#forgive you. you won’t be invited to my birthday party’
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Azriel Shadowinger
A/N: Guess who's back? It's me! Should I be packing up to move house right now? Yes, yes I should. Am I? No, no I'm not.
I hope you enjoy this, Azriel does not come off well.
W/C: 4.2K
Azriel hated himself on a good day. Today, today he absolutely loathed himself. He knew how much she cared for him, hel, how much she loved him, that had made his job easier in the beginning, when Rhys had first sent him here as a spy. “It’ll be easy, Az,” Rhys had said, “She's already smitten with you, you’ll be able to walk right into the palace under the guise of courting her and she’ll ensure you have a room and you’re treated as an honoured guest!” Azriel had to agree, it would be easy. She had made it so painfully obvious from the day they had met.  
They had grown closer over the months he’d spent on the Continent with her. She had even gone as far as to source creams for his scars. “I know they won’t be as fancy as the Fae ones you probably use, but the man at the apothecary said they were the best for burns!” She had told him bashfully with a blush crawling over her cheeks. His shadows immediately moving to soothe them without their master's permission. He smiled down at her gently, playing the part he had been assigned, “Thank you, my love, what a thoughtful gift.” He said as he lifted one of her perfect hands to his mouth. Her smile was dazzling. Little did she know he spent his nights at home, in Prythian, an arm wrapped around another woman as they slept or danced or ate with their family.  
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you!” She was breathless as she approached him in the garden. Azriel having just landed in the furthest part of it. “Here I am!” He smiled down at her, she linked their arms and continued to walk alongside him, “There’s to be a ball! For my 21st Birthday, Father has sent invites all over, even to your family in Prythian!” She beamed up at him, as if inviting his family was the best thing to ever happen. Did she really not know the depths of her father's depravity? “That’s wonderful, I’m sure they’d love to attend, Rhysand does love a party.” He told her, “I’m nervous to see them again,” she confessed, “It’s so different now than it was when I last met them.” He patted her hand gently, “You have no reason to be nervous my love, they’ll adore you as I do.” Her eyes sparkled at his comment, and she preened from the compliment. He was never going to forgive himself.  
Cassian and Rhys flanked him as he waited at the bottom of the stairs for her. “You’ve told her, you’ve told Elain?” Rhys nodded, “Yes, she knows the part you are playing here and knows what to expect to see tonight.” Azriel nodded stiffly at his brother once and focused back on the staircase. She looked like an angel floating down the stairs towards him. An angel and a demon he mused to himself. “I’ve never seen a human look so beautiful.” He said to his brothers quietly, “Feyre did.” Cassian snorted a laugh at the High Lord, “Feyre was covered in worm shit and the mating bond was there.” Rhys elbowed him in response, “Both of you stop it!” Azriel hissed at his brothers, “This is her night.” Both brothers held their hands up in surrender. He took a step forward as she approached the bottom of the stairs. His shadows raced to meet her & danced around her in a way he had never seen. “You look resplendent, my love.” He told her as she took his offered hand. “Thank you, you too,” she said, a blush across her cheeks again, two shadows broke off from their dance to soothe her cheeks. “I mean, handsome! You look very handsome tonight Azriel, not that you do not always look handsome- “Cassian’s laugh cut her off and she blushed even harder.  
“You remember my brothers, Rhysand and Cassian?” Azriel introduced. “Of course,” she smiled at the two males and dropped into a courtesy that Azriel quickly pulled her up from. “It is your night, you bow to no one tonight, my love.” He told her, “But Azriel,” she protested, “He’s a High Lord!” Azriel shook his head, “Not tonight, tonight, he’s just Rhysand, my brother.” Rhys met her eyes and nodded, “Okay,” she smiled at them both, “It’s lovely to see you both again, did you bring your wives? I would so love to see them again!” She rambled, “Nes and Feyre are here,” Cassian told her, “As is Mor and Lucien and Elain & I think Eris is here to somewhere.” Azriel tensed at the mention of Elain’s name, and she shot him a questioning look that he shrugged off. Rhysand sauntered forward before Cassian could continue to talk and offered her his arm, “Shall we?” He purred at her & with a reassuring nod from Azriel she took the High Lords arm and allowed him to escort her into her birthday ball. Azriel took a deep breath and followed, steeling himself for what he was about to do.  
Azriel watched as Rhys spun her round the dance floor, smiling at the sight of his brother and the woman that he was supposedly courting. “She looks happy.” Elain’s words pulled him from his thoughts, his shadows abandoning him completely, in favour of the human dancing with his brother. He hummed in agreement, “Will you be coming home tonight?” She asked, Azriel met her doe eyes, the expression in them begging him to go with her. “Not tonight,” he said quietly. Elain’s face faltered and then she spoke again. “Why do they do that? Your shadows I mean? They seem to adore her but yet completely disappear when I’m around, as if they hate me.” He faced her, “I don’t know, they talk to me yes, but they don’t tell me their own motives if they don’t want too.” She searched his eyes and upon finding nothing there, she said, “You should get back to her.” And with that she vanished into the crowd.  
Azriel forced a smile onto his face as he approached them and bowed to Rhysand, “Mind if I cut in?” He asked, Rhys smirked at him, enjoying Azriel’s display more than he should. Azriel took a note to give him shit for that later as Rhys passed her hand into Azriel’s ruined one. He pulled her into his chest as he began to dance to the song, he knew Feyre had ensured would play and she beamed up at him. “You’re a wonderful dancer.” She said quietly, “I just have a wonderful partner.” He replied without missing a beat as he spun her. “Azriel?” He hummed at her to continue, “Will you leave here soon?” She asked bashfully, “Why do you ask, my love?” He spun her again as the song was reaching its end, “I just, you must miss your family, and despite your smiles and efforts, this is not your home, is it? It never will feel like your home, will it?” Gods, she was setting him up perfectly for what was coming next, and she didn’t even know it. The song ended and Azriel could hear Rhysand in his head telling him it was time as he dropped to one knee in front of her. She gasped but he started talking, “My love, my wonderful little human, my home is wherever you are, I would be the luckiest male on any continent if you would do me the greatest honour of being my wife?” He asked as gently as he could, looking in her eyes the entire time and he hated himself as he watched them fill with tears. He knew all she had ever wanted was someone to sweep her off her feet and that is exactly what he had done. She sniffled, once, twice, then let out a watery laugh as she threw herself towards him. “Of course I will! Yes Azriel, I will marry you!” He stood, bringing her with him wrapped in his arms as he spun them in a circle & over her head, he watched Elain slip from the party.  
Feyre was fawning over the ring he had given her, despite it being one that came from Feyre’s own jewellery box. Azriel stood with his brothers, “She’s never going to forgive this.” He told them both. Rhysand raised an eyebrow at him, “Which beautiful lady are we talking about?” Azriel sighed, “Y/N.” He said, “Elain knew what was coming tonight, but we need to find her, I saw her leave.” Cassian put a hand on Azriel’s shoulder, “Go, we can keep Y/N busy while you find her.” Azriel smiled gratefully at his brother as Rhysand called Eris over. “Congratulations, Shadowsinger.” The newly crowned High Lord of Autumn crooned, “Not that you deserve her, I see right through this plan, Rhysand, so what do you need me for, I wonder?” Eris had always been too smart for his own good. Azriel was sure Eris was where Lucien got it from. “Right now,” Rhysand gritted out, “I need you to dance with her, keep her busy for a little while.” Eris nodded once, “I can do that, but for the record, I am against using a woman like this, especially one so young and clearly smitten, she's innocent and she doesn’t deserve to have her feelings played with like this.” Rhys nodded back, “Noted.”  
“I still find it hard to believe he wants me, boring human me!” You gushed to Feyre who beamed at you, “Why wouldn’t he?” She laughed. “Why wouldn’t he indeed?” A voice crooned from behind you, and you turned and then let out a squeak, dropping into a courtesy, “High Lord, how lovely to see you again!” He smiled and pulled a small, wrapped box out of his pocket, “Happy Birthday, Y/N.” He said, taking your hand and placing the box in it. “Thank you, High Lord, it is very kind of you to get me a gift when your presence here is honour enough.” He smiled gently, “It’s just Eris, and it is me who is honoured to be able to share in not only your birthday celebration, but it would seem your engagement as well, now open your present and honour me with a dance?” You giggled and opened the parcel and, in the box, sat a beautiful silver necklace with a teardrop pendant hanging from it, the size of your thumb nail. Contained in the pendant, a singular flame.  
“I do not know if you remember your father bringing you to visit Autumn when you were a child, but I remember your visit. You were captivated by the forests, the trees, and the wildlife, so much so you wondered off one evening and I, knowing my father would blame me for you being missing, frantically came after you. When I found you, you’d been cornered by one of our nastier creatures and in my panic I sent my flames straight towards it, well that was it, you weren’t phased by nearly being eaten by a monster, you just wanted to know more about my fire so I sat in that clearing with you and I showed you and I told you-,” you cut him off “Even the smallest flame can start a blaze.” Eris smiled and nodded, and then you gasped. “Is this? Is this one of your flames?” He nodded again, “To keep you safe and to guide your way if you’re ever lost in the darkness.” You grinned at him, “Thank you, Eris, this is the most thoughtful and wonderful gift I’ve ever been given!” He snorted a laugh, “Remind me to rub it in the Shadowsingers face that he proposed but my gift was still better. You rolled your eyes at him, “Would you like to dance?” he almost purred, “I would love to!” You grinned and allowed him to sweep you into a dance.  
Eris was the best dance partner you had ever had. He was graceful and accurate in his movements as he guided you around the floor. You couldn’t help the smile that was spread across your face as he span and dipped you. His gentle laughter filling your ears. “Do you all move so gracefully?” You asked as he span you back into his chest, he grinned, “I’m 538, I've had years to practice.” He said and your smile fell a little, “I, I don’t have that kind of lifespan, I’ll be lucky to see 100. Why would he put himself through that?” You asked quietly, thinking about how many of your lifetimes Azriel had already lived. Eris’s thumb came up and soothed the frown in your brow. “Because you’re the most captivating little human I’ve ever met, he is an incredibly lucky bastard to get to call you, his wife. If I was him, I’d be honoured to spend whatever time we had together.” Your face softened, “Really?” He smiled again, “I’m positively green with jealousy.” His words poured over you like honey, smooth and sweet and you snorted a laugh quietly. “I think I need a drink.” You told him and Eris nodded, leading you from the dance floor, “I’ll be right back with that drink.” He said and you nodded your thanks at him, looking around the room for your fiancé who was nowhere to be seen.  
You did however see Feyre and Rhysand having some kind of discussion in the corner, Rhys’ nod towards the door was enough to tell you where Azriel had gone. He had left the party and you moved across the room to go and check on him, you knew these events were loud and often overwhelming for not only him but his shadows as well. You slipped out of the room unseen. You wandered down hallways a love drunk smile on your face. You weren't sure how a plain human such as yourself had caught the eye of the elusive Shadowsinger but you had, and you wouldn’t ever take it for granted. A singular little shadow raced towards you, you smiled at it, raising your hand so it could dance between your fingers as you had learned they liked to do. It danced through your fingers happily for a moment or two before racing down the hallway again and waiting for you at the end. You laughed quietly to yourself, never understanding how anyone could ever fear the shadows that had never been anything but playful towards you. You caught up with it, allowing it to hide itself on your shoulder, tangled in your hair and you continued to walk, it seemed your little friend had been sent to bring you somewhere and you grinned at Azriel’s thoughtfulness.  
You turned a final corner, your grin making your cheeks ache and then your world imploded. Azriel had his back to you, his wings splayed out behind him, but you spotted the arms around his neck and the legs wrapped around his waist, feet locked at the base of his wings. The shoes that were discarded behind him you recognised, you had been gushing to their owner earlier about how beautiful they were, and they had promised to send you a pair as a birthday gift. “I love you.” He was murmering between kisses as you watched, frozen in place, his hips moving in lazy thrusts. “I love you so much, Elain.” She was clawing at his back; one had moving up and down the apex of his left wing as he shuddered. A majority of his shadows were nowhere to be seen, a handful had remained and were hissing at the one hidden in your hair, that lone little shadow had picked you to be loyal to rather than its master. Tears spilled out of your eyes just as a hand wrapped over your mouth and another around your stomach and pulled you backwards into a warm solid chest. Darkness filled the hallway, and those hands span you and pressed you into the wall, their chest pressing into your back.  
“Azriel!” Rhsyand growled and you watched as High Lord pulled his brother away from Elain. “Right yourself!” Nesta hissed at her sister. It was Eris who had you pressed against the wall, and he gently pulled you away from it but didn’t move more than a step away from you. Wildfire danced in his eyes as he stared at the Shadowsinger with contempt. You took a deep breath and turned to face what was behind you. “Y/N,” Azriel said quietly, taking a step towards you and you took a step backwards, as did Eris in turn. “No.” You said your voice not as strong as you wanted it to be. The pendant warmed on your clavicle. “I’m here. I’ve got you.” It seemed to say. “Why?” Was all you asked. Azriel looked to Rhysand, the two of them having a silent conversation. “Out loud.” Eris ground out. “The lady has been hurt enough don’t you think?” Rhysand levelled him with a look before he began to speak. “We received word, your father has a plot, one that endangers our people, not just those of the Night Court but all Courts, I know this is hard to believe for you, but your father, he’s-” You cut him off. “You think I don’t know what kind of man my father is?!” You hissed and Rhys continued talking, explaining your fathers plot. Your stomach turned and the tears continued to fall. You couldn't hear much over the thumping of your crumbling heart. “Was any of it true?” You asked Azriel, interrupting Rhys again. He shook his head, “I’m so sorry, I-” You didn’t hear the rest of his sentence as you turned and ran. “Why didn’t you stop her?!” Rhys snapped at who you assumed was Eris. “I told you; I don’t stand for using innocents like this.” He said coldly, absentmindedly pressing a hand to his chest to alleviate the tightness that had appeared there in the last few moments.  
You ran, and ran, and ran. You had headed straight for the lawns and the forest beyond. Your shoes had been lost long ago but you barely registered your bleeding feet or the forest floor that was cutting into them. Your head was spinning, none of it was real. Azriel had played you and played you well. You didn’t see it coming, just like you didn’t see the slope before you plunged down it. Branches and thorns scraped at your body and face as you tumbled. All air hit your lungs as you collided with an ancient oak tree, your teeth rattling as you came to a stop and your vision blurred. It was only then you realised how cold it was and how hurt you were, your ankle sitting at an awkward angle. Whimpering as you tried to stand you realised the gravity of the situation you were in but still, compared to going back to the Manor you were more than content to sit there and grieve your short-lived engagement. You weren’t sure how long you had sat against that tree, staring at the beautiful ring Azriel had given you, the ring that rightly belonged to Elain you supposed.  
You couldn’t pinpoint when you fell asleep, but you’d never forget waking up. Surrounded by men. Swallowing thickly you took them in, all much bigger than you and staring down at you like you were prey. “Ello darling, nice sleep?” The ringleader questioned. You didn’t answer him. “He asked you a question.” His second in command sneered. “I fell.” Was all you said. “You fell?” The third laughed, “Figured with your pretty dress you’d be at the party.” The leader spoke again. “Thank them for checking on you and leave.” You gasped at Eris’ voice filled your head. The three men studied you in turn. “I was, I should be getting back, thank you for checking on me.” You said, much stronger than you felt. “What’s the hurry?” The third asked. “Seems like a boring political party if you ask me.” The second added on. You tried to push to your feet and winced at the pain that shot through your ankle. “Hurt yourself?” The leader smirked. “Break the necklace.” Eris’ voice again, “I just twisted my ankle, I’m fine.” You said, “Y/N!” Eris was beginning to get louder in your head. The leader smirked at his companions, stepping towards you. “What are you holding there?” He asked, you hadn't realised that you were subconsciously holding the necklace Eris had given you. “Tell them it’s nothing, just a silly heirloom.” Eris sounded panicked now. “Just a silly little heirloom.” You rushed out. “Let me see?” He said, it wasn’t really a question. He knocked your hand out of the way and pulled the necklace from your neck. Eris growled in your head as you flinched. The leader observed the necklace with distain and launched it towards the trunk of a nearby tree where the pendant shattered, the small flame igniting from it. The men paid it no mind.  
The leader stepped towards you and you whimpered as you retreated a step. “I need you to fight.” Eris spoke clearly. “Scratch, bite, kick, just fight Y/N.” Eris told you, but you had already made a mistake, you were pinned. The leader's hands pawed at you. “Please, don’t.” You begged, he just laughed. Ripping the bodice of your dress as his companions closed in. “Such a pretty little thing, out here all alone.” The second crooned, “Lucky for us.” The third added. “What makes you think she’s alone?” Eris’ voice filled the tree, the leaves rustling around. “I suggest you back away and unhand the lady before I kill you where you stand.” He said, his voice full of authority. The leader shoved you backwards as he turned. “You’re just one man.” He sneered at Eris, who laughed. “I’m no man.” He said, you could see nothing but the wildfire in his eyes shining in the darkness as he stepped out of the trees. “I’m a male and you do not want to fight me. I’m trying to do you a favour, one that you do not deserve but I don’t want to frighten the lady.” The leader nodded to his companions, who drew their swords. “She was asking for someone to find her.” The leader scoffed. “Out here all alone, dressed like that.” Eris seemed to grow taller at his words. “No female ever asks for a male like you to touch her against her will.” He growled. “Where I’m from you’d lose a hand or worse for that. Leave or you will die.” The leader drew his sword and his companions advanced on Eris. “Death it is then.” Eris said with a humourless laugh. He wasted no time; he didn’t even engage them in sword play. He simply winnowed behind each one and slit their throats before wiping his dagger on the leader's trousers and sheathed it on this thigh. 
“Are you okay?” He asked coming towards you slowly as to not scare you. “My necklace.” You said sadly, “They broke my beautiful necklace.” He smiled at you soft, “Don’t worry about the necklace. I’ll get you another one.” He said, his tone gentle as he removed his jacket and wrapped it around you to cover where they had ripped your dress. You couldn’t find it in you to be embarrassed. “But the little flame-” He cut you off, “Will be more than happy to go back into a pendant around your throat.” He said, showing you the little flame dancing through his fingers. You smiled at it sadly. “I’m sorry you got thrown at a tree.” You told it quietly and without Eris commanding the little flame to or before he could even stop it, the flame had jumped from his fingers and was gently brushing against your cheek. It wasn’t hot, nor did it burn, it was warm, comforting even and it removed the sadness from your smile. “Can you walk?” He asked and you shook your head no. “Okay, I’m going to carry you, is that alright?” He asked “Yes,” you said quietly. “That’s okay.” He swept you up into his arms and began walking back to the Manor. “I don’t want to face him, I’m so embarrassed, I was such a fool.” You told Eris. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about.” He told you. “If he says anything to you or even so much as approaches you, I’ll turn him to ash.” You giggled at his words. “I don’t want to stay here, not with my father.” You admitted, the first time you had said such words to anyone. “Then we’ll see about you coming to Autumn with me.” He said and you gasped quietly, “Really?” He nodded, “If it is where you want to go, then yes, I will take you back with me.” You curled further into his chest. “I would very much like to come with you.” You muttered, his natural heat making you sleepy. “Then it shall be done, but let's get your ankle looked at and healed first.”  
209 notes · View notes
darlinimamess · 8 months
2 notes · View notes
look-at-the-soul · 7 months
Every little thing you do- Part 1
Tommy Shelby x reader
Series Master list
✨So first part is finally here!! Please be aware this part is set to happen in different days therefore you’ll see a little divider in the middle… and also! There’s violence. Please note I’m trying to follow the ideas/education from back in the day so it won’t necessary fit for today’s way of seeing things.
Word count: 2,977
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Waving her sister goodbye, Y/N headed outside. But to her surprise she found Scott stopping his vehicle.
“Hello sweetheart.” He greeted her with a quick kiss on her lips, she stepped back immediately in case her mother was watching behind the curtains.
“Scott, I wasn’t expecting to see you today.”
“We’ll I lied and said I felt sick to get out earlier.”
This wasn’t something he’d do, but she listened to his explanation.
“I wanted to see you.”
Y/N looked over her shoulder, her parents were strict.
“You know you’re only invited for lunch and tea on Sundays.”
“I know, I know.” He moved back retrieving something from the car. “Got you these.”
“I love them, thank you.” Y/N pressed the bouquet of flowers against her chest, the fresh aroma invading her, a smile growing in her lips.
“Why don’t you go back inside and put them in water? Then meet me at the bakery around the corner.”
“Where are we going?”
Scott gave her a wide smile that took her breath away. “It’s a surprise, you’ll like it.”
Butterflies got spread all over her stomach, the expectation building. She hurried to the unexpected date.
“Listen, I want to apologize for acting shitty the other day.” Scott announced. “Can you forgive me love?”
Y/N nodded eagerly, pleased by his change of heart.
“It’s alright, just be careful next time.” Y/N suggested as he drove.
“You shouldn’t have talked Tommy that way.”
Scott rolled his eyes. “There you go again, defending him. This why we fight.”
“No, Scott I don’t want a war between you two all the time, he didn’t like the way you talked to me.”
“Why does he always sticks his bloody nose in our business?”
“It’s not like that.”
“He’s always standing in the middle, I’m sick of getting orders from him, he leaves me the worst jobs just to please himself, he’s got people to do those things. I thought they wanted me to do other things, not to clean horses shit.”
“Scott I can’t interfere in your role among the gang, he already has done more than enough.”
“There it is, you’re defending him instead of being on my side…”
Y/N realized how unintentionally she always put Tommy on a pedestal, her boyfriend was right, feeling like he was belittled. She knew Tommy didn’t like him, and there was a possibility that she wasn’t impartial.
“I’ll see what I can do.” She finally gave in, not wanting to spend their time together fighting.
“That’s my girl.” He stopped the car on the sideway and began to shower her face with soft kisses.
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”Do you need anything else?” Lizzie walked around the desk, resting against the bookshelf.
“What happened with the contracts you couldn’t find?” Tommy asked leaning back on his chair.
“Arthur took them by mistake.”
“Keep those locked.” He pointed a finger at her.
“Are you going to Karl’s birthday party?” She tried batting her eyelashes at him, but Tommy wasn’t looking at her.
“Yes, in a minute.”
Lizzie looked down at him again, hoping he’d ask her to join him.
“Heard Ada bought a huge cake.”
Tommy took his briefcase and hummed nonchalantly.
“I wrapped you a present for Karl, take it before you leave.”
She didn’t get a response.
Giving up to her wishes to be invited with the Shelby family, Lizzie shook her head. Collecting the remains of her dignity from the floor.
Tommy followed her with his eyes as she stomped her foot on her way out but dismissed it a few seconds later, not understanding her attitude.
The office was quiet when he crossed it, everyone had headed home already and his family were already in Polly’s house.
This was the first time he left considerably early in a long time. The need to release some stress made him reach for a cigarette. He had a dozen of things to do, a trip to London in the upcoming days, visit one of the fabrics… before he realized, Tommy parked outside Polly’s property.
Karl’s celebration was a rare family gathering. For his brothers birthdays they’d usually went to camp close to the river and drink all night. He wasn’t used to paper decorations and chocolate cake.
A small figure crashed against his legs. “Oh oh.”
Looking down, he found one of John’s kids. Was this Kate? Or Barbara?
“There you are.” John appeared with a sandwich in his hand. “Go with your siblings.” He instructed his daughter.
“John.” Tommy called him mysteriously, with his hand motioning his brother to step closer. “Wipe your fucking mouth, you’ve got chocolate all over it.”
Stepping into the living room, he joined his family.
“Uncle Tommy!” Karl ran towards him with his arms open.
Tommy rubbed the kid’s back and offered him his present. “Happy birthday Karl.”
“Thank you!”
“Looks like you owe me money Pol.” Ada chuckled as she helped her son open his present.
Tommy looked from his sister to his aunt, studying them.
“Damn it. I thought he wasn’t going to show up.”
“So you made a bet?” He asked in disbelief.
He usually wouldn’t. But when it came to his sister, he made an effort.
“Where’s Y/N?” Polly asked with a frown.
“I sent her the invitation, thought you’d arrive together.” Ada explained staring at her brother.
But Tommy shook his head. “No, I haven’t seen or heard from her.”
“Shit! Pol! Help me out here!” John shouted holding his son James in his arms, he was bleeding and crying. “Smashed his fucking head.”
As Ada rushed to get some clean towels, Polly tried to comfort the child.
Stepping away from the chaos, Tommy leaned against a column to think he actually hadn’t seen Y/N in almost a week. A million thoughts filling his mind, trying to find a reason for her to be distant.
He needed to know if she was alright because she had always been close to the family, she was always considered part of it to all their gatherings; she was there for them at Freddy’s funeral, at John’s wedding…
“Now that we’re here all together, I’ve something to say.” Arthur announced stepping on a chair, oblivious that Esme and Polly were taking care of a bleeding child.
As the room went quiet, Arthur announced he and Linda were expecting a baby.
“Congratulations.” Esme managed to blurr through gritted teeth. “Now help me hold James, because I need to rearrange his arm.”
As Arthur walked past Tommy, his brother patted his arm and mumbled a low congratulations.
But the thought of Y/N not being with them, stuck in his head.
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Y/N felt like sleeping on the couch. Her feet were swollen, Lady Winchester lost one of her precious earrings and decided to put everyone in the search until they found it under her vanity hours later.
Oddly her family decided to stay up late apparently as she could see the candles still on. But just as she set one foot inside, her mother pushed her abruptly.
“You’re a dishonorable daughter! We gave you everything!” One of her hands intended to land on her cheek but hit her on her ear instead.
“What happened?”
“Y-your aunt says you’re with a child, she saw you this morning and came to ask me.” Y/N’s mother was furious.
A woman came into view, her sister poking her head from the kitchen as her mother pushed her into the room next to it and closed the door. She demanded Y/N to undress and started touching her breasts.
“She’s with a child.” The elder woman confirmed, her hands still on her breasts.
Y/N’s face got paler by the second. Her mother gave the woman money and asked discretion.
A heavy silence filled the room, Y/N could hear a pin drop if someone threw one. Dizziness swept over her as her palms started to sweat.
“Your father will be so disappointed by you.” Her mother sentenced firmly. “You’re a whore, this sin will follow you from now on.”
Blood went to Y/N’s feet and she had to grab the vanity for support.
“You’ll tell Scott tomorrow and get him to ask your father’s permission to marry you before you start showing.” Y/N could hear her mother’s words as if she was underwater.
“I’ll save him the embarrassment, perhaps you can go to your grandmother’s house and hide there…” she was pacing the room as a maniac, Y/N was starting to process everything, she could hardly breathe.
“I didn’t know I could get pregnant without being married.”
Y/N’s mother laughed sarcastically. “It’s too late for that now, you should’ve waited until you got married!”
“You never told me this could happen.” Y/N felt on the edge of tears.
“I educated you with values, God only knows what you learned from that friend of yours.” Her mother mumbled something else Y/N couldn’t understand. Slowly she sat on the carpet, her skirt pooled around her hips and she finally sobbed. When one day Scott touched her breasts and it felt nice, electricity ran through her body. But he stopped right there. Then after taking her to the river, one of his hands sneaked under her skirt and moved her intimate clothes to the side and her body trembled. A week after that, he was about to start a fight with Tommy, for the night when they arrived after visiting Tommy’s new house. So in an attempt to make up for that fight, he took her to the river again and after kissing her, he told her he wanted to do something else. It had been over a month since she stepped in the middle of Tommy and Scott.
Y/N didn’t know she could feel such pleasure until he introduced himself into her body and she exploded of ecstasy. It felt right, he said he loved her and they went back a few days later.
Scott had said this should be between just the two of them, just as their love. But he never told her she could get pregnant.
Worry kept her up all night. She felt sorry for her poor father.
Covering her face with her hands, Y/N felt the tears rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably.
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“Scott,” Y/N breathed with relief, all the worry from the past days when she hadn’t been able to reach out soon, forgotten. “I need to talk to you.”
“Y/N… I’ve to rest, haven’t had a decent sleep yet. Can we talk about this another day?” He had been out of the city, busy with God knows what, but this was important for her, for them, for their future.
Y/N studied their surroundings carefully, trying to keep her voice from shaking she placed her hands on his shoulders.
“We’re going to have a child, Scott I’m carrying your baby.” She whispered.
Scott blinked unamused by the news, his nostrils expanding profusely. Y/N wanted to reach out, to throw herself in his arms but as they were outside his house, she had to control herself. Keep her distance with him and behave accordingly.
But when he took a step back, she felt confused.
“I-I’m… this must be a mistake.”
“No, no. There’s a baby growing inside me.” She repeated, keeping her voice down. “We’ll need to figure out about the wedding, it’ll have to be something intimate and soon before it starts showing…”
“I’m not going to marry you.” Scott scoffed. “How can I be sure this child is mine? You could’ve slept with someone else just as you did with me.” He mocked her.
Before she could stop herself, Y/N found her hand flying to his cheek. Her palm tingled after the slap she gave him.
“How could you say something like that?”
“Don’t you ever dare to fucking touch me again!” He snapped. “And as for this little inconvenient… I’m not taking responsibility, you’re on your own.”
He gave her a disgusted look and walked inside his house. Leaving Y/N turned into a crying mess, she was hurt and disappointed by his reaction and terrified of the outcome.
Her mother sent her to talk to Scott to arrange the terms of the wedding and now she just realized he didn’t have her back. But what was worse, he thought she would sleep around like a whore.
Folding her arms, she walked with her head down. Guilt and embarrassment written all over her face. How would she deal with this? How would she tell her mother what Scott just said? She had been so sure she’d be able to hide it from her father by marrying Scott but now she was left in the worst possible way.
She cried uncontrollably feeling defeated, it was now too late to do something, but at the same time she didn’t know how she’d take care and raise a baby by herself.
“Where’s Scott?” Her mother hissed when her daughter appeared in her eyesight.
Y/N couldn’t speak, something heavy made her walk slowly. Her whole world was crashing down and now she’d have to face the consequences.
“He told me he wouldn’t take responsibility for a child who might not be his.” As the words left her mouth, she started crying again.
“Of course he would say that! What did you think Y/N?!” Her mother exploded. “He must think the worst of you now, how easily you have yourself away to him!”
“He told me he loved me!” Managed to shout through her tears and sobs.
Her mother’s hand flew rapidly and hit her hard.
A heavy silence surrounded them. Her cheek was burning from her mother’s slap.
“Leave Y/N!” Her grandmother intervened.
“She deserved that.” Her mother explained, she was beyond angry.
Y/N’s grandmother wrapped an arm around her granddaughter protectively.
“What happened?”
“Tell her, go on… tell your grandmother what you did.”
Y/N kept her head down, she felt like she couldn’t look her grandmother in the eyes. She had failed them terribly, the values and principles they had showed her were thrown through the window.
“No? Well, I’ll tell her myself.” Her mother warned. “Y/N didn’t wait until marriage, she gave herself away like a whore and is now with a child. Couldn’t keep her legs closed.”
“Well we’ll think of something, she won’t start showing right away.”
“There’s nothing to think mother, Scott is out of the picture he didn't accept the responsibility.”
“But he’s as responsible as Y/N.” Her grandmother pointed out thinking this wasn’t fair on Y/N.
“Your granddaughter’s honor is right on the floor, he even suggested the baby isn’t his.”
Y/N saw her mother pacing around the small room, it was making her feel sick.
“And your father arrives tomorrow… should we send her with your sister to Durham?” She pondered the possibilities thinking of her mother’s sibling.
“Absolutely not.” Her grandmother defended.
“Then what? What are we going to do?”
Y/N felt sick and rushed away from them. Her head was pounding, her stomach in a tight knot and her heart shattered into million pieces.
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“Ma’am you can’t go in there.” Tommy heard from outside his office, then saw the door swing open.
“Mr. Shelby you’re the only one who can help me.”
Tommy rose to his feet in a second, the worry he found in Y/N’s grandmother raised all the alarms.
“What happened?”
“My son in law is hitting Y/N badly.” Her voice cracked, her hands reached for the sleeve of his suit. “You’ve to help her.”
Tommy took his coat from the rack and rushed to see what was happening.
“John, get Polly and meet me in Y/N’s house.” He demanded.
“I’ll go with them Mr. Shelby.” Y/N’s grandmother expressed, not wanting to make him wait.
Tommy doubted for a second, but with her hand, the elder woman ushered him, so it must be serious. Stepping in Y/N’s house without knocking because he heard her cries and pained screams from outside, but Tommy wasn’t prepared to find what he’d see.
Y/N was in the middle of the living room half her clothes shattered, kneeling on the floor and her upper body leaned over a chair, her back covered by the belt marks and blood.
He felt a rush of anger and disgust through his body. Tommy could practically taste his bile in his mouth, but as Y/N’s father was about to hit her again, he stepped in his way, holding the man’s hand firmly in the air.
“You touch her again, and I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Stay out of this Shelby, I’m dealing with this whore.”
“Don’t make me repeat myself or you’ll regret it.” Tommy muttered through gritted teeth.
John joined him with a couple of some of their men, they went straight to hold Y/N’s father away from her.
Y/N winced in pain when Tommy tried to help her up.
“This is a family matter!” Y/N’s mother shouted disturbed for the interruption. “You should respect that.”
“Yeah? Just like you’re respecting your daughter?” Tommy snapped, he lost all self control over this injustice.
“She has to deal with the consequences of her acts! Behaved like a whore, gets punished like one.”
Y/N felt her mother’s words like daggers to her heart. She wasn’t sure what felt more hurtful; her father’s hitting her with his belt or her mother’s words.
Tommy felt like throwing up, he apologized when he got Y/N in his arms and she complained from the pain.
“You can’t take her away!” Her mother warned, trying to stop Tommy.
He gave her a warning stare and mumbled; “watch me.”
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Part 2
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @blondie-22 @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @lau219 @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @lauren-raines-x @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989 @red-riding-wood @lovemissyhoneybee @theendlessvoidofdarkest @wannabeperfectionists-blog @yeppaweshallsee (can’t tag) @shydysneylover (can’t tag) @holacia3 @galactic3a @mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @ietss @abaker74 @natalie--rushman @elliaze @withyoutilltheendofthismess
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lucywritesagain · 1 month
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All of the stories will be updated soon with links
Last updated: August 8th 2024 Navigation
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◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟ONESHOTS◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟
Loki’s first Christmas
Creating a family: You and Loki are trying to have a baby, but it’s harder than it seems.
Ordinary Life for an Ordinary Prince : As a former prince of Asgard it is hard for Loki to adjust to his new lifestyle which consists of working and being tired all the time. Thankfully, you are there to make things better.
Forever?: You and Loki have been together for two years. Are you willing to make it forever?
Kintsugi: Every scar has a story, but does it mean you should hate them?
Exquisite: When your insecurities show up Loki is there to remind you of your beauty
Please forgive me:Loki wants to keep you safe but you don’t like their methods
Welcome to Asgard: You visit Asgard and meet Frigga who quickly notices the way Loki looks at you
True colors: As a healer your job was to take care of the staff in the palace but when the younger prince comes to you in the middle of the night a secret is revealed and bad choices are made.
Best friends fur-ever: Loki brings home a tiny cat who quickly steals both of your hearts
Jackie and Wilson: Loki used to hate Midgardians but something changed when he met you
Silent love confessions: Loki says something they didn’t mean for you to hear.
Ace of hearts:  Loki invited you to her apartment to celebrate the day of love, hoping to take your relationship to the next level but your date went in a different direction.
Querencia:  After months of hard work you have finally achieved what you dreamed of. Loki is happy because of your success but how do you explain a god that you don’t quite share the enthusiasm?
The only one that matters: It’s a party at the tower and Loki can’t help but to feel insecure about your relatiomship with them.
New year, new love: Your boyfriend left you for another woman but Loki is there to pick up the broken pieces. During that time your crush on the god becomes something more but your own insecurities won’t let you make the first move.
While I breathe, I hope: You were sent on a mission with Loki as your partner but things didn’t go as planned.
Battlescars: Loki knocks on your door, bringing with him a sense of urgency. Something has gone wrong. What is it? How do you handle it? Is Loki coming to you first, or are you the last resort.
The beginning of something great: You and Loki celebrate the god’s birthday and you have a very important question to ask them
A lesson in ice skating:  We have read so many times about Loki teaching the Reader how to ice skate but what if this time it’t the god of mischief himself needs help. In other words you take Loki ice skating and it resolves in, well, you will need to read it to find out <insert wink face>
Halloween: Loki agreed to go trick or treating with Peter and finally starts to believe he deserves to be called a hero
Broken mirrors: During one of his depressive episodes Loki wonders if someone like him would ever be worthy of you. Will your love be enough to keep him alive?
My Silly Midgardian:  Loki’s friend/crush has the flu. Loki having no knowledge  about midgardian diseases panics and tries his best to make her feel better.
Sunflower: Loki couldn’t understand what was so spacial about sunflowers. Why you found them so beautiful and magestic. After all it was just a plant, wasn’t it?
The one with the pillow fort and lovestruck God:  You and Loki decided to build a pillow fort
Could a human love a monster :  Loki is again in a spirale of negative thoughts but can your feeling for him change the way he sees himself
◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟DRABBLES◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟
Coffee scented love: After a long day at work you come home to your favourite trickster
◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟HEADCANONS◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟
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a-5-m-0-d-3-u-5 · 1 year
Hesitant Affection (Bowser x TransMasc/Male Reader)
Some feel good fluff with everyone’s favorite Koopa <3 This is kinda just ramblings since I couldn’t nail down a solid plot so forgive me if it’s a little chaotic. It’s a bit short and scattered so if you’d like something more specific just send me a request! The more specific the better.
Note: For things like this, I imagine Bowser a little more humanoid than his in-game model so this may come across in my writing but I do my best to kinda leave it up to interpretation. He’s still very tall and large, but more proportionate to human standards and lizardy in my mind. Also, unrelated because it doesn’t come up here but chubby Bowser > ripped Bowser, I will take no arguments.
CW: The level of transition for this reader character is unspecified. He/him pronouns are used here and there, but it's mostly a second person POV. A small part mentions the reader’s aversion to dresses and wearing them as a child, but is never forced to wear one in the present.
Requested by: anonymous
Word count: 615
Bowser. Praised by some, feared by many, and loved by a select few that he allows. Up until recently that list included only the Koopalings and on a good day, Kamek. But then this human, how curious he’s not afraid of the cruel King of the Koopas, wanders into his life and soon, he can't imagine his castle without him.
There’s a touch more life to the place, his subjects are happier with him around. He often helps in the kitchen or tidying up a mess. He hates to admit it, but this strange human may be changing Bowser too. He feels less of an inclination to cause random havoc knowing it would upset you, both to see him hurt but also others too (curse that large, kind heart you have).
He’s quite the textbook gentleman, holding doors and pulling out your chair. But get him to engage in romance outside of what he was taught to provide and he becomes a mess. A small kiss on the nose seemed to make his fiery hair steam while his face burned with uncharacteristic sheepishness. Insist on holding his hand and he won’t even turn your way, to hide his embarrassed face of course, all while extending his grasp to your much, much smaller hand because how could he say no to his beloved? Not when he asked so sweetly, too. You’d be the death of him, he always thought to himself, but he’d die happy at least.
On one occasion, an unexpected invite to the Mushroom Kingdom for a banquet found its way to your hands, Bowser insisting it must be a mistake because why would they invite him to such a thing?
The invitation was vague. Peach’s large cursive writing, in pink pen of course, simply invited ‘The King of the Koopas and one guest to attend a banquet at my castle in the Mushroom Kingdom.’ The date and dress code were detailed at the bottom. You hadn’t been to a party like this since you were very young, forced into an itchy dress that you didn’t particularly like for many reasons, more being added on as you discovered yourself further. While you had faith Bowser wouldn’t urge any sort of similar clothing on you, he still insisted on letting you know that wasn’t happening if you wished to go and you were grateful.
That night, all eyes were on the Koopa King and the human hanging off his arm. The princess greeted you cheerfully, inviting you both in and explaining the banquet’s purpose as a celebration of peace. She was grateful to Bowser for his change in behavior, and later to you when in conversation over drinks you explained you may have been the reason for it. You were introduced to the ever famous Mario Brothers, delightful duo they were, and found amusement when you caught your date for the evening glaring daggers at the mustachioed plumber in red.
I see you helping him with the Koopalings, Bowser Jr. namely, and him swooning. Watching you hold his hand in a crowd so you don’t separate from him makes his heart flutter, letting them help you in the kitchen to make his birthday breakfast and smiling (and almost crying but he’d never admit it) when he passes the cracked kitchen door.
He sleeps on his front due to his shell and sometimes, you like to stick cotton balls on his spikes while he dozes for no real reason other than the human fascination of having the ability to do so. It entertains you and when Bowser discovers it, he finds it cute. He also can’t get them off himself so be a dear and help him, won’t you?
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frankenjoly · 3 months
By chance
- for fukumori week 2024's day 1: jealousy - no-powers au, mori & elise are childhood besties
In theory, Fukuzawa could handle himself in almost every social situation. In practice, these kinds of parties weren’t exactly his forté.
He  had only attended because Gen’ichirô (the one actually invited there from the two of them) had somehow convinced him (one of his arguments being how he needed to hang out with more people than either him and his own coworkers/trainees). So every time he went on to greet someone he knew, Fukuzawa mainly stood there, waiting for his friend to come back.
At least until he introduced him to the party’s hosts, when saying he got awestruck wouldn’t exactly be an understatement.
The pair were a blond blue-eyed woman who looked like and was dressed like a porcelain doll, which couldn’t be anyone else but the main reason the event had gotten to take place in the first place, and the man who instantly took Fukuzawa’s breath away. Way more tangible-looking than his companion but not in any way less gorgeous because of that, with black hair tied into a low ponytail and purple eyes so enticing he couldn’t help but stare. And the man in question, instead of acting coy, responded by staring back.
“Yukichi, this is the birthday girl in the flesh, our esteemed–” His focus only came back when Gen’ichirô started making introductions, until being interrupted by the woman herself. 
Or it would be more accurate to state he simply let her take the reins instead.
“You can just call me Elise.” She instantly said, smiling wide and not bothering to hide a giggle at his confusion. And he had all the right to be confused; the idea of addressing someone he had just met so casually felt odd. “And this is–” She smiled mischievously, poking her companion with her index finger. “Rintarô, are you with us?” Even when he started to react, she went on and repeated the gesture a couple of times more, each one more insistent than the previous one.
“Of course, Elise-chan, dear.” The man blinked, directing his gaze towards Elise and away from Fukuzawa, also taking her hand as if to plead for forgiveness. “I would never dare to ignore you, less so at your birthday party.”
“Pfft, whatever you say, dum-dum.”
The way they addressed each other, informal and affectionate, as well as the very little to no single qualms they had when it came to physical touch, obviously meant a great deal of closeness between the two. And shouldn’t be like that, especially not when it involved a man he had just met, but the mere fact stirred something uncomfortable in Fukuzawa’s insides.
“You won’t believe me? After all we’ve been through?” After Elise answered with a scoff, he moved his attention back to Fukuzawa. “Pardon me.” Were his next words, accompanied by a slight bow. “Mori Ôgai, pleased to meet you.”
“Likewise.” Fukuzawa instantly said, mirroring his gesture. 
“Also, sorry for the indiscretion, but I must ask. Have you two been a couple for too long?”
Both Mori and Elise’s reactions were similar in nature, but different in intensity. He let out a brief laugh, waving a hand to dismiss the idea, while she straight up bursted into laughter with no trace of shame nor making any attempt at avoiding attracting attention. That obviously caused several heads to turn in their direction, and Fukuzawa silently prayed to be rescued by Gen’ichirô, who had gone away for a while upon recognizing his most trusted work colleague at her arrival.
“Please–” It took Elise a few minutes and a ton of laughing more to calm down enough to answer; so, at said point, her eyes were filled with tears of amusement and her make-up hadn’t been ruined by sheer power of will. “One may think I’d be used to this by now, but it’s hilarious nonetheless.”
“No need to worry, Fukuzawa-dono. It tends to be a common mistake.” Mori added, smiling in a way that caught him absolutely off guard.
“My apologies, still.”
“We’ve been thick as thieves since forever, we’ll give you that. But it’s not romantic, please. In fact…” Elise also smiled, partly as a remnant of her cackling and partly with a mischievous undertone. “Rintarô’s single.”
The uncomfortable feeling setting inside him while making the incorrect assumption not only dissipated the moment she said so, but also Fukuzawa’s chest got instantly struck by a warm and bubbly feeling.
(Also on ao3.)
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Hiya, love your fics sm. I was wondering how you felt about doing a modern sihtric fic where they’re in a relationship and it’s his birthday and they’re having a party for him. Sihtric and the reader are dancing and flirting and it leads to smut?
warnings: SMUT! mention of alcohol, oral (giving/receiving), face slapping.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: see ask!
word count: 2k
Note: Surprise!!! (how fitting, but, yeah; surprise, I managed to write a lil fic while on holiday). Thank you for your kind words, anon, and thanks for the request! I need a cold shower now.
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @anditsmywholeheart
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'By the gods, fuck!' Sihtric shouted as he dropped his phone and reached to grab his chest, checking if his heart was still beating.
You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. You had managed to invite Sihtric's friends, without his knowledge, and bring them together for a surprise birthday party.
'Oh, gods,' you laughed and picked up his phone before walking up to Sihtric. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck on his lips.
'Happy birthday, baby,’ you smiled, hoping he’d forgive you for this surprise party.
'You wanted this to be my last birthday, my love?' he huffed, but quickly pulled you against his chest as his eyes darted over everyone in your living room. 
‘Ya should’ve seen yer face, mate!’ Finan howled as he nudged Uhtred, who wiped a tear away from laughing. 
Hild and Osferth just giggled and felt sorry for Sihtric, as he was really startled, while Beocca, Thyra, Ragnar, Brida, Pyrlig and Gisela broke out in birthday songs. Sihtric blushed lightly and just wanted the attention to shift to anyone that wasn’t him. He loved seeing everyone here and his heart was simply full, but he just did not want to be the centre of attention.
‘Sorry,’ you giggled in his ear.
‘No, you’re not,’ he chuckled.
‘You’re the absolute worst, baby,’ Sihtric smiled, ‘but thank you, I really appreciate this.’
‘Okay!’ Finan shouted, ‘time to get this party started! I will be the DJ for the night. Ya can request songs, but I probably won’t play them,’ he laughed proudly while everyone booed him, but he was quick to drown out the protests with his music.
‘Finan’s in charge of the music, really?’ Sihtric frowned.
‘He wouldn’t take no for an answer.’
‘Don’t give him too much to drink, before you know it he’ll only play Irish folk music.’
‘Did ya want Irish folk music, birthday boy?’ Finan yelled.
‘No!’ everyone shouted at once.
Luckily Finan wasn’t bad with music, and everyone seemed to have a good time and was eventually dancing. But it also could’ve been the fact that everyone quickly got a lot of alcohol in their system. Because even Sihtric, who usually doesn’t dance, pulled you towards him and so there was no escape for you either. You had to dance with him.
‘How much did you have to drink?’ you laughed as his hands trailed to your waist.
‘Enough,’ he chuckled and brought one hand up to your neck as he leaned in, only to give you the sloppiest kiss he had ever given you.
‘Babe!’ you giggled and gently pushed him away, ‘we’re not alone. Save that for later,’ you winked.
‘I don’t want to save it for later,’ he pouted.
‘Well,’ you teased him and flicked your tongue over his lips, ‘you’ll have to.’
Sihtric was quick to bite your lower lip in return, but you didn’t give in, and suddenly a drunk Gisela pulled your arm to dance with her, to which Sihtric gave her a mean stare. You both could only laugh at his reaction, and after a while you danced your way out of the crowd, to your kitchen. You poured yourself another shot, which Sihtric suddenly grabbed out of your hands and drank, before you could even take a sip yourself.
‘Dance with me, you beautiful… most.. hottest … my… you’re my wife!’ Sihtric slurred heavily and he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so there you went again.
‘Having fun, my dear?’ you asked as he wrapped his arms around you from behind.
‘Gods, you’re just so… hot,’ he sighed in your ear.
‘And you are so drunk,’ you laughed, shaking your head.
‘Hmm… not too drunk to have some fun with you,’ Sihtric hummed, running one hand down your thigh, which he squeezed hard, ‘come on, baby,’ he moaned, ‘I want you in the bedroom.’
‘Not yet,’ you giggled and broke his embrace, ‘we have guests. So maybe later, if you sober up a little.’ And you kissed his lips before you danced some more.
The rest of the night was basically just a blur. People danced, people sang (badly), some took pictures and at one point you watched Sihtric bend backwards while Finan poured a bottle of liquor down in Sihtric’s mouth. Which, for some reason, aroused you.
A lot of time had passed by now and most friends started to go home, as it was heading to the early hours in the morning. Finan was the last to leave, and you had to call him a cab because he could barely stand on his legs after the amount of alcohol he had. You closed the door behind him and turned around, only to sigh at the mess in the living room. But you couldn’t be bothered to deal with it now. You suddenly heard a thump and made your way to the bedroom, only to see that Sihtric had stumbled into bed. When he saw you, he came to sit at the edge of the bed and held his hands out to you.
‘Baby,’ he pleaded, ‘now?’
You took his hands and Sihtric pulled you onto his lap, facing him, so he could quickly press his soft lips against yours. You broke the kiss and smiled at him.
‘Are you still drunk?’
‘Only a little,’ he smiled and kissed you again.
‘So, did my husband get everything he desired for his birthday?’
You brushed your hand slowly through his curls and kissed the shaved side of his head.
‘Hm,’ Sihtric hummed and closed his eyes, enjoying your touch, ‘almost.’
‘What more does he want then?’ you purred.
‘You already have me, my love, every day.’
‘Yes,’ Sihtric smirked, ‘but not in the way I want you now.’
‘And what way is that then?’ you flicked your tongue over his lips again, making him moan.
‘I want your lips, baby girl,’ he paused to kiss you, ‘on my cock,’ he smirked.
‘Is that so?’ you sat back and watched as his eyes darkened.
‘Mhm,’ he hummed, ‘I want to watch you suck me off, pretty lady.’
‘Hmm, I don’t know. Technically, your birthday is already over, sweetheart,’ you teased and kissed his jaw.
‘No,’ Sihtric groaned, ‘that’s not fair, you kept me waiting.’
‘You had to wait, there were other people around.’
‘And now they’re not,’ he said, and hissed when you kissed his neck, ‘fuck, please, baby, suck my cock for me. You do it so nicely.’
You chuckled at Sihtric. Begging was such a good look on him and you weren’t quite done toying with him.
‘How nicely?'
‘So fucking nicely, my love.’
‘I’m still not convinced,’ you shrugged.
‘Gods, please, baby, I need you.’
‘Hm,’ you chuckled, ’and you want me to suck you here?’
‘No,’ he spoke hoarsely, ‘I want you to sit back against the wall while you let me fuck your pretty little mouth.’
‘And you will cum in my mouth too?’
‘I’ll cum anywhere you want, baby, just take me in your fucking mouth and I’ll give it to you,’ he grunted.
He picked you up in his arms as he got up, and lowered you down to the floor, making you sit back against the bedroom wall. He was quick to pull his boxers down and he firmly grabbed your chin with one hand, while his other hand grabbed your hair.
‘Open up, pretty baby,’ Sihtric whispered, ‘and take my cock.’
You did as he asked and he gently guided his length into your mouth, moaning at the warmth and wetness around his throbbing cock.
‘That’s right, ah,’ he hissed, ‘so good.’
He grabbed your hair tighter and held your chin steady and firmly, keeping your head pressed against the wall as he started thrusting into your mouth.
‘So fucking good, baby girl,’ he moaned and tugged at your hair, ‘I swear the gods made you for this, just for me.’
You gagged once when he thrusted slightly too hard into your mouth, to which he pulled out and slapped your face with his flat hand.
‘I know you can take me whole,’ he said sternly, ‘or am I wrong?’
‘No, sir,’ you smiled, panting, ‘give me another chance?’
‘Of course,’ Sihtric hushed you and leaned in to kiss your lips. 
‘Did I hit you too hard, baby?’ he caressed your slightly reddened cheek carefully.
‘No, sir.’
‘No?’ he smirked, ‘did you like it?’
‘Yes, sir.’
‘Good,’ Sihtric chuckled and slapped your face again, ‘now do as you were told.’
He lifted your chin slightly up and pulled your hair harshly, and you eagerly took his throbbing cock in your mouth again.
‘Hmm,’ you hummed as you sucked him.
‘Oh, gods, yes,’ he moaned and closed his eyes, enjoying you for a short while. ‘You can make me cum so fast,’ Sihtric laughed, panting, ‘take off your clothes for me,’ he ordered as he abruptly pulled out and sat down onto the bed, while you tried to catch your breath.
‘Like this?’ you teased, slowly stripping yourself off your clothes in front of him.
‘Yeah, just like that,’ his voice was rough as he watched you undress, ‘and now come here.’
Sihtric took off your panties and pulled you down onto the bed with him. He grabbed your hips as he laid down on his back and brought your soaking pussy up to his mouth. He kissed your slit softly before he licked you, making you lose your mind at the feeling. You pulled his hair and leaned back slightly, supporting yourself with your other hand placed on his thigh, and you quickly found his hard cock. You jerked him off while he enjoyed your juices in his mouth, and you tried to silence his moans by rocking your hips, riding him as he licked and kissed you, which caused his cock to grow even harder.
‘I’m going to cum, Sihtric,’ you moaned.
‘Mhmm,’ he hummed, smiling against your folds, ‘you taste so good, baby, I don’t want to stop yet,’ he grabbed your hips to pull you even closer down on him.
‘Oh, gods, fuck,’ you sighed, ‘you make my pussy feel so good, babe.’
‘Hmm,’ Sihtric hummed again, as he licked and sucked your clit. And within seconds you surrendered to him and to your high. You laughed and your body jerked as he continued to lick your oversensitive parts.
‘Sihtric, stop!’ you giggled, ‘you’re too much, baby, fuck,’ you hissed and pulled yourself away from him, much to his displeasure.
‘I wasn’t done yet,’ he groaned.
‘That’s right,’ you smiled as you brought your lips back to his cock, ‘you weren’t. So let me take care of that.’
‘Please,’ he whined as you licked and kissed his length, ‘take me whole.’
You did as he asked, eagerly sucking him off while you kept your eyes on him, watching him enjoy every move you made. You believe there is no look that could possibly make Sihtric look any hotter or more beautiful than his look of pleasure.
His sly smirk, his narrow eyes, the way he tilts his head slightly back, exposing his neck while he enjoys you. All the soft, low, deep moans and whispers that escape his lips. The way his chest moves up and down slowly as he tries to control himself by controlling his breathing, and the way he’ll curse in his native tongue when you feel really good to him.
It's the way he uses all his strength to keep himself together, and the way he allows himself to be at his most vulnerable with you when he finally gives in and allows himself to spill inside your mouth.
Everything felt like an achievement to you. To which the greatest achievement was when he’d pull out of your mouth and grab your chin, to look into your eyes as he told you how good you’ve been to him and how much he loves you, and to then pull you up to him and kiss you with so much love, it could never be expressed with words. It could only be felt. And all that is exactly what had happened, before he pulled you under the sheets with him and held you in his arms all night. And he’d tell you in the morning, when you woke up, that this was the best birthday he ever had.
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lala3244 · 1 year
When the protectors are gone Part FOUR
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Hello everyone!
Part Four is here. I don't think there are some warnings maybe some angst in like two sentences. Ah yes, consumption of alcohol
A lot of people were there and when we stepped inside everyone turned around and got quiet. I looked at Lord Diavolo, worried and whispered quietly “Why are they looking at us like that?” He laughed “Did you look at yourself?” I shrugged “Of course” He looked down at me “Well? You are just splendid. We make a beautiful couple.” I nudged him discreetly and he chuckled. We walked down the hall where everyone moved to let us pass. I felt really uncomfortable with all the stares on me. Diavolo seemed in his element and he walked proudly towards a huge table at the end of the room. The table was full of presents. The more we approached, the more I could see many notes with my name on it. I turned around and I saw a lot of people that I didn’t know. I couldn’t think of why they were there. “Lord Diavolo? Why are there so many people? I don’t know them?” He smiled “I invited them because I want them to see the nice relationships you have going on with the demons and the angels so they can see it can work.” I frowned “But Lord Diavolo, don’t you…” He cut me off “Please can you go back to calling me Diavolo?” I stared at him while shaking my head “I don’t think I can do that yet, Lord Diavolo.” He lowered his head, a sad expression on his face. “I understand. Hopefully, you’ll change your mind soon. I don’t like it when you call me Lord but I cut you off, please continue what you wanted to say.” I smiled, “Yes, um… sure. I was thinking the relationships I have with you and the brothers are not really the best, are they? I don’t think you should have done that as it is not a good example. It would have been better to show Amelia’s relationships than mine.” I controlled my anger when I said her name. I needed to get to the bottom of it but first I had to get through this party and go to the human realm. He nodded “I guess. But it’s good that they know that human beings are not weak creatures. You are a strong one.” I pouted “I don’t think being saved by another demon is me being strong.” He laughed again “No, but look at you! Fully healed and surrounded by demons with no fear in your eyes, your face nor your stance. Talking brashly to their prince and to the seven Avatars.” 
I relaxed, “That would mean I am disrespectful of you my Lord.” He laughed louder and everyone turned around again to watch us. He calmed down and looked around then leaned down to whisper in my ear so I was the only one who could hear.“Yes, it wouldn’t be good for a human to be disrespectful, would it? But I think I can forgive you for that.” I giggled and blushed. He straightened up and with a booming voice got the attention of everyone in the room. “Good evening everyone. I have invited all of you to come here to celebrate one of the first exchange students of our program. Last month was her birthday, for reasons I won’t mention we haven’t been able to celebrate it so tonight we will make it up to her. From all of us, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” All the demons screamed at the same time “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Barbatos handed me a glass of what looked like champagne and I happily took it then I drank it in one go. I took another one and this one I took my time to sip. I thanked Diavolo and he told me to stay where I was. He made a sign with his hand and some classical music was playing. He held out his hand “May I have this dance with you?” I nodded and took his hand. He put his free hand on my waist and intertwined his fingers with mine. Everyone moved to give us some space to twirl around and we started dancing. I couldn’t figure out how I could follow his lead and know when he was going to spin me around and catch me again but I could. It made me gleeful. When the song was ending, Lucifer came and I switched with him. It was the same as our date, my body following his every movement and one by one the brothers danced with me. Simeon took over then Solomon. After dancing with the sorcerer, I was tired but I really enjoyed it. I sat down and Diavolo came over “It’s time to open your presents.” I walked towards the table and started to open them while everyone surrounded me to see what I received.
Once the presents were opened, Diavolo stayed by my side while I talked to the people whose names I could memorise from the notes and Lord Diavolo introduced me so I could thank them properly. So that was my evening, I went around talking to people I didn’t know and for a few of them I could feel their hostility towards humans in general. I was so glad Diavolo was there as I guessed they would have eaten me by now or taken me away in their dungeon to do who knows what. I could see in their eyes their dark fantasies and it got me scared. If one of them were to transform I would freak out but hopefully none of them did. They were mostly polite and the evening went smoothly. 
After the last one, I was so tired, I wanted to go home. “Lord Diavolo. Would it be impolite for me to leave?” He looked at the room and most people were leaving or already gone. “Can you wait for a few minutes?” I sighed quietly, “Sure I can.” He smiled broadly, happy. Finally, everyone was gone except the brothers, the angel and the sorcerer. Diavolo said goodbye to all of them and told them to wait for me outside. He pulled a box from his jacket and gave it to me. “I wanted to give you a present to always remind you when you first met all of us. I hope you’ll like it.” I opened it and saw a beautiful bracelet, thin, covered in tiny diamonds and the day of my arrival shaped with tiny red stones. I smiled at him and thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. He blushed, surprised by my action. “Can you help me put it on?” He grabbed the bracelet and clasped it around my wrist. He took my hand and turned it to observe his gift. “I knew it would suit you well.” Still holding my hand, we headed towards the exit and opened the door. Barbatos followed us with my presents in bags and gave them to the brothers. There were a lot… Diavolo turned me around so I could face him, my hand still in his. He looked at me, a tender smile on his face. He leaned closer to my ear “I know it doesn’t make up for what happened but I hope you had a good time. Enjoy your vacation back at home.” I nodded and he kissed me on the cheek. I could hear Mammon, grumbling and walking towards me.
Mammon put his arm around my shoulders and he guided me down the stairs to go to the Hall of Lamentation. “Did ya have fun ?” I shrugged “I would have preferred to spend the evening with you instead of talking all night with strangers but it was okay. I am not used to having all the attention on me.” I heard a scoff after my sentence. I turned my head to the side and saw Amelia walking next to me “What’s that laugh for?” She faced me with her eyes widening “What do you mean?” I frowned, “You just scoffed.” She looked ashamed but still she said, “You say you’re not used to the attention but you’ve been getting it all the time!” I stopped and scowled “Are you seriously telling me ALL this time you’ve been here all the attention was on me?!” She smirked, “Why, of course.” This time, I was the one scoffing. “Well, at least, I didn’t ask some demons to attack me so I could have some attention” I lock eyes with her, my face inches from hers, to let her know that I knew. Her eyes became slowly wider as the realisation of what I was implying hit her. I didn’t move for a few seconds and I smirked, happy with how it played out. I turned back around and started to walk towards the demons who had stopped walking a few metres away. Mammon put his arm back around my shoulders and started to walk while some of the brothers waited for the other human. 
Finally, we were home and I went straight to my room. I saw my cat and gasped. I had forgotten to ask someone to look after him while I was gone! I quickly changed into my pyjamas and ran to Satan’s room. I knocked on his door and waited in front of it then I felt a presence behind me. I turned sharply, surprised but saw the demon I was looking for. I exhaled a breath I was apparently holding, relieved. Satan tilted his head but made no attempt to move. “Do you need something?” He moved closer to me and I had to look up. “Yes, I was wondering if you could look after my cat while I am gone?” His eyes softened but his face still looked serious “Of course, but what do I get in return?” I smiled, “What do you want in return?” He hummed, thinking. “I don’t know yet, I will let you know” I laughed, “Of course, take your time.” I leaned up to kiss him on the cheek “Thank you Satan”. I came back to my room and started to pack my luggage. I went to the bathroom to take the makeup off and brush my teeth. I laid down on my bed and started to fall asleep but then I heard the door opening and closing followed by steps going towards my bed. My mattress dipped, someone was sitting next to me and I heard a whisper “Human? Are ya awake?” I giggled “Yes Mammon, I am.” I scooted over to make some room for the demon. 
He froze for a moment and I laughed, “Do you need something Mammon?” He took a corner of my duvet and moved it so he could get inside it. He covered himself and came closer to me. I could feel him hesitate to do something so I moved closer to him and I wrapped my arms around him. He gasped at the sudden movement but embraced me back. I massaged his scalp while he buried his face in my chest. “Whats’ up Mammon?” His grip tightened and he whispered, “Do ya really need to go?” I kissed him on the top of his head. “Yes, I need a break Mammon. I need to see my family.” He squeezed me tighter “Aren’t we your family? We need ya” I stopped my massage “No, Mammon. You feel guilty if demons can feel that emotion, all of you and that’s why I need to go. I am starting to resent all of you despite how attentive everyone is now.” My eyes started watering. “I don’t want to talk about it yet. I just want to sleep and leave tomorrow morning.” I could feel him nod his head and we fell asleep.
I woke up early, feeling so excited. I felt a dead weight on my body and saw Mammon on top of me, his whole body enveloping me. I couldn’t move but tried anyway. “MAMMON! Wake up! I need to get up!” He grunted but made no movement. I tried to shake my whole body. “MAAAMMMMOOONNN! Come OOOOONNNNN!” He lifted himself on his elbows and brought his face close to mine, frustration in his eyes “Human, shut up! It’s too early and I decided that I will keep ya in ya bedroom so you won’t leave me.” I laughed and succeeded in moving him off me. “I'm leaving for a few days, I promise you I'll come back. I have some unfinished business here. If you let me go, I’ll buy you some gifts.” His head perked up and he nodded excitedly “Okay! But I’ll finish my night in yer bed.” I put my whole body on top of him to hug “Sure, you can!” I got up and got myself ready. 
I went downstairs with my luggage, waiting for Barbatos to transport me to the human realm. After a few minutes, he arrived and we travelled through a portal directly in front of my sister’s house. I had previously called her to tell her about my surprise for our mom and she agreed to drive me over to her flat. Barbatos left discreetly as I blatantly ignored him so excited to finally see my family. I knocked on the door and my sister Ellie greeted me. She let me in and we went to the kitchen to drink some coffee. We talked for a bit then we left to go over to our parents’. 
We arrived at my parents’ building. My sister rang the bell and my dad opened the door. He saw me and hugged me, happy to see me. My mom arrived after and smiled. I went inside and hugged her. “Happy birthday, Maman!” She hugged me back “What are you doing here?!” I pulled away “I wanted to surprise you for your birthday and take a break from where I am.” She hummed “I see, are you sleeping here?” I nodded, “If you don’t mind, otherwise I can stay at Ellie’s house.” She looked at my dad who agreed “Of course you can stay here! You know where your room is but I need to prepare it.” I walked over to the guest room door “Don’t worry! I’ll do it. Today, you aren’t doing anything!” I opened the door and put my luggage inside, I grabbed some sheets and made my bed. “I am going food shopping and we are going to have a picnic at the beach!” So my sister drove me to the supermarket, we went back and got everything ready for a day at the ocean side. Ellie had helped me and contacted some friends and family to join us and they were already there when we arrived. My mom was pleased to see everyone reunited for her. I put down my towel and undressed myself to my swimming suit. I went for a swim in the ocean. It felt so nice to see the sun and to swim freely without being afraid of demons hurting me. 
We all sat around to eat on the sand. We made sandwiches and salads, and we also brought some drinks. I looked at my D.D.D and saw some messages from Mammon that got me a bit worried.
Mammon: Oi, human! Are ya in the human realm?
Mammon: Are ya safe?
Mammon: Why ain’t ya answerin’?
Mammon: Ya need to come back now!
I frowned and tried to call him but he didn’t answer. I texted him back but I got the same result. 
I looked to my left and saw three figures I recognised. I stood up and walked towards them to be sure I was seeing right. Solomon, Simeon and Luke were here, on the beach I was with my family, in the human realm. I ran towards them and hugged them “What are you doing here?!” The three of them had a serious face and Simeon explained, “Lord Diavolo sent us here because he got wind of a group of demons are coming here to hunt you down. We don’t know how they knew you would be here without any protection but they are coming. It will take them a few days to arrive as they are not allowed to teleport here so they are taking the longer way.”
It is getting a bit more interesting!
I'll see you soon
Much love to everyone !
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ibiza night fever | epilogue
pablo gavi x original female character [+18]
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synopsis: to celebrate her recent freedom, sofie’s best friends invited her to spend the summer in ibiza. after four years, a tattoo and countless fights – sofie was single. she was dumped on her 22nd birthday; now all she asks for is a calm and relaxing vacation with her girlfriends – no boys allowed. warnings: age gap, alcohol consumption, smut, angst; minors dni.
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
The vacation is coming to an end and the island life starts to feel more like a fever dream. Everything is too bright and shiny, the weather is too hot. As the end approached, her friends seemed to get her even busier. Every day there was a new adventure, a new interesting party or Michelin star restaurant. Sofie barely remembers how life was like before, and she can’t imagine what is gonna be like when she goes back. No more sunset concerts or jet skis. No more yachts, no more Spanish men. Pablo still didn’t have her phone number, but it didn’t really matter — they were constantly talking. There was always a carefully planned coincidence putting them in the same room. And the same bed.
And then, suddenly, on their last day in Ibiza, Thomas showed up. The now much bigger group of friends were all hanging out in the girl’s villa. It was a goodbye party.
He was standing there, looking disheveled and desperate. Her heart skipped a beat, but she quickly regained her composure.
"What are you doing here?" Sofie asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
"I came to find you," he said, taking a step closer. "I made a mistake, Sofie. Breaking up with you was the biggest mistake of my life."
Sofie shook her head, trying to push away the memories of their painful breakup. "It's too late, Thomas. You can't just show up like this."
"But I love you," he pleaded. "Please give me another chance. I was scared and I acted like a coward. I’m so sorry. Please, please forgive me."
"I can't just forget everything that's happened”
"I'll do anything," he said, his voice cracking with emotion. "Please, Sofie. I can't live without you. I'll give you all the time you need, but please tell me you’ll think about it."
Sofie took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity and desperation in them. She knew she still loved him, but she couldn't let herself be hurt again. Still, she nodded. She found herself hugging him and saying goodbye, promising to continue their conversation another day. Back home.
“Who does he think he is to just show up like that?” Rebecca was furious.
“Who is he?” Pedro asked. Later, while finishing packing her bags, Sofie explains it all to Pablo.
“So the heart tattoo is for him?” He asks, looking more like the anxious boy of the day she met him, big doll eyes and blushy cheeks. He was disappointed, she knew him enough to understand that. "So you were using me? To forget him.” 
“You were using me too. To get your dick wet.”
Pablo gives a dry chuckle.
“What a nice match we made, huh.”
Sofie tries to smile while holding back tears, she’s afraid of saying anything else. He wraps his arms around her, pretending that if he hugs her for long enough she won’t have to leave.
“Don’t go back to him. I know you don't want me like that, but don’t go back to him.”
They’re both quietly sobbing in each other's arms and it doesn’t make any sense. It was just sex, they don’t even know each other that well. It shouldn’t be hurting so much. Sofie writes her number in a post it and hands it to him.
“No, no. You were right. It’s better this way.” Pablo pushes her hand away, not even looking at the paper. She nods.
Rebecca cries during the whole flight home, so Sofie doesn’t have a lot of time to feel sorry for herself. There’s an understanding she was much closer to Pedro than Sofie to Pablo. So the girls dedicate themselves to taking care of Becca. She never talks about that sort of thing and this time is no different. So they don’t really know what happened with the couple.
“That’s how the rest of our lives are gonna be, you know.” Chiara whispers to her when Rebecca finally falls asleep. “Watching one after the other getting hurt over stupid men.”
“At least we have each other.”
Chiara agrees.
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flancs · 2 years
You suck
- you said it’ll take two weeks to get over me
- you said you wouldn’t judge me if I had one drink and got drunk, and started judging everything I said and was upset
- you shut down when I was honest about leaving in two weeks
- you brought up another girl and made me compete with her
- you couldn’t forgive me for days when I made you cry
- you kissed her when you were mad at me
- you don’t have Asian fetish, you have an Asian ‘preference’
- you invited me to your birthday party and let me fend for myself when everyone was asking about us
- you think I’m flirting with your housemate when he was the only one I knew at your party
- you constantly sent mixed messages, especially at the end
- you won’t admit you’re autistic (fine!) but then you don’t let me feel free and happy when I am being autistic
- you judge my voice and the way I express I feel safe and comfortable
- your friends are ableist
- you said I should do what I needed to do, but then wouldn’t fulfil the one thing I asked for which was a clear rejection, even Sandwich did that
- you’re an asshole
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twstarchives · 4 years
Birthday Wishes to the Player
Riddle: “It seems we won’t be having an Unbirthday Party today. Your birthday only happens once a year. You must eat cake, open your presents, and enjoy yourself as best as you can.”
Ace: “Eh? Was there something going on today? ...I’m just messing with you! It’s your birthday, right? Of course I remembered. Happy birthday, Prefect.”
Deuce: “Oi, I heard it’s your birthday today. Don’t be a stranger; you should tell me these things. I want to give my friends a huge celebration for their birthdays. Come on, I’ll buy you something from the cafeteria.”
Cater: “Happy birthday! You can’t believe I remembered...? As if I’d ever forget this special day! I got a present ready that I think will make you really happy. And there’s no doubt about that, since Cay picked it out! ♪”
Trey: “Happy birthday. I went all out baking a special birthday cake for today. Now, what exactly is ‘special’ about it... you’ll see once you eat it. Everyone’s waiting for us. Let’s go.”
Leona: “You don’t have to look at me with those pleading eyes. Of course I know it’s your birthday. Forgive me for not leaping for joy.”
Jack: “Oi, I heard it’s your birthday today. Here. It’s a present. I-It’s not like I waited till you were alone before I came to give you this. Don’t get the wrong idea.”
Ruggie: “You’re eating good food, getting all these presents, and everyone’s being so nice to you today. So you don’t really need me to send you birthday wishes on top of that, right? Kidding. Shishishi! I swear! Happy birthday!”
Azul: “Happy birthday! Today is a special case, in that I will grant you one single wish. ...Of course this isn’t a business deal. This is an investment in your future self.”
Jade: “Happy birthday. This isn’t much, but here is a present from me. Oh! But don’t open it here. That wouldn’t be fun at all. You must do it in secret, when you’re all alone... Understood?”
Floyd: “Hey, Shrimpy, isn’t it your birthday? Hehe! You can try to hide, but it won’t work. I’m gonna throw a huge celebration for you, so get ready for it, okay? Heheh!”
Kalim: “Come on! Come on! We gotta get to the lounge! I heard it’s your birthday today, so I got a band, lots of food, elephants, golden camels, peacocks, and... just a whole bunch of stuff ready! We’ve gotta have a huge party for your happy day!”
Jamil: “So it’s your birthday today? Happy birthday. I don’t have anything like a parade of elephants and camels, but I’ll try to do as much as I can for you today.”
Vil: “It’s your birthday? Oh, dear, I completely forgot. Only joking. Don’t underestimate my memory. Of course I got everything ready. You should feel honored that I’m celebrating for you.”
Epel: “It’s your birthday, ain’t it! I made some jam outta the apples my family sent me... Here! Ah... Um... What’s wrong? You’re making a funny face... Did I say something weird... maybe?”
Rook: “Bon anniversaire! Your birthday is a day for me to commemorate, too. After all, this is the day that something beautiful was added to this world. It’s truly a wonderful day.”
Idia: “Don’t you hate being wished a happy birthday by people you barely know? You get presents you don’t care about, and then you gotta react to them... Huh? It’s not like that for you? Er... Oh. Th-Th-Then... uh... h-h-h-hap-happy b-b-birthday...”
Ortho: “Happy birthday! I did all sorts of searches, but I couldn’t figure out what present would make you happy... Oh! Do you want any information online? I could even give you classified info as a gift. What would you like?”
Malleus: “This is the day you were born, is it? Happy birthday. By the way, did you have a birthday party? ...I see. No, I just thought I’d ask. I didn’t receive an invitation, so I was curious.”
Silver “Sorry. I remembered it was your birthday, but I couldn’t get everything ready in time. ...No. An excuse isn’t good enough. Instead of a present, I’ll come with you to do anything you’d like.”
Sebek “What are you doing here? On your birthday, you’re supposed to eat your favorite food, sing, and celebrate. You didn’t even know that...? Very well, then. I’ll teach you how to spend your birthday the right way!”
Lilia “Wait a moment... What day is it again? Oh! Your birthday! No wonder Malleus has been antsy since this morning. I hope you continue to get along well with him and the others. Please.”
Grim “Happy birthday, yanno! You are my henchman after all. For today and today only, I’ll even share my tuna cans with you. ...What? You don’t want it? Wh-Why not!?”
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atzuums · 3 years
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(enter after ch 28, this negates ch 29 + ch 31 + ch 25 + epilogue) (this includes an altered version of the epilogue)
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the evening air is crisp as you stand outside of rin’s front door. you softly knock on the door, kinda hoping that he’s asleep so you won’t have to talk to him till tomorrow.
unfortunately, the door going swinging open. suna stands there, hair disheveled, eye bloodshot. for a second he doesn’t realize that it's you standing there. once he realizes he quickly tries to fix his hair.
“y/n what are you doing here?”
his voice is raspy from the obvious crying that he was doing. he tries to send you a smile but you can tell that it’s fake.
your heart breaks a bit.
“i came to talk to you.”
his face drops a bit. he knows why you’re here.
you’re here to break my heart.
he silently steps to the side, inviting you in. once you’re inside you notice how messy the living room is. there are pizza boxes strewn around, empty water bottles everywhere, clothes covering the couch.
suna looks embarrassed. he somberly looks down as he tries to tidy up a bit. you don’t say anything but you decided to help him. you gather a few water bottles and toss them into the bin in his kitchen.
once the living room is pretty clean you both take a seat on the now clear couch.
“i know what you’re here for, and i understand. i wouldn’t forgive me either.” he says quietly.
you abruptly grab his hand, signaling him to stop. he looks up at you. he searches your eyes before you speak up.
“no, that’s not why i came here.”
you scoot closer to him so your knees are touching.
“i can’t forgive you right now suna,” before you even finish your sentence you can see the small tears welling up in his eyes.
“but i don’t want to give up on you.”
suna’s eyes widen.
does this mean what i think it means?
“when i am able to forgive you, i want to see how things work between us.”
tears still fall from suna’s eyes, but from happiness. he pulls your body against his abruptly. you’re startled at first but you wrap your arms around him. his shoulders begin to shake as the room fills with his cries.
“thank you. thank you for not giving up on me.”
you pull away from him to look into his tear filled eyes. this brings tears to your eyes too.
“please stay. just tonight please. i need you.”
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5 1/2 years later
it’s a warm and sunny day today, perfect for the party that’s going on. the living room is nicely decorated. the large glass door leading to your backyard is wide open, inviting in the loud voices of those gathered back there. you had come in to grab another tray of drinks, now having it you make your way back outside.
there's soft music playing and a few people are dancing.
you spot reo by the table where a large cake is sat atop it. making your way over to her you make a few quick stops to hand drinks to some people. once over to reo, you hand her a drink.
“rin won't let me get a cupcake.” she whines as she takes a sip. you smile and shake your head at her.
“the cupcakes are for the kids, and the birthday girl hasn’t even had one yet?” you motion over to the tons of kids run around throughout the backyard.
“where is he anyway?” you search the large backyard until you spot him.
“i’ll be back.” you excuse yourself and start towards rin. a few kids run in front of you, nearly knocking you down. rin spots you coming towards him and decides to meet you halfway.
he takes a drink off the tray you are holding before speaking, “is reo still trying to steal a cupcake?” he asks suspiciously. you laugh and nod your head.
“koutaro and the rest of the guys will be back with more food soon, so hopefully hajime will be able to stop her.”
almost just in time you hear the loud voice of your friends. koutaro, atsumu, osamu, hajime, and akaashi enter the backyard, all of them carrying pans of food. you and rin walk over to them to help.
you take a few trays from their hands and make your way to the table that reo stood at.
“babe please tell me you haven’t eaten a cupcake.” hajime chuckles as he reaches reo.
she pouts a bit. “no, these losers won't let me have one.” she then points to you and rin. hajime fakes a pouty face before pulling her into him.
“well anyways, since we have the food now, the birthday girl can blow out the candles and we can pass out cake and cupcakes.” you inform them.
“speaking of the devil.” akaashi chuckles. you all turn to see the little 5 year old running towards you guys.
“daddy! daddy! i got dirt in my dress.” there's a pout of her small face.
once she reaches you all, her tiny arms wrap around her father’s legs.
“kaiyo, baby it’ll be okay, we can just wash it.” rin reaches down and pulls her up into his arms. her hair and eye color matches his almost exactly.
you remember the day that he found of that kaiyo was his. she was just a few months old when they did a paternity test. some of the other guys didn’t volunteer their dna, not even wanting to know if she was there’s. rin, atsumu, and tetsuro did. prior to kaiyo’s birth none of you had any contact with tetsuro, but you all wanted to know who the father was. to everyone’s surprise, she was suna’s.
he did exactly what he told you he would do that day at the bar. he got full custody of kaiyo, easily since yui was still in jail at the time, and he works every day to make sure she has a good life. yui has made no effort to contact rin, unsurprisingly to you. rin is not alone in this though. everyone, especially you were there with him along the way, and along the way you forgave him.
“mommy, can we have cake now?!” her big eyes look up at you, a bright smile on her face.
with the absence of her real mother you took on that role. you remember the first day she called you mommy, it was about a year ago. rin attempted to explain to her that you weren’t her mother but you stopped him. you didn’t want to break her heart. you let her believe you're her real mother until she’s old enough to understand.
“yes of course.” she claps her small hands excitedly.
“everyone, it’s cake time.” reo yells to all the kids and parents in the backyard. you step next to rin as he pulls you into his side and places a kiss to your forehead.
“i love you.” he whispers to you.
you smile up at him. “i love you too.” you mouth to him.
“okay everyone, on the count of 3..”
the crowd of people starts singing the happy birthday song. kaiyo wiggles impatiently in rin’s arms, ready to blow the candles out.
as the song finishes rin bends down towards the cake so kaiyo can blow the candles out.
“make a wish.” you whisper to her.
she cheekily smiles, closes her eyes, and blows out the candles. everyone claps kaiyo squeals happily.
“happy birthday, daddy and mommy loves you.”
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happier than ever !
“ being kicked out of the band that you started with your best friend would obviously leave you with resentment. but he never thought you would join their rival band. ”
series m.list
a/n: sorry that this alternate ending took so long, and im also sorry if it’s not that good :( been in a bit of a writing slump.
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strawberrystar7 · 3 years
I think People misunderstood Chloé's arc and the season 3 finale (and especially Chloé's role in it.). And here is why I think that.
This is a really long post and I know it's hard to keep reading something as long as this but please, I ask you, either do not read it at all if you don't want to read something like this or read it completely. If you do decide to read this but stop in the middle because you want to comment on something I ask you to not do that. Please read all of it thoroughly. If you want to comment on something, take notes but don't post it before having read all, because if you do not read all you probably won't understand it correctly. Additionally, some things might have been answered later on in the post.
I think the true lesson the writers wanted to give with Chloé's arc and especially the Season 3 finale is that it's good to be forgiving and give second or maybe even 3rd chances but you shouldn't try and help someone who doesn't want to change. There was a time where she maybe wanted to change... I put the maybe there on purpose. This is because if I look at Chloé's behavior it isn't entirely clear if she ever wanted to change because she wants to help others or if she just wanted to "change" so she can have the Bee Miraculous.
Chloé's arc in actuality was a treason arc. It wasn't a redemption arc. On the surface it may have looked like one but if you look deeper I think you'll see the signs.
I know I am gonna get hate for saying the next bit but if you look closely (and I mean very closely) at Chloé's actions then you'll see what I mean. In season 1 Chloe was a stereotypical bully. In season 2 she actually got a backstory, explaining her actions. It basically made her look more like a real person. But even so her actions didn't really change. She stayed a bully. On surface level her actions did change a little, but on a lower level they didn't.
What do I mean with that? Take Despair Bear as an example she threw a party and invitated all her classmates. In itself that's a nice action but do you remember the reason why she threw the party? Adrien threatened to break up their friendship if she wasn't nicer to people. So her Butler Jean gave her the idea with the party and that she should be nice. 
Yeah, I know this happened before the Queen's Battle trilogy (I know it's actually just a 2 part episode (Style Queen and Queen Wasp) but I count Malediktator as a 3rd part because it pretty much is a direct follow up to Queen Wasp.) but this is supposed to serve as an example for Chloé's behavior in season 2.
Now look at Zombizou. Chloé gave Miss Bustier a present the day after her birthday. Do you remember why this happened? Marinette called Chloé out for not having brought one and pretty much embarrassed her infront of the class (I know the way she called her out was mean but that's not the point here). In the end Chloé most likely would never have brought a gift if this didn't happen.
I think this Episode also came before the Queens Battle trilogy but I'm not sure. Anyway even if it was before, it still shows how Chloé behaves most of the time when she does good things.
Now let's look at the Queen's Battle trilogy. In the Style Queen episode we see for the first time how Audrey treats Chloé and while it does explain why Chloé does what she does it doesn't mean her actions are excusable. It makes her actions understandable to the viewers and it makes her, as already mentioned, look more like an actual human being. In that episode we do not really see any more about Chloé and her past or actions besides her finding the Box with the Bee Miraculous.
After that Queen Wasp follows. In this episode the first scene where Chloe plays a rather major role is the scene with Gabriel Agreste, Audrey Bourgeois, André Bourgeois, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Adrien Agreste, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and of course Chloé Bourgeois. In this scene we see Audrey taking Marinette's feather hat after it rolls infront of her. She inspects it and remarks that it isn't Gabriel's. She then asks if Marinette is responsible for the hat, which Marinette replies to with her having created the hat. You know the rest Gabriel admits she won a fashion contest, Audrey remarks the hat is "exceptional", and then she asks Marinette if she wants to go to New York. That is where Chloé comes in, claiming to never having been in New York. She also asked why she was taking Marinette. Audrey replies with Marinette being "exceptional". Chloé then says that she's "exceptional" too. Audrey then says the following "The only exeptionial thing about you, my dear... is your mother.". I think you know the rest André tries to step in but is interrupted by Chloé who transforms into Queen Bee infront of everyone to proof that she is exceptional.
This wasn't simply to prove her mother wrong tho. She did it to prove to everyone that she's exceptional and her behaviors later on that episode prove that exact point. Queen Bee then disappears.
The others go home and Queen Bee looks around the city to see if there's anything she can do but doesn't find anyone who needs saving. She then thinks of that plan with the train and calls Nadja Chamak to gain publicity for her heroic deeds. As already mentioned this pretty much proves my point. If she really jzst wanted to prove Audrey wrong then why call in one of Paris's star reporters?
After the call she heads towards the metro. She runs on the side of the metro and enters the driver's room. She then Calls out her venom and numbs the driver. The metro speeds up and Queen Bee turns on the metro TV saying she'll save them (this pretty much was to gain even more publicity). Queen Bee isn't able to stop the metro and Ladybug and Cat Noir come in to help stop the metro. Ladybug calls Chloé out for numbing the train driver and Nadja Chamak comes with Audrey Bourgeois on a live call. Audrey then says the following "What? Regarding my daughter's ineptitude? I think it speaks for itself, doesn't it?". Ladybug asks Chloé to give the Miraculous back but Chloé keeps it and runs away with it. Queen Bee then gets akumatized before she transforms back causing her to turn in Queen Wasp. I don't think it's important to mention what happened while she was Queen Wasp because in this case she wasn't willingly akumatized just like Antibug which also means she wasn't herself unlike Chameleon and Miracle Queen who both were willingly akumatized and both kinda knew what happened while they were akumatized.).
When she gets deakumatized Marinette later comes in and tries to help fix Chloé's and Audrey's relationship (atleast as much as it can be fixed) by pretty much insulting both of them and saying "You're also wrong about your daughter not being exceptional. In fact, Chloé is exceptionally mean. She's the worst person I've ever met. She may be more heinous, pompous and selfish than you. Compared to both of you, even a rock seems more capable of love.". Chloé and Audrey then pretty much shout at the same time "How dare you⁈". They then see they do have a lot in common. The episode then pretty much ends after 2 more short scenes (both scenes do not have anything to do with Chloé so I don't think they are important.).
Now let's look at Malediktator. The episode starts with Chloé's documentary about Queen Bee where Chloé-Bee and Chloé-Bug (I'm gonna call her that because that's Chloé with a Queen Bee costume and Chloé with a Ladybug costume) talk about how great of a superhero Queen Bee is. Then it zooms out to reveal that the documentary is watched by Chloé's classmates.
Ivan then points out that isn't Ladybug. Chloé says it is Ladybug and Miss Bustier asks why Chloé did the assignment about herself.
Chloé then says they were supposed to choose an important person in French history. Chloé-Bug talks more about Queen Bee. Alya then points out that's Chloé with a Ladybug costume. This discussion goes on for a bit until Chloé leaves.
Chloé and Audrey then storm in to André's office while a pair is getting married. They force them out and Audrey tells André to close the school while Chloé tells him to ban Marinette and her family.
Audrey then says the following "That monster hurt your little girl’s feelings.". Chloé adds "She got the whole class to gang up on me. They all have to pay.". You probably know the rest. André says he can't do that and Chloé and Audrey leave him alone in his office and say they'll leave for New York. Chloé is then in the Bourgeois suite packing (or more like telling her Butler to pack for her.) André comes in to argue with Chloé and Audrey to stay in Versailles or near Paris.
Hawk Moth akumatizes André after Audrey and Chloé leave with the helicopter.
Chloé flies over the school with her helicopter, throwing flyers showing Chloé in front of the statue of liberty and saying she'll leave for New York. The students celebrate after Chloé leaves.
Malediktator stops the helicopter and says he has the power to close the school and banish the students who were mean to her. He then commands Audrey to be devoted to him and stay in Paris. Chloé runs away/hides. Some time passes and Ladybug goes to Chloé asking her why Malediktator is mad.
Chloé doesn't want to say at first and blames Marinette, then saying André got mad all by himself but then she admits to being the cause of her fathers akumatization.
Then this happens:
Ladybug: Because of what happened in school? I'm sure Marinette probably didn't exactly mean what she said.
Chloé: Oh, it's not just her— actually, I don't even care about her— it's because I have no reason to be here: nobody likes me; I have no friends. I'm… useless.
Ladybug: (remembering what Adrien told Marinette earlier at school about Chloé) A friend once told me: nobody is useless, Chloé.
Chloé: It's easy for you to say that. You're Ladybug, a superhero. You serve a purpose.
Ladybug: Yes, I can fix up all the messes. You said it yourself in your documentary.
Chloé: (gasps) You saw it?!
Ladybug: (nods) Mm-hmm.
Chloé: Oh! I'm so embarrassed. That film's ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. I realize that now.
Ladybug: Don't worry Chloé. You can fix your own messes, if that's what you want. You, too, can serve a purpose, but you have to want to.
Chloé: (sniffles) I do want to.
Ladybug: Chloé Bourgeois, (holds out the Miraculous box) here is the Bee Miraculous, which grants you the power to immobilize your opponent. You will use it for the greater good.
(Chloé hesitates; Ladybug nods approvingly; Chloé takes the box and opens it; a yellow ball of light flies around her and Pollen appears.)
Pollen: At your service, my Queen.
Ladybug: Once the job is complete, you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you, Chloé?
Chloé: (puts the haircomb in her hair) I won't disappoint you this time, Ladybug.
Then Chloé transforms into Queen Bee.
Queen Bee and Ladybug (with the help of Cat!Cat Noir) defeat Malediktator.
Then this happens:
Ladybug: Yep, you missed Queen Bee and Ladybug saving Paris, for real this time.
Queen Bee: I understand, Ladybug. Buzz off. (transforms back into Chloé)
Chloé: (gives back her Miraculous) Being a superhero isn't only about fixing messes. (Ladybug holds up her hand in a fist; Chloé gasps and smiles)
Chloé and Ladybug: (fist-bump) Pound it!
After that Chloé and her family leave.
Then this happens:
Chloé: It's okay, Jean-Yves; I'll take care of it.
Butler Jean: Mademoiselle, are you sure?
Chloé: Yes, I need to do it myself.
Marinette: Chloé?
Chloé: (gasps) Dupain-Cheng?
After that Marinette brings Chloé to the school showing her they threw a party for her. That's pretty much how the episode ends.
I guess this is the episode (Malediktator) that convinced everyone Chloé was changing (and maybe at this point in time she truly did want to change. But I'll explain later on in the text why it did not work out.). After all it literally showed scenes where Chloé was nice without her benefitting from it. And honestly the earlier episodes did not show that Chloé was going to change. The earlier episodes gave depth to her character and kinda explained her actions but they didn't really make her look like she wanted to change. The end of the Malediktator episode tho? It did look like she wanted to change or atleast it made it seem like that. But as I implied Chloé's arc is way more complicated than you think. It can't be just written of as bad or inconsistent writing. Read more and you'll see exactly why this isn't just inconsistent/bad writing.
I don't think we saw much of Chloé in the season 2 finale besides her appearance as Queen Bee again. But honestly I do not remember much about the season 2 finale anyway.
Now let's look at season 3. (I just remembered I forgot about Animaestro. I forgot where in the season that happened but I just put it in the beginning because I feel like it would ruin the flow of the text.) In Animaestro Chloé literally teams up with Marinette to ruin Kagami's day (This was just to show that Chloé still did stuff like in season 1). Anyway, not only is it pretty clear that Chloé would love to be Queen Bee again but she also probably would do anything to be Queen Bee again. So she constantly asks for her Miraculous (seen in Startrain and other episodes) or she pretty much shows everyone how proud she is of being Queen Bee, seeking attention for that (Maledikator). In Miraculer Chloé waits to get her Miraculous but doesn't get it. Then Lila tells Chloé about a fake dance which summons Ladybug. Chloé gets really angry when the dance failed and then lashes out at Sabrina telling her she doesn't want to play with her. Chloé then breaks down after not getting the Miraculous for some time, resulting into the scene where Chloé resists getting akumatized. Instead, Sabrina is the one getting akumatized. Some time later a cataclysmed Cat Noir tries to give Chloé the Miraculous but because of his cataclysmed rips he ends up loosing the Miraculous to Mayura.
You probably know the rest. Rena Rouge makes a Chloé illusion in Ladybug's place, Ladybug gets her powers back, Chloé makes Miraculer even angrier, Ladybug (with the help of Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, Carapace) gets the Bee Miraculous back and gives it to Chloé. Chloé follows Mayura but looses her. After the fight Ladybug talks to Chloé.
This happens:
Queen Bee: Ladybug. Mayura got away from me. I'm sorry, utterly sorry.
Ladybug: That's okay, Queen Bee. We'll get her next time. (reaches hand out for the Bee Miraculous)
Queen Bee: If you'd given it to me earlier, we'd probably would've defeated Hawk Moth.
Ladybug: I'm sorry, Chloé. I should've told you this a long time ago. I might never be able to let you be Queen Bee again.
Queen Bee: What? But I did everything you asked me to.
Ladybug: I know. But this is for your own safety. It's too dangerous for you and your loved ones because Hawk Moth knows that you're Queen Bee.
Queen Bee: Buzz off. (turns back into Chloé and gives Miraculous to Ladybug)
Chloé: I understand. But I'm sure that you'll need me again, Ladybug. I know that I'll be Queen Bee again someday. I will always be Queen Bee.
Ladybug: (notices her Miraculous beeping) Thank you, Chloé. Let's go. (takes off with Rena Rouge and Carapace)
Despite saying that Chloé said she understood she can't have the Miraculous anymore she did not understand.
I know one of the arguments people have was that if Ladybug stayed longer to explain more thoroughly Chloé would have understood. But what do you want Ladybug to do? Risk her identity? She was on her last 5 minutes. Probably less considering how a couple minutes probably flew by from the moment she called out her lucky charm to the moment she called out Miraculous Ladybug. So probably 2 or 3 minutes were already gone from her timer. Additionally, she still needs atleast a minute to not risk her identity getting revealed while she takes Rena Rouge's and Carapace's Miraculous. There was no more time to spare. Despite that I don't really think Chloé would have understood even if Ladybug had more than 2 minutes to spare. Not with how self-centered she is.
Well there had been some smaller incidents with Chloé treating people badly (Animaestro fo example) but that aside those were small moments. I think the next big Chloé moment would pretty much be Heart Hunter and Miracle Queen. Heart Hunter proved that Chloé did not learn from what Ladybug said. She still waited on her rooftop with her Bee signal for Ladybug to come and give her the Miraculous. In the end of the episode we see her so angry at Ladybug for not giving her the Miraculous that she willingly worked with Hawk Moth and actively forcing her will onto Pollen.
This is what happens:
Hawk Moth: (puts up his hand and interrupts) You're right, but I did it for one reason only. So that you would finally realize that Ladybug will never give you the Bee Miraculous again. I, however, always keep my promises. (shows her the Bee Miraculous in his hand)
Chloé: This isn't real! How do you have it?
Hawk Moth: Try it and see for yourself. You're Ladybug's greatest fan. You've helped her, you've trusted her, and what has she done for you in return?
Chloé: (gets angry) Nothing! She couldn't care less about me! I'm done with her. She's irrelevant, utterly irrelevant! (reaches out to grap the Miraculous, stops) I want you to deakumatize has my parents first!
Hawk Moth: Whatever you say, my queen. (Chloé takes the comb and puts it in her hair, releasing Pollen)
Pollen: (urgently) Your majesty, wait!-
Chloé: Silence! You will speak only when spoken to. Your loss, Ladybug. Pollen, buzz on! (transforms into Queen Bee)
She then gets willingly akumatized.
In Miracle Queen we then see her actively work for Hawk Moth, even revealing all the Miraculous Holders. After she gets deakumatized she seems to still have her memory, considering how she wasn't disoriented like every other Akuma Victim. She even jumps after another Akuma.
Chloé also does and says the following "I'm not on your side anymore! How many times have I asked to fight alongside you? And how many times have you refused to give me back my Miraculous? How many, huh? Hawk Moth isn't my enemy, he's yours! And the Miracle Box is mine! (Queen Bee slams down the Miracle Box, and opening it, starts putting on all of the Miraculouses)".
This pretty much proves my point further. Chloé never let go of the Bee Miraculous, thinking it was her own and she had every right to obtain it whenever she wants. The fact that she's only concerned about getting the Miraculous even proves further that she doesn't really care about helping others. All she cares about is her self and as established before this had always been the case. Even in the Queen's Battle trilogy.
Think about it. Chloé is so deadset on keeping the Bee Miraculous that she would do anything. And if I say anything I mean anything. She literally worked with Hawk Moth to get the Miraculous. So if getting the Miraculous and all the attention that comes with it means that she has to help others she'd gladly do it. If helping others means she gets attention she'd gladly do it. We've seen it in Despair Bear and other episodes. Ladybug used to be Chloé's idol so to get her attention she pushed the mind controlled Cat Noir away. To get Adrien's attention she threw the party and was nice to the others. But the moment people didn't look she acted mean. This isn't even the only season 2 or 3 episode this happened. It is totally in character for Chloé to have reacted the way she did in the season 3 finale. Just because she turned bad again doesn't mean she's a 2 dimensional character. She still has the same backstory and all as she had before. The only difference here is that she openly worked with Hawk Moth. So why is she suddenly a horribly written character? Just because she worked with Hawk Moth?
Well let me tell you something: Just look at her relationship with her father. He never denied her anything. He always did everything she wanted. She would throw a tantrum if she doesn't get what she wants. So don't you think it's totally in character for Chloé to react the way she did when Ladybug refused to give her the Miraculous? It's the equivalent to the tantrum of a spoiled rich girl (or boy) would throw if they don't get what they want. The only difference here being that a magical terrorist pretty much took advantage of that tantrum.
As you can see the way she acted was not out of character. It was completely in character for Chloé. In fact, it was so in character that if we've taken the time to truly look at her then we all would have seen it. I gotta admit, I myself got completely deceived the first time I watched Malediktator and Miraculer. I myself thought, maybe she could change (and I still think so). The first time I watched Heart Hunter and Miracle Queen I also thought it was bad writing and I also hated that finale. I thought they did her dirty. I literally blamed the writers like all the others and stated on YouTube how bad of a Episode that was. But now? Now that I actually took the time to rewatch the Episodes (not just the finale but generally any episode) over and over again just to see all the small details people talked about that I never noticed, I noticed those details about Chloé that I didn't before.
People always claim the finale is horrible because they made Chloé out of character... but... In fact, the Season 3 finale is actually good. It may have some plot holes because the writing of the show honestly sometimes isn't the best. There's some episodes that are badly written and have loads of plot holes. But the season 3 finale? It might just be one of the better written episodes. And that only because of the fact that they sticked to how a girl like Chloé would actually react to getting told off like that. And I know for a fact that girls as spoiled as Chloé would react like that because I met a fair share of people like that. They all threw a huge tantrum when they got told off.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying Chloé doesn't have the potential to change. Infact, she definitely has the potential to change. But not like this. Chloé needs to hit rock bottom before she can actually change. And no, getting told you can't have the Bee Miraculous anymore is not rock bottom. The first thing that needs to happen is for her father to stand up to her. And as seen in (⚠️Season 4 Spoiler warning⚠️) Queen Banana André finally did stand up to Chloé. If he keeps that up that might be good start (⚠️End of Spoiler⚠️). After Chloé doesn't get everything she wants from her father anymore there's two things that can happen: Either she becomes a complete lost cause and doesn't learn anything from it or rather she doesn't want to learn or she learns that not everything will always go her way and that she can't have everything (specifically the Bee Miraculous, as you can't buy it.). This also might cause her to become less selfish and start thinking more about the others. Even if that doesn't happen maybe Zoé (because she's Chloé's half sister) or Adrien (because he is/was Chloé's childhood best friend and would love to help her) could come in to help Chloé become less selfish. But again for that to happen Chloé first needs to learn that not everything goes how she wants it and she can't have everything. And again this won't happen if everything is handed to her like it has been all these years.
Please understand that I am not hating on Chloé. Chloé may even be one of my favorite characters for the exact reasons I mentioned here. Because even tho she's a stereotypical bully she has depth to her character. And if she'll ever truly change she'd might just become one of the more relatable characters in the show.
And I know I am none of the writers so I do not know what they thought while writing the finale and the rest of Chloé's arc but to me this seems like the most logical explanation. I do not think the writers hate Chloé. That just makes no sense. They have developed her past and backstory and stuff like that way too much for them to hate her. If they truly hated her I don't even think they would have developed her character like that. If they truly hated her they would have left her like Lila with little to no information about her past or basically anything that explains her actions.
So please, I ask you please do not harass the writers for their decisions. Just please for once try to understand their thought process. Maybe you just didn't truly understand what they meant because as I explained Chloé's arc was deceiving. On the surface it looked like a redemption arc but truly it wasn't.
I am not claiming to have fully understood what the writers where trying to say but I do think I got close to what they were trying to say. I am also very sorry if I might have not been able to explain some of the points well. While I did rewatch every episode while writing this I did not want to put in every single episode (which might have gotten my points across even better) as the post has already gotten way too long. Not many people like to read much so probably only a few will even have read this completely. But to those who did take the time to read it all, thank you for having taken the time. I'd really like to hear your opinion on my take on this topic. Because while I do think this might be somewhat close to what the writers where trying to do it most likely isn't exactly what they wanted. I'd really like to hear your opinion on my take on this topic. Because as I said while I do think this might be somewhat close to what the writers where trying to do it most likely isn't exactly what they wanted. Maybe some of you have something to debunk or maybe even strengthen my points. Both is fine as long as everyone's nice towards each other. I do not want to see some kind of war. So please be kind towards each other.
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
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Rottmnt headcanon:
The boys with an S/o that’s terrible at basketball
-sweetest boi when he finds out you’re terrible at basketball
-surprised you hadn’t even mentioned it before
-“did you think I’d make fun of you? Raph doesn’t make fun of people for not knowin’ how to do somethin’!”
-offers to teach you one on one
-denied every time
-basketball isn’t something you felt you could learn!
-“please let me teach you!”
-after weeks of bugging and bugging he finally gets you to say yes
-Definitely invested in making sure you learn how to play right
-this guy will pull up YouTube videos and NBA clips just so you can become an expert on the game
-will take you to the basketball court at night
-brings water for the both of you to every practice
-is the type of guy to stand behind you and correct how you’re holding the ball before you try to take your shot
-does whatever it takes to make sure Leo isn’t there while you’re learning and progressing
-will even hide that he’s teaching you in the first place
-trust him, Leo can sniff out amateur basketball players
-“Leo’s just gonna rub his skills in your face! Trust me, you don’t want him to know.”
-loves how far you’ve come and will celebrate every little victory you make
-will go easy on you when you have your first 1 v 1
-he’s the biggest cheerleader whenever you score, even if it’s against him
-never once makes fun of you for tripping over your feet or for your lousy aiming
-after a few more games against him, you finally won
-sure it was by one point but that’s okay!
-this boy lifts you off your feet in a huge bear hug to celebrate your victory
-finally, you’re ready to be involved in a turtle family game
-Raph will make sure you’re on his team so he can pass you the ball and let you show off how good you’ve gotten
-feels a sense of pride whenever you get a basket
-especially when it’s YOU dancing in Leo’s face once the game has been won
-oh boy you’re really in for it
-you knew from the start of your relationship that Leo was amazing at basketball
-you ALSO knew he was a huge gloater and loved teasing people
-you didn’t need to be Einstein to figure that out
-you didn’t want him to know that you were terrible at it!
-“wanna play with us? You can be on myyyyyy teaaaaaam~”
-“Sorry can’t play! I twisted my ankle earlier!”
-“hey we need another player!”
-“I just remembered I have to be at a birthday party in like, two minutes.”
“Donnie quit wanna take his place?”
-“I think Splinter needs help organizing his ‘do not touch’ shelf. You guys go ahead!”
-it never bothered Leo
-well... not at first
-you would stay and watch their games only to jet once he invited you onto the court!
-he began to pressure you to play
-that includes begging, dragging you to the court, and even picking you up and physically placing you there himself
-it was easier just to give in
-you decided you’d just play a game and get it over with
-maybe even just sticking to passing it to other people
-...until Leo picked up on it and started passing you the ball more often
-especially when you were close to hoop
-“you got this babe!”
-he realized moments after you took the shot that you very much did NOT
-the ball fell short of the hoop by about three feet
-oh you never heard the end of it from there
-at the next game you guys played, he made sure to be on the other team
-“ready to smoke y/n, Donnie?”
-“you mean ‘am I ready for you to bounce the ball off my face again?’
-“then no.”
-“that’s EXACTLY what I wanna hear!”
-Leo made sure you were involved in the game the whole time
-it didn’t help your pride when he assigned himself the position of guarding you
-lots and lots of showing off
-even jumping over you to slam dunk it
-you, Mikey, and Raph didn’t stand a chance
-you had enough when Leo won and started dancing
-“I’m just... I’m just gonna head home. It’s getting late anyway.”
-he ran after you right away
-“hey what’s wrong? You didn’t have fun?”
-“kind of hard to have fun when you’re constantly shoving how bad I am in my face!”
-“it’s just how I play the game!”
-“Leo, I love you, but when you act like that then I don’t enjoy playing the game.”
-trying to walk away from him after that proved an impossible task
-“look, I’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean for you to feel that way! I just wanted you to see how good I was. That’s all.”
-turns out it’s very hard to stay mad at Leo
-especially when he’s got your hand in his and giant sad puppy eyes
-“alright, I forgive you.”
-initially thought you were just being humble when you said you were terrible
-you were probably just trying to make him feel better about himself
-you saw how he played!
-but...he was very very wrong
-he first found out how bad you really were when Leo invited you to play a game with them at the court that night
-you really were terrible
-he watched you shoot the ball only for it to go about five feet off course
-torn between feeling bad for you when Leo gloats and feeling happy that he’s not the only one that sucks at the game
-pulls you away from Leo before you can deck him in the face
-“hey hey hey there’s time to punch him later.”
-doesn’t bring up how much you suck at basketball
-he knows it’s not fun
-“oh I didn’t even notice! No, not even when you accidentally passed the ball to Leo. Nope.”
-instead, will try to draw the attention away from you
-everyone already knows he’s terrible at the game, and since they’re brothers, he’ll be an easier and more desirable target for teasing
-won’t even bother trying to aim when you’re around
-shouts “transfer it!” Even if he’s being guarded
-you know what he’s doing though
-“are you doing that on purpose?”
-“why would I do such a thing? I would never!”
-“you totally are!”
-“I’m offended you would suggest such a thing.”
-becomes a silent competition to see who can be the worst at basketball
-knowing Donnie, he’s not gonna go down without a fight
-but neither are you
-everyone feels bad for Mikey for always being stuck on a team with you two
-well, sucks to be him
-maybe Mikey should actually figure out how to play Rock Paper Scissors when you’re all deciding teams
-all that matters to your two though is that you’re both having fun being terrible together
-didn’t even realize you were bad at it to be honest
-sure, you missed the hoop by like a mile every game, but he never said anything about it!
-only realized your terrible when you actually bring it up
-“did you see the way Donnie practically tripped over his own two feet last night? It was INSANE, baby!”
-“I didn’t, I was kind of too busy tripping on my shoelaces.”
“Oh I didn’t see that. Are you okay?”
-“yeah I’m fine.”
-“how’d you trip over your shoelaces anyway? Weren’t they tied?”
-“they were... but I somehow found a way to trip over them. I’m terrible at the game, babe.”
“What? Psh, no way!”
-loves being on your team anyway
-it’s bonding!
-he’d never miss out on an opportunity to bond
-adores being on the opposite team and purposely dropping the ball for you to grab
-he’s just giving you an opportunity to get better!
-but, what he loves more, is working with you on the same team
-you’re both shorter than the rest of the turtle family, so naturally you both decided to create a technique
-he gets to crouch down, you jump on his back, and he launches you toward the hoop for you to slam dunk!
-it works most of the time
-key word: most
-the rest of the time in ends in a couple bruises and a lot of laughter
-this boy won’t let Leo even get a word out about you being terrible
-and Leo knows better
-he’s had too many run ins with doctor delicate touch in past experiences
-Mikeys always there to listen to you complaining about Leo as well
-even makes ‘after game snacks’ for the two of you while you rage about Leo’s dancing
-looks like Leo has another appointment booked with doctor delicate touch
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starksdaughter-3000 · 3 years
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*Not My GIF*
Steve x f!Reader
Animal au(?)- Bunnies/Rabbits,Wolfs,Snakes,Dragons omg this is gonna be embarrassing lol
So there are animal hybrids and regular people as well hehe
Warnings~Fluff, Steve’s nicknames for Y/n, Kissing😜
A/N~ If I don’t post for months don’t worry I’m not dead 💀 yet. But anyways please forgive me for barley post i’m just always busy. But today is a bitches birthday🥳 so hehehehehehe here’s a little something while I brainstorm.😙 THERE WILL BE A PART 2 WITH SMUT SO U KNOW IMMA HAVE TO POST THAT! And for the people waiting on the Thor part 2 that I posted on my page awhile ago don’t worry it’s still coming but I have no idea what to do 4 that story so I just left it alone but a lot of people like it so I WILL HAVE A PART 2 FOR THAT STORY!
This story doesn’t really talk about the animal side and it probably won’t in the part two either because I forgot about it soooo yea carry on.
Love ya tehe.
“Y/n you’re just a small helpless bunny.” “You need someone to take care of you and keep you from danger.” Etc, that was all she heard growing up. But even now at twenty three years old, those comments still haven’t stopped. At this point Y/n agrees that’s she is weak and vulnerable.
While Steve is strong and independent. One day Steve caught her scent while he was in the kitchen of the compound so he followed the delicious smell and it lead him to a barley five foot three bunny gathering documents from Tony. He decided he would catch her when she was on her way out so he waited.
But your scent was too intoxicating to resist so he ended up scaring you on the way to the elevator.
You shrieked and spilled the papers on the floor. Immediately you dropped to gather them all over again.
“Here Doll let me help you.” “Ah I’m so sorry I was in your way, that was all my fault.” You sniffled like tears were about to fall. “No it’s my fault. Please don’t cry.” After the papers were in your arms you looked up at him for the first time and he felt his heart stop by how beautiful your tearful eyes were, your slightly red nose and plump pretty lips. You were absolutely breath taking. “Let me help you up.” He said as he stood and held out is hand for you to take. You put your hand in his and let him help you. “I am really sorry sir please don’t go to Mr.Stark, I-I’ll do anything just- I can’t lose this job!” You sniff as your tears start to fall again. He fell your distress and pulls your body into his.
“Sweetheart please don’t blame yourself it was my accident I should be apologizing.” You whisper. “Why are you being so nice to me?” He smiles and rests his chin on your head, inhaling your strawberry shampoo. “Because I believe you should always be kind to others.” You move your head away from his chest to look up at him. “Nobody has ever been this nice to me like you have and y-you don’t even know me.” You give him your warm smile and he returns it right back. The both of you stay like that, gazing into each other’s eyes for a moment longer until you both break away. He hands you your papers back. You guys both bid each other a goodbye and you go on about your day. The two of you have smiles on your faces for the rest of the day.
From that day forward you both keep bumping into each other everywhere. The coffee shop, the park, the compound even on the street. One day while seeing each other in the office building you work in. One of they many Stark owns.
You proposed that the two of you keep in contact and meet up on purpose sometime. After exchanging numbers the both of you went your separate ways. Later on that day Steve invited you to Tony’s party that he was having and said it would be a good way for you to socialize since you don’t hang out that much. So of course because Steve was your new friend and you wanted to get to know him more along with his friends.
The night of the party around seven thirty Steve was outside of your apartment building leaning on his car waiting for you. Yesterday Steve asked if he could pick you up so the two of you could arrive together. You agreed, no question about it. So here you are walking outside to Steve. Once you both saw each other your faces light up so bright he wished you would see that you both were made for each other. He has never made a move because he doesn’t want to scare you away, he enjoys your company and doesn’t want to get rid of it with a dumb mistake.
He pulls you in for a close hug. “Hey Bunny.” You laugh and wrap your arms around his large frame. You are so little compared to Steve you can’t even fully wrap your arms around him.
Even though Steve is your friend, maybe even your best friend, you have had thoughts about you and him and what it would be like if the two of you were a couple. Also maybe some naughty thoughts about him. You can’t help it, he is very attractive and built of pure muscles that just make you drool. The size difference is a big turn on for you as well the way he would be able to throw you around and fuck you any where in any position with no trouble it makes you whimper at the thought when you’re alone.
He lets you go to look at you for a second. “Wow Bunny you look gorgeous.” That makes you blush and put your hands up to cover your face. “T-thanks. You look handsome as well.” He frowns and grabs your hands gently to move them away from your face. “Doll trust me you look amazing you would make any man fall at his knees and worship the ground you walk on- even me, especially me.” He whispers the last part you look up. He sighs glad that you didn’t hear that. “So uh are you ready to go?”
“Yes.” He opens the passenger side door and you quietly thank him and slide into the seat and buckle the seatbelt as Steve shuts your door to walk to his side and does the same. He looks at you before he starts the car up. The music is low during the drive to the compound.
When you arrive Steve hands his keys to the valet. He looks at you and offers his arm so you could link yours with his, you do so and you walk in the building together.
This area of the compound looked like a ball room with a beautiful shiny chandelier in the center on the ceiling. A nice bar in one of the huge corners of the room shelf’s of expensive bottles of all sorts of alcoholic drinks. Tables decorated surrounded a dance floor or what it looks like the socializing circle where you stand.
All the attention turns to you and Steve and cheers start for Steve’s arrival. It’s so overwhelming you unhook your arm from Steve to hide behind him. Your ears flop down as you tremble.
Steve notices and automatically wants to protect you from what ever is troubling you. So when Tony makes his way to greet Steve and his plus one. Steve growls at Tony warning to stay away. Tony backs up and puts his hands up showing Steve a sigh of him surrendering.
“Hey old man it’s just me,” Steve glares at him before turning toward you to see what’s wrong. “Bunny what’s wrong are you hurt?” His voice filled with concern and worry. You look up. “I-it was just too loud and it surprised me. I-I wasn’t expecting that. I’m sorry-”
He grabs your face. “Doll don’t ever be sorry. I’m here to protect you anywhere anytime if you feel something is wrong just tell me. Ok?”
“Ok Steve. I trust you.” He gives you a kiss on your forehead. “Now let’s go enjoy the party.” He smiles. That was the first time he kissed you and it warmed your heart and made you fell fuzzy inside you were about to say something to him until Tony spoke up again, making you remember you’re in public.
“Ok so is everything good now? Can I not get my head torn off by a grumpy old man now?” Steve rolled his eyes and chuckled. The rest of the night went smooth as Steve introduced you to his friends.
“I’m hurt that you didn’t introduce me to this precious Doll first.” A voice spoke from behind you and Steve. You turned around to see a beautiful man with cropped brown hair, a trimmed beard, around the same height as Steve and has the same thick muscles as him as well.
Steve brought the man in for a hug. When they pulled apart Steve introduced you to him. “I’m James but you can call me Bucky.” He looked back at Steve. “So this is the girl you’ve been talking about nonstop huh?” Steve punched Bucky on his right arm. “Yes she is Buck.” You looked down at your feet as you felt your face heat up. Bucky smiled showing his sharp canines.
“I’ll talk to you later Bucky cmon Y/n wanna go up to the balcony?”You nod your head. As you and Steve walk towards the stairs he stops and asks. “Would you like a drink? I should’ve asked you earlier, sorry I was just excited about you meeting my friends.”
“No thanks I’m not really a drinker.” Steve nods a continues to take you to the balcony. He makes a mental note of that knowing he would need that for the future time he would spend with you.
The two of you reached the balcony. This whole place was so nice and the view was amazing the moon shining bright stars out in the distance shining just as bright. You walk to the railing and fold your arms to lean on it. Steve comes up beside you. Looking up at the beautiful sky then at you to see the moonlight lighting up the features of your face, making your flawless skin look even more alluring.
Steve sighs thinking about his next move, not wanting to mess anything up.
“I adore you, you know.” You look at him waiting for him to continue as he looks out into the distance. “I adore the way you treat others even when they don’t treat you the same. I adore how you think rationally, unlike me at times. I adore the way you forgive and forget no matter what the situation is, you are just so kind. I adore all of you.”
You smile and look away. “I adore you as well Steve.” Now it was his turn to look and wait for you to continue. “I adore that you jump at the chance to help anyone. Or the way you don’t act like you’re above anyone and that you are equal to the civilians. Overall Steve you are a great person and I look up to you.” You look back at Steve. You both share the same heart warming smile. He looks down at your lips when he leans in slowly. You look at his as he licks them, you lean in as well. The moment your noses touch the list takes over you and you close the space between the both of you and attack his lips.
It takes Steve by surprise that this is actually happening, he is really kissing you right now. He kisses you back deeply and passionately. Steve moves his hand to the back of your neck and the other to rest on top of your hip. As Steve swipes his tongue across your bottom lip you moan into the kiss.
You felt your knees go weak as both of your tongues meet so you grab on to Steve’s shoulder to keep yourself from embarrassing yourself. After awhile you had to break away to catch your breath.
After the realization that you just kissed Steve hit you, you automatically blushed and apologized. “O-oh my, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to. God now I ruined our friendship please don’t leave-” You started to ramble on about how you thought you distorted the friendship between you and Steve but honestly he thinks that kiss made it stronger.
“Bunny what did I tell you about apologizing. You did nothing wrong. I enjoyed that kiss because it was with the person I adore most. You look up at him in amazement, everything he does makes you fall more in love with him. “I am-”
The door from inside the building to the balcony burst open. “My good friend Steve and his guest I have arrived with the liquor from my home feel free to join- Oh did I intrude on a intimate moment? Whoops sorry, please carry on while I take my leave.” Thor leaves and closes the door.
Steve chuckles as you sigh. “Y/n what were you saying?”
“Nothing important, cmon let’s go back to the party.” You put your hand back in Steve’s as he leads you back to the party.
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mskimkaty · 4 years
Quit | J.JH
Angst, Smut, fluff (little bit on the end)
Synopsis: You might think that some people who did you bad have little impact in your life, tip toeing from situations that you knew could repeat the same mistakes but there will always be that one person who will destroy all your resolve and you’ll find yourself fucking your rules for them.
Word Count: 7.1k
A/N: love u all. pls enjoy! (not really proof read)
Edit: uhmmm pls don’t judge me but this is actually my bf and my story of how we met to how we become couples. Alright. Enjoy!!!!
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You hated how you didn’t take “searching for college schools” seriously, and now, you’re all but stuck for the rest of your college years in the same school you graduated from High school. You know it’s a good school, having to be in the top 7 elite schools all over the country that has an institution that offers all levels of education— but you honestly don’t care about that right now. You wished you didn’t choose the easy road in finding a good college because now you’re stuck with a university that has zero-base for their grading system, 75 marks as their passing grade, and put their students with fully loaded units— having up to 30 units per semester. How Asian can it get?
 Fourth-year high school wasn’t your year, when a particular boy, Jeon Jungkook broke your heart. He was a close friend first before he became someone more than that, you told yourself not to be involved with the likes of him in any way, you first meet during your junior year by a mutual friend—Joy, your best friend, was in the same class as him, thus, the reason the both of you became close.
 Joy warned you about him and you knew because that’s what you told her base on your first impression on Jungkook, but you still tested the waters. And that’s how you broke your heart for the first time, you let yourself trust him despite all the bad things that you heard about him, you ignore everything because you were happy around him, but you were tired of having a relationship without a label and the fact that he doesn’t want you to be seen together speaks so much. You went on a retreat for 3 days in your senior year as it was a requirement for every graduating students by your catholic school, you weren’t going steady per se, but you still talked nonetheless, as he was getting busy with basketball, and you, having the cheerleading competition around the corner, training, exams, and graduation. You both have so much on your own plates.
 You kept on seeing red flags— the way he’s not responding to your calls and messages for a week, you haven’t really seen him around the school as varsity players have their own retreat, and when you saw a photo posted in his Instagram account with a girl in your year. She was a transferee, that’s all you remember after receiving a text message of him saying sorry. You hated how forgiving you can be, you hoped you can be tough and talk back to him— but no, you never had the chance to say what you wanted to say to him. You just let everything go. You can’t even ask someone to comfort you because of the fact you were a secret. You didn’t even know why you agreed with that kind of set up in the first place. Why did you choose something temporarily for a piece of mind? You hated how easy you can get sometimes, but you closed that chapter in your life after cursing him for months in your head and some Friday night parties until you graduated High school.
 And now, you’re in your second year of college and very much single. You received a message from Seulgi, saying that she needs to cancel your plans from eating out because of a midterm exam that got rescheduled she was your best friend together with Joy, Irene, and Wendy since high school but college happened and the five of you went with different schools except for Wendy and Seulgi who enrolled at the same University. You have a heavy sigh, it’s not that you don’t have friends in your own department, you do. It’s just that all your girlfriends have classes and won’t be done until 3 in the afternoon— and you’re very much hungry.
 You saw a very familiar face exiting the lesson hall next to yours and you’re quick on your feet to hide behind the walls of your classroom.
 “Y/n, I’ve already seen you, you know.” Suh Johnny stands beside you with Ten beside him smiling at you, you three both did your handshakes after getting drag out of the room. “Have you eaten already?” Ten asks and you shook your head. Johnny put his arms around your shoulders and the three of you walked out of the campus to eat out.
 “Oppa, what’s that?” you asked Ten preferring to his phone when you all settled down while Johnny browses the menu on what to order. “Jaehyun asked if he can join.” He says to the both of you, you look at Johnny as you both shrugs. Jung Jaehyun was once an IT student, he shifted after a year into your department and incredibly smart in mathematics. He was instantly everyone’s friend in your year.
 “I’m cool with him,” Johnny says and they both look at you. You’re not really fond of everybody and not entirely friendly with everyone. You’ve been close with Johnny and Ten who were much older than you only because you knew them since High school. “It’s cool.” You muttered.
 “But you wouldn’t be comfortable around other people, though.” Ten commented. They were completely aware of your introverted ass. They know what happened to you during your fourth-year high school, not only with Jeon Jungkook but the fact that all of your female classmates during your senior year made you an outcast. You honestly find it funny now, since you know that you have four amazing friends who stuck with you through thick and thin. You wished you had taken up the opportunity when Seulgi asked you to join her for hunting college schools before graduating High school so that you can be with her throughout your college years, but what’s done is done, what happened to you in the past brought you here right now and made you who you are. It wasn’t a problem for you— you like having the quality over quantity. You like how your circle of friends isn’t that big, too many people in your life can cost you too much trouble in the end, you know that because you’ve already experienced it first hand, having many people in your life will only lead you to disappointments.
 You weren’t familiar with Jung Jaehyun, per se, you just had a class with him during the second semester of your first year of college, that one professor you disliked so much teaching algebra instead of business mathematics and had the audacity to fail you. You hated how you got a failed mark while Jaehyun passed the subject despite his absences, you acknowledge him for having a big brain when it comes to numbers but you still find it unfair how he passed and you failed, you wished you could be as smart as him. You first met him when Mark introduced you to him after your Psychology class, you were talking with Mark about your Final output for the subject when he came up to Mark— fist-bumping, while wearing a white hoodie and black jeans, had those big Nike bags that you knew Basketball players uses, his white sneakers clean and you look at yours— completely worn out and definitely needed a new pair.
 He was smiling at you, eyeing Mark while waiting to be introduced to you. That got you rolling your eyes at him unknowingly, making him slightly intimidated with you. You shot Jaehyun a fake smile— he was cute, charming, tall, and obviously another varsity player. God, your skin starts to crawl, another varsity player is being too friendly with you. You bid Mark goodbye, and that was the start of your acquaintances with Jung Jaehyun, he was everywhere, becoming the Mr. Congeniality of your Department in no time when he shifted after a year in Information Technology.
 The three of you waited for Jaehyun to arrive before ordering your lunch, you waited for another minute before the door opened and Jaehyun walked in wearing a black long tee and denim jeans paired with his clean white sneakers. He settled down beside Ten who was in front of you and you started to become uncomfortable. Johnny and Jaehyun decided to get your orders and you were left with Ten in your booth.
 “Y/N, Jaehyun’s a good guy, you already know him for half a year, why are you still uncomfortable around him?” Ten asks you as you heave a heavy sigh. It’s not that you're uncomfortable around him because of your trust issues, you’re uncomfortable because clearly, he’s your type, and you’re not comfortable with the idea of it, you know he already had a girlfriend, you saw his wallpaper for a second when he put it down on the table before locking it. “I’m not. It’s just that—Oppa, can’t I be shy around people?” you countered, Ten looked at you funnily. “Don’t kid with me, y/n- ah. You guys both have International Cuisine, right?” he asks and you nod. “Then, you’ll be around him more often from now on, loosen up, He’s a great guy, if he did something to you, just tell me and Johnny and we’ll take care of it for you.” he flashed you a smile and you brush it off while giggling at him. “Thanks, Oppa, but no thanks.” You say and the two came back with two trays full of food. “It’s on me.” Johnny settled down next to you and you shoot him a grateful smile as the four of you started digging.
 “Are you throwing a party for your birthday?” Johnny suddenly asked, you nod at him and he muttered a small okay while your eyes darted at Jaehyun— it would be totally rude not to invite him for your birthday party when the topic is already laid on the table. Plus, he was looking at the three of you intently, seemingly out of place with the subject of the conversation. “Jaehyun, you should come on my birthday, It’s on the 19th, just some drinks and food on me, nothing too grand.” You find yourself saying and Ten and Johnny were shocked that you invited him. you clear your throat and continued “Can you guys ask everyone? I haven’t seen Yuta, Jungwoo, and Taeil Oppa but I already asked a bunch of people.” You added. They all agreed. “Thanks for inviting me, I think I don’t have anything going on that day,” Jaehyun commented. “Sounds like a plan.” You say and the four of you continued digging in.
 That night on your birthday, everything made a 360-degree turn in your life. Having 23 boys in your flat and some of your girlfriends turn out to be so much fun. When you run out of drinks you find yourself on Jaehyun’s passenger seat as the two of you drive to the nearest store to purchase some alcohol— You and Jaehyun seem like the only person sober enough to walk and drive your way outside the comforts of your home. You felt really comfortable around him, he hasn’t made a move on you or anything, and you think that maybe it’s because he already had a girlfriend and is faithful to their relationship.
 “Why didn’t you bring your girlfriend with you?” you asked just to start a conversation. “You knew?” he asked you while throwing you side glances, you nod your head yes. “It’s kind of complicated, plus, we're not official.” He continued which made you shocked, he was being open with you shockingly. “What? Why?” for some reason, it made you really curious. He gives you a heartily chuckle “It’s complicated.” You only nod.
 When you came back to your flat, you and Jaehyun were left to sit together, Mark and Haechan were completely out of it, while Joy and Irene are having a conversation with Jisung and Chenle. It’s nice to see them conversing with each other. Johnny was busy preparing the drinks with Yuta, Taeyong, and Seulgi, while the others are setting up the karaoke on your flat screen Tv hanged on your living room’s wall.
 You thought that was the last time you’ll see Jung Jaehyun, or you thought that was the last time you’ll be together in the same room as well as be at the same table together. You forgot that you both have classes together, that you’re practically in the same department, you honestly forgot that you’re both in the same circle of friends.
 You’ve been closer with the guys as time goes by, they were nothing like the people from your High school, they were honestly cool to be with, it just that, they like to unwind sometimes, and that “sometimes” means every Friday of the week, unwinding with drinks and such. This time, Jaehyun was the host, and Jungwoo together with Taeil managed to dragged and convinced you out of girlfriend nights. You have been hanging out with them more than usual and you were getting closer with Jaehyun, particularly, you keep on looking for him at gatherings and he kept on looking out for you. There was an unspoken mutual understanding between the two of you, you know it was wrong, even if you find yourself giddy and happy when he messages you or when he calls you before you go to bed when the two of you meet in between subjects just to eat together. You knew you were repeating the same mistakes as you did with Jungkook, and you can’t help but fuck yourself because everything is wrong at the same time feels right. How screwed can you get? Why do you always choose temporary happiness over a peace of mind?
 That night, when most of the guys left to go home and some of them left to smoke outside, you find yourself alone with Jaehyun in his living room. You poured him and yourself a shot, the guys were surely taking their time outside. “One-shot.” You tell him and you both down the tequila in seconds, hissing at the taste burning your throats. You stared at him, thinking that you have to start distancing yourself from him, you don’t want to ruin what he had with his girl. Your stomach turns just by thinking about the possibilities of ruining someone else’s relationship. You were better than that.
 You move your gaze away from him, you were about to pour another shot when you felt Jaehyun’s warm hand on your neck pulling you closer. You felt his warm lips on yours, it was sweet and warm, burning you within, but the taste was anything but sweet— you tasted the tequila out of his lips as he licks your bottom lip that got you responding to him, you closed your eyes and find yourself fucking your boundaries for him. You wrap your arms around his neck as he pulls you closer by the waist, rubbing small circles on your skin. You break the kiss as you put your forehead on his, trying to catch your breath. He was about to kiss you again when you move your face away from him, trying to put some distance away from him. “Did I do something wrong?” you heard him saying. You wipe the smudged lipstick on your skin below your lips as you face him. “Jaehyun, you’re not completely single.” You said. “But I’m not in a relationship either, I told you months ago, it was complicated.” He sits beside you properly, a hand clamped together as you look at him.
 “Jaehyun, this is non-negotiable. I don’t want to ruin someone’s relationship.” You say, and Johnny walks in. you poured yours and Jaehyun’s shot glass clicking with his before downing it in one go. If Johnny felt the thick air between the two of you, he doesn’t comment on it.
 You choose to forget what happened when all of the guys started walking back inside. Started conversing with Johnny about this student in your department that got kicked out of the university because of some issues. You got your self a couple of drinks before standing up to head to the bathroom, but since it was your first time at Jaehyun’s house you ask him where it was, plus Lucas was incredibly taking his time in the bathroom so Jaehyun leads you to his room instead. “Just use mine, Lucas is taking forever.” He said. You nod and head for the bathroom in his room. His room was surprisingly clean and very much boyish in your opinion, the walls are painted blue, his bed covers are white and was neatly done, the cabinets are on the side while a bunch of basketball trophies is beside his computer.
 When you were done with his bathroom, you find him sitting at the end of his bed, browsing his phone while waiting for you. “I thought you already went down,” you said. Jaehyun looks up at you. “Can I look at your trophies?” you asked him and as he walks to you and standing beside you to look at his achievements during his High school days.
 “Wait, you went to Santa Clara?” you asked him. “So, you know, Jeon Jungkook?” you asked shocked at the information when he said as small “Yes. Why?”
 You shook your head and muttered nothing. “We went with some tune-up games in the past, but I know him, he and his group keep on hitting on our cheerleaders it was kind of funny.” He says to you and you laughed. “What’s new, but— wow, what a small world.” “Oh, that’s right he graduated from St. Vincent, right?” you turn your head at him and you see Jaehyun looking at you while waiting for your answer, you only nodded your head, not having the gusto to talk about Jeon Jungkook at the moment. You felt Jaehyun’s hands circling around your wrist, turning your body against him making you look up to him.
 You were completely drawn to him, from the way he pulls you closer by the waist, the way he lifts your head as he put his other hand to your face, he has you completely wrapped around his fingers. You felt his lips doing wonders to you and this time you let him kiss you. You find yourself wrapped around him for the second time. “Jaehyun—”
 “Hmm.” You felt him deepened the kiss as he pulls you impossibly closer, hips to hips pressed together and you hated how right it felt. “We need to go down.” you tried to push him away but he won't budge. Jaehyun, slips his thumb just above the exposed skin on your hips, rubbing small circles that got you moaning “If you haven’t noticed, I’m actually crazy for you right now.” He says under his breath and you felt warm all over. Jaehyun has his brows furrowed, his expression as if he was hurting all over the place, and you laugh at him. “Fine, I’ll spend the night here.” You hear yourself saying and Jaehyun only pulled you closer for a hug.
 When the night ended, Jaehyun tells the guys that he’ll be the one to give you a ride and no one suspects it— agreeing to him and biding the two of you goodbye while the two of you cleaned up the living room. Moments after, you find yourself having second thoughts about staying the night with him. You know this will only lead to you on Jung Jaehyun’s bed. “Do you want to go home?” he asks you as if reading your mind, and you shook your head. “But can we go grab some late snacks? I’m kind of hungry.”
 The both of you drove to McDonald's and ordered some take-outs, Jaehyun drove to a good spot and parked his car, handing you your orders after putting on some good music— fit for the atmosphere. “Ohhh, this is actually good, huh.” You say while smiling at him. Jaehyun put your drinks in the cupholder between the both of you and handed you some tissues after. The warm feelings are back and you hate to admit that he gives you butterflies in your stomach.
 “I mean, this could be our thing, y/m.”
 You didn’t comment on that. Digging into your burger as a distraction to the strange sensation that you kept on feeling. You were quietly eating your food while having mixed feelings about him. you know this familiar feeling— you’re not stupid enough not to know your catching feelings and that you’re starting to fall in love again.
 When you finished up, you turn your body towards Jaehyun, deciding to confess, it’s better to be turned down than to keep on catching feelings for someone who isn’t going to return it at all. It’s not like you to be so brave, in the past, you always wait and that was the problem. You wait until the opportunity slides away from your fingers— from you. Deciding to risk everything this time, you braced yourself for the rejection.
 “Jaehyun.” You started and he turns his head towards you. “You know, I like you, right?” you continued. “You’re not stupid and you know there is something going on with the both of us.” Silence feels inside his car to the point it got so thick you can even cut it with a knife. “I may sound like a bitch but you have to choose between me and her.”
 “Remember when I told you on your birthday that my relationship with her is complicated?” you nodded your head. “I wasn’t lying about it. We’ve known each other for a while and it’s been eight months that time when I wanted to take our relationship to another level.” Hearing him talk about some other girl and the fact he wanted to make their relationship official hurts you in so many ways possible. You find yourself nodding at him as you ignore the lump in your throat. “But she won’t even admit that she likes me, not even one “Thank you” for all the effort I’ve given her, I understand that saying she loves me is a different level, it’s an understatement, but you know, I’m just someone who also needed affections. I don’t understand her for being so high maintenance.”
 “I actually talked with her personally this morning.” He continued. “Was that the reason why you’re absent?” you asked mad over the fact that he was absent for some uncalled reason. “Okay, let me finish before you get mad at me, baby.” You hate how endearing that sounded but you let him talk anyways. “I told her, I was done waiting and that I was sorry that I didn’t keep my promise.”
 “You actually courted her?” you asked and he nods. “Yeah, she is high maintenance and stupid.”
 “And you know what she replied? She says that she’ll say yes to me if that will make me stay or shut my trap, even, you know how the thought of actually agreeing to that one person to be together was gone just for the benefit of the doubt? She should have said yes from the beginning, I don’t have issues with waiting, I waited for almost a year, I know I can do it again, but not like this.” He moves his hands in the air just to set his point. “Was it my fault that I fell out of love?” He asks you and you turn your head away from him, guilty with the fact you are the reason he fell out of love with her. “Y/n, just give me time, I don’t even need that much.” He says and you nod your head.
 When both of you got back to Jaehyun’s flat, it was already midnight, Jaehyun handed you his white clean shirt and boxer shorts to change in to. Giving you some privacy that you needed while he brushes his teeth downstairs. So many things have been running through your mind for the past hour, Jaehyun didn’t turn you down but he didn’t say that he likes you back, either. So where do you stand in his life? You should have gone home; you didn’t want the same mistakes you did in the past to be repeated, but you were tired of waiting and beating around the bush.
 Confessing to Jung Jaehyun that you liked him first made you feel naked around him, having your feelings out in the open. When Jaehyun walked in you were still dazed, thousand of thoughts running through your mind. This wasn’t the first time that you’ve to spend the night with him having sleepovers at Johnny’s or the others but this was definitely your first time spending the night with him.
 It wasn’t an issue for you to sleep beside him since you already confessed, anyway. And in no time, you slip off to dreamland instantly, shocked at how comfortable you are with having his arms around you as you drifted off to dreamland.
 You stir in your sleep when you felt Jaehyun’s hands all over your upper body as he peppers your neck with wet kisses. you fight the sleepiness and look at his nightstand to see that it’s only been two hours when you drifted off to sleep. “Jae, It’s only three in the morning. Can’t you do this later?” you asked as you fight the sleep in your eyes. You felt Jaehyun’s hands hover around your left mound, squeezing it slightly and you look at him fully. “You agree on doing this later?” he asks out of breath.
 “You expect me to fall asleep when you’re on my bed in my clothes?” he whispered in your ear and you moan when his fingers slip in your undies— rubbing circles in your clit. “Already this wet?” Jaehyun continued his ministration on you, adding another finger inside you while he kisses you on the lips. You felt him retract his fingers away and you were about to protest when you felt him lift your shirt just below your chin, your mounds completely in view and ready to be played with. His hands went back on your thighs as he separated your left leg from the other, urging you to open your legs more. His fingers are back on your clit, drawing small circles that made you clenching on nothing. Jaehyun frowned when he felt your walls incredibly tight when he inserted two fingers at a time. “Baby, so fucking tight.”
 Jaehyun throws his shirt over his head and helped you undress, completely impatient, and you tried palming him just to get a reaction. You heard him grunt lowly, shocked at how big he is when Jaehyun got rid of all the clothing. “That won’t fit on me.”
 “Where’s your casual bravado at?” he asks as he pulls you to his lap. You look anywhere but him as your cheeks started to flush. “Don’t tell me— are you a virgin?” you nod your head at him as you felt his cock stood out more to the revelation. “Fuck, well take it slow, baby.” Jaehyun guided you to his lap as you ride him, moving your hips as you coat his dick with your juices. You have your bottom lip trap between your teeth as you let his dick slide in your pussy’s lips. Feeling embarrassed but desperate you tried to push yourself back to meet his hips as you whine with the newfound sensations. You look so lewd above him riding his cock as your tits bounce from your movements, your eyes start to water from the thrill Jaehyun gives you. “I need to hear you.” Jaehyun pushes the messy strands of hair that frames your face.
 You moan at the feeling of his veiny cock sliding in between your pussy’s lips. He hums, pleased with your sounds around him, and rewards you by inserting his fingers all the way inside you, the numbers doing wonders and stinging you a bit, but it still felt better than having to clench at nothing. Jaehyun marks you up all over your neck and just above your mounds, flesh to flesh as you moan for him. He pumps his fingers in and out of you as you ride his cock continuously. He gathers you in his arms and lays you on your back, pulling your thighs against your chest, keeping your legs spread as he pushes inside you slowly, grunting. “I wasn’t planning on putting it inside, but you just feel so fucking good.”
 You cried at the stretch, slowly tearing you apart as he moves inch by inch just to be inside you fully. When he’s all the way inside of you, his breath leaves him in a shaky sigh, and he takes a couple of moments for the both of you before he started moving. You know Jaehyun was holding back, as he focusses on your breast as they bounce up and down in a humiliating manner as he pushes into you slowly for his liking, while his hands keep your legs spread wide for him, you felt embarrassed and humiliated with the way you’re positioned under him, but you can’t help every moan that escapes you as it started to feel amazing more than a while ago. The sting you felt was gone and all you can think is the pleasure that he gives you.
 “Fuck, you’re tightening up.” You turn your head to the side, trying to bury your face in the pillows around you as you hide your face from him, but Jaehyun doesn’t allow it, he bends down— his upper body draped over you, his face mere inched from yours, the new positions has his right hand pulling your right leg further upwards, thigh pressing harder against your chest. “Say it, baby. I need to hear you.” His gaze pierces through you, ordering more than asking you to obey him, and you find him looking sexier as he looks even as his skin glistens and how some strands of his hair started to stick over his forehead.
 Docilely and submissive, you answered him. “I- I want to cum, please.” You sounded so lewd; you didn’t even recognize yourself anymore. His gaze doesn’t free yours as his hips started to pick up the pace. “Do you know how hot you look right now? Spread out on my bed with nothing but my cock in you? fuck, fuck.” You started clenching around him as he put his thumb on your clit, drawing circles as you cry out his name in ecstasy.
 He fucks you through your orgasm, grunting as your walls get even tighter, making it harder for him to keep on moving inside of you but that made him ravish you more with fervor. Your orgasm feels like it will never end as he drags it out in order to reach his own high, finally, his hips stutter as he pulls out of you and pumps his dick more as he comes in your stomach and breasts.
 When he was done, he moves away from you and walks to the bathroom, you heard the faucet running and Jaehyun came out with a wet, warm towel in his hands and uses it to clean up the mess the two of you made. When he’s done, he tosses it to the side and scoops you in his arms, covering both of your naked bodies with his blanket that smells like him. He had you trap in his arms and sure it felt good to be treated like this, the feeling new to you.
 “Sleep, let’s not think about what happened for now.” He murmured and you agree. “I’m sorry.” You heard him say. You look up at him and see different emotions flickers in his eyes. “Honestly, I’ve seen this coming, I’m not usually like this but I always find myself fucking my rules just to be with you.” Jaehyun pulls you closer to him. “That’s because you liked me.” He told you before you drifted off to sleep for the second time.
 The next morning, Jaehyun give you a ride home, you— being awfully quiet after realizing everything that happened when you saw the bloodstains in his bedsheets that morning. You didn’t utter a word throughout the ride, reality downing to you one by one. Did you just sleep with a guy who wasn’t your boyfriend in the first place? When you got in the comforts of your home you smack your head for the stupidity. You knew how boys can be, and you just give Jaehyun the chance to have his way with you easily without a fight.
 When a day passed by without seeing even a shadow of Jaehyun, you sent him a message asking what was he doing. You waited for hours but you didn’t get a reply from him that day. You’ve been overthinking things and didn’t have the energy to be productive at all, you tried calling him but he wasn’t answering at all. The next day came and you checked your phone for any notification from him but there was none, you were about to get up when you heard a car honking in front of your house— you walk towards your window and there, you saw Jung Jaehyun, standing beside his car in your front yard, smiling up at you with his hands tucked inside his jean’s pockets. You ignore the raging butterflies in your stomach and hide the blush creeping in your cheeks with your hair as you give him a bashful smile in return.
 When you came down after washing up and getting ready for school, you kissed your mom goodbye saying you’re skipping breakfast and will just eat out in the café next to the University. You run to Jaehyun, his arms open and ready to catch you in his arms— and you embrace him. “Haven’t heard from you yesterday.” You push your self a little away from him to see a smile playing at his lips. “I miss you too.” He answered and for some reason, cat got your tongue.
 “It’s still early, do you want to eat out?” Jaehyun asked you when you both settle down inside his car and you nod your head after checking your wristwatch, you still have two hours to kill before your classes start, it’s Tuesday, so the both of you are packed up with your chef’s uniforms in your bags.
 “I hate cooking.” You tell no one in particular as Jaehyun started to drive away, “But you’re the top in our department.” you only give him a glance as you relax your body.
 When you arrived at the café next to your University, it was still spacious as it was still early, most of the time students would fill the room up, studying or just talking with their peers. You both settle down on the booth next to the window— Jaehyun, ever the gentlemen ordering and buying you your food. “Jaehyun, I really appreciate you spending your money on me, but next time let me pay for my own food.” You say when he came back with a tray of pastries and coffees in his hands. “Why?” he asked.
 “Because it’s your money, and we’re still students you know, we shouldn’t spend recklessly.” Jaehyun was bewildered by what you said and it was clearly written on his face. “Why?” you asked scared that you might say something wrong. “It’s just that, I was used to spending money for her even if I get to eat nothing as long as she gets hers.” He says. You felt horrified after hearing that. “No way, if you ran out of money, you say it and I’m going to pay for us, all right?”
“You sure you haven’t been in relationships?” there was a bashful smile playing at Jaehyun’s face, “No, it’s called basic manners, Jung Jaehyun.” You laughed at him. “So, I haven’t heard from you at all yesterday.” You watched as Jaehyun sipped at his iced americano— nodding at you as if you’ve stated the obvious.
“I ended everything with her, what she said doesn’t really sit on me right. I didn’t take her to be that hypocrite in the first place.” Jaehyun started. So, he was with her last night, you think, but not in the way that you think, he meets with her to cut and finish everything between them. “I just hate that every time we fought, she would always turn the tables around, guilt tripping me so I can admit that I’m wrong when she also has her mistakes in the first place. Don’t think that this happened because of you, it started happening before you even came, I don’t want you to beat yourself thinking that you ruined my relationship with her, because in the first place there’s no relationship between us.” You nod your head and all you can do is listen.
“Do you regret everything that has been happening?” you asked as you hear your heart beating rapidly inside your chest, you look at him and he did the same. “No. You happened unexpectedly, but no, I don’t regret you.” you fought the tears away, feeling the warmth and comfort inside, this has never happened to you, someone choosing you over anything, and you can’t help but tear up.
“Why are you crying? It’s not me who’s choosing you but you’re the one who is choosing me. If you haven’t noticed a lot of guys wants to be with you, so I’m really grateful that you liked me instead.” Jaehyun wiped the tears that threatening to fall down your check and pulling you close in his arms after. You put your head in his arms, everything feels surreal and if ever you are dreaming you don’t want to wake up anymore. “I really like you,Y/n.” you look up to him laughing as you cry harder, all this baggage and walls gone because of one person.  
That was the start of your relationship with Jung Jaehyun, all those crazy days and nights with him, long drives and Friday nights, eating and pigging out with him, he knows you more than the back of his hands, he knows that you get moody every month, he knew about your introverted ass, he knows that you can be basic and simple at times— you don’t expect too much of him and he does the same with you, on your first year of being together, you introduced Jaehyun to your whole family on your reunion day and they instantly love him— specially your brother and cousins. They enjoyed talking to him, and you’re honestly surprised at how welcoming you parents are to him, asking him to sleep over, Jaehyun and your brother having the same interest, playing computer games until the sun rises, His mother sending a box full of apples to your mother because he mentions that it’s your mom’s favorite.
Sometimes you get scared of breaking up with him, fighting isn’t something that the both of you can avoid, there are times the you just want to strangle him to death, but that makes everything real, being jealous and having make up sex, all those time the both of you fight for something trivial, those moments make your relationship stronger. And now you’ve been with him for the past 4 years, going steady and strong.  
“Babe, you ready?” you both settle down on his car, you just finish your final exams for this week, you and Jaehyun are up for a 2 hour long drive to get to your vacation house, most of your family are already there since this morning and the both of you have to finish your exams and classes first before joining them, you nod your head at him as he pull his jacket over his head and handing it you. Jaehyun knows that you get easily cold but you don’t want to turn the heater up and make him suffer as he tends to sweat a lot, that leads you to having his hoodies stack up in your closet.
“You have to cut your smoking off you know it’s not good for your health.” You say as you saw him scratch the back of his neck, a freshly lit stick in his mouth, when the both of you started going out you have seen him smoke a couple of times to the point that it got you curious and tried it, you have been smoking in the past but you cut it off as it was unhealthy. Jaehyun on the other hand finds it hard. “old habits die hard.” He told you once.
“You got to compromise, baby.” Jaehyun blew the smoke outside— his window rolled down and one hand on the stirring wheel, you got to admit though, your boyfriend looked hot. “Fine, what do you suggest?”
“Marry me after we graduate.” Your head snap back to look at him, as you waited for him to laugh and say that he was joking. Jaehyun throw the cigar outside reaching for the rubbing alcohol to clean his hands, you tend to hate the smell that clings to his hands whenever he smokes. You were awfully quiet, shocked at what he said, and you found yourself caught in your thoughts.
“If you promise to be with me forever, until the day that our hair turns white, then I promise to cut my smoking off.” He smiled at you, reaching for your hands that was placed in your lap as he pulls it closer to his mouth to give it some kisses. You can’t really say anything as tears started to fall one by one, you we’re just so happy that he thinks of being together with you for that long. “I know I’ve done so many things that disappoints you, but you still choose to be with me, and for that, I’m really grateful. So, I’m asking you this right now, I know we still have to graduate and we still have a long way ahead of us. And I would still have to buy you the most beautiful ring in the world. What I can give you right know is my hopeful words— promising you that I would be faithful and love you until the end, so are you going to say yes?” he asks while holding your hand.
“Yes.” the both of you laughed at the situation as you reach out to kiss him in the cheeks. “Babe! Stay seated or will get into an accident” he shouts but laughs with you.
You definitely don’t regret falling in love with Jung Jaehyun.
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