#for once I’m rambling about games and not old anime
no1ryomafan · 10 months
My beloved bf gifted me mario wonder for my bday and while this isn’t my first mario game bc I had the one on the ds-just sucked at it lol-im having a blast going through it since I always like playing other plaformers then my usual even if I’m always comfy with Mega Man. However, playing this along with other platformers made me realize mega man misses a common aspect in most platformers: collectibles tied to progression/general items to pick up in stages that aren’t upgrades.
Mega Man does have its fair share of items to pick up but almost always it’s a health or power upgrade. The general structure of Mega Man is less of jumping on enemies like others and more so being strong enough you can take down your enemies with your weapons, the usual challenge comes from fighting bosses without their weakness or tight platforming segments. Not to mention, the entire appeal of Mega Man’s structure is you can do bosses in any order, so having stuff like collecting a object for progression just to access the next stage or area would ruin that freedom. (Also in terms of if mega man would collect coins or rings or gems I’m not sure if that would fit either given he’s a robot… What would a robot collect unless it’s like stated it’s apart of his energy source or something? Or maybe screws? Even though that’s the currency in classic for just buying stuff)
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing since it gives mega man it’s own unique appeal and some people may not like other platformers compared to it-even if I say the challenge universally sticks so others are worth checking out, especially when in other games it’s waaaay easier to die despite how brutal mega man is with lives and Insta kill stuff-but it’s something I noticed when playing Mario and other platformers so I’m definitely gonna be rotating this for awhile.
#meg text#for once I’m rambling about games and not old anime#but god I’m rotating this hard because I’m like- picturing a mega man game like this ngl#idk if I’d go the lock progression route but it could be something like Klonoa or certain sonic games#where you can collect stuff but it’s completely optional even if you get cool unlockables#that way it doesn’t ruin the flow or free level select but each stage has more of a reason to revisit past “I missed one upgrade”#mega man is still super replayable though but having more stuff to collect I think would benefit it#I talked about it before-albeit I think on Twitter-but I really liked what gravity circuit did to the approach#having little guys you can recuse in each stage and they actually benefit you getting upgrades#Granted I also have no idea where like making a platformer mega man game like this would fit in the lore💀#it would be weird to come after ZX so it either have to be a fuck off classic game or a new series completely#since testing a new approach like this even if they stuck to the structure could cause some mixed reactions#that said though the only aspect I really want implemented from other platformers aside from this is a new life system#cause g o d#I know if you grind enough enemies they’ll drop lives but it ain’t worth it half the time LMAO#it would be so much better if they either did no lives but a endless checkpoint system that could have consequences#or some way to implement the Mario/Klonoa route where after collecting 100 of one thing you get a life#or whatever sonic does because earlier sonic games love to hand you lives like it’s nothing
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simplydannie · 3 months
Previous: The Escape || The Escape: Waiting Game
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Inspired by @meadow-hearthfire ask:
["The Escape"] I bet Veneer played fetch with Rhonda at some point during the passing months between him leaving Mount Rageous and Velvet leaving.
Veneer finds himself in Bergen town after his escape with Floyd from Mount Rageous. What’s holding him back from moving on? His sister. But an unknown little friendship helps him take the next steps.
Veneer sat outside a bench of what was Bergentown. It was simple, nothing much especially for it being the home of the king of the Bergens. They really were simple creatures, nothing like the rustling and bustling chaotic lives of Rageons.
It had been a couple weeks since his arrival, since he awoke from his mini coma…. And there was still no sign of his sister. He tried to push that at the back of his mind, as far back as he could. She had made her choice and he made his…they both had to live with it. Yet, he still felt sad, burdened, guilty. He felt like he abandoned his sister…
“Aarr rrooo.”
He jumped at the sound. Veneer looked around but didn’t see anything. “Weird…” he told himself.
“Aarr rrooo.”
“What in the world!” He looked around again. Veneer peeked underneath the bench, that’s when he saw bulging yellow eyes blinking at him curiously. A white little creature came walking out.
“Umm, okay.” Veneer looked at it in confusion. It looked like an animal, but then it looked like a bus. But buses weren’t alive? At least not where he was from…
“That’s an Armadillo Bus.” He turned to find Branch looking at him from on top of a post. “Her name is Rhonda. She belongs to John Dory.”
“She?” He looked under her legs. Veneer got a little too close for comfort, she growled and snapped. “AH! I’M SORRY!” He jumped back and hid behind the bench.
Branch laughed from on top of the post and made his way down next to Rhonda, “Do you not know anything about animals?”
“Well, yes, I do….from books I’ve read.”
“Haven’t you had any pets?”
“Oh! A goldfish named Sparkles!”
“Have you ever been to a zoo?”
“Define zoo.”
“Seriously?” Branch arched an eyebrow. Did he not know about wildlife? There had to be wildlife somewhere in Rageous.
Veneer began to grow nervous for some reason, he began to ramble, “Rageous is purely, well, mostly artificial: Mount and Under…So not a lot of wildlife. Except for the Rageous Woods, but no one goes in there…well only the crazy people of Under Rageous. It’s scary. Me and Vels went in there once, we almost died…”
“Veneer. VENEER! Calm down man.” Branch said.
“S-sorry.” He looked at Rhonda who had calmed down next to Branch. She was scratching her head, tongue sticking out panting. Veneer attempted to reach over and pet her. That’s when Rhonda scowled again, baring her teeth she snapped at Veneer. He yelped and withdrew.
“It takes time dude. She’ll warm up to you in no time.”
Sometimes he’d prefer the company of the Trolls, but mostly, Veneer liked spending his time alone the passing days… He didn’t feel like speaking much to anyone…except maybe his sister, but she was nowhere near. He hadn’t eaten the following day, Floyd forced him to go get a burger at the local fast food place the Bergens had. Veneer didn’t really feel like eating, but to make Floyd feel better, he obeyed.
“Want to have a bite together?” The little Troll had asked.
“No…I think I’ll have this alone…for now.”
Floyd nodded, but he worried that Veneer was spending too much time alone…He worried that certain thoughts would enter his mind. The little Troll was about to trail along until he saw devious little Rhonda trailing after the tall Rageon. Interesting, he thought. Rhonda really wasn’t one for strangers…at least JD had said…
Veneer sat under the old Troll tree. Clay had told him about its dark history, and the history with Bergens. He knew Bergens ate Trolls, the ones in Under Rageous hadn’t gotten the memo…and they were terrifying. It was interesting to see how the Trolls and Bergens got along here…like nothing had ever happened. Could that be a future they could also share with Rageons?
“Arr Roo.”
He heard the familiar little cry. Veneer turned to see Rhonda peeking from the corner, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. Veneer looked at her with a mouthful of burger. Rhonda inched closer sniffing the air, that’s when he figured what she wanted.
“You want some of my burger don’t you? Can you even eat this stuff?” Curiously, Veneer tosses a piece of his burger towards the little creature. She sniffs it….then quickly gobbles it up, “Oh shoot, you can.” He tosses her another piece. Every little piece thrown she eats right up. Veneer laughs then starts tossing her some of his fries; it begins to turn into a game of catch. He’d toss the food farther and farther and she’d run and go get it. The cycle continued until he was all out of food.
“Well, that’s it…I didn’t even get a few bites in. You actually ate it all!” He exclaimed. Rhonda sniffed the air. She sniffed the ground and got closer and closer to Veneer that he became afraid to move. Veneer stood still as the small armadillo bus sniffed around him….suddenly, she spun circles and lay near his leg. What just happened? He slowly placed his hand on top of her little body…She didn’t snap, she didn’t growl, she just lay there with her eyes closed, her breathing steadied as she lulled into a slumber. The little creature actually allowed for Veneer to touch her and pet her…Branch was right, she began to warm up to him after all.
Day after day Veneer began looking for Rhonda. He’d ask John Dory where she was at and if he could play with her. He made it their thing where he would buy a burger and share with her. Veneer had only ever had a goldfish as a pet, he was able to teach it a few tricks, though no one believed him. Eventually, he began trying to teach Rhonda some tricks too.
“Okay, sit.” He said. She stared at him wide eyed, scratching her ears. “No, sit. Like this.” He mimicked what he had wanted her to do…She still stared at him with her tongue out, blinking oblivious. “Okay, this is definitely going to take some time to do…”
More days went on as Floyd began to see a shift in the young Rageons nature. Before he would sulk in thinking about his sister. Though he still did, Veneer became distracted and occupied playing with Rhonda. The little Troll would smile as he’d see the two bond: poor Veneer would try his best to teach her tricks while she only stared at him cluelessly, one day he saw them play fetch. Seeing Veneer like this once again was relieving to Floyd, but he still couldn’t help but think back to Velvet. How were they to go back and get her out? Would she even come with them if they did? The Mistress had a strong hold on her. Floyd was trying to figure out a way they could go back and retrieve her for good, because if they couldn’t, Veneer would only be more heartbroken than he already was.
That night Veneer lay alone on his bed staring at the ceiling. He had hoped he could bring Rhonda to sleep over, but JD needed her for an errand he had to run. Spending time with the little creature made him think of what else lies outside the Bergen walls, what else lay outside the glistening lights of Rageous. The world was big, there was so much, much…LIFE! Veneer had always been curious about the outside world. He remembered his sister was also curious at one point. They were so close to tasting freedom a couple of times too during their ventures into the Rageous Woods, but then they couldn’t escape…because they were being watched. They always were, but now they weren’t, at least Veneer wasn’t. Maybe he could go venture the world now and eventually find his way back to his sister. Maybe this is what he needed to grow…
The next morning, Branch was making himself a cup of coffee in his bunker he now shared with his brothers.
“Morning guys.” He declared as he brewed.
“Oooooh! That smells good!” Clay stretched.
“Thank you, thank you. It’s of my own making.” Branch gave him a smirk. He began to serve a cup to each of his brothers…that’s when the ground beneath them trembled.
“Whoa, whoa!” Floyd called out as he steadied himself. Within moments it stopped… ”What was that?”
Knocking was heard at the bunker door, “Branch! Branch! Branch! You have a visitor!” Poppy’s voice called out.
“A visitor?”
The brothers walked out to quite the sight…There standing amongst their village was Veneer, a giant amongst them all. All the Trolls marveled at the sight of him. He came to discover that to the Trolls, Rageons were known as the Giants…They were far taller than most Bergens after all. Veneer saw Branch emerge from the doorway of the bunker.
“Hey Branch!” He chimed.
“Arrrr roo!!” Rhonda came speeding in at the sound of his voice. She nuzzled close to him, begging for affection.
“Hey girl!” Veneer patted her and rubbed her stomach. Rhonda cooed and purred.
“Hey…that’s my armadillo bus.” JD said with a pout on his face, a tinge of jealousy crossing his tone.
“Looks like you have competition.” Clay teased.
Pop Trolls popped out their homes to marvel at the giant that walked into town. Young Trolls climbed around his feet. They could see he was afraid to move even an inch, afraid he’d accidentally step on someone…he had already almost squashed John Dory at one point.
“Why did you come all the way over here?” Branch asked.
“You’re a survivalist aren’t you?”
“I don’t like to brag…but yes…yes I am.” Branch crossed his arms with a smug look on his face.
“Good. I want you to show me how to do it!”
Branch shook his head in confusion, “Wait, say what?”
“I want to explore this world Branch. Learn some new things. Eventually, go back and find my sister. And i think you’d be the perfect person to show me!” Veneer shook in excitement.
“Whoa hang on! I TOO spent some time in the wilderness thank you very much!” John Dory added, “So I would find myself much more experienced than my little brother here.” Branch rolled his eyes.
“OH! Okay! If you come that means Rhonda can come too!”Veneer exclaimed happily as he snuggled the little creature.
Branch withheld a laugh as John Dory’s face took a more serious tone, “Sure. Get excited for the armadillo bus…Not the year’s worth of experience I have.” He glared at Rhonda, “….Traitor…”
“Okay Veneer….Looks like you TWO mentors here who want to teach you what we know. Question is, when do we start?”
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Hi I’m new to requesting stuff , hopefully I’ve done this right XD also hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water 💕
can I please request the Crane Game AU please :)
Reaching into a crane game to grab something only to be grabbed and pulled into a plush world
Yandere : Joyboy 
What if reader won something from the crane game , only when their went to grabbed it , something grabbed them instead. 
Reader now teleported into the plush world where their meet Joyboy who’s more than happy to show reader around …lets just hope reader doesn’t slip up and accidentally asked how do they get back home .
Oh don’t worry, dear! You did it absolutely perfectly! Couldn’t have been better in all honesty! Thank you for reminding me to drink water, and I’m going to do so right now once I finish this sentence. Doing it. And done!
Also yes, you most certainly can! But I’d like to clear some things up real quick, I know that currently Joyboy does not have an official design. So based off some old fanart, I’ve saw of him that made me fall for him.
I personally headcanon him to be a giant (or at least just really tall) with a big black beard, long black hair, having a dad body, and having quite a bit of body hair. So until proven otherwise, this is how I will see him. I hope you don’t mind!
Now before I start rambling about things, and getting side-tracked! Let’s get to it!
Transformation, Clinginess, Being Trapped for Eternity, Noncon Mention, Being Treated like You’re Crazy, Body Horror (?), Attempted Coercion into Pregnancy
Okay so let’s imagine that you’re playing a crane game, you’re trying to win this really fluffy stuffed animal that looks really appealing. It doesn’t matter where you are, you’re playing the game regardless.
But when it goes to drop the plush into the prize slot, it gets stuck right on the edge of it. You’re annoyed of course as it was so close!
You get a brilliant idea though, and reach right on up the prize slot. It’s within grabbing range, and you did win it. No harm done!
The fuzz from the plush just barely brushes against your fingers before you feel something grab your wrist tightly. You try to fight it as it pulls you with tremendous strength, but it won’t let go.
Suddenly you’re being pulled into the machine, you sit atop the giant pile of plushies for less than a second before you’re pulled down into them. You have no idea what has you, or how this pile goes so deep.
But soon? You’re reach the bottom, and good news! Your wrist is free! But bad news, you’re falling from up in the clouds down to an island.
Your first reaction is screaming cause “Holy shit! I’m gonna die!”, and there is no second reaction until you feel yourself be caught. You cautiously open your eyes, and you’re staring at a giant plush.
He seems so happy to see you as he holds you like you’re a bride.
“There you are, Sunshine! I’ve been looking all over for you!”
I think you’d probably be too shocked to really say anything as you look around. Everything is made out of some kind of material used for sewing except for the sun which almost looks like a lightbulb and… Is the sky a quilt?
In all honesty, it probably feels like you stepped right into some kind of children’s television show… But your brain is going a mile a minute as it tries to process everything, you probably can’t even hear Joyboy trying to talk to you.
“Sunshine? Can you hear me at all? Hey… I’m talking to you… Sunshine?”
When your brain eventually does process everything, you pass right out in Joyboy’s arms. He’s not bothered though, this just saves him from having to deal with you freaking out about things.
It’s what everyone does after all when they’re pulled to this world! And although he did choose you to take, he is happy that he doesn’t have to deal with the typical “Where am I?! What the fuck is going on?!” sort of stuff. At least not yet anyways.
So Joyboy will take you back to his home. He’ll set up a fake scene, he’ll change your clothes to one of his shirts as a nightgown, and lay you down in his bed with a wet washcloth on your forehead.
Honest to god, he loves how you look in his bed! The size difference between the two of you just makes it so cute! Your small human body in his bed that’s meant to accommodate his big plush body.
Maybe he’ll have some time with you… Just to ensure that the scene is far more believable when you wake up… Some physical soreness never hurt anyone…
As a result when you wake up, you’ll feel an incredible soreness like you’ve been stretched to hell and back. So you start to sit up only for the washcloth to fall into your lap, you’re so confused until the man himself enters.
He puts on a facade about how happy he is that you’re finally awake, as he was starting to grow worried about you. And you understandably freak out because “Giant talking plush man!!”.
Joyboy will feign surprise, and then severe worry because “Don’t you remember me, Sunshine? Shh, it’s okay!! It’s me, your husband!! Joyboy!! You know I’m a plush man!!”.
Once Joyboy has managed to calm you down enough, he’ll lie to you and tell you that you’ve had a horrible fever the past few days. You’ve been unconscious for the past week with a high temperature.
He’ll claim that your high temperatures must have affected your brain, and caused amnesia. He knows that he’s lying his ass off, and he doesn’t care.
And if you try to bring up that you’re a human, and you’re not from a world where the sun is not a sun shaped lightbulb? He’ll agree that yeah, you are different from plush people but he has no clue what a “human” is. Is that what you’ve decided to call whatever you are?
As for the other world, he brushes it off as “Oh you were dreaming, sunshine! What else would the sun be? A ball of gas?”.
You can try to argue all that you want with this man, it’s not gonna work. Eventually he’ll tell you to just get some rest as you still must be loopy, he’ll show you around tomorrow to jog your memory.
There’s no room for you to fight back as he interrupts you as soon as you speak. Until you finally agree to rest, or sleep.
In the morning, he gives you food and you’re thankful that the food is at least normal. Joyboy is smiling the entire time that you eat, he claims that it’s because he’s so glad your appetite is back.
In actuality, he knows that since your body is allowing you to eat plush world food instead of completely rejecting it. It’s a sign that you’re becoming trapped here with him.
Maybe he’ll try to take a tiny bit of off of your plate for himself, but just a tiny bit. And he laughs quite heartily when he gets caught, something about it just brings him so much happiness for some reason.
Eventually once you’re finished eating, he’ll pick you up in the palm of his plush hand. He’ll take you outside, and to all the places that he claims he used to take you. The place where you had your first date, where you first met, your favorite spot to sit and relax with him, the absolute best place to find the tastiest plush world food.
Each time he’ll ask “Do you remember this place?”, and when you don’t. He’ll tell you all sorts of stories about the things that you and him have done here together, it doesn’t sound the most convincing but he won’t allow you to claim that it didn’t happen.
And if you try to then he’ll take on a somewhat dark tone as he tells you that it did happen. You just don’t remember right now, and that you should stop saying that it didn’t.
He’ll even take you around to meet everyone that he knows. Zunesha, Emeth, even his dad! Nika! (Personal Headcanon). Each, and every single one of them will back Joyboy up on what he’s saying. Every little bit of it.
None of them will believe you either about the world that you came from. Saying that you have some crazy fever dreams… A world where people don’t bleed stuffing, and everyone has skin instead of fabric? Absolutely crazy! What will you come up with next?
Honestly though, you know what’s supposed to be right. And you’re determined to get home even though you fell from the sky.
Joyboy might be big, but you heavily doubt that he’ll help you get home with the way he’s acting towards you. You could try, and ask his friends or Dad if you got desperate enough.
But he won’t let you out of his sight. “Wherever you go, I go!”, he’d gleefully say when you try to use the bathroom. Or try to do quite literally anything…
Plus do you really think that Nika is gonna help his son’s darling get away from him? Yeah, I think not… He’ll probably immediately tell Joyboy everything then you are so fucked…
Imagine the visual of this giant plush man looming over you, and looking less than pleased. It doesn’t matter if he’s a plush animal, or if he’s just a plush version of himself, I still feel like that would be scary.
So probably best to not say anything as Nika will rat you out in a heartbeat, and any of his friends might do the exact same thing.
Best to come up with a plan of escape on your own. I feel like he’d definitely notice if you were doing it on your daily outings, so it’s best to do it while he’s sleeping. I feel like he’d snore very loudly too, so unless you can sleep through that then best to make plans while you can’t sleep.
It’s not there’s anything else to do. As if you try to get out of bed then he’ll wake up. Joyboy will go from dead sleep to wide awake “where are you going?” “uhhh… Thirsty…?” “Oh I’ll come with you… I’m kinda thirsty too…” Then it’ll be right back to bed. Also if you’re wondering “Couldn’t I just ask to sleep in a different room?” then the answer is no… You could request earplugs if you want though, but I doubt that’ll block it.
Might be quite surreal to see a plush person eat or drink in all honesty…
Anywho… So honestly I feel like once you’re in plush world, you can’t get out unless you can somehow manage to find someone or something to fly you out of the sky quilt before you’re cemented here…
You’re likely stuck here forever then, and once this sets in for you. That’s when things start, you’ll begin to notice that your skin feels different… Like fabric…
When Joyboy takes you out on outings with him to show you around, and walk to all of his favorite places in the wilderness, the lightbulb sun will actually start to start to feel like actual sunlight. Those plush birds will sound more like birds instead of voice boxes.
Joyboy will notice all of these changes in your behavior as you look around for what you were sure was a non-plush bird. He knows that you’re going to be cemented into this world soon.
So that’s when he starts showing you all these new places, he’ll take you to this nice spot out in the wilderness saying his parents brought him here when he was a kid. He loved it, and he hopes that he’ll be able to share that with his own kids someday.
If you try to brush him off with those comments then he’ll probably get more direct. Telling you things like “You know, Sunshine… We should have a baby soon…” and “It’d be so nice to have your belly sewing together a little one for us…”
Does it make you uncomfortable especially when he rubs your belly? Probably yes… Does he care? No…
I feel like Joyboy would be one of the Yandere’s that has a somewhat low chance of forcing themselves onto you. Like every Yandere has their limit before they do, Joyboy is willing to wait for quite a long time though to fill you with whatever is cum for plush people.
And one day when you’re getting changed, or taking a shower or something. That’s when you’ll see it. Your skin is turning plush.
Could be patchwork, could be fuzz, could be anything really… Regardless your skin is becoming fabric…
Try and pull it off? Not coming off, and it’s slowly spreading across your body. Of course you panic, and the sound of it alerts Joyboy.
If he’s not in the room (unlikely) then he’ll come running, and if he is then he’ll whip around or throw the shower curtain open to see you.
And once he does, he’ll groan a little “Sunshine, you made me think that something horrible was happening!” “Something horrible is happening!! My skin is turning plush!!” “That’s great, not horrible! Now you’re just like me instead of… What did you call it? Hue-van?”
Regardless of what you say, Joyboy will watch as the plush slowly creeps along your body. Imagine if his touch accelerated it too?
So you have him poking at the fabric occasionally while chuckling, you try to smack his hands away and he just keeps doing it. All until the plush fully consumes you.
You’re no longer a human, and you’ll be inanimate for a good bit as your insides transform. Once it’s all finished, you’ll be a plush person just like everyone else in this world.
Now you couldn’t leave even if you found a way to get past the sky quilt, you’re stuck here for all eternity now…
Joyboy will help you up onto your feet, and assist you with getting used to your new body. He’ll watch you as you stumble about on plush legs with a chuckle.
“Is it really that hard getting used to new legs, sunshine? You don’t have to learn if it’s really that hard, I’ll carry you around everywhere…”
He’ll do it too, don’t think that he won’t…
Maybe after a few years, Joyboy will have conveniently forgotten that you used to be a… What was it again? A Hue-van? Or was it a Mew-Band? Blue-can? Sew-blan? It doesn’t matter…
But for right now, he’ll enjoy your new plush form and relish in the fact that you’re here to stay now…
In more ways than one too! As now that you’re a plush person, you can far more easily accommodate his size…
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year
Random (and somewhat silly) Leon Kennedy headcannons
* Leon is a sleepwalker. I have no justification for it other than I think it’d be funny
* Ironically he’s also a VERY light sleeper
* And to add insult to injury, he snores like a freight train.
* Leon is Transgender. Trust me guys he told me himself
* Also got that ADHD Autism combo. Again just trust me you guys he said so himself-
* Bisexual disaster. Probably leans towards men but every gender gives him Gay Panic
* Luis and Ada were his Bi Awakening.
* ((And probably Wesker too. I mean C’mon just look at the guy))
* And just like every Bisexual he CANNOT sit in chairs normally to save his life. If he even bothers to sit on one at all ((Kinda going off the second headcannon; he also sleeps in the WEIRDEST positions humanly possible))
* Leon has permanent Bad Posture. Both from when he used to wear a binder (Transmasc Tingz !!) and from old age
* He hams up his “”old age”” a LOT just to annoy Chris and Claire
* “Ooooooughhh you guys I can feel my bones turning to dust-“ “Shut UP LEON I’m NOT CARRYING YOU”
* Leon also wore a binder for FAR too long. Like he was fighting zombies and doing backflips all while his ribs were screaming in pain
* “Leon when did you last take off your binder” “why do YOU wanna know huh Chris 🤨” “TAKE IT OFF”
* ((Dw guys he practiced safe binding and got Top Surgery. Eventually))
* Leon dyes his hair blonde. You know I’m right
* It’s also like,, surprisingly soft??? He probably takes very good care of it and uses expensive products (probably the only expensive thing he owns)
* He also purposefully cuts it that way. In fact I recon he cuts it himself
* Much more competent people (Jill, Claire, Rebecca) have offered to cut it for him but he’s always refused
* Its one of the few things that reminds him of when he was still a Rookie cop that isn’t also a traumatic memory
* He’s got some PTSD just don’t worry about it ok
* Leon is N O T good at opening up. Like at all. But when somebody DOES manage to crack him he cries s o easily and he will cry for literal hours
* Chris and Claire are the only two people who’ve ever actually managed to successfully get him to open up to that point though
* He also probably sleeps better when he’s with somebody. But he’d never admit that
* Leon’s love language is probably a mix of Words Of Affirmation and Acts Of Service. He’d love it if for once he could come home to somebody having done the little chores for him
* He’s also probably a M A S S I V E sucker for any kind of physical touch. Again, won’t admit it, but he’s a big cuddler.
* Somebody please please please play with this man’s hair he will fall asleep in your lap in seconds
* Now this may be my own Autism special interest shining through but I LOVE the idea of Leon being a massive Pokémon fan
* His favourite games are Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. Idk man he SEEMS like a Hoenn boy y’know
* His first starter was Torchic and Blaiziken remains as his all-time favourite Pokémon (he’s absolutely correct Torchic is the best Hoenn starter Fight Me)
* Probably still has his Gameboy from when he was a kid
* Leon’s also into retro anime. He likes to get Chris, Jill, Claire and Rebecca over just to show them his old childhood favourite shows like Astroboy or Sailor moon
* Will pause the DVD every 5 seconds to point something out or ramble on about something for 10 minutes
* Oh yeah he also absolutely keeps a DVD player in his home
* He’s a big sucker for old movies, especially old Queer movies but he’s also into classics like Back To The Future, Star Wars etc
*Probably was a big Star Wars kid
*((His favourite movie of all time is Legally Blonde but he will NEVER say that out loud))
* Leon’s always out of the country on some government mission so his house is probably pretty barren. He probably just stays with Chris or Claire after missions anyways
* Leon also still probably keeps in touch with Sherry and Ashley. He definitely went to their respective Graduations to support them at least
* He likes to collect little trinkets from his missions. Rocks, lighters, photos etc
* Other people have put this on their Headcannon lists too but I also agree that Leon is a MASSIVE Foodie
* The way to his heart is through a really good breakfast
* He’s also got a massive Sweet Tooth. Again, courtesy of other Headcannon lists
* He’s got low blood sugar so it probably evens out
* ALWAYS coming home from missions exhausted. In fact he’s exhausted on the plane. On the car ride there. DURING the mission. He’s an eepy little guy
* His T-Shots also make him Very Hungry All The Time. He thought it’d even out after a year of being on Testosterone but over a decade later and he still eats like a teenage boy
* ((It’s ok though cuz Chris always has his fridge stocked full. It might just be for Leon who knows))
* Leon’s not really either a Cat or a Dog guy. He likes both equally and would definitely have one of the other if it weren’t for his work
* He also prefers warm weather :))
* He likes to go swimming with his friends whenever he gets the opportunity
* Everyone makes fun of Chris for his Hawaiian shirts but Leon ABSOLUTELY has way too many as well
* Wears socks and jandals. I’m from Aotearoa NZ I’m allowed to say that ok
*BIG Mitski & Lana Del Rey fan
*I also imagine he probably likes older music like Madonna or Bowie or Blondie
* He’s not very good at it but he likes to paint his nails
* Or he just lets Rebecca or Claire do it for him
* If he goes a long time without cutting his hair either he’ll also put it up in a lil ponytail :)
* He’s got a big ol toothy, lop-sides grin.
* I recon he also involuntarily bites his tongue when he’s genuinely smiling too
* I said before he keeps trinkets and stuff from his missions but he absolutely keeps more personal mementos too. For example;
* He bought himself an old Spanish version of Don Quixote for Luis
* He keeps his old cop uniform in his closet
* He stole Chris’ shades and never returned them
* Still has one of Adas missing rings, etc etc etc
* Similarly to physical objects, Leon also picks up on the habits of people he’s met from his missions
* He always double-checks the barrel of his gun after he’s seen Chris do it so many times
* Holds his knife in his left hand after Krauser
* Very rarely smokes on occasion to remember Luis
* Picked up more Advanced First-Aid after Rebecca ((she also insisted it would be helpful))
* I could go on forever
* Leon can’t imagine ever actually being able to settle down and retire because of his work, but if he could, he would love to be a Father :))
* One last silly one cuz this list has gotten surprisingly serious; Leon unironically references Vines All The Time. It will drive everyone around him insane
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razorblade180 · 5 months
So a lot more people liked my rambling about vision users elemental manipulation so I’m going to talk more about it. For starters, the Traveler could be stealing so many cool moves. Al Haitham is just a human. You would think MC would see his burst and go “I’m stealing that.” Hell, the way Noelle’s moves are so fundamental yet useful, you would think the character in Mondstadt would add “Bigger sword” to their catalog of moves. Even Nilou understands how to manifest a ring of water while Yelan is refracting light. I could watch a show of the MC seeing something like that and immediately wanting to go get said element.
The deep dive they could do in the anime is pretty interesting considering most people don’t have visions yet in lore there’s neat ways it’s used. I think most people know Klee actually uses her catalyst for the lasers and detonating bombs, which is why her animation are her grabbing the bombs out her bag instead of using fireballs like Yanfei. I wanna know how’d she learn to use pyrokinesis like that.
Also something neat, Charlotte loves her cryo vision and uses her camera with it specifically because it can never overheat; which makes me wonder if Chevruse it’s using gunpowder
This one buring thought has always boggled me. They are an established clan who practice a lineage style martial art. So my question is are there books from their old technique scriptures that were written or had vision bearers in mind? Ayaka can turn into a mist cloud to move and it’s a “Kamisato Art” who figured out how to do that and teach it? That’s a teachable move up for grabs. Is there a version of that for Ayato, cause by all means we know that isn’t an element specific move. Mona does it.
Be it on purpose or accidental, the floor and ceiling for Vision users is vast with a lot of overlap. We see all catalyst users have the same form of plunging attack. Game mechanics aside, is that instinctual to do or learn?
If I had a vision then met Fischl and Oz, I’m asking questions, cause she made him and nobody talks about it. Not only does Lisa make an electric lantern, but she taught Razor and he manifests a wolf. If I’m Bennett I’m asking for a lesson. Once again, Diluc casually throws a phoenix like it was part of curriculum
It’s also established it’s tiring using too much elemental energy and some feats are more obtainable by people who aren’t average mortals. However, where does that begin and end? Scara got a vision and learned to fly. Why? Is it somehow related to him being a puppet or is that a trick most Anemo users don’t consider/attempt. Navia makes canons instantly. That’s a mortal feat. Gorou could learn kind of move and then war is just different. 😂
I need to see human vision holders legitimately discuss their abilities with one another. Chongyun could have a cryo avatar if he learned. Xingqui and Chongyun make swords constantly. Xiangling and Hu Tao could copy them and each other. That’s wild to me. In game I know why they don’t but in a cutscene they could go crazy! The chasm had Yanfei do a barrier move that isn’t in her kit! What’s the depth here!?
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revserrayyu · 2 months
2.4 Xianzhou continuance thoughts [part 1]
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**SPOILERS** I didn’t think I’d be up for more story ramblings after the entirety of Penacony, but rejoice, our trip back to the Xianzhou has already exceeded my low expectations. So here we are. Ready to yap once more. At this point, I’ve already finished the entire 2.4 story but this post (probably one of three) will only cover up until the stunning Feixiao makes her first appearance, so be wary of any spoilers and later events that I may or may not possibly mention. Who knows.
I started this mission the night of the update so my memory might fail me at some places, but I sorta remember the giddy tone Dan Heng used here when suggesting March should stay on the Express by herself this time. That man is funny when he wants to be and I adore the teasing these two constantly have with each other. Her mentioning other days of the week in fear of another Sunday fiasco happening is hilarious too.
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It’s always a welcomed surprise to hear the Trailblazer speak and I’m so thrilled with how often we got that chance throughout this quest. After watching tiny bits of some ZZZ playthroughs and seeing how often their protagonists get to actually speak, I sincerely hope they continue this in the future with HSR because Rachael & Caleb do a fantastic job with them. English dub bias yes, but I have no doubt all the other languages are great too. Anyways, being cautious to whomever is set to guide us around the ship is real valid. We certainly don’t want another Tingyun situation to take place.
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Just the mere mention of Feixiao’s name gets me excited to finally see her in game. But is she truly young? Later on, we learn how she and Yukong are war buddies so it leads me to assume they might be similar in age? Our lovable pilot is around 246 years old, so it could be possible? I could be wrong though of course. I will admit to forgetting if the Foxian lifespan is around 300 or 400 years, or if there’s no actual definite lifetime expectancy, but regardless, the ladies continue to look fabulous.
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So the Borisin attack starts, Yunli gets a flashy entrance showcasing her strength as she takes ‘em down with Old Mettle and takes a slight interest in Yanqing’s sword.. that eventually leads to her taking it for herself. I wasn’t expecting them to get along right away but I was surprised that she actually snatched the sword away without a word.
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They could not have made this dude seem more obviously suspicious if they tried.
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I love how we could’ve actually chosen to mention the fake dream we had of the general and Imbibitor Lunae in Penacony. It was a fantastic dream indeed~
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When Huaiyan was teased alongside the other characters during the very end of the 2.3 livestream, I naturally assumed he would become playable as well, but now.. eh, I have my doubts since he didn’t get drip marketed like the rest of them. It could’ve been interesting to have an older gentleman as a unit. I mean, I know we have Welt, but he doesn’t really look this old, you know?
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Calling one of Yanqing’s prized swords a simple “dagger,” HA. All their bickering is childish in the most fitting way but I do like how Yunli continues to holds onto his sword, saying that if a sword is lost on the battlefield, it should be reclaimed on the battlefield, or something along those lines.
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Huaiyan might appear to be real old, but him having some secret mentor strength like your typical anime grandpas tend to have wouldn’t surprise me at all, so I understand March’s idea to prevent any chance of angering the geezer.
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The boys!! And.. only them! Dang, they’re really making me wait to see Feixiao huh. I wonder if there was any hidden reason behind her heading over to Scalegorge, unless it really was just to take in the sights. I also wasn’t expecting Moze to be so tall.
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I’m afraid that’s just one of the downsides of being apart of the main character’s crew, March.
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Teasing Yanqing is everyone’s favorite pastime. I unfortunately don’t have much to say about Lingsha. I think she’s pretty and naturally I’m interested in meeting another Vidyadhara, but that’s all for now.
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The continuous back and forth between these kids drags on a bit much for me but I’m 100% with March on seeing this drama unfold even more.
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So the kids start their “spar” and the quick glimpses of the 2.4 trailer start to make sense. Originally, I thought their fight was part of the Wardance ceremony, where they had to prove their strength against other competitors or something, but nope. All that fighting was just for a simple sword. The cutscene was animated nicely and I’m grateful the quality remains decent even outside of main story events, but it’s safe to say my focus was pulled away by a certain someone showing up amidst the brawl..
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And my god, does she make a statement! Stopping both Yanqing’s slash and Yunli’s giant sword with just a couple fingers?? HELLO?? Ma’am, you’ve been on screen for not even ten seconds and I’m already deep in love with you.
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She’s gorgeous. Her eyes are mesmerizing. All the earrings are super cool. Excuse me while I…*deep breath* AAAAAHHH.
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The way she quickly evaluates both of their fighting styles correctly.. amazing. I say she’s certainly a battle expert.
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No no no, don’t say that. Don’t say you’re a patient and there’s something medically wrong with you because if something bad happens to you I’ll get so upset!
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Eeehehe, that wink and confidence stole my heart. I know what else you’re lacking: a lifelong partner! And I volunteer myself!
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I just.. really love her design so much! It’s such a welcomed change from the usual outfits we’ve seen among the other ladies of the Xianzhou. The colors are so vibrant too and the jacket is awesome. Heeyyoo Hoyo, if you wanted to sell this jacket I’d totally buy myself one! Just saying!
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Hhmm, I’ll end the fangirling here. For now. There’s bound to be much more on the way.
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emberlyric · 2 years
Updated July 9th, 2024
Writeblr intro ~
Hi! My name is Emberly Erick and I’m a writer and digital artist. My current WIPs are a cyberpunk superhero novel called Anomaly and a YA fantasy novel called Soulbind.
I’m hoping to use this blog to promote my original work and hopefully some more projects in the future!
My art tag: #emberlyricart
My writeblr tag: #emberlywrites
My instagram: here - more art of my characters + a few animations
My twitter: here
My Cara: here
My WIPs ~
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(old pic, working on some new ones)
--my YA fantasy story. In a world where the gods and goddesses choose each individual's magical attunements based on the strength of their life-bind, Jory is a soulbinder, a unique and rare attunement random granted by gods that steals a sliver of another's life-bind - usually those the soulbinder is close to. Soulbinders are shunned in most societies, and Jory's home nation of Losyros is no different. Bitter and arrogant, but cunning and analytical, Jory bides his time, running cons in lower Siolyn, the capital of Losyros. But Jory gets an opportunity from the prince and becomes the prince's Kingsworn, an ancient role reserved only for soulbinders. Everything falls apart when Jory is kidnapped by the Ashborne, the champion for the goddess Gholgane, who wants Jory unbound at once. Now Jory has to rely on his wits, his best friend Nahia, and Prince Cydri to rescue him before he is lost to them forever.
Status - Editing Second Draft!
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--my YA sci-fi/superhero story. Lian, a poor anomaly from District Lacerta in Layer Comet, discovers he is a Class A anomaly - an anomaly with powerful superhuman abilities, in his case super speed. Class B anomalies have been around for centuries, and the Pyramid harvested augmentations from them. Augmentations, or just augs, were simple modifications that non-anomalies used to make their lives easier, such as enhancing memory, sight, reflexes, etc. Lian tries to keep his status as a Class A a secret - society is not reacting well to the discovery of these more powerful anomalies - but he is captured by the Zenith Order, who claims they want what is best for everyone and to keep them safe. A scientist named Rosmyle experiments on Lian, hoping to understand anomalies better. Things turn around when Lian manages to escape - and takes six other traumatized anomalies with him. Now they have to survive a chaotic and prejudiced Layer Comet to make it to an area of the Layer where anomalies can live in peace.
Status - starting second draft!
---What to expect from my blog ~
WIP snippets of scenes
Character sheets
Character art
Writing ramblings
Writing progress
Tag games
Character art
Please feel free to send me messages/asks about my story or my art! I would love to hear from you!
---Misc ~
Fandoms: sorry if this rando writeblr blog follows you, I have a few fandoms I'm into at the moment, such as:
World of Warcraft
Detroit: Become Human
Hazbin Hotel
The Beatles/many other bands
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Owl House
Sims 2
Persona 5
Currently reading: Lightlark by Alex Aster
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anewstartrekfan · 1 year
Finished Star Trek TAS today and I got contemplative about the science fiction genre in movies and tv
For the record, tas was fine overall. You know it’s fun to laugh at the animation errors I did plenty of that. But it’s decent 70s kids fair. I wouldn’t put it on for kids today mind you, I’d just show Star Trek prodigy, but still. It very much is a product of its time. However at the same time it demonstrates the biggest hurdle sci fi has faced throughout the ages. The obsession with scale over characters.
There’s a tendency in sci fi where when the people working on a given story get seemingly unlimited resources to make a thing look as epic and grand of scale as possible, they focus on that over making the characters interesting and worth caring about. Not always, but generally it happens a lot. You see it with the big three, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. To pick on Doctor who for a minute, they pour buckets of money on explosions and guest stars and having a golem Doctor show up in their season 3 grand finale but the episode that season that’s regarded as peak fiction is the one where the monsters don’t even move on screen. They’re literally just statues.
Star Wars has both the prequel and and sequel trilogies for me to point to as evidence of this. For the prequels it was look at our awesome special effects and fight scenes. Oh shit we forgot make the overarching story understandable and matter to the cast before the third movie. And the case of the sequels also have consistent character development and themes. Oops.”
And lastly Star Trek. While my favorite episode is conscience of the king, my second is the empath. The most cash strapped episode of the show. It was filmed almost entirely on a black stage ffs. And yet I felt more emotion watching Kirk, Spock, and McCoy risk their lives and be willing to die for each other than I did watching agent seven and his cat hack a spaceship in 1968 Florida while Kirk and Spock stalk them.
The reason completing tas brought on this thought process was there were many writers who jumped at the chance to work on this show because of the lack of limitations of live action. Their only limit was their imagination and the 24 minute runtime. And as a result they got so caught up in the spectacle of “look at this cool new alien threat/concept,” that most of the time they forgot or didn’t have time to give the characters anything to do besides solve the problem. Or just rehash old episode ideas. But listen, they could’ve had good character interactions within 24 minutes. Doctor who is the easy one to point at but honestly if we jump forward a couple decades, (and genres) Batman and Superman tas managed to have self contained 20ish minute episodes with heart for the recurring cast. It’s not impossible to do.
Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Star Wars, were not successful just because they had cool sci fi ideas, costumes, and special effects that could be merchandised into eternity. They have endured for so long because people are invested in these characters. And if you cannot convince people to care about the characters outside of pop culture recognizability, then you will not retain an audience through the weaker stories, regardless of how much money you sank into how nice the ship looks. Instead it is doomed to fizzle out. For a contemporary example outside of movies, look at Netflix’s Voltron.
Last example and then I’m done. Netflix’s voltron perfectly displayed how you can get an audience invested in a cast of characters and then squander it because the producers/writers didn’t care about character development. After season 2 stuff stopped being character driven and started going “well the writers wanted to tell a gritty, depressing war story.” And in the end what was once one of the most popular Netflix shows is now only ever discussed in the same vain as game of thrones. Just wasted potential and missed opportunities.
I’ll end this rambling blog by repeating that imo low budget character driven sci fi is better than high budget sci fi focused on worldbuilding and cool shit you can do because of special effects or the fact it’s a cartoon. Limitations help make some of the best stories out there because they force you to think outside the box.
And it pains me that after so long a lot of the people who write this stuff don’t get that.
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rhikasa · 2 years
Introduction & Navigation
last updated 05.11.2024
about me
Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Erin, I use he/they pronouns, and this is my writeblr. I’m an occasional writer at the moment due to burnout, so posts containing snippets of my writing will remain elusive for now. Despite being rather sporadic when it comes to posting writing from my own wips, I do still love being given opportunities to ramble about them.
A few things to know about me:
I’m 23 years old, and my birthday is on April 4.
I’m a queer (nonbinary & ace), neurodivergent adult.
I have a BA in English Literature, but I initially attempted a degree in Creative Writing (a horrible decision really).
For those interested, I’m an Aries (sun) / Virgo (moon) / Leo (rising), and my personality type is INTJ.
I love animals; my family currently has three cats, a dog, three tortoises, a snake, and several fish.
My favorite genres to read and write are fantasy and science fiction.
I’m tag game and ask friendly! You’re welcome to tag me in writing related games, or anything else you’d like me to see, and don’t be afraid to stop by my inbox to ask questions or simply wave hello. Do be aware that I might be slow to respond most days because of social anxiety and/or lack of spoons.
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my writing • answered asks • brain dumps tag
taglist masterpost • wip masterpost
tag games • wbw • sts
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my wips
World of Skies Universe
The old guardians have vanished, slain by the warrior of darkness long ago. Memory of them has all but faded from the minds of mortals who have not lived under their divine protection and thus they have fallen to legend, but there are those who hold the hope that someday angels will return when the need arises.
Children of the Maar
summary in progress...
Stolen from her former life, Saeth is taken to a world beyond hers; a hidden moon known as Elysium, where she learns about a secret society isolated far away from the hostile planet below. Very few in her position ever choose to resist their new life of luxury, but for Saeth, she would rather be up there with her wife or not at all.
Generations ago, the last of humanity was forced to flee into caves far below the land they had once called home. Although the first few years were full of struggle to adapt, the magnificent city of Eldoris was built. Few alive today remember the feeling of sunlight on their skin, and fewer still are aware of the atrocities committed in the darkness that has kept a fragile peace for the residents within.
The Huntress & The Wolf
The small town of Aerilon is left shaken after the discovery of a brutal murder by the river’s edge. Disturbing markings upon the victim leave some of the towns folk to speculate this was not the work of another human being, but a nefarious creature hidden in plain sight, only revealing its true existence beneath the light of a full moon.
The Lost Generation
The last generation of mages has been decimated, their magic stolen from them by outsiders. When a young girl named Julia inherits powers that were not intended for her to receive, she is hidden away on Earth until she learns how to utilize her gift.
summary in progress...
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oftlunarialmoon · 10 months
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5 Agere Activities for a Rainy Day (Indoors Edition)
Ciao lovelies! We’re moving into spring here where I am, and with the spring, comes LOTS of rain. There are many outside ideas to do for agere, (and yes, even some rainy day ones!) but today, I’d like to share 5 of my favorite agere activities to do on a rainy day, or on days where I can’t go outside (snow, too hot, etc.)..
All of the ideas I’m sharing today are my personal faves!
Idea #1: Change your doll’s (or stuffies!) outfits….or make them some outfits!
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Super old pic, I know (I have wayyy different hair now, lol), but this idea is still one of my faves. Picking new outfits for my dolls is always super fun and sometimes I even have a mini photoshoot with them after changing their looks. I can also turn this idea into a full afternoon of play by setting up a “doll salon” to select their looks and they each get a spray of choice perfumes and hair brushes :) 
If you don’t have clothes for your dolls/stuffies, you can also make them clothing or accessories! I’m aiming to put some tutorials of that sort on the blog and possibly on the Youtube channel soon, but for now, here’s some tutorials that I have already made to get you started:
There are many fun and simple methods for making doll clothing or accessories, I once again have to highly recommend MyFroggyStuff’s Youtube channel for this! She has awesome ideas and she makes it all seem so easy. 
Idea #2: Take a fun Bubble Bath!
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Taking a fun and relaxing bath is a nice way to both regress, and practice self-care! You can find cute bath toys like these at dollar stores, and bath bombs, bubble bath, bath fizzies, etc as well! I even love buying the “bath puppets” which are just washcloths that go on your hands like a puppet, and are shaped like animals! I have a sharkie and a froggie. When I take baths or showers, I like to imagine going through a checklist with my scrubby buddy (most often Mr Sharkie) to make sure I get 1000000% clean! Sometimes I even make a little song of this and hum it to myself. :)
It’s also nice having access to fun body washes and soap! My current favorite body wash is scented from “Viva las Vegas SWEET” which is some kind of perfume thing, but it smells like candy, and it looks cute out of the tube! (it’s pink and shimmery 0.0)
I’ve also seen body washes for babyshark, Barbie, and other kids franchises! Oh, and even some grown-ups products are still cute for this too! I have a Hello Kitty sugar scrub that was intended for grown-ups, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t cute anyway! :) Oh, and Crayola makes body wash “crayons” as well, the tubes are crayon shaped and the body washes are colorful!
Okie, okie, that’s a lot of me rambling about baths, sorry >.<
Idea #3: Play Video Games!
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Sometimes there’s nothing better than wearing comfy clothes, having a nice snack, and playing video games! On rainy days this activity feels super cozy and wonderful, and there are lots of games out there that are cute and good for agere!
My current faves are Animal Crossing New Horizons on my Switch, Sandbox Coloring App on my phone, Nintendogs on my 3Ds, and Minecraft on my PC! I love that games are on a lot of different devices, so that I can always find something to do~
I think Animal Crossing is a really cool game for age regressors, and the New Horizons one is very cute for a lot of reasons! I can dress my avatar up in cute fashions and i can even buy…..pacis! and…..Cute kawaii dresses!!! :0 You could make your dream agere outfits in this game, and i do it all the time, tbh!
Idea #4: Journaling or Writing in a Diary!
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I love love love my regression journal! I use stickers, washi tape, coloring pages, crayons, markers, and more on it, and it’s really freeing to have a journal that doesn’t need to be neat or tidy. My daily journal is also my regression journal, as I am someone who is semi-regressed all the time! :3 I also do vent journal entries in this journal (to share with my therapist), and lists, collages, doodles, info pages…lots of things! 
I have an article on here actually about Agere Journaling! 
I also want to briefly ramble about my stickers, I have found 2 really good sources of stickers for my journal. The first is a subscription service called Stickii, which sends you a themed sticker pack every month, these packs include stickers from lots of independent artists and I really love each one I’ve gotten so far (I’ve gotten 2 so far.) **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
The second is Blippo Kawaii Shop, which sells sticker mystery bags which I have an opening video of on OFT’s IG! :) I love their selection of kawaii stickers, and it’s always fun getting a package from them. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
Idea #5: Play with Legos or building blocks! 
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Something that I love doing when I am small is playing with building blocks or legos! I like the Minecraft sets or the dollar store legos! :) I use the legos to build things for my mini town and dollhouse, as well as make dollrooms! :) 
Megablocks have larger blocks as well if you regress younger and want something more simple. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
You can use building blocks to make obstacle courses for your minis, specific types of buildings for playing pretend, mecha robots for epic battles…….>.<’ sorry my brain totally went to gundam XD
They also sell building block sets for making iconic characters like pikachu and other pokemon, as well as other anime and game characters! I think this type of block is called a nano block.
What do you think of these 5 agere activities for a rainy day? What activities are your favorite when small? Let me know in the comments, I love hearing from you lovelies and having great discussions!
And now for the most important thing in this outro…..I get to say……
STAY AWESOME!! You are awesome, just as you are, and you should look at yourself with love and kindness. Don’t forget to love yourself, whether you practice self-care, treat yourself, or take care of your future self by getting a task done ahead of time, self love is important!
Okie, all my ramblings aside, see you in my next post, video, or whatever comes next!
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hatsunemimikyu · 26 days
I’m rambling so much these last few days but the Zektbach part of my brain just reawakened and I NEED to let it out yáll. I just listened to Ristaccia for the first time since… idk? and I’m FEELING. I’m going by my old memory so details might be wrong but:
So, what’s Zektbach?
It was a project by a Japanese composer named Tomosuke Funaki which encompasses two albuns - Ristaccia and Masinowa - a few music videos and I think there was extra material like drama CDs? Anyway all the songs in the album kinda tell an overarching story, who I’ll let TVTropes resume for me:
Once, Aria Te'Laria was inhabited by the Eight Ancient Races. These peoples discovered the Ristaccia, a collection of eight gemstones that granted them sentience, emotions, and knowledge. Those who wielded the Ristaccia were gifted with miracles, and in their greed the Eight Ancient Races warred with each other over them until only two races remained: the Humina and Rufina.
The Rufina, wanting to further research the Ristaccia, created a "memeplex" named ∑ (Sigma) and mysteriously disappeared. Meanwhile, the remaining Humina continued fighting over the Ristaccia, resulting in the establishment of two dueling countries: the Holy Kingdom of Noigllado and the Kingdom of Azuelgatt.
Chapters 1-5 each focus on different characters in different locations and different points in time, exploring the problems they face and the Ristaccia's influence on them. Chapters 6-8 bring the earlier chapters together for a cohesive conclusion.
Why listen to it?
To me, all the music went VERY HARD, having a lot of mixing of classical and electronic elements. The PVs were also super cool, and you really felt like that it should become an anime or a game from how EPIC everything was. I remember reading a lot of explanations of the lyrics and how everything pieced together and dream about the awesome world the composer built. Another one of my favorite music projects as a teenager, Sound Horizon, had the same approach, building stories from music. Ofc that’s not a new thing, operas and other forms of storytelling through music are very old but… these two were the ones that enchanted me the most.
Anyway if ya never heard Zektbach ya should give it a listen bc it BOPS, here’s a yt link for the albuns (I’ll put the MVs under a read more so this post isn’t gigantic):
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rancidpancakebatter · 2 years
Drop In-Chapter 7 [P.P.]
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Pairings: Peter Parker x AFAB Reader
Summary: You like Peter, and Peter likes you. This should be simple, so why isn’t it? Well, maybe it’s because you were already friends? Maybe it’s the stress of senior year? Maybe it’s because someone had to get bit by a spider? Who’s to say?
Word Count: 3.2k words
Content: MINORS DNI: 18+ Swearing, Marijana Use, Underage Drinking, Bullying, Anxiety, Depression,
Some negative body image in this chapter and pretty early on. I’m really tapping into the insecure teen years with this story. 
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A/N: Homecoming is happening! Football and Mayhem and Peter
Bit of a filler, because it’s gonna get sad and stressful.
also it's midterms and I'm exhausted so I'm sorry but this is very unedited and kinda...dry? I dunno but it's the best I have rn
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You looked over your bed, where you had spread out all of your gear and clothes, forming a battle plan and double-checking you had everything you needed. First was the game. You had agreed that Peter would take pictures of the cheerleaders, the band, and the crowd, the atmosphere if you will, because his film camera- while wonderful- has its limitations.
You would be in charge of capturing the gameplay, equipped with a year-old DSLR model and a long lens. You repacked your bag, double-checking the batteries’ life and that the sd cards were empty. You made sure to pack a few lens wipes as well as the microfiber cloth, just in case. 
Once that was settled, you looked over the outfit you had picked out. You wouldn’t have much time to get ready between the dance and the game, so you wanted to make sure you were still available for a quick change.
You had picked some tight-fitting jeans and a tucked t-shirt. It’s pretty plain, a tight-fitting shirt with cold and navy blue stripes. You had dug around for hours trying to find something with school colours on it, and this would just have to do. The outfit was laid out across your cotton sheets, and beside them was a green bomber jacket. Beneath it lay a grey zip-up hoodie that wasn’t yours. 
As you looked at it your stomach started to knot. It carried a lot in its empty pockets. Memories of butterflies, and hope, and something you refused to label as love were woven into its worn threads. You had been balancing a tightrope between nonchalance and a Chornobyl-sized meltdown for the past few days. You couldn’t tell if wearing Peter’s jacket would hold you up or shove you into the jagged rocks below. 
You decided that was a problem for later and instead made sure your dress and accessories were all good and accounted for. You had picked out some tall wedges to go with it. 
You pulled a deep, centring breath through your body and stepped into your bathroom. Perched on the counter, you began to apply your base makeup. You didn’t go all out just yet, that was for the dance, but you wanted to cut down on things to do later. You applied your base and went with a simple smudged eyeliner look accompanied by thick mascara. You were applying highlight when your father knocked on your door. You beckoned him in, and he sat on the tub, his unofficial seat for these moments. 
“Are you excited?” 
His smile was warm and genuine. You beamed at him through the reflection. 
“I’m kinda nervous but also really excited.”
He chuckled at your response, remembering his own teenage woes of old. 
“Today, school was awesome. Classes were pretty laid back, and then the Pep rally was tons of fun. I sat next to Pete, and we just made jokes. At one point, we narrated what we thought the players were thinking as they stood behind the principal. They all had these dead stares as Mr Braxton rambled on for like ten minutes. It was so fun.”
There was a tension in your father’s shoulders that he didn’t know he held, but he felt it leave as you told him about your day. It had been so long since he had seen you so animated. You were excited, and he was excited for you. 
“And I know the game is gonna be just as fun. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we suck. Like seriously, I don’t know how our team still gets funding; we are so bad. But Pete and I are gonna take pictures and goof off in the stands. Also, I was promised kettle corn and you know I love kettle corn. I’m gonna fuck that up.”
That earned a very loud laugh from your father. 
“Yes, you will. I know better than to ask but would you save me some?”
You chuckled at the request. “How about I get you a bag and bring it home?”
You both agreed on the compromise, and he continued to watch you do your makeup, occasionally bobbing his head to the music you were playing. You were dousing your face with setting spray when your phone started vibrating on the counter. 
Your father answered it at your request. 
“Hey, Peter! You're on speaker with me and (Y/n),”
“Hello, Mr (Y/n). Hey, (Y/n).”
You said hello back and he immediately started going into his spiel.
“So I was wondering when you wanted to leave. I know you said you wanted to leave at six but what about dinner? Would you wanna go before or after the game? Or not at all? Also, May wants to take pictures of us, but I know I’m coming over to you for the dance. Could she come with? Ben was probably going to drop me off, but they could both come, and then May could get some pictures. If not, I think I could hold her over if your dad promised to take some and send them to her.”
His nervous rambles brought a smile to your face. It reminded you of the way he was before. When he would blush at your kind words and affections. You looked to your dad, knowing he was the only one who might care. 
“Mr Parker, you know your family is welcome whenever. I’ll call Ms May and get that all straightened out.”
Your father left the bathroom, and you heard his jovial voice as he went into the hallway. It made you laugh. 
You stayed on the phone with Peter for a bit while you got dressed, reviewing the plan once again. You decided to stop and get a sandwich on the way. There was a bodega nearby that Peter absolutely loved, and you agreed to go. It was cheaper and quicker than some fancy sit-down meal. And it was special. Something for you and Peter. The thought made you feel warm inside. 
You were recessed and ready and running to the car. You were buzzing with excitement. It’s true that Peter and you had been a little rocky lately, but you couldn’t help but feel like maybe it was turning around. The way he had treated you this week (for the most part) has been amazing. When you think about it, most of the things Peter did to upset you weren’t on purpose. Sometimes he was just such a boy. But he had been sweet anytime he realized you were upset. As soon as he recognised that, he was sweet and caring and careful. He was attentive and kind. 
There was a fluttering of hope that lived in your ribs. It told you that things were changing. That yeah, there was that weird patch, but you were coming out on the other side. You were seeing Peter again, your friend, and you had missed him. Today you felt like you were floating on cloud nine. He talked to you in class; he included you in the conversations with his friends. He was happy and smiling all day long with you. 
You turned over the engine and switched out the CDs. You wanted the songs that orchestrated your summer. Songs that reminded you of those carefree days and the golden sun. The weather was getting colder, yes, but maybe you could make the warmth stick around just a little longer. You could hold on just a little longer. 
The game is very uneventful. So far, you’re thirty minutes from halftime, and there have been three touchdowns. Unfortunately, the Midtown Panthers couldn’t claim any of them. Peter and you had split up for a bit to get some pictures, and now you were back in the student section. Several of your peers were losing their minds, cheering anytime your team gained more ground on the field. It all felt a little silly to you, but you cheered along with them. The shouting was fun. A release of chaotic energy that you didn’t get often. 
Peter was hesitant, but you eventually convinced him to join in. You moved your arms with the cheerleaders and butchered their chants. You could see Sabrina Dontelle roll her eyes every time you messed it up, but that only encouraged you more. Peter’s laughter and smile was more than enough validation in your actions. His smile was bright, and you were basking in it.
You made your way through the throng of teens, pushing your way towards the field. The “halftime show” was starting, and you both took pictures of the Marching band. The flags looked majestic as they fluttered in the wind, and the careful weaving of your peers while juggling heavy instruments was mesmerising. Then the homecoming court emerged. 
A stage was wheeled onto the field, and the principal stood at the podium. He went on and on about how this event was an honourable, celebrated event, about the history of your school and your team. He was optimistic about the end of this game. The crowd erupted into cheers as the homecoming court came out from the same tunnel the team had before. You recognised most faces as they passed, three pairs from each grade. Elaborate dresses and illustrated smiles made their way down the field, accompanied by tailored suits and gelled hair.
You found yourself fiddling with your shirt, adjusting your top and jacket. Especially when you saw Gwen. She wasn’t on the court but helping, passing out tairas as the person beside her passed out sashes. She wore a beautiful dress, soft white lace over a pale blue tea cut dress. Her make-up was subtle but worked, big eyes with bright lips and matching blush. She looked regal and divine. 
She must have sensed your stare. She turned to look at you and Peter, and her smile was grand. You watched as her hand raised slightly and wiggled her fingers with enthusiasm. Peter waved back, and you felt your throat tighten ever so slightly. She makes a gesture with her pointer finger and a thumbs up. You look at her confused, and she tries to hide a laugh. She does it again, and you realize she’s talking to you. 
“I like your top,” She mouths again. 
You smile and try to tell her that you like her dress, but she’s just as confused. You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up, but luckily from your placement on the field, no one who might get offended by your inappropriate tittering notices. You hear a shutter and turn next to you to see Peter lowering his camera, a dusting of pink across his cheeks. 
You go to reprimand him, but his smile eats your words. When he’s looking at you like that, how could you be mad? All boyish charm and crinkled eyes. You make a face at him, and before you can even process, there’s a flash and the shutter once again. Peter only chuckles at your shock as you swat at his arm. 
This starts a candid war that goes on for the rest of the game. You both make your way up to the stage to take pictures of everyone. You split up the work to get it done quicker. You’ve finished the last one and notice Peter is still working. Sarah Macnimera is being picky about her pose and insisting Peter get a “good one.” Her glorified boy toy hung loosely on her arm, giving her passive reassurance that she looked great. Pete is getting frustrated, and you raise your camera in preparation.
He turns to make a face at you. His eyes are captured mid-roll, only the whites visible. His tongue lulled forward just a bit, as his face fell “dead.” You had forever immortalized his classic eye roll, fake gag combo that you called the “Kill me” look. You look at the preview screen and make a mental note to upload it later. 
After the homecoming event is over you make your way to the kettle corn stand. The line isn’t very long and you’re bouncing with excitement. Peter teases you for your childlike glee. 
“It’s just kettle corn,” He says in amused disbelief.
“Peter Parker,” You begin, “There is no such thing as ‘just kettle corn.’ Kettle corn is a gift, the best thing to come out of colonization. It is the perfect amount of sweetness- and when fresh, it’s warm. Do you understand? It’s the best food! Only the Boy Scouts can rival what is happening in this tent.”
When you reach the counter to order, you request three large bags. Peter looks at you like you’re insane, but you pay him no mind. Each bag is about as long as your arm and wider than your fists. Truly carnival sized. You try to juggle them, telling Peter you’re putting two in the car for later. You can barely see over them. Pete takes another photo of you, and you have to say you’re a little curious as to how that one turns out. 
On your way back to the game, you're splitting a bag with Peter. Each kernel melts on your tongue, and Peter agrees with you that it’s very good. Sugar hangs from his lips, and you find yourself having to look away. Even with the chill of autumn hanging in the air, being beside Peter today has made you feel warmer than ever before. You had been starved of Peter Parker, but here he was, filling you up once again. Your heart felt full and light. 
 You’ve made your way back into the “field.” The concessions lines were long, and your beloved tent was well in view from this side of the bleachers. You could hear the announcers in their box high above calling out the plays as they came. Many people were making their way to the exit, only caring about the court ceremony. As people pushed and shoved, you almost lost Peter in the crowd until you felt his hold on your arm. His big hands wrapped around your forearm and brought you closer to his person. 
He noticed the way your shoulders had risen and how you had pulled into yourself ever so slightly. Now that you had opened up to him about your anxiety, and that crowds tend to make it worse, he’s been keeping an eye on you.
He had never seen you so broken before. You looked so small, so defeated, when he found you on the bathroom floor. He never wanted to see that again. He had made a vow. He would do everything he could to keep you from going into that state again. 
“Are you okay?”
You nodded your head and he let out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding. He threw his arm around your shoulder and reached across you to get some popcorn. You were discussing what other pictures you two should take- if any- while munching on your sweet treat when you hear Peter’s name called out. 
You looked up at the source and you couldn’t believe your eyes. Miles Moralize, who had become your group’s mascot in a way, had scaled up the fencing on the bleachers. His bright red hoodie was obvious against the rattling silver metal. But in case you didn’t see him, he was also waving his arm dramatically as if waving off a ship in the nineteen twenties. All he needed was a handkerchief. 
Peter waved back and pointed his finger very aggressively at Miles and then at the ground. You couldn’t help but chuckle, then laugh when Peter looked at you with confusion. 
“What’s so funny?” He asked with his brows still furrowed. 
You tried your best to reign in your laughter, “You- you look like May.”
He feigned anger, but his smile overshadowed any attempt at malice in his glare. He lead you over to where Miles was, where you found the rest of the group. Micheal and Nicholas were talking to Miles as he climbed down, guiding his feet and teasing him about how ridiculous he was. Silas wore a tired expression that only lifted once his gaze fell upon the two of you. 
“Oh, thank God! I swear, I’ve aged five years trying to keep these idiots alive for the last half hour.”
He wrapped his arms dramatically around you both, with his toes barely touching the ground, as he all but collapsed. You and Peter both chuckled, offering your condolences and commending him for his bravery. You offered him popcorn, and he was delighted to take some. 
“Thanks! I was trying to get everyone over so I could get some, but they got distracted. This kettle corn is so good. I’ve been looking forward to it all year.”
You declared that Silas could have as much as he wanted because he was the only person appreciative of your scrumptious snack. He cheered as Peter began to defend himself, but then Mile’s feet hit the ground and everyone rushed over. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Nicholas said as he sauntered up to where you were talking to Silas, everyone else in tow, “Gang’s all here.”
You and Peter both greeted him and he immediately burst into a fit of giggles. You looked at each other sceptically, as if silently discussing the clues to this mystery. As if you couldn’t already figure it out between his spacey approach and his glazed gaze, Nick pulls a battered, half-eaten, rice-crispy treat out of his pocket. You clock the almost “caramel” colour to it and quickly piece it together. 
He takes a bite before offering it to you and Peter. 
He chuckles when you both decline, “Oh please, you’re not fooling anyone. Parker here definitely smokes,”
Miles smacks his arm, telling him to keep it down, but Nick ignores him, “And dudette here definitely smokes with him.” 
Peter shakes his head and you can feel his breath across your neck from his proximity.
“Nick, dude. I told you we could, next Wednesday. But I’m not gonna now because then I’ll miss the dance. There’s no way you’re getting in there without raising suspicion.”
Nicholas only takes another bite. Defiance drives his every movement. Although, you’re a little lost on who he’s proving wrong.
“Fuck the dance!” He exclaims around a mouthful of sugar and weed, “Who gives a fuck about the dance? You should come back with us after the game. We’re gonna get high and watch all the Lord of the Rings tonight. That’s so much more fun!”
Your smile is growing more and more forced. While you do enjoy these boys, this is not what you wanted right now. Watching LOTR high did sound like a fun evening, but it didn’t sound even remotely more appealing than dancing with Peter. 
Still tucked under his arm, it’s hard to hide from him. You obviously don’t want Peter to pick the movie night, but you also don’t want to force him to go to the dance. You wish you could get a read on him. One minute he’s suggesting you go; the next he’s acting like he never wanted to. It’s all very confusing. 
“Hmmm,” Peter says, “I dunno. We’ve been planning these matching outfits and everything. It would be a shame not to go.” 
Only Nick sounded annoyed by his answer, and for that you were grateful. You felt a tugging and realised that Pete was turning you both around. He dipped his head down, knocking your head lightly to catch your attention. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
You tightened up your smile, making it bigger. “Yeah, I’m glad we’re still going to the dance.”
You feel his fingers run across your shoulder, and the movement is comforting, “Yeah, of course.”
You looked over your bed where you had spread out all of your gear and clothes, forming a battle plan and double-checking you had everything you needed. First, was the game. You had agreed that Peter would take pictures of the cheerleaders, the band, and the crowd, the atmosphere if you will, because his film camera- while wonderful- has limitations. You would be in charge of capturing the gameplay, equipped with a year-old DSLR model and a long lens. You repacked your bag, double-checking the batteries’ life and that the sd cards were empty. You made sure to pack a few lens wipes as well as the microfiber cloth, just in case. 
Once that was settled you looked over the outfit you had picked out. You wouldn’t have much time to get ready between the dance and the game so you wanted to make sure you were still available for a quick change. You had picked some tight-fitting jeans and a tucked t-shirt. It’s pretty plain, a tight-fitting shirt with cold and navy blue stripes. You had dug around for hours trying to find something with school colours on it, and this would just have to do. The outfit was laid out across your cotton sheets, and beside them was a green bomber jacket. Beneath it lay a grey zip-up hoodie that wasn’t yours. 
As you looked at it your stomach started to knot. It carried a lot in its empty pockets. Memories of butterflies and hope and something you refused to label as love were woven into its worn threads. You had been balancing a tightrope between nonchalance and a Chornobyl-sized meltdown for the past few days. You couldn’t tell if wearing Peter’s jacket would hold you up or shove you into the jagged rocks below. 
You decided that was a problem for later and instead made sure your dress and accessories were all good and accounted for. You had picked out some tall wedges to go with them. 
[maybe describe the dress or sum]
You pulled a deep, centring, breath through your body and stepped into your bathroom. Perched on the counter you began to apply your base makeup. You didn’t go all out just yet, that was for the dance, but you wanted to cut down on things to do later. You applied your base and went with a simple smudged eyeliner look accompanied by thick mascara. You were applying highlight when your father knocked on your door. You beckoned him in and he sat on the tub, his unofficial seat for these moments. 
“Are you excited?” 
His smile was warm and genuine. You beamed at him through the reflection. 
“I’m kinda nervous but also really excited.”
He chuckled at your response, remembering his teenage woes of old. 
“Today, school was awesome. Classes were pretty laid back and then the Pep rally was tons of fun. I sat next to Pete and we just made jokes. At one point we narrated the team’s thoughts as they stood behind the principal. They all had these dead stares as Mr Braxton rambled on for like ten minutes. It was so fun.”
There was a tension in your father’s shoulders that he didn’t know he held, but he felt it leave as you told him about your day. It had been so long since he had seen you so animated. You were excited and he was excited for you. 
“And I know the game is gonna be just as fun. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we suck. Like seriously, I don’t know how our team still gets funding we are so bad. But Pete and I are gonna take pictures and goof off in the stands. Also, I was promised kettle corn and you know I love kettle corn. I’m gonna fuck that up.”
That earned a very loud laugh from your father. 
“Yes, you will. I know better than to ask but would you save me some?”
You chuckled at the request. “How about I get you a bag and bring it home?”
You both agreed on the compromise and he continued to watch you do your makeup, occasionally bobbing his head to the music you were playing. You were dousing your face with setting spray when your phone started vibrating on the counter. 
Your father answered it at your request. 
“Hey, Peter! You're on speaker with me and (Y/n),”
“Hello, Mr (Y/n). Hey, (Y/n).”
You said hello back and he immediately started going into his spiel.
“So I was wondering when you wanted to leave. I know you said you wanted to leave at six but what about dinner? Would you wanna go before or after the game? Or not at all? Also, May wants to take pictures of us but I know I’m coming over to you for the dance. Could she come with? Ben was probably going to drop me off but they could both come and then May could get some pictures. If not I think I could hold her over if your dad promised to take some and send them to her.”
His nervous rambles brought a smile to your face. It reminded you of the way he was before. When he would blush at your kind words and affections. You looked to your dad knowing he was the only one who might care. 
“Mr Parker, you know your family is welcome whenever. I’ll call Ms May and get that all straightened out.”
Your father left the bathroom and you heard his jovial voice as he went into the hallway. It made you laugh. 
You stayed on the phone with Peter for a bit while you got dressed, reviewing the plan once again. You decided to stop and get a sandwich on the way. There was a bodega nearby that Peter absolutely loved, and you agreed to go. It was cheaper and quicker than some fancy sit-down meal. And it was special. Something for you and Peter. The thought made you feel warm inside. 
You were recessed and ready and running to the car. You were buzzing with excitement. It’s true, that Peter and you had been a little rocky lately, but you couldn’t help but feel like maybe it was turning around. The way he had treated you this week (for the most part) has been amazing. When you think about it, most of the things Peter did to upset you weren’t on purpose. Sometimes he was just such a boy. But he had been sweet anytime he realized you were upset. As soon as he recognised that he was sweet and caring and careful. He was attentive and kind. 
There was a fluttering of hope that lived in your ribs. It told you that things were changing. That yeah, there was that weird patch, but you were coming out on the other side. You were seeing Peter again, your friend, and you had missed him. Today you felt like you were floating on cloud nine. He talked to you in class, he included you in the conversations with his friends. He was happy and smiling all day long with you. 
You turned over the engine and switched out the CDs. You wanted the songs that [souttracked] your summer. Songs that reminded you of those carefree days and the golden sun. The weather was getting colder it’s true, but maybe you could make the warmth stick around just a little longer. You could hold on just a little longer. 
The game is very uneventful. So far, you’re thirty minutes from Halftime and there have been three touchdowns. Unfortunately, the Midtown Panthers couldn’t claim any of them. Peter and you had split up for a bit to get some pictures and now you were back in the student section. Several of your peers were losing their minds, cheering anytime your team gained more ground on the field. It all felt a little silly to you but you cheered along with them. The shouting was fun. A release of chaotic energy that you didn’t get often. 
Peter was hesitant but you eventually convinced him to join in. You moved your arms with the cheerleaders and butchered their chants. You could see Sabrina Dontelle roll her eyes every time you messed it up, but that only encouraged you more. Peter’s laughter and smile was more than enough validation in your actions. His smile was bright and you were basking in it.
You made your way through the throng of teens, pushing your way towards the field. The “halftime show” was starting and you both took pictures of the Marching band. The flags looked majestic as they fluttered in the wind, and the careful weaving was meserizing. Then the homecoming court emerged. 
A stage was wheeled onto the field and the principal stood at the podium. He went on and on about how this event was an honourable, celebrated event. About the history of your school and your team. He was optimistic about the end of this game. The crowd erupted into cheers as the homecoming court came out from the same tunnel the team had before. You recognised most faces as they passed, three from each grade. Elaborate dresses and illustrated smiles made their way down the field, accompanied by tailored suits and gelled hair. You found yourself fiddling with your shirt, adjusting your top and jacket. Especially when you saw Gwen. She wasn’t on the court but helping, passing out tairas as the person beside passed out sashes. She wore a beautiful dress, soft white lace over a pale blue tea cut dress. Her make-up was subtle but worked, big eyes with bright lips and matching blush. She looked regal and divine. 
She must have sensed your stare. She turned to look at you and Peter, and her smile was grand. You watched as her hand raised sight and she shook it back and forth with enthusiasm. Peter waved back and you felt your throat tighten, ever so slightly. She makes a gesture with her pointer finger and a thumbs up. You look at her confused and she tries to hide a laugh. She does it again and you realize she’s talking to you. 
“I like your top,” She mouths again. 
You smile and try to tell her that you like her dress but she’s just as confused. You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up, but luckily from your placement on the field, no one who might get offended by your inappropriate tittering notices. You hear a shutter and turn next to you to see Peter lowering his camera, a dusting of pink across his cheeks. 
You go to reprimand him but his smile eats your words. When he’s looking at you how could you be mad? All boyish charm and scrinckled eyes. You make a face at him and before you can even process, there’s a flash and the shutter once again. Peter only chuckles at your shock as you swat at him arm. 
This starts a candid war that goes on for the rest of the game. You both make your way up to the stage to take pictures of everyone. You split up the work to get it done quicker. You’ve finished the last one and notice Peter is still working. Sarah Macnimera is being picky about her pose and insisting Peter get a “good one.” Her glorified boytoy, hung loosely on her arm, giving her passive reassurances that she looked great. You raise your camera just in time to catch Peter making a face at you. 
His eyes are captured mid roll, only the whites visible. His tongue lulled forward just a bit, as his face fell “dead.” You had forever imortalized his classic eye roll, fake gag combo that you called the “Kill me” look. You look at the preview screen and make a mental note to uplaod it later. 
After the homecoming event is over you make your way to the kettle corn stand. The line isn’t very long and You’re bouncing with excitement. Peter teases you for your childlike glee. 
“It’s just kettle corn,” He says in amused disbelief
“Peter Parker,” You begin, “There is no such thing as ‘just kettle corn.’ Kettle corn is gift, the best thing to come out of colonization. It is the perfect amount of sweet and when fresh it’s warm. Do you understand? It’s the best food! Only the Boy Scout’s can rival what is happening in this tent.”
When you get up to the counter to order you request three large bags. Peter looks at you like you’re insane but you pay him no mind. Each bag is about as long as your arm and wider than two of your fists. Truly carnival sized. You try to juggle them, telling Peter you’re putting two in the car for later. You can barley see over them. Pete takes another photo of you and you have to say you’re a little curious as to how that one turns out. 
On your way back to the game your splitting a bag with Peter. Each kernel melts on your tongue and Peter agrees with you that it’s very good. Sugar hangs from his lips and you find yourself having to look away. Even with the chill of autum hanging in the air, being beside Peter today has made you feel warmer than ever before. You had been starved of Peter Parker, but here he was, filling you up once again. Your heart felt full and light. 
 You’ve made your way back into the “field”. The concesions lines were long and your beloved tent was in well in view from this side of the bleachers. You could hear the announcers in their box high above calling out the plays as they came. Many people were making their way to the exit, only caring about the court ceremony. As people pushed and shoved you almost lost Peter in the crowd, until you felt his hold on your arm. His big hands wrapped around your forearm and brought you closer to his person. 
He noticed the way your shoulders had risen and how you had pulled into yourself ever so slightly. Now that you had opened up to him about your anxiety and that crowds tend to make it worse, he’s been keeping an eye on you. He had never seen you so broken before. You looked so small, so defeated, when he found you on the bathroom floor. He never wanted to see that again. He had made a vow. He would do everything he could to keep you from going into that state again. 
“Are you okay?”
You nodded your head and he let out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding. He threw his arm around your shoulder and reached across you to get some popcorn. You were discussing what other pictures you two should take, if any, while munching on you sweet treat when you hear Peter’s name called out. 
You look up to the source and you couldn’t believe your eyes. Miles Moralize, who had become your group’s mascot in a way, had scaled up the fencing on the bleachers. His bright red hoodie was obvious against the rattling metal. But incase you didn’t see him, he was also waving his arm dramatically, as if waving off a ship in the nineteen twenties. All he needed was a handkerchief. 
Peter waved back and pointed his finger very aggressively at Miles and then the ground. You couldn’t help but chuckle and then laugh when Peter looked at you with confusion. 
“What’s so funny?” He asked with his brows still furrowed. 
You tried your best to reign in your laughter, “You- you look like May.”
He friegned anger but his smile overshadowed any attempt at malice in his glare. He lead you over to where Miles was, where you found the rest of the group. Micheal and Nicholas were talking to Miles as he climbed down, guiding his feet and teasing him about how ridiculous he was. Silas wore a tired expression that only lifted once his gaze fell apon the two of you. 
“Oh, thank God! I swear, I’ve aged five years trying to keep these idiots alive for the last half hour.”
He wrapped his arms draumaticly around you both with his toes barely touching the ground as he all but collapsed. You and Peter both chuckled, offering your condolences and commending him for his bravery. You offered him popcorn and he was delighted to take some. 
“Thanks! I was trying to get everyone over so I could get some but they got distracted. This kettle corn is so good. I’ve been looking forward to it all year.”
You declared that Silas could have as much as he wanted because he was the only person appreciative of your delcectible snack. He cheered as Peter began to defend himself, but then Mile’s feet hit the ground and everyone rushed over. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Nicholas said as he sauntered up to where you were talking to silas, everyone else in tow, “Gang’s all here,”
You and Peter both greeted him and he immediately burst into a fit of giggles. You looked at eachother skeptically, as if silently discussing the clues to this mystery. As if you couldn’t already figure it out between his spacey approach and his glazed gaze, Nick pulls a battered, half eaten, rice crispy treat out of his pocket. You clock the almost “caramel” colour to it and quickly piece it together. 
He takes a bite before offering it to you and Peter. 
He chuckles when you both decline, “Oh please, you’re not fooling anyone. Parker here definitely smokes,”
Miles smacks his arm, telling him to keep it down, but Nick ignores him, “And dudette here definitely smokes with him.” 
Peter shakes his head and you can feel his breath across your neck from his proximity. “Nick, dude. I told you we could Wednesday. But I’m not gonna now because then I’ll miss the dance. There’s no way you’re getting in there without raising suspicion.”
Nicholas only takes another bite. Defieance drives his every movement although you’re a little lost on who he’s proving wrong.
“Fuck the dance!” He exclaims around a mouthful of sugar and weed, “Who gives a fuck about the dance? You should came back with us after the game. We’re gonna get high and watch all the Lord of the Rings tonight. That’s so much more fun!”
Your smile is growing more and more forced. While you do enjoy these boys, this is not what you wanted right now. While that did sound like a fun evening, it didn’t sound even remotely more appealing than dancing with Peter. 
Still tucked under his arm it’s hard to hid from him. You obviously don’t want Peter to pick the movie night but you also don’t want to force him to go to the dance. You wish you could get a read on him. One minute he’s suggesting you go, the next he’s acting like he never wanted to. It’s all very confusing. 
“Hmmm,” Peter says, “I dunno. We’ve been planing these matching outfits and everything. It would be a shame not to go.” 
Only Nich sounded annoyed by his answer and for the you were grateful. You felt a tugging and realised that Pete was turning you both around. He dipped his head down, knocking your head lightly to catch your attention. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
You tightened up your smile, making it bigger. “Yeah, I’m glad we’re still going to the dance.”
You feel his fingers run across your shoulder and the movement is comforting, “Yeah, of course.”
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zoeysdamn · 1 year
Treasure Planet: a way underrated Disney movie [critic]
Hi, hello, it’s me again, rambling about a movie like I’m working for the Nostalgia Critic instead of writing next chapter or actually do my work. What can I say, I love to ramble on obscure subjects (but since at least once person enjoyed the critic I wrote on The Witcher: Blood origin I solely did to improve my writing skills, I guess it’s okay lmao) Love you and stay hydrated ♥
Time to analyze and bring justice to Treasure Planet 
There are some movies that leave a mark on you, that you’ll always remember of through your life. It isn’t necessarily a good, Oscar-winning movie, or a mindblowing work, but it is an unpriceable memory to you, and that’s why it is one of your favorite movies ever. That’s how I feel about Disney’s Treasure Planet. 
First thing first, I’d like to highlight an important aspect about this critic: Treasure Planet is the first movie I’ve ever seen in theaters. I was 3 years old, and seeing those incredible images of space and stars up on a big screen through my child’s eyes definitely did something to me (cue my tattoos of moon and sun I guess). So what I’m trying to say is, that even if I’ll be doing my best to make an objective critic, it definitely won’t be one. I love this movie so freaking much, do not try to stop the fangirl screaming in me. I watched it again recently with my brother, and even if I know it like the back of my hand, I couldn’t believe that a lot of people still think poorly of this movie.
That being said, let’s move on to the main subject: in what way is Treasure Planet an underrated movie? I’ll be trying to analyze why it failed to be a new success for the Disney company at a time of many mildly successful productions, and carry on about why we all should appreciate it more with a new eye, for it brought many great things. 
First, let’s talk about the context of this movie’s release. In 2002, Disney wasn't in its golden nor silver age anymore. The last original movie – meaning, that isn’t a prequel or sequel of a previous franchise – was Atlantis in 2001 and Kuzco in 2000 (I’m not including Monsters Inc., given it was a Pixar co-production). The first wasn’t exactly a financial success (although it is also one of my favorite Disney ever, what can I say, I like the unloved ones), and the latter, even if I still think it’s one of the most hilarious movies they ever made, was not a great movie. So when Treasure Planet launched and turned out to be a critical business failure – 109 578 115 $ at the box-office for a 140 000 000 $ budget, and if you’re wondering, yes it is indeed a big failure – nobody ever talked about it again. The failure is even greater given not a single Disney Park has an attraction on this theme – but we’ll talk about this later. Now, not many people actually know that this movie ever existed.
Now that we have a little more context, let’s go even deeper and see the different elements that lead to this catastrophic failure within the movie. It’s important to remember that I’m not an expert either in movies analysis or the Disney company, there’s a lot of things I don’t know or don’t have any numbers to prove what I’m saying. I’m simply here to ramble and list things that seem important to me, and I’m making a hella lot of assumptions. 
Given the general context of the movie release, I think that what wounded its reputation the most is the 3D used. It is – if I’m not mistaken, and I probably am – one of the first Disney animated movies that uses so much 3D. And let’s be honest…it aged badly. I’m not bad mouthing anybody’s work, I appreciate the fact that Disney tried something; with every new experiment, there have to be some clumsy first try, and yeah, we could say that Treasure Planet was this one. But remember, the movie came out in 2002: a year before, Dreamworks leveled up the 3D game by releasing Shrek, and next to it the 3D view in Treasure Planet looks cheap. The idea was interesting, the view in a gradual zoom on the moon-turning-to-be-an-harbor was really a good idea; but the messy outcome of the visual cost a lot more to the movie’s reputation. 
Another thing that may have contributed to the movie’s unsuccess could be the lack of “typical” Disney elements. I’m here talking about things such as a romantic interest for the main character, a princess/royalty character, or catchy musical moments sung by characters. If we look at the Disney animated movies that had been released around the same time, it was all movies and/or sequels about princesses (Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid), or already popular characters (Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh, etc.). Choosing to not give a female, princess-like, and popular character was a bold and risky move for Disney; as a result, the story was led by a forgettable character who didn’t leave any mark in people’s minds. Again, I’m talking while trying to be objective, you bet I remember Jim Hawkins; we’re talking about one of my very first fictional crushes here, I’ll take the defense of this amazing character later. 
Of course, the story does give a glimpse of a love story, but between two side characters. Not enough for a company who built most of its movies’ success on princesses and true love kisses. The same could be said about the lack of songs; there’s always a tune immediately blasting in your head when someone mentions Disney, the absence of such joyful musical moments certainly wounded Treasure Planet’s reputation. But on the other side, the only song within the movie (I’m not counting the outro) is really deep, and well inserted in the plot. I hardly picture any of the characters, even the main one – especially him – starting to sing their feelings out of the blue. The lack of sung serenades makes sense, but it may have not been appreciated by viewers who expected a full Broadway show. 
Finally, the whole aesthetic may have been quite unsettling for most of the viewers. I think the movie came out at an in-between of steampunk glory – after the success of Lovecraft and before the 00’ return of this style’s popularity. Again, I'm a big fan of the whole design; but it was also a bit too daring for the time. 
So to sum this up really quickly, I think that Treasure Planet was released too soon. It has the potential to be a bigger success, should it have been released nowadays. Beside the 3D parts that have aged badly, I honestly don’t think this movie’s outdated the slightest. I still think today that the viewers of 2002 weren’t ready for this movie, its story, characters and message. And to defend that, I’ll list the elements that make this movie a brilliant one. 
First of all, the whole story inspired by Stevensons’ Treasure Island is a major good point for me. The pirate aesthetic hadn’t come back fully in pop culture yet, and the original story has very interesting material ahead. The source of inspiration was an excellent idea. It also led to the unconventional coming-of-age story; most of the plot in this kind of scenario is about someone who becomes an adult somehow, through an epic quest. They have a good life, but thrive for more, or are the “chosen one” and all. Here, Jim is, admittedly by his mother, a juvenile delinquent. This late teenager is lost in his life, torn apart between his dreams of freedom, and the love he has for his mother. He doesn’t want to let her down, or disappoint her, but he doesn’t know what to do because no one can guide him through what’s possible for him. And as a young adult who had been through such a crisis for 5 solid years (and still not completely out of it let’s be honest), it is an important subject to bring up. It’s not that Jim is lazy or inherently a bad son, he just doesn’t know what to do and what the possibilities are. The cops, the clients of the inn, even the doctor and his mom had categorized him as a good-for-nothing so he’s kind of stuck in this role, all while deeply loving his mother and trying to help her. This internal conflict between what you want to do for your own good and what your heart wants to do to keep your loved ones (especially family) safe and proud of you isn’t completely foreign in a Disney movie; but it is something that is more recurrent in later movies, such as Moana, Tangled and such.
This is a great transition to address the subject of Jim’s family, which is also depicted in a very modern way in my opinion. The fact that he only has his mom in the movie is…painfully classical in a Disney movie (I mean, the no parents policy is basically a private joke in Disney movies now). But it’s one of the first movies where the dad’s absence is clearly and loudly mentioned, either by the characters themselves or through the song. It is also one of rare cases of a parent actually leaving their families; during the song, we see Jim’s dad leaving and never coming back (probably out buying intergalactic milk, I don’t know), but we also see Jim’s mom crying, him being deeply affected by his father’s absence through different phases of his childhood, and more than that, the effect of his dad’s absence is clearly mentioned several times. We don’t know if his father actually died out of space or if he just left Jim and Sarah – although several elements seem to indicate so, such as the fact we never see his face, that Sarah doesn’t have any picture of him in the inn or in her memory-locket-necklace, or that Jim says that he doesn’t miss his dad who’s more like “going away and never coming back”. Parent(s)’s deaths in Disney movies are usually either briefly mentioned as such (Atlantis, Cinderella, etc.) or a means to bring up a more tragic backstory that serves the character’s growth (Tarzan). Here we have a very realistic, bitter case of a father leaving his child and wife for no apparent reason; for a 2002 Disney movie, it is indeed a very modern take at the subject of one parent’s disappearance, especially at how they show the effects on every concerned character. 
And this is a very appreciated choice! When Encanto was released almost two years ago, I was thrilled by the serious issues such as intergenerational trauma, gaslighting within a family, and pain caused by neglect of elders someone looks up to. My first thought was “Finally, we can have a Disney movie that addresses very much real family issues, it’s a big step for them.” But then when I re-watched Treasure Planet, I realized that Disney had done that before, almost 20 years ago; and that’s why it’s a great movie. Children aren’t dumb (yes, I’m actually saying this), I do believe we can talk about any subject with them if we use words and concepts they can understand. They’re naive about a lot of things, and it’s natural they’re still kids; but if a kid can watch and understand Ariel wanting legs to seduce the good-looking fellow on the boat, they can understand that sometimes family can take different forms, including a single mother and her sons both struggling on different scales due to a husband and father abandon. 
This whole setting also allowed the movie to have a slightly different type of main character. I mentioned it briefly before, but Jim is a more complex character than most of the Disney protagonists of that time - and before. Once again, let’s make something clear about typology: complex doesn't necessarily mean complicated. Jim has a rather easily understandable goal, he wants to find his place, and what to do with his life. But the fact that he’s standing in-between the brashness of late-teenage years and seriousness of young adulthood, probably triggered earlier by his dad’s disappearance, makes him more complex. He’s a morally gray character, who’s sometimes acting like a brat (trespassing several times, getting arrested and such), but who also wants to get things right, especially for his mom. So by complex, I mean that Jim has nuances; much more than traditional Disney protagonists (that is especially true for all of the princesses lore anterior to this movie). There had been some examples of that before of course, with Aladdin and Tarzan for example; Megara in Hercules is loved because she’s witty AND a complex character. But she’s only a side character; in Treasure Planet it is  the protagonist and others who wear those traits (Silver, Jim, even Captain Amelia). It also reminds the turn-over of the team in the second part of Atlantis, when they all realize Rourke had gone too far while not even 10 minutes earlier they were assumed capitalist treasure snatchers regardless of Atlantean culture. So, those two big examples of more complex characters did a good job to prepare the field for their successors (Elsa in Frozen, Flynn Rider in Tangled, even Maui in Moana), but not enough to get the public satisfied enough when they came out. 
Jim’s evolution through the movie is also a really interesting one, because it does once again not fit into what I’d call a “traditional” goal in Disney movies. I’d say there are two main categories in there: a romance trope (seduce and/or reunite with the love interest as in Sleeping beauty, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, etc.) or a higher, destiny-boud, epic purpose or quest (Simba avenging his father and claiming his rightful place as the king, Arthur becoming king, Hercules trying to prove he’s a divine hero, Moana saving the ocean, Miguel trying to return to the living’s world and mend some of his families’ feud, Robin Hood fighting against oppression, and on and on). Of course I’m caricaturing things here, but it is indeed quite rare to have, such as in Treasure Planet, a protagonist with a very personal, almost selfish compared to other movies, goal. Sure there’s the Flynt’s treasure hunt, but more than that, the journey is about giving Jim an opportunity to find himself, his place, and his dreams. More importantly, he finds a father/guiding figure in Silver in once again a very subtle way. Jim doesn’t need a new father, he needs someone who listens to him and gives him the tools to choose his destiny himself. That is greatly pictured at the end of the movie when Silver offers Jim to follow him in the pirate way, and Jim declines saying he has his own future now. He doesn’t reject the cyborg’s way of life, for he had learned a lot from it, he simply acknowledged the outcomes of his journey under the guidance of Silver. Through all of their adventures we see on plenty of occasions Silver teaching Jim things, and Jim trying, understanding, and then mixing those things with his own ways to create something greater, more efficient and deeply personal. This is an excellent way of depicting teaching, especially for older or young adult character growth. They are already their own person, they don’t need to be made or inherently changed; but they still need an adjusted guidance to unlock and thrive through their potential. Again, this is a good, nuanced message that the movie aced. 
That being said, I’d like to talk again about the overall aesthetic of the movie. I was, and still am in awe in front of the chara-designs and ambience. Creating an animation movie using space aesthetics was brilliant, and it’s a shame there’s still not a lot of movies doing so. I mean, the color palette, patterns and design possibilities are endless, some screenshots of the movie are my favorite of all time. Plus, I really liked the design of some planets, mixing steampunk and a more Alien-like vibe. As for the characters, it’s still funny how we feel like we know what they’re partly inspired by, but at the same time being completely clueless? Like, Captain Amelia is a cat-lady or something? The scary spider-thing man? The whole pirate crew? Each character is an alien for the other and the designs are really funny to watch. And can we please talk about the absolute snack that Jim is? We’re talking about one of my very first fictional crushes here, and I said what I said. The boy is more charming than 90% of the Disney princes who had come before him, I won’t change my mind. 
To sum this up, I think that the design team and artists really had fun creating this movie, and that even if the whole aesthetic failed to please the public, it’s still an excellent exercise of style for the artistic direction team.  
So now, where does all of that lead to? I’ll try to make a quick conclusion about all of that. Basically I think that this movie was released too soon. The message and execution were great, there were some good ideas, but I don’t think the public was ready or expecting that. Disney needed a new success, and it should have been something like a new Aladdin, or The Little Mermaid; something more traditional they knew would absolutely work. Instead the viewers were disappointed by the new movie and turned their back on a too unconventional movie. Should it have been released ten years after, I’m pretty sure Treasure Planet would have had a better 3D and a better, well-deserved success. And honestly, the fact that some movies with interesting, new designs and plots failed to be popular is a disappointment for both the viewers and Disney itself. For example, Atlantis shares a lot of similarities with Treasure Planet on this subject. Can we stop for a second and imagine what could have happened on a larger scale if both of those movies had been successes? The impact on the way female characters are written, or people of color representation (which Atlantis was a great precursor of)? On how a good animated movie doesn’t necessarily needs a love story or a kiss (Milo and Kida never kiss, nor do they declare their undying love, because they met 3 days ago for fuck’s sake. Yes Cinderella and Snow White, I’m looking at you); or the impact on characters and universes design? Imagine the potential of both of those movie aesthetics for Disney parks attractions? For merch? 
In the end, the appreciation of a movie, especially one produced by Disney that we certainly watched as a kid, is deeply personal; the success or lack of at the box-office doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad movie. A dozen parameters are to be accounted for to understand if, and why the movie had been a critical failure, including the general context of movies of the same type at the time, and a more large view of the company and expectations of both the producers and the public. So if one day you’re rewatching a movie you love that hadn’t been exactly welcomed at its time, think about it; maybe it’s a true gem, never understood by critics, maybe it had come out too soon or too late. Maybe some of the movies that are considered the greatest of all time now will never be heard of by our grandchildren. We never know what will be popular in pop-culture in a decade or two; so if you enjoy a movie nobody loves, it’s okay. You like it, no matter what the critics might be right now, it’s a comfort movie of yours. And no one can take that away.
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(aesthetic is myine, I did it some years ago. Thought it was the right time to dig it from the depth of my files!)
If you want to debate about the movie, of movies critic in general do not hesitate to drop by in the comments or in DMs! I love talking with fellow movies nerds ♥
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issybettyx · 2 years
I’m gonna infodump and ramble about dsmp lore because i’ve just watched all the sad-ist animatics and my brain is making me wanna scream about it
— // spoilers for dsmp, may be dark themes, some content may be triggering for certain readers. Everything is c! , unless otherwise specified
I’m gonna start my ramble with c!technoblade, because in my opinion his character is severely misjudged in several situations. I encourage discussion over this, but also someone got extremely angry at me once over this so as stupid as this is gonna sound please respect my thoughts please and thank you x
Techno joins the game to help out his friends, Tommy and Wilbur, in taking down a government that wronged them.
Reasons he did this:
1. To help his friends when they were in need of a power he held
2. To see the fall of a government - anarchy
3. Knowing him he probably had nothing else better to do
Just him joining the server shows his motives, his beliefs, and his relationships with other characters. He cares about his friends to put his life on the line, and canonically his citizenship in one of the only proper countries.
My man literally said “my friends are in need i’m gonna go help them :D”
And then, he told them his beliefs. He said how he was against government overall and wanted to take the government down, and wilbur and tommy went ‘yep great cool we can work with that’. So, Techno spent days upon days farming potatoes, grinding for netherite and potions and tnt and so so many things to help them take over the most powerful people on the server. Techno spent so much time on these people, he helped them take down the opposition in the war of manberg vs pogtopia.
And then they put a new president in power.
Wilbur and Tommy knew this directly opposed their most powerful ally’s only condition for his help, and Tommy was surprised when Techno betrayed them. Bestie, wake up, you literally betrayed him, ily but also- should’ve expected it.
Anyways, Techno’s like ‘literally everyone hates me, so ima run away to the snow to make them happier and i also can’t be arsed with government i’m gonna live alone in the snow’ and they go ‘hahahah no we’re the butcher army formed to unalive you’ and literally blackmail this man.
Did Techno kinda kill a bunch of people and spawn two withers? Yes. Does he deserve some kind of punishment? Probably. But if he’s literally left your country for the better of you and you actively seek him out to take his life? Yeah that’s not very cool of you man
Oh and not to mention they put his mate on house arrest and stole his things just to unalive him, that also wasn’t very cool.
What was cool however was Techno being an absolute badass and escaping with all three lives anyways. That man was literally in the worst position being blackmailed after trying to be peaceful and still got out alive. Then quackity got stabbed in the face with an axe, which was lowkey deserved seeing as he was holding Carl captive, like don’t bring animals into it what did they ever do to you? The pet war was enough pet stress thank youuuuu
After that was the exile stuff wasn’t it? Tommy’s just escaped from a toxic environment after an attempt on his life seeking refuge in his old friend’s home.
Now, this part is something that I absolutely love about Techno’s character.
Before this point, Techno had been wronged by Tommy. Tommy had gone against him, betrayed him, got mad at him for taking Tubbo’s life despite him not exactly having an option. Techno had no reason to let him stay. Not to mention Tommy hardly asked, he kind of broke in, stole his things and demanded it be his home and tried to kick Techno out.
And you know what Techno did? He offered protection, he offered help, he offered his home and he offered to be Tommy’s friend.
Despite literally everything he still went ‘sure tommy you can stay, and i’ll even help you get your discs back!’
And, omg, when he opened the door to the room with the wither skulls and said ‘no body’s seen this, not even phil’. Oh my goodness, shivers. Techno and Phil are like closest besties, Techno would trust Phil with his life, and he still trusts Tommy to see his hard work before anyone else.
Some would say it was a threat, Techno seeing the threat on this wanted exiled child staying under his roof and wanting to send a message to him to not even try and threaten him or his friends. Like for example when Tommy took Antfrost hostage and made him mine, tried to take Techno hostage and immediately backed off with the threat; Tommy knows how powerful Techno truly is, he couldn’t mess with him.
Personally, I would say it’s quite the opposite. It’s a way for Techno to say ‘i trust you, i’ll protect you no matter the cost’. Maybe that’s just my bedrockbros fluff loving brain, but remember when Tommy and Techno were surrounded by the server and Tommy decided to join them instead of stand beside Techno? And Techno said something along the lines of ‘i’ll fight them all off, you run’. He was literally willing to risk everything to get Tommy away safe, he was worried for him and was going to sacrifice his life.
And after everything Techno did for Tommy, he went back to the people who hurt him and away from the one person who’d offered him protection no matter how much he hurt him in the past.
And that fact, that Techno was going to sacrifice everything for a kid who cared little for him at all, hurts me way more than it should for minecraft roleplay.
I’m gonna be honest and say I have no clue what happened between then and Doomsday. Genuinely, I have zero clue, so I’m gonna watch some vods tonight of between then and doomsday to see how in hells name they got from tommy rejoining new l’manberg and techno, phil and dream blowing up new l’manberg and making it into l’manhole.
Anyways, this is the only part of c!technoblade that i just sit and wonder why he did that.
I’m assuming he was angry at them, angry at the butcher army for trying to unalive him and for putting phil on house arrest. He once said how if someone showed him kindness he would repay it tenfold, but if someone caused harm to his friends they would be absolutely fucked (not his words). They threatened Phil, and therefore they paid for it.
Do i agree with his reasoning? Not really no, but I can see where he was coming from. Spite is a powerful motivator.
His other part of reasoning would be the concept of anarchy, of taking down the government that was telling people what they should do. To be on Tubbo’s side here is literally the only right thing, as much as i love c!techno, Tubbo tried his best to protect his people and build a safe country, similar to early l’manberg but with a significant lack of dictators and discrimination. New L’Manberg was, all in all, a welcoming country, and Tubbo made sure of that.
And then, boom.
Literally it was all blown up.
After doomsday, not much happened for a while really. They just kinda chilled.
Then, you know what was formed? The absolutely awesome and infamous Syndicate, an anarchy group that is so incredible they did nothing but sound awesome. The Syndicate are literally my favourite people ever.
Boom Dream’s in prison, Quackity tricks Techno into going in, locks him in, Techno being absolutely awesome goes ‘how can i make the most of this? I know: gain knowledge’
So that’s what he does, forcing dream to write books on books of everything he knows before finally getting teleported out.
Now, for those who don’t know, Techno owed Dream a favour. Remember how i said Techno got his life threatened by the butcher army and got his horse Carl stolen? Yeah Dream kinda helped him get Carl back, smart move on his end, and made him indebted to Dream. So, Techno kind of had to get Dream out, and also got Ranboo out in the process? We never found out why Ranboo wanted to go into the prison so bad, I have a feeling it was his enderwalking or something but whatever.
Guess who dies? Ranboo. Jeez that was forever ago wasn’t it? Poor Tubbo he deserved so much better.
Then after that it was THE REVENGERS. The best trio ever who literally no one expected;
A traitor, an anarchist and an ex-president.
All joined together to save Michael the beloved, and to be horrible to Sam who literally let a prisoner, albeit a terrible person, be tortured and trap an almost but also kind of not innocent person inside with him (Techno did bad things but not bad enough to be in the main cell of Pandora’s Vault, that place was meant for someone as horrible as c!dream).
The Revengers was definitely one of my favourite streams; three people who are meant to hate each other putting aside their differences for one common goal, and coming out civil. I think it was pretty awesome, character development my beloved.
And that was basically c!techno. In summary, he was caring, protective of his friends, stuck to his beliefs, stuck to his word, strong, and he was able to put aside his emotions for the better of others on several occasions.
C!technoblade is one of my favourite characters, he was developed amazingly, his humour was fantastic. Everything he did for tommy and wilbur was more than he should’ve, he put his all into making sure others were okay even when he hated them. Did he blow up a few people and a few countries? Maybe. But he was awesome, and i find people misunderstand him a lot.
I could talk about c!technoblade for ages and not get bored, he’s so interesting and I could study his every action and continue to say how awesome he is, but we must move forward onto my next favourite character:
Now, the difference between c!techno and c!wilbur is the fact that most of c!techno’s things i picked out were unintentional, whereas c!wilbur was so thoughtfully created and shaped into this selfish lying character.
Wilbur joined and immediately made a drug van, dragging Tommy with him. This drug van was developed into L’manberg, and Wilbur took his role as president seriously, fighting for his country’s independence. But you know who finally gained them independence after several walls and wars? A child who was dragged into the entire thing by his big brother, a child who gave up two of the most important things to him to give his older brother what he wanted most.
L’manberg gained independence, but Wilbur knew he was a dictator. Now, this, in my opinion, is the first time we see the real c!wilbur.
Wilbur says “let’s run an election but make me the only running candidate”, his first proof of manipulative nature that sends his country into literal ruins (butterfly effect is certainly something). Obviously, people are against this, especially Quackity who was rejected citizenship because he wasn’t european. Quackity was angry at Wilbur, and knew the best way to piss him off would be to take away what he built from the ground up.
Wilbur’s like ‘well fuck I gotta play this off’, which is his first time actively lying.
Election in summary: POG2020 (wilbur) gets 45% of the overall votes. SWAG2020 (quackity) loses. But, Schlatt had formed his own government (SCHLATT2020) and formed a coalition government with SWAG2020, together gaining 46% of the vote. Coconut2020 (fundy) gained the other 9%.
Wilbur and Tommy were exiled, Technoblade joined the server.
Now, exile was not easy on Wilbur.
For a while, he’d been sending letters to Philza, his Dad, and had started lying. Wilbur had wrote how he’d won the election, how he was doing well. Why would he lie? Phil’s his dad right? Philza is a caring character, he would love his son and help his son, why would Wilbur lie?
Well, he’d put all of his effort into building this nation, he probably felt weak admitting that he’d lost everything he’d created, how he’d let down Tommy and he didn’t want to admit that.
This was the start of Wilbur’s drive to insanity.
Exile absolutely destroyed Wilbur. He wanted to feel empowered, he wanted to have control. So, he took advantage of those around him.
What Wilbur truly wanted was his country back (though at the end of exile he felt like he had no choice, he felt like it wasn’t his and he gave it up), and he saw Techno offering his help and took advantage of it.
He saw Tommy willing to do anything for Wilbur, following his steps, wanting to become president because Wilbur was a president. He saw Tommy wanting to be the hero and led him in the revolution, made Tommy feel like he was a part of something bigger than himself. Wilbur was in control of Tommy, and he made sure to take advantage of this, making him feel weaker than he was capable of (“you’re never going to be president, Tommy”) so he would listen to and follow his every word and command.
Manberg vs Pogtopia, they win. But Wilbur’s lost all sense of self; he isn’t the courageous respected man he once was, but a shell of him, and he knows this.
// suicide - ends at next double forward slash (//)
Wilbur gets his country back, and he puts Tommy in charge. A child who had to grow up too fast, a child who’s been under his brother’s arm and also his control without knowing, a child who was exiled aged 16 who was dragged into a horrid world full of death and horror.
Tommy had gone through so much, and so he handed over the country to the person he trusted the most; Tubbo.
Wilbur, meanwhile, leaves, knowing Technoblade will betray them in to go to the button room (i swear it has a name i just don’t remember it), where his father - who in fact he’s been lying to for however long - shows up and stops him. His song is etched into wood on the walls, an example of his identity, of his life’s work, of his love for singing and his entire reasoning for living. And his father shows up, telling him to stop, telling him there’s more to life, that his symphony doesn’t have to be unfinished. (“My l’manberg! Phil! My unfinished symphony forever unfinished!”)
Wilbur feels lost and alone. He’s manipulated his friends and lied to his father (cough cough c!wilbur’s two most distinctive traits cough cough). He knows he isn’t his father’s son anymore, he isn’t the kid who won the election, and this guilt eats him up so much he throws his sword at his father’s feet and orders him to kill him.
The country is blown up at Wilbur’s hand. In English Teacher Terms (ETT^TM), this symbolises him ending his manipulative and lying ways. Everything he built, lost, and got back has been destroyed, and his people stare at him as his father takes his final life.
Limbo: Wilbur was stuck in a train station for like 13-14 years.
Ghostbur: everything good about Wilbur. For example, his love for his family. Ghostbur spends a most of his time with Tommy, Techno and Phil. He has friend on a lead, the blue of his wool a symbol for how Wilbur tried to help people but his efforts were completely pointless. Ghostbur gives people some blue wool to rid them of their worries. It’s a childish fantasy, it doesn’t work no matter how much he wishes it would. Alivebur did this a lot, he did things that he thought would help others but it just didn’t, but his want to help was still evident, ghostbur just lacks the manipulative negative side of that.
Revivedbur: he immediately starts a new country, it’s all he knows, a form of comfort after years and years of the same horrid thing over and over and over again. He drags another child with him, Ranboo, and finds nostalgia in Tommy’s presence and controllability. When Wilbur was in limbo, Tommy went through hell and back, and it takes ages for Tommy to admit this, showing the lack of trust he now holds for Wil.
The moment Wilbur realises what Dream did to Tommy in exile, he goes ballistic. Wilbur still cares about Tommy, he still manipulates him and makes him do his bidding, but Tommy is still his brother and he still cares so much for him, so much so he’s willing to unalive his ‘hero’ for him. This shows how much he truly cares for Tommy, but i believe this also makes him come a realisation that his presence around Tommy was negative.
He has this moment of realisation where he goes “this kid has been wronged, i need to protect him- but my presence never truly helped him, maybe he would be better without me?”
So he begins his plan to leave. (To utah which totally isn’t an allegory of death, which totally doesn’t correlate to when he lost his final canon life, i’ll go into that at the end) he realises truly how many people he hurt, and he goes around and apologises to them.
Most people prove his point. Most people, the conversations went a bit like this:
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay I forgive you.”
Proving that people so easily fall at the feet of those powerful enough, or at the feet of those they love most.
Despite being wronged, they still hold their love for Wilbur for all the good things he did.
The only person who didn’t forgive him was his son, Fundy, who’d let his hatred for Wilbur sink in literal years ago when he went against them as coconut 2020 in the l’manberg election. Fundy met the same fate as his father, and it made Wilbur realise that maybe he didn’t deserve a better death than his son had.
But he doesn’t want Tommy to know that.
Now, in Wilbur’s latest stream (qsmp day 1), he said how Utah was an allegory to death. And that got me thinking: why would Wilbur lie to Tommy?
As I said previously, two of C!wilbur’s main traits were manipulation and lying. After he was revived, he led everyone to believe that he was a changed man. After everything, after exile and limbo and the burger van, he said how he’d changed.
But he never really changed, did he?
C!wilbur was an example of someone who, deep down, never truly changed. The things that did change, however, was his motivations.
Wilbur continued to lie. He lied to Tommy about Utah, but he said he was changed didn’t he?
In exile, he lied to protect himself. He lied because he felt weak, he felt angry, and he didn’t want anyone to feel like they had more power than he did, that they knew him better than he did.
As a wise man once said, “If you know thy self, and you know thy enemy, you need not fear the result of a thousand battles.” (Or something like that). Wilbur knew that if his enemy, and even his allies, knew him, they could control him, they could see through him and his lies and his manipulation.
But, after Tommy told him about exile, his motives changed from protecting himself to protecting his loved ones. He wanted to protect Tommy, and throughout his whole life there was one thing he knew best, and that was lying.
// suicide - ends at next two forward slashes (//)
So when Tommy asked if Wilbur was going to unalive himself, he said no. He said he was going to Utah.
This showed he didn’t change in his ways; he didn’t find better ways to deal with things. But his motives changed.
C!wilbur once looked at c!tommy and saw a child full of potential. Before he left for “utah”, he looked at Tommy and saw a child who never got to be. So he protected him from the truth, so that any remaining youth in him could be saved.
As i said before with Techno, i could talk about c!wilbur for ages, i didn’t even talk about ‘the wilbur van’ or ‘healthy competition’ or a more in depth reasoning and symbolism behind ghostbur.
However this post is very long, and i’m very tired, and this has taken me like two hours to write and i haven’t even talked about c!tommy and c!tubbo yet, so that is a job for another day. If you somehow read all this way, i am firstly very proud of you, and secondly i hope you enjoyed my somehow brief infodump about dsmp, because i have been hyperfixed on this server for over two years and I never get to talk about it, so yeah :D
C!technoblade my beloved
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doublegoblin · 8 months
A year and some change in retrospective
Okay so technically It’s like a year and 2 months and like a day. While I made the account and started posting things in November of 2022 I made my intro post on the 23rd of Jan last year so that’s when I’m going to count myself as having officially joined lol. I got thinking about this on my way into work today and I got a little reflective. I’m going to be kind of rambling (what else is new lol) but it dawned on me that, damn dude, a whole year is still like 300+ days and life can go wild directions. I also figured this may be nice for the newer people who have started to follow me (hello and thank you btw). Things won’t necessarily be in chronological order, I mean they might, but, I’m also liable to jump around.
So let’s start with some backstory, all good stories start with backstory yeah?
Me and my -at the time- bf(we’re still together lol just fiance now) were on our way to my aunt's wedding…running late actually because I had the day wrong and blah blah blah. To kill time on the 3hr car ride I started to spit ball this idea for a story I had brewing, that would then become Rituals and Red Tape. I was writing it for myself for a while as a way to deal with being let go from my last job. Well I then had the silly idea to maybe share this with people, so then we get to November and I make a profile and start posting.
That’s right, I started my path on here to be someone putting out original works of writing. I mean, if you go to my profile and check out the pinned post you’d know this but let’s be real, nobody really does that lol. And as those of you putting out original stuff also know, it can be pretty quiet at first. I had in my mind that I was just going to have my stuff on my blog, maybe reblog writing stuff only; that uh…didn’t last long. I’ve met some pretty cool people on here, even if we never really talk I’m happy to see your stuff cross my dash. It was the whole song and dance of you follow me and I follow you, support network stuff. Took part in tag games, an OC fighting tourney thing, and just some other fun things. All the while I’m posting little one-offs, a new WIP here and there…that I eventually just kinda stop working on in favor of my first child. 
I make a Wattpad and start posting what could be considered the 1.5 draft of the story. Things are fun, quiet, but fun
I start to engage in more fandom related things, because why not?
Then something happens, something that I didn’t think would take me in the direction I am going now.
I buy a $30 mic.
Voice acting and acting in general were always a passion of mine as a kid, and with a new stable job and comfy living I thought it was time to revisit some old joy. What was even better is that an artist I was following had a “casting call” for an animation she was working on. So with my little microphone and audacity(the program lol) I do the thing that changed my blog, I tried out…and I got a little part! I’ve never really been one to yearn for the spotlight but I took a chance and it worked out, and I was hooked after that.
So I started to use that mic more and more. First recording a short story of my own, recording a short story by a pal, then…well I guess you can call it doing some dub work.
Now in the past I had people follow me just out of the blue, but, with the first Five Pebbles recording it started to happen more and more. And those posts, well, they were getting some attention. Not a lot mind you, but like, more than the original works. Now I don’t say this with anger or bitterness, it’s just how stuff like this works out. So with what I thought was going to be a one-off thing, I knew I wanted to keep doing it. Yes the notoriety was fun, but more so, I was making something that was bringing people joy. So I recorded more, and more people saw it and liked it, reblogged it too.
Then I had that funny little idea. Something new to me that scratches a few itches at once. If you’ve followed me for THIS you know, the Kel Logs. Not only was I playing a game that I really enjoy(btw if you haven’t you should go play the game it is fun and but I won’t bog this down with info dumping), but I was doing some original writing and voice acting. It was the perfect storm.
Now I know I’m not the most well known person out there and this little fan fiction project isn’t like super famous, which I’m very okay with lol, but like the comments and stuff show I was having an impact on people in a small way. And it was having an effect on me, I was becoming more comfortable with my voice. Not going to sour the mood too much but I’ve struggled with voice dysphoria for a while and the joy I am able to bring people is so important to me, which I know sounds selfish.
So now here we are in the present, I know I’ve missed some stuff and simplified others, with people following me for fandom things and all that jazz. I thank every single one of you. Whenever my stuff get reblogged I do try my best to say something in the comments to those who say things in tags lol, sometimes tumblr won’t let me @ you but know I try. You all have no idea how much it means that I can bring joy to you and I don’t feel I can pay you all back other than to keep doing what I’m doing.
I haven’t worked on my original stuff in a while but I don’t think I’ll be tossing it to the side. In fact I know I won’t. I have a story I want to tell and it will be. So if you have any interest, please check it out and let me know what you all think. I want to always improve but I can’t know where to patch things up if I don’t hear about a leak lol. I’m getting super rambly so I’m gonna stop this here.
1 year later and I’ve gone from solely original writing to a strange hybrid of that and fandom stuff, and I couldn’t be happier with where I am.
So once again, thank you all so much for liking what I do and I hope to keep bringing you things to make you feel emotions.
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beanies-in-the-clouds · 8 months
✩ Pinned post ✩
Hi! Beanie here! I’m an 18-year-old autistic artist and writer who dreams too big and refuses to grow up.
Tumblr media
Name: Beanie / Charlie
Pronouns: they/them
I have a book series underway! It will likely take years to finish, seeing as there are five installments currently planned, but please feel free to ask me about my characters! I love to ramble about them!
I promise I’ll figure out how to link these someday
“Beanie’s art tag” - my (frankly mediocre) art
“Series/character notes” - helpful posts I’ve reblogged and wish to reference later
“Tag games” - …tag games. Self-explanatory lol
“Beanie’s oc tag” - anything related to my ocs! I’ll probably make a side blog for them at some point for more professional content of them
“Beanie rambles” - my incoherent blocks of text I’m inclined to post every once in awhile
“Beanie’s shitpost tag” - basically everything else
“Making my special interests everyone’s problem” - exactly what it sounds like. Mostly reblogs of fandom content.
I should make a writing tag, but until then… here’s my Ao3 :)
I like…
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Super Mario
Studio Ghibli
Animal Crossing
Avatar: The Last Airbender (and LoK)
Lord Of The Rings
Gravity Falls
In my free time, I like to…
Play video games
Listen to music
Scroll on social media (I try not to, but…)
Mess of Quotes:
(Under the cut because there is quite a sizable mess of them)
“That’s it, laughter! It’s the key to everything!” - “Sad” by Bo Burnham
“All that’s left is you and an infinite void… kinda makes you wanna play saxophone, huh?” - Lumalee, The Super Mario Bros. Movie
“Show me a creature who does not enjoy a breath of fresh air, and I will show you a stinky fish, yes?” - Saharah, Animal Crossing: New Leaf
“Your classmates will roast marshmallows over your failure.” - My literature teacher
“Well someone put the rust in rustic charm.” - Leonardo, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Episode: “One Man’s Junk”)
“If the world is flooded, it will be easy for the duck.” - Miranda, Animal Crossing: New Leaf
“Society is a harsh judge of mediocre-looking snowpeeps.” - Snowboy, Animal Crossing: New Leaf
“I put the ‘I’ in ‘I want to go home.’” - some random girl I eavesdropped on during our concert rehearsal
“You can’t overthink if your heart stops!” - “Brain Implosion Energy Drink” by Flanger Moose
“Don’t be basic, be slaysic” - a drawing on the whiteboard of a Boba tea shop I went to
“It was a fucking horse!” - On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
“My inhaler just tried to play the piano.” - my friend Emma
“It’s all very heterosexual.” - my mom (about some movie I don’t remember the name of)
“Playing Minecraft but with explosions.” - a classmate playing the piano during band
“Food fight, but we throw it all at the bird!” - a classmate
“Are planes in drag?” - my mom
“A Care Bear took a dump in my mouth” - my mom reading some post
“I ain’t a goblin, y’know?” - Resetti, Animal Crossing: Wild World
“Ancient plants turn me into a veritable hootbox!” - Blathers, Animal Crossing: Wild World
“Autocorrect just made me break up with you.” - unknown
“He’s a different genre of man.” - my wonderful boyfriend, Jack (talking about Link)
“That no matter who you are or what you love or where you stand, it was always Coca-Cola in the end.” - On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
“Gentlemen, if you need me, I will be living in this cabinet.” - Donatello, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Episode: ???)
“And today’s doofus of town award goes to… your face!” - Pecan, Animal Crossing: Wild World
“Start the music, start the tears.” - my assistant band director (referencing the UP montage)
“Crocodiles don’t got dentists or nothin’…” - Resetti, Animal Crossing: New Leaf
“The tsunami is the final in your class.” - my friend Avery
“Stop eating the plan!” - Leonardo, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Episode: “Origami Tsunami”)
“So many good things, and that was not part of it.” - my band teacher
“Everyone’s a feminist until there is a spider around.” - “5 Years” by Bo Burnham
“A guy petting a buffalo… that’s worth something, right?” - some funky economy video
“Like a god, but much better dressed.” - Sopica, Happy Street
“Heck no, do I look like a caterpillar to you?” - Kiriko, The Boy and the Heron
“Inhale deeply. Exhale slowly. Enjoy the smell of a dirty sock.” - this
“Hard to be nervous when you’re a cowboy” - my wonderful boyfriend, Jack
“Not as clumsy or random as a brick, an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.” - Darthy, Happy Street
“And all God’s people said… oh no.” - my pastor
“And while people say it’s easy to steal candy from a baby, it’s also probably pretty easy to just take the baby.” - this video (timestamp 0:45)
“You’re not gonna like it when you’re 40 years old and look like a baseball glove!” - my literature teacher
“Chicago is the Miami of Canada.” - my uncle
“Doesn’t matter if it’s environmentally safe if there is no environment!” - my wonderful boyfriend, Jack
“The recesses of my brain are an enigma (I don’t think before I speak)” - also my wonderful boyfriend, Jack
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