#forced awkward friendship my beloved
backpackingspace · 1 year
I think given enough time zeller would have (extremely reluctantly ) come to like will.
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ranting about the fandom ( TW: opinions)
- remus is so badly mischaracterized, the shift from him being a soft sensitive kid despite the violent nature of his condition was so so important but now he is turned into this mean angry alpha male. i feel like the point of him being so sensitive was to contrast w him being a werewolf ya know. bring back weird and awkward remus
- gay ships that are just there because they’re gay is pretty strange. i’m speaking of the whole jegulus/pandalily/whatever new thing ppl come up with i don’t really understand the point of just thinking that making a couple gay makes them more interesting. seems a little counterproductive .
-jily loosing its popularity is killing me. bring back my 7 year slow burn prophecy beautiful love story they are the most important ship
-sirius being a feminine dramatic gay twink. this man was a motorcycle owning rebel strong guy. and believe it or not he CAN be gay and still be that. him being gay ( in our head canons) doesn’t mean he’s a woman
- turning gay ships into basically a straight relationship by making them so stereotypical ( wolfstar w feminine af sirius and strong man remus)
- shipping character that died and fought against a certain ideology and people that were actively apart of the problem is kinda crazy. like jegulily? my brother in christ regulus wanted her dead.
-fanon regulus. he was a strong willed DEATH EATER he wasn’t forced into it or abused by his family. it.is.stated.in.the.book.
-deatheaters are interesting characters BUT don’t tell me people are babying and glorifying them in a effort to explore their complexity.
-some of you are blinded by the fancasts and forgot all about what the characters are.
- the new fan casts are meeeh. they’re not all supposed to be supermodels…
- jegulus taking over the fandom is insane.
-andromeda should be getting the regulus treatement she is what you made regulus into.
-frank and alice should be more loved.
- the romantization of that whole pureblood supremacist squad is NOT cute.
-james potter my beloved.
- i don’t really like the idea of the casanova being remus. i feel like it would james or sirius based on how remus talked about his high school years
- jily is way too important to the universe to be discredited.
-lily evans being put behind regulus is CRAZY. my girl did not die for this bs
-sirius being criticized for leaving is wild. regulus was not abused and didn’t even want to leave. sirius was mistreated.
- i kind of like the idea of the developed character of walburga. sirius said she wasn’t a deatheater. and i like people writing her as a more complex character.
- as much as i love wolfstar, james and sirius’s relationship stays the central point of the gang.
-ships have taken way too much importance over the friendships of the group.
-i feel like a people make female characters into lesbians ( like lily ) just because they are strong characters and it’s weird.
- yes once she got married to james she was lily POTTER and she was a mother just like james was FATHER they’re is nothing wrong with that.
- jegulus/ any ship between a member of the order and a deatheater is just plain stupid sorry but if your head canons goes completely against the core of a character it’s just a wrong statement.
before you start “LEt pEoPle dO whAT thEy WaNt” these are MY opinions
please share yours i love to debate
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shakirawastaken · 2 years
dsmp if....they fell in love with you at first sight
lowkey this sucks im so sorry but number 6 has been written  dream:
- this happened before he face revealed - so he went out to the grocery store or smth with a mask and sunglasses so if anyone recognized him they wouldn't like see what he looked like - pulled a ranboo fr - anyway he entered the cat food aisle looking for the best cat food for patches our beloved - and was so enthralled in the cat food that he didn't hear you walk by with your cart trying to get past the aisle - "excuse me sir can u please move???" "*is looking at cat food*" "sir?" "OH IM SO SORRY" - moves immediately but not before he makes eye contact with you through the glasses - his eyes widen comically, he thinks ur gorgeous - takes advantage of that fact that you cant see his eyes and continue to admire your face as you laugh and wave ur wrist in the air, swatting away the awkward interaction just like that - you walk away and he forces his mind to go back to the cat food - but god ur imprinted in his brain and he knows he cant just let you leave - so he grabs whatever cat food he sees and runs around the store looking for you - sees you leaving and went "NOPE" - in his head - RUNS to you but slows down before he gets to you so u don't fucking murder him - "hey uh" "oh hi!" "i thought you were really cute...and i couldn't just let u leave the store without tryna get ur number" "oh :) thanks! but idk what u look like.." "right" - whips that shit off in the middle of walmart mask off challenge succeed - ur face: :O - "yeah u can have my number" "LETS GO" - speedran that shit basically
sapnap: - met u in highschool me thinks - in the peak of his i play minecraft everyday era - just showed up at school to be there yk - and you were there but never really interacted with him - until one day you had to sit next to him in english class - life OVER for him tbh he made eye contact with you and nodded like an idiot as you introduced yourself - “wow ur pretty im nick” *facepalmed internally*  - youre like aw - u become friends - seating chart friendships and romances >>> - now he actually has a reson to go to school events like hoco and prom and stuff - “sorry dream ive got to to go homecoming” “motherfucker with who?” - you ask him to hoco as friends cause yk he hasnt been out much and he gratefully accepts - awkward dancing in the back - as the year progresses the two of you keep in contact even as you got moved apart in the class you sat next to - you met dream and george that was nice - prom came around and he new brother knew he had to do SOMETHING - so he made a prom posal that was like “will you be MINE(craft) at prom” or something like that  - and u were like “finally” - fast forward some years and ur doing whatever u want and hes doing what hes doing now - he never formally asked you out but its implied youve been dating for years - this one sucked mb
george: - god the british  - hate them/j - youre not british in this story okay  - and if ur british irl,,,im sorry for ur ailment/j - ANYWAY - youre a tourist ur visiting the good old u of k - ur in london obv - and george never leaves his flat there - except to get groceries - so he walks to the nearest grocery store bc he literally cant drive - and bumps into you its the classic omg so sorry i bumped into you romance - except he thought that was awkward and kinda went “sorry” looked down at the ground and sprinted forward - you were like “the british are.....odd”  - george then realized that was worse and turned around to apologize to you - and then fell in love with you - u were taking a picture on ur camera of just like the scenery of london - and we like “omg theyre cute and they appreciate the little things” - gets on discord and texts sapnap “im in love” and then sapnap goes “me too with ur mom” - logs off discord now - walks up to you sheepishly and was like “haha sorry for doing that it was a dare by my friend” and u were like “its ok:)” ad then hes like “yk what isnt a dare” and u were like “hmm what” and he was like “me asking for your number cause ur so cute” - and u were malfunctioning cause u didnt expect cute british man to ask you on a date while u were in the u of k - but u said yes and then he realized ur accent and was like “ar eyou not british” and u were like “no.” and he was like “thats okay! im skilled with long distance relationships ;)”  - unknowingly flirts with you  - you skull emojied and then joined him on his trip to the grocery store IDK this one was bad im sorry 
karl: - YOURE IN A MR BEAST CHALLENGE - oh oh OH the amount of things in my brain running through - anyway u were a subscriber of Mr jimmy beast so he was like "come be in a video" - its one of those last to leave the circle loses - each cast member is paired with a participant and whoever wins gets 50,000 and the cast member gets like 10,000 or smtn - and jimmy had them all pick a name out of a hat to make it simple - and karl didn't pick u - nolan did - but when they walked out to meet the participants and karl made eye contact with you for a split second - god he fell right there - couldn't help but imagine what loving you would be like - knew he wanted to experience that - but he couldn't do that if he wasn't even paired with you - so he BEGS nolan to switch - "dude please cmon" "what do i get out of it??" "if i win ill give you the money" "oh shit ok" - now he's paired with you HE MASTERMINDED THAT SHIT LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT - anyway you were like "shit he's cute ill win now" - ur dynamic is amazing jimmy loves it for the video - the whole time u both are playfully flirting and just being yourselves around each other its amazing - he tries to cheat to help you LOL but gets caught with a sheepish smile on his face - that's when u fall i swtg - anyway - the filming for the video goes for like 2 and a half days so you spend a lotttt of time with karl dearest - you lose in the end tho bc in ur sleep u accidentally kicked ur foot outside the circle - you're a bit defeated - after thanking u all jimmy sends you off - and u smile and thank him and karl and head off - but then you hear a "PIT PAT PIT PAT" of feet slapping concrete behind you - "wait can i have ur number? :)" "i thought you wouldn't ask :)" and u give him ur number number for number - jimmy mischievously smiles in the background before returning to his beast lair
quackity: - LAW SCHOOL LAW SCHOOL LAW SCHOOL YOU MET THERE STOP STOP STOP - stop college romances kill me for real - guys - k I'm good - met at orientation i feel - or not met - he laid eyes on you from across the room and he was like oh shoot this place is better than i thought it would be - LOL - runs across the whole room to snag the seat next to you - "hey I'm alex, whats your name?" "oh I'm y/n!" - bro squealed inside - "i like ur name!" "thanks :) urs is nice too" - u both talked for the rest of the welcome ceremony thing - compared schedules and had...nothing together for the first semester - thATS OK you still exchanged numbers - and you kept talking and hanging out even if u didn't have class - but as friends. - AAAAAAAAAAAAA you fell for him somewhere in the middle but both of you were like - we need to finish law school first in your heads - so u both skated on the line between romance and friends - like the song boyfriend by ariana grande - but when the end of law school was in sight? quackity didn’t waste a single second - BAM got ur number BAM took u on a date BAM yk 
wilbur: - fell in love with you at first sight except you didnt see him he just saw you - here’s the thing right hes the biggest hamilton fan - so when he went to see hamilton with tommy and all them - YOU WERE THERE you were in the cast you played angelica/eliza/peggy literally one of the three female main characters - ANYWAY you were screaming the lyrics to one of the songs and wilbur kinda just went “woah” - didnt see anyone else on the stage but you when you walked out  - tommy was like “did u see the bullet wil” and he wa slike “no” - forced tommy to stage door after the show - prayed to all the theater gods that you came outside  - when you did? game over for him - he stood there stawstruck awstruck jawstruck  - aND the same happened for you!!! bc u knew who he was ofc - u had a lovejoy poster in ur dressing room duh - so by the time you came round to him and tommy you were like “heheheh” and giggling “hi omg im a big fan of your music and stuff :)” and he was like “mIne?”  - his voice cracked - you giggled and you both took pictures with each other on your phones - then u invited him backstage  - and he wa slike LHJSKHFSDFKGHJERT - LEFT TOMMY AT STAGE DOOR - you showed him around including on stage - and this went on for a while hed just show up a stage door and youd let him in - one day you were both on the stage and he started humming helpless and you both started dancing - and then he was like “i rlly am helpless for you, id like to try and make this something more if ur up for it” - and you were like WOOOOOO yk 
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shima-draws · 2 years
SO I just finished binging all of Romantic Killer bc it came up in my recommended. And oh my god I loved it so much;;
There’s definitely mixed reviews about it WHICH IS FAIR bc the premise is about a girl named Anzu who isn’t interested in romantic relationships but she then gets pushed into typical dating sim situations with Really Cute Boys in an effort to like. Force her into a relationship. And obv this kinda comes off as arophobic. But the fact that she so stubbornly refuses to partake and tries so hard to veer away from those situations makes it so fucking funny, especially when she rejects the boys with faces like this
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And it turns out it’s really just a show about found family and overcoming trauma and developing healthy friendships with people and UGH. UGHHH it’s so good.
I actually adore Riri lmao they’re SUCH a little shit and I very much enjoy insanely chaotic characters like that. And we start off thinking okay wow this person’s kind of an asshole for forcing a girl to get a boyfriend by taking away her cat, her favorite hobby and her favorite snack, but then we find out OH, they’re just a cog in a corporate machine and they don’t really have much of a choice about it. And we slowly see Riri actually gain true affection for Anzu, and see how much they come to care about her as a person rather than just as a test subject, to the point of them actually breaking the rules of their contract just to make sure she’s safe. AND NOT JUST HER. They make sure the people she’s associated with are safe too, even if it risks them getting in Big Trouble with their boss. AND the fact that they canonically go by they/them pronouns but can ALSO transform into a boy or a girl depending on their preference, and they playfully flirt with Anzu in both forms?? It’s so good. Also thinking about the effort that Anzu goes through to make sure Riri gets to stick around;; like even tho she’d never admit it. She’s come to care for them too in some very strange way lol
And Junta;; the fact that Anzu is actually so concerned about him possibly being brainwashed into the position of childhood friend? Like she doesn’t immediately push him away or shut him down, she actually cares about him as a person and wants him to find happiness and wants to get him out of the situation she thinks he’s in. But then she finds out oh wait he actually IS a childhood friend. And he’s such a good boy. I love love LOVE how they handle the love triangle aspect in this, because obviously yes there’s a bit of jealousy, but not enough for things to get petty between him and Kazuki. They actually treat each other with respect and regard each other as friends and are kinda rooting for the other in their own way. Kind of “may the best man win” sort of thing. There’s no toxicity, there’s no classic “fighting over the female love interest” trope, they actually genuinely like each other after a bit of awkwardness enough to feel comfortable with living together and living with Anzu. They’re SO fucking sweet god dammit //shakes fists
(Honestly tho I really wish we got more episodes focused on Junta. Bc he really seemed like more of a background character and made the whole “love triangle” aspect not feel as prominent. Which is fine I guess?? But I felt so bad for him lmao)
And Kazuki 😭 My beloved. My poor sweet boy who deserves the world and everything in it. Just the build up. The subtle hints of his trauma that pop up every now and then. And when it all comes together you’re like oh!! Ohhh. THAT’S why he acts so aloof and cold all the time. THAT’S why he doesn’t like being the center of female attention. THAT’S why he gets distressed at things that, at first, seem so insignificant. THAT’S why he got attached to Anzu so quickly. And I love the way they handle his trauma, how they don’t make it seem any less important or alarming just because he’s a guy. And how Anzu’s there for him through everything 🤧 How she’s the person to pull him out of the darkness, how she stands up for him time and time again, how she just KNOWS when he’s uncomfortable and steps in to protect him. She ends up caring about him so much despite how they were set up to encounter initially. And he cares about her so much too. And I just 🥺 I care them
Also the fact how everyone came to help Kazuki when they found out what was going on. No judgement, no “you’re making this up”, no “isn’t this your fault to begin with?” They all just step in without even hesitating and support him through his trauma and immediately go “Okay we’ve got a problem so here’s our gameplan.” SEE. IT’S REALLY ABOUT THE FOUND FAMILY,
And one of my favorite things. Riri 🤝 Hijiri using their influence and power to protect both Anzu and Kazuki despite the risks to their reputation and social standing
OH AND I wanted to mention. I love that all of the classic romantic tropes i.e. something happening to your cute neighbor’s apartment so that they’re forced to live with you while it gets sorted out--those are generally really cheesy and make huge plot holes and don’t make ANY sense in the narrative. But that’s the thing about RK, they make it funny, yeah your cute boy neighbor’s apartment flooded bc we need him to come live with you. We did it with magic. Yes your childhood friend is living with you now bc we had a weirdo break into your apartment--with magic. So now he feels like he needs to stay with you and protect you. Yes you got hit by a car with a really rich boy inside and now he’s interested in you. We also did this with magic. Everything that would be regarded as a “coincidence” and is a badly written plot point just to push two characters together is actually explained through the hilarious concept of magic and I LOVE that it’s so fucking funny
Honestly this show is really up to interpretation too which I like a lot? Some people think hey yeah, maybe Anzu will end up with someone. Others say you know what the message here is that friendship is the most important thing and sometimes platonic relationships are better than romantic ones. The ending is pretty ambiguous so it could really go in any direction.
Anyway I have so much more to say but. Just watch Romantic Killer it’s really good thanks bye
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(Trigger warnings include sexual harassment/assault, stalking, panic attacks/PTSD, and attempted murder, so please take care while watching <3)
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makeitmingi · 1 year
✦ ATEEZ Masterlist ✦
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‎‧₊˚✧ OT8 ✧˚₊‧
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‎‧₊˚✧ Hongjoong ✧˚₊
➵ Just A Phone Call Away (Oneshot)
Your relationship didn't work out, the only thing it did was fill your friendship with awkwardness and regret. But when the other is in need of comforting, you still drop everything and run to each other. After all, you're both just a phone call away.
➵ Our Shared Melody (Oneshot)
Ever since you got together with Hongjoong and married him, he never hid you. Despite being an idol, he took pride in showing you off and showered you with love. But now, you're both taking the next big step in your relationship and of course, he wants ATINY to be a part of it too. 
➵ The Babysitter Club (Part 2 of Our Shared Melody)
When your work requires you to travel, Hongjoong insists that he is fine taking care of your daughter on his own, with the help of her chaotic uncles. You were hesitant at first, considering he has never really taken care of your daughter on his own before. But what's the worst that can happen... right? 
➵ When Flowers Bloom In The Dark (Series) [Ongoing]
When you appeared and wept at his mother's funeral, Hongjoong found himself wanting to find out more about you. A regular girl, who owns a flower shop in his territory and has a relationship with the mother that he hasn't spoken to in years, why hasn't he ever noticed you before?
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‎‧₊˚✧ Seonghwa ✧˚₊‧
➵ The Greatest Gift Of All (Oneshot)
When you just wanted a small intimate birthday celebration with all the boys, of course your boyfriend has a few tricks up his sleeve to make it more special. But what he doesn’t know is that he is the greatest gift you could have ever asked for. 
➵ Let Me In (Oneshot)
He's the second in command of the most powerful, feared coven. But he hides a secret, a human that made his dead heart feel love. For the rest of her life, he promises to protect her from harm, never wanting her to face the consequences of being his lover. Until one day, his hand is forced.
➵ The Moon’s Beloved Star (Series) [Coming Soon]
You and your boyfriend are complete opposites. It amazes people how the two of you are together. That's because no one else sees that under his cold demeanour, there's only one soft spot in his heart that's reserved for you. You're the only star that the moon protects. 
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‎‧₊˚✧ Yunho ✧˚₊‧
➵ And They Called It Puppy Love (Oneshot)
Despite your worries and concerns about your relationship, your golden retriever boyfriend Yunho never lets you stray too far. He's always right behind you, making sure he's always there for you with whatever you need. No, it's not just puppy love.
➵ The Cat and Dog Game (Series) [Completed]
Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and applied for the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
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‎‧₊˚✧ Yeosang ✧˚₊‧
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‎‧₊˚✧ San ✧˚₊‧
➵ Drunk In Love (Oneshot)
After a great night out with your best friends, San did not expect to have to deal with an intoxicated you. However, despite his best efforts to convince you, you were adament on not cheating on your sweet boyfriend waiting at home.. whose name was also ‘Choi San’?
➵ Be Your Solace (Oneshot)
Since your relationship was still relatively new, you were afraid of letting San meeting your family. You didn't want them to chase him away. But your boyfriend can't stand to see you stressed, anxious and exhausted from your family. So he tries to help you and be your solace. 
➵ Dream Come True (Oneshot)
Your daughter has 8 best friends, also known as ANITEEZ. But her bestest friend, the one she doesn't go anywhere without is Sandeoki. So, after finding out the segment plans for ATEEZ's upcoming fanmeet, you and San decided to bring her for a little surprise. 
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‎‧₊˚✧ Mingi ✧˚₊‧
➵ Cause Baby You’re My Muse (Series) [Completed]
You always preferred producing underground, having an unknown face and governed by your own rules. But when you start freelancing for idol groups, you say goodbye to your lone wolf lifestyle as you learn to work with idol producers and lyricists.
➵ Empty Promises (Oneshot)
Mingi has resigned to his fate that he brings misery and misfortune to those around him. So he isolates himself and lives his life, playing with the possibility of not waking up tomorrow. Until he meets a doctor that is determined to heal all his wounds. But all Mingi wants to do is spare her of his ill fate.
➵ Everything I Could Ever Wish For! (Oneshot)
It's Mingi's birthday! Even though Mingi acts indifferent about his birthday, you know he secretly loves it when you celebrate it. So with your son and the rest of Ateez, you plan the perfect birthday celebration to show Mingi just how much you appreciate and love him.
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‎‧₊˚✧ Wooyoung ✧˚₊‧
➵ Stay In This Dream (Oneshot)
You know he's bad for you, he knows he's bad for you. But for some reason, you're both constantly drawn to each other. In a crazy world, you and him are forever, you don't need to save each other from reality. All you want to do is stay in this dream with him. 
➵ Let The Heart Love Again (Oneshot)
When Wooyoung's daughter expressed interest in sharing his passion for dance, he immediately signed her up for the next class. However, he didn't think that he would be star struck by his daughter's teacher. Maybe, just maybe, he was ready to open his heart again.
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‎‧₊˚✧ Jongho ✧˚₊‧
➵ Meet My Chaos (Oneshot)
After dating you for a bit and maintaining secrecy, Jongho knew you are the one he wants to introduce to his family. While you have met his real family, there's another family that he's been slightly reluctant to let you meet. 
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intothedysphoria · 2 months
Apparently Robin didn’t buy the cholera excuse. Something about “what are you, a fucking Victorian waif?”
Well, considering he was being forced back into the social group he’d had in high school, cholera wasn’t far off.
Carol and Tommy were ok. So was McKinney. And even Byers, from what Steve had heard of him, ignoring the whole dating his ex aspect of it. Munson, Holloway, Carver, nothing Steve couldn’t handle.
Hargrove was a different story, especially after the incident.
The incident Robin would never let him forget, despite his pleas to just fucking drop it, for his own sanity.
The night Steve had, after pretty spectacularly falling off the pool table, propositioned Hargrove for a threesome in a closet then had been looked at with such disdain he just left.
Steve wasn’t real excited to relive that joyous experience. Not when he hadn’t really done anything to redeem himself of that truly horrendous experience in the last five years.
Even just examining Billy’s social media, it was clear how inadequate Steve was. He’d qualified for the world championships for surfing, was funny and had actually retained the friends he’d had in high school. None of those things applied to Steve and the last video he’d uploaded to tiktok was his eating an entire bowl of trifle in under a minute.
When they made it to the quiet, indie cafe on the outskirts of town, Steve found that he’d been assigned a seat next to Hargrove. Clearly he was being punished for some unknown evil.
Steve had been in many awkward situations in his young life, over half in Synagogue because his Rabbi had a habit of wanting to “mix things up.” Nothing had quite come close to sitting next to Hargrove in excruciating silence, both sipping a coffee that had been ordered for, not by them.
Despite the fact that under normal circumstances Steve would rather die than have to look at Hargrove again, he looked so pained by the tension that Steve decided to save him.
“So, how’s Missy doing?”
Missy was Max’s golden lab. She was notably beloved across all overlapping friendship groups, but given that Billy was Max’s older brother, he’d have by far the most time with her.
Hargrove visibly deflated like a helium balloon after being asked a question and happily jumped into a monologue about Missy’s various exploits, primarily shoe related.
Mercifully the incident didn’t get brought up once.
Maybe it was because Robin thought being forced to sit next to Hargrove was pain enough, maybe it was because her friends had simply moved on with what they found funny but the last thing Steve was going to do was look this gift horse in the mouth.
Instead, he found himself becoming increasingly engaged in talking to Billy, who didn’t seem to mind being stuck with him that much. In fact, he was talking up a storm, telling Steve about his surfing career, his mental health after therapy, his favourite Instagram filters. It was a wide range of topics that seemed to truly broach who Billy the man was at twenty three.
Robin didn’t attempt to interject at all. She’d grouped the rest of the group all at one side of the table where they sat like a tableau, occasionally staring at Billy. Waiting for Steve to get punched for a second time, no doubt.
Billy flat out insisted in covering the bill by the time they’d finished and then hung around awkwardly after the rest of the group had started to filter out. Steve, not wanting anyone to be left alone, stuck around.
“Steve can we talk?”
Yes they could talk, despite Steve’s heart rate seemingly doubling from resting.
“About that night” Billy started and Steve prepared himself to run. Maybe to New Zealand. The weather was nice this time of year.
“I wasn’t actually pissed at you”
Now that was unexpected.
“I did really like you but I’m just awkward and my face doesn’t show when I’m happy all the time then you just ran away and I’m really just sorry that I scared you. And that I’m doing a shit job of explaining myself. “
All Steve could really say was “oh.”
He knew he was beaming from ear to ear but he didn’t care.
“Thank you for your apology. And uh, if it’s not obvious I like you back.”
They smiled at each other like dorks for a few seconds before Billy obviously regained his confidence, now smirking.
“So. Dinner?”
Even Steve could pick up those inferences.
They went to Billy’s together, squeezing each other’s hands and Steve let himself feel calm.
For @thissortofsorcery
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shychick-52 · 9 days
What I liked and didn't like about Cedric in the series finale - Part 1
So, as some of you may know, I'm already working on a series of posts about what episodes in season 4 Cedric would have perfectly fit into, but that they didn't use him.
Well, I also wanted to start another series of posts about all the things I liked and didn't like about how Cedric was utilized in the series finale, 'Forever Royal.'
The opening song 'A Big Day'
Cedric approaches Sofia and sings, "Remember, Princess, you made rubies just for me?"
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Sofia: Sure!
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Cedric: "Well-"
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"In this tiara now, they'll fit you to a T!"
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Sofia: It's beautiful!
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What I liked:
(1) That Cedric interacted with Sofia in the opening number, which was about Sofia and the kids graduating from Royal Prep and how far they came since the start of the series.
(2) THE SWEET, ADORABLE SYMBOLISM of Cedric regifting her the rubies she once conjured for him (all the way back in the early season 1 episode 'Cedric's Apprentice') in the form of a new tiara as a graduation gift- because 'Cedric's Apprentice' was the very start of their friendship and Cedric's character/redemption arc; all the kindness and support she showed him in that episode (and would continue to show him throughout the series) deeply touched him, and gradually but surely changed him for the better and made him come to realize how much he cared about her too... and that her friendship was what he truly needed and wanted all along, not his misguided dreams of power and vengeance. The rubies in the tiara symbolized all that, their mutual friendship, plus his deep gratitude to her for all she did for him.
(3) Her kindness in 'Cedric's Apprentice' touched him so much that he always kept them, despite the gradual nature of his character arc and growth. Cedric always secretly valued her friendship after everything he went through, and gradually even came to care about her and see her as the friend he always needed, but for a long time he still forced himself to believe that it wasn't enough... but nonetheless, he always held on to those rubies!
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What I didn't like:
It felt quite rushed, especially given that they hardly interacted in the finale- it was so sweet, meaningful, and symbolic that it deserved to be its own separate scene where Cedric could have actually told her how much her friendship means to him and how proud he was of her. But I get the time restraints, and I'm VERY grateful for what we got!
You can barely even see the rubies in the tiara...
This is something that another moot already pointed out in a post of their own, which always bugged me too- when Cedric first approaches Sofia and mentions the rubies, Sofia's response of "Sure" is oddly awkward in both her tone and expression. As if she was confused why Cedric just popped up and randomly started talking about something from nearly four years ago with zero context, when she was on her way to her graduation, which I guess is fair. (Now when he actually gave her the tiara with the rubies, she did seem genuinely thrilled, but the awkwardness of her initial response kind of put a damper on the scene).
No hug. We could have finally had a mutual hug between them, but she didn't even hug him one more time...
@moonypears-blog @majoresca @cedric-my-beloved @the-gayest-show @sweetmariihs2
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suusoh · 2 months
post-monster awkward friend Johan my beloved <333 he always seems to have wayyyyyy to much free time in his hands. all of which he dedicates to you. you ask him if he has any other hobbies and he tells you no. ask him if he has any other friends aside from you and he also tells you no. forces suggests you to dedicate all of your time that you're not in school or working, to be spent with him. what do you mean you have to hang out with other friends? he doesn't hang out with anyone besides you, why don't you do the same? what do you mean they've known you longer, well he knows you better. ask him. he knows your mothers maiden name and the porosity of your hair. nevermind the fact you never told him that information in the very few hangouts you spent with each other (all of which you could count on your fingers). Are you guys friends? no— he doesn't do friends, friendship is a temporary alliance formed to gain benefits from the other for your own selfish means, or to distract one's self from the inevitable ending of our short meaningless existence......... anyways you're going to the convenience store for literally less than 5 minutes? alright he could use the fresh air as well, of course he's tagging along, why wouldn't he? that's obviously still 4 precious minutes spent without you.
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renthony · 1 year
Some recs for adult animation I enjoy:
People always seem to think I only watch kids' shows, so here's a list of animated television shows I adore, that were all made with adults in mind:
King of the Hill - Genuinely didn't think I'd like it, but I actually really love it? I expected something that was basically just The Simpsons or Family Guy, but got a surprising amount of emotional depth from the main cast. Bobby Hill is my son boy.
Futurama - I am legally obligated to list Futurama. I have watched the entire series so many fucking times. I'm going to watch the reboot and we all know it.
Disenchantment - It's more than just "Futurama medieval fantasy" but tonally, they are pretty similar. I enjoy it immensely. Bean is a #bicon, and that's fucking canon <3
Samurai Jack - The original show aired as a kids' show, but the revival apparently put it into the adult category. I haven't gotten that far yet, but holy shit, it's so good so far. Even the "kids' show" part is pretty mature, imho.
Bob's Burgers - I fucking love Bob's Burgers. I need to catch up on the more recent seasons. A sitcom that DOESN'T have parents who clearly hate each other? Whaaaat?
Harley Quinn - I'm not caught up, and there are aspects I have critiques of, but overall, it's been fun as fuck. I LOVE this interpretation of Ivy so fucking much.
Metalocalypse - My dad's a metal musician, so this was on in my house all the time when I was a teenager. I haven't watched it in *years* but I still reference the early seasons in conversation constantly. The Duncan Hills will wake you, motherfuckers.
Big Mouth/Human Resources - They are better than you think they are, and the "ugly style" reminds me of classic Klasky-Csupo. Compare it to Rugrats and tell me it doesn't have similar caricature styles. Story-wise, it nails the exact blend of panicked awkwardness I felt as a disaster tween, it has SO MANY queer characters. They dramatically improved on their more problematic aspects after getting called on it in seasons 1 and 2. And Human Resources made me sob like a little baby in the episode with Kieth from Grief.
BoJack Horseman - Starts off as a goofy gross-out humor sitcom but very quickly becomes a serious drama. Incredibly heavy and dark, but holy shit the catharsis. Delves into a lot of musings about morality, celebrity culture and Hollywood, generational trauma, and the perpetuation of cycles.
Tuca & Bertie - Goofy slice-of-life about characters navigating their 30s. Lots of musings about family, trauma, sexual abuse, queer dating in your 30s, friendship, and trying to survive it all. I relate so fucking much to the main cast.
Magical Girl Friendship Squad - It's a magical girl cartoon about milennials. Their magical girl weapons are birth control pills and a bong. It's fucking amazing. I'm really sad nobody else seems to have heard of it. :(
Little Demon - Sitcom about the Devil's daughter. Unsure if it's going to get a season 2, since it's about to get taken completely off of Hulu. Still worth watching if you can, because it's so fucking good. Centers on a teenage girl navigating Being A Teenage Girl while also dealing with her dad being the Devil and her mom being a traumatized mess who's figuring her own shit out.
Q-Force - The advertising did this show so fucking dirty. It was genuinely fucking funny, and it was clearly made with love. This isn't straight people making fun of us, this is queer people making queer comedy. Watch it.
Arcane - Arcane's politics are all over the place and I am in my "Silco Was Right" corner, which is right next to the "Magneto Was Right" clubhouse. But goddamn, the animation is gorgeous and the story is intense.
The Legend of Vox Machina - I haven't watched Critical Role, so I can say with confidence that this show is fucking amazing even if you have zero interest in the original gameplay streams. Fantasy animation for grownups, where they can show blood and titties, my beloved. <3
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
5 Characters The 2012 Writers Could Have Shipped 2012 Leo With Instead of His Sister
Because as much as I love TMNT 2012, it’s biggest flaw (in my opinion) was the awkward uncomfortable forced romance between Leonardo and Karai.
I’m gonna start this list with two characters from other TMNT incarnations that the 2012 writers could’ve added to their show and make them the love interest for Leo, then I will give a list of current 2012 characters that could have been good potential love interests for Leo (with some rewriting of course) that I feel would be better than him being shipped with and crushing on his sister.
Lotus Blossom
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Originally from the 1987 series, Lotus Blossom was a female ninja Kraang hired to replace Shredder. Lotus was given the task to capture Splinter and defeat the Turtles and when first meeting her Leo was entranced by her beauty and skills as a swordsman. 
Lotus only made two appearances in the 87 cartoon and never reappeared in other versions of TMNT (as of now), which is a shame because her and Leo have a cute dynamic and played off each other very well as both friends and romantic interests, so the 2012 writers could’ve brought this classic 87 character back like they did with so many others like Mona Lisa and Mondo Gecko. 
I personally have two ideas for 2012 Lotus, one being she’s a warrior from the past that the Turtles meet while on another time travel adventure with Renet, OR she’s Mr. Murakami’s niece and she comes to New York to visits her uncle to help him with his restaurant and befriends the Turtles.
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Bare with me, I don’t read the comics so I’m using knowledge from Wikipedia
Similar to 2012 Alopex, the writers could’ve brought another famous and beloved character from the IDW comics into the 2012 series. in the IDW comics Koya was Shredder’s pet falcon who eventually got mutated and became a scout and bounty hunter for The Foot Clan. 
It is hinted that their is a romance between Koya and Leo, mostly from the character Lita who says that Koya has feelings for Leo (something Koya claims is a lie) and Lita even says that the two are together romantically in the future.
2012 Shredder already was growing his own army by recruiting mutants like Tiger Claw, I’m surprised he didn’t continue this by finding or creating Koya for his army. 
Casey Jones
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Could’ve ended the dumb capriltello love triangle. And who doesn’t love the reckless bad boy jock x nerdy responsible popular boy trope?
I’ve been getting really into Caseynardo lately and I think this would’ve been a fun pair to see in the show. The two rarely had moments together and its a shame cause even as buddies they are fun to watch. 
I’d imagine that this romance would start to blossom by season 3. Casey is getting over April and starts spending more time with Leo while everyone else trains, keeping Leo company since he can’t join in because of his injury. Casey would offer to Raph for him watch over and take care of Leo while Raph continues to train his brothers and April, as a way to get some stress/responsibilities off Raph’s shoulders. During the farm house arc Casey would hang with Leo and the two would bond and learn they have more in common then they think (both are the older siblings of their families and would do anything to keep them safe). This would start their growing friendship and later blossoming romance that would develop more during the rest of the series.
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Even though I headcanon Shinigami as a lesbian and I ship Shinirai hardcore, let’s consider Leogami so a moment. Leo would still get himself a goth kunoichi from the Foot Clan as a gf, but this time with the bonus of her knowing magic, and hands down being one of the most beautiful female characters in the show fight me
I mean seriously, they could’ve held off on Leo getting a love interest until Shinigami comes along. Also why give Mikey a second love interest when he already has Renet, creating a random love triangle, and never acknowledge/do anything with it?? 
Just replace all of Mikey’s scenes/moments of him showing attraction towards Shini and replace him with Leo and then BOOM, both problems are fixed! No pointless Mikey love triangle and no Leo simping for his sis.
Miyamoto Usagi
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Hear me out! 2003 fans are probably already on board, but 2012 Usagi would need some rewriting if this were to happen if the 2012 writers consider this instead of leor*i. 
Though his age is never confirmed in the 2012 series, it is speculated Usagi is a young adult in this version. Here’s what the 2012 writers should have done, rewrite Usagi as a teenager like they did with so many other classic characters for the 2012 series and have him and Leo build a friendship during the Samurai Turtles arc in season 5, with there being hints of a romance blooming between the young samurai and ninja by the end. But again, this would only work if Usagi was rewritten. 
If they can turn April into a teenager and ship her with Donnie then they could’ve done the same thing with Usagi!
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temsikghosts · 1 year
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Reposting my fiansissel design so she appears on the new tags.
More info on her bellow the cut!
Sissel had always lived with her widowed father. Her mother died when she was still an infant from a decease, but she is always wearing her late mother’s scarf in her memory.
Sissel was a child when she first met Yomiel. They both attended the same school and she always felt bad for him, seeing how he was always so lonely and was always being bullied by other kids in school, so one day she defended him from the bullies who were tormenting him and introduced herself. Since Yomiel never had any friends, they quickly became very close friends and they spend the majority of their childhood together. But then she had to move to another country after her father got transferred for his job and they were forced to separate. She gave Yomiel her late mother’s red scarf as a way for him to remember her until she returns and Yomiel promised her he would give her the scarf back when they see each other again. (You can read the fanfic here! )
She came back years later, when she met Yomiel again, now as a teenager. Their friendship still remained strong, but it soon turned into something more as puberty hit them both and they started to see each other as more than just friends. Sissel started to find Yomiel’s clumsiness and awkwardness near her really cute and she finds his intelligence to be very attractive. She is really impressed at his great skills with computers and she often teases him about it. She also became quite popular in high school, attracting the eyes of many boys, but she only has eyes for her best friend, Yomiel. She often defended Yomiel whenever a bully mistreated him and she suports Yomiel with his family issues and is always there for him whenever he is feeling depressed about his family, serving as an emotional support for him. 
Sissel knew of his troubles with his family and often tried to help him out. Even her father would help him sometimes, since Yomiel and his mother had finantial difficulties from time to time. The bullying he suffers in school didn’t help him with his mental health either.
Her friendship with Yomiel soon blossoms into a teenage love and they start to date as soon as they graduate from High School. She pursues a career as an art teacher while Yomiel studies to become a Systems Engineer.
In their adulthood, Yomiel asks her hand in marriage and she accepts, but her father gets really ill and dies shortly after, leaving Sissel in a state of deep depression, since she was very close to her father, leaving only Yomiel to comfort her.
In the bad timeline (the one in which Yomiel dies after being struck by the Temsik meteorite) she can’t stand to live in a world without the man she loved ever since she was a child and being in a state of depression after her father’s death and now Yomiel’s, she can’t bear it anymore and commits suicide to join her beloved in the afterlife, without knowing of Yomiel’s undead status.
In the good timeline (averted fate) she is upset to learn about Yomiel’s arrest, but she still waits for him because he is the man she always loved ever since she was a child, even going as far as to break ties with the rest of her family for disapproving their union (since Yomiel became a “criminal” for taking a little girl hostage, her family now hates Yomiel and disaprooves of their union)
But she’s still really vulnerable because Yomiel just got arrested, almost lost his life in a terrible accident and she’s still trying to deal with the loss of her father. But luckly, that’s when Alma kicks in. Alma tries to comfort Sissel when they met in the hospital and Jowd encourages his wife to get close to Sissel and comfort her in any way she can, since Jowd now knows of Sissel’s suicide thanks to Yomiel and he’s afraid of what might happen to Sissel if she’s left unsupervised. So Sissel and Alma become really close friends during the time Yomiel is in prison, since Alma is always there to show Sissel her support, knowing how much the woman is distressed about everything that’s going on in her life right now.
So, Sissel in general is a really caring and loving woman who loves too much. Her love for her father was so great that when she lost him, she only had Yomiel as a support and when she lost that support too in a short time period, she became so desperate that she didn’t see an alternative and chose to end her life and rejoin her beloved in the afterlife. She relies on people close to her for support and she loses that support, she is in complete despair. But luckly both Alma and Jowd supported her when Yomiel was in prison and helped her along. She also waited for Yomiel, just like when they were children and Yomiel kept his promisse to wait for her. Her love for him is that strong, though I still believe that if she knew the truth about that night, it could still stain their relationship a lot, since she knew him from childhood and never would expect him to do the things he did. (And that’s why I prefer her to never find out about it in the first place. Let her live in sweet oblivion!) ‘Cause like, I can’t really imagine a good outcome if she knew. She would probably refuse to accept it and well, when she is in the bottom of despair, we know what happens to her life so… yeah, I prefer her not knowing.
Since it is stated in canon that she killed herself for him, I always assumed that, for her to be in this kind of despair (and also for Yomiel to name his cat after her and be so desperate over her death) that their love started when they were both really young and has lasted for most of their lives. And also that she was already suffering from a previous trauma (like her father’s sudden passing) because for a person to think about suicide as their only option, they must be REALLY desperate and with no one to support her… You saw what happened.
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thisislittlerunaway · 2 months
Right, maybe I’m just having my moment, but in this post I’m gonna rant because I am getting very, very sick of eating mouldy bread and crumbs at the waffle house nowadays 🤢. It is demoralising, is it not?
Firstly, please don’t attack me, I’m as much a hardcore shipper as you are, but undeniably my rationality never stops me from playing devil’s advocate. It has been vexing seeing the fandom going back and forth with theories just to keep the Lukola ship afloat amid the reality of L dating and N moving on from captaining the ship.
As much as I love Nic and Luke, I don’t plan to give up my grasp on reality to fool myself into delusion. I’m way too old and realistic for that, and by crossing over to delulu land I would be making what I believe real in my mind, rather than observing something real and appreciating it, which is how I believe I got into this fandom.
So far evidence has shown N & L seem to be very different people in terms of work ethics, career projection, choice of friends, attitude to fans and fame, and PR strategies among other things. Plus, as much as the fandom tries in its most creative ways to dismiss this, Luke does have an ‘alleged’ gf whom he takes seriously enough to bring with him almost everywhere, and who has somehow stuck around for almost a year. Say what you like but Luke’s actions don’t scream one-sided from A at all. And who is she to be so powerful to ‘force’ him into bringing her everywhere?
I ship Lukola, but I don’t NEED them to exist. If there really isn’t anything between them (ever, or anymore) apart from a good friendship, it is OK, I just want to know.
Promotion period is over. We have given S3 so much hype and this has resulted in amazing success and public recognition. Luke is still with A and seemingly distancing himself from the B’ton bubble, N has moved on to other projects, so why can’t they just release us from this rollercoaster of emotions by confirming once and for all that they are just friends. I bet some fans (like myself) will appreciate being freed from the misery.
The only possible reason I can think of to explain why we are stuck here in the WH with all this mess is perhaps when N & L were chosen as S3 leads, their contract got renewed and part of it requires them to drive this dating narrative for as long as they are cast members. It is likely Shondaland has learnt from previous seasons and QC how powerful fans can be when they wholeheartedly believe in a ship and decided to fully capitalize on this, not just for S3 but for as long as they can. Conveniently they have N & L who are very close and comfortable with each other, and the very hard working Nic who seems to have chemistry with everyone and understands how a fandom works way too well.
So, as per their contract, N & L cannot publicly claim any gf/bf, but of course neither Netflix nor Shondaland can stop them living their personal lives, or stop their friends and tabloids from digging into N and L’s private lives for publicity. I can imagine this to be suffocating, I wouldn’t be surprised if L did find it too much and just wanted to get away from it all as soon as possible, hence his behaviour since Part 2 premier. This is obviously bad for publicity and potentially upset N + Shonda who work super hard for B’ton and S3 to be a success. I suspect there is tension and disagreement behind the scene, and while they want to keep us believing in Lukola, they really can’t control Luke’s life. This explains all the mixed messages we are getting.
So now we have it, an awkward situation where our beloved find themselves damned if they do and damned if they don’t. So much conflict of interest, so strong also is the sentiment from fans who are ready for the next backlash in response to any upsetting news that no one wants to risk losing the support by officially busting the bubble.
Hence we are all stuck. Luke buried himself in the sand with HBS ver 2 and Nic buries herself in work. We are left starved, only barely kept alive when Netflix, Shondaland and some cast/crew occasionally drop some BTS and info to keep us interested.
This was never what I signed up for when I joined this fandom. I am frustrated, a bit heart broken, and getting more and more cynical each day. I am hanging dearly on to my seat in the waffle house but trust me, some days I wish I had never got here in the first place.
End of my rant, I’ll probably sulk a bit and get back here tomorrow to continue with all this shipping business 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Have a good day!
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Don't become a dream to me
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Heleana x fem!reader
warning : emotional, comfort, some fluff, angst, character death, some blood, depression
Summary : Queen Heleana Targaryen died by falling from the window. But before that madness had taken her but what was true before that...she had a heart, she had her beloved, she had her children she had everything until it was destroyed by the fire of the dance. Love that went beyond death in dreams.
Info : So wanted to write something more emotional and well back into hotd. So yeah I hope it's still entertaining besides the topic/warning. Have fun reading ;)
The dance of the dragons erupted over the kingdoms, the people, the old and young, the lords and ladies. They all chose sides.
The green with King Aegon the second of his name firstborn son of Viserys the first and his rzwieten wife Alicent Hightower.
They paid homage to the king and his sister's wife Helaena Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. The other side of Westeros professed allegiance to the black house of Targaryen, not the green and gold soaked by Hightower.
They believed in the black and red of the tragaryen dragons. Their rightful queen appointed and summoned by her father Viserys.
Rhaenyra Targaryen the only living child of the former king from his first marriage. It was a battle of two sides a battle of blood, fire and death as swords and swords turned against each other.
In this war in their own house, love and cohesion faced each other. Until it began.
A son for his son was the cry in the streets of King's Landing when they heard of the death of the prince of the realm.
Lucerys Velaryon second-born son of Queen Rhaenyra killed across the sea with his dragon by his own uncle Aemond. The prince's death soon brought the wrath of his mother down on him.
But everyone in the small council realized that it would affect them, and the death was only the beginning. ,,It will come upon us and pray to our mother that she will show mercy," said the Queen Dowager Alicent to her children, but especially to Aemond. They had dared and now they would have to fight back.
While Daeron, Aegon and Aemond took on the war with the soldiers, the queen had other worries. Her mistress had other worries, they both had worries that went far beyond the war.
The daughter of the Lannister's great cousin at table from a high house as lady in waiting for the queen, more than friendship blossomed between the two.
When Aegon ignored his wife, which he usually did, it was she who was always there for Heleana. She was there for her, appreciating her, trying to understand her dragon dreams.
It came to the first gentle kiss when she pricked her finger while embroidering and the blonde took her hand. ,,That's how the pain goes away, my butterfly," the queen had said, giving her a gentle smile.
It was the first time that she had simply pulled the queen gently towards her and their lips met. It was different it wasn't awkward like Aegon said Heleana it was so much more.
But now war was raging at the worst time for a mother. A look from the Lannister to the queen made her sigh, and Heleana tried for the third time to get her spider to answer.
Putting the book aside, she went over to the blonde and knelt by her. She saw the violet eyes full of temptation to finally get an answer.
,,Heleana my dreamer... you can't force it," she said reminiscently and heard the sigh that sounded almost nervous. She placed her hand on the queen's and carefully took the spider from her and placed it back under the glass bell.
Before the blonde finally looked at her and Heleana seemed to wake up from her emotions. ,,Butterfly? I'm sorry the dreams just won't come...everything is like a fire that won't go out," she said, placing her hand on her beloved's.
The warmth of the Targaryen met the coolness of the sword-wielder. Before she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, the king leaned against her for a moment, lying in her arms.
Physical contact was something Heleana struggled with, they both knew that, and yet Heleana loved to hug her children Jahaerys, Jahaera and Maelor. She also loved to hug, hold, kiss and love her beloved, her butterfly.
The queen loved to listen to the heartbeat, to feel the life, the fire, it sustained her. ,,I know...I know it all too well Heleana, but you have us your family," she reminded the Targaryen and rose to help her beloved up before they walked over to the three children.
The three blond siblings smiled at their mother and the "aunt" happily held out the new toy in the form of a dragon. The two played with the princes and princess not knowing that when the moon would set the room would be streaked with blood.
As the three children gathered in front of the fireplace under a coat of toys, Heleana read to them.
The old legends and stories while her butterfly opposite imitated the movements of warriors and dragons to give the three children more.
But the laughter that went through the room made her heart fill with joy, seeing the look of her queen she recognized the love that was in those violet eyes. Love for each other and her family.
Until it came that the children's laughter was interrupted as the wooden door was ripped open there were no guards, no dowager queen, no king or uncle. It was blood and cheese hired by the blacks to exact revenge.
Heleana wanted to grab her children, but the two men were quicker. Lady Lannister reached for the dagger she always carried.
Standing protectively in front of Heleana, she tried to do something against them, but in the face of two swords of the two who had nothing to lose, the crying children and the pleading Heleana, she knew that the fate of the gods was impossible to avert.
The blood splattered on the ground, the blood running down the blade as Jahaerys was stabbed.
She heard the scream of Heleana as she rushed to the ground holding her dead son in her arms while the two men fled, ,,A son for a son" echoed between the screams and cries of the queen. Jahaera and Maelor were held close by the Lannister, not wanting them to see what had happened.
She barely noticed the wound on her arm where the sword had wounded her until weeks later when the scar had formed and she could see it clearly that night.
The night she had lost her kind, sweet Heleana to death. Her two remaining children left distraught and traumatized.
Her mother slowly went mad, deppresion took hold of her and her butterfly tried everything she could to be the dream that held her together.
The thing she was most afraid of was that she would do something else to herself in her madness.
That she herself would become a dream. She knocked on the door and asked to come in, but she knew there would be no answer. never.
,,I'm coming in my queen" she said calmly knowing that Heleana would not shout at her that she was quiet when she came in.
The room that was once brightly lit for her children and insects was now darkened, the candles almost burnt out, the fireplace only glowing, and in a mess of her firstborn son's clothes and furs the queen looked on.
Her violet mysterious eyes looking at the toy had lost all luster, her dreams if she slept at all were marked by blood and death and with every second they seemed to move further away from her knowing that it was not over.
,,My Queen...Dreamer...Heleana my Flame" she called the names as she sat down by her, carefully placing her hand over the green fabric of her clothes, feeling the wetness of the tears. She had been crying again all night. ,,My son," the queen said as if he was still with her as she looked at the toy.
It was a sight that hurt her, made her scars burn and she knew she could do nothing but be there for them.
,,Your son Jahaerys wants you to go on...don't let your darkness take you over," she said calmly and tried to put a hand on hers but Heleana flinched away, pulled back into her memories, afraid.
They were all traumatized, no one had been spared, not even Aegon the father, who only became more aggressive and drunk.
,,Your family is suffering too my flame...talk it would help you" she tried and stood up and went to the candles and started to blow them out, trying not to cry as she opened the curtains knowing that they were still splattered with blood and needed to be replaced.
,,I can't take away your pain, but I can take care of you," she said and had some food prepared for her beloved, brought it to her, sat down next to her and tried to talk to her for hours, to convince her to eat.
Until suddenly the moon was in the sky, the fire in the fireplace was blazing and her scar was burning, Heleana seemed to have a little moment when she touched her spider.
She seemed to see again, to dream into the future. Tears continued to fall down her cheeks as she looked at her beloved.
,,My heart...I'm sorry the green is torn in the wind and pierced by wood," she said, murmuring the words and wrapping her in her arms, she ate the food that night and seemed to sleep peacefully for a few hours.
These were hours in which she stroked the queen's blond hair, sang an old song from her family to her, watched her dagger and resolved to protect Heleana.
To protect her love. Before she was back in her arms she was crying and sobbing but she was there for a moment, back from the darkness.
But the words, those damned words punished by the gods, would only reach her when it was too late. When she had just built Heleana up so that she would not break, at least not immediately.
She sometimes even smiled when she saw her butterfly when their hands joined and held each other.
It was the only thing that had sustained her since she became too agitated, too crazy to mount Dreamfyre and fly. It was a chilly day, a chilly morning, when the letter was one of the last to reach her.
The news she hoped would not happen. Maelor Targaryen second son of Aegon and Heleana was about to be dismembered and killed by the mob of the population as revenge for the bad treatment and the war.
She hurried out of her room, the letter in her hand delivered by one of her father's ravens.
,,Heleana! Heleana do you hear me!" she screamed along the corridors as the mournful sounds of the servants, the dowager queen, rushing troops after the people and the king screaming and crying were already heard through the castle. But Heleana had not heard her beloved dreamer.
She ran, almost rushing up the stairs so hastily she took the steps, screaming for her beloved, feeling the fear in her heart. ,,Heleana beloved say something!" she shouted up the stairs when she finally arrived in front of the tower door she pushed it open without hesitation, afraid of what she would find.
She saw the room looking almost peaceful, the sun shining through the windows, through the open window, the toys arranged on the table next to the book and the insects. But the image of peace and tranquillity was pervaded by it.
The spider was dead, the dreamer was dead. The green dress that stood in the window frame, her eyes veiled by tears, the silent ,,Thank you, my heart" that she could almost hear before she disappeared.
Queen Heleana threw herself out of the window, the wind taking her with it as she hit the wooden spikes at the bottom of the pit, her body pierced.
The scream of her beloved rushing to the window was carried away by the wind before, in a moment of her own desperate madness, she leapt for her beloved too.
Into the arms of her beloved. They both ended up becoming what she had feared.
They both became a dream in the history of Westeros, a page in the war that would go down in the history books as the Dance of the Dragons.
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restlessmaknae · 9 months
trajectory [keeho]
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Sometimes, people just fall apart to fall apart.
➳ Characters: Keeho x female!reader/you
➳ Genre: slice of life, real-life bittersweet, friends drifting away
➳ Words: 1.9k
➳ Warning: mention of losing a pet, stress, insecurities
➳ A/N: The story was inspired by this part in one of Keeho's lives. Also, thank you so much for you all you for supporting my works this year! Wishing each and every one of you a very happy, balanced and healthy New Year! 🥰
➳ P1Harmony taglist: @dat-town, @tranquilpetrichor, @laaylaazyy, @americanokisses, @kuleo26, @hyu-won, @wccycc, @sunooslover, @littlestartonightsposts, @koishua, @seungincore, @s00buwu
➳ Check out: my P1Harmony masterlist
“It’s me.”
The way Keeho shouted this exact sentence into the intercom had never changed. Year after year, time after time, that had always been his signature way of introducing himself. Let it be you or your parents who had picked up your apartment’s door phone, he had always announced his arrival casually and proudly - his tone indicating that he had been glad to enter your home.
You didn’t think that such a familiar sentence - a habit of his by that time - could prick at your skin like a needle pushing through the layers. At first, it didn’t seem to hurt, but then the pain hit out of the blue and all at once - like the waves crashing down on a shore at the beginning of an abrupt summer downpour.
“I’ll go downstairs. Stay there,” you forced the words out, your voice coming out raspy and feeble. You could hear the hesitation in the line - for you had usually let him in instead of going outside to meet him downstairs -, but you had to do it this way. You could feel it coming, and you didn’t want to attach such a conversation to the image of Keeho and you in your bedroom. It would be better if it was played out somewhere else. You had never contacted each other by saying that ‘you needed to talk’ before you would meet up, but now it was time, and you both knew the weight of the upcoming conversation.
“Okay. I’ll be here,” came the answer nevertheless, and you yanked your hand away from the intercom. You took in a deep breath, then told your parents that you would step outside for a bit before opening and closing the front door behind you.
You walked down the stairs instead of taking the elevator, prolonging the conversation as long as you could. As you took one step after another, flashbacks of your teenage years spent with Keeho swang round and round on the carousel of your memories: talking under the watching eyes of the moon, looking for shooting stars on humid summer nights during summer camps that resulted in more mosquito bites than actual shooting stars; having Disney movie marathons on the couch in your flat that was so worn-out by now that a new one was already on its way; checking out so-called Instagram-worthy places with Keeho, roaming around Seoul only to get scared by a passing black cat in the dark, have the worst latte of your life or end up with a sprained ankle on Keeho’s part when he had slipped on a cobblestone; attempting to make viral TikTok recipes only to end up with inedible masses of questionably-looking food and turning Keeho’s family’s kitchen into a warzone; recording TikTok challenges to post onto his account, the one that he said would go viral one day and you wouldn’t need to have a 9-5, you could work for him.
As you turned a corner and passed another floor, brief flashes of tears raining down on notebook pages, talking through sleepless nights worrying about your senior exams, sobs over the passing of your beloved pet and pep talks following outbursts of teenage awkwardness regarding your teenage body and insecurities came to mind; ones that you would have liked to forget, but still cherished so much because they proved you why you were best friends.
Best friends. The word felt like a flicker of light in the darkness now when it had been a huge torch lighting up your life for so long. Your friendship with Keeho had gone through many ups and downs, but the care and empathy you had towards each other had never changed, and that’s why you wanted to talk; because you didn’t want to leave him hanging, you wanted to talk about how you were doing now, and whether you had a future together anymore.
The truth is, when one becomes friends with someone, they don’t think about the end. They might even find it impossible that it could ever end. You had been the same. When you had been going to school together, seeing each other almost everyday, and planning your future in senior year, probably closer than you had ever been before, the thought that it might fade into bittersweet memories one day had never crossed your mind. Yet, here you were, barely speaking, barely catching up, barely seeing each other.
Even though you had gone to different cities to study after high school, you had made it work in the beginning. You had gone back to your hometown at the same time, you had planned trips to visit the other in their uni’s city, and you had talked as if nothing had happened. Yet, semesters went by, and the conversations died down slowly like a candle burning down, the visits back home seemed to never work out at the same time, and even if you talked, it seemed like you had nothing to say to each other, as if you had become strangers in each other’s life. The worst was that there had been nothing grande about it, there had been no big fight, no big misunderstanding, no big secrets, it just all… faded.
Just like the colours of the sky faded into a messy deep-blue when you stepped outside of the apartment complex, and came face-to-face with Keeho. He tried with a smile, but you could tell that it wasn’t genuine.
Awkward. Unfamiliar. Tense. Everything you had been feeling for some time now came crashing down on you now that you were face-to-face with him. As if the physical body of his made his existence and his footprint in your life more prominent. More painful. More unbearable.
With a heavy sigh, you suggested going to the nearby playground where you had frequently sat on the swings, talking about everything that came to your mind. Now, nothing seemed right, nothing seemed fitting for this occasion.
“I… I don’t know how to start,” you blurted out feebly, playing with your fingers mindlessly just so you could take your mind off the weight on your chest.
“Then, don’t,” came the answer immediately, but Keeho cleared his throat and made an addition before you could question his words. “I mean, we can absolutely just sit here and wait until you feel ready.”
You weren’t sure that you could ever be ready for such a conversation. You knew that Keeho always appreciated your honesty, and wanted you to tell him if you thought he took his jokes too far or he made a hurtful comment or anything of the sort, but you still felt like you were the bad guy now for wanting to bring it up, for wanting to talk about it. On the other hand, the facts spoke for themselves, the lack of messages, the lack of conversations, the lack of hang-outs…
“I just… I don’t know how to describe it, but I think you feel it, too,” you started, truly hoping that it was true, that he felt the same way. He had to, you told yourself. “We’re different and our friendship is different, and everything is different… and I’m not sure I feel as comfortable around you as before. Or that we have things to talk about.”
Your voice was resigned instead of accusing for you didn’t want to start a fight, you didn’t want to start a war. You had too much of a history to accuse him of something that he probably did unintentionally, and he wasn’t at fault. It wasn’t him who made you feel uncomfortable, it was the situation itself. It was that pang in your chest, that twist inside your stomach when you looked at the pictures of you and Keeho on your bedroom shelf, it was that deep, deep feeling inside that it wasn’t the same anymore, and you missed what you had, but you weren’t sure that you could ever get it back.
“You know what I mean, right?”
You looked at him for the first time since the start of your conversation, and saw something flash across his eyes at your question. Something familiar, something close, something deeply connected to a part of you. Keeho looked at you like that when he was about to say something that would put your mind at ease, and when there was a twitch in the corner of his lips, you knew that he was about to speak his mind.
“Yeah, I get you. I think we’re having such different experiences and we live away from each other, we have different friend groups, and it’s just, as you’ve mentioned, different,” he mentioned just as calmly as you had. Neither of you wanted to hurt the other or accuse the other. You were having a conversation, not an argument. “Like Taylor Swift said, everything has changed,” he added as his lips began to curl upwards, and that… that was just so Keeho-like, you found yourself cracking a smile.
“That’s better,” he smiled back at you, fondly and affectionately, and the years of your friendship was squashed into this smile, one that you would never question was genuine. “I don’t want you to feel bad about it. I feel the same way, and I think friendships have their own trajectory. They begin, they soar and they eventually come down. Sometimes… there’s no reason for that, it just happens.”
Seen. Heard. Understood. Despite the jokester he was, Keeho was also very wise, and he handled problems and concerns maturely. For that reason, you should have known that he would understand you, but somehow, you didn’t want to dare that he would, or maybe you wanted him to disagree, to see it differently… so that you could save the friendship, but as he had said, maybe your friendship was coming down to the ground like an air-balloon, and it would never take off again. Or maybe it would, but right now, it just didn’t seem right.
“I had a feeling you wanted to talk about this, and truthfully, I was thinking of bringing it up too, but it just never came to it. So thank you for speaking up about it,” Keeho broke the momentary silence that fell upon the two of you as you were pondering and pondering. You smiled at him, reminiscing about him, about the past, present and the future, and your voice was confident and genuine when you said:
“Me too. Thank you for everything.”
As you sat there beside each other on the swings just like you used to, you saw the old Keeho in him and felt like the old you in that moment. When he stood up to give you a hug while calling you by the nickname he had given you, you reciprocated it, bittersweet yet grateful. Grateful for the you that you had become because of him, grateful for the way he understood still, and grateful for the lesson he taught you that day.
Sometimes friends just fell apart to fall apart - as a part of their friendship’s trajectory, but that was just one of the many trajectories that lined their lives in the past, present and the future.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this story of mine! Let me know what you think!
If you want to read more stories of mine, let it be for P1Harmony or for other artists, consider signing up for my taglist here.
Hope you have a lovely day/night! Take care! ❤️
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
I FEEL SO BIG BRAINED FOR THIS. Ok uHm Steven x reader where Miki doesn’t die! Steven and Miki are somewhere but she flies away! Reader is around the area with their own charizard whose a male! Miki and readers charizard choose each others as mates! Awkwardness ensues between Steven and reader.
Would also be neat if those two laid an egg. So reader and Steven gift egg to Mike to prevent the fiasco. Happy au….
"Miki? Miki!! Hey! Come back! Where are you going?!”
Despite her master’s shouts, Miki simply flapped her wings and took off into the sky without warning, leaving behind a cloud of dust that made Steven cough rather harshly. 
He was forced to stop in his tracks, but by the time he caught a breath of fresh air..she was gone.
His beloved Charizard, for whatever reason, flew away, leaving him alone in the middle of the Pokémon-filled forest. He couldn’t make sense of why she did that all of the sudden.
Did something call to her on a frequency he couldn’t hear? Or did she scent something far away that she simply couldn’t ignore? Surely, something had to lure her away from him so abruptly.
This was incredibly unusual behavior for her, given her obedience.
Regardless, Steven did his best to follow her tracks, worried that she might be getting herself into trouble nearby.
When he reached a clearing in the woods, he stopped as he spotted a trainer with their own Charizard, along with Miki, who had both feet on the ground now. The two were seemingly having a staring contest.
The trainer, you, looked awfully nervous..especially when none other than the Kanto Champion himself was present as well. Miki just showed up out of nowhere, apparently looking for a fight, and you remained poised to give a command to your Charizard just in case.
Though you knew very well you’re gonna lose, and your poor, poor starter was for sure gonna spend a week in a Pokémon Center.
Of course. How could you ever hope to beat him?
Little did you know, Steven was just as lost..since Miki never sought out battles with her own species unless approached by a challenger. ‘Why would she seek one out?’ He pondered.
But then the Charizards sniffed each other, craning their necks and getting awfully close. And they did some sort of weird dance that involved them intertwining their flaming tails.
Finally, they were both...smiling and nuzzling noses?
You blinked owlishly. Now it was clicking in your brain.
They didn’t come here to fight, but to-
“So they’ve..chosen each other as mates.”
Jumping, you noticed Steven and couldn’t help but be embarrassed as he approached you. ‘Of all the times to meet the champion..it had to be because of this???’ You groaned internally, though you just forced a smile.
“Yeah, I guess...haha..” Rubbing the back of your neck, you sighed and put a hand out to him. “I’m [y/n]. It’s nice to meet you, Champion-”
“Please, just call me Steven. No need to treat me like a celebrity.” With a coy smile, he shook your hand. “Sorry if Miki scared you. She flew off without warning and I didn’t know why.”
“It’s okay. We were both just walking together, and then he suddenly stopped and got all huffy. I thought he was having an attitude until Miki flew in..I guess she scented him.”
There was a long and awkward pause between you two, though the crooning of your Charizard made you glance over, seeing that he was snuggling with Miki. It made you smile, knowing that of all the Charizards in the world...he got lucky enough to be with her.
“I don’t think they’re in the mood for a battle, so...you wanna grab something at the café?” You suggested, feeling a little bashful. It was getting harder to contain your giddiness over meeting your idol. “My treat for the cha--I mean..uh-”
“It’s alright.” He chuckled. “Sure. That’s nice of you to offer. I’ll invite Mike, too. I’m sure you’d love to meet him.”
“..oh! Yeah, absolutely!!”
Ever since that awkward meeting, you and Steven have formed a good friendship. You treated him as less of an idol and more of an equal, as both of you were trainers who so-happened to have very powerful Charizards.
And as for them, well, they were happily in love--like two peas in a Metapod.
They spent a few days at the Pokémon Daycare, eventually conceiving an egg with bright orange spots on its surface. The owner assured you it would guarantee a baby Charmander, so you began tracking your steps up until it hatched.
Steven was surprised, but happy that he was gonna be the “uncle” of sorts. And it also warmed his heart to know his sweet Miki had found the love of her life.
Though as you were both talking about the egg, that’s when Mike suddenly approached you, waving a Pokedex. “Steven! [Y/n]!! You guys remember how I said I needed a Charizard for the dex? Well what if I traded with one of you??”
You looked at him, adamant about doing a trade with your precious Pokémon. 
But you glanced at the egg, and then back to Steven with a knowing smile. He seemed to understand, too, and nodded in approval. 
Then you turned and presented the egg to Mike, much to his confusion. “Or you can raise your own Charizard. This one’s a Charmander egg.”
“..a-are you serious? I can have it?” He was flabbergasted, mouth agape, though he carefully took the egg into his arms. His expression morphed into one of joy. “Awesome! I promise I’ll take good care of it. Do they..trust me?”
“Of course.” Steven nodded. “You can think of this as my way of saying “sorry I took your title”.”
“Oh yeah! I forgive you a hundred percent!!” With a grin, Mike placed the egg gently inside his bag, eager to hatch it. “This is great. Soon all three of us will have killer Charizards!!”
You just smiled and laughed in agreement. 
Who knew you’d become best friends with the two most famous people in Kanto like this?
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Did You Ask Me About Théodred’s Mom???
To the lovely anon who sent me an ask about Théodred’s mother—Tumblr randomly won’t let me post the incoming, but here is your answer regardless! All the below is my personal HC about Elfhild. (And it’s in my plans to write something about her soon-ish!)
Elfhild came from one of the most prominent families of the Westfold and was kin to both Elfhelm and Grimbold. She was a great lover of lore and knew more of Rohan’s old songs and poems (those that documented their history and culture) than nearly anyone else. Because of the inherent link between history and music in Rohan, she was also an accomplished musician and a crafter of instruments. As an artisan, she was considered top tier, and she earned a fair amount of money in the instrument trade even though she didn’t really need to work because of her family’s wealth and prestige.
Thengel handpicked Elfhild to be Théoden’s wife, and it was really awkward for them at first because they hardly knew each other. As they spent time together, though, they built a great friendship and did come to love each other romantically. Théoden’s beloved youngest sister, Théodwyn, lived with them and, still being a child at the time, she looked up to Elfhild as a mother figure. Théodwyn particularly loved to sit on the terrace of Meduseld with Elfhild at night, where Elfhild would point out formations in the stars and make up little tales about the people and animals she saw there.
It took several years for Théodred to be conceived, and Elfhild was both ecstatic and relieved to find out she was pregnant. She spent happy months preparing for his arrival, and she composed him a bunch of songs and lullabies, including many based on the little constellation stories she had invented for Théodwyn. Late in her pregnancy, though, she began to have premonitions that it wouldn’t end well for her. She didn’t say anything about it to anyone, but she took some quiet steps to prepare, just in case. For example, she asked Elfhelm to move to Edoras so that her son would still be raised around someone from her family, and she taught Théodwyn all the songs and lullabies she had written so that Théodred could still hear them even if Elfhild herself couldn’t be the one to sing them.
She did, in fact, die in childbirth, and her death created a real crisis in Meduseld because Théoden did not handle it well. He retreated fully into grief, and because he couldn’t separate the birth of his son from the death of his wife, he had difficulty bonding with baby Théodred. As a result, Elfhelm and Théodwyn provided a lot of Théodred’s early love and care. Thengel died two years after Elfhild and had always urged Théoden to marry again so that Rohan would have a queen and Théodred a mother, but (as we know) he never did because he never fully got over Elfhild. Fortunately, though, Théoden did learn to put his grief in perspective and came to embrace Théodred and take over a more active role in his life. In gratitude to Elfhelm, Théoden put him in charge of Edoras’ forces (where we see him still at the start of LOTR—the functional First Marshal of the Mark whenever Théoden himself wasn’t around), and in gratitude to Théodwyn, he told her she could live with him for as long as she wanted (she stayed, keeping watch of Théodred, for another 10 years before she met Éomund and left to get married).
Théodred grew up with his mother very present in his life through the stories and memories shared by Théoden, Théodwyn and Elfhelm. When he was old enough, he got a tattoo on his chest of his favorite of the constellations from Elfhild’s songs/stories, and he frequently visited her grave just to talk to her and give her updates on his life. He remained extremely close to Théodwyn until her death and got his love of plants and gardening from her, and he learned riding and fighting at the knee of Elfhelm. When he came of age and was made a Marshal of the Mark, he made his base in the West-mark to be close to his mother’s people, including Grimbold, who became a top lieutenant. Grimbold and Elfhelm were both there when Théodred died and fought the forces of Isengard for possession of his body, which was then buried in the West-mark. They thought he would be happy to rest forever in his mother’s ancestral home.
Éomer is married to Elfhelm’s daughter (one of the very few canon non-compliant aspects of my HC), through which means the heir of Rohan still has some of Elfhild’s ancestry despite Elfhild and Théodred’s untimely deaths. All musical ability in the family was always attributed to her/Elfhelm’s genes.
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