#found this at wal-mart today
roseunspindle · 2 years
Villains are Destined to Die, 1
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autumnsvoice87 · 1 day
Spoonie Sabath- Mabon
Mabon is here! The fall Equinox is here! Fall has officially begun and spooky season is already in full swing! This is my favorite time of the year. So for those that are new, Mabon is a celtic pagan holiday on the wheel of the year. When it was first introduced to me, I was told it was like a witches Thanksgiving.
It is the second harvest festival where they celebrate the good fortunes they have had this growing season. They give thanks to the Gods who are in charge of harvests and firtility, For without firtility, there couldn't be a harvest of crops! Mabon is the pagan holiday that rests on the Autumn Equinox.
Some witches take out the pagan part of Maybon and just celebrate the balance of light and dark on the equinox as well as just the harvest aspect. The spring and fall equinox is when the day light is equal to night time. It is often a symbol of balance so a witch may focus on balancing their energy, their body, their life etc. So today is another Spoonie list of celebrating this witch's holiday.
Coloring. Coloring can be a great way to balance stress out. There are many coloring sheets out there for fall. Some are kids coloring pages, and some are adult coloring. Whatever one you prefer is just fine. If you have problems with hand jerks or trembles, the kids' coloring sheets would be easier. It's also a great activity to do with kids if you have children or are babysitting for others. Some coloring pages you can get by downloading and printing off the internet. For a designated witchcraft one, they have some on Amazon. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/844987948812638690/
Light a candle. You can light an orange or red candle for Mabon instead of doing a full bonfire. Bonus points if it smells like apples, or pumpkin spice! If you can tolerate scented candles (not everyone can) they are readily available at the Dollar Tree or at Dollar general. There are many instances where people are not able to do bonfire's anyway but it is a favorite pasttime for celebrating the Equinox.
Fall foods. Many of us spoonies are probably not able to engage in baking and cooking up a great feast. Here are some cheats to consider. At wal-mart, they have mini pies for 75 cents (in my area anyway). You can get a Mini Pie for yourself or each of your family members. They are already baked and ready to go. You could warm them up in the microwave if you want to warm them up. Another idea is to get freash baked bread from the bakery. It's already baked good to eat. Pumpkin spice oatmeal for breakfast! or Apple Cinniamon is another oatmeal I love. For a meal for your family, a crock pot meal like chili is a must-have. Chili is easy to make. Just dump a bunch of canned beans, choice of meat and vegetables, and seasoning in a crock pot. There are many crock pot meal recipies out there to choose from. Baked potatoes are a good one, too. You can put them in the oven and you won't have to stand for very long.
Going outside. Going outside to enjoy the weather is good idea if weather permits. You can use a picker upper grabber to pick up leaves, acorns and pinecones to decorate your altars or your shelves. If you are a pagan parent, this a fun activity for kids too. A scavenger hunt is fun and you can do it on your own or with family. Use your mobility devices if you have them. Electric scooters and wheelchairs are aweseome for this if you have them. If you are not able to go outside, maybe have a family member go out and bring the scavenger hunt inside. Have them hide things they found in nature so you can try and find them. I know this isn't doable for everyone but even just sitting outside and watching the squirrels is good enough.
Cleansing your home. Cleansing your space of negative energies is a way to get rid of that no longer serves you. Many witches cleanse once a month anyway, but sometimes those of us with limited spoons can't always cleanse as often as we like. It also depends on the method of cleansing. Opening windows and smoke cleansing is what is most preferred and most taught method. Depending on our living situations, it's not always ideal. Some ideas to cleanse with minimal energy are to use sound cleansing music on youtube. There are several videos out there for sound cleansing. You can even use your own tools such as rattles, Bells, or drums if you have them. Another cleansing method is to use a spray. You can make your own using water and essential oils or using plain salt water works. It is something that is easy, and all you have to do is spray the room!
Stones. If you have a cage necklace, putting a gemstone associated with Mabon in it is a great way to celebrate. This is a great option if you don't have any energy to do anything else. Saphire, Yellow and Red Agates, Amethyst, Lapis Luzille, and Cornealian are the gemstones associated with Mabon. Right now, I am wearing Amethyst.
Donating to charities. Part of Mabon is giving thanks for the abundance we have in life. You could make a one-time donation to a charity of choice. Giving thanks for our abundance are in congruent with giving to people in need. Many of us Spoonies are probably on fixed incomes and may not be able to donate money. This is fine. Giving back to someone in need is the goal here. If you have any clothes collecting dust, you can donate to nursing homes, homeless shelters, and womens shelters. If you crochet or knit, you could make hats, scarves, and mittens for donations as well. Maybe a witchy friend needs some help with research.
Decorating. Mabon is a great time to do some decorating for fall and for spooky season. For us (spoonies), it can seem daunting and out of reach to do a whole house of fall decor. So let's pick one spot and decorate to the best of our ability. I have a general altar by my bedside on my nightstand. It can also be one spot in a book shelf, or even just one ornament. The goal is to decorate on a smaller scale so it is not so overwhelming. Also, it is okay to ask for help. If you have a PCA or friend/family member who can help you, it would be ideal. You may be able to cover more ground that way if you can get help with this activity.
Journaling. Journaling may end up in every article I write. So what do you journal about during Mabon? Start a gratitude journal, or write in the one you already have if you have one. Also, you can journal your goals and intentions for the upcoming year. This you can do laying down or sitting. Journaling helps us to see what we did accomplish and what we didn't . You may journal about new steps, new ideas, and anything that may help you accomplish your goals and intentions this year. Another option to journal about is journaling thoughts and ideas that no longer serve you. Journal about those negative thoughts about yourself or others and release the negativity to re-energize yourself.
Reading and doing research on Mabon or other fall celebrations around this time of year. There is so much to learn about this history of ancient pagans and their lore. Read some stories such as persephone's abduction and descent back into the underworld. Mabon is actually relatively new and based on Gerald Gardner's Wicca. Wicca is a neo-pagan religion that uses witchcraft. History is important to learning about making your own practice yours. https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/1flpdd7/happy_mabon/ This is just an overview.
Meditate. Meditation can be done laying down or sitting up. Whichever method you may prefer. Meditation on balance can be done in any way you can. Youtube has tons of meditation videos you can do to balance your energy. Youtube also has Mabon music and meditation videos, specifically for Mabon.
Celebrate Late. If you are not able to celebrate on the 20 or 21st and still want to, celebrate on a different day. In my opinion, you can celebrate anytime from the 18th-24th. Some older festivals lasted for days anyway.
If you don't have the energy, celebrate it when you are able to. Don't push yourself just because you feel you have to. If you miss this holiday, dont worry about it! You're still a pagan witch! Ancient pagans relied on the lunar calendar, and it is likely that the second fall harvest didn't land on the equinox.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
heyyy!!!! I live 4 ur gb senerios, can I request like a what would a birthday be like, with the ghostbusters x reader, it's like my birthday today, and like this is like my birthday gift ig, lmao, but like I rilly don't mind how late this is, take ur time bae 🫶🫶 no hurry 🤞
#meow #yay #lovegbfe
omg happy birthday!!! hope u had an awesome day! ; and yeah of course!! I tried to make this as long as possible but I hope it's good ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
includes ; trevor, phoebe, podcast & lucky
warnings ; language
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he's the most celebratory mofo ever
he was a nerd in hs, frat boy in college /j
no he's serious when it comes to birthday parties cause he never got to do anything cool growing up
so he goes ALL OUT
full led lights, cake, and awesome playlist
even if the "party" is just you, him and some friends, who fucking cares it was awesome
lots of songs that he found from the Deadpool soundtracks...
he's so Deadpool I'm sorry
birthday makeout!!
she does not like big gatherings or parties
but she will throw you a little party cause you deserve it
fairy lights in a tent with some cake and bam
you watch movies most the night (and shit on them)
"who allowed this movie to be made?"
"I have no idea"
she saves up a lot to get you meaningful gifts as well and overthinks it a lot
her mother had to personally attempt to comfort her over it bruh
he's so hyped and it's not even his day
he's so excited for you cause he set up so much shit for you
so many small but meaningful gifts that he used money that he saved up for over a year for
got you a rainbow sprinkle birthday cake from Wal-Mart and got mismatched candles too 🫶🫶
set up colorful birthday stuff all over, streamers, balloons etc
he made you a playlist just for you and he looked over it a trillion times to make sure it was perfect
he's not a huge party person, the adrenaline just gets him going & his overwhelmed with happiness for you and shit
cheesey ass
she's a soft party person if that makes sense
like she made you a cake herself, the music is low but audible, you're surrounded by friends and family in a kitchen etc
she set up a surprise party for you 💔
she dropped a solid 500 dollars for you
she's such a loving person, I feel like gift giving and acts of service like this are her love language
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bugeyedfreaks · 10 months
Okay guys, what is going on?! 😳
I had to make an emergency stop at a Wal-Mart this weekend and found OG Powerpuff Girls pants and a hoodie?! With the original logo and everything?!
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(Actually, credit and love to @burninglilly-art for telling me about the pants in the first place, but I couldn’t find them at my local store and thought it might be a lost cause! Fate thought otherwise! 💖)
Then today I ended up having to kill some time because of some surprise traffic, so I went into a Five Below for the first time in forever… and look at the magnet I found right before I left that was at the exit?!?!
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And it was the only one there!
All I can say is that fate has been ultra weird this weekend for inexplicably drawing me to these stores to find these things, but I’m thankful for it! 💙💖💚
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southernprideyall2 · 2 months
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“Those who honor and defend symbols of Southern heritage have found themselves under well-organized (and financed) attack. In summer of 2000 following the removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina State House Dome, restaurant entrepreneur Maurice Bessinger raised it and the South Carolina flag over each of his restaurants in the Columbia, South Carolina, area. He issued a press release calling for a public discussion of state sovereignty. Not only did this discussion never take place, but because of a single tract on display tables in his restaurants he found himself denounced by the liberal media as pro-slavery and a racist. His award-winning products were boycotted by Wal-Mart and several grocery store chains, eventually costing him 98 percent of his wholesale business.
In *Defending My Heritage* Maurice Bessinger tells his story for the first time, from his childhood and upbringing in extremely poor, Depression-era Orangeburg Co., S.C., to his rise in the world of Southern barbecue. His golden colored barbecue sauce became Columbia's claim to fame. He also tells the story of how he became involved in politics.
Mr. Bessinger argues that "on his property a man is king." This gives him the right to serve his customers to the best of his ability without interference from the federal government. He also shows, in plain and simple language using several cases from his own life experience, how dangerously far this country has strayed from its Constitutional foundations.
Mr. Bessinger tells why the fight to preserve Southern heritage and symbols and its symbols is so vital today. The Old South and its values of independence, local control over both government and business, and Christianity, are the last bastions of opposition to a rising tide of globalism. This movement seeks to bring all the nations and peoples of the world under a single umbrella of control by an extremely wealthy and powerful elite trying to build a world government--sometimes called the New World Order. Mr. Bessinger has concluded after years of study, prayer and reflection that this New World Order is nothing less than the forerunner of the Antichrist, whose rise to power in the end times is foretold in both the Old and New Testaments.
In this book, Mr. Bessinger reveals the true meaning of the X-cross symbol on the Confederate flag along with its 4,000-year-old history, and the real reasons why this flag is under sustained assault today by the forces of political correctness. He challenges us all to (1) begin bringing our country back to the Constitution and our people back to God; (2) restore a Constitutionally correct relation between the states and the federal government, based on the Ninth and Tenth Amendments which provide the Constitutional basis for state sovereignty; (3) observe state sovereignty by flying state flags over state capitols in all 50 states; (4) return the Confederate flag to its rightful place beneath the South Carolina flag to honor the Southern heritage of independence, state sovereignty and opposition to the concentration of power in the federal government.
While noting that we may have a rough ride ahead if we oppose the forces of globalism openly, Mr. Bessinger's message is one of hope--by placing our trust in God, not in government or politics or political parties.”
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minikinmission · 9 months
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Found this at Wal-Mart today ✨ It's not like an adult coloring book with SUPER complicated patterns/designs. Each page is cute and simple enough to color in, and it comes with personal mantras you can say to yourself when you're feeling down.
Just wanted to put it out there...
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renee-writer · 3 months
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So lately, my 13 year old son had been acting a little... entitled. Acting like he's too good to shop at Wal-Mart or making snarky comments about kids at school who shop at the goodwill and quite a few other things. I don't tolerate that. Today, he brought his own $20 to the Goodwill to purchase clothes for the entire school week. Whatever he found would be his attire for the week. He isn't happy and shed a few tears but I firmly believe in 15 years he will look back and laugh at the day his Mom made him shop at goodwill. I want to teach my kids that money isn't everything and if you have to degrade other people because of where they shop, then you too will shop there. Side note, I love the goodwill!!
Credit: Cierra Brittany Forney
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dylanisdazed · 1 year
What’s it honestly like to get so much sexual attention & attraction from the world around you? From the outside looking in all I see are upsides!
Well, I will preface it by saying that I believe many people get confused about my situation. I get a lot of comments about how it's hard to believe there are five attractive gay people in Alabama 🥵😂👀 Like, it's conservative and backward, but the state has 5 million people, and it's estimated to have 200,000 LGBTQI+, and I'm sure that number is actually a lot higher because a lot of people can't be open.
I wanted to get that out there first because those comments always make me confused and seem so ignorant. 😂
But also, I only talk about interesting moments or sexy moments. Sure, I do talk about some "normal" moments now about the kids but obviously, not everyone I meet thinks I'm cute or sexy, and not everyone I know is cute or sexy 😂 but..."Hey, doods, I saw several uglies at Wal-Mart today!" Isn't a very fun post. So if I do see a cutie like big booty jogger or Dawson or someone hits on me like that one professor or...Dawson...I talk about it.
It's sort of like the social media thing where people get fooled by Instagram pics and think someone's life is all beautiful and perfect and like it never is. I mean, I'm really happy and so, so happy with my current situation, but I know plenty, MORE than plenty of just regular folks, but why would I write a story or post about that?
To answer your question, though, LOL, it can be very nice to be hit on or found attractive but also annoying because people, especially on social media, think they have a right to you or say some really crazy stuff that one wouldn't say in person.
This was a jumbled piece of writing—sorry, I'm currently distracted by two dueling nudies LOL—but at the end of the day, try not to ever compare your life to anyone else's. I'm only 22, but it seems like many people need to hear that!
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thebekashow · 2 years
A Cold night with Bob..
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Rawr, this is cheesey lol. Both you and Bob are 34
(This is an au btw.)
You and Bob were in an apartment together, you had been friends for 2 years so you both knew each other pretty well. You loved it when he would cook, mainly whenever you were too sick to do so yourself. He was like that therapist friend, always listening and helping you through tough times. Though sometimes he would tease you and joke around you.
Today, on this particular day, it was snowing, and your heater in your bedroom had broken. It was late at night, so you were shivering in your blanket as you were hoping to warm up soon. However, because your fluffy blanket was in the washer, you were left with that cold "comforter" you had gotten from Wal-Mart. "Comforter my ass" you grumbled as you shivered.
You sighed and sat up, before looking through the closet for a fluffy blanket, or anything to help you with this freeze-frantic feeling that was keeping you awake. You found none, so you looked on the couch, and saw Bob watching Tv. Bob liked to pull all-nighters when he could. You peeked and saw he was watching 'Demon Slayer'. "Oh! Heya Y/N!" He said, grinning at you. You simply waved and looked for a fuzzy blanket. "You should really head to bed, Bob.." you said tiredly. "I know, I know. These cliffhangers are keeping me up though." He sighed, watching you look for a blanket. "Ya lookin' for somethin'?" "My heater broke, so it's cold in my room." "Oh! Well then you can sleep in my room, heck, I'll even join you!" Bob said, standing up. You looked at him, with a look that said "wait, what was that last part?". "Yeah, I don't mind sharing my bed. It's the same size as yours after all." Bob chuckled as he walked to his bedroom. You seemed hesitant, however you knew Bob wouldn't hurt you, he was too sweet to do anything bad to you. You walked to his bedroom and flopped onto his bed, you felt a soft blanket underneath you, he had those greek myth soft blankets that are heccing expensive. You got under the covers and it was warm.. really warm. You smiled and nuzzled into the pillow. "Comfy?" He asked, looking down at you. You looked and yelped when you saw two pairs of eyes looking at you. "Whats the matter?" "DUDE, YOUR EYES ARE GLOWING." "..Yeaah? They've always done that." "It's frigging weird.." You groaned, as Bob chuckled. He got into bed and looked at you. "Your gonna watch me sleep, aren't you." You sighed, looking back at him. "Nah, maybe oogle for a couple of hours." Bob snickered. You pouted and hit him with your pillow. "Goodnight ya goof." "Goodnight.." Bob responded, smirking. You looked at him and nuzzled close to him. He blushed in surprise. "Y-Y/N, wh-whaaaat the hell?" He yelped. You felt his back, jeez he was warm.. could it be because he flustered or just because? You honestly didn't care right now, all that mattered is that you were warm and cozy. "You're warm, Must snuggle" you said before closing your eyes. "..Yer not gonna let go, are you?" He sighed, looking down at you. You shook your head, smiling. He sighed again, more jokingly this time. "I guess I'll just be stuck here forever then" "ssh" "alright alright, goodnight. Again." He smiled, falling asleep..
I've never done Bob Velseb stories before so I apologize if it is rushed and corny ._ .)
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howlingday · 9 months
Full week into the New Year
Hello, hello!
Today's date is January 5th, 2024. Monday through Friday into the New Year. It was a pretty interesting start, and I'm both excited and nervous to see what the new year brings after this.
To start off, I spent Monday running around, back and forth at my parent's place. Doing everyone's laundry, mine going last, and then packing and preparing for my flight. That night was kinda crap since I tried to go to bed early, but I couldn't until midnight thirty, listening to a 1990 documentary of American Gunmaker: John Moses Browning.
Woke up with crossed feet on Tuesday, giving me weird feeling in my right ankle until... well, actually, I still feel it now that I'm talking about. Dad and I talked on the way to the airport, eating his worst batch of his new deer jerkey. Made it to my flights on time, though the last one felt super short. Buddy picked me up, we chatted up on variant nerd things until we got to my place. Getting inside, I made the stupid decision to put my heaters too low that night.
Woke up freezing on Wednesday. Got to work on time, and shared jerkey with the office. Work stuff happened, I went for a run, and then I drove to Wal-Mart to buy coffee, and maybe a few things for myself. Stayed up way too late watching Class of '09, which I highly make recommendations for y'all to check out. Almost screamed at my neighbor cause he was screaming at his girlfriend from the balcony, but he'd already gone inside.
Woke up to my coworker asking me where I am on Thursday. Made it into work, did work, and shared more jerkey. I then spoke with my boss about something last month. Long story short, I used a blood pressure machine in Wal-Mart, and it told me I had something like 182/70, but the other words were clear: Type 1 Hypertension. After much anecdotal advice about blood pressure tests, I finally went to schedule an appointment with doc. Hour and a half later, I was back, waiting for him. The corpsman finally found me and led me to an examination room. Did another test, and I had 107/80, which is so good, I was told by three different people about how good it was, including my boss as I was walking out. Went home, did a run, internet was crap, then it wasn't, and I tried to go to bed early, only to wake up every other hour.
Which brings us to this beautiful Friday morning... of no sun or stars. Then again, it's only 0530. Since I was late yesterday, I'm bringing in donuts today from supposedly the best donut shop in the region. Had em before and they are pretty good.
Thank you for reading this. Hope y'all had a great start to your new year, too!
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firststreetcafe · 5 months
Hey y'all!
I have been getting some requests lately to show you all NEW foods, snacks, and items that are coming out in stores. So...I bit the bullet and took a ton of photos today of all sorts of new things I have found at Wal-Mart and Target.
I will start posting all these new finds starting tomorrow morning!
If there is something you want me to try to find out in the wild, please don't hesitate to ask. And...if you spot something new/cool/unique when you're out, feel free to submit your finds, too.
See you tomorrow morning with our first post.
Much love,
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kristenbrady · 6 months
You’re Never Too Old to Start Your Dreams: Read These Inspiring Stories
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If you really have the desire to start a business, change careers, become an outstanding leader, or simply do something very different with your life, at which point is it too late to be a success? The answer is: never. Need a bit of inspiration to prove that it can be done no matter which age you are, below is a list of 14 incredible people who never reached success until after 40.
Julia Child
At age 39, Julia’s first cookbook was published; and at age 51, she made her TV debut in The French Chef.
Over 50 and Looking For a Career Change? Try These Ideas.
11 career ideas to try as you turn 50
Sam Walton
Though Sam owned a small discount store chain, when he was 44, he opened his first real Wal-Mart in the year 1962.
Ray Kroc
In 1961, Ray was over 50 before buying the first McDonald’s, which he eventually grew into a global conglomerate.
Donald Fisher
After a string of entrepreneurial ventures, at age 41, Donald and his wife Doris launched The Gap. Today, it is a $16B per year business that has over 3,200 locations around the world.
Samuel Jackson
Samuel was 46 years of age before starring alongside Travolta in the movie Pulp Fiction.
Charles Darwin
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Duncan Hines
Hines, at age 55, wrote his first hotel and food guides. At the age of 73, he licensed the right to use the Hines name for the business that made Duncan Hines cake mixes.
Rodney Dangerfield
Rodney was known for his roles in ’80s films like Back to School and Caddyshack; however, he was 46 years old before getting his big break while on the Ed Sullivan Show.
Harland Sanders
Harland got fired from multiple jobs before starting a restaurant and failed again when the restaurant went out of business and he found himself broke by age 65. Things eventually worked themselves out when he sold the first franchise of Kentucky Fried Chicken in the year 1952.
Robin Chase
The former CEO and founder of Zipcar left her 40th birthday behind and was taking some time off work to be with her kids when she and her friend, Antje Danielson, devised the concept of the car-sharing business in the year 2000.
Nina and Tim Zagat
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Vera Wang
She was initially known as a fashion editor and figure skater before making the decision before her wedding in 1989, at the age of 40, that she had the dream of becoming a designer. Wang commissioned her own wedding gown for $10,000 then opened her initial bridal boutique the next year.
Joy Behar
Known these days as The View’s former co-host, Joy was an English teacher who did not start her career in show business until after the age of 40.
Martha Stewart
She owned a catering business in Connecticut and worked on Wall Street, but Stewart’s real success arrived after the age of 41 with the publication of Entertaining, her first book, and seven years later, the Martha Stewart Living launch.
Who inspires you? Do you have a dream that you’d like to get started? Share in the comments section! I’d love to hear from you!
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Want to start creating passive income streams today? Read this: Passion to Passive Profits eBook
Originally posted on Medium
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theyluvsierra · 9 months
Warings:eating disorder, depression, hospitalization,SH,suic!de,drugs
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Kie:I ordered pizza
Everyone: yum
*everyone hut y/n grabs a slice*
Kie:Y/n do u want some
Y/n:oh no thanks I ate a lot earlier and I'm taking care of the baby
Sarah:kie can me and u go to the store later I wanna get more pickles and ice cream
Y/n:pregnancy cravings hitting hard I assume
John b:I had to get this girl more ice cream and pickles from Wal-Mart at 2:30 am
Jj:u only do it cause u love her
A few weeks pass and the pogues would always order and cook food y/n would always say she is taking care of the baby and is full bc she ate already they also barely see y/n
Jb:I ordered Chinese
Kie:I'm not that hungry so im just gonna take a egg roll and some white rice
Pope:I'll take some chicken a egg roll,soup,dumplings, and Cleo I hot ur plate and soda for us
Cleo:thank u baby I love u
Kie:jb have u seen our sister (y/n)
Jb:no I only saw her once today
Pope:I haven't seen her much in these past few weeks
Cleo:no one knows
Cleo:me either
Sarah:me either
Waves (the dog):*barks*
They hear a thud
Waves: *barks* signaling them
Everyone puts their plates down
Waves:*walks to y/n's room*
Jb:opens the door
Everyone sees coral (y/n and jjs daughter in the baby carrier y/n passed out)
Pope:how did this happen
Sarah:walks in sees there is a lighter next to y/n and burn marks on her arms and legs
Kie:jb I found a note
Jb:what's it say
Kie:if u find this note I probably have passed out from not eating anything and the baby is probably down with me and fainted and has a red spot on her cheek and jj I loved u so much so did coral and kid u were my sister I loved going to tan on the beach and jb I had so much fun surfing with u pope I had fun with u when we climbed the mountain on the beach and Cleo and me jumped off -love y/n
Jj:*crying* wait what about coral
Pope:*sniffles* I think she's gone too
Jb:*cries* probably
Sarah:*sniffling* call the fcking hospital
Cleo:*sniffling* dont be dumb pope hurry up call
The operator: hi this is 911 what's ur emergency
Pope explains
30 mins late jj gets in the ambulance with y/n and the baby
Everyone Else drives in the Twinkie
At the hospital
Jj:so coral and y/n are in one big room with a bed and an incubator when can all stay the night
Jb:everyone grab ur things they follow jj
Jj:*sniffling* here's coral theres 3 pull out couches and 3 three recliners
Jb:Sarah can have a couch so can Cleo and kie
Jj:me,jb,and pope can have the recliners
Jj:looks at coral in her incubator with her tubes and all the.machines keeping her alive along with y/n in the bed next to her
Pope:coral is one strong baby she's not that hurt just fainted and has some bruises
Jb:y/n is much worse tho
Kie:I got us some food
Pope:I just want the small bag of chips and water *turns his phone*
Kie:I just got a salad and water for me and jb
Jj:and I got a pb and j with some chips and soda
Cleo:I just got a salad too
Sarah:I got a slice of pizza
Jj:hang on I need to refill corals feeding tube
Pope:not to make this depressing but y/n has what's called an eating disorder its where u eat too little or too much and coral has what's called fetal drug disorder,austim,cprs and probably more y/n has fetal drug disorder, borderline personality disorder and bipolar,And probably more
Jb:where would she get drugs.....
Sarah:that two faced lying backstabber RAFE
Sarah:Cleo come on lets go
Jb:where are u going
Sarah:to refer where's the gun btw jj
Jj:here gives her the gun
30 mins later they get back
Sarah and cleo:the problem has been dealt with
The boys: nvm we dont wanna know how
Sarah:rafe said to go to kie's house we found a SH/suic!de note
Cleo:we found a love letter to jj I think u should read it
Jj:reads it
Sarah:also y/n left u her favorite surf board if she is gone
Follow or like for part 6
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abbyissharp · 5 months
I just had to share this crazy experience that I had today.
So for work I have to go to other Parishes (yes, Parishes, I live in Louisiana) to file documents. Around like 2:30 today, I had to leave and go to a different Parish that is over 30 miles away from where I work. I drive all the way there, go in, file my documents, and leave out. As I am approaching my car, I notice a tiny kitten in front of the tire. And I recognize said kitten.
One of our yard/barn cats gave birth almost two weeks ago to two kittens. That's how young this kitten is. The mama cat apparently stowed her babies away in my car last night because it had been raining. Now I only found one kitten and don't know where the other one is, which makes me sad.
The really crazy part of all this is that I didn't just drive the ten miles to work this morning. I went to Wal-Mart and back to work during my lunch hour. So this baby has just been holding on for dear life in my car.
The kitten is fine. He was just really hungry and very happy to be back with his mama.
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vivian-and-friends · 2 years
Went out with Momma Penguin today and we found the last Gemgar plush at Wal-Mart
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2030kamenriders · 1 year
Everyone, you are not going to believe what we found today while cleaning up the closet:
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Ancient Technologies!
Okay, not that ancient. I remember computers from even the early 2000s had the ability to use these floppy disks. But it's probably the first time I've actually physically seen one.
This one is from about 2002, and I can tell because it was in a cover labeled "Wal-Mart Portrait Studio", and we found it near a few printouts of some old family photos. There was a similarly-labeled CD too.
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