#fun fact! she's like 16 here and this is the last time she cries :)
imogenkol · 1 year
tagged by @shadowglens and @socially-awkward-skeleton thank you both! 💕
as always, no pressure tags: @marivenah @shegetsburned @detectivelokis @risingsh0t @voidika @corvosattano @shellibisshe @florbelles @sstewyhosseini @aceghosts @simonxriley @jinfromyarikawa @chuckhansen @queennymeria @inafieldofdaisies @roofgeese @jackiesarch @nokstella @unholymilf @jacobseed @indorilnerevarine
Another Imogen flashback post Order 66. Finally got around to writing her bleed her master’s kyber crystal🩸🖤
Shadows seemed to swallow every corner of the small room apart from the meditation circle Imogen kneeled in. Even there, dark wisps reached across the edges like tongues of flames that burned ice cold. Her master’s lightsaber lay just before her on the stone floor. Dim illumination from the handheld lantern shined clearly in the chrome hilt, reflecting a distorted image of the young Padawan’s ghost of an expression. 
No longer a Padawan. No longer a Jedi at all.
Imogen reached out to her connection with the Force and lifted the weapon until it floated at level with her chest. Her form remained as still as a statue as she disassembled the lightsaber with her mind piece by piece, pulling each component apart with meticulous precision. A vibrant blue light ignited in the darkness as the Kyber crystal emerged from its chamber. So strong and pure was its glow. Imogen took a very long minute to allow the brightness within her one last time. 
The light never sat well with her. 
Imogen’s hand slowly extended and the crystal came down to suspend above her palm. Rejna, the Order, the Republic – all of them so desperate for the war to end that they mistook peace for sovereignty. No one stopped to consider the price for their self righteousness until the Temple burned. Now all that remained were the ashes of her brethren in a hollowed out tomb. 
Though, they were not her family. Not really. Not once did she feel accepted in their halls. To Imogen, the Temple had always been a tomb – her final resting place where the shadow of a life she could have had haunted her. 
The cobalt blue of the crystal flickered. 
Imogen thought of every moment her master lectured her. Rejna, so dutiful and virtuous. If only she had seen her apprentice as anything other than a problem to be solved. No matter the lengths of Imogen’s efforts, she simply could not change the look of disappointment written in stone on her master’s face. Rejna’s eyes always gave it away. There had been a gleam about them, so subtle that Imogen convinced herself she had imagined it more than once. Rejna looked at Imogen like she knew she would fail, but refused to admit defeat in her role as Master. In doing so, she resigned the two of them to a fate worse than death. That is, until Imogen plunged her blade into Rejna’s heart and freed them both. 
Bleed, Imogen commanded in her mind. Bleed for her.
A dot of crimson appeared at the center of the crystal and pooled outwards, gradually infecting its old light. Then she pictured the vacant expression on her master’s face as her eyes – finally devoid of all judgment – stared lifelessly up at the Temple arches. Whatever Rejna may have been, she was all Imogen had. She did not wish for her master to suffer. Her actions had been merciful. But now, in the cold, dark room, Imogen was truly and utterly alone. 
Her pain brought forth a couple of stray tears. They quietly rolled down her cheeks and dropped off her chin. It was so silent in the room that she thought she might have heard them fall onto the stone beneath her knees. Imogen and the crystal were one in the same. Each suffered from a heart that dripped scarlet. 
Bleed for me. 
The blood red heart in the crystal released one more pulse of energy before it completely consumed what once powered a weapon of peace. With her mind, Imogen set the old saber components aside and assembled a new hilt. A sharp emitter. A sleek handle. Gilded electrum and smooth greel wood, contrasted with dark metal. The red Kyber crystal perfectly slotted into its chamber and with that, Imogen fused it all together. 
The lightsaber gently landed in her palm as she stood. She waved her other hand to extinguish the light of the lantern. Now bathed in total darkness, her fingers gripped the saber tightly, and she ignited it. A red so deep and brilliant coruscated across all surfaces of the room. Imogen was mesmerized by the blade. She gave it a few swings, its hum vibrant and invigorating in her ears. 
It finally felt right. 
Imogen could not wait to put this new weapon to use. Together, they would do magnificent things.
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vroomvroomcircuit · 9 months
The World did not end
(A/N): 'ello and welcome to my first F1 fic. I'm quite new here (not to fanfic or tumblr, I mean F1), but I want to give back to the F1 community, since you all helped me out tons during a really rough period these last couple of months.
Pairing: Lando Norris x platonic!reader
Warnings: mentions eating food, death of a loved family member, grief, it sounds sad, but it's actually pretty sweet and hopeful (it's based on a tiktok trend), English is not my first language btw
Wordcount: .7k (she is a shorty)
Masterlist ______________
Finding Mclaren’s reserve driver crying in the cafeteria wasn’t what Lando expected to stumble upon, when I went to check out where the repeating music came from. It sounded like a sad song that could land a high spot on his next Spotify wrapped.
“Uhm, (Y/N), what’s wrong?” he asks gently as he approaches the table. After a startle she turns off her phone, which has been playing the music. Frantically, she wipes her tears. It still does nothing against the fact that she has been crying and that her blood shot eyes are very visible.
Lando shakes his head. When people think Oscar is an introverted person, she is the masterclass of introvertedness. Like, the last stage of a pokémon evolution. That’s why seeing (Y/N) cry in a semi public place like the cafeteria calls for concern.
“There has to be something. The food here is not that bad. I mean, I have the same reaction when I see fish being served, too. But today I felt like the meals were rather good. So do tell. What’s bothering you?”
First she shrugs, the twenty year old not being able to find her voice immediately. “The- the world didn’t end when I was 13.” The tears are coming back again, restricting her voice once again.
Lando gathers her into his arms. even though he doesn’t understand what is happening at all. Does that matter right now, though?
The girl needs another minute or two until she is composed enough to explain the reason behind her crying. “There is this Tiktok trend going viral right now. It’s about people saying what mundane things they are able to do, or-or which things they have achieved, and all that because the world did not end when they were a certain age. They mean they got through some heavy event in their life. And because they got through this, they are able to do said things or achieve this.”
He nods, understanding the bittersweet and hopeful outlook this kind of videos can bring. “And something heavy happened to you at 13?” He probes while trying to keep a cautious tone, not wanting to overstep any boundary he doesn’t see.
“My, you see, when I was 13, my grandmother died. This was the first time I felt real grief. I wished for the world to end, because nothingness would have felt better than this immense amount of grief. And this led me to thinking of how many times I wished for the world to end. Because there were important and life changing events approaching me so quickly. When the world ends, I wouldn’t have to go through them, right?
And suddenly I’m 18, writing my final exams in school and it felt like the biggest task in my life. it felt like make or break. But the world did not end. I was able to graduate.
Then I got into the drivers academy, I am training, studying, and meeting people. I’m doing everything and anything. Because the world did not end when I was 13.
And it didn’t end when I was 16, overwhelmed with studying for school. It also did not happen when I was 19 and put under contract to be a reserve driver for Mclaren.
The world never ended. I begged and cried for all of this to stop. To have peace. Because I thought that I would only feel at peace, when nothing happens anymore. And the world didn’t end and now I sit here with you, talking about a tiktok trend.”
Lando understands her train of thought and sentiment immediately. “You know, I’m happy it didn’t end. These past couple of months with you here were pretty fun. Even Oscar admits it! With that true little smile, not in that monotone tone of his. These interviews and the media stuff is much more fun with these silly remarks of yours. And you are an amazing human being. I’m really glad that your world did not end, because meeting you made mine better.”
(Y/N) laughs, the tears being gone and cheeks heating up at that confession. “I’m glad too. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to ravish my way through the mountain of pasta minutes before you came in.” They giggle, knowing they share similar food preferences and have the culinary plate of a four year old toddler.
And all that, because the world did not end.
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The Jealous man, but the love of my love part 3 ( Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin X Reader)
Things you need to know: Y/N is having a bit of a hard time figuring out how she should feel about the love of her life saying he love her back but wants to do nothing about it. Jealous Jake make a guest appearance. And Jake’s mom sends him on a quest for answers. Also there is a POV switch  
Part one  two and Four  my loves
AN: (So of right now) 325 notes!!!! Guys um wow thank you for that!! You don’t know what that means to me. I will tell you it means a lot!!! Thank you! Thank you! Please keep it up! The likes and reblogs have been the motivation i need to write and i am loving it. 
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I walk into the barn taking  a quick look around to see if I am alone. I am in no mood to try to have a nice conversation with anyone. When I see the coast is clear I move farther into the barn making my way to Radish’s stall. I tie him to his stall door as I make quick work of getting him unsaddled. I’m going over any other task I can do today to keep busy. I’m giving it my best shot of trying not to think about me and Jake’s fun little conversion earlier. Trying not to think  about the fact that the one dream I have had since I was 16 will never happen. I shake my head trying to rattle it out of my brain but it doesn’t work. I haven’t cried yet, something I am hoping to save till I am alone tonight. Although I feel like crying now, it would be pointless. It’s not like crying will get it out of my system. It’s something I get to live with for the rest of my life.  
One thing I am grateful for now is how naive I was. Jake did the one thing he has always been good at, protecting me. My hand still stings from where I slapped him and guilt pangs in my stomach. I want to say I hate him. More than anything I feel stupid, he loved me all that time and I didn’t even know. I feel like I can’t even say I know Jake better than I know myself now. I know he didn’t do any of this to hurt me. If anything he was trying to do the opposite. Now I'm trying not to think about the pain in his eyes as he was telling me about the letters. He was fighting so hard with himself I could feel it. But I had to keep pushing him. A heavy sigh leaves my chest as I move into the tack room. My goal of not thinking about today and Jake was no use. 
When I walk out of the tack room I hear his mom yell that lunch is ready. 
I could just make a run for my cabin. I would hide in there all day if I knew no one would come looking for me. I hear laughing from behind me. I knew I shouldn’t have, but for some reason I did, I turned back to see who it was. It was coming from Kate. She was walking in the front of the group with Bob by her side. Behind them was Phoenix, Roster and Jake all side by side. Phoenix looks more like a kicked dog than she did the last time I saw her. I feel bad for her, I can only imagine she thought she was doing a good thing. Roster is watching the two in front of him with a soft smile on his face. Then there is Jake, if Phoenix looked like a kicked dog Jake looks like he got trampled. I can see his pain just by looking at him. Hell I was going though it too.  It also didn’t help that one side of his face still had a red tint to it. 
“Where the hell have you been? It never takes you that long to ride fences.” Kate calls me as they get closer. I try to look at her and ignore the way Jake's head snapped to me as Kate spoke. 
I waved her off and start walking beside her as she goes to walk past me. I can feel Jake staring at the back of my head. It takes everything in me to not turn my head just a little to get a look at him. I try to focus on what Kate is talking about, but the only thought in my head is that the walk from the barn to the house never felt this long. I hear the crunching of gravel. I turn my head to look down the driveway to see a truck making its way down. “Who else is coming in today?” I look at Kate. She just shrugs her shoulders in response. When it gets closer I now know who it is. What the hell is he doing here? This can’t be right, he doesn't even have his trailer with him. As soon as he parks his big truck he hops out like he owns the place. He always acts like he is the best thing in any room. He walks over to us all with that cocky look he always has. Oh this will not go well. 
“Blake, what are you doing here? The cows haven’t even been brought in yet and you don’t even have the trail.” I asked. 
Blake, one of the many extra hands we hire to help out with the farm, just puts his hands in his pockets and lets out a laugh. He laughed like what I said was the funnest thing he has ever heard. Which is very unsettling to hear as it was a real question. 
“I'm not here for the cows. I'm here for you.” He smirks. 
Oh the oil field would be really nice right now. Not to take me to take him. Without even thinking I turn my head slightly to look at Jake. He looks like he is ready to set a fire. Jake has never liked Blake. He felt he was too cocky for his own good. Well, with the new information I got today I now know that wasn’t the whole truth. “Though we could go for a ride.”
“I just got back.” I say quickly. 
That's all I could come up with. It's not like Blake lived far away so I don’t feel too bad about wanting to send him home. I’m just trying to think of the nicest way of doing it. “Radish needs his rest. I worked hard with him this morning.” I should start praying now, that's all I need to say to get him to leave. He starts looking back to the horse barn.
“Well this place has like 12 horses. We can borrow 2 of them.” He lets out a little chuckle. Poor boy doesn’t know when to be quiet. He tries to give me this flirty look but I have seen him do it too many times for it to work on me. I go to give him an answer but Jake steps up to stand at my side. 
“She only rides Radish.” His tone was harsh. I can tell by that alone he thinks this convection has gone on longer than it should have. 
“There's other horses, Flyboy.” Blake says dismissively. 
Oh Fuck. Blake you are a stupid, stupid man. 
“Take a hint kid.” Jake warns. 
“Jake, your protective big brother act is getting a little old.” 
“Oh this isn’t a big brother act. You wish it was.” 
Jake moved to stand face to face with Blake. They looked like dogs waiting for someone to make a move. It took me longer than I would have hoped to realize that Jake said his act wasn’t one of a big brother. He had never been outright dismissive like that before. I turn to look at Kate. Her face says it all. She picked up on what Jake said. The others didn’t look as shocked as she did. Phoenix even had a little small on her face.  
“What are you boys doing?” I hear my dad yell. He was walking up from the barn with Jake’s dad in tow. Jake and Blake gave each other one more mean glare before they stepped apart. 
“Blake, it is good to see you. You came to hang out with Y/N?”  My dad asked as he came to stay next to Blake. 
He clapped his hand on his shoulder. I shot my dad with the look of confusion I had on. Never once in my life has Blake come here to ‘hang out ‘ with me. He in fact has never come here for me at all. Suddenly something dawned on me. The conversation I had with dad two weeks ago about finding a husband. He said something about me settling down. He wanted me to find a husband before Jake got out of the Navy and added that it would look bad if we moved into the big houses without families of our own. I told him it wasn’t the 1800s. Now I would like to tell him that we don’t pawn off our children. 
“I was just telling him I have already taken Radish out for the day. He wanted to go for a ride.” I look over at Dad. I have a feeling he can tell I just put the pieces together of what he was playing at. 
Jake's dad stepped up beside mine. “We have other horses you can ride sweetheart.” Jakson spoke. My head almost snapped to look at him. Everyone on this farm knows I don’t ride any other horse but Radish. Radish doesn’t do well when he sees me riding another horse. Last time he almost injured himself. 
“You know she doesn’t ride any others but him.” Jake bit out to his father. 
I could feel the argument he had with his father 8 months ago coming back to the surface. Jake looked like he was about to fight anyone who came near him. I turn my body to face him fully. With my back to the other men I place my hand on his chest. He doesn’t break eye contact at first but I give my hand a little shake. That got his attention. He then looks down at me. I give him the smallest of smiles. He just stares harder at me. I try again this time shaking my head no. He finally drops his shoulders and takes a step back. He turns to go back to our original group. 
I shoot dad a look. I was hoping it told him ‘Please get this man away from me’. Dad seemed to get the hint as he wrapped his arm around Blake and started to pull him to the barn, Jake’s dad following behind them.  I don’t really care what he’s going to tell him to make him go away. My new problem is when I turn to walk back to the house I am jumped on. I didn’t see it coming so I feel right to the ground. When I open my eyes, after closing them bracing for impact, I see Kate on top of me. 
“What in the hell are you doing on top of me?” Per usual she pays no attention to what I asked her. She just starts shaking my shoulders very violently. “I will throw up on you if you keep doing that.” This gets her to stop. 
“I’m sorry did you not hear Jake?” She whispers loudly. 
“I was standing right there.” Shooting her a bored look I shrug her hands off of my shoulders. 
“He isn’t protecting you like a sister!” I look around her to see that everyone has gone into the house. “He likes you.” She grins. 
“Wow, nothing gets by you.” I deadpan. 
“YOU KNEW?” She shrieks. 
“I only learned it like 3 hours ago.” I feel so tired now, I just want this day to be over already. 
“And you didn’t tell me?!” 
“You know I have a job here right? I don’t just ride a pretty horse all day.” I snap. 
“Bitch, you can be my sister!” That hurt. That hurt more than it should have. I hate that I didn’t think about how she would feel. I can’t feel happy that she isn’t mad about it. I will always have the displeasure of knowing I can’t be her sister. 
“It’s not going to work like that.” I stare at my feet. 
“What do you mean?” I hear her confusion. 
“Kate not right now please? I will fill you in tonight. Just not right now. I need food, and a shower.” I sigh. 
She looks like she wants to fight back on what I said but she drops it. With her off my case, I throw my arm around her.
 “So you and Bob.” I tease. 
She just laughs it off. I know there has to be more there. I didn’t really notice it at first because I was too distracted by Jake. She totally had heart eyes when she first saw him. It was nice seeing her like a boy that wasn’t a total douche canoe. She’s got a bad habit of zoning in on all the wrong guys. 
We walk into the house and Jake is missing from the group in the dining room. I look around for him and lean back to peek into the kitchen. He is talking with his mom. It looks like a very heated conversation. They’re both waving their hands wildly and that is a sure sign of a passionate discussion. His mom sees me over Jake’s shoulder, he follows her eyes and lands on me. Just like always my breath catches in my throat when he looks at me. For just a few moments it's just me and him. Just how I like it. The reality of life doesn’t exist in those moments. His mom starts talking to him again so he gives me a sad smile and turns to look back at her. I take that as my que to move on to the dining room.  Everyone is talking but they stop as soon as I walk in the room. 
“Please don’t do that.” They all give a smile as they murmur apologies. 
“So,” Bob starts, “What was it like growing up here?”
 I move to my chair and sit down. 
“It was nice. Wouldn’t know any different,  we have been here our whole lives.” Kate said as she piled food onto her plate and I followed suit. 
“Our families have been here for 100 years or so? This is the same house actually and my parents live next door.” I said. 
“You live here?” Roster asked
“Not in the main houses. I have a cabin out back. It is tradition that the kids move out to a cabin when they are 18. They can pick one or have one built. I had mine built. Kate's is one of the ones you pass when you come down the driveway.” 
“Well that’s a nice tradition.” Bob chimes in. 
“It has its perks.” I shrug. 
There is one tradition that I would like to burn to the ground right now, and I find myself pushing my food around my plate. 
“Also the oldest of the families take over the main house when the parents step down from running this place.” Kate states. 
“So it will be you and Jake?” Bob asked, not noticing  the glare he got from Phoenix. That poor man, if looks could kill. I smile to myself at the interaction. 
“Yes, me and Jake will run this place together someday. We will live in each of our parents' houses with our own spouses.” I am really done with this conversation now. It was so much easier to think about when it was just going to be me longing for Jake. Now I know it will be both of us. 
A loud sound, thankfully, distracts all of us from our conviction. I look to the front door to see it swinging back into place. I look past the screen door to see Jake walking to his truck. We all looked at each other in confusion. He revs up his truck and flings gravel as he drives away. 
His mom walks in as calm as ever. “Jake had to run into town for something.”  
We all look at each other with even more confusion than before. 
“Drop it for now he will be back later.” We all do as she said. I have never been one who wanted to argue with his mom. She could be scary if you did so. 
Jakes POV
I walk into my parents’ house to be greeted with a bone crusting hung from my mom. When I am finally released I turn to introduce her to my team. She says hello back and sends them into the dining room. She grabs me by my arm and pulls me into the kitchen.
“You have to stop picking fights with Blake.” She hisses. 
I raise my eyebrow at her.
“He is the one who can’t take hints, mom.” I say calmly. 
“Nonetheless, if she likes him, you have to let it be.” She says gently. 
I face her fully. “She doesn’t like him.” 
“Oh Jake..”
“Don’t ‘oh Jake’ me. I know she doesn’t.” I say firmly. 
I look out the kitchen window to see Kate on top of Y/N shaking her very enthusiastically. 
“Well, then why don’t you do something about it Jake?” She asks. 
I look back over my shoulder at her. “We all know, baby boy. Do something about it.” She smiles. 
“You know I can't.” I glare. 
I see her looking off behind me and I turn to see what she’s looking at. There she is. God, there she is looking at me and I can feel my whole body being set on fire. At the moment she doesn’t look mad at me. That is what I love to see. 
“Jake, I have to tell you something.” I give her a sad smile before I turn back to mom. 
“What mom?” I sigh. 
“Well, I really can’t tell you. But I need you to do something for me.” 
“Okay?” I frown. 
“I need you to go into town and go see Sherry. She is the town historian. Ask to see the family contract.” 
“Why? So I can burn it?” I huff out. 
“No baby, You just need to look at it.” Mom says gently. 
“I want to burn it. Why show it to me?  What are you not telling me mom?” 
“Well I can’t tell you now can I? Just do as I asked.” She says firmly. 
I storm out of the kitchen and head to my truck.
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I hope yall love it!!! Please let me know if you want to be on the tag list. it is still open!! Alright I love you all!!
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rotisseries · 1 year
OK SO. the fun thing about the witcher books is that they were written by a Man In The 80s. so you have moments where it's like. oh how unexpectedly progressive of you!!! (very cool pro choice scene) and other moments where it was very much Written By A Man In The 80s. so. miss cirilla fiona elen riannon is actually a PERFECT example of this duality because she is fundamentally a joint main protag like this series is just as much about her journey as it is about geralt's and she's a teenage girl written with a lot of depth and care and compassion. and also sometimes it's just fucking weird. like this series encompasses a large span of time so while she starts the series at like. 12. a large portion of her story happens at like. the 15 to 16 range. so there's like. the occasional weird shit and then there's generally too many. threats of sexual violence against her like I cannot overstate that. a main plot point is that elves want to impregnate her because she has special elven heritage or something idfk I need to reread. BUT. MOST MEMORABLE OFFENSE IN MY MIND. IS THE FACT SHE'S CANONICALLY SAPPHIC (yay) AND IT'S WRITTEN FUCKING WEIRD (nooo) SO. there's an arc where she gets separated from geralt for awhile and he's trying to find her (with a fun little found family btw. while she's like. having the greatest suffering of her fucking life and she's ALREADY lost her grandmother to war and fire atp) and it's the first time she's truly been on her own. she's 15 she's been hanging with him since she was 12 he's been her gruff dad for several years now. so this ends up as kind of a very dark point in her life she first has to survive through this desert and then she gets attacked by bandits??? I think??? older men though which is the main threat. and she's captured and scared and then!! she gets rescued by this teenaged bandit group and this is where it's a dark point in her life bc they are a very toxic friend group for her it's not good these aren't really like. moral bandits like overall her time with them isn't great for her BUT. the first night she stays with them one of the boys in the group tries to assualt her. gently of course. 🙄 but the other girl in the group, (I REMEMBER THIS BITCH'S NAME. FUCKING MISTLE) runs him off but then she ALSO makes sexual advances on ciri SHE LITERALLY DOES THE SAME THING THE BOY DID and CIRI GOES WITH IT BUT IT'S LIKE. THERE'S NO ENTHUSIASTIC CONSENT HERE OR ANYTHING SHE'S UNCOMFORTABLE SHE'S NOT READY I THINK SHE CRIES HANG ON IT'S REALLY BAD LEMME SEE IF I CAN FIND IT LIKE I CAN'T OVERSTATE THIS ENOUGH IT'S TEXTUALLY SEXUAL ASSAULT
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look at this shit.
"but rori," you may say, "this is awful, but why point to this as canon sapphicness? rape is not representation" and you are RIGHT. SO TRUEEE. unfortunately. ciri continues to date this bitch. they have an extended romantic relationship for months. or longer. while ciri rides around with them harassing random villages. SO. CIRI'S ONLY CANONICAL SAPPHIC RELATIONSHIP. WHICH IS MEANT TO BE HER BEING SAPPHIC BTW BC THE AUTHOR SAID SOME SHIT IN AN INTERVIEW OR SMTH ABOUT WANTING TO GO AGAINST STEREOTYPES OR WHATEVER WHERE THE PRINCESS ALWAYS ENDS UP WITH SOME MAN. KEEP THAT IN MIND BTW IT'LL BE RELEVANT AGAIN. BUT ANYWAY. ONLY CANONICAL SAPPHIC RELATIONSHIP AND CANONICAL EVIDENCE OF CIRI BEING SAPPHIC AND IT'S. IT'S FUCKING. IT FUCKING STARTS WITH A RAPE. ANDRZEJ SAPOWSKI I WILL KILL YOU
and then. AND THEN. even better. actually objectively a better situation than this one but it sours it further to me. so she's like? technically bisexual I think? in the sense that she has a female "love interest" and later a male one. but it's just. it's not anything specific but the way it's written is just like. it feels more like he wrote her as a lesbian and then just changed his mind at the last book. because the final book is her telling this man she meets about the shit she went through (this is well after mistle btw like I think it's been a few years) and then they like. leave somewhere together at the end of the book? and it's not really romantic but it simultaneously reads like maybe it's supposed to be (AND OH HEY REMEMBER THAT BIT ABOUT NOT WANTING THE TROPEY ENDING FOR THE PRINCESS WHERE SHE ENDS UP WITH A MAN??) and if yes then it's weird as bisexuality rep because it actually just reads like he wrote her as a lesbian during the worst time in her life and then after she got better and got through it her happy ending is with a man. so. bit weird bit odd. and then the game witcher 3 gives you the option to say she's not in to guys. but also the option to romance a guy. so who even knows. ciri's possible lesbianism/bisexuality is the sexuality schroedingers cat. lmao
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anonsally · 1 year
(Women's) World Cup
I have been too busy trying not to get too behind on everything, so I haven't had time to post much lately. But I'm completely obsessed with the World Cup at the moment.
I've only been able to watch the few games that aren't in the middle of the night in my time zone, but I've been keeping up with the tournament by reading the Guardian's minute-by-minute blogs after the fact, and watching the highlights.
And it's been super exciting, with lots of big surprises!
For example, the US only barely made it to the next round, and the teams eliminated at the group stage unexpectedly include Canada (I had been very pleased to discover Christine Sinclair was still playing--she's 40!), Brazil (which is very disappointing--this was Marta's last time and she's a legend, and I love the team's style of play, plus they wear yellow), and perhaps most shockingly, Germany!
Group H was the most fun. Watching Colombia play in the group stage was exciting--they were really on fire in their first two matches (and I loved both their kits--they wear yellow as their preferred uniform, and the alternate outfit is purple shirts with astronomy designs and yellow shorts), but then they lost to Morocco, the lowest ranked team in the tournament! Morocco, despite getting thrashed by Germany in their first match, somehow managed to pull off two victories (including against Colombia), while South Korea, after losing twice, managed to hold Germany to a draw, and so both Colombia and Morocco advance to the next round! (Do yourself a favor and watch the video of the moment when Morocco, having finished their match, saw the end of the simultaneous match that would determine their fate and learned that they were going to the Round of 16. It was pandemonium. I cried!)
I was a little upset to see that of the eight games in the Round of 16, three of them feature a nation playing against their colonizers: South Africa vs. Netherlands, Morocco vs. France, and Nigeria vs. England. Ooof. Here's hoping at least one of these underdogs can win!
The teams I'm currently rooting for are:
Any non-European team that wears yellow. The ones still in the tournament as of my writing this post are: South Africa, Colombia, Jamaica, and Australia. Not sure how good any of their chances are, and Colombia will play against Jamaica in this round so only one of them can go through. But on the bright side, that means at least one yellow team will be playing in the quarterfinals!
Japan. They've been really versatile and have modified their style of play strategically to exploit their opponents' weaknesses, and they are fun to watch.
Any colonized country playing their colonizer.
I... don't really have a horse in the race for the Sweden vs. USA match. I don't think the USWNT played well at all in the group stage, and I like the idea of other teams catching up so it's more competitive, and Sweden wears yellow. But at the same time, I also do want to see the USWNT play well, so...
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imaginary-wanderer · 1 year
Tagged by @pumpking64! I think I did a similar one already? I can't remember but here we go anyway!
Were you named after anybody? After a character in Gone With The Wind that my parents apparently liked back then. I should watch the movie at some point lol "Fun" fact: when my mom gave birth to me, a nurse asked how my parents called me and she told my mother "ew, I don't like this name" and I think she cursed me bit 🥲
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday, my hormones are a mess, paired with anxiety it's a bad cocktail.
Do you have kids? No, and I never will.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yeah, quite a lot actually...
What sports do you play/have you played? Hmm so now not a lot except for long walks if it counts, but with my discs and sciatica problems, it's not easy. In the past, I did some swimming as a kid, several years of horse riding, then later I practiced kyudo for about a year I think. Or a bit more? It was nice but the low key fatphobia from the French sensei was kind of annoying.
What's the first thing you notice about someone? Depends, if it's like when we meet, it's the general appearance and probably the hand gestures. Now if it's when we talk, I always focus on verbal tics, I don't know why.
Eye colour Boring brown
Scary movies or happy ending? Both
Any special talents? Yeah I don't know.
Where were you born? South East of France
What are your hobbies? Bookbinding, some crochet and the occasional knitting, I used to weave but I don't have the place for my loom where I live. Video games. Learning languages. I mean, whatever catch my interest becomes a hobby, albeit often short-lived.
Do you have pets? A 9 year-old dog and a 16 year-old cat.
How tall are you? 170 cm
Your favourite subject in school? Without surprise: languages. English and German, then I learned Japanese in university (evening classes though)
Dream job I don't have "dream job". In my ideal fictional world, I'd love to work with nature and animals. But in reality, I think I'd love to restore books. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a forest ranger though.
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slavicprincess1966 · 1 year
15 questions for 15 moots!!!!! <3
tysm for the tag kate @theshoutpolicyoftruth <<<33
1: are you named after anyone? nope!! my mom just really really liked the name ashley. she told me she actually really would have liked to name me jessica but her sister beat her to it while she had her kids first lol!!!
2. when was the last time you cried? i could be wrong, but as best as i can remember, probably at my last confession, which was june 2.
3. do you have kids? BRUH IM 16 WHAT DO YOU EXPECT lol but when i do hopefully come along an amazing husband i would like to possibly have 1 kid! for a boy, i’d name him cristian. idk any cool girl names yet lolz.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? it depends on the person and how silly i get
5. what sports do you play/have played? man i have gone at it my entire life!!! id consider dance a sport; i do polish folklore/trad dance right now and have been doing it for the past 5 years! started with ballet as a little girlie, then gymnastics, swimming, soccer, & ice skating, and after all i found that dance is my thing
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? totally how one presents oneself, and how similar i am to them. if you’re devout catholic or polish then i’d automatically think “YOURE SO COOLLLL”
7. what's your eye color? brown but i become edward cullen when the sun hits them just right
8. scary movies or happy endings? happy ending movieeeessss
9. any special talents? my art ofc! my mom also tells me that from what she sees, i am pretty advanced in english. i also pick up newly assigned guitar pieces quickly <3
10. where were you born? the gta (canada)
11. what are your hobbies? art, dance, daydreaming (about dave <3 ), singing when no ones around (with the exception of my mom, ive got an insane morrissey impression and she can confirm haha) and collecting cds, missionary work, and leadership at my catholic girls youth group
12. do you have pets? doggie!!!!!
13. how tall are you? i think i am like 5’7 now
14. favourite subject in school? visual arts & religion! (can i consider friday morning Mass as a subject too?!? yes its the sacrifice of the Mass but its also a time where i can listen and learn more especially during the liturgy of the word)
15. dream job? working in the law of child advocacy or perhaps even doing something on behalf of the crown attorney! i also wanna keep art as my side job and make pieces in my free time. when i grow up if it does happen i think my biggest and most valuable and rewarding job would be being a mom, though. it seems so faith deepening in a way to me! i would really love to cultivate a lifestyle where i can balance both work and homemaking. <3
this was so fun to do!!!! okay so basically my blog is actually pretty small and i dont think i even happen to have like near 15 mutuals but it is ok. in fact i share moots with the lovely that tagged me and u beat me to tagging most of them haha!! but whoever wants some silly little fun questions can totally copy paste this and share their answrs!!!!! i love learning about everyone here so if u find this on ur dash go ahead <3 God bless
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stansupremacy · 3 years
[NOTE] English is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes. Very excited to share this story with you, I originally posted it on wattpad, but it was really frustrating to note that it didn't seem to attract attention. Let's not focus on that, but on the now, new beginnings in Tumbrl (I still don't know how works lmao)
[COPYRIGHT] All rights reserved, copying or adaptation of the novel without prior notice to the author is PROHIBITED.
Traveling the world with a six-month-old was not an easy job, but you took the risk.
Chris was turning 40, you flatly refused to spend that special day away from him.
They were both actors, so their schedules were always very tight. Unfortunately, the idea of ​​the surprise party with the whole family in Boston had been completely scrapped because Chris was filming in France for his next project and you were in Canada giving a press conference promoting your new movie.
The chances of celebrating her birthday together had been reduced to zero, worse you being the stubborn woman you are, you did not give your arm to twist. So after several fights with your representative and several scolding from your personal assistant for having disorganized your entire schedule. You had managed to escape for seven days, so that you and your daughter could surprise her father on her birthday.
You knew there was no better gift than to take Luna to her father, it had been a few long weeks since they last saw each other. Separating from his daughter was something that destroyed Chris, it had been a very difficult decision, but being a sensitive one. Luna had to be with you, she was breastfeeding, she couldn't be away from you for long.
After two plans, more than 16 hours of travel and a lot of stress, they had reached their destination. Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. The first part of the plan was complete, without wasting time, you settled Luna in her baby carrier on your chest, she cried in protest, she wanted to keep looking around her.
"I know, I know honey ... But you have to understand, mommy can't carry you in her arms, she has to carry the luggage" you murmured kissing her little head. You took the two suitcases and without wasting time you left the airport.
Luna had started to fidget, you understood her. The journey had been long, the two of them urgently needed rest. "Honey ... It was a short time, we just have to wait for Uncle Scott to come pick up us and we can go to sleep, preferably in Daddy's arms."
You took the phone from your backpack unlocking it to enter the chat with Scott, you sent the location and put it back in your pocket, without holding on any longer, you took off your chinstrap, a sigh of satisfaction left your lips when you felt the fresh air on your expensive. You removed little Evans from the carrier baby when you noticed that she kept complaining. Her small and expressive blue eyes looked around curiously.
"Do you need a ride?" A car pulled up on the street in front of you, the driver's window opened revealing Scott's face.
"Finally!" You exclaimed, he laugh getting out of the car, his arms wrapped around you affectively I returned the gesture for a few seconds.
Luna stretched her arms as she recognized her uncle waiting to be carried. Scott did not doubt it, and took her in his arms as he helped you store your bags in the trunk of the car.
You opened the back door, to throw your backpack there before entering and stretch your arms towards your daughter, who hesitating for a few seconds, accepted the change of arms.
"Sorry for the delay, your boyfriend is a pain in my ass. He asked me a thousand questions trying to figure out where I was going" Scott commented making sure the door is closed, he walked around the car and got back on as pilot, beginning to lead. "Tired?
"You have no idea" you sigh closing your eyes, a small smile adorns your lips knowing that they had achieved it, they would see Chris. "I swear that this is the only time that I cross half the world alone with a baby, next time I will bring someone to help me."
"Well, they are here, that's the important thing"
"Yeah, you're right." You answered, you look Luna who was beginning to close her eyes, it seemed that the dream was beginning to overcome her, you rock her lightly by kissing her plump cheek
Luna played entertainingly with the TV remote while you circled the hotel room, eager to see Chris.
You had to turn off your phone because he had not stopped calling and sending messages, your last message to him had been minutes before boarding, telling him that you were going to take a nap. More than 20 hours have already passed, so it was normal for him to worry, but you had decided not to answer him, it was not in your plans to ruin the surprise.
The clock said twelve o'clock at night, officially it was Chris's birthday, who should arrive at any moment.
Half an hour later, a message from Scott warning that he has already arrived at the hotel was what got you going. The suitcases were in Scott's room because if Chris came to see them he would instantly notice that they were there, you took your girl out of bed and ran to the bathroom but not before turning off all the lights.
Seconds after closing the door, the room door was heard opening. Chris's voice and Scott's laugh reached your ears.
"Don't laugh, idiot, this is serious. Y/N doesn't answer me, I think she's angry, but I don't know what I did." Scott made fun of his brother again, you smiled amused when you heard Chris's concern about the lack of messages. Luna, taking advantage of the fact that they were near the shower ledge, took a bottle of shampoo to drop it, making a great bang.
"Luna, you give away our position! You whispered indignantly, mini Evans babbling in amusement.
The door slammed open revealing a surprised Chris. Scott came in behind him, recording the reunion.
"Surprise!" You exclaimed, Luna shouted excitedly when she recognized her father. Chris wasting no time, drew them into a hug. "Luna and I decided that Daddy couldn't spend his 40th birthday away from us, right sweetheart?" The baby smiled stretching her hands to touch her father's face.
"Oh my girls, I missed you so much" Chris sighed still without letting go of the hug, he placed a kiss on Luna's forehead before turning her face and kissing you tenderly on the lips.
"Happy birthday darling, we love you very much, I hope you liked the surprise"
"I couldn't ask for a better thing" he smiled kissing your lips again.
"Don't say that, I have others that I'm sure you will love" you whispered with a mischievous glint in your eyes, Chris smirked. "We must put on day".
"For the love of God, you two are disgusting, talk about sex in front of the baby? Gross" Scott exclaimed in disgust.
Chris chuckled coming out of the bathroom with Luna on his right arm while his left was on your waist. He couldn't think of a better birthday start.
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mandareeboo · 3 years
SU Music Rankings
Bc I can and I wanna start some Disk Horse rip. These are all in order of preference, with explanations, etc. It’s a long bitch. That said, I’m not counting little short jingles or small joke songs like Little Butler. This is the meat and potatoes of SU music- just under 30 songs. I might do the rest if people like my takes lol.
I scored it mostly on three bases- how dear it was to my heart, how much/often I relisten to it, and also what it means to the plot. That said, little fun songs don’t automatically go farther down than big, plot-heavy songs either! It’s a strange little balance.
Special Note: I don’t dislike any of this music! I love SU and that includes its bumps and glitches. I just pick favorite children lol.
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1.) Change
Was there ever a more Steven moment than when he wiped the blood off his face and kissed it into sparkles? I think not. 
If “Be Wherever You Are” is an ode to young Steven, then this is teen Steven’s. Talking about change, and how much and how little it can do. How he holds his arms up for Spinel to hug him, so trusting. How he seems able to just. Break into soft tears at will, and not to be manipulative- it’s just his kind nature. The warmth in his voice. Fuck yesssss.
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2.) Change Your Mind
This song is only fifty five seconds and it’s EVERYTHING to me. It really felt like someone was speaking the words I’d always held deep inside of me, unsure of how to say. It feels like a goodbye to someone who never really loved me. 
As much as I enjoyed Future, if this was the finale of SU, I would’ve been perfectly okay with that.
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3.) Drift Away
This song gave me legitimate shivers the first time I heard it, and it still haunts me to this day. Spinel stayed, and waited, and all she got was a transmission thousands of years later. Fuck.
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4.) Here We Are In The Future
THE MOVIE IS SU AS ITS BEST AND I WON’T BE SWAYED ON IT. Steven being a teen who loves his weird family but is growing just a bit sarcastic to their drama. The adorable love he and Connie share. His slow realization that he will always be working, always have things to do, is both somber and real. The Crystal Gems won’t be safe with one epic battle. They’ll be safe with years of hard work and love. HIS LITTLE HANDSHAKE WITH AMETHYST.
This is a helluva bop and a great way to summarize the main character’s backstories.
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5.) Let’s Only Think About Love
Did ya’ll know that Zach Callison killed his throat with that last note? He gave his all for this performance in a vocal range he no longer comfortably do and by god did it SHINE. The FLAIR. The FORESHADOWING. All of the Gems all being awkward about Rose and Steven trying to bring them to the present. Peridot having a mini-existential crisis in a cute yellow dress. I love Zach Callison’s normal singing voice but man is that a fucking bop. Nothing will ever beat it.
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6.) Here Comes A Thought
This bad boy helped me out a LOT with some mental issues I was dealing with in high school. I was unmedicated, unsupervised, and full of anxiety. I’d have break downs when I tried to speak about certain things. I couldn’t function. This song inspired me. It helped me feel okay with my intrusive thoughts.
And the episode! -chef’s kiss-. Once again bringing up the morally gray area of training child soldiers. Connie expanding her social group. Steven’s trauma hauling ass in that second half. The ANIMATION. Stevonnie’s gorgeous singing voice. GOD yes.
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7.) It’s Over Isn’t It?
Just barely squeaking above Stronger Than You, this ballad is everything gorgeous. The whole episode is. I think Mr. Greg stands in the top five of my episodes for the entire show. It even got nominated!
There’s just so much about this song that I love. The gentle melancholy of Pearl’s voice. How the crew had to redo the shots for this bit bc Deedee went so fucking hard. The hard cuts between Pearl, remembering the love of her life, and Steven, who has begun to feel like he took her away. I’d recommend this song to anyone, regardless of what they do or don’t know about SU, simply bc it tugs so many heartstrings of love, loss, and responsibility.
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8.) Stronger Than You
Did you realize this episode aired SEVEN years ago? This bitch was what got me into SU! Hearing about Ruby and Sapphire made my little gay heart so happy inside, and then getting a whole song confirming that they were a couple, that their love powered the strongest Gem on the team? Aaaaaaaaa
To this DAY I get excited when I hear Estelle start singing. This song is timeless. This song will live in media history. God I fucking love this song.
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9.) Other Friends
I’m not the biggest musical person, so I hadn’t heard of Sarah Stiles before her casting as Spinel, but JESUS CHRIST the lady went hard. She went SO fucking hard. Sarah Stiles started on 100 and somehow just kept CLIMBING. You can just hear the sheer manic energy building in her voice, the anger and resentment. 10/10 Sarah Stiles is a queen.
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10.) Independent Together
This made the list entirely bc the crew was like “you’re gonna get a himbo ass Steven-Greg fusion singing with Opal while Garnet flies across the moon on Lion while floating” and I am forever thankful to them for it
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11.) Who We Are
Bismuth deserved more songs. ‘Nuff said.
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12.) Peace and Love (On the Planet Earth)
It Could’ve been Great is EASILY one of my favorite s2 episodes. I love the entire concept of this song. Of Steven making music to reflect how much Earth means to him and his family. Of him teaching Peridot some self-care. Also Peridot’s singing voice is really cute and squeaky. 
I know it’s silly, but I would’ve really enjoyed a flip around of this in Future! Like Peridot reminding Steven how much he loves music, that he needs to take time to relax for himself, maybe with a new verse or just a remix of the original song!
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13.) Something Entirely New
I watched this episode as it aired, and I legitimately almost cried. I love Charlyne Yi’s voice so much ya’ll- her raspy, not perfect singing voice against Sapphire’s deep soothing lull is great.
And to have Ruby and Sapphire’s meeting be the way it was- for Ruby to bemoan Sapphire losing Homeworld, to being stuck with a single Ruby, while Sapphire is a noble who has always been taught everyone in her “caste” is vitally important (and has, in her own mind, taken that to mean every Gem, as she should) and how they come together and make each other happy. Good shit good shit.
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14.) I’m Just a Comet
The fact that Greg’s music career never really blasted off pisses me off to this day bc Tom Scharpling’s voice is fucking BUTTER. Also the song really feels like a jab at his parents now that we know the kind of dynamic he had growing up. “This life in the stars if all I’ve ever known” is definitely him wiping away their existence after reminding them (and himself) the things they used to say about him.
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15.) Do It For Her
This episode. This fucking episode. This episode got me permanently hooked on SU. I’d just binged season 1 and was kinda meh about it overall after the bop of Stronger Than You. “Oh,” I thought to myself, foolishly, “I’ll probably just casually watch this from time to time.”
Like three days later Sworn to the Sword aired and that was it. I was hooked! Pearl’s gentle training song turning darker and darker, Connie’s accompaniment from nervous to determined to fully into such a toxic mindset. The fact that SU had the BALLS to discuss the repercussions of training child soldiers, now and later. This episode was everything to me, STILL is everything to me.
Six years and well over 100 fanfics written later, I think it’s safe to say this show swallowed me whole and never let go.
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16.) System/Boot.pearl_final(3)
I debated putting this on the list because it’s not anything crazy important, just a way to show things are Wrong, but I had to do it entirely bc Pearl is so damn SALTY.
Like telling us about the Gems makes sense, she felt like she was given a duty, but she went so damn petty. WHY is that Ruby alone. Gross. This Amethyst is a trash dump. Wtf are you people.
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17.) Full Disclosure
This episode really feels like a turning point for SU. Before, the show had its dark moments- but now we’re in the thick of it, and it’s not going away. Full Disclosure felt like an rebuff to the idea of returning to any normal we’d established in season 1. Gems are actually a giant species now. Gems tried to kill us now. There’s this Yellow Diamond bitch who got namedropped. Something about a Cluster. 
The song itself is BALLER, with its ingenious use of Steven’s ringtone and photos as he tries to decide whether to clue in Connie on all this nonsense. Meanwhile we, the audience, already know damn well Connie about to yeet some common sense into him.
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18.) What’s the Use of Feeling Blue?
I’mma admit it- I’m a Yellow Diamond stan. I’ve always loved her- her anger, her poise, her hardworking nature. I actively argued against the “Yellow Shattered Pink” theories back in the day. But, man, when this arc leaked? I got so overexcited I was too jittery to watch it for like two days. It’s easily my favorite arc of the series. The sheer alien nature of the zoo, the Famethyst, and absolutely Patti Lupone’s beautiful ballad. Goddamn. Yellow singing to Blue to try and help her regain her old status, the warble in her voice as she reminds Blue she misses Pink too, the movement of the bubbles as she talks about attack. It gives me shivers to this day. FUCK.
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19.) Tower of Mistakes
This is, fun fact, that only SU song I have completely memorized. The story itself is kinda funny! See, we lost internet at my house for a solid 5 to 6 months when these episodes aired, so I only got a very brief window to view them all. But this was the first Amethyst song in a long while, and I didn’t want to forget it! So I keep replaying it in my head for ages. And that’s still definitely a thing.
Anyway will never not be sad that this entire song was about making it up to Garnet for Amethyst’s perceived slights with Sugilite (which was a two-way road), only for Garnet to pressure her into fusion later when pissed and never discuss it again bc Garnet probably never thought twice about it and Amethyst has the emotional openness of a clam that’s just been told its ugly. Helluva way to make someone feel like shit, G. Helluva way to bottle that shit, Ames.
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20.) On the Run
I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: Amethyst! Needed! More! Songs! 
The dichotomy between Steven’s play and Amethyst’s honest desire to run away from home is so well-done, especially when you consider a lot of Steven and Amethyst’s actions are playing together. The song is also near and dear to me simply bc it’s my favorite Amethyst episode to exist (well, maybe second to What’s Your Problem, but not by much). Moments like these are all the proof I need that they were right to fuse first.
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21.) Be Wherever You Are
This tune really just feels like an ode to who Steven was as a kid. Trapped on an island with no way home, and he’s just happy to be with his friends. The stars are beautiful and not oppressive. Also that one animatic with Lars and the Off Colors playing in the Homeworld Kindergarten to this music was iconic and made this song get stuck in my head for a solid month.
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22.) Familiar
I ADORE how the crew use bright neon colors to show how alien Homeworld can be. And Steven recognizing that the Diamonds treat him how the CGs used to, and how prepared he is to “fix” a broken family. It’s a soft, gentle tune about melancholy. Also the Pebbles are beautiful.
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23.) Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart
Such a cute little love ballad, but every time I listen to it now I just imagine the heart attack Rose must’ve had at the line “And if we look out of place/Well, baby, that's okay/I'll drive us into outer space.” like there’s a Vietnam war flashback if I ever heard one
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24.) What Can I Do?
I’m kind of neutral on this one? Rose and Greg both have great voices, but the song itself lacks many lyrics. I think it was definitely a good way to show Rose’s flaws in thinking.
Also, I’m shocked they managed cram that much vaguely sexual innuendo into two minutes, followed by how Not Hetereo that dance between Rose and Pearl was, and not get their asses chewed by it. You go guys.
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25.) Cookie Cat
I love a lot of the vibes this song has. The lyrics are so damn prophetic, but they also sound like the kind of weird 90s commercials I grew up on. It’s been like two decades since I saw the Shirley Temple commercial but I’ll be damned if I don’t remember “Animals crackers in my soup! Monkey and rabbits loop-de-loop.”
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26.) Giant Woman
I am. NOT the biggest fan of Steven’s original singing voice. I feel bad saying that, since it was just Zach Callison as a kid, but he never jived well with me for some reason. So I wouldn’t listen to this on the fly. 
The song itself is still really good though, with all sorts of fun animation of Amethyst and Pearl being bitchy to each other. It’s a bit sad in hindsight to see tiny Steven trying to get his moms to get along. Ahh, season 1.
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27.) Strong in the Real Way
This song has SUCH a strong start. Pearl reflecting on Sugilite’s problems, but the show making sure to show us that Pearl’s lack of enthusiasm towards her also lends itself to jealousy as well as just general malaise. How much she cares about Steven, and wants him to grow up strong. 
And then Steven just kinda. Ruins it? I appreciate his enthusiasm for tryna bulk up but to take what was starting as such a rich, personal song and broadcasting it to random strangers just makes me a bit sad. Almost a bit angry on her behalf?
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28.) That Distant Shore
I KNOW this is gonna create some discourse, but I’m just not the biggest Lapis stan. I love her voice. I love the visuals of the song. And I get why she felt afraid and needed to flee.
But Lapis never got to take responsibility for her own actions. And, in the end, the song feels hollow to me- because we all know she’ll never talk to anyone about it, know she’ll burst back in and destroy the barn, and no one will ever question it. I like Lapis a lot, but I feel like her arc never was fully finished. She never got help. She never learned to feel safe.
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29.) Dear Old Dad
I’ve yet to meet a single human being who likes this episode tbh. There’s some great discussion about what kind of parent Greg is from it, and what kind of dynamic he has with the Gems that he felt he had to fake an injury to hang out with his son. Honestly the first half was fine and dandy. It’s just that then they Greg just went out of his way to drag Steven away from missions and such. It never jived well with his character before or after.
Also, is it just me, or does Zach himself sound like he hates the song as he sings it? There’s no passion or heart in his voice. It sounds like they told him to read off cue cards and he did. Tom Scharpling’s best attempts didn’t save this one for being a skipper. But the episode, unfortunately, isn’t, so it gets a spot on here.
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / Part 17 Here! / Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here! < This is Part 20!>
Donate to Move to Higher Ground HERE!
A/N: There’s not going to be an update on Wednesday (it’s the day after my birthday and I’m going to go cry at the space station) lol. The next two parts will be like - alternative timeline/pov/intermission posts. Which will just be to add some depth to the story I guess. Stay safe! See you next Saturday!
* “Get out”
* You can’t have been parked more than five minutes before Jessica prys the driver side door open from the outside
* You’re hunched over the binder in your lap, hurriedly scrawling answers onto the worksheet
* Edward just sighs, moving to get out of the car
* “Wait-“
* You stop him by placing your hand on his shoulder
* Edward grins, so these are boyfriend privileges huh?
* You’re going to pick him over your human friends. Well he would be lying-
* “Give me the answer to the last question before you go.”
* Edward deflates
* Guess somethings don’t change.
* “It’s sin(x) equals 18”
* You nod, quickly writing down the answer
* “Thanks Edward.” You mumble learning over to press a chaste kiss to his cheek
* “Now get out”
* He stands outside the jeep a goofy grin on his face, a hand touching the place your lips were on his cheek
* Well at least some things change
* You don’t miss Jessica’s gaze on you as you put your binder into your backpack
* “So... what do you want to talk about Jess?”
* You don’t miss the incredulous look she gives you
* “So about Edward then”
* “Yeah, no duh”
* You let out a deep sigh
* “Where do you want me to start?”
* How far back does this story even go?
* Probably when you saw him that first time in Denali
* His angular face, and those deep amber eyes
* And those butterflies in your stomach
* “You can start with what happened after you guys left the party!”
* So you’re going to have to fast forward a bit
* “Well he was mad because-you know two against one- if it was anyone else it would have been a traumatic experience waiting to happen”
* She nods, thinking you’re talking about you
* You’re talking about something transitive happening to those boys
* For those boys if they tried something with you that is
* You were pretty far gone, you might have actually killed them if Edward hadn’t come to get you
* Not out of anger, just negligence
* At the very best they might have cried if you weren’t able to control your emotions
* “And then after - we were arguing- and then it was just happening”
* “You guys had s*x?”
* You sputter
* “Geez no! We were kissing, get your mind out of the gutter Jess.”
* “Well I don’t know (Y/N/N), he’s been pinning after you since freshman year a kiss just seems anticlimactic all things considered ”
* Besides you guys have this vibe around you-
* Like a sort of intimacy or something-
* You’ve both always had a sort of closeness.
* Like it was the two of you in one world, and then everyone else in another
* But now there’s a physical closeness to you both
* The kind of vibe people who are sleeping together usually give off.
* She saw it when you were together at the aquarium
* “Nah that’s impossible” you let out a long sigh
* “I’m pretty sure he wants to wait until marriage”
* Jessica sputters at that
* “M-marriage? Holy crap (Y/N)-“
* You nod, it’s such an antiquated notion.
* Especially considering you’re both technically dead
* Honestly, what could be more awkward than a couple of virgins fumbling around in the dark for a few hours on their wedding night?
* “He wants to marry you?!?”
* Oh
* Yeah that would be the normal thing to be concerned about
* “I’m not really sure” you scratch the back of your head
* “You’re my soul mate”
* He had said it so causally, like he was talking about gravity or the weather
* Like it was a universal fact
* The words make your stomach flutter
* Ugh you don’t have time to think about this
* “Well that’s what happened, and now Carlisle is always crying in the house and Esme is already planning weddings. Now come on we’re going to be late for class”
* You get out of the car before Jess can get a word in edgewise
* So this is really happening
* She sighs
* Well she’s be lying if she said she didn’t see this coming
* She knows there’s a lot of people competing for your affection
* Hell even Conner dropped his f*ck boy tendencies for you
* But Edward is the only one who looks at you, and only you
* Jessica’s guilty of it too, she’ll admit that
* You’re her first choice, don’t get her wrong, but if you don’t return her affections
* Well that’s fine, she’ll just date Mike, or Conner, or Bella or whoever
* It’s the same for the rest of them
* Conner will be bummed when he finds out-
* Mostly because he can’t believe he dropped his other side pieces
* But he’ll get over it
* Just like Mike did
* But Edward-
* There’s no one other than you for him
* She see’s it in the way he looks at you.
* If it’s not you, it’s just not any good
* So he’ll wait, maybe even his entire life, until you’re ready to love him back
* A small smile twitches on her face
* She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t happy for you
* “I wonder if anyone will ever love me like that” she mumbles to herself, right before flinching in surprise when you swing the passenger door open
* “Oh my god you scared me!”
* “I scared you?!? Jess this is my car, how am I supposed to lock it if you’re sitting inside?”
* “Oh right”
* You make it to class by the skin of your teeth, taking you seat between Edward and Alice in English
* “So what did you two talk about?” Edward whispers with a small smile while the teacher calls roll
* You roll your eyes
* “Like you don’t know”
* He has a sly smile on his face and you’re not sure why
* Alice starts obviously stifling laughter beside you
* Rude but okay
* Edward leans close to you, so close his lips are only a centimeter away from your ear
* Does he mind?
* Maybe he’s immune to sexual feelings, but being that close is doing things to you
* “I’m actually not waiting for marriage by the way”
* You can practically feel the grin on his face
* You look up to him, your golden eyes meeting his
* You were right he is smiling
* His smile takes a mischievous turn, and you feel his hand slide onto your thigh and give a teasing squeeze
* “Didn’t want you to have any misconceptions” he says with the same sly grin as he removes his hand from your leg and leans back in his chair
* Ah
* So that’s why Alice was laughing
* (Y/N). Exe is broken
* “Hey”
* Bella looks up to see the Jessica standing by her locker as she pulls her books out
* “Oh hey, did you get to talk to them?”
* “Um yeah, it’s about what we were thinking.”
* Bella nods, if she’s sad she’s not showing it.
* “It’s good that they’re together. He loves them a lot, I’m sure Edward will treat them right”
* Jessica nods, Edward does love you a lot.
* She watches Bella try to cram books into her bag
* She is kinda pretty now that she looks at her, in that angular face- snow white kinda way
* She’s no (Y/N)
* And she’s no Mike
* “Hey did you finish the trig homework? I was having tr-“
* But maybe-
* “Hey, Angela and I are going dress shopping in port a, do you want to come with?”
* Maybe they can be friends
* They both liked the same person, so they’ve already got something in common
* Bella looks at the blonde
* To be honest, she’s been holding everyone here at a distance
* In a few years she won’t see any of these people ever again, there’s no need to get attached
* Not after what happened in Arizona
* But still-
* “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”
* Guess she never learns
Tags:  @moonlights27​ @thebluetint​ @the100thtwilight​ @awesomebooklover17​ @oneofthepotterheads​ @smileygirl08​ @imdoingathingmom​ @iconicgguk​ @yrawn​ @alyciaswhore​ @little-horror-show​ @wicked-watering-can​ @lazydreamers​ @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​​ @hotmessgoodness​ @jaimewho​ @corabmarie​ @what-am-i-doing10​ @alluring-venus​ @imdoingathingmom @anotheryooniverse​ @im-tired-not-sleepy​ @emmettcullenisahimbo​ @my-super-musical-life​ @smolvampiregirl​ @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @mihikaahujaaa @werewolflover3252​ @teenagezombiekryptonite @shynz​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @monkeyluver4546 @wonhomarshmallow​ @bwbatta @bubblyabs​ @thatwaspossesion​
522 notes · View notes
myelocin · 4 years
the truth in vulnerability | miya a.
synopsis: your husband has a habit of crying, ever since he laid himself bare to you. your daughter, on the other hand just liked to poke fun for it at times. atsumu never minds, and you know that, though.
characters: miya atsumu, you, your daughter
genre: fluff, domestic!au, parenting!au
wc: 1300+
a/n: welp i lost my shit at this r we surprised. 
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if somebody told miya atsumu that he’d be married before thirty with a sassy daughter that has him saying yes to her every whim without any sense of hesitation from his part, he’d laugh them off and compliment them maybe at their brave attempt at a joke.
but of course, because life was interesting like that—here he is, at twenty eight years old, waking up with his two girls in his life that bring him all the joys of the world with just their smile. the girls in question, of course, being you—his wife—and your four year old daughter whose giggle greets him right by the door everyday he comes home.
atsumu thinks that this must be the kind of love people fight wars for. the love he found in you, even as years had come and passed, still feels like day one. it’s still you, he thinks to himself. because no one else has come close to making his heart skip all those beats he thinks it probably shouldn’t be skipping.
you’re the face he greets every morning, the lips he kisses that tastes like your favorite flavored coffee without fail, and the eyes that watch him with a specific sort of tenderness atsumu just knows he can spot from even a mile away.
so throughout the years, because your hand was always outstretched, he has no shame in taking it.
vulnerability wasn’t so daunting with you, he thinks. the formerly impossible is the frankly the daily scenario he lives nowadays.
and to think that he used to cry in isolation because of it before, atsumu laughs to himself. there was a certain level of intimacy, he thinks he’s learned to feel when it came to you. the first time he let himself go, it was after a lost game.
you sat next to him in the car, the both of you in silence and frankly a little unsure of which direction to steer the conversation in. the situation—it being shit—is here to stay, atsumu thinks. the fact of the matter that he lost and a second chance being in the horizon for him were low. and it’s frustrating, because loss is frustrating for that; his reality and the truth he tries so hard to push down was that he cared too goddamn much about the loss.
but because vulnerability was a stranger to him then, he chose not to cry. instead, he tapped at the steering wheel and messed with the settings on the gps for a seemingly infinite number of times before it was you who snapped and told him to quit being a fucking child and just cry if you’re so goddamn frustrated.
and like that hairline crack on the damn finally spreading, he breaks. he knew the cracks have been there this whole time, building up from the moment he missed his serve to the very last second where he couldn’t even receive the fucking ball.
“switch seats with me,” he hears you say and atsumu’s surprised that his shoulders didn’t flinch even if your demand did come out of the blue.
on the ride home, he watched the burnt orange sky roll past him slowly, eyes a little stung with tears, voice still sort of scratchy from crying, and body heavy and spent after realizing that he’s carried the weight of his world this whole time.
but he recalls the look on your face from that afternoon as clear as day. he remembers the feel of your eyes as you checked on him at every red light; the feel of your hand squeezing his still a comfort to his heart up till this very day.
because, atsumu thinks, to cry in front of another wasn’t a show of vulnerability or weakness.
it was a show of trust.
so ever since then, he ceased to hold back and just cried.
at your yes and “i do,” the two lines on the pregnancy test he rushed to the pharmacy for when it was eight in the morning and he was already thirty minutes late to work that day, and at the day he met his daughter.
because trust, is what he wants to win from her at some point in her life too. atsumu thinks that even as he cries in front of his daughter, from her little achievements to the big. the yucky boys that tried to touch the braids her mommy did for her, and her kindergarten graduate picture where she beamed with a smile that looked like yours and his despite one tooth still missing on the left side of the upper row.
you, atsumu thinks, is what gave him life and showed him the lessons he’s been denying himself of all those years ago. your daughter, on the other hand was what ignited the passion in him to go forth and show others life too.
and because atsumu is as much of a sap as osamu used to tease him for, he keeps the little memories in the forms of photographs and home videos.
her first word, your first smile on april 16th, the first time she stood on her own two little feet and walked towards you. atsumu thinks you can hear him sniffle from behind the camera in every video—but he doesn’t really care, truth be told.
because who wouldn’t? who wouldn’t cry if you had life’s greatest literally in front of you and yours?
“daddy why crying?” you hear your daughter ask out of the blue.
it’s a little over 9pm, an hour already past her bedtime, but the three of you are buckled in the car at the mcdonald’s parking lot a few minutes away from home instead. atsumu has a faraway look on his face, and the slight tremble of his lip gives away the fact that he’s probably on the brink of tears—again.
you snort, but choose to stay quiet. your daughter, seated in the back is wearing the queen elsa’s party dress your husband had bought for her just a few hours ago at the mall earlier. she could have cried for him then, insisting to change right then and there so the whole world could know she was a princess.
you, of course, said yes, but when she raised her little hands and demanded for her daddy—her king—to escort her and open the door to the car, you could already tell that some waterworks were to be expected tonight.
but it came a little early, you think to yourself, because the second she covered atsumu’s mouth at the counter as you ordered earlier and sounded out her orders of “chiccy nuggy and choccy milk,” atsumu’s first tear of the night streaked down his cheeks in the car that night.
“daddy isn’t crying,” he’s quick to tell her though, and your daughter hums in a way that tells him she isn’t exactly convinced.
“it okay to cry, though,” you hear her pipe from the back, followed by an exaggerated slurp of her chocolate milk.
“yeah, listen to your daughter,” you laugh.
atsumu shoots you an exasperated look through teary eyes, but it only fuels your laughter. just like that you’re struck with the thought that in this life, and in this now, you’ve never felt a love as grand and as nurturing as this. atsumu, next to you, takes out the tissues he’s been keeping in the car now and blows his nose, waving your daughter off who giggles in the back because of it.
“mommy take a videeeoooooo, daddy looks funny,” you hear her again, and you throw your head back and laugh a bit.
you know the memory on your phone is probably filled by now, but one more captured moment can’t hurt, right?
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saiharacryharasj · 2 years
Some shameless self promotion to get started.
Galaxy Adventures! Character intro;
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Base is used in pic, but character is mine
Meet Sarah! Real last name unknown
"Well hello friend. Are you here for a rest, or here for directions. None the less, it's wonderful to see you again."
Age: 16
Height: 159.9 cm
A young light spirit who used to be human before her birth world was completely reset. Her, along with many many others who have survived the same thing, now resides in the newly created world of Solaria and works to help keep other worlds and universes from facing the same fate as hers.
Travels to numerous worlds under the protection of the GDD and her new found status, to attain her ultimate goal.
Very sleepy girl, angry marshmallow
In the world of TWST
Finds herself, along with a few loved ones, guarding young Yuu as they try to survive Night Raven College and their numerous problems
Commonly fills in Yuu's role of therapist once it becomes too much
Runs around either helping people, talking to people, stalking people, or causing minor problems
Naps anywhere and everywhere
She's attached
You wouldn't think she'd be in Genshin
But she is ( ╹▽╹ )
Forged herself a fake anemo vision
Sticks to the Traveller the entire time, she was separated from her family
Does not like Paimon, the feelings are mutual
Uses a scythe!
(Enemies do a double take upon seeing that)
Imagine you wanna talk to the famous traveller after hearing of their amazing exploits,
You have to get through a pesky fairy thing and a small girl giving ya the most threatening smile manageable (they protective)
Welcome to Jojo's
She cried upon arrival
Calmed down real quick though
Stays through all the parts, she wants to sleep more now
The introduction of stands to this world has confused her, but she thinks it's all cool
Jonathan is still her favorite JoJo, he gave her food upon first meeting
She's way attached
She cried multiple times here
Marshmallow is sensitive
Konosuba what?
She never knew a lot about Konosuba other than the fact that our MCs are all weird and useless in some way
She still wasn't prepared
Wanted to punch Aqua as soon as she opened her mouth
"I am nonviolent, however I will gladly throw a chair at your face."
All said with a sweet smile on her face
Loves every explosion Megumin causes, got hit by 60% of 'em though
Darkness low-key scares her
*Kazuma uses steal on her* "Jokes on you, I have another pair!"
High-key tries to befriend literally every big enemy
Let's fly high!
This time, she spawned in someone's home, awkward
The Hinata family was so confused but ultimately just went with the flow(after a whole scream session of course)
Hinata's mom decided to flat out enroll her into Karasuno as well
Yay, she has to go to school all over again (⌐■-■)
She clings to Shoyo, almost everywhere
Meeting the team was fun for her, she hid behind a door the entire time, only found out because of our queen Kiyoko
Climbs everything she sees, she's gonna give Suga and Daichi a heart attack
It's so Miraculous!
She was so bitter when she was assigned to watch over this world.
But! She's got her friends
Tatiana and Cassidy, and numerous other friends who thankfully know just how to calm her down
She begrudgingly befriended Marinette and Adrien
Ignores Alya completely
Dotes on Chloe and Mylene
Currently trying to curb some of Marinette's worst habits
"Mari, she's only talking to him. That doesn't necessarily mean that she's trying to date him. Adrien's dense as a rock anyway."
Still wonders why people don't get the Marinette and Adrien are Ladybug and Cat Noir
Probably losing braincells
Naruto running from responsibilities
She also cried here
Too many keep taking her soft appearance and assuming that she won't hit them
Not to mention that everyone here talks about her quiet voice and lack of presence
She made up multiple jutsu on the spot just to spite them and cause them pain
"Forget you no Jutsu: Bug Off" *target goes flying miles away*
Has a ball exploring
Would like it if all the ninja villages would stop trying to use her though
Stays literally no where anyone can find her
She nabbed at Naruto as soon as she saw the kid, he now lives in a wonderful little home she built in the village
No one questions how she doesn't age
Despite her loving this place, she still grabs at the next chance to jump back to Solaria
Black Butler?
Save this girl
Her being is similar to that of an angel, Sebastian tried to discretely kill her multiple times
Now uses Ciel and literally anyone else as a shield
Thankfully after proving to be useful enough, Ciel decided to keep her so he ordered Sebastian to stop his assassination attempts
The fiend is bitter about it
Sarah clings once more, she dotes on poor Ciel
He got mad
So she clings to Alois once he finally pops up
Mad that people keep trying to kill her, so she just pwns them and leaves
"Running from world to world is oh so exhausting. Maybe I should just sleep some more. That usually fixes everything."
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full-of-jams · 4 years
Tangsuyuk Love
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Summary: College student Jungkook passes cute notes with a customer who always orders take-out tangsuyuk at his part-time job. Meanwhile he’s trying not to miserably fail his Math class, while hiding his ever-growing crush on you.
Genre: college au, f2l, fluff, smut, one shot, did I mention FLUFF?
Warnings: mild swearing, sexual content, hold your heart palpitations!
Word Count: 11.5k
A/N: I wanted to write something light and sweet before I continued with Good Riddance. It will be easy, she said. It will be fun, she said. It will be quick, she said. Ha. haha. ha. ha. Ignore my pain. Enjoy!
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[09/04 18:34 PM] User: LatteIsHorse ---------------- ORDER [DELIVERY] 1 Tangsuyuk (large) 1 Jjamppong 2 Kimchi Mandu ---------------- Note: Without pineapple! Please make the jjamppong extra spicy, my boyfriend just broke up with me T-T
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Golden Bang 7 Wausan-ro 29-gil, Seogyo-dong
Server: JK ------------------- TO GO
1 Tangsuyuk (large) -- 20,000 1 Jjamppong -- 5,000 2 Kimchi Mandu -- 6,000 1 Soju -- 0
Total: 31,000 -------------------- Thanks for ordering at Golden Bang! Have a golden day!
Note: Service! Nothing’s better than the fresh taste of soju to lighten a heavy heart :) Cheer up LatteIsHorse-Nim!
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Paper Note: JK-nim, thanks for the soju. It sweetened my bitter night. This is Tokki, please give him a loving new home! TT-TT
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Jungkook was fucking terrified of you. If it weren’t for the fact that he was close to failing Statistical Analysis, he would’ve considered faking a stomach flu and making a beeline straight out of the library.
“If you have a box containing 3 white, 4 red and 5 black balls what is the probability that you will draw a white ball on your first draw and a black ball on your second draw?” you asked again through gritted teeth.
You looked up at Jungkook and were met by an empty stare. Usually you enjoyed tutoring your fellow classmate. He was a smart and funny guy, maybe a bit awkward at times, but always trying his best. Today every little thing grated on your nerves. It took you every ounce of energy to get out of bed and look like a presentable human being this morning. You really didn’t want to sit here for another hour if the boy was just going to stare at you like a petrified statue. “It’s really not that difficult. You just have to apply conditional probability.”
Jungkook let out a frustrated huff and pulled at his hair, “I really don’t know, this doesn’t make any sense! Why do I even need this stuff for my major? Who cares if I pull out a white ball or a black ball first? It’s not like I’m planning on becoming Houdini!”
Sometimes you pitied him, but who on Earth had an irrational fear of Gauss distributions and probability?! They were beautiful, harmless, abstract concepts of life. Your sympathy was muffled by a thrumming headache. All the late-night crying already had you chugging water and slapping ice cubes on your face at breakfast. Right now you just wanted to go home, change into your pjs, order some tangsuyuk and binge watch Boys Over Flowers. The cringy acting and Go Jun Pyo’s luscious locks were the only things that made your miserable life feel a bit less pathetic at the moment. “Jungkook, we went over this last time. Just apply the damn formula,” you snapped.
“Why are you being so scary today?” he asked wide-eyed and apprehensive.
You took a deep breath, rubbed your temples and tried to calm your inner turmoil. It wasn’t his fault; you were just in a really shitty mood. “I’m sorry. It’s not my day today. Is it okay if we rain check? I promise I’ll make it up to you next week.”
Jungkook wasn’t used to seeing you this distraught. He wracked his brain on how to lift your spirit. “Hey, do you want to hear this math joke my friend Jin told me the other day? What do you call an angle that is adorable?”
The boy scrunched his nose adorably and waited for your response. He was really handsome, you noticed that back when you two first met. Back then you just didn’t have a reason to care. Back then you still had a boyfriend.
“I don’t know, tell me,” you answered.
“Acute angle!” he said with a timid smile.
Despite your foul mood you had to snort at his joke.
Jungkook’s smile grew wider. It wasn’t a full laugh, but at least your frown disappeared. He discovered early on that you had a soft spot for bad math puns.
Although he absolutely detested Statistical Analysis, he has come to enjoy your study sessions over the past couple of weeks. The TA of his class, Namjoon, was a close friend of Jungkook’s and a sunbae of yours. Once he discovered that his favorite dongsaeng was abysmal at reading a z-score table, he immediately referred him to you.
At first Jungkook was very reluctant to accept any help. He was a mechanical engineer for fuck’s sake! He calculated distributed load across uneven surfaces and directional derivatives all the time!
His inner protests died down during your first session when you unwittingly asked him if he was constipated while he tried to calculate the standard deviation. During your second session he noticed you liked to doodle small geometric and fractal comics on his work sheets whenever he was solving a problem.
‘What did the triangle say to the circle?’ ‘You’re pointless!’
By the time your third session rolled around he still hated statistics, but it was too late and he’d developed a hopeless crush on you. Your monologues about dead mathematicians and the beauty of an infinite series were oddly captivating. He didn’t think he’d ever met anyone who was so passionate and animated about anything in all his life.
“Is everything okay?” Jungkook asked carefully. You seemed tired and a bit wary. “I-I mean, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel like it. Sorry, it’s none of my business,” he immediately added.
You smiled at his flustered state. Jungkook’s heart stumbled when your smile turned sad and you said, “No not really, but I’m sure I’ll be fine sooner or later.”
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[13/04 19:12 PM] User: LatteIsHorse ---------------- ORDER [DELIVERY]
1 Tangsuyuk (large) 1 Jjajangmyeon 1 Jjajangbap ---------------- Note: JK-nim! Omg your tangsuyuk is the best! I could drown in that sauce! How is Tokki doing?
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Golden Bang 7 Wausan-ro 29-gil, Seogyo-dong
Server: JK ------------------- TO GO
1 Tangsuyuk (large) -- 20,000 1 Jjajangmyeon -- 4,500 1 Jjajangbap -- 5,500
Total: 30,000 -------------------- Thanks for ordering at Golden Bang! Have a golden day!
Note: LatteIsHorse-nim! Little Tokki is doing well and bravely guarding our store! Don’t drown, but here’s some extra sauce for you to enjoy. I asked for it to be without pineapple. Hwaiting!
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“Yah! Why does it smell like rotten take-out in your bedroom?” Jisoo asked.
Scowling has become your new go-to expression. “Too soon. Just let me wallow in my self-pity and sorrow.”
If you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought your friend was playing ‘The Floor Is Lava’ considering how gingerly she walked across your room. Safely on the other side, she ripped open a window to let some much needed fresh air in. 
“I think you’re going to be wallowing in mold and fungus instead,” Jisoo commented with disgust. “Wallow all you want, I’m here to support you, girl. But I can’t allow you to turn your place into a biohazard zone. Isn’t your sister bothered by this?”
“My sister doesn’t care; our rooms are off limits to each other. As long as we both keep the common area clean, she won’t complain,” you said.
Jisoo sat down on your bed and patted the empty spot next to her. She immediately retracted her hand. “Eww, is that tangsuyuk sauce on your sheets?” she asked, completely appalled.
You shrugged and thumped onto your bed.
“So what are your plans for tonight?” she asked, trying to suppress a shudder.
“It’s Monday night. What plans could I possibly have?”
“We’re in college! Weekdays, weekends, they’re all the same!” your friend exclaimed. She looked at your sprawled-out figure. “I told you from the very beginning he wasn’t good for you. I know it doesn’t feel like this right now, but you’re lucky he’s out of your life. I really can’t watch you torture yourself over a jerk like him. Let’s go out to Hongdae!”
“I can’t go out. I already have plans.”
“Didn’t you just say you didn’t have any plans?”
“I lied. I have a date.”
Jisoo paused for a second, unsure how to respond. “Really? With whom?”
“Gong Yoo. We promised to kiss each other on first snowfall,” you responded listlessly.
“Yah!” Jisoo yelled and smacked your butt.
“Oww! What was that for?” you cried in surprise, rubbing the tender spot.
“Re-watching Goblin is not a date! You scared me for a second,” Jisoo said.
“How is it not a date? I meet a hot oppa, multiple hot oppas, we have dinner together, I giggle and blush and at the end of the night I get kissed to sleep.” You sat up and gave your friend a weary look. “I really don’t want to go out right now, but also don’t want to be on my own. Can’t we just stay in and watch a drama?” you asked with the saddest face you could muster.
Jisoo wanted to argue, but she couldn’t resist your pout. “Fine. But first you change your bedsheets, I’m not gonna sit in moldy tangsuyuk sauce all night. And I get to choose the drama.”
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[16/04 17:58 PM] User: LatteIsHorse ---------------- ORDER [DELIVERY]
1 Tangsuyuk (small) 1 Kimchi Kimbap 1 Beef Kimbap  ---------------- Note: JK-nim thanks for the extra sauce! It was delicious. Are you a dipper or a pourer?
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Golden Bang 7 Wausan-ro 29-gil, Seogyo-dong
Server: JK ------------------- TO GO
1 Tangsuyuk (small) -- 13,000 1 Kimchi Kimbap -- 2,500 1 Beef Kimbap -- 2,500 1 Soup -- 0
Total: 18,000 -------------------- Thanks for ordering at Golden Bang! Have a golden day!
Note: LatteIsHorse-nim! Personally, I’m a dipper, but I don’t discriminate! I added some broth as service for you. It’s chilly tonight. Don’t catch a cold!
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Paper Note: JK-nim, let’s be friends? I’m also a dipper! Did you know that butterflies can’t fly when they’re cold? Here is one that I folded, sending back my warmest thoughts to you on this frosty spring night.
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The first thing that caught your eye was Jungkook who was patiently waiting at the library entrance. Despite the steaming goods in his hands, his entire body was shivering. The temperature suddenly dropped last night, but he couldn’t be bothered to dig up his padded jacket when he left the house this morning.
Before you could even greet him, he shoved a hot milk tea towards you and mumbled, “Here, it’s cold today so I thought you could use something warm.”
You were surprised by this sweet gesture. “Thanks,” you reached for it and examined the drink in your hand, ”How did you know I like black milk tea?”
He ducked his head and mumbled something into himself.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
Jungkook lifted his head. His cheeks and nose were a lovely wash of pink from the cold. “You mentioned once that you’re an OG milk tea drinker, so I just guessed” he repeated again, louder. “I saw this bungeoppang cart on the way here. We can share them while studying?” he said, holding up a small paper bag.
Your heart warmed and for the first time in weeks your face split into big smile, “Sure, I love bungeoppang! We’re not allowed to eat inside the library. So how about we eat everything first before they get cold and then go in?”
The both of you took a seat on a bench. By now Jungkook definitely regretted being too lazy to find his jacket this morning, but he was determined not to let it show. He passed the bag full of bungeoppangs to you.
You happily reached for one of the fish-shaped pastries and started munching on it. Your face crinkled, steam came out of your mouth. Jungkook’s heart skipped as he watched you in fascination. Your cheeks were flushed. A sudden instinct to stroke your rosy skin overcame him. Instead he reached for a bungeoppang and took a careful bite. “Are you feeling better today?”
“A little bit,” you said between bites, “I’m really sorry about last time. I feel bad now. I ditched you and now you’re treating me to snacks.” You went on and stabbed your straw through your milk tea. “I should be the one treating you instead.”
“I like to treat you,” Jungkook said, mesmerized by the way your lips moved against the straw. He suddenly realized what he was doing and cleared his throat, “A happy teacher is a good teacher! You’re already spending your time tutoring me.”
A laugh slipped out of you, “Jungkook, you’re paying me for your lessons. But it’s okay, this bungeoppang and tea definitely hits the spot, so I’ll accept it with a grateful heart. What are you drinking?”
Jungkook looked down on his drink and gave it a shake, the black pearls swirled around buoyantly. “Banana milk tea, I prefer sweet drinks.”
You leaned back against the bench and looked up at the clear blue sky. “Sweet things are the best combat against the bitter taste of life,” you sighed. You closed your eyes and soaked in the crisp air. Jungkook felt your melancholy, he could warm your body, but he didn’t know how to warm your heart.  
“Sorry that I’m bothering you with my personal stuff. It’s just that I had a really bad breakup recently. I shouldn’t let it affect our lessons,” you said with a wistful smile as you lifted your head again.
The boy next to you remained silent. You turned and saw a contemplative look on his face. “It’s alright, everyone can have a bad day,” he finally said, “You don’t have to pretend to be okay when you’re not. If you’re never angry or sad, you won’t know when you’re happy.”
His words stunned you. Has Jungkook always been this thoughtful? You turned away from his gaze and looked down at the pastry in your hand. “They’re rhombus shaped,” you muttered in an attempt of distraction and showed your bungeoppang to Jungkook. “The fish scales,” you added when he looked confused.
“Ah yeah, the scales. It’s actually erroneous since most of the bungeoppangs depict a ganoid scale structure when in fact carps have cycloid scales to allow for a greater flexibility,” Jungkook explained.
A blank look appeared on your face. Probably the same blank look he had whenever you tried to explain the Bayes’ theorem to him. He let out an awkward laugh, “We studied the mechanics of fish scale structures in Material Science. You can correlate the flexibility of a scaled surface depending on its underlying geometric structure and material. It’s pretty cool stuff.”
“I can’t believe you can geek out about the geometry of fish scales, but don’t know how to define your probability population,” you snorted in disbelief. 
“Hey, when will I ever need to calculate the probability of two people with the same birthday in a room? I just have a hard time learning stuff I never have to apply,” he said defensively.
Then you suddenly had an idea. “Tell you what, how about this? If you pass your statistics final, I’ll treat you to the best Chinese take-out in town! You can order whatever you want!”
Jungkook didn’t want to dampen your excitement by telling you that his part-time job already allowed him to eat as much Chinese take-out as he wanted. “Okay, but don’t complain when you go broke. My record was five jjajangmyeon and two tangsuyuk in one sitting.”
You batted away his challenge. “First you have to pass your finals,” you teased.
“I’ll pass,” Jungkook said.
You smiled at his cute determination. “Then it’s a date.”
Jungkook beamed back at you. “It’s a date.”
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[05/05 18:21 PM] User: LatteIsHorse ---------------- ORDER [DELIVERY]
1 Tangsuyuk (large) 2 Pork Mandu 1 Tteokkguk 1 Jjajangmyeon 1 Tteokkbokki ---------------- Note: No pineapple plz. JK-nim! Happy Children’s Day! For this special occasion I’ve decided to order all of my childhood favorites. Life is too short to eat bad food. I hope today you treat yourself to something delicious as well!
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“Yah! JK! Your girlfriend placed an order again!” Yugyeom yelled across the store.
A mop of black hair peaked out from the back of the shop. “She’s not my girlfriend, she’s just a regular,” Jungkook yelled back.
“A regular you flirt with,” Yugyeom snickered, “I saw all the notes you left her in the system. ‘Don’t catch a cold!’, ‘Hwaiting!’ Don’t tell me that’s not your lame attempt at flirting.”
Suddenly an angry Yoongi stomped out of the kitchen. “Keep it down boys, we have guests here.”
Jungkook went up to the register and printed out the online order. “Hyung, can you make a large tangsuyuk without pineapple?”
“It’s a national holiday, there’s like two people here tonight,” Yugyeom muttered under his breath.
“What did you say, Yugyeom?”
“Nothing, hyung!”
Yoongi snatched the order out of Jungkook’s hand and gave both boys another irritated glance before he headed back into the kitchen.
“Hey JK,” Yugyeom said in a lower voice as he moved next to his friend, “aren’t you ever curious how LatteIsHorse is like? I mean, she must have some sense of humor judging by her username.”
“Sometimes. Don’t you ever wonder how our regulars are like? But it’s not like I’m ever gonna meet them or know it’s them when they come into the store,” Jungkook said with a shrug.
“You could though. Mingyu’s out on delivery, Eunwoo’s off so we have a free bike. The store is dead tonight. You could go deliver the order and have a look,” Yugyeom spurred him on.
Jungkook considered his friend’s suggestion. Every time he opened his locker a little origami bunny and butterfly stared back at him and brightened his day. It was true, he was curious how LatteIsHorse was like. “Okay I’ll go, but don’t pretend you’re doing me a favor. You just don’t want to do delivery tonight.”
<Ding Dong>
A pretty girl in a Yonsei hoodie and shorts opened the door. She somehow looked familiar, but Jungkook couldn’t place from where. Maybe he met her on campus before.
“Delivery from Golden Bang,” Jungkook said, holding up his metal box.
“Ah great! I’m starving!” the girl said.
Jungkook started unloading the box and handed the dishes to the girl. Once he was done, he lingered awkwardly in the doorway. The girl gave him a curious look, clearly wondering why he wasn’t leaving. Jungkook gathered his courage and said, “I’m JK by the way.”
What followed was a beat of silence. Jungkook could feel his ears burn.
“Err, it’s nice to meet you, I guess? Is there anything else you need?” the girl asked after the painful pause. “Ah got it! Just a sec!” She ran into the apartment and came back with her wallet. “Here’s a tip, we’ll put the dishes back outside for pick up,” she said as she scrunched a bill into Jungkook’s hand, “Thanks for your hard work. Happy holiday!” And then she shut the door right into his face.
What just happened? Jungkook was stupefied. After an eternity he finally moved and mechanically pulled out his phone. He checked the delivery order on his app. LatteIsHorse – this was the address. She didn’t recognize him. Why was he so naive to believe that she would remember him? All he wanted in that moment was for the ground to open and swallow him up.
“Dinner’s here,” your sister said as you came out of the shower. “Did you order banana milk?”
“No? Why?” you joined her at the dinner table and started rummaging through the dishes. “Where’s the receipt?”
“I threw it in the trash,” she said. When she saw you opening up the trash can and fishing for it, she added, “Gross! What are you doing? Why do you need it?”
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Golden Bang 7 Wausan-ro 29-gil, Seogyo-dong
Server: JK ------------------- TO GO
1 Tangsuyuk (large) -- 20,000 2 Pork Mandu -- 6,000 1 Tteokkguk -- 4,500 1 Jjajangmyeon -- 4,500 1 Tteokkbokki -- 3,000
Total: 38,000 -------------------- Thanks for ordering at Golden Bang! Have a golden day!
Note: LatteIsHorse-nim! Happy Children’s Day to you too! I added my favorite childhood drink, banana milk! I hope it brings back as many happy childhood memories for you as it does for me.
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There, sitting on the table, was a small bottle of banana milk. A smile spread across your face. “I need to file it away for tax purposes.”
Your sister looked at you like you were crazy. “Let’s eat already, I’m starving. Wash your hands.”
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[14/05 16:55 PM] User: LatteIsHorse ---------------- ORDER [TAKE AWAY]
1 Tangsuyuk (small) 1 Jjajangbap ---------------- Note: JK-nim, hope you’re doing well. I’m in the area today, so I thought I’d stop by and say hello in person! Is it weird that I feel a bit nervous?
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The restaurant door wasn’t going to open itself. The past 15 minutes of you standing in front of it has proven that. You had some errands to run in Hongdae after school and decided on a whim to place a pickup order at your favorite take-out place. 
Why was it so difficult to enter a restaurant? If you steeled your nerves any more, they’d probably break from how brittle they’ve become. You just had to open that damn door.
Sometimes you wondered if you liked that place more because of its great tangsuyuk or because of JK’s little notes which always managed to put a smile on your face.
One thing was for sure, you weren’t stalling because of the tangsuyuk.
“Welcome to Golden Bang!” a bright male voice rang across the restaurant as you passed through the door.
You walked up to the register and sneaked a peek at the boy’s name tag, ‘Yugyeom’. You felt a slight twinge of disappointment.
“I’m here to pick up my order? LatteIsHorse?” you asked tentatively.
A sign of recognition flashed across Yugyeom’s face. “Of course, your order’s ready! I’ll just bag it up for you,” he said cheerfully. He walked away and quickly came back with a white plastic bag full of food. Then he printed out your receipt and handed both to you.
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Golden Bang 7 Wausan-ro 29-gil, Seogyo-dong
Server: YG ------------------- TO GO
1 Tangsuyuk (small) -- 13,000 1 Jjajangbap -- 5,500
Total: 18,500 -------------------- Thanks for ordering at Golden Bang! Have a golden day!
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You looked around the restaurant, it was empty since dinnertime was still a while away. You wondered if Yugyeom was managing the store alone right now. At least the cook must be in. “Your tangsuyuk is really delicious. It’s probably my favorite.”
Yugyeom gave you a big smile, “Happy to hear that you enjoy our food so much. The tangsuyuk is our chef’s family recipe. It’s one of our most popular menu items!”
You wringed your hands and finally decided to bite the bullet and straight out ask, “Is JK here? He usually takes my orders when I order delivery, so I just wanted to say hi.”
“JK’s shift doesn’t start until 6, so he should be here in about half an hour. If you want, I can relay a message,” he said with a knowing smile, “Or you can also take a seat and wait for him. I’m sure he’d be thrilled to meet you.”
No way you were going to sit here for half an hour and wait up for a stranger. “Ah no, that’s alright. If you could just say hi from me, that’d be great,” you quickly replied with a flush. JK would probably think you’re a creepy stalker.
“Sure, can do! Enjoy your day!” Yugyeom said merrily as you walked out the store.
A feeling of both relief and sadness passed through you. You slowly walked down the busy streets of Hongdae as you reprimanded yourself for being so stupid. What were you going to say to JK anyway if you met him? Thanks for being nice to me? You’re the reason I don’t burst into tears every single night? You’re the reason why I don’t feel completely alone when I’m sobbing into my food over Song Joong Ki’s acting? Thanks for making me gain 3 kilos in the last month?
Whatever you said, it would’ve only made you sound pathetic.
A crippling wave of desperation suddenly washed over you and rooted you in your tracks. A single tear rolled down your face. Then another. You dropped down into a crouch and started to bawl. You couldn’t fathom how you’ve reached this all-time low in your life. Why did you feel so incredibly sad about being stood up by a stranger? Especially when that stranger didn’t even know you were coming?
“Y/N?” an alarmed voice asked. You looked up when you felt a soft shake against your shoulder.
Through your tear-blurred eyes you recognized Jungkook’s face. He crouched down next to you and asked, “Is everything okay? Are you hurt?”
You shook your head and tried to wipe away your tears. It was a useless attempt as they kept on streaming down your face.
Jungkook hesitantly pushed your hair out of your face and asked, “Do you want to go somewhere else so you can tell me what happened?”
You gave him an imperceptible nod.
His hand gently moved down to your arm, afraid that you were going to push him away. With a steady grip he slowly helped you back onto your feet. Then he slid his hand through yours and led you down the hustle and bustle of Hongdae until you ended up in front of a convenience store located in one of the quieter residential side streets. He sat you down in a plastic chair and told you to wait. After a while he came back with a packet of tissues, a bottle of water and two red bean popsicles.
You gratefully took the tissues and loudly blew your nose. A small part of your brain told you to act more ladylike, especially in front of Jungkook, but the bigger part didn’t really care and just wanted to drag you back down into the pits of loneliness. A strangled sound came out of your mouth as you started to hiccup, making you sound like a drowning cat.
You expected Jungkook to laugh at your weird orchestra of emotions. Even you found it absurd and would’ve laughed if you weren’t already crying and hiccupping at the same time. But all he did was quietly open the water bottle and hand it to you.  
As soon as you lifted the bottle to your mouth another hiccup made you almost spill the water on yourself. You held your breath for a few seconds and then took a careful sip. It seemed to work. You took a bigger sip, when another hiccup racked your body and you squeezed water all over your face.
There was a bewildering moment of shock, then you started to laugh deliriously. Forget before, this was your lowest point in life. This was so pathetic that it was hilarious again. Your laughter garbled whenever you hiccupped, only causing you to laugh even harder. You would’ve continued laughing for another long minute if you weren’t choking for air.
A small smile played around Jungkook’s mouth. He took another tissue and started wiping down your face. You hiccupped under his touch. He must think you’re a nutcase.
“I have a question. We have to do some statistical testing in my Quality Management class. What would a hypothesis look like if I wanted to analyze any deviation in a spare parts production line due to temperature conditions?” Jungkook asked.
Did he really forget hypothesis testing already? He finally managed to get it after four sessions! You frowned slightly. “You could set up a null hypothesis stating that a variation in temperature does not significantly impact the parameter of measurement in your production line. Jungkook did you seriously forget this?!” you said indignantly.
Jungkook gave you a playful laugh, “No, I think you drilled it so hard into my brain, I could probably recite all variables of the standard deviation formula if you woke me up in the middle of the night. Your hiccups stopped though.”
They did.
Embarrassment set in as you realized your predicament. Maybe your hormones were going crazy, maybe you were going crazy. You were getting whiplash from the emotional roller coaster you were on. In an attempt to hide your disgrace, you picked up another tissue and wiped away the remaining water, snot and tears.
There was tangible awkwardness in the air.
“I hope you like red bean,” Jungkook said shyly as he unwrapped a popsicle, “Red bean is my favorite. My friends keep on calling me old fashioned, but it just reminds me of the time when my mom used to buy me these after taekwondo class. I think I liked the popsicles more than I liked going to class.” He sighed in reverie and held up the popsicle for you.
You stared at his hand. You remembered how it felt against yours just a few moments ago. Firm, warm and steady. Then you looked up at Jungkook. He hid it well, but you could tell that there was concern behind his encouraging smile.
“This is so embarrassing,” you said as you accepted the popsicle and turned your head away from him, “I don’t know what is wrong with me right now. I’m usually not like this.”
“Did something happen earlier?” Jungkook asked cautiously as he unwrapped his own popsicle and took a bite out of it.
Did something happen earlier? Why did you cry? Where you really crying just because you didn’t meet JK?
“No,” you said and slowly shook your head, “I don’t know. I just suddenly felt overwhelmed.”
Jungkook hesitated before he asked, “Are you sad because of your breakup?”
Were you sad because of your ex-boyfriend?
“I don’t think so. In the beginning when we broke up I was devastated, but I don’t think that’s the case anymore,” you said more to yourself than to Jungkook. “Everyone told me I was lucky to be rid of him. I really didn’t understand why. But I think it’s becoming clearer now. Maybe it’s not sadness. Maybe it’s fear. I think I just feel lost. I don’t know who I am anymore. Maybe it scares me to know that I was able to lose myself and I don’t know if I can find a way back.”
Before you knew it, you spilled your heart, your deepest and darkest fears to Jungkook. You barely knew this boy, yet it still felt oddly comforting. He remained quiet and listened.
“I wanted to meet someone today, but they weren’t there,” you continued, “I think in that moment I just realized how utterly lost I was on my own.”
Jungkook searched for the appropriate words. How do you respond to someone’s most vulnerable thoughts? “I mean you know what they say. It’s not about how much you’ve lost, it’s about how much you have left.”
He peeked at you to check if it worked.
“Jungkook, did you just quote Iron Man at me?” you asked incredulously before a giggle slipped from your lips.
You noticed how his cheeks dimpled when he gave you an embarrassed laugh, “Sorry, I was trying to say something that would cheer you up. I’m probably not doing a very good job.”
In that second you realized how kind-hearted Jungkook actually was. Your heart squeezed. “Don’t say that. Thanks for listening to my problems. And thanks for the red bean popsicle. I also ate this a lot in my childhood. Mainly because my sister hated them. She always used to steal my ice cream out of the freezer so at some point I asked my parents to only buy me red bean popsicles. She never touched those,” you reminisced.
Jungkook laughed at your story, “Your sister sounds like a piece of work.”
“We used to fight a lot, we used to never get along,” you became thoughtful, “At some point that stopped. I think we just grew up and grew to understand and accept our differences. She doesn’t steal my food anymore. I don’t steal her clothes anymore. We may not always agree, but we respect each other’s decisions.”
“You know, for someone who just said she feels lost, you sound pretty self-reflected right now,” Jungkook mused, “Maybe you need to do the same as you did with your sister. Understand yourself and accept the differences of your past and present.”
You paused at this. He was right. You were so desperately trying to fend off these negative emotions that you never took the time to actually think. You were chasing an image that never existed. Not in the past nor in the present.
“You’re surprisingly good at giving advice. Thanks, Jungkook,” you said.
“Surprisingly? What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, offended. The glint in his eyes gave his teasing away.
Laughter pealed from you. Jungkook was captivated by the sound. He drank in the way your eyes creased with mirth and followed your fingers as they brushed back your hair.
Jungkook’s phone vibrated. “Oh shit!”
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, don’t worry. I was actually on my way to work and my boss is asking me where I am,” he said as he stuffed his phone back in his pocket.
Jungkook startled when you suddenly jumped up. “Then you should get to work! You should’ve said something sooner. I’m so sorry for keeping you here!”
“No, it’s really fine. I’ve done enough overtime. He won’t complain if I’m a few minutes late,” he said, “Are you feeling better?”
You ignored his question and pushed against his shoulders to get him out of the chair. “Go to work, Jungkook. I’ll be fine, your red bean popsicle did wonders,” you responded placatively.
When he still didn’t move, you grabbed his arm and pulled him back onto the main street. Jungkook’s skin scorched under your touch. “Go to work, Jungkook,” you said again with more emphasis.
“Are you sure…?” he asked, unwilling to let you out of his sight before he knew you weren’t just going cry again at the next street corner.
“I won’t burst into tears,” you said as if reading his mind. “You were right, I need to reconcile with myself. So I’ll go home, enjoy my dinner and think about who I am and who I want to be. And you,” you said giving him another gentle shove, “need to go to work.”
Jungkook saw the stubborn look on your face. He wondered if you realized you were using your teaching voice right now. You weren’t going to take no for an answer. “Okay fine, text me when you get home?”
You waved away his concerns. “Sure. Go already,” you said with a big reassuring smile. “See you tomorrow at school!” you added before you turned around and walked away.
“You’re late,” Yugyeom said as soon as Jungkook entered the store.
Jungkook gave Yugyeom a sheepish look and only muttered, “Yeah sorry, something came up on my way here.” Then he rushed past him to the back of the restaurant and changed into his uniform.
Once he came back out he noticed Yugyeom throwing him strange looks.
“Your girlfriend says hi,” Yugyeom said with a hint of amusement.
Yugyeom gave Jungkook a meaningful look, “LatteIsHorse. She ordered pick up. I think she was hoping to meet you. She’s cute. She looks like she’s probably a college student around here.”
“I know,” was all Jungkook replied.
Yugyeom’s eyes bulged in curiosity, “You know? You know she’s cute or you know she’s a student? You never told me what actually happened that night!”
Jungkook gave him a tired look and said, “She didn’t recognize me. She wore a Yonsei hoodie, so I guess she goes there. Nothing else happened.”
“Hmm, that’s weird. She was asking for you today, so she definitely knows your name,” Yugyeom said.
“Who knows, maybe she was having a lot on her plate that day,” Jungkook said with a shrug. He wondered where you lived and if you already got home safely. “Why are you obsessing over this so much?”
“Man, do you know how painful it is to watch your sorry attempts at flirting? I’m just trying to help you out, mate,” Yugyeom quipped.
“I wasn’t flirting! I was just trying cheer someone up who was obviously feeling down! It’s called being a decent human being,” Jungkook exclaimed.
Yugyeom gave him the side eye, “Yeah, that’s still not gonna get you laid.”
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[19/05 18:47 PM] User: LatteIsHorse ---------------- ORDER [DELIVERY]
1 Tangsuyuk (small) 1 Bibimbap ---------------- Note: JK-nim, I visited you at the store last week, but you weren’t there. TT-TT I hope you don’t think I’m weird, I just really like talking to you. You always manage to put a smile on my face when I’m having a hard day. We’re still friends, right?
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Golden Bang 7 Wausan-ro 29-gil, Seogyo-dong
Server: JK ------------------- TO GO
1 Tangsuyuk (small) -- 13,000 1 Bibimbap -- 5,000
Total: 18,000 -------------------- Thanks for ordering at Golden Bang! Have a golden day!
Note: LatteIsHorse-nim! I’m sad that I missed your visit to our store. I’ll try harder the next time! I added some extra bulgogi to make up for it. :) Of course we’re still friends. I don’t wish any hard days upon you, but I’m glad to hear that my words have a healing effect. In case you ever need a friend to talk to, feel free to talk to me. 010-1234-5678.
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The study sessions with Jungkook continued per usual. He still struggled and had frustrated outbursts from time to time, especially when you forced him to revise probability distributions. When you finally reached regression analysis, things became easier.
Although your sessions remained the same, something in your dynamic changed. The both of you became looser and more playful around each other. He wouldn’t clamp up anymore and you felt more at ease around him. You became friends. He never once mentioned that disasterous afternoon.
At home, on the evening of the incident, you shot Jungkook a text and slumped down on the couch. Your sister was out that night, so it was just you in the apartment. Normally, the eerie quiet would’ve unsettled you and you would’ve distracted yourself from your deafening thoughts. But that night you just let them scream, yell and tear at you.
It was an excruciating process, but in the end your head was clearer, your heart calmer. You still weren’t quite there yet, but at least you made a first step out of the endless pit of desperation.
There were other things you noticed about yourself. Gradually you realized you didn’t mind being on your own anymore. You rediscovered your love for drawing and created you own mandala art. You also learned to code your own website and now had a clickable version of your cv on the go. Although you made time for yourself, you weren’t a hermit. You went out for drinks with Jisoo and soon asked Namjoon to take you along to your university’s Math Club. There you met a lot of familiar faces that you’ve encountered in class but never talked to. With them you spent animated evenings discussing stimulating math problems and exchanging incredibly bad math puns.
You also started noticing things about Jungkook. He wasn’t as timid and shy as you initially thought. Once he got over his awkwardness, he turned out to be quite a cheeky and goofy guy. He teased you or told you silly jokes whenever you were on a break. Despite his obvious aversion for statistics, he still took your lessons very seriously. Diligently listening to your explanations and trying to solve the problems to the best of his abilities. His study-mode showed you other sides of him. The cute pout he had whenever he tried to hide his confusion. Or the two little ridges which formed between his eyes whenever he was concentrated and deep in thought. More often than not you fought the urge to smooth them out with your touch or even better, with a kiss.
“Is something wrong?” Jungkook asked when he caught you staring.
“No,” you quickly said, “I was just thinking that you don’t seem to have much trouble with regression analysis.”
“I don’t know, the relationship between the variables just makes much more sense,” Jungkook said.
You looked at him and considered, “Hmm, maybe you don’t need my tutoring anymore?”
Brief dismay crossed Jungkook’s face. “My finals are in three weeks. I think I’d still prefer if you helped me revise the earlier chapters,” he said, “Unless you need more time to study for your own finals.”
Being in college meant that you were always in dire need of more time. That constant nagging voice in the back of your head telling you to study was an occupational disease. But you didn’t have to kid yourself, those four hours a week spent on Jungkook weren’t going to make or break your grade. Besides, you enjoyed spending time with him. You wondered if he felt the same.
“It’s alright, I’ll help you revise. Just don’t embarrass me on your finals. I don’t want Namjoon to tell me afterwards that you didn’t manage to calculate the mean of the population or worse, read the scoring table upside down,” you teased him light-heartedly.
Jungkook’s ears turned bright red. “That happened once!” he said, “How long are you going to hold that over my head?”
You laughed at his indignation. “Don’t forget, you’ll get endless tangsuyuk if you pass.”
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[26/05 20:09 PM] User: LatteIsHorse ---------------- ORDER [DELIVERY]
1 Tangsuyuk (small) 1 Jjamppong ---------------- Note: JK-nim, I’d like to get the advice of a friend. There’s this kind, sweet boy that I really like. I would like to tell him how I feel, but he’s seen me in my lowest and ugliest moments. Maybe he’ll think I’m just baggage? I guess I’m afraid of his rejection.
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Golden Bang 7 Wausan-ro 29-gil, Seogyo-dong
Server: JK ------------------- TO GO
1 Tangsuyuk (small) -- 13,000 1 Jjamppong -- 5,000 1 Soju -- 0
Total: 18,000 -------------------- Thanks for ordering at Golden Bang! Have a golden day!
Note: LatteIsHorse-nim! It’s only human to fear rejection. I can completely understand. I also have someone I really like. She’s really pretty, smart and funny. Spending time with her makes me really happy, but I never managed to tell her. Maybe we should both gather our courage and cheer each other on? I’m not saying that drunken confessions are the way to go but consider this soju a symbolism for (liquid) courage.
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Paper Note: This is a flexagon. Whenever you need a word of encouragement give it a flip!
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Jungkook examined the hexagonal origami in his hands. On the outside it read ‘Flip Me!’
He gave the flexagon a flip. ‘JK you’re the best!’ And another. ‘The world needs more people like you!’ And another. ‘Don’t forget that LatteIsHorse is always rooting for you!’ And another. ‘Aja, aja, hwaiting!’ And another. ‘Thank you for being my friend!’
Jisoo barged into you room and flopped onto your bed. ‘Ahhh! I’m so glad you finally cleaned in here. Seriously, if I find another rancid noodle stuck to my clothes, I’ll call in a hazmat team.”
“I don’t know why you’re complaining so much. It’s not even your room,” you said.
“Hey, where are you ever going to find a friend like me?”
Your friend sacrificed many a night away from college parties to binge watch handsome oppas sweep equally beautiful unnies off their feet with you. And she wasn’t shy telling you that.
“Let’s go out tonight,” Jisoo suggested. She rolled back onto her feet and started walking around, inspecting your cleaning job.
“Our finals start in two weeks; I really don’t want to spend my weekend nursing a hangover.”
“I’m not saying you have to get wasted. Tonight is the Pre-Game Night. We have to go!” Jisoo demanded.
The Final’s Pre-Game Night was a campus-wide tradition. Every semester on the Friday a week before finals huge parties were thrown to signal the beginning of the end. It was like a dare – were you confident enough to get completely drunk and still hope to pass your finals? Naturally everybody on campus joined in and drank.
“Not getting wasted at a Pre-Game party? That’s like saying you’ve decided you don’t need to breathe. I really don’t think…”
“What’s this?” Jisoo suddenly interrupted. “LatteIsHorse-nim! Personally, I’m a dipper, but I don’t discriminate! I added some broth as service for you. It’s chilly tonight. Don’t catch a cold!” she read aloud, “LatteIsHorse-nim! Happy Children’s Day to you too! I added my favorite childhood drink, banana milk! I hope it brings back as many happy childhood memories for you as it does for me.”
You flung yourself across the room and almost tripped over your own feet trying to rip the receipts out of Jisoo’s hands.
“Oh. My. God. Is your take-out guy flirting with you?!” she asked.
“No! He’s just a friend. We send encouraging notes to each other,” you tried to explain.
Jisoo threw her hands in the air. “Okay that’s it! We’re going to the Pre-Game party, whether you want or not. You can’t tell me that the only flirting interaction you have is with a stranger who delivers you tangsuyuk!”
The place Jisoo picked out was ram packed and buzzing with energy. It was an open dorm party; all the common rooms were transformed into dancefloors. Different types of music played from each corner of the building. Crates of alcohol were stacked against the walls.
The both of you grabbed a beer and made your way through the crowd.
“You’re going to have fun tonight, alright?”
“I don’t think this works that way,” you laughed.
“Then put some effort into it. We look way too cute for it to go to waste,” she said as you roamed around the floors and explored the different areas. You looked down on your dress. It was a pretty warm night; you had opted for a flowy summer dress with a blush pink floral pattern. Jisoo was right, it was cute.
You discovered a familiar face at the edge of the crowd. “Sunbae!” you said.
Namjoon turned around gave you a surprised smile. “Y/N! Out of all the places on campus, we meet each other here tonight. What are the chances?”
He was surrounded by a group of friends, you spotted Jungkook right behind him. The boy gave you an excited wave. A slow smile spread across your face. “I don’t know, but why don’t we ask Jungkook to calculate it for you?”
Namjoon let out a hearty laugh while Jungkook groaned in exasperation.
“Do you see what I have to put up with every week, hyung?”
“Didn’t you just say it’s the best thing that happened to you?” Namjoon taunted, “You have some nerve showing up in front of me tonight. You better ace your SA finals. Do you know how many favors I had to pull to get Y/N to tutor you?”
“What do you expect me to do?” Jungkook sputtered, “Go home and lock myself up on Pre-Game Night?”
If it weren’t for Jisoo you would’ve done just that. Speaking of Jisoo, your friend cleared her throat and gave you a painful nudge in the side.
“Ah yes, uhm, Jisoo you already know Namjoon. This is Jungkook. You know, the guy I’m tutoring.”
Jungkook gave her a small wave.
Jisoo didn’t even try to hide her amazement. “This is Jungkook? But you’re like wayyy cute!” She turned to you and added still loud enough for everyone to hear, “Why didn’t you tell me he was cute?!”
The embarrassment was obvious on Jungkook’s face. You could tell that Namjoon was getting a rush out of his dongsaeng’s reaction and before he could provoke him any further you decided to jump in.
“Who wants to go dance?” you asked loudly. You turned around and headed to the dancefloor without waiting for any of them to respond.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were tutoring a hunk?” Jisoo muttered under her breath.
“He’s not a hunk. Don’t call him that.”
“Yeah but he’s hot. You made him sound like he was a nerd.”
“He is a nerd.”
Your friend gave you a glare, “Why are we arguing about this? I know you’re not that oblivious.”
Of course you weren’t oblivious to Jungkook, but you weren’t going to tell Jisoo that.
“Let’s dance.” You grabbed Jisoo’s hand and twirled her around.
Namjoon and his friends joined you on the dancefloor. The mood of the crowd was electric. Music pulsed through your veins. Drinks flowed, shots were downed, people pulled out their best, lamest, craziest dance moves. Everyone celebrated like the world was going to end.
After a while you became hot and needed a new drink. You looked around for Jisoo and saw her grinding up against one of Namjoon’s friends. She’d be busy for a while. You inconspicuously moved away from the group and decided to go get some fresh air.  
“Wait up,” Jungkook said as he appeared next to you, “are you getting something to drink? I’ll join you.”
His dark curls were slightly matted with sweat. His baggy t-shirt clung to his body. You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or Jisoo’s damn voice whispering into your ear. He was hot.
You circled your arm through his and pulled him through the crowd. His muscles shifted under your touch. You grabbed two drinks from a crate and handed one to Jungkook, your nerves tingled when his hand brushed against yours. The both of you remained in comfortable silence, leisurely walking through the dorm, neither of you in a hurry to get back to your friends. You explored the facility areas, weaving through pounding and quiet parts of the building.
“You look really nice tonight,” he said after a while.
The heels of your shoes echoed against marble floor of the dark hallway. “Thanks, Jisoo raided my closet.”
“She’s really something isn’t she?”
“She’s the best. I’m grateful to have her as my friend.”
Somewhere further down the hallway you made out two figures pressed against the wall, probably trying to find a quiet place of their own.
“You also look nice,” you said to Jungkook.
“I’m wearing the same things I always do,” Jungkook said, his voice turning shy.
You were getting closer to the couple. You could see how the guy was sticking his tongue down the girl’s throat. She seemed to enjoy it from the sounds she was making. Lucky them.
Your next words were definitely fuelled by your tipsy state, “I guess that means you always look nice.” Jungkook missed a step. You had to laugh at his blunder.
The couple in front of you broke apart and looked in your direction. More annoyed about being interrupted rather than embarrassed being caught. You were about to make a funny comment to Jungkook when your heart stopped and you froze.
A string of saliva still clung to the guy’s lips. His eyes widened when he recognized your face in the darkness. “Y/N?”
Your breath hitched and your grip tightened around Jungkook’s arm. He glanced between you and the guy, the situation slowly dawning on him.
“Why did you stop? Who’s that?”, the girl whined.
“No one,” the guy responded as he returned his attention to her and they started making out again.
Jungkook didn’t know if he wanted to puke or punch that guy. A sharp pain in his arm brought him back to his senses. Your nails dug into his skin. He put his hand around yours and loosened your iron grip.
“Let’s go,” he said and quickly pulled you past the couple. You followed him in a daze. He stopped once you were outside of the building, hidden away in a quiet corner.
His hands reached for your face and he lifted your eyes to his. “Breathe.”
You closed your eyes, let out a long breath and let your head fall against the wall behind you. The horrible encounter replayed in your mind. You had to open your eyes again.
There he was right in front of you. Worried Jungkook, kind Jungkook, beautiful Jungkook.
Your hands reached behind his neck and you pulled him a bit closer. You tried to decipher his gaze, it was dark and yearning. Everything was a haze, the alcohol in your blood made you daring.
“Kiss me,” you whispered.
His mouth crashed against yours. Your hands slipped up into his hair and your bodies entwined. You opened your lips and sucked in his hot breath. Your tongues found each other; he groaned at your taste.
He moved one of his hands down your side until he found purchase on your leg and hitched it up against his waist, pressing his body further into you. You let out a moan when his hips ground into yours.
All your senses drowned in Jungkook. You drowned in his scent, you drowned in his touch, you drowned in his heat. You tried to use Jungkook to drown out the grotesque image from before. Suddenly the heat of the moment disappeared, and a cold shower ran down your spine.
You broke away from your breathless kiss and put your hands against Jungkook’s chest to put some distance between you. He gave you a disoriented look.
“I’m sorry. We shouldn’t have kissed.”
Jungkook’s eyes grew wide and alarmed. “Did I do something wrong?”
His lips were swollen, his hair was mussed. You wanted nothing more than to pull him back in, but you couldn’t. Not here. Not like this. He deserved better.
You pushed yourself off the wall and gave him a small shove. He immediately let go of you and stepped back. “I shouldn’t have kissed you like this,” was all you said before you ran back into the building.
The next day you woke up to a splitting headache and a heart full of regret. You really needed to talk to Jungkook and explain to him why you ran away the previous night, but you were too much of a coward to pick up your phone and contact him. You decided it was better to talk to him in person at school.
The following week at school you waited for him in the library. Your heart was in your throat. Your prepared speech played in an endless loop in your head.
‘I’m sorry I ran away. I shouldn’t have kissed you in that state. It wasn’t fair to you. You deserve better than that.’
You looked down on your phone to check the time. A message blinked. You opened and read through it. Your heart sank. He wasn’t coming. He wanted to study the last week before finals on his own. He thanked you for your time.
Slowly you got up and packed your bag. You blew it. You wanted to do him right, but you only caused him pain. Thinking back, you realized he gave and gave and gave and all you did was take. He was right to stay away from you. There was no way he’d be happy with someone like you.
The week passed and finals week commenced. You immersed yourself in your exams and tried to get over your heavy heart. You were pretty sure you aced Geometry II, but the Numerical Analysis exam was nothing but a blur.
Although your heart ached, you didn’t fall back into the same dark pit of the past. You didn’t feel lost, you got on with your life. Nobody noticed the Jungkook-sized hole in your heart except for you. You wanted to talk about your feelings, but you didn’t think Jisoo or your sister would understand. They’d probably just tell you to get out there and find a new guy.
Another week passed. You were walking out of your professor’s office, finalizing the details of your summer internship, when you bumped into Namjoon.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? Aren’t you off for summer break yet?” he asked.
“I was just discussing my internship with Prof. Kim,” you said.
“Ah you’re participating in his research program?” Namjoon said, “I heard it’s really interesting, he’s intense though.”
“I think intense is fine for me, I need something to do with my brain. Otherwise I’ll just go crazy,” you said with a smile.
“Speaking of intense, what did you do to that kid?” Namjoon suddenly asked.
You tensed. Did something happen to Jungkook? “What do you mean?”
“Did you brainwash him or something? He got a 98 on his SA final! When I handed him over to you, he was still asking me why the positive and negative z-scores tables had different values,” Namjoon said in awe.
Relief washed through you and your chest filled with pride. “Watch out sunbae, I might be coming for your TA position,” you said with a wink.
At home you sprawled out on the couch. Your sister’s classes ended earlier than yours so now she was away with her friends travelling the countryside. Your mind wandered as you stared up at the ceiling of your quiet apartment. You really wanted to call Jungkook and congratulate him, but you didn’t think you should. He clearly didn’t want to be in contact with you, you hadn’t heard anything from him since his text canceling your study sessions.
A pang of sadness washed through you. It should have been a happy moment for the both of you, you should be eating tangsuyuk together right now. You really wanted to tell someone about your joy and your grief.
Then you suddenly remembered your friend. Your friend who never judged and always had something wise to say. Maybe he would understand the conflicts of your heart. You got up and dug through the receipts on your desk until you found the one with his phone number on it.
You hoped he wouldn’t think you were crazy, but then again, he was the one who offered himself to talk to you any time. You typed in the number and hit call. Your phone dialed when suddenly the number displayed switched to a name. Jungkook.
You quickly hit the cancel button and stared at your phone. Did you accidentally hit Jungkook’s contact? Was your phone broken? This time you typed in the number more carefully and hit call. Again, the display switched to Jungkook’s name. You hit cancel.
Your heart began to race. You opened up Jungkook’s contact and compared it with the number on the receipt.
Holy shit.
JK was Jungkook. Jungkook was JK.
The stranger who cheered you on and made you smile whenever you felt down was Jungkook. You combed through all your receipts and reread them one by one. What was the probability for this to happen? This was so bizarre, but it made so much sense. Jungkook was the kindest person you knew. Why wouldn’t he be kind to a stranger who needed some uplifting words and comforting tangsuyuk?
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[13/06 18:20 PM] User: LatteIsHorse ---------------- ORDER [DELIVERY]
3 Tangsuyuk (large) 6 Jjajangmyeon ---------------- Note: JK-nim, I hope you’re doing well! Can I ask you for a strange favor? Would you mind delivering today’s order to me? I would really like to meet you and thank you in person for always being by my side! <3
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<Ding Dong>
The doorbell rang. Your heart pounded painfully in your chest. You slowly walked up to the door and opened it.
“Delivery from Golden…,” Jungkook’s voice faltered.
“Hi JK-nim,” you said quietly. You opened the door wider. “Thanks for coming today.”
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” he asked.
You had to smile at his look of utter confusion. “I live here. Come in, you can put the food on the dining table.” You turned around and walked back into the apartment.
Jungkook hesitated before he followed you inside. He moved up to the table and unloaded his box. He tried to steady himself. “You’re LatteIsHorse-nim?” he asked skeptically, “I’ve been here before. Last time someone else opened the door.”
He has visited you before? “Oh, that was probably my sister. I live here with her. She’s out travelling right now.”
“So you’re on your own right now? Why did you order so much food?” he asked. A giant mountain of neatly stacked dishes graced the table.
You came up and pried the metal box out of his hand. Then you moved in front of him and unclasped his bike helmet. He flinched at your sudden closeness.
“To celebrate. Congratulations on passing your Statistical Analysis exam. Namjoon told me you passed in flying colors,” you said in a gentle voice. “I promised you the best Chinese take-out in town, didn’t I?”
Jungkook still looked shell-shocked and simply stared at you.
“I’m sorry about that night at the Pre-Game party. I’m sorry I ran away. I owe you an explanation.”
Jungkook regained his wits and swallowed. “It’s okay, you don’t have to explain yourself. I get it, we were drunk. It was a mistake.” He looked down and tried to turn back around.
You grabbed onto his hands before he could move away. “Jungkook, look at me.”
He stopped turning, but his eyes remained on the floor.
You took a deep breath and squeezed his hands. “I really like you. I’ve really liked you for a while now.”
His eyes shot up to your face.
“The reason why I ran away that night was because I felt guilty. I probably would’ve ended up kissing you anyway, but in that moment, I kissed you because I wanted to forget. I didn’t want our first kiss to be like that. I wanted it to be the me who liked you and not the me who tried to drown out her shitty ex-boyfriend. I’m sorry if I hurt you.”
There was an unreadable look in his eyes. Your heart fluttered in nervousness. “How long have you known I was JK? How long did you know I had a crush on you?” he asked.
You could feel your blood rushing through your ears, the butterflies in your stomach beat like crazy. “Since today. I was sad because I thought I couldn’t share the promised meal with you. I wanted a friend to talk to, so I thought to call you. You who was always kind to me, even when I wasn’t kind to myself. Isn’t fate strange? We cheered each other on to find each other.” You had to laugh at the irony of it all.
Your hand hesitantly moved up to his face and stroked across his cheek, “I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I made you sad.”
Jungkook melted against your touch. “If I’m never sad, I won’t know when I’m happy.” Then he closed the gap and pressed his lips against yours.
It was a sweet but sad kiss. Filled with happiness and sorrow. Every touch was filled with an ‘I missed you’ or an ‘I’m sorry’.
Jungkook pressed you against the edge of your dining table, he lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. You both deepened your kiss. Your hands snaked through his hair and pulled him closer into you. Jungkook braced his hands against the table and instinctively ground his hips against your core. You moaned his name at the sensation. The both of you broke apart to catch your breaths, you pulled at his jacket and removed his layers of clothing.
You stilled at the sight of his bare chest. He was truly beautiful. Your fingers traced along his skin and marvelled at its silkiness. Jungkook shuddered under your touch. His hands moved under your shirt and you both lifted it off your head. Then you gripped his hands and slowly led them around your back, urging him to take off your bra. You wriggled out of your jeans and laid yourself completely bare in front of him. Jungkook stopped and stared at you, equally amazed.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.
Your heart swelled and you pulled him back into a kiss. Both his kisses and his hands left a burning trail down your body. His mouth sucked on the soft skin of your neck while his hands moved across your breast, across your stomach, lower and lower. Wetness gathered between your legs.
“Jungkook,” you sighed. The muscles of his back shifted under your touch.
He released your neck with a loud smack and looked at the artwork he created. He still couldn’t get over how overwhelmingly beautiful you were. Your cheeks flushed, eyes bright and his name at the tip of your tongue. He felt himself strain against his confines.
“Please,” you whimpered. You looked down at his hand and tried to silently command him to touch you.
He kept his eyes trained on your face when his fingers moved lower and slid through your folds. Another moan left your lovely lips. He teased you with his touches, gathering your wetness until he finally pushed down where you wanted him most. Your hands dug into his back, your hips bucked, and you threw your head back in pleasure. He steadied your hips with his other hand and slowly pushed a finger inside of you. Another loud moan echoed through the room.
Jungkook was transfixed by you. He added a second finger and started pushing in and out. Your eyes squeezed shut in pleasure and small breathless pants left your mouth. Jungkook increased the speed of his movement and marvelled at the way you reacted under his touch. Then he moved his mouth to your breast and closed his lips around your nipple. You raked your hands through his hair and arched into him. Your core tightened around his fingers. All your nerves were on fire.
You pulled him away from your breast and guided his mouth back to yours. Your tongue traced his lips and you swallowed his moan. You wanted more, you wanted him closer. His fingers curled and his thumb pressed down on you. Jungkook held you tight as you shuddered and fell apart around him.
He rested his forehead against yours, your breath mingled as you both panted into each other. He slowly removed his hand from you and traced his mouth with his slicked fingers, then he moved them to your lips. Your tongue licked the tips of his fingers. His grip tightened around your waist.
“I want to feel you,” you said.
Jungkook shuddered at your words. “Where is your room?”
“The door behind you.”
Jungkook lifted you off the table, you tightened your legs around him and gave him another kiss. He walked you both to your room and gently laid you down on your bed. He took off his pants, then slowly moved onto the bed and hovered above you.
“Tell me what you want,” he said.
Your fingers caressed his face. “I want you to be happy.”
Another shudder ran through him. “I am happy. What else?”
You traced his eyes, his nose, his lips. “I want to be the one making you happy.”
Jungkook couldn’t contain himself anymore. His heart felt like it was about to explode. He covered your body with his and pressed himself into you. Your eyes rolled back as he entered you slowly. You felt so full you wanted to burst out of your skin. You could feel how the Jungkook-sized whole in your heart filled up again.
He rocked into you and took your breath away. Your nails raked across his back and left red lines against his smooth skin. Jungkook ducked his head into the crook of your neck and moaned against your skin. Every pull dragged pleasure out of you, every push brought you closer together.
You wanted more. Jungkook gave you more.
You wanted him closer. Jungkook pushed deeper into you.
With every moan, Jungkook pushed harder, pushed deeper. He wanted to melt into you. He wanted the lines between you and him to disappear. Your desire was his desire. His pleasure was your pleasure.  
Jungkook could feel you tightening around him. He moved his mouth over yours and gave you an ardent kiss. The light of your desire turned brighter and brighter until it burst apart into a thousand little flames. You cried against his lips and let the heat consume you. Your body pulsed around his and the overwhelming sensation brought him right over the edge with you.
The both of you laid on your bed and clung to each other. Neither of you willing to let the other go. Your pounding chests beat in tandem. Jungkook stroked his hand across your hair and kissed your head.
“I want you to be happy too,” he said.
“I know,” you said as you smiled against his chest, “You make me happy.”
Jungkook pulled you tighter into him and you remained silent for a while. His hand traced lazy patterns against your skin. Your breathing evened out.
“Are you allergic to pineapple?” he suddenly asked.
You looked up at him in surprise. “No. Why?”
“Because you always order tangsuyuk without pineapple.”
“Oh. That’s because my sister hates pineapple.”
Jungkook frowned, you pulled yourself up and kissed the little ridges between his eyes.
“What?” you asked.
“I think the jjajangmyeon is all soggy by now,” he said.
You had to laugh. “Probably, but the tangsuyuk should still taste great.”
Jungkook kissed you with a smile. “You’re right, tangsuyuk always tastes great.”
Copyright © 2020 full-of-jams. All Rights Reserved. Do not copy, repost or translate without permission.
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jockpoetry · 4 years
supernatural sees women as a tool for development and strengthening of narratives/motivation and dean sees his body as a tool. is that anything?
When I saw this ask I really made the 🥴in real life. So, yeah anon, I do think there’s something to this.
Quick Disclaimer before I actually launch into my thoughts™: A lot of my read of Dean stems from my experience as both an oldest daughter and a transman. Being the oldest daughter was an experience I lived for many years, but I am also a man. I wasn’t raised as a man, I wasn’t socialized as a man, and even though once I came out upon reflection my masculinity was obviously there. Like I was a man™ before I knew I was a man. Even when I actively tied my identity to femininity for a long time! A lot of my prideful moments were based around statements like: “I was the only girl who (fill in the blank).” 
So I am just putting that out there before I launch into my spiel about Dean/Gender/Tool because they all interlock for me. 
I am also going to apologize in advance because I know this has fully gone off the rails and I’m not even done writing it yet. If this is incomprehensible ! Well, happens to the best of us.
First off, most importantly I guess before we discuss womanhood and Dean and the way both are utilized on the show I need to say that I personally don’t subscribe the whole Dean is female coded thing. 
It’s a read I can absolutely understand. But for me..he’s not. 
He’s a hypermasculine man to the point that when (and because he is written as a punchline, as the stupid™ brother, as the whore™, as the mother/father™, as daddy’s blunt instrument™, etc) Dean deviates from the pre-accepted definition of hypermasculine it’s Wrong. 
It’s Instantly Feminine. 
I think the internet has made the world very black and white, or blue and pink maybe. This point, I think, colors a lot of these discussions. Dean cooks, he cleans and so therefor he’s female coded. When that really just feeds back into the whole toxic masculinity loop. You can’t be masculine and cook and clean and cry. That’s for feminine people only. 
I get the argument! I do, I just think that Dean’s actions are not inherently feminine, it’s just in the vacuum of Female and in the Absence of Traditional Masculinity it makes sense to assign him female coded and move on.
IN FACT the way that Dean is the action hero of the show, the Masculine™ one on the show - but he cries, and he rages, and he cooks (Again and Again) and cleans (Again and Again). The fact he’s macho and confident but he has so little self esteem. Is frankly insane to me. You have this blaze of glory character who is so depressed that they have him kill himself. Twice. In explicitly “I hate myself, I hate hearing all the things I hate about myself, I want to destroy myself” ways. 
On just a regular ol’ network show that is just ungodly bad at times. They let their Male Hero cry - all the time (if I linked every example of this the essay would be...longer than it already is, but just take my word for it). Dean tears up and grieves and shows more than just Angry Horny Violent™ (he shows plenty of that, don’t get me wrong) but he’s Emotional (Again and Again and Again). In many different ways!
I mean, beyond even just tearing up, they make their Male Hero™ face sexual violence in pretty, uniquely horrifying - and queer! - ways.
Let’s make it clear, they did a lot of this unintentionally. 
Or they do it as a joke. 
Off of dean for a moment to say women are plot devices in this show. I could probably count on one hand female characters who have sincere depth to them that have roles outside of progressing plot, filling a filler episode, and who are still alive. Like even characters such as Charlie who are wholly developed, and interesting, are only remembered/mentioned/utilized to progress plots or fill an episode out - and then she dies. For pain™ for plot™ for no other reason than to traumatize a character. 
Which let’s also make it clear Dean’s trauma is also only used as a plot device (as is Sam’s but in a different way, and Cas’ trauma is a whole other barrel of fish we’re not gonna dive into right now). Like wholesale full stop they don’t actually care about what happened to him. Unless it’s relevant in an episode. 
Oh that boys home he was left at when he was 16 for months? Sure we’ll sprinkle that in in the back half of the series. Oh he was covered in bruises and said it was from a hunt (when it’s clear contextually they were from his father but saying the fantastical but true is easier than saying the uncomfortable but true). As Dean says though the story became the story, he was sixteen. He just went along with what John said.
We only see Dean ever truly rage at John, by the way, when either Dean is dead (when he’s between life and death and he rages at John, right before John “apologizes” for traumatizing him, for putting too much on Dean’s shoulders, and fucking dying) or John is dead (the Djinn episode where Dean is straight™ and John is dead™ and he goes to his grave and just yells and rages like he should have to his father in the real world).
Dean’s trauma from being both tortured and torturer in hell? Yeah, we don’t talk about that after it’s Relevant™. Even though it’s clear - especially in the demon!dean, mark of cain era, all those years later - Alastair still has his hooks inside of Dean. I stopped watching originally after s8 ended. I was fed up with the show, and with this whole renaissance I’ve been doing a rewatch and I’m into season twelve now and it really has never come up again. 
Even when he had the mark of cain and he was tasked with questioning and accused of torturing it was “the mark has changed you” and not “you were victim and victimizer in hell for forty years, which is longer than you’ve been alive on earth” (and, was about as long as he wound up living. Which is desperately sad.
Because we talk about Sam’s desire for a “normal” life but, Dean wanted out too. He was tired in the first few seasons of this show, he never had a chance to taste freedom (we don’t count the boys home, because that was a different kind of regimented life, and it was a false freedom) the way that Sam did in Flagstaff with Bones or at Stanford with Jessica. Love for Dean is sacrificing, it’s putting himself/his happiness/his well-being last.
Because Dean only knows love in the context of violence (like all of these fun examples, for starters) is a phrase that I’ve said a lot both in private chats and on here, and I absolutely think it goes to him being a tool (a blunt instrument, a plot device, so both textually and metatextually) instead of a person. Which Cas sees Dean’s shame/guilt and sees that side of Dean because he touched his soul, and saw more than just the Righteous™ man, more than just the tool, he saw A good man, not a machine. 
On the other side though you have how “bad guys” view Dean: Desperate, Sloppy, Needy, Dean’s hole (Again), which is again so wildly counterintuitive to the story of a Macho Man Hero™. You’re using vocabulary that is both queering him and feminizing (and I know this a meme format, but sincerely it is done in a derogatory way it is feminizing. It’s breaking him down to bare parts, to a sloppy hole). 
My whole rewatch I have been absolutely fascinated by how identity and free will is utilized/conceptualized on this show. Castiel has been my main focus, but Dean and how he is framed by himself and others is...fascinating - and frustrating. The writers inconsistency lends itself not only to this unintentionally queer character, but also one that again is incredibly easily read as a non-traditionally masculine character.
As a feminine character.
This show has so few female characters that of course it had to foist the roles/behaviors/plots that a female character might have onto a male character. Which I think is part of why reading Dean as trans (either transmasc, or transfemme) is so easily done like.   
Half of these are shit posts, but you can find trans allegories/textual evidence in this show again, again, again, again, and again. And this is unintentional, they don’t want you to look at Dean and see woman, former future or present. Like a lot of these I’m sure are punchlines for them, because women/queer folk are punchlines to them. 
Sometimes the only women in an episode are random witnesses who get two sentences of dialogue, and then the main guest character is a man. Who flirts with Dean, and Dean is receptive to it. 
They paint themselves into a corner, there are female Rabbi. So easily could Aaron have been a woman instead of a man, but they made the choice to play up the HaHa Dean & Men card. 
Because, again, Dean has filled the slot of Woman™ of Female Lead™ and the flirting would’ve been straight if Dean was a woman. It’s a plot device, they needed to have the guest character be disarming, be cute, make the main character flustered. 
It’s just the main character is a man, because they’re allergic to women. But they still need those female plots, tools of femininity, to move their show forward. I mean I am a big subscriber to transmasc Jo (no idea if anyone else is with me on this one, but let me explain). Jo is in love with Dean (concept) not Dean (actuality). Which, we’ve all had our eggs cracked by someone like that. We were in love with them until we realized we just wanted to be them.
He loved her like a little sister, she loved him like a lost idol. He’s a golden calf and she dies for him, because she believed in him, she was the original character dashed at the altar of the Winchesters. 
I fully believe if she had lived and if this show had a crumb of actual good writing Jo could have been a deeply compelling transmasc character. But I also think she’s a fascinating inversion of Dean. Dean is a Masculine Character who subverts Toxic Masculinity, Jo is a Tomboy™ she’s not your (if you take it straight, literally and metaphorically) average female love interest. She’s angry, she’s not soft at all, all edges and corners and thorns. She isn’t helpless, she’s stubborn but not in a “you’re going to get punished for this” way. She’s right when she’s stubborn. She’s helpful, she’s a martyr. 
I could do a whole other essay just on Jo (and Ellen, and Ash, what a fucking trio!) but needless to say Jo was one of the first...plot device feminine tools sacrificed to this show. She was a regular, she was unique, she was an engaging character, and she still died (to progress the plot? no. for man pain? yeah, for like three episodes maybe, and then it’s forgotten just like the rest of Dean’s trauma, as we mentioned above). 
Dean and Women and Love is a very interesting tool used too because. Boy they sure try to make Dean love women and it fails in small ways, and in big, meaningless, failed het domesticity (again) ways. Not to mention whatever Lust (in the form of a woman) having no effect upon him, when they could have used that moment to assert his Masculinity and Heterosexuality. He behaved normally? And...also...whatever the fuck the Adios thing was!
Like they have these opportunities to make him Traditionally (toxically) Masculine, but make the choice to...not? To soften him. Because it’s a tool. He’s their female lead, textually he had to take on the role of mother(/father) to Sam, but...I mean this is a million miles long already. I know, but we absolutely can’t not talk about his Paternal/Maternal behaviors. (Which appear again and again again and again, outside of his relationship with Sam even/especially). He’s the mother hen, sage, safety net, beacon, home to so many side characters they meet.
I mean in many ways Jody is also a Dean comparison. Lost her family. Found a new family. She is non-traditionally feminine, but easily flustered and Silly™ (let’s just drop the entire sex talk over family dinner scene with Alex and the boys and looking to them for help, even though she was already a mother, and she’s a cop, and a hunter and this confident no nonsense individual.... She’s not). We are meant to see her as this hard ass, but she makes extra food for the boys to take back to the bunker. She’s deadly in a fight, but also still easily overwhelmed and put into damsel mode, and she cares so much even in the face of adversity.
It’s also fun to see how Jo | Jody are reflections of Dean at different points of his life. Younger, cocky | Older, settled.
Even when the text tries to tell us that he’s not.
When it reminds us that he’s violent. That he is his father, even if he says that Sam is more like John (which was reflexive, which was angry because of Adam and how Sam was behaving like Dean in that episode, and yes there are parallels to be drawn between Sam and John, the show barely dives into them). Instead we’re told that Dean is John (Again and  Again and Again and Again). 
So intensely that a fanfictionalized version of the Winchester Gospels makes it an entire fucking musical number. 
And yet, despite the texts insistence to make Dean Macho Man Father Reborn™ We get this Dean who is silly (and directly compared/contrasted to the female character in this scene), soft, in heels, nagging, and... Sully (you know Sam’s imaginary friend who has the same Haircut Dean has, who is a softer, shorter, friendlier, campier, version of Dean who was a replacement For Dean until the real one let Sam back in? That? Sully?) it’s hard to take them seriously. 
Hell, even when he was A DEMON? What did they do? They had him sing off-key drunken karaoke, they had him doing this ! Like that’s your hero, unhinged, free to be as bad as he could be, and you put him in a cowboy hat in a romance with the king of hell. 
The Female Lead, everyone. Who’s biggest betrayal(s) comes at the hands of his love interest (again, a man even though it was an angel who could’ve taken any vessel! who could’ve been recast, who canonically dies admitting his love to Dean - that one), who he tries so hard to be loyal to. 
The contradictions of his character are laughable. He is so emotional, but if he is engaged about his emotions? He shuts down, or he’s exasperated about being asked about them. It really is Female Lead/Only Here For The Plot disease, because everything is more important than him. How’s he doing? Doesn’t matter outside of the context of how x character is doing or that y character is dead. Or his emotions only matter if they’re done in penance. 
They also really do frame him as Pretty Boy™ in a violent way, or in a derogatory manner. They’ll give us homoerotic shots like this or these and never really acknowledge how these are gay shots. Sorry the gun scene is a a straight up sex scene, the beer sip spilling out over his mouth is oral, the scene where Cas fills up Dean’s glass with whisky is also a sex scene, they do this shit on purpose but accidentally queer it up. If Dean was a woman these scenes wouldn’t even matter. They’d be passing moments, but because he is not just a man but A Man™ they’re insane to see.
Not to mention all of these scenes and all the ones I haven’t linked where Dean dresses up. He performs masculinity, but he performs femininity too. He’s a plot device that is slotted in to whatever role they need. He’s Super Straight Butch Man™ but coaches the lesbian on how to successfully flirt with a man. He’s Action Hero™ who sits through a montage with the same lesbian and yays and nays her outfits, and enjoys himself.
Fuck he loves dressing up, he feels better in these costumes because performing a character is easier than being himself. Because who is Dean? He’s a tool, both textually and metatextually. It is exactly how the women and because of the women on the show that Dean is the way that he is. If there was a more steady female presence Dean would not be half as much of a plot device or half as camp/gay/feminine/non-traditionally masculine/queer coded as he is. 
In conclusion....
376 notes · View notes
pfreadsandwrites · 3 years
九つの命/9 Lives Translation
Hi!! So, @foxy-and-tales asked me to tell her what was going on in the comic mentioned in this post. After skimming through it, I thought it'd be good practice - and it'd be easier to answer her question - if I just went through it and told her what it all meant. I realised by that point I was doing a translation, and since I was going to the trouble anyway, I thought I'd post it publicly.
So, the full comic is here. It's basically a comic that has 7 little stories about Kakashi's ninja hounds and their lives with Kakashi. It's an adorable, heartfelt story and I absolutely love the personalities that the artist gave all the ninja hounds and the depictions of their relationships with Kakashi.
My translation will be this post, follow it as a script. I don't have the skill or knowledge to edit and typeset and change the images myself - and I wouldn't do that anyway, as it would involve reposting the art and changing it without the artist's consent. But I do think that not referring to the pictures as you're reading through the script really harms how sweet this story is, so if you can go through the comic slowly whilst referring to my (amateur) translation of it, I hope you can get a glimpse of that!
WARNINGS: There is a depiction of an already dead dog in part 4 😢, and some (human!) male partial nudity in part 6 (😉)
Tagging: @scaredlittlefoxy @lemony-snickers @backalleykat @whatshernameis @gwedosuns @topsyturvy-dream @ice-icebaby @cosmiclattes
This is also the artist’s note that follows after the comic, that I’m putting here:
(Artist’s note translation)
"This is a story about the daily life of Kakashi and the eight ninken.
The ninja dogs’ personalities etc mightn’t be faithful to the source material.
The dogs live free range in Kakashi’s house.
There is an illustration of a dog dying, though it isn’t any of the ninken. Please take note.
You don’t have to read it, but below this are the dogs’ personalities:
Shiba: Friendly and sensitive
Biscuit: Childish and Selfish
Akino: Calm and cool demeanour
Bull: Timid and Quiet
Urushi: Ladykiller. A little bit dim. (Note: Himbo!)
Guruko: Annoyingly helpful and naggy
Uhei: Pure-hearted and cheerful
Pakkun: Same as in the series"
Some notes and then onwards into the translation under the cut:
Please take heed before continuing:
I’m not a professional translator, in fact I’ve done very little of this, so there’s some guesswork and liberties taken, and I don't claim that that there’ll be no mistakes.
I’ve separated it out by sections and pages, so you should be able to follow the story from following the speech bubbles (right to left) and referencing the lines here by speaker
Each space between a line denotes that it’s the next speech bubble
A new line but no change in speaker will denote that it’s the same character talking, but in the next panel or speech bubble
Italics means the character is thinking or flashbacks. I'll try and make this obvious as I go but the artwork should make that clear too.
Brackets are my additions, or me translating things like signs etc, or brackets will have smaller background dialogue not in speech bubbles. I'll try to make this clear as I go.
Stuff surrounded by * denotes actions or onomatopoeic actions/words in panels
Ask me if there’s any parts that confuse you about the story!! The way I’ve done this isn’t easy to follow but it's the best my dumb brain could come up with
Title page
9 Lives
1. ‘I won’t tell anyone’
(SFX: dogs playing and wagging tails)
Kakashi: Hm? You’re not gonna play, Shiba?
Shiba: …No. …Hey, Kakashi’
Kakashi: Hm? What?’
Shiba: There’s a girl I like’
Kakashi: Ohhh… I won’t tell anybody.
I won’t tell ~ I won’t tell ~
(p. 3)
Shiba: She’s really cute…
Kakashi: That’s great ~
Shiba: But I haven’t even spoken to her once
Kakashi: You should go for it ~
(SFX: *happy dog panting*)
Shiba: I’ll come back as soon as I’ve talked to her!’
Kakashi: Yep!
Shiba: I’ll be right back, definitely!
Kakashi: Ok, ok (lit. Yes yes)
Shiba: She’s already got someone (lit. she’s already in a couple/has a mate)
Kakashi: I see…
Shiba: She said her mate hurt his leg and can’t walk so he's staying at home…
Kakashi: Shiba, you know.. have feet that can walk anywhere…
So maybe you’ll meet an amazing girl again, won’t you?
(*dog cries*)
Kakashi: ...I won’t tell anyone. (*Comforting doggy*)
I won’t say anything. I won’t say anything.
(Kakashi: Aw, Shiba is pretty sweet to me, huh?)
2. Biscuit’s Sausage (note: I know his name is technically Bisuke in Japanese, but Biscuit is his dub name and it’s too adorable so that’s what I’m going with here! Also suits the personality he has in this story. What a biscuithead this boy is)
Biscuit: -You’re so sneaky, Kakashi! I wanted to eat sausages!
*crying dog noises*
(Uhei: Sorry, Kakashi…
Guruko: I told you!!)
Kakashi: You know if you eat sausages, Biscuit, your tummy will get sick, right? I’m boiling cod for you right now
(*tantrum noises, pounding feet and barking*)
Biscuit: *angry puppy noises* I hate fish, you idiot! I said I want to eat sausages! Sausages! Sausages!
Kakashi: *sternly* Biscuit
Biscuit: *whimper*
Biscuit: Kakashi, you IDIOT!
(2. Biscuit’s Sausage)
Biscuit: *sniff*
(Sign says Konoha Pet Food)
Biscuit: This is the store that sells the dog food Kakashi buys! Wow, maybe they have sausages here too!
Biscuit: I wonder if I'll be able to eat as much as I want… *gulp*
But if I did that, Kakashi would get in trouble
No, maybe…
*heart pounding*
Kakashi kept it (this) a secret just from me, because I'll get sick...
(Apron says Konoha Pet Food)
Shop Lady: *shuffles*
Biscuit: I didn't do anything yet!!! * heart pounding*
Shop Lady: Oh my… you really just talked!
Shop lady: You’re Kakashi’s pup, aren’t you?
Shop lady: Kakashi got you to come here, huh?
(Shop lady: you’re a good boy!)
Bisuke: Oh, no-
Shop lady: Though, he shouldn't have made you come pick it up without contacting us, huh? Here, sausages!
Biscuit: Sausages?!
Shop lady: There’s a pup among you guys that can’t have normal sausages, right?
It was a request from Kakashi.
He said he wanted me to make some especially for the puppy who can’t handle meat.
Shop lady: Well, here you go!! You’ll tell Kakashi we’re sorry for making him wait, won’t you?
Biscuit: Oh, um… But I don’t have any money…
Shop lady: It’s fine, because it’s Kakashi!
Whenever he has free time, he comes to pay.
I have a deal with him, you see. And he can't get the food if he's not here...
Next time, come together with Kakashi, okay?
(p. 11)
Kakashi: *casually picks up Bisuke* Thank you! This is for you ~
Shop lady: Thank you, come again!
Biscuit: Kakashi…
Kakashi: Hm?
Biscuit: Sorry…
Kakashi: Yeah…
I’m sorry too. I gave everyone else sausages while keeping it a secret from you.
I thought you’d definitely want some if you saw…
(Kakashi: But I got caught.)
(p. 12)
Kakashi: But…. Everyone’ll want some if they see this, too.
How about stopping by the park and eating it there?
We’ll keep it a secret from everyone 😊
Bisuke: *happy face licking and barking* When we get home, I’ll eat the cod too!!
Kakashi: Uhh… Well, Uhei and Guruko already ate it…
Bisuke: WHAT?!!!
(Flashback, Uhei and Guruko saying ‘Cod! Me too!! Me too! I want to eat some too!’)
3. Kakashi’s smile
(p. 13)
*paws thudding on ground/running away*
Kakashi: …Got you.
Akino: Ack!
It’s always only me that you brush so roughly, Kakashi!
Kakashi: It can’t be helped, can it? You have the thickest fur, Akino
*brushing softly* It’ll be over soon, it’ll be over soon…
Other doggies: That seems nice to me, Akino…
Kakashi: Hey, it’s falling out, it’s falling out ~
Akino: !!!
Kakashi: Look, it’s a mini Akino!! So much fur…
Akino: That’s too much hair off the bottom, Kakashi! Wha…
(p. 14)
*Kakashi continuing to laugh at his mini Akino*
Akino: There are times now where Kakashi summons us, even if he doesn’t have any business for us to take care of…
(Back then) he never ever summoned us outside of missions…
(p. 15)
Akino: He was doing all kinds of things, but he was the kind of person who never had a smile on his face…
Kakashi: If I had more time, I could make an even hairier one, you know
(Other dogs: *laughing* Akino: That’s a lie!)
Akino: Kakashi…. You're having fun?
Kakashi: *genuine smile* Yep, I am!
Akino: *smile* If you feel like it, you can keep going…
Kakashi: Oh?
(Later, Akino notices Kakashi has put sunglasses on the mini Akino)
4. Timid Bull (CW Animal Death)
(p. 16)
Bull: I’m the last ninja hound that came to Kakashi’s home.
Before that, I was living in a training centre for ninja hounds.
(4. Timid Bull)
The dogs I lived together with there… were all adopted when they were puppies.
But I still lived at the training centre, even as I became fully grown.
Ninja Hey, that dog looks tough, doesn’t he?
Centre manager: Yes, but… he’s not all that suited for battling…
Despite how he looks, he’s actually a timid dog.
Bull: I… I’m scared of insects. I’m scared of noises.
I’m scared of blood.
Centre manager: Because he can understand the stories of troubled humans, you see…
Bull: I’m scared of anything other than myself.
(p. 17)
Bull: Nobody would want a dog like me, right?
Kakashi: I found a good boy ~
Bull: *panicking* There’s no manager here!
Kakashi: Hello ~
Bull: …Hello… *heart pounding*
Kakashi: Ah, one that talks, huh…
Would you like to become one of my pups?
(p. 18)
Bull: Me…? Me, really? Quit it… That’s enough joking around.
Kakashi: What do you mean?
Bull: No-one wants me (😢)
Kakashi: No-one?
I want you, though.
Bull: What kind of a strange person would want me, I thought
(p. 19)
Bull: There were lots of dogs at Kakashi’s house
(Happy barking doggy noises)
Uhei: Woah, you’re huge! But among these guys, I have the fastest legs, you know!!!
Guruko: And I have the best nose!!
Biscuit: And I’m whiny!! (Note: lit. ‘I’m selfish!’)
Shiba: I have the sharpest bite!
Pakkun: I am the wisest. (Note: Pakkun I think uses Kansai-dialect Japanese lol so he sounds kinda... distinct. This is hard to convey for me lol)
Urushi: I’m popular with the ladies ;)
(Akino: I’m the fluffiest!)
Bull: I was so confused
You… you’re not scared of me?
I’m huge, and I have a scary face… So no one comes near me.
They all said they weren’t scared.
The reason, they said together, was…
(p. 20)
‘Because Kakashi brought you, Bull!’
Everyone was totally relaxed, as if they had no worries at all.
They all clung to me as if it was completely natural to do so.
I realised that there’d always be someone beside me.
(p. 21)
*sounds of paws scuffling against ground in first two panels*
*jumping to the ground noise in third panel*
Kakashi: …Bull, this way is a dead end.
Bull: …Sorry.
I couldn’t go back to where you were, and I thought so, but -
Bull: *looking at dog* He asked me to stay by his side.
…He was an enemy, but he was already dying.
That’s why, Kakashi….
Kakashi: …Yep.
Let’s give him a send-off together.
(Note: this was a tricky one because Kakashi says 送る, which means send, and is used with mail etc, but can mean to say farewells to the deceased, which is why Bull comments on it on the next page)
(p. 23)
Bull: He wanted to say ‘I want to bury him’
But Kakashi said ‘send-off’.
Lightly, as if his life force was still there
There… there are a lot of things that scare me.
When I was waiting for this dog, I was scared.
But I couldn’t refuse his request.
(p. 24)
Bull: …I’m spineless.
Kakashi: Everyone else has lots of things they’re scared of, you know.
That’s why they all stay by your side, Bull.
If you’re there, everything will be alright. That’s how everyone feels.
If you’re close by, everyone’s able to feel safe.
(p. 25)
Kakashi: ….This puppy, too.
Dying dog: …Please…
Bull: That dog…
Dying dog: Stay with me, until the end…
Kakashi: Because you stayed with him, Bull, he felt at peace, didn’t he?
Bull: I don’t think that dog was happy…
He was very thin, and he also smelt like he was sick
To protect themselves, his owner didn’t treasure this [this dog’s] life.
Kakashi, I…
Somehow, I..
I’m very…
(p. 26)
Bull: I wanted to cry out as loud as I could..
Kakashi: Yeah… (I’m not sure who’s saying this line)
Bull: For feeling guilty towards that dog, and for knowing Kakashi…
For my life being here now.
For my life, I wanted to cry it out until the blood came out of my throat.
(p. 27)
Bull: That dog…
I wonder, was that dog ever able to feel like this, even once?
(Flashback) Doggies: Because Kakashi brought you, Bull!
Uhei: Hey!!! Bull!!
Shiba: You’re late!!
I was worried, you know!
Guruko: (to others) Hey, Bull came back!!
Bull: I’m Bull. The dog that Kakashi found.
5. Urushi’s scales
Urushi: I think I’m good looking
(5. Urushi’s scales)
Girl pups: Ahh~ Urushi…~
Urushi: I’m popular with the ladies
(note: he uses メス, which means bitch in the literal sense - a female dog - and all the puppers use it to refer to human women too. So I just left it as ladies, as I don't think the pups mean it to be crass, they just use dog language and apply it to humans as well as themselves)
Sometimes I’m told ‘it’s probably because you’re one of Kakashi’s ninken’, but…
(Background lettering over the other dogs says ‘Unstylish/Uncool/Lame’)
But my other friends aren’t all that popular, really.
Still, I think it’s because I really am good-looking after all.
(Choruses of ‘Urushi~’, ‘Ahh…; and ‘Let’s play together, Urushi)
Urushi: Hehehe…
Being good-looking is a great thing.
Guruko: Hey, Kakashi!
(p. 29)
Guruko: You got hit by a girl again, didn’t you?!
Kakashi: *laughing* No…
Akino: Why were you hit by a girl? Do girls not like you?
Uhei: It looks like it hurts…
Kakashi: Nooo ~
Shiba: You’re so strong, Kakashi, why were you hit?
Biscuit: You couldn’t avoid it?
Guruko: *Steam from nostrils* I’ll fight her for you!
Kakashi: It’s fine, it’s fine ~
What are you saying?
(p. 30.)
Urushi: Kakashi said ‘I took responsibility’.
Sometimes humans say things I don’t understand…
Girl dog: Urushi… pair up with me.
Urushi: If Kakashi’s saying it, it must be important…
Be… Because I’m one of Kakashi’s ninken?
Girl dog: It has nothing to do with that. I like you, Urushi
Urushi: Wow… *heart pounding*
Girl dog: Pair up with me, and…
I want you to leave the ninken. (Lit. Stop being a ninken)
(p. 31)
Girl dog: I love you, Urushi, but what if, on a mission, you…
I can’t stand the thought of that!
Leave the ninken, and… always stay in the village with me?
Urushi: This girl’s a beauty, and has a kind personality…
I think that I might want to be with her…
Should I leave the ninken?
(p. 32)
Urushi: *perplexed*
Kakashi, Bull and Biscuit: *zzz, sleeping sounds*
Urushi: If I said I wanted to leave the ninken…
Kakashi: (in Urushi’s imagination) If that’s what you want, Urushi
It’s fine with me! (Background: It would be a shame, though…)
Urushi: I feel like Kakashi would say something like that…
Do I want to do that…? Not really, but… *sigh*
Hey, Pakkun.
(p. 33)
Pakkun: Something bothering you?
Urushi: Yeah, there is
I have to decide between two things, but it’s difficult…
I want both of them, but I can’t have them.
Pakkun: … Is it a girl problem?
Urushi: Yep ~
Pakkun: That’s just like you, Urushi. (Pakkun’s imagination shows two girl pups arguing:
Urushi!! Which one will you choose, me or her?! *indignant barking*)
When making a decision about something, one needs to think about what’s most.
...important to oneself.
Let’s say you balance both sides on your scales…
Urushi: My scales?
Pakkun: For example….
(p. 34)
It’s not the physical weight, but the weight of what you think is precious and important. It’s the weight of those feelings.
If you think about which is heavier, you’ll find the answer.
Kakashi: You guys are having a kinda complicated conversation, huh…?
Pakkun: Oh, Kakashi, you woke up, did you?
Urushi: *heart pounding*
Kakashi: My scales lean towards sleep, you know..
Let’s eat soon, okay? Please…
Urushi: Kakashi…. Are you happy that I’m here?
(p. 35)
Kakashi: Hm? Yeah, I’m happy!
Urushi, of course I’m happy ~
(Note: the word Kakashi uses is 嬉しい, which is ‘ureshii’ so Kakashi is making a pun with Urushi’s name here.)
Urushi: *blush* Okay!
Pakkun: What we were just talking about… Don’t talk about it in front of Shiba.
Urushi: Huh? Why?
Pakkun: Seems like he recently had his heart broken…
(p. 36)
Urushi: The thing that’s most important and precious to me… isn’t you.
That’s why I can’t be with you.
I can’t be with you, but… you’re a beautiful and amazing lady.
So, let’s meet again one day ~
Biscuit: Kakashi! Kakashiiiii! It’s awful!!
(p. 37)
(*throbbing pain*)
Biscuit: Urushi’s hurt!!
(*dogs barking*)
Guruko: Let’s go fight them!! *steam from nostrils*
Shiba: No way, is it a girl? Kakashi, you better tell him off!!!
Kakashi: Did you get into a fight with a dog from the village?
Urushi: No, it’s not that…
I took responsibility.
I’ve got a manly mark on my face, heh~
Shiba: You better tell him off!! *bark*
Pakkun: That’s it…
6. Kakashi’s Helper Team!
(p. 38)
Kakashi: I’m home~!!!
Guruko: ?!!! Kakashi, you stink!!
Kakashi: *sweetly smiling* Oh, stop it…
I saw Asuma after a long time, and we talked and ended up getting some drinks… It was nice to see him… *flops down on floor*
Guruko: Take a bath!!!
Don’t go to sleep!!
(*soundly sleeping*)
(p. 39.)
Guruko: Uhei! Uheiii!
Uhei: What is it?
Guruko: Let’s clean up Kakashi!
(6. Kakashi’s Helper Team!)
Uhei: Ehh… But if he wakes up, he’ll take a bath himself, won’t he?
(SFX: Heave-ho! Heave-ho!)
Guruko: We can’t leave Kakashi as he is when he’s this stinky! It’s fine, take it off!
Uhei: Uh, this is stuck half way, I can’t take it off
Guruko: Because you haven’t taken off his leg bandages!
(p. 40)
Guruko: Damn, this is stuck half way *pulling*
Uhei: Isn’t that because you haven’t taken off his headband?!
Guruko: This is enough, let’s carry him to the bath like this!
(*dragging noises*)
Uhei: Won’t his clothes get wet?
Guruko: It’s fine, because we’re going to wash them anyway!
Uhei: It’s amazing… Kakashi still hasn’t woken up!
Guruko: Okay, let’s wash him!
Uhei: Isn’t that… the shampoo that we use?
Guruko: It’s totally safe!!
If it’s fine for us to use, it’ll be fine for Kakashi too, right?
Uhei: I guess…
(p. 41)
Uhei: We can wash his body, but what about his clothes?
(SFX: *scrub scrub*)
Guruko: If we wash them together, it’ll be fine! Hey, pour some hot water over here ~
Uhei: Okay!
(SFX: *splash*)
Kakashi: *suddenly yelling* I’m gonna die!!
Guruko: *screaming*
Kakashi: Even with my face covered, if you pour hot water on me, I can’t breathe, you know!! You really can’t do that.
Guruko: You woke up…
(SFX: *heart pounding*)
Uhei: You really scared me…
(p. 42)
Kakashi: You’d started something, and I wondered how far you’d carry on… Ah, I’m drenched.
Guruko: Ah, I’m sorry, Kakashi!!
Kakashi: Well, anyway.. you guys ended up cleaning yourselves pretty good too. You’re all drenched, too.
Guruko: Then I’ll go get some towels!!
Uhei: Kakashi, Kakashi
Guruko acts the way he does, but he really loves looking after you!
Kakashi: I know.
Biscuit: I want to have a bath with Kakashi too ~
Guruko: That’s not it! It’s just all slippery (note: not accurate, but the gist is that Biscuit misunderstands and Guruko puts him straight)
7. I’ll always love you
(p. 43)
Sakumo: Pakkun…
I have a favour to ask.
(SFX: Snoring)
Kakashi: Pakkun..
(SFX: Gasp)
Pakkun: Huh?
Kakashi: It’s time to eat.
(p. 44)
Pakkun: Alright.
(Other dogs: Food~ Food ~
Kakashi: Yes ~ Yes ~)
Sakumo: Pakkun…
(p. 45)
Pakkun: Kakashi?
Kakashi: Hm?
Pakkun: For the mission report before… You didn't need me, did you?
Why did you bring me?
Other dogs: We want to come too!!
Kakashi: It’s just Pakkun for today
Kakashi: Hmm…
Hey, let’s relax here for a little while.
Pakkun: What’s this…
Kakashi: Come on…
(p. 46)
Kakashi: I want to talk about Dad.
…No. Maybe it’s a confession?
Talking about Dad…. Felt like something we couldn’t even broach. Ever.
I think you felt this way too, right, Pakkun?
I couldn’t tell you earlier that ‘it’s all right now’. Even though it was.
It was just a matter of timing, I guess…
Pakkun: But I wasn’t waiting for you to say that… Even if you’d have said it earlier, that’d have been good, but..
Why, out of the blue like this?
A change like that… Just like…
Just like…
(p. 47)
Sakumo: I have a favour.
Kakashi: The day Dad died…
Ever since then, for a long time, now… I became strange.
I’ve been nothing but trouble for you.
Pakkun: Kakashi-
Kakashi: Even though… you were hurting over Dad not being here too.
(p. 48)
Kakashi: Dad was your first master, right?
You really were precious to him.
….The other day, when you were having a nap, I woke you up, didn’t I?
It might have been because of the food, but your nose was twitching.
At first, I thought you were growling.
When I woke you up, you had a really startled expression when you looked at me.
I understood right away.
You were thinking about Dad, right?
(p. 49)
Kakashi: You were having a dream about Dad that time, right?
Thank you for always being considerate towards me…
But it’s alright now.
From now on, I want you to tell me…
The things about Dad that only you know.
(p. 50)
Pakkun: Sakumo…
(Sakumo: Pakkun…)
Pakkun: …really was a loving, kind man.
Kind, and…
(Sakumo: Pakkun…)
Pakkun: Kind, and…
I’ll tell you about Sakumo.
The things I’ve always wanted to tell you
I’ll tell you now.
Kakashi: Okay.
(p. 51)
Kakashi: Thank you for telling me about Dad, Pakkun.
Pakkun: …Don’t you dare die.
I’ve had enough now.
Yeah. Enough.
(p. 52)
(Sakumo: I’m asking.…)
Pakkun: Sakumo…
The two of you are exactly alike.
Kakashi: Oh, really?
Pakkun: Everything’s alright now.
(p. 53)
(p. 54)
(No text)
(p. 55)
(p. 56)
(Note: I think the favour Sakumo asked of Pakkun was to take care of and be mindful of Kakashi always. This isn't outright stated)
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calltomuster · 3 years
Ooo these look fun. 16 for hurt Obi-wan and caretaker of your choice? 👀
Of course, @coalmine301! Thanks so much for the prompt!
From these caretaker dialogue prompts: 16. "I've got you."
Ahsoka didn't recognize him at first. He was curled in the corner of the room, flinching away as the bright lights of the hallway flooded into the dark space. His limp hair curled long over his shadowed face. He kept his arms and legs drawn close to his emaciated body, like he could somehow shield himself from whatever was entering.
"Hey, buddy," Ahsoka said, extinguishing her lightsaber. She didn't need it anymore after having used it to cut into the cell, it wasn't as if this man was in any shape to attack her. "Don't hurt me, okay? Come with me if you want to get out of here."
Dumb thing to say. Of course he wanted to get out of here. She didn't know why Vader had kept him in a cell in his personal quarters, but it couldn't have been for anything good, and clearly the man was being severely mistreated.
He raised his head hesitantly. "...Ahsoka?"
Ahsoka drew back, startled. "You know me?" She'd been doing a pretty good job at keeping a very low profile since the Empire rose to power, doing her best work helping the flourishing rebellion from the shadows. Why would this man know her, instantly?
"Of course," the man croaked. "It would take a lot more than this to make me forget the sound of my grandpadawan's voice."
Ahsoka gaped, staring more closely at the man. "Master Obi-Wan?"
He chuckled weakly. "I don't know if I'm a Master of anything anymore, but yes."
She rushed closer, letting the light flood in behind her. It illuminated the room a bit more, allowing his face to be more visible. Now she could tell that -- yes, behind the grime and pale skin, it was Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"Master Kenobi!" she said, kneeling before him. "You're dead!"
He arched an eyebrow. "Oh? That would be news to me."
Even though he was clearly too weak to even stand on his own, Ahsoka had to push down a smile. This was the Master Obi-Wan she remembered. The one she -- and everyone else -- had thought died on Mustafar.
"C'mon, we have to get you out of here," she said, carefully drawing his arm over her shoulders and standing up. He tried to get his legs under him, but they just wouldn't support him. That was alright. Ahsoka just scooped him up, arm under knees. He felt like he barely weighed anything at all.
"No!" Obi-Wan suddenly cried, clutching to Ahsoka. "Vader! He's -- he's -- you have to --"
"It's alright!" Ahsoka soothed, jogging through the corridors of the ship and doing her best not to jostle the man in her arms too much. Who knew what sort of injuries he could be hiding? "We've got him distracted, we sent him on a wild bantha chase planetside."
"Vader..." Obi-Wan said again, grief staining his face briefly. "He's... It's Anakin."
"I know," Ahsoka replied, heart cracking in two before she shoved the feelings down. Of course she knew, it wasn't exactly as if there was anything hiding his face when he went out and slaughtered civilians who were uprising against the Empire, or Jedi who had managed to escape the initial purge. But Obi-Wan had presumably been kept away from the rest of the galaxy for all the time; maybe he didn't know how the stories of Vader had spread, how Palpatine used the legend of Anakin Skywalker to further his cause.
Or maybe Obi-Wan was just slightly delirious. He couldn't seem to keep his head up on his own, Ahsoka noticed.
"We just have to get you off this ship and then it'll be alright," she said, pausing in the middle of an intersection, trying to remember which way she had came. She chose left and continued making her way quickly through the ship.
"Who's 'we'?" Obi-Wan mumbled.
"Some members of the rebellion," Ahsoka replied. "No one you'd know, except..." She paused. "Rex. And Cody."
Obi-Wan startled at that, and it took Ahsoka a second to remember that the last memory her grandmaster probably had of Cody was of Order 66. And she knew for a fact that clones were among the troopers stationed on the ship, meaning there was a good chance they'd participated or at least been complicit in Obi-Wan's torture.
But that was for another day, another hour. Right now, they had to get Obi-Wan away.
"It'll be okay," she said, finally reaching the hanger and spotting her ship. "I've got you."
Thanks for reading! Requests are open! Requests are currently closed!
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