#for anyone worrying about my mental state I’m fine I know it’s ‘just a dream’
jeweledstone · 1 year
Update on the hunt for Neovil: A temporary victory
Here’s a little update regarding the ongoing Neovil arc of my dreams so far.
Lately I’ve been trying this tactic of trying to “lure” Neovil into whatever dream I might have that night so I can confront him via sleeping with this Jevil plushie I have alongside my Spamton one. Tonight, it finally seemed to work cause he showed up in one of the dreams I had fully intent on beating my ass.
At this time in this verse, me and my family were temporarily living in this bunker in the woods where he NORMALLY wouldn’t be able to find me while some other reality benders were training me to be able to actually have a chance at fighting him. And I say NORMALLY cause it was in that dream that he was able to track me down and basically blow up the bunker we were staying in. No one got hurt, thank god, but it left us pretty fucking vulnerable to whatever he was gonna do next.
I remember he ended up getting close enough to attack me via disguising himself as another person I knew (which is apparently a thing he’s capable of, which is scary af). It was around then that he tried to possess me in order to force me to attack my family but a couple of the reality benders I was training under were able to help literally pull him out of my body. After this incident he seemed to have retreated for now and I was very close to full panic mode so I forced myself awake on instinct.
Now, as you may know, I tend to have little auditory hallucinations for a few seconds after I wake up from a dream, usually said auditories are related to said dream. This time was no different, with me hearing Neovil’s voice threatening to hurt my family if I didn’t go back to sleep to face him. Worried about the well-being of those I love, I did just that only for him to possess me again while I was still getting used to the dream world (I tend to have a moment or two where I can’t see anything or move properly while shifting from the physical realm to the dream one). That dream ended up ending with me forcing myself awake yet again before I lost control, the last thing I said being “I have to wake up, HE is inside me.”
So now, according to the audio I heard after waking up once again, Neovil is currently contained in my head, unable to take control or even escape due to how our reality works (much to his dismay). As far as I’m aware he won’t be able to get out until I go back to sleep tonight. If anything, at least the multiverse is safe for now, even if it’s only a short 12 or so hours.
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nicklesbam · 7 months
TW: angst, mental health issues
I know this isn’t the latest story you guys thought I would be posting but I know a lot of people are going through a hard time right now and so am I, I thought why not make something out of this feeling yk?
not proofread, I did all of this in about 30 minutes or so
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Sleep. Why do we need it? Is it the constant state of tiredness? An escape from reality? Who knows, all I know is I can’t seem to fall asleep
Throughout the days I get more exhausted, my smile starts to wear thin, and my eyes feel like they’re ablaze. I just want to stay coupled up in my room
But I can’t. Every day it’s another curse and everyday we kill it, it’s like a cycle on repeat day in and day out
“You look tired,” Gojo spoke as we were walking in silence beforehand. I just look to him, my eye bags giving it away, “have you been getting enough sleep?”
“I’m fine, I just didn’t get much sleep last night. I’ll go to bed early tonight” I lied through my teeth. I’m helpless, nothing feels how it should, nothing is how it should be. We continue to walk in silence back to jujustu high
Once I get back to my room I change and just lay on my bed. Why am I like this? I was just fine a couple days ago, so why now? I had so many unanswered questions
I kept up on my training as to not alert anyone of any implications that I’m not doing alright. I remember when Suguru Geto was still here, we used to be close. I remember what it was like to fight beside him, how we used to have fun along with Gojo but it’s in the past now. Now my future is full with cursed spirits
I dream of a place in my mind where I could go. I could just go and never have to worry about anything. I would have my best friends beside me and there would be no cursed spirits, everything would be perfect. It was a dream for a reason
I haven’t been able to bring myself to eat much, only what I need to stay alive. I’m in darkness and I don’t think anyone could pull me out, it’s too late. I curled in on myself under my blanket, sniffling for reasons unknown to me. Sometimes everything we do as sorcerers gets too much, it’s starting to get too much for me and it was too much for Suguru Geto. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I started to sob loudly under my covers
I heard the door open but I didn’t care, I had finally broke the tall standing wall I had put up. The person rushed to my side and lifted the blanket. Gojo stood there with a worried face
“Y/n! Are you ok?” His question just made me sob more. I couldn’t control myself at this point
“Is there something you need?! Something I can do?! Please! Tell me!” He doesn’t know what to do, I myself don’t know what to do. I just lay there a sobbing mess as one of my best friends stares at me with worry etched across his face
Suddenly another pair of footsteps sounds in the room. I can’t move, I can’t see who it is
‘Just leave! Please! I don’t want you to see me like this!’ I shouted in my head only for it not to reach my lips
“Y/n are you alright?” I recognized the voice as shoko. She tried to touch my shoulder but I shook it off. I wanted to scream, scream until my lungs give out, scream until I can’t breathe, scream until my best friend is back. My pillow was soaked with tears
Gojo hesitated as he moved closer to the bed. He lifted the covers and climbed in the bed with me while Shoko gave him a confused look. He moved closer to me until we were only a couple inches apart. He listened to me sob into my pillow, quieting my screams. If I could only see the hurt look on his face, I would’ve been broken for good. He suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me to his chest. One of his arms stays on my back as the other strokes my hair softly
“Let it all out.” Was all he said. I sobbed into his chest, my screams breaking both of their hearts as it is mine. Gojo let silent tears fall down his cheeks as he couldn’t help it, he already lost one best friend and he wasn’t ready to lose another
Shoko stared in concern at the scene in front of her not knowing what to do so she did what she could and sat on the bed next to us. She gently laid her hand on my back and rubbed soothing circles. Both of the physical sentiments seem to help calm me down, soon I was reduced to silent tears and hiccup breaths as I felt my exhaustion consume me
Gojo was panicking on the inside as he held his sleeping tear-stained best friend in his arms. He didn’t want to lose another friend, he’d already lost one and he wasn’t ready to let go of another. He held onto me as tightly as he could without hurting me. His tears still stream down his face quietly as he worries what my future could look like, a sorcerer? A curse user? ….Geto? He quickly ran the idea out of his mind
I fell asleep in the embrace of two of my best friends and I realized something. I may miss old memories, old friends but my most loved ones are right here with me. I can’t have time pass me by while I’m still stuck in the past, yes it takes time to heal and it can’t be done overnight but it has to be done or it’ll consume me
I avoided sleep for the longest time hoping I wouldn’t see his face. I always wondered how he felt in his final weeks before he turned to the other side until I realized, this is how he felt. He felt alone, he felt hatred, he felt sorrow. I don’t think there’s even a word for everything he felt. I felt horrible knowing one of the people I cared about most was suffering in silence for so long and we couldn’t notice
I felt grateful, grateful that I have friends who see me hurting and what I’m going through. Who don’t know how to help but they help anyways, that’s the kind of friends I don’t want to push away. I’m happy to know that I’m not alone through all of this and that if I need someone they’re always there
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
Reader plays with James' hair for him to fall asleep.
That's it. That's the ask.
Reader playing with James’s hair to get him to fall asleep
This is before the boys knew about their relationship ;)
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It was a typical Friday night for you. You and James had caused chaos on the boardwalk while your father hunted, unaware of your presence missing from the cave.
The two of you returned to his house and retreated to his room. Something was wrong with James, you noted. He was more sluggish and quiet, he seemed to be delayed mentally by seconds.
So when he sat down on the edge of the bed and started to strum on his guitar, you noted that his face wasn’t his usual concentrated one. He had a tired expression.
You raised yourself from you laid down position on his bed and rested you head on his shoulder.
“What’s the matter jamie?” You gently whispered out his nickname that always seemed to make him relax
“Nothing for you to worry about gorgeous” he muttered out as he strummed on his guitar.
“Baby?” You grip his chin between your fingers and move him gently to face him, when you do you gently stroke his deep eye bags with your thumbs “are the nightmares back?”
“They’re different this time” James sighs out as he puts his guitar down and leans into your caring touch “worse”
“Oh baby” you embrace him slowly and feel his breathing on your neck “do you want to talk about it”
You felt James’s hold around your waist tighten painfully before he realises his mistake and stops.
“I dream of you” James confesses as his breath hitches and you reassuringly stroke his back gently.
“Me?” You chuckle out “I know I can be annoying but I don’t think I’m that scary”
“You could never scare me” James sighs out “I dream of people hurting you and I can’t protect you”
“Hurting me how?” You question quietly
“They kill you” James says through gritted teeth “they beat you in front of me and make me watch when they kill you”
“Who’s they honey?” You ask concerned
“My dad” he confesses as he tightens his hold again
You let out a sigh. James had told you what his father had done to his sister and mother. It drove him crazy that he couldn’t stop their fate and protect them. You guessed that James protective nature had projected his fears on to you in his dreams. You couldn’t stand to see him hurting
“No one’s going to kill me baby” you reassure as James pulls back from you hold and grips your shoulders while looking into your eyes
“I’d kill anyone who touched you” you snarls out “I’d tear them limb from limb and make them choke on their own blood”
“I know baby” you say with a smile before an idea popped into your head “I’ll help you sleep”
“You gonna read me a bedtime story” James teases with a smirk and you just roll your eyes before laying down on the bed.
“Lay down on my chest” you instructed “and don’t try to cop a feel”
James’s smirk falls as he rolls his eyes and settles himself on you chest while listening to your thumping heart, it calmed him.
“Don’t you have to go soon?” James questioned sadly
“I’ll stay the night” you stated
“What about your dad?” James huffs out in distaste
“He won’t notice” you reassure “and if he does I’ll say I was with my mom, I’ll be fine”
James simply huffs out in agreement as his brain raced with possibilities of you getting in trouble or hurt. Those thoughts stopped however when you slowly ran a hand through his blonde locks.
You started by gently tucking strands behind his ears but you quickly moved on you letting your finger tips skim his scalp as you ran your fingers through his hair.
James relaxed more in your hold and felt his heart swell with adoration as he looked up at your calm concentrated face, he wanted to kiss you but nothing could move him from your chest.
You began to let a melodic hum out as your fingers continued to play with his hair. The beauty of your voice calmed James down more as his anxieties washed away with every sound you let out.
He felt his eyes slowly closing as he held you tighter in an attempt to drag you into the dream world with him so he could spend every moment with you he could.
“I love you” he whispered out as his eyes shut and he drifted off to sleep, you let out a quiet giggle and continued to stroke his hair
“I love you too” you whispered back as you felt your eyelids drop closed as you succumbed to sleep yourself
You settled yourself in James bed and he made sure his grip was secure on you.
He was in heaven
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bigbadripley · 2 years
Diagnostics - Prompt #9
Here’s another one-shot I threw together based on prompt #9 from this post. 
Warnings: swearing, mention of choking, teasing, mention of a dream that is nsfw, pining
Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader (Buck seems to be a bit dommy here, if I do say so myself) 
2,112 Words
Minors DNI! 18+  ⚠️
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“Y/A, you up?” You awoke from your strange and beautiful dream state to a voice outside your bedroom door calling for you. You were confused, as the dream you were having seemed so real that the voice saying your name was heard clearly in the dream itself. “Y/A? I’m coming in.” The voice called out through the heavy door once more, seeming concerned that you weren’t answering them the first time. 
In your groggy, half-awake state, you barely recognized the voice outside of your dream at first, but as soon as the door opened and you saw the star of your head movie, Bucky, peek through it, you felt a flush rise across your face. “Oh, you’re awake. How come you didn’t answer before?” He asked, opening the door a bit more. 
You sat up in your bed, no longer feeling drowsy after the jolt in your heart from seeing his face. “Just waking up, sorry.” You apologize, trying not to stare at the man too hard. It looked like he had just woken up as well, dawning nothing but a pair of flannel pajama bottoms. It felt that he was looking right through you, though. 
“No worries. I actually needed your help with something.” Bucky explained, still leaning on the doorframe like he was taking a load off, the metal arm holding the door open. 
You’re the team’s resident “fix it” person; first, a neurologist before picking up knowledge and skills from Stark and Banner, so you have the know-how to do just about anything around the base in place of those two. 
“What’s going on?” You asked, waving for Bucky to enter the room all the way. Not caring much about the pajamas you were wearing, you slide out of bed to stand up and meet him halfway. 
It was hard not to trail your eyes over every inch of his body after the dream you had, but you knew you had to keep your cool. Now Bucky was just inches away as he had been in your fantasy before the real fun began. You started to kick yourself mentally as drool pooled in your mouth. 
“My pinky isn’t moving along with the other fingers. It’s kinda delayed.” Bucky said, holding his left arm out for you and moving the fingers in a demonstration. It was precisely that: the other four fingers moved just fine, and the pinky lagged extensively. 
You knew the mechanics of the arm well, having studied and examined it hundreds of times, but it was difficult to tell what was going on with it at face level, especially just standing in your bedroom and holding your breath. 
“Could be the phantom sensors. Go ahead and go to the lab; I’ll be there in a minute to take a look, okay?” You told him in a much more tender tone than you usually spoke with anyone on the team. 
There was a brief moment of eye contact, where you noticed a sparkle in his baby blues before he nodded and took his leave, slowly closing the door behind him. You finally took a breath when the door latched and began to throw some clothes on.
  You entered the lab and found that Bucky was already set up on the chair with his arm in position for diagnostics. His expression was stone until he saw you and met you with a smile as you entered the lab. It was the same routine about once a week: you do a check-up on his arm and a mental health check-in. 
“How’d you sleep?” You asked him as you opened the inner workings of the arm. 
“Not so bad.” He answered. You connected wires to the arm and grabbed the tester that joined to the other cables’ other end off your side table. 
“Any bad dreams?” You wondered, studying his face for dishonesty. He shrugged,
“Not last night, no.” He said. He paid no attention to the machine running tests on his arm, such as moving the fingers individually and rotating the joints. Bucky’s expression was honest as you eyed him from the top rim of your glasses and pretended to be paying more attention to the digital window on your device. 
He was a gorgeous man who hardly needed to try to look put together. He looked like he tried his best, even splayed shirtless in front of you. Before his eyes could catch yours, you flicked them back to the device as he spoke again. “How about you? Sleep well?” He returned your question.
One thing the two of you bonded over was the occasional nightmare, and you appreciated these meetings to talk about them. However, you couldn’t say what you actually dreamt of this time. 
“I slept fine. The dream wasn’t bad.” You answered, but panic immediately flooded your body when your voice cracked on your reply’s second to last word. 
Bucky’s eyebrows ticked upward, “Really? What was it about?” He prodded. You began to feel heat rush to your cheeks as you shook your head, trying to avoid making a liar out of yourself. “Come on! You can tell me!” He probed further. 
“I can’t,” You corrected, kicking yourself again for not being able to lie to him so the topic could be left alone. Your efforts were fruitless, though, as he continued to dig for hints until your machine beeped with the diagnosis. You began pulling the cables off of his vibranium tendons one by one, trying to ignore the set of eyes pestering you to answer their questions. 
A change in subject was needed to remove the blush from your face. “The joints for the pinky just need a bit of lube, nothing too serious.” You informed him, turning to your side table to grab a bit of oil and a rag. You applied it generously to the surface of the finger before going back into the arm to dab a bit for good measure. All the while, Bucky seemed to want to return to your dream subject. 
“It was about someone here, wasn’t it?” He questioned. You exhaled roughly, still unable to bring yourself to lie to him, so you kept up the avoidance as you closed the arm back up and began scanning the room for your grip tester. It was usually on your side table, but it seemed nowhere in sight. 
“Shit, we gotta do a grip test, but the squeezer is gone.” You tell him, referring to the device by the nickname you both coined. 
Bucky’s eyes widen, “Yeah, about that... Steve, Thor, and I needed to settle a debate. It’s sort of... in several pieces now.” He admitted. You gave the man a look of disappointment, knowing it was the only tool to do the test. He wouldn’t be able to leave the lab until the test was complete in some fashion, so you held your arm out to him. 
“We’ll use my wrist, then.” You said with a shrug. Bucky cocked his head at this,
“I don’t think we should.” He said with hesitation. You let out a small chuckle,
“I won’t let you hurt me, Buck. Just squeeze until I tell you to stop.” You said, returning to the tender tone you took with him earlier. 
The cyborg seemed unconvinced but did as you asked and wrapped his cold metal hand around your arm. His grip was loose at first and slowly grew tighter and tighter, causing a bit of the dream you had to return to you again: 
He had your right wrist pinned above your head with this hand. 
Your knees began to weaken as the hand closed more and more, and eventually, you felt your stomach burn as the thoughts played over in your head. It did hurt a little, but you weren’t scared. You had always had a hard time separating pain and pleasure. After a moment, Bucky released your arm swiftly and stared at you with wide eyes. 
“Wait, your dream was about me, wasn’t it?” He called back to the old topic from more. Your trance was overtaken by more panic as you realized what had just happened. You grabbed a pen and began to scribble on your clipboard,
“Test complete.” You said, refusing to respond to him. It was no use: he saw right through you now. 
“Aw, you had a dream about me?” He asked rhetorically, pretending to be touched by the sentiment. The two of you were not strangers to teasing and picking on each other, but you were at your wit’s end and couldn’t keep yourself together anymore.
“Enough, Buck! What do you want me to say? That I dreamt about your hand being around my neck while you whispered bad things to me?” You finally admitted. That wasn’t the whole dream, but you were sure it would be enough to satisfy his curiosity. Bucky stared at you in awe, making you fear that you were too direct and freaked him out. 
You continued aimlessly straightening up the side table and scribbling on your clipboard, trying to ignore the tension that blanketed the room. Buck’s Adam’s apple bobbed in the corner of your eye as he gulped. You continued to peer over, hoping he would say something, anything. 
Just when you thought all hope was lost, Bucky cleared his throat. “So, did you like it?” He finally spoke up, asking if you enjoyed the dream you had. 
Of course, you did. You’ve had feelings for Bucky for a while, but you’ve always cherished your friendship more. Why would he want to know unless he liked the idea? You continued to tread lightly. 
“I mean... I did, but you know how dreams are; Always far more dramatized than real life.” You followed the sentence with a nervous laugh, still avoiding eye contact. 
“Look at me,” Bucky commanded softly. Your heart stopped at this, wondering if he was serious, yet you still did as he said. The second your eyes finally locked with his, they stayed. 
You had to remind yourself to breathe but were met by a hitch on the inhale. Bucky’s previously awe-stuck face slowly morphed into something else right before your eyes. While his mouth was still agape, the left corner began to lift upward into a half-grin that looked as devious as the devil. 
You were at a loss of what to do or say now, so you just stood, still stunned that you were so easily swayed to meet his gaze as he told you to. You were just as helpless now as you were in the dream. “How long have you wanted this?” Bucky asked, still holding his low tone. You noticed how dry your throat felt but did your best to answer. 
“Um... awhile, I gu-” 
“Speak up.” He interrupted and raised his voice slightly, overpowering your shy and quiet tone. It was incredible how quickly he had caught on, and it made you curious, terrified, excited, but overall desperate for the questions to be over. He continued to look at you with the same face, waiting for you to say what you meant to say before. 
You cleared your throat and tried again. “A while, I guess.” You finally spoke louder this time but still held a bit of powerlessness in your voice. Your knees felt like they would collapse under you if he looked at you any deeper. Bucky began to nod slightly as if he understood or even agreed.
You felt your heart beating so violently that you were convinced he could hear it too. He scooted to the edge of the seat, still staring you down.
“What should we do about that, then?” He asked. You needed to figure out how to respond. Obviously, you wanted him so bad it physically made you ache, but damn it, you wanted him to call the shots. He was doing so well already, almost like he had practice. You decided to stick to your guns. 
“Whatever you want to do.” You said, making sure your voice wouldn’t crack this time. You wanted to sound confident, but it had been so long since you were in a situation like this. Bucky nodded again, still sitting so close yet so far and somehow making the air around you feel like breathing underwater. Disappointingly, he stood up and looked down at you, even closer, this time while on his feet. 
“That can be arranged.” He spoke so casually of the prospect, far more confident than you sounded. Buck looked you up and down, taking in how bothered you were before taking his leave from the lab while you stood there, trying to pull yourself together. 
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genshinlover101 · 3 years
Hey, I hope you’re doing alright, May I request headcannons Hu tao, Eula, and Jean with a s/o who makes dark jokes? They aren’t depressed or anything like that, they just enjoy dark humor. Sorry for the weird request, and keep up the great work!
Her Reaction to Your Dark Humor
Characters: Hu Tao, Eula, Jean
Warnings: none
A/n: nothings weird! Don’t worry I think this concept is great especially with the girls picked, I already had inspiration flowing even before I started writing
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• Hu Tao’s humor was literally dark as well, it was the whole reason why the entirety of Liyue didn’t like her. Little did anyone know it was just her way of coping.
• She would laugh at your jokes and in fact join them. She would carry it on until it died or was no longer funny.
• Hu Tao would just change the subject whenever you made a particularly dark joke. She knew you could handle yourself and were mentally stable.
“Dang, that was deep.” Hu Tao said in response to one of your jokes, it was a little too dark for her to join in comfortably.
“Was it?” You asked confused. You pondered and tried to retrace your words but you still didn’t think much of it. Knowing Hu Tao was practically the queen of dark humor you took what she had into consideration if she found something dark. 
“Yeah it’s alright though,” Hu Tao giggled and gave you a wide toothy grin, she wrapped her arms around you very animated leaving space for Jesus in between you two.
“But I like that about you though ya know? Never change,” She cuddled up against you closing the gap, rubbing her face on your chest. “No one else can tolerate me, so having someone else who understands my humor is a dream come true.”
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• Eula didn’t really have a sense of humor because of her level of maturity, but when she did joke around it was to pick or tease you.
• Whenever you made dark jokes she didn’t care. If they were too far she’d just stare at you, maybe make a comment. But honestly, she found some of them funny and would just scoff.
• Depending on if you responded to her criticism of you, would determine her reaction to you. She never made a big deal about it or never joined whenever you made a particularly dark joke. She knew you were capable and therefore didn’t doubt you.
“I’m simply going to pretend like I didn’t hear that,” Eula said as she didn’t even heed you a glance, she was focused on the state of her nails as she sat carefreely.
“Hm~ you thought that was too far?” You recalled your words and maybe it was? You couldn’t tell at this point though, you were too far down the rabbit hole.
“Of course, but I don’t mind. Just be careful someone might misunderstand the next time.” She still remained unfocused, as if she was used to trauma jokes. You couldn’t tell if that was a good or bad thing.
“Yes ma’am anything for you my liege.” You sarcastically mocked.
“You know I’m serious. I worry about you sometimes socially. I know I’m not one to talk but you have to know there is a time and place for everything in this world.”
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• Jean’s humor was trash. Absolute garbage. Consisted of dad jokes or classics. “What time is it?” “Time for you to get a watch.”
• Jean would have two reactions to your jokes, no in-between. She would either not understand, therefore not react. Or she would scold you, depending on how dark would be her level of seriousness.
• I swear Jean would suggest Therapy with all the best intentions when you would go too far. She knew you were mentally stable but sometimes she doubted herself.
“Um…” Jean averted eye contact and you could tell she was uncomfortable. “Do you want me to recommend a therapist?”
“Absolutely not darling, why would I need one?” You asked puzzled, you thought your joke was fine just like any normal joke you would tell.
“That sounded a bit personal.” She wrapped her hand over yours to make sure you were okay even though she was aware nothing was traumatic in your life.
“Oh. Do you think? I thought it was average for me.” You thought twice about it.
“No surely that was above average. Someone might take your joke the wrong way, and if they do I won’t be there to get you out of it. Be careful what you say.” She said resuming her normal duties.
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elias-code · 3 years
The Swine’s Scribe
Characters: c!Technoblade x gn!reader, an appearance by Philza
Background: You're in Techno's cabin after getting the rest of his wolves from L’Manburg after the second war. You were originally rescued by Techno from a blizzard after running from the first L'Manburg explosion (your house was among those destroyed.)
Summary: When Techno gets back from the second L'Manburg war, he lets go of a lot of emotions by ranting to you. You, being concerned about his mental wellbeing, ask if you can do anything for him, and eventually, he kisses you, which leads to some close-calls with Phil and a whole lot of smut and fluff.
Wordcount: 3291 (according to google docs lmao)
Warnings: NSFW, swearing, blood/wounds, biting, getting caught
-------------------------------- Enjoy :) ----------------------------------
Ever since Techno brought you in from the cold months ago, you've been doing little chores for him in a way to repay his kindness. Even though he was the one who summoned the withers after the initial explosions, you felt safe around him. It had been hard to get used to at first, but now you felt comforted by his presence.
For the past week, you've been writing his journal for him after he broke his hand sparring with Phil. His hand has since healed, but you insisted that you do it for him, and he put up little protest.
"It was stressful, seeing your friends leave like that, in the blink of an eye. I don't trust anyone anymore, not after Tommy betrayed me. I gave him a roof over his head, hid him from Dream, one of the most powerful people on the server, AND I trusted him with my Axe of Peace." Technoblade's tone was strained and he let out a huff.
"Techno," you empathised, "are you sure you're okay after today?"
"I'm fine, please keep writing." He only ever said please when he was really serious, clearly, he was not interested in talking.
"Now, I refuse to bow to the voices. They want blood and I won't let them. Too many allies have died for me or have disappeared onto the other side, only to reemerge when they need ME, never when I need THEM."
Again, you piped in, "Techno, you're clearly not ok," his pale skin was flushed red and his eyebrows knit together into a grimace, "If there's anything I can do to help, please tell me."
He went silent.
"You don't have to talk about it if it's really getting to you... Or you could let it out. Either way, I'm here to help," You said.
"I'll think about it. For now, keep writing,"
For another half hour, he ranted about the destruction of L'Manburg and his dramatic reenactment was accented by occasional yelling and hand gestures. Suddenly, he stops speaking and gets a puzzled look on his face, "Um, what- what's the correct phrasing for - I guess - 'horny for violence'?" The tips of his ears were bright red, matching the blush now forming on his cheeks.
You chuckle, "I think it's hungry for violence..."
"Ah, that's it," Techno states, and then he completed his recounting of events. There's a bubble of silence in the air and he bursts it by asking, "Do you have any thoughts?"
"You know my thoughts, Techno..."
"I think I know, but give me words, I can't read minds."
"You're not healthy, you need help. You need better friends and a proper support system. Right now you really only have Phil, and I guess me if I even count."
"You count."
Now it was your turn to blush, but you continue, "Either way, that's not enough! You deserve more than you're getting. I can tell that even without the things you've had me write down. You're carrying so much weight, Tech."
"I didn't know you cared," he seems touched by your words, "I suppose I don't know a whole lot about you."
"And yet, you trust me with your deepest, darkest secrets, Technoblade."
"One thing I can trust you to do is help me with my armour."
He was still wearing the enchanted netherite chestplate and pants, both of which you started fumbling with. The leather straps were clasped tightly, as to not come off in battle, but you managed to manoeuvre them enough to get them to let go.
As the chestplate was lifted off of him, he hissed and then grunted. You look at the spot his hand flew to on his back, where his shirt had torn to reveal a big gash in his shoulder. It ran from his shoulder blade to his left pec, one of the only places where he was unarmoured.
"Holy shit Tech, why didn't you tell me this was here?!"
"I didn't want to worry you," He chuckled and then hissed again, "I guess that plan failed."
You did not find it funny. You immediately went to get the supplies Phil kept in his house, knowing that Techno didn't keep anything but healing potions in his chests. Phil was eager to help and he handed some bandages and rubbing alcohol to you so you could clean the wound. You also grabbed a spare scrap of leather for him to bite down on.
When you returned, Techno had moved to sit on his bed where he had already removed the greaves and discarded them beside him. You came to his side, putting down the alcohol, rag, and bandage.
"This is probably going to hurt, so I need you to bite down on this," you said, handing him the leather scrap.
"Ok," he said, watching you grab the alcohol and rag from the floor, "Just- just tell me when,"
"Alright," He put the leather in between his teeth, biting lightly, "you ready?"
He nodded, you put the alcohol rag onto the blood-crusted gash. He let out a sharp, low hiss, tightening his jaw on the leather to release some of the pain. You cleaned up quickly to minimise the pain and then wrapped it in the bandage, leaving some so you could clean and replace it later.
"All done, you ok?" You looked at him, one of his eyes was watering.
"Yeah, the pain's much worse when you're not pumped full of adrenaline."
"You better not be hiding any more gashes under all of those clothes,"
"Wanna find out?" He flashed you a smirk, amused by his own confidence.
"I'll take your word for it, but you're going to need to change that shirt, it's covered in blood."
"At least it's not my blood," you shivered a bit at that remark and helped him take his shirt off, careful not to remove the fresh bandages along with it.
For the first time, you saw him without a shirt off. He seemed surprisingly slender for being as strong as he is. There were numerous scars that etched every battle and lesson learned into his skin. Lots of them looked older than you expected and you suddenly realised that he must have been fighting for a long time before coming to the server.
"Like what you see?" he asked, and you rushed to put the shirt down and find an excuse.
"Um, I- I was just looking at your scars, I'll bring this downstairs,"
You rushed away, turning bright red, embarrassed that he had noticed your stares. You absent-mindedly tossed the shirt into the 'wash pile' and then you remembered, in your rush, you had forgotten his greaves. With a huff, you climbed the ladder back to his room.
Techno sat in front of the fireplace, now roaring with renewed vigour from the log he'd tossed in. His pink hair had been undone from the messy braid he had put in that morning. It was almost dyed red and black by the blood and soot in it. He was playing with it, picking out debris and running his fingers through the more knotted bits.
“Hmm?” he looked up at you, still fiddling with the hair in his hands.
You sat down next to him and he relaxed into a cross-legged position, with one knee tucked under his chin. His free hand is right next to yours and he doesn’t look at you. His face is red, probably from the fire.
“You looked like you were in a trance? Are you ok?”
Silence filled the room again,"
“You don’t have to tell me but just know I’m here if you need to talk. Obviously, I haven’t tattled about anything yet or Tommy and the Butchers would be knocking your door down by now.”
“The voices are quieter than normal. I can hear myself think.”
You try to be encouraging “So? What are you thinking about?”
He looks you in the eyes, they’re deep, his pupils adjusting makes you feel like he’s looking into your soul.
“Um, I’m not sure you’d want to know.”
You frown and protest since you’re now more curious than ever but still a bit freaked out. "C'mon now you've got me curious,"
Techno looked away, solemnly gazing at the fire “I meant what I said about you being a trusted friend. I don't get many of those so, thanks. As for why this is coming up now, well, I guess I’m lonely.”
You hesitated, “Me too, Tech. You're kind of the only one I trust, and I guess Phil, too, but I'd trust you with my life.”
He blushes, looks away, and tucks a strand of hair behind his ear before turning back to you and putting his hand on yours.
You immediately flush and you see a grin seep onto his face.
"I'm not really talking about friends anymore. I want... someone..." he almost whispers
"You mean?" he nods, "I guess I've never had anyone before. I think it'd be nice to see what it'd be like."
“I think we can kill two birds with one stone here, don’t you?”
Now you're both bright red, nervous, schoolkids who gingerly lean into each other's faces, gaze fixed on the other's lips. Your hearts beat hard while your brains rush to make sure you feel insecure, the voices in Techno's mind screaming excitedly.
“You good up there Techno? Your light is still on, it's far past midnight, mate!” Phil shouts from the bottom of the ladder.
“I’m fine, just," He pulls away from you, "reading. Goodnight Phil,”
Techno's ears perk up to listen to the receding footsteps. You’re both standing now, he's standing over the trapdoor, making sure Phil had gone. Once he was sure, he comes over and kisses you hard.
“Is this ok? I’m not doing anything wrong am I?”
You think He’s clearly never done this before, as you respond "Yeah, I like it..." you continue, stumbling towards his bed where you’re initially just kissing like two teenagers as if it were your first time, desperate, but awkward.
Your hand was pressing against his chest as you laid next to him, tasting each other's spit, learning the ropes since neither of you had ever done this before.
The light from the fire made your shadows dance across the wall, arms moving to hold each other closer, legs wrapping around Techno's, bodies shifting so he's on top of you. Only the roar and crackle of the fire and the occasional grunt or gasp from you or Techno could be heard.
--- Smut begins here ---
As you both part to take a breath, he pulls your shirt over his head. When he leans into the crook of your neck, you notice the tent in his pants pressing against your inner thigh. In between your own legs, there was a pool of slick forming.
You moan, loud, fully knowing that would send Techno wild. He pushes further towards you and holds your arms above your head so he could press his mouth against your neck, leaving red, hot, sticky marks leading from your collarbone to your abdomen.
You're both panting as he lets go of your arms and you wrap them around his neck, pulling his head in for a long, deep kiss. His hot breath warms your cheeks as he repositions himself.
"Hey, is this still ok?" He asks between breaths.
He fully loses himself, taking his hand from your cheek and moving it to your pants, never losing eye contact. You nod and he pushes his hand into the spot between your legs which was now drenched in slick. He found his way to your hole and pushed his index finger into it, creating a sensation you'd never felt before.
Instinctually, you gasp and then moan, harder than before. You rock your hips to his rhythm while he continues to press bruises into your torso. Eventually, he brings his face back to yours and kisses you. You let out another moan into his mouth. He grunts and then chuckles, kissing your cheek before pulling his finger out and then going back in with two.
Now, you're whining, pulling on his long, pink hair. You notice everything in those moments, his rhythmic breaths into your neck and pumping of his finger in and out of your sex, his other hand holding your waist, pushing upwards to caress you, his soft hair in your hand.
"Is it my turn now?" He gruffs.
You hum in affirmation as he pulls away and you kick off your pants as he undoes his own. You immediately notice his size. Compared to his fingers, which were pretty long and thick, to begin with, due to his big hands, his member was a giant. His hand that had previously been half inside of you was now working his dick, its head coated in pre-cum.
While you had seen other penises before, mostly in study, you had never seen one up close, and you'd only seen ones on humans. The hybrid piglin-shapeshifter was sporting a human-like head and shaft, 9 inches (at least) all the way down to a knot... he had a knot...
He notices you gaping at his dick and grins, leaning into you again. "Wanna help me with this, or... should I help m'self?"
Eager to please, you lightly push him forward so you're both sitting up while your hand inspects the new acquaintance. You look up at Techno for guidance. He nods and pushes your hand down with his own. He guides your hand up and down the shaft until he’s no longer guiding you and you’re doing it all yourself.
He does the same with you. The space between your legs was now, simply put, slippery. He did his best to please you, eventually managing three fingers easily.
The pants and gasps were syncing, the knot in your stomach growing stronger while you danced your mouth on the head of his member. He lets out a particularly loud grunt and removes his fingers from your sex. You suddenly feel empty, and he pushes you over onto your stomach.
He puts himself under you, his dick under your mouth. You lick the ever-present pre-cum off of the head of his dick once again and then begin to bob your head up and down, managing to fit him halfway before choking on him. His groans were now louder than yours, becoming more frequent.
"Ughh- fuck," he moans.
Now he holds your head and gently begins to fuck your mouth. Your bobbing was no longer enough, he wanted more. He thrust his hips into you, managing to get a third of the way into you and then it turns into deepthroating after every thrust.
You gag, unable to take him all the way, and so he decides enough is enough and you both rush to get him inside of you. He gets up, moving to position himself above you. You continue to stay in the position he left you in, on your hands and knees.
"Turn around," Techno says.
And so you do, you lay on your back, full of anticipation and covered in juices. He puts his hand on your stomach, leaning in to kiss you lightly, pressing more red marks into your sides, slowly turning you so you face the wall.
He pulls away and holds your leg away from the other, practically putting you into the splits.
"Techno..." You whisper.
"Is this gonna hurt?"
"Dunno, darlin'," He leans in again, "let me know if it gets too hard, ok? I'll stop if you say so."
You nod and kiss for confirmation, reaching to hold your own leg up to give him full access.
He inserts the head and you can already feel the stretch, slightly painful but you push on, your fingers grasping the sheets to keep yourself grounded. He’s pushing into you slowly, making sure you're not getting in over your head. You hold the sheet tighter, groaning from the stretch.
He pulls out slightly and the pressure releases. You moan hard, making sure Techno knows that you like what you feel. He pushes in again and begins to thrust into you. Techno is getting further and further with every thrust, and you moan between every breath. He's three-fifths of the way in and he's only getting harder.
Techno's hand replaces yours, keeping your leg raised as you move your hand to work yourself along with him. Your heart beats faster and he picks up the pace. He can get all the way to the knot before pulling out and thrusting in again.
"Tech... Fuck, it's so gooood..."
Now he's becoming sparattic and his face goes into your neck, biting softly, barely enough for blood to form. The knot in your stomach tightens and you scream into the pillow as he pushes all the way in, his skin hitting yours as his knot slips into you.
He moans and thrusts lightly into you, coming inside of you. You feel the pressure inside of you release as you come with him. You're being filled with his sperm, eventually spilling out along with your own come onto the sheet.
He continues to work you with his hand, breathing heavily into your neck. Your heartbeats are in sync and his juices continue to spill out of you, soaking everything below you. You try to look him in the eye as he shakes slightly, somehow still coming.
"Tech? You're still..." you gasp. "I know, sorry... it might be a while..." He grunts out.
Techno's ears perk up and he shoves you under the blanket, still stuck inside of you with the knot.
He puts a hand over your mouth as you quiver underneath him, overstimulated by the pressure and his hand which still rested in between your thighs. What the hell is he doing?! The non-stop cum is weird enough, what-
Soon enough, your questions were answered when you heard the footsteps downstairs.
“Do you have my hat?” Phil's voice yells from the base of the ladder.
“Can't you-" he breathes, "you get it in the morning?”
“No, I'm going out super early tomorrow to scout out and make sure we haven’t been followed back.”
“Uh," fuck "it’s on the chair next to my desk up here? I’m in bed…”
Phil comes up the ladder and opens the hatch, eventually finding his hat while techno covers your mouth and lays belly to belly with you, he’s still dribbling a bit, so are you. You’re whimpering slightly.
Phil stops at the trapdoor. “Did you mean to leave the fire on mate?”
“Uh, yeah I was gonna let it burn… I was cold”
“Where’s your friend, loverboy?”
You feel Techno blush above you, his warmth suddenly radiating out from him.
“Um. They went to trade with some piglins since we’re almost out of spectral arrows.”
“Alright let me know when they get back, I just want to make sure they’re ok. Ever since you found them in the snow you’ve been doing better, it seems. Almost like you two are a... thing?”
The question lingered momentarily and you could almost hear Phil's eyebrow raise before Techno answered.
“Hmm, thank you, Phil. Close the trapdoor when you leave, I don’t want the warmth to leave.”
Finally, the footsteps were gone. He pulls the blanket off of them and he takes his hand off of your mouth. You gasp for dramatic effect, laughing quietly to yourselves at the close call.
"Can I tell you something?" Techno whispers into your ear.
"Yes, you're literally deep inside of me, I'm guaranteed to be interested in what you have to say,"
"I love you"
"I love you, too..."
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sergeantxrogers · 2 years
Money Power Glory - 4
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“Working with the feds now, lovie?”
“Unfortunately. They won’t find out, though.”
“I’d hate it if they did. You’re too pretty to kill.”
James “Bucky” Barnes, New York state’s most infamous organized crime leader since the 1980s. With Bucky weaving through the fingers of local police and the federal government for far too long, they decide to go with plan B: you. Your job? Simple. Relay inside information back to the FBI, slipping through the cracks of Bucky’s fortress of a crime ring as an unknown imposter. The Bureau, however, has no idea you and Bucky are much more acquainted than you let on.  
Pairing: Criminal!Bucky Barnes x Informant!Reader
Chapter word count: 4k
Chapter warnings: Couple swear words, mentions of sexual harassment, a bit of a backstory, mentions of Dr*ykov ew
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“Great. I’ll see you tomorrow, 10 o’clock, right?”
“Right. Bye-bye.”
You didn’t wait for him to say goodbye back before you hung up and groaned loudly.
“Seduce you? Who am I, Aphrodite?”
Bucky chuckled and pulled you into his arms again. “I dunno about that, but I do know you’re a goddess to me.”
You rolled your eyes, downplaying the blush creeping up your neck and teasing your cheeks.
“But,” Bucky said, all of a sudden growing serious. “I know what we have to do now.”
You tilted your head, awaiting his plan with a hint of skepticism even if you trusted him completely. With your life, even.
“They know about Vegas, don’t they?”
You nodded, and parted your lips to ask why that was important, but Bucky continued.
“I need you to convince them to kill both me and Fury.”
“No, Y/N, you have to. You know better than anyone else how many problems Fury caused us, and is still causing us. I need him gone, if not to take his place then at least for my own peace of mind. Can you do that for me?”
You paused, staring at him with a sigh, before you pursed your lips. before you could answer, Bucky grabbed your cheeks with his hands, giving you pleading eyes and a furrowed brow.
“Please, you have to. I know you’re worried but Fury’s the only person in my way at this point, and I need him gone without raising suspicions as to who did it. The feds are the perfect opportunity.”
You blinked at him.
“Say I convince them. They add Fury to the mix. How do you plan on getting out of it when it becomes messy?”
Bucky gave you a smile, bordering on a smirk, and dropped his grip to give your waist a squeeze. “I told you - there are some things you don’t have to worry your pretty little head about. I’ll be fine, just promise me.”
After a second of contemplation, and avoiding Bucky’s eyes glinting with mischief and mercy, you nodded in exasperation. “Yeah, yeah, sure. Fine.”
Bucky’s smile grew wider, and he pulled you against him in an attempt to place a kiss to your lips, but he halted when your hands met his chest. 
“I’m not happy about this, you know,” you told him with raised brows, and you saw his concern weigh down on his shoulders slightly.
“I know, doll. Just trust me, okay?”
Your conversation with Bucky relayed through your head on repeat, during your trip home, in your dreams throughout the night, all the way up until your visit to the precinct. His words echoed in the chambers of your mind as your feet scuffed along the tiled floors leading you to Rhodey’s office.
Going over what you planned on saying, you made sure to make a mental note to yourself to separate the differences in plans, so as not to slip up in front of the agents and tell them something they should definitely not know.
The door opened before you even reached for the handle, and Maria’s friendly face greeted you. 
You gave her a small smile before stepping into the office, slipping past her, and sending a small wave to the two men sitting by the desk. 
“Please, have a seat. We have a lot to go over,” Maria said, gesturing to the empty chair. 
As you made your move to sit, you cleared your throat. “This is about... eliminating James Barnes, isn’t it?”
All three of them nodded, and you sucked in a breath.
“Well, you see, I have... something to add to that. Or rather - something to change completely.”
The two agents glanced at Rhodey, confused, and Rhodey answered their looks with a shrug. 
“And that would be...?” Tony drawled, clearly unamused with your need to take the reigns and give your opinion on something rather than just blindly doing what they told you to.
“Well,” you began, and mentally prepared yourself, armed with the lies you were to spin right beneath their noses. “I got a call yesterday. From - a blocked ID.”
“Was that before or after I called you?” Rhodey asked, and you blinked at him.
He nodded, and rested his elbows on the table.
“Who was it from?” Maria asked, and you schooled your features into something one would consider worry, or fear. Maybe even both were expected from you.
“Natasha Romanoff.”
You heard Tony’s breath hitch beside you, his grip on the chair turning his knuckles slightly paler than they were before you mentioned the redhead.
“Natasha Romanoff, as in... wanted for espionage and murder Natasha Romanoff?” Maria asked, but you kept a suspicious eye on Tony as you nodded in answer.
“Yeah,” you said, though you got sidetracked with the curiosity of what elicited such a reaction from the smart-mouthed man in front of you. “Cat’s got your tongue, Agent Stark?”
He swallowed back his remark. You could see the way his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat with the pressure of keeping his words down, and you almost smirked. Almost. 
Instead, you feigned innocent concern. 
“Do you know her? Were you close to catching her?”
Tony, seeming to have broken from his trance, scoffed at your question.
“I did catch her. Once. Back when I had only just joined the Bureau.”
Your brows furrowed. “And you let her go?”
“No, I -” His jaw clenched as his lashes fluttered in frustration. “We didn’t - I didn’t know at the time, what she had done.”
“What did she do?”
Tony’s eyes flickered to Maria standing behind you, then back to you. 
“When I first joined the Bureau, the director wasn’t the same one we have today.”
Vaguely, you remembered Bucky telling you abut the current director of the FBI, Bruce Banner. Something about him being a good guy - too good for the world of corrupted politics and filthy government businesses. There was a slight tone of pity, and anger, in his voice as he spoke to you, and it made you wonder just how much Bucky really knew about the federal government and what they were hiding; what they may have done, and then covered up. It seemed you were about to find out.
“So he left?”
“No,” Tony shook his head, then let out a guttural sigh. “His name was Dreykov. He was... an alright director, I suppose. We didn’t crumble in his hands, but... he wasn’t that alright of a person.”
“What do you mean?”
You felt Maria shift on her feet behind you, and Tony bit the inside of his cheek before continuing. 
“He was a very powerful man, with lots of powerful connections. Connections that he had even before he became director, so you can only imagine what it was like when he came into power.”
You nodded in understanding. 
“We had brought in Miss Romanoff for questioning. Standard procedure, really. It was mainly questions about her father who was having problems with the Russian mob at the time. At least, that’s what we believed. It was no use though, ‘cause she claimed to have never met him when she was old enough to remember.”
Natasha’s voice echoed in your mind, telling you the story of how her father had left her in the care of an old colleague, Alexei, at the age of 6. Everything before that was a vague past and shady memories of eyes that looked too much like hers and whispers in Russian with her mother late in the night. She didn’t remember either of them now, and as for Alexei... she scoffed each time he was mentioned. 
Tony’s voice brought you back to the present. 
“Dreykov had heard the daughter of Ivan was coming in for interrogation, and decided he needed to see her for himself. Question her himself. Show her the way out, himself. And none of us knew any better, so we let her go with him. Yeah, he was an ass, but we still trusted him.”
You had a terrible sensation in your gut, wondering if you knew exactly where this story was heading.
“The second day of questioning, I only saw her once: when she ran out of the building. She almost looked scared. Didn’t even bother taking the elevator, just went straight for the stairs. And man - I just stood there, frozen. Then I heard Dreykov’s assistant scream - a tiny old lady, you’d think she had no voice left in her. She was the one who found him dead in his office, and obviously, we all knew it was Romanoff.”
You furrowed your brows as you listened. “But - why? She wouldn’t -”
You stopped yourself. Calculated your words carefully. 
“Would she... would she really kill somebody like that for no reason?”
Tony shook his head and ran a hand down his face, waking himself up in the process. “Dreykov had a history in the Bureau of... not being the most polite man when it came to women. Three of them even filed rape accusations against him, but they were all dismissed and struck from his record.”
“Why?” you asked in slight disgust, and Tony shrugged.
“Because he had money, and power, and connections in every place you could think of with people letting him off the hook for everything he did. To be honest, I’m glad he’s dead.”
A shudder ran through you, partially at Tony’s words, but mainly at the prospect of Nat being felt up and harassed by a man who was supposed to be one of the good guys. Of course, you knew Nat wasn’t a shining star either, but no woman, criminal or not, deserved sexual assault. A low-rising anger bubbled beneath your skin, and you were pretty certain you’d kill Dreykov yourself, had Nat not done it herself already.
Tony cleared his throat, shaking his shoulders loose and clapping his hands. Back to business.
“So, basically, she killed the FBI director, ran, never got caught and we’ve been chasing her ever since,” Tony concluded, and you nodded.
“Right... well,” you said, weighing your words, “she called me on behalf of Barnes.”
“She works for him now?”
You shrugged, acting innocent. “I’m not sure. I think so, but they may just have mutual... friends, to relay messages like the one I got.”
“What was the message?” Rhodey asked, and you looked at him, almost having forgotten he was even there. 
“She told me she heard the feds were in town,” you said, glancing at Tony. “And that I was working with you.”
Tony closed his eyes, sighing. “We have to start being more careful.”
“She said something about me helping her as much as I’m helping you,” you said with a shrug. “She told me if we really wanted to get to Buc- Barnes the way she thins we do, then we have to go through Nick Fury first.”
You cringed internally, pleading to any god that was listening that nobody noticed your little slip up, but it seemed they were too preoccupied with gaping at each other to think about it. Looking at Tony, then twisting in your chair to glance at Maria, you tilted your head at their pale faces.
“What is it?”
Rhodey sighed then, dropping his head in his hands, and you looked towards him. 
“What? Who is he?” you insisted, as if you didn’t already know.
“He’s...,” Maria began, then paused. “We haven’t had movement from him in a long time...”
Her sentence trailed off, leaving you even more confused. 
“He’s a very... powerful man, like Barnes, in his own right,” Tony explained, then pinched his nose. “If we have to kill Fury first to get anywhere near Barnes, then I think this will be harder than we expected.”
You riled yourself up, a viper preparing to strike. 
You cleared your throat, throwing a leg over the other and leaned back. 
“Miss Romanoff said something else.”
They all looked at you.
“Something important for us, I suppose. It goes in our favor.”
Tony raised a brow, annoyed at having to wait.
You dropped your eyes to your lap, mindlessly picking at a loose thread in the rip of your jeans as you spoke. “Fury and Barnes are meeting in Las Vegas at the Wynn casino.”
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“Well, I fuckin’ did it,” you said, annoyed, as you dropped your bag with a loud thud onto the coffee table. 
Bucky hadn’t even noticed you walk into the headquarters and past the kitchen, straight to the sitting area. Staring at you, perplexed, he pointed to the long hallway, then to you, then back to the hallway, eyebrows meeting each other. 
“How did you-”
“Peter let me in,” you informed him with a casual shrug, and turned, but not before you saw the young boy give his boss a sheepish smile and shrug, then speed walk towards Steve standing in the kitchen. 
“Isn’t the punk supposed to be working?” Bucky called out, voice carrying through the air behind you, and you almost rolled your eyes.
“Buck,” you said as you turned around to face him. “It’s Monday.”
Bucky stared at you. “So?”
This time, you really did roll your eyes. “It’s not his shift, remember? Pietro’s up there.”
“Oh, yeah.”
You scoffed with a smile and dropped yourself onto the couch. “I dunno how you do it.”
“Do what?” 
A wave of vanilla and tobacco washed over you, carried on the breeze he sent your way as he flung himself down next to you.
“This,” you said and gestured vaguely around you. “Run all this shit, and still forget the dumbest things.”
Bucky wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. 
“I only remember the important things, baby.”
“And the person running the shoddy front to your criminal enterprise isn’t important?”
Bucky shrugged.
“It’s somewhere on the bottom of the list,” he said, and couldn’t resist pressing a kiss to your cheek.
The voice above you made you both lift your gazes to see Natasha standing behind the couch. She smiled down at you.
“You guys are always touching each other. It’s weird,” she said, though it was said with a smile as she rounded the couch and headed for the one opposite. Laying down, Nat stretched her legs out across the length of the couch, sighing in content.
“So you did it?”
“Told them I called you?”
“And you told them you think it’s possible I work for this loser?” she asked as she jutted her chin towards Bucky, and he clicked his tongue with a frown.
“Uh-huh,” you confirmed, even as you held back the giggle in your throat at his reaction.
“Great. So the plan is finally set in motion.”
Nat brought her hands up behind her head to punctuate the sentence, a faint smile on her lips as she closed her eyes.
You smiled fondly at her, before memories of Tony’s words plagued your mind and washed over your brain, wiping the smile clean off your face. Bucky noticed this, and nudged your side. When you turned your face to look at him, he was already staring at you, concern flooding his baby blue eyes.
Your gaze flickered toward Nat, then back to him, and you gestured with your head.
He understood, and grabbed your hand, pulling you up with him as he stood from the couch. You followed him, hand in hand, all the way to another hallway separating the main area from the secondary ones: two spare bedrooms, a bathroom, and a gun locker (more of an underground garage than anything else, really).
Bucky tugged you into one of the bedrooms, the one you spent most of your nights in whenever you decided to stay with him. A king sized bed fitted with burgundy sheets, a black rug and a black lamp in the corner to match were all that occupied the space. Shutting and locking the door behind you, you walked past Bucky and stood in the middle of the room, feet planted on the luscious rug in the center.
“What happened?” he asked, worry tainting his tone, and you looked at him as you bit your lip.
“When I mentioned Nat to the agents...”
You trailed off, unsure of how you wanted to go about this. After a second to collect your thoughts, you took in a breath.
“When Stark heard her name, he remembered her... from a while ago. Before you and I knew each other, in fact.”
Bucky nodded, waiting for you to continue.
“He, um - he mentioned the former FBI director.”
His face changed, features turning a bit more grim, and he clenched his jaw.
“Dreykov,” he muttered, and you nodded.
“Tony told me how he had taken Nat in for interrogation, but it ended up with him dead. And none of them really knew why, it’s been pure speculation since then, so I was just wondering...”
Bucky caught on, and walked over to the bed. When he sat down, he patted the empty space next to him, and you walked over to join him.
“Y/N,” he said, grabbing your hands in his. “You and I both know Natasha’s really strong. Emotionally and mentally stronger than anyone I’ve met, at least.”
You couldn’t disagree. Nat was a soldier, indeed.
“But... when she came to me...”
Bucky’s eyes dropped to the floor and you gave his hand an encouraging squeeze. He seemed to have zoned out as he spoke, eyes fixed on a spot on the rug.
“She was so full of rage, and anger, and - and hurt when she found me. When I let her in. I thought she would make a good addition to the team, someone with her extensive training and skills. At the time, it was selfish, but I let her in because I knew I could use that rage of hers as a weapon. That was until she told me exactly what had happened with Dreykov.”
He almost sneered his name, and you kept looking on with concerned eyes and a curious mind. When he continued speaking, Bucky’s voice was so laced with venom that it barely sounded like him anymore.
“It was the first and last time I saw Natasha cry; when she told me how he left bruises on her arms when he tried kissing her. How he slapped her to get her to comply when she tried pushing him off of her.”
You stared at him in horror. “Did- did he-?”
“No, no, God, no. He didn’t get that far. The second his hand lifted her skirt, Nat grabbed the nearest object she could find - his industrial stapler, imagine that. She practically smashed his head in with it. The police reports afterwards all said it was overkill, but personally, I think it wasn’t enough.”
He hissed the last word out, and you could see the torment written clear as day on his features. You brought a hand up to cup his cheek, tearing his gaze away from the floor to face you. 
“She’s strong, Buck.”
He sighed, leaning into your touch “I know. It still makes me angry, though. I wish I would’ve known her sooner. I could’ve killed the bastard myself.”
You shook your head, but stroked his cheekbone nonetheless. “He wasn’t your to kill, anyways.”
Bucky let out a labored breath. “You’re right.”
“And don’t worry - I won’t mention any of this to her.”
Bucky placed a kiss on the palm of your hand and gave you a small smile. 
“You should go pack. We’re leaving tomorrow.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me, please,” you groaned, throwing yourself back onto the bed. “I have to spend five and a half hours in a jet with Tony.”
Bucky chuckled, twisting himself to lay down on top of you, eliciting a small grunt from you as he did.
Peppering your neck and cheeks with soft kisses, he hummed against your skin as you rested your hands on his back. 
“Wish you could come with me, baby,” he mumbled into your neck, and you sighed. 
“I know. Me too. But I gotta go with them, otherwise it would be too sketchy.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Bucky hushed you, and brought a hand to your hip, giving it a squeeze.
“Just bring something short to wear.”
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Zipping up your suitcase was a struggle. 
You had a bad habit of overpacking - you were only staying in Vegas for three days.
Three days, if Bucky’s plan worked. And it would, you were sure of it. It had to. 
You refused to allow yourself to think about all the possible outcomes, taking special care to ignore the worst case scenario your brain kept viciously pushing to the forefront of your mind. 
Huffing as you finally zipped the overflowing suitcase, you threw yourself onto your bed with a grunt. With your arms laying lazily above your head, you stared at the ceiling, combing over every single detail of both plans you had memorized ten times over at this point. 
This couldn’t go wrong. Not when Bucky’s life was on the line. Also taking care to avoid the faint voice telling you your life was also at risk, you rolled over onto your side as you thought.
He had saved you once, at your lowest point. You owed him your life, in fact. You supposed it was your turn to save him. 
“You can stay as long as you’d like.”
You avoided his striking eyes as you took in the guest room - probably more expensive than everything your entire home combined. 
“Thank you, but I wouldn’t want to impose,” you said politely, setting your backpack tentatively on the foot of the bed.
The man - James - smiled at you, and you were shocked at how inviting his grin was, so at odds with his reputation. 
“You wouldn’t be imposing, doll,” he countered, and you almost tripped at the pet name. “I’d do anything for my friends - and their children.”
“Right. Sorry, I guess it’s just... weird. My dad’s never mentioned you before, and now all of a sudden he leaves with no explanation and I have you knocking on my door.”
James nodded, his shoulders slightly tensing at the mention of your father. 
“We’ll fix it,” he said. “I’ll fix it.”
You didn’t know what he meant - what there was to be fixed. You only knew the entire situation made you feel nauseous. But when you made eye contact with him, the warmth in his eyes made you feel like whatever it was, it would truly be okay.
You were throwing yourself into the lion’s den, blindly. Handing your life over to a stranger whose word you were just supposed to take. Yet for some reason, you couldn’t bring the panic to the surface, instead deciding it would be better to leave it in the back of your mind.
You blinked, not even realizing you had zoned out. You had trusted Bucky blindly once, twice, three times before. There was no reason you shouldn’t, and couldn’t, do it again. 
Looking to the clock, you sighed as you decided you should get to bed. Suddenly, the intensity of what was going to happen in the next couple of days weighed down on you, and you realized how tired you truly were.
As if on cue, you yawned. You couldn’t disappoint everyone. It was the only thought running laps in your mind as you brushed your teeth, as you changed into your pajamas, as you curled up under the covers. 
You were determined to do whatever you could to get Bucky out of that casino alive, no matter what he thought you could or couldn’t handle.
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@dreamsley​ @a-ngeli-que​ @555shots​ @agirlinherhead​ @s-katergorl​ @ace-27749​ @leyannrae​ @tailsoflightning​ @acidwidow​ @angelofthorr​ @gallysonegoodlung​ @creatingjana​ @gitasor​ @inlovewfictionalmen826​ @pin-ci​ @peaches1958​ @eichenhouseproperty​ @seitmai​ @cookingdancingchick​ @writing-for-marvel​ @sergntbarnes​ @buckybarnesrealwife​ @searchf0rtheskyline​ 
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babypinkhearts · 3 years
Hello there! I discovered your blog just moments ago and already, I'm in love with your works! You just write everything so well!
And so I've decided to send in a request, if you don't mind, can I please ask for a scenario in which reader has fallen in love with Kurapika but tries their best to hide it because they're afraid that love, relationships and commitment in general can hinder his quest for revenge? He eventually finds out, but how does he react to it? Angst or fluff, it's up to you!
Thank you in advance, your work is fantastic ^^
AHHH thank you so much - it means the absolute world <3
i tried my best to follow up on your request, though i admit i did get a bit carried away 😅
pairing: kurapika kurta + reader
warnings: angst, fluff
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“you’re up late again...”
a bittersweet smile rested on your face as you leaned against the doorframe, the chilling air from the balcony breezing your face.
this was the fifth time this week.
you couldn’t remember the last time kurapika had gone to bed at a reasonable hour.
you worried for his health - though his stubbornness and ethics convinced you that he was just fine.
but underneath his facade - you knew he was silently suffering.
you watched as he turned away from the balcony, his face meeting yours as he greeted you with a calm eyes.
you sent him a knowing look of disapproval, sighing as you looked away from him.
the expression on your face was no newly-added picture in his mind. he had seen it countless times.
it was an everyday ocurrence.
“it’s almost four in the morning, kurapika.” you mumbled, closing your eyes briefly as you hung your head.
you weren’t sure what the point was of telling him.
he knew.
“i’m... thinking.” kurapika softly replied, turning away from you once more.
york new looked beautiful at this time of the day. the streets were lit up and corner stores brought illuminated signs out.
you could clearly see him in front of you, and it was difficult to resist the urge to pull him back inside to get a decent rest.
alas, you indulged in his thoughts.
“what are you thinking about?” you asked, joining him as you stood beside him, arms resting against the edge of the balcony, your head resting amongst them.
you felt him look at you.
you could vision the expression he had.
“y/n, you’re aware.” he mumbled, his voice tired and low.
you paused for a second before nodding.
a part of you hoped the thought occupying his mind would be different than every other time you had asked him.
you desperately wanted to see him... okay.
kurapika could fool anyone he pleases, though after spilling his darkest secrets to you, you were unable to think of him as you once did.
his mental state was deteriorating and his determination only grew along with it.
but, revenge was written all over the future he had made for himself.
it’s all he dreamed about.
and without those plans, you were afraid he’d collapse.
“have you located them yet?” you asked quietly, briefly glancing to him.
kurapika pursed his lips at your words, before shaking his head.
“not yet. i’m close, though. they’re here somewhere.”
you nodded along, closing your eyes momentarily once again.
he was so close.
you couldn’t convince yourself to ignore the anxiety bubbling in your stomach every time you began to think about kurapika eventually facing the phantom troupe.
afterall -
there was a possibility that he wouldn’t return.
you had no say in his wishes, though.
kurapika was his own person. your opinions did not decide what he could or could not do.
but you didn’t want him to get hurt.
you had faith in him. you did.
but when it’s a whole group of professionals against one single person...
you begin to grow nervous.
kurapika’s nen abilities were constructed for the sole purpose of defeating the spiders.
he was preparing for the day since he was a mere child.
no amount of pleading would change his mind, you were sure of it.
even if you told him how afraid you were,
and why.
you loved the blonde boy beside you.
so much to where it hurt.
knowing that he was willingly letting himself walk into a situation he may not come out of...
it made you want to cling to him and confess with your entire chest all of your feelings immediately.
but you couldn’t.
not when he’s come this far.
“now, what are you thinking about?”
although your eyes were still closed, kurapika could tell you were still wide awake. your silence alerted him, as the two of you would normally have long chats at this time of day. it was unusual for you to be so quiet.
“just... what comes next, i guess.” you whispered, opening your eyes and lifting your head up. the wind blew your hair behind you, your arms growing goosebumps from the sudden gust.
kurapika tilted his head at you, furrowing his brows slightly. “what do you mean?”
you chewed at the inside of your cheek for a moment.
there was no point in a telling a lie.
you knew he’d confront you immediately if you did.
though you couldn’t tell when kurapika was telling the truth, he could with you.
it was a strange dynamic, but you figured he had probably learned how to read body language.
giving in, you sighed.
“i’m nervous for you. for the future you might not have.”
you put it bluntly, not wanting to drag on the topic for too long in fear he would grow upset.
kurapika was silent for longer than you liked.
you didn’t dare look to his direction, instead focusing your gaze on the street lights below you.
though, the touch of a hand on your shoulder made your head whip around.
kurapika stood beside you, much closer than before.
he held a stern look in his eyes, and you could tell he was silently asking for you to look at him.
regardless of your hatred towards eye contact, you complied, tilting your head to face him.
his contacts were out. his brown eyes glowed in the light.
no hint of scarlet was showing. he was calm.
“i won’t let myself die, y/n.”
the tension in air was at it’s maximum.
“i’m being serious. please believe me - it won’t happen.”
while your eyes were darting left and right to avoid the intense gaze, his were focused on yours the entire time.
his tone was softer.
you found the strength to look back at him, noticing how much more desperate the look in his eyes were.
it seemed as though he had just realized how truly immense your concern was.
he could tell by your face that it was making you visibly ill.
and by truth - it was.
you didn’t want to have this conversation. you wished this conversation wouldn’t happen.
but by one glance in his eyes - you would be lying if you said you didn’t feel a bit more comforted.
you took a while to process his words in your head. the subject at hand wasn’t one to be taken lightly.
though, with your eyes closed, you heavily breathed out,
“i believe you.” you whispered, your hand raising to touch his that was still on your shoulder.
and at that second with your skin-to-skin contact, you felt the urge to tell him everything else.
you know you shouldn’t do it.
it would be selfish of you.
another thing to put on his mind?
what if you were rejected? you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
he had plans ahead of him. a future he had been set on.
you would interrupt it, you couldn’t-
“i don’t want you to die. i’d be lonely for eternity.”
kurapika tilted his head at you, his hair swaying with the movement.
he was waiting for you to continue.
you found the strength to look him in the eyes.
“i think there’d be a permanent gap in my life if you were to die. please just know that.” you breathed, squeezing his hand.
and with the burst of confidence, you leaned forward.
he met you first.
the kiss was quick.
you had pulled away in embarrassment of your impulsive actions, not realizing that he had reciprocated the affection.
“i-i- i’m really sorry, kurapika, i-“
when you met his gaze, you noticed his pink cheeks.
and the small smile on his face.
“i’m so sorry.” you gulped, your hair blowing behind you as a gust of wind flew past. “i shouldn’t have done that.”
but instead of a response expressed in words,
he leaned into you once more.
your eyebrows rose in surprise, though you did not make an effort to move away when his lips connected with yours for the second time.
the hand on your shoulder moved to rest on your face, his other on your waist.
you melted at the touch, your mind swirling in a frenzy.
when he had pulled away, he pushed your hair back.
“i think i struck gold with you. you make everything bearable. i don’t have family with me anymore, y/n. i have few friends. know that without you, i’d feel eternally lonely.”
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
WAIT WAIT— what if 👀 what if Yandere!Tubbo and Yandere!Tommy falling for the reader at the same time
ooooooOOOOO DAMN this one is gonna be good! I love the way you think! So I wrote this as headcanons, but I will write this as an actual story if requested. ^^
This is not exactly implied romantic??? I'm still scared about writing their characters as directly romantic????? I'll probably get braver about it but still lowkey worried.
Yandere!C!Tommy x GN!Reader x Yandere!C!Tubbo Headcanon/Fic
Tommy, at first, completely denied even acknowledging your existence.
Until he saw someone interact with you.
Then he would start pulling out his sword or glaring at them from across the room.
He would definitely pin them in an alleyway and threaten every single one of their canon lives.
Tommy, please. Niki was just trying to give you cookies.
He's the kind of Yandere that would greatly keep his distance both physically, emotionally and mentally. Basically, he would be a Tsundere Yandere.
Tubbo, on the other hand, would be extremely sweet to you.
Need netherite? He had an extra few ingots ready in his pockets!
Interacting with someone who wasn't him? Was he not good enough for you??? Fine. You don't deserve him.
He would cry to you and make you feel guilty OR completely ignore you for a week straight until you come crawling back to him and apologizing.
Straight up can flip emotions like a switch.
The first time either of them realized the other liked you as well, was when they were listening to Mellohi on their bench, watching the sunset when they saw you having a conversation with Ranboo at the bottom of the cliff.
"What're they doing talking to him?" Tommy growled lowly and leaned forward to glared at the enderman who was talking to you. He reached for his bow n' arrow before Tubbo grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks, "What? I don't want them talking to anyone but me."
"What do you mean 'anyone but you'?! You avoid them like they're a virus!" Tubbo stared at him, digging his fingers into Tommy's bicep a small bit to show his anger a bit more, "They should only be talking to me."
The blond turned towards his brunet friend and yanked his arm out of his grasp, "Excuse me?" He glared into Tubbo's dull blue eyes, gritting his teeth, "You do nothing but give them stuff!"
"And you treat them like shit and avoid them!" The smaller of the two retorted angrily, trying to keep his tone level enough to where you didn't hear.
Mellohi, the music that had been playing mere moments ago, slowly came to a stop and left nothing but silence and tension in the air. You had noticed them arguing from below, but Ranboo (who had heard their entire argument) decided to pull you away from them and bring you to the Tundra.
"Are you trying to take everything from me?!" Tommy tightened his grip on his diamond sword, although part of him knew that if Tubbo equipped his netherite armour, there would be absolutely no competition whatsoever.
"Take things from you?! They're a human being and you choose to ignore that fact when you ignore them or call them terrible names!"
"I treat everyone like that! You already have Ranboo, I don't understand why you're chasing after them with hearts in your eyes when you're fuckin' married! Loyal much! Oh wait, you aren't loyal, you EXILED ME!"
"It's platonic! I told you that already! And you're starting this again now, Tommy?!"
Ranboo actually felt nervous leaving you alone around both Tommy AND/OR Tubbo after hearing their entire argument that day.
Tommy, although now a lot nicer, became extremely clingy towards you and constantly would walk over and drag you away mid-conversation with anyone that wasn't him. ESPECIALLY if you were talking to Tubbo.
Man would bring you everywhere with him if you would let him.
Netherite mining? Get your pick.
To get new discs? Pack your bags, we're going on an adventure.
Straight up does everything he can do to get you away from Tubbo because he's petty.
He tried giving you as many gifts as Tubbo, but mans is broke.
Tubbo would get extremely annoyed by Tommy even just walking through the area when he was with you.
Would start to hold your hand or link arms with you (if you're comfortable), just so Tommy couldn't pull you away as easily.
Started to try guilt-tripping you into living in Snowchester, and even tried to get you to live in the mansion.
Ranboo actually lied to Tubbo, saying he was scared of enderwalking and hurting you, to convince Tubbo not to guilt-trip you further into living in the mansion.
Tubbo's constant gift-giving got so much more extreme.
Want netherite ingots to make armour?
Nope. No lifting a finger.
He already made you fully enchanted netherite god armour anyway.
Has definitely tried to convince Ranboo to let him involve you in the platonic marriage.
"Ranboo! My beloved!" Tubbo called jokingly, walking into their home. He kicked the snow on his boots before pulling down his hood and taking off his hat, hanging it on the hook as he took off his footwear, "I have a proposition for you!"
The monochrome-coloured man lifted his head and set down the journal in his hand, the ink likely still wet judging by the quill in his hand, "Yeah? What's that?" He placed the feathered pen in the pot of ink and turned to face his platonic husband.
"What would you say to extending our marriage to three people? Like a polyamorous relationship. Like Sapnap, Karl and Big Q?" Tubbo sat down in the chair beside him, watching as Ranboo was left reeling for a few seconds.
"W-well, one, I think you mean expanding. Two, with who?!" The tall male sat up quickly, bumping his leg on the table from his minor flailing, "A-and, and, what about Michael? Are you sure they can be trusted with him?"
Tubbo held out his hand to calm his friend down, making his friend put his hands down so he didn't accidentally hit something, "You know what I meant, and (Y/n)! Y'know... Like, the one with (h/l) (h/c) hair, (tall/short)! (Y/n), them!"
"Yeah, yeah, I know who they are, it's just..." He paused to gather his words, glancing away from his friend. In all reality, he wouldn't mind inviting you into the platonic marriage, even if he knew Tubbo felt more romantic feelings towards you. He didn't shut up about it. It was the fact that he was worried about what kind of mental manipulation Tubbo would do to you if you did agree to be in the marriage. Or even what Tommy would do to you or Tubbo!
'Your relationship with Tommy is beyond screwed already... Imagine what would happen if both of his friends left him to be in a platonic relationship with me. Tubbo, all of us would be in severe danger.' He thought silently before taking a breath. "I-I don't have my enderwalking state under control... I'm already scared for Michael enough, and I don't want to hurt her as well... Give it some time and we'll see. Please.." He whispered, lying through his teeth. Ranboo knew you were damn good at protecting yourself and could knock his long and lanky ass to the dirt within seconds.
Tubbo's bright shiny eyes seemed to glaze over for a moment as his smile began to falter, "Ah... Yeah. I guess that makes sense. For their safety I suppose." His normal look returned and he gave him a smile, "Yeah, that does make a lot of sense. I'll ask again next month to see what happens."
"What... What about Tommy-"
"What about him?" He demanded sharply, his smile vanishing in mere seconds which caught Ranboo off guard yet again, "He doesn't need to be in their life. He would do more harm to them than good!"
Ranboo was left gaping, his mouth moving but not creating any sounds. He watched as Tubbo eyed him carefully before he got up, murmuring something about grabbing food then going to bed.
Once the goat hybrid was completely out of sight, Ranboo reached for his memory book and took the quill again.
'Protect (Y/n) from Tubbo and Tommy. Get them out of DreamSMP.'
Ranboo was scared for you.
He was stuck watching as these crazy two men fought over you, threatened you, manipulated you... It was worrying, to say the least.
Don't get him wrong. If he didn't have an adopted son, a platonic husband that he still cared about despite him being another Dream at this point, and a Syndicate to protect him from, he would've packed everything and ran, bringing you with him.
He was practically walking on eggshells around this man that he had once been extremely close to!
It practically sent shivers down his spine...
Eventually, it got to the point where Ranboo had gone to your house in the ungodly hours of the morning to talk to you.
This man LITERALLY crept into Tubbo's room AND Tommy's house to make sure they were both asleep before going to talk to you.
"Ran... Boo?" You asked, yawning softly as you leaned against the door, your hair all frizzy and messed up, "What's up? It'sssss... Like 5:30am. The sun is barely even up..."
"(Y/n)... Can we go inside? Please... There's something very wrong.." He murmured softly, his memory book tightly held in his grasp as he glanced around. Tommy could be waking up sometime soon, and he did not want to get caught talking to you. He would certainly be down a canon life before he could even say 'sorry'.
You watched the nervous man in front of you and nodded before stepping aside to let him in. Peaking outside, you looked around for what was causing him to panic but went back inside once you didn't see anything. "What's wrong?" Softening your tone, you gestured for him to sit at the table while you made coffee.
Once he had a fresh mug of coffee in front of him, Ranboo slowly began to gather his nerve and speak. He told you everything he could remember, and even opened his memory book to tell you about the things he didn't remember. Everything from the fight where Tommy and Tubbo's friendship completely went downhill a few months ago, to the threats Tubbo used against Tommy, the manipulation against you, the threats he had received by talking to you, and even Tubbo's violent mood switches when talking about you or Tommy.
The entire time, you just sat there wide-eyed as you listened to him ramble on about his fears and worries, and everything in between. He even mentioned wanting to actually divorce Tubbo because of how scared he was for you and his own life. "I don't... Not... Believe you... But this is- this is a little difficult to believe." You knew the enderman hybrid wouldn't lie about something so serious, and he definitely wouldn't be shaking like a leaf if it was a joke or a lie.
"Y-yeah, I expected that... But I really do care about your safety, honestly. You know I wouldn't joke about this kind of thing, especially about Tubbo." He murmured softly, looking at his crown laying on the table in front of him, "In all honesty, I came here this early because I was scared about Tommy trying to kill me if he saw me talking to you..."
"He wouldn't ki-"
The door slammed open dramatically and there was a cheerful shout of your name, "(Y/n)!!! Let's go mining for diamon-" Tommy walked into your kitchen, only to freeze mid-step and midfacial expression. His expression went from surprised to annoyance to a grim smile, "Hello Ranboo!" He gave him a smile that was more like baring his teeth as he twirled his axe nonchalantly.
He was going to hurt him...
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sparkliingcrown · 3 years
— my worst nightmare.
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Summary: You know the saying that goes 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?' How much closer can you get to your enemy than being roommates?
Request: Brownies + Dark Irish Coffee 
Genre: Roommates AU, College AU, Enemies to Lovers
Words: 6.1k
Warnings: Lots of swearing. I didn’t hold back in that aspect. Uhm, mentions of drinking, yn kinda panics at one point... I think that should be all! If not, pls notify me ^^
Note: An Eishi Café special. Yes, this is because it was last minute requests and it took too long for me to get to and open up the café again. ALSO TO THE ANON THAT REQUESTED THIS, I’M SORRY I MISREAD THE ORDER AND WROTE IT AS A LIGHT REQUEST! I hope you still like it nonetheless... Sorry it took so long T^T Also, this is my first time writing something like this so I really hope that it fits.
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You were hauling your bags and boxes up to your new dorm room by yourself. That wasn’t exactly the greatest way to start the day, considering you had to stay up packing the last of your stuff, rushing to the nearest train station, riding the train, and then driving all the way to your new dorm room for college yesterday. You didn’t even get to sleep a wink on the train and you sure as hell can’t sleep while on the road. So, in short, you were tired, hungry, and really fucking pissed.
You mocked your naive and excited self, making faces as you tugged your bags closer to your body, pulling the strap of your backpack higher up your shoulder to keep it from falling on the floor. Go to college, they said. You'll have the time of your life, they said. Who's they? The many, many movies you watched growing up. And where exactly were you now?
"Can you at least try to help me move my stuff inside?" You drop your bags at the door, stretching your arms out.
"Lemme think about it." He closes his eyes for a second, letting out a deep breath. "No."
That's right. You were stuck with him. Choi Seungcheol. The bane of your existence.
That motherfucker.
His majesty was sitting comfortably on the couch, a cup of boba in his hand. Oh, how you wish you could just reach out there and squeeze it to make it explode in his face. Instead, you huff. You turned away and stomped your way down to the elevator to get the rest of your luggage. Muttering to yourself, you hauled the last of your luggage in, just wanting to collapse onto your bed for the day having barely gotten any rest the previous day.
You were expecting your best friend, Jiwoo, to greet you at the door. You were expecting her to greet you with that enthusiastic squeal when she sees you. You were expecting her to give you a warm hug that would last probably longer than 5 minutes. Alas, the universe decided to be rude to you and give you your worst nightmare.
Seungcheol stares as you drag your bags and feet to the nearest room, raising an eyebrow when he thinks he heard you utter his name. He did not help whatsoever. Asshole. Once you get to your room, you don't even bother cleaning up and unpacking. You sank to the floor with a loud whine, not caring at all if Seungcheol could hear you from outside.
You were so excited to live out your college dream. Going to the library, going to parties you know Jiwoo would drag you to, midnight talks with your roommate, binging series you’ve been eyeing for a while. The universe just really had to ruin it for you by placing him as your roommate. You didn’t even know he was enrolled in Hybe University. It seemed like he didn’t know either. You recall the shocked look on his face when he opened the door.
“You’re my roommate?!” You both exclaim in unison.
You feel your lifespan shorten by 30 years when it fully sinks in that you’re stuck with him for a full school year. If it wasn’t enough that the bags you carried were heavy, the ones under your eyes felt even heavier. Seungcheol frowns.
“You look like shit,” he states, taking a long sip out of his cup.
You manage to send your iciest glare at him, chucking the heavy luggage inside to make him  move. “No shit, Sherlock-”
“The name’s Seungcheol.”
You ignore him. “I just drove a fucking half hour just to get here.”
You kick the bag, moving it to a corner then go to get a smaller one waiting by the door. Seungcheol moves out of your way, walking back to the couch. “Don’t fucking test me, Choi.”
He puts one of his hands up in a surrendering gesture. You sigh, closing the door behind you to get the rest of your things.
You let out a groan, deciding to unpack your things a little later. Eyeing your bed, you get up to move to your bed. You easily drift off into sleep. You would’ve loved to say it was dreamless but you actually quite enjoyed the chaos of it all. You awoke at 2 in the morning, lost and confused. You frown at your waste of half the day yesterday, smacking random items in your room to figure out where you had placed your phone.
Once you located it, the screen lit up your face - blinding you a little in the process. Jiwoo had excitedly messaged you. Well, excited was an understatement when she sent you 102 messages in the span of one hour and 17 missed calls for the rest of the time you were unconscious on your bed.
Your stomach growls, shocking you. “Yeah, I should get some food then start unpacking. Probably message her back as well…” you mutter to the air, dusting off your jeans as you finish up the process of fully moving into your new home for the next school year.
You sigh, “Fuck, this is going to be a long year.”
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You bury your head in the reference book that you picked out to help with your assignment. It wasn’t doing it’s job of helping. You shifted in your seat. With a groan, you lean back in your seat, not understanding any of the material so far. Jiwoo pats your back encouragingly, nuzzling her cheek on your shoulder.
"There, there," she says, running a hand through your hair. "Hold on, I'll just return this book because it didn't have what I was looking for."
With a solemn nod, Jiwoo rises from her seat. She skips away with the book in your hands leaving you suffering all alone. You mentally slap yourself for sulking when it's literally only the second month of college. Living in the dorms has not been any easier ever since you arrived. Seungcheol took any opportunity to get a rise out of you and you would bite back with just as much sass.
It was like a competition between you both. Over what exactly? No one could really tell. Jiwoo came over often so she's very much used to seeing the two of you bicker like little children out of the smallest things. This was the reason as to why she dragged you out of the dorm.
"Come on, ever since you've arrived, you're either staying in your room or going to that boba place!" Jiwoo was tugging you by your wrist while you used your other hand to cling onto your bedpost. "You need to live! To breathe!"
"I do that just fine over here!" you complain.
Then, it was just a competition of whining. Jiwoo won that one easily. Her bright, sparkling puppy eyes were too much to resist. You sighed. You were too soft for Jiwoo sometimes. You mumble, cursing the professors for giving a bunch of work already. It was to the point that you could barely keep track of any of your subjects anymore.
You stare at your laptop screen, a half blank essay staring back at you with a menacing aura. You turn your head. An open textbook sat atop several other books of the same subject stared at you too. You could hear it calling for you, yelling at you to study for the test next week. With a silent cry, you drop your head down onto the table. You hear a snicker from behind you. One that you've heard way too many times that you didn't even need to turn around to see who it was.
"Hello to you too, Choi." You let out a tired sigh, head rising from the table.
"You look pitiful like that," he comments, eyeing the multitude of books surrounding your laptop. "You need any help?"
You raise an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
"Do you need help?"
"The Choi Seungcheol is offering me help?"
"Ah, good, so your ears can work," he gives you that shit eating grin that you just want to punch off his face. You can already feel the fire burning inside just ready to burst. You feel like a boiling kettle to say the least. It's his turn to raise an eyebrow now.
"No way," you huff like a child, turning your back on him.
He sat across from you. It really just had to be the only fucking unoccupied seat left. You mentally cursed all the students who came to the library. Then you felt bad and instead cursed Seungcheol who just had to come to the library when you were at the peak of the stress rollercoaster, just ready to dive into the depths of despair and bad grades.
Your eyes flutter back and forth between the laptop, the books and Seungcheol himself. With a defeated sigh, you turn the laptop so the screen could face him. "Please."
That same grin never left his face, he tauntingly cups a hand around his ear. "What's that? I can't hear you."
"Old man," you retort with a snicker. Just as he was going to open his mouth to protest, you repeat yourself a little louder. "Please help me with this damn assignment so I can finish it already."
"That's more like it." He pulls out the chair next to you, pushing away the books to help you.
You would never admit it out loud but you were actually grateful that Seungcheol had offered his help. With every small pointer he gave you, you were able to fly through all of your workload like a breeze. He even lent you his notes for that test you were so worried about. You leaned back, tipping your head back as the most relieved sigh anyone could muster slipped past your lips.
“What? No ‘Thank you’?” he asked, a small pout on his lips.
“I didn’t kill you. Is that enough?” He rolls his eyes at you, returning to his own seat. Guilt started to take form in the pit of your stomach. You sighed. “I gotta go. Thanks. I’ll see you at the dorm.”
You didn’t see it. He didn’t want you to see it. He didn’t even want to acknowledge it; the heat rising up and painting his cheeks pink from when you sent him that small smile before leaving. Seungcheol mentally slapped himself, shaking his head and trying to focus on his own essay he put off while helping you. Safe to say, he never really did finish that stupid essay.
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"Joo, do I have to go?" you complained, tugging your shirt downwards. It's a little too much for your taste.
"You deserve it, babe," Jiwoo replied. "You got good grades after studying for so long! Loosen up a little! Please?"
You give her a skeptical look.
"Just this once?" She gives you her best puppy dog eyes that shimmered under the light of her dorm room. She puts up a finger and juts out her bottom lip in a pout, ultimately stealing your heart with how cute she is. "For me?"
"Ugh, fine. You're too cute not to."
"Yay!" she wraps her arms around you and gives you a light kiss on your cheek, dragging you out of her dorm and to her car.
She drove you to the party, that sweet smile never leaving her face. She talked about a blend of many topics she was interested in. You heard her mention something about talking to that girl in her class. You only stared out the window, humming in response as you dreaded arriving at the party.
Alcohol. It reeked of alcohol. You just arrived but there were already so many people that just smelled like sweat and whatever was served in the kitchen. Jiwoo took you to the dance floor, which was clearly just the living room of the house with the couches pushed to the side so there's space. She introduced you to a couple of her friends. You give them a small wave. It probably wasn't the best idea to try and have a conversation this close to the speakers.
After just a few minutes of walking in, you already lost Jiwoo. She was probably just with one of her friends. Come to think of it, she was clinging on to one of them really tightly and just being very clingy. But she was almost always like that with anyone. You brush it off your mind, heading to the kitchen to get something to drink.
"They look pretty," Seokmin stated, sipping from his cup and making a slight face at the bitterness. "Wait... Is that Y/n?"
Seungcheol's ears seem to perk up at the mention of your name. He turns to the direction his friend was staring at, seeing you hover over the kitchen island with a drink in your hand. You looked bored. A little lonely too. He deduced that your friend had left you to fend for yourself. He snickers to himself.
"Oh yeah, I think that is," Jeonghan was suddenly by his side, eyeing Seungcheol for his reaction. Seungcheol pulls a face.
"What are you looking at?" he sneers.
"Don't you think they're pretty, Cheollie?" Jeonghan giggled, obviously already a little tipsy. Seungcheol scowls. An old conversation flashed by his eyes.
"Where are you going?"
You raise an eyebrow. "And why do you care about where I'm going?"
"Because I'm your roommate? What if something happens to you?"
"Awh, does Seungcheollie actually care about me?" You jut your lip out in an exaggerated pout.
"No, I- Wait..." He takes in the outfit you decided to wear, and breathes in the scent of that perfume you always wear on special occasions. "Don't tell me... You're going out with that guy again, aren't you?"
You roll your eyes, adjusting the straps of your shoes with a groan. "So?"
"Are you that blind that I have to fucking tell you? He's not good for you!"
"Why do you give a damn about who I go out with? Why would I give a damn about who you think I should go out with?"
"That's not the point- Stop going out with him!"
"What are you? My dad? Fuck off, Cheol."
"That guy is not good for you." He crosses his arms against his chest. "Hell, even I would be better for you and I'm your enemy."
“Yeah, you’re my enemy. That doesn’t explain why you’re butting into my love life like this. Literally, just fuck off!” you exclaim, losing your cool with a stomp of your foot.
You fall silent. He falls silent. Seungcheol is worried for that second that passes. He didn’t know why. The silence was uncomfortable. It was like the chill of realizing there’s a spider in the shower with you. He felt chills run down his spine. He didn’t even know why.
You say nothing more, picking up your purse. The silence was odd. It was new. Especially to the both of you. Seungcheol was just about to speak up again, voicing his opposition to you going out with the sketchy guy you met when you walked out and slammed the door on him.
His mouth hung ajar, disbelief spread all over his features. He scoffs, “Ugh, whatever.”
He turns to look at you again. You were by the dance floor now, the neon lights surrounding you. He always thought you were pretty whenever you two wouldn't be bickering until the day's end. Seeing you next to the lights, seeing you like this, it made his heart race a little. He blames it on the alcohol.
Seungcheol ignores the way the rest of his friends start teasing him. It was mostly Joshua and Jeonghan ganging up on him but it was teasing nonetheless. He rolled his eyes, shoving them off him when Jeonghan started giggling a little too close to his face. Sure, he thinks you look pretty, and sure, he doesn't deny that he did find you attractive when he first met you after the summer. That doesn't matter, though, right? Right?
So, what was this feeling festering in his heart when he saw another guy walk up to you and ask you for a dance?
Seungcheol watches as the anonymous guy takes your hand and graciously leads you to the dance floor. His friends would be dramatic and say that he glared daggers at the dude. To be fair, he was. Seungcheol wasn't going to admit to that, however. He crushes his cup in his hand, startling the rest of his group but leading to only more teasing from all of them. With a roll of his eyes, he decides to shift his attention elsewhere.
Your weight shifts from one foot to the other. Maybe situating yourself near the dance floor wasn't the best idea you ever got but you needed to search for Jiwoo in the sea of sweaty, horny, drunk people. What better option than to sit right next to the speaker? You mentally facepalm yourself when the neon lights blinded you from identifying anyone. You blink once. Twice.
Who is this stranger in front of you?
Alarms blare in your head, telling you to get away. Your grip tightens on your cup, anxiety filling your stomach. He notices your worried expression and immediately flashes a smile. "You don't come here often, do you? I'm Eungwang."
He extends a hand out to you, asking you to join him on the dance floor. You shyly follow him, his hand never leaving yours. He twirls you around, telling you to smile a little bit and relax. You could feel all eyes on you, the blinding neon lights and booming music slowly becoming unbearable with each passing second.
"You okay?" You nearly didn't hear Eungwang calling out your name. "You look stressed. Are you okay?" You did your best to shake your head no, breath stuck in your throat.
A worried look passes his eyes, the corners of his lips turning downwards. It was becoming too much. You knew you shouldn't have come to this party. Jiwoo just had to bring you along. Jiwoo... You still haven't found her. The pounding in your heart and ears were getting worse, getting louder. You twist your head, trying your best to scan the crowd for a glimpse of your best friend.
"Get your hands off of her," a more familiar voice speaks up. With wide eyes, you see Seungcheol with his hand on Eungwang's shoulder.
Without an answer, Seungcheol rips him away from you and grabs your wrist to pull you into a more open space. It was weird. You always thought Seungcheol's hands would be rough, yet his touch felt so light. It felt like feathers. It was almost as if he was afraid to break you in your state. If you weren't too occupied with panicking, maybe you would've been trying to fight your way out of his grip.
You hadn't even noticed. Within minutes, the two of you were seated in the front lawn. The cool air brushed your cheeks, slowly pulling you out of your trance. Seungcheol tosses you a water bottle which you catch with trembling fingers. You take a sip and let out a breath. With pursed lips, you turn to look at him.
"What for?"
"I probably ruined the mood, right?"
He rolls his eyes, tucking his hands in his jacket pocket. "Whatever. The party was shit anyway. We should get you back to the dorm."
"But Jiwoo--"
"Your friend will be fine." He tosses his jacket to you. "Wear that. It's cold."
"I will not."
"Suits you." He snatches it out of your hands almost immediately. "Don't come crying to me when you get a cold."
Like a child, you stuck out your tongue.
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You're sick.
You don't know if it's fate trying to trick you or something. Whatever it was, it definitely isn't funny. Thank goodness, it was still the weekend. You definitely would have lost it if you got sick in the middle of the week. Good news was Jiwoo got back to her own dorm safely because her roommates dragged her back. That made you feel a little better.
Swaddled in your blanket, you begin your travel to the faraway land of the living room where you met your roommate looking at you amusedly. You sent him the best glare you could muster with a bit of snot dripping down your face. He only snickered.
"I told you, you should've worn-"
"Shut it. I'd rather be sick than wear that sweaty jacket of yours."
"Oi!" He stands up, pointing at you who was rummaging through the fridge. "I'll have you know my jacket isn't at all sweaty and gross! I wash it often!"
You let out a snicker, taking some leftovers out of the fridge and shutting it close with your hips. Seungcheol drops his plate in the sink. He stares at you for a fleeting moment; your hair was a mess and there was a bit of snot running down your nose. Nonetheless, you were wrapped up tightly in your blanket that reached the floor. You peek your head to see what's playing on the TV when you see a familiar character.
"You watch...Link Clink?" You sniffle slightly, bringing your blanket back up to rest on your shoulders.
"Oh? You know this show?" Cute. He shakes the thought out of his head immediately.
"Yeah...It was on my watch list." You didn't think that he'd watch something like that. "Not like you need to know."
He rolls his eyes at you, ignoring your last comment. "You wanna watch it together sometime?"
What in the fuck? You don't know if it was your cold, if it was just the air conditioning or literal chills went down your spine at his offer. Maybe it was just the first option. Caught off guard, you stare at him. His eyebrow was raised at you while waiting for your response.
"Uhm...yeah, sure... why not?"
"Oh, yeah." He opens up a cabinet, your curious eyes following his form as he searches through the cupboard. He pulls out a green plastic and hands it over to you. "I figured you would get sick, so I bought some stuff this morning that could probably help."
"Oh, uh, thanks..."
"Don't mention it." You weren't too sure but you thought you saw him blush a little. Perhaps it was your brain playing tricks on you. Nonetheless, despite being your enemy, he was nice enough to buy you something. Though, it really was just a small cold.
He clears his throat, snapping you out of your trance. "Get some rest. Jiwoo will probably drop by here later."
"Yeah, okay."
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“You’re telling me he took care of you while you were sick?”
“And you’re telling me you didn’t threaten him at all to take care of me while I was sick?”
Jiwoo takes a long sip of her bubble tea, taking her time to chew the pearls while you wait for an answer. She simply shakes her head no. You sigh.
“It’s not like he, like, took care of me. It was more of, like, he just made living together less of a living hell, I guess,” you state, taking your own sip of your tea.
“Less? What do you mean?”
“I mean, he still teased and taunted me. Like, he kept bringing his friends over. You know how loud all of them could get. Finished a bunch of my snacks even though they had my name on it. He broke my third favorite mug, too. One time, he placed my shit on top of the cabinet when he knew I couldn’t really reach it.”
You almost let out a laugh when you remember it.
“Awh, you need me in your life after all."
"Shut up, I can replace you with a step ladder."
"Too bad you won't. You love me too much."
You hadn’t even noticed the rosy pink that started to bloom on your cheeks and creep up to your ears. Jiwoo did, however, and would not let you live. Her eyes grew wide, dramatically placing her cup down. She shook you. A big grin was plastered on her face once you turned to look at her.
“Oh my goodness, it all makes sense now,” she cheered, enthusiastically shaking you around like a maraca. “You guys have been talking a lot lately… When I visited there was no sign of chaos anywhere.... And you were just giggling!”
“Giggling, Y/n, giggling! You!” she squeals. “Oh my god, you’re blushing! They’re blushing! Don’t tell me… you actually like him, do you?”
You let out a snort. “Me? Like him? Jiwoo, love, he makes my college life a lot less bearable. My petty ass won’t even let that go by, either. There’s no way I like that asshole.”
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Okay, maybe you liked him a little bit.
It would be hard not to like a guy who stops in the middle of a walk just to pet some dogs he saw on the way. It would be hard to ignore the way he smiles whenever you see him with his friends. It was most definitely hard to pretend like your heart wasn’t racing at all when your drunk roommate, also known as your enemy, snuggled closer to you on your way to the couch.
“Seungcheol.” A groan. Try again.
“Seungcheol.” Same response. What is this bitch on?
“Choi Seungcheol.” A loud whine escapes his lips. “How much did you drink? You reek.”
“Just a lil’ bit,” he hiccuped, swaying back and forth on his feet. “We were having so much fun I didn’t even notice the time!”
You softly threw him onto the couch as he started to flail his arms. You rush to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. He throws his arms around the pillows and tightly squeezes them as he starts babbling nonsense you couldn’t quite make out. You hear something along the lines of peaches, weird foods they tried, and someone jumping into the pool. You smiled. They always were such a rowdy bunch. All 13 of them. You would know. They trashed your room once and ate your leftover ice cream.
“You look pretty.” You snorted, covering your mouth with your free hand. “You look just like my roomie, you know. They’re like-” A hiccup interrupts him. “They’re the prettiest person I’ve ever seen,” he slurred.
“Oh? Is that so?” You make him sit up properly and hand the cup over to him. “Here, drink some of this.”
He gulps down the water. “You're really kind, too! Ah, just like Y/n~ But they have a little- no, no- a huge temper.” Oh, wow. The audacity. He giggles and you suppress the urge to smile. Failing, you laugh along with him, shaking your head.
“Come on, let’s get you to your room, you ass,” you say, slinging an arm around him to try and get him up. “Why are you so damn heavy?”
“Because of my love~ for Y/n~!”
“Why are you cheesy when you’re drunk-”
You finally arrive at his room, which took a lot longer than expected because of dragging a very intoxicated Seungcheol around who would not stop trying to cuddle you. You struggle to open his door, ignoring the loud beating of your heart. Wanting to go back to sleep as quickly as possible, you let him crawl onto his own bed, turning around to leave.”
“Get some sleep.”
A hand wraps around your wrist, preventing you from leaving. He pulls you closer. You lose your balance. Oh look, now you're on top of him. You hold your breath. You try to push yourself away from him but to no avail. You were trapped.
“Where’s my goodnight kiss?” He croaked out, quickly leaning up to peck you on the lips.
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“You kissed?!”
“Shh! Joo, not so loud!” Your eyes darted around the area, several heads turned to look your and Jiwoo’s way. “Everyone’s looking at us. I don’t even know what to say, Joo. I haven’t seen him at all for the past few days.” “You haven’t seen him or you’re avoiding him?” She raised a skeptical brow at you, popping some food in her mouth. She points one of her chopsticks at you with a big grin that makes you want to hide in a hole and never come out. “I think… you’re just avoiding him.”
“Well, what are you supposed to do when-” you lower your volume, casting your eyes to the ground. “I’m not finishing that sentence. Argh!” You hide your face in your hands, Jiwoo’s thrilled laughter coming from beside you.
You spent the following week trying to evade Seungcheol’s presence. You’ve been getting out of the dorm far earlier than you used to and he could never catch you anywhere. He seemed more than eager to talk to you nowadays, usually looking for you in the hallways or trying to spot a glimpse of you in your favorite spots. The library, the boba place, outside your classes. Nothing. It always seemed like you were one step faster than he was, one second too late for him.
He went around the campus grounds one last time. He even asked his friends if he’s seen you to which they replied with skeptical looks for fair reasons. He even tried to ask your friend, Jiwoo, to no avail. He retreats back to the dorm in defeat. His shoulders slumped over as he fished the keys out of his pocket. The door clicks and he becomes visibly confused. He still has his keys in his hand. The door opens wide and Seungcheol yelps, faced with none other than the roommate he was looking for.
Without thinking, he grabs a hold of your wrist as you go to shut the door on him. You snap yourself out of your thoughts from that night. "You're coming with me."
"What the fuck?" You tug your wrist back. His grip only tightens. "Yah! What the hell do you think you're doing?! I'm going to miss the next episode of-"
"Mmm, don't really care."
"Tch." You look down, suddenly ashamed of your get-up. He opens his car door for you. "Did Jiwoo put you up to this?"
Seungcheol smiles. Your heart... Did it skip a beat? Woah. Maybe he actually doesn't look too bad when he's not being a dick to you. Maybe he actually, dare you say it, looks cute when the two of you aren't at each other's throats every 5 seconds. You reluctantly get in, buckling your seatbelt while you wait for him to start up the car.
You look out the window, appreciating the beauty of the night. It's serene. It was still pretty bright with all the lights and buildings yet it looked beautiful. You opted not to speak to Seungcheol for the rest of the drive. You still didn't even know why he dragged you out of your room. You don't even know why you actually got in his car.
Realization hits you.
You're in his car. Seungcheol's car. You willingly got into Seungcheol's car. A small gasp leaves your lips, calling his attention.
"Is something wrong?"
You look at him. "Uh, no... No, I'm fine." The car suddenly holts, snapping you out of your daze. 7/11. Your eyebrows furrow. What?
"You dragged me out of my room... to go to 7/11? This late at night?" you asked, disbelief laced in your tone. He only chuckles at you, getting out of the car while leaving you bewildered and still strapped to your seat.
"Technically, it's like morning but sure." You unbuckle the seatbelt and step out, the cold breeze hitting your skin. Right, you still looked like a mess in the middle of a crisis. "I owe you ice cream since Soonyoung couldn't control himself the other day."
You narrow your eyes at him, suspicious of why he decided to be nice to you today. Before you could open your mouth to speak, he interrupts you, "This is just so you won't bitch about your lost ice cream."
"Hey!" you huff, crossing your arms over your chest. He picks up a few items and checks them out, you follow behind him like a lost puppy. "I thought we were just getting ice cream... why are you-"
"Can you just enjoy this quiet we have right now?" That made you shut up for the rest of the night. Not really. You started complaining about the cold a few minutes later while he laughed at your misery.
"Your fault for not bringing a coat, idiot."
"You fuckin- You dragged me out here!" you exclaimed, exasperated. "The audacity of this bitch, I swear."
Now sitting outside the 7/11, you rub your arms in a feeble attempt to warm yourself up. Not much luck. He slams a cup of instant ramen in front of you. You jumped slightly at the noise and he sent you a sheepish grin. "Enjoy, loser." You stick your tongue out at him yet pick up the cup nonetheless.
A sizzle breaks the silence between the both of you. He has a cheeky grin plastered all over his face as he teases you with the sight of the can of beer. He tosses one in your direction. You caught it, thankfully. You take a sip after opening it, letting out a content sigh. You searched your brain for something to say to fill the silence. It wasn't exactly everyday you get to sit quietly under the night sky on a school night with your worst enemy.
“I...uh... also wanted to apologize if I weirded you out while I was shit-faced drunk that one time. I didn’t- the words… they just slipped out,” he says.
“That’s it?” you ask. “You don’t remember anything else?”
Seungcheol shakes his head. “I don’t remember anything other than babbling nonsense. Why? Did I do something?” Your cheeks flare up, memories flooding back in that you’ve tried so hard to avoid. He stops and looks at you, noticing how you wouldn’t look him in the eye. Your eyes were trained on something else, your cheeks burning crimson. He blinks once, twice, trying to recollect the events of that night. All he remembers was you pissed and greeting him at the door, muttering some embarrassing shit, and being dropped onto his bed. Everything else was a blur.
“We should… Let’s get going. It’s getting really late,” you say, turning your head so you’d stop staring. The two of you finish up your ramen and drinks, heading back to Seungcheol’s car after discarding the trash.
On the way home, he recalls a few memories. The day you first met, the time you embarrassed him in front of the whole 8th grade, the time he gave you an oreo cookie filled with toothpaste. A good trip down memory lane later, the two of you were laughing obnoxiously in the wee hours of the morning. The laughter dies down as Seungcheol unlocks your dorm door.
“Come to think of it, why are we enemies again? We didn’t really do too much to hate each other,” you say, removing your shoes by the door.
“Do we hate each other?” You shrug. He laughs. “Why don’t we start over then? We’re not too different, apparently.”
“Yeah. Sure, why not?”
He sticks out his hand. “Hi, I’m Seungcheol.”
You gaze lingers on it for a few seconds. You never thought you’d be doing this ever. You look up at him and back at his hand. There’s a chance you’ll regret your next move but you doubt you will.
With a simple, soft kiss, everything felt like it changed yet stayed the same. The feeling of his lips on yours felt like a simple gift from the universe as a sorry for everything the two of you went through together. Seungcheol was frozen in his spot, eyes fluttering shut as he slowly pulled you closer. His memories start getting clearer. He slowly pieces together what happened that night. You pull away with a grin, completely red in the face.
“Hi, I’m Y/n. Seungcheol’s worst nightmare.”
“Is that what I get for making you suffer in silence when I couldn’t remember anything?”
“Oh, so you remember now? Damn, you really are old.”
“We’re the same age!”
“To answer your question, yes. Yes, it is.”
For the second time that night, you kissed.
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356 notes · View notes
seokjinsonlyone · 3 years
fall into your blu
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pairing: seokjin x female reader
summary: “You don’t have to look like Beyoncé for me to be attracted to you.”
genre: friends to lovers; fluff; slow burn? kinda
warnings: there’s like a brief joking mention of booty calls; oc is like securely insecure; not much else really lol
rating: pg
wc: 7.1k
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“I’m sorry I can’t... accept... this?” She winced, closing the door behind him. Felt kind of bad for not letting him get more than five feet into her place before shooting him down. She just didn’t want to have this conversation outside her building. Felt worse for referring to his confession as if it were a dirty gym sock.
His face fell. “Why not?” She doesn’t know what he thought would happen in this situation honestly. They’ve been friends for a good few years. Jin’s seen what she’s like when these kinds of things happen. 
“Because I’m not pretty,” she stated plainly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which, to her, it was. 
“You are,” he refuted.
“I’m not.” She wasn’t. She consumed enough media and spent enough time around actual pretty people in her lifetime to note the difference.
“You are to me.”
And well, okay, she wasn’t going to argue with him. Wasn’t any point in that. “But, like, I’m not, and I mean that’s fine for me. Like I accepted it a while ago, but it’s not fine for you.” 
And it was fine. Not being pretty wasn’t the end of. It didn’t make her any less valuable as a person. In fact, it helped her develop a top tier personality. Also, less people bothered her and she didn’t have to worry about anyone having high expectations for her simply because of her appearance. Sure, she cried over her lack of physical beauty every few months, but who didn’t? Such was life as a twenty something.
 “Are you saying this because you don’t like me? You can just tell me if you don’t.” He asked, narrowing his eyes at her, trying to read between the lines of her statement. There wasn’t anything underlying it, though.
“I mean... honestly I can’t say that I’ve put too much thought into us, like, together. But that’s, mainly because you’re out of my league.” Sure when they first met sometimes he’d smile at her and her heart would drop or her stomach would erupt with butterflies when he texted her, but she never let it get much further than that. Nipped it right in the bud. There was no point in a two pining over a ten. Okay, she didn’t see herself quite as a two. On her best days, she was a solid five maybe a five and a half with confidence but still. So, she settled into the role of friend easily and she liked it there. There was no ambiguity, she didn’t have to torture herself trying to analyze every little thing he did and said to her because there was no possibility of more. Until now, she guessed.
“I’m literally not?” He was. 
“You are though.” Jin opened his mouth but she shook her head explaining further. “Objectively speaking, you’re very handsome and you’re a good dude on top of that. We’re friends right?”
He nodded hesitantly.
“Okay and friends should push each other to do better. which is why I can’t accept... your feelings?” She couldn’t wrap her head around the idea that he could possibly want to be anything other than friends. She couldn’t believe they were actually friends. The only time she was friends with straight males were when they were friends with her pretty friends and thus were forced into spending time with her and realized she was actually cool aside from, like, not being pretty. “You can get someone who’s hot and a good person.”
“What if I don’t want someone who’s hot and a good person?”
“Then you’re stupid,” she snorted. “I want someone who’s hot and a good person.”
“You literally just said I was both of those things.”
“Yeah, but that’s unrealistic. What would we look like walking next to each other holding hands?”
“A couple.”
She curled her lips at him. “Yeah, a couple of clowns.”
His lips dropped into a small pout clearly unamused with her line of reasoning, which again was very confusing seeing as she was spitting facts. The logic was impenetrable. “I’m being serious,” he whined, “ It took a lot to work up the courage to say something, and you’re kind of breaking my heart.”
And, well she didn’t want that. Like, she didn’t do feelings. Most days she’d rather die than emote, but she ain’t want to break his heart. She sighed, sitting on the couch and running her hands down her face, decidedly tucking her humor-coated defense mechanism away and tried to level with him. “I just don’t understand where all this is coming from?” 
Which wasn’t the entire truth. She noticed he was acting a bit different toward her, a little more soft (lending her his jacket and tucking her underneath his arm when she was cold), a tad more vulnerable (sometimes when she asked the classic ‘how are you?’ he actually told her instead of responding ‘i’m fine’), a bit more thoughtful (when she was over his place the other day and was feeling a bit peckish he had some of her favorite snacks, even the ones he didn’t particularly care for. She looked at him like he had grown a second head, but he shrugged it off with a ‘you like it, don’t you?’). So, she can’t say this is all completely coming from left field, but she genuinely didn’t expect a confession. Didn’t expect him to grab her hand before she could go inside after dropping her off from their day out and tell her “I like you. I like you so much.”
Absently, she wonders if their outing had been some sort of ‘not date’ date. Now that she was thinking about it, they’d been spending a lot of time together just the two of them lately. The first few times when he invited her out she’d come expecting at least a few of their other friends to be with him, but didn’t really think much of their absence. She enjoyed his company and didn’t want him to think otherwise. 
She also wonders if she had been subconsciously leading him on. She never actually rejected any of his advances, if that’s what they actually were. When he wrapped his arm around her, she leaned into his touch. It was, it was odd, but not unwelcome because she was cold. When he confided in her, she listened and tried her best to be comforting and boost him up. As a friend, she felt that was her obligation. When he bought her snacks or paid for her meals, she didn’t put up too much of a fight because well a) free food and b) she treated more than a few times.
“You don’t have to look like Beyoncé for me to be attracted to you.”
She stared at him blankly. He had a point there. Even though she wasn’t anything to write home about and despite her earlier declaration that she wanted someone who was hot, she definitely had crushes on a few people who were worse for wear to say the least. She also knew that if he was here telling her about anyone else, Beyoncé or not, she’d be happy telling him to go for it. But, it wasn’t anyone else. It was her. And, her brain was quite literally short circuiting at the thought of him… and her… them… together. 
Her silence was perturbing him. She could tell by the way he forced a smile onto his face and stood up. “Hey, look, don’t worry about it. It’s, it’s fine. I’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.”
But, she wasn’t worried about that. She knew they’d be okay. They had the same personality type. They were very similar in many ways. She knew that if she really wasn’t for it, they’d still be friends. She would give him a little space, and if they happened to be brought together through their mutual friends she’d ignore whatever crush he’d allowed himself to develop and pretend everything was fine. Jin would deal with his feelings privately and put on a smile in front of her. It might be a bit awkward for a while, but they’d be okay. She knew that. It’s why she reached out her hand, interlocking their fingers, to stop him before he walked away. 
“Hey, don’t– don’t go. I mean, you can if you want to, but like–“ What was she trying to say? If you looked into her brain it’d probably resemble that one episode of spongebob when all the files got thrown out trying to figure out fine dining and everything was up in flames. The little hers running around her mind didn’t know what to do. She took a deep breath. “Like I said before, I haven’t really thought about us, but I’m not… opposed to it.”
His shoulders slouched and he released a breath looking back down at her, squeezing her palm. “Okay, okay, that’s good. A chance is all I’m asking for.” He shot her a small smile, then flicked her forehead.  “I’ll still go, though. Let you get a head start on thinking. I know it takes you a while.”
Her jaw dropped feeling utterly scandalised. “I changed my mind. I don’t even wanna be friends anymore.”
“Pffftttt. You wouldn’t be able to live without me.”
She scoffed in return. “Yeah right. In your dreams.”
“Yes, you are.” He dropped a wink and spun out the door.
She stared blankly in his wake. Did he just admit to dreaming about her? 
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She sank down further in the bathtub, face being the only thing left unsubmerged. Well, her face and like the entirety of her legs. They were leant against the wall of the shower. She wasn’t tall by any means, but her tub definitely was not meant for the soaking she liked to do. 
Despite being young, she felt like she inhabited the body of someone twice her age and could honestly lay semi conscious in hot water (nearing cool by the time she got out) until you couldn’t distinguish her from a dried date. She also just liked being in the bathroom because it was the only place she was truly alone and disconnected. Well, her phone was always an arms length away because not having her phone nearby gave her anxiety and not every time she entered a bathroom did she want to be left to her thoughts. Too much time in her mind was detrimental to her mental well-being. 
However, she had a lot to dissect tonight. She thought taking a bath would calm her down and while it did help channel her thoughts a bit, it did nothing to stop the fluttering in her heart. It was nice to know that she was liked. That someone saw something in her she didn’t see in herself. It also helped that said person was one of the most objectively handsome people she’s ever seen. But, that’s what worried her the most. It was fine that he liked her. It would be fine if that was all it was. If she could live in this purgatory of being liked, of having his attention no strings attached she would. She held the upper hand. He essentially handed his heart over to her while hers was still firmly beating in her own chest. But, what would happen if she started to reciprocate his feelings? If she gave him her heart in return?
Because the thing is, she knows it would be easy to give into him. It was easy being his friend. They just clicked in all the right places. It’s not like they were super close. Like, they’d definitely grown closer over the last few months, enthralling each other in late night text conversations and sending so many voice messages one could argue that they’d might as well been on a phone call (that consumed a very different level of social energy they both rarely could expel tho), but again it wasn’t the fear of losing him that made her hesitate. It was the fear of losing herself. If she gave herself over to him fully and somewhere along the line he decided he didn’t want her, it’d devastate her. She could almost see the heartbreak, the loss of self esteem, the ongoing existential crises from there. It was scary. 
And it’s not like she thought Jin would intentionally hurt her because she didn’t; she trusted him. He was very honest and sincere. It was something she greatly admired about him. He was soft in all the places she was hard. Rounded in all the places she was sharp, and it made her grateful that life was kind of enough to grant him such privileges. Life hadn’t been as kind to her. When you grow up not being pretty on top of lacking social skills on top of having uncommon interests, things tend to be a bit different, more difficult. 
Still, she wondered when would she ever get this opportunity again? It’d taken this long for one to arise, who knows if another chance would ever come.  And as much as she liked to think about each and every way this situation could go wrong she owed it to Jin, to herself, to think about what could happen if things went right. Typically hope and expectations were squashed down immediately. It was the number one way to play yourself, but just this once she allowed her mind to wander to the optimism deep within.
Them as a couple seemed a bit far fetched from a bird’s eye view, but personally she could kind of see them together. She could see herself happy with him and vice versa. Could almost make out him staring at her in adoration. Maybe they could be in love. She didn’t want to get ahead of herself. But maybe. Just maybe, it might work. 
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She felt strange. In a good way. Kind of like she unlocked some sort of hidden secret to life. She felt normal. And, it’s not like she was some kind of weird, misfit, loner. She was cool. She had a good group of friends. She had acquaintances. Her coworkers all liked her and they bonded over their mutual dissatisfaction with their place of employment. But, she’d never had whatever this was. Sure, she’s been the object of a few people’s affections but never ones she would ever think about looking twice at. In turn, she’s had a few crushes who didn’t look in her direction. This was different though, Jin was looking at her and he was… definitely in her peripherals.
It wasn’t as if years of repressed feelings came rushing to the surface when he told her he liked her because they genuinely weren’t like that. But, the more she toyed with the idea the more appealing it sounded. She couldn’t allow herself to dive head first though. She needed to be sure this was real. It’s why she texted him after a few days of very little interaction, only signs of life in the videos she sent him from tiktok and his phone generated reactions.
[6:42pm] y/n: you up? 👀
She tried to be as casual as possible, but she’d never been this nervous texting him before. A little afraid he’d rescind his confession.
[6:45pm] jinnie from the block: it’s not even 7 why wouldn’t i be up
[6:47pm] y/n: ion know 🤷‍♀️ i heard old people go to sleep early
[6:47pm] y/n: have dinner round bout 4 and sleep by the time sun sets
[6:48pm] jinnie from the block: omg i’m not that much older than you
[6:48pm] jinnie from the block: anyway what’s up? this a booty call??
She nearly dropped her phone on her face.
[6:48pm] y/n: JIN ADSFLJADSFLJ
[6:48pm] y/n: have some decency booty call hours are between 10pm and 3am
[6:49pm] y/n: ion make them kinds of propositions in the light of day 😤🤚
[6:49pm] y/n: no omg i just wanted to know if you wanted to grab lunch tomorrow?
[6:51pm] jinnie from the block: booty ✍️  call ✍️ between ✍️ 10 ✍️  and ✍️ 3 ✍️. Got it.
[6:52pm] jinnie from the block: you asking me out on a date??? 👁👄👁
Her brain short circuited once again. Was she asking him out on a date? She didn’t think she was. She might’ve been. She was going to tell him that she was going to give him the chance he asked for. Things would change a little after that, wouldn’t they? They’d be like seeing each other. She was probably making this a bigger deal than it needed to be. She could tell she definitely was when he texted her again after she failed to respond for five minutes.
[6:57pm] jinnie from the block: hey sorry i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable
[6:58pm] jinnie from the block: i was just joking. it doesn’t have to be a date 
[7:01pm] y/n: lol no ur fine that was fine i’m just being 🤠😃🤡
[7:02pm] y/n: i mean it’s not not a date
[7:02pm] y/n: like what really is a date 🧐
[7:03pm] y/n: according to google it’s a social or romantic appointment or engagement so i guess technically it is a date
[7:04pm] jinnie from the block: sweet ❤️ where we going
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Now she was standing in front of the place they’d arranged to meet up, telling herself to calm down. No need to be feeling lightheaded at the sight of Jin. It was just her friend who liked her. Her friend that could be her boyfriend in a few weeks. It was fine. Everything was fine. She decidedly squashed the majority of those feelings down and entered the building. She was already ten minutes late, but he should’ve known by now that time was relative to her.
She circled her head around the area trying to spot him. She for sure saw his car in the lot. It didn’t take long to find him seated in a booth at the far corner of the restaurant. Was a wave a sufficient greeting? Was she supposed to hug him? A handshake would be weird, right? Why was she so unfamiliar with the protocol for this situation? So caught up in her thoughts, she hadn’t realized she already approached the table and was hovering awkwardly next to it. 
He scrunched his face up at her. “Don’t be weird about it. Sit down.”
“I’m not being weird about it.” She was. But, like, now she didn’t know where to sit. Across from him? That left room for a lot of eye contact. Did she want that? Sitting next to him felt rather intimate though. She didn’t get to make that decision as Jin rolled his eyes and pulled her down into the spot next to him then flicked her head. She let out a small squeak at the action. “Why you keep doing that?”
“Because you keep being weird.”
“I’m cooler than you,” she scoffed. 
“Are you?”
“Yes,” she bit back before retracting her answer, giggling. “No. Well, maybe. See you act weird and then apologise for it. I never apologise for my weird behaviour.”
He raised one brow at her. “And that makes you cooler than me?”
“Uh, yah. In movies, the cool girl is always the one who’s quirky and never apologises for being so.”
“Mhm. Okay,” he said dismissively, beginning to peruse the menu. “If you could be in a movie, which one would you be in?”
“A bug’s life,” she replied immediately.
His eyes widened, looking down at her. “No hesitation? A Bug’s Life? Have you been waiting to be asked this your whole life?”
She shrugged. “No, it was just the first movie that popped into my head. I’ll stick to it, though. You got an innovative social outcast who brings together a ragtag bunch of misfits who end up starting and winning a class war and saving their people from subsequent oppression. Overthrowing the bourgeoisie? Now that’s what I’ve been waiting my whole life to do.”
He chuckled. “I can’t believe you just used the word ragtag.”
“Using the word ragtag is also something I’ve been waiting my whole life to do. There are surprisingly little opportunities to use it. You know what else there is surprisingly little of? Quicksand.”
From there they launched into conversation about any and everything. She was talking so much, so animatedly that she barely touched her food. She’d take a bite every now and then when he tapped her plate with his utensils, but he ultimately picked at her food more than she did, stealing small bites in between her musings on various conspiracy theories. It wasn’t rare for her to not eat while engaged in conversation, but it was rare for her to be engaged so deeply in conversation outside her really close girl friends. She took a mental note at the fact and added it to the ever growing list of reasons why being with him wouldn’t be so bad. 
At some point, she’d begun to turn towards him, so much so that by the time she’d gotten a to-go box for the rest of her meal that she was nearly completely facing him. He was listening to her ramble on about straws being a cash grab by the fast food industry with his elbow on the table, head propped up on his hand, a small smile gracing his face when he reached for her hair sweeping a few strands that escaped from the mass of curls she had pinned back away from her eye. She stopped talking instantly, mind going blank. She ain’t never had her hair swept back, her face gently caressed by a man.
“You’re blushing.”
“Am not,” she protested, face heating up further.
“You are.” 
She wanted to knock the amused smirk off his face. Retribution would come at some point. “I’m brown. You can’t tell if I’m blushing.”
He snorted. “It’s written all over your face and,” he pressed a palm to her cheek, “your cheeks are on fire.”
She smacked his hand away. “They’re not. I’m just naturally hot blooded.” That was a lie. They both knew it.
“You’re anemic. You are the coldest person I know. You cry when the weather drops below 70.”
“Shut up,” she mumbled, hiding her face in her hands. It was in her moment of shame, unintentionally expressing feelings, that she remembered the whole reason they were there in the first place. She always forgot herself once she got started up on the bourgeoisie. Still, she was unsure how to approach the topic. She wrestled back and forth for a few seconds before mentally shrugging. Direct was probably best. They were both grown. “So… you like me?”
He gulped, seemingly nervous at the shift in topic. “Hey, listen, like I said don’t worry about it. It’s fine.”
“I mean… if you want me to forget about it I will. Otherwise, I was willing to worry about it.” 
His eyes widened at you, catching your gaze before looking downwards. “Really?”
She smacked his arm, sliding out of the booth and grabbing the bag holding her food which he took out of her hand after he slid out. “What? You think I’m mean or something?” To be fair she was a little mean, but she wasn’t cruel. “You think I would sit here and have lunch with you if I was gonna tell you to leave me alone after?”
“I don’t know! You were calling me bro this whole time. I thought you were preparing me for the friendzone!”
She rolled her eyes. “Bro, I call everyone bro.”
“That’s not true. You call children honey,” he corrected, holding the door open for her.
She pursed her lips at him. It was weird to know that Jin had been actively perceiving her. Like he just knew stuff about her. And it’s not like she didn’t know anything about him; they’d been friends for a while. But, she didn’t pay special attention to things like how he addressed children. It made her feel… something. “What? What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. It’s just…” she gesticulated wildly trying to figure out the right words to say. “I don’t know. It’s weird that you notice me. That you like me. Nobody likes me.”
“My name’s Seokjin actually,” he joked. She rolled her eyes. “Besides I’ve been noticing you for a while, there’s a lot to like,” he admitted, voice softening.
Her heart squeezed in her chest. She liked the way he made her feel. It was scary, but she liked it. She liked it so much that she threw caution to the wind and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together as they walked side by side. She could feel him burning a whole into the side of her face, but she refused to make eye contact. She was acting so out of character. She was going to have a serious chat with herself later. “Don’t be weird about it,” she mimicked.
He giggled but stopped staring at her so she guessed it was alright. “You into PDA?”
“Ummm… I don’t think so? It doesn’t seem like something I’d be very into. I mean, this is okay,” she answered, swinging their conjoined hands slightly before tacking on, “Is this– is this okay for you?” and looking up timidly. 
“This is okay for me,” he confirmed, squeezing her hand. “You’re so cute. You try to act all icy like you’re the abominable snowman, but really you’re just bigfoot.”
“I can’t believe you just called me cute and bigfoot in the same sentence.”
“Well, you’re definitely not a normal creature.”
“But, why I gotta be a cryptid?”
“What would you prefer to be?”
She mulled it over for a few moments. “Nah. You’re right bigfoot works for me. A myth and a legend is what I strive to be.”
“It’s what you already are.”
She smiled to herself as they continued walking. She didn’t know where they were going seeing as they both drove but didn’t speak up. She liked this. Liked how normal everything felt. They were like how they always were except now they held hands and flirted a little. It was nice. 
“Hey,” he said a few minutes later, pulling her from her thoughts, loosening his grip on her hand and opening the door to an ice cream shop. Hmmm. A man with a plan. Nice. “You wanna go to Jimin’s later? He invited me yesterday.”
“Is Jungkook gonna be there?” She asked absentmindedly, filling her cup with various flavours.  
“He’s my little brother, and I love him.”
He raised an eyebrow at her. “He’s six months older than you and Korean.”
“First of all, families can look however they want. It’s what’s on the inside the counts. Has Lilo and Stitch taught you nothing? Ohana means family,” she countered, sitting at one of the tables. “Second, age is a social construct.”
“Alright, I can let you slide on your first point, but age is not a social construct.”
“It is, though. Think about it. What is one year? The time it takes the earth to revolve around the sun. The earth was just in a slightly different position than it was when he was born from when I was born. Think about it in terms of light years. 1 light year is about 5.9 trillion miles. The earth travels about 584 million miles around the sun. Cut that in half and you get 292 million miles. Which is like 5 hundredths of 1 light year. Scale that down and you’re literally sitting further than how much older Jungkook is than me.”
He stared blankly at her. “You say so much nonsense on a regular basis that I forget how smart you are. But, also it’s impressive how you’re able to say such nonsense in such an intelligent manner.”
“It’s part of my charm.”. 
He shook his head. “Anyway, Jungkook?”
“He owes me $10. Keeps asking me to buy him snacks or adding his stuff to mine when we go to the convenience store. If he’s there, I plan to attack.” He hummed in response. “What about Yoongi? And before you ask me why, it’s because he’s my soulmate.”
“I hate to break it to you babe, but Yoongi is my soulmate.”
“I beg to differ.”
“I don’t. I’ve known him longer.”
She scoffed. “Okay, and? In most dramas they introduce the second male lead first. You just paved the way for me homie.”
“You and Yoongi are the same person and therefore cannot be soulmates.”
She paused mid bite. “That’s fair. I guess he can be my duplicate and your soulmate. I would say he’s my twin, but he already banned me from calling him that.”
“So, you in?”
“Mmm… I guess.” A thought suddenly occurred to her. “What are we gonna do about–“ she gestured between the two of them, “Like, I mean I know this is like, brand new, fresh from the womb. But–“
“They know,” he breathed out through a laugh, ending her rambling.
“They know?” Her eyebrows shot up. They knew? Was she the only one in their group oblivious to his feelings? 
“Well, they know everything up until what happened today. You mad?” he asked, obviously worried at the possibility of upsetting her.
She wasn’t particularly nosy. Wouldn’t have pried too much even if she suspected something was up. Still she didn’t like being out the loop. But, she guessed she was the most in the loop now, so there wasn’t really anything to be upset about now. Only thing she could hope for is that whatever they were doing worked out. It’d be humiliating otherwise. “Nah. Those are your boys. I get it.” 
He was allowed to talk to them about his life even if it did involve her. Even if they were friends as well. She would eventually tell her girls. She was just a bit emotionally stunted and unnecessarily private so it took longer to open up about her life. She would tell them sometime soon. Or they would find out from one of the guys and be cornered into spilling everything. Whichever came first. That was, if this even amounted to anything.
She hoped it did.
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Thirty minutes before she was supposed to get off, she sent a text to Jin letting him know she definitely would not be getting off in thirty minutes. It sucked because she hadn’t seen him in a week, and they were supposed to be going on a date tonight. There was no way, though, that she could leave her department in good conscience. She just added it to the ever growing list of frustrations that had been piling up. 
Today was the third day in a row her coworkers left the entire day’s work for her during the night. How could two people waste eight hours (sixteen total) doing absolutely nothing? She didn’t like to work herself but she did it because that was what she was being paid to do. She did it because she hated for others to be left with an overwhelming amount of tasks. Apparently, she was the only one who shared such a sentiment in her department. 
To add insult to injury she also hadn’t slept very well that night, she didn't get a chance to eat or drink today, and she missed Jin. She took a deep breath, pushing away the burning sensation building behind her eyes and kept moving.
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Within five minutes of entering her home, she was in the shower eager to wash the day away. She sighed deeply as the hot water hit her shoulders, cascading down the rest of her body. It allowed her to get rid of the thoughts of work. She didn’t like to bring it home physically or mentally. What happened happened. Knowing her coworkers it would probably happen again. She truly liked them as people but sometimes their work ethic made her want to strangle them. 
Now her main concern was Jin. They’d been dating for a little over a month and a half. Or, well, seeing each other. Things still hadn’t been labelled. They went on dates though. Was that considered dating? She made a mental note to google dating. Either way, she missed him. A lot. More than she thought she would. And, it’s not like they saw each other every single day, but seven consecutive days was a lot. She’s kind of grateful for it though. It made her realize how much she liked him. Up until now, she was still approaching everything surrounding him with a healthy level of skepticism. Feeling him out. Feeling herself out. Trying to see if continuing down this road was really worth it. If it was something she truly wanted not because she liked to be liked but because she liked him. 
And, she did. So much. Before he was just her very chaotic friend. Her go-to for group shenanigans. But when she really paid attention to him, there was just so much to like. She liked how he texted her good morning and good night every day. First, she thought it was corny. Asked him why he was texting her like her grandma only for her heart to end up in a puddle when he told her he had to let her know he was thinking of her when he first woke up and just before he went to sleep. She liked how respectful he was of her boundaries (even when she didn’t necessarily want him to be). “I know I have a bit of a head start, so I’m sorry if that was too much. I don’t want to rush you,” he’d apologized a few weeks ago after kissing her cheek while dropping her home. It caught her a bit off guard, yeah, but it wasn’t unwelcome. Like at all. And yeah she did still like how chaotic he was. Liked how he helped her beat up Jungkook that one night (she didn’t really want any money back. She never minded buying him snacks here and there. Just didn’t want him to know that and get too comfortable. Had to keep the upper hand for the big sister agenda). He was still her best friend and she liked that. 
She planned on telling him as much tonight, which was why this turn of events was so upsetting. Deep down she knew that a few more days wouldn’t be so bad. It wasn’t a life or death situation. It would be fine. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that. But, as it stood none of her basic needs were being met and her day was awful and she just couldn’t bring the little optimism that lived deep, deep, deep down within her to the surface. So, it was with a heavy heart that she got dressed following her shower and began her daily stare down with the contents of her refrigerator.
She has no idea why she didn’t stop and get food before she came home. She knew she ain’t have anything. Can’t imagine why she thought ‘the food at the crib’ (rotting spinach, a tangerine, and cranberry-grape juice) was gonna sustain her. A whine bubbled up in her throat and the burning sensation behind her eyes returned with a vengeance. She was seconds away from unloading the emotional baggage the week packed onto her, when a knock sounded at the door.
Quickly, she swallowed back all her feelings and prayed whoever decided to show up would be quick lest they be subject to her breakdown. Yet, it was precisely the person at the door who launched her breakdown into full speed.
Jin. With takeout.
She was so overcome with emotion at the sight of him that she immediately burst into tears. She made it a point not to cry too often because it was an ordeal for her. Her eyes got all red and puffy and she got a headache then she needed to sleep. An ordeal. Probably because when she cried she tended to cry for her past, present, and future; but that was a story for a therapy session she’d probably never go to. 
He quickly sat the food down on her coffee table and wrapped her in his arms as she gave way to tears. She cried for all the bad things she’d been going through. She cried for the week they spent apart. She cried for the awful day she had. She cried because her next shift would probably be just as bad. Unexpectedly, though, she also cried tears of relief. She was so relieved that Jin was there. She’s missed him so much. She was relieved he brought food because she was starving. She was relieved he cared about her at all. “What are you doing here?” she hiccuped out, attempting to even out her breathing and draw this crying spell to a close.
“I still wanted to hang out tonight,” he explained gently, “Also my spidey senses told me you hadn’t ate yet.”
She choked out a laugh, nuzzling her face further into his chest. Not quite ready to leave the cocoon she’d trapped herself in. She needed a moment to gather herself and her thoughts together because the urge to spill her guts was raging. She knew the second she looked into his eyes she’d be giving her heart to him. Also, she really enjoyed the way his hands rubbed circles on her back. 
They stayed huddled for a couple more minutes before she pulled back, looking up at him. He was so beautiful up close it was unreal. He brought his hands up from her waist, cupping her cheeks, wiping away a few stray tears with his thumb. “Don’t look at me like that. I know I look like a teletubby right now.”
“You actually look like Mrs. Puff.” 
She stuttered out another laugh, smacking his chest noting the wet patch she left. “I’m sorry about your shirt.”
“It’ll dry.” He dropped his hands back down, this time settling upon her hips. “Are you okay? You wanna talk about it?”
She shook her head. Didn’t feel like rehashing her day. Would rather live in this moment. “Just a very long day and I– I, um–“ she gulped, forcing the words out “–I missed you.” She was on a roll now. Might as well get it all out there. “A lot. And… I really like you Seokjin. I’m sorry it took so long to say it. But, um, yeah I do. And, I want to be with you.”
Her eyes remained firmly fixed on his chest, heat washing over her form. Why did she feel so embarrassed right now? It’s not like he was going to reject her. Still, she refused to meet his gaze. That was until he lifted her chin with his finger. “I’m going to kiss you now.” Her eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights. “Don’t be weird about it,” he smiled, cupping her face with one hand and bringing the hand at her hip to her neck, pressing their lips together.
She knew it was coming. He literally announced it before he started kissing her, but it didn’t stop her entire body from tensing up the second as she felt the gentle pressure of his lips against hers. In fact, she felt herself astral projecting, soul hovering just outside of her body to confirm it was inhabiting the right person. Then, all at once she came back to herself and melted into his touch slowly bringing her arms to wrap around his waist. Why hadn’t they been doing this the whole time? When will she be able to do it again?
He gently sucked on her bottom lip for a few seconds before pulling away slightly leaving a series of pecks in his wake. He rested his forehead against hers as they broke apart. Her heart was beating so fast she felt like she was gonna throw up. Or cry. Or both. This probably wasn’t the best position for him. He had a good few inches on her. Still, she didn’t want to pop the bubble they’d created. That was until her stomach loudly rumbled doing exactly that. 
Her mind then became solely preoccupied with obtaining some form of sustenance. “What kind of food did you bring?” she asked, dropping to her knees in front of the coffee table where the abandoned takeout was sitting and rifling through the bags herself. “Chinese. Nice.”
He chuckled in disbelief. “That’s my girl.”
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“So… you’re my boyfriend now,” she stated leaning back against the couch once her food tunnel vision widened out. Which was, like, kind of a big deal. She was never one to define relationships even if it was pretty obvious. Didn’t like to take the chance of being rejected. But, he’d put himself out there enough. She could do this one thing and she was like 87.2% sure they were on the same page. 
“It seems so.”
He wrapped an arm around her tugging her closer before pressing a kiss against her cheek. Warmth flooded through her system and her heart began to swell followed by a wave of mortification as she thought about what this really meant. “Bro, this is so embarrassing.”
“Hey!” he whined. The arm used to cuddle her was now being used to keep her in a headlock. 
“F in the chat for our fallen soldier.” She fake sniffled. “What am I supposed to tell Yoongi? We made a pact. We were supposed to die alone together.”
“Suddenly, I’m regretting this entire thing.”
“We have to put up an iron wall in front of the boys. I have a reputation to protect. They can’t know I feel.”
“We’ve been dating for almost 2 months already.” So, it was dating.
“Yeah, but they were being oddly nice about it,” she pouted. They were. They knew her. Knew this was way  out of her comfort zone and didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. And, they definitely didn’t want to do or say anything to mess this up for Jin. But, now that they were official she’s sure pandora’s box was about to be opened. Everything they’d been holding back was going to be unleashed. “It’s all over now. The teasing will be relentless.”
“I’m your boyfriend now. You’re my girlfriend. I’ll protect you,” he declared proudly.
She snorted. “Corny.” She loved it.
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ayamturd · 4 years
enough│dream team
summary: y/n is overwhelmed and hits a breaking point. luckily, her boys are always there for her.
warnings: angst to fluff, light cursing
pairing: real-life platonic!dream team
a/n: was trying to write comfort drabble but got carried away, oops— pls feel free to comment or give feedback!
wc: (1.4k) - m.list
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Falling face-first onto the safe haven of your couch, you felt as if you could cry from exhaustion. 
Today was long, longer than usual. From pulling an all nighter to barely finish the analysis essay you put off to the very last minute, struggling to understand the notes in most (if not all) of your online classes, to the torturous hours at work dealing with difficult coworkers and harsh customers, to say you were emotionally, physically, and mentally drained was an understatement. 
Despite the numerous assignments you knew were waiting to be completed, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. The stress of simply worrying about them was already enough to drown your thoughts as you smothered your face into the pillow cushions. Before the raging thoughts could continue to ring though, the discord notification quietly broke the empty space, the phone being previously thrown somewhere on the floor. 
The bright screen blinded you as you brought the phone towards your face and answered the call with blurred eyes. “Hello?”
“Aye, nice to know you’re not dead!” What?
“Sap, what the hell do you want?” The lack of sleep was present in your quip tone. You probably would have apologized upon realizing if you could think straight. 
“Geeez, no need to get all upset. Was just wondering if you were still planning on joining the stream.” 
“Stream? What stream?” As if answering your own question, you pulled the phone away to check the date and sat up in slight panic. Fuck. “Shit! I didn’t realize that was today, I thought it was still Thursday!” 
Sapnap laughed, but it didn’t help calm your nerves at all. “Honestly, you’re fine. We were just wondering what happened since you weren’t answering any of our messages.” You scrolled through the boys’ messages from the past hour asking where you were. 
“Ahh, but still, I’m so sorry. I just got home but let me set up and I’ll be there in the next five minutes or so.” 
“You sure? It’s fine if you don’t wanna, s’just a chill stream while we speed run and shit.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I promised and haven’t hung out with you guys in a while anyway.” Rising slowly from the couch, you stretched with a groan and headed to your bedroom to quickly change into something comfortable. 
“Alright, nice. I’ll tell the guys, see you then.” You hummed a bye and closed your phone. Slipping out of your dirty uniform and putting on something loose, you collapsed into your office chair and turned on your monitors. You weren’t in the greatest mood if you were being honest with yourself, but you would feel bad if you fell through with plans and didn’t want to disappoint anyone. You tried to force down any negative thoughts before entering the call.
“—eorge! What?!” Clay’s signature yell practically made your ears bleed when adjusting the headphones on your head. You were quick to turn down the volume. 
“What are you idiots up to now?” you asked, letting the boys know of your presence.
“Y/n! glad you finally decided to join us!” George remarked. You could hear the stupid grin on his face while loading up the game, and scowled at your screen as if he could see it. “Shut it, Gogy. I was busy and it slipped my mind.”
“Mhmmm, suuure. You totally weren’t ignoring us for the past hour or so.” The cheeky little bitch.
“Hey, just cause the girls you hit up don’t respond doesn’t mean every girl in the world is ignoring you!” 
You could hear Clay wheeze as George and you began your usual bickering. Wanting to entertain their streams, you tried to interact and talk with each of the boys as much as possible, but you felt the high of speaking with friends significantly drop as the night continued on. 
The events of the day and the sensitive thought of meeting expectations and your inability to do so were starting to creep onto you. Even your game play was off as you died the fifth time in a row within the first 3 minutes again; the growing frustration made you tear up and get more angry at yourself. Who sucks at a block game and starts crying about it?
You didn’t realize you had gone silent until Clay called your name. “Yeah, Dream?”
“I ended the stream a few minutes after George and Sap, no need.” Oh. You must’ve spaced out and not noticed. When did George and Sapnap end stream? 
Letting out a sigh, you responded, “my bad Clay, I wasn’t paying attention.” 
George began speaking. “You okay tonight, y/n? It’s been awhile since we last actually talked and you got pretty quiet at the end there. I thought you were afk at first but could hear your keyboard.”
“I’m good, just tired.” You struggled to make a smile, barely convincing yourself as is.
“I don’t know, even when you’re tired, you’re not dead silent and completely zone out.”
“Yeah, what’s up with you today? I know you said you were at work but it’s not like you to forget things completely.”
“Plus you weren’t really fighting back that last argument. I know I’m amazing at Minecraft but I didn’t expect you to—“ You let out a stuttered breath and choked back a sob at their words, the heavy weight of the day finally crashing on you. 
You could hear George try to apologize for something he could have done to upset you and swallowed your silent hiccups to respond. “Don’t, George. Please. Trust me when I say you didn’t do anything wrong.”
The call went silent before Clay spoke up. “Then what is wrong, y/n? You can’t tell us something isn’t bothering you, we just want to help.” Now that opened the floodgates. Your breathing became irregular as more tears came into view. If the boys were talking, you couldn’t hear anything they were saying. You felt awful for forcing them to listen to you cry your emotions out, but Sapnap was quick to softly console you when you pathetically began to repeat broken sorry’s.
Eventually your sobs became sniffs as you calmed yourself while listening to George tell you to breathe in and out. The call became relatively silent once more.
“I’m so sorr—”
“Y/n,” Clay firmly stated, “never say sorry for something that isn’t your fault. You’re okay, okay?” You sniffed and nodded to his words, replying with a soft okay.  
“What’s wrong, y/n?” George was more gentle then before, him trying his best to comfort you in comparison to his joking manner. 
“I— I’m just so tired. Tired of school, t—tired of work, tired of trying to keep up with everything. I feel like I can’t breathe and it hurts. A—and I can’t help but hate myself for not being able to keep up with my own responsibilities and shit. I just, why am I not good enough?” The pause of silence was deafening and you looked desperately at the boys’ icons for an answer before screwing your eyes shut. 
Clay was first to respond. “Y/n, I know that right now everything feels hard and stacked up against you, but please trust me when I say it gets better. I know you said it’s been hard to breathe but you have to let yourself. You shouldn’t hate yourself for not being able to keep up, it’s just a sign you need to step away and give yourself a break. You’re not alone, okay? I’m here, George is here, S—“
“I’m here,” Sapnap interrupted. Clay let out a murmured groan while George scolded him for talking. “Oh, uh, sorry…” You giggled slightly.
“What I’m sure Clay was trying to say before is, you have us to back you up, alright? Struggling to take on your own responsibilities isn’t something to feel alone in, everyone needs support and we’ll always be yours. You are good enough. You’re too good for your own good that you won’t let yourself see it.” They collectively chuckled at George’s words. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”
You slowly nodded while still grasping everything they said, a warmth replacing the shuddered breaths as you exhaled. “I do, yeah.” You couldn’t help but feel touched by their attentiveness and genuinely smiled. “Thank you guys, for listening and calming me down. It means a lot.”
“Course, y/n.” Sapnap reassured. “We love you and all that shit.”
“I love you guys and all that shit too.”
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jojosbizarrefanfics · 4 years
fun sex with kakashi? maybe reader teases him with a knowledge of icha icha paradise that he didn’t know she had? i just want him to be laughing and happy for once
oh god I LOVE this prompt for Kakashi so much 👏👏 v excited to write this one!
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“Hey, sorry I’m a bit late,” you said as you took your next across from Kakashi at the izakaya. You placed a hand on his shoulder as you sat and he looked up at you. You could see him smile beneath his face mask.
“Oh, you’re fine,” he said. “Everything okay?”
“Very chatty student,” you said with a chuckle. “You know how it gets.”
“Oh, yeah,” he said in understanding; there were times where he would have paid anything to shut Naruto up. “Don’t worry about it.”
Your drinks came shortly after; you had visited this place enough with Kakashi that he had your order memorized. You thanked him for being on the ball and admired his face as he slipped his mask down to take a sip of his own.
Kakashi was one of your best friends, now the Hokage. And by God, was he beautiful. You’d never told him that, of course, and now that he was Hokage you were sure you didn’t stand a chance. He could have anyone.
“What are you reading?” You asked. Kakashi answered by raising an eyebrow as he sipped his drink. “You have a book tucked beneath your arm,” you observed. “Were you reading while you waited for me?”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Kakashi said. The smile that graced his face was nervous. “Nothing I haven’t read a thousand times before.”
You grinned. “A thousand times before? Can I see?”
Kakashi panicked internally but knew it would make it worse as he stopped you from reaching across your table for two. He was grateful that you were in your usual, private corner when you flipped open to wear the book was dog-earred.
“Oh, and here I was thinking you were joking around when you carried this with you everywhere,” you teased. “Ah, but you’re at my favorite part.”
Kakashi thought he was going to choke on his drink. “You have a favorite part?” He leaned forward. “You’ve read those?”
“Oh, yeah,” you said. “The next scene is so romantic, don’t you think? When he takes her to the tower and they’re looking at the stars... it’s so dreamy.”
Kakashi’s face turned red. You left out, of course, that they were looking at the stars as the main character fucked his heroine over a desk in a high tower.
“Yeah,” Kakashi said as he cleared his throat. “Romantic is one way to put it, I suppose.”
You handed him his book back. It promptly went in his lap.
“You all right?” You asked Kakashi. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said as he shifted in his seat. Kakashi was not all right, but he needed to play it cool. “Just... wasn’t expecting that from you.”
You smirked. “What can I say? I’m full of surprises.”
Kakashi could feel his face heating up and was grateful for the dim lighting in the bar. You still noticed his blush, but didn’t say anything. You just kept a mental note of that.
As you wrapped up your catching up and bar snacks, Kakashi said, “I know I normally walk you home, but I have to swing by the office. I left some things behind. Do you want to come with me before I walk you home?”
“Yeah, it’s a nice night anyway,” you said with a smile.
His mask was back on once you left the izakaya, and he was oddly quiet the whole way. The streets were pretty quiet as it was getting fairly late, but between your skills as a shinobi and Kakashi being the hokage, you didn’t feel anything other than safe despite the silence.
Once you got to his office, Kakashi closed and locked the door behind him. He pulled his mask down; that was odd, you thought. While you had seen his face plenty of times before whenever you’d meet at the izakaya weekly to catch up, he usually still opted to wear it when he wasn’t eating or drinking.
“I... don’t have anything I need from here, actually,” Kakashi confessed. You rose a brow at him and then, once you realized the room you were in, it dawned on you.
Kakashi saw you figuring it out on your face and he was certain you’d be mad, but you just gaped at him jokingly and said, “Kakashi! Trying to get all smooth with me, now, are you?”
Kakashi laughed nervously. “You said you thought that part was romantic. You even called it your favorite!”
You laughed and grabbed a hold of his hand. You lead him towards his desk where you had a better view out the window if you leaned against the back of it. You could see the whole village from here, with a beautiful view of the stars.
“It is lovely up here, though,” you said. You leaned your head against his arm. Kakashi smiled down at you. “Your attempt at being smooth worked.”
“If I had known you liked Icha Icha, I’d have brought you up here sooner,” Kakashi said.
“There’s a lot more to than scene than the stargazing that I like, but this is nice too,” you admitted.
Kakashi laughed. “Whoa! You don’t get to just say something like that and then drop it like it’s nothing.”
You pushed some of your hair back. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m getting at, Hatake.”
“Excuse you,” he replied with a fake gasp of offense at your attitude, “that’s Hokage to you.”
It was your turn to laugh. You decided to lay your response on thick. “Alright then, Hokage-sama.”
Kakashi’s stomach dropped at the way you said Hokage-sama. It was part playful, part sexy, and the honorific was unexpected. He couldn’t help himself any longer and kissed you. Your hands found his hair as you melted into Kakashi’s kiss, and he already knew he couldn’t get enough of the way you tugged at it.
Kakashi had struggled for a long time with his feelings. It was hard for him to get too close to anyone these days, but you made it so easy, and your weekly izakaya dates made Kakashi feel like you were his home. Kissing you felt right, he thought, and he was mad at himself for not acting on this sooner since it seemed like you were in the same boat of harboring affections.
“Do you want me to bend you over my desk so we can watch the stars?” Kakashi asked against your mouth. “It’s your favorite part of the book after all, isn’t it?”
“Will all of Konoha see us with these windows?” You asked between kisses.
“And what would they gonna do about it if they could?” Kakashi asked with a smug grin. “I’m the Hokage, after all.”
You laughed. “Well then, what are you waiting for, Hokage-sama?”
That was all Kakashi needed to start stripping you of your clothes. Your vests were first to fall forgotten to the floor, the kunai you kept in yours causing them to hit the ground with a soft clank. You and Kakashi didn’t rush your disrobing, but slowly helped each other remove your garments one by one.
“So did I totally mess up our friendship, or what?” Kakashi asked as he kissed your neck.
“Depends on how you define mess up,” you said. “If you mean ‘never be able to go into my friend’s office and look him in the eye at his desk without having to touch myself afterwords,’ then absolutely.”
He laughed pretty loudly as he cupped one of your bare breasts in his hand. “I think I can live with that. I’d like to think of you getting off to me when you’re alone, all riled up after a meeting with the Hokage. Naughty girl.”
You both giggled at his playful teasing and then Kakashi bent you over his desk. You could see the view out the window of the village and the clear night sky, just like in Icha Icha Paradise.
You felt one of Kakashi’s hands grip tightly at your ass. Meanwhile, with his free hand, he dipped two fingers into you.
“How long have you wanted this?” Kakashi asked as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of you. “With me?”
It was hard to speak without moaning, but you managed a, “Longer than I’d care to admit.”
He sighed. “I really am a fool, huh? We could have been doing this much sooner. Hey, can you do me a favor and reach in that front left desk drawer?”
His nonchalance as he fingered you was typical Kakashi, but you managed to open it. You could safely assume the box of condoms was what he was looking for, so you fetched one for him.
“Thanks,” he said. “Iruka got me these as a joke when I became Hokage. Said he thought I might need ‘em.”
You held back a snort. “We’ll have to ask him how to perform the foresight jutsu.”
Kakashi laughed. You already missed the feeling of his fingers in you when he withdrew them to unwrap the condom, but it wasn’t long before you were filled with Kakshi’s cock. He started off slow but quickly upped the pace, landing on one when he heard you moan in a way that nearly made him cum early from how sweet the sound was.
The sensation of Kakashi filling you completely, gripping at your hips, and of your nipples rubbing against the smooth surface of his desk combined nearly sent you over the edge. What did you in was Kakashi’s deep voice moaning your name, a pleasure you only thought you’d experience in your dreams.
Kakashi, meanwhile, was convinced that you were made for each other as he felt your pussy clench in orgasm on his cock. He kept thrusting, intensifying your own orgasm the whole way.
When Kakashi came, you both stayed in that position for a moment as you caught your breath. Once he pulled out, he side-stepped to help you stand. Your legs were a bit wobbly, but Kakashi had you in his arms as you stood. He dumped the condom in the nearest trash bin and was quick to walk back to you.
“I’ll clean this up in the morning,” he said as he referenced his desk’s messy state. You helped each other get dressed and along the way, Kakashi would sneak kisses on your cheek here and there.
Your walk home was as quiet as your walk to his office was, except now Kakashi was holding your hand. When you reached your home, you broke the silence.
“Do you wanna stay the night?”
Kakashi nodded. “I’d like that.”
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: Could I be so bold to request a Wally fic? Where he comes back after his "death" (lets be real we all know he is not dead) and Y/N reacts to it? Could it be fluff, angst, a little of both, that's up to you.
P.s. I love you 😊😊
Warning: angst, mentions of death (wallace), fluff
A/N: hello, good evening, I’m tired as fuck. 
I’ve been thinking about a taglist lately so if there’s interest I’ll start one. I always suffer when I make it for some reason but if the people are interested I will suffer for y’all. 
Word count: 2.3k 
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Wally coming back from the dead seemed surreal.
The hope you had for his return never diminished, even if those around you gave up long ago. Wally wasn't dead, he was never dead - he was just stuck in a place that no one could save him. Not Barry, not Bart, Not even Jay. Wally was the only one that could save himself and he had done it.
Broken, battered, and barely breathing he had made it out of the Speed Force. He had made it back to you. It put everyone into shock to see him collapsed in the middle of the team's headquarters. His suit was barely hanging to his body, eyes sunken in with exhaustion. He barely looked alive.
It took weeks to get him nourished back to health. Weeks of him being in a coma, wondering how the hell he managed to get back home. Sleeping at his bedside every night because you were scared this wasn't real or that he would be taken from you again. Long nights of crying because even if he was back, was he even going to wake up?
By the time that he was back up on his feet and running around again, every single league member had come to see him. Those who gave up on him, those who never lost hope, even those who never knew him.
Wally West was back.
Unfortunately, it seemed that a lot of him was still missing. His smile that once never left his face hadn't resurfaced once. The laugh that you remembered so clearly that got you through so many hard days vanished. The light in his eyes when he was running or saving lives was dull. He wasn't the same man you knew.
He teetered around you like a stranger even though every night he told you how grand his love for you was. You noticed him bumping into furniture that had moved from his time away or looking at pictures of people he didn't know with tears in his eyes. He stood by the window, watching for nearly an hour, just staring into the void every other day.
Wally wasn't all back from the Speed Force. He had lost a part of himself in there that he could never get back. Dick tried to fill in the gap of time that he missed, catching him up on everything that he missed but the moment that he came back to you he seemed more zoned out than ever. M'gann excitedly told him about her engagement with Conner, Kaldur with his new position in the league.
Everyone tried to make him feel right back at home, but no matter how hard they tried it would never be the same. Wally lost that time, and he was never going to get it back. He could never make it up to his friends for missing so many important moments in their lives or the grief that he put them through.
No matter how fast he ran, how many hours he stayed up wondering if things would have been different that day, none of that would change the fact that he had been missing for five years. Guilt plagued him, fear of being stuck back in there, he was in a constant state of terror because it was so damn easy for him to be lost the first time.
Nightmares woke him up every night. Sometimes he would lay there staring at the ceiling for hours without you knowing, other times his screams would echo in your room and wake you. Tears streaming down his face, clinging to you like his lifeline. Horrible dreams filled his mind of being pulled back there - or seeing his friends taken instead.
Those moments were the only time that it seemed Wally was willing to open up to you. It was the only time that he treated you like a lover rather than a stranger. Only when he was most vulnerable did it feel like he was truly back home, safe and sound with you. Whatever was holding him back from being open to you, it broke your heart.
Wally was always the one that you could go to when you had your issues and now that you couldn't do the same for him... it was hard to accept. You didn't want to push him into relieving his memories where he was stuck or asking the wrong questions to get him upset. Saying nothing at all didn't seem to be working either.
Dick noticed it, Barry, Artemis, even Garfield was worried. No one knew what was going on inside that head of his and he refused to go to Dinah - or anyone - for help. Everyone was worried.
You told them of the times that you woke up to him vibrating the entire bed, still asleep and a pained look on his face. Or the time that he would be perfectly fine before suddenly speeding around the house like he had no control over his body. Wally had become unstable with his speed - and maybe his health too.
"Love you, baby," Wally mumbled out.
He had gotten back from his hangout with Dick to find you sprawled out on the couch. Whatever they had done must have put him in a good mood. The moment that he saw you, he sped over and practically dived into you. His arms kept him hovering over you so he could lean down and kiss you properly - something that he always seemed to avoid since being back.
He found himself cuddled into your chest, arms snaked around you. For the first time since his return, you saw a genuine smile on his face. It was a sleepy, half-smile, but nonetheless, you were excited to see it. His eyes drooped closed the second you started massaging his scalp. He hummed with content as you eased the tension that had been piling up.
Half asleep, shoulders loose after weeks of being tensed at every moment. His heavy breathing was audible and you could feel the warmth of it against your skin. It had been years since you had seen him relaxed like this and it quickly brought tears to your eyes. Wally had been through so much, he deserved happiness, he deserved to have peace in his life.
"I love you Wally, always," you whispered. Silent tears spilled down your eyes - you wanted him to find his joy again, no matter the cost. "I never gave up on you, my love. I knew you'd find your way back home. Fuck-" your voice cracked, "I was so lost without you. Having you back in my arms like this was the only thing keeping me going.
"You mean everything to me, Wally. I know that you did what you did to save the world but..." you sighed. It was impossible to say that you wished that he hadn't done it - or that someone else should have taken his place. "I'm so relieved that you're safe now. I know you've been going through a hard time, and I've been trying my best not to push you - but if you need anything you know I'm here."
You waited for him to say something - anything. Wally was struggling to open up to you but seeing him in a good mood like this may have been the best opportunity to get him to say what was on his mind. Unfortunately, his silence made you worried.
It wasn't until the sounds of a soft snore did you realize that he had fallen asleep on you. His body had become completely dead weight, arms no longer tense around you. The security he felt being with you had lulled him to deep sleep in a matter of minutes. Although you weren't in a comfortable position, seeing him at peace was well worth it.
"He's getting better."
It had been months since Wally had been home. The process of getting him back to his mental state before entering the Speed Force for years was going to take a long time - but he was well on his way. Being with friends, family - finally admitting that he needed to see someone to talk through all this - dramatically helped.
The original team decided to put together a little surprise birthday for Wally. He said he didn't want anything - but they had several year's worth of get-togethers to make up for. So, you and Dick plotted together to throw something, just with his closest friends. Nothing overwhelming.
Although he originally complained about the gesture, he quickly found himself appreciating the effort that had been put into that evening. The food, the people, he forgot how much these moments meant to him. Seeing the smiles on everyone's faces again, that was the best gift he could have asked for.
He stood on the other side of the room with Conner and Dick - all three of the men were laughing their heads off about something. Artemis stood by your side, watching the three of them just as you were. She handed over one of the drinks in her hand to you. Everyone in the room had been deep in conversation with someone - besides you. She noticed.
"He is," you agreed with her.
"Why're you by yourself?" She got straight to the point. Artemis didn't bother with the small talk or sugarcoating her question. She waited for your answer, watching as your gaze turned from Wally, to the now interesting cement beneath your feet. "(Y/N)."
"Everyone's helped Wally so much and I can't help but feel like... Like I haven't done enough. Wally was always the person that I could lean on and now that I'm the one that has to be strong for him, it just feels like there's more that I could have done to help him. I never had the same bond that you all had with him being on the team and risking your lives, I don't know what it's like enough to help him through this trauma.
"Wally deserves the world and a lot of the time I feel like I can't give it to him. I'm not a hero, I don't have powers, I'm just... normal. Maybe that's not enough for someone who can save the world before I even finish breakfast," Your fists tightened at your sides as the heavy realization that had been clouding your mind was revealed.
It was clear that you were the odd man out in the room. Everyone there had risked their lives to saved the world and what had you done? Wait anxiously at home for your friends to return? Grieve at the losses that you couldn't have changed? There was nothing that you could do in the hero-life besides sitting on the sidelines.
"You do a lot more than you make yourself believe, (Y/N)," Artemis placed her hand on your shoulder. She glanced over at your boyfriend, wondering how different it would have been if they ended up together instead. Wally would have been unhappy, he loved you from the beginning.
"Wally can't stop talking about the support you give him. He wouldn't be where he is today without you. Men are stubborn - especially speedster men - they won't always admit how much they need someone. He gets this look on his face when he's talking about you like you're the whole reason for his existence. Don't put yourself down for not being stuck in a hero life we are - your love for him is the only power he needs."
"Thank you, Artemis," you forced a smile at her.  Although you didn't believe her words at the moment she was right. Your love for Wally was the most important thing that you could ever give him, and that was going to have to be enough for now. Every ounce of your love went to making him happy.
Before she could say anything else, a familiar breeze washed over you both. Wally was suddenly standing right in front of you - and as if Artemis wasn't even there, brought you in for a deep kiss. His lips molded to yours, hand pressed to the small of your back to keep you close.
"I love you, (Y/N)," Wally barely pulled his lips from you. Conner had heard everything that you were saying to Artemis, and although he felt as if it wasn't his place to tell, Wally needed to know. A need to be with you, to assure you that you had done more than enough to get him to where he was, filled him.
"Across every galaxy, every universe, the Speed Force, no matter where I will always find my way back to you. I'll love you through everything," Wally pecked you once more. "Thank you for never giving up on me, babe."
"I'll never give up on you, Wally West. Not even the Speed Force can keep us apart," you grinned.
"Get a room already," Artemis complained. You had forgotten that she was still standing with you. It wasn't just her - the entire room was staring at the both of you. Smiles on their face at how happy Wally was with you. His little move had caught the attention of everyone and he just adored it.
Wally laughed at her comment. He swooped you up in his arms and sent a wink your way. He was already gearing up to speed you both out of there before saying his last bit to Artemis - and everyone else in the room.
"Don't have to tell me twice."
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lostgreekgod · 3 years
delusion: part 2
"a/n: hello, hello! cant say i didnt sniffle a little writing this one.
words: 6539 (the word limit kind of faded away as i got emotional)
pairing: loki x f!reader
warnings: angst, but ends with fluff. but a lot of angst. mentions of death, blood, and fingers. and dead bodies. and hypnotism?
another a/n: thanks to @theaudacitytowrite for this little adventure. cant say I wont miss it.
tagging all those who requested for a part 2: @karushinekomiya @midnights-ramblings @savoryloki
read part 1 here!
37 minutes. That’s how long it took for y/n to have her soul crushed. Not crushed, ripped, and trampled all over repeatedly, until her very essence was terminated, until she was nothing but a bag of bones, muscles, and blood. She fell back into her bed as she watched Loki leave her. Forever. She didn’t matter to the god. Of course she didn’t. why did she ever believe that she would be of any importance to him? A mighty god like Loki, a literal prince! What was some simple Midgardian to a being of such alleviated status? y/n felt something trail down her cheek. She was crying. 4 years, 3 months, and 27 days of not one tear- not even when her parents left her to rot- and it took only 37 minutes for her ex-lover to have her eyes release such a foreign substance. She wasn’t even sobbing, just one lonesome tear trailed past her cheekbone, just one tear that contained all her anger, sadness, and pain. She wished she could cry harder. She wished she could cry her eyes dry, and just spontaneously combust while she was at it.
“Okay since the door is open, I’m assuming you guys aren’t doing anything that will scar me for life-“
Nat. Of all those times she could walk into y/n’s room, she picked today. She faltered as she took in the image of y/n sprawled on the bed, staring at the ceiling and into nothingness.
“y/n?” she whispered as she reached for her friend. Her blood froze as she took in y/n’s face. Pale, like a corpse. y/n still hadn’t acknowledged Natasha’s presence. Gently shaking y/n’s shoulder, Natasha called her name again. Nothing. Was she even breathing? Natasha began to panic. Her only friend- aside from Wanda- What ever happened? y/n was fine when she left training a while ago-
“Nat,” came y/n’s voice, a gentle, hoarse whisper.
Rushing to her side, Nat brushed her hair away from her face. “y/n, what happened?”
Finally, y/n met Natasha’s eyes. The pain was so evident in them, just bared out for the whole world to see. Vulnerable, weak. Natasha had never seen y/n like this. The y/n she knew was strong, so strong.
“y/n,” she breathed, “talk to me.”
“He left me.” Her voice cracked, almost as if it wanted to match with the likeliness of her cracked heart.
“What? Right now?”
y/n nodded, not trusting her voice. If only she could find a release for that awful swell in her throat.
“Hours before a mission?” Natasha could have slapped herself for blurting out something so insensitive. Here laid her friend, literally looking like death, and she was worried about a mission. Sure, they had 4 lives to save, but what good was a near-dead agent in a rescue operation?
Natasha had initially come over to y/n’s room for last-minute mission prep. Yes, they had about 2 hours left for the mission, but she could never be too careful with anything.
“Would you like me to leave you alone?”
y/n simply continued to stare at the ceiling. Natasha wished she could see what she was thinking. Although she looked like death, Natasha couldn’t help but notice how she had cried just one tear. Anyone could tell that she needed a while to collect herself. Natasha decided to step out, probably approach Fury and issue a last-minute change of plan. She could take Clint and Peter. Not the best replacement, but she could have Peter go in and look for the agents, while she placed Clint at a farther position, as backup for Peter.
“Stay.” y/n breathed out when Natasha began to retract her arms away.
Perhaps Natasha could stay and provide her friend some support, just for a few minutes. She felt awful about how she couldn’t help more, but this was the most she could do at the moment. ‘Missions first, personal problems next. What are you a hero for?’ as Fury would say. Natasha thought of Loki. How she wished she could knee him in the groin and then cause him a slow painful death.
“Coming up with a plan for murder?” y/n asked, somewhat with a hint of amusement in her voice.
Looking up at y/n’s face, Natasha relished the little smile on her face. Heartbroken as y/n was, she was still alive.
“You know me so well.” She snickered.
“Don’t bother Nat. He doesn’t deserve it.” Lies. Although y/n really wished to let Nat murder Loki, her love for him outdid that need.
“y/n, as much as I would like to stay with you like this, I’m afraid I have work to do. I need to find replacements so the mission can still-“
y/n’s eyes widened. “Wait, what? Replacements?”
“Yes, you obviously cannot go on a mission in this state. I mean, have you seen yourself?”
No. No, no, no. The mission was the only distraction she was counting on. If she stayed behind, she would probably end up doing something she never once thought she would.
“I want to come, Nat. I’m fully capable of fighting today.”
“y/n, think about this. Loki- “ Nat paused, concern refilling her when y/n flinched at his name. Rephrasing, she tried again, “he’s going to be there too, and we cannot risk any mistakes.”
“Nat. you know me. You know how I am. Would I let a little squabble in my personal life come in the way of my work?” y/n was probably lying again, she didn’t know how she could manage being in close proximity with the same person who managed to suck out her very soul, but it was so much better than the alternative. If y/n was deemed unfit for the mission, she would have to spend a day doing nothing, and that was not something she was looking forward to.
“Let me partake in the mission, Nat. I promise ill be okay. I just needed a few moments to collect myself.” y/n added a little smile at the end, hoping she could have Natasha fooled into believing that she was fine.
Gauging her response, Natasha studied y/n’s face for a moment. It was obvious she was lying, but Natasha knew better. She had to let y/n do this. Nodding, she relented.
“Promise you’ll be okay?” she asked, squeezing y/n’s shoulder once before standing up.
He still had 2 hours to burn. 2 hours before he set out on a mission with the person he loved, aka the person whose heart he broke. Once her best friend, Natasha Romanoff found out, she’d probably come straight up to his room to kill him. He would have laughed if he was capable of feeling anything at the moment. He laid in his bed. The mattress was cold, hard, empty. Not even an hour since he left y/n for good, and he was already missing her. Her soft body flush against his chest, as he inhaled her chocolaty scent. The little sighs she subconsciously let out when he wrapped his arms around her. The little twitch in her lips when he whispered something in her ear. It was too late before he realized what he was doing. His heart stopped as his mind screamed at him, you can’t think of her! You don’t deserve to think about her, let alone lay next to her!
Inhaling deeply, he curled up into a ball. How he wished he was someone else. If it weren’t for his past, he and y/n could have lived one of the sweetest lives. Sure, she was a Midgardian, he would still figure out a way to keep her with him forever. If only.
“Top of the morning to you, brother!” Thor’s voice bellowed. Loki groaned internally. It seems, while he was in the middle of his self-deterioration, he forgot to lock his room door.
“What’s gotten you so sullen?” Would he simply leave if Loki didn’t respond?
“Brother. Hello.” Thor said again, shaking Loki’s shoulders. Clearly, he was unaware of Loki’s mental state- but then again, Loki was always like this with everyone. Except his y/n. His y/n? Nope, not anymore. Just y/n.
“Thor.” Loki said, finally acknowledging his cheery brother’s presence.
“Ah, finally. It seems to be getting harder every day to obtain a response from you, brother, hence I must ask- is everything alright?”
Loki wanted to laugh. Hysterically. So, he did. Slow laughter built up in his throat, and before he knew it, his laughter boomed all the way from his stomach. Cold, dry laughter that would run chills up one’s bones. When was the last time he had laughed like this? Out of sorrow? Out of spite for himself?
“Whoa. Am I dreaming? I have never seen you laugh like this, brother. I am now very concerned for you.” Came Thor’s voice, causing Loki’s laughter to die down. Laughter is supposed to make people feel better, right? But the feeling in Loki’s stomach would prove that otherwise. I do not deserve to laugh.
“To what do I owe your presence, dear brother?” Loki was surprised his voice sounded so collected. Almost as if he didn’t just take someone’s heart and stomp all over it. His heart churned as he remembered what he had done. He just wanted to lay in bed and sob.
“It is mission day, brother! We must prepare!” Thor bellowed; his previous question forgotten.
“As it is. Leave. I shall arrive at the quinjet in due time.” Loki hoped Thor didn’t hear how his voice wavered in the slightest.
“Brother- “
“Leave, Thor,” he breathed, his voice cracking at the slightest, “I beg of you.” Maybe Thor didn’t sense the wavering earlier, but he definitely caught this. Besides, Loki never begged.
“What did you do, Loki?” Thor asked gently. It now dawned on him why Loki crawled into a ball. Since they were children, Thor had seen how he would do that every time something had hurt his heart.
Loki scoffed at how Thor questioned his deeds. Of course, Thor would suspect him of some wrongdoing. It was never ‘What happened, Loki?’. Just the accusatory, ‘What did you do now?’. Although, this time, it was his fault. All his fault. Monster.
“y/n,” he said.
“y/n? What happened to y/n?” Loki could feel the sudden anger surge in him. Big, ugly anger- filled with resentment for himself. Why won’t Thor leave him alone? Why can’t he just leave, leave Loki to rot in his room?
“I broke her heart, Thor. I took it, trampled all over it, and left her to scavenge for the shattered bits. Is that enough? Or would you like me to tell you more? Leave, Thor. Leave me alone. I will report at the quinjet for the mission soon.”
Thor realized Loki’s predicament. He knew a situation like this might arise sooner or later, but he hadn’t expected it to occur at such an intensity. His little brother had only begun to experience the joys of love, of living, he had just begun to heal, and his demons were eating at him already.
Sighing, Thor began. “Loki. Look at me.” When Loki didn’t respond, Thor forced him to face him and meet his eyes.
“I may not have a clue about how you deal with most things, but I do know what you are feeling right now, brother. I have known you for many millennia, and no matter how clever and secretive you are, I can always tell how you feel. You feel undeserving of y/n, am I correct?”
Loki inhaled sharply at Thor’s accurate judgment. Was he so predictable?
Almost as if reading his mind, Thor continued, “You aren’t predictable, dear brother. In fact, you are far from it. But it wouldn’t take a fool to see how you feel about y/n. We all see how you look at her, Loki. Like you love her. Like you would do anything for her. But what you don’t realize is that we also see how she looks at you. She loves you, regardless of your scars, your past; she loves you for your heart- she loves you for you, Loki. Anyone who’s incapable of seeing that is simply an ignorant idiot.” Loki’s eyes widened at Thor’s revelation. y/n loved him regardless of what he had done in New York. She loved him, not because he was a god or a prince, but because he was him. Because he was Loki. How could he have been so blind? He wanted to smack himself for being so naïve & insecure. He should have just talked about it to y/n, like she always suggested. ‘Talk to me if you have a problem, Loki. It’s what all couples do. They support each other,’ she had said to him once.
“It isn’t too late. It never is. You can always fix it. Do you understand?” Thor said, bringing Loki back from his thoughts.
Loki needed to sit down and think, and Thor shaking him to elicit a response to his monologue wasn’t really helping.
“Are you done, brother?” Loki asked, his voice and face still monotonous. He needed time with himself. Besides, he never responded to Thor in any other manner. To break that ritual now was to sin.
Thor, however, couldn’t see past Loki’s monotony. Sighing, he said, “I hope you think of my words, Loki. You need y/n, as much as she needs you. Come to terms with that for yourself.”
“Based on what we can tell, they’re going to ask us for the hard drive before they give us Agents Samson, Waller, Bryson, and Stevens- so we’re going to have to stay on our toes,” Hill began, Natasha and y/n listening on intently. Loki wasn’t anywhere to be found, but then he hardly attended the briefings. He simply read case files and had a pretty good idea of what was to be done. “Natasha will be our front. She will deliver the drive, while y/n and Loki go in search of the agents. We need to ensure that we find our men before the decryption of the drive.” She said, looking back at her tablet.
Just then, Loki walked in, looking as pristine and collected as ever. As if he wasn’t running on sleep from a day ago, as if he didn’t have a broken heart weighing him down. y/n’s anger surged. It was infuriating how he wasn’t affected even to the littlest. She put on her mask of indifference perfectly. Last night didn’t happen. Loki was simply her coworker, and she was going to have this mission take place perfectly.
“Um, Agent Hill? Is it possible for me to take Agent Romanoff’s position?” y/n’s voice rang before Hill could give further instructions. Loki noticed how y/n looked calm and ready. Ready, to pounce like the lioness she was. She didn’t acknowledge his presence. Usually, when they met up at briefings, she’d give him the tiniest of smiles, but the sparkle in her eyes would speak more than what they could converse in a lifetime. That one moment always made his morning. He wouldn’t deny the sting he felt in his chest when she asked Agent Hill to change her position.
Agent Hill looked into her tablet and frowned. “I’m sorry Agent y/l/n, but this is the best way we can proceed while ensuring minimal casualties. Loki’s seidr, accompanied by your stealth will help in a faster rescue. Not many people are capable of resisting Natasha’s sweet-talking, so it is best for her to be on the receiving end of the exchange.” she said, winking at Natasha; grinning as Nat returned the wink. “And guys, a quick note. We don’t know these people; we don’t know how they work. If in case shit goes down, call for backup. We’ll be in ASAP. You have a 60-minute time bridge to be in and out. If you’re not out by then, we’re coming in. Understood?”
Quickly sheathing her disappointment, y/n nodded in agreement, “Affirmative, ma’am.” It seemed as if she had to face him after all. But no matter, she reminded herself. I am a hero. An Avenger. My people before myself.
“Alright guys, let's move in. I will enter through the main, you both through the back doors. Wait for my signal, and as soon as you receive it, go. Do not waste your time. I assume you have memorized the floor plans?” Natasha asked, putting a gun into her thigh holster. y/n nodded as Loki simply stared.
“Go on then, good luck.”
Loki used his magic to put some sort of cloaking around himself and y/n as they walked quietly towards the backdoors of the abandoned silo. The rival organization had set up a temporary location there for the exchange, and their current invisibility enabled them to walk comfortably.
Loki took a deep breath. It was unwise to have a conversation, nevertheless an intimate one during a stealth mission, but he had to talk to her. Let her know that he was sorry.
“y/n, I have to talk to you about earlier,” he began, looking for a reaction in her.
He waited for a moment. Several moments.
“y/n.” he tried again.
Nothing. Not even a flicker of emotion in her.
“I’m sor- “
“Don’t. Don’t for one second, think you can talk to me. Not after what you did.” She sneered at him, fresh fury blazing in her eyes like Greek fire. Loki flinched at her sudden reaction. He never flinched. “You do not get to talk to me after I bared myself open to you like I did, only to have you scoff at me, and deem me worthless.”
y/n was now angry with herself. It enraged her how Loki was able to elicit such a response from her with 3 mere sentences. She had to stay more collected. Ignorance, she decided. The best choice of weapons.
Loki decided to attempt again later. He could not give up on his love. He could still hear Thor telling him about how he could fix it. Loki used his seidr to pick the lock on the back door. So far, they couldn’t see anyone. No snipers, no guards, nothing. He ignored the chills that ran up his back.
y/n had her gun at the ready. It didn’t matter if they were invisible, there could be heat sensors. She wasn’t going to let the little kerfuffle from a few minutes ago faze her. Her skin rose in goosebumps as she sensed the eerie silence. Something was wrong.
On Natasha’s command, they moved in, both walking on guard in perfect formation. y/n in front of Loki, with her gun out, while Loki stayed behind her with his daggers in his hands. They walked around each other in perfect sync as they scanned their surroundings. They moved past the pitch-dark corridors as y/n tried to look for signs of an ambush. So far, they had to have encountered at least a few guards. The plan was to silently take them out as they continued to look for the kidnapped agents. y/n looked back at Loki and turned away before he could make eye contact with her. His heart pumped steadily, his blood filling with adrenaline in response to the suspicious silence. They approached another door, and based on the floor plans, they had to go through the room ahead. The only problem was that it was a very big, and possibly empty one. Some sort of a torture chamber, y/n figured, from the lack of furniture and other basic things. She cracked the door open. A single chair. That’s all she found in the center of the room. Was that blood? y/n’s muscles froze as she noticed the table with numerous surgical tools- no, torture devices. A little knife-like object laid in a steel tray, covered in blood. And fingers. So many fingers. y/n gasped at the image in front of her. The junior agents had been tortured in the very room they were in. She looked around for active cameras. 4 in each corner of the room. She was thankful for the invisibility curtain Loki’s magic was able to provide. Suddenly, Loki was tapping at her shoulder, trying to get her attention. He frantically pointed at a bundle in the corner of the room. White sheets. Drenched in blood. She moved towards it slowly. Please don’t be what I think it is. Please.
Uncovering the flimsy cotton, her eyes widened. “The Agents.” She breathed, meeting Loki’s eyes. He looked as mortified as she did. All four of them were dead. Tortured, left to bleed out slowly. It’s a trap. y/n realized, her blood curdling up. Only then did she notice the tripwire around the sheets. We’ve been tricked.
“y/n!” came Nat’s voice in her earpiece. “y/n- it’s a t-t-trap! Crack. G-get out of t-there! N-n-now Crack. R-r-rendezvous at-t b-back- Crack.” not even the static in Nat’s transmission could have left them confused about what they had gotten into.
In a blink, there were lights, everywhere. Red lights, lasers, sirens, noise resonating all over. They had been spotted.
“Well, well, well. Look who we have here,” Came a deep, cold voice from behind them. A man in a white coat, followed by a woman who seemed like an assistant- who was followed by at least a dozen men who looked like SWAT agents, except they had much more brandished weapons. The 2 doors in the room shut with a bang, leaving Loki and y/n trapped; with 4 dead agents, and the many people who probably wanted them dead- but not before having their fun.
“Agent y/n, and Loki, the God of Mischief.” He sneered at them.
y/n pointed her gun at him while Loki drew out his daggers and flipped them. That would have had y/n swooning on a good day, but not today.
“The one and only,” Loki stated. “Now let us through, or it will be the end of our short-timed pleasantries.” he sneered, adrenaline flooding in his veins, causing his green irises to turn almost completely black.
“Now, now. There’s no reason to be so hostile,” the man said, his mouth twisting into some crooked sort of smile. “After all, I am sure you do not have the capability to fight past all of my soldiers.”
He was right. Loki’s seidr could probably take out a few, and y/n’s ammunition a few more, but not before they were electrocuted or whatever those hi-tech weapons were capable of. She needed to contact backup. And fast.
“Let us out, unworthy scum. We’ve given you the intel anyway.”
“Behave, Agent y/n. Do you really think I’m stupid enough to fall for a corrupted drive?”
Loki wanted to smash his teeth in. How dare he talk to his beloved like that?
“And you are?” y/n asked the man, changing the subject and trying to stall him. The drive plan had failed, which meant that Natasha could be in trouble. Besides, they needed to come up with a new plan to get out without any more trouble. Not even 10 minutes in, and they were already cornered.
“Fred. I am also a doctor.” The grey-haired man said. y/n would have laughed if she wasn’t already upset and running on almost no sleep.
“.. your name is Fred?” she asked, silently trying to reach for her walkie.
“Yes. Is that a problem?”
“No, but I was expecting something more ... traditional. Something that would suit that malice in your eyes a little better,” She stalled. “Something more Russian. You look very Russian.”
All Loki could do was stare at y/n with a prideful smile when he realized what she was trying to do. His little lioness, so daring and clever.
Grinning like a madman, Fred turned to his assistant. “I like this one. Although, what’s all this about being Russian? I just don’t get it.”
y/n would have responded if not for the dart in her neck.
“Hey!” she felt the poison running through her veins in no time. Her sight faltered, her own voice sounding distorted.
“No!” Rang Loki’s panicked voice. His heart fought against his ribcage. What had he done? If only he hadn’t gestured at the bundle, if only he told y/n it was better to leave the moment they spotted it. They knew the junior agents were dead the moment they saw it, what was the need for him to have y/n uncover the sheets?
“Don’t worry, Mr. Laufeyson. It is only a sedative. Your girlfriend will be fine.” The doctor chortled.
It was now y/n’s turn to freak out. “How did ... how did you…” she mumbled; her eyes widening at the colors that brimmed in her vision. Her heart calmed to a surprising rate, a sloppy smile on her lips as she sank onto the floor.
“Please, Agent y/n. Like I said, I’m not stupid. Did you really think I wouldn’t notice the way you look at each other?”
Thor’s voice rang in Loki’s ear. ‘It wouldn’t take a fool to see how you feel about y/n, Loki.’ He would have smiled if it weren’t for their current state.
“Mmm,” y/n hummed. Understandable, she wanted to say. “Un- un- under the sea.” She managed, with a goofy smile and a giggle bubbling from her chest.
Chuckling at y/n, the doctor said, “I’ll see you soon, Mr. Laufeyson.”
That was all Loki heard before everything went black.
He gasped loudly as he woke up. Where was he? He scanned his surroundings and realized he was in a lab-like settlement. No doors, just 2 bullet-proof glass windows behind which a number of doctors and agents stood. Along with Fred. His heart sped up as he took in y/n. Strapped onto a bed with numerous wires attached to her head. She was still unconscious from the sedative. He pulled at his arms only to notice he was shacked to the walls.
“Nice of you to finally join us, Mr. Laufeyson!” Loki heard a cheery voice through the speakers. “Shall we begin?” Fred asked, pausing for a few moments as Loki realized he was waiting for a response.
“What are you doing?” he asked, his mind numb. How was he going to get out? Where was Agent Romanoff?
“Ah, so glad you asked. This nice lady here,” he gestured, “is Doctor May. She specializes in hypnotism.”
What did they need a hypnotist for? If they were planning to hypnotize Loki, they were in for a disappointment because that really wouldn’t work on him.
Looking at Loki’s expression, the doctor smiled. “Don’t worry, it's not for you! It's for our dear y/n here! Doctor May here has so skillfully come up with a serum that we can test on y/n. We’re going to turn her against you, watch an epic battle- to the death; and if she survives, hooray! We’ll have her rejuvenate and train before using her to infiltrate SHIELD!” he cooed. His tone did not go with the threats he was spewing. "Oh, I also forgot to mention, we're giving her superstrength, just for the sake of it. see what happens."
Loki’s blood turned to ice. “What if she doesn’t survive?” he asked, unsure if he wanted to hear the answer.
“Oh well, if she doesn’t, we’ll harvest your powers and whatnot! But not to mention we will be very disappointed in her.” The doctor said, frowning playfully.
Loki’s chest seemed to cramp up onto itself. He tried to pick the locks on his cuffs with his seidr.
“Did you really think we’d let you have seidr while in captivity? Gosh, SHIELD. Keep thinking I’m stupid. See what that does for you.” Fred mumbled, rolling his eyes dramatically.
“No! No. Fred. You do not want to do this,” His silver tongue was the only thing he could rely on now. He couldn’t let them hurt his y/n. Ignoring the sweat running down the side of his head, he donned a sweet smile and crooned, “let her go. I am far more powerful than she is. If you release her, I promise to submit to you, causing you no difficulty. My seidr and my other strengths. All yours. I will give you any intel you need.” He promised, his nerves slightly betraying him. That’s it. Take the offer, Fred. Let y/n go. It’s my fault she’s here anyway.
“Hmm, let me think,” Fred said, placing his index on his chin. Uh oh. “How about no?” he snapped, quickly letting that carefree smile adorn his face again. Loki’s smile faltered. “Unfortunately, your proclamation isn’t as fun as my idea, Mr. Laufeyson.” No seidr, no backup. He was going to have to fight the one he loved.
“May, commence operation Omega!” Fred yelled, bouncing on his toes. “I’m so excited!” he yelled, his arms flailing around. Loki couldn’t help but notice how the man’s appearance did not suit his personality even by a percent. Creepy.
He watched as y/n’s body started shaking. She was seizing. His stomach dropped as the horror registered in his mind. The wires suddenly detached from her head with a sickening pop as she opened her eyes. Her e/c irises now glowed bright blue. Like electricity in her fibers. Loki’s chest clenched at y/n’s foreign expression. How long had it been since they got in? Surely Agent Hill must have realized something was wrong by now?
He flinched as the shackles around his hands clicked open. He was incapable of fighting y/n, let alone killing her. He couldn’t stand the idea of landing his fist on her.
“Ah, hello? Subject 7? Can you hear me?” Fred’s annoying voice crooned.
“Yes,” y/n said, her face devoid of any expression. Almost as if she was a robot. Loki’s skin rose up in goosebumps as he heard her cold emotionless voice. This was not his y/n.
“Good,” the doctor beamed. “Destroy.” That’s it. One simple command for y/n to turn to Loki and snarl at him.
“y/n,” Loki whispered. No, no, no. He felt tears prickling in his eyes. He’d rather die a thousand deaths than lay a hand on her.
“You’re pretty. But I’m going to kill you.” y/n smiled, her mouth letting out a little giggle. That wasn’t her giggle. It was cold, malevolent.
“Doctor May, what was that? It was cute, but I don’t remember asking for that?” Fred asked, frowning at the lady. Stuttering, she said, “I-I believe the serum hasn’t taken complete effect, sir. Part of Subject 7’s personality i-is still accessible to her.”
“Aw,” Fred groaned. “Do I have to kill you, Doc?” he asked the lady, whose eyes were now wide as saucers.
“N-no, sir. I assure you it won’t be a p-problem. I will have it fixed b-before administering the next dose.”
“Okay!” Fred smiled again.
Loki overheard their little conversation. Could he still reach for his y/n, which was buried underneath the cold exterior, courtesy of the serum?
“y/n,” he said, swallowing the lump in his throat. She didn’t respond, but simply charged at him with a growl.
Loki dodged her, putting a safe distance between the two of them before trying again as his mind screeched at him. All your fault! Why did you let y/n uncover the sheets? You knew it was dangerous, you knew they were dead!
“y/n, it's me,” Loki said softly, trying to get her to look at him. He took a step towards her when he saw that she wasn’t going to lunge at him.
“y/n … I know you’re in there.”
Loki thought he saw a flicker in her eyes.
“Doc! What’s going on?” Fred exclaimed; his face glued to the glass.
Loki decided to get closer. “My love,” the words sounded foreign to his ears, no doubt, but it had never felt so right.
“Come back to me,” He whispered, reaching for her; tears obscuring his vision. “Please.”
y/n lunged at him; a perfect roundhouse directed towards his face. But Loki’s reflexes had always been faster. She circled him, like a predator assessing its prey.
Fred banged at the glass. “Subject 7! We do not have all day!” He yelled, and now y/n was rushing towards Loki. She swung her fist at his jaw as Loki dodged her, only to receive another punch on his throat. Coughing and sputtering, he glanced at y/n, his eyes speaking words he never had a chance to say. Rubbing his neck, he said in the gentlest voice he could muster, “Please, my love. You do not have to do this,” he paused, gauging y/n’s reaction. He noticed how her movements faltered every time he spoke in that gentle voice. “It’s okay, y/n,” he whispered, his eyes holding hers as he reached to cup her face. Everything slowed down when clarity sank into Loki, chilling his bones like ice on a hot plate. He now knew what he had to do.
“It’s me, look at me, my love,” he breathed, his eyes searching hers. Flicker. His y/n was fighting underneath the shadow that had taken over her body.
“I love you,” He whispered to her. 3 words, just 3 words to let her know how sorry he was. To let her know he never meant any of it. to let her know, that it was all his fault.
“I love you, my darling, I always have; I’m so sorry this ever- “ Loki’s voice muffles down as the next event unfolds.
She’s suddenly kissing him, she’s kissing him like she’s never kissed before- raw and hungry- and for one moment, for one moment y/n's emerged from the shadow of the serum- to tell him, tell him that it was okay. That she understood. One kiss to let him know that she’s forgiven him, one kiss to let him know that she loved him too. Loki’s eyes widened as her warm lips held onto his like her life depended on it- except this time, it did- and he was kissing her back before he knew it. he wrapped his arm around her, his other arm knotting in her hair to support the force of the kiss- and he’s crying, he's crying as her fingers tangle in his hair, he’s crying like he’s never cried before- the tight wraps around his past wounds ripping open, he’s crying like he’s never going to experience this feeling ebbing from the depths of his heart ever again--
And he’s suddenly on the floor with y/n’s hands around his throat, her eyes electric blue again, a menacing smile playing on her lips.
“Yes! Yes!” Came Fred’s voice. “Finish him, Subject 7!”
y/n stared at Loki, her hands lowly tightening around his throat. He could only stare back at her, his tears running silently as he placed his hands around y/n’s wrists.
“Do it, y/n. Do it. I did not deserve you anyway,” he said as he choked on a sob, “but I just want you to know- I have always, always loved you; and I wish last night never happened. I wish for you to never, ever experience the pain you felt last night, I wish for you to be treated like the queen you are- “ he paused, meeting her eyes, a thousand emotions swimming in his mind; making it impossible for him to speak the numerous confessions he was attempting to make.
“I love you, y/n, and I regret not believing you when you said you did too.” He choked out before shutting his eyes and accepting his fate. He embraced death like an old friend, waiting for it to swoop in and steal his soul. He waited for that cold feeling of release, of being free. He would die for her instead.
“I love you too. I never stopped,” He heard a sweet voice whisper. He opened his eyes to y/n’s e/c ones. She had fought the serum. Her lips quivered as tears brimmed in her eyes, freely falling down her cheeks, as Loki’s hands reached for her cheeks. “I love you,” she said, and everything blows apart as the building explodes.
// a week later//
y/n opened her eyes to 2 smiling faces, groaning at the throb in her head. She noticed the other Avengers next to her, all smiling, grateful that she was okay. She was in a hospital bed.
“Welcome back!” Natasha and Steve yelled, causing y/n to shut her ears.
“Guys! Stop yelling!” y/n manages to say before furrowing her eyebrows and shutting her eyes.
“How long was I out?” she asked, her eyes still shut.
“a week,” Sam replied from her left.
“Whoa.” She whispered, trying to recollect the events that had unfolded.
She froze as the images came rushing back to her. She tried to kill Loki. Then she kissed him. ‘I love you,’ he had said, and the building had exploded on their fragile reconciliation.
“Loki!” she gasped, sitting back up, her eyes flailing around to look for him. Was he dead? Please don’t let him be dead.
“y/n! Calm down! You have 3 cracked ribs, not to mention the messed-up head, thanks to serum Omega. We need to make sure it still isn’t in your bloodstream,” Nat says, holding her down.
“Is Loki okay?” she asks Natasha, her heart in her throat.
“I'll bring him to you,” the red-haired agent smiles at her, before turning to the door. “Stay put,” she calls behind her.
“What happened to Fred?”
“Who?” Steve asked quizzically.
“That weird doctor.”
“Oh, probably died from the explosion. Our people are there as we speak, y/n, we’ll find out soon. Feel better, we’ll tell you the rest later.” he said with a warm smile.
How did they manage to get out? Sure, she was knocked out after the explosion, but she did witness the intensity. It would have been impossible to extract them from underneath the rubble- unless--
“y/n?” Loki’s tentative voice came from behind the infirmary’s door a few moments later. She looked at him, searching for any injuries he might have sustained. Loki ran up to her, grabbing her face, “You’re okay.” He said, kissing her gently. He snickered as y/n’s hand crawled up into his hair, pressing his lips into hers harder.
“So are you,” she smiled, looking at him with a look of pure adoration.
“What happened?” she asked Natasha, her fingers looping into Loki’s as he sat next to her.
“I escaped, noticed that you both hadn’t made it to the rendezvous point only to encounter more agents, fought my way out, called for backup, and the rest is history. The question is, what happened to you? We got only Loki’s version. Gotta hear yours,” she says, all in one breath.
“Perhaps give us a while before that?” Loki asks her, Natasha gasping slightly at the little smile on his face.
“Careful Loki, smile any wider and people might think y/n’s making you go soft,” she joked and turned around to leave, gesturing at the team to follow.
“Hey you,” y/n whispered, her index tracing Loki’s jaw. He leaned down to envelop her in yet another kiss, this one sweeter than the best Asgardian mead, filled with promises of tomorrow. He smiled into the kiss when her fingers knotted in his hair.
“I love you," Loki whispered, thanking whoever that he could say it to her again.
"Forever?” y/n asked, her voice still hazy from the kiss.
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scuttling · 3 years
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid/Latina OFC Sophie Cortes Word Count: 4,598 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Voyeurism, Masturbation in shower, Sexting, Oral Sex, Dom/sub, Protected Sex, Established Aaron/Sophie Summary: Sophie sends Aaron a sexy video while he’s away on a case, Spencer watches it, and smut ensues. Collection: Part 1 of 5 of Present, Perfect, Patient, Promise, Pretend series Note: This is a previously published work from A03, just moving it over to tumblr because I was thinking about it today. 🤤 Link to A03 or read below! “I sprained my ankle. I’m not injured, not really. I can even walk on it,” Sophie assures as she pours them each a cup of coffee in the break room. She sets the carafe down, takes a step, wobbles, and Aaron catches her around the waist with a raised eyebrow of judgement. “Okay, so I can’t walk that well, but I can certainly sit in a conference room bouncing ideas around and drinking coffee. That’s all Rossi does, anyway.” He chuckles softly, knows she’s still… warming up, to Rossi and his idiosyncrasies.
“You know the rules.”
“Yeah, because we’re so good at following the rules,” she teases with a smirk, running her hands down his stomach, stopping at his belt. He looks over at the bullpen out of the corner of his eye, shoots her a warning look that makes her sigh and pull away.
“Think of it as choosing our battles,” he suggests, hoping that might get her back on track. “If you want to continue making out in my office, you have to stay here this one time.” She smiles, crooked, nods her head.
“Okay, when you put it that way, I’ll take the make outs.”
“I thought you might. Plus, you get to spend all day with Garcia. I figured that would be like a dream come true.”
“It is, definitely. It’s more the long, cold, nights that I’m worried about.” He sighs, because she’s being so dramatic, but he doesn’t want to give her the satisfaction of making him smile again. He can’t be looking as smitten and infatuated with her as he is all of the time. “I’m going to be so lonely.”
“Oh, I think you’ll manage without sex for a few nights,” he teases, and she looks scandalized, as if that wasn’t exactly what she was getting at.
“It’s not about sex, it’s about intimacy, comfort, sharing my bed with a big heavy man who scares away the bad dreams.” She grins lecherously and he prepares to roll his eyes. “And who has a dick that won't quit.”
“Like I said,” he enunciates, taking his travel mug of coffee for the road, “you’ll be fine for a few nights. If you do decide to touch yourself, though, make sure you send me a present,” he reminds her, because they aren’t separated often, but when they are, a couple of racy pictures or videos almost always exchange hands. He bends for a quick kiss on the lips, brushes her cheek. “I love you. Behave.”
“I love you,” she murmurs, all tenderness and no heat, now. “Be safe.” Two days after taking the case, the team is on the jet for a night flight home. Spencer is tired, but he can’t sleep; JJ is stretched out on the couch, Morgan and Emily are slumped over in their seats up front with pillows and headphones, and Rossi has been snoring softly since they took off, so it’s just him and Hotch awake. They are in seats next to each other, Spencer by the window, because he knew he would be a little restless, and that Hotch wouldn’t sleep, so it seemed like the safest bet if he didn't want to disturb anyone’s rest.
He also enjoys the comforting presence of the older man, always, but especially in the calm, quiet atmosphere of the flight home.
He tries to listen to music, a podcast, but he eventually pauses it and just rests his eyes, his head, listens to Hotch as he flips pages or taps away at his phone. He’s probably texting Sophie, who’s home with a sprained ankle and who hasn’t stopped grumbling about it since. He smiles at the thought, likes when she’s comfortable enough to complain to him. Likes being someone she turns to.
He sighs. Feelings are complicated. Sometimes he hates being part of such a tight-knit team because it makes the things he feels all the more confusing, especially when the two objects of his (totally manageable) affection are in a relationship together; he feels like the odd man out, as always, can’t deny that it hurts sometimes.
He’s drifting in and out of the not quite asleep stage when he hears sound coming from Hotch’s phone, shuffling, ambiguous noises. He lifts his eyelids just slightly to see a video up on the screen, a wall that looks vaguely familiar, like a bathroom, maybe. There’s nothing particularly intriguing about that, but then he sees a pair of smooth, bare legs standing inside a bathtub and his interest is… piqued.
There’s another sound, unmistakably a shower being turned on, and then the woman—it is Sophie, no doubt; even if he can’t see her face, the tattoo on her forearm is easily identifiable—squats down, and she is so gloriously naked that he just… freezes. His body and his mind are suspended in a conflicting state of this is wrong, I shouldn’t be seeing this, and this is the best thing I’ve ever seen, and why is Hotch watching this right now, with me right next to him, and hnnng.
She pulls the shower head into view, lets it pour over her hair from what he can see of it, then down her breasts, her stomach, arms and legs; after that, she adjusts it to a stream that is harder and more controlled than one would typically use in the shower. He wonders why, thinks it could be uncomfortable, until she moves it to hover over her pussy, moaning softly, and then he really, really gets it.
His heart is racing as she runs her hand over her body, thumbing at her nipples, sighing at her own touch. She rocks back and forth a little so the stream of water hits her clit, then lower, between her lips, against her opening, and Spencer swallows hard.
“Mmm,” she sighs, and the sound goes straight through him; he feels himself getting hard as she murmurs, pressing her hand against the rim of the tub for leverage. “Mmm, yeah.” He can see that Hotch is breathing heavily next to him, eyes fixed on the screen. It’s too dark in the cabin to see his lap, but he knows he must be aching in his pants, too, wonders what it would be like if he reached out and touched him there.
Sophie is incredibly gorgeous as she works to reach her climax, bouncing lightly on her heels as the pressure builds, her moans longer and louder, but it’s when she stops moving and presses the shower head closer, directly over her clit, that he knows she’s almost ready to come.
“Oh, yeah, yeah,” she whines, pinching a nipple, arching her back, and her voice is high and breathy and addictive. He would give anything to be in the same room as those sounds, to pull her wet body close and help her get off. “Fuck, mmm,” she purrs, bringing the stream even closer, and she comes, short, loud moans that sound like they’re being ripped from her throat as her thighs shake, her chest heaves.
She drags a slow hand down her body, like she’s soothing herself, and then shudders, pulls the shower head away like maybe the pressure is too much where she’s sensitive. With a sigh, she reaches for the phone, tilts it so her face is in view, cheeks flushed and wet hair clinging to her shoulders. She turns up her lips in a coy smile. “See you soon.” The video ends.
It takes Hotch a moment to lock his phone, and he looks a little dazed when Spencer risks a glance up at his face—with good reason. If he was on the receiving end of videos like that, he would never be able to focus on anything.
The rest of the trip is quiet, certainly uneventful in comparison. Spencer makes a show of opening his eyes fully, stretching, thinks it would be too awkward now to admit he saw and heard every incredible second; Hotch looks over at him with an expression he can’t read, and then flips open a new case file.
When they land, he and Hotch are the last two to grab their bags, and Hotch brushes up against him in a way that feels purposeful, but is probably wishful thinking. “Do you have anything going on for the rest of the night?” he asks, and Spencer shakes his head.
“Nope, nothing.” Maybe masturbating—definitely masturbating—but he doesn’t need to know that. Hotch nods, thoughtful.
“You should come home with me.” Spencer looks at him with wide eyes.
“We both know that you saw the video,” he says in a low, no nonsense tone that makes him gulp. “I told Sophie, and she seemed… interested in the prospect. So you should come home with me. If you want to.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—” Hotch raises a hand, halting his train of thought.
“I may have had a suspicion that you were awake when I chose to play the video, so don’t be so hard on yourself.” Spencer looks at his face, trying to determine if he’s saying what he thinks he’s saying. He did that on purpose? He knew that Spencer was watching? “No pressure, if you don’t want to come over. I would never want you to do something you don’t want to do.”
“I do want to… do… whatever it is we’re doing,” he rambles awkwardly, and Hotch chuckles.
“What we're doing is having sex. And I won’t touch you, or anything, if you don’t want that. It can be me and Sophie and you and Sophie.” Spencer swallows hard again, so turned on and breathless that it makes him feel bold.
“What if I do want you to touch me?” he asks, and Hotch leans in slowly, hot breath at his ear.
“Then I’m going to touch you.” When he pulls away, his fingers brush over Spencer’s jaw. “Do you want to come home with me?”
His answer is an emphatic yes. Aaron is due home any minute, and Sophie is vibrating with nervous energy, puttering around the apartment in her robe, couldn’t sit still if she tried. She waits for him on nights he has to work late and can’t bring it home, sure, but it’s almost never like this, where they are apart for days on end. It’s seriously affecting not only her sex drive, but also her mental state, which she hadn’t expected; she feels clingy, needy already, wants to smell him and touch him and taste him and be caged in by him, and it’s frankly getting a little out of hand.
It doesn’t help, she guesses, that she sent that video, but she was horny and wanted his attention… and boy, did she get it, had several texts come through a couple of minutes after she sent it, all very sweet and dirty and good.
Then she saw one about Reid, wanted to be mortified, but she just… wasn’t.
A: So, Reid saw me watching your present.
S: Oh, really? Did he like it?
A: Yeah, he liked it.
A: I bet he’d come pretty quick if he got to see the real thing.
A: Touch you… taste you.
God, how can this calm, controlled man make her such a whimpering mess with just a couple of texts? It’s unfair, is what it is.
S: Maybe we should invite him over sometime.
S: I’ve seen him looking at you, too.
S: Imagine how pretty he would look between us.
That was about an hour ago, and the only thing she received in reply was a brief message letting her know they’d landed and that he was on the way home. She hopes she didn’t upset him, knows that he’s mentioned being interested in men but that he’s never slept with one, hopes she didn’t hit a sore spot. She promises herself they will talk about it when he gets home.
But when he gets home, he kisses her so deeply she feels faint. Her body is lit up in an instant, suddenly desperate for more of him.
“I brought you a present,” he says, so low and sexy, and she grins, breathless, wraps her arms around his neck.
“Ooh, you know I love presents. What is it?”
“It’s not a what, it’s a who,” Spencer says, then, from the open doorway, and she glances between them, bites at her bottom lip. He steps inside and closes the door.
“Hey, Spencer,” she greets, but she can hear the tremble in her voice when she does. He looks to Aaron, and Aaron reaches back, wraps a hand around his wrist, guides him closer.
“I told him what you said, about how pretty he would look between us. He happened to agree, so I figured, why wait?” He looks her over intently, like he’s making sure she’s okay with this.
She is so okay with this.
She wants to speak but she’s so out of breath, her heart beating so fast, that she just pulls him down for a kiss, messy and graceless, and then she reaches for Spencer’s shirt and pulls him close as well, doing the same. She takes turns kissing them, ten kisses each, probably, until Aaron pushes her back gently with a soft laugh.
“Easy, baby. He’s going to stay the night; we have time to go slow.” Her chest is heaving, and he walks around so he’s standing behind her, unties the sash of her robe, pulls it off to reveal the lacy black bra and panties she thought would be a sexy surprise.
He kind of outdid her in the surprise department, but she’ll forgive him this once.
He runs his hands over her panties, her stomach, her boobs, and she bends her neck back, arching up for his lips, moaning against them. Spencer approaches, a bit hesitant, puts his hands on her hips and kisses her exposed throat, her chest. She feels like she’s died and gone to heaven, two pairs of hands on her, two mouths, her body pressed between them tightly. She thinks offhand that she’s glad her ankle doesn’t hurt anymore, because she could stand between them all night long, if they keep this up, would be content to never move again.
Then one of Spencer’s beautiful, incredible hands slips down the front of her panties, and they stop kissing her to kiss each other, and she whimpers, and her knees give out anyway.
“So dramatic,” Aaron whispers teasingly in her ear as he holds her up, big hands on her body, and she shakes her head, wets her lips.
“Not being dramatic. This is so fucking sexy.” Spencer—apparently not worried about the fact that she almost collapsed on them because Aaron wasn’t—slides two fingers over the slippery wet lips of her pussy, and she groans. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take all the attention,” she murmurs, moving her hips against his hand. “Kiss some more, please.” Spencer huffs a laugh and leans in, catches Aaron’s lips with his. From her point of view she can see the slide of their tongues, lips pressing together, and she groans again.
“If it’s okay with you,” Spencer says to her when they separate, “I would really like to eat your pussy now.” He kisses her softly on the cheek, and she exhales, shaky.
“Yeah, please—please do that.”
“I’ll hold you,” Aaron whispers, lips at her ear. “I’ll be right here, I promise.” She hums, leans back against him, and Spencer drops to his knees, guides her panties down. She’s so wet there’s slick on the insides of her thighs, and when he lifts one leg to hook her knee around his shoulder, he licks it away. She shudders.
She feels like she should have known how hot and skillful his mouth would be, because he talks so fast sometimes that his brain—his incredibly high-functioning brain—can’t even keep up, and she usually finds his mouth cute, but right now she finds it sexy, will probably never be able to look at it without thinking of the way he feels with his tongue in her pussy.
He is very enthusiastic, licking her quick and deep, with one hand on her waist and the other rubbing her clit like he’s got a PhD in bringing girls to orgasm, and she knows she’s moaning like a slut, gets even louder when Aaron bites at her earlobe, kisses her neck, squeezes her breasts. “Fuck, oh fuck, yeah,” she pants, reaches a hand down to wrap it in Spencer’s hair, making him groan; she rocks against his delicious mouth, which he encourages, moving his hand to her ass and guiding her closer.
“Come for him, baby,” Aaron urges, hand inside the cup of her bra to pinch her nipple. “Isn’t he pretty, down on his knees for you?” She drops her head back against him, brings a hand to his hair, too.
“So pretty.” He stoops down to kiss her as best as he can, and Spencer’s looking up at them, gorgeous, and she comes tugging on both of them, panting into Aaron’s mouth.
When Spencer stands up and kisses her, mouth soft and wet after working her through her orgasm, and then Aaron leans in to taste both of them on her lips? It’s a wonder she doesn’t get weak in the knees again. Sophie is soft and pliant after she comes, clinging onto them, and Aaron lifts her into his arms and carries her to the bedroom, Spencer following closely behind. He sets her on the bed, unhooks her bra and pulls it off; Spencer watches closely as he does, kneels down to kiss her, brush his hands over her bare breasts, and she sighs at the treatment.
“What do you want to do?” Aaron asks them, getting down on his knees as well, and he kisses them, thrills at the similarities in their soft lips, soft skin.
“I wanna suck you both,” she says, and he touches her face gently.
“Are you sure you’re up for that? You look a little fuzzy.” He didn’t think that she would get submissive so quickly, since he hadn’t actually dominated her, but can see how feeling at the mercy of two men might make her go to that place; he just wants to make sure he does what’s best for her while she’s there.
“Might not be able to get you off, but I want them in my mouth. Can I?” She looks up at him, then at Spencer, who swallows visibly. Aaron gave him a little insight on the way there about how they normally interact with each other, how she likes to ask for permission and he likes to give it—or deny it, depending.
(Aaron Hotchner’s crash course on having a submissive girlfriend—he might have to find a way to monetize that, somehow.)
“You can, for a couple minutes. Then what do you want?” He looks to Spencer to see if he has anything in mind.
“I don’t—I’ve never done this,” he says quietly, and he and Sophie both touch him, and she nuzzles against his shoulder.
“Neither have we, it’s okay. You want to, though?” He looks at them with soft, open eyes, and nods without hesitation.
“Yeah, I want to.” Aaron takes his face in his hands, kisses him deeply.
“Okay, good. Sophie,” he says softly, touches her face too, “do you think you would be alright being with both of us at the same time?” She licks her lips and frowns a little like she’s confused.
“What do you mean?”
“Maybe we could lay you down, and one of us could be inside your pussy, and one of us could be inside your mouth. I’ll take your mouth,” he decides quickly, because she doesn’t like it too fast or rough and he knows her limits, doesn’t want to hurt or overwhelm her. “You’ll be full of us, baby. Do you think you want that?” She closes her eyes, nods, and Spencer touches her throat with long, gentle fingers.
“You’d give us that?” he asks like he’s in awe, and Aaron gets it, knows how much it means that she trusts them with something like this. “You’re incredible, Sophie,” he murmurs against her lips, and she sighs, pulls him closer.
Watching them make out is a very enjoyable thing, made all the more so when he decides to come up behind Spencer to unbutton his pants, untuck his shirt. The younger man moans at the feel of his hands helping him undress, and he presses back against Aaron’s chest, panting and eager. He guides him to stand, gets him naked, and wraps a hand around his long, hard cock, stroking it a couple times.
“You want her mouth on you while I get undressed?” he asks, and Spencer bucks up into his hand, nods quickly. Sophie reaches for him, pulling him closer, and she licks at the head, moans. “Gently,” he murmurs in Spencer’s ear, “let her be in control.” He nods seriously, presses a hand to Sophie’s cheek when she takes him in.
Between the two of them, their moans are so filthy, wanton, that he craves the heat of their mouths, so he captures Spencer’s in a kiss when he can, pulling off his clothes slowly so they can enjoy the time together. “Sophie,” Spencer murmurs, and she looks up at him, and Aaron’s arms around him, and whines. She pulls off of him, licks her lips looking hungry.
“I’m ready for you guys.” The simple sentence makes his dick throb, and he lays her back on the bed, kisses her soft and sweet and slow. Spencer curls around them, kisses them and rubs his hands over their bare skin.
“Spencer, can you get in that drawer and take out a condom?” he has presence of mind to ask, glad that the ones they have should fit him, and he stretches up, all long, lithe muscles, grabs one and tears the wrapper open, rolling it on. Neither Aaron nor Sophie can take their eyes off of him, and when he’s finished, Aaron moves out of his way so he can settle between her legs. She hitches up her knees, and he knows first hand how inviting that can be, understands completely when he shivers with pleasure.
Aaron kisses Sophie a few more times, whispers sweet, loving words into her ear, and then he crawls up by her head, the tip of his dick at the same level as her mouth.
“Are you okay, baby?” he asks, running his hands over her breasts, and she nods, puts her hands on Spencer’s hips and pulls him closer until he is fully sheathed inside her; he keeps still, panting, and Aaron leads forward to brush his hair back. “You’re so gorgeous, Spencer,” he coos, and then he presses into Sophie's mouth, sighs.
She takes him in hand, guiding him in and out at a pace she’s comfortable with, so he just lets her take the lead and runs his hands over her body, Spencer’s fingers where they press against her thighs. He is pumping into her deeply now, an easy rhythm Sophie matches with her hand, and the room is filled with a symphony of soft, wet sounds and moans and hums that Aaron doesn’t think he’ll ever forget.
He is wholly unsurprised when he is the first to come, because watching Spencer’s hips move against her, his hands careful where he holds her down, and feeling her moan around his cock because she loves feeling full, it’s all too much for him. He spills with a groan, and Spencer watches his face like it’s art, which makes him feel warm in his chest. Something to explore at a later time.
Sophie lets go of him, panting, and he slides down to his belly so he can kiss her mouth, caress her. He looks up at Spencer, who appears to be trying so hard not to come, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip, and he rubs Sophie’s clit to help get her close, so he’ll stop trying so hard and just let himself feel good.
“Oh, god,” Sophie whines, brings her hands up to squeeze hard at her breasts. “This is good, so good, mmm.” She starts bucking hard against him, her neck stretched long, and he knows the instant she comes, her mouth opening in a wordless moan before she all but howls her pleasure. Spencer groans, shifts his legs a little so he’s hovering over the both of them, and he thrusts for a few more seconds before finding his own orgasm. “Hmm, yes,” Sophie sighs, and he kisses her slowly, passionately; Aaron rubs both of their bodies as they shiver with aftershocks, and they all sink into the mattress, deeply spent.
They cuddle together for a few minutes, until Sophie complains she has to pee, and she and Spencer go into the bathroom together to take care of business. Aaron runs a hand through his hair and exhales long, because this is the absolute last thing he expected to happen, while also being one of the most unforgettable nights of his life; he knows they’ll look to him for guidance about what to do next, and he’s really not sure what to say when they do.
When they amble back into the room, they’re both smiling softly, and Aaron smiles because he can’t help it. They climb back onto the bed, Spencer in the middle, though Sophie reaches across him to rub at the hair on Aaron’s chest.
“So that’s a thing that happened,” Sophie says eventually, propped up on her elbow, looking over at their two blissed out faces with nothing short of affection. “Is it a thing that’s going to happen again, or a thing we swear up and down didn’t happen?—No pressure, only asking so I know how to compartmentalize my many, many thoughts.”
Aaron looks to Spencer and can’t help but feel like there’s something more worth exploring, there. He thinks Spencer feels the same when he pulls him in for a tender kiss.
“I think it should happen again,” Spencer murmurs, and Sophie leans down to kiss him too.
“Yeah, it should happen again.” Aaron sits up, smiles at his girl, guides her mouth to his.
“Okay, then.” They kiss again, easy, sweet, and he breathes a laugh. “We owe you for this, you know: you and your little shower performance.”
“Oscar worthy,” Spencer says with a grin, and Sophie shoves him playfully.
“Hey, a girl has needs.”
“And we’ll help you meet them,” Aaron promises, running a hand suggestively along her body, and she covers it with hers.
“No way. I’m tapped out, buddy. Unless I get sleep or pizza, no more sex from me tonight.” Aaron feigns hurt, pulls away, flops onto his back with an exaggerated sigh, and she crawls past Spencer to straddle his waist. “So dramatic,” she teases, leans down for a kiss, then climbs off the bed altogether. “I’m good with pizza—I don’t want to go to sleep just yet, not when I’ve got two pretty boys in my bed.”
“I second pizza,” Spencer murmurs, his face pressed against Aaron’s bicep. Sophie pauses in the doorway, a thoughtful look on her face.
“Do you think they’ll do a third veggie, and a third pepperoni, and a third Hawaiian? Or am I gonna have to order two pizzas?” She comes back over to the bed, kisses them both soft, affectionate, and smiles. “Always complicating things, Spencer Reid.”
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