#for it because of that. also trying to ask for help hasnt worked so good so far because i tried and the teachers like 'you're doing fine!
autisticlee · 2 months
having some sort of chronic pain and tiredness issue and joint problems and whatnot but not knowing exactly what the problem is is really good at leading you feeling like you're faking it or making a big deal out of nothing or making it up. especially if there's a good day where it's not as bad and you can walk straight without limping for the first time in a year. but then you can wake up the next day and can barely walk and wonder why you can't just walk normal. it's hard to not guilt trip yourself into dealing with pain by trying to ignore it and force yourself to walk "normal" all the time
#chronic pain#chronic exhaustion#idk what else to tag#another day of why was lee walking normal and barely pain at work yesterday but then today so much pain and exhausted#wish i knew what was exactly the problem. was diagnosed with “generalized hypermobility” but doesnt do much#not a real diagnosis. basically just a thing to tell me “theres nothing wrong. exercise more” but how???? i keep trying but hurt myself#my job is physical labor and therefore exercise. it hurts. is exhausting. no energy to do more. walking is exhausting#have to focus so much energy on not popping hips out of place and twisting knees and ankles and falling. never hurts less#still think about how failed the heds test by 1 point but had several people with heds or who have close friends/family with it who told me#they think i have it and should go het diagnosed or just ask me if i have it because they recognize the symptoms#and every time i tell them the doctor i saw about my joint issues and stuff denied it they get super confused and tell me to try#another doctor. unfortunately i have to go through my designated health system and they dont have multiple doctors of each specialty#and i in general have no clue how to navigate health stuff or how to advocate for myself and have no help or support system at all so 🤷#anyway. it makes me wonder if i *do* have that or if my floppy bendy joints are just similarly bad and exercise will cure me#and im just bad at it because i have no clue what is right and wrong movement unless someone watches me and corrects me the whole time#and no i wont learn or get better. im so disconnected from this body that i will never learn what feels right and wrong.#still cant even tell when im hungry until i almost pass out!!!!!!! of thirsty!! or even have to pee until its emergency level piss!!!!!!#so no way to tell when hypermobiling joints when exercising or when form is slipping and not correct anymore.#been trying things to get better at that but still hasnt improved at all#what was i talking about......right. dont think ill ever get heds diagnosis since cant pass the test for that. so cant get much support/help#am on my own with youtube tutorials and hoping i dont keep hurting myself wishing exercise will cure me and “good days” become permanent#also why are video tutorials SO HARD TO FOLLOW AND LEARN FROM. im sk bad at it yet everyone tells me its the best and only way to learn but#its SO HARD FOR ME 😭😭😭😭😭 MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED AND UPSET
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ff2-soda-pop · 1 year
having. bad moment today alright-
#everything in class was too overwhelming to the point i couldnt even talk anymore and i couldnt leave and i didnt wanna stim because then#people would See Me and stuff so i just sat there suffering with that.#and then ig we're preparing for Finals but i barely have understood this whole class because it goes Too Fast for me and im scared im gonna#fail and i cant fail otherwise im gonna get the help w/ the financial stuff taken away and thats basically gonna screw me over big time but#idk what im doing!! and then the teacher said things about like 'oh if you say you're not taking this again next semester i'll take off#points' BUT IDK IF SHE WAS SERIOUS OR NOT?????? like shes generally pretty nice but like i cant tell if she was kidding or not at all but i#dont wanna ask because no one else seemed confused by it and i dont wanna stick out so i just. am confused#also im scared if i fail this class my mom'll get pissed because shes very insistent that i am the 'normal' one and so i 'have' to go to#school ad basically live life like a Normal Allistic Person which. is bullshit but thats besides the point#and my only class rn is japanese which until now ive been consistently GOOD at so if i fail that my mom'll probably get Extra pissed at me#for it because of that. also trying to ask for help hasnt worked so good so far because i tried and the teachers like 'you're doing fine!#dont worry about it :D' and im like 'i have barely understood anything for weeks on end but idk how to argue you on this and it feels rude#to try and be like No Actually Wrong' so then i just. dont say anything#also i still have no accommodations because i still havent gotten copies of papers i need and they wont let me do anything until i have#those copies of things from older schools before i went here. EVEN THOUGH IM LITERALLY DIAGNOSED AND AM STRUGGLING BUT APPARENTLY PAPERS#FROM OLD SCHOOLS ARE THE ONLY THING THAT CAN 'PROVE' I NEED HELP???? WHICH MAKES NO SENSE TO ME BUT ANYWAYS-#anyways everything is too much and i wanna curl up in a ball and just kinda stay like that forever#vent
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Sending this because I think Tumblr might’ve eaten it, but did you ever receive a request for the TADC crew with a small, but EXTREMELY feisty S/O? Tumblr has a bad habit of eating my asks when I’m on anon I’ve found. 😭
TADC crew w/ a short and feisty reader!
hello hello anon! im so so so sorry for not seeing this sooner :( i truly did not mean to take so long to answer this! rechecking through my inbox, i dont see the original request :( but ill be answering it here so not to worry! getting silly by hopping onto my laptop/computer since its in the dining room rn and this way i can keep an eye on my macarons (literally not baking them, drying them out before i do and i wanna make sure no one touches them)
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honestly in the most blunt way possible i think he might actually be into it. he always liked him someone who has a little bite in them (and by always he means like, when he first met you because its highly likely youre his first partner)
if you get all riled up trying to defend him he might comically tug on the collar of his shirt, of which steam will stream out of... doesnt have much of a preference for height, but with you being on the shorter side it makes carrying you around a little less awkward!
absolutely taken aback when you just let it rip one day and you go off on someone (most likely jax lets all be real here for a minute), just stands there appalled before you eventually calm yourself down and turn your attention to her
not to yell at her, she hasnt done anything wrong
honestly... nervous anxious ball x angry defender is probably another trope of mine that i think about every so often, but honestly i love it so so much. thats literally just the embodiment of you and pomni's dynamic
not much to say here unfortunately </3 just that you tend to defend her when things get ugly and you dont tend to stop until the issue is resolved
honestly maybe im biased for ragatha because ive grown on her since ive opened requests, but i think that she would be the queen of getting you to chill out when something has you all riled up! is so so kind and doesnt make fun of your height, i mean its not like you or anyone can change it. very good at not making you feel less than for being shorter than nearly everyone else
if you get angry on her behalf and attempt to defend her she would be so so touched, but really most things probably roll right off her back, so she just takes you and walks you away from the scene
honestly he thinks its a little funny that you get so worked up over things! probably calls you an ankle biter as a joke, which might make you a little mad. definitely picks you up by the scruff or the back of your shirt or whatever! really any equivalent of that works! jax has an entire arsenal of nicknames for you, all based on your height and energy. he loves seeing the way your face scrunches up a little in disdain when he calls you one of those names. all in good fun, for the most part, but he might let up if its something that makes you genuinely upset...
okokokokok so we dont know anything about queenie (i think, i must admit i dont keep up with gooseworx at all and am only relying off of the pilot) but i hc her to also be more on the feisty side
is this relevant? really it depends, because i think kinger would be comforted by the familiarity of your attitude, but also this could be a gateway for angst because it makes him think and dwell on the loss of queenie.... up to you!
subconsciously kneels down to your height to talk to you; he doesnt mean to be rude! it just sort of happens! thinks your fierceness is endearing in its own silly way!
probably thinks that you can get a little overwhelming sometimes. i mean yeah sure its nice to have someone in your corner whos ready to help you out but zooble seems to be the type to not seek that help out; and in fact i can easily see them getting annoyed by someone constantly speaking for them. so you guys are going to need to communicate and work on this together lest there be a build of resentment
remember guys resentment is a real thing and it can ruin so much !! communicate!!!
that aside, i dont think they would comment much on your height, they really could not give less of a flying fuck
torn between having her be intimidated by you or having her also find it endearing (and perhaps even attractive? shy person liking the one who always speaks their mind, you know?) while im not writing these to be explicitly romantic, i dont quite totally comfy with the idea of intimidation in a relationship.. though this can be applied to platonic relationships too... hmm... mayhaps a mix of it all? not quite sure! probably goes to you for tips to be more bold, love the idea of someone teaching gangle to grow a backbone
similar to zooble, no comments on your height!
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arsenicflame · 9 months
ok leaked 2x01 clip observation post
(watch the clip here)
God. Izzy looks completely wrecked in this- hes scruffy and his hairs not slicked back properly he just looks. tired.
i want to know WHY he stutters there- what was he going to say instead?
for me, the way fang asks izzy how hes doing is not just a sign that things have gotten so bad, but it implies prior emotional connection. fang had to be the one to breach this conversation because he Knows Izzy (perhaps the others were too nervous to start because the situation is Obviously tense, but fang knows him) idk thats what i get from it.
'dont help me, dont help me' izzy sweetheart :( they are your friends.
the way jim says 'unhealthy relationship with blackbeard' sounds like they were coached, like they were repeating something someone else said. i love two unemotional assholes trying their best. unhealthy relationship is such a frenchieism to me i can just imagine jim noting it down in their journal like. 'good wording. practice saying it a few more times. toxic??????'
i believe theyre called archie and i love them so much. lesbianism hours.
rhino horn i assume is a drug? hm.
'hes cut off at least two more of your toes, hasnt he?' HOLY SHIT
the way frenchie says that is like. it wasn't infection or an accident its purposeful. they KNOW something is happening. ed Took two more toes. at least, that they know of. how do they know??? are they listening? can they hear his screams? is he asking for medical help from them? rotating round them all so no one person knows just how bad it is? (but theyre talking. theyre talking to each other now. about him, theyre worried)
maybe his first really did heal fine and it was a later infection. maybe. maybe ed took the whole leg. on purpose. whats izzy been doing to 'make ed do this'- did ed even anything to justify it? was he protecting the crew? smuggling rations to lucius? at best he was disobeying orders, but given their reactions it obviously wasnt anything that endangered anyone- imo he would have been looking out for them (maybe that why he is instructing them to throw away loot. hes protested that one too many times)
the way he immediately starts crying at that too. its like. hes been thinking all these things for a while and didn't want to say it out loud, or was thinking it was all on him and that he deserved it- but then someone comments out loud its not a good situation and he just. thats his oh moment and he falls apart.
god a fang hug looks so good- even when hes obviously trying to respect izzy being uncomfortable it
the way he is desperately trying to hold back sobbing- like if he breaks apart now he knows its the end, he will never be able to put himself back together. he needs to remain strong remain put together, he will never survive otherwise. it doesnt even really feel like hes trying not to cry because its weakness, not appropriate of him anymore, its simply that he cant afford to.
also making unconscious noises when uncomfortable. me 🤝 izzy autistic bitches. (this is only to me)
JIM IS SO UNCOMFRTABLE ALSO (and archie?) god. i desperately want happy izzy & jim dynamics i think they would work SO good, neither of them want to touch an emotion with a ten foot pole wtf please get jim out of there and a knife in their hand.
god. god. theres so much here. the crew dynamics. izzy found family canon confirmed i love it so much. this is everything ive ever wanted izzys getting love! hes getting a good arc! hes making allies and friends and they care about him!!!! theyre worried about him!!!!!!
god. i was already so excited for season 2 but this is everything to me. i just know this is going to be so good. i have SO much faith
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vro0m · 9 months
Brocedes hasnt been brocedes all year. Its just a lot more ovi now. We got a certified nico lewis situation at merc. Toto picking the wrong guy once again. Whats new?
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Okay first of all I wanna say this can't be a Nico - Lewis situation. There will never be a Nico - Lewis situation again. But I guess what you mean is there's an open, direct rivalry at Merc again. Which. Yeah sure. That's usually what happens. I'm not surprised it's happening, we mentioned it before.
(long post)
I'm not sure what you mean by 'Toto picking the wrong guy once again'. If you mean in the context of hiring George, I disagree because George is a very good driver. If you mean in the race, I highly doubt Toto is the one making the strategy calls in the middle of things. At the very most, the strategists tell him the options and he might green-light one of them.
They've been having strategy issues for a while now. That's also something we've talked about before. If anything, I'd say the issue lies with the strategy team rather than Toto or George. We've said the bad calls were hidden by the good car performance before but also I do think it's gotten worse. Back when it was announced that Vowles was leaving, I said not directly replacing him was bullshit. They claimed the rest of the department would just divide Vowles' workload between themselves. Toto said they'd been doing it already during the '22 season (when did the strategy issues ramp up? idk). What I said at the time was "someone is going to have to make the final decision on strategy" and "otherwise it's not gonna work". It might just not be working.
One thing I'll give credit to George for is that he's trying things. Hasn't there been a convo in the last few weeks with people (including me iirc) saying Merc is too conservative with the strategy? That they need to stop acting like they're at the front, defending rather than behind, chasing? Also isn't it kinda boring when the team doesn't give the car that's qualified behind a chance and only uses it to support the other? (Also with his quali performances lately, wouldn't that do more harm to Lewis than George?) I guess it's just the way being a fan goes, but I feel like every race weekend I see fans of either driver defending what or complaining about what they were complaining about or defending the previous race, depending on who they're rooting for the most. It's okay when it's their blorbo only (which again : just being a fan).
Anyway props to George for being a driver, and asking for more. That's his job. Sometimes it annoys me ngl. Sometimes I feel like he's acting too entitled during the races. But as I also said before, it's not particularly unexpected from a young driver. Lewis was really not that different in his days lol. They all have a chip on their shoulder and they are all essentially starving egotistical cunts. The older ones might just have learnt to hide it slightly better through the years. Slightly. Is Lewis being more of a team player? On track, probably so, props to him for that. Don't know how long it's gonna last in these conditions though, given that he's also a starving egotistical cunt. Off track, he's complaining very loudly and unsubtly about not being prioritised by the team in a not-so-great way imo. I'm repeating myself yet again but it's not as easy as just saying here's what needs fixing with the car, then claiming they're not listening to him when it doesn't suddenly work. Merc is truly fumbling with the development, and patience is not Lewis' greatest virtue lol. He's clearly getting frustrated with the performance, understandably so. I'm simultaneously pretty sure that's true for the whole team, not just him. So him saying they're not doing their best and voluntarily just not doing what he wants is probably not helping.
I do think that the team is gonna have to find a way to make it work between them two on track before they take each other out or straight up disobey team orders out of hunger or frustration. But well. Do I have to link the essay again? (Sorry for bringing it up 10 times a week.) It's not that easy managing intra-team rivalries and I see some people claiming they should pick a n°1 driver but how? Right now, Lewis and George are on par in quali (8-8). George has less points for sure but you also gotta take into account that he's had four terrible races in the year, not always by his fault (although sometimes yes). Outside of these four races, their results are very similar. This is not a Max-Perez type of gap by far. Lewis is most probably not gonna stay for 10 more years despite what he sometimes likes to pretend, George might. I'm still rooting for Lewis first and everybody else second but if you look at this realistically, it's not as simple as saying to George "look we're betting on you for the future, someday, but until Lewis retires you'll always be a second thought to us. But you know, still stay with us and take it lying down. Toodles!" He's completely right about it, but it's easier for Lewis to say "we're fighting for the team not for driver points" when he's the one ahead in the standings. Because what? You always always have to do better than your teammate. (Again, sorry for bringing it up constantly.)
In some way the issue with both of them is impatience. Lewis is impatient to have a good car again and he's starting to somewhat take it out on the team which isn't ideal. For all they looove saying we win and we lose together, that's not a supportive behavior claiming publicly they're just not listening to him. George is impatient to get track position and to beat his team-mate and he's rushing the racing too much, making rookie mistakes in the process (see Singapore) and demanding sometimes more than his due during races.
So yeah I think they need to rein them both in — one off track, one on track — but also without rejecting all new ideas and all questioning, both when it comes to the car and when it comes to the race strategy. It's not gonna be easy, but it's definitely gonna be very interesting.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
I will also talk about Tyler because he's also not normal about stuff 🫠
Right from the start you get these signs he's protective to a detrimental level lol
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(BTW Aidlyn scene cuz I'm not normal about them ❤️ The way he literally wraps his whole body in front of her sent me lmao. Mans got his leg around her and everything 🤡)
He's pretty much like this with Taylor in all their scenes. In the Sorrel House he puts his arm in front of her when they see the phantom (that he does not think is real, considering his reaction).
He also has a tendency to drag Taylor away from situations with out asking for her opinion on it 🫠 He just kinda assumes she will want to go with him. Like when he drags her out of the house after saying the phantom was just a prank.
Sir. PLEASE. Kinda possessive of you-
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I don't think Red did this on purpose because like. She hasnt really brought up their culture/heritage or anything in the story so far lmao (I'm crying). But idk like just this behavior reminds me a lot of the guys in my family 🙃 I think Latino boys get kind of socialized to be more aggressive and protective of their families at their own expense. He definitely seems like the kind of brother to impose a curfew- He has control issues like. We all see it right? He's a control freak.
Obviously his dad dying has a lot to do with this. His mother took it extremely hard, so then Tyler "stepped up" to take care of both his mom AND his sister, he's been parentified since a very young age (he doesn't look older than 10 imo). I think he feels a need to "be the man of the house" so to speak. He genuinely does not seem to have any hard feelings towards his mom even tho she...you know, fucked up. if any of you know the "latino boys are mama boys" cliche, but.
(I do think Taylor has more mom issues because she kinda resents how Tyler has been parentified and she's allowed herself to be angry at their mom for leaving them to fend for themselves)
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Sidenote: It looks like his family is very isolated. Like, its strange that nobody came to help Marianna after Ethan died. This isn't always the case but usually Latinos have large families (my mom's family had to push together eight beds so all the cousins could sleep in one room lol) WHICH probably means Tyler's branch of the family is, so far, the first and only to have immigrated to the US. He's probably already a second or third generation tho, his mom has only one surname and he and his sister never seem to speak Spanish, so I don't think they learned it (probably some basics). I don't imagine they've ever been to Mexico except MAYBE when they were very young (its kinda rare to visit...since...it's so hard to get out of there in the first place...🫠 I dont think my parents have been to Venezuela in more than 20 years...but also Venezuela is in way worse condition, so...)
But yeah like. His protectiveness of Taylor is something that actively works against her and something she dislikes. She always looks upset when he drags her out of a situation or tells her what to do. She just wants to help :(
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Ofc she never says anything because for most of her life Tyler has put himself in a position of authority and is her caretaker. It's hard to speak up to somebody when they constantly say "I'm doing this for your own good, for your own safety, for-" Whatever. Taylor always believes Tyler does everything for her own best interests, so... even when she doesn't feel good about something, she'll still listen to him. It's a veryyyyyy slippery slope that can quickly become toxic, if it isn't already. Because besides being her brother, he's put himself as her parent figure as well.
He does the thing. You know. Where parentified kids try to overcorrect so they kind of coddle their own children and don't let them do anything because they're scared to death something is gonna happen to them 💀
I don't really know what the point of this was I just wanted to talk about how possessive Tyler can be and how unhealthy his attachment style is 😭 If I write Tyler and Logan angst tho just know it's gonna involve Tyler being overprotective and Logan being Not Cool TM about it 🫠
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askingkyborg · 4 months
Here me out :
band au and human au and highschool au. Garage band au. I have thoughts.
bart, kyborg, and mudd are all seniors in high school. Gumgum is a first year/im not from amrica i dont know what thats called.
Bart is sad because its his last year of highschool and he still hasnt made his dream band- hes not been dragged down by gumgum, but he was so focused on him he didnt get around to it- so he decides to wait after the schools music practices and find people to sign up, his only recruit being gumgum on the drums so far. at the same time as this, mudd and kyborg are wrapping up their music classes- piano for mudd and violin for kyborg. They arent friends by any stretch, and mudd straight up doesn't like Kyborg *side note hes usually refered to as ky for the beginning half of it and i'll explain why in a second*, but they happen to be walking close together when bart spots them. Bart and mudd had hung out a few times, bart having taught mudd a few bass guitar things, and so he leaps at the chance. mudd only decides to because hes spent so long being proper (taking piano lessons he hates, coming from a rich and uptight family) he wants to try a hint of rebellion.
kyborg, in an effort to seem cool, asks to join, hiding his violin and saying he can play electric guitar (hes good but hes not as great as he hams himself up to be) .
thus the band "the infinights" is formed.
~~~~~~other character specific stuff~~~~~~
mudd: before joining the band he had black hair but bart helped him dye it. Made his parents mad, but it made him really really, and eventually the other infinights convinced him to tell his parents he wanted to quit piano. Also has epilepsy and memory issues gumgum: gumgum is excited about the band, but it makes him sad as time goes on to know their all going to graduate before him. hes in a foster home, but he doesnt like it, so he spends all his time hanging out in barts flat.
bart: adores having a band. Worked in a near reverse of mudd because managing it all actually taught him to be a bit more responsible. Shared an orphanage with gumgum when they were little, till he found his parents, and had him and gumgum live with him till bart moved out senior year and gumgum got taken to a foster home, the finns a bit too old to handle their chaos. kyborg: is neutral about the band. He likes music, but electric guitar isnt his usual pace, so hes hesitant. Violin was his life until his mother died, and hes working on exploring his other interests. He doesnt show anyone hes missing an arm till a practice where hes having bad phantom pains and has to tell them. Was homeless until highschool, struggling to pay for a small apartment.
dr ahem: dr ahem is an inventor that had been scrounging for cash, and decided to let a garage band use his facilities to practice, that became a sensation until they deformed. One night coming home he saw them playing a gig and new they'd be a success and offered his guidance to them. brink: a member of paralytes new band the everguards- thinks hes cool because hes in a band with college kids- plays the drums (its later revealed that he actually plays the trumpet and was just forced to play the drums (spectrils old roll) to make luz happy). He messes around with kyborg- and is the only one in the whole school that knows about kyborgs arm.
inku: works for a corrupt business under a man named entropa. Barts parents were both musicians, good ones too, so with the help of hugh manor manages to trap them both in what seemed like a never ending business contract in order to keep themselves a float financially. Not wanting bart to have to bare not having them be around, they tearfully put him up for adoption and continued working under her.
Quadron: a burglar, vague partners with entropa but really just doing the stealing thing. Was born without arms, and dr ahem spent all his money on making him prosthetics- but this sank his brother into heavy debt and into a heavier depression. He started stealing to make money for them, but eventually it became a vent for his frustration with life. One burglary was towards a comfortable house, but they fought back- so he killed the whole family besides a young kydelious, who instead got shot in the arm near fatally. Qudron ran, lighting the place ablaze- but a while later dr ahem brought a child missing an arm into their home. Kydelious. Seeing quadron sent the kid into a panic, and he fled off into the wilderness.
and yeah! Thats most of it!
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bedrockbones · 1 year
Trucker au? 🚛
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send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it ///not accepting  
for those that dont know this au is a collab with the amazing @technobladesbasement so if yall are not already following her/reading her works go check her out!!
1. technoblade gets tommy a phone about half a year into their travels. the first is a disposable flip phone techno grabs from a truck stop just so tommy can have something. he buys it for tommy because they had gotten seperate in some outlet mall and tommy had gone back to the truck to wait for techno and techno....to put it lightly, did not take tommys absence well
2. tommy doesnt like letting techno go into the gas stations alone. just because hes noticed the hybrid has a tendency to buy ridiculous amounts of bedding and blankets while driven by his instincts. techno doesnt like letting tommy go with him because his runt is exposed but tommy will usually soothe this by commenting about how safe he feels with techno. its a balance
3. another thing is the gas station food. techno absolutely refuses to let tommy eat anything there except snacks or candy. this is because of the one time tommy had been hungry and they decided a quick hot dog would be easier than finding a restaurant with a lot that could fit the truck. they both regretted that when tommy gets food sickness later that night and is stuck on the side of the freeway upchucking his guts. technoblade still hasnt fully forgiven himself for that despite tommy telling him over and over its fine and that hot dog tasted good so who cares? (techno. techno cares)
4. tommy has a thing. about being cared for. its easier now because techno doesnt really give him a choice about being taken care of but theres still days where dreams snarled insults ring heavy in tommys ears and the feel of the man’s fists are fresh in his mind. its those nights that tommy feels the strain of his situation. because he cant stand technos affection or doting and techno doesnt know how to help otherwise. it would be easier if techno just, ignored tommys boundaries and hugged him anyway or pretended he didnt know tommy is upset, but techno doesnt do that. he asks what tommy needs and respects his space. he’ll sleep on the driver’s chair if tommy wanted him to. but even that is a form of love tommy doesn’t know how to process. it leaves him floundering. it leaves him aching. 
but techno is there to comfort him. he always is. its a reassuring security just as much as its a heavy chain tying him down. techno will always be there for tommy. even if tommy doesnt want him to be
5. phil “babysits” for techno sometimes when theyre in town. phil has a love-hate relationship with the whole scenario because he wants tommy to like him. really he does! and he thinks its funny how jealous techno gets when phil provides for tommy and its even more funny when techno tries to hide that hes jealous. but the problem comes when techno goes out to run errands. he messages phil. every. damn. minute. asking about tommy. asking for pictures of tommy. sending pictures to phil to send to tommy about some random garbage trinket he thinks tommy would like. phil would try to be more understanding about it if tommy wasnt also fed up with the piglin hybrids antics. everytime phil tries to show tommy a photo, tommy asks with a resigned look in his eyes if its another blanket
thats not even taking into account how many times techno calls them. really, phil is getting this close to turning his phone off. he hasnt yet because he knows that will just make the hybrid panic but come on, he wants some time with tommy! technos ruining his chance!
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honeylikesyanderes · 1 year
Yanderes with a blind reader
thanks for requesting anon!
i hope this is what you were looking for and hope you enjoy!
18+ mdni
asks/requests are still open!
karma would be a lot more protective with a blind darling
he would be the type to keep and extra eye on them
and make sure that they're always comfortable whether they're in public or in private
he's also the type to glare at people who make rude comments about darling because they are blind
and if they came up to you and tried to make you feel bad, he would verbally berate them
which is strange because karma doesn't speak a lot
God help whoever dares to lay a hand on you tho
they will be wiped off the face of the earth.
karma is definitely more gentle with a blind darling
especially if they have a history of people bullying/being mean to them.
even tho karma isnt one to be touchy or talkative, he'd let darling touch him a lot and he'd speak a lot
so they can know and really enjoy his presence.
(he also has this super secret fantasy where darling touches his face very sensually while trying to feel his facial features.)
if darling's vision can be corrected via surgery and darling is willing to pursue that route, karma will be 100% willing to foot the bill.
i think bhodi would really appreciate a blind darling
cause he would love that someone liked him for him
rather than his conventionally attractive looks
it really boosts his self esteem
bhodi would become more possessive tho
because darling fell for him bc of his personality and his voice
he wouldn't want anyone to take them away from him
(this is also partly because bhodi has self-esteem issues and doesn't think he's good enough for darling)
that being said,
bhodi would probably turn up his clinginess and stalking from 90% to 200%
he'd try and follow you everywhere (even into the bathroom if he can)
and he avoids leaving you alone with anyone else
he might even force you to quit your job and lock you away in his home
he tells you its ''for your own good'' and that ''the outside world is dangerous''
he just loves you too much to lose you darling
and he doesn't mind utilising your vision as a reason to keep you all to himself forever.
memory is curious
he hasnt really interacted a lot with humans, due to the fact that he cant cope with their stench
and he's in a little bit of awe when he realises that you cant see.
he's definitely the most gentle with darling out of all of the yanderes
and he is a lot more caring
he will aggressively defend you when his father says something rude about your inability to see
and he most definitely doesn't mind murdering anyone that deems you 'unworthy' or calls you rude names.
he will try to find methods to cure your vision problems
because being blind in a royal court is very dangerous
especially due to the fact that you're the mate and going to be the ruling partner of the next kings
people would attempt to hurt darling
and since memory is pretty good with inventions and science, he'll work something out
and if all else fails, then he'll turn you into a vampire asap
it may not make your vision perfect
but it will make darling's vision at least 70% better
darling would have to wear glasses at most.
max is a little demon.
so dont be surprised if he lies to darling about things going on in the palace that they cant see
he'll be a little bit like bhodi
in the sense where he'll use darling's inability to see properly to increase their fear
then he'll utilise that fear to make darling dependent on him.
from lying about attacks, to telling fibs that they were almost assassinated-
max will do anything to keep himself in control.
he just wants to be wanted by darling.
he just has a terrible approach to it.
(he may also use his lies to trick darling into sleeping with him)
on the other hand, max isnt all bad
when darling eventually falls in love with him, he will be more open to them
he lies less and less
and he will be more vulnerable to them
he will feel a sense of closeness, because (like bhodi) someone that he calls his loves him for him.
he will kill whoever says anything rude about darling and their sight
doesn't matter if its his parents or a maid or a member of the court.
they're dead.
when darling gets part of their vision back after being turned, max becomes more protective
tho he's a manipulative ass and secretly a softboy, he doesn't want any harm to come to darling
no one is allowed to see them unless he or memory are there.
and he also always carries a spare of darling's glasses in case anything happens to the pair that they wear regularly.
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c0smiccom3t · 9 months
Dimension Dyfenders Update!! (9/20/23)
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HEY, HEY, it's September! You know what that means! (read the above)
Hello D.D fandom, hello followers, mutuals, friends and hello people who curiously stumbled upon this post. You all know who i am, but for those who don't, let me introduce myself. My name's Comet. I'm the co-creator and main artist in the indie webcomic series Dimension Dyfenders! As of right now, i'm attending art school and trying my best to work more on the webcomic while also attending on my studies and get better grades. Now, you might ask, "Comet, what's going on with this series now?", "Why haven't been there more pocket adventures minisode 1 parts lately?" Well, i got the answers right here! First of all, let's start with the most obvious one... The Pocket Adventures situation.
Now, Pocket Adventures hasnt been online as of late, no next parts were being published, and im very sorry for that. The cause for it is the loss of motivation i had, which made me not work on it for a long while. Even when making new panels i feel extremely tired. Feeling like i should do something else (heck, i feel insecure about its panels when i draw them!) But fret not, that doesn't mean Pocket Adventures is getting cancelled. We still have loads of plans on the table and we can't wait to roll them out. But for now, we're taking a break due to IRL situations for example, art school. We, the team, have lives outside of making d.d content. We need to get our degrees and, well, try to survive life. But no worries, because I got plans to get back on D.D P.A Minisode 1 and finish it completely once winter break hits. As long as my motivation gets out of its hibernation phase. But still, i can't wait for you all to see the conclusion to minisode 1. (I just hope you dont mind if i jump right into the 'new designs' in the next pages)
Speaking of minisodes, I've been thinking of releasing minisodes only once a year than every saturday. Though this decision is not final yet. I don't want clout, in fact, i just wanna do what I love. Create stories and comics for everybody to enjoy. But if you guys would love for a minisode to release once a year or once in 3 months, let me know your opinions! Your criticism helps this series, especially its production, grow better!
Now, for the second and final question you may have asked… Thing is, Nothing has changed! But well, if you know me on my social media for my recent Crash Bandicoot fanart, then you might notice that Crash 4: It's About Time, especially it's artbook (and concept art by Nicola Saviori)... Has affected my artstyle, DRASTICALLY. So. The characters, of course, have went through some changes. I'd like to call this new artstyle... "The TFB Effect". As a matter of fact, Dimension Dyfenders (both its miniseries and full series) is going to have a brand new, more cartoony, zanier than ever artstyle! Don't believe me? See for yourselves. Starting with the main ones!
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I decided to add a little bit of the good ol' Squash and Stretch to the characters to make them stand out more in the next comics. So of course, some of the colors have changed, especially designs and bodytypes. Oh, and not just that, our heroes have some new stuff, too! For example: Knockout's Dyfender Element is now refered as "Quantum Strenght", Paintdrop's is called "Cosmic Creativity" and Speedrunner's is called "Light Speed". Neat upgrades, eh? (Still, criticism is accepted.) Anyway, notice that in the first picture above there's something that says: "Dyfender Mode", right? Well, if you see that, that's because we are introducing something brand new to our heroes. Called: Omni-modes.
Now, "what are Omni-modes?", you may ask? Well, Omni-modes are modes that are set on the Dyfenders' Dy-watches, you may see that the Omni-Modes are, of course, the Dyfenders' alternate hero forms, to help them take on a mission in a different, more suitable form. When the day needs to be saved during night time (and rarely past bedtime), they activate Night Mode. For sunny beach days but still wanting to make sure nobody figures out their secret identities, Acqua Mode will be at their service. There are tons of different Omni-Modes to be shown (Especially, Pride mode, which was shown on this year's pride post.) So, yeah. Omni-modes will be shown in both the miniseries AND the full series!
Oh! And refering to characters, we can't forget about our main bad guys! Oh, you know, the Dajo-Crew? They got a bit of a make over to fit to the current artstyle! (ft. the updated height chart):
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Now that we got that out of the way. let's just head over what will the future of the series look like as of right now. Starting off with the full series and pocket adventures. As said before, Dimension Dyfenders' artstyle changed. But that doesn't mean everything changed, things may be different (the more cartoony artstyle and the sillier tone), but nothing about the series has changed! And that means..
As for right now, D.D Minisode 1 may still be in development as we speak, but one thing that's completed right now is the script! Now that its finally finished, all thats left, is the panel and comic page-making (hopefully you wont mind the sudden character design changes, though.)! But in the meantime! We got some sneak peaks for not just one of the panels from the next minisode 1 pages, but also a never-seen before panel from the next minisodes of pocket adventures! (notice: some of these are not final and may change in the final product.)
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That's not all! this franchise has got some new stuff coming in during it's run. We got so many plans, but this is the only thing we can show about said plans:
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As you can see, you're gonna see some new characters in pocket adventures. While in the full series, you'll get some new characters too. Except... New baddies will be only in the full series, while in the miniseries then later in the animated series... You'll get to meet some new allies! So, keep your eyes peeled for them! And we hope you like them as much as we do.
Now, D.D has never shown a sign of stopping, even during hiatuses, so im happy to announce that more Pocket Adventures will be on their way after Minisode 1 has completed production! We're thinking of putting the upload dates on hold (which means, minisode 2 is delayed until further notice, sorry guys.). So please be patient when waiting for new minisodes.
And speaking of patience... I think I got a little something to keep you guys busy with while you wait... Introducing…
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Now, you may be wondering: "What is THIS?" D.D.T (Dimension Dyfenders Toonies for long), is a brand new miniseries of comic strips that comes out during the weekends. (Starting in October, the end of september, or during the holiday season! No promises, though.) It's a little something i can make up while you guys wait for the next Pocket Adventures Minisodes. Oh yeah, here's one of the cover for it, too! It's not much, but i know you guys would go NUTS for it:
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This will be about how the Dyfenders handle their superhero and school lives in everyday situations. (No worries, the action isn't gone. There might be some strips about school, but there will be more strips about their superhero lives, guarantee!). It's also about what The Dajo-Crew does when they aren't invading dimensions, get into some shenanigans at the castle and also when they plot evil schemes. some strips will be either original with a new short story or a recreation of old strips from phase 1 (not a final decision of course, but you can tell us if you like this idea)! One thing to point out is that some of the strips might take place before some minisodes, now thats another thing to notice, right? And that's the only "spoiler" I can give. So, sorry, no more! OH! And for any of you voice actors reading this who are like: "Wow, i wonder when this series will get a comic dub / animated series. If i'm lucky enough i might be able to voice act for it!" … Boy, do we have a treat for you all. Which will be posted in a few hours. both on bird app, bluesky, insta and on here!  The only thing I have to announce is that during the d.d stuff's production and during art school, i'm not gonna be online on social media. (until during normal/long weekends and festive days.), but no worries, the series is still alive and kicking, even when there aren't posts about it for a few months! Though, in some days, i'll be able to make and share some art for it! You're all in for a wild ride for these months and for 2024! Oh, and about Dajo's account. I'm planning to bring it back. But, Dajo is currently busy conquering Dimensions, but I can assure he hasn't abandoned Sinstagram completely. You'll see more of his influencer side, too. Both in his Sinstagram and in the upcoming strips! (And perhaps in some mini– OOPS! TOO MUCH!) That's all for now! Thank you all for your support on the series, don't forget to share your fan creations of the series in DMs or tag me and the team in your masterpieces, share it with your family and friends, subscribe to the series on Comicfury, and follow me on Tumblr, bluesky, bird app and Instagram if you wish to support the project even outside of comicfury! Once again, thank you all in this slowly-growing small fandom for all of your support, and i hope you're all excited for what's to come! If you have any questions, please drop them on my tumblr askbox, Which i'll be able to answer during the weekends. That's all, back to the offline study and sleep abyss for me. GOODBYE!
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okkottsus · 1 year
I love reading your analysis of Nagireo!
One thing I was wondering, what do you think of Nagi (foreshadowed) future slump?
I feel like things will get dire for him, and I can't help but wonder how Reo would react.
Nagi feels very... emotionally immature and while Reo can be very fiery and we saw how emotional he can get, he's the one that feels more in touch with his own emotions and has better life experience.
For better or worse, being away from Reo forced Nagi to confront his own feelings more.
I wonder if Reo won't realize they got back together too early and leave him (this time maybe more amicably? Or maybe force himself to leave him) for his own sake.
Ego's dialog feels very ominous... they were very happy in that moment but there is a very sense of "now what?".
thank u so much, i feel like i never express myself well enough esp with characters and relationships im passionate abt so that means a lot 🥺
yeah i get what u mean about nagi's emotional immaturity...in the latest match, when isagi asked him how he was able to make his best play yet a reality, nagi  didnt really understand what had happened. he only wanted to beat isagi, that has been his first goal, the first step to achieve the bigger dream he shares with reo. 
and while he himself couldnt see that, reo was the first to notice despite everything that happened between them, so he created a chance for him to have a 1v1 with isagi. 
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the problem is that, as isagi points out later, if u dont understand how u made something happen, you probably wont be able to be consistent and replicate it (this has been a recurring theme of blk since the start of the manga):
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a goal that u only made happen because u had the person who knows u the best and is your closest friend give you exactly what you need in the moment, has little value in the grand scheme of things. Without a clear goal and reo’s help, nagi wouldnt have been able to do something like that. 
So the next step he should be taking is working on his weapons, instead of relying on the perfect opportunities reo can provide him with.
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maybe its time for nagi to try and catch up to reo, and not only in terms of play-making 
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but also in terms of self awareness 
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i also love the fact that while reo can seem completely selfless when he declares this, he is also completely selfish, cause at the end of the day hes doing this for his dream, for himself. he loves playing with nagi and making him score goals, but his hard work which got him to where he is now doesnt rely on nagi being there, he hasnt abandoned himself in favor of nagi. 
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BUT he still seems to always choose nagi over anyone when they are playing together and even though my shipping heart is tempted, i think thats not a good thing at all... cause their cooperation may be top class, but it also makes them predictable after a while. 
reo has learnt to play without nagi, but he needs to learn how play with nagi without forgetting everyone else on his team. 
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so the way i see it, reo has made more significant progress than nagi, but he still needs to work on seeing the bigger picture when nagi is by his side.
nagi on the other hand has even more things he needs to work on. he shouldnt feel reassured bc of that one (miracle) goal or bc he managed to beat isagi once. if he ended up satisfied with just that, then he wouldnt belong in the world of professional players
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Ego is right when he said that confidence and delusion are 2 different things. Nagi needs the power that will enable him to fight alone in any situation and to obtain that power, he has to confront his feelings, his weapons and his shortcomings. and that demands soul searching, practice and a lot of thinking, all things i bet nagi thinks are a pain pftt.
but i want to be optimistic and think of this as another challenge he (actually, both of them) will have to conquer. im very conflicted though, cause the way i see it, what reo needs to work on now requires them to be on the same team, while what nagi needs to work on requires alone time.
in conclusion, things may have worked out between them in terms of understanding each other, but im hoping they start understanding themselves more; acknowledging their weaknesses and taking the necessary measures to overcome them. 
i do think that reo the way he is now is more likely to realise what needs to be done than nagi, whose issues are the most urgent in my opinion. so i can def see them going their separate ways for a while again, whether its reo making that decision, or nagi, or both of them together (with the latter being the ideal for me).
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cowboycharmac · 1 year
(okay reposting bc tumblr autosave deleted a lot of my post </3 rip) on a slightly more depressing note do you ever think about how terrible mac is at taking care of things specifically in a parental context and get so sad because i do. mac as a person isnt inherently bad at taking care of things, he's fairly good at taking care of dennis (although his own insecurities and paranoias do negatively impact the relationship) and from what we see in the show he does the majority of homemaking work in the macden household and is generally pretty good at taking care of their apartment (unless it's on fire). but as soon as he reframes a relationship as a parental one he cant seem to figure it out.
the most obvious example of this is when he and dee take care of D.B/dumpster baby. now, character conflict is pretty par for the course for shows doing the "two characters adopt a baby" trope. however, in most shows ive seen it done, the progression is typically slower and/or more natural, from either a disparity in labour between maternal and paternal figures (often with the paternal figure slowly checking out and doing less and less work), or from one character being shoved into a role they didnt want. "the gang finds a dumpster baby" uses both of these, but what makes it interesting to me is how quickly and deliberately mac incites that conflict.
he seems eager and excited to take care of the baby and volunteers immediately, but as soon as he and dee get home from baby shopping he shoves everything off on her and becomes emotionally distant and angry when she tries to ask for help. this change in attitude is sudden and seemingly brought about by nothing in particular, he hasnt yet experienced anything that might make him realize that taking care of a baby is actually a pretty demanding job that he might not be interested in, and to me, at least, it doesnt read like he's genuinely annoyed at her or rejecting his self imposed paternal role. instead, he's still just play acting at what he thinks fatherhood should look like. he's still trying to give D.B his version of a "biblical" nuclear family, like he says he wants to when he pressures dee into taking on the maternal role, but he's using his own parents as a model for this and deliberately recreating the toxic environment he grew up in because he thinks that's how you're meant to raise a child.
it's also really interesting to me that he chose dee for this. mac and dee don't team up a lot, and when they do, it's typically because everyone else is off doing something else. sure, he's adamant that D.B needs to be raised by a man and a woman, and dee is the only woman in the gang, but he doesn't even consider trying to find D.B a mom outside of the gang.
given how he seems repulsed by dee in both a romantic and sexual context and in a nuclear family the dynamic between the mother and father is typically both, and given their platonic dynamic is strained as it is, this is odd. there are plenty of single women in philadelphia, and there are other women in mac's own life he gets along with a lot better (and who do/would make better mothers), like carmen (who hes on good enough terms with that they engage in a relationship just a bit later in the season).
to me it seems like he chose someone like dee, who he doesn't get along with very well, who has both anger and emotional intimacy issues, and who emphatically rejects motherhood when he thrusts it upon her, not because he thinks she's his only option, but because shes the person he thinks is most likely to behave like his own mother in that position. (little bit of gay mac meta here, it also feels like maybe he chose a woman he had a distinctly platonic dynamic with and who wouldnt expect anything else from him so as to avoid needing to have a sexual or romantic relationship with his female partner in this constructed family)
theres also of course the dynamic between dennis jr, mac, and dennis in mac and dennis move to the suburbs. admittedly this one is a lot less interesting to me because the parallels to his own parents are less intentional on mac's part, however i do have some thoughts about it. here, he takes on the maternal role. dennis, from his own and the audiences perspective, isnt helping "raise" dennis jr at all and isnt really involved here. however, from macs perspective, dennis is taking on a paternal role, not necessarily because of, but also not in spite of the fact that he's away for most of the day, emotionally distant, and doesnt seem to be helping take care of or even interacting with dennis jr on a regular basis.
granted, mac isn't taking care of dennis jr either. despite seeming excited to "raise [the dog] like [his and dennis'] own son", he's despondent and neglectful, much like his own mother, and dennis jr. starves to death. from what we see of his mother on the tape from mac's childhood in "a very sunny christmas", she, like mac, wasn't always dull. although we dont really see her interact with mac and i have no doubt that she was a subpar mother and person for all of mac childhood (she is more than complicit in the robbing of peoples homes in this same episode), she has more normal emotional responses to things like receiving a gift, and she appears to genuinely like luther. i dont think its too much of a stretch to assume that she, like mac, let her emotional issues with an absent or distant partner interfere with her role as a parent. the only difference is that mac, unlike dennis jr, is a human child who is presumably old enough to do the bare minimum to keep himself alive by the time she checks out.
anyways sorry this post kind of got away from me. it just makes me so sad. mac wants to be a parent but he has no real frame of reference for that, he wants so badly to take care of something but he cant help neglecting it because to him it seems normal that parents shouldnt need to take care of their child, that children should have to care of themselves. hes so adamant that his relationship with his parents is normal, healthy, and loving that he'll ruin even a pale mimicry of a family trying to recreate it.
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richardsphere · 3 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Harry Wilson Job
Look i know this episode is probably gonna try and fake us out that Harry actually turned evil and is being mark'd, but the series reboot is named redemption so it'd be a pretty shit thing to do if he actually returned to evil.
I give it 10 minutes most before it confirms it was all a fakeout. (except the dead oilworkers. Those actually died.) --- Once again, comliments to the writers for making the one-scene oil workers instantly memorable to this degree.
There has been a minor timeskip (funeral was today, Harry is still on silent doing the infiltrating)
Ok so our goal is: Find the Worm, Steal the Worm, figure out how to destroy RIZ. (Inside man, Trojan Horse)
Take your Time, but do it right. (Note: Most heists in this show take a half-week, where a real heist you'd prep for months. So we're gonna get to see what our heroes can do with months of prep. Always good) --- Opening Sequence one last shot at seeing a timebomb? --- Another Timeskip, we are now 2 months and a funeral away from Harry first going Trojan Horse.
We're going in. Parker is on her favourite elevator, Elliot is in guard and Sophie is doing her "im supposed to be here" thing.
Elliot has befriended the guard to the degree he knows their favourite break-snack. (but he'll never be the guy from the casinoboat) Hardison is in the system because Special Episode.
Complications start happening, Bligh is physically present today and has overhauled security. Yeah Harry has "sold them out" to earn Bligh's trust. (also "smells bulletproof" is the most autistic "i have managed to link this one sensation to a correlating fact" statement i've heard since "the texture of this MC Donalds chicken nugget tells me that the price of chicken-meat has increased over the last year relative to the price of the breading".)
Ok so if Elliot legitimately infiltrated this place over 2 months, he'd have known about the change in ID policy. Meanwhile if he didnt he wouldn't have known about the bearclaws. So there is definitly some continuity error here.
Free taser!
Harry is on our side, (if he were on team evil, he'd have sold her out) --- So Harry hasnt contacted because he's being tracked (cant go digitally cause Worms, caunt go physically cause his daughter told him his phone has a geotracker literally last episode). He's gonna be leaving breadcrumbs though.
He knows they're there. He's boasting to Ethan about which office he's got cause he knows that a 10.000 USD desk is the type of expensive thing whose purpose can be tracked back.
Its Hardison! Hardison told Harry to go undercover... And Wrench! --- "Im not debating the coolness of the entrance!" 10/10 line.
"the single smartest thing we can do, is to ask for help". 10/10 line --- Ok, Supply Chain hack, but turned into a bailout. Good scheme. "dont die, i need you around to make me look good"
McSweeten and Taggert got promotions! Head of the counterterrorism division and Deputy Director? They've done well for themselves.
Well, Luckily Elliot knows enough slide-of-hand to steal a USB stick. But thats a break-up.
Its happening tonight, Harry has failed to get her to gloat about the teams "one weakness".
Fun fact: The squirrels eating electrical wires thing is true. Its a real problem.
Robot Bodies... --- And predictable failure. Harry is locked in his room without his phone. Access to nothing but the stuff around him.
Sophie is on Distraction Duty, keep Blight focussed on her. Elliot also on distraction duty (Parker is entering window-side into Harry's spot) Hardison is on hacking duties, and the point is to let these guys do the blackout so we can record their presentation as proof they did it because these idiots have a presentation.
The Desk ---- Nice work on the confession. Stylish
Harry is retiring... until the next season gets greenlit. --- Sophie does not like these expense forms, but she's finally figured out what Nate knew all along: this is her stage.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
This may be specific but I also think it would be kind of cute
Okay so Eyeless Jack x reader who is like pretty intimidating looking and always keeps a stoic expression on and also really tall
Then he gets to know them and it's like "Oh you're not scary, just ✨️traumatised✨️" because they only show emotions to those they trust
Like they will glare at someone who said something mean then be all lovey dovey to Jack but still a little reserved cause they're still new to the whole "wow someone actually loves me"
Could you make 2 versions? One being platonic and the other being romantic (also reader just straight up denying that Jack is insecure cause how could he? He's the definition of perfection in their eyes)
Eyeless Jack x stoic!reader whos sweet to him (?)
i must admit it took me a little while to think of some ideas for this prompt, my apologies for the delay </3 i also wasnt too sure what to title this TToTT but regardless i hope you enjoy this! even through the struggle for ideas, i gotta admit, this idea is adorable esp since i personally write jack to be more self loathing mainly written as platonic but there is a segment at the end for romantic hcs ! easier than to write two separate full fledged sections!
uhuh light CW for implied SH on ejs part since the admin thinks that while jack is slowly descending into his whole.. demon thing hes physically and mentally fighting with himself to remain lucid; nothing explicitly written but id rather be safe than sorry
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honestly i think it might take him a good hot minute to really let you treat him like hes deserving of anything more than a scowl, especially if he sees how you act around other people... because why him, of all people? there are people better for you
yet he doesnt stop you from coming to his cabin in the woods, he doesnt stop you from doing some work around the place so its safer and more habitable for him, he doesnt stop you from patching up his clothing and washing them. why doesnt he stop you? he knows he doesnt deserve it...
he almost hates the way you look at him sometimes, if you look at him with pity. like hes some lost dog needing someone to take care of him
he doesnt need help, hes been doing this whole thing by himself for a long time now and he hasnt needed anyone
and yet
he doesnt push you away when you go in to clean his face after a particularly nasty fight with himself
you even run a warm bath for him
its been so long since hes been warm
i like to think that he tries to seek you out when you dont come to visit him for a few days.. did something happen to you? were you hurt? sick? did someone do something to you? did you move away? where did you go...?
wont ever admit it but i think hes at least a little starved for a connection, sure hes a hermit and he was already closed off before he started turning into this man eating monster, but deep down he still has his human roots in there kicking, and humans thrive on connections... in the truest sense, he needs you. not sexually or carnally or romantically, he just needs someone to talk to him to keep him from going truly mad
finds himself thinking about you more than hed like to admit, even if he doesnt have any romantic feelings for you hes going to beat himself up. he came here to his silly little cabin in the woods to get away from people for everyones sake; only coming out when he needs to 'hunt'
its like befriending a stray cat, i think. they hiss and swipe at first but overtime they try to cuddle up to you if you give them enough time to build up that trust
admin likes to think he has pointed ears, and i think that they would twitch a little if he sees a smile forming on your face...
as for romantics....
i think he would look at where you walked off to, to go home... longing, almost daring himself to go after you or say something because he cant stand spending another night alone in the woods
leaves you gifts, anonymously, but leaving them none the less. if you ask if he was the one who left them hes not going to admit it, you can imply that you know it was him, but he will hold firm in his denial
building off of the ear idea, he totally gives himself away when he starts blushing... he looks like the type to have his blush reach his ears... not too mention the flicks dont make it any less discrete,,,
even he doesnt notice it, but he tries to make excuses for you to stay around longer during hang out sessions, stopping just short of offering to watch the grass grow
i think this would feed into his self loathing, though. in my eyes, jack was dragged into a human sacrifice unwillingly and unknowingly. his life was robbed away from him, he was robbed of ever having a normal life with you... you deserve better, he thinks. very heavy shit, you know? i think it leads to his mental state being even worse than before
god i had intentions of going into this with fluff but this just came out angstier than my middle school ocs TToTT
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t4tdanvis · 6 months
Dante selfcest rant 👀 👀
im going to shove a couple (read: many) posts ive previously made about this here and then rant about it MORE bc im MENTALL ILL!!!!!
now AHEM
u see this could work with mcd dante ending up in the mys universe OR mys dante ending up in the mcd universe - or even they go back and forth between both!! either way could be very interesting and silly
with mcd dante ending up in the mys universe, it would be very funny to watch him try to figure out what the Fuck is going on bc mf has no idea what a phone or a computer is and is just so fucking confused. at first mys dante is more focused on going "hey wanna play video games!!!" to stop and process that mcd dante doesnt even know what a video game is. and then seeing mcd dantes confusion at Literally Everything he decides to sit down and try to explain things (unfortunately mys dante is Dumb - fortunately mcd dante is equally Dumb so mys dante going "this is a phone... it does... stuff.... you can call people!! idk how they made it able to do that tho dont ask me :D" is good enough for him)
on the other hand, with mys dante ending up in the mcd universe, itd be even Crazier because mys dante (who is used to having the internet and a car and big cities etc) is now stuck in the medieval era. thankfully mcd dante is here to help!! except he does a horrible job of helping bc he just goes "well im sure he'll figure everything out!" and then hands mys dante a sword - and is shocked when he ends up getting injured. mys dante doesnt mind because running around and throwing himself into danger is fun (especially when he gets to do that with a "friend" (read: boyfriend who he hasnt figured out hes dating yet))!! mys dante is also Struggling because adhd meds dont exist yet and his brain is completely fried and he can barely function until zoey figures out how to make potions thatll help. which leads to mys dante bouncing off the walls and mcd dante having to practically drag him to bed every night to get him to go to sleep, until mys dante Finally is able to function properly again
and, of course, the inherent romantic comedy of "i cant be in love with this other version of myself nope nope nope- oh god the other version of me is hot". the first time they kissed they stared at each other for a solid five minutes before mcd dante went "so uh.... yeah....." and mys dante just went "that was like... kissing myself. haha"
they are both Dumb and do not know how to function correctly around each other. they are mischievous silly little guys who cant stop getting into trouble and getting injured and doing stupid shit (but its ok bc their friends somehow keep them from getting themselves killed). and also they definitely tried to make out in a tree but ended up falling out of it and getting hurt. and at one point they tried to make out underwater and somehow didnt realize how stupid of an idea thatd be until they almost drowned. theyre gay and silly and dumb ur honor
this post was uhhhh way longer than id expected but thats ok ty for listening to me rant sorry it took a bit to type all this LOL
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Okay, SO. Probably "fiances who had a falling out" is good enough for Karlnapity (Karl/Sapnap/Quackity), because while they are SO MUCH more than that, its pretty hard to give a short summary. Buuut imma try anyway.
Basically the three of them entered a polyamorous relationship and became fiancés pretty early on. They started a country, El Rapids, together and they hatched a plot (that, it should be noted, all three of them agreed too, i think karl may have even volunteered.) to gain independence for the country that would involve Karl losing the first of his three lives. Fast forward a bit, El Rapids does NOT work out and Karl and Sapnap start a new country (Kinoko Kingdom) with their freind George, that they intend to have Quackity live with them in. Karl is given the job to invite Quackity, but is suffering severe memory loss (directly caused by the fact that he's secretly a time-traveler, but thats not important here) and completely forgets. Meanwhile, Quackity has started his own country, Las Nevadas, and intends to have Karl and Sapnap live there with him - the country even features a wedding hall! However, due to Karl's failing memory, Quakity hasnt heard anything from his fiancés since El Rapids, and thus thinks himself abandoned by them, and Sapnap must think Q is refusing to visit Kinoko. After some time, Sapnap eventually comes to visit Quackity in Las Nevadas, and seems very happy to see him. Quackity gives Sapnap a tour, and, though Quackity seems nervous about the idea, Sapnap manages to convince him to come visit Kinoko Kingdom and Karl. Upon reaching Kinoko, Quackity is met by a standoffish Karl, who pulls Sapnap to the side and asks why he would bring Quackity here. Sapnap is confused by this, and the two rejoin Quackity. before long however, Karl demands the same answers from Quackity, who is, understandably, a bit ticked off by the question. It soon comes to light that Karl now remembers Quackity as nothing more than the man who got Karl killed for El Rapids - Karl completly forgetting about both his own agreement to the plan, and his and Sapnap's relationship with Quackity. We have yet to receive any true closure regarding this, and it seems increasingly doubtful we ever will.
Um. Okay so that probably didnt seem short to you but i cut out SO much. Um, lemme try again.
Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity are canonical fiances who, throughout their long storyline, find themselves founding entire countries at least in part for eachother. Due to a series of misunderstandings caused by Karl's continuingly worsening memory, however, the three have a heatbreaking falling out.
Okay thats better i think! Feel free to edit that in any way you want, (if you want to use it at all) i hope this helps!
i really appreciate you taking the time to explain their relstionship and add a summary. unfortunately someone else informed me Quackity has expressed discomfort about being shipped w his friends, and it seems unclear if he also means the characters. because of that i have decided to remove the ship from my list. there won't be anymore posts about it in this blog. im really sorry agai that you wrote all of that and i won't be able to use it, and i hope you understand.
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