#for ppl who dont use euros
kingbiwing · 2 years
me saying “i spent 350€ on cocaine in 30 days" is actually just a statistical error.
i spent 70€ within the first 21 days.
the 4 grams i got within the past 9 days are outliers and should not have been counted.
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kangals · 2 years
I was rereading some asks you got on collies and in the last one you mentioned that soft dogs require some flexibility in how they are raised. Could you elaborate on that pls? I’ve also heard people say that smooths are a bit more confident/sharp(but not by much) than roughs, is that true or just diff. lines? (This could be because I’m in Europe tbf). I like collies but I’d like one to be a bit more confident and not shut down at mistakes. Happy new year to you and your pets!
by flexibility, i mostly mean that these aren't dogs that you can just brute force your way through problems with. if you have a soft-natured dog like a collie (or sighthound or whatever) and they react negatively to something, you as the owner need to be adaptable and focus on getting your dog back to a good mental place - if you try to be stubborn and "tough love" it out, you can end up doing serious harm to your dog's training, or with a dog who immediately shuts down at the first sign of frustration. which is not to say the dogs will wilt away under any adversity - a collie should be a confident and curious dog, but they may be more reactive to some things than you'd expect, so you need to be prepared for that and willing to work with what keeps your dog comfortable. if you can do that, i think you won't have any problems.
(plus, it's also going to depend on what your particular dogs find to be aversive. for example: my greyhound boone is super sensitive to tone of voice, and if i say his name too sharply or loudly he will become very anxious and submissive. vs my collie stellina, who could not give a single fuck about verbal corrections and can and will happily ignore me even if i'm shouting at her from right next to her. but, stellina is extremely sensitive to corrections from other dogs, to the point where a gentle correction from another dog can make her go sulk in the corner and be Very Sad until enough time has passed that she's gotten over it. boone isn't really bothered by corrections and will just take the hint and move on. that's the kind of thing you need to be aware of - what your dog may react to, and how to handle getting them back to a positive state after it happens.)
the smooth/rough difference is going to depend a lot on where you're from - in the US, they're classed as the same breed and a litter can have both coat types, so personality is more or less indistinguishable. vs in places like britain where roughs and smooths are considered separate breeds, then you're going to see more of a difference in personality. i don't have personal experience with european collies, but the secondhand information i've heard does suggest that euro collies are more prone to fearful temperaments and behavior, especially the smooths. exactly how prevalent this is i can't say, so if you're interested in the breed i would recommend looking into breeders that do a lot of activities with their dogs such as therapy work, service work, obedience, etc - things that require the dogs to be out in public and well-tempered.
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minthara · 7 months
really long personal answer to an anon i got. trigger warnings in the tags.
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First of all i wanna apologise to everyone who follows me for the last few days lmao, but i feel like if i dont post about it im literally gonna kill myself. I need somewhere to write down my thoughts because i feel bad always going to the same 2 friends i still have and complain about the same situation again and again about a dude they dont even know that well.
Thank you so much for ur message really, and sorry if im gonna take it as another excuse to write down all my thoughts, but i think it will really help me.
So the pathetic thing. I didnt ever post about this and in real life i think only like. 3 people knew. But after we broke up i begged him for months to take me back. It really was pathetic. And when he called me pathetic i think he was just very very hurt, because that was the second time i broke up with him (just a few weeks ago). It was in the sense of me begging him for so long just to break up again a few months later. I feel fucking stupid even writing this. I spent about 10k euros trying to get away from him, it fucked up my life so massively that i lost a job i really loved over it.
And now my new job is about 5 minutes away from our old apartment and i think thats a huge reason why i cant get over it. Every day i walk past restaurants, the supermarkets, anything we went to together. I had to buy snacks for work today and just burst into tears in the fucking supermarket because we used to go there together. The people at work are always so appreciative bc i know the area so well but they dont know how much it fucking hurts me and its so stupid like. Should i just avoid that part of town forever??? No fucking get over it bitch like wtf its a fucking supermarket.
And it also hurts because i know i wasnt always perfect and there were many times i was super mean to him. But at a point i couldnt deal with his ADHD anymore and that sounds so shitty but im a super organised person to the point where sometimes i wonder if thers anything ocd related but i dont think so. In my head i swap between i have ocd, i have adhd, i have borderline, i have autism  - i have no idea whats wrong with me, but the way i feel cant be normal. I know this because the way i behave isnt normal, i know i can come across as really strange, i cant judge social situations well and often dont know how to behave. But i constantly criticised him for symptoms of his mental illnesss.
But i never physically hurt him, and that was the last straw for me, why i left. I dont know how u can do that to a person you love.
And im just mourning the life i thought i was going to have so, so, so much. I know on tumblr ppl somehow think youre brainwashed when you want a traditional marriage and kids and stuff, but i really thought that was going to happen in the next 2 / 3 years, thats how i planned my life since i was fucking 21 and i met him. And now im almost 27, and i cant even go on dates because i cannot bear talking to new people because all i want is a clone of him but better.
I know i will look back at this and think “u cried about THAT guy???” in a few years, because thats how its always been in my life lol (except for one relationship, but were still really really best friends). I always think afterwards i will never love someone that much again. But it hits so much harder because it was such a serious relationship lol i really wanted to marry him. Sobs lol.
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blueiight · 1 year
i dont think the park cruising scene necessarily involves armand even like if its 1946 that means louis and claudia just arrived in paris who knows if armand has even intro'd himself yet. it could just be louis exploring the more sexually liberated city on his own like jonah told him decades ago the whole reason why he went to europe.
yeah i said myself im unsure if its definitive yet that armand would be involved in the post ww2 euro swingers bench bc we dont rly have an understanding yet of how the show tl will handle the latter cour of iwtv exactly? cuz iirc book wise l+c didnt rly have a long time in europe b4 their interactions w santiago, armand+ the other vamps. i imagine why ppl went to this line of thinking is cuz in the only qotd chap ppl know of mand watches dan fuck other people n in the show s1 ep6 shows us louis + daniel meeting in the gay bar w armand as this shadowy figure suddenly emerging in dan’s dreams, cuing the viewer in further that rashid is not an ordinary guy. maybe ppl think the show would est. a precedent for a voyeuristic armand w louis & the five guys on the swinger’s bench? if the five guys do freak on lou fr can i audition?
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magnoliamyrrh · 11 months
i understand hating on zelensky and his bullshit on israel largely in relation to his dicksucking to american interests and the eu and the hypocricy like 100% and i fully get hating on the american propaganda machine but can we not say shit like "fuck ukraine all thats there is nazis" or some shit like that as if god knows how many civilians who are definetely not any sort of nazis and children havent been killed bombed raped and generally had their lives made hell after russia not too long ago was a imperial empire who did this shit in the region and massacred ppl, tormented them, and settled their lands. and as if almost every time when a nation is attacked there isnt some sort of extremist group among them (ehm need me to point out several non-white supremacist but supremacist groups around the world in such conflicts, which dont mean the entire nation is that?). and as if common ukranian refugees are in some sort of super wowo position in western euro when rly several countries havent wanted to take them, theres been issues w treatment of migrants and trafficking for years, and sentiments arent really in actually oh omg we care so much abt ukrainians in western euro. and also. theyre just random people fleeing war who are. neither nazis. neither whatever the american propaganda machine wants to use them as. just people, going through a hard time
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cybernightwanderer · 2 years
When my Mom complains " you need to talk more/you never talk. " but with some spice.
-Also mom : abusive my whole life. -Everytime i expressed emotion or anything it would be shut down, shamed, or yelled at, and even beaten up or threatned with physical violence. -Everytime id share an event or experience id be received with judgment and order ( why did you dot this? /who told you , you could do that ?) -Gets used against me ( ex : me wanting to move out, at the time she didnt let me and threatned with me physical violence and verbal / me expressing wanting to go live somewhere and her replying being : i dont like that place, you will never have money for it - true, she was taking almost 500 of my paycheck every month,so now i have no life savings , me talking about wanting to fix my teeth when i get a stable job - her response being : well you cant) -Me talking - her telling me to shut up. -Me going to an event - her asking how much is it, then demanding more money at the end of the month for rent ( lets say rent was 250, shed found out about me going to the event, next month shed be charging me 300 ) -Me getting a tatoo - her response - its rlly ugly i wish you hadnt done that, looks rlly bad. Also her when i dont talk : yells all the time because i dont talk, always rages when i dont wanna go out with her, treats me like shit like any other day.
So i just keep on acting and pretending im fine, and talking random things that dont matter just so she doesnt treat me that badly all the time. Also her , 5 mins ago : Me applying for jobs, but my cellphone not working ( because im unemployed and dont have 20-40 euros to spend on phone bills ) so using the house phoen to get responses. So i end up carrying the phone everywhere when im at the house, to the bathroom to the kitchen etc. One afternoon i happend to not hear the phone when i went to the bathroom because i forgot, so i lost the call. But i called back and the lady said shed call me the next day. So my mom then treated me like shit because i shouldve gave her contact in my job application, also her : monitoring everything about my life and finances my whole life, and taking my whole paychecks, leaving me with less than 200 euros , me having ptsd because of that, the control she had and has over my money and life. Me wanting to keep some sense of control on my existence and life so i dont kill myself. Telling her that its her phone not mine, and that i should have the house phone because its the fucking house phone, and commenting that the job companies are rutheless and un-human, she immediatly says with a strong loud voice " No, it's your fault that they arent gonna call anymore ", me replying " no, its not, its because companies treat ppl like shit " , her replying again, the same shit " no , it's your fault !" Me trying everyday to remind myself that i cant drown in things that i cant control... Her reminding me that i am shit and that it's all my fault...
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mistigri0000 · 1 year
Science is so young no doctor would be able to tell you if black people get pale when theyre sick (im black) (id say im brown skinned, i do get pale and i do blush especially when its cold outside im just saying. Most people wont be able to detect these symptoms bc of the lack of representation in everything, i mean some doctors still, to this day think black people feel less pain than the "average"(white) person, because yeah, the AVERAGE person, the human by default is white. Think of a human being right now u might be thinking of a white person) (maybe im thinking too much about all of this but living in a world like this, i feel like an alien, everything about me is out of the norms and it makes me sick. I just wish we could be seen and treated like normal people, like race wasnt an actual thing. The other day girls in my class were shipping our classmates and just like i thought they shipped me with the only other black person in my class, this is so childish but lol yk what i mean. This whole race thing is slowly starting to make me crazy. Seriously. Do yall feel that pressure of. Proving youre a normal respectful and polite person who has hobbies ? Like you have to prove that ure not "like the other blacks" but i hate this. I would like to be angry sometimes and insult ppl without the video ending on twitter getting qrt by racists saying im proving their points. It makes me sick to know some people dont even see us as human beings with thoughts feelings lives and hobbies. Seriously i talked with some bitch on discord who called other races "intellectually late" ?? It pisses me off and it makes me sad. And i feel like its just me so thank god if im the only person of colour who feels this way
But this shit is traumatising, im fucking insecure. I mean maybe me being the only black child in my family plays a lot too.
I have another story to tell too, i used to be in foster care and CPS would pay for every (white) kid hairdresser except for !!! Me, you guessed it. They refused to pay a black hairdresser to braid my hair, cornrows or even box braids or anything. They refused to buy me hair care, they told me i should use my pocket money if i wanted to take care of myself basically... 20 euros was clearly not enough. And im begging stop telling me im used to heat because i come from a hot country everytime i say im not hot OR EVEN WHEN I SAY IM HOT SOMETIMES its crazy. I was born and raised in france too like wtf
A lot of crackers wouldnt have survived teenage years as a black person)
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archipelagolago · 3 years
When I meet a fellow mixed kid:
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xian · 3 years
blacklist '#tokyo 2020' if you hate sports
[edit]: also, i don't post about sports or post about the same sport consistently. i'm a fan of men's and women's gymnastics, indoor volleyball, and sport climbing, but i generally don't like to spam about sports here :(
just a heads up if any sports fan come across this blog
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menalez · 2 years
Ppl who dont plaster their identity as if it were an extra argument aren’t ‘faking’ or pretending anything. Ronedob talking spanish w latam women isn’t racefaking anymore than a white euro speaking english is pretending to be afro american just bc they dont preface their posts w ‘btw im white’ every single time
what argument is being a white spaniard meant to bring? it’s a show of privilege lmao but i know white ppl like to assume their race is the default while the rest of us are assumed to be white unless stating otherwise, and if we don’t state otherwise we’re accused of race faking. ☺️ anyways go kiss her ass on her blog or whatever instead of bothering me about it?
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pcktknife · 3 years
football fans are just sore losers who use any oportunity to show off their racist. i vividly remember the euro 2016 where portugal won and french adepts started throwing slurs at the pt players because of one of the ones who scored was a black man and another was romani. it's the same thing with british ppl now in 2021 sadly, and they do it to their own team even
its fuckin deranged because not ever, Not Ever should you be That mad over a game.... grown ass adults dont make no damn sense...
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frogsthoughtss · 3 years
The new spirit movie being made, simply put, isnt all that great (originally, I’d put trash, but I thought that was too strong a word to use on the internet.) Heres why: To start off, I’d like to give synopsis (summary??) of the first movie.
In the original, Spirit, the horse, is captured by the colonizers and separated from his herd. These colonizers attempt to “tame” him. Claiming all horses can be tamed, including stallions with enough power and control. The colonizers breach onto the horses land and are expanding westward, which is how they even get near the herd in which spirit is in. The only reason he even nears them is because he doesnt know who the colonizers are and is basically confused as to what they were. So now because theyve captured Spirit, they think that ‘oh he’s just a wild horse, we can tame him by showing him whos boss” they dont. Spirit is, as its said, an untamed soul. He CANT BE TAMED, or as Little Creek put it, shouldnt be tamed. Because his place is with his herd, running free. The eagle in spirit is a symbolism of the freedom. Whenever the eagle is there, it serves as a reminder not only to the audience, but to Spirit himself that he is a wild horse, a Free horse.
Now, Little Creek, the Lakota native american, shares ALOT of similarities to Spirit(which is where Im getting at). Natives as we know, have been treated terribly, in the most inhumane ways. Theres alot said about helping out poc, but ppl always seem to forget that Natives count as Poc and are barely, if ever, helped out. The fact that theyve been continuously pushed out of their areas and contained in small groups with others of their tribes, after having had their land stolen from them, is disgusting. Back to the point tho, Spirit. Little Creek and spirit share that, in the time which this movie took place. Theyre being pushed from their areas and ppl are trying to “tame them”.
Now, again with the history. This wasnt included in the movie but Natives back in the day, when they were younger, would be taken from their tribes and colonized. Theyd rid them of the rich culture and try to perpetuate the white, colonized ways. Colonizers would change their names to the basic boring meaningless names, forbid them from speaking their native tongue, and have them grow up as a white, eurocentric person would. In other words, colonizers take away what made them different and attempt to get them to become like them. Which, while not included in the movie, is important to know! Bc it shows the parallels between a wild stallion, and a native american: 1- taking their land until barely any is left for them. 2- ridding them of their ways of being, until yheyre the way that is seen as presentable to the majority (whites)3- attempting to tame them.
Natives were seen as animals. As feral creatures less then human and less than the dirt being walked on (WHICH IS NOT TRUE). The fact was, euros saw them as ppl that needed to be ‘educated’ on the ways of man, which they saw as the was of WHITE man. In trying to educate them, it can almost easily be seen as them trying to ‘tame’ them, as they would a horse. With strength, power, and Force.
So going on ahead, when spirit meets little creek, theyre two sides of the same coin, going through the same thing, but its seen differently primarily because one is human and yhe other, well, a horse. And its troubling. Because even tho Little creek escapes the center where they were both held at, it was an interest type situation. Spirit let himself be handled and captured afterwards by the Lakota, only because they held the same view that horses could be tamed. However, despite the attempts to tame Spirit, Little Creek realizes soon that even tho their methods of taming a horse are to show that they are equal to to the human and not below (such as the whites were trying to impose) he knows that spirit, a free stallion, isnt going to be tamed. He sets him free. Spirit is somewhat hurt, bc these humans, treated him kindly. And he saw how kindly they treated other horses. He was reluctant bc of how honest and humane they were, but left anyways bc spirit also knew that he wasnt going to let himself be tied. Even if it was by an honest group.
My point in all of this is that In Spirit:The Stallion of Cimarron, it beautifully captures the similarities of natives, and in this movie horses. Both were struggling to maintain their land and their freedom, and the new movie doesnt. Its no surprise that good representation in movies is little to none for poc, but its even less in native americans. If you can name 5-10 movies with good native rep, I’d like to know but I can assure you that at the top of your head, you probably couldnt come up with more than 2. So when I heard of this movie coming out, I had to know if it kept the relation between the natives and animals in it.
It did not. In fact, from what Ive seen (the trailer) it removed the natives and instead replaced them with hispanics (presumably mexicans as rodeos originate from spanish/mexican influences). Now, mexican/latino and hispanic rep is good! I completely encourage making it bc its good! However this was not the movie for that. They took away the aspect of how freedom isnt something that can just be taken. How, the liberty that comes with your own deeply rooted course, cannot just be changed- how it SHOULDNT be changed. And in this new movie they did. This hispanic girl, for some horse riding event somehow tamed spirit, whose ‘soul could not be tamed’. Like, did we watch the same movie directors???? Producers????Bc the point of spirit the stallion of Cimarron was that freedom should be maintained, not stripped for the wants of others simply because,according to them, its “beneficial” and goes along with what they consider to be the social norm. It was about the connection that humans could make with animals bc they didnt place them below them, but rather treated them as equals. And for that to be taken away??? I feel like having tamed spirit was the wrong call for them to make.
Overall, it appears that Spirit Untamed (its literally in the title cmon) stripped the basis of the original movie to create the basic horse girl ‘saves’ horse and is the only one who can ride him bc she’s the only one who can ‘understand’ his trauma. Like, watch any other horse girl movie and thats what you get. But spirit wasnt supposed to be that. It was sooo much more and the fact that they dumbed it down to that?? Smh
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
i think... i have to stop feeling so guilty abt the idea of receiving money from family and friends nd feel like i have to offer comissioned illustrations in return or that i would have to wait until around late june when i’ll get the first paycheck of my next job. like im rly fcking exhausted, at the point of or in? burnout though it feels like that for 8 years now ever since ending high school and i just have less and less energy for creative stuff or anything rly, esp bc of my current job. my parents and housemate do help me financially now to be able to afford rent and other bills and i should be able to afford that rn and end up in only 0 to -50 on my bank, but i lack over 250 every month bc of a bill.
explanation / more ranting under the readmore
i was hoping i could pay the invoice i got for my adhd diagnosis + therapy (it wasnt fully covered bc they have no contract w insurers) in a payment plan, but then the construction was so weird!! my insurance company rejected my declaration(?) of the invoice, one institution (that was meant to cover most of the costs instead of the health insurer) suddenly put 3848 euros on my bank??, then i had to contact the adhd healthcare org and they contacted the healthcare businesses and made calculations, and then i had to pay 4098 back to the same company that put it on my account (bc my remaining costs were 250) and payment plans were possible, but those divided the amount into 2, 4, and so on and so i couldn’t do the payment plan in a useful way and ended up having to pay it all at once so i woulnt have like 2000 euros being left on my account that wasnt mine and i just rly wish it didn’t go like that. the person from the adhd org who i talked to abt the invoice was also rly fed up w how clients / patients had to use these constructions and the issue is rly w insurance companies.
idek how much this makes sense in poor english. but considering i think i’ll ask for donations, to try to end up a bit less deep in the negatives in a few weeks? i can understand that ppl might want more proof but i dont feel comfortable sharing my last name / bank account no / medical info (which would be on a screenshot) publicly so i could share that in a dm if necessary.
ok these r too many words, sorry if it’s full of typos, my eyes r tired. i might rb this w more if i have decided
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
this is a stupid question but i've been wanting to get one of those traditional croatian tattoos on one of my arms for years even if i'm not croatian nor a christian. on my other arm i want a traditional romanian embroidery pattern (bc i'm actually romanian). what's holding me back is that i don't wanna offend anyone since i'm not from one of the east euro countries that practiced that tradition (afaik we've never had that here). anyways do you think it'd be a bad idea or not lmao
good question bc ive been contemplating the same thing for years fjdjdj. so
tattooing is something we had in the region; the dacians used to tattoo, including their faces, and so did the thracians, who the dacians may or may not come from. so its not a foreign practice to us by any means - i think you can definitely get tatoos of romanian motifs without it being any sort of problem, its something ive wanted to do too for a long time. as far as those croatian tattoos go, from what ive been able to find online, they werent practiced exclusively among catholic and croatian women, rather they were more widespread around the people of croatia/bosnia/yugoslavia etc. its unclear from what i can find if the origin is celtic or slavic, but either way, both of those cultures have certainly had an impact on ours as well historically.
among christian balkan, in this case particularly croatian, women these tattoos, and their survival in practice, was directly related to trying to keep the ottomans from kidnapping women and girls and forcibly converting them to islam - something which was a struggle in romania as well; this is why some of the tattoos have christian symbols, to remind the girls and women of their faith. and i do think its important to read up on this history and part of it, even though this wasnt their only and sole use and presence, and to take it into consideration. from what i gather, for many croatian women there tattoos are a point of pride, but also come from a painful history.
now. ive said before lol that i dont think cultural appropriation exists in the balkans and i think its kind of stupid for it to. in this particular context too, there is no power dynamic, as far as i know from history romania and croatia havent had a history of conflicts, in fact we have a history of pacts.;;; in the balkans we have all throughout history migrated, mixed, intermarriage, adopted each others cultures, traditions, religions, practices, etc. weve been doing this for thousands of years. personally, i think this is one of the beautiful things about the balkans; and im a pan-balkanist so im all about trying to get everyone in the balkans together and getting rid of the idea that were all separate neat little distinct ppl; we have a lot more in common than we have in difference. the idea of pure cultures or clear cut cultures around here is just unrealistic, its not based in history, and also, talking abt cultural appropriation in the balkans just sounds like woke nationalism
im not croatian neither catholic so, u know, my opinion only goes so far but. i reckon if it comes from a place of respect and understanding its not that big of an issue - hell you can probably go to croatia and get them done. if you live in romania i severly doubt anyone will give a shit, if you live in the west i severly doubt anyone will give a shit bc the westerners tend to know next to nothing about our cultures and they rarely can tell us apart anyway. i dont think its a particularly bad idea 🤷‍♀️
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farmersliga · 3 years
Can you answer number 5, 11, 13,30? :3 (#Footballfandomquestion)
oooh thanks for this bestie!!
5. Favorite player when you first got into the fandom vs. favorite player now?
it was marco reus at first 🤧 that man’s the main reason why i ended up liking the bundesliga in the first place despite not watching germany in the euros <3
now though it’s probably still him emotionally, but skills-wise i rly love thomas and manu !! their playing styles are just soooo unique and unorthodox and i love watching them even without the ball bc of it.
(“but liz!” you ask, “what about your husband lewy?” well. he’s hot and i love him and he’s up there with my many faves BUT as a classic 9 style player he doesn’t rly show up in play a lot except when he’s already shooting or being a vulture there in the box so……… sorry babe i love watching u but the others are more interesting objectively </3)
11. A player you're very critical with from your own team?
from bvb: julian brandt. listen…. i love my stupid little man and want to protect him but as a player he’s so inconsistent? like he keeps seesawing between giving us world class skills and the most idiotic possession giveaways ever. i just think he should do better. (and also his hair deserves to be criticized 100% omfg someone get the scissors)
from bayern: this might sound strange but… robert lewandowski. i’m very critical of superstar players in general, not necessarily in terms of skills but more of attitude. it’s rly important to me that he doesn’t forget to be a team player so i’m always watching him to make sure he’s keeping his ego in check. usually he does though so <3 i continue to love him
13. What bothers you most about the football fandom on tumblr?
the way some ppl (usually anons) just hate on specific players…. kinda bothers me fr. i mean it’s fine to not like a player but to full on keep attacking them every chance u get? ehhh too negative for me. i dont usu follow blogs that encourage that kinda thing so yeah
30. Who are the best people in the tumblr football fandom in your opinion?
literally all of you??? like seriously, if i ever interact with you for real pls know that i love u sm and consider u the best thing about this whole place <333333
ask me a football fandom question!
(edit: okay yes it has been pointed out to me that lewy does a lot of midfield work too sorry to my husband for the slander 🙈 in my defense, he’s so good at it that i dont even notice him until he’s in the box so good on him i guess!!!!)
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waterdeers · 4 years
vent vent vent
also yeah 200 euros per person per hour is a lot, considering we sell clothes of around 10 and a lot of teenagers who dont have a lot of money are our customers. to give an example;  we are normally working with 4 ppl on the floor, 20 times 4 is 800. lets say all our customers are buying clothes for 20 euros for that hour, that means we have 40 customers an hour. and when we are working with 4 people, that means only one cashier. 90 seconds per customer, taking off alarms, paying, be nice to them, foldning their clothes, do they want a bag?, oh, they have questions? oh and of course, those 40 people are only for the paying customers, but of course there are returns every day! sooo... ugh idk why im venting on here. probably bc i already said this story to my hr but she dont care about us. she cares about money, productivity. but not about the people who make that money lol
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