#Alfred x Marinette
raeuberprinzessin · 1 year
Dick, excitedly showing his newest little sister Marinette the Batcave: This is the Batcave! Overe there is the Batcomputer and here we sharpen our Batarangs. On this side are the Batbikes and if you follow this path you'll find the Batplane. And right here is the Batmobile! Isn't it amazing? We should totally take you on a joy ride with it, don't you agree? What do you say?
Marinette, slowly taking it all in: I feel like you were going for a theme with this ... Let me guess? Moody broody late-pubescent goth?
Alfred: Very well said, Miss Marinette.
Jason, peering at a stricken-looking Bruce: Well, I guess trying to show off how cool you are to your new daughter might not go as planned. Any contingencies, old man?
Tim: Going off of experience, it's having a moody brooding session in the dark cave. You know, like a late-pubescent goth.
Bruce, murmuring: I didn't even name most of these things, why am I getting attacked?
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mochinek0 · 9 months
Daminette December 2023: 16-Pet Store
Marinette thanked the kwamis for giving her an advantages around animals. She had moved to Gotham and was working part time at a pet store. Her new apartment still didn't allow animals, but she could still play with them.
Marinette looked up from her desk as an owner and his dog walked up to the counter.
"This is Titus." the boy announced.
"I can take him from here." Mari spoke.
"I insist that I take him to the back." he stated, "You look new. Titus has specific taste."
Marinette rolled her eyes and grabbed the leash out of his hand.
"Come on, Titus." she smiled, "Think you can prove your owner wrong and go by yourself like a good boy?"
Marinette turned and Titus willingly walked along side her to the back. Neither saw Damian's shocked expression. Damian had trained Titus himself. He knew Titus wouldn't trust anyone so easily.
'Something is wrong here.'
When Damian returned, his anger only grew. The same girl had brought Titus back out for him. Titus stood towering over her and licked her cheek. She had smiled and reached behind the counter and handed him a sealed dog biscuit shaped like a bone.
"The ingredients are written down on the back." the girl declared.
Damian turned it over and sure enough there was a sticker on the back.
"The font is misleading." Damian spoke, "It appears to be handwritten."
"It is." Marinette replied, "I made them. I make all the treats."
Damian looked at it again and shoved the treat in his pocket.
"Titus. Come." He spoke.
Titus followed obediently.
'I'll just run analysis on this and see what kind of underground network she is apart of.'
Damian had found no hidden agenda through the biscuit. All ingredients were perfectly healthy for Titus or any dog. He had handed it over to Titus in disappointment. Titus ate it happily.
'Traitor, but I know who won't betray me.'
Oh how wrong he was. Marinette carried a happily purring Alfred the cat in her arms.
'I should bring Goliath. She'd likely be frightened. I would win and she would no longer have power over my pets. I could do that, but then Father would be upset. He already doesn't like Goliath and finds him to be dangerous. This would only further his thinking.'
"Cupcake!" a voice shouted from behind him.
"Uncle Jagged!" Marinette smiled, placing Alfred in his carrier.
Damian turned to see Jagged Stone and his famous pet crocodile walk in. He watched in surprise as she disregarded the reptile and hugged the Rockstar. After, she turned towards the croc. Damian was ready to pull her away, but the croc rolled over and she scratched his stomach as if it as a dog. He was speechless.
'Maybe bringing Goliath would be a mistake. I need to learn her secrets.'
Marinette looked at Damian as he handed over his resume.
"You don't need the money." She spoke, "So why?"
"I prefer animals to human company." He answered honestly.
Mari smiled, "I say anyone who doesn't is a liar."
Marinette turned away and took the resume to the back. Damian realized he had smirked when she left. He quickly brought him emotions under control.
"I don't think there would be a problem, but I'm sure my boss would want to cover her ass, if you somehow got hurt on the job." She declared, coming back.
"Explain." Damian insisted.
Marinette sighed, "Make sure that if you got injured, while on the job, that she isn't sued by a Wayne."
"I would be fine." he growled out.
"And your father?" she asked.
The Wayne heir sighed, "I think his only concern is that I don't bring more animals home." making her giggle.
'Did I pass?'
Damian was called back to the boss' office. He knew they wanted to know his angle; why he wanted to work there. His siblings ad gone through it before when they got jobs. Damian took out an envelope and slid it over the desk.
"Inside is a viable check worth $10,000." Damian stated, "Pair me with Marinette Dupain-Cheng as my mentor. If I am not paired with her, I'll report the check as fake."
The vet just looked at the signed check and nodded, absent-minded. As Damian went looking for Marinette, he heard the boss call out that they had a quick errand to run.
Damian observed how careful she was with the animals. There were times he thought she was trying to flirt, by acting clumsy, but he quickly learned that wasn't the case. Other workers would ask if she had fallen that day or if she needed a bandaid.
Marinette waved off the concern, "It'll just be another bruise. I probably wouldn't notice. I can't keep count."
If he caught her, she'd say thank you and continue ignoring him. Damian had learned from the other workers that Marinette fixated only on the animals. They invited her many times to hang out or even grab a bite to eat after work. Some offered to pay, but the answer was always no. They had later learned that in the past, Marinette's friends had backstabbed her. As a result, she was friendly at work, but once she was off the clock, she didn't give them a chance to get to know her.
"I would like for you to come to my home." Damian declared.
"No. Thank you." Marinette answered, getting ready to leave for the day.
"I have animals." he spoke.
"I've seen them." She replied, "Titus and Alfred, correct?"
"You haven't seen Jerry or Batcow." he remarked.
Marinette froze as she was tying her shoe.
"As in-" she began.
Damian smirked, "Batcow is an actual cow and just so you are aware, Jerry is a turkey."
He could see her trying to figure out how to answer him. Ignore him or see animals she had never seen before.
"I'd like to see the cow." Marinette whispered, embarrassed, "This doesn't mean were friends, all of a sudden!"
"Of course not." Damian agreed, "Just colleges, who share a love of animals."
Marinette smiled as she walked out the door.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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-Damian, trying to escape through the window at 2am- -Bruce shining a flashlight at him- Bruce: Nice try, Jason did that at age 9. -next day- -Damian trying to sneak through the BatCaveTM while Bruce is supposed to be working- Alfred, dragging a pouting Damian back to the house: I'm on orders from Master Bruce to tell you that Master Jason did that age 12
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ledalasombra · 1 year
The Granddaughter - Chapter 5 - The Pain of Loss
Mari: I'm home. I'm sorry if I said something I shouldn't have.
Mari: See you tomorrow. Goodnight.
Alfred sighed when he received the message. Marinette tried to show that everything was fine during the night, but the fact that she couldn't keep her emotions in order only showed that she was more and more on edge. He didn't want to have to leave her alone, but he knew she wouldn't want anyone after her before she felt more emotionally stable. As much as he wanted to, he would have to wait.
Grandpa Al: Don't worry about it sweetheart.
Grandpa Al: sleep well my dear.
After send a reply, he finished arranging the things that were still pending in the kitchen, going down to the cave, to check if the family still needed anything else. The older one heard some voices in addition to the sound coming from the computer. He couldn't help being surprised when he saw the video that showed what appeared to be the last meeting between Ladybug, Chat Noir and some other heroes with Hawkmoth.
Everything happened very fast. The group was fighting Hawkmoth, Mayura and some Akumas, when the butler could see Multimouse being attacked by Hawkmoth's sword. Ladybug managed to pull the sword that was hidden in the villain's staff to her, disarming him and starting to fight him, while Chat Noir runs after the heroine who was on the ground.
Alfred immediately caught his breath, freezing as he watched Multimouse die in the video in front of him.
Ladybug approached Chat Noir, putting her hand on his friend's shoulder:
“We need to go, she'll be fine once the cure is called. If we stay here, we'll lose it... Mayura has fallen and the others have defeated the Akumas, only Hawkmoth is missing."
Chat Noir placed a light kiss on the forehead of Multimouse's lifeless body, passing his trembling hands over her face.
“I will return my princess…”
For a long ten minutes, all the videos went black. The cameras were broken and were back up and running once the cure was called. Multimouse who was on the ground, sucked in air quickly, trying to breathe as she looked around frantically. She had a lost look, not understanding what was going on. A few minutes later, Chat Noir runs across the room and hugs her, helping her to get up. The recording ends right after.
Dick was in the cave, talking with the others about the strange encounter he had with Marinette and how she and Alfred seemed to have a connection beyond what was seen. Everyone was waiting for the butler to arrive to try to clarify the whole situation.
“What is Tim doing?” Dick asked when he saw the youngest opening different files on the computer and selecting a specific video.
“Searching for information… maybe the files will give us some clue as to what happened. If she's connected to Adrien Agreste, there's a good chance she knew what was going on." Tim commented without taking his eyes off the screen.
“It's pretty obvious that she knows something about what happened. Let's wait for Alfred and ask him to explain” Damian commented, making his presence visible already in his uniform.
“We're not sure what she knows or if Alfred knows… We can't just assume the worst. Besides, if it was something Alfred didn't agree with, he would have intervened a long time ago." Dick commented, moving away a little to get the gloves and mask, while Tim opened the video. In a few minutes, Dick was able to realize that the video was indeed of the last battle, seeing Alfred enter the place.
"Shit" muttered the vigilant, noticing Alfred stop in front of the screen apprehensively. It was impossible not to notice how the older one became rigid and tense in relation to the video or how erratic his breathing became. In a few moments Dick was beside him, holding him lightly. The youngest can see a tear running down his adoptive grandfather's face. Alfred had seen videos like these before and he was never affected the way he was now. Dick noticed that Damian and Bruce were watching what was happening from afar, but that they didn't interfere. Everyone watched the video and Alfred's reaction, watching the footage come to an end and the butler put his hand to his chest as he tried to visually recover.
Alfred put his hand on his chest as he tried to compose himself about what he had seen. Marinette had told him that she was present at the last battle, but she didn't say details... He knew she was Multimouse and seeing her granddaughter die in the video was beyond what he could bear. He felt Dick put a hand on his shoulder and guide him to the nearest chair, seeing everyone looking at him with some concern.
“Alfred, did something happen? Everything is fine?" Dick asked, eyeing him with concern.
“I'm fine Master Dick. I just didn't expect to get here and see everything…” Alfred replied, still visibly shaken. The butler had always been in full control of everything, but at the moment he was trying to get his thoughts in order.
“Alfred, maybe you better rest…” Tim commented, handing the older man a glass of water.
 "I'm on my way, I just came to make sure you don't need anything else..." he commented seeing Bruce approaching.
"Alfred, did something happen? You were visibly shaken by the video.” Bruce commented, visibly worried. “What caused you so much stress? Do you want me to ask Leslie to come look at you and check if everything is ok?" 
Alfred took a deep breath looking into his eyes. "I'm fine Master Bruce. There's no need to call Leslie out for that. I was just a little shocked by what I saw. I didn't realize there was footage of what happened…"
"Alfred, I know this is not the time, but what does Marinette know about all this? Did she know about Agreste being Chat Noir?" Damian asked, which caused everyone in the room to look at him in silent questioning what he was doing.
Dick sighed, turning his attention back to Alfred, remembering what he heard Marinette say in the kitchen earlier ‘He thinks that because he couldn't protect me on the last day, because he saw me... he thinks that being by my side is putting me in danger.’
“I overheard part of your conversation in the kitchen, sorry about that. But why would Adrien Agreste or Chat Noir need to protect her?” Dick asked, looking the butler in the eye.
Alfred sighed heavily before replying "Because he saw her die in the last akuma"
"But according to the reports, the last akuma were in the last battle and as far as is described there were no civilians caught during the attack." Tim looked at him, pausing briefly and taking a deep breath "All the akumas created were directed to the team..." Tim commented looking at Alfred directly. He knew that magic was preventing him from making the necessary connections to understand what was going on.
Alfred sighed looking around at everyone. He pondered what to say, he couldn't say much, but he knew he would need to answer something… "What do you want to know Master Tim?" he replied after some time.
“What do you know, Alfred? She knows more than she says and played a more important role than she lets on…” Damian completed looking at the person he had the most respect for in the house “Magic is involved and as obvious as it is, we can't connect the dots….”
“Holy Shit!” they all heard Jason scream from somewhere in the cave. Calmer now, Alfred took a deep breath looking at them. "Was she Multimouse?" Jason asked looking at him in shock.
The butler was silent for a few minutes, pondering what to say. Taking another deep breath, Alfred sat back in his chair, looking Bruce in the eye. "Yes and I won't talk about it again."
“ How long did you know everything that was happening in Paris? We could have brought her here…” bruce argued
“I don't believe she would come, being directly involved. Let's just say I've known about her being involved with all of this some time.” Alfred replied. “She is stubborn and somewhat hard-headed like you Master Bruce.”
"You could have told us, we could have helped in some way" Damian commented, visibly shaken by the events, seeing the butler look him straight in the eye.
"She asked me to keep a secret. She confided the whole situation to me in a very stressful moment and made me promise that I would not interfere or comment with anyone." He stopped looking at each of them weighing what he would say "She is my only blood family and I respect her decisions, right or wrong, just as I respect everyone in this family. Talking about it with any of you would not be right with her. Now tell me, Master Damian, would it be all right if I talked about all this with her?” the butler gestured around him as he spoke. "Trust and loyalty is something we earn. I will not lose hers or each of this family by talking about other people's secrets." He ended up seeing everyone silent. He looked at each one of them, giving a slight smile. "So, if you'll excuse me, I'll go to bed and call my granddaughter to make sure she is fine before she goes to sleep." He got up and headed for the stairs, pausing and turning his attention back to his family. "I will not ask this again, please avoid any discussion of the Paris situation with her. She is recovering from everything that has happened and deserves time. And Master Dick" he turned his attention to him "I would greatly appreciate it if you could just avoid listening behind the doors again. I'm sure that wasn't the education I gave you." Alfred didn't wait for any kind of answer, leaving the place in total silence.
Hi everyone, thanks for the coments! Again, english is not my first language, so if something is wrong let me know!
I’m sorry if I forget to tag someone. 
@sknerd101 @kathygene @waffleyunsure @nightfallsthings @taewinterbear95 @occulta-lacrimarum13  @kathygene  @tinybrie​  @kitsun369​  @iglowinggemma28​  @crazylittlemunchkin​  @nightfallsthings  @fangirlingfanatic​  @nightmarewasteland​   @laydeekrayzee  @the-ruler-of-death​ @sarcasticbambi @fusser90  @night-ngale  @missmadwoman  @prettylittlebutterflie @babylovebug18 @its-maemain @iglowinggemma28 @the-church-grimm @kp-names @iamablinkmarvelarmy​ @starling218  @battybatbat  @atiredartistandacat @serasvictoria02 @read-fantasy-to-escape-reality @alice-hazelwood @maybeanalien0-0 @stella17luna
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ghostdoodlen · 2 years
I find joy in taking Tim's coffee away.
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Jason had the honors of tranking him.
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Damian the Dog
Inspired by Grumpy Cat, written by @adrestar
So what if Marinette moved to Gotham Academy, probably because of Lila bullshit or Guardian Duties.
She is mostly alone so she get a dog who she named Damian.
I actually look up on what type of dog she would have because I don't have a lot of knowledge on dogs. I wanted a small cute black dog. I am going with a Pomeranian or a Scottish Terrier.
It's all fine and going dandy. When one day, Damian overhears the new girl talking about him.
Marinette of course has zero interest in celebrities so she has no clue she is in the same class as Damian Wayne. Her classmates asked if she had any pets so she starts talking about her cute little Dami and showing off pictures of him.
"Look at my Dami. Isn't he adorable?" Marinette cooed, "I just love running my hands through those thick black luscious hair."
Damian gets the idea that Marinette is a stalker or a fangirl who is deluded herself into thinking she is dating him but brushes her off as mostly harmless. He can correct her at any time she steps out of the line.
Let the misunderstandings commence!
Fast forward the next few days, where Marinette keeps talking about her dog and no one has clued her in on the fact that there is a human with the same name as her dog going to classes with her.
Human Damian thinks she has very active imagination, going as far as to fake bite marks on her arms after a supposed passionate embrace.
(Damian the Dog is still being trained. Idk abt raising dogs so I hope I am right.)
The weekend arrive and Damian is at the dog park with Titus. Then he heard the insufferable voice calling out for him,
"Damian. Where are you? Come out. Damian. Dami."
He hid himself for a while, hoping she will give up sooner or later. But no, she keeps coming closer to the spot where he was hiding and calling out his name. Then, Titus blew his cover by coming back with the ball he was sent to fetch.
Thinking he had no choice but to reveal himself, he burst out of the bushes, scaring Marinette.
Meanwhile, Marinette was at the dog park to let Damian out of the apartment and get some exercise. She was kept an eye on him as he ran around but after a phone call from Jagged Stone for a new jacket, she had lost sight of her dog.
Then, while she looked for Damian the dog, someone jumped out of the bushes, giving her a scarce.
She realised that he was a boy from her classes and before she could ask if he had seen her dog, he began yelling at her.
"Listen up, harlot. Get out of your delusional fantasies of dating me and leave me alone." He yelled at a very confused Marinette. Human Damian continued to threaten her with lawsuits on the grounds of stalking, defamation and false claims.
Marinette gets fucking pissed at what the rude guy was yelling at her for no reasons but before she could retort, he stomped away with his dog trailing behind him.
"Come on, Titus. We don't have spend more time with this waste of space."
Marinette is so furious that if she was in Paris, she would have been akumatised for sure. She decided to calm down and go look for Damian, not the human. Arriving at home, she found a lawyer waiting for her and they handed her a thick files of all the charges she was being sued for. It was official she had met someone worse than the Chloe Bourgeosis.
So Marinette decides to stress bake about the problem. Ultimately, she made too much and decided to give away some to her next door neighbour, Jason.
Marinette had been living in Gotham for about a month and Jason knows about her habit to stress bake. They first met when Jason accidentally snuck up on her and she judo-flipped him who was 3 times bigger than her. Jason is impressed and Marinette is mortified. They became friends. Jason cooks her meals sometimes and she bake him desserts. It was a fair trade.
Anyway, Jason asks about her problem and Marinette starts a rant about this rich entitled dick she met who was from her class and she had coincidentally met him at the dog park while looking for Damian. Then, he called her a bunch of insults and names, accused her of stalking him and he had sent lawsuits to her address. Which was bad because she had her business as MDC to consider and this will affect her income.
While ranting, Marinette saw Jason's law degree which he had displayed, partially for his cover as a normal civi but mostly to brag to his siblings about being the only one who graduated from college and law school and rub it in Bruce's face. (We all seen the Jason became a lawyer to get Joker a death sentence post right? So Joker is dead here.)
"Can you be my lawyer? Or can you recommend me one? I promise I can pay you."
Jason patted her head, "Pixie, I will do this for free. I don't know which prick decided to mess with you but I will make him pay. Besides, I can't stand guys like that. You are actually doing me a bit of a favor to knock someone like that down a few pegs. Legally."
Marinette insisted to pay him but Jason compromised to get a cake for an entire month instead for taking the job.
When Jason looked through the papers, he noticed it was from the Wayne Family Lawyers so he decided to go to the Manor to get to the bottom of it. Jason arrived in the middle of Damian on a warpath.
He asked Tim who was the closest and furiously typing on his laptop about what is going on with Damian.
Tim answered, "Apparently there's this girl who is stalking Damian. She claimed to be dating him at school and she showed up while he was out with Titus, looking for him. Right now, I am just checking if she is just delusional and harmless or someone dangerous."
Jason connects the dots between Dog Damian and Human Damian and he tried not to burst out laughing right then and there. "That's good to hear. Anyways, I came here because I forgot something. I am going to see Alfred before I go. Have fun with the lawsuits."
Jason spent the rest of the way home, cackling and the funniest way to win the case.
On the day of the court date,
The rest of the Waynes are surprised to see Jason there in a suit. Dick was understandable, Tim was just there to make sure it goes smoothly, Bruce is also reasonable, Damian is the 'victim'.
"Todd, why are you here?"
"You'll see."
Then, they started telling people to enter before they could get more answers. They soon found out that Jason was the lawyer for the other side.
"Todd, you traitor. How dare you work for the opposition!"
Marinette had arrived with a pet carrier with a dog which Damian claimed was to appeal to his animal lover side.
blah blah blah. Legal procession. I don't know how it goes.
Anyways, it is time for Marinette's defense.
"Your honor, I would like to present evidence which proved that my cilent is innocent in all the charges the plaintiff has accused her of."
Jason brought out the pet carrier and took out Dog Damian.
"Your honor, this is my client's dog. She was gifted this dog before she moved here to Gotham. I have the receipts to prove this."
"What is the point of this?"
Jason dramatically held up the adorable fluffy black dog which looked like a doll in his hands, "Your honor, the dog's name is Damian." Jason claimed while staring straight at Human Damian.
Dog Damian woofed at the sound of his name. There was a shocked silence that followed.
Jason proceed to give more evidence that yes, the dog name is actually Damian like giving commands using his name and adoption certificate to get rid of any doubt.
"He claimed to have heard her talking about her dating but what were the actual words you heard her say?"
"That I am adorable and she likes running her fingers through my soft dark hair."
"Your honor, my cilent was actually bragging about how cute her dog is and how she likes petting Damian the dog's obviously black fur. And you also claimed that she stalked you to the dog park and called out your name several time. She was there by coincidence because the park is the closest to her apartment and she was calling his name because she had lost sight of Damian. Dog Damian I mean. It was Human Damian's fault for assuming she was calling out for him."
Jason continued to explained how each claim was Damian's own misunderstanding of the situation and there are statements from his classmates who confirmed that Marinette was talking about her pet dog. They didn't told her about Human Damian because they found it funny that her dog had the same name.
"In addition, my cilent had no idea who Damian Wayne was. Only knowing him as her classmate. "
Tim is right now filming and having the best time of his life as he watched Damian wished that the ground would swallow him whole. Dick is trying so hard not to laugh while Bruce's lips were twitching.
Jason decides to make a counter-law suit for the emotional damage and potential financial damage Human Damian had caused Marinette by suing her for millions when she was just a struggling student, getting by on her own income in a foreign country.
Marinette stopped him, "Jason, this is enough. I am fine with a hand-written apology."
"The amount I am asking for is just a drop of water of an ocean for them. They are that filthy rich. Besides, you can get that motorcycle side-car for Damian you had been eyeing a while ago. You can also use the money to buy dog stuff that you couldn't before because of your budget."
Marinette hesitated and agreed. The case ended with it in Marinette's favor.
Tim approached them as they exited with Marinette hugging Damian (the dog) and Jason grinning in glee over his victory and simultaneously humiliated Damian (the human) in the process. Tim high-fived Jason.
Tim offered a job to Marinette because he had done a background check on her due to the potential threat she posed and found out about MDC. He does it because he liked her talent and it would look great to have Wayne Enterprise on her resume. Also the best dirt on Damian.
Marinette told him that she would think about it and he gave her a card.
Damian wrote the apology letter, very embarrassed by the entire trial. His pride wouldn't recover for a while and he took it out on Jason who knew about it the entire time and didn't tried to stop and clear up the misunderstanding.
The next day at school, Marinette went to Damian's seat and said, "Good morning, Human Damian."
"Why are you calling me like that?"
"I am sorry. I thought you would appreciate the clarification of which Damian I am referring to. I wouldn't want to end up in court again after being branded as a delusional fangirl of yours because I was just talking about my adorable Dami. I meant to say My adorable dog, Dami. Human Damian."
For the next few months, everyone keeps referring to Damian as Human Damian.
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sarcasticbambi · 1 year
HMB Bingo Board "Stab It!" + Crack
“There she goes again.”  rings in the heads of the residents of the Wayne Manor.
At this point, everyone is used to Marinette’s fear of spiders and, regardless of Alfred’s countless efforts, the Wayne Manor is an old building with a big magnet for the little hairy creatures.
At first, they used to get startled and think that perhaps they were being attacked, no matter how low the chances were, only an attacker could cause such fear induced screams!
Only to arrive at the room she was in, ready to attack, to find her curled into a corner mumbling curses of all kinds and looking on the verge of tears.
Usually someone removes the spider from the room while Damian helps calm down his girlfriend.
Now, after that fateful incident no one is allowed to talk about, that resulted in a broken chandelier from the Eighteenth Century and a painting of one of the founding fathers of Gotham having dinner with a Wayne, Marinette can proudly say she can safely protect herself from the hairy eight leg devils.
And with that, also came a new source of entertainment for the Waynes: Marinette’s Spider killing skills. She had gathered an arsenal of skills and weapons just to get rid of spiders. Some of which not even World’s Best Detective Family could think of.
Some instances include:
She bought a hand shaped fly swatter to smack them with since she refused to touch them herself.
She bought spider insecticide for each and every room in the Manor so that she was never unprepared. (Made sure to use Damian’s card since it was his house, and he should keep it clean of “bugs”)
One time, she was so startled by the spider falling on the lounge room table she jumped and stole the vacuum from Alfred’s hands and vacuumed the spider.
Another time, when she noticed the insecticides weren’t being very effective, she called her mum who told her that in China, a popular way to remove bugs and insects from the house was to use peppermint essential oil and spray it around. Needless to say, the Manor smelled of peppermint for a good couple of weeks until she found a new method.
Alya also told her that when she was younger, her mum used to make a homemade insect repellent consisting of water, vinegar, pepper, oil and liquid soap and of course, our dearest Maribug decided it was a great idea to spray the house down with it - just like she did with all other methods.
She also recommended they plant Eucalyptus trees to help in keeping them away.
She only didn’t use the “spray/pour alcohol on spiders to kill them” because it had to be done directly to them and she considered it torture and she refused to use underhanded methods.
By now, everyone just rolls with it if Marinette comes into a room, flushed and huffing and asking if they have a weapon Manor never had that many spiders but, somehow, Marinette was always being “attacked” by them, as if they were attracted to her like Moths to Flame.
What was surprising was that Marinette was always very gentle with any insects and/or bugs. Especially Ladybugs, she even kept her habit of growing marigolds, sweet alyssums, calendulas and some more on a terrace garden, both at her apartment and at the Manor, which was usually cared for by Damian when she was not there.
Because of this, it was weird that she was afraid of the arachnids, especially considering how useful and harmless they actually were for the house.
This was all even more suspicious when one day, for Justice League business, Ladybug was given the “honour” of visiting the Batcave.
They first found it fun that Ladybug was afraid of the little spiders that also resided in the Batcave alongside the hanging bats (which by the way, what the heck Batman, really keeping up with the theme no?”), joking around if it was a Parisian thing since they knew a Parisian girl that was also terrified of them.
Then, she started using random objects to smack them if they got too close. Which was weird since the spiders never really came close to them, preferring to stick around the small corners and crevices. But they guessed it had something to do with her creation abilities and agreed to not host another meeting in the cave if it could be influenced by it.
Then, she started using methods that Marinette was often using around the house but improvised in a Ladybug way. Like vacuuming the spiders with the yoyo or presenting a peppermint spray from the endless pocket of space that was the little toy-like weapon.
She even grabbed Agent A’s offered teacup, threw the tea at someone - if the “Hey!” was anything to go by - and used it to cover a spider that decided to crawl across the table towards her. It was almost like she did it unconsciously at this point, because she immediately turned to him and apologised for wasting his tea in such a manner.
The highlight of the meeting was when a spider, hanging from the web, was right in front of her face falling right on her nose, causing the loudest shriek to come from The Guardian of The Miraculous. She jumped nearly five feet, attaching herself to the closest victim - who happened to be Robin - shaking him and screaming Bloody Mary.
“What do you mean “do something”? What am I supposed to do, Stab It?” 
“I meant something more along the lines of smacking or trapping it, but I guess that’d also work.”
“You know what, I honestly don’t care what you do with it, JUST GET IT OUT OF MY SIGHT”
Insert the loudest and longest sigh ever from both Robin and Batman.
“Ladybug, you are aware of just how unprofessional your beha-”
“Father, it’s alright. It is understandable that some people are frightened of such simple life forms, but if we can do it for Habibti, I don’t see why we can’t do the same for Ladybug tonight, you did say we’d change the meeting location for next time so such incidents could be prevented so I don’t see any issue with enduring it for tonight since it’d only be a hassle to change locations at the point.”
And it was thanks to Robin’s words that Batman shut up. With the argument shut down before it could even be started, Nightwing helped collect this round’s spider, and the meeting continued, with a high alert Ladybug and her trusted peppermint spray in one hand and the yoyo on the other. And every Batfam secretly disposed of any spiders attempting to get closer, none of them showing signs of inconvenience at doing such as to not get noticed by Ladybug. 
Needless to say, that no one paid attention to anything Batman was saying and yet, all proving true the ��they all share one brain cell” theory when they busied their minds with thoughts on how cute she looked being so concentrated on getting the spiders - which had reduced significantly since there were very few that managed to get past them.
After the meeting had ended with agreements to rerun the points at the next meeting since no one grasped a single speck of information that night, Ladybug summoned the Horse Miraculous and opened herself a portal to leave.
She had told Damian she was going out for the night for a dinner with Chloe since she was in town, so to not wait for her - the excuse she usually went with whenever she had to go on Ladybug business and didn’t want him to know about it. Chloe was the only one of her friends to live nearby when she moved to Gotham, afterall Metropolis was just a town over so any excuse related to Chloe made sense to the little bug.
She was surprised however, to find the lights on when she got to their apartment’s door and saw Damian up and reading a book on the couch when she got inside.
“I told you not to wait up Damian!”
“I know. But what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t stay up to make sure my precious Angel got home safe?”
“I guess you do have a point… Thank you for waiting up then” she said and went in for a hug, which he readily accepted.
“So, did you have fun? You look a bit tired?”
“Oh, uhhh yeah, it was fun! Ahah, but you know Chloe, it’s always unpredictable with her ahahah”
“Hmmm, that’s true. I guess an entire evening with Chloe would be a bit of a headache.”
“Yeah hahaha”
“Hopefully there were no spiders, right?” “wHAT? NO! I mean no! There were no spiders tonight!” 
Damian smiled softly.   She’s so cute when  flustered.
“Great! I’m sure it’s because of all the ladybugs that come to visit!”
“Wha- what dO yOU mEaN hic-?!” Marinette’s brain was going over a mile a minute trying to process what he was talking about. Afterall, He couldn’t have figured out her identity, right? How would he even find out if she was never around him as Ladybug?!
“Oh, you know, the marigold garden in the balcony attracts lots of ladybugs. And like their name says, they are known to bring lots of luck! So, I’m sure you had no encounter with spiders because of it! We should plant some more!
“Oh, yeah, haha, the balcony marigolds, hahaha.”
“Come on, let’s get ready for bed. I already watered the balcony garden, so you don’t need to worry your little head over it. Tomorrow we can go and get some Bachelor’s Buttons, I read that Ladybugs also like them quite a bit.”
Marinette was too dazed to keep up any coherent thought with him at the moment, settling for just a little nod.
Poor thing, she’s probably stressing so much over it. Well, I’ll keep it up for a bit longer, it’s not every day you find your girlfriend’s secret identity afterall.
Pressing a little kiss to her forehead, Damian guided the poor bug to their room to get some rest for the night.
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liquid-luck-00 · 1 year
Marks of Magic
Day 6 Cat of Maribat Spooktober 2023
First *** Previous *** Next
Language and cursing is used
1600 Words
Well shit.
"Miss Marinette how do you know of the kwamii, especially those two?" Alfred questioned and she curled a bit under his gaze.
"I… Paon." She looked up at him, but averted her eyes towards Jay, but he was staring at both herself and Alfred. "August 24th 1944."
She looked up, the words she was speaking didn’t seem like her own. But she knew them all the same. Alfred seemed to pale.
"How do you know that?" He staggered slightly, catching himself on the back of a couch.
"It’s when they were lost." She shrugged, the story that Fu passed to her easily came to her mind, because it wasn’t her memory but Fu’s. (Guardians pass memories along to the next so they wouldn’t repeat the same mistakes.)
"I am so lost, Alfie?" Dick rose and tried to get the older man to talk.
"You are much to young."
"Ha." She snorted. "And you think I didn’t tell Fu that."
She crossed her arms.
"Where are they? You said they were lost, how? I can’t seem to remember." Dick had gotten him to sit down but his every question sent pangs through her heart.
"They have been found, and are safe." She was still fiddling with her ring.
"The miraculous of the black cat." Alfred spoke so certainly that it forced her to look up, away from the the kwamii she had drawn. "Where is he? He can come out, we…"
He looked around at the boys but stopped when his eyes landed on her. Silent tears rushed her face, all the words she has been wanting to share choked her.
Tikki, she wishes she was still here but that will never happen. Plagg, she didn’t meet often but he really did care about her, the other kwamii, and especially Chat Noir. Chat Noir has it worse she has told herself constantly. More than likely Plagg was his friend too and then overnight without warning he was gone, no way to contact her, and not knowing why.
"Nettie…" Jay stepped towards her, quickly glancing between her and Alfred, stopping in his tracks. "What’s going on?"
"They’re gone." She finally choked out. "I got the grimore, Nooroo, and even Dusuu back, but… I miss them."
"What did you do?" Alfred dropped down onto the floor and lifted her chin.
"I won the war in Paris."
"What war?" Dick she thinks spoke but her eyes were on Alfred, his aura calming her.
She pulled out her phone and quickly searched it, turning the device towards the others.
"What is this!" A voice she wasn’t expecting practically growled, Bruce was standing in the room, reading over Dick’s shoulder.
"You made a wish?"
The question wasn’t accusatory, but she flinched. "No, but it might have hurt less if I did." She finally looked away from the group.
"Marinette, who are you?" Alfred asked her, she looked up and something clicked a flash of dark blue light emulated from him. Pinned on his lapel was none other than the miraculous of the peacock. The man tenderly touched the broach as if it was going to disappear forever, she knew she could trust him, so with that she took a breath.
"I am, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Holder of the miraculous of the ladybug, the heroine of Paris, Ladybug, and the guardian of the Chinese zodiac Box of Miracles." She addressed resolutely, her conviction and pride fueled every word, while understanding seemed to flood Alfred’s features.
"If I had known… " Alfred whispered, looking at her like the pieces fell into place.
"Are you saying this happened, that children fought this maniac. Why not ask for help, there are other heroes in Paris, even the Justice League could have sent reinforcements." Bruce seemed to seethe.
"It’s not like I was given a choice, the other heroes left or quit, besides the Justice League knew about it and did nothing." She became defensive, even if she felt she could trust them, Bruce’s tone rubbed her the wrong way. She started this fight at the tender age of 11. Fought a magical war while trying to not feel anything for 3 years. Endured bullying and heartbreak for just as long, but couldn’t let herself feel it. So yes she is angry when someone she barely knows is offering ‘solutions’ when she had exhausted them long ago.
She didn’t even notice how quiet the room had gotten, but was staring at the man who offended her character. She was a child when all this started, of course she tried, but why, why would he be so mad. That is what she didn’t understand.
"Master Bruce calm yourself!" Alfred scolded the other adult in the room. (Who was making a straight beeline towards the grandfather clock to his right.)
"It doesn’t matter anymore, it’s over." She sighed finally deflating, knowing that anything done now won’t change anything.
"Miss Marinette, that is not nothing." Alfred stood and faced her.
"That is not something you should have had to do alone."
"I wasn’t, I had a partner." She mumbled as if it would change the minds of the adults.
"You said you were the holder of the ladybug miraculous, but you are wearing the miraculous of the black cat. Did you wield both?" She was asked by Alfred who seemed to know the most.
"I did a few times, but I wasn’t Plagg’s cat, I was Tikki’s. My partner was Chat Noir, he was the holder of the black cat."
"What happened to him?"
"I don’t know?" She shrugged. She took off the ring and started tracing the face of the ring. "Probably worried, Hawkmoth, Plagg, Ladybug, and Chat Noir disappeared without warning from his life. Black cats really are bad luck."
"Nettie, you’re a hero". Jay was now right in front of her, tentatively he reached out and took her hands.
"Was… the kwamii don’t exist in this universe, not anymore."
"My dear." Alfred placed a hand on the top of her head. "This proves they still can. That they are more of the metaphysical than before."
He tapped the broach before pointing to the ring in her hands before noticing her earrings.
"Why don’t you both go to bed, it’s getting late, and it’s a school night." Bruce finally spoke again. He was still angry, yet she could tell his anger wasn’t towards her. Actually she couldn’t tell who he was angry at, but she knows he is.
"Okay." Mari palmed the last tears from her eyes as Jay stood up and pulled her from the room.
"Alfred tell us all you can." Master Bruce marched down the steps into the cave.
Master Dick and himself followed. "I don’t know what exactly happened to her, but the miraculous, I may be able to shed some light on."
"If my math is correct she was eleven when all of that started. B she was a child." Master Dick was horrified.
Although he went through similar event he was older, the boy was only 13 at the time of his parents accident after all. Master Bruce was also young during his parents death, and although he became the Bat it wasn’t until he was and adult.
"Why did no one take it seriously?" He was scanning all calls to the Justice league, until a call log from Paris showed on the screen marked from two and a half years ago.
‘You’ve reached the Justice League, how can we help?’ A bored voice, the log said Booster Gold, answered the phone with a yawn.
‘Hello! Please Paris needs adult heroes, all the older heroes left and we can’t keep this up!’ A young female voice started to rush their words.
‘I’ve told you before, kid, nothing has happened in Paris. Stop prank calling. This line is only for actual emergencies that require actual heroes.’ Booster Gold seemed to wave the girl off. ‘Don’t call again.’
They continued through the log, some earlier calls were looked into but since nothing seemed to be proven they dropped the inquiry. If what they saw from the site the Ladyblog it was no wonder. All damage all lives taken were brought back in pristine condition. Ladybug, Marinette, and who she called Chat Noir were the primary heroes for the past three years. Few other heroes would aid them, which he recognized the miraculous that they used.
"We can’t do anything about this can we." Master Jason had come down into the cave. "She’s asleep."
"The past is past, unfortunately." Master Bruce dragged his hands down his face. "Besides these children are practically meta, or even magic users, right?"
"Yes. But don’t forget these children grew into child soldiers and more than likely they could not trust anyone with this pressure. If Miss Marinette’s emotional collapse is any indication." Alfred supplied.
"Jay go to bed Dick and I will go on patrol."
"Jason." Bruce snapped at the boy.
"Fine…" The child surrendered, all his fight leaving him at Bruce’s words. The boy trudged up the steps.
"Bruce he’s worried for his friend! Can’t you see that." Master Dick slammed his hands on the desk in front of him.
"She’s a meta Dick."
"She is a child."
"That doesn’t change facts." Bruce spun around to face his elder ward.
"You work with aliens, metas, even magic users, and so do I. Our teams are made up by them, so what’s the difference." Master Bruce didn’t say anything, making the young man even angrier. "Figure it out Bruce." Dick started to walk away, before turning back. "Don’t call until you do."
He left without another word.
"Master Bruce."
@jennifer-rose123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @joydone07 @mizzy-pop
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Wish Me Away: Hold Me Close & Hold Me Near
Beginning              Last Chapter
*waves* Hi
Bruce muses on his new life despite it only being a couple days since the family welcomed Marietta into it.
Nothing could have prepared Bruce for life with a baby, two days had passed and it felt like his life had been completely flipped on its head. She required a lot of attention and physical affection. The attention he had no problem with, it was the physical affection he was terrified of. Marietta was such a tiny little thing, she was so fragile that Bruce was so scared that the slightest wrong move from him could hurt her. Yet, sometimes the physical affection came so easily to him, so easily he felt like he was robbed of this time he could have had with Damian and found himself wishing Talia had told him about his son sooner. When she smiled up at him when he tried to feed her, it was almost instinctual to give her a kiss on the head, or when she babbled and held out a hand to him, he was compelled to coo and let her grab at his fingers. Hugging her is what scared him most, she was so small, so warm, and he had never understood what all those people said about the smell of a baby but he got it, and hugging her brought him such a feeling of joy and love that he couldn’t even put it into words. Bruce just felt scared of hugging her too tight because of all the new feelings of love that filled him. 
Once she had fallen asleep her first night in the Manor, at her new home, he had been entirely too frightened to sleep in his large bed with her, but he and the boys made a pretty sturdy wall of pillows all around her as he stayed up to study. He bought parenting books, so many parenting books, from baby meal cookbooks, to psychology. He wanted to know anything and everything he had to about taking care of a one year old. And from the many boxes that arrived at the house he deduced he wasn’t the only one. The manor now looked like a bomb went off in it, one that filled the place with bassinets, diapers, baby food and snacks and so many freaking toys. Most of which came surprisingly from Alfred, Bruce had wanted to laugh but Alfred had basically said he had no room to talk. He was right. Bruce had kind of gone overboard when buying her clothes, it’s not fair that tiny versions of clothes were so cute and apparently brought him more joy than his own. 
Cassandra had helped him choose a lot of the clothing as well, it warmed his heart the way she immediately took to being an older sister. The way she held Marietta and the way she hugged her was something that Bruce loved to see, because he could tell just how precious the baby was to Cass. He had many pictures on his phone of the two twirling in the dance room he had built for Cass. It was wonderful and Cass looked at Marietta with so much love, the excitement in her eyes was plain to see as well, though so was the fear, Bruce expected it was much like his own but something stronger. Cass feared hurting her new sister much the same way that Damian was, but whereas Cass spent as much time with Marietta as she could, it seemed like Damian was avoiding the baby. It didn’t take the ‘world’s greatest detective’ to figure out that Damian was frustrated at no longer being the youngest. Bruce wasn’t worried though, when Damian did interact with Marietta, he saw how gentle the boy was with her, even if he scolded her for drooling on him or not paying attention to what he was saying. He tended to hold her and tell her about their siblings and why they annoyed him that day, or classmates, or even just random people that he had a rough interaction with. It was an odd thing to bond over but Bruce was just happy Damian was trying. 
Tim adored her as well, he read all the books Bruce bought and all the ones he himself bought. Within a night, the Manor had been baby-proofed and monitors had been added everywhere. It was like he was waiting to be a doting older brother, Bruce of course knew he and Damian got off the wrong foot and were better but he also knew they would never be as close as Tim and Dick, Tim and Jason or Dick and Damian. It was like a worse Jason and Dick situation when they were younger, both bitter for different reasons and both took it out on one another. There was no doubt in Bruce’s mind that both Tim and Damian loved each other, it was just a strained kind of love. Tim took her everywhere with him if he could, as did Jason, both bought baby carriers to strap to themselves and it was hard not to laugh when Bruce realized they had bought a Red Robin carrier and a Red Hood carrier respectively. Tim liked to take her down to the cave and work on whatever case he was trying to solve or tinker with whatever tech he and Lucius Fox were working on. He said he liked asking her questions and hearing her babble like she was giving feedback. Of course Alfred and Bruce made sure the boy baby-proofed the cave as well and made sure she had her own activities to do besides giving her older brother feedback on his projects. To the surprise of no one, Tim even set her up a little play-pen in the Cave, which maybe wasn’t the best thing but it still tugged at Bruce’s heartstrings to see. 
Jason loved Marietta. It was honestly amazing to see just how fast the man adjusted to being a doting big brother. Of course Bruce already knew Jason was great with kids and with his younger siblings but it was another thing to witness it, especially with someone as young as Marietta. Jason loved to feed her which was always an interesting thing to witness, but boy was he good at it, she never complained when he fed her. He also read to her everyday even if he couldn’t be there physically, he would video-call, though his reading choices varied from the Well Loved Tales books he scored at a garage sale to classics he had in his room or brought from his apartment. It was entertaining to watch him read things like Cinderella to her and then go from that to reading her Pride and Prejudice. He made sure to get books with pictures for her and if they didn’t have pictures he would show her pictures he found on the internet to show her who he thought a character looked like, or an object in one of his classic books that he couldn’t describe. It was awfully endearing and Bruce and Alfred made sure to take as many pictures of the two as they could. Nap times they would often find the two together with Jason sprawled out on a couch, the floor, a chaise or bed with Marietta snuggled on his chest. It was those times that Bruce envied Jason. 
Dick was also one that adjusted to having another younger sibling surprisingly fast, even if said younger sibling was younger than any of them have dealt with before. He never complained about changing her diaper, he just laughed and said they would have to get on top of potty training but only when she felt like it. He was incredibly gentle with her and patient and tried his best to help Damian get more comfortable with her. He was also the one who could get her to stop crying the fastest out of all of them, well second to Alfred. It was impressive, and yet it was another thing that Bruce found himself jealous of. He was the parent and he felt like he should be able to soothe her cries easily, but the truth was, he had no idea what he was doing. Sure, he had a lot of children, but he had not had any of them when they were babies, this was a whole different playing field and it hurt him that he wasn’t excelling at it. Of course, Bruce wanted to be the best father he could be, and he would admit that he, like his children, wanted to be Marietta’s favorite person. Both Dick and Jason would put her in the middle of them and coo at her and see who she would waddle or crawl too, they said it was a competition to see who her favorite was but most of the time she just laughed at them and would end up falling back on her bottom if she was standing. Damian found this highly amusing every time it happened and Bruce suspected so did Alfred. 
Duke was a little like Babs in the sense that he adored Marietta, but she made him nervous. He never held her long unless he was sitting down because he feared dropping her, if she was asleep that fear tripled because he said she was just dead-weight and would fall no problem. Though, he liked working on his homework with her and telling her about school. Sometimes he brought out her crayons and coloring books but that was rare since Marietta hadn’t yet grasped the concept that the canyons were only for her coloring books. Alfred lectured all of them about watching her during ‘coloring time’ after she found out that crayons work just as good on walls as they did on paper. Though Duke was nervous around her, Marietta always managed to get him to relax around her after enough time passed and the boy would play games with her, though the games mainly consisted of peek-a-boo and making silly faces at her. She loved it though and it seemed like no one could make her laugh more than Duke and his silly faces. Every time he made her laugh or giggle, Duke looked like he had just won an award or something and would give her the brightest smile in response. Of course he and Alfred had many videos and pictures of the two already. 
Babs hadn’t met little Marietta face to face yet but she had seen the little one over the Batcave’s computer and she had looked smitten. She also promised to visit them soon, probably within the week which was great. Alfred had been wanting the young woman to visit the Manor more often, so her visit was more than welcome. Especially since it seemed like Marietta took a shine to her, even if it was just over video. Babs took to face-calling whoever she knew was in the Manor so she could see Marietta and hear her babble at her nonsensically with some actual words thrown in here and there. Though she hadn’t met the little one properly, Babs did send gifts that she ordered online and she sent everyone books on childcare. Bruce didn’t have the heart to tell her he had already bought the book she had got for him, he had just thanked her and used the new copy to take notes in. She seemed excited to hold Marietta and Bruce could honestly say he understood that feeling now, before he hadn’t, not really, but now it was like all he wanted to do was hold his daughter and show her to everyone. Thank goodness he had such good self-restraint. They, as a family, decided they wouldn’t go public with Marietta until Selina came back from Central City; she was setting up another animal shelter/rescue center after the success of the one in Gotham, then the one in Metropolis. This was her baby, her project, she was very hands on with everything that came with the business. Bruce felt so proud of her and he was also extremely happy his influence was good for something like this. When it got out that Bruce Wayne was investing in the Kyle Animal Rescue & Shelter Centers, many of Gotham’s elite followed. Though she wouldn’t admit it, he knew that Selina was grateful.
Stephanie had the habit of carrying Marietta everywhere she went when she was at the Manor, which considering the baby had only been there for about two days, meant Steph had been there everyday now. When she walked into a room and saw Marietta she would scoop her up and give the little one a shower of kisses which resulted in the most delightful giggles. Though Steph also had the habit of just…sniffing Marietta, when they asked her about it she just shrugged and said she loved the smell of babies. Which, fair, but she did it so obviously and made such a spectacle of sniffing the newest Wayne that you couldn’t help but laugh. It always made Marietta laugh as well so it was a welcome habit. Steph was also someone who liked feeding Marietta which Bruce could not understand as it was a time that he saw his baby daughter be truly stubborn, worthy of the Wayne name, which was something his mother would tease him with whenever he was stubborn. But like Jason, Steph could get the baby to eat whatever Alfred served for their meals. She said she liked to see the faces Marietta made when eating and she just liked to see just how messy the baby could get. Which was, astoundingly, a lot. She had many baths that she thankfully enjoyed. 
Damian was complicated. There were moments he seemed to crave Marietta’s attention and other’s where he would avoid her altogether if he could. From what Tim, Alfred and the books told him, Damian felt ‘threatened’ as he was no longer the ‘baby’ of the family. The wording was ridiculous but maybe fitting for the situation. Damian was a child who adored having Bruce’s attention and Dick’s attention the most, though he would sooner play nice with all the kids at Brentwood Academy than admit it. When he held her, he no longer held her like a bomb about to go off, but he cradled her like one wrong touch and he’d break her. There were times that Bruce had walked past a room to see Damian hugging the little one to him with his eyes closed and hands shaking, it always felt wrong to intrude so Bruce would just continue to walk past. The boy also introduced his younger sister to all his animals, even Goliath who lived in the Wayne Farm. Damian built his own underground Cave beneath the farm to hide Goliath if the need arose, he called it the Underground BatFarm after Dick called it that once. So they all just referred to it as the BatFarm. Damian had simultaneously been overjoyed and annoyed that all his animal friends seemed to take a shine to the newest addition to the family. 
Alfred was in love. Plain and simple. He doted on the baby so much that Bruce often wondered if the Butler/Grandpa/Adopted Dad ever did that to him when his parents introduced the two when he was born. He always served her food first at meals, he gave her treats when he thought no one was looking and if the boys weren’t around he took to carrying Marietta in his own carrier. It was always quite the sight when Alfred would walk into a room with a baby strapped to his chest. Though in a weird way, Bruce was getting used to it. What he couldn’t get used to just yet were the tiny creatures that called themselves Kwami. They stuck around Marietta like glue. They never left her alone, not even when she slept. It was very disconcerting to wake up and see two creatures sleeping on the pillow next to you  first thing in the morning. Even if a family member was just going to change her diaper real quick, they followed. Their import on cheese increased an unhealthy amount and really Bruce had no way how they would explain those finances away if anyone bothered to look. At least Alfred usually baked biscuits. So there was no shortage of Tikki. Plagg was insatiable. 
Even now, Bruce watched as the little black cat Kwami absolutely inhaled a wheel of brie. “You keep eating like that and we’ll run out of cheese before you know it.”
“Eh, you’re rich.”
Jason’s cackle was welcome but also Bruce felt like this was a serious matter so he did not appreciate being laughed at. “It’s true, Bruce. You are a very~ rich man.”
“That doesn’t mean that Plagg should demolish our entire cheese supply and have us order more in less than a week. It could be considered suspicious and we are trying to lay low.” He reasoned.
“I mean, it could be suspicious, or people think you’re on some weird new cheese diet and you accidentally start a trend again.” Tim piped up from his position on the floor where he kept pressing buttons on one of Mari’s toys which made her coo from her spot on her mat. 
“Oh man, please not another ‘Bruce Wayne Original Trend.’ The amount of people I saw wearing their shirts backwards in Blüdhaven after his last ‘trend,’ is more than enough for me.” Dick complained from where he was laying on the floor tossing one of Marietta’s toy balls up and down.
“Father was very tired that day.” Damian defended, he was sketching something from his favorite spot in the windowsill. They were all relaxing in his office despite the fact he told them he had paperwork to do. “Though he should have had more decorum and noticed his mistake.”
So much for defending him.
“You humans are so weird with your clothes.” Plagg sighed loudly.
“You act like we never wore clothing once upon a time, Plagg.” Tikki teased.
That had Tim’s attention. He loved learning more about the beings that came as an added…bonus with their newest Wayne. “You guys wore clothes?”
“Well, duh! We weren’t always this adorable you know?” Plagg replied.
“Wait. You guys really weren’t always this itty-bitty?” Jason asked. 
“We did mention we were basically revered as Gods in the past. Can you see these forms being worshipped?” Tikki fired back. When she got no reply, she looked unbelievably smug. “Before we were bound to the Miraculi, we tended to use a more human-like form. Hence the clothing. Though even that form was not our true form.”
“It’s been ages since we got to be in our true forms.” Plagg said wistfully. 
“What are your true forms?” Tim asked with a twinkle in his eye.
Tikki chuckled softly. “They are…well, they are hard to explain. But it is because the ‘First Guardian-”
“The ‘Betrayer’!” Plagg interrupted with a shout.
“He saw our true forms, and I guess that’s what pushed him to create the ritual that bound us. He called us monsters. Creatures living amongst man. Honestly he just raved at us how he couldn’t believe that we tried to take advantage of the folk who worshipped us and that he was doing them a favor by binding us.” Tikki explained.
“Crazy loon.” Plagg scoffed. 
Bruce shared eye contact with all his sons who looked just as disturbed at the information as him. Their true forms scared a man so deeply that he went to such lengths. He felt bad for the Kwami but he also could understand the man’s need for protection even if it was unwarranted. Bruce was always prepared, no matter the circumstances, but now it felt like he would never truly be prepared with the Kwami living with his family. They were truly neutral beings, and it was interesting to have them in the Manor,  but when he and Jason got into another argument about the no-killing rule, Plagg and Tikki had looked at him like he was the wrong one. Or more accurately, like they couldn’t understand why he was arguing about it with his son. It was an issue, but not more so than the two beings announcing their plans about Paris.
“So today’s the day.” Jason brought up as casually as he could, which wasn’t as casual as the young man would have liked. 
Plagg nodded. “It is.” 
Bruce sighed.
“Oh Bruce, I know how you feel about it, but really it isn’t your place to tell us we can’t spread Karma across Paris. It has already been enacted and They have given their permission to all of us Kwami of the Miracle Box of Fortune & Fate.” Tikki explained once more, she wasn’t being condescending and yet Bruce still felt like she was. 
“And I told you, I don’t understand that.”
“You don’t have to understand it. Just let it be.” She replied.
“Or better yet ignore it.” Plagg gave his two-cents. 
“I can’t just ignore it. You told us you will be going to Paris to punish them!” He argued as softly as he could, not wanting to disturb Marietta who was still distracted by her noisy shiny toy. 
“Not all, only those who deserve it and though Paris will no longer be protected by us, it doesn’t mean forever but they need to know. Which is why the announcement is also needed.” She argued back, though she didn’t even look affected by his words and that made his hackles rise more. 
“Look. I know your whole ‘job’ is ‘justice,’ and that’s great.” Plagg interjected. “But justice is up to the interpreter and this, Karma, that’s our justice. That’s how we deal with offenses and crimes against us. You don’t have to understand it, but for your sake and Marietta’s sake, don’t try to stop us or talk us out of it anymore.”
“Are you threatening me?” Bruce growled which made Marietta whine.
“Bruce.” Alfred warned. “Calm yourself. You’re scaring the baby.”
Bruce cleared his throat and looked over at his daughter who was looking at him with her big doe-eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry Baby, nothing’s wrong. We’re just talking Sweetheart.” 
“Master Bruce, I understand your feelings on the matter but at the end of the day this is their business and if you ever feel the need, I’m sure Paris would appreciate vigilante help if they ever need it.” Alfred said as he set down some tea for Bruce on his desk. And like every time Alfred was the voice of reason, Bruce felt the fight leave him. 
“I apologize.” He said after a while.
“Sooooo, how are you going to make the announcement if you guys can’t be caught on camera?” Dick asked to break the tension. 
“They have kindly lent me some of their power and my old power so I can retain my old human form.” Tikki explained. “If the announcement goes on longer than I can hold the form then Trixx can cast an illusion of my human form. Before the announcement though we will be going and giving out Karma to a select few.”
“I thought you were…uh, doing the Karma thing after the whole announcement.” Jason said.
“Oh, we are, but there are a couple of people who will get their Karma before the announcement.” Plagg said with a smile that shouldn’t look so frightening on such a tiny face and yet it was. 
Quiet covered the family yet again until Damian spoke up from his spot, “Well, happy hunting.”
The two smiles shared between the Kwami somehow dwarfed the one Plagg had made just before and Bruce felt a shiver run down his spine. He sent a silent prayer out for Paris. 
Gabriel sat at his place at the head of the table and watched as his wife talked with Adrien and for the first time in a long time he felt completely at ease. His heart still raced when he acknowledged the fact he had no idea where Nathalie was and he didn’t know what to say when Emilie asked him where she was. Right now she believed that Nathalie was visiting her sister but the truth was he had no idea and it scared him. After The Wish, she and Dupain-Cheng disappeared without a trace. He didn’t understand where they were and his son’s complaints and worry over the girl were getting on his nerves. Neither had their Miraculous so Adrien complained about not being to check on her the ‘Chat Noir’ way, they figured that was their price for The Wish. Though it saddened him, Gabriel was willing to leave the Miraculous behind in exchange for his wife who was a bit different now that she was back but he just chalked it up to her being confused at being awake once more. 
He impulsively reached out and took her hand in his. Emilie gave him a small smile back in return and he tried his best not to frown. She should be happier, she was finally reunited with her husband, he would think she would be overjoyed. “Adrien. I…called your school and told them you won’t be there today. We will be spending the day as a family.”
“Okay Father.” Adrien responded promptly. 
Emilie looked as though she was going to respond but before she did the doors to the dining room blew open, they nearly came off the hinges. All three family members turned to look in shock and just to see what or who came through in such a fashion. Gabriel opened his mouth to shout at the insolence of it all but his voice caught in his throat when he saw four very familiar Kwami fly in. He tried to get out of his seat but found he couldn’t and from the looks of it, neither could Adrien or Emilie. It made Gabriel struggle against whatever bound him to his seat more. He tried to yell, to shout, but found he had no voice at the moment. Emilie looked so scared and there was nothing he could do about it. The Kwami flew until they were all floating above the middle of the table so all three Agrestes could see them. The red one, Tikki glared at Gabriel so fiercely that if looks could kill, he was sure he would be six-feet deep at the moment. 
“Hello Gabriel. Let’s talk.”
Next Chapter
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hellishere7980 · 1 year
Begin Again Chapter 5 (sequel to IMW)
"What are your current policies on metahumans and magical users in Gotham?"
"Someone you know?" questioned Bruce, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and intrigue.
"Yep," Pixie chirped back, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Bruce began with his obnoxious voice, "We are not as strict as they used to be."
Pixie, muttered something suspiciously that sounded like a curse but not in the language of earth as Alfred would have said something. Sure he was fond of Pixie but nothing stopped the old-ever-vigilant butler from reprimanding on improper language.
Bruce, in response, raised his stupidly perfectly arched eyebrows that he attended salon sessions for and continued, "But we should know about them, and they should have their powers under check. It is also helpful if we know exactly how dangerous their powers can be."
"Hmm," Pixie hummed thoughtfully, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she glanced around the room.
She turned to Demonspawn and asked, "Got your camera ready, Damian?"
Jason, along with his brothers, quickly pulled out their cameras, and Jason swore he saw Alfred tap his phone, which was sitting on a stand by the countertop. Bruce, to his credit, managed to look both confused and slightly intrigued at the same time.
Pixie hummed a catchy little tune, and to Jason's astonishment, he saw Bruce making a funny expression. His sentiment was clearly shared by everyone else at the table, except for Bruce and Pixie.
Bruce then turned to Damien and, with a solemn voice, said, "My son, I know I don't say this often enough, but I have always been proud of you."
Jason raised an eyebrow in disbelief while the Demonspawn looked genuinely concerned. "Father, are you feeling well?"
Bruce, seemingly ignoring the question, turned to Timers, who was still trying to recover from his previous statement and said, "Tim, you saved me from my worst and are the reason Wayne Enterprises is flourishing. Thank you."
Timers, still trying to regain his composure, couldn't help but spit out the coffee he was unholy worshiping moments back. Then, Bruce turned to Jason and said, "Jason, I am sorry I never avenged you. After breakfast, we'll start on the plan to physically harm Joker to ensure he doesn't carry out his villainous activities anymore."
Jason blurted out, "WTF". Even Alfred was too astonished to reprimand him.
Bruce, undeterred, turned to Dickhead and said, "Thank you, Dick, for being the level-headed one when I was a dick."
The level of surprise and amusement reached new heights, surpassing even some of the frankly weird stuff they had encountered as a family of vigilantes.
Finally, Bruce turned to Alfred and said, "Thank you, Alfred, for putting up with me. I always saw you as my mentor."
Jason felt the amount of things in the world that could surprise him reduce very, very notably, as he watched the family's breakfast unfold in all its bizarre glory.
He saw Bruce's face slide off his neck? Only to see another Bruce's face behind it. The first face floated beside the second face for a while before going PooF!... and so did any semblance of civility they had.
Chaos reigned before Pixie shouted. "OK! SHUT IT!"
As the chattering abruptly closed Pixie continued.
"You saw I have magic."
He would have never believed that Bruce did a handstand and a split at the same time had he not seen it with his own eyes. Tim laughed out a strangled laugh which was borderline maniac. Did he see Bruce 2? Whatever that was, go poof.
"Talk amongst yourselves. Whatever questions you have get them printed out on a nice sheet of proper paper. I'll be back for dinner and answer them. Spoiler Alert most of the answers will be classified. So bye !"
With that Pixie poofed out leaving them dumb-struck.
He swore that nothing would have stopped the broody bat from typing off a list but today was a compulsory Justice League training session required to attend by all members, honorary or not and associates. He could feel his headache coming on with Bruce .
They placed on their uniforms with a slightly excited aura which was dampened by... honestly... all the variables in the situation.
They arrived at the Watchtower via Zeta Beam only to find it brimming with heroes... some who were anti heroes at times including himself.
Heading towards the training room, they could hear sounds of intense combat, indicating that many were getting their butts handed to them in sparring sessions.
As the whole bat clan stepped in expecting to see maybe Wonder Woman or Black Canary only to see a black clad figure dancing out using martial arts, honestly he didn't think anyone in the Bat Clan knew judging by their... frankly vibrant expressions.
As soon as they were noticed, Boy Scout Sr. stopped pounding Green Lantern's shield sparring and let out a whistle.
"As we always do we request anyone to share a particular skill that most of the people here can learn."
Lady Miracle raised her hand. "I can do that. How many people here can survive in space and want to smash stuff?" he announced.
He thought it was concerning the significant number of hands and at what speed they shot up. but with all the emotional baggage that comes with being a hero, breaking stuff is honestly the least destructive wait they can go forward.
Lady Miracle gave a cheshire grin.
"Everyone suit up! really are going to Noirdya Galaxy!"
Green Lantern raised an eyebrow.
"The abandoned clearly 2 million light years away Galaxy?"
"I can portal, you know.” Lady Miracle responded. “And the fact that it's abandoned makes it perfect for smashing ."
Green Lantern shrugged his shoulders "Fair enough."
As they all suited up and those who couldn't breathe into space stepped into a shield bubble made by Green Lantern. Lady Miracle turned to one of her gods? Cosmic beings? right. Kwamis.
"You'll see I'm gonna break my record."
"What exactly is this record?" Superman asked.
“How long I can survive without a suit. based solely on the dragon's powers which I have outside of suit. I often use this Galaxy for magical experimental purposes."
no one wanted to question her after all they all had their... quirks.
As they passed through the portal Lady Miracle had opened they came across a vast space filled with smaller than earth planets.
He saw Lady Miracle say something by her lip movement, saw her flashing a bit before she stood in a T-shirt and some cargo pants similar to what Superboy once more although she did have a domino mask like the bats and the arrows'. and then she flew and... hugged the planet? To everyone's astonishment the planet slowly turned into ash. Then she flew to another planet and he saw… some purple sparkles? around her hands and then she punched another planet and broke it into big pieces. How powerful was this girl? Honestly this was her out of suit being what he assumed passively charged by these gods.
She looked towards everyone. "What are you waiting for?"
He saw people readying themselves to join in the celestial smashing, embracing the opportunity.
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the-coffee-fandom · 7 months
Tumblr media
Cover by me
Authors Note: My friends convinced me to write what I dreamt of last night so here’s my quick ficlet on the part I remember. Join us on discord if you’d like.
The Mimic
By: The Coffee Fandom
Gifted to: @velveteenshadow and @aries-infinity
Fandom: Maribat
Rating: Explicit
(Dead Dove: Do Not Eat)
Pairings: Gen
It was rampant in the streets. There was no escaping it. So many had been infected already but in Gotham? It created a sense of community almost.
That is, until it evolved.
No one is safe anymore.
We're... re.... aaaa..... safe... •
Please.. leas... ase... r...n.....n.....n....
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silverwhiteraven · 2 years
Maribattinson, chapter two?? more likely than you think.
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette December 2022: 28-Family
The Parisian class stuck together as they were taken hostage by one of Gotham City's rougues. They patiently waited for Batman and the others to rescue them. Lila had told them, for months, how she personally knew him. That she was a civilian aide for the Bats. The whole city knew who she was, but pretended like they didn't to give her a sense of normalcy. The class cheered as Red Hood and Red Robin swing in to rescue them. Many of them looked around, but they couldn't find Batman.
Bruce Wayne sighed as he walked out of the car to the crime scene. He had a board meeting he couldn't get out of and had sent two of his sons to help. Dick and Damian were stuck as civilians with the rogue. It wasn't until Commissioner Gordon called him that he was able to cancel the board meeting for a later date. He quickly explained that he had to pick up his sons' from an attack and the board could see it was an important matter.
Bruce saw Red Hood and Red Robin were talking to some of the officers. Dick and Damian were walking towards him and thankfully, looked unharmed. Bruce noticed a girl not far from them and sighed. He walked passed his two boys and grabbed her arm. He started pulling her towards the car.
Marinette started to struggle and tried to dig her heels into the ground as a stranger pulled her away from the class.
"Let me go!" Marinette shouted, trying harder to get away.
The class watched helplessly as Marinette was once again in a hostage situation. Many people turned to see what was going on. When they saw what was happening, some of them chuckled and went back to what they had been doing. Marinette noticed the car looming closer.
'I hope this works, Maman!'
Marinette quickly turned and grabbed the back of his suit jacket. She kicked the back of one of his knees and when she felt the man's knees buckle, she quickly used her weight as leverage and tossed him to the ground.
"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Marinette shouted, standing over him.
Bruce laid very still on the floor, confused. He could see the murky clouds and hear the lights from the sirens. It wasn't hard to notice the red and blue lights rotating in the sky. Dick and Damian rushed over to see what was going on.
"This psycho is trying to kidnap me!" Marinette shouted, pointing at the guy on the ground.
The Wayne brothers looked at her and then each other.
'Not again.'
"B, what were you doing?" Dick questioned.
"Trying to take you sister home." Bruce replied, "How hard did I hit my head? Your sister sounds like she's speaking a different language."
The eldest son laughed. The youngest sighed.
"Miss." Damian began.
Marinette glared at him.
"I apologize for my father." Damian spoke, "He is extremely tired. He's had a long couple of nights this past few weeks and early mornings the next day. The man next to me is one of my adopted siblings; they all have dark hair and blue eyes. He thought you one of his adopted children. He thought you were our sister."
Marinette looked at him in shock.
"I-I have parents!" she cried out, "I don't know him! Is that how he got all his other kids, just took them off the streets?"
Damian smirked, " Sometimes. Although, I doubt they minded when Bruce Wayne asked if he could take them home to live in our manor." as Dick picked up their father and dragged him to the car.
Marinette turned red and stammered, "Br-Bruce Wayne?"
Damian gently grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on it, "Damian Wayne."
Mari wasn't sure if she was turning a new shade of red.
"Oh no! I'm going to get out class sent home" She shouted, "We're the class he sponsored from Paris!"
The Wayne heir chuckled, "I can assure you, you have nothing to worry about. Our father will likely be the one apologizing to you. Too many late nights and too many board meeting make for a disastrous combination. We'll be making sure he is well rested. I'm sure we'll meet again, Miss Dupain-Cheng."
Damian strode over to the car and the Waynes took off.
Marinette collapsed on the ground, as her legs gave way.
"Give her some air!" GCPD shouted, escorting people farther away from her.
Gordon chuckled, "Never thought I'd ever see him that tired."
Marinette looked up to the older officer, "Does that happen often?"
"Him claiming kids?" He asked, "I think he has eleven, now, but only a few of them are adopted. My daughter goes to his place, too. She use to date one of his sons; now they're friends."
"Oh." Marinette whispered.
"But, his kid is right." Officer Gordon commented, "Usually the adopted ones have dark hair and blue eyes."
"I think it's just because they remind him of himself." the commissioner continued, "As you can tell, Damian gets his skin tone and eyes from his mother. Other then that, Kid is the spitting image of his Father at that age. Weird to see him grown up a second time."
Marinette looked at him curiously, "How long have you known Mr. Wayne?"
Gordon frowned, "Almost his whole life. I was one of the officers who responded to his parents' murder. Happened tight in front of his, as a child."
'He's building his own family.'
"If I see him again, I'll make sure to decline his request." Mari smiled, "As nice as it sounds, I have my own parents in Paris."
Commissioner Gordon offered her his hand and helped her up. He decide it was best that he personally took her back to her class. It might also keep the media vultures at bay.
"I apologize about the confusion." Gordon chuckled, "He's just a tired man, who thought he was takign his daughter home. His sons will sort him out and make sure he sleep. I have no doubt about that."
The moment she reached the class, Adiren hugged her.
"Are you okay?" He shouted.
Alix shoved him away, "Forget that! She flipped him!"
"Yeah!" Nino shouted, "How'd you do that?"
"Maman." Mari answered
Her friends winced.
"Makes sense." They all commented.
Marinette saw that the commissioner looked confused, "My mother taught me."
"Ah." he smiled, "Have a good rest of the night."
Adrien, Kim, Alix, Max, Juleka, Nathaniel, Nino, and Chloe quickly checked over her.
"I'm okay." Marinette smiled.
Chloe's smile quickly turned into a frown, "It's ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous for you to get kidnapped!"
"I'm not the one who wanted to come to the most crime ridden city in the United States." Marinette commented.
Her group of friends glared at Lila and the others.
"That's right!" Kim snarled.
"It's their fault Marinette almost got kidnapped!" Ali screamed, pointing fingers at them.
"We said we should read up on the Rouges." Nino claimed.
"I believe many cities were offered up as alternatives." Max stated.
"Metropolis." Nino called out.
"Los Angeles." Nathaniel pouted.
"Star City!" Adrien whined.
"But no." Chloe rolled her eyes, "Liar Rossi knows Batman."
"He saved us!" Alya retaliated.
"No, Red Hood and Red Robin saved us!" Adrien exclaimed.
"Batman wasn't here to assist us." Max announced, "He did not appear before us and he did not speak to Lila in any way or form. He isn't even here at this scene. Surely he would have spoke to his civilian aide, if she is that well known by the city."
"Neither was Nightwing or Robin." huffed Nino.
"Or Black Bat." Juleka declared.
"Or Signal." pouted Kim.
"Or BatGirl!" declared Alix.
The rest of the class shifted uncomfortably as the other group made sense, yet again. It was only by one vote that they had decide upon Gotham and now they were coming to regret it.
Bruce Wayne blinked his eyes open and looked around the room.
'I'm home. I don't remember coming hime. How did I get here? Maybe Alfred or the boys know.'
Bruce got dressed for the day and descended to the dining hall for breakfast.
"Sir, I am going to tell you that you are banned from accessing the batcave and patrol for the next week." Alfred announced, "You require a large amount of rest."
'Am I sick? I don't feel sick.'
Bruce looked around the table to see his eldest boys snickering. Damian on the other hand was glaring at him.
'So not sick.'
"What-" he began to ask.
Damian slammed his phone down in front of his father and pressed play. Bruce watched as he grabbed a young girl's arm and attempted to drag her with him. They appeared to be at a crime scene. When they got close to the car, she grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his back.
'Well, that explains why my head hurts. Not a concussion, but close enough. Also explains why it looks like Damian is about to grab one of his katanas.'
"I don't remember this." Bruce stated.
"You were too tired." Tim chuckled, "You always go on and on about how I need to sleep. Looks like your sleep demon finally caught up with you."
"You claimed you were taking 'our sister' home." Dick smiled, "You claimed you must have hit your head because she wasn't speaking English."
Bruce groaned.
Damian grabbed his phone and sneered, "I had to explain you were nothing more than a sleep deprived buffoon and who you were. She's a foreigner; she's part of the class trip that you sponsored!"
Alfred set down a cup of coffee, a thermos, and some asprin in front of Bruce.
"Do becareful not to adopt anymore children today, Sir." Alfred stated, leaving the room.
As Bruce left the room, Jason called out, "So how are we placing the bet? Two hours until we have a new sister?"
'It's gonna be a long day.'
Bruce gulped as he noticed the class in the lobby of Wayne Enterprise. He took a breath and walked towards them. He could tell some people recognized him from the other night, by their warily glances.
Bruce cleared his throat, "Um, I'm told I tried to take someone home with me?"
Marinette peeked though and smiled. She moved through the class and held a box out in front of her.
"These are for you." She smiled, "Damian and Mr. Gordon explained how hard you work, Mr. Wayne."
The class froze and Lila backed up a bit.
"I often work too hard and the days blur together so I know what that's like." Marinette continued, "These are caramel and pretzel cookies. Damian said they were your favorite, after asking Alfred."
Bruce remained speechless.
"I'm sorry." Marinette frowned, "I do have to turn down your offer. I love my parents and they are in Paris. I'll be returning to them once the trip is over."
Bruce nodded, "Of course. I apologize again Miss Dupain-Cheng. Is there any way to make up this misunderstanding?"
"Just....accept the cookies?" Marinette replied, holding out the box again.
He smiled and took the box, "I hope the rest of your trip is enjoyable."
After Bruce walked away, her friends surrounded her.
"They guy who tried to kidnap you was Bruce Wayne?" Chloe shouted, "Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!"
Marinette blushed, "Yeah. His son told me he was sleep deprived and the office said his adopted kids had dark hair and blue eyes. I just sorta fit in."
"Yes, it is quite the coincidence, but 100% accurate. The three boys he adopted were all of different nationalities, but the common look they all had was dark hair and blue eyes. His biological son resembles him tremendously, but has green eyes." Max declared.
"My parents probably would have packed my bags and handed me over." Nino chuckled.
Adrien laughed, "So would Father."
"You sure you don't want to change your mind?" Alix asked, "You could run after him."
Mari laughed, "No. I'm good."
Bruce smiled as the elevator dinged, to take him to his office floor.
Bruce took the box to this office and set it on his desk. He opened the box and saw an envelope placed on top of the sweets. He took out the envelope and a cookie. He placed the cookie in his mouth and smiled at the taste.
Hello, Mr. Wayne.
I'm sorry about the trouble for yesterday. I thought you should know that you should look into a student in the class named Layla Rossi. She prefers to go by Lila. She has been claiming to have connections to you and your family, that she knows Batman's identity, and various other claims.
I've already spoken to her and I've tried to get her to see the error of her ways, but she doesn't care. She claims to only be telling people what they want to hear. I'm sure you don't wish to hear about some random girl growing up with you. There should be a USB in the envelope; inside details all the lies and a list of what Lila has done. It will also tell you where to find proof and who you should contact.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Bruce inserted the USB into his laptop and brought everything up.
'She was right. It's very detailed. It was as if Tim had found everything for her.'
Bruce thought back to the smile she had given him as she turned down his gratitude.
'Smart and hides behind a smile. Much like how he portrays himself in front of the board and media.'
Bruce quickly picked pup his phone and dialed Damian.
"What?" Damian questioned.
"You are your mother's only child, right?" Bruce asked.
"Yes, why?" Damian asked, concerned, "What has Mother done this time?"
"Nothing." his father answered before hanging up.
'Well, Damian has no knowledge of her. Was this to convince me not to adopt her? If so, it wasn't working. Does she know I'm Batman?'
Bruce brought up the background check on her. Her parents were both alive and well. Her father was French-Italian and her mother was Chinese. Neither of them had contact with Talia or the League.
'Not adoptable, but she would be a good addition to the family or Wayne Enterprise. Damian talked to her the other day. He was even defensive of her at breakfast.'
Bruce picked up the phone and redialed his son.
"What now?" demanded Damian.
"Ask out Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" his father shouted.
Damian remained silent for over a minute, "Father."
"Win her over!" Bruce commanded.
The Wayne heir sighed, "You can't adopt her so you wish for me to persuade her through marriage."
"Yes." Bruce smiled.
Damian hung up the call. Bruce knew it was a long shot, but all his other kids were too old for Ms. Dupain-Cheng. When he got word that the class was leaving, he rushed downstairs to apologize once more. Imagine his surprise when he found Damian, dressed in a suit, speaking to Marinette and kissing her hand. She was even smiling at his son! Bruce watched as Damian led her away and out of the building.
'Damian listened to me!'
He was so letting Damian get another pet!
Marinette sat across from Damian at a small café, nearby.
"I had an interesting conversation with Father during lunch." Damian spoke.
"Oh?" she probed.
Damian smirked, "My father suggested I ask you out on a date because it was illegal to adopt you."
Marinette laughed, "When do you plan on introducing me as your girlfriend? We've been together for two years."
"I'll let him think it was his idea, for now." the Wayne heir answered, making his girlfriend giggle.
"I do wonder what you did to my father." he spoke up.
"Huh?" Marinette asked.
"He questioned if I had a sibling." Damian replied.
Mari smiled, "Oh, I gave him all of my data on the liar and fed him a type of cookie with Dupain-Cheng flair that you told me he liked.
"Smart. Can cook. Wayne looks." Damian began to list off, "We best be careful, Habibiti. I fear Father will push for a proposal, after four months, if I don't scare you away."
"Oh no." Marinette sarcastically declared, "What ever shall we do?"
"Do you think Alfred or Father would faint first, if I introduced you as my fiancée instead of my girlfriend?" Damian questioned.
"Neither." Marinette spoke, "After everything you've told me about them. I'm guessing Todd."
Damian chuckled.
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1moonflame8 · 3 months
MLB x BATMAN Fanfic Idea
So I don't remember who had the idea first but they inspired mine. Marinette is Alfred's mom but here is my twist.
Alfred is the child of Marinette and Luka (I love Lukanette). Alfred is born with magic and is immortal just like his parents (blessings from the Kwamis) but Alfred hides that he's immortal with an illusion glamor that makes it seem like he's aging when in reality he stopped aging at 21 and looks just like his father but the tips of his hair are red.
The Batfamily are shocked when Marinette suddenly arrives at the manor to visit her son who then reveals the truth about himself to the Batfamily.
The chaos!
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stormiclown · 1 year
What I truly love most about the DC universe is how stupidly large it is. There are so many different Earths and timelines that you can merge it with another pic of media, and you can justify it by saying it's an entirely different timeline. The DCU is so diverse and wide that its compatible with literally everything.
The MCU? Bruce and Tony know each other due to being billionaire playboys with genius intellect and using their skills to become formidable heroes. Thor and Diana know each other, the League of Assassins is aware of Hydra and the Red Room, etc.
Miraculous Ladybug? Diana and Queen Hyppolita (a former ladybug) know all about the Miraculous and Marinette goes to the Justice League for assistance with Hawkmoth. Given the people they've been up against before, Hawkmoth would fit right in. The addition of the miraculous would be very natural to the DCU.
Danny Phantom? A teenaged boy with ghost powers from another realm ends up in Gotham and starts trolling people is something that would definitely happen in Gotham at some point. It was only a matter of time.
I swear the next DCU & Batman crossover fandom is going to be Avatar the Last Airbender or something. With the Justice League adopting these gremlin children. Bruce "I adopt strays every other week" Wayne would see Katara, Aang, Toph, Zuko, Sokka, and Suki and go "Mine." Sokka cracking jokes with Dick, Zuko and Damian getting on each other's nerves, Katara and Alfred bonding over how they have to keep feral children in check, Toph and Jason trying to declare dominance over each other every other second. Aang going around Gotham and following Bruce while he does Batman things, and surprisingly getting along great with Damian over their love for animals (Damian refuses to admit he got excited when Aang allowed him to ride Appa). The spirits in the atla world won't be so far off base in a world where there are aliens, demons, and demigods walking the earth.
Gothamite criminals everywhere would be getting their asses kicked. Soon Gotham has six more vigilantes, four of which have terrifying elemental abilities and the other two can throw hands. Blue Spirit Zuko throwing hands, Painted Lady Katara thrashing people with water and healing innocents, Blind Bandit Toph crushing people into the dirt, Kyoshi Warrior Suki striking fear in the hearts of hundreds, Boomerang Sokka coming up with these crazy but effective plans that give Batman a whiplash, Avatar Aang greasing anyone who hurts his friends.
And the rest of the Justice League are terrified.
Actually you know what?
alta x dc anyone?
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ali-annals · 5 months
Unexpected Visitors
Pairing: Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: G | WC: 800 | CW: - | A/N: This is one of my first fics so I'm not super proud of it but the lovely peeps on ao3 seem to like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I thought I'd cross-posted this already but apparently I haven't, oops :| | Ao3 |
An unknown woman shows up on Wayne Manor's doorstep asking for Damian Wayne…
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And enjoy this lovely fanart made by @tinybrie 🥰
A bright light flashed through the windows of the manor, the echo of thunder sounding overhead almost immediately. The knocking on the wooden door echoed down the dimly lit hallway, almost covered by the sound of rain and wind gusting outside.
The family butler swung open the door, taking in the visitors.
A young woman was standing there, holding a baby. She had her mother’s dark hair, but her eyes... 
He tore his gaze away from the baby when the pale, tired woman asked, “Is Damian Wayne here?”
“I’m afraid he is not ‘in’ at the moment, Miss. May I say who called?”
“He’s alive?”
The butler blinked, hearing the note of relief underneath the urgency in her voice. “Yes, Miss..?”
“Oh, thank goodness! His tracker stopped working and I was…I thought…can I see him, please? I can help heal him.”
“How did you know he was injured, Miss?”
She stepped further inside, brushing raindrops off the baby’s and her clothing. “Tracker. If it stops working and he doesn't reply, he’s either dead or severely injured. And since you say he’s alive-”
Alfred still didn’t know her name, but he knew she was trustworthy. Call it an old man’s intuition, call it experience from sizing up every type of person under this roof (of which there were many), he could tell his youngest Master would be safe with her. 
“I’ll show you to his room, Miss.”
“Thank you, Alfred.”
Damian groggily opened his eyes. Owww… His muscles protested after all that had happened in the last short while. 
The faint sound of rain hitting the window by his bed provided soothing white noise, mixed with the soft breaths from the dark head resting on the bed by his hand. 
Marinette was fast asleep, like the baby in her arms.
He stroked her hair gently. “ Habibti , I’m awake.”
She jolted upright, carefully cradling the baby so as not to disturb her rest. “Ma lune? You’re okay?”
“Just fine, mon coeur . I take it you healed me?” He scooched into a half-sitting position.
She nodded. “I thought…Your tracker stopped, so I came to see…”
“Shh, it’s alright, habibti .” Damian cupped her face in his hand. “It broke when I was fighting. I would have immediately contacted you but they forced me to stay and heal, and drugged me so I would sleep and recover without protest.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” She leaned over to kiss him. “I brought Zara.”
After Marinette had reassured herself that he was well-healed thanks to her handiwork, he brought up the question niggling at the back of his mind.
“How many people know?”
“Alfred, and whoever’s watching your monitors right now.”
“You’re okay with them knowing, now?”
Marinette nodded. “I’d prefer to be close by if anything like this happens again. So what if Bruce doesn’t like magic users or the fact that we hid this from him? He can get over it or not, but I will be by your side,” she stated firmly.
He smiled softly at her, seeing the feisty woman he fell in love with. “Let’s go settle their disturbed brains, then, shall we?”
He removed all the health monitors and stood, stretching and enjoying the slight discomfort.
She handed Zara to him, whom he carefully cradled in his arm and stroked his finger over her tiny cheek, and then they headed down to the dining room, where the rest of his extended family were gathered for a celebratory meal. 
The entire Bat clan was there, in various stages of recovery from an assortment of injuries.
Alfred brought in the plates of crepes and casually announced, “There was a young lady here to see Master Damian this afternoon, just after your last check. She’s up with him right now.”
“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?!” The ones who could, jumped up to check on their youngest.
“Hello, family. I am perfectly fine, so don’t scold me for getting up. Dinner looks delicious, Alfred.” Damian and the visitors strolled in.
“Why do you have a baby in your arms? How are you up?”
“This is Marinette Wayne, my wife, and our daughter, Zara. Marinette healed me; thus, I am awake and about.”
“Since when were you married? With a child? When did you get a girlfriend?” Questions echoed from all corners of the table.
“We met when I was in Paris to help Ladybug six years ago. We got married last year and Zara is nine months old now.”
“Jon helped Damian escape when he needed and covered for us. He’s quite good at illusions,” Marinette spoke up. “Hi, I’m Marinette Wayne; it’s nice to meet you all.”
Taglist (open): @jennifer-rose123 @questioning-blob-of-fog
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