#forced surgery
rottenmarquee · 4 months
Girl who lets me bring a plushie into the operating room while she does unethical surgeries on me against my will
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whumpshots · 1 year
Heard you may take prompts? So here’s one I’ve had on my mind for far too long:
Non-consensual/forced surgery paired with not enough anaesthesia. So like, whumpee can feel everything but can’t move/appears unconscious and isn’t going to pass out until the anaesthesia wears off enough to let them.
Idk it’s a uniquely awful idea, and I’d love to see your take on it lol
Whumpee hears the voices around them, they are still talking. They can't really make out what they are saying, but they know that whumper's there with them. That whumper's the one telling them what to do.
They are panicking.
No muscle moves.
It's like their brain is screaming, but their mouth doesn't open. Not even a millimetre.
They feel hands touching them, they feel something sharp and then the warmth of their own blood running down their skin. Someone wipes it off, the piece of cloth feels cold.
It's too much.
Whumpee feels like choking on their own screams, but nothing happens. They just keep breathing in a steady rhythm, their body unmoving, but mind racing.
They don't even know what whumper wants these people to do to them, they just feel hands, cuts and cold instruments enter their body.
As their brain is running wild with everything happening around them, they suddenly hear whumper's voice right next to their ear.
"I know you can hear me," they coo. "As much as I love giving you sweet dreams, I wanted to make sure that you experience this ... sleep well."
Whumper touches their cheek softly with a warm hand, and the overwhelming panic almost makes whumpee lose their mind.
beepboop, I'm a scheduled post. If you have any prompts and ideas, send them in, but please be patient ♥
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luckybatcreations · 11 months
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TW: forced surgery (implied)
Whumper holding something Whumpee desperately needs (food, water, sleep, etc) and insisting "ah-ah-ah what's the magic word?" then laughing in gleeful amusement because they've cut out Whumpees tongue/vocal cords.
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whumpshaped · 2 years
Whumpee had always been defiant, giving whumper as much trouble as they could. But after their lobotomy, things changed.
tw lobotomy mention, stabbing, knives, forced/noncon surgery obviously, aftermath of that surgery
Whumpee had always been defiant, giving Whumper as much trouble as they could. But after their lobotomy, things changed.
There were no snarky remarks- or any remarks at all, really. No wailing and screaming and biting and kicking, only that same blank stare aimed at something nobody else could see.
Whumper sighed when even the sight of the knife didn't prompt a reaction, no matter how close the blade got, or how sudden their movements were. Hell, Whumpee barely gave a grunt of pain when they pushed it hilt-deep into their thigh.
They hated to admit, but... maybe they had made a mistake.
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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Saw a headline that read something like: "Kansas needs to undo trans surgeries, attorney general says" and like okay if you're not with the whole trans thing, I get that, you do you I guess, but can we all at the absolute bare minimum agree that the government should not have the legal right to force any medical procedure, let alone a surgery, on anyone regardless of the reason?
Like that's not a trans issue, or an LGBT issue, or even a partisan issue, that's just a literal human being issue. Y'all can go back to arguing over whether or not trans people should be allowed to get surgery, but let's just leave the idea of forced surgeries completely off the table, thanks.
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conatic · 2 years
I am against forced surgery
Je suis contre les opérations chirurgicales forcées
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socialistexan · 2 years
I'm so tired of cis people asking stuff like, "Why would Texas want a list of trans people who legally changed their names?" or "Why would Florida want a list of college students who have seeking gender affirming care? We can't figure it out."
It's eliminationist.
Ken Paxton wants a list of trans people who have changed their name in Texas so he can reverse all of those decisions (and that's the most charitable interpretation). Ron DeSantis wants a list of college students who have sought affirming care so he can force them to detransition.
Oklahoma introduced a bill to forcibly detransition people under the age of 21 (ironically doing what they accuse us of doing, forcing someone to live as the wrong gender). Texas has a new bill that will ban gender affirming care for every Texan of any age and makes it a felony for doctors to provide it. Multiple states either have passed or will pass bills that will ban legal name changes. Some states have slipped in language to anti-drag bills (which are horrific enough on their own) that ban anyone from displaying, presenting, or dressing outside their "biological" gender (one state has language about "DNA gender") in public.
It's about legally and morally mandating trans people out of existence.
Plain and simple. It's about making sure that trans people can not exist. Period. It's not about restrictions, or "think of the children!" It's about eliminating us from public life and then eliminating us from private life so that we have a choice of either die or conform.
When will y'all realize this isn't some wedge issue or a political football that they'll just give up on if they lose an election or two. These are ideologues who are singularly focused. They don't care about the marketplace of ideas. They don't give a shit if they get mocked on lefty Twitter and the late night shows. They only care about one thing: gaining and then wielding power to achieve their goal of eliminating trans people (and then gay people, and then women who don't conform to their gender standards, ect).
If you give them that power they will use it.
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auschizm · 3 months
I'm sorry, but I just don't think jokes about lobotomies are funny. I don't think the deliberate physical destruction of millions of mentally ill and mentally disabled people's brains, often without consent, frequently just to make them easier to manhandle, is a laughing matter. I think it's a humanitarian tragedy
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rottenmarquee · 1 year
Picky on how this can be done bcs loss of bodily autonomy scares me but ✨ aghhhndjfhj forced surgery ✨
Being forced to wear a breathing mask, not being able to hold your breath, not being able to fight the anesthesia as you feel your consciousness quickly fade. Not knowing what's going to happen to you. Waking up with a device installed inside of you that mind controls you and physically takes over your body is you try to disobey
Waking up after, being drugged up during recovery. But the pain medication and sedatives for surgery recovery making your mind weak..perfect opportunity for your mind to be played with. So you spend your time in recovery drifting in and out of consciousness, subliminals playing and spirals flashing
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uniworu · 10 months
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obligatory greek mythology klapollo
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highly-flammable · 12 days
Peeta really was the most delusional person ever because he saw Katniss’ reaction to his possible death TWICE and still thought she was gonna turn out alright if he just died in front of her at the end of the Quarter Quell, like IDK what to tell you my guy you are blind
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ketamineprincxss · 1 month
i want daddy to bring me to the plastic surgeon. daddy can take care of all the consent forms since i’m property owned by him. i’ll be gagged and stripped for the appointment. the doctor and daddy will go over my body together with permanent markers circling the parts that need to be changed. talking about what parts of me should be bigger, like my chest and ass, and which parts keep me from being pretty and need to be removed. maybe daddy and the doctor disagree about how big my tits should be so they ask a few other male doctors to come in. they all take turns groping me and offering their opinion on what size my breasts would be best. no one asks my opinion ever. it doesn’t matter.
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sky-is-the-limit · 11 months
I saw someone on tiktok call König a big dumb bitch and if you're on here, I wanna be besties.
Also, the best and only good thing about MW3:
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lilithtransrights · 4 months
Did you really think it was a good idea to walk around in a dark alley all by yourself? And dressed like a slut too, it's almost like you wanted to be kidnapped. Do you not read the news? You really should've seen this coming.
Unless... you did want to be kidnapped. What are you? And admirer of my work? An undercover cop? Or just a lost little pet in search of a new home? Not like it matters what you are now, what matters is what I'm going to turn you into.
I've been researching how to turn people into perfect pets for years. There were some... setbacks, but now I've perfected the technique. Would you like to hear about it?
First I'll start with some brain surgery to make you more docile, then I'll put you on a constant stream of hormones to feminize and increase your sex drive and lastly I'll finish it all up with some hypnosis and conditioning to really make you love every second of your new life.
Hmm, now I'm certain that you must be an admirer. Usually at this point you should be trying to escape or beg me to let you go, but there's not even a little bit of fear in your eyes. What an interesting response. Maybe I'll keep you after this instead of just selling you off. You would certainly make for an interesting test subject. But I can figure that stuff out later.
Now, I'm going to put this mask on you and I need you to count backwards from 10 with me alright?
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