#for soft sniper sunday
a-lil-perspective · 2 years
Crosshair taking lil miss Keida out grocery shopping
Crosshair: *holding Kiki’s hand whilst they stroll along*
Keidala: *sudden epiphany* *gasps* I WANT A BLASTER WITH A SILENCER.
Crosshair: Alright. If it’s on sale.
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eternalmoonlight18 · 2 months
Please Please Please (Don't Prove Em Right)
Trafalgar Law x afab Female!Reader
Next Chapter
You are the Heart Pirates' beloved cook and sniper. However, you were also an insufferable troublemaker who always seemed to get on Law's nerves. He swears he's going to get rid of you one day, but as much as he hates it, why does he find you fascinating? Was it because you reminded him of someone he was greatly fond of?
As your relationship with Law grows, he only hopes you don't fucking embarrass him. After all, he has an image to uphold as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.
This story starts off as short stories between (Y/N), Law and the Heart Pirates, then picks up into the One Piece canon timeline, starting from Punk Hazard. This is a slow-burn Law x Female Reader story!
Updates every Sunday!
Cross-posted in Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57651295/chapters/146705491
Notes: This is my very first fanfiction!
As you would have guessed, the title is based on the song Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter. It's like a more lighthearted reimagining of the song!
I'm mostly writing this for self-indulgence but I hope you guys like it as well :)
Chapter 1: Ice Water Poker
Chapter summary: you thought playing Ice Water Poker was a great idea until you injured yourself and almost damaged the Polar Tang. Law decides that he's almost had enough of your shenanigans.
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You hated the infirmary.
The bleak walls, the soft crinkle of the paper on top of the infirmary bed, and the fact that all of the medical equipment was just lying out in the open made it uncomfortable to be in the room.
You hated the infirmary, but you were there every day because of your endless carelessness and schemes against the Heart Pirates.
But you weren't an enemy to them, you in fact, were their beloved cook. You became the Heart Pirate’s cook just over a year ago, and it wasn’t because they loved your cooking. It’s because none of them can cook for shit and you felt bad for them. When you first met them, they were eating overcooked rice and burnt fish. You soon learned that those were Law’s favourite foods, but by great Neptune's Beard, it tasted terrible. So you decided (forcibly) to join the crew out of pity, out of Law's dismay.
However, you weren't new to the pirate life. You were a pirate before you met them, as you used to be in Kidd’s crew as their cook. But things got complicated so you ditched them. And by complicated, it meant that you accidentally food-poisoned Kidd and he was going to kill you the next time he saw you.
And so a year later, you were with the Heart Pirates. You loved it. You had a great kitchen to work with, and the crew loved every meal you made. Law was a great captain and you greatly respected him. You eventually gained his respect since you always cooked what he requested. And not only you were a cook, but you were also a decent fighter. You specialized as a sniper, which Law saw as a great asset to the crew.
You were a great cook, and you loved what you did, and you wouldn't trade it for anything else. 
But the only issue was that you got bored when you were not cooking. And so, you cured that boredom by doing what you do second best: being a gremlin.
At least that’s what Law called you. You would say it’s more like being the only sole entertainer in this damn submarine. The Polar Tang was so boring sometimes and you decided that a little fun might cheer things about around the crew. But as often as you did ridiculous stunts in the submarine, you also often found yourself sitting in the infirmary bed with your captain tending to your injuries.
And that’s how you found yourself in the infirmary for the 5th time in a week. And Law was not amused at all.
“So tell me,” Law said while he calmly walked in front of you as you were sitting on the bed. He stopped to face you. “Why the FUCK do you, Penguin and Shachi all have large gashes on the forehead?!” he yelled. He glared looked at you, then whipped his head to glare at the two men beside the bed. 
The scab on your palms suddenly became very interesting so you decided to stare and pick at it. To your left were Penguin and Shachi standing nervously next to the bed and both faced opposite ways, away from the doctor.
Law started to get irritated. “I asked you a question (Y/n)-ya,” he instructed.
You let out a small nervous laugh and looked up at the doctor. Penguin and Shachi also laughed.
“Well you see captain, we were all playing strip poker.” Penguin started. Law’s eyes narrowed at the man. Shachi continued after Penguin, “B-but instead of stripping, we had to dump a bucket of ice water whenever we placed the wrong bet. But then (Y/n) got mad because she was losing and filled up two buckets of ice water to dump on us, but she ended up slipping and hit both Penguin and me on the forehead with the bucket as she fell.”
You suddenly froze and realized you just got snitched on. You glared at the two men who for some reason also suddenly realized that they snitched, and they both quickly looked away from you.
“You fucking snitches!” you exclaimed. “You are so getting burnt food tonight.”
"But that's not fair..." Penguin and Shachi both mumbled. 
Law sighed heavily. He rubbed his temples with his tattooed fingers, most likely out of annoyance. “Shut up, all of you. So let me get this straight, all three of you decided that it was a good idea to dump water onto my submarine’s floors because of a card game. And I don’t care that you idiots are injured; have you considered the fact that the water can leak into the boiler room?!”
And as if on cue, the Polar Tang started to make a strange groaning noise. The four of you in the infirmary froze. A vein popped on Law's head as he suddenly began to shake in anger.
Seeing your captain angry, Penguin, Shachi and you all looked at each other. You were all thinking of the same thing. You all made a run for it. All three of you dashed for the door and ran out of the infirmary.
"Hey!! You bastards better come back here!!" Law shouted as he realized his troublesome crew left.
“Oh, we’re so dead! Captain is going to kill us!” Penguin exclaimed as he ran.
"Forget captain, I think the Tang is going to explode and kill us!" Shachi argued.
"Both of you shut up!" You shouted. "Let's hide before-" You were cut off because you and the two men were suddenly transported into the infirmary. A large thud was heard when you three landed on your asses on the feet of a very angry sea captain. All three of you groaned in pain from the impact. You slowly looked up and saw the death glare of your captain, staring down at you. You felt uneasy shivers down your spine and heard the two men gulp behind you.
"You all had the stomach to run away from me huh?" He darkly chuckled.
The three of you started to shake with fear. For the first time, you genuinely pissed the man off and you instantly regretted it.
"Hey captain, don't worry! We'll fix the boiler room right now!" you said shakily.
The raven-haired man raised his eyebrows at the comment. "Oh? And how can you do that with your current state?" he questioned you.
You were wondering why he gave you a strange look until you felt something wet and cold on your forehead. You instantly brought up your left hand to touch it and saw that you started bleeding from the gash. Then you blacked out. The last thing you heard was Penguin's unusually high-pitched scream before your head hit the floor.
You woke up to the smell of black tea. You slowly opened up your eyes and felt disoriented and cold. When you fully opened your eyes, you found yourself staring at the mute grey ceiling above you. You were still in the infirmary.
"Fuck." you thought. "This might be the worst day of my life."
You slowly got up to sit. You groaned in pain as you felt a sharp pain on the side of your head. You glanced at the table in front of you and looked at the steaming mug of hot tea. Then as you turned to let your legs down on the side of the bed, you glanced to the right of the bed and saw your captain sitting in his examiner chair with his legs crossed. While he looked at you with a neutral face, his eyes were unreadable.
"So you finally decided to wake up (Y/n)-ya. I was starting to think that we needed to find another cook," he said, dripped with sarcasm.
You squinted your eyes at him. "As if you could find one, I'm sure no one wants to cook for your shitty crew." you retorted.
Law ignored your comment and got up from his chair to walk towards you. You noticed that he was getting closer so you scooted back further into the wall behind you. The doctor placed both of his tattooed hands on the bed, trapping you in the box of his arms. Never breaking eye contact, he leaned his face into yours and stared at you with an annoyed smirk. "I usually don't mind your antics on my submarine but you have gone too far this time." he lowly said.
You ignored his words. Instead, you scrunched your nose. "Your breath smells like grilled fish captain," you said.
Law was suddenly taken aback by your random comment, his face twisting into an irritated scowl.
"The next time you pull another stunt like this, I'm throwing you overboard. I don't care if we're eating rocks for weeks."
"But I don't know how to swim."
"I don't care. Why are you out at sea then if you don't know how to swim?"
"But you can't even swim either captain, you'd sink like a rock if you fell in. I wouldn't talk if I were you."
Law scoffed. He couldn't argue with that comment. You were pushing his buttons and he didn't know whether to laugh or throw you out of the submarine.
Law kept staring into you and you kept staring back. This was the first time seeing his face up close and you saw how handsome he was for the first time. His small sweep of bangs along with his sideburns perfectly shape his rugged face. But what caught your attention was his grey eyes. You observed how tired his eyes looked, but your intuition told you that it was more than physical tiredness that was getting to him. You could feel the unknown emotional battles he was facing through his stormy grey eyes as if he was looking for answers he could not find. You found them unusually beautiful.
You broke the silence and suddenly blurted out;
"You have very pretty eyes, captain."
This time he was completely bewildered by your comment. Law blinked at you and his eyebrows slowly relaxed. His eyes slightly widened and he took a small step back. His mouth suddenly gaped slightly open and he felt his ears heat up.
"What are you talking about (Y/n)-ya?" he coughed. He completely broke out of his stern and facade and turned into a flustered mess.
However, you remained oblivious to the consequences of your words. You tilted your head to the left curiously.
"Why are your ears red? Are you getting a fever?" you questioned. The doctor stepped back even more but straightened up his composure. He was the captain of this crew and a feared pirate in the seas. He was not about to lose his image over his subordinate. Realizing that he was flustered, he quickly became angry again.
You'd think that a 25-year-old man would know how to properly regulate his feelings, but Law's display of emotional confusion would prove otherwise.
He finally blew up. "Enough! You caused too much chaos today. I'm punishing you for being reckless again." Law ordered.
While his tone of voice was stern, his face said otherwise. "Are you going to throw me overboard?" you teased. "Or are you going to make me fix the boiler room with Penguin and Shachi?"
You snickered and started to grin. You didn't care at all because you always got out of trouble. Penguin and Shachi said it's because the captain had a soft spot for you, but you think that Law accepts the fact that he has no choice but to keep you if he wants to eat edible good food.
Law placed two fingers on his chin and put some thought into the question. Then he smirked mischievously. "No. I got something worse."
There was a pregnant pause. Then he spoke again; "You're going to make me a week's batch of rice balls for me." he proclaimed.
The colour drained from your face. You hated making rice balls. It may be the captain's favourite, but it took forever to prepare and make. Now he wants you to make a week's batch worth of it? You understood that he was mad but he was taking his anger too far.
"I'd rather jump out and drown!" you protested.
"I'd like to see you try." Law retorted. "That's what you get for damaging my submarine!"
The man did have a point. You admit that sometimes your escapades can be too. much.
You pouted in defeat. "Fine. I'll do it," you said. You hopped off the medical bed and proceeded to walk out of the infirmary. You were in a bad mood, and you were going to beat the living hell out of Penguin and Shachi for snitching on you.
"I'm going to put flour and bread in those rice balls," you mumbled as you walked out the door.
"What was that?" Law asked. "Nothing!" you said out of fake cheer. You stomped away and headed to the kitchen. The captain extinguished your playful spirit in the meanwhile, but you'd be back.
Back at the infirmary, Law sighed. He took off his hat and placed it on the bed, then sat down in his chair. He brought his left hand and combed through his hair as he leaned back and looked up at the ceiling. Today's set of events was just too much for him.
As he closed his eyes, your previous words rang in his ears.
"You have very pretty eyes, captain."
The tattooed doctor's ears turned red again. "What am I going to do with you (Y/n)-ya?" He sighed.
It was midnight in the Polar Tang. Everyone went to bed. It was one of those few moments when the submarine was quiet enough to hear the hum of the sub's engine.
While everyone was asleep, the captain was in his quarters, wide awake. He was finishing up his crew's recent medical reports and your medical file. He was always stressed about updating it because you were getting injured every single day.
Law stacked up the final pages of the report and set them aside. He got up from his desk and stretched. He let out a big groan, a signal of his tiredness. Then he remembered that you were making his favourite food, rice balls, as a punishment and grinned. He was looking forward to eating a good snack before he headed to bed.
He carefully and quietly made his way to the submarine's kitchen. As he entered the room, he saw that you laid out a plate of 3 rice balls on the dining table. The doctor excitedly walked up and grabbed one of the rice balls. He eyed it for a second, like it was the last meal he was ever going to take, then took a big bite of the food you prepared, expecting to be thrown into a world of indulgence.
However, he instantly regretted his actions. He turned blue, spat out the food and coughed like he had the flu. He should've known better than to take a very inviting plate of rice balls in the kitchen that you prepared. It was like luring a fish with bait and the great Surgeon of Death, Trafalgar Law, fell for it.
He was so going to throw you out to the sea in the morning.
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techs-goggles9902 · 6 months
Soft!Crosshair and fem!reader please
Maybe with something about his hand tremors?
Why did you wait for me? - Soft!Cross x fem!reader
Word count: 767
Warnings: none? Lmk if I missed something
A/N: Hey, I really wanna know who these anons are or if they’re the same person so I can thank you for these requests!!!! Sorry if this feels rushed or anything. I will happily rewrite it next week if requested. I’ve been sick since Sunday and I feel like trash :P
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Ever since he came back, he’s been… off. His calloused fingers, his eyes, his voice, all once so familiar, now somewhat foreign.
But he’s your Crosshair, he always comes around. You’re his girl. This is no different. Right? And, he always comes back. It’s only been a few hours since the Marauder landed on Padu’s upper level, your home, at the crack of dawn. You were roused by that familiar chime on your comlink.
What the hell, Hunter, you thought when you woke. Couldn’t he wait a few more hours until your alarm went off?
He couldn’t, which you now know.
You met the batch while they were on leave a few years back, fell in love with that tall, lanky sniper of theirs. Once Order 66 happened, Hunter advised you to come with them since Crosshair wasn’t the man you met anymore.
You found Pabu, where you settled down while the boys didn’t. Could you blame them, though?
“Stop staring at me like that, Cross,” you say as you cook him breakfast in your warm kitchen, feeling his gaze dig holes in the back of your head as he sits at the island.
“I’m sorry… I just can’t…” he pauses, swallowing. “I can’t believe you actually waited for me.”
“How could I not? You’re you. No matter what Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum say,” You turn, about to scrape the eggs onto his plate when you see his watery eyes. Those dark irises that usually pierce into people’s souls now desperately gaze into your own.
“I… I did a lot of bad things. Why do you still love me?” He whispers as you slowly put down the pan of eggs. You step around the island to embrace the sniper, his face buried into your sternum.
“Shhh… You didn’t have a choice, back at Tantiss.” His shaky hands lock around the fabric of your shirt. He doesn’t make any sound, just lets the tears stream down his narrow face, catching on his stubble.
“That doesn’t answer my question, love.”
You sigh, cupping his tear stained face in your soft palms. “I loved you during the war, loved you when you left on missions, I loved you when you joined the Empire. This is no different. You’re mine, I’m yours.”
His eyes widen ever so slightly as he gazes up at you, for once.
“How ‘bout we get some food, real food, in you and then we’ll talk?” You softly ask, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.
“Yeah… Yeah, okay.” He nods and you let him go to slide the eggs onto his plate. Watching him eat, you see the muscles working in his jaw as he chews, his temporalis bulging with each bite.
You haven’t seen him since… Kamino. You begged, pleaded for him to join the batch. You remember how he declined and begged for you to join the Empire, they’ll understand, he said.
He finishes eating and you scoop up his plate, turning away to put it in the sink. When you turn around, he’s gone off to your bedroom. You follow, thinking, I bet he hasn’t slept in a while. I mean, really slept.
He stops in the doorway of your room, turning back to you. He quietly asks, “Can I…”
“You don’t need to ask me for anything. What’s mine is yours.”
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You sit against your headboard, his head in your lap. Before, you used to card your hands through his silver curls. Now… You make due with caressing his growing follicles, careful of his lumpy, dented scar.
His hands tremble as they lie against your knee. You tap his fingertip.
“Are you scared?” You ask.
“What? No, why?”
“Your hands.”
“Oh… It just came one day.”
“Tell me… What happened?” You tenderly take his shaking hand in your own and you run your fingers over his too-short nails. Hemlock must’ve had them cut so he wouldn’t claw someone’s eyes out.
Poor Cross… Hemlock’s dying for this.
“You remember the shadows?”
“Mmhmm. The clone assassins.”
“He… Hemlock tried to recondition me into one… I was tested…” He doesn’t have to finish his explanation.
You’re quiet for a beat before you say, “I’m sorry, Cross…”
“Don’t be. You couldn’t do anything.”
“You know, a friend of mine has tremors, too. We can try exercises to… help cope, if you’d like,” you say, pressing your thumb pad down onto his knuckles for a gentle massage.
“I’ll give it a shot, love,” Crosshair says, rolling onto his back to look up at you.
“I love you, Crosshair.”
“I love you too, riduur. You’re my girl.”
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Riduur = spouse in Mando’a
Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @dangraccoon @skellymom @hellhound5925 LMK IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED OR TAKEN OFF TAGLIST
Dividers by @ saradika
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piccolos-bigtoe · 6 months
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Hello everypony,,, I've been gone for a hot minute O.o Haven't I.... Anyways heres another fake book cover. I really haven't been in a huge drawing mood, and I miss it a lot. I want to keep practicing these because it's fun and I want to make cool posters for myself and stuff like that. I copied it from another cover (down below...) because the title was too funny. I don't know what a truckers chicken is, I don't know why truckers would have chickens (animal or food??). I looked at the word trucker so much that it's just gibberish to me and I had to check over and over if it was spelt right LOL.
Sniper my queen,,,, release the tatas... Ignore the backgroudn. ofc I know how to draw trucks.. Okay Inknow what ypu'er thinking, dear reader, "Gee whiz Piccolos-Bigtoe!!! ANOTHER speeding bullet drawing? AND shirtless Sniper??? How very original of you..." and you're right, it is original, and I'm not sure if I've done it before now, but I will keep doing it. Lowkey it is my coping at this point,,, I project my personal issues onto them to make writing about it easier.... Blah
I'm going to be real right now with you all.... controversial opinion ahead........ I am not compelled by the thought of soft gentle twink Scout. Before you boo me and throw tomatoes- I think he's fun and cool, and I enjoy others depictions, but I like to imagine him as some an asshole overconfident wanna be hunk, annoying, reactive, always talking up a big game about mostly useless things but he can't handle his ego being bruised. but it's all a facade to hide his true emotions that he feels deep down (BOOO CLICHE!!!!)... </3 I went crazy Sunday night,, wrote like a whole thing about it.
Also I almost got into an accident today because while I was driving home from work some old lady decided to pull out from a parking lot and gave me like 5 seconds to slam on the breaks. Good bye until next time. Which is hopefully soon. I miss drawing
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Ryan W. Briggs, Max Marin, and Ellie Rushing at Philadelphia Inquirer:
BETHEL PARK, Pa. — In the sea of caps and gowns, Thomas Matthew Crooks hardly stood out. Few people clapped when his name was called. A YouTube video of his graduation two years ago from Bethel Park High School shows a slender and bespectacled student receiving his diploma with a soft smile. But the class of 2022 awoke Sunday to learn that the 20-year-old Allegheny County man was notorious, the shooter in the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump during a rally that left an ex-firefighter, Corey Comperatore, dead and two other attendees wounded. U.S. Secret Service counter-snipers killed Crooks moments after he opened fire on the Saturday night rally from a nearby rooftop. The FBI said Sunday they believed he acted alone. He had not been on the bureau’s radar.
Crooks’ actions shocked residents in his hometown, sparked countless conspiracy theories online, and prompted investigators to begin combing through every aspect of his life, looking for motive. The mystery has been fueled by a near-total absence of Crooks’ social media postings, political writings, or other digital fingerprints. Several former classmates appeared on national television Sunday, quickly casting Crooks as a stereotypical loner who was bullied heavily during his time at Bethel Park. One of them, Jason Kohler, told reporters Sunday that students tormented Crooks “almost every day” and that he often wore “hunting” outfits to class. “He was just an outcast,” Kohler said, “and you know how kids are nowadays.” Yet, two former students interviewed by The Inquirer disputed the characterization. They did not recall specific incidents of violence or other antagonism involving their now-infamous classmate in the community they described as generally tight-knit.
[...] The slight traces of public information Crooks left behind leave few clues about his political ideology. Federal campaign finance records show he made a $15 donation to progressive political action committee in 2021 after President Joe Biden’s election, but later registered as a Republican, according to Pennsylvania voter data. His father was a registered Libertarian, his mother a Democrat. Crooks’ body was found on the rooftop of an agricultural tool manufacturing plant a few hundred feet from the rally with an AR-style semiautomatic rifle — legally purchased by his father. The shooter was wearing a T-shirt promoting “The Demolition Ranch,” a YouTube channel for gun enthusiasts. If Crooks maintained any personal social media presence, it went largely undetected on Sunday. Discord, an instant messaging platform mainly used by video gamers, released a statement acknowledging Crooks held a “rarely utilized” account that contained no information relevant to the shooting.
Sigafoos did not recall Crooks making political overtures in class, but rather as someone interested in how government works, and “not trying to insert his own beliefs into it.” Another former classmate did not share this view. Max R. Smith recalled taking an American history course with Crooks as a sophomore. He did recall Crooks making political statements — but they shed no light on his actions Saturday. “He definitely was conservative,” he said. “It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.” Smith recalled a mock debate in which their history professor posed government policy questions and asked students to stand on one side of the classroom or the other to signal their support or opposition for a given proposal. “The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other.”
The gunman who killed rallygoer Corey Comperatore and attempted the assassination of Donald Trump at Saturday night’s Butler, PA rally was not only a registered Republican but also a vehement conservative.
This should hopefully put an end to the right-wing’s nonsensical claim that a “violent leftist”/”Antifa” tried to kill Trump.
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charnelhouse · 2 years
i would kill for another lloyd x six banter! you wrote them so perfectly
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A/N: Lloyd Hansen x F!Reader x Court Gentry (Six). Mentions of sex. Follow-up from this lil drabble.
What really irritates Lloyd is Six's impenetrable calm. He's a statue - a totem in a forest fire. Lloyd has watched Six walk off three bullet wounds and reset a break in his own leg without making a sound. 
He’s positive the man is a droid. You disagree.
“He was trained to handle pain, Hansen,” you remind him. “He’s never had anything soft. He’s just as fucked up as you are, but he doesn’t show it.”
“Wow,” Lloyd grumbles. “So basically I’m a sentimental baby?”
“If the shoe fits.”
“I’m going to wreck you, princess.”
The thing is Lloyd really fucking admires Six. He’s got street cred. The man has dragged himself out of the most dire of situations. 
Still - they bicker like an old married couple. 
Or Lloyd needles and Six just takes it, which is incredibly annoying.
For him, it’s always a competition. For Court, it’s not. St. Courtney cares about three things:
Getting the job done.
Remaining anonymous.
The rest is frosting. 
Even tonight, Lloyd is full of adrenaline that he does not know where to put. He's fucked you three ways from Sunday and he still can't temper the electricity bounding through his blood.
Let me bother Courtney.
He stalks into the kitchen where Court is cleaning his oversized sniper rifle. 
The blonde shoots him a passing glance, his mouth lifting at the corner as he returns to his gun. “Finally come up for air?”
Lloyd smirks as he throws open the fridge door. He’s in nothing, but his boxer briefs. His pale skin is marked in love bites and scratches. “She needs sustenance, you know?” He combs through his sweat-damp hair. “Fluids that aren’t my jizz.”
Court grimaces. “Thank you for that visual. I didn’t know the word “jizz” was back in style.”
Lloyd turns toward him, one hand clutching a stained Chinese take-out box and the other wrapped around a bottle of pedialyte. “You wouldn’t know what’s in style seeing as you were in jail for like 75% of your life.”
Court chuckles and shakes his head. He slides a blue cloth along the barrel of the rifle, his fingers light and fluttery. Lloyd’s tongue darts across his lower lip as he’s reminded of just how good Court is with his hands. His stroke game is peak. Hand jobs next level. “It seems like hickeys are, too,” Court remarks as he gestures to the purple-red bruises along Lloyd’s chest and throat. 
He shrugs. “She likes branding me, what can I say?”
Court tuts. “Nah, Hansen - you like when she brands you. It’s like your security blanket.”
Lloyd’s mouth drops open before he abruptly shuts it. Looks like Court was in a mood. He wasn’t normally this...sassy. 
Fuck. Yeah. 
Leisurely, he strolls toward the table. He plops the brown-stained take-out box and bottle of blue liquid on the hard wood before placing both palms flat on the surface and leaning forward. “Is someone grumpy that they weren’t invited to September Fuckfest ‘22?”
Court frowns. “No?”
“I think you are,” Lloyd taunts. “I think you’re pouting out here because we locked the door.”
Carefully, Court places his gun on the table. He leans back in his chair, lifting his dark gaze to Lloyd which causes a new heat to blossom under his skin. Sometimes - Lloyd cannot distinguish between wanting to fuck St. Courtney and wanting to be him. 
There’s no one like Lloyd Hansen, but there is equally no one like The Gray Man. 
“Lloyd,” Court uses a tone fit for a teacher explaining calculus to a five-year old. “She told me you two needed some one on one.” He cocks his head, wrinkling his nose. “I think she wanted to make sure you weren’t all depressed over fucking that Russian chick.”
Lloyd blanches. “I did not fuck her.”
Court scrapes a hand over his jaw, his expression thoughtful. “Mmm not sure - kind of looked like you did.”
“What?!” That is a fucking lie. Either the footage was grainy or he’s being set up. “I fingered her - that was it! It barely counts. We just kissed and I wasn’t even that hard. Jesus Christ - I didn’t want to do that stupid fucking mission in the first place - you should have-”
“Hansen,” Court laughs, holding a palm out. “I’m fucking with you.”
Lloyd pauses, his thundering heartbeat is still popping in his ears. It takes him a minute to register Gentry’s words and then he scowls. “Fuck you, Court.
Court crosses his arms over his chest, his teeth glinting beneath the warm kitchen light. “If it’s any consolation - she did want you to herself. I think she was jealous.”
Oh? Well - that changes things. 
A bolt of pleasure slides through Lloyd. It’s hot and comforting as it unfurls within his chest. It’s a bit of truth he’ll nurse for a long damn time. 33 wasn’t so impassive. You cared. 
“Mm yeah,” Court replies before pinning Lloyd with a roguish grin that illuminates his ken-doll face. It’s disarming. It’s rare and it really fucking works for his roughened handsomeness. “She rode me while we reviewed the surveillance footage.”
Lloyd blinks at him. He can’t even be mad. 
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hatosaur · 2 years
tlou hbo ep.4 & ep.5 thoughts.
more analyze-y than the others ones because i’m talkin thru my damn feelings >:,(
getting ep. 4 outta the way real quick because it was mostly setting up for ep. 5 but also i didn’t get to rewatch it since last sunday so memory’s fuzzy.
i’ve seen people have mixed reactions to ep.4 and i get it, because it was so different to how it played out in the game. biggest breaking point from game-joel was a) him talking about tess (which i felt broke a rule for his character) and b) him being openly kind to ellie. being soft with her when she shoots the hunter. laughing at her joke. these aren’t the end of the world. i can see how it was all to show he’s warming up to ellie but it did still feel odd.
i do kinda get the sense that him being mean old joel would wreck the momentum and tone, since we’re not watching pre-rendered cutscenes sandwiched between gameplay segments. you can’t have the danger happening and THEN joel’s yelling at ellie. that’s just TENSION TENSION TENSION; him being nice and open was a good way to balance things out and give us (and ellie) a breather.
so ep. 5. i have to fuckin take deep breaths.
once again, i can’t fucking believe that i can know exactly what’s going to happen and this show will still floor me. i’m broken over the immediacy that henry killed sam with, different from henry talking out his thoughts in the game. his scared, stammered “what did i do?” as he looks to joel, because he can’t believe what he just did.
when i look back to game-henry, it wasn’t emphasized all that much that he was pretty much still a kid, taking care of a kid. show-henry had plenty of those moments. both versions are cocky but the cockiness show-henry has was more kid-like, especially in his interactions with joel, and it only made it hit harder when he looked at him in those last moments, as if for help, and when joel tried to gently get the gun away from him. i’m very glad for them amping up the connection between joel and henry.
the choices they made with sam were amazing. the kid was a great actor and i love seeing all the extra bits that came with him being deaf. i knew it wouldn’t matter all that much that he was younger and deaf; what mattered at the end of the day was his connection with ellie and they fuckin knocked it out of the park. i love that even without them being close in age, they latched onto each other anyway.
the bit with ellie’s blood was such an interesting change. because that was a stellar way of showing despite her maturity, she’s still a kid too. you can tell she really believed she could save him.
this coupled with sam’s superhero fixation...god. the thought of him thinking of her as a hero because of that.
another big change was showing ellie’s reaction to henry’s suicide, instead of joel’s like the game. in the game, i think it was to remind joel about the fragility and impermanence of good things. the show’s not really joel city, they can’t really keep it on him the whole time because that’s boring. not to mention, it’s about more than him. in the show, you can tell it’s to show the impact it’s going to have on ellie’s journey.
i wasn’t a big fan of kathleen initially -- felt she wasn’t intimidating enough as a leader -- but as we saw her more in ep. 5, i was disgusted with her, which is good! i do like the complexity of her, how she’s the leader of this big resistance movement but also seemed unsure and grasping in a lot of moments (of which surprisingly did not include the moments where she ordered people to be killed or argued that ellie and sam should die because “kids die”).
brief note, the child clicker was cool but like...a bit farfetched right?? i mean unless she was bit as a baby and has just been turning since then? aside from that, i do like that she foreshadowed sam’s turning in a way. kid infected is such a gutpunch.
another thing i liked were the parts ripped straight from the gameplay. just watching joel reach the house with the sniper in it caused a lotta moments where i was like “OH YEA THAT HAPPENED.”
WHEN THE INFECTED CAME OUTTA THE GROUND??? i was like “OH YEA THAT WAS PART OF IT.” this show’s great. i love seeing the funny ways they tie back to the game.
all the episodes have been good so far but it really seems like the odd-numbered ones have consistently been bangers.
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altrxisme · 1 year
@basadoir asked ❛ still alive, are you? ❜ ( reaper @ jackson )
/shakes fists at the sky/ yeeee
He recognized the wraith's voice immediately. He remembered so many of their voices, faces, mannerisms— The brunet's usual demeanor, that charming smile paired with soft, frost blues eyes, was replaced with a neutral one accompanied by the drop of his brows. The visage of a sniper examining their target behind a scope on a Sunday afternoon.
Jackson's dealt with his fair share of Talon agents, but he's more familiar with their workings as that's what he's been keeping tabs on ever since the fall. The young man hasn't had the pleasure of meeting the REAPER himself, but it seemed that his time has come to meet the ghost he's read so much about in his findings.
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"Dunno what ta tell ya, man. M'like a roach." A hand hovered over one of his pulse pistols beneath his coat. A wary gaze at the wisp of a man before him. "Don't reckon you're here a chat, hm?"
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Sniper & Other Love Songs - Harry Chapin
Sunday Morning Sunshine - right off the bat, i love his voice. i cant tell what it is but it reminds me of this christmas album my mom puts on sometimes (which may be the time period and location? id have to check). i like how this song tells you a story.
Sniper - did you know i fucking love ballads. its long, its dramatic, and it just kept building. a few times i went "WHAT" out loud because i really didn't expect an album with "& other love songs" in the title to give me This. i honestly really love this song. after 8:10 is REALLY GOOD. from where he screams "i hate you" onward. 10/10 song jesus fucking christ. added to my library
And The Baby Never Cries - really soft and nice to listen to. love the cello in here. im still a bit stunned from the last song so this was a good refresher
Burning Herself - i love songs with fire symbolism oh my goddd i love them. this honestly gave me brain animatic. i liked the different uses of guitar in here. adding this to my library so i can find it later for possible animatic use
Barefoot Boy - another little song telling a story. its about a barefoot boy. he doesnt like conk crete.
A Better Place To Be - THERES the love song. it was fun to listen to and it was, again, a story. really enjoyable. this one had a PLOT TWIST. i like to believe that this guy met a ghost.
Circle - MORE ANIMATIC FODDER LETS GOOO. this song is really nice. about how life goes on and whatnot
Woman Child - the cellooooo <3. squints at the lyrics IS THIS ABOUT AN ABORTION? oh my god it totally is. wild ass song
Winter Song - bro is right winter is kinda like that
IN CONCLUSION - singer/songwriter is a genre i love whenever i hear it, but i never really go looking for it. this album is REALLY GOOD. it honestly blew me away, and wasnt what i expected at all. most of the songs arent something id listen to on my own, but really enjoyable regardless. i even downloaded a few songs. 7/10
review for person: every single song on this album was a story, and a great one at that. loved the lyricism, loved the instrumentation. really positively surprised me. sniper was easily my favorite song. 7/10
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
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Sweet Home
Part 1 of Bread and Tea
Summary: after a long and tiring trip, you and Crosshair settle down in your little cottage in the forest and are met by rainy weather.
Tags/warnings: None, really. Just some soft!Crosshair, established relationship, couple banter, and a pinch of self-indulgence. Reader is wearing cozy clothing and likes doing so, likes cream in her coffee and is shorter than Crosshair (again, self-indulgent).
Word count: 901
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{Next chapter >}
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He stood with his back leaning on the doorframe, coffee cup in his hands as the rain began to pour down. Crosshair had opened the door on purpose, knowing it would start to rain soon, longing to feel the cool breeze of a rainy evening. Few things whispered home more than that.
Thunder boomed around the little cottage in the forest. Behind him, the warmth and orange glow of his home radiated onto him, while in front the storm raged on as though to welcome him herself. He brought his cup of coffee to his lips, smiling just barely into it as the flavor filled his senses, and he breathed deeply as a flash of lightning announced another boom of thunder and the rain fell with more force.
Storms like that one made him feel alive, and when he heard the sound of steps approaching him, his smile widened. There was someone else in that house who shared his sentiment towards the rain.
He was just turning around when your hand softly brushed up his arm, covered by the wool of his black sweater with two horizontal brown lines along the chest, one of the very first presents you’d given to him. The gentle touch on his arm became a full embrace on your behalf, your cheek resting on his arm as you took a moment to watch the rain with him.
Crosshair looked down at you until he finally turned fully to have you in front of him, his gaze softening as he observed what you wore. You’d traded the light, summer clothing, with its thin fabrics and missing sleeves, for a heavy oversized sweater and cotton pajama bottoms, the ones with the mushroom pattern that made you giggle.
He loved the way you looked wearing what you loved, but what he loved even more was knowing you were far happier in that than you were during your trip.
The wind blew in your direction, granting you a whiff of the cup in Crosshair’s hand, making you smile as it entered your nostrils. Coffee now always reminds you of him, and it just made your arms around him tighten, making you want to snuggle into his chest, feel the wool of his sweater warming your face.
But if you were honest, you had also begun craving the coffee in his hands, making you perk up on your toes to get a look of it. At the sight of the nearly pitch-black liquid, you huffed, making a smooth, rich laugh form at Crosshair’s chest.
“You’re a no-cream-no-sugar monster,” you bantered.
“And you’re a bit of an all-cream-and-sugar goblin yourself,” he sneered playfully, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Meanwhile, my coffee’s as dark as my soul.”
“Your evil act never convinced me, my love,” you told him. “A man with a dark soul wouldn’t be wearing the cozy sweater his girlfriend gifted him.”
“Of course he would,” Crosshair bared his teeth, his banter evident in the way his eyes gleamed at you.
You leaned your chin on his chest, looking up at him and fluttering your eyelashes.
“What?” He asked you, knowing the eyelash trick was code for I want something.
“Can I have a sip?” You asked him, eyeing his coffee cup.
Crosshair sighed and he snaked out of your grip, taking one step back to look at you. His deep brown eyes looked you up and down as a devious little smile found its way to his lips, and he brought a hand to the top of your head, grinning at you.
“Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea, sweetheart,” he teased you. “You’re so short, drinking as much caffeine as this will make you go a bit crazy. You won’t be able to sleep.”
You pouted at him. “Jerk.”
“Your jerk.” He set the coffee cup on the little table beside the door and swiftly pulled you towards him, swaying both of your bodies gently to the tune of the rain as another round of thunder engulfed the forest.
You looked each other in the eyes, both smiling softly at each other as you felt the warmth radiate between you.
“Welcome home, sweetheart,” he said softly, bending over to kiss your forehead again.
You caught him before he pulled away, his hand, half-covered by the sleeve of your sweater, brushing tenderly along his cheek as your eyes gazed into his with the same utter sweetness that had made him fall in love with you one day. Your eyes fell on his lips, those thin, soft, warm lips you’d always find solace in.
Crosshair’s hand then went up to your cheek as well, and he pulled you up to finally grant you the kiss on the lips you’d been yearning for. Your weight collapsed onto his arms, letting him be the only one keeping you standing.
You felt him smile proudly into the kiss, smug at the effect he had on you.
Gently, you smacked his back, letting him know not to get cocky with you. Crosshair only chuckled in response; you knew from day one being with him meant being with his cocky bastard side as well, but you wouldn’t trade that for anything.
You hugged him again, your head resting on his chest, making you able to hear his heartbeat, the sound lulling you into peace.
You were finally home.
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Taglist: @zoeykallus @sageislostinspring @misogirl828 @dangerousstrawberrypie @salaminus @ladykatakuri @whore4rex @morganlefaye13
{Next chapter >}
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perpetuallyaiming · 3 years
Soft Sniper Sunday! Crosshair is my absolute favorite Batch member and I am here to let the entire world know. But first, here’s some soft headcanons:
As they grew up, Cross was the closest with Wrecker, because Wrecker doesn’t judge him for any decisions he makes
Cross gets in a fight with Hunter? Wrecker is there to console him and coax them into making up. The big guy isn’t very eloquent but having him there makes Crosshair feel much better
Remember that scene where Wrecker pulls Cross in, in their barracks? Ohhh Crosshair will always visibly scowl, but both of them knows he is happy that his brother loves him so much
Cross finds himself trusting Wrecker the most, especially on-field. If anyone’s got his back, it’s Wrecker. Hence him calling for the latter’s knife in that Tarkin test.
Crosshair is super detailed, visible from his meticulous maintenance of his gear, and so he actually pays attention to the little things that might support his brothers, like an earplug stash for Hunter in their barracks and Marauder, charging Tech’s holopads when he falls asleep and forgets so that he’ll wake up to a full and useable device
And change my mind, he has commissioned copies of Wrecker’s Lula and replaced them overtime as they got misplaced or broken
He tucks Wrecker in !!
He hates showing it and would rather get shot than to be discovered, but he gets super soft for his brothers when they are vulnerable
One time, Hunter got super sick during the winters, high fever, runny and stuffed nose, chills, sore throat, the whole package, and boy he got delusional
Crosshair brews herbal tea and whips up porridge and spoon feeds him, staying near Hunter the entire time during his sickest hours
He will angry cat hiss at Tech if he ever dares mentions it to the sick man
His brothers all know he does this when they’re sick though, which is why they love him even more
When it’s his turn to get sick, Wrecker let’s Cross cuddle with Lula and they all take care of him. Tech preps the meds, Hunter makes chicken soup, and Wrecker stations himself right next to Cross on the ground just in case he ever needs anything
My heart—maybe now I need to write self indulgent sick!Bad Batch fics
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a-lil-perspective · 2 years
Hc that Crosshair sometimes sleeps with a sleep mask on because his eyes are kinda sensitive.
Especially when the adike spend the night and insist on leaving the nightlight on.🙄😂❤️
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eternalmoonlight18 · 2 months
Please Please Please (Don't Prove 'Em Right) Chapter 2
Trafaglar Law x afab Female!Reader
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
You are the Heart Pirates' beloved cook and sniper. However, you were also an insufferable troublemaker who always seemed to get on Law's nerves. He swears he's going to get rid of you one day, but as much as he hates it, why does he find you fascinating? Was it because you reminded him of someone he was greatly fond of?
As your relationship with Law grows, he only hopes you don't fucking embarrass him. After all, he has an image to uphold as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.
This story starts off as short stories between (Y/N), Law and the Heart Pirates, then picks up into the One Piece canon timeline, starting from Punk Hazard. This is a slow-burn Law x Female Reader story!
Updates every Sunday!
Cross-posted in Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57651295/chapters/146705491
Chapter 2: Soba, Warrior of the Sea
Chapter summary: Attempting to find blackmail material against your captain, you took a volume of Law's favourite comic series. The only problem is you misplaced it an hour later, and if you didn't find it, the captain was going to cut you up and throw you to the bottom of the sea.
Notes: Thank you for the love! I'm so glad y'all are loving this like I am! I'll make a taglist if more people are interested. And no, the title is not a typo and you'll find out why soon ;)
wc: 4k (hefty chapter this week!)
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The Polar Tang smelt like fried eggs.
It was 7 am and Hearts Pirates were just waking up. It was a brand new day, and the crew were looking forward to seeing if they could dock on a new island. 
Ikakku made her way into the kitchen first, and she saw you cooking breakfast for the crew. You had your white jumpsuit unzipped with the sleeves tied around your waist. Your white tank top was stained with grease and was clinging to your skin due to sweat. 
She sat down facing your direction and rested her elbows on the table, with her cheek leaning on her palm. "Morning (Y/n)!" she greeted you.
You turn your head to see that Ikkaku has arrived. "Morning Ikkaku! Sorry I didn't wake you up, I knew that you wanted to help me today but you looked so peaceful sleeping," you said. 
Your crew-mate waved her hand dismissing the apology. "Don't even worry about it. I know you love being in the kitchen by yourself." She glanced at your exposed body. "Shouldn't you change and put your suit back on?" she commented.
You made an annoyed click with your mouth. "You know how annoying these jumpsuits are. I don't know why he insists that we can all do our jobs while wearing a white garbage bag as clothes. I don't care if he sees me like this and gets mad, I can't cook with this shit on." you complained. 
The girl behind you giggled, "Get mad? It's more like ogle your almost half-naked body. You know the captain has somewhat of a soft spot for you."
You scoffed. "Captain? We're talking about the guy who sliced me when he found that I put flour and bread in his rice balls?" 
"If anyone else did that, they would get thrown out of this sub." Ikkaku defended.
"Oh please. You know the captain is an emotionally constipated man who doesn't take a second glance at anyone."
"You'd be surprised our dear cook. I've seen Captain stare at you last month." Shachi interrupted as he walked into the kitchen with Penguin. 
"Shachi, that was because he was going to decapitate (Y/n) for smacking a loaf of bread on his head," Penguin corrected him.
"Oh..." he muttered.
You threw your head back in laughter as you remembered how you accidentally smacked the captain with a bagged loaf of bread because he was somehow caught in between the crossfire of you and Shachi arguing about stolen food portions. That day was the first time your head was separated from your body. 
The three crew-mates sitting at the dining table noticed how your cheeks flushed a light pink. They all grinned maniacally. 
"Were you thinking of the captain?" Penguin singsonged. 
You rolled your eyes as you placed a batch of fried eggs on a plate. "You know I don't have feelings for the captain like that."
"Aww, that's not true," Ikkaku whined. 
You continued to batter up a batch of pancakes and poured it into the hot pan in front of you. "Well, I can't lie the captain is good-looking. But I don't just fall in love with someone based on looks you guys, I would want to get to know the person before I would think about committing to a relationship," you explained as you flipped the pancake.
Shachi suddenly straightened his back in a sudden realization. "So you do admit that you find our awesome captain handsome! Why don't you try getting closer to him?" he asked.
You grabbed the plate of eggs from the counter and walked up towards your hungry crew-mates to place it on the table.
"I think the captain would rather eat bread than to get to know me. Besides, I know that he finds me insufferable, but that's because he doesn't know how to have fun. Now, who wants my special fried eggs?" 
It was 10 am, and you just finished cleaning the kitchen and making the crew's lunch. You proudly put your hands on your hips as you scanned the area. You were a proud cook and proud of what you did. Your heart swelled in appreciation that you could use your talents and that your talents were well appreciated within the crew.
Unlike your 3 shitty brothers who always just shoved food down their throats without care. But that wasn't important.
You glanced at Bepo, the captain's favourite crew-mate (your assumption), finishing wiping the dishes clean. The Mink was always around the captain, so often that you swore that they were probably shower buddies. A mental image of Law and Bepo bathing together popped into your head. You stiffened a laugh. 
"(Y/n)-san, Captain wanted to request grilled fish and rice for dinner," Bepo said, interrupting your daydream.
You exhaustedly sighed. "Again? This is the third time we had that this week, I swear that my breath permanently smells like fish now."
The Mink turned around to you and lowered his head. "Sorry..."
You gave a halfhearted smile to your crew-mate. "Never mind that I can never get mad at you Bepo, you're one of the few people who help me around the kitchen. Tell the captain that if he wants his favourite dish he needs to come up and ask me personally instead of using you as a communicator."
Bepo profusely nodded. "I'll tell him right away."
As Bepo was going to leave, you stopped him. "Wait," you called up to him. The Bear stopped in his tracks. 
You put your hand on your chin and started to think. "I don't want to make that fucking grilled fish and rice dish again. What if I know something about the captain and I can use it to hold against him? That way I can never make those dishes ever again." 
Once your idea formed in your head you started to grin evilly and rubbed your hands together like a madman.
Bepo, seeing this unfold in front of him, started to get nervous. "Uh, (Y/n)-san? What are you doing? Why did you stop me?" he asked. 
You whipped your head up to face Bepo and walked up in front of him. Putting your hand on the side of your mouth like you were telling a secret, you started to ask, "You're pretty close to the captain right?"
Bepo flinched. "Uhm, yes?"
"And you know a lot about him right? Like his deepest and darkest secrets?"
"Well, I guess so?"
"So, if you tell me something about him, something that he doesn't want anyone to know, you'd tell me in exchange for, let's say, my special sushi recipe?"
Bepo started sweating and you smirked. You knew the Mink bear loved your special sushi recipe, and you knew he could not resist.
"(Y/n)-san... I can't betray the captain like that." he said. The poor bear sounded like he was trying to convince himself not to give in to your temptation.
"Oh? Well, that's too bad, I was going to also make Soba for tonight too, what a shame," you said with fake sadness.
Bepo started to whimper. If there was one thing he didn't play about, it was Soba.
The Mink started to whip his head left and right to see if anyone was listening in to the conversation. Then he leaned down to your level.
"Oh alright, but PLEASE don't tell the captain about this!" he harshly whispered.
You grinned as you crossed your heart. "The information is safe with me."
Bepo hesitated, then he quickly confessed, "The captain is a huge fan of the comic series Sora, Warrior of the Sea! He has a huge collection hidden in his library of books."
You leaned back in surprise, with your smile widening into a perplexed grin. "Our feared captain is a NERD?!"
Bepo frantically waved his paws at you. "(Y/n)-san! Please you're being too loud!" he begged.
You burst out laughing, bending frontwards while your hands were clutching your stomach. Oh, the information that you just obtained was your One Piece! You never expect your stoic and boring captain to be a huge fan of a children's comic series. And he collected the comics too? This was just what you needed to blackmail Law.
You quickly collected yourself from laughing too hard. "Good doing business with you Bepo, you can expect a very good dinner tonight." You said. You winked at him and hurriedly walked out of the kitchen.
"Oh man, what did I do..." he mumbled. 
Meanwhile, you were scouring around the Polar Tang to find Law's collection of books. While walking in the corridors of the submarine, you encountered Jean Bart.
"Hey, Jean! Where are you heading to?" you asked the big man.
Jean rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey (Y/n)! I'm heading to the infirmary for my annual checkup with the captain."
The statement gave you a green light. You were going to head to the captain's room to get your hands on those comics no matter what. It may be a big risk but if it means that you wouldn't have to grill fish ever again, so be it.
"Good to know! I'm just heading back to my room, I've been doing a lot of cooking today." You said it as an alibi. 
You started to walk past the man. Jean's head followed your direction. He looked confused. "But your shared room is the opposite way...?" he said, watching your form walk further away. 
You didn't hear the man. You were hyper-focused on sneaking into the captain's room while he was busy with medical examinations.
Eventually, you came across a double door. There was a sign on the left door that read Trafalgar Law. This must be it.
You slowly grabbed the handle of the right door and twisted it. Pushing the door open you slowly walked into the captain's quarters. It was clean and neat as you expected it to be. The captain was a clean freak, the complete opposite of what you dealt with in the kitchen. On the right of the room was a queen bed, with a nightstand on its left side. There was a decent-sized desk perpendicular to the doors which were filled with scattered papers. To the right of the desk was a tall bookshelf filled with all kinds of books.
You stepped into the room and closed the door quietly behind your back. You hurriedly walked to the bookshelf and started scanning through from top to bottom.
"Archives of Medical Plants... Grand List of Diseases... Mink Autonomy... North Blue Medical Association, dang nothing but medical books," you muttered as you looked through the bookshelf.
Unable to find anything on the bookshelf, you looked around the desk. You opened the drawers hoping to find some comics but found your bounty poster instead.
"Weird, why does he have my poster in there? It doesn't look like he has the rest of the crew's posters." you thought.
You put your hands on your hips and huffed in frustration. "If I were Trafalgar Law, where would I put my precious comic books?" you thought again. 
Your eyes soon landed on the nightstand, and a lightbulb went off on your head. 
You hurriedly scampered to the nightstand. You immediately opened the bottom drawer and found your One Piece.
In the drawer were 12 volumes of Sora, Warrior of the Sea. You carefully picked up the first volume. It was in pristine condition. You noticed it was covered with a plastic sleeve and you chuckled.
"Oh captain I never thought you would be a nerd. This is so good," you said giddily. 
You quickly took the first volume and placed it under your tank top at your back. Then you quickly put on the sleeves of your jumpsuit and zipped it up. You promptly got up and then quickly left the bedroom, quietly closing the door behind your back. You sighed in relief and took in a deep breath until someone spoke up on your left, "Why were you in the captain's room?"
"GAHHHH!!" you screamed. You whipped your head to your left, only to see Penguin leaning up against the wall with a grin.
"Is captain also in there too?" he inquired.
You grabbed onto the man's collar and pushed him against the wall. "Are you crazy? Don't scare me like that! And no, the captain is in the infirmary right now with Jean!" you whispered harshly.
Penguin raised his hands in defeat. "All right all right. But what were you doing in there?"
You released him and took a step back. "Well since you're here, I found the captain's deepest darkest secret," you said grinning. 
He gasped and put his hands on his mouth. "You found out about Corazon?!"
You tilted your head to the left. "Cora-who?"
Penguin laughed nervously. "Oh, that, uh never mind."
You huffed, dismissing what the man just said. "I found out that captain is a huge nerd! I have his copy of Sora, Warrior of the Sea hidden on me right now." you snickered.
Penguin looked like he was going to faint. Then you saw him morph into the angriest you had ever seen him, "WHY WOULD YOU TAKE THAT?!" he screamed. 
You flinched and his sudden outburst. "Whoa now, it's just blackmail material."
"The captain does not play about touching his comic books!"
You squinted. "Wait...you knew about this?"
The man made a raspberry noise "Of course I did. Bepo, Shachi and I grew up with the captain."
"Ah, that makes sense."
Now Penguin squinted. "Wait a minute, who told you about Captain's collection?"
You nervously laughed. "Ah, Bepo told me."
He groaned. "That fucking bear can't keep his mouth shut," he mumbled.
You dismissively waved your hand. "Never mind him. I bribed him. Now, I know you want to take a peak of this comic with me, don't you Penguin?" you asked. 
He scratched the back of his neck. "Well, it won't hurt just to read a bit."
"Great!" you said as you clapped your hands. "Let's head to the kitchen to read!"
It was now 4 pm and you just finished preparing dinner. You and Penguin delightfully indulged in the first volume of Sora, Warrior of the Sea. As much as you wanted to continue making fun of the captain for liking a kid's comic series, you found yourself enjoying it as well. But, you reminded yourself that the reason why you took the comic book was to blackmail your captain into never suggesting rice and grilled fish ever again. So you placed it in your shared room with Ikkaku. 
You cleaned up the remaining dishes and placed them next to the sink. You made your special sushi and Soba, as per Bepo's request. You hurriedly walked out of the kitchen to go to your room, eager to read the rest of the comic before using it for blackmail.
However, when you entered your shared room and checked your bed, where you hid the book under your covers, you couldn't find it. You started to panic and started throwing your stuff around to find it. You knew Ikkaku wouldn't have taken it, she was in the boiler room all day so she wouldn't have entered the room at all. 
"Fuck! It was just here! Where did it go?!" you spluttered. 
You started to check your desk until you heard a knock on the door. 
"One moment!" you called out.
The knock came in again, but this time someone spoke. "It's me (Y/n)-ya. Can I speak to you?" 
Your blood ran cold. This was the worst timing ever, and now you were going to die today because of it. 
You sped walked to the door and opened it and saw your captain standing at the door. He was wearing his usual black coat, but this time he wasn't donning his signature hat.
You laughed out of nervousness. "H-hey captain! How can I help you?" you asked.
The raven-haired man raised his eyebrows as he noticed your nervousness. "Is something the matter (Y/n)-ya? Are you unwell?" he inquisitively asked. 
You waved your hand. "Nooo, I'm all okay captain. Why did you come to see me?" you said trying to change the subject.
Law wasn't convinced by your statement but continued anyway. "Bepo told me to come to you directly for food suggestions." He was struggling to meet your eyes. "Well, you told him to tell you and you're right. I should be approaching you personally for things that I request. It isn't fair to dismiss you when you're one of our important crew members." he continued. It seemed like he was trying to apologize. However, that was the least of your worries because you had a lost comic book to find and if you didn't find it soon you were good as dead.
You let out a forced laugh. "Oh it's nothing, captain, no problem, I'll make your fish and rice tonight, let me just head to the kitchen to make it right now!"
You attempted to walk past the doctor but he gently pushed you back in the room and entered with you. He promptly closed the door behind him and took a step towards you, leaning close to your face.
"(Y/n)-ya, you're hiding something aren't you?" he said, staring into you with a strange gleam in his eyes. 
The air suddenly felt hot and you started sweating profusely. You looked off to the side and pursued your lips together. "I don't know what you're talking about captain."
The man's face fell into a frown. "You're a terrible liar (Y/n)-ya. You can't keep a straight face."
Your face turned red in embarrassment. Then suddenly, Law used his Devil Fruit powers to materialize the comic book into his hands. You felt like you were going to pass out.
"Oh, so you have no idea how this ended up in your room?" he said mockingly.
"H-how did you, I-i-" you stuttered in shock. Then you suddenly remember again why you took it in the first place. 
"HA! I took it because I found out that you're a huge nerd! You're a huge fan of Soba, Warrior of the Sea! I will tell everyone in this submarine that you like children's comics if you continue to ask me to make your wretched rice and grilled fish again!" you said proudly. You put your hands on your hips and glared at Law, thinking that the blackmail worked.
There was a pregnant pause. But then Law did unspeakable. For the first time, he burst out laughing. 
The captain was genuinely laughing. A smile adorned his face, with his eyes crinkling up in a crescent shape. This was a big shock to you because you were never met with laughter when it came to Law, only scowls, yelling and threats of violence.
But for some reason, your heart gently fluttered at the sight. To see the captain in such a new light was... interesting to say the least. 
The captain collected his breath and then started to talk. "First of all, who's Soba?"
"Tonight's dinner menu," you answered with no hesitation.
The man sighed, "No, you said Soba the Great Warrior of the Sea, but it's Sora." he corrected you. 
"Oh fuck." you thought. "My hungry ass was thinking thinking about soba."
"Second of all," the doctor continued, "why do you have my book?"
You were pissed off. Did he not realize that you just tried to blackmail him? "Captain, you do realize that I was trying to blackmail you right?"
Law smirked. "Is that so? Well, it's not blackmail if everyone here knows about it," he said.
You swear your brain stopped working. This whole time your plan failed because everyone but you knew that the captain was into superhero comics. You were about to feed the crew shitty food for the entire week.
Noticing that you weren't responding, the man continued to speak. "Also, Penguin told me that you enjoyed reading through it."
You gritted your teeth. "That fucking snitch, I can never tell him anything!" you muttered.
Law chuckled. "Don't worry, I blackmailed him into telling me what happened. I felt that something happening on my submarine."
So everyone's blackmail worked but yours huh? It's like the gods wanted to see you fail.
Law suddenly put down the comic book and dropped it on your bed. Then the doctor suddenly put his tattooed hand behind your neck and pulled you forward so that his mouth was next to your left ear. His cheek was leaning up against yours and you felt yourself blush and heat up from the contact.
"Why are you so adamant on pushing my buttons (Y/n)-ya?" he whispered in your ear.
You felt his goatee scrape against the bottom side of your cheek and you felt your cheeks heat up even more.
"I-I was just-" you stuttered.
"Do you want to get thoroughly punished? It's like you're asking me to punish you." he interrupted. You felt his hot breath in your ear and you swore that you were going to pass out then and there.
The doctor let go of your neck to place both hands on your shoulders and took a look at you. You couldn't tell if he was angry or not. His eyes showed a different look that you were unfamiliar with. It was like he wanted to devour you and throw you out at the same time. The man started shaking from anger for a brief moment, then he stopped and sighed in defeat.
"Your punishment is to read all 12 volumes of Sora with me," he said, finally breaking the silence.
You blankly stared at your captain. You expected that you were going to be kicked out of the crew. But a comic book club with the captain? that was new. "You want me to what?"
"I'm not repeating myself (Y/n)-ya. Since you wanted my books so bad, you will read it with me and talk about it with me," he ordered.
You started to smile out of confusion. "Hey...you just want to talk about Sora with someone don't you?" you questioned him in a teasing tone. 
Law started to scowl as his ears started to turn red. "This isn't about me, I am punishing you for your ridiculous behaviour again," he growled. 
You shook your head and laughed. You brushed off the man's hands on your shoulders and started to walk out of the room. "You're so cute, captain. Fine, for once I agree to do your punishment only because I think it's interesting. Come on now, dinner is going to start soon and I still have to make your disgusting rice and grilled fish meal."
"I AM NOT CUTE!" you heard the tattooed doctor shout behind your back. You didn't see it but his ears turned even more red because of your compliment. Nonetheless, the man started to follow you out of the room. 
But as soon as you opened the door, you were greeted by Ikkaku standing right in front of you. Her eyes were popping out of her head as she saw both you and the captain in the room. She started giggling, as she put both of her hands on her mouth. "Oh my god."
You rolled your eyes and the captain walked passed you your fellow female crew-mate. "I was just questioning (Y/n)-ya, nothing to get worked up over with." he coolly said as he walked down the hall of the submarine.
"Girl, what happened in there?" she asked giddily.
You side-eyed the girl as you started to walk past her as well. “I tried blackmailing the captain but it didn't work.”
Ikkaku frowned and started to follow you. "Come on, what really happened?" she questioned. But you ignored her words as you started to journey into the kitchen. 
You giggled as you walked down the hall. For some reason, Shachi's words replayed in your head.
"Why don't you try getting closer to him?"
A small started to form on your lips. It didn't seem like a bad idea at all.
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itsjml · 3 years
I love him.
I miss him.
I cry. 🥲❤️
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limetimo · 2 years
Bitchy Regulus Fic Rec
fics with "little bitch regulus where he's still a likeable character” vibes in no particular order
when you were mine by battlehamster - Regulus is literally on house arrest in James' house and he bullies James around he's so mean
Trials and Tribulations by lemon_drps Regulus is under a lot of pressure, gay and high and also a pretty shit person. I love him your honour
The Blood In Your Mouth by moonysmirrorball - not sure if this fits the vibes but it's homoerotic detective James x assassin for hire Regulus adn he’s def a mean one
Best Friend’s Brother by zeppazariel Reggie is a loveable mean BITCH in this one, also Jegulus and Wolfstar (ALSO IT’S ON GOODREADS???)
Open Season by avidita It’s 2023 and Regulus is not having it.
https://leogichidaa.tumblr.com/post/676082425074515968/psychoanalysis-sunday PSYCHOANALYS SUNDAY It’s a defense mechanism your honour
Drugs and surgical scrubs by anauro he's mostly just understandably annoyed in this one but it's really good so I'll just throw it here too.
The Horcrux Hunt by Keysie - Regulus & Remus banterrr
l'éphémère (the ephemeral) by anouri he literally got hit with a bike and had his dreams on being a professional ballet dancer shatter, he’s entitled to having a bad time. James is gonna kiss it better 
just lovers (like we were supposed to be) by zeppazariel he got outed as gay to his parents by veritaserum and his crush wants to fake-date him... I just realised he’s not actually bitchy in this one at all... but he literally banishes other Slytherins to the lake like a mean bamf so I say it still makes the list :D
Prove It by fuckboyregulus I think applies too but like, really soft-core
Teenagers Scare The Living Sh*t Out Of Me by LimeOfMagicLimo  ‘spiteful spitful little gremlin’ somebody called him I think
snipers solve 99% of all problems by silentwalrus is not a Regulus fic but holkahkfhl THE RABID ENERGY of the Fullmetal Alchemist team fucking around and finding out had me in stitches
Feel free to add more if anything comes to mind ♥
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superiorsniper · 2 years
Happy Sniper Sunday because you’re not soft. I got you baby.
I am also not a baby
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