she planned to hand out to the community tomorrow.
She spared you a quick glance, purple icing smeared across her cheek. “Let me finish this up and I’ll grab you a drink.”
“Take your time,” you told her before motioning toward P. “Actually, I brought you a little helper.”
“Eh?” Naomi, P, and Yamato chorused in surprise, all of them looking at you.
You met P’s eyes with a hard stare and he looked over at Naomi, nodding his head. “I’m here to help out however I can.”
Naomi looked relieved and her shoulders released some of their tension as she offered him a smile. “Thank you. You can mix those ingredients together for the cooking dough while I finish pouring the cupcake batter into the pan.”
“Okay.” P pulled his green jacket off, setting it on the stool before rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt so he could wash his hands.
You sat down, watching him as he got to work pouring the dry ingredients into the bowl before adding the wet ones and stirring them together. Naomi popped the cupcake tray into the oven, wiping her hands on the dishtowel across her shoulder before grabbing a glass of ice and pouring your favorite soda into it.
“Here you go,” she smiled tiredly, setting it in front of you.
“Thanks.” Your fingers curled around the glass, dragging it closer before lifting it to your lips. Some people drink alcohol to relax after a stressful day, but your favorite soda is all you needed to destress. You could just feel the tension washing off of you as the liquid passed your lips.
Tettsu appeared on your left, leaning on the counter. “You look like shit.”
You sent him a deadpan look and just continued drinking your soda, using your free hand to grab P’s jacket before he sat on it but he didn’t sit down. Instead, he returned to the table after grabbing a bottle of soy sauce from behind the counter. You went to put the jacket back but your attention was taken away when Naomi pulled one of the trays from the oven, the scent of lemon cake filling the diner. “It smells so good,” you commented, feeling a tug of hunger in your gut.
She smiled at you. “Hopefully they taste as good as they smell.”
“I’m sure they do.” You glanced at P as he carefully spooned balls of dough onto the tray. You reached forward, attempting to swipe one of them but Naomi smacked your hand away.
“Those aren’t for you,” she scolded.
“Where is your giving spirit, huh?”
“That’s what I’m saying,” Yamato muttered in agreement. “She hit me five times earlier!”
“You should have learned after the first hit, idiot.”
“I was trying to help!” he defended. “If they’re nasty, think about how upset the kids will be.”
“Nice excuse,” she scoffed, turning her back to you so she could check on the other pan in the oven.
P glanced at her before holding out a ball of cookie dough, giving you a smile when you looked at him in surprise. You glanced at Naomi before snatching it from him and popping it in your mouth, enjoying the chocolate-chip goodness.
“Thanks,” you whispered to him and he nodded, his lips twitching up as he returned to his work.
Once the cupcakes cooled off, Naomi asked you if you would help her decorate them but she didn’t even give you time to answer before she started placing items in front of you. You examined the items – vanilla and chocolate frosting, edible glitter, six different types of sprinkles, and small gummy bears.
“I’ll help.” Tettsu settled on your left with a grin, accepting the cupcake she offered him.
You decided on the vanilla frosting and you reached for it at the same time as him, exchanging a glare with the male. “Fuck off, Tettsu. I was here first.”
“And?” His grip on the plastic tube got tighter. “I touched it first.”
“Like hell you did,” you scowled, gripping your side of the tube harder. “Do you wanna die?”
“Bring it on!”
“Will you two knock it off?” Naomi sighed in exasperation, her hands on her hips. “There’s more than one tube of frosting, you know.”
“Don’t give in!” Yamato encouraged with a grin, but you weren’t sure which one of you he was trying to encourage.
“Shut up, idiot!”
“Who’re you calling idiot, baldy?!”
“Alright, alright.” Chiharu approached the bar, reaching between the two of you and taking the frosting from your grasp. “Move over, Tettsu-san.”
“Yeah, move.” You waved your hand at him as if you were shooing a fly and he stuck his tongue out at you before sliding over to the next stool. Chiharu took his spot and ripped the seam off the tube, beginning to cover the cupcake Naomi had set before him. With Chiharu there to keep the two of you in line, you were moving through cupcakes pretty quickly. P had finished the first tray of cookies and was halfway through the second.
“Y/N-san.” Chiharu glanced at you before motioning toward the tube of blue glitter beside you. “Can you pass me that glitter please?”
You hummed in response, passing it over to him before focusing back on your own cupcake. You didn’t know why, but it had been ingrained in you from a young age that all things spreadable should be corner-to-corner and you must do this for your own sanity. You couldn’t stand it if it wasn’t that way.
Chiharu grunted as he struggled to open the tube of glitter and you glanced at him, suddenly getting a bad feeling in the back of your mind.
“Oi, Chiha -“
The lid flew off of the bottle and he lost his grip on the tube. You could only stare in horror as the tube flipped through the air, sending glitter flying in every direction across the diner. Gravity quickly took hold and it started to rain down onto your head.
“Chiharu!” Tettsu and Naomi exclaimed, glittering falling off them like sand with every movement they made.
He smiled sheepishly in reply, rubbing the back of his neck. “Oops?”
Naomi groaned, falling onto the empty space on the counter. “I’m going to be cleaning up glitter for months!”
“I’m really sorry.” Chiharu bowed his head and a clump of glittered slid from his hair onto the cupcake. “I’ll clean it up!”
You scowled, running your hand through your hair to free the majority of the glitter. “Well… the cupcakes are decorated.”
“And the cookies,” P added. The two trays of cookie dough had been successfully covered with blue glitter.
“Can that be cooked?” you wondered, tugging at the collar of your shirt and wincing as you felt glitter falling down against your skin.
“I think so,” Naomi replied with a frown.
“Are we done, then?” you asked, unable to hide your annoyance as you stood up. You needed some serious sleep and you still had to take P back to Nameless City.
She nodded, giving P a grateful smile. “Thank you for your help, even if Y/N did make you do it.”
“I didn’t make him do shit,” you muttered, stifling a yawn as you headed for the door, his jacket slung over your arm.
“You’re welcome.” He returned the smile before stepping around the counter to meet you at the door. With every step he took, glitter fluttered from his body, reflected by the lights above like some kind of magical fairy dust.
You handed him his jacket and the two of you left the diner. “Man, this sucks. It takes ages to get rid of glitter and I can’t even bring myself to be mad at Chiharu. Why couldn’t it have been Tettsu that did it? Then I could have at least punched him and felt better.”
P hummed, slipping his arms into the jacket. “You seem to really care about him.”
“He’s my favorite,” you replied, glancing at him only to find that he had his head turned away from you. “He’s my small and precious baby brother, after all.”
“Brother?” he echoed softly before looking forward, the corners of his lips twitching up. “I see.”
You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously but decided to let it go. Whatever it was, you just couldn’t be bothered at that moment. The rest of the walk was silent, but it wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward, it was actually quite nice. Usually, you were always with the Hoodlum Squad and, with the exception of Cobra, they really never shut the hell up. Sometimes it was nice to just walk quietly beside someone. When you finally reached the entrance to Nameless City, you paused and pulled out a small, yellow envelope from your pocket. “Here.”
Pi looked at it curiously for a moment before taking it from you and peeling back the flap to see what was inside. His eyes widened in shock, snapping to meet yours. “Y/N-san, I can’t -“
“Save it,” you told him, holding up your hand. “I gave you a job to do which you completed. You earned it.”
Realization flashed through his eyes. “What’s why you wanted my help…”
“No one makes five grand for baking cookies…”
“They have the wrong boss.”
He looked down at the envelope in his hands, chewing on his bottom lip. “Are you doing this because of Smoky?”
You shrugged, pulling a cigarette from its pack and bringing it to your lips. “If you want to use it on him, that’s your choice. It’s your cash now.”
“Thank you so much.” His dark eyes met yours, shimmering with so much warmth and sincerity that it caught you off guard. He used that opportunity to take the cigarette before you could light it.
“Oi, P,” you scowled at him, making him laugh.
“You really should stop smoking. It’s bad for you.”
“So you’ve said,” you deadpanned. “Of all the things in my life, cigarettes are the least likely to kill me. Now get lost.” You motioned toward the entrance of the city.
He chuckled, starting to turn away only to pause, his gaze landing on you again. “You have glitter on your cheek.” And before you could even react, he closed the distance, his lips brushing against your cheek. “Thank you, Y/N-san.”
You just blinked, watching him disappear into the city, your hand resting where his lips had been only a few moments before. ‘Can a human being even have lips as soft as his? What the hell, man.’
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Chapter 2: Indentured
.  .  . 
“HA,” Robin crowed, with one fist planted firmly on his hip while the other pointed down at his conquered foe. “HA HA HA!”
“Heh...” Joker whined from the floor, on his back, grinning blankly at the ceiling, “hh...”
Batman, tied onto the conveyor belt that would have fed him feet-first into the chomping jaws of a giant set of fake teeth, was staring with what Dick hoped was approval. Winning a laughing contest on a bet to save your partner wasn’t as effortless as he made it look.
“Robin the boy wonder, that laughing daredevil, reigns as champion! Y’see, pasty, a real clown mighta actually given me a run for my money, but y--” He broke off into a hacking cough and staggered over to untie Bruce. “Ack, B,” he wheezed, “'m done now.”
 . . .
  “You shoulda seen it Alfie, Joker was all like, ‘bet you can’t dodge bullets, boy blunder’, an’ then I went, ‘well I bet you can’t out-laugh me you pasty faker,’ and the--” he coughed, breaking off with a grimace. The cookie, warm butterscotch--one of his favorites, stuck dry in his raw throat. He choked it down anyway.
Bruce was still ignoring the tray Alfred had laid out by the batcomputer. Still ignoring both of them. Dick leaned closer to Alfred. “I think you should check B for a concussion,” he stage whispered. “I saved his neck using nothin’ but wit an’ derring-do and I’m still waitin’ on my thank you.”
“Perhaps he is tired, Master Dick, as you both should be at this unconscionably early hour.” Alfred directed a heated glance at Bruce’s still-turned back.
Dick rolled his eyes and wobbled toward the showers, letting the disappointment roll off his shoulders as he unclipped his cape.
“Dick. Listen to me.” Interrupted mid-yawn, Dick turned to see Bruce standing and taking a step closer; his unmasked face looked hard and stern. “Do not ever, under any circumstance, place your life on the line for mine again.”
Dick’s laugh came out as sharp and painful as the confused sting of hurt in his chest. “Gee, you’re welcome, B.”
“The same applies for any hostage,” Bruce continued, unfazed.
Dick’s brow furrowed incredulously. “But just last week you--”
“Listen!” Bruce barked. Dick blinked; Bruce never raised his voice at him--but Bruce’s expression, though strained and intense, didn’t even look angry. “Your life is not a bargaining chip,” he continued, his tone lower but still wire-tight. “In any crisis situation you are to get away as fast as possible, and if you can’t do that I want you to buy time for me to reach you.”
The finality and command ingrained in Bruce’s tone enraged him as rapidly as it always did.
“Wha--what are you even--” he broke off furiously. “Bruce, are you seriously asking me to walk away and leave you to die? Let anyone die?” His voice, high and hoarse and furious, cracked against his will; Bruce was approaching, about to shut him down, and Dick shook his head fiercely. “Cuz ‘m not gonna let you die. I’m not--”
His throat gave out, broke into coughing from deep in his chest, and he groaned, shaking his head again, not looking at Bruce. “...‘m not,” he choked.
Bruce was crouching before him, saying nothing. Dick couldn’t have said more if he’d wanted to.
“Alfred,” Bruce said quietly.
“I’ll prepare the young master some tea and honey,” Alfred replied, equally subdued. Dick had forgotten he was there.
Dick felt Bruce’s eyes lingering on him, studying, but Dick still couldn’t meet his gaze. “It’s late,” Bruce said at last. “Do you have homework, or...” He trailed off. Maybe his internal clock was kicking in too.
“School’s in like, three hours,” Dick mumbled, shrugging, and suddenly his eyes felt heavy. “Don’t think homework’s gonna be the issue.”
“This has been happening far too frequently of late,” Alfred said, with that disapproving tone in his voice again. “I am frankly shocked that his grades have not yet suffered.”
“I can handle it,” Dick croaked earnestly, “I can sleep later, it’s fine.”
“We will...discuss your patrol schedule,” Bruce said, haltingly, his expression pinched strangely as though he were hurt, but Dick had checked him over on the way back to the batmobile and he’d seemed fine-- “But not now,” he continued, and reached out to gently squeeze Dick’s shoulder. “You should get to bed.”
Swallowing the dread that was losing Robin, his only way of really doing anything worthwhile and the most time he ever got to spend with Bruce, Dick turned back to the showers. He’d have more fight in him later, but...just now he felt more tired than he’d ever been.
“Dick,” Bruce said. Dick didn’t turn this time. “I’ll meet you and Alfred upstairs in a minute. I could use some of that tea, too.”
Dick hesitated, but as he headed on to the showers the weight in his chest lightened just a little, and when at last he was upstairs on the sitting room couch with a hot mug cradled between his pajama clad legs and chest, Bruce was beside him, staring at yesterday’s half-finished chess game as though it held the answer to every question in the universe. The windows were pale, Dick still hadn’t slept, and he took another long hot sip of the drink and closed his eyes as it slid down his aching throat.
“I...need you to understand, Dick,” Bruce said, after some thirty minutes of honeyed tea silence. His tone, low and grave, told Dick what he was about to say. Dick raised his mug to disguise his scowl. Bruce cleared his throat, and now he was looking at him. “My life will never be worth the sacrifice of yours. And if...I ever allowed you to bring harm to yourself, I--” he broke off, covering his mouth, and as Dick saw the pinched look returning around Bruce’s eyes his anger slipped away. “You’re my responsibility,” Bruce said, his voice as rough as Dick’s. “If anything happened to you...”
You don’t get it, Dick didn’t say, what’s the point of me going out there to watch your back and make a difference if I can’t give it my all.
“Patrol’s gonna be a lot quieter without me,” he mumbled into his mug.
Bruce paused, and then his mug settled on the coffee table with a decisive clink. “Then we’ll work on making the upstairs louder. Starting tomorrow. You’ve earned a sick day or two--after all, it’s not every day that someone manages to take the Joker down without a single blow.”
A broad, toothy grin stretched across Dick’s face, and as Bruce met his gaze the barest hint of a smile formed on his face too. “If your teachers ask we’ll just say you have a frog in your throat.”
Dick laughed, quiet and sore but from deep in his stomach, and leaned into the sturdy warmth of Bruce’s arm. Golden light trickled in through the tall windows to join the light from the flickering hearth, and at last he let his eyes fall closed.
 . . .
  The clicking latch was enough. Dick snapped awake and had already flipped backward into a defensive stance on the bed when the door opened. He took in Deathstro--no, ‘Slade’s’ silhouette in the doorway, with his heart thumping in his ears.
Slade was in costume, but unmasked. “Get dressed and meet me in the kitchen down the hall,” he said.
And he left.
Dick stared blankly at the empty doorway for a moment before collapsing back on the bed with a groan. It was embarrassing to have fallen asleep and left himself vulnerable in enemy territory, but already his aching body told him that he hadn’t slept anywhere near long enough to recover from the day before.
He had spent most of the night staring at the camera built into the opposite wall. Slade hadn’t even bothered disguising it. The room was little more than a frigid cell with bare whitewashed halls, unfurnished beyond the camera and the bed he lay on--though there was a door that led to an even tinier adjoining bathroom.
The bathroom contained a shower stall, a toilet, and a sink. It was not equipped with a lock.
The door to the hall was equipped with one...from the outside. Slade hadn’t locked it.
Dick wouldn’t have expected that to make him feel less safe.
He couldn’t remember much of his nightmare, but he did remember Kory’s face, and the way she had looked at him when he--
Dick pressed his icy hands over his face and waited for his breathing to slow. He would...make it up to her. Just as soon as he got out.
He still owed her a movie night. It wasn’t going to be a date, just a movie--but she’d never been to one before, and after the whole Red X mess he had owed it to her--he had promised it to her, and...they would miss the showing if he didn’t get out soon. Of course that was assuming that she wouldn’t still hate him even after he explained everything. He wouldn’t blame her if she did--he couldn’t, not after what he’d done to her, both before and after what Slade had made him do, but...
it couldn’t end like this.
He wouldn’t let it.
Shrill beeping sent him jumping out of his skin again. It was coming from what looked like a comm build into the wall beside his bed--an alarm, then. It continued screeching into his ears as he, very bitterly, rolled out of bed.
 . . .
 He found Slade leaning against the kitchen counter, unmasked but still in costume with coffee in one hand and a clipboard in the other. Dick halted in the doorway and waited there stiffly until Slade’s gaze fixed on him.
“If you managed to get lost in a hall lined with locked doors, that is pretty impressive,” Slade said. He paused before taking a sip from his mug, and arched an eyebrow at him. “And in case you missed any, I did lock all of them.”
Dick only glared at him.
He had taken his time going down the hall, counting the cameras and defiantly staring into each of them as he tried every door in turn. And they had all been locked, including the unmarked door to the main room.
“Eat,” Slade said more brusquely, and tossed a small clipboard onto the counter island between them, beside the plate of food that Dick had been making a concentrated effort not to look at. “You’ll make up for the wasted time later.”
Eyeing the food hungrily but suspiciously, Dick didn’t even approach the table. Slade snorted impatiently. “If I wanted to drug you I wouldn’t use your food to do it. Eat now or go hungry.”
Dick hadn’t eaten since the previous morning, and was starved enough to risk taking Slade at his word. He held a distrustful eye on Slade as he gulped down the chokingly strong coffee and protein-rich but bland food that Slade apparently considered a breakfast.
Slade began describing the contents of the clipboard that Dick had yet to look at. Slade was outlining the day’s regimen of workouts and training down to the last minute of the day...and talked as though he were introducing Dick to the new norm, his new life.
Dick’s appetite dried up completely (but still, somehow, left his gnawing hunger completely intact).
But he had no reason to start thinking so fatalistically. Even if he didn’t find his own way out of this mess, the Titans or Batman would figure everything out before Slade took things too far. Not that Dick intended to wait around for them to clean up his mess.
Bruce didn’t need to hear about this.
If Dick was going to see him again--and now, suddenly and forcefully, he wanted to--he didn’t want to go through the humiliation of seeing Bruce proven right. What happened to Jay was...it wasn’t going to happen again. And he didn’t need Bruce to protect him.
He chewed robotically, kept his eye on Slade and maintained the appearance of listening, but his mind was already wandering the mental map of the base that he was trying to assemble. So far he had counted two possible escape routes. The front way (obviously), and the oversized fan he’d glimpsed stars through the night before during that little game of hide and seek with Slade on the gears. But his search wasn’t finished. A place this large had to have multiple vents leading to the surface. It was just a matter of finding them, and he had time, even if he did want nothing more than to get as far away from Slade as possible.
But he needed to do something first. He needed to undo all the damage he had done, all the ways that he had betrayed some of the best friends he’d ever had.
 . . .
 “I don’t know about you, but I am totally capable of subduing someone without crushing their windpipe.” Dick was still poised before the training dummy, gripping the staff with both sweat-slick palms and trying to ignore the fatigue tremors working their way through his body.
But he had made the grave error of turning his back on Slade, who was just behind his shoulder--and moving. Dick wheeled only for Slade to grab him by the shoulders and steer him toward the dummy again.
“For me that won’t be enough. Resume your position.”
Dick shifted his grip on the staff and stiffly resumed his stance.
“No,” Slade said curtly. He reached over Dick’s shoulder to grab his forearm. Dick jerked violently in the hold, which only tightened. “You are going to enter the proper offensive stance,” Slade said, his voice dripping condescension.
“I don’t need to--”
“Twelve point five million dollars...” Slade said slowly, deliberately. “That was the offer from the HIVE that I refused in favor of sparing the Titans, and that is what you owe me. I really am asking very little in return.” Slade’s hands moved to adjust Dick’s rigid grip on the staff. This time, Dick let him. “Now, this time complete the maneuver correctly.”
Cold spread from Dick’s heart to his fingertips.
The price placed on his friends’ lives was, somehow, at the same time too much and far too little.
He jabbed the end of his staff under the dummy’s chin in a sharp, sudden strike. The neck snapped in two, the detached head toppling to the floor with a single morbid bounce.
“Adequate,” Slade said, then added, “for a self-taught amateur.”
Dick went very still. Slade should have had no way of knowing that.
Slade was moving away, and Dick risked a look at his face while the blind side was facing him. But his expression appeared perfectly neutral, and in the few (but still too many) hours that Dick had known Slade he had grown no better at reading him.
“Now,” Slade continued, and he touched his own throat just above the armored plate. “Strike me here with that same maneuver. Just that one, no improvisation--but try to hit me.”
After an uncertain beat, Dick struck out. Slade edged sideways just before the staff would have touched him, but he was frowning. “Again,” he instructed, and Dick did. But something inside him twisted with every lunge. By the fourth time he realized what he was doing just as Slade grabbed the staff mid-strike.
“You’re faltering,” he snapped. “Try again, and this time try to hit me. Hold back again and I will show you what those attacks should look like firsthand.”
A flush spread across Dick’s face, but he moved again. Just as he had before, Slade evaded effortlessly--but by a much narrower margin. Dick hadn’t even realized that he had been tilting his strikes off-center at the last instant, and his cheeks stung with embarrassment. He had been holding back from hurting Deathstroke.
“Better,” Slade said, but had him continue anyway.
Again, and again, and again.
But Slade should not have known about that.
 . . .
 Dick couldn’t stop thinking about the attack on Wayne Tower.
Slade had known about his staff training, and he shouldn’t have, and if he knew about that, he hadn’t just been spying on Titans Tower where Robin had taken to keeping his mask on even around his new teammates. The possibilities were ugly. All of them.
His hands and knees were on the mat, one arm cradling his chest as he gasped for breath and tried uselessly to get his focus back. He was nowhere near in the headspace for combat training, but what only made it worse was that Slade was holding back. Those hits, if thrown with the full force that Slade had given him before, would have laid him out flat and likely crushed his ribs.
--But Dick had told Slade he already had a father and then Slade had sent him to sabotage Wayne Tower. Dick was supposed to be a detective. What was he supposed to deduce from that? And if he was right, if Slade knew, then even if Slade didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to take out his current most dangerous opponent he could just as easily destroy Batman’s crusade for good. That would prove a deathblow for Gotham, and if Dick knew Bruce--and he did--it would be one for him too.
And it would be all Dick’s fault.
A rod cracked against his ear. He reeled backward in shock, his head ringing from the blow, and his attention snapping back to Slade who was looming over him with staff in hand, masked, but there was no disguising his dark expression.
“Are you ignoring me, Renegade?”
Dick stared up at him blankly for a moment before it sank in that he had zoned out mid-sparring session. And...had Slade been speaking?
Slade continued staring down at him while Dick scrounged desperately for some kind of excuse that wasn’t an apology, when Slade exhaled and angled his head slightly. “You’ve been quiet.” he said at last.
Was that a question? As moments ticked by, Dick realized that it was. Hastily he hefted the staff that had been forgotten in his hand and resumed a defensive sparring position. He held it, swallowing anxiously as he waited.
At last Slade raised his own staff. “Very well,” he said, and lunged at him.
 . . .
 Slade straightened, reattached his staff to his belt, dismissed him, and the last training session of the night was over.
Dick turned away and braced himself to keep his weary shoulders squared and his posture straight until he reached the room he never would have expected to actually want to return to. But where else was there to go to escape Slade and the constriction around his throat and chest that only barely managed to trap every desperate question behind his teeth.
“Is there something on your mind?” Slade’s voice stopped him in his tracks.
“No,” Dick said hastily, his eyes only darting to and away from Slade’s.
“Renegade.” The word had an edge to it. A warning.
Dick gritted his teeth and pretended to misunderstand its meaning. “No, ‘sir’.”
The word tasted like acid on his tongue.
 . . .
 The alarm woke him with all the subtlety of an electric jolt. Sluggishly, he winced. The noise was weirdly abrasive, and why did the air taste like metal and his bed feel so...
His fingers curled tight around the blanket that wasn’t his and reality slammed into his chest like a hammer.
He wasn’t in Titans Tower. Wasn’t in the manor. He was buried under layers of lead-lined asphalt in Deathstroke’s secret base, and yesterday was going to happen again and then keep happening, over and over and--
No, it wouldn’t.
He made himself get up, wash, dress into the uniform again, and as he made his way down to the kitchen he tried his best not to think too deeply about the spirit gum that he had found conveniently left on the sink to use for his mask.
 . . .
 Dick pivoted midair and caught the bar again as he fell, letting the swing of his own weight carry him up into the air again.
The bars were icy in his grip, not too different from the bars he’d spent half his life practicing on. They helped enhance the illusion, if he closed his eyes and pretended that he was surrounded by the damp but comfortable recesses of the batcave.
Slade would still be watching him from below, but Dick wanted to close his eyes and forget that. He didn’t need to look to catch the next bar and then let it carry him up again into a double somersault.
“Are you planning to spend the day up there, Renegade?”
Dick flinched, his eyes flying open to see the bar racing up toward him. He grasped out quickly--only barely hooking his fingers around it, the grip too loose to do anything but slow his descent. He tucked and landed in a roll that jarred every bone in his body, but he was still aware enough to snap into alertness as Slade approached him where he was still crouched on the floor.
He scrambled to his feet, but he hadn’t even caught his breath.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt you, since you were so clearly enjoying yourself, but that isn’t what you’re here for, is it?”
Dick just stared at Slade’s masked face. He couldn’t read him, not a single inch of him.
After a prolonged period of silence Slade crossed his arms. “Whatever’s distracting you, you need to be more careful. I wouldn’t have caught you this time.”
Dick scowled at the allusion to their fight the week before. Dick had gotten careless, Deathstroke had landed a blow to his gut that sent him toppling over the edge of the building--and then a hand had caught him by the wrist.
‘I’m not through with you.’
And now, of course, Dick knew what that meant.
Swallowing back another wave of dread at the reminder of how long Slade must have been planning for this, Dick turned and reached for the schedule he had left on the nearby desk.
“That’s it? Nothing?” The voice behind him almost sneered. Dick’s hand froze an inch away from the papers. “It used to be impossible to shut you up.”
This time expectancy hung stagnant in the air without any disguise of friendliness. And Dick couldn’t have held it in a single moment longer.
“Do you know who I am?” he burst out. Slade surveyed him for a moment, and Dick rephrased the question, this time trying to suppress the urgency in his tone. “Do you...know my civilian name.”
Slade laughed. Dick flinched at the short, harsh sound. “Kid, you have more than enough to worry about without wasting time worrying about your former mentor’s secrets.”
Dick nearly yelled the question at him again, and just barely bit it back. But the anger was working its way into his face. It was burning, twisting into something ugly, and he barely wheeled away in time to hide it.
“Renegade!” A heavy hand clapped over his shoulder and Slade’s voice dropped to a growl. “You do not walk away when I am speaking to you.”
Dick whirled and ripped Slade’s hand away. “You’re a monster, you know that?” he snarled at Slade’s face, and when the visible eye narrowed he didn’t stop. “You’re doing the same thing to the Titans that you always do, you do the same thing again and again and--you can’t just put price tags on people’s lives. You can’t!”
He stopped, and he was nearly shaking with rage. Slade’s face was still twisted under the mask, but the reaction Dick was braced for never came.
“Maybe not,” Slade said lowly, with steel backing each measured word. “But I’ll take what I can get.”
Dick was about to snap back, but Slade was looking at him. And then, suddenly, Slade’s meaning clicked in his mind. Dick remembered, and he went very still.
Slade turned away.
“Isn’t there somewhere you need to be?” His voice was deadly quiet. Dick stared at Slade’s back, hesitating, cold to the bone. “Go,” Slade hissed.
Finally, Dick turned to leave. Lunch break had been listed next on the schedule.
“Renegade.” Dick halted. Slade had spoken without turning, his voice flatter than before. “Remember that debt.”
 . . .
 A horrifically vivid image of Bruce collapsing, his skin pulsing with lethal nanotech, sliced viciously through Dick’s mind. He lurched to a stop halfway down the hall, leaning against the wall with still-tacky paint that peeled away in places all over the base to reveal plates of lead--lead, and if Slade knew enough to repel Superman, what did he have waiting for Batman--and breathe, and breathe.
He needed to move quickly. Because he couldn’t run and he couldn’t afford to wait for a rescue that might never come. Couldn’t count on them discovering the probes and saving themselves, because apparently he had some kind of stupid talent for endangering the lives of everyone he’d ever touched and he was not about to let Slade take Batman down too.
Bruce would be angry when he found out, but Dick had already gone and played himself as a bargaining chip and all those promises Bruce had Dick make all those years ago--that was just Bruce being an idiot. He always acted like his own life was expendable, like seeing him get hurt didn’t tear Dick apart. Maybe he had been Bruce’s responsibility once upon a time, but Batman was still Robin’s responsibility and he always would be. Maybe, someday, Bruce would understand. Dick knew Kory would understand--of all of them she would, because as much as none of them liked to talk about it, she understood what it was like to have your life traded away for the greater good. Willingly or not.
He could fix this in one go. He could act quickly, so suddenly that Slade wouldn’t reach him until it was already done, and then whatever happened next would be worth it. He’d try to run. He probably wouldn’t get far, and he didn’t especially want to die for anyone, but...there were worse things.
What he really wanted was a second chance. He didn’t even want to think about the serious possibility that he might have cried wolf one too many times. He had so much to make up for, to so many, and...there were some things he needed to tell Bruce, too. He’d meant what he told Slade earlier. He did have a father--a living one. And even if Bruce didn’t feel the same...Dick wanted a chance to tell him that.
And that meant that he couldn’t afford to wait on this any longer.
He just needed to reach the central computer.
 . . .
 The thundering in his chest drowned out the echoing clank of gears, measuring the precious seconds as they passed. Dick grabbed a fistful of wires under the computer console and slashed through them with the knife he’d managed to smuggle out of the training room in his boot to use as a lockpick.
The computers from the end of the main room overlaid with the massive display screens were wired directly into the device that triggered the probes. He just needed to penetrate the initial defense system to tap into the system’s inner workings and then he’d be on his own turf, doing a simple job that he’d done a hundred times before. He would short-circuit the devices, rendering them completely harmless just so long as he did this correctly, and carefully…
The screen flickered with static, and as soon as it cleared his eager fingers were racing across the keyboard.
It took an instant too long to notice that new images had flickered onto the screen. Familiar ones. Layouts that displayed his friends’ vascular systems flooded with the mechanical infection.
At the bottom of each screen pulsed a single word that made his heart drop like a stone into the pit of his stomach:
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
Dick whirled to see Deathstroke standing in the doorway. His arms were crossed almost casually, but his gaze through the mask was hard as stone.
Dick glanced desperately at the screen again. At the flashing activation alerts.
“You seem to have made a mistake, Renegade.” Deathstroke’s eye narrowed to a slit. “Need any help?”
“You need to...stop it,” Dick faltered, eyes darting again between the screen and Deathstroke’s face, “I...it...”
Deathstroke didn’t budge an inch, not in his posture leaning against the doorframe, and not in his gaze that remained unshifting from Dick’s face.
Deathstroke had known. He had known everything, and suddenly it sank in that he must have expected him to try this from the very beginning. He’d wired the computers with a failsafe to kill the Titans, and now he was waiting for something and Dick had no idea what more he wanted.
“Please,” he forced out, the word high and desperate and painfully unnatural, “Just make it stop!”
For an excruciating moment Dick could almost feel his own flesh crawling with the same nanotech that could be eating away at his friends from the inside out while he just stood there doing nothing and it was all his fault he was so stupid--
Deathstroke was pushing away from the door to approach the computer.
“I suppose,” he said dryly, typing rapidly until the pulsing lights faded to blank screens, “that there are other ways to deal with you.”
Dick was hemmed into the dusty corner beside the computer, with only Deathstroke standing between him and the broad space where he would have a fighting chance at running.
The instant Deathstroke’s fingers stilled over the keyboard, he bolted.
Deathstroke whipped around, sweeping out a leg that grazed Dick’s shins as he leapt back out of range. The evasion forced him to give ground and then sheer survival instinct consigned his entire being to blocking, dodging, and evading even while knowing that he was being herded ever further back into the corner.
He needed more space to avoid those lightning-quick reflexes that kept pace with his speed in a way that Batman never had--space that he didn’t have--and his resistance, restricted to the defensive by Deathstroke’s rapid-fire attacks, bought him less than a minute. He fell for a feint and Deathstroke’s grip closed around his wrist, twisted, and threw him.
The wall slammed into his back. It might have forced his lungs up his throat for the way his chest constricted. He gaped uselessly for air he couldn’t take in until the tightness receded into all-encompassing burning in...his ribs...
“Honestly,” Deathstroke’s voice was saying, and approaching, “how far did you think you would get. This place is as rigged over as you are.”
He wheezed, and couldn’t breathe--and his spotty vision cleared only just in time to raise his arms to absorb the brunt of Deathstroke’s kick. He had barely managed his first fresh breath before the next blow came--a fist to the gut that knocked the air out all over again. He barely felt the blow to his jaw that followed.
A knee rammed into his middle, and that was it, he was gagging, on his side, his entire body convulsing helplessly. Blood coated his teeth, his tongue, bubbling over his lips, claws were digging into his chest and he couldn’t breathe.
“So, Renegade,” Deathstroke was bending down; Dick wanted to move, his fingers twitched instead, “you don’t want this apprenticeship?” Fingers curled over his chest, twisting around kevlar till it ripped, dragging him off the floor; his eyes cracked open and Deathstroke’s mask was an inch from his face, twisted with undisguisable fury. “Well,” he hissed, “I want my son back. So it sounds like neither of us are about to get what we want.”
Deathstroke was straightening. He was hauling Dick toward the open doorway, Dick’s feet were skidding uselessly under him, and his eyes widened with alarmed realization. Grabbing Deathstroke’s wrist with both hands he struggled against the clamped iron fingers--and then Deathstroke let go.
Dick’s back slammed into the floor. He gagged a desperate, garbled cough, blinking at new stars spotting the shadowed ceiling. And then Deathstroke was grabbing his ankle. Pulling. He was being dragged.
Just aware enough to be alarmed, he flailed weakly in an attempt to right himself. Deathstroke just gave his ankle a yank that sent him flopping back down again. Cement dragged against his ribs, left them screaming with searing pain; he tried twisting sideways off the floor. Dizzying exhaustion dropped him before Deathstroke could do it himself. Blinking through swimming vision, he barely recognized his own door before Deathstroke yanked him through the opening.
The vicious motion might as well have broken his ribs all over again from the way the breath stole out of him. His teeth were clenched so tightly he thought they might break too.
He turned his head slightly, just enough to glimpse Deathstroke’s silhouette towering in the doorway.
“Enjoy the quiet,” it said, and the slamming door’s impact against the doorframe echoed across the floor and his ribs. The room drowned in complete darkness, and a soft click told him that the room would remain in that state indefinitely.
Slowly, he rolled onto his side, gritting his teeth to hold back the keen building up in the back of his throat. He touched his mask to activate night vision, and let his arm slump back onto the floor.
For now, there was no point in moving. He could just...rest here. Close his eyes, and try to choke down the acidic cocktail of blood, bile, and shame that coated his throat and gripped it like a vise.
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goldstonegolem64 · 5 years
Monster and Mana Defenders of Aurita  Session two
In the rec room 
Coran, Allura, Pidge , Lance, Keith , Shiro, Matt , Adam and Jay were sitting around the Holo table looking over character sheet waiting forcoran to set up as well as waiting for  Hunk to get there with the snacks 
“ So dose anyone remember where we last left of “ Jay asked as he rubbed sleep from his eyes he had just walking up from a nap
“ W were about to fight some big demon or devil “ Allura said 
“ok  “ Jay said 
“ Do we know which one though are we fighting a devil of a demon because it’s a big different between those two “Adam said 
“ I Think it’s a bone devil “ Shiro replied 
“But what if it’s a bone demon” Keith said 
“ I’m willing to give up my left foot” Pidge said as she waved her prostatic foot 
“ And my left hand” Jay said
“ And my right arm “ Shiro added 
The group laughed at the joke for a bit then before matt spoke
“So before we start I have to ask just to be sure Demons, Devil and fiends take half damage from non-magical attacks and fire damage. An Silvered weapons, enchanted weapons and magic do normal and Holy magic dose double right?” Matt asked with a small note book in hand
“ Yeah right “ Jay said As they did Hunk entered the room with a tray of cookies, drinks and other snacks 
“  Sorry I'm later but I took a wrong turn and found myself in the training room”  Hunk said as he placed the tray down on an empty seat before sitting next to pidge 
“  It’s fine now lets get ready “Coran said as they clapped their hands together .The group all moved around the table.” Last time We met Meklaver the dwarven fighter, Block the eleven Sorcerer, Quill the kenku monk, Jiro the Human Paladin, Allister the Yantai Warlock , Thunder storm Darkness the Dragon born Ranger , Kraig the Cleric , Valayun The High elf Ranger , and Pike the Tabaxi rouge.
We start off with Meklaver, Block and quill on their way back to the tavern the call a temporary home and finding out that magical amulet they found was made by the dark Mage Dakin and learned that two other people were heading to Dakin’s hide out. After talking to about their next move the decided to find more people to help in their quest just in case the two going after Dakin weren’t going to let them join them. That is where they meet Jiro , Allister And Thunder storm Darkness. Else where Valayun And Kraig were making there way to fort Caleb and ran into a Mother and daughter being chased by a group of Spine devils. After a quick fight with help from an unseen ally. They learned that fort cabel  was under attack  sent off the mother and daughter back to the town they had come from. Then Kraig moved towards the tree line and Found their hided friend and found it to be a Tabaxi named Pike. An with some  coaxing from Valayun and the threat of physical violates from Kraig Pike joined them . 
Back with Meklaver and the other . They discussed how each group met and why they became adventures . After running into the same Mother and daughter that Kraig and Valayun rescued. They learned that Fort Caleb was under attack and made their way there and after dealing with a band of bandits. The two group final met and after a short talk the party was finally together. An moved towards fort Caleb as they did they heard a battle raging on. They then watched as two figures flow off one towards the Country of Gale Ford while the other one looked around then spotted the party and landed right in front of them. Now let the battle begin
The Bone devil roared Then spoke in common “  So your the one that I could smell “the looked at  Valayun and a creepy smile can on his face.” I always wonder what one of their blood line would tasted like “
Valayun Step back. Then Kraig  stepped in front of her weapon raised “ You will have to get past me before you can even get to my lady now Goddess guild my strike .”  Kraig said as pointed his weapon at the devil and a divine bolt of energy flow out of his War pick and slammed into the beasts face. The bone devil recoiled then looked back at Kraig then notice that it’s body was glowing
After Kraig’s Attack Block was Next. They ran up to Jiro chanted a spell then pleased his hand on his shoulder ‘ Time to see how this one works” then with a glow of arcane light Jiro started to double in size along with his armor and equipment ‘ Do your best ‘ Block said as he moved back a bit 
Next was Meklaver turn She booked it straight toward the devil and swung her Ax . The first strike couldn’t cut the devils think skin Then the second one did the same or it would have if the didn’t have a sudden Surge of holy power followed through her body allowing her to cut deep into the Bone devils skin. Her axe the cut the top lay of skin leaving a small cut that started to bleed “ Ok this guy is really tough “ She yelled
Then came Valayun stepped passed Kraig casted the spell hunter’s mark twist cause a small lion’s head appeared on the bone devils body  then she unleashed two arrows .Both arrow flow across the sky. The first Arrow slammed into the devil's body followed by a strong chemical smell as acid started to burn the devils skin causing it to yell in pain as it scratched at the burn area. Then came the second arrow hit it’s mark and burst into a cloud of green smoke that no effect 
the Bone devil to cough up for a bit before it launched it’s tail forwards Aiming for Valayun but  Kraig was in the way. Kraig raised his shield to block the Tails strike but was to slow as the tail stabbed into his chest plate then into  his breast bone. Kraig gritted his teeth as he pushed passed the pain but then his body started to fell like it was set a blaze as poison started to enter his body. He fell to one knee as the Devil pulled it’s tail out . Then it swung both clawed hands At Meklaver The Swing missed do to her jumping to the Side But the second one slashed across into her Armor leaving a  blood gash across her chest.
After watching his two new found teammate being attack Jiro charge forward raised his blade over his head  he the brought the blade down as he did it started to  glowed with holy fire. The Blade cut deep into the Bone devils back causing it to scream in pain as the holy flame burned it worse then the Swords cut did. Jiro the Took another swing only for the bone devil to slap the blade way from them.
“ Hey you big imp take this “Pike said as they throw a bright red dagger. It spun as it flow in the air and caught nicked the devils neck leaving burn mark where the blade had cut but the flame didn’t seem to  “ And this “ Pick throw a dart and it completely missed it’s mark. The bone devil then turn to look at him . “ Oh that’s not good” Pike said as he quickly throw down a smoke bomb and disappeared into woods. 
“ SSSorry about this if this hits you Jiro or you Meklaver. My  Mastersssss Hungerss and you will feed him well SSScum “ Allister said as he pointed his blade at the Devil in front of him and tares in reality opened up and dozens bladed serpent heads shoot  out and bit down on the devil and started to rip chunks out of it.    
“ I will gut all of you mortals for this “ The bone devil yelled 
“ Oh just shut up “ Quill Said as he moved forwards an landed a flurry of blows that don’t do much but the last strike allow him to gain some insight on their foe” The thing is call a bone devil it resistances to cold and physical attacks and is a is immune to fire and poison” Quill yelled to the rest of the group
“ Ok then lets try this then “ Stormy said as he reached into their bag of holding and pulled out a Lighting javelin and throw it the javelin slammed into the Bone devil’s shoulder and sent a lighting bolt worth of energy through the it’s body. It screamed in pain as it fell to the Ground Barely holding on 
Kraig tried to push through the pain and poison but failed to dose and caught up bleed but was still standing “Oh that hurt so much happy I bought this “ They said to themself and pulled out a Cure poison potion and chugged it then pointed his War pick again “ Burn in holy hell fire “ But the holy flame had no effect on devil “ Ok i’m done now” Kraig then fell to the ground and just rested 
“ Kraig are you alright “ Valayun said as she Lowered herself to check on here teammate.” 
“I’m good “ Kraig said weakly “ Just let me rest for a bit’ as he said that Block ran over to him and slammed his back and stayed
“ Feel better buddy”  Block said as he casted cure wounds level three
‘ Thank you “Kraig said as the started to get back on their feet 
“Your welcome “
Meklaver took another two swung but both missed as the Devil started to take to the sky “ Somebody stop it from getting away “ She yelled as Valayun fire off two arrows only for on to miss and the other one split apart into a hail of thorns which hurt the Devil but it was still flying and launched it  tail this time at Jiro onlt to hit his shield then it tried to claw at him and again the shield took the blows  
Then Jiro dropped his shild dual gripped his blade and yelled “ GO back to what ever hell you belong to!!!” Jiro Swung his blade one last time and cleaved the devils head of it’s shoulder. The devil body high the ground and then erupted in flames and descended back to the hell it came from leaving the lighting javelin and the arrows the were in it before it died “Ok who needed healing ”Jiro asked as he started to return to his normal size
“ I Do” Meklaver said as they leaned on their axe as  Valayun walked over to her a healed her. The Wound on her chest closed up  “ Thank you guys”
“ Your welcome I didn’t  we were properly introduced I’m Lady Valayun of Danafor “
“Meklaver “
“ Introductions later we have something more pressing matters at hand “ Kraig said as they moved towards the fort Caleb 
‘ He’s not wrong “ Jiro said as he picked up his shield then the lighting Javelin and tossed it back to stormy 
‘ Wait just a second I need to find my Knife “Pike said as he checked te area where he last saw his flame tongue  dagger “ I wish I knew that it was fire proof before I throw it”
“Sorry everyone started moving before I could learn what it was”  Quill yelled.
“ It’s fine because I found it. But next time we fight something can we learn what it is first so we don’t lose the cool stuff we’ve bought, Earned, or found “ 
“ Or stolen” Stormy said to the Rogue 
“ Hey the guy was a dick and lost the right to wield this beautiful weapon” pike said as he sheathed the dagger 
“ Can’t argue with that ‘ Block said 
“If were all done talking lets get  move on” Jiro said as they started to move towards Fort Caleb 
‘ Alright lets go then ‘ Valayun said as she and the other followed Jiro towards the fort .
“Ssso Any ideas what were going to be face when we get there Jiro?” Allister asked the they ran along side Jiro
“Don’t know but if it was as easy as the last one then we have nothing to fear then again it was nine on one so lets be ready for anything just to be safe “ Jiro said as the Fort Caleb got closer 
“ Stay close to me Lady Valayun” Kraig said as he tightened his grip on his war pick 
“I Will and stay safe yourself” Valayun said
“ I’ll try” Kraig replied 
“ You two ready for what ever comes next?” Quill asked 
“ Always am” Meklaver said 
“ Ready as I'll ever be” Block said 
“ Why the hell did I agree to help this people were running straight towards a war Zone” PIke said as he started to contemplate his life chooses
“  Then why are  you still here?”  Stormy asked 
“ The big guy scares me and The Girl was very conniving when she asked me for help “ Pike replied 
“ And  that’s why your here” Stormy replied with a smile on his face 
As the group got closer towards Fort Caleb the sound of battle could no longer be heard. They all slowed down and creeped toward the town nearest to the Fortress. They saw smoke coming from the buildings and could see people moving through out the town they couldn’t tell if they were Civileans,  border Gaurds or invaders. So they all moved out of the middle of the road and into the tree line    
“ Pike your up ‘ Valayun said
“On it ‘Pike said as he moved forward towards the town 
’“ Stormy go with” Jiro orded
“ Got it “ Stormy replied as they followed Behind PIke
The Two creeped through the Forest line an sneaked into the town. The two found them in an ally way and slowly moved towards the entres to the ally.But as they moved toward the Entres. Stormy bumped in To Pike who had suddenly stopped pushing him into an empty barrel causing it to fall over and making a thuding sound
“  What was that “ A Voice said 
“ Some one check that ally it might be a strageller “ Another voice yelled 
“Shit “Pike said as he looked around the area for a hiding spot then he looked up “ To the roofs “ They said as they jumped on to the stormdrain of the building they were next to and climb onto the roof then put their hand out to help Stormy get up. Stormy jumped and grabbed onto pikes hand and quickly was pulled up onto the roof just as someone turned the corner. Both men looked down and saw a man in armor
“   Did you find anything “ Another voice said 
The man looked around then and moved to the edge where the wood meet the town and checked for around area “ All clear ‘ The Guard said as they walked out of the Ally
Both Pike and Stormy looked over the Edge and watched as the person walked out. Both were looking at the Armor trying to see what symbols were on the Armor. Pike couldn’t see the symbol on the armor .But Stormy So it the Symbol Of a Rising sun told him that this were town guard.
“ Ok this place is safe lets get back to the others“ Stormy said as he started climbing down 
“ Wait I have a way to tell them with out leaving this spot” Pike said as he pulled out a small spool of copper wire and casted the only spell he knew Sending and sent a message to Valayun “Town is safe Meet you there you can reply to this message” 
Back with the others 
Valayun heard pikes voice in the back of her mind { Town is safe meet you there you can reply to this message } At first she was confused but this and replied with out think” Ok see you there” She said out loud which caused everyone to look at her with a confused look on their faces expect for Kraig because he was still on watch.” Oh um Pike just sent me a message telling us the town is safe and they will meet us there” Valayun sad as they rubbed the back of her head.
‘ Alright then lets get a move on then “ Meklaver said
The party moved out of their cover and moved towards the town again and as they did this they notice a small platoon of Gaurds were moving towards them
“  Halt” The captain of the Platoon order the party “State your business “  
“ I am Lady Valayun and this is my Party and we wish to cross over to Galeford “Valayun said 
“ After that attack both we will not be allowing entre into Galeford until All demonic  attacker have been dealt with ‘ The Captain of the guard noticed the gash in Meklaver armor and the puncture in Kraig's armor “ My I ask what happened to your friends “ The captain asked 
“ We ran it to some trouble getting here” Kraig said 
“ What kind of trouble ?” 
“Bandit “ Allister said 
“ And a few Devils on the way here” Kraig added they leaned on Jiro to keep his balance 
“ Wait what kind of devils sir” The platoon leader asked
“ Don’t know didn’t ask I just fought.  Ask the kenku his knows more then me Also there was a mother and daughter that were being attacked as they tried to flee Me and Lady Valayun told them to go to the nearest town and wait for guards to come get them. Know if none of you mind I will go find lodging for us if you allow my lady ?” Kraig asked as he straightened up and started walking  
“ Yes you may “Valayun replied
‘ Thank you “ Kraig said as they walked into town
“ I’ll go with him” Block said as he followed Behind Kraig 
The two walked into town. They saw  bodies of peoples ogres, orcs humans Goblins , scorch marks were an infernal being was slain. They   watched as people were putting out fires others were working on rebuilding  destroyed building, other were comforting  friends or family member as they stood in front of a white blanket that covered a dead body of lost loved ones 
“ This is bad if only we could have gotten here sooner “  Block said as looked at the destruction around them
“  I Fell the same but there is no dwelling on the past we most focus on the future now I wonder what is happening . ‘ Kraig asked as they pointed towards   a tavern that had a crowd of people at the front door
“Don't know But I'm curious about it but should we be looking for a place to rest. “
“Were going to a tavern their might have some spear rooms there for us to rest in also we do need to find Pike and Stormy .Also I didn’t catch your name before that Bone devil showed up “ Kraig said as they started walking towards the Tavern 
“ I’m Block Green wind “
“ Kraig Crock Pot” Kraig said as the two Made it to the back of the crowd. As they did the people notice how Big and intimidating Kraig was and started to part ways to let him and Block in
“ Crockpot that's a strange name “ 
“ I know but that was what my fathers clan was called so I wear with pride”  
As the two entered the Tavern they saw Pike standing on the Table with a crowd of people while Stormy talking to the bar tender 
“ And then the snake man Slammed his Blade into the Ground and ripped hole in reality ann” As he was talking he noticed Kraig and the Elf he just meet.”  AH Kraig and the other guy You got my message Come Sit down and help me tell this people about are daring fight with the bone devil. “ Pike said as the crowd around him looked at the odd duo that just walked in.  
“ No “ Kraig said as he walked over to the Bar 
“ I will also my name is Block “ Block said as he walked to the Table that Pike was standing on 
Kraig walked up to the Bar and next to Thunder storm darkness
“ So that is three rooms four nine people that will be fifteen gold.”   The bar tender said 
Stormy reached into his coin bag and counted out fifteen gold pieces and placed it on the table “ Thank you for your time “ Stormy said as turned to face Kraig” Hello Kraig “
“ Hello Stormy Was it  “ Kraig said as he sat down in one of the seats “Bar keep your strongest drink please “ Kraig said and as the bar keep went to get his drink Valayun and the others walked in 
“ And There is the rest of my party “ Pike yelled as he pointed a finger towards the others. 
“ Hi guys “Block said 
“ Ah Lady Valayun we have succeeded in getting lodging for the night “ Kraig said 
“ So have you too found anything else about what happened here?” Jiro asked as he walked over to the bar 
“ No I haven’t “ Kraig said as he picked up the mug of dragon whisky 
“ I have. Sorry lady and gentle men it’s time of the heroes to take  “Pike said as the crowd dispersed to let Pike and Block set up a table for the party to talk at. What there next move was  and to actually get to know each other
“ So have I “ Stormy said as he moved towards the table
“ we are going to need a waiter or waitress” Kraig said to the barkeep  then followed stormy with his mug in hand 
“Can do lad”  The bar keep said
The party filled in the table 
“So before the we start can we finally at least know each other and the reasons were here “   Pike said 
“ Yes that is true we had just met and most of use don’t know each others names so I will start I am Jiro Stillwell Paladin of Avan and I am here to bring justice to those who do wrong and to look for the man who killed my master and twin brother Shiro and Nero ” 
“ I’m Meklaver Jitan  and I'm looking for my family's Jewel that was stolen by a dragon cult”  
“ My name isss Allister farewell and my quest is to find the missing parts of my patron and in return I will be turn back in to a human”  
“ Quill swift wing like all kenku we wish to fly again . I’m looking for my father after he was taken by the same cult as Meklaver family Jewel”
Thunderstorm Darkness and I'm trying to find my clan after I was separated after we were attacked by a Red and Blue Dragon. ‘    
“ Pike Flint fingers legendry treasure hunter in the making .” Pike said as he winked at Meklaver then to Valayun. 
“ I’m Kraig Crock pot the unmovable Cleric of the clock work Goddess Oreyara  son of Fjord Crockpot the unkillable and Willow stone jaw.”   Kraig removed his helmet to reveal a Gray skinned Hob Goblin with gears tattooed along his face “And my job is to protect Lady Valayun”  
“ I’m Lady Valayun Amara of Draco-Rite daughter of the High Priestess and I’m traveling the world “
“ And I’m Block Greenwind and I've spent the last decade look for Dakin after he cursed my entire Village after he drain all of the magic for the forest I called home “
Everyone went quite for a moment 
“ Well there is defiantly no chance now for Dakin getting out of this alive”  pike said 
“Like there was any other choose but to die once we sssshowed up” Allister said 
“ Ok before we start saying were going to Kill A powerful Dark Mage. We first fine where Dakin is currently” Jiro said as he pulled out a map of Galeford he had gotten from one of the border guards he ran into earlier and laid it out on the tab “Now pike Stormy what have you found out” 
Stormy spoke first “ Well I've learned that the border has been constantly attacked for the past six month by an huge bandit clan that recently were being helped by Dakin. So todays attack was “ 
“ And the reason the bandits are attacking this town is because besides it being next to a border it also a mining town  for a rare stone that is only found in the moutains here in Dayruin. The stone is used to make those cute little magical animal statue that have weird effects depending on what animal you get at a magic shop “   
“ Wait so this bandit clan was trying to steal these stones for a while then out for some or another. I’m guessing for gold or make magic weapons.Then out of no where Dakin showed up and gave them devils to invade “  Kraig said 
“ No the devil were already working under the bandits before Dakin showed up. “Then Pike reached into his pocket and pulled out a familiar looked green stone then throw it on the table  “ This is what Dakin gave to them as well as the Bone devil seeing as that one was new from what the people here told me “
“ Oh that’s not good “ Meklaver said as she then Kraig pulled out a the green stones as well
“ I’m going to say that the magical stones that Dayruin is mining is used to make this” Valayun asked 
“ No Those are made out Jade ‘Pike said as he pulled out a small book “In my travels I've seen many of this kinds charms they are easy to make  normally they just boost the wears strength stamina and durability. Both this they just double the strength of the wear and sends them into a blind rage or that's the ones that the bandits had   “
“Ok now that we know what Dakin gave the bandit and why they attacked but why did he help them if he had been watching bandits throw themselves at the fort Caleb for months then for some reason he then helped them. It makes no sense unless he wanted something from them and what could he possible want from then in return”
“ Test subjects for his enchantment equipment. But then why would he need devils if he had an army of bandits . Unless he was using the bandits as a distraction while he did something else “Block said 
The party spent the next  few hour throwing out ideas of what Dakin would have wanted  for the bandit. As they did food and drink was brought to them.As they ate the conversion switched from What Dakin was planning to talking about each others lives
“ So Kraig your a half Hob-Goblin and goliath. How did your parents meet and  what did you do before being sent out   to protect lady Valayun “ Jiro asked 
“ First my  mother was a golith who won my father’s heart after killing a bear with only her hands. Second I was a smith and made the  weapons and armor for the High priestess’s and lady Valayun’s personal guard. Also I build the Armor I'm wearing right now made to be as scary as possible. Now Allister what were you before meeting your patrons “ Kraig said with a hint of personality to his voice that wasn’t there before” 
“ I wassss a SsSailor for the Blue Dragon shipping company . It wasss a good job paid well going from conation to conation. Beautiful Beach towering cities  good life I misss it at timesss. But then again if I didn’t take my last job for the company I wouldn’t be able to do this”  Allister pointed his blade at the roof an then fired off an eldritch blast “ Ok Pike your turn.”
“ Alrighty then I worked in my family's magic shop that’s why I have this “ Pike tapped on the book for a second before grabbing  his wrist again and rubbing it like he was always did Stormy Quill and Allister noticed it”  I decide to leave home become a treasure hunter and found my self here. Now if you don’t know “Yawn “ I’m going to hit the hay which room is mine again stormy” Pike asked 
“ Your in room two With Me Allister and Block”  Stormy said as he got up “ I’m going to bed as well.”
“ Same here  room three right “Jiro said as he packed up the map 
“ Yes you Quill and Kraig” Stormy said as he tossed Jiro a key 
“ Don’t lock me out I'm going to drink a little bit more before going to bed” Kraig said as everyone else besides Valayun after a few minutes of watching the others leave the table .Kraig and Valayun were left alone.
“ So Lady Valayun do you think they will be helpful in are quest “
“If what my mothers and my visions are true then we will need as much help as we can. To stop the oncoming storm” Valayun said unaware that something was watching her and kraig 
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malachite-isms · 5 years
Your Kiss is on Their List pt2: Ruby Rose
Their trap was set. The hunters in position, the bait readied, the prey driven into range. Now all that was left to do was wait. It was all too simple... Like, way too simple. Stupidly simple. Cartoonishly simple. But, if their research was to be trusted, it was just the right amount of simple.
That is not to say their target would be as easily caught as the trap was set. Quite the opposite. She was a veteran in all but title, a seasoned fighter and hunter of the creatures of Grimm. More, she was a speedster, able to outpace and out-maneuver nearly any foe. Not only that, but her position of leadership spoke to her tactical mind and quick thinking. Any who considered her a mere upstart in battle would be sure to suffer.
Fortunately for the devious duo, their target had weaknesses they were intimately familiar with exploiting. She was socially awkward, romantically inexperienced, easily embarrassed by praise, and currently crushing hard on another girl. Additionally, it would appear as though she has never been competently flirted with. Frankly, all they would need to do to secure their victory would be to make physical contact.
And she was getting closer by the moment.
Usually, this sort of thing might've been her fault. She could admit that, no problem. But this? This?! How in Oum's name was she supposed to know the lines for the bathroom grew so quickly? She had taken five minutes to clip her toenails in the room (almost exclusively for the purposes of upsetting Weiss) and suddenly the lines for every bathroom on every floor of their dorm stretched longer than lines for the new Scroll.
After patrolling every bathroom in the building in her pajamas for what felt like hours, Ruby had simply started wandering. Maybe she could trick Weiss into thinking she had taken a shower if she was gone long enough. It wasn't like she was going to perform an inspection.
As she considered tweaking that thought to make a new pickup line to use on a certain cyborg, the most divine scent known to man or faunus made its way to her senses.
When had she wandered so close to the kitchens? It didn't matter. Who was baking in the school kitchens so late at night? Who cares? Would she be welcome to partake in the sweet treats? Irrelevant.
She had been denied a shower by fate, truly this was the universe making things right. She quickly moved from the thought in favor of kicking open the wooden double doors to the cafeteria. She scanned the grand dining hall, finding it empty. Good. A better chance the cookies would be fresh. Unless... No... Could the cookies be gone already?
Across the room, the huntress spied the door to the kitchen with light flooding from its edges. So there was hope! With a whisper-shout of "parkour!" Ruby took advantage of her solitude and clumsily ran over the benches and tables between her and the kitchen.
As she stood outside the kitchen's silver swinging door, the chocolatey aroma had hit a new high. If her nose was to be trusted, as it often was, not only were there plenty of chocolate chips, but they were fresh enough that they were at an optimal level of gooey-ness. Whoever was responsible for this batch was quite the adept.
Momentarily forgetting the concept of being judged, Ruby made a show of kicking open the light door and adopting an entirely ineffectual, yet very cool looking, fighting pose. She spied the hefty plate of cookies and wasted no time in closing the distance between herself and the small countertop it rested on. As a connoisseur of cookies, she had no doubt that this was a masterfully made batch.
The dough was baked to a beautiful golden-brown, not a single spot overcooked. Plenty chewy, but with just the right amount of satisfying crunch. The chips were still gooey, as expected, and spaced appropriately so that both the chocolate and cookie would be properly appreciated.
Swiftly taking a bite out of the first cookie very nearly brought a tear to her eye. A superb mix of gooey, crunchy, and chewy melted in her mouth. This was truly the epitome of sweets.
"Well well well, what do we have here?"
Halfway through her fifth... fifteenth? Tenth. Her tenth cookie, Ruby's eyes shot wide open when she heard the monotonous voices behind her. She swivelled around, cheeks pudged and half a cookie still in her hand, and saw the source of the voices.
There were two young women, each in short, wide-skirted lolita-style dresses, red lipstick, high heels, and a feathered hair clip. The woman on her left was dressed in white, with elbow-length straight black hair and particularly sharp looking heels. The woman on her right was dressed in red, with a short black bob cut, and a fluffy fur boa across the back of her neck and shoulders.
Ruby had done plenty of growing in her time at Beacon, not enough to resist the temptation of cookies mind you, but getting caught red-handed like this made her feel like a kid again in the worst way. Operating on instinct, she popped the half-cookie in her mouth and chewed slowly. The pair each simultaneously raised a single eyebrow, the perfect synchronization unnerving. Ruby's eyes darted between the two, eventually falling on a glass of milk in the white twin's hand.
Following her gaze, said twin piped up. "So first you eat half our cookies, now you wanna take our milk too?" she demanded.
"My min'd meem do!" Ruby tried to communicate, but was impeded by half-chewed cookie. She began coughing after swallowing the cookies down the wrong pipe.
"Ugh," the white twin began ",fine, here."
Ruby took only a moment to consider the act of kindness before swiping the milk and chugging it with practiced efficiency.
"Sorry!," she gasped, wasting no time on breathing ",I just smelled then while I was walking around, and I could tell they were fresh, and nobody was around, and the universe owed me because I'm still all sweaty, and you guys got a lot closer, and I'm starting to sweat again...!"
Just as she had said, the twins had stepped forward, in perfect unity once again. Ruby had stared down Nevermores, Deathstalkers, Ursas, Beowolves, and all manner of nightmare in her huntress training, but being cornered by these two was a different game altogether.
Ruby was short, shorter than most anyway, and these two weren't exactly tall, but as they loomed mere inches from her, she felt like she was facing giants.
"Sorry!" she managed to squeak out as she squeezed her eyes shut.
Ruby's eyes flew open to see the twins' faces pulling away from her cheeks. Her brain took its time putting the pieces together; the noise, the oily feeling on her cheeks and the warm tickle preceding it... They'd kissed her.
All coherent thought ground to a halt, no external stimuli was being acknowledged save for the slick sensation where the two women's lips just were. A thousand questions raced through her mind, none of which she had the capacity to try and answer. She had short circuited.
"Uh...," her mouth was flailing, and with no help from her floundering mind, all that escaped her was "UH?!?"
"Oh we couldn't be mad at that cute little face of yours!" the red twin said with a sweet smile before leaning in again and pressing a kiss to the smaller girl's forehead. Ruby's eyes widened and her blush deepened.
The white twin gently poked Ruby's nose before kissing it. "Oh you're so small and adorable, I just wanna take you home and make you my teddy bear!," she gushed.
With all mental defenses thoroughly crushed, Ruby imagined herself in bed, nestled between these two beautiful, inexplicable women.
Her blush deepened as the kisses and compliments and mental images kept coming. As the cookies behind her cooled off, Ruby Rose began to steam.
"Hey, where's Ruby?" Yang asked, stopping in the middle of pulling a loose t-shirt over her head.
"Could she still be in the showers?" Blake offered ",only a few of them are working, so the lines have been pretty long."
"That's true," Weiss paused, noting Yang still not having moved from her mid-dressing stance before continuing ",but even so, it's been far too long. Hasn't it been hours?"
"Eh, maybe she spotted one of the blacksmiths on their way to the forge," the brawler theorized, finally pulling the shirt on fully ",you know how she gets with weapons."
"That's true," the heiress conceded ",but she's never hasdled them for this-"
"Wait!" Blake cut in, looking at an arbitrary point above.
"What's up?"
"Do you smell that?"
At her urging the two girls took probing sniffs of the air and reached the same conclusion. Sweet and rich, their fearless leader had made them all familiar with that aroma in due time.
"Cookies." they stated in unison.
There was a light tapping on the door and Weiss was ready to begin a tirade.
"Ruby! How many times are you going to do this? You can't just-" she opened the door "-keep doing thi- *gasp*"
There in the doorway stood Ruby Rose, clad in her pyjamas, holding a tray of chocolate chip cookies, and wearing a mask of crimson lip prints. Across her forehead and cheeks, tracing her jawline and cheekbones, and peppered on her neck and nose were the remnants of an amorous assault. Weiss might've recognised the shade of lipstick on her partner's face were she not in stunned silence.
Her features spoke to the trance she seemed to be in, as well as the low, slow, mumbled gibberish that was flowing from her mouth. In a way, the sight was comical, one could almost see the hearts in her eyes and spinning around her head.
"Wow Yang," Blake chuckled ",maybe you should ask your sister for some pointers, huh?"
"Heh, always knew she was a chip off the ol block!" Yang responded, trying to hide the nervous pit in her chest.
"Um... guys?" Weiss called from the door.
Blake and Yang approached as Weiss held out a photograph. It was a school photo of Ruby, big enthusiastic grin and all, but stained with two lipstick marks. Weiss flipped it over to reveal the message on the back:
💋Who's next?💋
(And there's the first part. Not great, I know, but I really just wanna put this silly idea on metaphorical paper, y'know? Plus, I think we know of plenty of characters in need of a good smooching.)
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
City of Monsters PT 1
*'At the private lab of 'Liv Amara, the woman is waiting by the capsule of the real Liv Amara. This has not been going at all with her plans: Not one bit had gone her way. 'Liv' groaned internally as she recalled all the gold confiscated by Nozako Mizichio, and that's because she had fallen behind her payment to the Madame. To which she and Chris learned about the healing potion and seen just how powerful it truly is. That is when Big Hero 7 just had to barge in along with... the thing..
'Liv': *Shudders* Keep it together... that thing can't talk.
* Now all that is left is this: get the herbal medicine from Cora's family... by marrying into her family. She could still hardly believe that Mizuchi Mizichio is the long thought dead son of Nozako, thus making him the current lord of the clan. But here he is, living like a pauper along with the old hag and his daughter... his daughter Cora.*
'Liv': I'm running out of time, *To the real Liv* Please, hold on a little longer...
*The doors open to reveal Chris coming back with a slight frown on his face.*
'Liv': Well? What does Mizuchi think of his new bed?
Chris: Well...
*He then went on to explain that the presents he sent to Mizuchi over time had done the opposite effect: Instead of making him curios and seek out his admirer, he chose to ignore it and spend time with his family... especially his daughter.*
'Liv': UGH! That's all he ever thinks about! Just about how his daughter!
Chris: I did look in a little bit. I think he's so attached to Cora because she's whats left of Akemi.
'Liv': Akemi?
Chris: Mizuchi's first wife... and Cora's mother... And I have to admit... She was quiet a beauty, no wonder he's not interested. If I wasn't dating Lenny and she was still alive I'd totally do-
'Liv': Chris keep your brain off your pants and focus! Of course... *Sighs frustrated* Well, if receiving gifts from an admirer isn't enough... I may just go in face to face and court him personally...
*'Liv's' face scrunches to a frown as she pulls out an old Sycorax ID card of Cora, awkwardly smiling... this girl.. this little girl had grown from a simple tool she thought she could use had now turned into her greatest adversary: if Nozako were to learn of her granddaughter, there will be no doubt the Madame would arrange that all the power and money after her passing, shall go to this little pest, unaware of her own bloodline.*
'Liv': After I get the medicine and marry your 'Papa'... You're gonna wish you were never born!
*The pressure from her hand cracks the ID before falling into pieces underneath her feet.. and surveyed by Liv Amara's capsule, the same blinking light recording for its user... Lenny frowns at the image before he walks down the hall of the castle, where the doors of the Madame open for him to enter.*
* A sunny day of San Fransokyo is passing along normal for the teen couple Hiro Hamada, and Cora Mizichio… well.. slightly normal. They two are chatting to themselves over minute events of their lifes and even potential projects they could build together. And just following behind them is a familiar, stocky, build of a man in green wearing a motorcyclist helmet. The couple passed by a bus stop when they heard soft footsteps behind them, and so when they turned around all they could see were a couple of alley cats yowling as it launches itself to some poor dude. They continue walking together and turn right to a corner... but when he tried to take a turn as well.*
Hiro: Wasabi, why are you following Cora and I?
*Wasabi yelps as he jumps back by the sudden greeting of the couple.*
Wasabi: *Taking helmet and fake mustache off* What? I haven't been-Well-
*Cora pulls out her own phone and shows the pictures of Wasabi around the places they had gone to throughout their hangout.*
Cora: The street car? Our robotics class, lunch with Aunt Cass, and even from my house!
Hiro: Whats going on?
Wasbai:... They're onto us guys!
*The teen couple blink as soon enough they see the rest of the gang come out of their hiding spots and rip off the fake mustaches off their faces. *
Cora: OK... this clearly needs some talking to...also... why didn't you bother taking proper disguises if you are all wearing fake mustaches?
*They all unanimously agree to group up at Hiro's room to talk about the older people's behavior.*
Hiro: So you all been following Cora and I?
Honey Lemon: Yeah.. and more specifically Cora.
Cora: What? why me?
Gogo: Well for one: Noodle Burger Boy trying to kidnap you multiple times.
Fred: To which leads to *Hums out Obake* kidnapping you himself.
Wasabi: There was also the fact that Sparkles captured you guys for views.
Gogo: The time you were poisoned by a yellow diamond back snake. Why did you think I went to the woods with you two and Krei?
Honey Lemon: And the fact Orso Knox took you through out the city?
Cora: Orso Knox only took me cause he thought I was gonna be hurt by Liv Amara! So it isn't technically kidnapping.
Wasabi: Even so, we're noticing a pattern and we just want you two to be safe.
Hiro: Guys, its fine, we can handle ourselves! Baymax, tell them we don't need protection.
Baymax: *Lighting belly with images of the couple in danger* That would be untrue.
Hiro: Really Baymax? Really?
Honey Lemon: And Liv Amara is out there and she's been a little to forward with you Cora.
Gogo: And we promised your dad that we would protect you...And we promised Tadashi too.
* Hiro and Cora look at the team with widened eyes before looking at each other and both recall their own promise to be by each other's side...and Hiro's mind went to the open house where Cora is screaming for help in the clutches of-*
Cora: Hiro?
Hiro: *Snapping out of it* Wh-what?
Cass: Heyn kids!
*Cass comes up to Hiro's room holding a tray of cookies and a glass of milk. She places the tray onto a space of Hiro's desk before leaving downstairs to continue working. The gang took this as a time to leave the couple be and talk later. And so after they left, the two teens are left on their own, thinking over their past kidnappings before Hiro spoke.*
Hiro: *To Cora* They're right..
Cora: What?
Hiro: I mean... they have a point. You remembered what happened with all of that!
Cora: So do you, and you were kidnapped too.
Hiro: Cora , Liv Amara is out there and who knows what's she's planning. I-I can't risk loosing you again like in the open house! I can't...
*Cora blinks before she lets out a soft smile to which she kisses his cheek, causing the boy to snap out of his melancholic frown to a surprised blush.*
Cora: Babe, whatever comes next, we're here for each other.
Hiro: Yeah.. *Wraps arm around Cora's shoulder* We are...
*'Liv' is currently walking down the hall of her building, turning her head to see how everyone's process is going. She shakes her head at Karmi's lab, at work with a set of 'viruses' that needed to be used for a cure. She should had realized how much of an idiot that Karmi was when she learned that the teen believed that viruses are living organisms rather than non-living set weapons that only attack other living cells.*
'Liv': *Wondering out loud to herself after passing through* Why did I ever give her that internship?
Chris: *Appearing right behind* You thought it would be funny.
*'Liv' couldn't help but chuckle at that.*
'Liv': Anyway, you got things ready?
Chris: Yup. It should be ready to use by the time of your*Winks* 'date'.
'Liv' nods as Chris heads out to complete his other tasks while she pulls out her phone to see that the text she sent has been replied. After reading it she smirks as she types out a response.*
Meet me at La Moulin Rouge Café at 8.
That's when she gets a response*
OK. Done.
*Later on in the day, Hiro and Cora join up the rest of the gang at Fred's patio accompanied by none other than-*
Gogo: What are you doing here Kage?
*Kage rubs his arm gingerly as he looks around the patio with the gang accompanied by his Baymax at his side. Cora steps up and speaks.*
Cora: Papa and Grandmama are busy tonight so Kage will be with us for a while.
Wasabi: Where exactly?
Hiro: Cora's grandmother said something about checking on the ocean for Orso Knox and Mothra-
Fred: Mothra? That's the name you guys came up with?
Cora: Well we can't just keep calling her the creature. And its a name she likes... Papa is...he's...
Kage: *Sighs* The stalker wants to meet up with my brother tonight.
*The gang look at Kage in surprise at hearing those words.*
Fred: Hold on, giant dad is gonna go ahead to meet up his stalker tonight?
Cora: *Disheartened and sarcastic* Yup. *Sighs* hopefully Papa could make the stalker stop it... he's been getting uncomfortable with all these expensive presents.
Kage: Well... *Clears throat* Lets just focus on now. If you try to think of something you have no control of you'll drive yourself in circles. Besides, I do recall Ice-Frost taking over night patrol while you all train am I right?
Cora: Yeah... you're right! We just need to focus on our training right now!
*Hiro nods in agreement with his girlfriend as they whisper to each other. Kage lets out a small content smile until he spots Gogo's suspicious stare directed at him.*
Gogo: *Low voice* We're watching you Kage...
Kage: *Neutral* Understood...
Hiro: OK, while we're still not thrilled about the secret babysitters service, you were right about new threats out there so...
Cora: We-
Fred: *Jumping in front of them excitedly* Did you guys make upgrades?! Tell us you made upgrades!
Baymax: Hiro and Cora made upgrades.
*Soon afterwards the skymaxes arrive carrying their upgraded suits to the foyer. Kage slightly hums, curios about how Hiro and Cora had integrated to their suits to tackle more dangerous foes. They all dress up in their suits and for the most part.. it looks relatively the same.*
Fred: Hold on... they look the same.. so whats different?
Cora: You'll see~*Sing song*
Hiro: Wasabi? Press that button.
*And when Wasabi does he got himself a plasma shield and a plasma dagger coming from both his armor.*
Wasabi: Ooh~! I got a Plasma shield and a Plasma dagger!
Cora: *To Gogo* Wanna try out your disc Gogo?
*Gogo tries to takes the disc from Cora's hand only for the blue haired teen to drop it... and turn into a hover disc.*
Gogo: Hover disc, nice!
Fred: Woah! That is too cool!
Honey Lemon: *Looking at her boots* New boots?!
Hiro: Chem boots!
*Honey lemon squeels in delight before hugging Hiro and Cora tightly. After the bubbly chemist lets go she tests out her chem boots and found to her excitement she could indeed let out any type of chemical compound by the stomp of her boots. She stomps her boots to create an ice slide to which she happily glides through.*
Honey Lemon: *To Gogo* Sweetie look! Oh boy, I can't wait until Miyuki sees this!
Gogo: I do... and ya know. It would be interesting if we three could race? My new wheels versus Miyuki's ice and your chem boots.
Honey Lemon: Sounds exciting!
Fred: *To Hiro and Cora* What do I do?
Hiro: How do you feel about head lights?
Fred: Head lights?
Cora: See that little button in between your costume's eyes? You'll see.
*Fred manages to find the button as he turns around, and soon his costume's eyes let out a bright light that had temporarily blinded the others.*
Fred: Sorry guys! But oh my god this is awesome! I need to come up with a good battle quip just for this... maybe face bright justice!
Gogo: *Using her hoverdisc as a shield* Turn it down! *Softly* Idiot.
Fred: Did Gogo just call me an idiot?
*Soon voice replays of Gogo's description of Fred rings inside his suit... and that could only mean one thing.*
Fred: Do I have-?
Hiro and Cora: Super Hearing?
Fred: This is like Christmas, and my birthday, and the human fist punches up the mirror all rolled into one! Lets jump for joy Honey Lemon.
* Fred and Honey Lemon join hands as they do indeed jump up for joy. Kage hums again, impressed by the work put into their suits. He turns to the teen couple and note somethings similar between their own suits.*
Kage: So, I see you added a lot of new equipment to their ultra suits. If I may ask, what did you two add to your own?
Hiro: Simple, We added over some of the powers Sora helped us create along with a new ultra powered magnetic disc.
Cora: My own gloves can now ooze to escape tight grips and *turns to her back to see the back plate armor sprout a shark fin* open up fins to swim through water easily. *To everyone else* And all the suits are made by a counter-bioluminescent fabric and coating!
Kage: Hmm... that is very impressive... I'm proud of you two.
*The teens look up when they heard that, but when they do Kage is by his Baymax's side talking. But even so, they heard his words clearly... he's proud of them...*
Hiro and Cora: *Slowly giving a small smile to Kage* Thanks.
Honey Lemon: Oh wait! What did you give Baymax?
Cora: ITs a surprise.
*Mizuchi is staring heavily into the café window, his eyes furrowed as he thinks about all the possibilities that could happen if he does go inside to meet his... admirer. Days. Days of presents and love notes, with poems connected to biology and marine biology. flustered as he is to receive such notes and tokens of... affection. This was uncomfortable on so many levels. Besides, as of now his focus are on his brother and his daughter. He just needs to talk to them so they never bother him again.*
Mizuchi: OK... Here I go...
*Mizuchi enters inside the café, looking around until he founds the clue the person left on their message: A bouquet of roses adorned with yellow carnations. He goes to the table and sits on the opposite side. The person lets down their bouquet.*
'Liv': Its so nice to be out on out date isn't it Mizuchi?
Mizuchi: *Shocked* M-Miss Amara?!
Mizuchi: You-You were behind-
'Liv': All those presents left on your doorstep? My apologies but I've been so busy with my schedule that I couldn't think of any other way to contact you for this date.
Mizuchi: A date... Of course...
'Liv': Why don't you sit down Mizuchi?
*Mizuchi looks at the chair before he does, his brows still furrowed as he thinks over what he should do next. This is Liv Amara: The woman who had been a bane to his daughter, her boyfriend, and their friends. He knows by know that Liv Amara is more than guilty for all the crimes she committed. But he also shouldn't let her know about it unless he risks all of their lives.*
'Liv': So.. tell me all about your week. I would love to hear it.
*At the remote beaches of San Fransokyo Kaguya is with Orso Knox and Mothra as they converse over their thoughts.*
Kaguya: That was a close one when my Cora fallen ill... her mermaid blood is of dependent of the sea as mine.
Knox: I know. At least once a month you go to the ocean and swim as to hydrate yourself and continue building white cells while you thrive on land.
Kaguya: I had hoped Cora's sudden illness was not related to it.. but I was wrong.. it has gotten stronger. More unpredictable. Now with the witch running around and Mizuchi dealing with his stalker, who knows what else could be revealed about cora's blood?
Knox: I agree, so long as that witch roams freely, no one would ever be safe.
Mothra: *Chirp*….
*Kaguya turns her attention to Mothra, who is staring down at her hands with drooping feelers.*
Kaguya: Are you alright Mothra? Do you need to sleep?
*Mothra gives out a chirp that sounds similar to a child muttering 'I don't know'*
Kaguya: Hmm... I will give my healing tea for you two once Big Hero 7 defeat Liv Amara. You have my word.
*Mothra chirps happily as she hugs the old mermaid tightly, to which Kaguya chuckles slightly while Orso Knox lets out a smile. After some discussion, it was decided between Big Hero 7 that they go out in the field while Kage and his Baymax look for any evidence to corner Liv Amara. Soon enough, they all managed to catch up with Miyuki Frost, already dressed in her super suit.*
Fred: The city was dark...but their hearts were.. light!
*Fred turns on his headlights while Ice Frost and Gogo were jumping round the roof tops with Fred. Miyuki is quick to create a puff of snow to land on safely.*
Fred: Oops! Sorry Gogo! Sorry Miyuki! But you guys have to admit, the quip is getting better.
Wasabi: *Via Comlink* Everything OK over there?
Gogo: Define OK.
*At Wasabi and Honey Lemon's side they were at the top roof of Noodle Burger Boy restaurant while Hiro and Cora are on Baymax flying through the sky.*
Honey Lemon: At least we know we're all out there for each other. *To Hiro and Cora* Now remember you two, if you guys are facing any of Liv Amara's monsters-
Hiro: That we contact you guys immediately and stay close to Baymax.
Cora: We know Honey Lemon, thank you.
Wasabi: At least with all of us out there we could catch each other's backs.
Miyuki: You got that right. So far everything is fine over-
Fred: Wait! I'm getting something!
*Fred turns up his volume to hear what Fred is hearing.*
Wendy: Get away from me! Help!
Fred: I can hear her screaming all the way across the city!
Miyuki: Then lets get a move on!
Gogo: Couldn't agree more.
*Wendy Wower didn't know what just happened. She was just locking up her building for the night when she was confronted by some fungus looking little man. When he grabbed her wrist she simply ripped his hand off her.. only for him to grow in size, appearing like a cross of his old Mayoi and his disgusting smile.*
Wendy: Let me go you fungus freak!
Sparkles: Nope, lets just focus on the abduction right now.
Wendy: I'm not going with you freak!
*Reaching for a small vial she manages to spill sodium chloride onto his hands to which he yelps in pain as Wendy takes this as the time to run. But she really should have accounted for another thing... the growl of the rock bear chimera is enough to stop Wendy in her tracks. Mizuchi and Amara sit quietly at their table as they wait for their own orders to arrive. So far tonight was not going so smoothly, for both Mizuchi and 'Liv Amara'. Neither of them could talk beyond simple topics like the weather or their work. Their talk about their work is especially brief. Mizuchi could not find an appropriate time to tell her to leave him be without appearing to be threating while 'Liv' can't make him more relaxed for her plan to work. *
'Liv': So.. how is your daughter?
Mizuchi: Hmm?
'Liv': Cora, how is she?
Mizuchi: she's fine right now. She had gotten over a very hard fever and is taking it slow.
'Liv': Oh,poor girl! Well, I'm glad she's OK. She was my favorite intern at Sycorax you know... she delivered very interesting notes.
Mizuchi: I know... How have you been recovering since the Orso Knox attack Liv?
'Liv': I'm happy to say that our repairs are finished and I am close to finding the motherload of cures.
Mizuchi: Is that so?
'Liv': yeah. It may appear something so ordinary like tea... but one look closer and it opens up a world of possibilities for this cure... it makes it seem like magic.
*Hiro and Cora are soaring through the sky the rest of Big Hero 7 try to track down the helpless victim trapped in whoever's clutches its in tonight.*
Cora: OK, its seems that Hiro and I have the best chance to catch up to save her!
Honey Lemon: But you guys are still faraway!
Hiro: Its fine! We thought of a back up.
*Hiro presses a button on his chest and soon an extra set of turbos comes flying through and ready to land on Baymax. Hiro and Cora climb down before getting back up. Once they charge up the turbos, they were ready.*
Cora: Blast off!
*And blast off they did. The extra set of turbos sped through the air as Hiro and Cora scream in a mixture of fear and delight, a scream associated with rollercoasters. Before they knew it they were all at San Fransokyo bridge where they see in front of them... a very large, stocky build of Sparkles holding Wendy Wower in his hand.*
Fred: Woah! Have you been hitting the gym?! You look jacked!
Sparkles: Haha! Thank you!
Miyuki: Never mind that! Its time you freeze where you stand!
Hiro: Big Hero 7 has beaten you before Sparkles. And we'll do it again!
Cora: You can bet on it!
Sparkles: A bet? Ooh~ Very interesting. And you are right, seven heroes and one villain... boring.
Momakase: But three villains~
*The team look around to see that Sparkles is not alone. Joining him soon are none other than Momakase, and the rock bear chimera.*
Cora: Oh no...
Sparkles: Plot twist!
Sparkles: Ladies and gentlemen! Its the entertainment event of the season! The defeat of Big Hero 7... plus one Ice Frost.
Fred: That's kind Big Hero 7 Phase three stuff, and we're only in phase two right now so-
Cora: Fredzilla duck!
*Momakase launches through the air to slice apart Fred but he dodged in time. Momakase gave a brief look that spelled out the following.*
Momakase: Once I'm done with him, You're next Bastard Child!
*The other members of the gang see the rock chimera of Bessie come charging up towards them.*
Cora: We can't get near it or our gear is fried!
Miyuki: Then leave him up to me!
Hiro: Ice-Frost wait!
*But Miyuki is already zooming forward to fight head on, turning her head briefly to tell them what she's doing.*
Miyuki: Bessie here can only deactivate tech right? Well lucky me my powers are au natural! So you guys focus on Momakase and Sparkles!
Hiro: You got it!
*Fred continues to hop away from Momakase until she kicks him on the side and is ready to strike down when Wasabi's plasma shield gets in her way. *
Momakase: Ooh~ I see you brought new toys.
Gogo: Sure did.
*Gogo and Honey Lemon choose to go after Sparkles with Gogo throwing her disc at the guy while Honey Lemon uses her chem boots to skate to Wendy Wower in his clutches. With quick thinking and a great aim from her chem bazooka, Honey Lemon freezes Sparkles while Gogo snatches Wendy before she is encased in ice along with him.*
Wendy: Nice shot Chem Princess!
Honey Lemon: Thank you doctor wower!
*Wasabi continues his sword fight with Momakase, both giving their all before Wasabi exhausts himself from dodging so much.*
Momakase: You're not much a challenge are you?
Hiro: Nope, but he is!
*Momakase turns around to see Hiro and Cora jump off Baymax while Miyuki continues to freeze and dodge the chimera.*
Hiro: Over Drive mode Omega Danger!
*And so, with his new ultra armor, he transformed into his new and improved over drive mode.*
Momakase: Oh how cute, don't you remember what happened last time? It didn't go over so well.
Baymax: With Kage's assistance, Aqua Girl built me an extra battery reserve.
Momakase:...Did you just say Kage?
Cora: Baymax rocket fist!
*And soon enough, Baymax charges forward and knocks out Momakase down for the fight.*
Gogo: Wait a minute... Kage helped you on making the battery reserve?
Hiro: I was there! Nothing bad happened.
Miyuki: Guys!
*That's when they all remember Miyuki and her fight with the rock chimera. She is clearly near exhaustion as her body starts to warm up. With quick thinking Hiro contacts Miyuki.*
Hiro: Ice Frost! I have a plan. I'll set up a trap while Cora gives the signal for you to come over where I am!
Miyuki: Alright!
Hiro runs off to the clearing of the traffic where he shoots out two magnetic discs that pin to the sides of the bridge. Cora gives the signal by having her suit reflect the light from the street lights.*
Cora: Come on!
*Cora joins Miyuki as they both run to Baymax as the rock chimera charges at Hiro. But before its very aura could destroy his upgrade, Hiro is quick on his feet and uses the magnetic pull to fly himself up in the air... while Bessie the rock chimera crashes through the gate and into the sea below.*
Wasabi: Woah...
Fred: haha! I am impressed!
Honey Lemon: *To Wower* Are you alright?
Wendy: Woweroos always are.
*That is when the ice casing of Sparkles breaks off and frees him... but at the cost of his jockey build. Now he is back to being his short, pathetic self. He quickly runs off along with momakase, who turns her head and glares at them.*
momakase: You all got lucky...
Cora: Is it really luck? Or are we just good at kicking your ass?
*The two finally leave as the rest of the team check over Wower.*
Wendy: Thanks you guys.
Cora: No problem, lets just get you home.
*After delivering Wendy back home safely, they all meet up at Fred's place to recover from their late night out as Kage now finds himself, along with his own Baymax, in charge of their rest. He remembered the shocked faces the rest of the team expressed when they revealed that their Baymax told momakase that he built the battery reservoir with Cora and Hiro. But after more reassurance and talking, they are cool for now. Chris is at the building checking over the injuries Sparkles and Momakase had gotten.*
Chris: She's definitely not going to like you failed to destroy Big Hero 7.
Momakase: Oh bite me. Where is Liv Amara anyway? You do know we are due for our payment as well!
Chris: Oh.. she's getting there.. Oh! Look at the time!
*He soon uses a syringe to inject Momakase to sleep before she could utter out a question towards him. It had been a long night for Liv and Mizuchi as they now leave the café where news of Big Hero 7 winning is sprawled across every billboard.*
'Liv': *Under her breath* Damn it you had one job!
*But she is quick to hear Mizuchi's sigh of relief... Looking closer to Aqua Girl and the man... They do look similar...what if..*
'Liv': I say you must be really proud of your daughter saving the city again, aren't you?
Mizuchi: *Distractedly* I'm always proud of my Cora, no matter what she does.
*When those words leave his mouth he is frozen still. Soon the weight of what he revealed comes crashing down as he sees 'Liv' smirk at him. She points to an alley down the road as to chat in private, to which he reluctantly followed. Once at a distance where no one would hear them Mizuchi is the first to speak, and with a dangerous glare soon growing on his face.*
Mizuchi: If you lay a hand on my daughter or her boyfriend Hiro-
'Liv': So Electro-Magnetic Alpha is Hiro Hamada? huh.. it fits. Anyway, if you want me to be quiet, then there's one little bit I need you to do... a proposal of sorts.
Mizuchi: I would rather die then be mutated by the likes of you!
'Liv': Oh no... this isn't a business proposal, I already have goons for that... What you need to do Mizuchi, if you want your precious daughter and her wittle boyfriend safe... is marry me.
*mizuchi's eyes widen in shock at her words, not expecting this to be the blackmail.*
Mizuchi: Marry you?!
'Liv': Yes... by marrying you, I can be in line for your mother's gold and power!
*Now his heart is beating faster than mach 2.*
Mizuchi: Y-You know about-
'Liv': I was admittedly shocked to learn that you are Nozako's son and that you lived your life in squalor with your family. But that can change.
Mizuchi: And what makes you say that?!
*That is when Chris hops up to mizuchi's shoulder and injects him with a paralysis serum to which the tall man falls down to his knees before 'Liv' and Chris. Chris then hands 'Liv' an object... a lipstick. After applying them on she walks up to Mizuchi and holds up his head.*
'Liv': ITs alright... by the time we say I do, you'll be wrapped around my finger.
*Morning is rising up at last as the first to wake up is Cora. She notes how she is cuddling next to Hiro with a blanket over them as they slept on their fully charged Baymax. The gang had been given separate mattresses to sleep on, courtesy of Heathcliff, while Kage sleeps on with his baymax. Cora then sees her phone with a text from her grandmother, explaining she got home last night but couldn't find her or Mizuchi. Slightly confused, Cora explained that she had stayed up all night and is recovering at Fred's house, though she points out that her papa could simply be at work already.*
Hiro: *Yawning* Hey... morning.
Cora: Good morning..
*Soon the rest of them wake up before Cora receives an incoming call... from Grandville..*
Cora: Professor Grandville?
Hiro: What's she calling us about?
*Hesitantly Cora answers the phone.*
Cora: Professor Grandville?
Grandville: Cora! Have you and Hiro seen the news?
Cora: News? What news?
Grandville: Look at Sycorax's blog right now! A new post is up and about!
Cora: Grandville.. whats going on?
Grandville: I had just gotten to work when I saw Miss Karmi muttering on about a wedding at Sycorax! I checked over myself and my god! Cora you are in danger!
Cora: W-what? What wedding?
*Hiro is quick to pull out his phone and look up the blog and immediately finds what is this post Grandville is talking about. And immediately... his heart freezes still.*
Fred: Hiro? Hiro? Cora? Whats going on?
*Wasabi turns the TV on to show Bluff Dunder on the new with a picture of Liv Amara... and Mizuchi Mizichio, smiling together happily with the border drawn with hearts and flowers.*
Dunder: It has been 10 hours since the post on Sycorax's blog has announced that not only is Liv Amara engaged to this dashing... fellow.. Mizuchi Mizichio,but that the wedding shall be in three days and invites all to join for this joyous union. Here is a small clip of this announcement.*
*The clip shows Liv Amara, held close by Mizuchi like a couple, as he looks at her tenderly before she smiles*
'Liv': I know that it is a huge surprise to learn of my fiancé, but the moment I met him I knew that we were meant to be. He is a great man with a lovely daughter.
*Cora is shaking in fear even with Hiro holding her still, with the team staring in fear as Kage could only gape flabbergasted and scared. But while their expressions are of fear, everyone else has been congratulating Liv Amara on her upcoming wedding. Karmi delighted over the fact that she could play a role on her idol’s wedding day, at the moment not caring that the man Liv is marrying is infact Cora’s father. The whole city blissfully unaware of the lives she had destroyed... and the ones coming her way.*
'Liv': *Smirking evilly* I do know for sure that in the end, we'll be one big happy family.
A.N: Dun Dun DUUUUUUUUNNNNN! Yup, didn't see that coming huh? thank you for reading Big Hero 7! Love you!
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hj-creates · 5 years
Our Secret- Chapter 2
After their evening chat on the balcony, Jefferson has a proposal for the Hamiltons. Alexander is NOT on board. Chapter One is here:
(I'm sorry I can't get the Read More cut to work)
Alexander was hastily scribbling at his desk. He heard someone knocking and he ignored it, knowing Eliza was closer to the front door. When the knocking became more insistent, he huffed and called out to his wife. "Eliza! Someone's at the door!" Another knock, more of a banging this time, then the doorbell. "Eliza!! Philip?!" He heaved a deep sigh and placed his quill in the inkwell. "Am I the only one with ears in this household?" He stomped over to the door and yanked it open. He instantly wished it had gone unopened. "Thomas." He frowned. "What a lovely surprise."
Jefferson smirked. "You know your left eyebrow twitches when you are lying." Alex opened his mouth to protest but Jefferson cut him off. "It is okay if you are not pleased to see me Alexander. I am not here for you."
"And just what exactly would you be here for?"
"Thomas!" Hamilton's wife called from behind him. "How lovely to see you again!" Eliza scampered over and gave him a warm hug as Alex bristled. "I'm so sorry I didn't hear you ring. Philip and I were in the garden. Would you like a cup of tea? I'll go fix one for you. Here, let me get your coat." Jefferson handed her his rather audacious frock coat with a smile that Hamilton thought was reminiscent of a viper. "Have a seat in the study, sir. I'll bring in some refreshments."
Thomas sauntered down the hallway out of view and Alex rolled his eyes. "Eliza, you don't have to do that you know. Treat him like he's royalty and we are just SO pleased to have him in our humble abode."
"I most definitely DO have to do that, darling husband. All guests in our home get treated with the utmost respect and hospitality, whether they are royalty or paupers. It is simply the proper, polite thing to do. Put your petty differences aside and remember your manners while we entertain the Vice President." She hung up Jefferson's coat and walked to the kitchen.
"Our differences are certainly NOT petty." Alexander mumbled and walked slowly to the study.
Philip was already inside, sitting beside Thomas who was very animatedly talking about something or other. Alex slumped into an oversized chair near the fireplace. "You know more than half of what Mr. Jefferson says is untrue."
Philip looked over at his father then back at their guest questioningly. Thomas did not seem bothered. "Your father views all opinions not shared by him to be lies." Alex opened his mouth to protest but Jefferson cut him off for the second time. "It is not his fault. He has not traveled the world like I have. It causes him to be a bit more closed-minded."
"Oh please- like baudy nights in Paris make you some sort of high-minded-"
"Gentlemen!" Eliza stopped her husband from continuing. She set the tea tray down on the small table in front of the sofa and handed out small cups and saucers. She then presented their guest with a small plate of pastries.
Thomas's eyes lit up. "Meringues! My favorite!"
Eliza seemed pleased. "Yes, I heard they have been a staple in your home since you brought the recipe back from France. I've been trying my hand at them for when you come visit."
"You are an angel, Mrs. Hamilton." He smiled warmly at her. She grinned and offered the plate to her husband. Alex, wondering why his wife had taken a sudden interest in the goings-on at Monticello, took a molasses-infused delicacy covered in powdered sugar while Philip grabbed a honey-jumble cookie.
While sipping his tea, the older Hamilton glared at his foe who was obnoxiously humming his delight at the dessert. As Thomas made quite the show of licking his fingers, Alex couldn’t hold his tongue any longer. “Why are you here, Jefferson?”
“AH!” Thomas turned toward him. “I am so glad you asked! My business here is actually regarding your brilliant son here.”
“Me?” Philip’s eyes were wide.
“Indeed.” He smiled at the young man.
“What do you want with Philip?” Alexander dabbed at the corners of his mouth with a linen napkin.
“I wanted to offer him an internship.”
“Really?” Philip’s face brightened.
“No.” Alex’s voice was low.
“Alexander… don’t be so hasty.” Eliza smiled softly. “A position in the office of the Vice President. That could be a wonderful opportunity.”
“This is what I was thinking.” Jefferson agreed. “Are you interested in politics, Philip?”
"He has been studying law. He is to become a lawyer like his father.” Hamilton said sharply.
“Isn’t the law also what you studied?” Thomas asked.
“Yes.” Alex said tersely.
“And yet you served in the Washington administration for almost five years?”
Alexander clenched his jaw.
“I am interested in politics. I’d love to someday hold office and try to shape this nation like my father did.”
“Wonderful, I thought that might be the case.” Thomas grinned. “And since Alex is no longer involved in the business of running this country...”
“I said no.”
All three of them looked at Alexander.
“Pop.” Philip looked disappointed.
Alex hated to see him down but no way would he send his son into that snake pit. “I’m sorry, son. I just don’t think-“
“You really are going to let your pride get in the way of Philip’s future?” Eliza tried to keep her tone measured but her husband sensed her irritation.
“Eliza… if Philip really is interested in government then I have plenty of… friends… in the capital who will gladly let him be on their staff.”
“None of your friends are the Vice President.”
Thomas could barely hide his mirth. “She has a point, Alexander.”
Hamilton sat back and attempted to not sulk. “You really think your life would be improved by spending time each day with this man, Philip?”
“I think…" Philip tried to be very careful with his words. "I could probably learn plenty of things that aren't taught in school.”
Eliza looked at her husband hopefully.
“Fine.” Alexander nearly spit the word out. “But if I so much as sense your influence on my son, he will never be allowed in your offices again.”
“Fair enough.” Thomas set his teacup on the small table and stood up. “Monday morning, Philip. 7 a.m. sharp.”
“I’ll be there.” The younger Hamilton sprang to his feet. “Thank you, sir.”
Eliza strode into the hallway to fetch their guest’s coat and Jefferson turned to Alexander. “I appreciate you finally seeing the opportunity I may provide for Philip.”
Alex got up and tugged on his waistcoat to straighten it. “I don’t like it one bit. But I will also not punish my son for our years of disagreements. Do well by him, Thomas.”
Jefferson smiled wide and gave Alex a dramatic bow. “But of course. Good day, Hamiltons.”
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paige-is-just-fine · 5 years
According to you; Song fic sanders sides
Pairings: Platonic Moxiety; Platonic Soulmates
Trigger warnings: Mentions of drinking (very brief), mention of Roman being a jerk and almost violence. If i missed any I'm super sorry and feel free to yell at me XD
Summary: This is pretty much Virgil singing/ranting about Roman giving him a hard time about being Anxiety and how Patton helps him. The song this is based off if is According to you by Orianthi. (The lyrics are slightly tweaked to be male) also when it says irresistable it is suppose to be platonically i swear XD
Notes: This is Virgil singing
Virgil sat in his room the door unlocked but he thought it was locked. He must have forgotten after his little falling out with Roman, one of the people he considered a close friend. He mostly stayed friends with him because he needed them.to get along for Thomas' sake. Roman had been making fun of him a lot lately and today got bad, things were said and Virgil had to leave before Roman tried to punch him. Of course Roman didn't mean it but Virgil got on his nerves and just hit the wrong nerve.
~flash back about 5 minutes~
Virgil had pointed out something that could end badly. Thomas was invited to a party but the friend that had invited him wasn't really the best person to be hanging out around. Roman had combatted this with saying "If he is really that bad why would he invite us?"
"Maybe because he doesn't want to get caught by the police by himself" Patton suggested very quietly scared to disturb Roman in his anger filled passion.
"Well maybe they just want Thomas to have some fun!!" Roman began to take slow steps toward Virgil, who was shaking lightly.
"Roman..." Warned the protective Logical side. Ever since the moving on incident he had been a bit more observant and protective of his anxious friend and had begun to recognize the signs of a panic attack and learned how to help.
He leaned toward the railing and whispered the breathing technic to help Virgil calm down thinking Roman would stop sooner but No. Romans advance continued until he was 2 feet from Virgil.
Roman leaned down and grabbed the collar of Virgils hacket in his fist "You are stupid!! Useless! You camt do anything right!!"
Thomas had sort of zoned out until he felt a shot of adrenaline run through him. He looked over and quickly covered his mouth to hold in the gasp that was about to escape. Virgil had froze up and was shaking. Romans fisted was drawn back and Virgil was nearly lifted off the ground "You're impossible!!"
Suddenly Roman got pushed back a bit and released Virgil, who fell back a bit landing into the wall. Patton had pushed Roman away (he'll feel bad later but right now he needs to protect his kiddo)
Almost instantly Logan ran over and tried to calm him before Thomas had a panic attack. Logan got Virgils breathing amd thinking back after a few seconds. Patton had his finfer raised and was scolding and lecturing Roman in his scary Dad voice. Roman soon snapped out of it just in time to see Virgil sinking down "Wh...What happened?"
Patton let out a soft sigh and Logan helped explain. Thomas had suggested he go apologize after Patton calmed Virgil down a bit. He told the others that his anxiety levels were still pretty high. Roman felt awful and sunk down to curl up in his room. He set an alarm for about 30 minutes.
~with Patton~
Pattin immediantly sunk down after Thomas had said that his Anxiety was still heightened. He popped up in his room and immediantly grabbed a wooden tray and ran to the kitchen. He began to prepare 2 hot cocoas in black and light blue mugs, and cookies on a large plate. When he heard a sma thud from Virgils room he worked that tiny bit faster. He put all the stuff on the tray and made his way to Virgils room. He knocked with his foot dully noting the small hole to the right of the door frame.
~In Virgils room~
Virgil removed his hoodie once he entered his room and tossed it onto his black and purple computer chair. It turned slightly from the force. Virgil groans and gripped at his hair before turning and kicking the wall leaving a small hole that he would fix later. He then heard a knock on the door. He walks over and peeks out the peep hole to see Patton. 'Good Roman wasn't stupid enough to show his face to me'
He quickly opened the door and let the fatherly trait inside. Patton walked in quickly so Virgil.could close the door, which he did very quickly and he locked it this time. Patton carefully places the tray on the bedside table and sat on the bed. Virgil almost instantly got the message and came over. He leaned into the fatherly trait and Patton wrapped his arms around him.
Virgil needed this more than anything. He felt Patton shift and move his arms under his body and oull him up into his lap. Virgil gave a gentle blush and then a smile. He usually would be embarrassed if it was someone else but Patton was his best friend if not a small bit more. No Virgil didn't have a crush on the cardigan clad man, if anything it was a platonic crush. Virgil and Patton had already admitted they were Platonic Soul mates.
Patton brought Virgil close and nuzzles into his hair "You're beautifil... I love you... You are always in my head and you are needed... Never forget that... Never"
Patton kissed Virgils head and Virgil gave a gentle smile "Thanks Pat..."
Patton then sat up and dusted himself off "Alright kiddo... Guessing you want some time alone?"
Virgil gave a gentle nod and picked up his cocoa and sipped at it. Patton nods and kisses Virgils head one last time. He then took his own mug and a cookie and left. Before he left he said one last things "You're amazing Virge..." He then closed the door oj his way out.
Now Virgil sat alone in his room. He glanced around and saw the guitar in the corner and set down his cocoa. Maybe he could burn off some steam with a quick song.
He went over and grabbed it. He moved over to his computer chair and tossed the jacket to the side. He then plopped down and rests the guitar on his right knee and began to strum a familiar tune after a bar or so began to sing
"According to you... I'm stupid, I'm useless, i can't do anythunt right..."
Virgils face was sorrowfull while he sung this part
"According to you, I'm difficult, hard to please, Forever changing my mind, I'm a mess in a dress, can't show up on time... Even if itnwould save my life, According to you... According to you..."
Virgils voice was smooth and very strong. He had tears brimming his eyes and his stumming was skilled and he was getting heavily into the song. He wouldn't even know he had a listen standing outside his door listening.
"But According to him! I'm beautiful, incredible, He cant get me out of his mind!"
Behisn the door Roman had his hand over his mouth holding back sobs at the lyrics Virgil was releasing. He nevee meant him to feel this way.
"According to him! I'm funny, irresistible, everything he ever wanted!! Everything is opposite and i dont feel like stopping it!"
Roman would be lying if he said Virgils voice didn't maje his heart swell. He shook his head and kept listening to the man behind the door singing his heart out
"So baby tell me what i got to lose! He's into me for everything I'm not!!"
Virgil finally heard the sniffle behind the door and stopped foe a second but then smirked beginning to sing louder
"According to you! According to you! Im boring, I'm moody and you cant take me any place!"
"According to you, i suck at telling jokes cause i always give it away, I'm the guy with the worst attention span and you're the boy that puts up with that! According to you! According to you!!"
Roman felt awful and his mouth was ripping out sobs woefully now. Patton heard and came to find what was wronf and heard the song as well. He wrapped Roman in a hug and listened with him knowing he needed to hear how Virgil felt.
"But according to him!! Im beautiful, incredible" he cant get me out of his head! According to him! Im funny, irrestible, Everything is opposite"
Patton smiled gently glad that Virgil knew how much he loved him. He hid his smile quickly though and kept Roman from sobbing himself to uncounciousness
"I don't feel like stopping it, So baby tell me what I got to lose, He's into me for everything I'm not, According to you, I need to feel appreciated, Like I'm not hated, oh no,"
"Why can't you see me through his eyes? It's too bad you're making me decide "
Roman felt awful and he sobbed into Patton who just pet his head.
"But according to me, You're stupid, You're useless, You can't do anything right"
"But according to him, I'm beautiful, Incredible, He can't get me out of his head. "
Patton made sure Roman was secure before opening the door a bit which made the music louder. He peeked in to find Virgil with tears streaming his face and on his knees.
"According to him, I'm funny, Irresistible,Everything he ever wanted.
Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it"
"Babe I'll tell you what you got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you."
Virgils voice finally died down and came to a sobbing whisper
"According to you, I'm stupid, I'm useless...I can't do anything right"
He dropped the guitar to the floor and curled up on the floor sobbing. Riman saw and ran in before Patton could do anything. Hs brought the sobbing Virgil to his chest. Virgil would have pushed away but it felt nice... Patton came over and helped them both to the bed the while time Roman whispering how he didnt mean any of the things he said and how he was sorry.
Virgil accepted the apology weakly, exhausted from his little show. Patton and Roman got Virgil comfy on his bed. Roman picked up his guitar and put it on the stand. He then looked to Virgil seeing he was fast asleep. Patton placed a kiss to his forehead and began to head for the door. Roman smiles and follows quickly behind.
Roman and Patton looked at each other once they were out and let out smiles before going their seperate ways.
(This sucked 😭😭)
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simplykaren · 5 years
So, I went and saw the Tolkien movie last week. What I didn’t tell you was how Tolkien has a certain way of piquing my muse. As soon as I got home from the movie I scrambled to furiously write out a scene in my head. Today I finally got around to typing it up.
He stumbles about the wasteland, seeking the friend he fears he’s lost. Fumes and phantoms assail him, and dark, dreadful things stalk his movements through the murk. “Simon!”
His eyes dart and dance over the uniforms, friend and foe, fearing familiarity and finality in one of those faces. Which would be worse: to find his fellow perished or to not bespy that head of wheaten curls over wisened hazel eyes and dusty moustache? Where then will he look? Do the Parachs take prisoners? He will storm Stroggen himself alone if it might secure many more moustached smirks and Saturdays spent in the sunlit parlor.
He sighs, smelling the tea as if it rests on a tray before him now, alongside the scent of worn and warm leather chairs. He feels the soothing smoothness of the armrests. He hears Simon pacing and prattling on about the ways they may yet change the world. For the pen has always been mightier than the sword, and a word well spoken more striking than a gatling volley.
“James, I’m telling you, the world needs this more now than ever! What is war but a failure of understanding and communication?”
“What? You think you can waltz right up to the front and call a ceasefire with one of your songs? Your voice is good enough to still an army, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think the Parachs would hear you over their hate.”
Simon throws a cookie, and James laughs. He holds up his hands in mock surrender, curling away from a second assault. “You know good and well what I mean,” Simon says, all seriousness. Aside for the small quirk at the corner of his mouth. He does have the worst poker face.
“James!” His voice is quieter now and pained, and far too real.
“Simon!” He jolts back to the battlefield and lurches into frantic turning, trying to pinpoint the call.
“James.” There. He slides and slams down a hill once lush with trees. Now their frail ghosts stop him from falling headlong. He grasps onto a splintered and scorched trunk and launches himself to another further down. The mud is thicker here with blood and the bodies more numerous, this section of the charge having been mowed down to a man. It is a miracle that James doesn’t linger on that he hasn’t been spotted yet.
“James…” The cry is weaker but so much closer now. Where? A hand twitches in passing, and James stops.
“Simon? Simon!” He shovels and shovels, first one body, then another and part of another yet. The hand leads to an arm and the arm to an unforgettable, if ghastly, face. The moustache is now lost amid a beard, but the smirk is the same, even on blue lips.
“James, get lost on the way, or were you talking to July again?” Simon rasps, aiming for humor but falling short of a smile. He is so pale, his eyes unfocused, and James worries he may have breathed some of the gas. “Would you help me up? I’m going to be late to class at this rate, and you know how cross Fields gets about tardiness.”
James hasn’t the heart to tell him that Sergeant Fields lies dead mere feet from the trenches. Blasted bombshells. Instead he threads his arm carefully under his friend’s shoulders and struggles to his feet. Simon can do little more than balance his weight against him. James determinedly doesn’t analyze where all the red on Simon’s uniform has originated from. “Come along then. We’d best not keep him waiting.”
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lisinfleur · 6 years
VPR to all: I RISE FROM THE DEAD BITCHES. Ho shit Ragnar is here too. *places down a tray of baked goods. bread, cookies, muffins etc* Do you guys ever have problems with others who are in valhalla?
“Ah, here is she. The girl of the multiple boxes… Is she, isn’t she?” Ragnar points you and Björn nods smiling. “Welcome back, dear questioner. In fact, I was waiting for your little gifts” Pulls the tray all for himself making Hvitserk frown again.
“When will he go away?” Hvitserk asks to Ubbe, annoyed.
“Not so soon, Hvitty. Not so soon” Ragnar answers, starting to eat and smiling at you “Not too many problems. When you are annoyed you just challenge your foe and you two will fight to the death to feast again at the end of the day so there are not too many problems here.”
“Except for mother who seems to have punched him in the face when she found father being brought by a pair of beautiful Valkirias and Lagertha who hit him with her shield when she saw mother was sitting on his lap when she arrived,” Sigurd says and Ragnar giggles.
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didnt make it into the zine i applied for BUT ITS FINE. WE PUSH ONWARDS!!! never ask me to draw sovereign of the abyss ever again why is it so complicated
ANYWAYS HERES ANOTHER DESIGN SHEET!!! this one goes out to the sea women enjoyers
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renegadesrpg · 4 years
Dark Angels: Creation Part 30, Crossover with Rekindled. Honesty #RRPG. Zav, Truely, Adrian, Celia
Adrian: *I'd stayed invisible as I followed Zav and Truely to her apartment over the bakery and stationed myself on the small porch landing outside the door. I didn't like this set up much. Unless there was an interior door that led to the bakery, there was only one way in and one way out. And if there /was/ an inside door I doubt it was fortified appropriately. The human wouldn’t understand the need. Sounds of laughter echo through the door and as I start to mentally shake my head in amusement white light flares in my brain and a blinding pain nearly drives me to my knees. And I see it. We've been followed. They’re coming. The pain fades as I reach out to Celia. 'Rogues. They're coming. Get the humans out.' Simultaneously I bang on the door and shout*
ZAV! We're about to have company in the shop!
 Zav: *This day had been all I could have hoped for so far. Truely had felt our souls connect and was as into me as I was to her. We'd spent time talking and time doing ....smiling at the recent memory... "other" things and had begun making plans for our future. If I hadn't fully opened up yet as to just exactly /what/ I was, I was beginning to have real hope that might not be as big an obstacle as I'd thought it might be. Just as I grasp Truely's hand to go meet her friend Frederick and have a mid-afternoon lunch a banging on the door starts and Adrian bellows at me. Looking sharply at the door as I drop Truely's hand and manifest my angel's short sword in it, I tell her*
There's trouble. Stay here. Please. And, *grabbing one of the two medallions I wear around my neck, and handing it to her.* Wear this. I lost you once. I won't again.
 Truly: *I was having such a magical time with Zav. He was more than I could have ever asked for and I couldn't wait for our next chapter. I almost hated to breathe for fear I'd find out he wasn't real.* Who is that? *Suddenly there was a loud pounding on my door and Zav dropped my hand, his look of panic evident. Next thing I know he has a sword in hand and he's asking me to wear a pendant that was around his neck.*
Zav, who is at the door? What's going on? Are you in danger? Are Celia and my shop? *I was rambling. Whatever was happening was out of my realm of knowledge but I did hear Zav ask me to wait here though.* Fine, I'll stay. *I’m confused but I’m trusting Zav. So, I touch the pendant and just wait...for now.*
 Celia: *I'd just finished taking out another tray of cookies when Adrian's voice invaded my headspace in full force. Neither shifters, nor ghosts are naturally telepathic, but Sean and Sin had always managed to maintain a link with us. I hadn't expected Adrian to be able to do the same. Communication wasn't generally his gift. I stagger under the mental assault but manage to get the tray on the table without dropping them, then call out to Truely's assistant*
#Lucy, I need you back here for a second. *She hurries through the door to the kitchen...'What is it Celia? I just had two customers walk in the door.' *Dammit, I think just as loudly as I can in hopes Adrian hears, They're here!*
#Lucy, *I begin, forcing calm into my voice,* I'm out of vanilla and I don't know this town. Can you run to the supermarket and get some? I'll cover the counter while you're gone. *Lucy frowns and looks at me questioningly, because she probably knows damn well Truely has this place stocked to last through Armageddon, but she doesn't argue, just grabs her purse and starts back out the door to the front. I grab her arm, and turn her...*
Go out the back door. I'm sure it's closer to your car.
*She frowns at me but only answers 'Sure.' But I can see she's making mental notes to have a word with Truely about me. And that's just fine, assuming we make it through this. As the back door slams, Adrian mists in beside me, sword drawn and ready to fight. I hike up my sweater in and pull my .38 with its "kill anything that moves" bullets out of the holster at the small of my back.*
Was just too good to be true, huh?
 Adrian: We'd hoped they wouldn't find her but I think they must have been trailing us. I'm not sure how, but this isn't a coincidence.
*I can hear them out in front now, moving around and banging on that damned little counter bell for service. At that moment Zav materializes on the other side of Celia*
I think we might have led them to her Zav. I don't know how, but we need to figure it out.
 Zav: I'll be back. Keep the pendant on.
*Drawing her to me, I drop a quick hard kiss on her mouth and then I'm out the door. As soon as I'm out of her sight, I hone in on Adrian and mist to his side.*
Later. We'll figure it out once they're dead. Celia, stay back in the doorway and cover us. But don't hit us. Those bullets will kill us too, feel me? *She gives me an indignant look but just nods. As the sound of an insistent bell turns into glass breaking I cringe. Dammit, Truely is going to be upset.*
 Truly: *I'm standing here holding the pendant Zav gave me and I'm so confused. He gave me a quick kiss then left me.*
What the ever-loving hell is going on? *
As I absent-mindedly put on the pendant I hear a crash come from below.* What's going on in my shop? *I hear a couple more crashes and bangs and I realize I can't stand here twiddling my thumbs anymore. The man I love is in trouble, his friends could be too, and my shop, my livelihood is being destroyed.*
Nope, sorry my Star but I'm not going to stand here listening to my world get destroyed, just not happening. *I open my door, carefully look out in both directions, then run down my steps and around to my shop's back door. The scene I come on is one of nightmares. Creepy, smelly things fighting with Zav and Celia, and the blonde man. I see swords, fists, and bullets flying. My shop is in ruins and my temper boils over.*
Oh fuck no. *I whisper yell as I grab the first heavy thing I can find...my cast iron skillet. *I quietly move through my kitchen and get up behind one of the ugly beings. I raise the skillet and scream* NOOOO!* as I slam it on his head.*
You will not hurt my family. No! No! No! *with each yell I hit the being, fury that I've never felt taking over. I didn't recognize myself but I would rather die than have Zav hurt. Unfortunately, my energy isn't long lasting and now I don't know what to do. So, I lift the skillet and wait, my breath still heaving with effort...anger, fear, and frustration filling me.*
 Celia: *I watch in a combination of mixed horror and admiration as the human woman attacks a reaper with a skillet. Cast iron. That sucker has to be heavy. Adrian has one almost cornered between the oven and walk-in fridge and Zav...dammit, he dropped his guard when he heard Truely>and missed it when two more misted in. I shouted....* ZAV! *and swung up from behind the table I'd crouched behind, unloading my .38 into one, the volley of reaper-killing bullets opening up a center mass wound as he falls to the ground.
 Adrian: *I'd fought my foe into the corner. Celia had had to be careful not to hit me but she'd managed to place a well-aimed bullet into his weapon arm, which slowed him down considerably. I blocked and parried but he was tiring. The sounds of a cast iron skillet knocking against a skull hadn't really caught my attention, but when Celia yelled Zav's name I decided enough was enough and gutted the bastard, a mortal wound, dying, but not yet dead.  He falls as I turn just in time to see ...well... I'm not sure what I'm seeing.
Zav is starring at Truely... TRUELY? with a stunned look on his face as she stands there, in front of him, chest heaving from the exertion of swinging a frigging massive cast iron skillet. The reaper he'd been fighting was groaning, laying on the floor. There had only been two rogue reapers in my vision but now there were four. Two more had just misted in. The originals must have called for reinforcements before they'd fallen. One goes down, its chest exploding into a bloody mess from Celia's bullets, but the other one is headed straight for Truely. If it touches her....*
Gods dammit Zav, GET HER OUT!!!
 Zav: *Gods… Truly…. One minute I was fighting and the next minute I was staring into her flushed face with a reaper groaning on the floor in front of me. My eyes locked on hers in stunned admiration, and yeah, not a little fear for her, just as Adrian called out. Another reaper, a new one, had misted in and was making for what he assumed was the easiest target in the room, my woman. Time seems to slow down. I note the sound of Celia ejecting and reloading a new clip into her gun. Adrian is throwing himself at the new attacker. In the blink of an eye I leap over the prone rogue on the floor and grab Truely, misting her away from the attack, to just outside the back door. As I hear shots ring out I’m torn between going back and staying to protect her but I hear Celia’s glee as she shouts out  ‘And another one bites the dust!’. Heaving a breath of relief, I turn Truely’s face up to mine and frantically scan her eyes.*
Are you all right? Did it touch you? Are you hurt?
 Truly: *I'm huffing, puffing, and staring at mayhem in my shop and then the next thing I know, I’m outside and Zav asked how I am.*
I'm pissed. I'm stunned. I'm confused. What the hell Zav? What... *I lean over to catch my breath and that's when tears start falling and I just plop myself down on the ground. The realization that my shop is ruined, my man has a secret that turned deadly, and he could've died all hit at once.* Talk Zav, please. Am I losing my mind here?
 Celia: As the Zav misted out with Truely I shouted*
*and opened fire hoping Adrian wouldn't get in the way. Of course, he was already on the move but he heard me and turned to mist, allowing the bullets to pass through harmlessly and embed in the chest of the last standing rogue. Slowly lowering my gun I look around at the carnage just in time to see the bad guy Truely ... damn, I have a lot more admiration for her now... Truely tried to pound into sand start to struggle to his feet and I raise my gun and put my last bullet between its eyes. The rogue fell to the ground, its physical body disappearing as it died and its untethered soul shimmering beside where it had fallen.*
We're going to need something to do with these souls so where Truely is doesn't get back to the Horseman and his boys.
 Adrian: *Looking around as a 2nd rogue followed suit*
Bryn used a Dybbuk box for the last crew. I'll reach out to her and have her send one. Meanwhile, *grabbing the disembodied souls each with one hand*
You two are with me.*
*Mentally I call to Bryn with my request and in seconds a box materializes in front of me as she conveys instructions on how to use it and where to take it when I'm done. Death Valley, with the other one. Of course. She's always had a gallows sense of humor.*
In you go...*softly chanting the spell Bryn had given me, watching the two souls being sucked into it. As the last two expired, their souls too were sucked into the box and I had the distinct feeling it was still hungry. Hastily I say the words that lock the box and pick it up, handing it to Celia.*
Put this somewhere safe and out of the way while I take care of this mess.
*Looking around at the rubble, I inhale and dematerialize it all, sending it to Brazil to be burned outside the safehouse.*
 Zav: *She's pissed. She's got a right to be but the cats out of the bag now and she's got a right to the truth. More, I want to tell her. As she sits down on the ground, I sink down cross-legged with her. I've fought with Adrian long enough to know he's already doing damage control in there. Now I have to do it out here.*
No, baby, no. You aren't crazy. I'm so sorry this followed us here. It's what I was trying to keep from happening to begin with. But everyone is all right and we're going to fix this, I promise. Just please, listen with an open heart. Because I can promise, whatever you're thinking right now? That's not what this was.
 Truely: *What I'm thinking? What I'm thinking is the Twilight Zone is being filmed again or Candid Camera, a really bad version of it. I'm thinking you could've been killed. I'm thinking my shop is destroyed, and...*
HOLY SHIT! Lucy! Where's Lucy? Is she ok, oh my god how could I have forgotten her. *I stop myself and take a deep breathe reaching out to touch Zav.* Ok, first...where is Lucy? Then explain so I don't go overboard in my thinking cuz right now...*deep breath* What I DO know is that I love you and trust you. What I don't know is why the secret, why the chaos. Please explain.
 Celia: *As I stand there holding the box in both hands I watch Adrian make a clean sweep of the place. Walking to the door to the front, I check to be sure it’s all gone too.*
Good job. It could pass a Health Department inspection. Now, since you're already in my head how about you materialize what needs to be replaced here. Yeah, yeah, *I dismiss as he opens his mouth to protest*  I know you can't make it out of thin air like the Boss can, but I know what she had and where it came from. Pick my brain. Literally. This is a small operation and I doubt she can afford to replace all this. I'm pretty sure her insurance doesn't cover damage from the Reaper Wars. Zav will see the funds get into the right accounts to cover it. He's picky about that stuff.
*Leaving him frowning as he invades my brain again, I turn and walk out the back door, still carrying the box, just in time to hear Truely freak out over Lucy.*
Lucy's fine. I got an advance heads up from Adrian...
*jerking my head back into the doorway* Tall, blonde and deadly in there.... and I sent her to the store. I told her you were out of vanilla.
 Adrian: *I frown as I rummage through Celia's brain and select the equipment needed replace what had been damaged. She might be a bossy ghost, but her thoughts were well organized and she provided me not only with the items, but brands as well. I materialized them from their manufacturer's warehouses and set them into their proper places, being sure to get the front of the shop covered, too, then follow Celia out the back door. Taking the Dybbuk box from her, I begin*
I've got the souls Zav. Bryn sent a Dybbuk box to hold them like she did the ones from Layla's place. She told me where to leave them. I'm going to stow them and I'll be back to watch your six shortly, so try to stay out of trouble until I get back. Oh, and Celia, the place is put back together to your specifications. *smirking at her raised eyebrow* What, you thought that would take time? You've lived with reapers long enough to know we're efficient.
But, Zav, you might be thinking up a story in case someone called in the gunfire. Something harmless like Celia was teaching Truely how to use a gun and it went off or something. Cops can't hold you but they could make life uncomfortable for your lady.
*Nodding, I dissolve into a fine black mist, to take care of this errand.
 Zav: I nod at Adrian as he goes. His method of leaving is going to cause more questions, but she needs to hear it all. Running my hands through my long hair and pushing it back from my face, I take a deep breath.*
Celia, I think Adrian's story will hold up since he repaired the damage. Can you go man the fort while Truely and I talk? We'll be right here if you need us.
*Celia nods and shoots me a quick look of sympathy. She's aware this won't be an easy discussion and I stand to lose everything if it doesn't go well.*
Truely...*licking my lips and sighing* I love you. And everything I've told you has been the truth. It just...the details are going to be hard for you to believe. But this won't happen again. I'll take steps to see you're protected. *sighing*
Humans had a great poet and playwright who once wrote "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Well he was right. There are more things in heaven and earth and the worlds beyond than humans comprehend. And I... and Adrian and Celia... are some of them.
 Truly: Shakespeare, Hamlet right? Ok, so what are you and what were those icky creatures that were trying to kill you? I want to understand this all, I really do. Please tell me everything Zav...everything.
 Zav: It might be easier to show you some of it. *Materializing a slim dagger, I hold out my forearm and make a fist, running the sharp blade across it. But what flows out isn't red blood. It's blue.*
That's grace. Not blood. It's the first part of what I am. An angel. *With a thought I allow my wings- enormous and capable of lifting my weight, and much more, in flight to materialize. The deep navy blue of them fades down into a pale blue at the bottom, the gloss of them catching the sunlight.*
And I'm more. *With another thought I dematerialize myself into a black mist and then reform.*
I'm also a reaper, a powerful being who collects mortal souls and helps them move on. *sighing* Once, long, long ago I and angels like me were sent to earth to teach humans. Some of us fell in love with them. But the white god...not the Creator, but one whom most humans believe is...he was jealous and afraid. The children we created with our human wives held great power. They had both soul and grace. So he had us all killed before they could grow up. Now, what happens to angels when they die is different that it is for humans or other mortal species. Most mortal souls move on to other lives. A few, when they are ready, ascend to a new plane of existence. But not angels. We go into the Long Sleep. So my wife and I could never be reunited. Not in new lives, not in ascension. But the reaper who came for me had been a friend once and he offered me the opportunity to join his corps. And to look for the soul of the wife that the white god...El Shaddai... had taken from me. And so... here I am.
 Truly: *I let out a squeak as I watch him materialize a knife. That squeak became a gasp when I see him cut himself. Then before I can say anything out runs blue blood. I watch it flow then stop. THEN the most beautiful set of wings appear... WINGS! I'm looking at actual angel wings. Then he's talking about angels and reapers and his dead wife.*
Wait. So you were an angel living among humans? Teach humans what though? Then you died or just your wife? *I shake my head*You are now a reaper? Or an angel? And you are not only taking dead people's souls to, their final resting place? But also searching for your dead wife? But if she's dead, why look on Earth? And where does this leave me if you are wanting her?
 Zav: *smiling in relief at how she's taking all this. Quietly I demat my wings. No point in keeping them exposed in case we do get a visit from other humans*
I taught them art, music...how to govern and care for a people, how to grow things. The Creator wanted humans to prosper. When I died I didn't lose my angel's grace or power. It would have gone into the Long Sleep with me. When a being surrenders his soul to Death to become a reaper, he brings with him all that he was in life. I have grace instead of a soul, which is a different kind of power than a soul has, but an immense one. So I am both angel and reaper now. Just not one who serves the Creator anymore.
*Pausing for a moment and inhaling before I continue. This was going to be the hardest of all.*
Her soul was human and it was not ready to ascend. It had more lives to live, more lessons to learn and grow from. If I had lived... and angels will live forever if they are not killed...my grace would have kept Kalare young and alive for as long as I was. Love is that strong.
But I don't have to look for her anymore. *looking deeply into her eyes* I've found her.
 Truely: *I stare into your eyes as you speak. I see and feel the truth but it's still overwhelming.* So, you are still an angel but also a reaper. And you said your grace could keep Kalare alive for as long as you...how? Like, she fed on it like a vampire? *damn do vampires exist too? Ok, not asking that right now. I just want to understand this man, his history, and how I fit into his present.* So, waaaaaaiiit.... *something he said just processed through my stuffed brain* You found her soul? Her reborn soul? *I squeak that last part out, then whisper...* me? You're saying I'm your dead wife reborn?
 Zav: *laughs softly and takes both her hands into mine* There are other ways of passing grace than drinking it. Humans don't have the teeth for it. My grace passed to her every time we made love. As it will pass to you. And yes, I have searched for her soul for 35,000 years. It has grown. Learned much. Been tempered by the experiences of the lives it has lived. Truely, the soul she bore in her mortal body now lives in yours. But you are not Kalare. You are Truely. And I am very aware of it.  And grateful for how her soul has grown and who it has become. How it has become you.
 Truely: *I'm...stunned*. 35,000 years? You searched that long to find her soul? But, but how can you know her soul is in me? *I touch my chest* And how *I shake my head trying to gather my thoughts* how are you sure its ME you love and not the idea of her soul being found? What, what do I do with this information Zav? *I stare into your eyes and absent-mindedly brush your hair out of your face as tears fall.* Is this why our connection was strong and fast? Is her essence like going to take over or how does that work?
 Zav: *taking her face in my hands I wipe away her tears with my thumbs. Kissing her gently,* I would have searched through eternity for it. It /is/ why we both felt such an instant connection, but I was not sure until I looked at your soul. *smiles* Yes, it is something reapers can do that angels can't. But the connection....*shaking my head and smiling a little* It was so instantaneous that I just knew it had to be from the moment you walked into my shop. But "she" doesn't take you over. You are her and she is you. There is no difference in the essence of your soul. What it's learned in each life, it brought to this one and made you who you are. The qualities that made her who she was then are still there now, and help make you who you are. I love you because you are Truely. Not because of who you were, but because of who /you/are.
 Truely: *I smile the tears drying up as I feel the truth and love in his words.* You said you had children. Does that mean their souls are out there too? And, um, can we have kids?
 Zav: *The smile fades from my face at this* Angels can. Reapers...cannot. I'm a mix. I still have my grace, but to be totally honest with you, I just don't know. Death is powerful.
 Truely: So, it’s one of those questions that has no answer ‘til we try. Right, then. What now Zav? What happens next and what about my shop?
 Zav: That's been taken care of. Reapers have the ability to materialize and dematerialize objects. Only our captain can reform molecules into other items, but we can all take it from one place to another. From what Adrian and Celia said, I can promise you your shop has been cleaned up, repaired and the equipment replaced. I'll see that the proper companies are paid for it. No one will lose by it. As for what happens now... *smile fading* I have to go to war.
The creatures that attacked us were rogue reapers. There's a struggle going on for the soul of the worlds. The Horseman of Death, whom I supposedly owe allegiance to, is in league with Lucifer and seeks to overthrow the Creator and rule the worlds with death. A group of us have broken away.
Our Captain is a very, very powerful being. As strong as the Horseman himself. And I owe him everything. I owe him finding you, as he was the one who offered me the Reaper Corps instead of The Long Sleep. He blocks The Horseman's hold on us. The rogues were souls that were corrupt before they died. So corrupt they were doomed for their respective Hell planes. Instead, The Horseman used them to create a fourth column of corruption in the corps, to help him alter the Fates’ decisions and let him take souls before their time to consume rather than let live and then move on to their new lives when it was time. *shaking my head* We fight for all the worlds, all universes.
Celia, I will leave here with you to protect you. She is not a reaper. She's a ghost and in life was a wolf shifter. She brought that ability over with her but her shooting is something she learned from Adrian. Her mate serves with us. I'll ward the shop and your home so this doesn't happen again. But go nowhere without her. Please.
 Truely: So, this Horseman is rebelling against his boss, siding with the devil, all for power and greed? Sounds kinda human. He should be ashamed to stoop to our level. And, um, you and your friends are going to stop him from taking souls that don't belong to him yet, if at all. Do I have it right? And Celia is a ghost who can bake and kick ass and you want me to hang with her 'til you come back to me?
 Zav: *laughs at her succinct summation* I love you. *shaking my head, then kissing her.* I really do.
We're going to do more than stop the Horseman. We're going to overthrow him, purge the ranks of his corruption and set the worlds back on their paths. But yes. Celia is all of that. And one of the other lieutenants is in constant contact with her mentally, so if there's trouble we'll know right away. *Pausing,* There is one more thing. *reaching out and taking the medallion by one finger.* Wear this. It contains a bit of my grace as well as some personal warding. It will make you harder for our enemies to focus in on and the grace will act as a homing beacon if anything should happen. Never take it off.
 Truely: *Returning the kiss* Ok, so you are going to go kick his ass, overthrow him, kill him and his lackeys, or all of the above. And this necklace will keep me safe from them. Right? Will Celia need one too or does being a ghost make it unnecessary? And lastly...when do you leave?
 Zav: She has one. It will /help/ keep you safe. And other things I will do before I leave will prevent both reapers and demons that do not possess a similar medal from entering. As for when I leave....I'm afraid this attempt on you means we are being more closely watched than we had hoped. Once I've warded everything I'll need to go and make a personal report to our Captain. I'm pretty sure it's going to speed up our timetable.
 Truely: Alright. So in a few minutes then or does this warding take longer than that?
 Zav: *Standing and drawing her to her feet* I'm afraid so. *huffing a sigh* I didn't want to tell you all this in quite this way, but I /was/ going to tell you. I never lied to you, but I didn't tell you everything. I promise, that will never happen again.
 Truely: *wrapping my arms around you I look into your face.* I'm going to hold you to that promise. I want our relationship based on truth and trust not just love. Can I help with the warding or what should I do now?
 Zav: *Lowering my lips to hers, I kiss her deeply, putting all my love into it. Finally breaking the kiss, I rest my chin on your head* I'm sorry I brought this to your door. And in the spirit of honesty *Looking down at you* I have to tell you there will always be enemies to guard against. I want you to know that going in. But I also want you to know that I'd die again to protect you. I won't let myself ever be caught unawares. *Not again. Not like the first time* And I think that I can teach you some of the warding so if you need to refresh it and I'm away you can. It's not hard, just some simple symbols in a certain order. The key is what you draw them with. Mortals /can/ do it with blood. It's more effective than paint, but like paint, blood will show and we don't want it to show. *smiles and chucks you under the chin* It would scare away the customers. So we're going to do it with my grace.
 Truely: *laughs* Yes it would. Ok, thank you for being honest. It’s a little scary to think about but I know you will protect me and I can learn to protect myself I'm sure. *leans up and kisses you letting you feel my love*
Alright, let’s do this and then, Zav...no weepy goodbye. Just smile and go, ok? I want to watch you go with us both standing strong. *knowing I'll fold later into a pile of mush but if he can be strong, so can I.*
 Zav: *materializing a small jar, I take the same slim dagger I'd used before and re-open the vein on my arm, letting silvery blue grace flow into it. When it's about three-quarters full, I materialize a gauze pad and place over it* I do heal fast, but not that fast, *I smile.* Next I need you to trust me. We are going to put these symbols on the inside of your shop but we are going to paint them in the half-world. It's where I am invisible to this world but it's visible to me. It's also where we fold time and space to walk the different worlds. *Shrugging my shoulders* It's complicated. But when we're done it won't be visible to the mortals. If you have to do it and I'm not here you'll have to do it where it can be seen but I've seen our resident reaper-witch do it so looks like decorations.
So to do this, I'll need you to grab hold of my belt and not let go. If you do, you'll just fall back into this reality, so it's nothing to fear, but to learn you need to be with me.
 Truely: Ok. This won’t be seen but if I have to use my blood to redo then make it look decorative. Got it. *I grin up at you.* I'm ready for the next step Zav. *I grab your belt tight as we shift into this, what I assume, is this half world you mentioned.*
 Zav: *I mist into the interior of the bakery with Truely at my side and then reform, keeping us in the half-world*
So, *Materializing a thick artists brush* we're going to paint symbols on the windows about 2 feet apart all around the outside walls of this room. If I needed to I could even paint it on the half-world air itself and it would just float there. I just did that for an area in New York state. But that takes a level of power you won't have on your own so we'll do it this way. There are four symbols we are going to use. This one *Drawing the first* is the equivalent of Gandalf the Gray facing down the Balrog and shouting "You Cannot Pass". And this one *drawing a new one* is for reapers. And this one *moving along the window and dipping my brush in the grace again* is for demons. And this one is for angels. Because not all angels are your friend. And then you start all over again. When we get to the wall that separates the kitchen we want to be right up against it and then start up with the next one right up against it on the other side. The wall itself won't impede the magic. Want to try?
 Truely: Yes! I like painting and these aren't overly complicated. I need to do this. *I dip the paint brush in the "grace" paint and mimic the symbols on the walls as he directed. When I finished the last one I turn to face you.* How was that? Did I do it right?
 Zav: *Grins and pats my chest* I feel like a proud papa. You did great. We'll just continue this around and then mist upstairs to do it. *Working quickly, we finish the downstairs and move up to Truely's apartment.*
 Truely: *I can't help but sneak glances at Zav as we work to protect my apartment. I know our time, for now, is just about to end and it's breaking my heart but I have to stay strong, I will stay strong.* Is that it then, we done?
 Zav: *Smiling down at her* Almost. *Reforming in her dimension, I take the dagger and slice the other forearm to refill the small jar with grace, then bandaging  it to match the other arm.*
If you have to do this where people can see it mix some of this with your blood. It will be almost as powerful as grace alone because of our connection. And combined it will kill the scent of blood make a nice purple shimmery color that will be easier to explain as decor. *When the jar is full I cap it tightly and hold my hand over it murmuring ag dúnadh go docht* When you need to open it say “oscailte” and then twist. *sitting it on the table and sighing* You don't know how much I really do not want to leave you. *drawing you into my arms again, I just hold you, memorizing the feel of you in my arms*
 Truely: *I tighten my hold on you not wanting to release you but knowing I have to. I inhale your scent, I absorb your heat, and I kiss your shoulder tasting your skin.* Ok my Star. You have to go, so you can come back. And you WILL come back or I'll go find you...no matter where or what rules I have to break. Take my love with you and let it be your shield. *I step back a step and smile holding back the tears I feel forming*
 Zav: *Fuck, how can I leave her, but how can I not? If Sin loses this fight all the worlds are screwed including this one. And they know about her now. They'll find her. I have to go. I have to fight, now more than ever. Reluctantly, I let her step away from me, letting my hands drop.*
It will be. It's my reason to survive this. *taking her hands and kissing her knuckles* I promise I /will/ come back. You are my heart and my soul. I will be back. *Stepping back, I mist away, calling to Celia to let her know I've gone and bidding her to guard my heart as I will guard hers. And now to find Sin.*
 #TBC #Renegades #RRPG #DarkAngels #Creation #Rekindled #BDBAU #Reapers #Angels #Vampires #Wolven
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darkfairy-tales · 4 years
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100 Degrees
Chapter Three
[Day 2]
The second day Hongjoong hangs out with Yunho and his friends. "I can hit high notes." Jongho argues. "Well I can dance." San said. Everyone sat around in a large park. They had snacks in front of them. Everyone was talking about their talents. "I am the best at dance though." Yunho says. "I can rap. I can dance. I am a blessed, talented human." Mingi said with a cocky smile spreading his hands like some God. Hongjoong laughs at the scowl San gives to Mingi. "Whatever." San grumbles. "How about you all dance? I mean show me some good dance moves. I will see who is the best at it." Hongjoong offers. "I am up for this challenge!" Mingi says clapping as he stood up. "I am up for this too. Obviously I am gonna win." Yunho says confidently. "You sure? He might think I am the best." San asked with a raised eyebrow. "I am not going to win this between you all. So you all just dance. Me and Hongjoong hyung will judge." Jongho said.
Everyone stood up getting into position. The showed some cool dance moves they knew one by one. Hongjoong recording their video in his phone. "So who did it the best?" Mingi asks when they were done. Jongho and Hongjoong huddled close to each other discussing who they should choose. "We choose San!" Jongho and Hongjoong both shouts and hollers. Yunho and Mingi were pouting. "Ha! Told you." San says satisfied sitting back down. "You should have choosen me. Your own boyfriend." Yunho pouts sitting back down beside Hongjoong. "You will be always my favorite you giant puppy." Hongjoong giggles patting the taller's head. "Good. I expect to be your number one!" Yunho grins. "Waaa! It must be so good to have a lover who would choose you no matter what." Mingi says with a shit eating grin, wriggling his eyebrow teasingly at Yunho. "I am lucky aren't I?" Yunho asks, pecking Hongjoong's cheek. "Ayee don't get all lovey dovey. Our single asses can't deal with the loneliness." San joked. "Just say you can't deal the feeling of wanting to find a lover desperately too." Jongho sassed at San. The older one glaring at the maknae. Hongjoong laughed seeing them bicker back and forth almost like real siblings. He was glad he became friends with the boys. They were going to be a part of one of his great memories. Forever.
[Day 3]
The thrid day both Hongjoong and Yunho stays home. Yunho's parents are out for some work. And they had planned to try baking together. They had planned to bake some chocolate chip cookies. They worked well as a team in the kitchen. Except for a few mistakes here and there. Hongjoong puts in the tray of round cookie doughs inside the oven ready for it to bake. "I hope it turns out fine. At least okay enough to eat." Hongjoong says. "It will. We did followed the instruction." Yunho said shrugging. Hongjoong looks at the taller then giggling. "You have baking powder on you face. You are so cute." Hongjoong says. Yunho wipes it away with his hand and then wiping his hand on Hongjoong's face. "Now you have it on your face. Look at how cute you look." Yunho cooed, playfully. "Yah! Don't put baking powder on my face you giant." Hongjoong whines. Yunho laughs as he wipes it away for the smaller. "There you go. All clean." He says
"Thank you Mr.Jeong Yunho." Hongjoong says giggling as Yunho pulled him in hugging him. "Always welcome cutie." The taller hums. "Let's take a picture." Hongjoong says taking out his phone to take some more cute pictures of them together. He wanted to cherish every moment he was going to be spending with Yunho. "We look cute." He says proudly saving the pictures he took. "Of course after all I have a cutie like you aa my baby." Yunho says hugging the smaller giggling. Later the cookies had turned out very well. The two of them eating it together while teasing each other and talking about other things they both wanted to try.
[Day 4]
The fourth day Hongjoong finds himself with Yunho, Mingi, San and Jongho in the small lake behind Mingi's house. They wanted to have fun swimming. "Throw him! Throw him?" The others cheered. Waist deep into the lake. Hongjoong clung on his boyfriend. Yunho had him in his arms getting ready to throw him into the water. "I swear Jeong Yunho. You are so dead if you throw me there!" Hongjoong squeaked out. "Just jump in together." Mingi suggested. "That sounds like a good plan." Yunho said. Next thing Hongjoong knows he is soaked, in the lake coughing because of the water which had managed to accidentally get up his nostrils. "I hate you." Hongjoong glares at his tall lover. "Aw baby you know you love me." Yunho says smiling like an idiot. "And there goes Yunho being a whipped puppy for his small lover." San teased. "This romance is making me wanna puke." jongho said making barfing sounds. Yunho just laughed as the played together. Splashing water against each other. Hongjoong was convinced by now. Coming here was the best thing which could hace happened to him this summer. He gained friends and also a lover. Jeong Yunho.
[Day 5]
"Yunho I am not sure if we should do this." Hongjoong says as he barely manages to balance himself on the bicycle. "Don't be scared baby. I am here to help you." Yunho says failing to hold in his laughter seeing his small lover struggle to ride a bicycle. "Don't laugh! And I am not scared." Hongjoong grumbled. His face flustered out of embrassment. "You are just so cute baby. I can't help it." Yunho says as he holds the back of the cycle making sure his small lover doesn't fall down or something along with the cycle. He stopped to help Hongjoong get off from the bicycle. "Here. You sit on the back. I will be the driver." Yunho says as they switched their position. Hongjoong sat on the back holding onto Yunho. His arms wrapped around the taller's waist. They went cycling around the vast empty roadway. "It is so calm. I like it here. I wanna live here." Hongjoong says loud enough foe the taller to hear. "I would love that too." Yunho says. Hongjoong doesn't have to look at the taller's face to say he was smiling. "I love you Yunho." Hongjoong sincerely says. There was something tugging at his heartstring when saying those words. Maybe it was the sadness he felt knowing he have to go back home. Go back to the city without Yunho. "I love you too Hongjoong. Always." Yunho says. Hongjoong breathed in taking in the taller's scent. His fingers gripping on the fabric of Yunho's shirt. A comfortable silent falling between them as they just drove along the long road enjoying the quiet atmosphere.
[Day 6]
"Will you come find me?" Hongjoong mumbles. Him and Yunho laid on the bed cuddled up against each other. "I will. Because I would miss you too much to stay away from you for a long time." Yunho says, his hand playing with the smaller's hair. Twirling the strands using his fingers. "I will really miss you. I don't wanna go back Yunho." Hongjoong says a small sob leaving his throat catching Yunho by surprise. "Don't cry Joongie." Yunho says pulling the smaller into his arms. Seeing the smaller cry made him sad. "I don't want to go back. Without you." Hongjoong says, his tears falling down his cheeks and down the taller's shirt. "We are going to meet again Joongie. I am going to come after you. But you have to go back first and wait for me." Yunho says calming down the smaller. Hongjoong pulls away after a while, his tears all dried up. "Make love to me." He says catching the taller by surprise. "H-huh?" The taller splutters. "I said make love to me. I am ready. To give my whole to you." Hongjoong says. "Are you sure?" Yunho softly asks holding the smaller's hands. "Yes." Hongjoong says looking at the taller lovingly. It was all Yunho needed for confirmation.
And it was the day both lovers loses their own virginity to each other. Both were not fully experienced. But Hongjoong didn't regretted anything. Yunho had made sure to show how much he loved him. His touches, his kisses everything was gentle. Hongjoong's heart felt content. The whisper of 'I love you' 'You are beautiful' 'you are my everything' making his heart swell in happiness and love.
[The Next Day]
"Are you ready Hongjoong? Your parents are here." Mrs.Jeong calls out. Hongjoonh gulps. He felt nauseous as he tried to hold back his tears. "Stay care okay. Don't.. Don't look at other man." Yunho tries to joke. But the tears in his eyes says a different story. "I will miss you hyung." San says. "We all will." Jongho says. "We are really glad that we met you." Mingi says. The tall, soft boy is almost crying. San patting on his back. Hongjoong sniffs looking at all of them. "Give me a goodbye hug idiots." He says laughing through his tears. Everyone gathered around him as they did a group hug. "Come on we will see you out." Jongho says as they break away from the hug. He holds the older's stuffs for him as they go out to where Hongjoong's parents were waiting.
Hongjoong's father has helped Jongho in loading Hongjoong's bag inside the car. Hongjoong stood in front of Yunho. No one said a word giving the couple a moment of their own. Yunho's mother had informed Hongjoong's parents about the relationship of their two sons. Both mothers were sad to 'separate' the two but Hongjoong had to go back. He had studies to complete and same for Yunho. "You better come for me. I am going to wait for you Jeong Yunho." Hongjoong says. His eyes were glossy but he was not going to let himself break down. "I will. Don't forget me. Don't stop loving me." Yunho said giving the smaller a hug. Hesitating to let go but he eventually did. "I am leaving me heart here. To you." Hongjoong says as he quickly wipes away a stray tears which falls. "You are taking mine with you. Protect it." Yunho says giving the smaller a sad smile.
If it was other time Hongjoong would have teased the taller for being so cheesy but at the moment he couldn't bring himself to do so. "See you soon Yunho. I love you." Hongjoong says. "I love you too." Yunho says sniffing. Hongjoong turns around as walks towards the car where his parents were waiting, getting inside the car. Hongjoong doesn't look back in fear of seeing the sad look of the taller. In fear that he would start crying. It was so hard to walk away already. His father starts the engine as they slowly drove away from there. His mother doesn't say anything as Hongjoong breaks down crying once they were away from Yunho's sight. All she could do was hold his son and pat him on the back in a comforting manner.
'May we meet again my love.'
Previous Chapter || Next Chapter (Final)
Hello!! I hate myself. I cried so much while writing this. This hurted so damn much. God this was hard to write because I cried every damn second of it ㅠㅠ
Anyway thank you for the support you guys have shown for this book! There will a last chapter and it will be end of this story! Don't worry this is going to have a happy ending.
Stay tuned for the next chapter! Love you all. Buii ><
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justwastedink · 7 years
Sunlight. Sunlight streaming on her face from an open window was what woke her up. She rose slowly, stretching her shoulders and back, a smile on her face. She was surrounded by feathers from a torn pillow. She yawned while brushing her curly, chestnut brown hair out of her eyes with her fingers. She was alone in the bed. A look of confusion crossed her delicate features, where was he?
The sound of clanging pans in the kitchen answered her question for her. She smiled, padding out of the room in nothing but a tank top and underwear. Quietly, she snuck up behind him. Her husband was standing at the kitchen counter, wearing nothing but sweats, waiting for pancakes to cook. Stepping as lightly as a mouse, she continued across the room until she was close enough to jump onto his back with a shout.
The sound of her melodious laughter filled the air, followed by his deeper, throatier laugh. Grabbing her small body, he turned her around and set her on the counter, pancakes forgotten. She traced his defined abdomen, gazing into his deep, mocha-brown eyes with her own striking eyes like the sky.
In the next second, the moment was over because he had started tickling her, eliciting screams of joy while she squirmed in his arms. Barely remembering to turn the stove off, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom and—
The memory faded from her eyes like starlight in the daytime. A smile was still on her face. Her once chestnut brown hair now the color of the clouds on an overcast day. Her eyes that once held the sky were slightly dimmed and surrounded by wrinkles that showed the advances of Father Time. She stared out the window of her second story room from her wheelchair, lost in thought. She never missed him because she never spent a moment without him. She spent every moment of every day lost in memories of her one true love.
Dementia was a cruel foe. It didn’t take you all at once. No, it took you piece by piece. All the while allowing you to live in pure bliss if you were lucky. She wasn’t ever lucid long enough to remember that he had died 7 years previous. She was 89 years old, but in her mind she was 23 again.
Not once did the smile fade. Not even when she heard a knock at the door. A young woman poked her head in and yet she didn’t see her. At least, not for who she truly was. “Grandma? May I come in? I have some tea and cookies.” The woman said.
“Of course my dear.” She replied. The woman crossed the room in a few short strides and set the tray of goodies on the bed. Her grandmother reached for her hand and gestured for her to sit down. The tea lay forgotten as she began another one of her stories.
“You’ll never believe this man that I met, Annie.” Annie was her best friend that had died 5 years ago. Although she knew her grandmother didn’t know who she was and thought she was her best friend, the woman didn’t care. She was content to sit and listen to the ramblings of an old woman.
-Excerpt from a book I’ll never write
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stellamai · 7 years
Andrew’s family gets a little larger (Andrew and Kids Part Six)
There's a yelp from the living room that has Andrew rushing in from the kitchen, right hand wrapped in a tea towel and baking tray steaming on the counter behind him. “I’m fine,” calls a small voice, and Andrew doesn’t miss the immediate wince that follows. “Emily, we talked about this,” he replies flatly as he crouches next to her. “Sorry,” she replies with a grin. “It’s just a scratch.” Andrew inspects her proffered hand, seeing what is undeniably a cat scratch streaking across the back of it. He glances over to where King sits hunched under an armchair, eyes narrowed and ears twitching. “It was an accident,” insists Emily. “She was going for the mouse.” She waggles the toy in Andrew’s face and he sighs, getting up to head back to the kitchen. “Be careful,” he says, throwing a last glare in King’s direction. She doesn’t react, gaze still locked on the catnip toy Emily is holding. The tray of cookies on the counter wobbles suddenly as Andrew’s phone vibrates from beneath it and he snatches it up quickly, amazed that the device is still intact. He’s already destroyed two in the past year. Getting him a smartphone was the worst decision Neil has ever made. Speak of the devil, the screen has lit up with a text from Josten himself. At the store, it reads. What’s Emily’s fav ice cream at the moment? Chocolate, Andrew replies, putting the device to one side again. There’s a pause before the screen lights up again. Did you ask her? Andrew huffs. Everyone likes chocolate. He receives an ellipsis in response. Fine, he sends back. “Emily, what’s your favourite ice cream?” he calls. “Right now? Mint chocolate chip,” she replies, skidding into the kitchen with Sir in her arms. She was wise to turn her attention to the more docile cat, Andrew thinks. He can’t move as quickly as King. “Is Neil back? Are we going for ice cream?” “He’s picking some up on his way home,” replies Andrew, relaying Emily’s choice with a few quick taps. He receives three smiley faces in response. Emily grins. “Come play with me?” Andrew puts a fresh batch of cookies in the oven and follows her back into the living room with a bag of cat treats. Emily’s been trying to teach King tricks, to varying degrees of success. He watches with one corner of his mouth quirked up ever so slightly as she attempts to teach the ball of fluff to roll over, and sneaks Sir a treat behind his back whenever Emily’s not looking. When Neil walks through the door ten minutes later, Emily leaps up to greet him, hugging him tightly before grinning at the bag of groceries. “Good timing,” she says. “Drew’s making cookies.” Emily’s only been with them for a month so Neil hasn’t been away for any extended periods of time, but she’s always so excited to see him return, even from a day at the court. It makes such warmth bloom in Andrew's chest that he almost can't stand it. They’re only fostering at the moment, but the process of adoption is well underway. He can already envision the future, and it’s full of moments like this. Neil laughs and hands the ice cream to Emily, who runs into the kitchen with it, then he turns to Andrew, leaning in close. “Hi,” he whispers as Andrew catches his lips in a kiss. Years ago they would need a yes or no but now they usually only need to read each others’ body language to know if something’s okay. And even after all these years, Andrew’s heart rate still flutters and lurches when they kiss. “Good day?” he asks, thumb resting against the pulse point on Neil’s neck as if to assure himself that his heart isn’t the only one threatening to leap from his chest. Neil nods. “Even better now.” “What?” asks Andrew with mock incredulity, turning to head into the kitchen where Emily is haphazardly scooping rapidly-melting ice cream onto plates of warm cookies. “Something’s better than Exy?” “Yeah,” says Neil softly, resting his head on Andrew's shoulder. “My family.” Andrew’s heart jumps and swells like a cresting wave, and he tilts his head to kiss Neil’s soft curls. “Here you go, dads,” says Emily, grinning cheekily as she pushes two plates towards them. Neil glances at Andrew and chuckles. “She’s been reading Nicky’s fanfiction again.” And as they sit around the kitchen island, Emily regaling Neil with stories of all the outrageous things the cats have done today, Andrew feels more content than he ever imagined himself being. The young girl is grinning as she talks, and Neil keeps sending Andrew disgustingly fond looks, and they both look so happy. Andrew’s happy too. There are still bad days for all of them - days when Neil is jumpy from seeing someone who looks like an old foe; days when Andrew wakes up numb all over from a nightmare; nights when Emily knocks on their door shaking with memories of past abuse and insisting her dead mother’s coming after her - but it’s getting increasingly easier to find their way back into the light. Together. Andrew thinks of lonely days in the apartment without Neil, with only the cats for company, and can feel the emptiness of the space like a ghost. But now, as he looks at their soon-to-be-daughter as she gestures wildly with her hands, miming Sir’s failed attempt to jump onto the arm of the sofa earlier that day, and at Neil, who laughs along and offers his forearm as the pretend sofa for Emily’s hand-cat to scrabble futilely at, those days already feel less empty. And Andrew can’t help it - doesn’t know if he even wants to - he smiles. 
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