#for legal reasons that’s a joke but is it though
moody-alcoholic · 8 hours
It's the euro's and like a good brit living in Denmark I have been doing my legal requirement of spreading the good word that it is in fact coming home.
Especially after seeing this.
I don't actually watch football so yeah...
Summary: Johnny invites 141 to watch a Scotland vs England game. Kind of a follow up to this short, same alternative timeline. 2.2k words.
CW: Alcohol, people getting drunk.
Enjoy <3
I watched John running round the kitchen plating food and moving it to the table like he was preparing the last supper.
“You sure you don’t want me to cook something?” I asked opening another bag of crisps and emptying them into a bowl. 
“Picky bits.” He says looking at the spread of food on the table. John made me drive him to Iceland to raid their party food selection, it looks like he’s made enough food for a party of 15 not 5. I looked over at the TV, it was the pregame rundown, Scotland vs England, quarter finals? Semi finals? Some kind of final. As soon as John found out about it he insisted throwing a ‘loosers’ party for England, he even bought a bottle of champagne to celebrate. I down the last of my glass of cider. 
“I’m going to get more cider do we need anything else?” I ask as I head to the basement.
“Bring a bottle of scotch for LT and Price.” I rolled my eyes heading down and grabbing a case of the homemade cider and 2 bottles of scotch. When I make it back up I hear another voice. I head into the kitchen seeing Gaz and John hugging. I put the crate of cider in the kitchen top accepting Gaz’s hug when he turns to me. 
“Beer?” John asked heading to the fridge. “Or Rosaly made some homemade cider?” 
“Cider sounds good.” I smile as Johnny takes out one of the bottles and fills a glass. I wait for him to taste it. He looks at the glass then back at me.
“That’s delicious.” He says taking another sip. I smile at him.
“Its sea buckthorn and honey, I’m experimenting with different flavours.” I say feeling proud. I hand some more cider bottles to John and he squeezes them into the fridge slamming the door shut. I watch as Gaz heads into the living room John follows him. I move to the sink looking at the pile of dishes stacked up from all the ‘cooking’ I have no idea how we managed to use so many. The next job in this house has to be getting a working dishwasher. I see lights coming up the drive, a jeep parks behind Gaz’s car. I see Price and Simon step out. I suddenly feel nervous for some reason. I head back picking up my glass and refilling it with more cider, I take a sip to calm myself. I had no reason to be nervous. 
“So which team are you rooting for Gaz?” I hear John joke as the doorbell rings. I find myself rushing to answer it leaving John to his conversation with Gaz. 
“Hey,” I smile as I see Price and Simon. 
“We bought a bottle of champagne for when England win.” Price says handing me the bottle.
“Shame we won’t need it but thanks anyway.” I say moving to let them in. I close the door behind them as they start taking their coats off. I move some coats around on the hooks so they have room for theirs. Simon smiles at me and it sends shivers down my spine I grip the neck of the champagne bottle tighter. I smile back hoping he would think the heat in my cheeks was from the alcohol. Did he get better looking since I saw him last? It's probably just the alcohol.
“Rosie!” John shouts, I move past Simon into the living room handing the bottle of champagne to him.
“From Price for when England win.” I say. I’m not the biggest football fan, the only time I really watch it is when John is watching it, like today. I enjoyed the banter though the winding people up, seeing how passionate people get about it, sometimes a little too passionate. 
“Shame we won’t get to taste it.” John says nudging Price who rolls his eyes.
“Drinks” Johnny says clapping his hands together. “We have beer, cider, scotch.” 
“Beer is fine.” Price says sitting down on one of the sofa’s next to Gaz.
“Yeah, beer.” Simon nods. I turn to the fridge taking out two cans handing them to Price and Simon. John sits down on the bigger sofa next to Simon as the TV changes from the pregame rundown to a live view of the players making their way to the pitch. I go to the table grabbing two bowls of crisps and bringing them over to the coffee table. 
“Come on Rosie it’s starting.” John says enthusiastically patting the spot next to him, I smile sitting down with my glass of cider. The boys banter back and forth, talking about which players they think are going to do well. They all seem to know so much about it, talking about coaching styles and past players. I want Scotland to win now, it’s a pride thing. The match kicks off, every time a team gets close to the goal it’s followed by people sitting up in their seats mumbling things followed by sighing and cursing. I smile sipping my cider and snacking on cheese puffs. If anything I was looking forward to being able to relax after the last few days of helping John around the house, there is always so much to do. I see Gaz put his empty glass on the table. I get up to refill it.
“I can get it.” He protests. 
“It’s fine you’re watching the game I don’t mind getting the drinks.” I smile heading to the fridge when I hear John cheering and cursing coming for the others mouths, I turn to see. Johnny is stood up, I can see the Sottish team sliding around on the pitch. With a recap of the goal. 
“Rosie bring the scotch we need to celebrate!” I chuckle taking out some glasses. 
“Trying to get us drunk MacTavish?” Price asks. 
“Course sir.” He replies coming over to help me carry the glasses. He hands them out as I pour. 
“Te victory!” He says raising his glass I copy him, the others reluctantly raise theirs and we all drink. I close my eyes as I force it down, it burns tasting like I’ve just inhaled a mouthful of smoke. I cough covering my mouth with the back of my hand.
“I don’t know how you can drink that.” I say making my way back to the sofa with the bottle of scotch and a bottle of cider. I fill Gaz’s glass before topping mine up and drinking a big gulp to get the taste of scotch out my mouth. My head is really swimming now. Not much else happens game wise then it’s half time. John gets up and encourages everyone to get something to eat. I feel mellowed out, my cheeks hot. I go to the table grabbing a plate listening to them banter. 
“Yeah well England play dirty they always do.” 
“Just wait till the next half you’ll see.” 
“You know I’m yet to see Scotland get close to the goal again.” 
“We may have a shite coach but we’ve passion, and that's all ya need.”
I listen to them and smile piling my plate with food and head back to the couch. 
“Cook all this yourself Johnny?” Simon asks.
“Aye, I’m a man of many talents.” He says leaning back on the sofa, I look over at Simon chuckling, I see him roll his eyes. I put my empty plate on the table finishing my glass of cider as the game starts again. A few minutes into the next half England equalise much to the disdain of John. Price pours us all the celebratory shot of scotch which I reluctantly accept. I drink it letting it burn my throat, I pull a face but it’s getting easier, maybe because I’m getting drunker. I excuse myself to the bathroom, I feel slightly unsteady on my feet. I look in the mirror, my cheeks are flushed and my eyes glazed over. I should start taking it easy, the cider is good though. I drink a handful of water from the tap getting rid of the woody taste in my mouth. I hear cheering again. I pee quickly then rush out to see who scored drying my hands on my jeans. It’s Price and Gaz stood up with Simon patting John on the shoulder laughing. I make it back to my spot not even registering the glass of Scotch pushed into my hand. I hold it up.
“John I think it’s time to accept we’ll be drinking warm champagne.” I giggle. He huffs and reluctantly drinks his scotch. I do the same quickly following it up with a mouthful of cider. I feel sleepy now with a full belly and a warm body. I lean back on the sofa hearing Simon teasing John who sometimes gives into his little jabs by scoffing. I chuckle leaning into Johns ear.
“Want me to beat him up for you?” I joke. He chuckles. 
“Yes please,” he jokes back, I laugh nudging him. Simon looks over at me from behind John, he smiles. His eyes are shining in the light, they look almost golden. My breath catches in my throat and I look away sheepishly. The rest of the game becomes more intense as the time ticks closer to full time. More mumbling and cursing I see Price almost stood up rubbing his hands as the ball moves more in Scotland's favour. I pulled my legs up on the sofa arranging the pillows to support me so I could curl up laying on the arm. I look at John stretching his leg out. He came back from deployment with a fucked ankle he insists he doesn’t need seeing to. Typical Johnny, means I have to drive him everywhere though. I look back at the TV I can’t tell if the game is close or not, I hear the casters explain there’s 10 minutes overtime.
“Watch this,” John says confidently. “Scott's work best under pressure.” 
“So thats why you like defusing bombs so much.” Simon laughs.
“Aye.” Johnny replies I smile. I hear them talking between each other, there voices getting more slurred as they finish off the bottle of scotch opening the next. My eyes feel heavy I’ll close them just for a second. 
I didn’t realise I had fallen asleep but when I crack my eyes open again the game is finished, something else is on the TV now, the volume on low. I look over at the other sofa it’s empty, there is a blanket over me now. 
“She has a thing fer you ya know.” I hear Johnny say. I freeze they must think I’m still asleep, I close my eyes keeping my breathing steady. 
“Don’t be silly.” I hear Simon scoff. Holy shit are they talking about me? I don’t care anymore I’m too invested in what I’m hearing. 
“Mate have you seen the way she looks at you?” Johnny says, I feel him reaching for the glass of scotch. “Never mind that you should see the way you look at her.”
“Fuck off.” He says, followed by an awkward chuckle.
“The navy medic and the SAS lieutenant Price would have a fecking field day.” Johnny laughs. 
“You’re drunk.” Simon says chuckling. 
“So are you.” Johnny replies. There is silence for a few seconds I feel Johnny move, standing up. 
“I’ll get her to bed, you wanna watch something when I get back?” John asks. “I’m sure there is some late night romantic drama we can sink out teeth into.” I hear Simon tut and sigh, I almost laugh breaking my cover I bite the inside of my cheek instead. 
“C'mon on lass.” I feel John shake me. I pull off my best ‘just woken up act’ opening my eyes and yawning. 
“Did we win?” I ask. 
“Na, we’ll have to save that bottle of champs for something else.” He says as I sit up. I look over at Simon sitting leaned back on the couch one arm tucked behind the back pillow. I smile at him. He smiles back I turn away feeling myself blush. 
“Come on, I don’t wanna be sharing a bed with LT he’s always nicking the covers.” John says putting his arms out and pulling me up. I can still feel the effects of the alcohol my body feels all wobbly. I steady myself on his arms then let go. 
“I’m okay,” I yawn again. “You guys get back to whatever you’re doing.” I walk round the sofa using it to support myself. I want to look back and see Simon again. What does Johnny mean ‘the way he looks at me.’ I shake the thought away, it’s just Johnny being Johnny I swear he’ll be paring me up with Gaz and Price soon. I sneak a peak as I turn to make my way up the stairs, I see Simon run his hand run through his hair. I smile making my way up the master bedroom. I don’t bother turning the light on just stripping to my underwear feeling around the floor for my pj’s I climb into bed. I close my eyes trying to sleep again but all I could think about was Simon, I smile letting myself enjoy it for once too drunk to care. He really did have the kindest eyes. 
I really can't write Scottish slang to save my life
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archerdork · 11 months
all aboard the clown car keep your giant shoes and rainbow wigs clear of the closing doors honk that nose and hang onto something we’re going to see neil gaiman and john finnemore for a friendly little chat
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whenthegoldrays · 1 month
Lovely Runner synopsis: a girl goes on a quest to become a hero and discovers she was the damsel in distress all along
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arcsin27 · 28 days
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Gaining lots of appreciation for the adhd guy and autism guy dynamic
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lightcantrips · 9 months
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slythereen · 8 months
My favorite lestappen moment this weekend was Max attaching himself to Charles' waist like a barnacle like 20 minutes before they had to take the pictures. Bro needs the excuse to grip the chaist after being deprived of it for too long.
normally i would agree but charles started it this time. like. charles reached out first BOTH TIMES. charles hovered with his arm behind max after max realized lance wasn't ready and had removed his own from charles' waist. charles held his arm out for max. like........ this one is on charlie and that's so embarrassing like how are you going to out-do the professional waist snatcher???
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brjeauregard · 8 months
Some of you want your favorite characters to have a happy ending, I want my favorite characters to make questionable choices and face the consequences of their actions. We are not the same
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can’t wait to watch esteban wipe the floor with yet another old man
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becky5203 · 12 days
So are Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton just dating in everything but name now? Cause it kinda seems like that’s where we’re at
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elliesgaymachete · 1 year
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year
neal caffrey and peter burke are nate and sophie in a different font and here’s why- *gunshots*
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seifcest · 11 days
if we get a sigma or nikolai nendoroid before a kunikida nendoroid i'm bombing studio bones.
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krazys-ass-emporium · 1 month
I post from the middle of this field, btw
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whisperinggbreeze · 6 months
Eight hundred years ago, there was a prosperous kingdom known as Xianle.
They were famous for their riches and extravagance, but most of all, they were known for their crown prince.
The Crown Prince of Xianle was pure and beautiful beyond comprehension, and skilled in both cultivation and the arts. By the way he was described and even worshipped, one even could have believed he was a god.
And then, at only seventeen years old, he ascended to heaven and really did become a martial god. The Heavenly Emperor himself even showed an interest in him. Many believed he was the luckiest boy in the three realms.
Three years later, the kingdom of Xianle fell into ruin.
An epidemic raged through the kingdom, leaving untouched only soldiers. On top of that, a part of Xianle known as Yong'An was also locked in a civil war with the capital. Soldiers from Yong'An overpowered the weakened Xianle and took over.
The remaining residents of Xianle blamed their god, their crown prince. If he couldn't cure them or save their kingdom, was he any better than a god of misfortune?
In reality, the Crown Prince of Xianle attempted to save his kingdom and failed. He was banished for descending from heaven to help mortals, and his efforts were for naught.
Soon after his banishment, the Crown Prince of Xianle turned his back on the world. He attempted to summon the disease that had plagued his kingdom, killing his last and most devoted believer in the process.
For hundreds of years, cities and kingdoms were laid to waste by his hand. He taught the crown prince of the new Yong'An kingdom, and then brutally killed the prince's family, wiping out half of the kingdom. Many believe he also orchestrated the downfall of the kingdom of Banyue. He became one of the four heavenly calamities, becoming known as White Flower Collecting Souls as his old name was erased by time. His eerie but docile title led many to underestimate his wrath and evil until it was too late.
For the past century or two, barely anything has been heard of White Flower Collecting Souls, leaving the three realms asking two questions: where has he gone, and when and where will he strike next?
part of the prologue of my hualian swapped role fic! gonna do a part for hc next 👀 I am slowly but surely working out the lore and plot, and I think this fic will probably mostly follow the plot of tgcf with a couple of alterations (still unsure what to do about lang qianqiu and his backstory, but I don't want to spoil whatever I decide to do in case the fic ever gets to that point)
i had a lot of fun writing this part! ive kind of forgotten exactly how the tgcf prologue goes but I tried to base the format loosely on that (the prologue is supposed to be told from an outsider point of view; this is basically XL's legend/myth/established or popular "story")
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poisonedapples · 3 months
“Of course Alastor is evil he’s literally a cannibalistic serial killer” God forbid men have hobbies
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sergeifyodorov · 3 months
everyone coming in holding all their boys like "is this one a twink??? 🥺🥺🥺" no I'm sorry honey hockey boys aren't twinks ): go on grindr and educate yourself 🙏🙏🙏
so real like... this is a jock. that one? jock. how about this one? jock. the one over there? oh nice chest hair sir i will be storing that in my references. jock. i love and appreciate the jockboys but they're too buff and often too hairy to be twinks... please....
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