#frozen oneshot
sboochi · 2 years
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Special episode: the gang visits Arendelle to find out if Cassandra wants to mess up the coronation! If you remember when people used to call them The Super Six you get an elderly discount
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herstoryheaven · 24 days
Descendants James Hook x Reader: Melting Under His Gaze
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Request: Hi, me again! You don't have to do this lol, but I was wondering if you could do one where Elsa's daughter / us go to Auradon or more so Merlin Academy and meet James.
Reader: Female
Word count: 4307
Average reading time: 15 min 40 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: This story contains themes of grief, self-doubt and fear of losing control. If you are sensitive to these topics, please read with care.
Author's note: Due to the time period of the movie, the reader is Elsa's sister instead of daughter.
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Y/n had always known her place in Arendelle. As the middle child, she was neither as responsible as Elsa nor as carefree as Anna. But like Elsa, she was burdened with a secret. The same icy powers coursed through her veins, a frosty magic she was taught to suppress. "Conceal, don't feel." had become her mantra, whispered to herself during sleepless nights and quiet, lonely days.
After the devastating news of their parents' death at sea, the castle felt emptier than ever. The corridors that once echoed with laughter now held only the heavy silence of grief. Elsa, at eighteen, was suddenly thrust into the role of queen, while Y/n, at sixteen, found herself struggling to keep her emotions and her powers in check. Anna, fifteen and still full of youthful innocence, tried her best to lift everyone's spirits, even as she dealt with her own heartbreak.
Tonight, as the sisters sat together in the dim light of the castle’s drawing room, Y/n unfolded a letter she had received earlier that day. The parchment crinkled in her trembling hands, the weight of the words inside pressing down on her.
“What’s that, Y/n?” Anna asked, glancing up from the embroidery she was working on. Her voice was light, but there was a trace of concern in her eyes.
Y/n hesitated, her gaze flickering to Elsa, who sat quietly by the window, lost in thought. Elsa met her eyes and gave a small, almost unnoticable nod. Y/n took a deep breath and forced a smile. “It’s... just something from school.” she replied, trying to keep her voice steady.
Anna’s face lit up with curiosity. “School? Are they starting classes again? It must be a distraction at least, right?”
Y/n nodded, though her thoughts were far from the normalcy of schoolwork. “Yeah, something like that.”
Anna frowned slightly, sensing something was off, but she didn’t press further. Instead, she returned to her embroidery, her movements slower, more distracted. Y/n could tell that Anna was still struggling with their parents’ death, just as they all were.
As the evening wore on, Anna excused herself, saying she was tired. “I think I’ll head to bed.” she said, standing and stretching. “You two should get some rest too.” She leaned down to hug Elsa first, then Y/n, before slipping out of the room with a soft, “Goodnight.”
The moment the door closed behind Anna, Y/n let out a shaky breath. She unfolded the letter again, staring at the elegant script. “I’ve been accepted to Merlin Academy.” she said quietly, more to herself than to Elsa.
Elsa turned her gaze from the window to Y/n, her expression a mix of pride and concern. “It’s a great opportunity, Y/n. You’ll be able to learn so much about your powers, about yourself.”
Y/n’s voice trembled as she spoke, the fears she had kept buried for so long surfacing in a rush. “But what if I can’t control it, Elsa? What if I hurt someone? What if they find out?”
Elsa stood and crossed the room to sit beside Y/n. She took her sister’s hand in hers, her touch cool but comforting. “I know it’s scary. I feel that fear too, every day. But Merlin Academy is where you’ll be safe. It’s where you’ll learn to control your powers, to understand them. You won’t be alone.”
Y/n nodded, but the doubt lingered. “And what about Anna? She doesn’t know. How can I leave without telling her the truth?”
Elsa’s expression softened with sympathy. “Anna has already lost so much. I think it’s best if we keep this between us, at least for now. She doesn’t need another burden to carry, not right now.”
Y/n’s heart ached at the thought of keeping such a big secret from Anna, but she knew Elsa was right. Anna was already struggling to cope with their parents’ death, adding the truth about their powers might be too much for her to process.
“I’ll write to her often.” Y/n said, her voice thick with emotion. “I’ll tell her it’s just a regular school. But Elsa... I’m scared.”
Elsa wrapped an arm around Y/n, pulling her close. “I know, Y/n. I’m scared too. But you’re strong, stronger than you think. And no matter what happens, we’ll always have each other.”
Y/n leaned into Elsa’s embrace, drawing strength from her sister’s calm presence. The path ahead seemed intimidating, filled with uncertainty and fear. How could she hide what she was for an entire school year?
When Y/n arrived at Merlin Academy, the grand stone castle seemed to tower over her, its ancient walls full of mysteries and magic. The place was alive with energy, a big contrast to the quiet halls of the castle in Arendelle. Here, students openly showcased their powers and talents without fear. Fire danced on fingertips, water swirled effortlessly, and the earth itself seemed to respond to the commands of one particularly enthusiastic student. But Y/n, true to her promise, kept her powers locked inside, her heart frozen with the weight of her secret.
Everywhere she looked, there was something magical happening, yet Y/n couldn’t shake the feeling of being out of place. Her steps were cautious, her demeanor guarded, as if any wrong move might shatter the fragile control she had over her powers. She avoided the crowds, keeping to the edges of the bustling groups, hoping to remain unnoticed. But she quickly realized that in a place like Merlin Academy, secrets were hard to keep.
It was during one of those early days, as she wandered the academy’s grand gardens alone, that Y/n first encountered James Hook. The moment she saw him, she knew he wasn’t like the other students. He stood out in every possible way. His crimson coat, tailored perfectly to his tall, lean frame, contrasted sharply with his dark hair, which fell in unruly waves just above his sharp, blue eyes. There was a dangerous sort of charm about him, the kind that warned of trouble even as it invited you closer.
Y/n had heard the rumors, of course. Whispers that followed him wherever he went about him being a ruthless pirate, about the lost treasure he was supposedly seeking within the academy’s walls. She knew enough to keep her distance, but it seemed that James had other plans.
While Y/n tried to find a quiet spot to study, she heard a voice behind her, smooth and laced with a hint of amusement. “What’s a delicate thing like you doing all alone out here?”
She turned sharply to find James leaning casually against a tree, his piercing blue eyes locked on her with a gaze that felt almost predatory, yet strangely protective. Her heart raced, a mix of fear and something she couldn’t quite place. 
“I prefer it that way.” she replied, trying to keep her voice steady. “Less… complicated.”
James’s lips curled into a sly smile as he pushed off the tree and came closer, his boots crunching softly on the gravel path. “Less complicated, hm? Or less risky?” He tilted his head, his gaze never leaving hers. “You don’t strike me as the type to avoid a little danger.”
Y/n swallowed, instinctively taking a step back. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Oh, I think you do.” he said, his voice dropping to a low, teasing tone. “I’ve seen you, you know. Always on the outside, watching, but never participating. It’s as if you’re afraid of your own shadow.”
Her heart pounded in her chest. How could he have noticed her when she’d tried so hard to go unnoticed? “I’m not afraid.” she lied, lifting her chin slightly, trying to appear more confident than she felt.
“Is that so?” James mused, stepping even closer until he was just a few feet away. He looked her over, as if trying to unravel the mystery she had so carefully wrapped around herself. “You don’t fool me, Y/n. There’s something different about you. Something… intriguing.”
Y/n’s breath hitched at the way he said her name, like it was a secret only they shared. “What do you want, James?” she asked, trying to keep her voice from trembling.
He smirked, leaning in just enough that she could catch a hint of the sea on his clothes. “Maybe I’m just curious. You don’t seem like the other students. You’re too… restrained. It makes me wonder what you’re hiding.”
“I’m not hiding anything.” she insisted, her voice sharper than she intended. She could feel the cold creeping into her fingertips, and she clenched her hands into fists, trying to suppress the icy magic that threatened to reveal itself.
James’s eyes flickered down to her clenched fists, a glint of understanding or perhaps amusement crossing his features. “Everyone has something to hide, darling.” he murmured. “The trick is knowing when to reveal it.”
Y/n felt a chill run down her spine, and she stepped back again, desperate to put some distance between them. “I need to go.” she said quickly, turning to leave before he could say anything more.
But James wasn’t one to be dismissed so easily. “I’ll be seeing you around, princess.” he called after her, his voice laced with a promise that made her heart skip a beat.
As she hurried away, Y/n couldn’t shake the feeling that James Hook was more dangerous than she’d first thought and that he had already set his sights on discovering her deepest secret. But there was something else too, something that lingered in the back of her mind, unsettling and confusing her. The way his gaze seemed to see right through her, as if he understood her fear better than anyone else. Y/n found herself questioning whether she could truly keep her powers and her heart, frozen.
One afternoon, Y/n sat near the sea, trying desperately to lose herself in the pages of a book. The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore had always been a way to calm herself, a place where she could momentarily forget the icy storm brewing inside her. But today, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t escape the thoughts swirling in her mind, the fear, the loneliness, the unbearable weight of her secret.
The book in her hands was just another attempt to distract herself, but the words blurred together as her anxiety crept up, tightening its grip around her chest. Just as she was about to close it in frustration, a shadow fell over her, blocking the sunlight and pulling her back to reality.
She looked up to see James standing before her, his familiar smirk playing on his lips. His dark hair was tousled by the sea breeze, and his blue eyes sparkled with a mixture of curiosity and something else, something that made her heart skip a beat, even as her fear bubbled beneath the surface.
“Mind if I join you, princess?” he asked, but without waiting for her response, he settled onto the bench beside her, his presence both comforting and unsettling all at once.
Y/n stiffened, clutching her book tighter as if it could shield her from the emotions threatening to spill over. “I was hoping for some peace and quiet.” she murmured, her voice betraying the fear she was trying so hard to hide.
James leaned back, completely at ease. “Aye, I could tell.” he said, his voice smooth and warm, like honey. “But it’s the quiet ones who always have the most interesting stories.”
She kept her eyes fixed on the book, even though she knew she wouldn’t be able to read another word. “There’s nothing interesting about me.” she replied, her tone flat, hoping to end the conversation before it could begin.
“Is that so, princess?” James raised an eyebrow, his smirk softening into something more genuine, though no less intense. “I’ve seen the way you look at the others, like you’re afraid to get too close. What are you hiding?”
His words hit her like a punch to the gut. He was getting too close, digging too deep, and Y/n felt her control slipping. She stood up abruptly, the book nearly falling from her grasp. “Nothing that concerns you.” she snapped, her voice sharper than she intended. Panic was clawing at her now, threatening to break free.
But as she turned to leave, James reached out, his hand catching her wrist with a gentle but firm grip. His touch was warm, so different from the cold she carried within. “I think it does concern me.” he said softly, his voice losing its usual playful edge. “I can see it in your eyes, darling. You’re afraid, but of what?”
Y/n tried to pull away, but the warmth of his hand, the sincerity in his gaze, it all made her want to crumble, to let go of the iron grip she had on her emotions. She could feel the cold creeping up her spine, could sense the frost forming on her skin, and she knew she was losing control. “You wouldn’t understand,” she whispered, her voice trembling with the effort to keep herself together.
“Try me.” James urged, stepping closer, his thumb brushing over her knuckles in a soothing, almost tender gesture.
But it was too late. The storm inside her was raging, and she could no longer hold it back. The fear, the loneliness, the crushing weight of her secret, all of it surged to the surface. A cold gust of wind whipped around them, and before she could stop it, frost began to spread across the ground, spiraling out from where she stood. The book in her hand fell to the ground, forgotten, as she clutched at her arms, trying to contain the icy power that was slipping out of her control.
“No, no, no…” she whispered, terror lacing her voice as she backed away, but there was nowhere to go. The ice was curling around her like a cage, and she couldn’t stop it. She felt the cold seeping into her bones, the frost creeping up her arms, and she knew she was seconds away from losing herself completely.
But instead of backing away in fear, James stepped closer, his eyes locked on hers, determent. “Y/n.” he called to her, his voice cutting through the chaos in her mind. “Look at me.”
She did, her breath coming in ragged gasps, her vision blurring with unshed tears. The ice crackled and snapped around her, but James wasn’t afraid. He reached out, cupping her face in his hands, the warmth of his touch chasing away the cold that threatened to consume her.
“You don’t have to be afraid.” he said, his voice low and steady, grounding her in the here and now. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Y/n’s breathing was unstable, the panic still clawing at her insides, but James’s touch, his words, they were like a lifeline pulling her back from the edge. “I—I can’t stop it.” she choked out, the tears finally spilling over and freezing as they fell.
“Yes, you can,” James whispered, leaning in until their foreheads touched, his warmth seeping into her skin, melting the frost that had begun to form. “You can control this, Y/n. I know you can.”
She wanted to believe him, but the fear was still there, gripping her heart in a vise. The cold was still there too, a deadly force she had never been able to fully tame. “I’m going to hurt you.” she whispered, her voice breaking with the weight of her fear.
“You won’t.” James murmured, his thumb brushing away the frozen tear on her cheek. “Not as long as I’m here.”
And then, before she could protest, before the fear could take hold of her again, he closed the distance between them, capturing her lips in a kiss that was both gentle and firm. The world around them seemed to freeze for a moment, literally and figuratively, but then the ice inside her began to melt, slowly, as if his warmth was thawing the cold she had kept locked away for so long.
The kiss deepened, and with it, Y/n felt the storm inside her calm. The frost that had been spreading across the ground withdrawing, the biting cold in her veins dulled, and the panic that had consumed her began to fade. All she could feel was James, his warmth, his strength, the way he held her like she was something precious, not something to be feared.
When they finally pulled apart, James rested his forehead against hers, their breaths mingling in the cool air. “You’re not alone anymore, love.” he whispered, his voice full of quiet determination. “You never have to be.”
Y/n let out a shaky breath, her heart finally starting to slow to a normal rhythm. The ice inside her had faded, leaving only a faint chill that she could handle. She looked up at James, searching his eyes for any hint of fear or regret, but all she saw was warmth and an unexpected tenderness that made her want to cry all over again.
“Thank you.” she whispered, her voice still trembling but stronger than before.
“Anything for you, princess.” he replied with a soft smile, stealing one more kiss that made her feel a warmth she hadn’t known in years.
As the warmth of James’s kiss lingered on Y/n’s lips, the tension that had build up inside her began to loosen. The frost on the ground had melted away, leaving only damp patches where the ice had once spread. For a moment, the world felt still, as if holding its breath with her. But reality crept back in, the weight of what had just happened settling heavily on her shoulders.
Y/n took a shaky step back, her hand still entwined with James’s, but her mind already racing with a thousand thoughts. What had she just done? She had lost control, let her powers loose in a way that could have endangered him, and yet… he wasn’t afraid. Not only that, he had calmed her, brought her back from the brink, something no one had ever been able to do before.
“James,” she began, her voice hesitant as she tried to find the right words. “I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I could have—”
He silenced her with a gentle kiss on her hand, his eyes soft as they met hers. “You don’t have to apologize, Y/n.” he said, his voice steady, reassuring. “I told you, you don’t have to hide from me. I’m not afraid of what you can do.”
His words were like a balm to her unsettling nerves, but they also stirred something deeper within her,something she hadn’t allowed herself to feel in a long time, hope. Hope that maybe, just maybe, she didn’t have to carry this burden alone anymore.
“But you should be.” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the waves. “Everyone else is. They always have been. Just like they have been of Elsa… She tried to protect me, to help me, but I could see it in her eyes. She was scared too.”
James’s expression softened even more, his gaze filled with understanding. “People fear what they don’t understand, love. But I’m not like them. I see you, really see you. And I’m not going anywhere, other then being by your side.”
Y/n felt her heart squeeze painfully in her chest. She wanted to believe him, wanted to hold onto the warmth he offered, but the fear was still there, gnawing at the edges of her mind. “But what if I lose control again? What if I hurt someone?”
“You won’t.” James said firmly, his grip on her hand tightening just enough to ground her. “Not as long as I’m here with you. We’ll figure this out together, okay? You don’t have to do this alone.”
The sincerity in his voice, the confidence he had in her, was almost overwhelming. Y/n felt the last of her defenses crumble as she nodded slowly, her heart aching with a mixture of fear and gratitude. “Okay.” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
James smiled, a genuine, warm smile that made her heart flutter in a way she hadn’t felt in a long time. “Good ” he said, pulling her into a gentle embrace. She hesitated for a moment before leaning into him, letting herself be held, letting herself feel safe.
For a few minutes, they stayed like that, the sound of the waves crashing softly in the background, the world seeming to fade away. Y/n felt herself relax more with each passing second, the ice within her settling into a quiet, manageable calm. 
But as the sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the shore, Y/n knew they couldn’t stay here forever. She pulled back slightly, looking up at James with a mixture of resolve and uncertainty. “What now?” she asked quietly.
James tilted his head, considering her for a moment before responding. “Now,” he said, “if we’re going to figure all this out, maybe it’s time you started practicing, really using your powers.”
Y/n held her breath, her eyes widening slightly as she looked at him. “You mean… now? Out here?” The idea of intentionally using her powers, after everything that had just happened, sent a shiver down her spine, but not entirely from fear. There was a part of her, buried deep, that longed to be free, to see what she could truly do.
James nodded, his expression earnest. “Why not? You’ve been holding back for so long, love. What if you tried letting go, just a little? You don’t have to be afraid. I’ll be right here.”
His encouragement, so simple yet so powerful, struck a chord within her. Maybe he was right. Maybe it was time to stop hiding, to stop fearing herself. She took a deep breath, feeling the familiar cold rise within her, but this time, she didn’t push it away. She let it fill her, let it flow through her veins like a river of ice.
“Okay.” she whispered, more to herself than to him. She closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of the cold, on the power that had always been a part of her. The air around her began to chill, the wind picking up as she let the ice take form.
James stepped back slightly, giving her space, but his eyes never left her. There was no fear in his gaze, only wonder and something that looked very much like admiration. “Don't fight it.” he murmured, his voice low and steady. “Just feel the ice course through you and work with it, not against it.”
Encouraged by his words, Y/n opened her eyes, her heart pounding as she raised her hands, palms facing down toward her clothes. With a gentle flick of her fingers, the cold surged outward, wrapping around her like a second skin. The fabric of her clothes shimmered and began to change, the colors deepening into a rich, icy blue. The material lengthened and flowed like water, forming into a dress that sparkled with the light of a thousand tiny snowflakes. The bodice hugged her figure, intricate patterns of frost weaving themselves into the fabric, while the skirt flared out in an elegant, sweeping train. Even her shoes transformed, the delicate heels now made of glistening ice, as strong and tough as winter itself.
When she finally lowered her hands, Y/n could hardly believe what she had done. She stared down at herself, at the beautiful dress she had created, and for the first time, she felt a sense of pride in her powers, in who she was.
James, who had watched the entire transformation in awed silence, let out a low whistle. “Y/n.” he breathed, his voice filled with genuine admiration. “You… you look absolutly stunning, I have never had the honor to be in the pressence of such a beautiful and powerful woman.”
His words made her blush, the warmth of his gaze almost overwhelming. She glanced up at him, suddenly shy, but the way he looked at her, like she was something you would only read about, made her heart skip a beat. “Thank you.” she said softly, her voice tinged with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief.
James took a step closer, his eyes never leaving hers. “You should never have to hide this, Y/n. You’re amazing, and what you can do… it’s indescribable how beautiful it is.”
Y/n felt her breath catch in her throat. No one had ever spoken to her like this, had ever made her feel like her powers were something to be celebrated rather than feared. The sincerity in James’s voice, the way he looked at her with such affection, it was almost too much to take in.
He reached out, gently taking her hand in his. The warmth of his touch melted the last of her doubts, and she found herself smiling, really smiling, for the first time in what felt like forever. “I don’t know what to say.” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
“You don’t have to say anything.” James replied, his thumb brushing over her knuckles in a gesture that sent a thrill through her. “Just remember this feeling. This is who you are, Y/n. Not the fear, not the doubt, this.”
The intensity of his words, the raw honesty in his eyes, made Y/n’s heart swell. Without thinking, she stepped closer, drawn to him by something she couldn’t quite name. And when James didn’t pull away, when he instead cupped her face with that same gentle touch, she knew, this was where she was meant to be. Y/n found herself glancing at James, feeling something new, a warmth that had nothing to do with her powers and everything to do with him.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
Requested by: @GlitchyDaRat
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months
Hi, could I request a Trevor Spengler x reader where they meet at Ray's Occult Books? Maybe he was on his way to Occult Books (for whatever reason lol) and driving the Ecto-1 and almost ran them over and then they meet again in the actual bookstore? Thanks!
yeah sure!! ; sorry this took so long to get out, lots of procrastination and writers block lmaooo ; I apologize for this being so short as well lol ; thanks for requesting! hope you enjoy ; anon if you didn't see me respond to ur apology you're totally fine! sorry if I sounded mean or anything lol
TREVOR SPENGLER ; vehicular manslaughter
summary ; Trevor's dumbass almost runs you over
warnings ; language, near death experience, corny ending
word count ; 486
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Your lonely yet calm walk down to Ray's Occult Books couldn't have gone worse.
You were listening to Remy through your wired earbuds, enjoying the sunny weather in the city. You carry about fifty dollars in your wallet, wanting to spend it on some of the books at the shop. Ray always had the weirdest but most intriguing selection, it was impossible to not stop by every here and there once you finished up another novel.
You turn to cross the street, jaywalking, perhaps. In truth and in your defense, there was no one at that night until that stupid asshole showed up. Why he was driving like a maniac at top speed was beyond you, but luckily for your quick reflexes, you'd lived to see another day. You watch as the car speeds away, tire marks staining the concrete road.
You gasped for air, having felt like you'd nearly thrown up your heart and stomach. You throw your middle finger up, a look of frustration on your face. You turn back, continuing your walk down to your location.
As you enter the building, the doorbell jingles, causing Ray and Podcast to look up and at you.
"Hey Y/n!" Podcast smiles, "What's new?"
"Almost got ran over out there" You joke, "What's up, Ray?"
"Here for books?"
"Y'know it, old man"
"Christ, I'm not that old"
You make your way back to the bookshelves, scanning the spines of them for any interesting titles that would entice you. You hear a car motor outside, and they end up parking on the curb like they were in some sort of hurry.
The driver rushes in, nearly in a panic as he looks between Ray and Podcast.
"Do you guys know where Phoebe is?"
"No, why?"
You look at the car outside, identifying it as the one that had nearly ran you over minutes prior. You pull your earbuds out of your ears, and your eyes land on the boy who was driving.
"You're the asshole who almost killed me!"
Trevor's eyes widen, looking between you and the other two. "What?"
"You almost fucking killed me, like, three minutes ago" You restate, crossing your arms with furrowed brows. "What're you in such a rush for? Are you trying to commit vehicular manslaughter?"
Podcast stands between you two, trying to diffuse the situation. "Trevor, this is Y/n, Y/n this is Trevor-"
"I don't care?"
"Shush, Pod"
He quickly quiets himself.
"You're an ass, learn how to drive"
"Learn how to not jaywalk!"
He had you there.
Ray snickers, finding the bickering amusing. "Trevor, go find your sister. I better not get a call from your mother tonight wondering where she is"
"Damnit" He grumbles, glaring at you as he leaves the shop.
You watch him leave and speed away, then turn back to Podcast and Ray.
"He's kinda cute"
"I thought he almost killed you?"
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delilahsbabyaccount · 4 months
Hi ❄ something romantic about Anna and Kristoff from Frozen 2, pls 🌻
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♡ pairing: Anna x Kristoff
♥︎ summary: Kristoff is struggling with his vows the night before his wedding
♡ warnings: fluff; romance; hand-holding; hugs; comfort; nerves
♥︎ word count: 843
♡ inspired songs (in the given order): When She Loved Me - Lyn Lapid; ur so pretty - Wasia Project; so american - Olivia Rodrigo
a/n: I loved writing this, thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy reading it! It is a bit short but I quite like it. I love these two so much!!!! The images are intended for light mode so if you're reading this in dark mode it might look a bit strange <3
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A deep sigh sank out of the restless groom's lungs as he stared drearily at the slightly crumpled paper in his rough hands.
"I just don't know what to write, Sven!" Kristoff yells in exasperation, crumpling up the paper once more before tossing it across the lantern-lit room and sinking to the wooden floor, his back against the closed door.
Empathetic noises smooth themselves from the reindeer's mouth, stepping closer to his friend's slumped body.
Kristoff's hands embed themselves into his hair. "You know I can never seem to get the words right!"
Another sigh.
"I just love her so much - but it's this harsh, heavy wonderful feeling that sits deep in my bones and I mean how am I even supposed to verbalize-,"
His body jumps at the loud knock erupted from the other side, but is quick to relax at his fiancé's whispered voice.
"Christopher?!" Anna's voice dance through the wood, obvious laughter at the tip of her mouth.
Rolling his eyes - but not without a soft smile painting on his lips - Kristoff opens the door by a crack.
"Ha ha, very funny. What're you doing here? Seeing each other is bad luck, remember?"
Anna softly bites her lip as she gently sits herself down in front of the door, keeping the two of them separate.
"I wanted to...well...know how you're doing?" Still whispering, she sneaks her hand through the crack, laying it palm-up.
Kristoff huffs out a faint chuckle before messily closing the gap and tangling his hand with hers.
"Let me guess, Olaf snitched?"
Kristoff's ears perk up at her soft giggle.
"He merely informed me-"
"Ah yes, informed."
Anna laughs again before letting a quietness settle.
"What is happening? Are you...having cold feet..?" She glances at the door, her breath wavering in hesitance.
"What?!" Kristoff nearly rolls over to face the slab of wood creating distance. "No! I want to love you in everyway possible for as long as I may, it's just-," a sigh as his shoulders relax, "I don't know what to write."
Anna tightens her grip on his hand, releasing a soft breath. "Okay, that's good. The loving part not the writing part, of course!" She tucks her recently-washed hair behind her ear before clearing her throat. "Do you have anything so far?"
Kristoff lets a beat pass as his frenzy washes over him before swallowing and motioning for Sven to bring him the paper. "Kind of?"
Sven snugs himself into Kristoff's side after returning the frustration-torn paper to the similarly torn man.
"Read it to me."
"Are you sure? Won't it be less special tomorrow then..?"
Anna gently shakes her head. "Is it going to be more special if there is nothing for me to hear?"
"You have a point-" Clearing his throat, he attempts to straighten out the paper, his hand shaking the tiniest bit.
"Dear Anna, you once heard me sing a song about how people will beat you and curse you and cheat you, but you have proven me wrong." Flushed in embarrassment, he lays his head on his knees.
Anna fights to keep the laugh in her mouth as she takes a deep breath. "Well it's a start-"
"I'm serious it has potential!"
Kristoff rips his hand from hers. "It's bad."
Chuckling, Anna gently opens the door and faces him - her eyes closed. "We're not breaking the rules if we still can't see each other, right?"
Without waiting for a reply, she pulls her groom into her arms and holds him tightly to her beating heart.
Kristoff breathes in her body, nudging his head into her wet hair and staying aware of how her hands trace his back. "You touch me like I am everything you have ever asked for. Underneath your hands I become poetry." He mumbles into her warm embrace.
"Tell me more." Anna whispers, playing with his soft golden hair.
"I cannot imagine any other possible purpose in my life other than devoting it entirely to you and I cannot begin to explain how grateful I am that you were crazy enough to go up that mountain after your sister."
Blinking away tears, Anna hugs him tighter. "You think I'm crazy?!" She playfully pokes him in his side causing him to jump back, both their eyes shut and their chests heavy with relief filled laughter.
"I think you've just said your wedding vows, Mister Fixer-upper."
Kristoff almost chokes his tears and his laughter, pushing her out of the room. "Yeah, I think I've got it now, soon-to-be Missus Fixer-upper."
"Oh yeah? Got it all sorted out now?" Anna pulls her face at him before recalling he won't be able to tell and gives him a swift kiss on the cheek.
He chuckles and takes her hands in his. "Thank you."
"Now get out of here! Don't let a mere ice harvester keep the Queen from her beauty sleep."
Smiling brightly, Anna slips her hands from his and slowly steps behind her as the door creates insufferable distance once more and closes.
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*Credit to the rightful owners of the pictures used<3
Do not repost, steal or copy.
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iambellarose1816 · 8 months
You're Still The One
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Hands run through her hair, her eyes closed, a soft sigh leaves her lips. Peace. That's what she feels. "I love you." She smiles happily when she hears him say that.
Eyes still closed she takes his hands from her hair and places them on her cheeks. "I love you too." She mutters. He leans down and kisses her on the forehead.
A serene smile forms on her lips as his lips touch her cold skin. "I'll always be here for you, better or worse." He mutters against her forehead.
Her smile fades and she slowly opens her eyes only to be welcomed by darkness.
She sighs heavily, gets off the bed and slowly walks towards the window. She looks at the stars, glistening in the sky, mocking her with their light, their spark.
She closes her eyes, tears roll down her cheeks. Her hands fly up to hold the snowflake pendant that's around her neck.
"I love you." She says quietly. Her heart clenches with hurt, the same pain she held onto from day one. The day she lost him.
She hadn't moved on, even when her sister sent her on blind dates with guys who are sweet and pure. No one could compare to her beloved, her light, her...Hans.
"You're still the one." She cries as she slides to the floor. "You're still the one I'll always love, the one who has my heart." She cries more, her eyes slowly turning red.
She lost him. She lost herself along with him. She knew. Everyone knew. She couldn't conceal, she felt though. Too much pain, too much sorrow.
She could never be herself. She was gone, just like him. "In another lifetime, Hans. In another lifetime."
Starting this event with angst, I'm sorry 😭
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I sincerely apologize if this is inadequate; I did my best. I'm not particularly skilled at writing one-shots.
I don't own Frozen; it belongs to Disney.
Dividers created by sugarybunn on Deviantart
Requested by @imaginarydreams
Content warning: unhealthy relationships, violence, kidnapping, breaking and entering
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You deeply regretted trusting Hans; you profoundly believed he would help you find your sister Elsa, but you feel for his trick; he learned a lot of things about you, even your flaws, and spent a lot of time with you, like way too much; shouldn't he be worried about Elsa and the public?
You were relieved when Anna returned, but that didn't last long after you discovered the truth. Hans attempted to murder Elsa and Anna, and both of your sisters' lives were about to end as a result of this monster of a man. But luckily, Anna stopped him, but she didn't stop him from getting away.
You were lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, unsure of what to do next. So much crazy stuff has happened over the years and you don't know what to do now, but you were thinking about the past and Hans, the man who tried to kill your sisters, came to mind. You wanted to be angry, but you were more interested in why he wanted to kill them so badly and what he was trying to achieve. The more you thought about it, the more tired you became, and your eyes gradually closed. You were about to nod off when you felt something press against your mouth, keeping it closed. You screamed, but your screams were muffled. You opened your eyes and saw Hans right away. Your heart rate dropped immediately, and you screamed and tried to get up, but he pushed you back down with his hand. You heard his voice saying, "Please, Y/N, stop struggling." It isn't worth it," which, unfortunately, made everything much worse. Soon after, he became frustrated and grabbed a small vase from your dresser. And raised the vase, ready to strike you over the head, and you heard him shout "I SAID SHUT UP" suddenly you were hit over the head, gasped sharply, and we were knocked out he smiled and picked you up and successfully got out the castle.
When Anna, Elsa, and Christoph heard a vase break, they dashed into the room and swung the door open, but you had already gone. They had an entire search party try to find you, but no one found you; the only one who knew where you were was Hans, and only Hans.
It didn't matter to him, if you didn't feel the same way he isn't gonna let you go.
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ericshoney · 7 months
"Do you want to build a snowman?" ~ Ju Haknyeon
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It was a snowy day and you were very happy. You loved the snow and watching it fall slowly. It was something you loved from a young age. You were curled up with a blanket, a mug of hot chocolate and a random movie playing as you watched the snow fall gently. It was calming and quiet, until your phone rang. You glanced at the caller ID and saw it was your best friend, basically brother, Haknyeon. You smiled and accepted the call.
"Do you want to build a snowman~" He sang down the phone, making you giggle.
"Yes!" You exclaimed.
"Yay! Want to come over to the dorms? I can come pick you up." He suggested.
"Sure! Sounds good!" You replied happily.
"Cool, see you in ten." He said before hanging up the call.
You smiled and threw the blanket off your body and quickly got changed into some warm and comfy clothes. You slipped on a sweatshirt (that belongs to Hak), some black leggings and a pair of boots. You also put on a thick coat, scarf and gloves, just before you heard honking outside.
You left your home and saw Haknyeon pulled up outside in his car. You went over quickly slipping into the passenger seat of the warm vehicle.
"Let's build a snowman!" He exclaimed.
You smiled as he drove towards the dorms, as it was only ten minutes, you soon arrived and went to the back to see some of the others messing around in the snow. They all greeted you cheerfully before you and Haknyeon started on your snowman.
As you both talked and rolled the snow up to build a large snowman, the other members gathered inside to watch you both through the kitchen window.
"They look so happy." Juyeon mentioned.
"Of course, Hak's got his girly friend." Changmin teased.
"When will he tell her that he likes her?" Jacob questioned.
"Never, he's too worried about breaking the friendship." Kevin answered.
"But she likes him too, so what's the harm?" Sunwoo called.
"He doesn't know she likes him and she doesn't know he likes her, basic drama love story." Eric said.
They just laughed and watched you both. Haknyeon had made the body for the snowman, as you had finished the head. Both of you rolled it over and placed it on top, happy with the figure and just needed to add some stones and twigs for characteristics.
After another ten minutes, your snowman was finished. You both smiled happily at the large figure that sat proudly in the middle of the garden.
"It looks good." You said, as Haknyeon nodded in agreement.
It then started to lightly snow again, flakes hit your nose gently, the cold chill was bitter sweet. You looked up at Haknyeon, who was standing right next to you, smiling down at you.
"What?" You called.
"Your....just really pretty." He mumbled, your cheeks heating up at the complement.
"Your not too bad yourself." Your replied with a giggle, the male smiling at your words.
"Can....Can I kiss you?" He asked quielty.
You felt your heart jumping and nodded quickly. Haknyeon smiled and pulled you in gently, his lips on yours. The kiss was gentle, soft and sweet. It made you all warm and fuzzy inside, perfect on such a cold day.
The other guys watched, cheering quietly, happy for you both to have finally gone for it.
When you pulled away, your cheeks were a rosy red colour and so were Hak's. You both giggled and looked down, your hands intertwined together.
"Want to go inside and get a warm drink?" He asked.
"Yeah." You answered with a nod.
You both headed inside, to the kitchen, the others all looking occupied as if they hadn't just watched you both share your first kiss together. Not until Hyunjae spoke.
"So...you both dating now?" He asked.
"Dude!" Younghoon exclaimed.
"Oh, wasn't I supposed to say something?" He replied, making you all laugh.
You smiled and would have never thought that building a snowman would lead to you kissing your best friend and long time crush, but you were very happy about it.
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mossy-thing · 1 year
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Really proud of this little fragment.
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rogueddie · 2 years
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Frozen Memories
Halloween/Holiday OneShot 2023
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For Halloween this year, I DM'd a OneShot called Frozen Memories (Guide Online), but because of scheduling issues, it had to be pushed back to the end of November. Given it is a winter themed OneShot, I guess it counts as a Chrismas adventure too.
The adventure began with a bounty. Elemine Hemlock, a famous monster slayer, has gone missing while on a mission in the north. This group of four heroes accepted the quest to retrieve Elemine alive, or if she was killed, find the thing that killed her and slay it. Here is the party:
Voradox, a Vedalken Necromancer. She goes super goth, and is somewhat regretting her outfit in this cold north. She carries a unique magic box, that allows her to carry corpses in her pocket for when she wants to reanimate them. She is inquisitive and curious, observing every detail with a fine-toothed bone comb.
Bronson, a Bugbear Bug Keeper Bow wielder. He is a master tracker, able to follow his quarry at range, sharpshooting with the help of his swarm of bees. Bronson feels most at home in the forest, but his sharpened senses help him to read the lies of men.
Herejana, a High Elf ice witch who serves a patron of glaciers and death. Her past connects her with the frigid north, and her haunting appearance wards strangers off her. Her imp familiar Brotis speaks for her patron, and he has a cheeky unhelpful streak in him.
Zorr, a Kobold sneak thief and trickster. The only member of the group that fights up close, but uses pack tactics to synergise with the summons of his magickly inclined allies. When not in the mood to be in danger, Zorr uses mind tricks and illusions to trick his foes.
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The session begins with the group having travelled a couple weeks towards their destination, and are now a day or so away from the town she was last seen, Brumendall. Bronson finds a shortcut under the ice that could cut their arrival time down to a few hours, and then enter a cave. Awaiting them is an ambush of Goblins, led by a Hobgoblin. Thanks to a careful approach, the adventurers actually do the surprising, and a combination of Web, focused fire, and strategy leave the party victorious. Voradox takes the hobgoblins corpse for later.
When they arrive in Brumendall, all seems well. Their first stop is the local pub, where they book rooms for the night and query the barkeeper, Ruby, for rumours. As they get more info, they notice a strange lack of fire in what should be a respite from the cold, and patrons eyeing them suspiciously. Ruby gives the group a list of points of interest in Brumendall and they head out.
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The main image was based on a joke in the session where Voradox stuffed the Hobgoblin into her mini casket.
The next stop is a curiosity shop, where they meet Rilke. This elf is not a native the area, but has her worries about the rumours. She sells Voradox 2 magic items and promises the party another job should they finish their current one. After that, the party head to the Apothecary, where they meet a nervous Gladessa, and her strange husband Armand. Bronson smells something strange, and Zorr spots a strange cauldron in the back. It is also way too cold in here too.
Satisfied with their initial investigation, they retire to the tavern for the night. In the middle of their sleep, Herejana and Voradox's room is invaded by what seems to be some of the suspicious characters they spotted in the tavern earlier. The other two are roused and begin a brief bout of combat that ends with the attackers collapsing into goo. Bronson saw similar goo in the cave before town and Voradox saw this goo coating the inside of the town well. The noises rouses Ruby who helps them move into another room, and starts to clean up the goo.
The next morning, the party discuss some possibilities about what this goo means, and after talking to Ruby once more, they decide she's probably in on whatever conspiracy is afoot. They leave town towards a small mountain, where Ruby and Gladessa say Elemine is likely to have headed, searching for a dragon's hoard. The first couple days are tense, but they encounter no trouble. The night before they reach the mountain, they are attacked by a large horde of green and red ooze monsters. Through the use of fire and illusions, they manage to survive the onslaught, and finish an uneasy rest.
At the base of the mountain, the group finds remains of a camp, and equipment nearby reveals this is probably Elemine's last stand. They gather what equipment of hers they can find and head up the mountain. At its peak is a few idols and shrines to various local deities, but no sign of treasure, and no sign of Elemine,=. Ruby had lied to them. Herejana happens to find a shrine to her own patron, and prays for some answers. She is told their quest will end back in Brumendall and that Elemine is no longer living. They conclude their attack the previous night was probably similar to Elemine's fate, and they need to end this infestation on Brumendall.
Their return trip to Brumendall is less dangerous, and when they arrive back, the residents they see seem to be behaving like nothing has happened. Herejana's familiar Brotis scopes the area for way into the tunnels under Brumendall, where they previously saw masses of slime via the well. One sneaky infiltration later, they are in the caves fighting more of the small red oozes.
After this fight, they finally confront the cause of it all, two large red slime monsters known as Oblex. Each has used the memories of people they killed and absorbed to create puppets, connected to the main body by an almost invisible string. Their puppets included some of the bar patrons, Ruby, as well as Armand and Elemine. After a difficult battle, the Oblex and their puppets are destroyed. The party still find some of their smaller spawn as they're leaving town however, and work with Gladessa and Rilke to clear around the rest of the tunnels over the next couple days, ensuring the infestation will not rise again.
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On the right is Official Art of the a Oblex from Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse
Although thankful the nightmare is over, the townsfolk wish the strangers to leave them to rebuild. They accept Rilke's job to escort a supply cart down south to get supplies for Brumenhall, then continue onward to their next adventure.
Originally when organising for this session, I had 4 more friends making characters for if they could join, but in the end we decided to just run for whoever could make it. Although I'm not constructing a greater campaign for this group of characters, I think my friends are keen to reusing them for more Oneshots in the future under a very loose canon. So hopefully sooner rather than later, we might see more of this group.
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egginfroggin · 1 year
Came to the realization that, looking at this year's Whumptober prompt list, I could probably do Whumptober entirely with WTST and WTST-adjacent stuff.
Although, I do have to say, I saw "Overcrowded ER" for day 8 and immediately thought of Pesselle.
You know what, actually, thinking a bit more about this, I had yet another idea for a WTST spinoff involving an extended stay in Hisui and Unovan Dragon shenanigans, so maybe I could spin something from that... hmmmmmm....
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iambellarose02 · 1 year
Successful - Hans & Elsa
Inspired by Successful by Ariana Grande
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She smiled as the board cheered for her. Her project was successful. No.
She was successful.
"Thank you so much for making me feel so special today. I thank everyone here for making this come true. Me as CEO is a crazy thing to believe, but someone always believed in me and that is none other than my dashing husband, Hans Westergaard." Elsa said as she stared out at the crowd in search of him.
Hans was standing there, smiling at what his wife was saying. She was young, beautiful and successful. He couldn't be prouder.
He clapped his hands as he watched Elsa walk off the stage. He drifted in the crowd until he spotted her going to the balcony. He smiled as he approached her. He saw her leaning against the balcony fence. He shut the door behind him and approached her.
A small smile played on her lips as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Congratulations Mrs CEO." He said as he kissed the side of her neck. Elsa turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Thank you, but I couldn't have done it without you, my love. You believed in me and I am so grateful I had you by my side." She said as she kissed him softly.
Hans smiled and pulled away. "I believed in you from the time we got together. I always knew you would be successful one day and that day came. You showed the world that a woman can do it too. You helped so many women know their worth today. And I love you for it."
Elsa smiled and nodded at his words. She knew he was always right. And she didn't want to change that about him. "Thank you, my love."
He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Anytime, my Snowflake." He smirked. "How about we go and celebrate how successful you've become?" With that Elsa nodded and pulled him along with her, enjoying the night celebrating.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Hii! Could I maybe request a trevor spengler x reader who has some sort of electricity powers? I'll leave it to you if you wanna write a oneshot/drabble or headcanons, but could there possibly be a headcanon or small part of the one-shot where reader accidently loses control? Thank you! And feel free to alter some things if your not in the mood to write it <3
oooo yeah sure! ; this is actually super cool LMAO ; thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy and that I did you justice! 🫶
summary ; you have some cool ass powers and lose control, in which trevor has to help you
warnings ; language
word count ; 250
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thinks you're literally the coolest person ever (cause you are)
he likes seeing you use your powers just to flaunt them off or using them to take down ghosts
but sometimes you lose control
you were trying to restore power to the city after a major outage happened (aka big ghost problems)
he was by your side while the others were containing ghost/s
he was getting worried for you since you were barely hanging onto yourself
you'd never tried to do anything this big with your powers before so it wasn't long before it started draining you completely, unable to help yourself
it was like a million shockwaves, numbing your brain like it was turning into a cotton ball
trev was immediately worried and reached out for you, only to be met with some serious electricity running through his veins
it took a little conversation over the walkies with podcast and phoebe to get a solution to help you
he found some tough gloves and carefully approaches, removing your hands from the electrical bank
you passed out, leaving yourself in his arms
he held you like that until you woke up, delirious and drained
he refused to let you do big shit with your powers anymore
at least not without training
being practically the only person with powers in the world didn't make it easy
so, every weekend, you'd train in some dump to grab control of your powers until you'd be able to tackle relighting the city and shit like that
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random-writer-23 · 2 years
Hello my lovelies! So coming this week should be a Kristoff one-shot, and a Poe Dameron one-shot. Just in the editing process but should be up soon! Happy reading!
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robyntheredhead · 10 months
I think I’m kind of shit at writing
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iambellarose1816 · 7 months
The Heart Wants What It Wants
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One rule for the princess is that she should never fall for her bodyguard, but somehow it happened. The heart wants what it wants they say.
She sits in the royal garden, wearing an off the shoulder red cocktail dress with gold heels, her hair done up in an elegant bun and her red lipstick plastered on her pouty plumped lips.
She grips her dress tightly as she watches him fencing with the a royal guard. She bites her lip when she sees his muscles flex.
She almost giggles at the sight of his shirtless back, the sweat glistening in the sunlight. How she would want to run her hands along his skin.
"Your majesty." She is brought out off her gaze as she looks up to see Hans looking at her intently.
She blushes and looks down at her lap. She cannot bring herself to look at him while he wipes himself down. "I told you not to call me that." She mutters.
She hears his deep chuckle, making goosebumps cover her pale skin. His voice was one of her weaknesses. Hans approaches her, still shirtless and sits next to her.
She sucks in a breath and tries to turn away from him only for him to grab her chin and force her to face him. "Why are you so nervous, princess?" She notices that their lips are mere inches apart, just one nudge and their lips would meet.
"I-I'm not nervous." She stutters. She mentally curses herself for giving herself away. Hans removes his fingers from her chin and smirks. "Lies." He mutters.
He catches her looking at his pecs and abs, but doesn't say anything. "You look beautiful, by the way." He says to her without thinking. Elsa looks at him, and slightly bats her eyelashes at him.
"Thank you." She says. Hans had always wanted her more ways than one, but he knew he could never be with her. After all, he was just an ordinary, she was royal. She had to marry someone of equal status, and he couldn't match up to that.
A discharged man from war, only now he is the bodyguard to one of the most loved princesses in the country. What would she see in him? His skin is tattered with scars from many accidents, many battles. He was imperfect.
He looks at her and the only word to describe her is: Goddess. She is a goddess. He hadn't noticed Elsa had moved closer to him until he felt her cold hands on his bicep. He sucks in a breath as he watches her.
"I can't do this anymore. I can't keep pretending." With that she pulls him by the neck and brings her lips to his. Sparks. They feel sparks as their lips move together. He pulls her by the waist, so that she is on his lap.
He caresses her back gently, taking his time to enjoy the moment they're sharing. They pull away and he places his forehead against hers.
"Happy Valentine's Day, princess." He mutters. Elsa giggles and kisses him again. "Same to you."
Hans pulls Elsa from the bench and they walk towards the castle. "I can't take this anymore, we are telling your father about us." He mutters.
Elsa smiles. "I hope he can understand." Hans nods and slips on his shirt. "Ready?" He asks Elsa. Elsa nods. "Ready as I'll ever be."
The two of them have decided to be together on this journey and they will forever be.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone 💗
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