#for reference look at Marinette from MLB
mf-headcannontap · 6 months
DreamWorks Trolls Opinion #1:
Branch's dynamic with Cloud Guy could have been great, if not for how they severely mishandled it for the sake of making Branch the punchline in the show.
Now hear me out!
Cloud Guy is an absolute menace to Branch who loves to prank and humiliate him, but in the end somehow makes Branch overcome something. This is putting a very toxic relationship on screen and making it seem like it's fine when it 100% is not. Now, I've never been a fan of Cloud Guy, but I do know the turning point of where Cloud Guy went from being a character that mildly annoyed me to a character I genuinely hate, and that was Apple Of My Ire. To understand this, let me give you a rundown of my feelings every time Cloud Guy is in an episode.
Laugh Out Cloud: This wasn't too terrible, seeing as how Branch was sort of intense in that episode, but that whole flood thing was really unnecessary.
Cloudy With A Chance Of Hugs: This was just funny. Only thing was Keith in the end. I love Keith, but Branch worked really hard, and Cloud Guy may have been the most annoying wingman ever, but he still got the job done. Although, he really needs to not break into Branch's house and respect his personal space.
Rainbowmageddon: This was just Cloud Guy unnecessarily humiliating and undermining Branch, but honestly I'm more upset with the Trolls because THEY'RE the ones the rainbow is affecting the most, and they're the ones who aren't taking anything seriously. Also, they were fine with just leaving Branch up there? Laugh Out Cloud was fine because I do think Branch was way too uptight about the drought, but here he was rightfully worried about the rainbow, and Cloud Guy and the gang were just goofing off. What's worst was the whole deathbed confession that proved unnecessary. In Laugh Out Cloud, it wasn't exactly a deathbed confession (and it would have been way better if Cloud Guy wasn't faking being scared) and Branch really didn't suffer all that much over it. But here, that was just mean. But honestly, it was the Trolls (Snack Pack in particular) that were the most frustrating.
Two's A Cloud: Now, this episode had potential. It was SUPREMELY irritating when Cloud Guy just moved in. It was also equally horrible when he was being an inconsiderate roommate, purposeful or not IDK but IDC. But them working together to get Cloud Guy's parents to leave was great. And even if Cloud Guy decided to ultimately not move in the bunker, it was still a pretty sweet episode. The Trolls just randomly bursting in his home, though, was awful.
Apple Of My Ire: This episode had me just screaming, and not in the good way. I don't know what in the world Poppy was thinking in finding someone new for Cloud Guy to harass, when she should’ve talked to him about reevaluating and changing their dynamic into something better. You know, something more healthy, or borderline brotherly. Because Branch is so little brother coded, and Cloud Guy honestly seems like a guy who would definitely mess with his siblings out of love. Not to mention, the last time they interacted was to team up to fend off Cloud Guy's parents. That's basically a brotherhood right there! But no. This episode ruined it. Because Branch was emotionally growing, and Cloud Guy pulled him right back to his old ways. And Poppy did NOTHING!!! What's worse is that the other Trolls were also in on this! Like why??? Do Trolls not understand harassment? They have a holiday dedicated to pranking one another, but constantly being bombarded by pranks seems like that would be terrible. Like, in Prank Day, POPPY was getting fed up with the pranks. And sure, she may have planned the prank she pulled on Branch, but she really wasn't taking being pranked constantly well, so why would she be okay subjecting anyone else to that treatment on a day that isn't a day dedicated to pranks? Better yet, if she cared so much about finding Cloud Guy a troll he could annoy, why didn't she volunteer herself? There have been multiple instances where Poppy has proven to be just as temperamental and easy to annoy as Branch, so why couldn't she be that Troll? She already had some practice when she was trying to help DJ with wrangling CJ's wooferbug. But what really took the cake was when Cloud Guy just openly admitted to planting a tracker INSIDE Branch, and no one did anything. Also, was that bit really necessary? When has Cloud Guy ever had to use the tracker? Rainbowmageddon aside, he always first interacts with Branch near or in his bunker. This episode turned their dynamic from frienemies-that-can-be-potential-brothers who annoy each other, to outright bully-victim where the victim gets shamed constantly for defending themselves. This episode made me hate Cloud Guy, and gave me such an ick, I can't even watch any of the previous episodes with Cloud Guy in them without feeling rage.
I have not seen Trollstopia. I do not have access to it. But I have seen people discuss the show online. More specifically, they discuss the episode Cloud Control. And what they discuss... I thought Apple Of My Ire was bad, this episode was infinitely worse, and I haven't even seen it yet.
The takeaway here is Branch's and Cloud Guy's dynamic had so much potential, but then Apple Of My Ire came along and every episode with Cloud Guy after that just cemented Cloud Guy as an antagonistic bully who gets away with it due to victim blaming and finding ways to make it seem that he was "helping" his victims all along, as well as a large dose of full on guilt tripping.
It all comes down to DreamWorks and their love of making Branch the punchline to everything. Even his trauma isn't taken seriously, as evidenced by Trolls: Band Together. Branch deserves better. Cloud Guy's character arc was brutally murdered so I guess he deserves better, too. Poppy and the Trolls need more character development and a crash course in healthy character dynamics. And DreamWorks needs to stop making Branch needlessly suffer for the sake of a joke.
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almadesarrollo · 6 months
MLB SEASON 6 FELINETTE'S BIG TRACK IN JEREMY ZAG'S VIDEO (new Miraculous scenarios via Instagram) ANALYSIS AND FELINETTE CLUES FOR S6 PART 3 marinette's balcony : THE BALLS AND color symbology
PART 2 marinette's balcony : flowers and HYDRANSIAS.
2 BALL: the balls of light have undergone a color change, here you have a scheme AND their color palette and order.
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Ok, we can see that the balls are not placed like that because yes, if not, there is a color pattern that repeats, both on one balcony and on the other, before analyzing the color pattern, which says a lot, we have to think about what it represents in Yes the balls on Marinette's balcony.
For me it is clear, they represent her self-love and her ability to shine.
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Let's look at the two characteristics, 1 they are round and the circle or mole is the figure that represents Marinette, it is in everything, her aesthetics, her clothes, her design and of course in ladybug since this is a pattern typical of ladybugs. This speaks to us about her, her self-love and her way of being,
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2 these give light, which tells us that Marinette is a soul of light, a pure soul, they shine in the night which tells us that even in the DARKEST moments of life Marinette is able to move forward and shine.
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Well, each color represents a character and from there we get clues, right? That is why as we look at the order we have, white, yellow, hot pink, red, light green and start again. What does each one represent?
- white: kagami and tsuguri are in all their aesthetics, but it is also representative of marinette, which tells us that part of that development and self-love and billiards ability, it will be kagami who starts it and it doesn't take long considering what we have said above.
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-yellow: represents Chloe and Queen Bee, yellow is a very characteristic color of hers but also, she combines a lot with white, Chloe resettles Kagami, which would confirm the first color for us, (remember that white was both Marinette and Kagami , one of the 2) that this pattern begins with Kagami, so Marinette's evolution will occur through her actions, realizing that Chloe is nicknamed queen just like Kagami who is nicknamed queen, there you have another confirmation.
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-hot pink/fuchsia; Zoe, MARINETTE INVERSE, this color is a very particular color because we find it in a certain aesthetic, a colored wick, aha, you have this wick for Zoe and Marinette from the inverse miraculous so it represents both,
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What does this mean? Well, it is confirmation that Marinette is going to become more characterful and evolve.
Zoe represents Marinette, but a more adult, more liberal, more confident Marinette, which is why they both have a similar aesthetic,
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Now, if we remember especially MIRACULOUS INVERSE, bad Marinette also had it and also on the same side of her bangs, what do we know about that Marinette? that her life was a shit (to sum it up hahaha) so what happens to that Marinette will surely happen to ours, this is going to make her become cold and isolate herself from everything, but also make her very strong, she It will be "broken" to be "built" again due to several factors, because they are going to damage it from all sides and the causes will be kagami and lila, but above all kagami, but this will force her to mature and become strong Well, only in the darkness is where we can shine, right? and that is where we would have "zoe", a very sweet girl but also very self-confident and brave...
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-red: kagami and ladybug, red is clearly the color of ladybug and kagami,
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Now which of the two are you referring to, well clearly Ladybug, because Kagami was already represented before and remember, we come from that hot pink, what does this mean? Well, the fact that Marinette becomes stronger in herself will logically influence her form as a heroine, it's like this side is going to reinforce it more, but also she won't have as much of a complex type of "if she doesn't" "I'm nothing" she will understand that Ladybug is part of her and she is part of Ladybug, overcoming her insecurities", but that is if she had a bit of a bad time before, the inverse special gave clues.
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-Neon green: chatnoir and adrien,
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Yes, we could say that it is black but the truth is that neon green is the color that we see in many of their patterns, together we see it in their transformation, logo, print, etc... so it is a very characteristic color of theirs. , What does it mean? WELL, the relationship with both Chatnoir and Adrien is going to end, because, well, because of Kagami (and Lila's lies and Marinette herself) all that domino effect will also ruin the relationship between these two, and to confirm this , then the pattern is repeated again, leaving white, and again the same order, thus finishing one thing, and for that reason in this new season we have a new pattern of colors and balls.
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Well, the order of this pattern is as follows, red, indigo blue, green, yellow and then this series repeats, red, indigo blue etc...ok? Well, knowing the order and what the colors and balls represent, let's do it.
-red: kagami and ladybug, represents both,
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and it tells us 2 things:
1st: Kagami will be the one to ruin Marinette's life completely and the fact that she appears here means that S6 YOU WILL HAVE MORE THAN OBVIOUS CLUE THAT THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN, to summarize, Kagami is going to betray Marinette by revealing her identity to the world, this movement will be given by lila from the shadows with manipulation.
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and this should no longer be a surprise, the Félix chapter already gave clues that SHE IS UNITED WITH CHLOE AND LILA.
esto ser aun batacazo doble para marinette porque uno se puede esperar traicion por parte de chloe y de lila, pero ¿de kagami? la serie va a ser como hermanas, así que imagínate.
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[this friendship will be broken]
This is going to destroy Marinette, so she will be left alone and this was both in civilian life and as a heroine (not counting the whole mess with Adrien and the lies and what Lila is going to get into their relationship)
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2nd after all this, Marinette will really focus on being Ladybug seriously, and she will take her place, by then, her life will be chaos and of course she will not be able to trust anyone (not even in chatnoir) so she will have to search to a new partner, IT COULD ALSO BE A CLUE THAT WITH THE MESS HE'S GOING TO BE IN, HE MAY EVEN HAVE TO CHANGE MIRACULOUS AND USE THE DRAGON,
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-índigo blue: Argos
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THIS COLOR REPRESENTS ARGOS, Argos and Félix, will play a crucial role because in S6, as we already see with my previous posts, and with all the chaos, Marinette will have the only person who will take care of her and protect, it will be Felix,
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Now, it should be noted that this color is Argos, not Félix, which would indicate that on the one hand, we will see in this S6 MUCH MORE OF ARGOS HIMSELF THAN FELIX, and that the help will be more on a heroic level than on a civilian level, Argos is going to Being Ladybug's right hand, the only one she will be able to trust, will lighten her burden as Ladybug and little will replace Chatnoir, this is because of all the loyalty, affection, care and understanding that he will show, that's why appears here, this confirms what we mentioned in many of our posts, that felinette and argonette will be real, what's more, since this is on Marinette's balcony, it is possible that we even have a scene where Argos visits her on her balcony (how romantic aww).
Now in fact that it appears after the red one, I think it is confirmation of the Argobug ship, both will be a great team AND THAT IS WHY IT APPEARS IN THAT ORDER.
-strong green: carapace,
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This color represents carapace, and you will say, what about this one in all this? It is not in itself that he is going to play an important role, it is what both Carapace and Nino represent, both represent Argos and through him they give us a clue (like with Chloe with Kagami)
Here I leave you a more extended link where we analyze everything about wayzz, nino and carapace and their connection with Argos/Félix
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This tells us about HOW he is going to protect Marinette, and the reason why he will become her constant companion, above all she will have protection from him, this will surely be at the end when Marinette's life falls apart, and He will be in charge of protecting several things; his heart, his secret identity (when she loses everything) his freedom, his friendship etc… EVERYTHING.
-yellow: Zoe
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According to the INFO that we already revealed above, it could be Chloe, but this does not make sense because as we have said through her, they tell us about Kagami and her intentions and that was already clear at the beginning, from the sequence of colors, in this case it is just zoe,
Zoe appears because through her she tells us about Marinette, as we have said, her identity will be revealed, so she will have to change in every aspect, (she will probably get blonde hair and get highlights) the fact that she is here only confirms to us that the seeds for this and its flowering will be in S6, for some reason "the end of ladybug" was announced, because it will literally be its end and they are preparing the ground, only here they will be Clues SO OBVIOUS THAT THEY WILL NOT BE OVERLOOKED, until it is It is possible that she even changes her miraculous temporarily, this could be a clue that she uses the bee one.
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THEN LET'S MAKE A SUMMARY: what does the ball change and all that mean for the S6? From now on, Kagami will betray Marinette's friendship, reveal her identity, all of this motivated by Lila, this will destroy her and cause a great catharsis in her that will force her to mature through pain, she will have to change her entire style of life. life, Félix and Argos will be his greatest support and protection, all this will make them come together quite as friends and then as something more.
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See you in the next post.
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auttumnmai · 1 year
I redesing Chloe
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So Like you know that I did some redesing for mlb, for fun yk.(here's the link if you're curious : +
I have always wanted to do Chloe, but I knew that she need it a lot of work for my part. Like, from all the years of watching the show I found myself really like "liking" Chloe. We all love a mean girl.
I going to do give some thoughts about her desing an d why I landed on this one and comment a little bit of her writting as character.
small note: When I do this redesings I always thought about them like 16-17 ish years old, it just when I think of what I would have done with the story is them being just a lil bit older.
So for Chloe I had a few key words to go off. It girls( from the 80´s,60´s and the early 2000´s),very femenine, a lil bit of preppy and french girl. it was really dificult to balance all of this because I wanted to gave it a really iconic look but at the same time very effortless becuase of "nepo baby". Also I used "french girl" becuase I thought "she's the daughter of the most famous fashion editor of French, she would be an it girl just for the nepotism" So she should have a really unique style that breaths nepotism .
Also some time it can be similar to Mari's because of something that I'm gonna' explain later.
I'd made a pinterest board as usual for this. + (the link).
also I made some really bad explorations on options,like really fast to cutr down options.
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For some reason gogo boots were like the shoe to go, like confier than a heel but it has a hell, also i despise flats shoes. Also I wanted to make her have like a supermodel fisique, becuase when I saw her mom I thought "it's like a fusion of Anna Wintour and Yolanda Hadid" so like yeah.
I also had to some skechtes of her face, not because I did not like her face,just becuase it did not translate as well to my style.
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As you can see I even found a face for Zoe(unintencional) that looks like angelina Jolie for some reason. At the end my references are the ones on the bottom.
now for the writting
If it's not clear I do really belive that Chloe was like mistreated, because one thing is that you wanted to make her an antagonist and the other thing is what they did to her. Like keep her as a bad guy but do it with respect to the character and the work that has been done the character.
some notes about her .
-A thing that I do not remember being used in the show, the similarities between Mari and Chloe. Like literally sometime they have the same delusion and do stuff like without thinking of the concequences. Like it's simple Chloe can be a reminder of what happens if you loose the tracks and idk becomes to self absorb. And Mari is for Chloe like what she saws a "weak".
-Also a very important thing, I'd belive that Chloe should have a really meaningfull reason to bully Mari. Like it does not excuse her behavior but give it more flavor. Remeber Style Queen and Audrey acknowledeges Marinette for her talent. This is the moment. So Mari should represent all the things that Chloe was teach by her Mom to be "weak", "unusefull" ,so when she sees her mom be nicer to someone "meah" than her own daughter, she gets mad.
So I do have more notes, but I would enter to the territory of fanfiction (iamalredythere?), also If there' s any mistake in the writting, (which I know that there's) please be patience, english is not my first language and I'm def not used to write this long, at least not anymore.
have a nice day or time!
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tosteur-gluteal · 8 months
Hi! I'm @tosteur-gluteal and this is a masterpost for my au, the OMORI MLB AU! You can check out the content for that au in the #omori mlb au tag!!
What is the OMORI MLB AU?
It is an alternative universe I've created as a joke, but it slowly turned into a legitimate AU of mine where Sunny and Basil from the video game OMORI are superheroes, specifically Ladybug and Chat Noir from the TV show Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir.
What is the setting?
It takes place in Paris, at the same time as the Miraculous Origin episode. But instead of Marinette and Adrien, the heroes are Sunny and Basil. Master Fu was in a hurry, you see... He had to choose a new guardian for the Miracle Box, and happened to stumble across a male nurse. Sunny and Basil go to a private school, as well as the Faraway kids, except here they're french and Parisian. It would be a school that's similar to the one in the Miraculous movie; very fancy.
Sunny's name isn't "Sunny"?
No, his full name is Kiyomu Fua Suzuki! He is French and Chinese (mom's side) and Japanese (dad's side). Very unusual combo. Sunny is a nickname.
What are the names of the heroes?
Ladybug for Sunny (He just chose the name of the animal his miraculous is tied to) and Catmint for Basil (He wanted to be called Stranger but the public just unanimously chose to call him Catmint so it stuck)
There are no character sheets yet, but I can show you some concepts that are still relevant today: Ladybug's final design
Basil/Catmint's personality
Ladybug looking at the camera menacingly
Is Gabriel Agreste the villain?
No! In this cannon, he grieved like a normal person would. Also he won't appear in that au sorry lol
Who is the main villain?
The main villain... Is Sunny's dad! Ukon Suzuki, an overworked game designer. Shocking, amarite?
Here are some drawings of him:
He wants to order
Suzuki Family
Papillon's old design
Is Mari alive?
Yes! She is!
What about Aubrey? And Kel? And Hero? AND OMORI????
Aubrey and Kel go to the same school as Sunny and Basil. Kel becomes friends with Sunny very quickly (he's kind of the Alya of this au) and Aubrey bullies Basil... Thankfully, it becomes more bearable for Basil as soon as he becomes friends with Sunny. ..And yes they'll get miraculouses Omori is a sentibeing! It was decided in this post that Omori's amok should be a rubber bracelet.
What is Catmint|Basil and Ladybug|Sunny's dynamic?
Sunny and Basil are best friends, but Basil has a crush on Sunny. Ladybug and Catmint are colleagues, but Ladybug has a crush on Catmint. By extension, Catmint has a crush on Sunny and vice-versa (see that funny date drawing)
At least, that's the status quo at the beginning of the story!
Drawings of them interacting:
Them cuddling
Aftermath of the heroes' first appearance
Unfinished comic
(Old drawing) Charm
Just them ;3
What is your gendah
Sunny the unforgiving
PPGZ reference (i'll add more once i get some time ifhfeioehm)
Will there be a fanfiction?
Yes!! It's in the making! It's gonna take some time though, since I have another AU called OMOFALLS that takes a lot of work too.
About the Playlist?
There is a playlist for the MLB, but don't expect it to make much sense yet TwT. These are the songs that I listen to when working on my au. BUT! I think the songs that represent it the most are this cover and this remix of Tokio Funka by Takamatt; as well as HERO by Ayase/YOASOBI.
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viscari-a · 3 months
mlb Adrienette wattpad story AU with emo!marinette as the “bad boy”
It fits so well and I find that absolutely hilarious in the best way??
New kid Adrien, who is good looking and smart but isn’t sure how to fit in and feels awkward + doesn’t really make any close friends anytime soon
Delinquent Marinette, who everyone avoids like the plague. She’s always asleep during class (sleep deprived) and doesn’t really respond when people approach her
The seat he’s assigned is the one next to her :) is this wattpad or shoujo cliche? I no longer know
they start interacting more one way or another, via circumstance (because Adrien wouldn’t persistently approach someone who’s made it clear they’re not comfy with that). Maybe it’s a group project. Maybe he’s told to be her tutor because she’s failing physics. Maybe she saves him from bullies (unlikely; who would bully Adrien??) and he’s trying to thank her. Maybe it’s because they’re seatmates
regardless, their quiet acquaintanceship becomes a tense friendship. How close of friends they are can honestly vary pretty wildly!
and then marinette stands up for Adrien in front of his father, and Adrien falls. *hard.* he had a good impression of her before due to friendship, but in one fell swoop it went from platonic attraction to romantic
either marinette liked him pretty early on, or she falls very slowly as he started to pursue her! Personally I prefer the latter since demi representation is pretty rare, but either is cute
this process takes place over the course of multiple months :)
That’s the basics but additional possible fun details are
Adrien using shoujo anime as a reference for how to flirt
marinette has zero immunity so she’s confused and embarrassed but it’s working??
night time ride on her scooter! Adrien has so much fun
all the cliches of “stoic to everyone else but smiles when they see their loved one (Adrien).” Marinette is naturally affectionate so the gap between how she treats everyone else versus her friends is huge.
the whole standard process of mc seeing bad boy as “delinquent to be careful of” to a “sweet, kind person who’s kind of adorable at times”
maybe marinette hijacks one of the parties because Adrien told her he was tired/bored/not feeling well, and she kidnaps him (with his consent)
marinette doing his nails/eyeliner/other
its technically the sunshine x ice prince ship pairing with sunshine Adrien and ice princess Marinette >v< and then it becomes sunshine x sunshine when she becomes more comfortable
also marinette is def wary of Adrien from the start because she’s not used to people being friendly + his friendship with Chloe
wholesome study + gaming hangouts!
standard cliche of whenever marinette looks cool for any reason whatsoever, Adrien has to take a minute to reboot
both of them learning how to navigate their first relationship
adrien is the one who confesses + convinces because marinette is scared of losing one of her rare friendships (maybe some trial dates?)
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yolowritter · 5 months
A few other lucky accidents in MLB I have noticed:
Nora is a kickboxer, wears those weird armbands, and insists to be called by her ring name. To a martial arts buff, that means she practices Muay Thai and got really serious about the culture, that includes those armbands (called pra jiad) and immense importance for the ring name (in Thailand a Nak Muay will often change their legal name to match, and will ALWAYS include their training camp in their name). It also explains why a bulldozer like her has a trickster name: the ring name is given by fans, and whoever gave it must have decided she looked like a deadly spider but didn't know Anansi is a trickster.
Marinette's grandmother is named Gina Misurati. Because in neither Italy nor France one changes their name to match their spouse (mrs. HUSBAND NAME is a courtesy title), and her bike, a Moto Guzzi V7 Sport (it's identical), has written Misurati on it (it was obviously a reference to Maserati, but they stopped making motorbikes in 1960, and none of their bikes looked like Gina's anyway).
Diplomats have horrible working hours that get worse with higher rank, and diplomat kids are often "weird" and forced to grow up too fast. By happenstance, Lila's first mother is barely home, and Lila shows surprising maturity at the oddest moments (like when she flat-out told Marinette that a boy wasn't worth fighting over and offered to help her with Adrien in exchange of friendship).
Paris didn't have their own city police until 2021. Roger is from the NATIONAL police, meaning he shouldn't answer to the mayor... But he does, so SOMETHING must have happened to cause this transfer of authority.
Felix' outfit is identical to Eton's uniform minus the ridiculous hat and overcoat. I suppose it fits his social standing.
Sabine can use her spatula as a weapon. That spatula is nearly identical to a Monk's Spade, a weapon used in Shaolinquan.
Speaking of martial arts, in Chameleon Lila uses actual MMA techniques to overpower Ladybug, and Felix' claim of using Karate points to Wado Ryu thanks to those dodging moves of his.
And the big missed chance: Savate. Not only it's France's national martial art, Paris is where it was improved in the street fights of the Belle Epoque... But nobody in the show practices it. The old non-sport style includes the ancestor of Parkour, cane fighting (now mostly practiced separatedly as La Canne), garrote (the contribution of Paris' gangs), throws (already present in Paris, where Greco-Roman Wrestling was born and practiced before being rebranded), and elbow and knee strikes. It would be perfect for out heroes, both of them... Yet they don't practice it.
Yeah, it's honestly such a shame that these awesome details/references are just either never used or a one-and-done deal just to make a cool easter egg. And sure, Gina's bike for example could be just that, a cool little character detail. Maybe while the bikes did stop getting made in the 60s, she got herself an old one and re-vamped it as the years went by. Adds flavor to her character. Admittedly I don't know enough to talk about the model, but I trust your skills when it comes to identifying the make. Also, I was always sure that changing your last name to a spouse's (like mrs Dupain-Cheng) is optional, like a courtesy as you said. I don't know enough French people to tell if it's a rare occurance or otherwise, but still a nice tidbit of info I'll file away.
Nora is honestly another prime example of wasting some awesome character building because they can't bother to do the research behind the design. Sure, she looks cool and somebody might have said "give her wrappings on the arms, that's awesome" and the designers went with it, but we clearly see that she is a Martial Arts buff even in the way she talks to Alya and co. Why they never bothered to lean in on that even as a background detail, I'll never know. I know it's unreasonable to expect any group of writers to focus on every single character beat, and that Nora doesn't appear enough to really warrant the focus, but it still would be cool to see even through like, one or two lines from Alya. A reference to the Anansi metaphor you mentioned or a word from Nora about the cultural inspiration. It would have been cool.
Continuing down the martial arts road, I did notice Lila's MMA moves in Chameleon, but it seemed more like a case of the writers/animators deciding on cool moves than them paying proper attention and using the correct style of fighting. Sure, they might have and in that case kudos to whoever greenlight that decision, but it always felt a little accidental to me, just for the sake of the action scene itself, you know? At least with Felix we get a proper explanation, and it does honestly build up his character with a cool detail. Not sure if Karate was the best fit for the reasoning here, but any explanation is a step in the right direction at least.
About Savate...it honestly would be an awesome inclusion. Sure, the heroes fight with their superpowers and weapons most of the time, but some the close-quarters moments like the rooftop scene in "Ladybug" was the perfect chance for Adrien to bust out a good throw at Hawkmoth. Speaking of, one might make the argument of Gabriel using La Canne moves, (and I honestly haven't seen enough to dispute that), but to me it looks like he handles his weapon more like a sword? Sure, fits in nicely with Adrien's fencing allowing him to fight back in a 1 vs 1, but we already have quite a few characters who swordfight this way. Tomoe and Kagami do, as does Adrien like I mentioned. It would have been much more visually interesting to give Gabriel a separate style of bladework, especially since his weapon is in the name. In general, I'd love to see a good knee-cracking kick from Ladybug, so I totally agree with you.
I do love Felix's outfit though. It's a cool reference to those who get it, but also stands on it's own as a cornerstone of his design and adds more to his character and personality. Especially with the entire fandom (me, I'm the fandom) writing about him habitually keeping wrinkles off his suit at all times and staying perfect. I refuse to believe Colt Fathom did not do a number on this kid. But yeah it's also just a cool outfit to put him in, and I appreciate that!
In terms of Roger and the police...I'm going to be frank with you, the show handles that aspect horribly. Sure, you could assume that they answer to Andre because he's the immediate authority figure and also a corrupt politician, but that's first of all not even remotely possibly without serious internal corruption of National Police, and second of all completely unreasonable! The police force's reaction to Akuma attacks used to be a big thing in Season 1. In Origins, they tried fighting Stoneheart on their own. And in Copycat, they try to apprehend "Chat Noir" for stealing the Mona Lisa. There's the seeds of an interesting dynamic between the heroes in masks and the boys in blue! But in Rogercop, they're being made into utter fools! Andre is very obviously under duress when he tells them to apprehend Ladybug and Chat Noir, and they just...start listening to the villain like mindless drones? In Maledictator I can excuse it, his whole powerset revolves around making new "laws" that those he blasts have to follow. Makes sense that Roger and co. would be the first responders and get beamed in 5 minutes flat. But in any case where an authority figure is forcibly giving orders, there is a protocol! A procedure to follow! A plan to be made! But...nothing! The show does absolutely nothing, and then beyond this point the vanish apart from another 2 or 3 times where police officers show up in the background somewhere, or as Akuma goons because we need grunts for an action scene. As much as I love "show don't tell", in this case I'd be happy with tell! A comment from a news report about how police have been instructed to stay out of the Akumas' way and help civilians evacuate is so easy to add, and it would change nothing except making Roger and his team actually usefull! As it stands, the entire concept of a police force exists only the few times Astruc needs it to. And don't even get me started on Chloe's coup of the Captial City of France!! I'm convinced this universe has no goverments, no presidents and no first responders for any situation, I swear...
About Lila's mother, yes! Finally somebody says it! Lila's mother is obviously overworked, she clearly does love her daughter but is physically unable to make time for her! This could be such a cool dynamic to see with Lila's home life, and like you said it perfectly explains why sometimes amidst her psychopathic tendencies there's a moment of unexpected maturity from her. Exploring this even gradually, even with us literally being drip-fed information, would have made Lila a much better character! There are so many layers here that remain unexplored, and I can smell the good content like a bloodhound! Sure is a shame that Thomas never bothered to include any of it... I swear, every fault this show has goes like this:
Cool Idea + Good Introduction + (Botched Everything-Else * No Follow-Up) = Miraculous Ladybug
Can't believe the writers made me do math for this show...or that when S6 releases we'll be able to make the "Six seasons and a movie" joke from Community. At least that's a silver lining...
P.S: I love Sabine's spatula. An elegant weapon, from a more civilized age...
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abyssal-ali · 2 years
The Terrifying Trio (T3)
Alright y'all this is my DP x DC x MLB crossover!
Masterlist here
A/N: Rereading this it's more of an outline than a story, oops. I do like this idea and have vague plans to flesh it out & turn it into an actual story, but that will likely be wayyy in the future, so feel free to be inspired by this or flesh it out for me😜 (just please tag me!)
Rating: G (? Mentions of death and experimentation but nothing graphic. Let me know if I should change/add warnings!)
Everyone knew about the T3, as they called themselves. No one imagined they were real until they met them, and then they wished they hadn't; the trio were far more terrifying than their tales.
The T3 began with three completely normal teenagers forced to meet by their friends and family. Their origin was simply to make those who set up this meeting regret it and serve as a warning not to mess with scarily-well-trained teenagers. It worked better than they hoped and grew into a branch of the vigilante groups.
The group, as civilians, looked similar, with black hair and blue or green eyes, and appeared to be a normal teenage friend group.
Nothing about them was normal.
The oldest of the three, Damian Wayne, was the youngest son of multi-billionaire socialite Bruce Wayne, who happened to be a founding member of the Justice League and the original vigilante of Gotham, Batman. His mother was an assassin and the daughter of the League of Assassins' leader. Damian was the fifth user of the Robin mantle and now went by the moniker Phoenix.
Daniel Fenton was the second halfa and King of the Infinite Realms but preferred to be referred to by his hero persona, Phantom. He was Marinette's twin but had been separated at birth.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was the Grand Guardian of the Miraculous and the true holder of both the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculi, going by Blackjack as a hero. She was treated as a queen by the other members of the trio, as Danny was her brother and Damian her boyfriend.
Danny Fenton was 14 when he entered his parents' portal to the Ghost Zone and became half-human/half-ghost in a tragic accident. A couple years later he, as his hero alias Phantom, became the new Ghost King by defeating the old tyrant. He was discovered by Superman, who was flying home from Smallville one day and found a ghost boy fighting more ghosts. He became Danny's mentor and introduced him to the Justice League.
Damian was Robin when he was kidnapped by his mother to be part of an experiment, as Heir to the Demon. It didn't work immediately, and he was thrown into a Lazarus Pit to heal and revive him. The Pit bonded with the experimental serum and Damian awoke as a meta with regeneration/reanimation/healing powers similar to Deathstroke's. Damian also began learning basic magic from his brother Jason's girlfriend, Raven.
Marinette knew she was a true Ladybug, but once she took back the ring from her ex-partner she discovered that she was also a true black cat. Her arch-nemesis Hawkmoth and his allies were swiftly defeated with her combined abilities and the support of her team. A previous Ladybug's daughter, who was a museum curator in Paris, recognized her energy and offered to become her mentor, introducing Ladynoir to the Justice League.
Today was the day for the Leaguers to bring their mentees to the Watchtower to meet the other mentees/partners. Batman arrived first as always, accompanied by Robin. Superman arrived soon after with Superboy and Phantom, then Wonder Woman and Ladynoir.
Nightwing pushed Robin towards Phantom and Ladynoir, who were gazing out at the galaxy in awe.
“Go make some friends, Baby Bat!”
“Tt.” Robin stalked over to the other two, who barely acknowledged him. “If you do not want my company, do not hesitate to say so.” Please.
Ladynoir turned and scanned him critically. “Hm...were you forced to come and 'socialize' and 'make contacts, if not friends', too?”
“Unfortunately. I am perfectly happy with the small circle of friends I already have.”
Phantom turned from the stars to the conversation. “My sister keeps telling me I need more socializing for my mental health or whatever, but I'm perfectly fine with my girlfriend and guy in the chair.”
“Exactly!” exclaimed Ladynoir. “I have my team, why do I need civilians or more hero friends?”
“Why don't we show our mentors why they shouldn't encourage us to make friends, then,” suggested Robin.
Cheshire grins spread over the others' faces.
Across the room, deep in their own conversation, their mentors shivered.
After that, the trio really did become friends. One day, during a visit to the Batcave to see Robin, an incident happened that forced Robin to find out that Phantom and Ladynoir's DNA showed their genetic similarity; both siblings had been adopted and hadn't known it. That was an awkward conversation. Ladynoir was glad she had a crush on Robin, not Phantom, which would have made it even worse.
Ladynoir was introduced to her brother's clone, Dani (her sister? Cousin?) The trio told each other their civilian identities several months into their friendship collaboration and started their own hero group, Styx.
(Dani and Jason were honourary members.)
Damian shed Robin and became Phoenix instead, and Ladynoir became Blackjack, but Danny decided to keep Phantom as his alias.
Damian asked Marinette out while they were on a stakeout. When she happily responded, “It's a date!” he got a little flustered. Danny looked at him and grinned at his friend's awkwardness.
Having had years of practice as their alter egos, all three members of Styx were excellent fighters, but even as civilians, they were trained in martial arts, with their mothers being formidable women. Maddie Fenton was an eighth-degree black belt, Talia al Ghul was a leader of assassins, and Sabine Cheng was a former assassin/mercenary.
Damian discovered Sabine's old career on the stakeout and was struck by how similar he and Marinette were. Of course, Mari was usually a lot nicer (maybe softer was a better word?) than him, even after she toughened up, but they were similar in many other ways.
After the intel they needed was gathered they realized how close they were when they glanced up from reviewing the information. Damian froze and Marinette leaned in a tiny bit. “Is this an actual date?” she whispered.
He swallowed. “I hope so.”
Mari smiled softly. “Me too.”
He closed the distance tentatively and she inched closer.
Danny flew up just after his sister's and friend's lips met. “I called it! Jason owes me $20!”
They jerked apart, glaring daggers at him. “Danny!”
T3, the civilian Styx, finally agreed to let their friends/teams meet each other. Phantom and Blackjack had interacted with the Bats and Titans on missions and JL gatherings before, but the Miraculous Court and Team Phantom hadn't met yet.
Yet again, a glowing portal opened in Amity Park, but his time it was connected to Paris. Danny's support trio (not to be confused with his abetting trio) stepped into the Miraculous Corut's HQ. Luka and Juleka Couffaine-Stone, Kagami Tsurugi, Chloe Bourgeois, Max Kante, and Alix Kubdel met Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, and Jazz Fenton. Max and Tucker became instant frenemies, battling over tech, while Sam and Juleka bonded surprisingly quickly over all things goth.
The T3 waited in the shadows of the warehouse to apprehend the cultists intent on summoning a long-dead magician. When it was go time they transformed (Blackjack had figured out how to do it without a flash of light), becoming the cultists' nightmares, Styx.
Danny had glowing green eyes, weightless white hair, fangs, and Phantom's general ghostly presence for beginning intimidation.
Blackjack appeared as a white-haired, glowing green cat-eyed, fanged, clawed, and winged being: in short, terrifying.
Phoenix had glowing green eyes, white hair, sharper-than-should-be-normal teeth, a katana on his back and fireballs in his hand. (The Pit had whitened his hair completely, but he had a glamour spell on his civilian form to appear as before with black hair. The pyrokinesis was one of his favourite spells and one of the first Raven taught him, upon plenty of begging bribing.)
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miraculousstories · 11 months
List of my fav mlb fanfics no one asked for:
(this is a very long list btw, and all links are to ao3. I try to include as many warnings as possible, but I may forget some so please read the tags before reading the fic.)
Baby Boom by ShawnaCanon
It’s about an akuma that causes everyone in Paris to… do the deed… (not graphic) and every woman to get pregnant. It somehow evolves into a timetravel fic-
400,000 words- def recommend for readers who are okay with vague references to sex.
Dearly Despised (I Love You) by snacc-noir
Lovely fic. A nice take on the adrienette enemies to lovers trope, and it adds in some fake dating. Cn and Lb start out as (more or less) lovers in the beginning, and it evolves from there. It’s not a finished fic, but still, if you’re willing to wait then read.
73,000 words so far (I’ll update as time goes on) and 33 chapters- totally clean fic, I recommend if you love enemies to lovers trope.
(Last update on the fic was 10/20/2023)
Turn Loose the Mermaids by bookskitten
WONDERFUL. That is all I have to say about this. One of my personal favorites for sure- it’s a mermaid au where Marinette is a siren hellbent on dragging the captain of a ship (who just so happens to be Adrien- aka Captain Noir)down to the depths of the ocean… but you know it won’t end that simply.
64,000 words- WARNING- GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF SEX. I do not recommend for anyone not comfortable with that sort of thing. But if you are, go read! I promise it’ll be worth your time.
Cut My Life into Pieces, This is My Last Resort by Silver_fox_fyre
This was… an interesting one to say the least. In this, Marinette is at the end of the rope- struggling with being both Marinette and Ladybug. So, of course the logical decision would be to fake her own death. Well, Marinette’s death, that is. Be warned, some of the excuses are kind of a long shot (for instance, she fakes her own death by using the mouse miraculous- only she doesn’t actually have the costume, she just looks normal.)
114,000 words- completely clean- characters do fall asleep on each other like…once, but nothing happens. Some passionate kisses, but that’s all. Lots of violence though, and blood and gore are a given. Character death is included as well. I recommend for braver readers.
In Case You Don’t Know Me Tomorrow by thelibraryloser
This one is… an interesting one at best, a strange one at worst. The idea itself is that this is a universe where you can pay to have your memories erased. (No plot spoilers there) everyone is aged up in this, maybe around 20, 25. Non-magical universe as well.
56,000 words- a good fic, I’ll say, but it is a bit weird and I got bored of it at times. But stick around to the end and you’ll be rewarded, I promise. Clean as well, don’t worry.
Miraculous Magic: First Year by spetember
*gasp* Is this- it is! The mlb/Harry Potter crossover you’ve all been waiting for!! Marinette and Adrien are 11 year olds who have just received their Hogwarts acceptance letters. They receive magical artifacts- and are told by Headmaster Fu that they must strive to defeat the Dark Lord Hawkmoth. They are 11, so while Mari does develop a crush for Adrien near the end of the fic, there isn’t much love. But honestly? I didn’t miss it. There’s so much action- I loved it. I’m thinking of writing spin-off fics about the other years, so if I do I’ll post the link in the reblogs.
58,000 words- wonderful. Simply wonderful. Mild violence, but no worse than the actual Harry Potter. Nothing related to love, as I mentioned. They are 11 after all. If you are in both the hp and mlb fandoms, I def recommend.
Longest Night by P_Artsypants
Whump fic. Must I go on? Jokes aside, this fic is amazing. Marinette and Adrien are captured by some psychopath, and are tortured. I mean really tortured. Like I had to walk away at times it was so much- and this is coming from the person who regularly reads violence and smut. But if you can make it through, it’s a wonderful story. I don’t wanna spoil anything… but they do make it out alive. Well… kinda. I’ll let you read to find out.
210,000 words- Okay, I know I like to joke around a lot, but this time I’m serious. This is a very graphic fic which includes torture, and I mean real torture- not just the stuff you see on TV, but the stuff you see in R- rated horror movies. The fic actually references that the plot is similar to a horror film that actually got banned from almost every country in the world because it was so horrible. (The fic isn’t as bad as the film, but it is kinda horrifying.) Just for reference, here’s some torture tactics they use: Forced piercings, locked in a closet for a month, food loafs (a bunch of leftover food that’s baked with poison that makes you hallucinate) and.. well, there’s blood. I’ll just say that much. PLEASE use caution when reading, I will not say that again. For extremely brave readers only. Oh, and a side not- not completely clean. There is a sex scene at the end, which is skippable but if you are comfortable I would read it.
The Strings of Fate by sailortwilightt
OKAY BACK TO THE NICE FICS. This is actually a two-parter, and it’s nail-biting good. It’s a soulmate AU, naturally, where an invisible red string takes you to your soulmate. Please note that this is an older fic written before the more recent seasons, so Emilie, for example, is not dead. This also evolves into an alternate dimension AU, and it has a great plot.
120,000 words- counting both fics. As warnings go, there isn’t much to warn. It’s clean as far as smut goes, and, while there is definitely some graphic violence scenes, nothing too bad. I recommend for the reader who isn’t too bothered by the canon-fanon differences.
Miraculous Moves Underground by LadyDi1980
Okay, so I’m sure you’ve seen the post about this fic floating around. It’s a dancing au, which features the clashing worlds of ballet and hip-hop. Non-magical, but I didn’t miss it. Wonderful au, really, and I def recommend.
104,000 words- clean fic. No violence (except for a few slaps initiated and recieved by none other than Gabriel Agreste) and no smut. There are some songs and images that don’t work attached to the fox. So be prepared for some disappointment in that department. Also, the music is mostly BTS.
Blanks by DipStick45
For those of you who stayed around until the end, you’re amazing. This is my favorite fox by far, and it’s absolutely incredible. It’s a zombie apocalypse au, but it’s much more sophisticated than the usual zombies one. The actual word zombie isn’t used once in the fic. Oh and by the way, this fic made me cry. I have never cried from any book, tv show, or other fic in my life, but I cried in this one. Why? You’ll just have to find out!! Oh and also, this is only 2 chapters. Apparently they were doing a one-chapter challenge, but ao3 has a word limit for chapters. READ. I WILL PERSONALLY FORCE YOU.
103,000 words- okay so despite what I said- here are the warnings: major character death. I won’t say more for now. Violence. As expected, only times 10. Someone gets beheaded, another gets themselves split in half. The actual zombie bite’s effects are also quite graphic. There IS one smut scene, but it’s not detailed. And Adrien was high anyways. Oh yeah, alcohol use, and… I mean… they do describe the human body in some detail, but it’s not that bad. Chloe is insane, by the way, so there’s that. I think that’s it. If you’re okay with that, then read. I beg of you.
And that’s it! I hope you enjoyed this very long list of fics! Lemme know what you think of them!
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verfound · 11 months
MINIFIC: Oct. 23: Day 20: Drowned (MLB, Lukanette, DLM AU)
Remember ch20 of Murder May? Where I tried to make coughing up blood sexy? The blink-and-you-miss-it reference to some “forgotten” kisses on Luka’s Death Day? 👀
For @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers October Minific Challenge 2023.
Read on Ao3
To Feel Alive Again: Ch20: Drowned
It’s hesitant at first.
She didn’t mean it.
She’s pretty sure he didn’t, either.
…even if she had secretly been thinking, dreaming, about it for a while now.
But it had been such a rough day for him.  He’d been moodier than usual, brushing her off – brushing everyone off – with a grumble at best and a scathing remark at worst.  He’d barely stayed for breakfast, and when she’d run after him…
“Just leave me the fuck alone, all right?” he snapped, yanking his wrist from her hand and spinning on her with a glare.  “It’s nothing.  I’m fine.  You don’t need to worry over me, ok?  I’ve been doing this a hell of a lot longer than you, Marinette.  I don’t need a fucking caretaker.”
It was the cruelest thing he’d ever said to her – to anyone, that she had heard.  And she hadn’t understood why, until she’d gone back into the café and had to excuse herself again because she couldn’t hold the tears back.  Fred had followed her towards the restrooms and had pulled her into a hug.  He’d told her everything – that it was Luka’s Death Day, that most reapers tended to get…testy on their Death Days.  What with the memories they usually brought up.  The regrets.
But it was Luka, and he was her friend, and…maybe it was her own naïveté, her own nurturing nature shining through, but…no one should have to go through that alone.  She wouldn’t want to be alone, at least.
He’d been doing his best to drown his sorrows in an old bottle of scotch when she’d knocked on his door.  He’d almost slammed it in her face – the door, not the bottle – until she’d pulled another one out of her bag.
“I know we can’t technically get drunk,” she’d said, offering him a tentative smile, “but…that doesn’t mean we can’t try, right?”
It had been Mendeleiev’s idea.  Something about past experiences.  Mendeleiev knew her team best, so Marinette had taken the tip for what it was.
And it was the alcohol.  It had to be the alcohol.
And the general badness of the day.  Luka losing his mind a little bit.
Because he totally wouldn’t kiss her if he was in his right mind…right?
They’d been laughing.  Watching something old and dumb and…and cuddled on the couch, and she’d looked up at him and his face had been right there…and then his lips had been on hers.  A hesitant touch.  A feather-light brushing against each other, until her hands had fisted in his shirt and she had pulled him closer.
The next kiss hadn’t been so hesitant.
The one after that had been…but it wasn’t real, was it?
He couldn’t mean it.
It was such a bad idea.
He wasn’t kissing her.
He was just…sad.  Lonely.  Mourning a life he’d never get to have.  He was trying to drown his sorrows, and since the alcohol wasn’t working…why not use her?  It didn’t mean anything.
…she hated that she was willing to take it.  If that was all he needed.  All he wanted.  She would let him use her as an escape, if they could have this moment.
But then his hands were slipping under her shirt, smoothing against her back and sliding up and under her bra to pull her closer as his mouth left hers and he trailed hot, desperate kisses along her jaw.  As he found a spot on her neck that made her gasp and bit down, sucking gently and lapping at the mark.  His knee was moving between hers, pressing against her butt to push her closer, and it was too much.  She was too drunk for this – she wasn’t drunk enough.
Luka didn’t want her.
He just wanted to forget.
And as much as she wanted to give that to him…she was terrified her heart was already too invested to do it.
She had to work with him.  She had to see him every day.  There could be no hiding when it went south – he was in her afterlife, for better or worse.  She couldn’t kiss him like this – she couldn’t…couldn’t…do this with him – just to see the morning and walk away.  Just for him to confirm that it had been nothing more than…stress relief.  A distraction.
…it would kill her, all over again.
“Lu…Luka,” she gasped, pushing on his shoulders and dislodging his mouth from…her throat went dry as she realized he’d pulled her shirt down.  He’d been kissing her…nobody had ever kissed her…her chest before.  “S-st-stop.”
His eyes were hazy when he looked up at her.  Lust-drunk, if not actually drunk.  They dropped to her mouth before looking back up, and she would swear she saw his pupils dilate.
“We…I…” she stammered, swallowing against the lump in her throat.  He leaned in, sealing his mouth back to hers, and the sound she made as his tongue stroked along hers was enough to make her blush.
“Don’t,” he said, his voice rough and breathless and making her dizzy.  “Don’t…just…dammit, Marinette…let me…”
He swallowed against his desperation, willing her to understand – and she did.
Which is exactly why she had to stop this.
“…I should go,” she whispered, her hand sliding along his stubbly jaw.  She pulled his head back and pressed her lips to his, the kiss much softer than their others had been.  “It’s…it’s late.  Fred will worry.”
“You can sleep here,” he said.  “It won’t be the first time.  Or the last.”
…he didn’t know what he was saying, and that hurt worst of all.
She couldn’t do casual.  She couldn’t ruin what they’d worked so hard to build just to make him feel better one night.  He couldn’t ask her to.
“…I really can’t,” she said, frowning.  “I…are you going to be ok, Luka?”
He watched her for a long moment, his kiss-bruised lips pressed together in a way that made her want to take it back.  He closed his eyes and took a steady breath, and when he opened them again he looked…resigned.
“Are any of us ever ok, Marinette?” he asked softly.  He turned his head and pressed a kiss to her palm.  “Stay.  Please.”
She wanted to.
God, how she wanted to…
“You’re too drunk –” she started to argue, but he nipped at her palm and made her jump.
“We can’t get drunk, Marinette,” he said, an edge to his voice.  Like she had offended him by implying this was just the alcohol, which was ridiculous when she knew it was just…depression.  Loneliness.
This wasn’t real. “I’m too drunk,” she insisted, cutting him off.  She leaned back, biting down on her lip when his knee pressed against her and made her question her resolve.  She reached up to adjust her top, to pull it back up over…to cover herself, and looked away from his dark eyes.  His hands were on her hips, and he seemed to have no intention of removing them.  She took a shaky breath and put her hands on his, tugging gently to remove them.  “I need…I need to go.  You…you should get some sleep, Luka.  You’ll feel better in the morning.  Everything…everything’s always better in the morning, right?”
“…I don’t think I will, Mari,” he whispered, twisting their hands so their palms were pressed against each other and he could lace their fingers together.  Her breath caught, her eyes sliding back to his.  He had never called her Mari before.  He had never…she swallowed and leaned back down, pressing her lips against his forehead in a lingering kiss.  They were friends.  He didn’t actually want her like this.  Convincing herself he did would only hurt them both in the end, and they had both been hurt too much to do that.  She was doing this for them.  She felt him push out a hard breath, the air warm against her neck, and repeated the words in her head: this was for them.  “…you’re the only thing that ever feels ok anymore.”
It was said so softly she almost didn’t hear it.  It was said so softly it was too easy to convince herself she hadn’t.  Because this was Luka, and Luka would never say something so…open.  Vulnerable.  Not to her.  Not to anyone.
“Get…get some sleep, Luka,” she murmured, resting her forehead against his.  “I’ll pick you up for breakfast.  Ok?  We can walk together.  Just like…just like we always do.  And you’ll feel worlds better, because it will be tomorrow, and we’ll be ok, and you’ll be ok, and…get some sleep, ok?”
He didn’t fight her when she pushed him back against the couch, and he didn’t try to keep her there when she climbed off.  He rolled towards the back of the couch so he wouldn’t have to face her when she tucked the blanket he kept on the back around his shoulders.  He didn’t respond when she pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
If not for the mumble when she closed the door – whispered words she couldn’t possibly hope to catch so far away – she would have thought he’d fallen asleep.
She walked home on stiff, unsteady legs.  One step in front of the other.  She somehow made it back to her flat, ignoring Fred’s surprised greeting when she walked through the door.  She waved, barely acknowledging him, as she went to her room.  She closed the door behind her.  Took the few steps to her bed.  Collapsed.
She cried herself to sleep, her tears and the ghost of Luka’s lips hot on her skin.
She had done the right thing.
…so why didn’t she believe it?
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sp1derw1re · 1 year
ALSO, (infodump ahead)
Châu is supposed to be like a black cat counterpart to Honey (who is Bessem btw) when Honey is SpiderWire. (Idk much ab black cat since I'm a new spiderman fan, but) Châu just wants chaos and attention, at least, when she's in this persona. She doesn't have any motive, she doesn't need or want money, she has no family she wants to save and has hurt her friends (accidentally, but still) in this persona. She just wants Honey to notice her, to talk with her in this form and to fall in love with her
Châu is like, unhealthily obsessed with Honey and tries to find out almost everything about them. Like, her crush started when they were children, but grew so much that, her brain is just full to the brim with Honey. Kinda like marinette w adrien from mlb. Because of this, she finds out that, Honey is SpiderWire (and Honey also has a blog in that universe (it's basically a diary) where they refer to themselves as Wire, Châu figured out that the three of them are the same person)
Châu's hair is also not naturally white. She also didn't dye it. Something something, a side effect of making a deal with the God of Desire that would basically put an end to her bullying. Basically, the deal made her universally attractive, except to her love interest. Not to say that Honey doesn't think she's pretty, they're just not attracted to her. The deal also affects the way her iris looks (I don't currently have any drawings that could clearly show this, but eventually will post them) so she has like, a black rhombus(?) shaped outline on her eye
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As seen above
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buginabed · 1 year
Marinette's pony design sleeping lol
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I used references for all of my ponies from previous posts from Google lol so you might recognise them from one of those sheets
I think I prefer her being more of a longish haired pony breed, I wanted to add more variety into the MLB version since mlp has the 3 main pony types that are all the mostly standard build for mares and stallions being pretty much it in their society. They have griffins, kirins and stuff but it's sort of rare to see them wandering around together in earlier seasons. My take would be similar to the friendship school where Paris is full of different pony breeds (I'm assuming kirin and changelings etc are somewhat pony, they look to be) as well as griffins, I can't remember the other species that are :)
I wanted her to be fluffy because who doesn't like fluffy, I think it'd be cute if tikki would cuddle up in her fur, especially in between her ears. I also imagine her sleeping on marinette's little pink tuft on her neck kinda like how tikki sleeps on her in the show! Ima draw that at some point that sounds so cute 😭
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almadesarrollo · 9 months
Very good, as promised, I am going to analyze the video that Jeremy Zag posted on his Instagram, if you are new here let me update you, a few months ago Jeremy Zag uploaded a video of the new scenarios of THE MIRACULOUS SERIES to his Instagram, the changes that there were going to be and the quality that it was going to have in season 6 and I comment on analyzing.
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If you are a fan of El Felinette and a fan of Miraculous, stay, this is going to blow your mind hahaha.
In these shared scenarios, there are 3 specific places that we are going to analyze:
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[1] Cupid's fountain: one of the most significant changes we have seen is that a new font design has been added, this is a fountain where we can see a cupid riding what appears to be a carp or koi fish and at Around a lot of frogs, there are 2 of these fountains, one is between the Cafeteria on the corner and the bakery itself, forming a roundabout on the road, this same fountain is also in the Place des Vosges, replacing the previous fountain design that it had before.
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There is a lot to analyze here, LET'S GO BY PARTS:
The first thing to say is that of all the modifications that are being made that precisely choose a source near Marinette's area, it is already Felix's clue, and if you have been paying attention to my posts, you will know that there is a monument that also represents him, which coincidentally is a fountain (Plaza de la Concordia) and at the time we said that water is an element that presents him, since water represents emotions, so the fountain In itself, in that area it is already a clue THAT FELIX, BEING AS A FRIEND OR SOMETHING ELSE, IS GOING TO BE CLOSE TO MARINETTE, SO WE WILL HAVE FELNETTE WHATEVER (IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE ROMANTIC) BUT WE ANALYZED THE SOURCE IN IF ONE ALREADY GOES CRAZY.
well let's now analyze the source in parts-------
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1 FROGS: we have frogs in both fountains, through which water comes out pointing to Cupid, the frog is an animal through which he does not speak about Argos and Felix and their emotions, since they move in an aquatic environment (the emotions) ... let's think: Where have we seen frogs or elements that look like frogs? in 2 very important chapters,
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These chapters are connected to each other, because they premonize the event of S5 and S6, in Feast, we see a sentiser, created by fu and it has the shape of a frog, if one analyzes the sentiser itself, one can realize that they have several references to Félix from the fact that he is a very powerful sentiser, to the color, indigo blue,
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The Feast chapter was a chapter that gave us a clue to the introduction of Félix as Argos in subsequent seasons (season 5) in fact, this sentiser wanted to eat the entire box, why? Because he created it with that misguided intention of creating that, and that was the same reason why he lost the miraculous, does that sound familiar to you? Of course it sounds familiar to you because in the final episode of season 4 the same thing happens to Marinette, and what makes her lose the box? Felix, a sentiser! Félix is ​​Argos, he is indigo blue, he lies to her,
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so the frog is a symbol with which they tell us about Argos, but let's talk about the other chapter and its connection with Festin, Risk chapter 25 season 4, literally we have a boy with a frog aesthetic who is later akumatized, I want See who he looks like.
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but the big thing about all this is that in this chapter, Félix is ​​the protagonist, and in practically the entire end of season 4, we can see them temporarily teaming up, (as if it were flarmidable) so this chapter not only gave us more clues about the previous if not that Argos officially, (in fact it is seen that in the exchange with Gabriel it is for that reason, so that he can have control of that miraculous).
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Now, the clues lead us to this chapter because all of this would confirm information for season 5 from there to season 6 since all the seasons are connected ,that he would join the group of superheroes forever, as happens at the end of S5.
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So what clues does this give about SEASON 6? Well, it will replace chatnoir and there will be argonette.
[in fact, the image above already gives us a clue as to how this will not please chatnoir, which will generate problems in the future for the team]
So, the frogs in the fountain are indicating this with more force, surely to compensate for everything that Felix screwed up with the box, he will redeem himself by fighting with Ladybug at the end against Lila in the final battle knowing that she will be monarch.
Now, we see that the frogs are pouring water on the figure above, which becomes Cupid over the fish. If the water represents emotions, this indicates that in some way the friendship of Argos or Felix with Marinette is going to be very beautiful. , but it will also "nurture Marinette" so to speak, that is, by helping her on an emotional level, it will give her a lot of peace, a lot of security, a lot of affection.
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and this brings us to point 2.
2 KOI OR CARP FISH: we can see higher up in the fountain Cupid in what appears to be a fish, this type of fish, according to what I have researched, is called carp or koi fish, and here we go in parts.
To begin, we are going to talk about the koi fish themselves, these fish are of Chinese origin and represent prosperity, longevity and good luck in both friendship and love, but also, there is a legend about which says that it is the the only one capable of crossing the current and overcoming the obstacles of life, and thus he finally becomes a dragon fish.
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Here we already have data that connects us to Ladybug, 1st the Chinese origin, 2nd the good luck like the Ladybugs themselves and finally that strength of never giving up, for me this is clear, it means that in the same way that Ladybug gives luck, Argos is going to be too, he is going to be a good luck charm for Marinette and this will happen when Marinette little by little becomes the best version of herself and loves herself,
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(something that we are seeing non-stop in the series, and whether directly or indirectly like the reverse special)
Now where do we find koi fish? in the series, in 3 places.
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And what do all these places have in common? that everyone connects with Félix and with the felinette ship itself.
} Master Fu's house: Fu represents Felix (look at my origin analysis) and the protection that he is going to have with her, that is, with Marinette since he has Wayzz and Wayzz represents this, so it confirms the presence of felix and felinette and his dedication to marinette.
} Marinette's house: this confirms the koi fish, and the fact that it also appears in the kitchen, the place where meals are made, says more about the connection between Marinette and Felix, (tea and cookies) but We will see that at the end of the post, so again felinette, they are made for each other.
} chrismaster chapter: fish not only appear in painting but also physically. which confirms the materialization of the felinette shipp, it will be something real, this would also indicate that from now on, there will not be so many clues in the series (types of Andre's ice cream, types of foods with certain colors, flowers and symbols, etc.) so abstract, if not more direct, we will see them physically coexisting, in the chapter these fish appear flying, who is the bird and is it connected to the sky? Argos, so this ship will also be with Argos, which would also confirm the ship Argonette or Argobug, good friends and battle companions.
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Now, we see, as we have said above, that the frogs throw water at the figure above bone the cupid in the koi fish, simulating in some way that the water in which it swims is the lake, this would indicate to us that the echo of That Félix is ​​so emotional will be good fortune for Marinette, this will make the relationship easier since there will be empathy, (let's go with what we said above with the frogs).
3 CUPID ANGEL: we see the figure of Cupid with an arrow pointing to the sky riding the koi fish, let's talk about Cupid...
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Cupid is considered the most important symbol or figure of Valentine's Day. It is represented by a boy who has wings and a bow with arrows, which he shoots at couples with the aim of making them fall deeply in love. There is an expression that is used that is "struck by Cupid" which means that when Cupid somehow hits you, love has arisen between 2 people instantly, which is connected as "love at first sight." .
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Now knowing what we know, for me the fact that this figure is more than obvious, that it is not confirming that felinette is going to emerge in the romance field and that there is going to be a crush between the two, now, you will tell me , "but the series has not shown us this", well in fact yes, but they have done it through other characters,
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There he is telling us about Adrien's infatuation with Marinette and Felix with Marinette, at first sight, so the series was giving us a clue about this, (that's why I always say, look closely at everything in the series. )
So for me it is more than clear, Cupid is going to "arrow Marinette and Felix" Felinette will become canon in the series, TO FINISH THIS, LOOK WHERE CUPID IS POINTING WITH HIS ARROW?
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Now let's look at the location of the sources because that IS THE CLUE THAT CONFIRMS ALL THIS.
There are 2 as we see, the 2 point to Marinette's balcony, so clearly there we have the message from before, but the source that for me GIVES the final verdict is the one that is in the roundabout when the girl with the bike appears, now We saw at the beginning where it is located, the fountain is between the cafe on the corner and its bakery.
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What are cafeterias for? to drink coffee and tea, right? Who is the one drinking tea? FELIX!! but more importantly, what is used to accompany tea or coffee?! buns, cookies and sweets in general. Who is the one who cooks all this? MARINETTE!!!, tea is the companion with sweets, Félix is ​​ideal for MARINETTE, so, we can say that in the same way that the bakery is representative of Marinette, the cafeteria is representative of Félix, and in the middle From these 2 establishments Cupid appears shooting Marinette, love at first sight will emerge between these 2 but not only that, all this is telling us that, unlike Adrien, THEY ARE SOUL TWINS, THEY ARE FOR EACH OTHER, THE PERFECT IDEAL PAIR, in the same way that sweets and cookies are ideal for tea/coffee and vice versa.
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[do you remember in the part about the koi fish how we said that painting in the kitchen is connected with tea and pasta, that would confirm what I am going to say next]
In the same way that Marinette is a baker, Felix could be a waiter at that cafeteria and even both establishments collaborate, and in fact, both the PV and the movie show us Marinette drinking coffee so he is probably a waiter, serving coffee or tea and from time to time help in the bakery, which would make them even closer.
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And I want you to see in the video when the scene shows that Marinette is doing it on the balcony, she is with a book. Who is the one reading? Felix.
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the felinette will become canon, this is how it is planned and this is how it will be, it will be the most beautiful couple, and this seed will be sown in S6 so that at the end of this and moving towards S7 THIS FLOWERS (I don't think there will be romance in s6, it would be a lot of running)
Well, we are going to leave the analysis here, in the next part we will look at: MARINETTE'S BALCONY AND ITS AESTHETICS.
Thank you very much for reading, follow me so as not to lose details of the analysis, reblog and give it a like.
See you in the next part.
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emsylcatac · 3 years
This may seem random but I’m honestly curious how the Dupain-Cheng apartment is planned. I’m not knowledgeable about French apartments, all I know is the basic and famous architectures there. So there’s 3 floors (bakery, possibly the parents’ room, living/kitchen/dining/possibly t&b) and an attic with a balcony? I’m asking for reference because I’m confused and everything in the MLB universe is kinda exaggerated when it comes to scale. TY 🙏
Heeeyaaa!! Sorry this has been sitting here for a whiiiile because I knew it would take a lot of time for me to answer, so I've been working on it bits by bits when I could.
But somehow it seems pretty much of an issue on tumblr today so anyway let's finish to break it down now 😂 (beware that I'm not a Parisian architect so it's a lot of deductions from what I know about Parisian apartments in general and personal researches, I could be wrong in my interpretation & analysis of it)
So as you're saying, there are three floors including the attic, plus the ground floor (side-note btw but sorry it may seem confusing but I'm talking using UK English, meaning what Americans call "first floor" is "ground floor" in UK Eng, so the "second floor" for Americans is the "first floor" here, etc. It's easier for me cause that's what we do in my language too; I'll also use both the 'flat' and 'apartment' appellations cause I'm lazy and never pay attention to which one I use rip, language coherence has left the window, my old English teacher wouldn't be proud)
It's pretty common for bakers to live above their bakery in France, though not all do.
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By the way, for your information, the Dupain-Cheng Bakery which here is situated in Place des Vosges, was heavily inspired by the Boris Lumé Boulangerie that is located in the 18e arrondissement, in Montmartre:
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Also for your information, this is what the bakery they got their inspiration from looks like (I took a trip there with my friend google map and tried to screenshot the whole building - it's bigger than the Dupain Cheng's house since it has more floors and I doubt the bakers live in it all, but I wanted to check how far their inspiration went but it seemed it stopped at the shopfront + the global looking-aspect of the building; I also checked the roof and no balcony there). But yeah the building looks very typical-Parisian block of flats.
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It's pretty common in Paris to have one or more flats per floor, so you'd have a common staircase in a building and each floor can be split into two, three flats with doors and doorbells and stuffs.
What always struck me was the staircase of the Dupain Cheng's house to access the different floors: they look exactly like a common and shared staircase between a few residents of a flats block. We see a blue staircase with doors on each floor having doorbells and such. There's even a little stickers above the doorbell to indicate the name of the flat's resident.
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My best guess here is that they own what used to be a block of flats with different residents, and that they reorganised it into one same house (the Dupain-Cheng, or the people who owned the bakery before them, or even before, etc. The point is that at some point, these apartments have been converted into one and the same so the owner of the bakery owns it all).
(undercut for the rest cause it's starting to get long):
Know that flats in Paris can have very different size, even in one same block of flats! Some can be 12m^2, some 30m^2, etc.
In Troublemaker, Marinette tells Jagged that the restroom is upstairs. Which considering the arrangement of their house is super vague and not informative at all. We also know that there are two doors with bells on the 1st floor (2nd for Americans). So my guess is that on the first floor, one flat was converted into the parents' room, and the other into the bathroom (for which you'd need to use a different door than the parents' room one, and as I said above, that could be smaller than the room for the parents' bedroom).
(Not the best screenshot but yeah we see 2 doors from what were 2 different flats in this, and that could easily be for the parents's bedroom and for the bathroom, one or the other. It's also possible that the parents have their private bathroom too).
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We know they come inside the house from the bakery, though there could be a side-door somewhere because when the bakery is closed it'd make sense to use another entrance, and if they want to go to the living-room & kitchen (which we know is on the 2nd floor - 3rd for you Americans - thanks to episodes like Weredad and such), they will ring that bell (as we saw happening in Stormy Weather, Kung Food, Weredad, etc.).
This 2nd floor is organised as such, according to the concept art I found here:
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So you have both the kitchen and the living room in one place which is something that is done more and more nowadays as an "open space" type of thing. Their table to eat - they can't have a big feast there clearly aha. The main entrance door is behind the couch, from the point of view we're in on the 2nd picture. And we can see the stairs leading to Marinette's bedroom, which do look like they've been added afterwards as a reorganisation.
Marinette's room clearly is in the attic arranged into a room, and her balcony probably wasn't one but I think some work happened so it could be converted into one - just the fact that she has to go out through a window indicates that imo. Especially since said window is pretty high up and you can only access it thanks to the fact that they made a mezzanine for Marinette's bed. Plus I've looked it up and you don't find these kind of balconies much in Paris - there are roof balconies but they rarely look like Marinette's.
Again, picture of her room that give a good idea of how it's organised that I found here on which we see the trapdoor, the desk under her mezzanine for her bed and the window giving access to the balcony:
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(notice that she also has a sink, which give an access point to water which isn't common in a bedroom - so it probably used to be something else before that required an access for water, like a bathroom for instance).
We don't see the little bed with umbrella from here but it's where we're situated when looking at this picture. I found also good models of her room here if you want to have a look.
As for the balcony, here it is:
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So yeah the fact that it's above the attic next to the chimneys + the uneasy access is what's making me wondering if it wasn't added afterwards, and that before the roof was kinda looking like the one next to it separated by the chimneys!
Here I'm done haha, I hope I answered what you were looking for as best as I could! 😊 again I don't pretend to know the exact truth of how it's done but this breakdown seems logical to me - at least I'm pretty sure of an old apartment block converted into one same house!
Have a nice day! ☀︎
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ms-starflower · 3 years
Maribat Rare Pairs — Day 9 — Falling like the leaves
Guys, guess what??? This is another angsty story!! BUT this one has a hopeful ending!!! And is not as sad as today's Spook-tober!! Yay!!
Also, if you saw my post yesterday, it’s the promised crack ship!
Well, it’s a crack ship for me, at least, mostly because of how super weird it was for me to write them. But, surprisingly, I was kinda super inspired?? This is the longest thing I wrote for maribat rare pairs month and spook-tober to date, with a little over 2k words??
But it is still a weird ship, and I’ve never seen it before, so... (Although, seriously, if someone knows of another story with this ship, please share with me, I would love to see what someone else would write for them.)
Anyway, end of the suspence, it’s *jazz hands*: Alfred x Marinette!
Contexte for the story here; It’s totally AU, forget almost everything you know about MLB canon guys. Here Marinette became Master Fu’s apprentice, after her parents death (she was like, idk, eight?? nine??). He took her in and trained her because she showed compatibility with the miraculouses.
I know there was something about how Master Fu became the last Guardian in Miraculous canon (???) but I don’t feel like looking it up, so, whatever. Also, for reference, there is like, around three years of difference between them.
Marinette was barely eighteen when she met Alfred for the first time.
He saved her from the people that killed her Master, letting her be the sole Guardian of the Miraculous, even though she never completed her training. He saved her without even knowing about the Miraculous, without ever asking for something in return.
She was lost, alone, and with a task bigger than her in her future. When he died, Fu left her the Miraculous to protect, but he also made her promise to correct his mistakes and found the lost Miraculouses.
She should have disappeared as soon as it was safe to do so, Master Fu had always said that the best way to protect the Miracle Box was to live in complete solitude, hiding from the world unless they had to show themselves. But it hadn’t worked, and now Fu was dead.
She didn’t know why Alfred asked her to come back to England with him, but she knew that she accepted because she didn’t want to be alone.
The trust between them had been nearly instantaneous. She couldn’t explain why, and the Kwamii refused to say anything about it when she asked them, even though they had looked at her with a knowing look.
When she was eighteen, and finally able to use the Miraculous at their fullest, the Kwamii all agreed that they needed to be used again, even if only discreetly. She knew what sort of work Alfred did for his country, it wasn’t hard to understand, and decided to help him.
She told him about the magic jewelry she was tasked to protect, and about the mission her Master left her. They both agreed to keep her help a secret from his superior, and she gave him the Black Cat, herself downing the Ladybug.
They made a formidable team, and Marinette hadn’t felt this useful for the world around her ever. She knew that his work wasn’t all pretty, of course. Alfred still kept her out of some of his missions, but she trusted him and never judged him for the decisions he had to make.
Falling for him hadn’t been instantaneous. It happened slowly, delicately, like leaves falling from trees in the chill breeze of autumn. And, one day, she touched down and realized that she fell and that there was no way up.
She kept silent, not even knowing if he would love her that way. But from the moment where she acknowledged her feelings, they only grew. Soon, she knew she would never love someone as much as she loved him.
She was twenty-three when she saw him for the last time.
The job started typically, for that sort of job. They were sent into enemy territory to evacuate an ally. Well, Alfred really, people didn’t know about her. At least they weren’t supposed to.
Somehow, they knew to expect them both and that they would have the Miraculous. Marinette would never know how it happened, just that it did. The only thing that saved them was the fact that they didn’t know about the Miraculouses’ power beyond the Black Cat’s and the Ladybug’s. They didn’t know to keep them separated, or even what was giving them their powers.
She used Kaalki’s Miraculous to teleport them out, directly to their appartement, and started to pack immediately.
“Marinette,” Alfred had said softly, and she turned toward him to see that he hadn’t moved but had dropped the transformation.
She did the same, dropping both Tikki’s and Kaalki’s. The three Kwamii looked between the two of them, a sad expression taking over Plagg’s face before they all floated in the next room to give them privacy.
“You’re not coming with me,” she said with a rueful smile.
“I want to,” he told her, stepping forward and putting his hand on her cheek. She closed her eyes, leaning into the contact. “But I can’t, not before completing this mission.”
“Why?” She asked him with a frown, opening her eyes back to look at him. “They sold us. Someone at your agency learnt about me and the Miraculous and betrayed us, betrayed you. Why would you finish this mission when it was so clearly designed as a trap?”
“Because,” he started slowly, leaning his forehead on hers. “The people that designed this mission obviously did so knowing it was one I couldn’t abandon.”
“What is so important in this mission,” she asked, swallowing back the ‘more important than me, us’, she wanted to ask. His features softened, his second hand coming up to her other cheek, and she knew he saw the question in her eyes.
“The man I was sent to save,” he started, his tone resigned.
“The American?” She asked, lifting her hands to cover his. He nodded slightly, careful to not disturb their position.
“He saved my life more times than I can count. More than that, he is a dear friend,” he told her, not moving his gaze from her eyes, before adding softly. “His wife is expecting, and I can’t sacrifice this family’s happiness for my own.”
“I—” She started, but there was nothing she could say, she wouldn’t either, if the roles were reversed. Alfred smiled softly at her, using his thumbs to wipe tears she hadn’t realized were falling. She closed her eyes, and left her despair talking for her. “I can save him with you. We can go back to save him together, and then we could leave together. Start a new life.”
“They will be waiting for that,” he told her, jerking his head back to shake it. “The only reason we could get out was because they didn’t know about Voyage, they would be prepared for it now. They will not expect me to come alone.”
“I can’t leave you, Alfred,” she said desperately, grabbing his jacket in her fists. “I love you.”
“I was hoping that it would happen in other circonstances,” he said softly, before leaning in to kiss her lips tenderly. It tasted bittersweet. “But I love you too. And that’s why I can’t ask you to come with me.”
“You’re not asking. I— I know I can help.”
“Your mission is more important, Marinette,” he said sadly, pushing back a strand of her hair. “This mission, your mission, it’s so important for you not because it was your Master’s, it’s so important because you love the kwamii like your family. You would give everything to protect them, I can’t put them in danger, and you know that you can’t either.”
She closed her eyes, letting her hands fall back at her side, knowing that he was right. Protecting the Kwamii that were with her and finding the lost ones were more important than her or her happiness.
“I can’t wait for you here, this place won’t be safe for much longer.”
“I know,” he said with a sorrowful expression.
“Maybe we— We can meet after—”
“No,” he interrupted her, his head shaking. “I can’t know where you will be, if I’m caught, I want to be sure you and the Kwamii will be safe. I couldn’t live with myself if I was the one to put you in danger.”
“What are you going to do, after? you’re not going back to work for them, right?”
“Don’t worry about me, I will find something,” he told her with a smile, and she couldn’t help but smile back.
“I wish we had more time,” she whispered to him, putting her hands in his hair.
“I wish I could tell you how much I love you,” he whispered back, putting his hand around her waist.
“Promise me to live,” she told him, looking him in the eyes. “Promise me to get out of there alive, and then, to live. To let yourself find happiness. I want you to let yourself be happy again, to let yourself live. Because when I find the Miraculous, and get Nooro and Duusu back, I will find you. No matter how long it takes me.”
“I don’t expect anything else from you, darling,” he told her softly, cupping her cheek.
“Promise,” she said again, she needed to hear him say it.
“I promise,” he whispered, eyes closed.
Opening a portal to let him go back there was the hardest thing Marinette ever did, knowing that there was a chance she was sending him to his death, no matter what he promised.
She was gone from the place they had shared for almost six years a couple of hours later, not letting a trace of her presence behind her.
Years passed too quickly and too slowly, after that. She dedicated the grand majority of her time to her mission, looking for Nooro and Duusu. She scoured the world, made contact in the magic community, and kept eyes on the black market.
Still, when she found a lead on Nooro, it was by accident. She was in Paris to talk with one of her contacts when the Kwamii told her they felt Nooro’s energy, and that it was corrupted.
The use of the Miraculous, for as long as she had used it in her youth, had slowed her aging considerably (and she often thought that it probably did the same to Alfred, if he survived). But even then, she wasn’t young anymore, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to be the Ladybug again.
She knew, from her old Master, that children were typically chosen to wield the Miraculous, but she refused to bring children into her war.
Still, finding people compatible with the Kwamii of Creation and Destruction wasn’t easy, and she could only find two promising young adults, Bridgette and Felix, both compatible with the Ladybug and the Black Cat respectively. They were still young, Bridgette was nineteen and into her first year of college while Felix was eighteen and finishing high school, but the only other options were a thirteen years old boy and a fifteen years old girl.
She gave them the choice to refuse, but wasn’t surprised when they accepted. Marinette did everything in her power to help them as much as she could; giving them training, a safe place to hide from the world when their emotions became too much, and a friend with whom to talk. And she used every last one of her contact, every favor anyone owed her, and every resource at her disposal to find Hawkmoth.
It took them three more years to defeat him, but when they did she could reclam back the Butterfly and the Peacock. And her mission was complete. Marinette felt so free, for a time she didn’t know what to do with herself.
She was lying. She had known what she was going to do the second the lost Miraculous were in the Miracle Box.
She left some time to Bridgette and Felix to say goodbye to Tikki and Plagg, promising them that the Miraculous would be there for them if they decided to go back to heroisme, when they finished college.
Then she packed her things and left for Gotham.
She didn’t know how she felt, when she rang Wayne Manor’s bell. Nervous wasn’t the right word, she had waited for this moment for too long to be nervous. It felt right. Freeing.
A young man opened the door, and Marinette recognized Tim Wayne-Drake. She smiled serenely at him, moving her braid back over her shoulder.
“Um, hello,” he started slowly, looking at her curiously. Probably wondering how she got here despite their security. He probably wasn't to guess that it was with Kaalki's help. “Can I help you?”
“Well, yes, I would like to talk with Alfred Pennyworth,” she told him with a smile, making him blink in surprise. “Could you be a dear and tell him that an old friend is here to see him?”
“An… old friend?”
“Yes,” she said matter-of-factly, before leaning forward and whispering conspirationaly, like she was sharing a secret. “The old cat also wants to see him, Stinky Sock doesn't say it, but he really missed Alfred.”
“The… old cat,” he repeated, blinking at her like her words weren’t registering. They probably weren’t, but before she could say anything, another voice cut in.
“Marinette,” Alfred said with a soft smile from behind Timothy. “I was waiting for you.”
“Alfred,” she said, her lips curling into a bright smile. “I told you I would find you.”
“Holy Batman, I feel so lost right now,” Timothy muttered under his breath, looking between the two of them.
I know that the popular maribat headcanon for Alfred is to have been a Peacock holder, because it's Alfred, but people change when they grow older and I found it fun to have him be a Cat when he was still young and a little bit stupid (Not much it's still Alfred).
Also, the thirteen years old compatible is totally Adrien, and the fifteen years old is Aurore Beauréale, because I found her really Ladybugesque in the few memory I have of season 1 (I could totally be wrong tho, it was a while ago).
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san-fics · 3 years
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Made for me
MLB fan fiction
Marichat, Ladynoir, Adrianette, Ladrien
Part 17/17
“There is something that comes to my mind.”
Not losing the eye contact, she razed her hand and slowly ran her fingers over Adrien’s chest from top down to his stomach.
Adrien’s eyes widened.
He caught Ladybug’s wrist after coming back to his senses from being shocked.
He was staring at her, thinking even faster then when he saw her in the window. Ladybug said to Chat Noir tonight, that she had someone on her mind. She wanted to pay him a visit. Him? Adrien-him?..
A week ago it would be a dream came true! But now...
Adrien realized he was still holding Ladybug’s hand and dropped it immediately, making few steps back.
“I don’t bite.” Ladybug smiled and made a step toward him. “Unless you want me to.”
“I...” Adrien swallowed and made a step back. “I like someone else.” He said in a protective voice.
This should clarify things.
Contrary to his expectations, Ladybug smiled and licked her lips slowly.
“I don’t mind.” She said and made another step toward him.
This wasn’t Ladybug’s typical behavior at all. Well, not that he ever saw her flirting with anyone, of course. But he would probably expect less boldness from her. After all, in their duo, Chat Noir was more like an impulsive one.
“I have a girlfriend.” Adrien made another step back.
Well, even it wasn’t publicly known yet, this should be an ultimate reason for her to stop.
To his horror Ladybug eyes only sparkled with mischief before she made another step forward.
“I’m not jealous.” She simply said.
“I can’t, Ladybug.” Adrien looked back to see his bed two steps behind him.
When he turned back to his partner, she was right in front of him. Adrien gasped and backed off till his legs ran into the bed.
“You’re amazing, L-ladybug.” He stammered, realizing there was no way to retreat anymore. “B-but I love her.”
“And you never wanted me?” Ladybug made a slow step toward him. “Never wondered about what was hidden under my suit.” She made another step, covering the last distance between them. “Never wanted to touch it?”
“No!” Adrien lied. “Yes! I did!” He confessed immediately. “B-but I don’t anymore. I’m happy where I am. With whom I am.”
“She must be something special, if you’re rejecting a superhero for her.” Ladybug smiled, and Adrien thought he saw her hungry look softened a little.
So he should explain better then.
“She is.” He continued. “She is absolutely perfect.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Sly grin light up Ladybug’s face, when she pushed Adrien onto the bed. “Maybe you have to take a closer look at me before making your final decision?”
“Ladybug, I don’t...”
“Spots off.” Adrien froze with his mouth open, staring at the picture in front of him.
Ladybug still had the mask on her face, even he could see the difference, as this one had red strings to hold it.
Adrien was trying not to look lower, as the woman, who was looking at him from behind the mask, was wearing only an underwear set...
But his position of looking at her upwards made him notice the colors, and the next moment Adrien couldn’t stop himself of staring at her body in black lingerie with green lace and a tiny bell between her bra cups.
“Did you...” Adrien swallowed. “Are you...” The thoughts were jumping in his head, frantically checking and comparing data.
“I herd you find it hot, handsome boy.” The woman in the mask said, leaning toward him.
Both Ladybug and Marinette could have the same looking set, as he already saw the set on Marinette and the underpants on Ladybug. But the reference she just made most definitely was from Adrien’s conversation with Marinette on that party after Mari fell down.
This couldn’t be coincidence. This was a clue.
“I... Marinette... you... you’re playing with me again.” Adrien’s voice was low and shaking with desire. The understanding dropped the wall of resistance inside him.
“Marinette?” Ladybug asked, but her soft smile was all Marinette. “Is this your girlfriend? You can call me by her name, I don’t mind.”
“It’s cruel, Mari.” Adrien’s mind was jumping there and back trying to prove to himself the point. “I know it’s you, Ladybug would never act like that, if she wasn’t you!” He was convincing himself.
“Maybe.” Ladybug climbed onto the bed on her knees next to Adrien. “Why won’t you come closer and check it out.” She crawled on the bed turning her butt to him. Then she turned her head, catching his gaze. “Come on, Kitty. Touch me. I want to feel you inside.”
Adrien was staring at her. It was so much like his fantasy after the tunnel incident. So hot.
He was trying to think with all the strength he could still gather. Kitty. This was another clue. Marinette knew his identity. Ladybug didn’t.
He was sure. 99% sure it was his girlfriend playing with him. And only one movement to remove her mask would be enough to confirm it... But this one percent was burning him with so much fire and desire. To make his wildest fantasy more real.
Ladybug. His Ladybug. It was still his partner here. And he trusted her. She wanted him to have this.
Marinette wanted him to know it was her to be able to act freely, but she left the mask for him to have his dream.
🚫 warning: you may avoid the next scene if you’re underaged till the next sign 🚫
“Mari...” Adrien whispered, crawling toward her. “Ladybug...” His gaze was clouded with desire. “I love you. I want you so much.” His fingers moved the tiny lace strip of her panties to the side and slowly plunged into her hot wet depth.
“Ohh!” She moaned. “Adrien... m-more...”
“You know what you’re doing to me, my lady.” He said with a hoarse voice. “Tell me...” He pushed his fingers deeper into her. “Tell me, who is allowed to be inside you?”
“Y-you!” Marinette moaned again.
“Tell me who you belong to.” Adrien’s was pumping his fingers in rhythmic movements, while his other hand found her clit. “Say my name, Marinette.”
Her breathing was heavy and troubled.
“A-adrien!.. ohh... fuck... Adrien...” Her body was moving together with his rhythm. “Oh... don’t stop... ohh...”
🚫 Adrien makes his fantasy real 🚫
It was only a beginning of the night. One night of many.
And it was not only his fantasy that came true. This was his dream. His friend. His partner. His girlfriend. His love.
And she was with him. Belonged to him.
Made for him.
[part 1]
[part 16]
[more MLB fanfic]
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scary-white · 3 years
a while ago I was looking for reference photos for a Carrie animatic I'm working on and I stumbled across this:
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well, obviously I had to read it, and now I will impart what I've learned to all of you.
first of all, this is a cross over fic between Stephen King's Carrie, and the children's show Miraculous Ladybug. This already puts us off to a great start, but oddly enough, MLB/Carrie crossovers are somewhat common?
well, we open up to the daughter of Carrie White, aka y/n, talking to this girl Alya about prom. Alya asks y/n to read the mind of a boy she's interested in to see if he would ask her to prom. then this girl Marinette, the main character of the show (and a real sweet heart), comes in and pushes y/n causing her to fall against the lockers.
Marinette is pissy bc y/n is stealing Alya and Adrien, the boy that she likes, and she hates y/n. y/n can hear her thoughts and leaves shortly after.
on her way home she remembers her mother (Carrie White) and her father (Tommy Ross)
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aww. sweet. too bad he's fucking dead. the author saved Tommy from a bucket only to kill him when y/n is two. he died in a car crash, like some other friends we know.
then, y/n remembers a very special Day at the Park, where she was playing on the swings and was then attacked by some bullies who then proceeds to kick the ever loving shit out of her. she screams for Carrie and Carrie comes over, flying like the baddie did in 2013, and pulls the kids off of her daughter (y/n)
a bunch of parents get mad at Carrie for levitating their children and a police man comes AND FUCKING SHOOTS HER
after that, y/n runs away and finds two people named Sam and Nicole and they adopt her. Carrie has just died, but y/n immediately accepts them as "mama and papa"
well, the new parents decide they need a baby sitter for y/n and who do they chose?
do you know who they chose?
well, the parents eventually realize that Vicky is abusing y/n and they call the cops. Vicky comes out them with a knife, but y/n makes her trip with her TK and then takes the knife also with her TK, and stabs Vicky directly in the head, killing her instantly.
after this, it flashes forward in time, and Sam and Nicole, the parents are trying to fix their stove. Y/n leaves to go find a match or something, and on her way home she stops at Marinette's family bakery and buys a macaron. she's eating it and walking home when she notices the fire trucks flying buy. she runs home to find that now Nicole and Sam are dead too!!
shawtys going through more parental figures than mother fucking peter parker
she goes to the grave yard to visit both Carrie's grave as well as her adoptive parents. Carrie comes to her in spirit and y/n tells her about prom. Carrie looks at her like 🤨🤨🤨 and y/n is like
"what happened to you won't happen to me"
well after that they play a board game, and y/n goes home. except, I don't know where she's planning on going because all her parents are as dead as rocks.
and that, my friends, is where the story ended. the author never updated again, and we never got to see prom. however, I know it was iconic.
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