sunshinegearbox · 5 months
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Tatu City Partners with ForestFoods to Pioneer Carbon-Neutral Organic Produce
Key Takeaways Innovative Partnership: Tatu City and ForestFoods collaborate to grow carbon-neutral organic produce. Sustainable Farming: The partnership employs regenerative syntropic agroforestry, contributing to reforestation and ecosystem preservation. Community Impact: The initiative aims to provide Tatu City’s growing community with sustainable, nutrient-dense food options. Climate Summit:…
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1raeth1 · 3 years
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mobilemushrooms · 3 years
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As the Summer heat swealters I’ve noticed of all the chanterelle species, these Cinnabar Chanterelles (Cantharellus Cinnibarinus) have been the most persistent fruiting bodies!
Typically Chanterelles come out around the beginning of summer, depending on the region you’re foraging. As with all mushrooms, they love a good series of rain storms, but as the heat comes to a peak toward the end of the summer they begin to fizzle out as Boletes and Amanitas stake their claim on the forest floor. To this day I’m still finding some beautiful chanterelles of all species but with a more keen eye and in less quantities. BUT, like I said, these Cinnabar Chanterelles don’t quit!
I’ve also found that as Chanterelles (Cantharellus Cibarius), Smooth Chanterelles (Cantharellus Lateritius), and Appalachian Chanterelles (Cantharellus Appalachiensis) tend to spread across different regions of the forests during the season, these Cinnabar Chanterelles like to stand their ground and reproduce right where they started when the season began. Though they’re small in stature they continue to fruit in great numbers throughout the entirety of the season. Their sweet flavor will have you coming back for more, and luckily, they’ll be there!
Suggested Cinnabar Chanterelle Recipe: 
Summer Pesto Pasta with Chanterelle Mushrooms
This dish is the perfect mix of sweet and savory!
DISCLAIMER: *As with all wild foraged edible mushrooms, be sure to have a 100% positive ID before consuming & be sure to always cook your mushrooms throughly, sautéing them for at least 10 minutes on medium heat before consuming. Never consume wild edible mushrooms raw.*
What you’ll need:
~2 cups Foraged Chanterelle mushrooms, 2 table spoons butter, 2 cloves garlic, pesto, grape tomatoes, pasta of your choice 
*optional +sriracha, + parmesan cheese (or nutritional yeast to keep it vegan)
1. Clean your chanterelle mushrooms - either blow off dirt, wipe off dirt with a damp cloth, or if they’re too dirty, rinse them & if this step is necessary - be sure to take this extra step before proceeding:
               If Chanterelles have been wet or submerged in water, be sure to saute without fat (butter/oil) to allow the water to steam out of the mushrooms BEFORE you move on to step 3.
2. Boil salted water for your pasta of choice.
3. Saute your chanterelle mushrooms in a medium pan (cast iron preferred) on a medium heat, adding butter + garlic, stirring here & there for at least 10 minutes. Add sliced grape tomatoes after mushrooms are thoroughly cooked.
4. Add pasta to water and cook for 6-8 minutes - strain.
5. Add cooked pasta to veggie pan and add preferred amount of pesto sauce. Stir & add any additional toppings before serving.
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clinicalherbalist · 3 years
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Two or three weeks into june, the mulberrries and serviceberries around here finish up, and just before they do, the raspberries start to get ripe. Before they are done, the blackberries will be getting ripe, and before the blackberries are done the nuts will be getting ripe. . . . #wildfood #berries #wildedibles #foodforest #forestfood https://www.instagram.com/p/CQNcMLCln3T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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victorangelier · 3 years
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Free evening dinner. #sweden #outdoor #wilderness #camping #nature #forestfood #bushpilot #swedensurvival https://www.instagram.com/p/CR65m2Fhd_6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Black Pearl Mushroom Cooking for guests, cooking for friends! What delicious joy! Synesthesia! If you become what you eat, eat art 🖼 ❕ #meditation #synethesia #synesthesiaart #eatart #becomeart #youarewhatyoueat #blackpearl #blackpearlmushroom #mushrooms #mushroomlover #mushroomrecipes #guestisgod #forestfood #farmersmarketfinds #forager #epicurious #epicurean #gourmander #gourmand #energizing #awarenesspractice #awarenessrocks #livegenerously #fountainofyouth #sharing #tryingnewthings #tryingnewfoods #impart #impartart https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfy6aAxr5HI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cfor36garh · 2 years
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बस्तर मे पाया जाने वाला एक मौसमी फल है “चार”, इससे बहुत ही कम लोग अवगत हैं। इसे गोंड़ी मे 'रेका' भी कहा जाता है। यह फल छोटे काले रंग का होता है, जो मुख्यतः छत्तीसगढ़ के गोंडवाना क्षेत्र मे पाया जाता है, यह फल खाने मे बहुत स्वादिष्ट होता है और बस्तर के बाजारों मे इसे उसी पेड़ के पत्तों से बने दोने में रख कर बेचा जाता है। इस फल के बीज से चिरौंजी भी निकाला जाता है, जो खाने मे बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट होता है और बहुत से चीजों मे इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। यह फल मीठा, सुखदायक, हृदय के लिए अच्छा और आम्रक है, बीमारी और शारीरिक कमजोरी में उसका उपयोग किया जाता है या पका हुआ फल चारोली, बलगम, पित्त, जलन, प्यास और बुखार से राहत देता है। वृक्ष के फल से प्राप्त छाल और मींगी दोनों ही मनुष्य के लिए उपयोगी हैं। सौंदर्य प्रसाधनों में इसका उपयोग किया जाता है। इसके फल से निकले चिरौंजी का उपयोग भारतीय मिठाईयों, व्यंजन, खीर और नूडल्स मे भी किया जाता है। इसके चिरौंजी को सालभर उपयोग किया जाता सकता है और यह बहुत संवर्धक और पौष्टिक माना जात है, जिसे पियाल, चिरौंजी और चारोली नाम से भी जाना जाता है। . Exploring with: @jagatpal_singh_rathore12 . #pitaracg #Chhattisgarh #Bastar #fruits #chironji #india #char #bajar #fruit #vitamins #health #food #new #explore #incredible #cfor36garh #cforchhattisgarh #chhattisgariya #food #forestfood #forestwalk #naturechhattisgarh #foodofchhattisgarh (at Chhattisgarh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcuW_QJr3ZL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stormyseastudio · 6 years
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I'm still waiting to find out if I can eat this... C'mon chicken of the woods! #forage #mushrooms #fungi #forestfood #stormyadventures #explore #usa #wanderlust #roadtrip #vanlife #ri #westerly #wander #hikeUSA (at Westerly, Rhode Island)
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ecoplanetstore · 3 years
Food glorious food..comes free from forest.. Our menu.. #forestfood #foodscomefree #gloriousfood #ourmenu (at Ecoplanetfarm) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS8XhfKjjyX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sunshinegearbox · 5 months
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azzurrapizzeria · 3 years
⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #olivenol #healthy #organicfood #solidfoodvacation #healthyfood #oliven #organiccooking #yummy #sunflowersprouts #localingredients #forestfood #citrusfruits #feedthesoil #olivenolche #lecker #homemade #extravergine #thymus #foodporn #evoo #nyiooc via @hashtagexpert (hier: Mirabella Imbaccari) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSsqyEQIS1D/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gagagrne · 3 years
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🍃So od sremuša🍃 Videla sam recept na blogu @nordic_forestfoods pa sam baš bila voljna da sremuš koji je kod mene u kraju još uvek u sezoni, jer je zbog snega koji smo imali dugo kasnio sa nicanjem, iskoristim na pravi način. Da taj njegov šmek sačuvam za barem još neko vreme, da baš ne kažem, za zimu. 😉 Mnogo ga volim! ❤️ A za recept treba da otprilike 1 šolju od 2dl (koristila sam za meru onu od @ljubitelji_kafe_doncafe) napunite krupnom morskom solju, sremuš oko 50 grama operete, očistite i prosušite, pa stavite sve u secka. Sve to zajedno usitnite, a onda lepo rasporedite na pleh od šporeta obložen papirom za pečenje. So sam sušila na 75°C oko 2,5 sata, samo ga treba povremeno promešati i onako prstima ili kašikom razmrviti, da se svuda ravnomerno suši, da ne ostane vlažan. Ja sam ga posle tako ostavila do ujutru u rerni, jer sam ovo i pravila uveče, taman se lepo ohladilo. Stavila u teglicu i to je to. 😉 . . . #mojegrne #recepti #recipes #foodblog #receptizadusu #comfortfood #instaserbia #morskaso #wildgarlicsalt #sremuš #wildgarlic #instafood #seasalt #wildgarlicrecipes #forestfood (у месту Bor, Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/COzz75uJhVf/?igshid=1fwbixixbjd4t
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bigbluelogox · 6 years
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Oh man, we’ve gotta try this at our next bonfire! 🔥😋🍌 #Repost @off_the_grid_in_aus ・・・ 🔥Got Breakfast Sorted?🔥Banana and chocolate ‘porcupine’ cooked on embers. So simple and sooo goood enjoy it for breakfast or dessert. DELICIOUS! A nice alternative or addition to the marshmallow tradition. • • • • • • #firewood #bonfires #bonfirenight #bonfireparty #cookingwithfire #sustainablelifestyle #campingfood #campingvibes #cateringservice #cateringevent #cateringmelbourne #glampinglife #glampingnotcamping #glampingaustralia #glampingwedding #outdoordining #farmtofork #farmtoplate #embers #forestfood #cookingoutdoors #cookingoutside #openfirecooking #openfire #overthefirecooking #hotcoals #cookinginnature #disconnecttoconnect #offthegridinaus #bonfire #homesteadhomies (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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victorangelier · 3 years
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Today it's was berries day. Blue and black berries combined with wineberry and gooseberry. 3 hours slow heating to 70 degrees, 3 times filtering ended in this amazing healthy juice! #nature #bushcraft #harvest #forestfood #forestlife #offgrid #wilderness #health #prepping https://www.instagram.com/p/CSCY8Gyqs33/?utm_medium=tumblr
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leevue · 4 years
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