#from: a cupioromantic <2
daily-starlo · 7 months
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[Day 15]
happy aromantic awareness week!!!
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here's the flag i used as a reference! 👍
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gaypleasantview · 4 months
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☆ we were in screaming color. // Pride Set #1 ☆₊‧⁺˖⋆
Set includes:
⋆ peachyfaerie's Pride 2022 Collection, converted from TS4
Link, swatch and more info under the cut ♡
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Hi people! Happy Pride!!
I thought this could be a good reason for me to finally dust off a bunch of cute WIPs and things I'd been meaning to convert. I think pride flags are joyful reminders of how many sides human identity might have, and this set includes, in my opinion, an incredible variety of flags. I hope it will add something nice to your game :)
Everything is tooltipped, compressed and comes with thumbnails.
Credits: peachyfaerie for all of the textures, @paluding for The Tattooer as usual, this source for the graphics in the post
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♡ Download ♡
All of the files are labeled, so you can choose which flags you would like to have in your game.
SFS | Mediafire
♡ Swatch ♡
Flags included, left to right:
Row 1: lesbian, rainbow (bright & pastel options), bisexual/-romantic (bright & pastel options), transgender, non-binary, intersex, genderfluid
Row 2: genderqueer, agender, gay, sapphic, achillean, polysexual/-romantic (bright & pastel options), demisexual, demiromantic
Row 3: asexual, graysexual, grayromantic, pansexual/-romantic (bright & pastel options), demigirl, demiboy, reciprosexual, reciproromantic
Row 4: cupioromantic, lithosexual, libidoist, polyamorous (two design options), ambiamorous, autosexual
⋆ Individuality Eyeshadow - CU-EU
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⋆ Truth Highlighter - CU-EU, layerable
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⋆ Unique Eyeliner - CU-EU
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jvstcallmespade · 3 months
Ranfren hc's
R a n d a l
like i said before Randal has eczema, on his neck, upper arms, and ankle, i didnt mention it then but i also like to think he has it on one of his hands too
blind as fuck, blinder than a bat even(/j) if you took his glasses and looked at the side view of them, it would be some thick ass fucking glasses, if you would make fun of him for it he would just get mad and yell at the top of his lungs until you went away
He definitely bites his ice cream, especially popsicles
speaking of yelling, he's that kind of person who can yell really really loud, you could be 2 miles away from him and hear whatever he yells as clear as day
whenever he gets a loose tooth he pulls it out without a second thought, or if he wanted to he'll wiggle it around other people to gross them out and laugh if they had a weak stomach and gagged
He's like a 5 year old when he wants to show you something, from tugging on your sleeve to saying "hey" 200 times or repeating your name till you respond
He likes going upside down and feeling the blood go to his head
He knows that its "thy brother" and not thou, but says it anyways just to annoy Luther
I also hc Randal as cupioromantic(def; A person who does not feel romantic attraction but desires a romantic relationship)
He picks at his skin, excessively and constantly, to the point you'd have to distract him or tie his hands together in order for him to stop
He gets emotionally attached to people really easily, this goes for plushies and stuffed animals too
you'd have to pry the plush out of his hands if you wanted him to leave it at the store
L u t h e r
looonnngggg lectures at least an hour long
Loves floral designs, if there's floral printed wallpaper you bet he's buying at least 5 different kinds
overdecorates during the holidays but it always ends up looking amazing and organized
has tried to teach Randal German but stopped because Randal kept purposely mispronouncing words to annoy Luther and always forgot what he was taught an hour later
Is the first to say bless you when someone sneezes, every single time
He knits, you can't tell me otherwise, this man definitely knits in the short amount of free time he gets
Luther appreciates when his catmen do a favor for him very much and makes sure to always thank them when they do
When he gets annoyed he complains in german
(I don’t have much headcanons for Nyen and Nyon despite them being my favorites)
N y e n
Has a special interest in knives and sometimes looks at and admires the knives kept in the kitchen
When he reads romance novels he likes to think of what he'd do in all of the drama scene's
because he watches so much Judge Judy and reads romance novels he's super nosy, secretly loves to gossip but has no one to gossip with apart from Nyon
He sometimes struggles when reading the romance novels Randal let’s him borrow so he says the words out loud and slowly in order to understand it
N y o n
Now listen.
Autism. dinosaur. hands.
You’ll see him walking around the house sometimes while doing it, but if you were to point it out he’d get embarrassed and immediately put his hands down
Doesn’t say Meow in English, he says it in Russian (which is Мяу)
He enjoys playing with fidget toys when he’s bored
He prefers to speak in Russian instead of English since he has a lot of trouble with English, though he can understand it better than speaking
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aro-culture-is · 22 days
Hey, I’m still a minor but I’ve been really stressing about this lately. I really want to know if aromantic is the right label for me, since I previously identified as a bisexual.
I’ve, like, NEVER had a crush. I want to. I love romance novels, couples, the idea of romance. But then I talked to my friends and family and realized that what I thought was a crush just…wasn’t.
I didn’t feel butterflies, or nervous, or ANYTHING. I genuinely thought butterflies in your stomach was something that people made up, like getting nosebleeds when something is sexually implicit or shirtless ppl r shown (stupid, I know, but heteronormativity is really ingrained in me). I wasn’t even INTERESTED in the person. Examples, if it would help: first grade, I saw pretty boy, tried to play with him and followed him around at recess, looking back I just wanted a friend and he just happened to be attractive. Third grade, saw pretty boy, literally did not interact with him nor did I want to, but called him my crush bc I thought finding someone attractive=crush. My friend got with him, I wasn’t heartbroken and even tried to set them up and tried to tell them of the other’s feelings (despite the two of them being aware) like I was a little Cupid. Third grade pt 2, saw second most pretty boy imo (notice a theme here?) had dreams of both of my third grade crushes saving me from monkeys and I was a princess and they were in knight armor until the end where they’d take off the helmet n kiss me, but I had to consciously change the face after my friend got w the guy bc I felt bad. BUT I NEVER TALKED TO EITHER OF THEM????? Like, with pretty boy 3, let’s call him C, I didn’t really talk or try to get close with him or even was interested in him, same w the previous two. I thought I had fictional crushes on both boys and girls (hence the bisexuality identification) only to realize finding someone attractive=/= having a crush. And now I’m so confused and devastated????????
I am interested in both romance and sex, but I just don’t have crushes??? I know that, most likely, there is nothing wrong with me, like rationally, but I don’t feel that way???? I’ve always wanted a wedding n kids, but I’ve never imagined it with another person, like having a wedding n there being my partner. I always imagined going solo in my beautiful dress, never stopping to consider that a partner would be there. I also think I want kids, but that might be my parent’s pressures talking. My dad has also said that “there’s only one natural orientation” and says there’s nothing wrong with having a crush (I don’t think he realizes that I genuinely never had a crush) so I’m also really upset on that part. All I want to do is fit in socially, to make my parents happy, to do what I love, and have someone to love. I’m upset and confused and I took a quiz, twice, got cupioromantic, searched up the definition, realized it was me, got scared, so I’m just fishing for validation at this point. I hope I’m at least grey romantic, because I WANT to have romance, and be happy with one person. I don’t want to be a single cat lady (no hate if that’s you, keep slaying). I want someone to love me, and I’m scared that I won’t be able to love them back.
If you read this far, thanks, it means a lot.
So, I have a few thoughts after reading this, and I'm just gonna do my best to lay out some of them
All that introductory section about never having had a crush? Absolutely classic aromantic life story. Completely the sort of thing where if someone told me that IRL, my immediate thoughts would be "oh, they're probably aromantic", and "I want to let them know we're community in some fashion, and I get it."
Secondarily, on the note of finding someone attractive: folks so frequently discover their a-spec identities by starting with "I'm equally or similarly attracted to all genders, so I must be bi/pan/etc", and then get hit by the phenomena that 0=0. Also, aesthetic and sexual attraction are typically experienced quite differently - despite not being talked about as such, usually because it's not socially acceptable to talk about sex except when shaming others for interacting with the concept from any angle, including not wanting it. Yay society! (/sarcasm)
Next: yeah, cupioromantic absolutely fits what you've described so far. But I have some news for you: you can be aromantic and still have a wonderful, healthy romantic relationship with others. Some of the very, very early first followers of this blog - and i'm talking first 30 out of over 10k - have openly talked about being married as aro people to alloros for longer than I've run this blog. It's possible, it's been done, and if that works for you and any future partners, fantastic!
But. That said, I don't get the impression that your approach to this is coming from a place of necessarily wanting romance? I could absolutely be projecting, and that's on me, but between what your dad said and the desperation in your message, I have to wonder if what you want is a close, healthy relationship where you are able to feel safe discussing yourself, where you feel like your emotions are validated, and you can engage in a kind and mutually open hearted way. And y'know? Especially as a minor, that can be so hard to handle. You deserve to be listened to, for your feelings to be validated, and to know that who you are is as natural as anything.
Side note. natural is such a cop-out word. Speaking as someone in a multidisciplinary STEM field: natural means it happens. Not 'is the norm', not 'comes from plants', not 'works exactly the same way every time'. Consider the platypus is a natural creature, despite being a wild abomination of every 'normal' trait it could fit in its weird little body. Consider that even in humans, sex is not a dichotomy and for the most part, sex is a socially defined set of characteristics. Consider how many birds and fish have 4 or more sexes. Consider the fungi, weep, and learn that defining them by sex is an absolute nightmare of thousands of possible sexes and matches and honestly, what even??? Consider that even if we only look at similarly sexed creatures to us, dolphins, penguins, so many birds, octopuses, dogs, spiders, cats, and more that I can't name in the literal 10 seconds I spent on that list, engage in clear same-sex sexual and romantic bonding. You ever seen a boy dog just jump anything that exists? I don't think Fido gives a shit about "natural orientations". Unless he can eat it and poop it out, and eat that. (/affectionate)
Some final thoughts: you will be okay. Being a minor is so incredibly hard, and the more you grow into adulthood, the more clear it becomes that literally everyone is following all sorts of rules that they learned once upon a time because it's hard to change the system, hard to change your thoughts, and not because it ever made sense to follow those rules. The idea that two people have to love the same way to enjoy each other is bullshit. The idea that you can't just experience all sorts of weird things, even though the human brain is among the most complicated things known to science and does so much we'll never live to know, is wild.
You will be okay. Everything will get better, and I believe you. Teen years are a lovely blend of the worst and best decisions you'll ever make because your brain and body are doing some phenomenally complicated things, and society said "hey, what if we shove all of them into an institution because labor laws say we can't put them in the mines anymore?", and this is understandably a really terrible idea. Promise you, the tigers and lions in the average zoo get better enrichment than teens seem to be allowed.
The longer you have to experience the world and its weird and inconsistent ways, the more you learn to just... be. You don't have to question it every step of the way. Maybe you do get a crush. Maybe you don't. Maybe you find yourself being visited by the cat adoption fairy, and oops, there's another, and suddenly there's several creatures who bring you warmth - and maybe being a crazy cat lady is for you. Adulthood is weird, just to be honest. This has actually happened to several people I know. So many "oops I have a cat now? help?" messages.
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lilliaace · 25 days
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In reference to :
If you read this slowly I'm:
nonbinary (don't ID as a cis man/woman)
asexual (no sexual attraction)
lesbian (queer attraction to women)
cupiorose (I'm cupiosexual and cupioromantic meaning no sexual or romantic attraction but enjoy sex acts and romantic partners)
maverique (I just don't fit nicely into any conventional "girl" or "boy" categories)
I love my cis man partner for companionship, protection, affection, the D/s relationship I have with him, and the fact that he's always looking out for me.
I don't have genuine attraction for people (if I do, it's immensely rare). My partner even jokingly said "sweetheart, I knew you were aromantic from the moment I met you", thanks babe, took me until 2 weeks ago to realize this (I'm 30, lmao).
This doesn't invalidate any of my identities because humans are complex social creatures.
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jinhua-shu · 1 year
OVERTHINKING, Scaramouche/Wanderer x GN!Reader
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It’ll all go down hill if the other party decides that he is not interested in pursuing something further with you. it will all lead to something sad. like you for example, aren’t you overthinking, assuming, being overly anxious of what has happened between the connection with the person whom you’re talking to? Let’s all calmly and sadly face the truth, that not everyone wants to be with us and etc. because, no one bothers to stay even when we’re at our lowest, there would always be that one person whom will just glance and look away at you.  there would always be that one person who will simply, just stop to see what’s happening and walk away. there would be someone who will not care less of what you’re feeling, and simply intentionally ignore you. Leading to whatever feeling you’re feeling.
*  *
It has all begun, when you had enough courage to talk to your crush to show him that you’re interested in him, only for it to backfire.
Scara isn’t really a person who you can keep conversations with, he’d simply brush you away or ignore you, but suddenly he started replying to your messages.
which gave you a bit of hope. but you had also hoped that you did not fall for that stupid shit. Being in the same Group Chats as him made you delusional, whenever he chats you’re there swooning at his cold replies towards your group of friends.
you’d hit the reply button the instant he texts something in the GC, only to be ignored completely, which made you even more determined to gather his attention.
you’ll always go and complain to your friends on why you’re such a cupioromantic or why you’re such a hopeless romantic, in which made them become fed up with your delusions.
“ He has only seen my message! is he that speechless? “ ‘ Yeah, girl he is. ‘ ‘ No doubt he’s trying to think of ways to confess ‘
‘ He’s ignoring you for being a nuisance. ‘ “ ... “ that’s how everyday conversations with your friends go. two are feeding you DELULU and one is fed up and wants you to focus on yourself.
* *
Scara is seen walking down the halls cellular phone on hand, he seems to not be paying attention to where he’s going, ending up him stumbling backwards because he just bumped onto you.
grumpily regaining his footing he glared at the person.
“ Watch where you’re going. “ he spat out continuing to scroll down through his phone, you stood still trying to comprehend the fact that he just talked to you.. before squealing. Scara looked back at you in confusion and waved it off, walking fast paced towards the exit, Scara hummed to himself continuing scrolling through his phone, before stopping at the message notification, he grumbled. it’s you again, that one annoying pest that doesn’t even know how to get the hint. he sighed as he started typing a response, he seems to have an idea in mind.
completely getting carried away, he found that talking to you is quite refreshing. he found solace in your company. he would never admit it but he seemed to have quite a huge interest on you. 
2 weeks has passed, and you’re feeling over the clouds, who would never know? that the SCARAMOUCHE has been talking to you for 2 WEEKS! amazing!
you giggled as you sat on your bed, hugging a penguin plush tightly before sending scara a screenshot of a lyric from a song.
[ Maghihintay ako Hanggang mapasayo ]
[ (translation) I will wait until I’m yours ]
scaramouche scoffs as he simply reacted at the ss you sent and typed a response
“ I need some time to think. “ and sent it to you. you smiled as you stare at his response for more than 2 minutes before sending another message. 
“ Take your time “ 
you smiled happily without knowing the confusion and discomfort that will settle down in your heart the next day.
( Y/N POV )
I woke up feeling giddy, I sat down on my couch as i opened messenger, to check whether he has replied nor seen it.. turns out he hasn’t read it so I spent all of my time, distracting myself by doing my homework and watching movies on Netflix.
bored. i opened my phone to see him online, i checked the conversation whether he has seen it, i shrugged as i find out he still hasn’t read my message.
couple of hours has passed. i am now staring at his icon with a green dot, below his profile. he’s online and he won’t reply? is he that busy?
i gnawed on my nails as i laid down on my bed. i shouldn’t worry too much, he must be doing something and left the tab open.
i sleepily closed my eyes as i fell into a deep slumber. It is the start. of my feelings downfall.
waking up completely out of void, feeling like something bad is happening or coming, i sighed as I checked once more, before becoming disappointed. Feeling empty and confused, i am left with my over bearing thoughts that is eating me alive. ‘ Why did he show that he’s interested in me? ‘, ‘ why did he show that he cares for me..? why? only to leave me in the dust. ‘ i shook those thoughts away as i calmed myself down. ‘It’s going to be fine, it has only been 2 days since then, it won’t impact you that much.’ oh how i was completely wrong.
i stayed in my room wondering what could’ve happened if I didn’t fully show him my feelings towards him, if i didn’t really let him know of what i was feeling. 
a bunch of “what if’s” a bunch of “Why’s” but never “ I shouldn’t have. “ 
i sobbed on my pillow feeling distressed, the gnawing pain that’s on my heart, the confusion that’s lingering on my brain. the exasperated breathing that i am doing to inhale oxygen. 
He must be talking to his friends. He must be having fun or playing.. but in all honesty, why should I care, why should i have to endure all of this emotions, all of these feelings, when he’s not even mine.
i shouldn’t have messaged him, i should’ve just admired him from afar and let time make me move on slowly.
why does it have to hurt this bad? you’re not even mine..
why do i have to overthink?.. when you’re not even mine.
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[pt: Cupioromflagic /end pt]
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A gender related to the colors of the Cupioromantic flag.
The upper flags include the original Cupioromantic flag. The lower flags include an edited version of the Cupioromantic flag, in hopes to reduce eyestrain.
[ID 1: Two Flags with five horizontal stripes each. The colors are from top to bottom: dark pastel pink, pastel pink, white, pastel purple, pastel black. On the flag is a smaller version of the Cupioromantic flag that follows the same color order, with a white outline. On the left flag the stripes are messy, while on the right flag the stripes are straight. /end ID 1]
[ID 2: Two Flags with five horizontal stripes each. The colors are from top to bottom: dark pink, lighter pink, white, purple, dark purple. On the flag is a smaller version of the alternative Cupioromantic flag that follows the same color order, with a white outline. On the left flag the stripes are straight, while on the right flag the stripes are messy. /end ID 2]
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 5 months
Hey I was wndering if you know which flag is the cupiaro one and which is the cupioace one
Im cupioaro but i honestly dont know which one is my flag?? Everytime i search for one both of these appear:
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Image descriptions:
1. A pride flag with 5 horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: Reddish nude, lighter reddish nude, white, lavender and gray.
2. A pride flag with 4 horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: Gray, lavender, whie and light pink. /end ID.
Sometimes there is a green one too and idk which is which 🫠 does somebody know the answer
I could not tell you even with a gun to my head hang on a moment while I google
Okay so yeah cupioromantic is apparently image 2, (four stripes)
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webby-mogai · 8 months
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cupioromantic + cannibalistic attraction
[pt: cupioromantic + cannibalistic attraction /end pt]
A flag for when you're cupioromantic and also experience cannibalistic attraction(link)
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[pt: simplified/accessible /end pt]
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Based on the gendercannibal(link) and the cupioromantic flag
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[cupioromantic cannibalistic attraction flag id: a rectangular flag with 13 horizontal lines. the 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. the 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. the 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: dark pink, reddish pink, pink, light pink, reddish white, light purple, and dark reddish brown. all colors are desaturated. in the center of the flag is a heart shaped piece of meat with desaturated pink flesh. /end id]
[divider id: a transparent divider with cartoon drawings of a heart, an eye, and lungs in that order. it repeats 5 or so times /end id]
[simplified cupioromantic cannibalistic attraction flag id: a rectangular flag with 13 horizontal lines. the 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 13th line are medium thickness, the 2nd and 12th lines are thicker, 3rd and 11th are thinnest, and the 4th and 10th are thickest. colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: dark pink, reddish pink, pink, light pink, reddish white, light purple, and dark reddish brown. all colors are desaturated. in the center of the flag is a heart shaped piece of meat with desaturated pink flesh. /end id]
[divider id: a transparent divider with cartoon images of a brain, a tooth, and intestines in that order. it's repeated 5 or so times /end id]
[banner id: a black banner with a white outline and white outlined text with a drawing to the left on a transparent background. the text reads "READ MY IWC" in big text and underneath it reads "anyone can use my terms but I will block you" in smaller text. to the left is a drawing of Higan drawn by John/TOOBOE squatting with her knees together. /end id]
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texanmarcusdavenport · 2 months
Mighty Med Headcanons
Gus is secretly a Perry. They have a lot in common: weird side character that shows up at the most (in)opportune moments, has an unrealistic variety of skills and resources, a past that's WAY too storied to be true yet somehow it is??, and obsessive behavior over their romantic interests (Perry with Douglas & Gus with Jordan). If they're not related, they'd 100% get along like a house on fire if they did meet.
Gus and Oliver are childhood friends of the "our parents forced us to hang out" variety. Oliver is GOBSMACKED that both his parents like Gus better than Kaz. Like. How??
Jordan!! I <3 her. There’s a post going around on here that says she should've been in Elite Force instead of AJ & I 100% agree. She does seem like the type that'd be a surprisingly good hacker... and honestly I just really miss her :(
Her & Daniel(le) would get along. I have no proof I just know it. Troublemakers Inc(TM)
Pansexual & polyamorous. As long as everyone's having fun he's down for whatever
Transfem genderfluid, he/she/it. Starts by calling itself a woman/girl casually until Oliver's like. Kaz is there anything you want to tell me. & Kaz is like pfffft what no that's ridiculous ha ha Oliver I think I'd know if I was transgender. Then Kaz thinks about it & it's like. Damn it.
It/its pronouns also happen via jokes, she's just like. I'm like if a girl were a bug :) or perhaps a small mammal. Until someone calls her 'it' and she's like. Hm. Kinda slaps.
Doesn't even realize she has dysphoria, just starts acting & dressing more feminine when it suits her & 2 years later she's like. Huh. I haven't been avoiding mirrors lately. Wonder what that's about?
Combined-type ADHD
Dyslexic & dysgraphic. Only got through English by the Grace of God (Oliver). But I headcanon that other than spelling & syntax errors he's actually a great writer when he puts the effort in. He'd kill in public speaking but he'd never do that lol.
If she had a Normo job, it'd be firefighter
Trans guy, he/him. He & Kaz are transmasc/transfem solidarity. His mom is more supportive than his dad.
OCD, anxiety, autistic. Gets all 3 from his parents which is part of the reason it took so long to get a diagnosis (both of them just thought getting crippling bouts of anxiety was normal).
Aroallo, specifically cupioromantic bisexual... this is so important to me you don't understand. Oliver is a very codependent character and I think learning to live on his own & not be jealous of his friends would be a great character arc for him.
He & Kaz r so fucking queerplatonic don't even get me started. Do Not Seperate Them.
Skylar Storm
Ace lesbian
She's an alien so I don't think she prescribes to human gender roles like. At all. So she's not really "trans" or "cis", but she does use she/xhe pronouns & mostly describe herself as a woman.
Futch Skylar... futch Skylar supremacy!! Has a sort of complicated relationship with presentation and whatnot, human femininity is sort of the norm for Skylarkind as a fashion trend. Xhe and Experion actually were both ostracized for their presentation (butch/trans Experion my beloved <3). I think xhe prefers more masculine dress but in fun styles and colors because, in her words, "practicality doesn't have to be boring".
Skylar Storm is essentially just a stage name, it started as anickname based on a very loose translation of xyr actual name.
Alan Diaz
Trans guy, any pronouns. Mostly because they're confused by language as a concept.
You know how its a running gag in MM that Horace never taught him how to count past eighty? That, but with language. Horace speaks Arabic, Old Castilian, & Mexican Spanish interchangeably so Alan grew up thinking that's just how people talk. Mix that with random alien languages &, well, they're incomprehensible on the best of days.
Doesn't know they're trans. Like they're trans obviously but if you told her that she wouldn't really understand.
Oliver: so you were, uh, born a girl but you're a boy now?
Alan: no, I'm a boy.
Oliver: yeah, obviously, but like, physically--
Alan: What Normo nonsense are you on about.
And it continues like that.
Polysexual, and if xe were married xe'd be a Wife Guy (positive).
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Full Name ── Theophilus William Camden✮ Proxy Name ──PANT⦻MIME✮ Nicknames ── Mime, Smiler, BNW freak (BY jeff, doesn't like it)✮ Gender ── Male✮ Sexuality ── Aroace(Cupioromantic and asexual)✮ Sexual Preference ── None✮ Pronouns ── he/they/xir/it✮ Date of Birth ── 26th september 1906✮ Age ── 118✮ Place of Birth ── England✮ Nationality ── English✮ Languages ── BSL, speaks English when xe is forced to speak✮ Scars ── scars and burn marks across his skin and stretch marks from being Heightened while he was in the hospital✮ Height ── 6'8 feet✮ MBTI ── INTP✮ Zodiac Sign ── Virgo✮ Natural Hair Color ── brown✮ Hair Colour (now) ── black✮ Hair Length ── to xiers chin✮ Eye Colour ── Black✮ Skin Colour ── black and white✮ Smell ── Black ink✮ Proxy-mark ── wrist(covers them up)__`☆ About them:`__❧ Status 》Dead❧ Species 》Proxy(?)❧ Relationship 》Single❧ Skills 》 murder, whipping, dancing, a bit of art❧ Likes 》watching EJ bleed sometimes, dancing to music, listening to people he is fond of ramble.❧ Dislikes 》Bullies(especially jeff and natalie) , crows, smell of smoke or coffee, some textures (polyester, cheese), getting forced to talk (it hurts xem.)❧ Touch 》 hates it, but let's some people touch his appendages❧ Fears 》losing a person they are fond of❧ Triggers 》Talking about xiers past, calling xem names, saying the sentence, "Dont fight back, let it happen, it will all be okay soon."❧ Weakness 》Will cry if remembering his past and hurt himself because he cries acid, needs to rest for 2 hours to recharge, cuts his appendages sometimes when triggered, can barely talk, Weak bones ❧ Working for 》Slenderman but disobeys sometimes❧ Work 》Proxy❧ Addictions》cutting❧ Earning Trust 》possible but takes at least 3 weeks❧ Clothes 》grey overall and warm grey t-shirt, appendages with eyes on them, black shoes, white and black glove, white and black mask❧ Items 》Candy canes, whips❧ Aid 》None.❧ Parental Figures 》None.❧ Theme songs 》 So cold by Breaking Benjamin, Emergency contact by pierce the veil, Going under by evanescene, Zombie by the cranberries and if you can't hang by sleeping with sirens❧ Disorders 》 Existential OCD, social anxiety, Emotional disorser in childhood, Generalized anxiety disorder, Schizophrenia, C-PTSD, body dysmorphia__`☆ Favourites:`__❧ Favourite Interest 》bugs, what slenderman Exactly is and how it works, dancing (but only alone because bro has social anxiety), Life in general ❧ Favourite Songs 》I will not bow by breaking Benjamin, bad things by get scared,dead memories by slipknot❧ Favourite Artists 》 Breaking Benjamin, sleeping with sirens, decaying nature, Black Sabbath,Slipknot, getting scared, Evanescene❧ Favourite Animal 》xe eats animals when he can't get humans, but insects, especially Beetles ❧ Favourite Colours 》 Maroon red (likes to collect EJs blood sometimes)﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊__`•☆༄࿐ Personality`__It is observant, and tries to be polite as much as they can, when they are triggered however they often lash out in a way of hurting their fond ones and will cry about it later on and apologize in a way of giving them gifts (which can be handmade or an eye that they ripped out of their appendages). Generally shy, and often stays with a person they are fond of to socialise. When they are having hallucinations they will hide themselves under its appendages and not come out until someone else comes in and protects them from what they are seeing. They are a sensitive person and hide themselves away a lot of the times. If people are too loud and they get overwhelmed they will hide themselves in a closet for 3 hours.
Gonna Post the backstory later :)
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Strawberry Shortcake Lady pride pfps (part 3)
Part 1
Part 2
Aro and ace-spec identities edition! (continuation in reblogs)
Free to use without credit.
What the flags stand for under the cut
From left to right:
Aromantic-Asexual/AroAce (alternative flag)
Aromantic-Asexual/AroAce (alternative flag)
Asexual spectrum
Aromantic spectrum
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plantwriting · 7 months
I love polls. Another one.
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skyes-fanweeks · 1 year
Act Addict Aro Week 2023
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Please look forward to Act Addict Aro Week this November! The text version of all the information in the graphic will be under the cut.
A3! Act! Addict! Aro! Week 2023 will be held from November 13 to November 19.
Rules and Information:
This is a week for celebrating aro(spec) identities and hcs! This includes all identities and labels under the aro spectrum, such as cupioromantic, lithromantic, etc, and can be combined with other forms of attraction.
The prompts are just for ideas, you do not need to strictly follow them!
All contributions must be tagged with the appropriate content warnings.
All kinds of contributions are welcomed, including fics, art, edits, etc. If you have questions, please let me know!
Day 1 - Firsts / Lasts Day 2 - Too Soon / Too Late Day 3 - Sweet Dreams / Bitter Reality Day 4 - Satisfaction / Regret Day 5 - Love / Heartbreak Day 6 - Technicolor / Monochrome Day 7 - Free Day
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ur-fav-is-aspec · 27 days
Sun Wukong from LMK is cupioromantic, lithromantic, aroallo, and demiplatonic
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I wasn’t sure which cupioromantic flag to use- there’s so many! Also sorry for the wait, I am in the process of preparing to return to school, and I have had a lot of things to work through and do, so I have been pretty tired in the evenings and not had time to complete as many of these as I’d like.
[image ID 1: the pink cupioromantic flag with Sun Wukong in the middle. End Image ID.]
[Image ID 2: the orange cupioromantic flag with Sun Wukong in the middle. End image ID.]
[image ID 3: the green cupioromantic flag with Sun Wukong in the middle. End image ID.]
[image ID 4: the lithromantic flag with Sun Wukong in the middle. End image ID.]
[Image ID 5: the aroallo flag with Sun Wukong in the middle. End image ID.]
[Image ID 6: the demiplatonic flag with Sun Wukong in the middle. End image ID.]
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starrzies · 5 months
★Meet the Artist 2024★
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I might have forgotten to post this </3
Hello there!!
I'm Starrzies, but I also go by Rodimus!! Of these two names I prefer my nicknames (Starrz/Roddy) more than the formality of my full username/chosen name!! I'm 19 and a full time college student! (I want to become a Forensic Pathologist!) My pronouns are He/They ONLY and my chosen gender identity is Demiboy! I'm also Aroace, my specific labels being Cupioromantic/sexual!
I'm just a silly little guy trying to do his best. I am a hobbyist artist and writer and I love to share what I come with in the hopes that other people will enjoy it as much as I do! I tend to post art related to my own characters, art I've done for other people and - more rarely - fandom related art! I also stream on Twitch!!! Usually it's art streams (especially for Art Fight!) or me playing my games - either solo or with other people! I do have a Discord server full of my friends, mutuals and people interested in my stuff and community! Feel free to come join :) I'm on basically on every platform (maybe not active, but I'm there!)
My special interest (been into it for as long as I can remember) is Transformers!! It will almost always show up at some point! I'm also super into Lego Monkie Kid, Overwatch and Genshin Impact!! (The last of the 2 I on and off play!) I tend to reblog content form these 4 fandoms! (They're the main 4 but I may branch out!)
I try and be super friendly! Really, I don't bite, but I do have a very limited social battery! So conversations may not last very long when it comes to talking! I also sometimes just don't have the energy to reply. If I don't reply then it's nothing against you, I promise!! That being said I AM TOTALLY OPEN TO BEING FRIENDS/MUTUALS!! Please note, if you are younger than 18 I will NOT be your close friend, close mutuals at most. This is just due to safety! (Pre-established friends before I became an adult are still a nd will remain my friends.)
Pets! I own,,, a few. Just a small little amount. They're all my babies though and I adore them. I do my beast to take proper care of them and give them long, happy and fulfilling lives! Hiraeth and Ravage both came from litters I've raised! (Hiraeth being an accident and Ravage from a foster litter.) Ember was my sibling's cat but became mine because she just,,, likes me more? My other pets were 100% intended! All of these guys are spoiled rotten,,,
Silly little notes/explanations!!
Cupioromantic/sexual; someone who doesn't feel/feels little romantic/sexual attraction but desires a romantic/sexual relationship
Demiboy; someone whose gender identity partially identifies with masculinity, but is not entirely binary
I've been in relationships before! However, I generally only feel platonic love for people around me. I genuinely love (/p) all of my friends and you'll see me make that very clear! I am NOT interested in relationships, especially after this most recent one. Things have gotten complicated AF and I don't even want to bother entertaining anyone.
I have a Decepticon Insignia Tattoo on my left wrist! My first tattoo ever and I LOVE it so much! I will be going back in October for hopefully, my second tattoo!
I own a 2001 Ford Mustang!! It's a convertible too! I ADORE my car so much and there is so much I have planned for it!!
I own 4 dogtags! They are NOT military related at all though! They just have special meaning to me and I've been wearing them since 2018! I did actually let someone borrow one of them for a decent amount of time but it was returned to me! I don't think I'm ever going to let them go again, they mean too much to me.
Ravage is named after the TF character! :D He was my little gaming buddy back when I was fostering a litter of kittens for my senior project. I ended up keeping him, I got too attached. Now he is best friends with Ember!
Hiraeth was a TOTAL accident. I was supposed to just have her mom but she was pregnant much to our surprise! (Someone was getting rid of her, probably because they knew she was pregnant, and gave her to us without telling us that lol) I was allowed to keep Hiraeth but none of the other cats were allowed :( They all went to loving homes though!
Discord is my main, preferred way of communication!! I always have it open on my second monitor so I tend to respond really quickly on there :) You should totally add me on there! I'm under the same username ;)
Feel free to interact with me!! Just be aware of my boundaries and DNI! (Very basic btw!) I'm always happy to chat and meet new people :)
I want to make a comic!! I have so much more planning before I can work on it though :( One day! You may see little teasers to it being posted on my socials!!
This blog is my SFW blog!! I do have,, other accounts but those will remain unnamed! If you are curious and have your age visible feel free to ask me about it in DMs!
WHEW, I think that's enough personal info that I'm putting on the internet LMFAOOO I'll be sure to redo this next year as well ;))
Quick Reminder!!   I DO NOT allow people to reupload, repost, claim, trace, reference or use my art without my Permission! If my art is posted anywhere else other than my accounts it’s not mine! If you like my work, consider following me or commissioning me!! (This does not count if the art was made for you! Please remember to credit me though!!)
Art Trades are Open! Commissions are Open!! Do NOT ask me about Requests!! Do NOT; Reupload, Repost, Claim, Trace, Reference or use my art without my Permission! 💜
You can Dm me Questions or Concerns! Like my work? Check out my Carrd for where else you can find me!
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