#forgotten horn player
rafikny · 8 months
"I don't separate one era of jazz from another, because I listen to everybody... Everybody takes from everybody else and adds their own thing and goes on from there."
~Sonny Criss
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drenched-in-sunlight · 3 months
*Shadow of the Erdtree late game spoiler under the cut !!!
I’m going to throw up … it sounds crazy but. I think I know what the Hornsent did to Marika’s home village now. And why she hates the Omen so much, why Messmer shows them no mercy 😭😭
Please, look closely at the jar innards in Belurat Gaol… they look like Marika … 😭😭 even the brand on their forehead looks like a mix of her and Radagon’s current symbol (as seen on their soreseal)
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If my whole family were kidnapped and stuffed into jars because others thought it’d make them "good", I’d go insane, become literal God and take revenge on them too idk.
This is the text outside of her village:
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Have mercy. And the two items in the village indicates that Marika wrapped the whole place in a healing spell, knowing full well there is no one left to heal. Grief. Her grief and love protect that place all this time (before the village are two Tree Sentinels).
The only place in the Land of Shadow still bathed in Gold. And now Messmer guarded it with all his heart. Holy shit.
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If Marika came from a village whose ppl were thought to be inferior and should be stuffed into jar to be reborn, yet she went and became a God, while the Hornsent failed to reach divinity, despite proclaiming themselves “chosen people” (Stalwart horn charm +2)… yeah I can see why they said she betrayed them and that she’s a wanton strumpet. 🙃
Also I think the “seduction” is from the Two Fingers, telling her to accept being a vessel to the Elden Ring and it’ll grant her the power to avenge her people. Look where she ended up now 🙂
There, I solved the story trailer.
EDIT: you can find a Numen’s Rune in Jarburg 🙃
Me 2 years ago: haha why is there Numen’s rune in Jarburg? Aren’t they Marika’s people? So random ! 😄😄
Me now finding out it’s because Numens were the original jar innards: ….
EDIT 2: it’s confirmed in-game that the shamans from Marika’s home village is the jar innards…
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the golden hair... be serious with me right now
EDIT 3: She was salvaging the remains of her people and made them the symbol of her divine ascension. their death and suffering would never be forgotten, and the day will come when vengeance would be theirs.
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk 👍
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EDIT 4: Update about the mistranslation of Greatjar description leading to players thinking people from Marika’s village are also helping Hornsent hunt down their own people. They are not!
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nhlclover · 7 months
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word count: 1.25k
summary: when reunited, both yours and coles crushes on each other come back full force.
warnings: drinking, mentions of puking, tiny bit of swearing
notes: sort of but not really based on ‘hey stephen’ by taylor swift. hope you enjoy!!
You adored the wrap-around porch of the lakehouse. The screen allowed soft breezes and rays of sunlight to wade in while keeping bugs out. The comfy furniture Jack and Quinn had splurged on last summer was a bonus. That’s exactly why you found yourself nodding off into a midday nap in the cuddler chair, your book long forgotten on the side table next to you.
Tires crunching on the gravel followed by the car horn beeping obnoxiously rip you from the brink of sleep. You groan, getting up from the chair and walking to the front door to see who was there. Jack's car was now parked behind Quinn in the driveway, the trunk open.
You had arrived the week before with Quinn and Luke, the three of you driving from home together. Jack, however, had visited his friend Cole in Montreal and was driving down with Cole a few days later.
“Hey!” Jack calls out to you, walking over with a cooler in hand.
“Hey there.” You grinned. “What’s in the cooler?”
Jack places the cooler down, opening the lid to show you the contents. “Did you pack anything other than beer?” You asked.
Jack scoffs, picking it back up. “Of course. We have some coolers in the trunk.” He says, walking past you and into the house. You notice someone come out from behind the car, carrying a duffle bag and a backpack.
“Hey.” He smiles. You know who it is immediately. It’s hard to not recognize that face. That smile. That laugh.
You hadn’t seen Cole since he played with Jack on the USNDT. You had a crush on him back then when the two of you were in high school. He was always kind to you and you had always found him adorable. You saw him fairly frequently then, but hadn’t in 4 years since Cole moved to Montreal, while you stayed in the States and went to school.
“Hi.” You squeak out.
Cole is still just as cute and still has the same smile, just slightly older and more grown. In high school, Cole was smaller, making him a bit of an anomaly among hockey players. But now he had filled out, put on muscle and you were finding now that there was a new layer to your attraction. A new physical attraction.
“Hi y/n,” He replies, stepping closer to you and opening his arms. “What has it been? Ten years since I saw you?”
You chuckle, shaking your head. “Try four.” You say, accepting his hug.
“How is that possible?” He asks.
“Blame Jack, he’s the one who always invites you when I’m never here.” You say.
“Why would I want my annoying sister here during a boys' trip?” Jack said, giving you a shoulder check as he walked past you to the car.
You stuck up your middle finger to his back, walking back inside with Cole following behind. Quinn and Luke had now come in from the dock, greeting Cole.
“Hey, man,” Luke says, bringing him in for a hug. “How’s it going?”
While Luke and Cole caught up with one another, you helped stock the fridge.
The first two weeks of summer blew by. Your days consisted of boat rides, occasionally joining your brothers and Cole in their training sessions at the local rink, and tanning on the dock. Through the two weeks spent together, your crush on Cole grew stronger.
Cole, in being around you for the first time in 4 years, is reminded of the crush he once harboured for you. He’d once thought it was just a fleeting crush he’d long dismissed. However, now being with you, he realized it was much more than that. It was a pining that never truly went away, merely went dormant just beneath the surface.
It was nearing the end of Cole’s stay before he was going to head back to Wisconsin. For Cole, whose feelings had hit their peak, it was now or never to confess his feelings.
The combined brains of Jack and Luke had decided to have a final night of going hard and drinking. From inside, you could hear the shouting of the boys who were playing a drinking game. You’d played the first few rounds of a game Quinn had introduced but forfeited as you didn’t want to be too hungover in the morning. You’d instead retreated to the porch, observing the lightning strikes on the neighbouring islands. You nursed a beer that you had started in the last round of the game.
A few moments later the door connecting the living room to the patio opened, and Cole stepped out. “Hey.” He said upon spotting you.
“Hey.” You replied. “You finished your drinking game?”
“No, they’re still going at it. I bailed.” Cole said. He walks over, standing next to you. He follows your gaze to the lake, the sound of the rain hitting the water filling the silence.
Cole admires the way you seem transfixed by the storm. “You like thunderstorms?” Cole asks.
“I love them.” You reply, a grin forming on your lips. “The way the lightning illuminates the sky…It’s just so cool”
Staring at you now, Cole was entranced by how you looked at the water. He couldn’t help himself. Something within Cole snaps and he can’t keep it in any longer. The song inside the living room changed, Hey Stephen now playing. The song sparks an idea in his head and Cole blurts out the words.
“I can’t help it… you look like an angel.” Cole says. Your head snaps towards him and you go to speak, but Cole beats you to it. “And I can’t help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain.”
You clue into what Cole is referencing, a grin forming on your lips. You stay quiet, hoping Cole will continue which he does.
“So come feel this magic I’ve been feeling since I met you. I can’t help it if there’s no one else. I can’t help myself.” He finishes.
“Did you just quote Taylor Swift?” You ask Cole.
“Maybe…” Cole says, reluctantly.
“Are you flirting with me?” You ask him.
Cole takes a step back, his cheeks burning as he reads your reaction as one of almost disgust. “Oh, am I that bad at it?”
“Not at all.” You smile. Cole relaxes at your words. “So do you really want to kiss me in the rain?”
Cole steps forward, slowly placing his hands on your waist. Apprehension and anticipation lace the air as you prepare to cross a boundary previously untouched. His lips land softly on yours, contradicting the emotions that were swirling within the both of you. With each kiss and the quickening of the rhythm, you find yourself melting into him. Your arms link around his shoulders, drawing him closer till your chests are pressed together.
Thunder rattles the sky but doesn’t disturb the bubble you two were in, rather underscoring the moment you two were having.
You are finally forced apart when the door to the porch swings open, hitting the wall next to it. Luke comes rushing out and down the steps, emptying the contents of his stomach onto the grass. Jack and Quinn come out next, not even noticing the two of you, instead laughing hysterically at Luke as he dry heaves on the lawn.
Cole takes your hand, quietly drawing you away and back into the house. You follow him up the stairs, away from the boys downstairs.
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jojo-schmo · 13 days
How did you come up with roleswap Elfilis' design? It's really cool!
Hi! Thank you so much! :D I'd love to share my thought process! Gather round the armchair by the fireplace, friends! It's story time!
I've said before that the Forgotten Land Roleswap started off as a doodle that swapped Dedede and Bandana Dee's roles as Player 2 and the Brainwashed Beast. But when I realized how fun that one little change was, how about EVEN MORE changes? That's how my one-time doodle turned into the full AU story. I swapped Meta Knight and Kirby, Clawroline and Leongar, and Sillydillo and Gorimondo- and because the story is so Waddle-Dee centric, I promoted Dedede to "Player 1" since the stakes would be higher for him as their King.
So now I had a story that had a lot of opposite traits to canon and I wanted to explore that further! When it came to the matter of Elfilin, I thought he would probably behave too similarly towards Dedede and Meta as he did to Kirby and Bandee. He'd be friendly and trusting, communicative, optimistic, knowledgeable, and cooperative. So how about providing them a travel companion who is defensive, has trouble communicating, a little wild, uninformed about themselves and the world around them, and has a bit of a temper?
But working with all these opposite traits didn't feel in-character for Elfilin anymore. So my natural next step was to swap Elfilin with Elfilis and make a new version of the Forgotten Land's lost little pup!
Enough yapping about the context behind my decisions, tho. How'd I come up with Roleswap Elfilis' design?
I see you out there, Fecto Forgo fans. Maybe somebody out there's thought, "Roleswap Elfilis does not look like them! Why not? That's what the other 50% of the Ultimate Life Form looks like! I demand justice for the angry glowing rat fetus!"
Maybe nobody has ever thought this. But I wonder sometimes lol
Your feelings are valid, friends. Please lemme explain my reasonings.
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This fella, to me, is the abandoned wet specimen left to float in a jar for who-knows-how-long after a forcible physical and mental separation via spatial teleportation shenanigans. And I think part of their appearance is due to their role as the trapped and forgotten half.
The role of the half that got away fully formed his own body and inherited some traits from the complete being-
For Elfilin in canon, he got ears that are proportionally huge compared to the rest of his body, blue eyes that sparkle with the light of a thousand destroyed planets, a tiny bit of pink fur for his adorable blushies, and a really long fluffy tail. Maybe becoming a being free of chaos gave him those sweet eyes like Kirby and the Waddle Dees have.
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My reasoning is that whichever half ends up escaping the Lab and fully forming their own body, they would carry the major physical traits the other wouldn't inherit.
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Anyway, that left Elfilis with the horns, colorful and expressive eyes, whiskers, beige chest fluff, opposable thumbs, and pink tummy fur.
Elfilin gets the long tail in the bodily divorce so Elfilis has a short stubby little cotton tail like a bunny. Like if he ended up with just the very tip of the Ultimate Life Form's tail.
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Behold this diagram above I came up with two years ago! Disclaimer: the canon Elfilin is the one in the chart. And I draw him a little differently these days lol. I ain't showing anyone how he ended up in the Roleswap yet tho!!!! >:0
But Roleswap Elfilis is more than just "baby version of the Ultimate Life Form..."
All the differences in the Forgotten Land Roleswap from canon stem from one event in the timeline. One change that I added to the events that were already supposed to take place. It's why the Ultimate Life Form split differently. Why the Beasts have different roles and aesthetics. Even why the portal took Bandana Dee and Kirby before Meta Knight and King Dedede.
How did that saying go again? The flap of wings somewhere can influence a bunch of huge changes somewhere else down the line...? What was the name of that theory again....? Hmm. Not important, I guess.
Anyway, the end!! You sly dog, you got me monologuing!!1! /lighthearted
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ghostboneswrites2 · 7 months
Sick of You pt.2
Second part to this request.
Summary: Reader saves Daryl's ass again and finally gets the respect she deserves.
18+ MDNI || Warnings: TWD Typical violence, profanity, over the counter drugs
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        Things have gotten better since your heated exchange with Daryl in the woods. You two haven't grown any closer, but you don't feel the need to avoid him anymore. The most you get is a curt nod when he passes you by. You're fine with that, though. 
        Today is your rest day, so aside from morning and afternoon inventory, you don't have any chores on your itinerary, which you are grateful for. Most people get rest days once a week, but you tend to be forgotten in that regard, so yours aren't nearly as frequent. Your only plans for the day are to sleep, eat, drink, and repeat. That is, of course, until;
        "Hey, (Y/N)? I hate to ask, but everyone else is swamped with work today. Daryl was supposed to be back hours ago. I'm worried something might've happened." Rick asks, leaning on the bars of your cell. You reluctantly uncrust your sleepy eyes and stare down at him. "It was supposed to be a quick in-and-out at the pharmacy just a few miles down the road due south. It's a small town, barely any walkers last I was there. Think you could go and see what you see?"
        You sigh and sit up. "Sure." You croak.
        "I really wouldn't ask if--"
        "It's okay. Really. I don't mind." You wave him off. You do mind, actually, quite a bit. However, it's only fair if you're the only one not working.
        "I'll load a car for you. Just get yourself ready. I'll have all the supplies you need in the car." He says. You nod and he walks away. With a groan, you yawn and stretch before quickly throwing on your cleanest jeans and least stained shirt. 
        "All loaded up." Rick informs you as you approach the vehicle. "Water, snacks, weapons, some tools if ya need 'em." 
        "Cool." You nod. "Thanks. I'll be back."
        "Be safe."
        The town was not clear of walkers. Not at all. There was a swarm of them around the little drug store where Daryl was supposed to be, and judging by how desperately the walkers clawed at the building, you could only assume he was trapped in there. God damn it.
        "Shit." You mumble as you slowly drive by the building. A few walkers turn their attention to you, but not enough. Then, you remember the Bon Jovi CD Rick had tucked away in the glove compartment. "Hell yeah." You smirk to yourself as you stop the car and slide the disc into the player. You crank the radio as loud as it'll go. The first song that plays feels ironic, as it's called Wanted Dead or Alive. You shrug it off and honk the horn, revving the engine, trying to gain as much undead attention as you can.
        "Come on you dead fucks!" You call out of your cracked window that you inched down for airflow. "Come and get me!"
        The dead begin to peel away from the building, inching toward your car in a swarm. Before you can get buried too deep in corpses, you press the gas, driving just fast enough that they couldn't catch up, but not so fast they'd lose interest.
        For the sake of spirit, you belt out the lyrics you know. Any extra noise to draw them after you.
        "I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride.. I'm wanted dead or alive.. Wanted dead or alive"
        You can't help but laugh at the stupidity of the situation. The song, the walkers, the way you're singing. It was like going on a road trip with a divorced dad or something. As you peek in the rearview mirror you realize just how many of them were after you now. At least twenty, maybe more. There was no way you'd be able to fight them all off, not even with Daryl's help. You resort to taking a turn down a random street, hoping it would circle back to the main road and you'd be able to lose them that way. 
        Luck is not on your side today, though. The road turns out to be a dead end. What are your options here? This puttering little car wouldn't survive a rogue assault if you tried to mow through the herd. No, you'd have to get clever, and fast, because your car is stopped and they're getting close.
        In a fit of quick thinking, you throw the bag Rick packed for you over your shoulder and make a run for it into the trees surrounding the street. You leave the car running with the music blaring. Hopefully that will keep the bulk of them focused on the car while you make a break for it.
        The plan works for the most part. Any of them that followed you into the trees are too far back to be an immediate concern, and the few stragglers in the woods that are being drawn to the sound of the radio are easy enough to take down if they get too close for comfort.
        You dodge branches and fallen logs as you bolt through the trees back toward the main road. When it's in sight, you're relieved to see only a small amount of walkers remained. You don't worry about them. Instead you backtrack to the pharmacy as fast as you can, hoping Daryl will still be there waiting for you so you don't have to try to get back to the prison on your own without wheels.
        Your chest is starting to feel tight and hot as the cardio catches up to you. As you slow to a slow jog, you peer over your shoulder. Five or so walkers are behind you, but you have enough distance on them to ignore them for the time being. You decide to keep your slow jogging pace. The pharmacy is in view now. All you have to do is keep going forward, so you do.
        When you make it, you're completely out of breath. The vehicle Daryl took that morning is still there, so you know he hasn't left, and if he did he's on foot, which wouldn't be smart. You tug at the doors but they don't budge. You look back down the road. The walkers are a bit closer now.
        "Daryl!" You call at the glass, hoping he hears you. "Daryl let me in!"
        You slap at the glass but there's no movement from inside. 
        "Shit!" You exclaim. The walkers seem to be moving faster now that you're beginning to panic. You run around the building to see if there's a back door you can slide in through. There is, but it's locked. "Damnit!" You shout, kicking at the metal door. You know it won't open,  but you figure maybe the banging of your boot against the metal will inspire Daryl to let you in. Speaking of, why isn't he letting you in? "Daryl! You okay in there?" You call for him. You don't have time to wait for a response. 
        Snarling bodies are creeping around the corner of the building. You pull your knife from your belt and ready it as you back away slowly. You can't decide if you should take them on or not. There are only a few, but there's still only one of you. "Fuck it." You mutter, lunging to stab one in the skull before backing away again. 
        You continue this maneuver as you circle the building. You keep your distance, lunge at one, then back away again. When you make it around the front again, you see movement from inside. "Daryl!" You call out. There are only two walkers left. You can take them, but you can't take the rest that are sure to find their way back to you.
        The door swings open, and a bolt flies into one of the walkers. With haste you take down the last one and retrieve the arrow before you run inside. Daryl slams the door behind you and locks it.
        "The hell you doin' out here, girl?" He hisses.
        "Saving your ass, Dixon." You cross your arms triumphantly. "Which, I did a pretty damn good job at."
        He ignores your gloating and drags you away from the glass, crouching with you behind the sales counter.
        "The herd. That was you?" He asks.
        "Yup. Bon Jovi came in clutch, if I do say so myself." You grin.
        "Huh." He nods. "Well, we still got another problem."
        "What is it?"
        "The car. Someone siphoned the gas out while I was in here grabbin' the meds.Didn't even hear 'em. Tried to start it up and it wouldn't crank, so I got out and saw the gas tank open."
        "Shit." You throw your head back. "I had to ditch the other car to evade the damn freaks."
        "Alright." He sighs. "We just need a plan, and fast. Before that herd circles back."
        "Okay." You take a breath. "So, no vehicle, herd incoming, need a plan... Why don't we just book it? Run as fast as we can through the trees before the walkers come back. The prison is only a few miles away. We can be back bye tonight."
        "Nah. No idea how many of 'em are out there, or who else is out there. Walkers don't get tired, we do." He shakes his head.
        "Well, do we really have another option?" 
        "Guess not." He nods. "Here." He holds out a packet of pills. You examine the label.
        "Caffeine pills?" You press your brows together.
        "Worth a shot. Might keep us goin' longer." He shrugs. You nod. 
        "Good idea." You say as you pop two pills out of the packet and swallow them. You pull a water bottle from your bag and chug it, offering it to him when you're done. He takes two pills for himself and takes a few swigs of water before you pack the bottle away and stand up. 
        "Ready?" He asks.
        "Yeah, but first I gotta ask. Why didn't you let me in the first time I tried?" You wonder.
        "Passed out. Walker was in here, caught me off guard. I hit my head. Stayed up long enough to lock the doors. Woke up to you bangin' in the back."
        "Oh." You nod. "I'll forgive you this time."
        With that. the two of you run out of the back and into the trees behind the parking lot. You follow him, assuming he knows where he's going, and don't stop until you can't run anymore.
        By that point its nightfall. 
        "Daryl." You pant. "I can't anymore."
        He slows down and leans on a tree, propping his hands on his knees while he catches his breath.
        "Okay. We walk from here." He agrees.
        "Here." You offer him some water, which he gladly takes. You drink some too before tucking it away again. You stumble behind him as the two of you walk, exhausted from sprinting and coming down from the caffeine rush.
        "So." You begin.
        "So... I showed you what I can do." You gloat.
        "Yeah." He sighs. "Ya did good, (Y/N)."
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valy-gc · 6 months
Who is the eighth?
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I've always said this place is bothering me. Why? Simple. It's not symetrical!!
I may be maniac about this but damn... this is so annoying 😤
I can't be the only one... am I?
Here is my theory/ies.
There is originally 8 "great ones". You know how they are seen as heroes, but as our (player) vision show, it's just that the story have been distorded... twisted. The truth is, certainly, some of their followers told the story in another way and it ended up how the characters in Twisted Wonderland knows it. After all, it happened long LONNNG ago.
BUT! What if one of them had the real story revealed? Like, everyone see him as a hero and suddenly, the truth is found, all the horrible things he did. Then, peoples would clearly not worship that person anymore, right?
So my theory is that there was an eighth one, but his story was revealed. That's also why there is another dorm (Ramshackle). His statue and portrait is certainly hidden somwhere in the depht of NRC... maybe in a basement at Ramshackle?
And so, I thought A LOT about this forgotten "hero". There are a lot that aren't represented in twst. Hook, Gothel, Clayton.... too long to tell them all.
We can eleminate Honest John and Frollo, of course.
Then, a revelation! Disney have actually a "forgotten" movie! A masterpiece in my own opinion, but nobody ever talk about it!
So, this is my guess.
Ramshackle and the eighth great one are the Horned King!!
(pardon my ugly edit)
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rpgsandbox · 1 year
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The Crooked Moon is a 400+ page tome that brings Folk Horror to 5E, drawing inspiration from eerie Folklore, legendary Horror Films, classic Halloween Aesthetics, and more. Evoke true terror with malevolent Monsters and Mechanics in a Campaign Setting of eternal night, or equip yourself with numerous Player Options to brave the dark wood. 
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Weave Your Own Dreadful Folktale
The perfect supplement to craft an Unforgettable Folk Horror Adventure with your friends.
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Sinister Campaign Setting
Explore Druskenvald, a mysterious realm trapped between dusk and the witching hour. Investigate the isolated valley of Wickermoor Hollow, where Superstitious Locals adhere to “The Old Ways” and Long-Forgotten Horrors stalk the deepest woods.
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Terrifying Adventure for Levels 1-13 
Send shivers down your friends' spines with this chilling Folk Horror Story, where a party of Wayward Souls must journey through the shroud aboard the Ghostlight Express to uncover the dark machinations of the Crooked Man.
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Brave the Dark Wood
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Upgrading Artifact Items
Equip yourself with 25+ Artifacts of Anathema, powerful Magical Items ranging from weapons to armor to trinkets and more that Level Up With You and unlock Powerful New Abilities, perfect for every tier of play.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, November 2 2023 4:00 AM UTC +00:00
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i-am-the-iliad · 5 months
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𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞
for @queenpiranhadon, who requested an atla modern school au ;)
genre: atla modern!au
warnings: very minor swearing, tackling (american football game)
also forgive me if i got some terms wrong im not a football person
“Aang! Come on!”
“Wait up!”
Aang winced as he entered the stadium, hundreds of voices scraping his ears while he speed-walked behind Bumi. Tripping over the steps (and bumping into a few sneering highschoolers - “Sorry!”) as he and Bumi ascended up the bleachers. Bumi stopped at two empty seats a little bit behind the front row.
“Dude, how did you manage to get us tickets to a highschool football game?” Aang asked.
Bumi ran a hand through his spiky hair and winked. “I have my ways, old friend.”
He always did.
Aang grinned. “Bumi, you’re a mad genius.”
“Shhh, the game is starting!” a boy in front of them hissed.
The stadium dimmed, and a spotlight shone on the football players in the middle of the field, burly guys in blue and red numbered uniforms sneering at the opposite team. 
“Introducing the game of the century! Or should I say, the semester?” the commentator chuckled.
“Wow, tough crowd...erm, anyway. On the right side, our home team, Omashu High School's Turtleducks!” the commentator announced, the spotlight shining on the team in blue. A chorus of cheers and boos sounded.
“And please welcome our visiting team on the left, Boiling Rock High’s Dragons!” The spotlight shone on the team in red. More cheers and boos. 
“Let the semi-annual tournament games begin!” A horn blared. The teams kicked off and immediately started tackling each other.  
“Who are we rooting for again?” Aang whispered to Bumi after a while. Aang knew nothing about football. He bounced his leg up and down in his seat, almost without realizing it.
“The Turtleducks, dumbass.” Bumi muttered. “Look at our side of the stadium.”
They were literally surrounded by kids in blue shirts, waving the Turtleducks’ team logo, a little green and yellow turtleduck wearing a football helmet, on little flags and cheering them on.
“My bad,” Aang chuckled. “They aren’t doing very well, though.” The score was 6-2 for the Dragons, and it was nearly half time. The way this was going, Aang didn’t think that the Turtleducks had a chance at-
“Sokka, you idiot! You weren’t supposed to catch that!” a girl near the front row shrieked at one of the football players in blue. 
“I KNOW, KATARA!” the guy yelled back, exasperated.
The girl, presumably Katara, rolled her eyes and sank back in her seat. She was cute, with her long, braided dark hair and bright blue eyes, the same shade as the sea. The girl looked older than Aang and Bumi, though. Probably a highschooler.
Bumi nudged Aang in the side…less than gently.
“Hey!” Aang yelped, causing a dozen pairs of eyes to shoot daggers at him. He offered a sheepish smile, and the eyes went back to watching the game.
“I see you eyeing that girl over there,” Bumi mummered, smirking. 
“Uh, no I’m not!” Aang blurted quickly.
“Calm down, man, she’s two rows down.” Bumi gave him a light shove. “Go shoot your shot.”
Aang knew that there was no arguing with Bumi. He trudged slowly to the front row and stopped at the seat next to Katara. The Dragons had just scored a touchdown, and Katara groaned loudly. Aang jumped. 
“Oh, sorry!” she exclaimed, scrambling to regain her composure. “I didn’t see you. Do you wanna sit here?”
Aang glanced back at Bumi, who had apparently forgotten that the football game was happening and was watching him and Katara intently. Bumi grinned and gave him a thumbs up.
“Sure!” Aang said, a little too loudly. He flushed.
“Uh…yeah, I guess so.” He tried again, trying to sound careless and giving a little shrug for good measure. Suddenly self-conscious, he pulled his beanie farther down his head and plopped in the seat next to Katara. “I’m Aang.”
“Katara,” she said, smiling and putting her hand out to shake.
Aang took it. 
“Sorry for scaring you,” Katara continued. “But my brother, Sokka, is the shittiest defense to ever grace this team.” She pointed in her brother’s direction, who was being tackled by one of the Dragons. Aang shuddered internally. Football was not a sport for pacifists. 
“Who’s the guy suffocating him?” Aang had to ask.
“That’s Zuko, he’s the Dragons’ offense. Kind of a legend,” Katara groaned again. “Look at him! He’s not even trying to get up!”
“Yeah,” Aang agreed, wondering how a person could get up after being completely crushed by another. Who knew? Aang sure didn’t.
“What grade are you in?” Katara asked. “I’m a freshman. Sokka’s a junior.” She rolled her eyes as Sokka finally got up from the ground. “Mentally he’s still five.”
Aang considered lying and saying that he was the same age. After all, she was really cute. He heard Uncle Gyatso scolding him. Aang, my boy, if I’ve learned anything in the decades I’ve been alive, it’s that lying never gets you anywhere.
“Eighth grade,” he told her. “I go to Omashu Junior High.”
“Oh, cool! I went there,” Katara said. “Who do you have for English?”
They chatted more as they watched the match, Katara occasionally cursing her brother as the game went on. Aang learned that Katara was part of Omashu High’s debate team. And part of the girl’s basketball team, the water polo team, the student council, and a part of Kyoshi’s Girl Scouts. This girl really did everything. How in Omashu does she do all that?
Aang, enthusiastically, told her that he was captain of his Uncle Gyatso’s airball team. That got him an impressed look from Katara, and his cheeks felt hot. 
A loud whistle rang through the stadium, causing everyone to wince and cover their ears in an attempt to block out the sound. 
“That’s halftime.” Katara nudged a zoned-out Aang in the shoulder, sending sparks down the latter’s arm.
“Oh, right,” Aang exclaimed, jumping out of his seat. Katara gave him a puzzled look and rose from her place on the bleachers. She gathered up her water bottle and slung her purple backpack on her shoulder. 
“I’m gonna go find my brother,” Katara said before bounding for the steps, her high tops clicked against the dark wood of the bleachers. “See you after halftime?”
“Um…yeah, see you then.” Aang tried playing it cool, but on the inside little fireworks were going off because Katara invited him to sit with her after halftime. Aang sped-walked back to Bumi, who was sitting cross-legged in his seat with a playful smirk on his face.
“You two sure hit it off,” his best friend teased.
Aang rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. “Shut up, man.”
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cherepizza · 11 months
That's not something I'd typically post but it was nearly impossible to hold back. Found old rough sketches in one of my sketchbooks and decided to further develop the idea. And.. to make less rough sketches. This thing happens after homestuck ends and players enter their new universe so it's not related to the plot that much or anything.
So, before departing into the future players left some information about their former planet societies. Their biographies became foundations of many religions on earth C, some of which were more popular than other. Throughout hundreds of years pre-earth C history has been rewritten many times, and some of the players completely lost not only their appearances, but even names. So when gods return, they find themselves in a society quite different from what they've left, with some morals and values altered, as people from the new universe never had all that cultural basis extinct societies had and basically had to start everything from scratch. Players still try to communicate with people and make world a better place, using their powers. Some religious people are disdained to see that gods are actually guys in fancy pyjamas, others suppose they're impostors. Politicians make attempts to communicate with players and persuade them to leave, being afraid of what they can do.
One of the less popular cults was a cult formed around the idea of "a true troll ruler with blood of a forgotten caste". When trolls and humans rediscovered ectobiology (in their world ectobiology was restricted and then banned for a long time to push forward natural reproduction and avoid unethical experiments, and I highly doubt they ever used fuchsia blood genetic material), cult followers weren't excited by the idea of waiting another millennium for a heiress to be born and just made her themselves.
Obviously, the heiress isn't really going to rule anything and is only a tool, but many followers don't know/don't realize this and sincerely believe she's destined to become a leader. Also, if it was possible to make a fuchsia blood grub once, why wouldn't it be possible to start over if the first one doesn't comply? There're no reliable sources for the heiress to know her physical abilities and she never learned to swim. Feeling alone both inside and outside her community, anxiously waiting for what the cult has for her, leave the heiress no other option and she runs away to find gods herself, as they are the last ones in the entire world, who've seen a living member of her caste.
She grinded down her horns herself after stealing a horn file so it would be harder to identify her
I also doubt trolls would still wear signs at this point (except players' ones) but here's a sign for her anyway
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Here're some sprites too. In her "royal" outfit she's just.. feferi.. but she also wears a swimsuit thingie or whatever condense wore, so the skirt is more of an accessory here. On the last one her cape is long instead of skirt. I doubt though she'd be wearing any of this. After everything that has happened to her she's reluctant to take any leading position for now..
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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Ugh. WG8: Fate of Istus (1989) is another square bound softcover adventure book that is just such a waste of everyone’s time.
Basically, when 2E came out, it removed Monks, Assassins and half-orcs as playable characters. Class always seemed to be meant as a kind of mechanical abstraction of trade, but APPARENTLY, in Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk, certain people have classes and they work the way they are described in the Players Handbook. So a guild of Assassins or a monastery of Monks in those worlds aren’t just people who’ve dedicated themselves to a trade, they’re embodied classes and, with the new system, their existence needed to be reckoned with. This is incredibly stupid on its face, but the implication that experience points and levels being actual meaningful forces in these worlds hurts my head.
Anyway, Forgotten Realms had the Avatar trilogy to shepherd it through the change, Greyhawk had Fate of Istus, which is an anthology of short adventures centering on mystical tests, one for each class. Infuriatingly, it is strung along as both a loose campaign and probably the most detailed tour of the world to date. At the end of the campaign, assassins transform into thieves and monks get the option to magically travel to Kara-Tur (a truly astounding option) or to turn into either fighters or thieves.
I strongly dislike everything about this book except its bizarre Daniel Horne cover and the fact that the trade dress is bright, Halloween orange.
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kitthenameless · 13 days
I finished my weird NPC run!
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I gotta be honest, I had fun doing this, but I was ready for it to be over after a while, so I focused on the main quests in Act 3. But they did also solve a murder, beat down Lorroakan, save Minsc, save Volo, and make Barcus the new Ironhand leader. They unfortunately did not save most of the Gondians, but they tried. Those two fights and the lead up the brain were a mess, but the rest went really well and were less of a mess than they usually are for me. (I know Balanced with five characters would be a cakewalk for many players, but I suck at this game lol, and I prefer roleplaying with spells, weapons, etc. over perfect builds.)
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In the end, they defeated the brain and all met up again for the party. I let Jaheira, Halsin, and Minsc join the group and stay at the tavern, so they were at the party too. Zevlor and Tiefling Tav are now a happily engaged couple. Abdirak, Kar'niss, and Half-Drow Tav are a happy little throuple. My two tavs probably wouldn't have become friends in normal circumstances, but they went through a lot together and were there for each other. They couldn't save everyone, and some of them still have their own personal struggles, but a happy ending overall!
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Also, if it's still working with Patch 7, I just wanted to recommend the "Recruit Any NPC" mod, if you wanna do something different to switch up your gameplay. It lets you clone characters so you can choose a class and level them up, but you still get their special abilities, attacks, etc., which was really cool. (I made Abdirak a cleric and had him use his unique Loviatar weapons for most of the game just for fun, even though they weren't the best. I made Kar'niss a ranger/druid for his hunting skills and web/poison, but he mostly used his own unique claw attacks anyway. I made Zevlor an Oath of Devotion paladin because I'm unclear on whether he's actually an oathbreaker, and necromantic stuff doesn't suit him.) Anyway, a lot of fun just for a silly, headcanon-y run!
Mods: Pretty Boys Head Presets by cedastarions. Viking Hairstyle by badwitch69. Yennefer's wardrobe by Bububull. Robes and Armor of the Absolute by Syrchalis. Weeviljester's Ethereal Heads. Ghouls Customization Compendium - Custom Heads Horns and Beards. Alternate Tiefling Tails by samplevi. Sorry if I've forgotten any, I have so many that sometimes I don't even remember what's a mod or what's vanilla.
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Bitches and Bros, Trans Thotties and None Binary Hoes! 🎸
Hobie shouted out loud, "Aye, Bitches and Bros, Trans Thotties and None Binary Hoes! We Spider-Slayers!" He did the horned sign with his hands before the crowd cheer for his band as the concert starts, every punker in London came to see him and his band. Pure Chaos, mash pits and loud screaming and shouting adoring him.
The loud burst of energy from the audience brought much pleasure, and aggressive joy. The crowd wanted more and more as the music roars into the city of London. Hobie sticks the middle finger at a photographer, then jumps into the crowd as they carried him around while he did his guitar solo.
After the concert, Hobie sat with a couple of women sitting against, their hands on his chest as they giggles at his jokes. He would flirt, putting his English charm making them blush, and flirtatious. Yes, this is the life of a famous punk band. "So I said no you dimwit, that's not a fucking spliff, that's Nettle tea leaves. Fucking wanker smoked tea." His low chuckle had this dark allure to it.
The two women giggles along the story. "Oh Hobie, you're such a funny bloke. Have you ever thought of being a comedian instead?" A female punker with pixie dye green tips hair, pierced nose ring and black lipstick asked.
"Me a comedian? Now, that's funny." Hobie chuckles, as the two laughs with amusement. They flirted, kissed with him, with each other. Hey, he ain't complaining, he's always willing to share and always willing to sleep with everyone and anyone. Sex is about the fun, the enjoyment. Pfft, who says it needs to be about love?
The twenty six year old pulled away from one of the girls, as his eyes open to find his drummer glaring at him. One hand on her hip, with an annoyed arched eyebrow. Hobie pulls away from one of the girl's lips just to say, "Gwendy! What's wrong, luv?"
"We need to talk about you sleeping with Pav! You know, he got a girlfriend!" She crosses her muscular fitted arms being upset, "He's our bass player! You know, Gayatri is our-" Hobie got up to calm her down, "Gwendy! Gwendy, darling! Relax, luv." He took her hand to pat, "Pav didn't tell you that I slept with him and his girlfriend!"
"You did not! Hobie that's fucking crazy." Gwen said with her blue eyes widen in shock, she pulled her hand away.
"Nothing wrong with consensual threesome, darling. Now, this anger I'm getting is uncalled for." He went back to sitting with his women.
"No, you know what you're doing is wrong. Pav is our friend! You had to play with his emotions like that- Why?" Gwen asked being extremely annoyed, this wasn't the first time he did this. "He's our bass player! It's bad enough our other guitarist left because you slept with his partner! We were lucky to get Margo!"
"Yeah. Yeah. Gwendy, luv. It's alright. Pav and Gayatri will get over it. I only helped Pav figure himself out." Hobie wave his hand away from Gwen, "Now, darling, would you be so kind and get daddy some beer?"
"Fuck you, Hobie. You're such a fucking ass sometimes! And no! I'm going to look for my friend, he finally got to see our band!" She shouted going into the crowd.
"Whatever." Hobie rolled his eyes as his drummer went into the crowd. The singer merely slept with the bass player and his girlfriend to ease their curiosity. Whatever, Pav had or thought should be forgotten, because this singer isn't about love. No love is foolish, filled with lies and rejection.
As the party went on, so did him enjoying his time with his ladies. Then at one glance his eyes caught someone wearing a bright yellow sweater with sunflowers designs, he did another take being surprised at someone's bold choice. After all this is the punk scene, everyone dressed in edgy dark clothing, yet this person wore something so bright. Granted there are certain people wearing bright clothing but this person just caught his eye.
Hobie leans forward spotting the young man; a black young man, with a densely coiled afro, he's tall, too. Not tall as him, but tall enough to be spotted in the crowd. The person wore his bright yellow sweater with some light blue washed ripped jeans, and Air Jordans 1 Retro High OG in red, black and white. The singer held his breath when the guy turns around revealing his face; a beautiful handsome face. It's like the sun kissed his cheeks causing them to glow, his eyes big a doe, and blushed plump lips look so kissable.
"Who is that?" He finally asked out loud being enchanted by this beauty, he reminds him of a Sunflower. When the young man frantically looks around, he went to his Smart phone trying to text someone. "What's this? Have he been stood up?" With a sly grin on his face, "Well, time to give the ole' Hobart Charm."
Without warning the singer got up leaving the two ladies behind him, "Hey! Where you going?" One of them asked being upset.
"Sorry, luvs. I have someone waiting for me. Maybe next time," He winks at them. He could hear them calling him an asshole for ditching them. It didn't bother him, they will come around.
The tall singer made his way through the crowd of people getting close to the mysterious Sunflower, he grabs two beers from the bar without considering who order them. Nah, Hobie takes and never pays like he needs to. As he got close to the young man, he could smell his soft cologne and mango shea butter, "Heh, cute." Hobie thought.
The young man stood, still looking head trying to spot his friend. Just then, his honey-brown eyes widen by a random beer appearing from his face, "Huh?" He glanced up following the mystery hand.
"Hello, luv. Care for a beer?" The singer from the band he saw is talking to him.
"I'm..." He awkwardly said, "Well-you see- um, Sure!" He gladly took the beer from the singer's hand, "Thanks. Your, Hobie, right?"
"Yes, it looks like my name precedes me." He grins widely showing off his charm.
The man with the doe eyes gleam by the singer's handsome small, in person he's a lot more cooler. He held the beer bottle in his hands, "You and your band were amazing!" His face turns brighter as he smiles wider.
Hobie stood looking at the fan's face, "Cute." He lick his top lip trying hard not to get flustered by this beautiful angel. "Thanks, darling." He leans over to closely use his charms on the stranger, the young male blushes so red that his cheeks turned warm, "Say what's your name?"
Good it's working. "My name is Miles! Miles Morales," Being extremely shy all of sudden, then awkwardly said, "You can just call me, Miles- I mean of course since that's my name, but- I don't really have any nicknames so yeah..."
"If it's alright for me to call you, Sunflower?" Hobie calmly asked having to take a sip of his beer, "You remind me of a Sunflower, beautiful and bright." His eyes soften at Miles, with a sly grin.
Miles' could feel his face turning bright red like an anime character with small heated steam coming out his head. His eyes widen and quickly said, "Me beautiful? Nah, man. You're just saying that. Hahaha, but now that you mention it, sunflowers are my favorite flowers." He chuckles having this cute snort at the end.
If Hobie can turn pink, he would. He felt his face warm, surprising himself by these feelings. This was new to him, it's been a long time since he felt this way. The party around them were all avoided as they lock eyes being focus with each other.
"Oh yeah?" Hobie asked without thinking, it's like his body went on autopilot.
Miles nodded, "Yeah, I love them. They make me happy when I see them." He took a small sip of his beer, "I don't mind you calling me, Sunflower... but we just met?"
"No worries, Sunflower. I'm very friendly." He shrugs, "I'm sure we will get to know each other very well after this."
"Oh? Are you planning to make me one of your groupies?" Miles asked with his eyes fixed on Hobie's posture. "Because- mmm sorry, man. I'm more a romantic."
"Heh, wow you're a quick lad." Hobie let a small 'heh' before grinning wider, "I like that."
"Do you, Mr. Brown?" The young man rested his chin on his hand being amused. "I do like this. I think your an interesting guy."
"Really? I've been called many things but interesting."
"Oh please! You know you're cool and play sweet ass music. How they never told you, you're interesting?" Miles arched his eyebrow.
"Who's they?"
"They people, the paparazzis, anyone! Besides," The twenty five year old looks down at his beer with his honey-brown eyes, "I think your very inspirational, too."
"Now, that's a word they haven't used." Hobie said sounding a bit flabbergasted by the word choice. He's been called so many things because of his controversial beliefs and hectic performances. Hell, most of the time a riot will start, and to avoid fucking pigs he had his lawyers always ready with permits and waivers for their concerts. So that's a win. Yet the public eye view him to be some sort of terrorist or nuisance, it's all too funny really.
"Yeah, I think you're very inspirational. This world is full of bullshit, and you really given people to be more involved. I dunno how to explain it." Miles placed his index finger on his lush lips trying to find the right words, "For me, I like how you giving power to the people, a voice, their rights! We need that. I think you're a great role model for the younger generation." He smiles widely at him. "So yeah, you are inspirational!"
"Stop pulling my leg."
"No, I think you're amazing, man. I really do believe we need more people like you out here. You're making a different." Then Miles lift Hobie's face to meet his own, his honey-brown eyes serious and his voice stern, "Don't let anyone one say other wised! The media can suck ass, because they don't know what we go through. You get us, you're special! Don't ever forget that!"
Hobie could feel his body froze and turned pink, metaphorically speaking, his cheeks went into a darker shade, eyes widen as if he felt his a pang in his heart. His stomach fluttered with an uneasy swooshing feeling, he felt all words gone from his thoughts when he look at the shy man in front of him. "I love you." Were the words came right out of his mouth.
The two stood in shock hearing the party around them. Miles' blink a couple of times then shouted, "EHHHH?"
Hobie quickly cover his mouth, "What was that?" He mentally scream in his head. "Quickly. Say something else!" His mouth open trying to apologize instead his body had his own thoughts.
"I love you. I love you, Miles." His words kept coming out, "Be with me."
Miles rub his lips together never feeling so bashful before. When Hobie took his hand placing it on his chest, he could feel his heart pounding against his chest. "Sunflower..." His eyes soften with love.
"I-I..." The twenty five year old can't say anything else being wooed and flooded with panic. His emotions all over, how did this handsome singer loves him? He pulled his hand back to his chest feeling his own heart beating super fast.
Hobie was about to reach over to kiss him, until- "MILES! THERE YOU ARE!" They turned to hear a voice they know.
"Gwen!" Miles' face brightens to find his friend.
Gwen came from the crowd pulling Miles' into a hug, "Oh my gawd! It's so fucking good to see you!"
"How you been!" Miles hugs her back.
Hobie pouts seeing how he's being ignored. Not until, Gwen glanced over at him then scowls. "I see, you met Hobie. Word of advice Miles' stay away from him. He's not committed to honest relationships!" She closely wrapped her arms around her best friends shoulder around, the two being equally tall. The blond drummer scowls and pointed at Hobie with two fingers then back to her eyes a sign that means I'm-watching-you-buddy.
Miles could only giggle, "Huh? I kinda figure when I saw him making out with two girls... nothing wrong with that." He quickly added, "It's just... I'm a very basic person to date."
Hobie placed on hand in his leather pants' back pocket, "Heh, I'm open to all sorts of relationships, luv. Perhaps we can meet each other," He eyes at Gwen, "alone, for coffee."
Gwen puffs her cheeks getting mad that her friend is trying to get with her best friend. "No! Miles, you and I made plans!"
"Oh this cockblocker!" Hobie smile waved by his drummer attempts to have them separated.
"It's fine Gwen. You told me, I need to experience London... so maybe," Miles' eyes on Hobie's crotch to his face playing the shy act, "I like to try it all. How about tomorrow?"
"Perfect, darling. How about noon? I might have a terrible hang over." The singer jokes.
Gwen could only sigh, "Okay, Miles. But don't say I didn't warn you. I'm just protecting you for guys like him!" She's honest, and worrisome for her best friend, she knew Miles is too honest, and pure with relationships. Maybe that's why his last one didn't work out.
"I know, Gwen. I'll be fine." Miles cutely pouts. Then turns to Hobie, "By the way, that introduction speech was funny. Will that be made into a shirt?" He asked.
"Huh?" The singer looked confused.
Gwen crossed her arms, "He's talking about your Bitches and Bros!"
"Oh!" Hobie deep laughter got Miles' awning at his handsome face, "I was saying shit outta my ass, sunflower."
"No shit. Trans thotties?" Gwen snorted.
"Got a bit butt hurt, darling?" Hobie jokes with his drummer.
"I thought you would be offended because you're not a thottie." Hobie shade her for her lack experiences.
"Ugh, you're such a dick, Hobie!" Gwen said out loud.
Miles laughs, "Awe, Gwen. I think your a Thottie."
"Thanks, Miles. See, a true friend. Fucking hurt him and I will fuck you up, Hobie!" Gwen puff her chest out having to threaten her singer.
"Gwen, be nice!" Miles whines.
Hobie could only laugh in amusement, "Darling, it's fine. I've dealt with her all the time."
Miles could only laugh out loud while Hobie lovingly watches him.
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autisticsupervillain · 2 months
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Stats Equalized!
This Month's Fighters...
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Davepetasprite^2 vs Stevonnie!
No other restrictions.
Steven and Connie are going on a date fused together as Stevonnie on the beach when Davepeta crashes down to Earth right in front of them. Stevonnie asks if they've alright as they pull them from the crater, but Davepeta brushes it off, casually explaining that they've been at war with the New Galactic Republic ever since some guy named Horn beat up Sollux and now some Skywalker guy blasted them across time and space. This does not make Stevonnie any less concerned, especially as they don't know what any of that means beyond "war" and "blasted across time and space" but the topic gets side tracked when Davepeta points out that their gemstone belly button looks a lot like "that Universe guy" and asks if they've landed in Gem Territory. Stevonnie explains that they kind of are Steven and the two get into comparing and contrasting how Gems snd Sprites fuse. Davepeta ponders out loud which kind of fusion is stronger and challenges Stevonnie to a sparring match.
"Um, didn't you just say you're in a war?"
"B33 < nah, it's chill. the war's nothing purrsonal, i'm sure skyguy will understand if i hold off on kicking his ass fur a bit."
"Every word out of your mouth makes me more concerned...."
Analysis: Davepetasprite^2
Sprites. The mysterious, aloof guides of the Gods. When mortal beings play the video game SBURB to become the gods of a New Universe, the Sprites are assigned as their guides. In order for a session to be successful, Sprites most be fused with physical objects, be that an inanimate toy, a dead creature, or even a living person so that they might have the sentience to guide their assigned Player through their quest.
Davesprite was one such Sprite. Hailing from a doomed timeline where his best friend John died horribly, Davesprite traveled back to prevent this future, becoming his past self's Sprite in the new timeline.
While this did successfully prevent the death of his friend, Davesprite didn't anticipate how this would effect himself. The versions of his friends in this new timeline weren't the same people he knew in his timeline. John was back, but it wasn't his John. His friends didn't even consider him to be the "real Dave" anymore. They had a Dave. And it wasn't him. The timeline didn't need two Daves anymore. He was just leftovers.
He was just a Sprite. A figment of a dead timeline. What use would he be when the story was over?
Dave would unwittingly get his answer after inadvertently fusing with Nepetasprite. The two were merged and reborn again as something new. Part troll, part human, part crow. Reformed not as a leftover Dave or forgotten Nepeta, but as something entirely themselves.
It helps that they're indisputably the most powerful Sprite in Paradox Space. That's a nice boon.
As a fully Prototyped Sprite, Davepetasprite^2 should have all of the boons inherent to their biology. Sprites can become intangible at will, create light constructs like a green lantern ring, fly, and posses a natural nigh-omniscient understanding of SBURB and its function in the greater multiverse... at least, in so far as it would help their assigned Player. Furthermore, as a fully realized Sprite, Davepeta has very little worry of accidentally fusing with something or someone just by touching them for too long.
It helps that their components are absolute juggernauts in their own right. Any version of Dave or Nepeta could be counted among the most skilled fighters Paradox Space has to offer and Davepetasprite^2 has the combined experiences of both of them. Nepeta was a proud hunter who happily battled the beasts of hellplanet Alternia while Davesprite could go toe to toe against 3x Prototyped Jack Noir, who could slaughter entire armies single handed. Both of these fighters could demolish the armies of Derse, but combined together, they gave even Lord English, the destoyer of all Paradox Space, a good fight.
In many ways, Davepetasprite^2 is the ultimate payoff that both Nepeta and Davesprite could ask for. Two characters made irrelevant, tragically left behind by their closest friends after fulfilling their one purpose, reborn again as something new. Something themselves.
Claw claw, meowtherfuckers.
Analysis: Stevonnie
Fusion. The ultimate form of bond between Gems. The physical embodiment of a relationship between two people, coming together to create something entirely new. Literally.
With Gems, this merging is possible only because their bodies are physically made of hard light. As such, a fusion between and human and a gem is impossible. Or was, until Steven Universe came along. As a half gem, half human, Steven was able to create the first gem human fusion in history. A living statement of his close bond between him and his girlfriend Connie. Something entirely new. Stevonnie.
Naturally, Stevonnie has all of Steven's Gem powers combined with Connie's keen tactical mind, creating a skilled and versatile warrior. A hero that the Crystal Gems could be proud of. They wield Steven's nigh indestructible pink shields, which they can materialize at any time, either portably or around their entire body. They've also been known to wield Rose's Sword, an absolute giant of a sword that was specifically designed to cut through Gems with ease.
On top their weapons, Stevonnie has access to all of Steven's powers, including his limited flight, regeneration, mental projection, healing spit, and even life creation. The end result is a devastatingly versatile foe, likely the most powerful and versatile across the entire universe, as Stevonnie's three-fourths human physiology makes them immune to most gem neutralizing weapons.
Both Steven and Connie have been trained by the Cystal Gems, the thousand year old protectors of Earth, and both have fought against the toughest warriors the galaxy has to offer. As Stevonnie, they were able to defeat Jasper, a perfect quartz gem super soldier, while both of their components have teamed up to save the entire planet from the Homeworld Empire on several occasions.
All together, Stevonnie is the best attributes of both their components, making them arguably the greatest hero in the universe. The perfectly embody the compassion, trust, and hope that their relationship is built on. The perfect representation of both Steven and Connie.
Throwdown Breakdown:
This fight is an interesting one. Both characters share quite a few strengths and weaknesses. While both fusions can be undercut and even destroyed if their components aren't seeing eye to eye, the situation here is pretty unlikely to create that internal conflict and neither one of these fighters would willingly press each other's trauma buttons even if they had the means to.
Both should be pretty even in terms of skill. Both fusions are made up of some of the best fighters their universes can offer, to the point where some of their best feats were considered completely impossible. Connie can fight as an equal with and against centuries old Gem warriors, all while swinging around a sword roughly as big as she is, cutting through cars in a single swing. On the other hand, Nepeta is such a skilled fighter and proud hunter that she's completely unaffected by the hellish nightmares that plague troll kind, as for her, it's just reliving proud memories of the hunt. And so on.
On the one hand, I do think Stevonnie is going to be better coordinated tactically. Steven and Connie have been close friends since childhood, going on constant death defying adventures together while Dave and Nepeta are relative strangers brought together by happenstance. However, I would say Davepeta's skill feats as a whole edge out Stevonnie's. Both characters have fought against ancient empire built on Eons of conquest, but whereas the Homeworld Empire has always been a massive threat, Nepeta and her friends curbstomped roughly 90% of Derse with disappointing ease, minus some roadblocks here or there. So really, it all kinda cancels out skill wise, with one team being better together innately while the other is more skilled in general.
Ultimately, this is decided by powers and abilities. In which case, I'd say Davepeta's arsenal counters Stevonnie's.
Intangibility is a perfect counter against Stevonnie's shields, Davepeta has slightly better flight due to it not being just a form of self gravity manipulation like what Steven does, and Nepeta has innate mental resistances the nullify Steven's telepathic powers.
Remember those dreams I mentioned earlier? It's been very heavily implied that these nightmares are either caused by the horrorterrors, or by the purple bloods keepinh Alternia in line. Either way, that's a massive scale of mind control that Nepeta is simply unaffected by, meaning she should be able to just push Steven out of Davepeta's mind if he tries anything.
While this would by no means be an easy fight, especially with Stevonnie's fast acting regeneration, Davepeta's intagibility is a counter that Stevonnie simply has no real answer too. It would be a hard fought fight... but the Sprite beats the Gem this time.
This Month's Winner is...
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fitzs-space · 2 years
Some more moblin/hybrid headcanons if it is no trouble please
I wanna talk about Creepers I wanna talk about Creepers!!!
I like making these lil fuckers very diverse. their the overworlds little love. originally made as protectors of ancient temples of the original builders, but left forgotten only for the world around to give them back love and life. let them adapt to their environments and all that, let their bones of sandstone become covered in mosses or crystals, let them become something that can survive.
Love the lil guys.
Alright but the creepers themselves? they always look a lot different then most of the Creeper moblins you'd find right? always feel a lot more aggressive or more willing to attack players? what makes these Wild creepers so different from their moblin counterparts?
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ITS CAUSE THEY ARE JUST BABYS let them be! they just are trying to survive and haven't learned of life yet. Kinda like how most mandred baby's need a few years before they actually form memory's and all that, it takes a bit before some moblins form the proper code to become players. So for a while these little creeper pups will wander the wild near half blind as all of their scenes still develop. Their eyes as babys see only one colour and in high contrast, not the most optimal for surviual (more or less what you see when you spectate as a creeper in game you know?) So a lot of their instincts are keyed up so they actually survive. They are just lil guys with no arms, so they just kinda explode as a defense. Creeper pups that are born within actual packs are a lot less aggressive, cause they don't need to live the start of life fighting for survival. Not to say wild creeper pups wont be able to survive outside of packs,, its just rare, even rarer for them to become players.
So the main thing that makes creeper mobs different from moblins is mainly age. And that's also why, while most creepers are relatively only kinda 3-4 feet ish, creeper moblins are just, Huge.
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But the moblins are just very diverse! lot of variation to be expected, want a centaur? got em, many arms? all for hugs. horns, long tails, short tails, big floppy ears, no visible outer ear, pig shaped, cat shaped, you want em they are there. lot like dogs they are.
They are a type that will completely adapt to their environment, part as a way of camouflage when they were pups, so you'll find as many creepers as there are biomes sometimes. Its more common to see a typical mossy green creeper, but its to be expected when so many biomes are just, green plants. depending on seasons there are creepers that are more orange/yellow// general autumnal colours. In the desert its common to creepers who look like cactuses due to how flat deserts will tend to be, easiest form of camouflage when in plain sight. There are still creepers who look more like sandstone in the desert too, as well as creepers who look more like stone itself when one goes far enough into caves. it's just more common to find creepers that match closer to plant life. So sometimes one will see stonelike creepers covered in mushroom's in place of the flowers what grow on most aboveground creepers.
then nether creepers! a lot more fire resistant and way less likely to explode. They will puff smoke a lot more in place of the exploding. territorial things they are, but that's to be expected with most nether moblins. Some match with the warped and crimson forest, with all the mushrooms and vines that grow on them, but Its rare to find crimson creepers due to that being the Piglins main territory. So most creepers live within in the wastes, very similar to netherrack and will glow much like magma blocks as means of warding off threats, or when they are about to explode! But its generally not super common to see nether creepers as is, due to them having lesser defenses and living in higher danger then the overworld.
Does any of this make sense? maybe not! I just like the idea of Creepers being creatures that were original created similar to that of iron golem sentinel types, made to protect temples made by the ancient builders, The ancient builders tried to make em look like pigs, because they themselves looked like pigs, but much like actual Creeper lore, they fucked up a lil But they eventual got reclaimed by nature kinda idea.
other random notes? -Doc's horns are actually natural for some creepers, they are more bone like, or are almost woodlike depending on the creeper. -the flowers//general foliage holds cultural significance depending on the pack. though most packs aren't very strict with the ideas. It used to be seen when a creeper lived without flowers they were more willing to fight, due to less flowers growing when a creeper produces more gunpowder. -the act of gifting flower crowns// placing flowers on a creeper IS however a very significant thing that many packs still practice, and has led to a few awkward conversations between Doc, Ren and Renbob a few times,,, -that very much is AwesomeDude that I drew with the four arms up there. -Python is a nether born creeper! one that lived in the wastes, that's why his texturing was all red/white like. -If you read my netherMutt Tango then you'll love to hear that one member of his pack was a creeper runt that was from the crimson forests. she was a centaur type and she would not hesitate to throw the angry flaming mutt baby into a bag on her saddle until he calmed his ass down /hj.
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magicwithclass · 2 months
Narwhal is a meme. It is a very old meme from back in 2016 and many have forgotten the history of this card. However, its importance in discussions about reserved list bulk and buyouts deserves to be recorded. After all, if we do not know our history we may be doomed to repeat it. In 2016, there were some amount of reserved list buyouts. Particularly, some cards were being purchased seemingly without reason. Typically, a reserved list card spikes in price because of natural demand. Maybe a new card comes out that synergizes perfectly with a reserved list card. Perhaps, a newly released set creates a strong two card infinite combo in commander or some other format. These scenarios sometimes trigger reserved list spikes because there is genuine demand as players jam the latest hot commodity into a deck. 2016 was the first time I saw some reserved list market movement that seemed to be based on manipulation rather than legitimate demand. It is possible that this was the year where it finally clicked that reserved list cards were in limited supply. Reserved list cards can never be reprinted but many reserved list cards were already approaching twenty years old. There was some concern that a group of people or a very wealthy individual would buy up all the bulk on the reserved list for pennies each. Even if there was no desire for any of the reserved list cards currently, some people knew that buying thousands of copies of a card for fifty cents could be very profitable even if those cards only ever reached a maximum of ten dollars per copy. Some people chose to cast their net very wide and buy reserved list cards despite playability or demand. The thought was that reserved list cards would all eventually rise in price due to scarcity and collectability rather than demand or playability. Some people had more discretion and only bought reserved list cards that they thought had potential playability in the long term. Do not forget that every card in the game just needs a single powerful interaction to skyrocket in price. Cards with unique or unusual effects also had strong speculation but there are clearly some reserved list cards that just don't do anything. Narwhal is one such card. For 4 mana you get a 2/2 with first strike and protection from red. Notably, first strike is considered a color pie break in blue but this is not a sufficient reason to play it. The flavor is awesome though! How are you attacking first with that huge horn in the way? How are you casting that fireball on my creature that is under water? The reason I bring all of this up is because in 2016 a youtube personality, formerly called mtglion, started buying out narwhals and then discussing it on his youtube channel. I am not sure if those old videos are still on his youtube channel but he is still active under the new name: UMU. His goal was not to break the market and spike narwhals so he could become rich. Instead, he wanted to see how easily a single individual could manipulate the market of reserved list bulk. Mtglion openly stated that he was buying out copies of narwhal to see the reaction. It was a meme. The card was selected because the probability that the card would ever have genuine demand due to playability was astronomically low. Instead, narwhals are cute, silly little animals and everyone loves those guys. Does anyone remember that episode of Futurama with the narwhals? Would people finally see that reserved list cards are an investment that will go up? Would people get scared that the reserved list was entering the hands of investors looking to pump but not dump? Would certain people hold a monopoly on certain reserved list cards completely controlling the market? At first, the price of narwhal did go up. In June 2016, a single near mint copy of Narwhal was almost ten dollars! That is insane for a card with artificial demand created by someone openly stating that they are manipulating the market. One person literally did move the market and he did not even need thousands of dollars to do it.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I'm thinking SJM made the Trove in the likeness of the One Ring from Lord of the Rings. The ring was also sentient in a way, doing it's best to be "found" by those who might help it along it's journey and calling to those who it felt could lead it back "home" to Sauron.
“Made objects tend to not wish to be found by just anyone,” Amren cautioned. “That they have faded from memory, that even I didn’t think of them immediately in the fight against Hybern, suggests that perhaps they willed it that way. Wanted to stay hidden. True things of power have such gifts.” “You say that as if the objects have a sentience,” Cassian said. “They do,” Amren said, storms drifting across her eyes. / Made objects back then tended to gain their own self-awareness and desires. It was not a good thing.”
The Dead Trove seems to have purposely stayed hidden all these years, waiting until the right time......
“Or perhaps the Dread Trove wants us to know of it now, for some dark reason of its own.”
When Nesta first wears the Mask, it's as if it knows it's on its journey to where it wants to be:
Her blood was a cold song, the Mask a slithering echo to it, whispering of all she might do. Home, it seemed to sigh. Home.
SJM spoke of the consequences that would result from Nesta changing Feyre's anatomy and I think those consequences are not because of the physical alterations made to their anatomy but because she wielded all three items at the same time:
Koschei may very well know something about the Trove that we don’t—some greater power that manifests when all three are united.”
I think the three items worn together sent a signal into the world, possibly to the horn which led to Bryce landing in Velaris. And that event will alert the "original" masters of Prythian to it's location (the Asteri have long since forgotten where the ACOTAR world is). Remember, it's as if the items wanted to be found for a dark purpose of their own, perhaps to return to:
“They were Made in a time when wild magic still roamed the earth, and the Fae were not masters of all. / They were petty and cruel and drank the magic of the land like wine.”
As the ring was eventually destroyed, I imagine the Dread Trove will be too.
But first, in a crossover battle I think Nesta will call armies of the dead to her (just as Aragorn did), in their world and others:
Thousands and thousands of bodies. But she would not call thousands. Not yet.
"Open any door, and you could move that army of the dead wherever you wished"
Emerging from her cocoon of grief and rage, this new Nesta might very well send entire courts to their knees. Kingdoms. (I think this line is hinting that the dead across kingdoms will kneel for Nesta, awaiting her command).
And as that golden light broke the surface before them, the dead knelt.
"you could make any enemy territory and its people bow to you.”
I don't think the Dusk Court will ever become an actual Court so much as being a portal between their worlds and a way for the characters to come to the aid of one another in a final showdown. The whole "sword and dagger being reunited and so too shall our people" prophecy could simply mean the ancestors of all the original major players from different worlds coming together for one last battle (not to live) in order to defeat the Asteri for good and a place where Nesta can raise the dead who were once trapped within the stone.
I keep trying to figure out how Helion and Lucien will be tied into everything. Since Helion had a reaction to the Mask, that means Lucien would be connected to it as well.
I wonder if Lucien will play a role in destroying it in the end?
The reason a hobbit was most suited to the task of destroying the ring was because they were less likely to fall victim to the greed that plagued men however even Frodo struggled to do what needed done when the time came.
Especially if she were to march into battle wearing the Mask. No enemy could stand against her. She’d slay Beron’s soldiers, then raise them from the dead and turn them on him.” Cassian’s blood chilled. Yes, Nesta would be unstoppable. But at what cost to her soul?
Wielding items of power usually come at a cost and it's possible that by doing what needs done to save others, the Mask will latch on and make it difficult for Nesta to destroy it. I think SJM has written Lucien's character to not fall victim to temptation (just as Aragorn did not fall to temptation by taking the ring from Frodo) and I could see him freeing her of its burden (I actually love the idea of Lucien and Nesta having a moment like that 😍).
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