#full monn
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'The moon,
Magic for the Soul and Light for the Senses.'
...First full moon of 2024 🌕
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appleatcha · 10 months
Its been very, very rough. I can't bring myself to be open with the one or two people I speak to about how bad it is. If you speak to me regularly and see this, well here's my admission of guilt. I'm doing way worse than I let on.
Almost every day for a week now I write messages and record audio messages of me talking about how im really doing. But then I just delete them. I don't see a point in sending them. I feel like it would just feed into my anxiety and stress more.
I've cried at work every day this week. Over stress of life. My son struggling, myself struggling, the house being messy, the cats, it all. My main concern is my son obviously. I put spending time with him and making sure he's taken care of before anything else. But I just feel so overwhelmed. I'm constantly rushing all day. Except at work. At work I sit with nothing to do most of the time right now, and im left to sit and marinate on everything.
My brain is so stress-logged that I've made dumb mistakes at work, forgot to take the trash out for garbage pickup, left my water on top of the car today and ended up breaking my cup when it was launched off my car when I moved, forgot my sons bookbag at home and was nearly late for work rushing to get it to him.
If I let myself think about it, I crumble. And nobody wants to hear it. My friends who grew up with my husband and me aren't close enough to me to care. My husband's close friend just says "I wish i knew what to say".
The place my husband worked and died is right behind the Walmart where we live now. My son and i stopped and went inside the gas station beside it yesterday. The only time I'd been In there was with my husband. When we got back in the car I started to cry.
I feel like people think I should be angry and hateful and not care about him anymore. And I am angry. I do have days I think "fuck you". But its just not that easy. I loved him and I have no clue what was really going on in his mind. I can guess and have feelings but I just will never know.
In a recent video, Peter Monn was talking about addiction and helping people through it and he said "love isn't enough. If love was enough, there wouldn't be 12 step programs or detox programs or suboxone". And something about it just clicked in my head. And I think of my husband saying "this isn't worth being sober". Maybe what he was meaning to say was "love isn't enough."
I'll never know. I don't know if ill ever be able to open my heart to another relationship ever again. Part of me is desperate for it, part of me is desperate to stay away forever.
But the main thing is that my mental health is not great. It's not even this grand loud, chaotic energetic bad like it usually is. I'm not having full on panic attacks, telling my friends about what I'm feeling. It's a silent, calm drowning. Which I can't say I've ever experienced.
I'm not suicidal or anything like that. I could never do that to my son. I want to keep going. It's just really fucking rough. And I don't think people who are getting upset at me not responding or being active really grasp that. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, but its such a hard and treacherous path to that light. In my worst moments, I fear there is no light. That its all just ruined. But right now, I don't think that's true.
Its hard to imagine that January or even May were the same year as today. January, celebrating my one year marriage anniversary, working as a housekeeper. March, a housewife knowing something was up with my husband but not knowing what. August, an unemployed widow unsure of what happened, and December, a working single mom who happens to have been widowed, with more answers but also more questions now than I did the day he died.
Trying to take it moment by moment
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on Talz, Ithorian, and Shistavanen Jedi Masters, Foul Moudama, Roron Corobb, and Voolvif Monn, with all three created exclusively for Cartoon Network's 2003-05 animated series "STAR WARS: Clone Wars."
ORIGIN/CREATION: "Voolvif Monn was created as part of a Cartoon Network poll to determine which of three new Jedi, each based on characters seen in the cantina scene in "STAR WARS: Episode IV A New Hope," should be introduced in the "STAR WARS: Clone Wars" television series. Monn won the contest, and appeared in "Chapter 20," though the other two contestants, Foul Moudama and Roron Corobb, were later introduced anyway, and they both played larger and more important roles than Monn's."
-- WOOKIEEPEDIA (Voolvif Monn Fandom)
Sources: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Voolvif_Monn & https://twitter.com/mel_miniatures/status/1244395191445970944/photo/3.
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444names · 9 months
Names generated from the full list of Moon selenographical features and French names
Aford Afrey Ageasbeas Agnetinz Albeauzeau Aldis Alement Alley Alpoune Alvenois Amauberis Amblamist Amene Amons Aneau Apent Arbin Ardan Aseidger Asheille Assen Astine Auxure Aviconne Avien Ayermonna...
Bacharyn Bacquer Baire Bancitat Bannyson Bardimer Barte Batillesse Bayeaudeck Bazine Beaur Beauval Beaux Belley Belmir Berno Biert Binglacour Bisoner Bizée Bjesse Blanque Blault Boischaël Bolzeau Bommon Bonius Boragore Borber Borene Borélodil Bosselle Bouay Boulta Bound Bounsuels Bouron Boynisell Bozon Brach Bradin Brantion Brodour Brosimirs Broux Brussau Bujobile Bunoister Burche Burcouray Burier Bustelin Cadebon Callard Capances Caphéopey Caplourie Caravalet Carna Casque Casse Chard Chazo Cheect Cheland Cheliandre Chene Choamy Choeurne Clois Clorectoue Cloux Coderthwev Coison Colaford Cotte Coudeau Couis Coupur Coute Couth Crard Crocher Croterre Custivalps Cécierise Célin Dabeau Dabing Daner Daramorva Darmy Darvilemie Davoyeux Deate Deaulis Decon Dejousts Delenter Dellanger Dellegrass Derafors Desmarrise Desquer Dessamas Desse Desset Dettegis Doine Donton Dorcad Dornanne Dorte Doufore Doviergeog Drablante Drailau Drivet Dubertain Dublet Dubrice Dubue Dubuilance Duchefand Ducierthin Ducrèchay Dudecurin Duernien Dullin Dunne Dupina Dupornaud Dupra Durea Délinoël Emessaveux Erdefoux Ertalps Exhinck Fabiernis Fabontorne Fallard Fauchomarl Faville Fayet Febrier Fecoutais Feneve Flecov Flemi Flordin Fordine Forochau Fraist Freau Fretteline Frier Frobin Galen Galvegerd Ganhord Garks Genion Gidosteen Gimon Glard Goigni Gotaudes Gouille Grache Grade Graninne Graste Grefed Grich Grier Groquiront Guilia Gärtionoy Hasset Hathe Heaudi Hiboix Hiche Hotterun Houchard Hugan Humeng Hunet Héniatrun Jacieux Jacom Jacquer Jaloquel Jambon Janarobir Janbron Janneks Jearmán Jeaux Jesjasher Joldukev Josylvale Julamo Krachard Laclandris Lacolzeaux Lafain Lafolze Lagaisegir Lagriault Laharoury Lallooks Lamilet Lanchee Lanissago Lapen Laper Larbeley Lardoise Larolia Lathing Lavergay Lavide Laïsen Leauzier Lecre Lemette Leminette Lerroux Leton Leuregate Lexan Liedolson Lierlev Livigne Lormedis Lorétatte Loutartion Loyothie Luaillan Luclanill Lunetiss Mahin Maile Maimo Malme Mangen Manne Manstrain Mantio Marchalp Mardille Mardinet Marics Marivas Marle Marmon Marnes Martanifte Mashilie Mathélous Matiaquert Maudin Maxelle Maxente Mayohanne Maëll Medefau Medier Mellierond Menacke Menan Mierdonc Misimax Mobin Mocho Monne Monovskill Moroit Motte Moure Mukeve Nange Narder Nelleguis Nelogette Nesarrim Niline Nistin Nolia Nonser Ochamp Océcil Offeaulin Ohneautrev Olfrable Oreyoe Oucyrenne Palen Pandive Paque Pardé Paste Patte Payere Peliphone Pettette Phabon Phienne Phome Phorree Plageollin Plope Poldrau Polet Popper Poqueriver Poutridon Prett Pricouis Proch Rabriquese Rainien Rallet Rance Rante Raument Rence Retion Reurn Ricle Rigok Risson Ristry Robeauc Robeyriff Roier Romonse Rompoisle Romsdebon Rondoux Roodev Rotiedge Rourity Ruglia Runierisem Rélémy Sabarge Sardes Schoux Selegous Seline Sellagard Shaine Sichenato Siolau Slitz Smane Soncy Sophaléo Sopponne Soutre Spard Spatrum Spenesieu Spuyeau Stion Stivilloë Streher Stéon Stéont Suille Suprin Suriste Sylvy Talins Tatier Telaux Tervier Tesmytoux Theeperse Thenarraim Theushard Thiree Tinke Tonneau Treauzie Trulx Trumnerey Tudemined Ungeau Ussette Ustus Vadejeau Venyu Verry Verte Vetterry Villanie Villemes Voites Vopoix Wanusionis Whartouche Whoside Wiche Wikisevre Wikoe Witte Worasser Wriau Yalmodnard Yamescasim Zemadne Éliandry Élinette Élène
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diary-of-an-empath · 9 months
Protect your energy
This is a sad truth to have to come to realize or learn: not everyone has your best interests at heart. As empaths, we want to see the good in every person and situation. The problem with this is, there isn’t always good and some people are able to mask their intentions to look like good. At the end of the day, these people will take full advantage of you and the only thing you can do is stop it before it starts. At the very least, stop it as soon as you get that gut feeling that you’re not in a good situation or the person involved is not good.
Vampires exist in this world. Maybe not the way you think or have read in all those love story novels. They don’t have fangs. They don’t sparkle in the sun. They don’t drink blood or feed from blood. No, real vampires look just like you and I. They are human but cannot create their own bright light, so they try to drain and steal yours. You will always feel exhausted leaving them and in most cases have to take a break between being around them so you can recuperate from the loss of energy and light stolen from you. Now, here’s the worst part of this: if you don’t stop them from doing this you, yourself will tire and lose that light, leaving you jaded and just as negative as the person who was draining you. Then, of course, this leads to other issues, including health ones. Yes, I speak from experience.
You’re not a bad person for cutting the toxicity out of your life. You’re most definitely not horrible for protecting your energy. Your energy is directly linked to your peace. Protecting your energy is truly protecting your life.
The bright side? Ah, yes, I’m an empath. Of course I will have a bright side! The toxic people and/or energy vampire in your life that you have had to cut ties with? They can change. Let me reiterate this. THEY can change. You cannot change them or force them to change. They have to heal themselves. They have something unresolved if they have had to take light from others because they have none of their own.
Lastly, some advice. Something to brighten your day. Go watch Peter Monn on YouTube. He always cheers me up! (I’m not advertising for him as I don’t even know him but I’m being honest. His channel really is a pick me up)
My brand’s website (under construction)
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Palio dei Terzieri 2023 a Città della Pieve
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Sarà una cinquantesima edizione del Palio dei Terzieri nel segno del Perugino, quella che Città della Pieve si appresta a vivere, in onore al suo cittadino più illustre. Infatti le opere di Perugino saranno il suggestivo tema del Corteo Storico di quest’anno, dove ogni Terziere allestirà carri rievocativi, i nobili e le monne sfileranno nei loro sontuosi abiti, gli sbandieratori e i tamburini accompagneranno i loro passi. Così popolani, contadini, buoi, cavalli, falchi e falconieri, gli armati con le loro spade e balestre, i cannoni in azione faranno sognare per una rievocazione storica tra le più ricche e curate d’Italia tra le ambientazioni delle taverne, cuore della manifestazione, con i loro menù e i loro costumi tradizionali, per degustare sapori di un tempo, come le Lumache al pizzico”del Casalino, lo Stinco dell’arciere del Borgo Dentro, gli Gnocchi del Priore  del Castello e molti altri. Dall’8 agosto, ogni sera il pubblico verrà intrattenuto con spettacoli, rappresentazioni teatrali, botteghe artigiane, fiere, musici e giocolerie in pieno stile rinascimentale. Nella giornata conclusiva del 20 agosto il grande Corteo Storico sfilerà nelle vie della città, introdotto da una voce che descrive costumi, figure e gruppi. Anche questa edizione ci sarà l’assegnazione del prestigioso premio Masgalano per il costume più bello e del premio Valerio Bittarello in palio per il terziere che realizzerà il miglior carro allegorico. Raggiunto il campo dei giochi, i terzieri schiereranno i musici per suonare l’inno del Palio, subito dopo prenderà avvio la sfida tra i terzieri con la Caccia del Toro in cui tre arcieri per ogni squadra cercheranno di colpire la sagoma roteante. Nel 1250 i terzieri del Palio sono nominati per la prima volta nell’atto di sottomissione a Perugia quando dopo un brevissimo intervallo di autonomia e libertà grazie alla protezione dell’imperatore Federico II di Svevia, Citta della Pieve fu  soggiogata dalla città del Grifo. L’impianto urbanistico della città  risale all’epoca comunale ed è giunto immutato fino ai nostri giorni, caratterizzato da una sagoma che ricorda per certi versi quella di un’aquila che avanza minacciosa verso Roma. Gli stessi Terzieri hanno  la loro origine legata alla suddivisione della città medioevale in tre zona, le parti dell’aquila si identificano con i terzieri, che si riferiscono a tre classi sociali, alla testa corrisponde il terziere Castello o Classe dei Cavalieri(Aristrocrazia), alla pancia il Terziere Borgo Dentro(Borghesia), all’ala-coda il Terziere Casalino o classe dei Pedoni(Contadini). Oggi i cavalieri del Palio dei Terzieri ogni anno rievocano la Caccia del Toro, sfidandosi nell’arte del tiro con l’ arco, colpendo delle sagome rappresentanti la razza dei tori chianini che sono  fissate su pedane mobili. Il terziere Castello, che è stato il vincitore dell’edizione 2022, consegnerà il Palio storico nelle mani del Podestà, che ne diverrà custode fino alla proclamazione del vincitore della Caccia del Toro. Read the full article
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heartsnmagic · 4 years
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gertrudeabercrombie · 3 years
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pirâmide e lua . 1947 . pyramid and moon .
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vangoghcore · 2 years
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by pantaleon_aquiles_brazuca
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belavenderdesign · 2 years
Abstract lavender sky collage Design
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Abstract lavender sky collage with full moon, rain and colorful snowflakes to make your lavender sky dreams come true.
Available on  https://www.redbubble.com/people/BeLavender/shop?asc=u
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highvibegoddess · 6 years
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The Full Moon in Sagittarius has arrived!
This moon is also known as the Flower moon since it is the time when you see flowers come into bloom. The Sag moon brings positivity and optimism to many of us. The last several moons have been focused on milestones and developmental changes. This fire sign has us see the true nature of things. Our intuitive insights will also be at a peak. You may notice many things come to fruition during this time. It is also a great time for change. Sagittarius has the bow and arrow and the arrow is always pointed at something, they are always going somewhere, finding something new to focus on. It is a great time to breakthrough blockages and move forward fearlessly. There will be an excitement for what is new and positive energy will be amplified by optimistic Sag.
I myself am in a very cool situation because I am both a sun and moon Sagittarius with a Rising. Here we are in the Sagittarius full moon while in Gemini season. Any other Sagittarius friends will likely see the culmination/fruition of relationships, goals, manifestations from several months ago. For me 6 months ago was filled with many major steps to get to where I currently am. Many trips, classes, adventures (very in tune with Sagittarius adventurous and wild nature) will be taking place soon. Now is a great time to take a trip, learn new information, socialize and make new friends. Embrace that inner Sagittarius.
Happy Full Moon in Sag!
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randomreasonstolive · 3 years
Reason to Live #7021
  To see a full moon rise over the ocean.– Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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lisagawlas · 5 years
Gateways of Opportunities
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There is so much to catch up on. Sorry I have not been able to put a post out in days, half due to over sleeping, the other half due to brain fog. But today, I will catch up the best I can.
We started the 2nd quarter of the year, which always brings a new energy system to the field. The new moon of this first quarter released a tremendous amount of original earth fragments to those who’s…
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look how you can see it from my window!
photo: @ildestinolodecidiamonoi
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Rating: K/T
Pairing: Kit/Plo (implied)
Summery: A new discovery leads Wolffe to have a bone to pick with an amphibian
There are scar marks on the General’s shoulder that weren’t there before.
Wolffe’s not sure why he knows that they weren’t there the last time he saw his General without his tunic on, but he knows it. He knows it as he watches the Kel Dor practically slam Fives into the grass.
First of all, it was rare enough to get downtime on a peaceful planet, rather than on Coruscant. But it was even rarer to get downtime when another battalion was there.
It had been General Skywalker who suggested it, as a joke to ‘soka. Commander Tano. Ahsoka. Whatever Wolffe was supposed to call her because of the GAR.
She then passed it on through the 501st. And then somehow Boost and Sinker caught wind of it and wanted the 104th to join in too.
Nothing pressing, no, just some... friendly spars. Some exhibition matches, or something of the like. General Monn had taken one look at the Clones, then to his own hands— paws?— before claiming he was going to go sleep off to the side in the sun. Said he didn’t want to accidentally cut someone with his claws and Wolffe didn’t really blame him. He had seen what those things could do to metal with enough power behind his swipes.
The matches had started well before Plo returned from making a Very Important Call Back To The Temple— in other words, calling Fisto. Probably. There was a chance he was talking to General Fae Koon or Commander Lissarkh or General Swan or Commander Sha Koon or a whole host of others, but it was more likely that he was talking to his Riduur instead.
But nonetheless, once he had returned the matches had been in full swing.
Wolffe had won a few against the others from the 501st and 104th. He had also tied with Rex twice, beaten him three more times, and lost once to him, lost to Commander Tano once (she was slippery and she bit him, but that was fair game apparently), and beat both Boost and Sinker one-on-two twice in the meanwhile. Ghost was unimpressed by the going-ons and was keeping score and the betting pool totals with Data— who was still banned from open-mat after he shattered Nox’s nose once. Cable and Comet were also sitting with them joined with Tup and another 501st who he didn’t recognize— a shiny, Wolffe was pretty sure. He hadn’t caught his name.
Plo had simply raised a brow but nodded to him before he moved to sit down in the grass by Monn (who was face down in the grass, asleep) and ended up sitting out of the matches as he watched. He was more amused than anything, and talking to those who wished to talk to him... before Skywalker had the great idea to challenge him.
Being the responsible adult, Plo had declined the first few times. But he eventually took Skywalker up on the offer, which had started a round of cheers from both battalions and more betting had begun. Ahsoka seemed particularly smug when Plo dropped his talon guards into her hands, the metal clinking as he walked into the circle of vod.
Skywalker had been flat on his back within moments.
( Ghost had smugly told him that he had gotten three months of cleaning duty foisted off onto Echo and Fives for betting against their General. )
So that had started all of the 501st on this weird sort of pride-based challenge and Wolffe was getting kind of worried. The 501st had a lot of men, and each and every one of them wanted to challenge Plo.
Rex had gotten the closest in actually downing the Kel Dor (of course, making swipes for his mask was an illegal move and would get the offender’s ass kicked by all six hundred or so of the 104th), but still, Plo was a tricky opponent. He was strong, nimble, and, despite his position as a Jedi, he seemed to know unarmed combat just as well as the rest of them.
And somewhere along the lines, Skywalker had challenged him again and they had both decided to get serious— or at least Skywalker had. Plo had simply chuckled but agreed and practically removed all of his robes, but his leggings and boots. Skywalker had already stripped out of his robes and down to his leggings as well, so it was hardly out of place but it had still been startling.
Plo Koon was not a man who showed off a lot of skin to people—because that was Fisto’s stick— and, although Wolffe had seen them before, he had startled with the rest of the Vod once he saw the ritualistic scarring of the Baran Do across the General’s body— The lines and curves, the script and runes that marked his place among the Sages of Dorin.
For the most part, though, the General was built like a very tall human. Slim, but muscular, the only difference was that was visible were Plo’s ribs that one just could see pressing against his skin, which was thicker than most other sentients.
Kel Dor had twenty-eight vertebrae that were thicker and longer than the human thirty-three, but unlike Humans, Kel Dor had ribs that went all the way from sternum to pelvis. But Wolffe knew better. Kel Dor were just as flexible as any other species.
Still, the scarring had caught a number of the Vod off guard, even Ahsoka and Skywalker had been startled when they saw it.
(Ghost hadn’t been. Ghost had seen Plo in more vulnerable states, bleeding out, choking on air— it was almost impressive how calm the 104th’s head medic could be.)
But the shock hadn’t lasted long, because Skywalker was rearing for a fight. And it was a fight they got. This wasn’t like the first time, where Plo simply swung his leg out and unbalanced Skywalker before throwing him to the ground— this was a real fight. Or as real as it could get without Plo gouging an eye out with his talons.
The fight ended in the 104th’s victory, of course, but that just got the 501st even more riled and rearing to go.
Which was where Wolffe found himself now, sitting on a rock next to where General Monn was sprawled out in the grass on his back now, eyes closed and leg twitching a bit. Ghost was sitting nearby as well, with Data, Cable, and Comet, keeping a tally of the betting pools.
Wolffe squinted, gaze zeroing in on the ring of scars that was on Plo’s shoulder. It was new, he was certain. How new, he had no idea— considering how the last time he saw Plo out of his robes like this had been well over two months ago— but it was newer than the Baran Do scars.
He kicked Ghost.
“Hey,” he grunted, “On the General’s shoulder, what happened there?”
Ghost grunted as he was pushed forwards a bit, turning and glaring up at Wolffe.
“First of all, never kick your Medic, I choose if you live or die, bark-boy,” he snarked before turning and looking back at Plo as he helped Wildfire back to his feet. Great, now their own Battalion was getting in on this? Wolffe sighed internally.
Ghost tilted his head before snorting. “Those are bite marks, Commander,” he said flatly.
Ghost was looking at him like he was stupid. “Commander who in the entire Galaxy could possibly get that close to our General and leave a bite mark like that?”
In truth, Wolffe’s first thought was “General Ti decided to bite our General and there’s nothing we can do about it because it’s General Shaak Ti” before it clicked. Aside from Ahsoka, who wouldn’t ever bite Plo, there was only one other person who had teeth that sharp.
“Pray for me, vod,” he said dryly. “I have to punch a karking High Council member when we get back to Coruscant.”
“Rest in peace, Wolffe, he died how he lived— punching people out,” was all Ghost said in return.
Wolffe swears on his life, though, that Fisto was in for the thrashing of his life when the 104th got back to Coruscant.
“Don’t beat up Dad too much,” Comet spoke up. “Monnk will be sad.”
“Monnk is always sad at Wolffe’s life choices,” Data drawled, ducking under Wolffe’s swipe at his head.
“How about you just don’t pick a fight with General Fisto?” Cable suggested but both Data and Wolffe looked at him with raised brows.
“It’s Wolffe’s second favorite pass time, vod’ika,” Data told him, patting his fellow slicer on the head. “Asking him to not pick a fight with Buir’s Riduur would be like asking Commander Cody to stop punching Droids.”
“Or General Bultar, for that matter,” Comet added with a grin and the five of them paused before groaning as their General’s former Padawan’s habits.
“Kot to Banks. Poor guy,” Cable sighed before he gave Wolffe a look. “But seriously, don’t beat up General Fisto too much, you’ll make Buir sad.”
Wolffe just waved him off.
Lmao happy valentines day. I’ll have an actual romancey thing out later today or like tomorrow? Hell if I know I should be doing classwork hahaha
also literally what the fuck is Kel Dor Anatomy (you can find the long conversation I had on it here )
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rethdis-love · 4 years
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Full monn in the future.
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