#funny how I haven't read one yet mentioning these shadows
marbienl13 · 2 years
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The Beast of Judgement These scenes have been on my mind... talking about anti-life, the beast of judgement and the dark at the end of everything... The shadow behind Dream is way too defined to be coincidence... and then a similar one appearing in the Oldest Game. Interesting...
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copias-sewer-rat · 11 months
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This has been a long time comming! I wanted to take the time to create a long post not only with fic recommendations but also other stuff. The Ghost community is so talented that I needed time to gather all of the amazing projects and ideas that flutter around.
(This even took longer than anticipated because just when it was almost ready some of the authors in this list posted some freaking MASTERPIECES and I needed to add them as well, obviously.)
I plan to do a post like this from time to time with new discoveries, so please if you don't follow/know these creators, please check them out. Furthermore, if there is someone you think I have missed or that you would like for me to check out, please, let me know. I am always eager to know more amazing creators.
(please be aware that some of the fics and artists I will be talking about write some very nasty, yet amazing, stories/art so please always check their tags and tws before diving in).
next part | my masterpost
Let's start with one of the backbones of this amazing community: @da-rulah and her gorgeous and deliciously nasty fics. Please go read Rituale Septem and Confessional if you haven't already. Her hcs and drabbles are also so so good, you should read everything she has written, you won't be dissapointed.
Now, the wonderful, amazing writer that is @her-satanic-wiles. I have become her personal and most ardent supporter this October (if you could not tell by how much I have reblogged and liked her stuff smh). Her Kinktober challenge this year has been an absolute delight so I leave you with her mastrerlist so you can check her out on your own.
Now, my beloved, the amazing writer that is @writingjourney with my favourite fic to date I Knew Nothing but Shadows. I honestly get such joy when she posts, it is pure perfection. She puts such detail in her writing that it always makes me so incredibly happy to read her stuff. I also leave you with her masterlist, please check her out! UPDATE: SHE JUST POSTED THE MOST PERFECT VAMPIRE SECONDO FIC, you must read it: Friday Nights at the Vinothek.
The great @bupia is next!!!! I honestly adore everything they write. My personal favs are Barista Preferita, Love Letter, Bloodlust, their kinktober series and their new work is Serendipity. I am always in awe with how they write honestly. I want to be y/n so much with their fics (lol, cringe). Please read everything of theirs!
How can I not mention the absolute, amazingly talented, cowboy lover that is @ramblingoak ??? Her whole universe of cowboys (I love cowboys like yeehaw all day you know?) is honestly one of my favs, AND THE WAY SHE WRITES, let me tell you, the DETAILS, the EMOTIONAL backstories, THE ROMANCE, THE DRAMA?! Please go read The Cardinal's Bride and the other stories of the same au if you haven't done so already. You are missing out on one of the best AUs this fandom has to offer. UPDATE: A NEW FIC?! SKATING COPIA?! TIGHT SUITS?! Need I say anything else? Go read her new series: Copia on ICE!
Then, @molly-ghuleh !! I just started reading her stuff and now I cannot stop?! Camellia is SO GOOD you must read it!! It deserves much more attention!!! THE DETAILS?? The love at first sight trope leaving me in shambles???!!! I am seriously invested and I cannot recommend her more! GO! NOW!
Next, my lovely ghestie @discountdemonwarehouse/@eyeslikelilith who is so funny and so so nasty😈💜! Please go follow her here and on Ao3 for her amazing fics (I love her WWDITSxGhost fic What We Do In The Ministry the most hehehehe iykyk)
@leezlelatch and her amazing drabbles bring me so much joy, please go check her out and read everthing she posts, it is wonderful and insanely entertaining. (I cannot choose only one recommendation help, read everything!!!)
What can I say about @earthry other that she is amazing and I that I am obsessed with her drabbles and asks? I have read Watermelon Kisses so many times that you could lock me up.
Go check @zombie-rott out in general! Her stories are very comforting and nice!!! AND THE WAY SHE WRITES??? I love love love it. I highly recomend reading Pawprints, it is adorable, you should ckeck it out.
Please go read @bethbruttenholm's Seduce Me... I fell in love with this fic, so so good, and her writing is *chef's kiss*.
@anamelessfool in general is a master, like, her Omega3 fics are so nice *wink*, extra kudos for Reciprocity muhahahaha (it is delicious)
AAAAAA @gravehags and her curator!reader x copia series??? I AM ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED? THE HALLOWEEN CHAPTER? I WAS GRINNING LIKE A MADWOMAN ALL THE TIME. She also writes a lot about the Ghouls and Ghoulettes and it is SO SO NICE!
@the-curator1 In The Darkness of your Dreams ??? AN ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE oh my Satan, I LOVE LOVE IT!!!
This list is going to be long and I don't want to sound like a broken record or make this post eternal (because I could talk about all of them for ages if you let me) so I will make only a big recommendation for the following artists:
Please, check all of them. They deserve all the recognition they can get. I adore how much love and effort they put in their art, WIPS or whaterver they decide to make. Every single one of them inspires me so much, I cannot explain with words how proud I feel to be able to look at their creations and share a community or even an interest with such talented creators.
This is the one that needs more creators. I need to find projects, creators that do other things such as theorising, gifs, big projects, whatever. Please, give me your suggestions and I will check them out and add them in following entries.
For now, I leave you with a couple of amazing people that deserve all the praise:
@stressghoul I honestly follow her EVERYWHERE. I love her tiktoks so much, she is so funny. The Brittany Brosky of the Ghost community you could say.
@slavghoul If you need any questions solved about our dear Satanic papas, go follow Slav. I have never seen a more dedicated person with such an amazing brain, it is honestly so inpiring to see what they have to say every single time. By the way, also check their videos on all the little isolated parts from Ghost songs, does not fail on lifting my feet from the ground as if possessed, every-single-time. You can check all the videos here.
Lastly, I wanted to mention a YouTube creator that is making orchestral versions of Ghost songs. I found an orchrestral version of DATHOML on Tiktok and I had to find the whole song. Please check them out because they are doing more and it is amazing. Jamie Turton.
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creepy-friday · 1 year
Creepypasta Jeff x Proxy fem!Reader
|"Good person"|
Warnings: angst,drugs mentions
"I need you to tell me that I am a good person" ~inspired by Bojack
"Jeff?" you asked the man next to the tree,his figure being shallowed whole by the shadows of the night.To be honest,you didn't expect the smiling killer to be out at the time you ended your demon hunt,was he high?
"I'm not fucking high." he broke the silence with an angry tone as if reading your thoughts."You're staring at me like you haven't seen a fucking-just,let me be,kay'?I fucked up a little,I need some time out.No jokes,no funny business,just leave to your witch hunt or something.." the pale man mumbled loud enough for you to hear.
Jeffrey sure was an odd individual,and without question he suffered some sort of mental illness,but you never pressed anyone to open up to you.It wasn't your job to be their therapist-but to calm down any outburts that would cause trouble.
This is the first time you have this much time to stare at him like that,the first time he doesn't have any spark in his eyes nor any blood on his clothes.
Instead of trailing off you noticed how he simply stared at his hands,a white dust being nearly visible on them.Did he lost his drugs?Was he having a withdrawal?Maybe he was injured and didn't want to tell you like a little bitch.
Your accusations were interrupted by the man's tears that started to trickle down his pale cheeks,falling down his sickly figure.
"I need you to tell me that I am a good person." he whispered,head titled down as his eyes moved from one place to the other,as if he was searching on the ground for a reason for you to respond.
Why did he need your approval?Why yours?Were you two even close to begin with in order for him to consider your opinion?
You clenched your jaw and continued to look next to him,sharing a comfortable silence yet to be filled with sadness.After a few moments the dark haired man suddenly moved his hands to wipe his tears."Sorry,that was a moment of uhh.." he continued to rub his hands on the pale skin of his face until he left red marks on it.
"Of weakness.Yeah.." he stood up,looking for a second in your eyes then focusing on the empty space next to you."fuck." his eyes grew wide then an expression of utter disgust mixed with despair appeared on his features
"Ah,FUCK!" his eyebrows furrowed as he moved his hand trough his dark locks.
"Jeff,calm down." the sudden response from you made him jump.
"I am calm-I am fucking calm." the memories of his 18 year old self flooded his mind,from the psychiatrist who told him to calm down to his brother.
"Listen,Y/N,just this once,do not talk to anyone about this.See,I am calm." he stated,voice as clear as ever as his eyes betrayed him."Forget this."
"Just..ha..I had my moment." he joked as he hurried past you,leaving you all alone.You didn't chase after him,but looked as he disappeared trough the trees.
Upon a closer look at the spot he used to sit on,you noticed one of his knives. Surprisingly,this one was clean and devoid of any red substances.Picking it up you further analysed it,deciding on which option was the best one-to give it back to the killer or to leave it be-like you left him hanging on his question.
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The Last of Us HBO - Episode 2 thoughts
Warning: Pure yapping ahead! More thoughts and things I've noticed watching the show, it's not serious and I don't invite arguments (fellow yappers are more than welcome though)
(continuing with my episode by episode analysis of the tlou show, it's a long one folks! all chronologically written as i was watching the episode. spoilers under the cut)
Fantastic opening - love that we get to see the initial discovery in Jakarta and that they speak Indonesian only! It removes the show from a purely American pov and makes it international, which is something I personally missed a little from the game so it's a welcome addition
The little detail that the military men walk so fast, she has to jog a little to keep up
I like the fact that they didn't even try to cover the dead body at all - why would they?
Same girl I'd have that exact same reaction too 💀💀 visceral as shit
The following visual of the cordyceps reaching out of the corpse's mouth.... Eugh
Ibu Ratna's reaction after hearing 14 workers are missing - her shaking so badly she has to put her cup of tea down, her face reads of pure undiluted horror 🙌👌 - worth mentioning that the casting of Christine Hakim is absolutely top tier (she's basically the Dame Judi Dench of Indonesia fr) and she really brings a gravitas to the role
I find it fascinating and refreshing that the first thing the military man does is to ask about a vaccine or medicine to fix this situation, but the scientist/professor, instead says with absolutely certainty that there is nothing, and then proceeds to say with an eerily calm and assertive tone and face that they must bomb the city. Terrifying yet wonderful that they've finally used a different format to this conversation
Ibu Ratna stifling her sobs and asking to go be with her family, because she knows there is no other solution - Brava
That soft, gentle opening shot of Ellie curled up in the sun on a lush bed of green, a single butterfly crossing over *chef's kiss*
Her turning to see Joel and Tess, sat in the shadows on chairs, Joel with his gun drawn lmaooooo that's comedy right there
Ellie's sass at the interrogation 🤌
"There's not gonna be anything bad in here?" "Just you." "Oh, funny." 💀😂
The fact that Joel broke his hand beating that guy to death - the way Tess looks at Joel, all knowing and vaguely soft
Tess defending Ellie indirectly by wanting to continue with bringing her to the state house - Joel wanting to return to the QZ and saying it would be better for FEDRA do shoot her than them 💀
"You need to stop talking about this kid like she's got some kind of life in front of her." Damn Joel, Tess' face says it all
Joel: struggling to break of a piece of EXTREMELY dry and chewy jerky, Ellie: sammich
Ellie in the warm light, Joel in the cold dark, and Tess in the middle of the two?? Gorg
It's so funny how terribly Joel and Ellie get on at this point, like, they basically hate each other my god
"If she so much as twitches.." *Ellie immediately starts twitching* and then Tess's "Don't." She is so done with these two already lmao
The iconic scenery 🙌 the two massive skyscrapers with one leaning on the other? Oooohhh yeah
The fact that Tess stops and answers Ellie's questions :')
I can't stop looking at Ellie's bag it's just so accurate I love it
"Well, I mean, you got some balls on you, sister." SLAY girls support girls ✨
The specific way Ellie says "no" at the boyfriend question 💅
It's interesting that Tess' reaction to hearing the description of what we know to be a bloater, is "shit, I hope not", insinuating perhaps that she and Joel haven't dealt with those before, but then the way that she looks at Joel after Ellie asks about clickers tells me they know exactly what she's talking about with that one
Immediately after we hear a loud ass creepy scream in the distance, okay!
The set designers got this shit so extremely right goddamn, the hotel gotta be one of my favourite locations fr - I love that they still included this location even if it's at a completely different place in the original story, it works so well here and with Tess added on, the humour is great and the way the characters interact is fun and interesting (Joel's little hop into the water especially gets me, he's such a shit lmao)
Ellie is genuinely so fucking funny I love this kid
Joel offering his hand, immediately snatching it back once she's mostly up cause it's his broken one (but you can see it's more than that)
"Fuck, holy shit." "Come on, it wasn't that bad." "You try climbing ten fuckin floors with our knees. See how you feel." 😭😭
Joel's face at being left alone with Ellie lmao
"Nice knife." great conversation starter Joel, but also, reference to his pocket knife Sarah held in the previous episode? He doesn't have it, when did he have time to grab it after all, but yeah. Maybe I'm overthinking this lmao
"Where'd you learn to do that?" "The circus." *Joel rolls his eyes with such exasperation taht I can feel it through my screen*
"How long do infected live?" "Oh, I thought you went to school." "It's a really shitty one."
Joel avoiding answering the question about the FEDRA dude he killed due to Tess returning is peak writing
I really enjoy how the infected are portrayed in the show - they're not just individuals, they're part of a hive mind in a way, the mycelium connects them all one way or another, and they act like it (the way they all react to sunlight and extra so because they all react to each others pain as well, wow)
Added onto that, this extra lore about the way the cordyceps works is fantastic, it makes it even scarier that, according to Tess, you can accidentally wake up and attract infected from somewhere totally different - this means you're never actually safe 💀
Really love how Tess is so damn nice to Ellie all things considered. Still answering her questions, telling her she has to be careful, that just because she's immune doesn't mean there's no danger
"I have a spare hand." "Congratulations." 😭
I do love how quick Joel is to run over to Ellie whenever something happens (her swearing, falling over, gasping loudly)
The look that Joel and Tess share - they think they know and they're probably right
Dad mode™ activated
That building is anxiety central for me
Joel is so jumpy and twitchy it's a little funny tbh, I like it
Ellie's "oh shit whoops" face
Joel helping Ellie up :')
The sound effects 😭💀😭 they got the same team that did the game clicker sounds to do the show ones and I can TELL
The anxiety is palpable!! My stomach is in knots!! The entrance of the first clicker is terrifying!!
Joel's silent, almost sign language like, explanation for Ellie 😌
The clicker actors are fucking amazing jesus christ. And the special effects and makeup? So GOOD wow absolutely grotesque <3
Not me gasping with Ellie
If I were there I'd probably just hide under a table and hold my breathe 😭
I find the clickers to be quite bird-like, in game and in show
The silence as Joel reloads his gun, the sudden much closer clicking, the flashlight shining directly in its face 🤌
Joel now being the one to step on something crunchy 😩 THE WAY THE CLICKER LAUNCHES ITSELF AT HIM AND ELLIE ACROSS THE DISPLAY
Ellie crying out with pure fear and Joel holding the clicker back more so it's on him not her - HIM PUSHING HER BEHIND HIM!
Impressed by how calm their reactions all are to seeing Ellie get bit (?) again (I thought it was more of a scratch at first but I assume it to be a bite due to their reactions to it)
"That was scary, this is wood." HA
The way Tess looks at Joel when he's busy wrapping her foot with diligence and care
I think this is the first sign that Tess had been bit, Joel seems to be looking at her like "what the hell is your problem" but listens and goes to watch Ellie anyway
The view line 😭🤌 love how we basically get this exactly from the game, including Joel looking at his watch :'(
The music 🙌
Second time you can really notice that Tess is differently - she handles Ellie harshly for basically the first time ever and totally ignores Joel
Joel moving Ellie away from the dead body
The squelching of the blood EUgH
Go makeup team go!
Oeiii screaming match :( mom and dad are fighting
The step back speaks volumes
"Oops, right?" just stab me it would hurt less, Anna's delivery of that line is heartbreaking
In fact little quick note of love to Anna Torv, she's such a fucking amazing actor and I love her portrayal of Tess so so much, she brought warmth, strength and balls of steel to the character fr!!
The fact that Tess basically confesses her feelings here, proclaims the knowledge that she feels something for Joel that he was never entirely able to reciprocate back, my god - her BEGGING him to take her because she knows nothing about the future but she believes that Ellie can change it in some capacity
Pedro's eye acting here is so potent, he says nothing but his eyes and face say it all
The mycelium!!!!!! Terrifying that in show canon, infected can basically call for backup!!! Brilliant addition and makes them so much more intimidating (also I HATED seeing the mycelium creep under that infected person's nails that really got a shudder out of me)
God bless the extras
Tess my beloved you make me cry so much you're amazing and you deserved better 😭 she's brave as fuck for this
Joel shaking, his lips quivering because fuck, she's going to die, and now he has to be fully responsible of this kid and he can't do this without her but he's gotta - the anxiety and fear in his eyes, his firm resolution after she says "save who you can save", the way he SNATCHES Ellie and walks away, Ellie fighting him tooth and nail but he knew she would, thats why he grabbed her like that.... I'm honestly just in so much awe and pain from this scene
The fear is Tess' face is so 😭😭
FUCK NO THAT ALMOST MADE ME THROW UP I WASN'T EXPECTING THAT JESUS FUCK. That was disgusting what the fuck 😭😭 don't know how to feel about watching the fucked up kiss of death like, eugh
The feeling when after failing to light the damn thing, she finally gets it, feels almost like a relief after all of that
Joel "big sad brown eyes" and Ellie "big traumatised brown eyes" will be the death of me
This is such a fucking sad ending to Tess' character but also, satisfying since she didn't die in vain
That final shot of Ellie alone with the burning state house in the background, sun beating down and a soft breeze in her hair, damn
If you make it to the end, thanks for reading! It's literally just my running thought process whilst watching!! Do you agree with some of my notes, was there anything you noticed that i didn't? Comments and reblogs welcome <3
Episode 1 thoughts:
Episode 3 thoughts:
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cttrajan1206 · 2 months
hi!! im here to ask about your ocs!!
first of all i would like to say PLEASE read the shadows house manga if you werent planning on it already...! youll get so much more that wasnt offered in the anime since it cuts off at season 2 , its just so good.. SO GOOD ok. ok
about astral and anjem!
i know you said you dont have all the details worked out so its ok if you dont have an answer to any of this atm!
could you talk a bit more about their dynamic/relationship, if you have anything else you wanna say?
what are their goals in the house? are they pursuing roles within relief team, starbearers, etc? are they wanting to get invited?
how good is astral at controlling his soot power? do you think its likely any of his experimenting on anjem could go wrong + how would he react, would he be able to fix it?
love ur ocs :}
WAAA HELLO?? i never original post ever so i was really surprised and excited when you reblogged it saying you'd read it later - AND NOW IN MY INBOX TOO? WAAAA.... >O<
But waa ok ok so! Funny enough, @tsukiomoon was over at my house and convinced me to read Shadow House (having watched the anime) while we were at a bookstore. I'd already glanced at it a few times over the years so I was. Very easy to convince tbh djdhfjf So I actually began with reading the first two volumes!! Then after that, I was thoroughly hooked so we proceeded to binge the entirety of it together in two days. That said, I'd love to read the manga. I'm debating on it because the official translation -> scanlation currency exchange is not in my favour ToT but I think I like it enough to bear through it, the anime missed a few scenes from even just the first two volumes after all.
Onto the ocs!!
Dynamic/relationship: This is a fun one. I've mentioned they both very much love each other already, I think at first they're both very superficial about it and build up versions of each other in their head (Astral even moreso having known longer). It gets deeper as time goes on but Astral isn't obssessed with Anjem just as a person, but also for his quality of being human. Anjem is similar likewise but there's a mighty power imbalance there.
Astral is actually also a special shade! He remembers before morphing. He's probably the worst one to do so though because he doesn't really care about the Shadow House - not when it gives him license to not only have Anjem to himself, but also such close access to humans. To him, the memories just give him a clearer understanding if the Faces' limits. He gets very annoyed with seeing others treat their living dolls badly and will pick fights about it or ask Anjem to give them recompensary gifts to them.
Anjem I'm less clear on... He's bad at cleaning but Astral doesn't mind particularly (and also doesnt produce enough soot for it to be a problem). The rigid structure of his life gives him comfort in its reliability but he does often long for some of the luxuries Shades get. Like nice clothes and better food. He doesn't like coffee though haha. I don't think either of them ever realise the brainwashing thing bc Anjem's too picky and never fully swallows the coffee anyway, sometimes vomiting it out. He still gets the effects partially though
Goals: I think Astral does want to escape the House eventually - he doesn't care too much for getting everyone else out, he just wants to find more and more humans and learn everything he can about them. Anjem I haven't decided too much yet. He knows Astral's goal and wants to be there with him to see it too, to travel the world, but I think he'd be scared of taking that step.
I think he wants to see his siblings again, one last time
Roles: Oop... Astral's power is very good for healing wounds so technically the relief team would be good for him but I personally wouldn't put him in a room with so many humans in it XD He keeps his power very downlow but regardless, I think he'd have made his way into the relief team. He's their bigger advocate on training to treat dolls better.
Anjem wanted to be in the research team instead but, as a Face, he has to tag along and look pretty
Power: At first Astral was pretty bad at controlling his power. He doesn't have blood himself after all, it was very unknown territory. In fact, the only way he Did grow better at it was When his experiments on Anjem failed. They could be very dangerous failures too, in case his soot clogged a vein or he clotted uo the wrong part or forced it to produce too much blood. In his panic to fix it, he tended to reflexively reverse whatever he'd done and so far, though there have been catastrophes, Anjem hasn't died. There was a time when Astral stopped his heart but that's whatever, he's immensely better at controlling them now. He doesn't frequent the training room (especially since his powers require blood), but instead has perfected his powers through practice in his room. He does also keep a few vials of blood he requests from the relief team that uses to practice with at times.
He prefers it best when it's with Anjem though :)
There was once, when the brainwashing had worn off more, where Astral fucked up. In attempting to heal a wound on Anjem's wrist, he accidentally sped up the production of the blood and it poured everywhere, spilling out faster than healthy. Anjem, wide eyed and afraid that this time, he was going to die, scrambled away from him screaming. He tried to run away but the pain was blinding him so much he could barely concentrate. Nothing Astral said could convinve him to calm down, and the last thing he saw before passing out was Astral roughly grabbing at his arm.
Astral was able to stop the blood, working with this as an experiment to control his area of effect, and sealed the wound. He bandaged it up and treated it with care, pressing a careful kiss of regret on the bandage and on Anjem's hand, the black mark staining his skin.
Anjem woke later in his box. He was afraid and angry and upset. He didn't talk to Astral for a full week, only interacting with him as a Face. Astral was heartbroken by this and apologised many times. They made up finally, after Astral stopped him from cleaning and held his hands, about to apologise again, when suddenly Anjem lifted the shade's hands and pressed a kiss to each.
"I'm tired of this. I miss speaking with you. I forgive you, so stop apologising every time I enter a room."
That mended things but going forward, Astral started getting external vials until he was better at his control.
Astral likes his name but also wants to be separate from it. In private, he asks Anjem to call him "Aster" as a similar compromise. Anjem means "star" in arabic - he named his Face to match the name he preferred :)
Anjem is mostly good at reading Astral's emotions but they have a system of handsignals and body language to indicate the faces they want to make.
I've been thinking on them and their age awhile. I hadn't noticed when I made them that adults get finer clothes than the chikdren but I refuse ti change my design, I'm attached </3 I think they're similar to Barbara and Maryrose - old but still in the children's wing by virtue of not being given an invitation
This is partly due to Anjem's scar but mostly due to Astral's refusal to be useful outside of the bare minimum (this is not a noble thing, he's lowkey just lazy)
Oh my god I wrote a lot sdjbhf
Yeah!! That's them! That's my boys. I'm thinking of making a couple more too - I want to explore the idea of someone using their Face to hide disguise their real emotions
Thank you so much for asking 😭 it means the world to me and got me to think about them more
As an extra, have a doodle of Anjem's second sight of Astral:
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hamliet · 1 year
Weiss and Jaune: Chemical Wedding 2.0
Weiss and Jaune have begun another chemical wedding this season, and it parallels the second chemical weddings of Ren and Nora and Blake and Yang (Ruby and Oscar have still thus far only had their first).
Okay, okay, I'll back up. I previously wrote this about chemical weddings in RWBY. A chemical wedding is massively important for alchemy stories. It can be platonic, but is most often romantic. RWBY has, in particular, been using direct inspiration from classic alchemical art to illustrate when they've had one.
This scene in RWBY Volume 9 is no different.
Lyndy Abraham notes that
the chemical wedding... [has] the lovers frequently personified by Sol, and Luna, sun and moon. Edward Kelly wrote In this art you must wed the sun and moon.
Herb has a sun and moon symbol on him. Look at his chest. (Link goes to the more simplistic version, but the combined sun/moon is in the image below, from Manly Palmer Hall manuscript 14).
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Not only that, but the framing emphasizes that Jaune is Sun and Weiss is moon. Jaune is in the sunlight. Weiss stands in the shadows. In alchemy, shadow is associated with the moon.
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Chemical weddings also almost always involve elements of death. In fact, it is death as "Mercurius" that often unites them; in RWBY this is frequently an antagonistic character. Adam for Bumblebly, the Nuckelavee for Renora, and previous Cinder and now the Curious Cat for Weiss and Jaune.
For those who have had two weddings so far, Bumbleby and Renora, we see that their first and second chemical weddings were inverses of the first. Blake and Yang were first targeted by Adam and hurt. Then, they fought Adam and defeated him together. Ren and Nora saved each other but had to leave their village. Then, Ren and Nora defeated the Nuckelavee together.
In Weiss and Jaune's, Cinder taunted Jaune about letting Pyrrha die and about his own sense of self-importance/identity.
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Jaune: What is wrong with you...? (seething) How can you be so broken inside... to take so many lives, and then come here and rub it in our faces like it's something to be proud of?!...
Cinder: (chuckling) I'm starting to remember you, you're the dense one that can't tell when he's out of his league....
Cinder: You're just a failure with a death wish.
Cinder also tells Jaune "are you going to let [Weiss] die too?" in reference to Pyrrha. She slides her gaze towards Weiss before throwing the spear at her. Guess what the Cat does?
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The Curious Cat also taunts Jaune by appearing as Penny, and then as Pyrrha, mocking him with the two women whose deaths he feels responsible for. Plus, the dialogue between the Cat and Jaune reads very familiar.
Jaune: You... you didn't. You MONSTER... you were the one who killed--who LIED--
Curious Cat: You were never a brave knight either! Just more fairy tale nonsense!
Except, instead of Cinder hurting Weiss to hurt Jaune, this time the Cat gets Weiss to hurt Jaune directly.
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These are all references to this classic chemical wedding art:
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And this one depicting a chemical wedding occurring at a tree from a 17th century Speculum Veritatus (which, for what it's worth, means "Mirror of Truth" in Latin, and Weiss's song is called Mirror, Mirror... that's quite possibly a coincidence but it's so funny I had to mention it).
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Anyways, chemical weddings typically involve most of the elements. This takes place on a tree (earth), Weiss shoots fire at him, and Jaune lands in a plume of purple air. We've got (most of) our elements.
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What happens next? Well, each chemical wedding signifies a change in relationship. Ren and Nora embark on a journey together as kids, then hold hands. Bumbleby run away from each other (separation is a part of the process) and then start a romantic attachment before their final elevated chemical wedding this season (which we still haven't had for Renora yet). Weiss and Jaune become friends and start hanging out after the first one. I would bet this kickstarts a romantic attachment, especially since we've had a couple hints of Weiss developing attraction to Jaune this season.
Besides, Jaune's whole arc has been about being remade and refined from lead into gold. He healed Weiss in the last chemical wedding; I would bet Weiss heals him in a sense this time, but also that Jaune does in fact get remade into something fully gold this time... (and also someone young lol; he's clearly not staying old). Jaune getting a new body during a chemical wedding? Is also, well, alchemically sound.
Lyndy Abraham notes:
The separation of the soul from the body is to free it from its age-old attachment to the body so that it can transcend the turmoil and pull of the merely natural forces of matter. The separation of the soul is a kind of "death" to the world.... the subsequent reunion of this spiritual awareness with the new, purified body means that knowledge gained in a higher state of consciousness can now be put into action, made manifest in the phenomenal world. At this point the male and female energies are united and balanced...
Jaune and Weiss should be able to enter the world of Remnant in a new kind of equilibrium, a la Bumbleby and Renora in the past.
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asherlockstudy · 1 year
PUZZLE: The recurrent Rhink storyline is not even new!!!!!!!
Ok, I must take a deep breath. I must preface this by mentioning the recent Rhink analyses I have made. If you haven't read these, please don't read this one either if you take an issue with my firm belief that Rhett and Link are more than friends, because, to summarize, this is exactly what I am saying in these posts plus that Rhett and Link are gradually preparing for the "Is it yet yet?" day. This is why they are releasing these videos lately, which are full of coded messages. For example, the "We Dug a Medium-sized Hole" is about their whole relationship, including a focus on their sexual life. The "We Hired an Excorcist to play DnD" is about them having to date and get married (to others) under the shadow of their Church. This is not the first time they take this approach though. This is the allegory in Hazel, where they both end up trapped in the "closet", the middle room, Hazel's forest inside, with no way out. And more obvious than any is their book The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek with their alter egos Rex and Leif fighting with the reform school of their very conservative town. There the symbolism is particularly strong.
For more details and evidence on that, see the previous posts:
They Dug A Hole
The "We Dug A Hole" Discussion
It has always been one story
But even this was not the beginning of the heavily coded scripted content. It turns out we can go all the way back to freaking 2015 and their GMM Sketchtober. Sketchtober was a project they did in October 2015 which was them essentially releasing five scripted videos just for the sake of it. To be fair, I do not see clear symbolism in all of them, so I will analyze them in an order that makes sense for this post. Bear with me here. However, I sense it's me not picking up on some of it and not that some videos really don't have a symbolism at all. Why, you ask? Because of the official video descriptions.
The post is long so I am putting the rest of it under a Read More. BUT!!! If you are interested in this topic but don't have enough time or willpower, open the readmore and read the last chapter, named "Puzzle". Trust me, that's where the most juice is.
The Nose-Looker
Symbolism significance: 3/5
This is the first video they released. The official description is "The nose is the window to the soul". The video starts with Rhett asking Link whether he would choose to only eat straight or curly fries for the rest of his life... Link cuts him off and confronts Rhett for staring at his nose and not at his eyes. Rhett is taken aback and admits looking at Link's nose, with the excuse that he just looked generally at the face and didn't know where exactly to focus. Link presses him to choose an eye to look at and makes a point that he is beautiful, which leaves Rhett speechless. After Rhett tries to manipulate unsuccessfully the conversation, he proposes that they should rather stop looking at each other. They start looking over each other's shoulders, which they characterize as "freeing". They see then a Ring girl and a falconer over each other's shoulders and I don't know if there is any symbolism in this or it was just to add a funny red-herring. The video ends with Link asking whether he could choose waffle fries, so I suppose something that is considered both straight and curly. Hmmm.
Aside from the suspicious fries talk, the obvious commentary here is that you can change the word "nose" with the word "lips" and you might as well have something that really happened. Even in GMM it was obvious how often Rhett looked at Link on the lips, so imagine how obvious it was in private. After the newsical kiss, after writing in his diary and taking the big decision, it wouldn't surprise me if this is the approach Link followed; to non-chalantly confront and expose Rhett, so that Rhett would have trouble escaping him.
Symbolism significance : 4/5
This is the second video they released. The official description is "Just two guys enjoying the great outdoors...". Of course you know that all sentences that start with "just two of something" have a heavy sexual implication. This is the one most of the casual viewers found to have some innuedos, however the general concept behind it initially seems to be about people not being able to detach from technology and be immersed in nature. This, however, is once again the red herring. Watch this video and try to tell me they don't act like two people in a tent struggling to not have sex. They lie down to sleep supposedly, they muse about the beauty of nature and how they should do this regularly but then they are incredibly antsy and can't sleep. In fact, it's Link who always finds something annoying enough to disturb their effort to fall asleep. First, he needs to pump up his mattress. Second, he is too thirsty. Third, he is too hot. So, pumped up, thirsty and hot are Link's problems. At every mention of a new problem, Rhett jumps up and agrees that he has the same problem. As a result, they inflate their mattresses, they inject a hydrator in their veins and Link pulls his duvet and stays completely naked from the waist down. Then a cricket gets inside the tent and they leave screaming, only so we find out the tent was out of one of their houses (the whole detachment from nature thing). A neighbour sees Link running after Rhett with his junk out.
While there is not much of a story here, we should remember that there is something shady whenever Rhett and Link mention camping. Don't forget when they told Cuddle Queen Jean about two friends of theirs who once got lost in a hiking trail and had to spoon each other in the cold. CQJ said this could make them either "stop talking to each other" or the bestest of friends. Rhett added: "Right. Or more", which could suggest that Rhett knows how the relationship between "these two friends" evolved. They have also discussed how once Link forgot his sleeping bag and had to sleep together. In any case, there is some sort of significance in camping.
Symbolism significance: 2/5
This is the third video they released. The official description is "They're so close they can finish each other's sentences". After staying too close to the microwave, Link develops the ability to finish Rhett's words and predict what he is going to say. Rhett manipulates him to believe this is not happening and then reveals himself as an agent who asks this Link to be withdrawn and recycled. Three masked men violently seize Link and a new Link without previous memory is offered to Rhett. Rhett introduces himself, clearly manipulating the new Link to think of him as his best friend. The music in this one is melancholic and a little haunting. The new Link is seen getting hypnotised by the microwave too.
While it's not very clear, I think the hint lies in the description. Apparently, by finishing Rhett's words Link violates some boundaries of their already extreme closeness. Rhett initially tries to talk him out of it and when this doesn't work, he recycles him. Perhaps this has to do with the church. The suspicion that Link wasn't straight could have been established early. Maybe Rhett saw it in himself to guide Link, to manipulate him that this is not actually the case. The fact that this seems to be happening again and again suggests that Link went through many periods of repression but his feelings for Rhett always emerged again.
Did You Get Me Anything?
Symbolism significance : 1/5
This is actually the fifth video they released but I am saving the fourth for last for reasons that will become clear very soon. The official description is "Never make a promise you don't intend to keep". In this one, Rhett and Link are amateur herpetologists who seek a rare monkey snake. The snake (devil? temptation?) bites Link, who falls into a temporary paralysis. Rhett looks deep into his eyes and can always tell what Link wants to be fed. Link's favourite foods apparently are: wood, dirt, living squirrels, glass and we also get a quick scene of Rhett with a toilet paper that I do not dare think what it implies (it's a joke ofc). At some point, Link almost seems to lose the battle, so Rhett tries to bring him to and promises to always feed Link with what he wants to eat by looking him deep in the eyes. Later, he seems to forget this but only for a moment. He gives Link a lamp to eat with Link appreciating this arrangement. Now, I don't know if this is entirely a symbolism but it probably is. We do get a "promise forever" and in light of everything else in this series of videos, it probably matters.
The Puzzle
Symbolism significance : 5000000000000000000000000000/5
This is one of the dirtiest videos Rhett and Link have made and I can't believe how under the radar it is despite its many views. Not only it is dirty but it is one of their most revelatory scripted work and, as you'll see below, in full sync with other content and spontaneous things they have said. To put it simply, this is their first time. I am gonna write a lot about this one, perhaps more than I wrote about anything else before.
This is the fourth video, so the last video before the "forever promise". The official description is "It's not all fun and games when a puzzle needs completing". Wanna see a similar statement?
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On failing to push the shovel into the dirt at the first time, Rhett comments: "I don't know what I was expecting. And it immediately registered with me that this is not going to necessarily be easy or fun".
He's talking about the exact same thing. So let's actually start with the puzzle video. During a storm that keeps them inside their office, Link suggests they could play a puzzle to which Rhett responds enthusiastically. It was Link's initiative. Link was also the one who suggested they made as big a hole as possible. Leif in TLCOBC is the one who presses Rex to leave his own scooter and jump behind him on his own bike. (Just wait, it all clicks together in the end.)
We can be pretty sure that for quite some time at the beginning, Rhett and Link were really not good at solving puzzles or digging holes or biking together.
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The gif is self-explanatory. Rarely have they been so clear, in fact. I don't know if their puzzle solving here is any accurate as a measure of their ineptness. Hopefully not, because, well, you would expect that men married for like 15 years at the time would be at least sliiiightly better at this than that. BONUS points for the very consciously chosen 80s amateur porno vibe and music specifically for this moment.
Eventually they get the puzzle almost complete. The puzzle, which pictures a dead grandpa inside a coffin, is however missing one piece. And you know the piece that's missing? THE HEAD.
Rhett and Link start to look frantically for the head (piece) and their panic rises. They stop and try to calm down by reciting this poem about the ocean and the calming lotion, which they repeated in their "Link straightens Rhett's hair" vlog. It doesn't help them though - the head doesn't just show up - so they panic again.
Now I will interrupt here to say a) we have the moment of Rhett failing to push the shovel in the dirt in the dug a hole video, b) we have that time Rhett said in GMM "For some time we had a little project called 'who is soft and who is moist '. It depended on the day", c) we have that time in GMMore Link told Rhett "Nobody is better than you at being flaccid", d) we have that slide GMM episode where Rhett said "I am gonna go hard but, you know, Rhett-hard" where Link interjects to say "Kinda limp. Got it" and then Rhett finishes by saying "- which is not as hard as some people" and e) I remember one time Link letting it slip that he had "helping" pills in his car.
I am willing to bet that at least at the first attempts they had, be it the awkwardness, the anxiety, everything that was at stake, their inexperience in this particular way of going at it, the secrecy or whatever else, Rhett had problems. So imagine if he actually took a helping pill and now watch what happens in the puzzle video:
Freaked out as they are, as nothing seems to be working, they decide to call the customer service of the puzzle company to complain. (Please God, Universe, please tell me they actually did this irl. Please). A Nora answers the phone and they complain they don't have the head. Nora tells them it's unlikely it's the puzzle's fault and Rhett and Link are basically fuming. Nora politely responds that this must be puzzle user error, which freaks Rhett. She further says all "puzzles" (pills) are tested by professionals and at this point their anger is hilarious. An out of his mind Rhett threatens to sue them and he stands up full of determination which is when Link sees he has the head on his raised arm. Freaked out again, Rhett however goes on with his threat. Nora senses the change in his voice and asks if they found the head. (PLEASE GOD TELL ME THIS HAPPENED AND IT'S NOT MADE UP.) At this point, as they don't know what to do, Link impulsively takes the head to his mouth, the puzzle piece, I mean. After an initial shock, Rhett screams nonsense at Nora to hide what's going on. Link starts choking and Nora hears his choking sounds and understands. Rhett keeps threatening her while simultaneously trying to save Link, in this way:
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Turn around and say hello to my "little friend". This makes no sense with the context of the video. It's a classic "hard dick" reference. It's really one of the most glaring videos they have ever done.
The piece finally is ejected from Link's mouth and falls right on the puzzle and completes it, with this not at all lewd shot.
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The head with Link's spit on it.
Nora perceives all of that. Rhett and Link, now very happy, confirm to her that that's what happened and thank her, but Rhett doesn't hang up the phone correctly.
Rhett: (still a little shocked) That escalated quickly.
Link: (content) Yeah, that's what happens when you put together a puzzle.
Nora: (politely) I am actually still on the phone.
Rhett and Link: ...
Nora: Well, I have you boys here, you mind answering a few survey questions?
Link: Sure!
Rhett: No problem.
Nora: On a scale of one to ten, how helpful was I today?
Rhett and Link: Ten?
Nora: Aaand on a scale of one to ten, how (inaudible) do you find the grandpa puzzles?
Rhett and Link:
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It is reasonable to conclude at this point that their first time was great for Rhett, however he was entirely oblivious to the fact that for Link the experience was disappointing, if not painful. And yes, this is essentially established through their content too. Aside from the puzzle video, we have this:
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Notice their microexpressions.
We have a world darts game on GMM a few years ago where Link said: "I gotta dart first!" and Rhett muttered "Oh yeah I am used to that".
And of course, going back to the bike ride in TLCOBC:
After their falling behind in the chase for Alicia, Leif urges Rex to hop on his bike and let go of his scooter. Rex denies and defends his "scooter or pushing leg", supporting he simply hasn't trained it well yet, because it takes practice. After some argument, Rex cedes and hops on Leif's bike:
Rex abruptly hopped off his scooter and tossed it under a shrub on the side of the road. He stepped onto the two pegs jutting out from Leif’s back wheel, his hands on Leif’s shoulders. “Burn it.” And Leif did. He pedaled like he’d never pedaled before, rocketing forward even with the extra 150 pounds of lanky human freight. The fiery pain in his thighs was overwhelming, but as the boys rounded the last turn on Creek Road, the white dot reappeared ahead, and that was all the motivation Leif needed.
But despite all that they don't manage to catch Alicia and Leif is heartbroken:
“But…” Rex still had both hands and one foot on the fence. “So that’s it? We’re just giving up on her?” “I…I don’t know,” Leif said, wiping his wet cheeks, grateful for the cover of night. “Maybe.” (...)
Leif stared down the shadowy driveway, feeling like his heart had been injured.
But despite the obvious failure, Rex makes an unexpected comment.
“Hey, Leif,” Rex said out of nowhere (...) “Good call on the bike pegs.” Or not. Leif nodded and kept pedaling.
Even though they fail at saving Alicia, Rex is oblivious to Leif's heartbreak and his struggle. On the other hand, Leif seems to have regretted proposing the bike ride which was both very painful and eventually fruitless.
So above we have Link's barb that " a first time must be slow". Further above, we have him judging Rhett and saying he expected the hole digging to be more dramatic. And to go back to our puzzle video, Rhett had a ten that night but Link had only a two. I guess they were struggling so bad and when Rhett had finally some push from a pill or resolved the issue in whatever way, he went full force and with too much enthusiasm to last at all. (Plus there are running jokes even in GMM that Rhett doesn't last long usually, which might have to do with excessive enthusiasm!) This made the experience somewhat traumatic for Link though, as he didn't have time to adjust and enjoy this, and was building this up in his mind for a damn long time.
But we're still good. Judging from that GMM, they now have a rule of Link darting first. I wonder why they go back and back to this particular experience even in their scripts and not, say, their first mutually great time. Maybe this is off limits and off comedy, which would be totally understandable.
After this massive parenthesis, we reach the most crucial point. Nora asks the hardest question last: "And are you still embracing each other?"
This is my favourite moment. Despite Link's conflicting emotions and apparently their initial intent to keep this casual, they are just there still cuddling. It's important that this was filmed in late 2015. It suggests they realised super early that they weren't meant for casual. Then again, I don't know how they even believed they could do casual. You just don't decide to bone your best friend of 30 years casually, especially if you are supposedly a Christian straight married man. Lol casual. Medium. Judging from the digging a hole video, where Link first proposed the biggest hole possible and then downsized this to a medium hole so that he wouldn't scare Rhett away, it's clear Link never meant this to be casual but he did downplay what he wanted originally to convince Rhett, and Rhett was at a point that would let himself be convinced by anything.
As if ALL this wasn't enough, they add a post-title in the end, which is something they didn't do in any other of their videos. The font they chose was this:
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Okay guys I GET IT chill now
Anyway these were my many cents for their old Sketchtober. The fact that these videos were filmed in 2015 certainly puts things into perspective.
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thekats · 4 months
2AM thoughts
CW: suggestive content, mentions/discussion of SA/rape
I just saw (again) a post with that Lae'zel-Halsin banter that's like 'has he killed more or fucked more in his 350 year alive?' and he goes 'chimera has 3 heads but does it count as one creature?' Then Lae'zel says 'must have been a challenging kill' and he replies 'yes... kill' (sorry, my palm brushed the back button and the post was lost from view or I'd have done this as a reblog, but again it's 2am, I'd scrolled for a while until it popped up and I'll have forgotten by the time I get up again).
Now, I see three potential readings for this and I'm not saying any of them are more or less valid, just wanted to package them into wordsies:
A) Halsin is doing a funny. From banter with Shadowheart (for example) we see that he does have a funny bone. I'm thinking in particular the animal noises she offers to make to make him feel more at home in the shadow-cursed lands and him going 'you bleat well enough as is'. Yup, can absolutely be read as 100% serious, but doesn't really match his character. Think also the 'you're so big and strong and muscular and huge hunky-hunk-man for an elf' dialogue option in camp. His reply 'really?' is, for a split second, convincingly genuine, but he instantly reveals that 'ha-ha! Tricked you, of course I know I'm a big beefy himbo guy for an elf, we have fun.' Not to play the autism card, but this humour is very popular among autistics, I don't make the rules. Allistics frequently don't get it, especially because we use it with such earnestness that it can be tough to see the intention of a joke.
The chimera banter does fit that pattern.
B) He did fuck that chimera, he is a monsterfucker. Obviously, this is the favourite option for both Halsin-stans and Halsin-...crams... it's 2.19am, fuck off.
Him horny, him 'old', him horny and old, he fuck monsters. We don't know when he did it, how he did it, why he did it. Maybe he really was just horny and he put all of y'all's hear-me-outs to shame (I'm not a monsterfucker, personally, I can't even bring myself to fuck Halsin in bear form, so I don't have any hear-me-outs). Maybe there was something external at play. Maybe it's Maybelline(TM R C and such). Honestly, good for him. All we know for sure is that he checked in with that chimera to make sure it was all consensual beginning to end. Absolute king. I'd believe that a chimera would get the hots for him. He can get it.
3) He did have sexual intercourse with a chimera, but it wasn't consensual on his part. "But Kats," I hear you scream (I don't, humour me), "why would he be so chill about it then?!" The drow. He says himself in his Sharess' Caress afterglow dialogue that the way he speaks of the events now isn't necessarily representative of the severity of the events. Ffs he reports being raped, a sex slave for three years, and still 'some of it was done willingly'. My bro, my boo, son. N.O.! Just because it was "in their nature" as lolth-drow or some shit does not make it excusable! Just because you got a hard-on, a natural bodily reaction that has nothing to do with willingness or consent, does not mean you have to downplay what happened, even if that makes it easier in your own mind. Therapy. You, me and someone qualified. And Astarion. And Gale. And Derryth Bonecloak, honestly... NOW!
I would not be any more surprised than with the other two options if this were the tale behind that... story. Martel, I am running out of vocabulary here, but you know what I mean.
Anyway, again, I don't consider any of these more or less true/likely than each other. Perhaps there's even other options? Perhaps there's official info on it that I haven't come across yet bc I've had the game for 3 weeks and there is just so much content all of the time. Yeah, just wanted to lay down my 2 cents. Okay, nighty night!
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the-nosy-neighbor · 2 months
Ok, i was looking for a new subject or thing to puzzle on (as well as check for new stuff, in case they get sneaky), and found the hooplah barnaby toy pipe ad. Oddly enough, the audio for this item doesn't have a transcript on the website. When we have seen that before, it has been for secret videos and things, for the most part. Even then, there are usually hidden subtitles. So, weird.
I listened to the ad, and have to wonder if it is just color. It is a funny thing to us that cigarette ads were ubitiquous in the past, when ads now are very limited in comparison. There are lots of laws now that control how and where ads for smoking can be run, and about cartoon character mascots. I believe there were internal documents leaked at some point about cartoon character mascots being targeted toward children, despite their denials of that fact.
Apparently, the much less regulated e-cig industry is back on that bullshit. I guess this makes this topical in a modern sense, especially once you consider that Barnaby's pipe is going to seem like a toy and the comparison to the e-cigs, which don't feel like smoking to some people.
There were still cigarette machines around when i was a kid. So, for that alone, it is a fun gag. It's almost like a smoker training program.
Anyway, went on the look at the wishbook, because i know i have missed things there. I found this:
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"STRETCHED THIN" Eddie Dear. Stretched, overextended, need the rest, work too hard. This sentiment is all over the place with the latest update about Eddie, in particular. So much Eddie in this one. The real world item that this is related to would be Stretch Armstrong, which I may have mentioned before.
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So farm in this update we've had Eddie as Frankenstein the (previously a scarecrow), stretched-thin, and the focus of the commericals segment.
Oh, and the looks on the faces of the Wally and Frank pillows. Wally is smirking and has half closed eyes, which Clown has used before to indicate flirting or love feelings. But it is also a villian thing.
From tv tropes:
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Snide, cynical, flirty, sleepy
(I haven't read all of this series yet, but they also have a theory about gender being expressed through eyeshadow color in cartoons.)
But they do list in the villains post that villains have "eyeshadow used heavily for villains or hypersexual characters." Given that we have no information about Wally being hypersexualized, could this feature have been given as a way of characterization?
This is an interesting look into the phenomenon. Examples:
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Eye art by laurengigglez on deviantart
Early Wally had the coded eyelids:
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(If you read the villains post, you will see this image features gender eyelids as well as villain eyelids, as the lightness of Julie's is in stark contrast to the bold colors, larger eyelids, and darker lashes of the two villains.)
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Eddie has limited eyelids, except for in times of stress or high emotion.
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As much attention is given to the eyes in this project, it is hard to believe that it is a stylistic choice, but all kinds of muppets have eyelids:
This is specifically for sleep. But Piggy gets eyelids for emotion--there is a whole wiki article about that. Sally could be a special case, but her character sheet makes her suspect
Frank is looking toward Wally with fear on his face. Eyes wide open, eyes are big and focused, it seems, on Wally. His arms are crossed, which seems normal for him, but definitely getting scared more than pissy.
AND Frank is standing between Wally and Eddie. He is much closer to Wally than he is to Eddie. This could be more fuel for the idea i have posted about before, where Frank is in opposition to Wally, while pretending things are totally fine. He has a secret thing of some kind with Eddie, obviously, whether romantic or conspiratorial. He looks afraid, though the eyes are slightly off.
My theory has been that Frank is being a double agent, while working with Eddie (and maybe a loving relationship with Eddie.) I have speculated that Frank is decommissioning puppets on his friends or just Eddie, and he sings his lullaby to versions of Eddie that have become too aware.
(Which is an honest metaphor for the marginalized person's experience of aging and learning to speak out about inequities and being pushed back into an "acceptable" role.)
Eddie, however, is looking somewhere else. It looks like it lines up with the top item on the list, maybe some of the numbers? I think it is arguable that Wally isn't focused on us, and Frank is not focused on him, but it is close enough to consider the possibility.
What is the significance of the idea "stretched thin" or the area Eddie is staring at? Are the eye positions and facial exoressions there for us to interpret the motives of the characters?
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restlessmaknae · 9 months
2023 drama recap
Note: these are dramas (webdramas & one cdrama & one Western show as well) that I’ve watched this year, but not all of them were released in 2023.
Shadow&bone s2: not gonna lie, this one felt messy and a bit all over the place, but I guess when you read the books and the TV show is a mix of different book series, it's expected
My review: 6/10
Use for my talent: the supporting couples carry this show on the back, I have nothing more positive to say because the main leads' love triangle is super annoying and the kiss scenes are so forced and unrealistic, it's not even funny anymore :') I haven't yet watched it until the end, but so far:
My review: 6.5/10
When i fly towards you (cdrama): this was a charming drama that got me until the second half of it when it lost its charm, and I realised that it's way too unrealistic, there were a lot of cringey scenes, the end felt dragged and repetitive, and I didn't really see any character development even though we saw the main leads growing up (but props to the second leads, I really loved their dynamics!)
My review: 6.5/10
User not found (webdrama): it was more enjoyable than annoying, but overall, it did have some unnecessary drama and the main female lead's acting wasn't up to my liking
My review: 7/10
Tracer: I'm pretty sure it would have been more enjoyable if we had managed to find good subtitles for it because the acting was really good, but I didn't get the plotline fully because of the Google Translate-like subs, so yeah, that's why it's only 7.5 (but Im Siwan's acting is 10/10 as always)
My review: 7.5/10
The witch store reopens (webdrama): it was perfectly fine considering that it was a webdrama (so expect some overexaggerated acting and such), it was cute, funny, and the leads (Yonghee and Yerin) did well
My review: 8/10
The heavenly idol: I've watched it for Kim Minkyu, but it was unexpectedly serious at times (touched upon bullying, double standards for idols, the nasty parts of the showbiz industry), so it did surprise me positively - however, the special effects were a bit odd at times, and you can't take the storyline seriously, but if you let go of reality, it's pretty enjoyable
My review: 8/10
Revenge of others: it was pretty dramatic at times and I didn't necessary like the big plot twist at the end, but I really loved the investigating part of it and the whole storyline wasn't that predictable
My review: 8.5/10
Seasons of blossom: this definitely delivered some emotional punches (read: I cried), and the acting was really good on the leads' part, some other acting was kind of forced, but overall, it was a meaningful drama
My review: 9/10
Crash course in romance: me and my mother both really enjoyed this show, we were waiting for the episodes to come out week after week. It was really funny, had some serious topics to touch upon, and the acting was overall really good. I deduct 0.5 point because sometimes I didn't feel the balance between the crime part (yes, there's one like that) and the main storyline, it wasn't that annoying, but I have to mention it
My review: 9.5/10
King the land: it was similar to Business Proposal to me in terms of how much I enjoyed it and why I deduct 0.5 point - it was funny, it was cute, the acting was really good, but there were a lot of clichés that you can't help but shrug off because it was really enjoyable
My review: 9.5/10
Castaway diva: I have 3 episodes left, so this is not my final verdict, but it's been really good so far, I really love the way they touch upon such sensitive topics, and the acting ranges here on the three main leads' parts are just wow! (I only deduct 0.5 point because of Yoon Ranjoo and her whole showbiz team, it's like they can't decide which side they want to be on)
My review: 9.5/10
Twinkling watermelon: my favourite drama this year, genuinely a 10/10, it was funny, heart-warming, heart-breaking, and very meaningful, would highly recommend
My review: 10/10
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samthepotterhead · 8 months
I thought I was only gonna make a review at the end, as this is a standalone, and I wasn't super into it at first, but this chapter has been the most thrilling so far. which is a pity since it's only a flashback chapter. but even in this chapter, it feels like I'm reading an introduction still. there is so much worldbuilding still going on and I'm still a little lost and every sentence has five lore words, so I have to look into the glossary every 2 secs. I do have to admit that might also be bc I know zero south-east asian languages. but I'm also having a bit of a hard time with the world itself. I thought this was gonna be high fantasy but it's kind of sci fi too?
on a positive note though, I do like this chapter for its action scenes. it's giving auror/order duty and crows mission/heist. I generally have this weird thing where I have to imagine a fantasy magic story is set in a world that I already know well but like an au or future version /in this case), in order to motivate me lol. I imagine the theonite world as a modern grishaverse, it also makes sense bc of the "races" and the elemental magic for the most part. it's essentially about tidemakers and misaki is a corporalnik too (more heartrender than healer) and there are two inferni in this scene including robin, and elleen (who is kaelish "coded") is something akin to a sun summoner (the holographic thing she can do is really cool) and koli is a materialnik etc. to me it fits even more than it did with the grishaverse as a wizarding world au. also, they call misaki shadow, like hello wraith. but at the same time they are basically superheroes, especially with the firebird symbol printed on robins back. (I also just realized the misaki flashback plot is basically the plot of miraculous ladybug?)
to summarize, I'm a nerd (and autistic) and just like to know the ins and outs of a magic world and dislike stepping into a new one. so, interesting that I chose to read a fantasy standalone this time... I guess I just wanted to try it out. I feel like its gonna leave me unsatisfied though. but we'll see.
also very interesting to me is that this is called adult fantasy, since I can't see much of a difference to YA yet. I do see how GOT and e.g. the grishaverse are different, but that's also bc one is high fantasy and the other one is idk, something else. so far in this book there is as much gore as in the grisha books (think soc and oomen's eye), and even as in hp if I recall correctly. I think it's generally funny that hp is considered a middle grade series bc by dh it's at least YA. also, in this book the protagonist (or one of the two) is literally a 14 year old. and misaki is an angsty teenager in this chapter, they even have a romance trope. it also makes me kinda angry bc I recently saw a post about how YA writers are just too bad to write adult fiction and it's so untrue?? of course there are badly written YA books, but so are adult fantasy ones? and not to mention those two series again, but hp and the soc and kos duologies are objectively well written? ok, not objectively maybe, but a lot of people would agree. and I am well out of the main YA target group, I'm in my mid 20s and I honestly still love those books (even if I haven't read any new good series in a while). I mean reading YA at that age does say something about me, but still... ok, rant over.
anyway, I'm starting to enjoy this book even though the writing style is not teribbly great imo (not bad but it could be better), but I hope the main story gets a bit more exciting in a bit. I personally would've put this chapter right at the beginning. btw, I really can't tell how far I am in this book bc I'm reading it as an ebook (as it seems not to be available in europe in english, only off of amazon u.s. with really long delivery), but I feel like I've been reading this quite a bit.
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scary-senpai · 2 years
🌝 + 🧠 (Doesn't have to be exclusively for OPM necessarily, although I prob won't know what you're talking about for other fandoms, lol)
Gahh! Thank you so much for asking <3 you are the best.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
this was difficult to answer because for better or worse, a lot of my writing ideas appear as intrusive thoughts when I should be doing other things. there really isn’t a character that interests me that I haven’t written for in some way/shape/form, even if I haven’t published it yet, especially within the OPM-verse.
I think I'd like to do a bit more with Mumen Rider. I think Mumen tends to appear in fic as an Author’s Darling, almost—and for the record, I do this also--if I need a sweet, upstanding cinnamon role to always say the right thing at exactly the right time, I'll use Mumen Rider (like when he's giving Garou parenting advice in Holiday Hijinks).
Anyway, I imagine him like this although in canon, his decisions are ostensibly selfless but still somewhat questionable (and I joke a little bit about this in The Hero Association's First and Final Festivus, when Mumen attempts to do a self-deprecating standup routine in front of his colleagues.) The first rule of emergency response, for example, is "stay in your lane, and don't create more work for the rescue team." Also, he attacked Garou first, from behind. (oh man, when I went back and read the manga after watching the anime, I wrote 'Mumen rider struck first????' on a big ole post-it note because I thought I was reading it wrong).
I think a lot of the sweetest, kindest people have spent a lot of time fighting their inner shadows, because (like we see in Mob Psycho), kindness is a muscle that has to be actively exercised and mindfully developed, and it’s also a muscle that fatigues. So I'd like to see Mumen Rider grappling with how to be a good person. I've thought about this, but I haven't figured out a way to execute it quite yet—whenever I try, he just comes out too similar to the way I write Garou. Probably I will figure it out after spending a bit more time in Mumen's head.
Anyway, if I were ever to write a Mumarou fic, it would be either the sweetest thing ever or the absolute darkest thing ever. I would also like to write a crossover where Mumen is actually Gojo Satoru, this massively over-powered and insufferable character widely considered by his community to a kind of "Chosen One," who, having spent an entire lifetime living under intense and overwhelming pressure, just wants to bike around and touch grass and rescue cats from trees and maybe lose a fight once in awhile, knowing that Saitama's got his back. Gojo's Cursed Technique (magical power) requires him to cover his eyes most of the time, and he has very distinctive features so this could easily work in an AU where we never see Mumen Rider without his biker gear.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Okay, funny you should ask that question, Bestie, because I might ask for your help with this one day. It's an OPM / welcome-to-nightvale crossover:
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I use Discord to keep tabs on my WIP notes, and these are literally the only notes I have. Here's a transcription/translation because these notes are somewhat incomplete
Garou taking Tareo to the library for books. Garou saying it will be fun, libraries (“you mean books?” “Books too but mostly libraries”) are fun but also incredibly [[Note: apparently I did not finish this sentence, which is a problem I have often]]
Opening is sweet but then maybe vague mention of “librarian repellent” (Tareo wonders why Garou doesn’t bring any). Garou says “like a librarian would get me down” [[Note: basically, the first scene would be a bait-and-switch, playing around with irony and what most people would picture when tasked with imagining two kids visiting the library]]
When Garou and Tareo arrive, Genos is just very calmly in the library fighting off librarians. Saitama came because he’s bored. or he’s on a quest to not come home with his memory wiped, holding 33 copies of Helen Hunt’s biography. “You too, huh?” Garou says [[Note: this is a frequent occurrence in Nightvale]]
Anyway, for those of you unfamiliar with Welcome to Nightvale, here's what the Nightvale Library is all about:
The Night Vale Public Library is a notable landmark in Night Vale, although there is widespread dissatisfaction with the library among the town's citizens. Its available public computers are outdated and slow, they provide a lending period of only fourteen days, and the Biography section contains nothing but 33 copies of the official biography of Helen Hunt. There have been reports of a faceless spectre who roams through the Biography section, bringing visitors to an untimely end. Cecil expresses his desire for the City Council to make some serious changes to the library, "or I may find myself hoping that the faceless spectre puts the library to the same mysterious, violent end as its many victims."
Unidentifiable black metallic trees suddenly appeared by the library back in June, causing all airborne objects above 30 feet to catch fire. They were cleared away to make room for a new strip mall and parking lot.
It's creepy. It's weird. It's got books—Garou would love this, and he would have certainly survived the summer reading program.
The Summer Reading Program was is was an annual event held at the Night Vale Public Library in a group of kids and teenagers are trapped in the library and possibly forced to learn.
It was abolished around 1983 following an incident known only as "The Time of Knives." During the 2013 program, fourteen students between the ages of 5 and 17 were kidnapped by librarians and trapped in the library. The number later grew to nearly 100 children and teens before the program officially began that day. It was during this event that Tamika Flynn, 12-years-old at the time, battled librarians for the first time. Her triumph established her combat and leadership skills, and the severed head of the librarian served as a reminder of her battle in the summer reading program of 2013.
To promote the 2013 event, posters were placed around town, unbeknownst to the stores they were put on. Some of them read:
- Get into a good book this summer We are going to force you into a good book this summer - You are going to get inside this book, and we are going to close it on you and there is nothing you can do about it
All with the tagline "Catch the flesh-eating reading bacterium!"
Truly, the Summer Reading Program Garou needs and deserves. I've got a decent amount of headcanon but no real plot.
Thank you so much for asking! these are always fun to do.
(original post is here--the ask is still open, I always love talking about my fics, haha)
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measuringbliss · 5 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 061 Prowler and Belladonna (SSM 46-48)
In this post...
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My beloved Prowler is back!
Or is he...?
SSM 46 introduces us to Ryker's island (which we saw last time in ASM, oops), where Klaus Voorhees, aka the Cobra, escapes, leaving his old buddy Hyde to rot there. They're a duo from Daredevil, apparently.
The next day, Peter goes to apologize to Debra for their bad date (see last SSM post) and they convene to dine together the next day. For reals, this time!
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Phil and Steve are so boyfriends, I hope they kiss (they won't, but they sure should!).
Marcy arrives and is even more annoyed than her usual self. With a red scarf in her hair. Strange!
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Actually they should be a throuple.
Peter has a hard time with his students, he goes out as Spidey to get some peace of mind and ends up catching the Cobra. Keating, the police chief, isn't happy about his intervention, but the Cobra escapes, and Spidey doesn't really care anymore.
More importantly:
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THE PROWLER IS BACK, YEAAAAAH! But the #47 cover says it's a new one... nooooooooo...
Peter shortens his dinner date with Debra when he hears about a crime on the TV, where Spider-Man is supposedly involved. Huh!
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Oh, Debra Debra Debra... You need the power of self-love!
Now that I think about it, I don't think TV news have been used much... or at all until now. It's interesting! Before, Jameson's paper was the main source of information for people, but we get the news report, and Peter gets on the scene of the crime where the cops haven't left yet! Much more instant. That's weird to think about, from my point of view where news have always been pretty much instantaneous.
Turns out a couple and their guard were attacked, and they thought the guy's shadow belonged to Spidey. (Hint: It's not.)
There's a Roderick Kingsley mention ("a week ago"), and they do say our victims were fashion related or whatnot. Is this new Prowler linked to Belladonna, my beloved?
Talking about her... One of the victims is a lady who seems familiar to Peter. So... I'm assuming it's her.
Peter thinks the culprit is Hobie, so he... kidnaps him.
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Oh I love these pants!!!!!! Also, he's still with his girlfriend, nice! Turns out he's married. He stopped being the Prowler months ago.
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So what I'm understanding is that Hobie had a crush on Hercules and decided to quit the Defenders rather than ruin his marriage. Got it!
Our two heroes notice that actually, Hobie's gear has been stolen!
Then we get our villain POV. He's been helped by none other than Belladonna, who herself didn't expect to see Spider-Man in this whole affair. Framing him wasn't the plan, turns out!
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Hot Peter! Also, May's definitely a Spidey fan now, nice. And that purple shirt guy seems lovely, I want him as my grandpa.
Later, Peter breaks Debra's heart again, then he swings in the city to find Nu!Prowler.
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A trans flag appears anywhere he passes, yay!
For the umpteenth time in a row, Spidey gets gassed. It's Belladonna's gas again!
Anyway, Spidey recognizes Nu!Prowler as... the Cat Burglar from ASM 30. Uh, okay.
To make things short, these two guys are trapped by Belladonna (slay!).
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She's so funny. "I don't like you! You're too strange!" Iconic of her.
#48 starts with Spidey and that other guy escaping. Turns out that Belladonna was only a screen! How technologically plausible. Peter must have really bad eyes.
Outside of the building, cops soon arrive, as does Sergeant Snider, who's vaguely fair to Spidey (the latter still bails, of course. Not gonna be questioned by the police).
Peter goes home...
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Isn't it, like, 3am or something?
Oh, no matter.
Debra's clearly flustered by Peter (never spoken to a man in a bathrobe before!), who's absolutely clueless.
Unfortunately, Peter's adorable big dog plushies burns a bit, along with his curtains.
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IT'S OBVIOUSLY A DOG???? but also that man is so. SO RIGHT. I LOVE YOU, RANDOM MAN FROM PAGE 9! What a peculiar belt buckle, though...
But Peter shows he isn't as mature as he thinks.
Anyway, Nu!Prowler escapes, May calls Peter to say she's going motoring with a friend (good for her! She's recently become much much funnier than before).
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Hot guy alert... not telling which one... both...
Peter correctly identifies Belladonna as Desiree Vaughn-Pope. And here I was, hoping we'd see her for longer. But at her apartment, Spidey actually meets her sister, Narda.
She tells him their sobby backstory, and then...
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Oh that middle guy's hot. Looks like the Tarentula!
Spidey goes to Kingsley's apartment, and the latter shoots him.
Except he didn't, Spidey just used a mannequin to make it seem as if he'd been shot. He gets at Belladonna's apartment in time to save her from Nu!Prowler.
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Over "there", people have one priority:
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Me too.
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deviantartdramahub · 1 year
The hidden role by Sleepstar on DeviantArt
So this user on DeviantArt, Sleepstar, had the nerve to call out a friend of mine, known as Triagonal, who was wrongfully banned from DeviantArt. And for what, you may ask? For asking for a fanfic story from olq-plo that had a user by the name of DanishTheMenace, who wasn't even bothered about this request. It was a harmless bit of fun, where it saw Triagonal and DanishTheMenace go on a platonic date, nothing to do with real life, just again, a harmless story about something that would never happen in real life. I know the ages of both users in the story, and there was nothing said by Triagonal that would even give any indication that she was, in any way, a threat to anyone, let alone DanishTheMenace. From the day I first spoke to her to the day she was banned, never once did she try to "throw herself" on anybody. She isn't that type of person, and how do I know that? Because she's an Aceflux Female… read it up, fucktards, if you're that braindead to post such utter shite about Triagonal, you clearly haven't got a fucking clue about her! So, now you're going to be asking, Where do I come into all this? Well, that's easy to tell and connects with Triagonal being bullied by these twisted freaks, better known as the Terrorist Cult, DeviantArtDramaNow!
DeviantArtDramaNow are protecting a peadophile known as BirdThatWhispers, who has a history of bullying, slandering, and attacking people for uncovering the truth about his real reason for being on DeviantArt. He will claim you're the reason why the whole world is so shit, and why everybody hates on him. He'll continue to attack and slander you while you're offline or talking to friends on other websites, and when you come back, or log on, those friends you were just talking to a few hours ago? They will have blocked you, told you they're going to after claiming they have proof of whatever was claimed about you, and then post the same shit lies they got told to everybody else. Or you'll get people like Shadow-Glassen's half brother who blocked me, and then ran his mouth about me so I couldn't defend myself. Charming. But that's one thing I can say is in the past, and really has fuck all to do with how Bird got caught having a sexual roleplay with a 14-year-old girl. The same girl was talking to me about my story, and how she really liked the way it was going. Adding, "I hope you can post more of it, I would really love to read it to the end!", which was really touching to me, due to the fact nobody had said a word to me by that point. Anyway, moving on. Bird better known at the time as, jedikkeneus, was blackmailing her to act like she was "enjoying" this sexual roleplay of him spanking her butt at bedtime with no point of given her any chance to say or do anything. I pointed out that the screenshot wasn't in anyway fake, and was given to me by the same user he was abusing. A few months later Bird changed his username and bio picture, thinking he could get away with it... However, due to the fact I had already read about how the website (DeviantArt) works, he failed to mention that, even if you do change your username and bio picture, you're still going to apper in comments, notes, and posts as the same person. Once again, meaning the only things that change is the Bio picture, and username. One line of data goes to every new user that joins! And as for this Club-Dreamiverse claim, I find that bit funny because a user who was part of the DeviantArtDramaNow blog claimed he was doing the same thing, but yet, the blog owner, Mod-S aka Silerna; wouldn't ban him. So answer me this. Is it really a justifuled action when your own member is doing, and loves doing, the same thing... while you ignore it, and continues to break your own rules that are, by this point, only for people who don't want to be called out for being drama seekers. I mean seriously, you expect people to believe your shit, when you can't even provide us with the links you claim are proof.. everytime I try to go to them it keeps coming up, "can't connect to the server host", which tells me that you're hiding it so none of the millions of victims you've claimed over the years, can see the fake lies you tell!
Get outside and touch grass losers, you're never going to heard because all you do is LIE!
I assume you’re referring to this post and its description. For a post that claims to not be an attack on anyone, it’s definitely a proofless and evidenceless agenda against people that uses a series of conclusions that don’t make sense to justify her final thoughts, and is in league with a group that is now undeniably known as a hate group. In other words, she’s looking too much into it (and the whole “stalking” thing, profiles are public, saying so is not anyone "downplaying stalking"), yet doesn’t look at all into the fact that there is a reason Lovelesslass was banned (hatemongering) before trying to ban evade and send us sexual-orientation-related hate speech. So she’s not the honest justice hero many people think of her as, especially considering she tried and failed to report a Tumblr group that’s not even as bad as the one she belongs to. If she’s trying to slander people who give free art so that she has no competition like often happens, it’s not working today.
I don't hesitate to type this long paragraph tangent because all this comes up so often.
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐄𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧
Article by Jenny Brokmeyer for TeensCast, Vol. 1, January 2023.
From being the most popular young actor of his age in America to being a single-father. Tim Erikson knows what he wants in life and he knows how to get it. But one thing doesn't seem to have solidified yet: a partnership. What are his thoughts about relationships? What was his most formative experience in a relationship? Does he believe in true love and love at first sight? We sat down with him for an interview and asked him the most exciting questions about love and his thoughts about it! Read more about it:
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𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: It's so good to have you here, Tim, hi!
𝗧𝗜𝗠: Hi, Josh, thank you for having me. I love your shirt, by the way. So great. ABBA has always been one of my favourite bands. So cool!
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: Thanks so much! It's fitting that you mention love, you are setting the tone for today. *both laugh* I brought a few on my own, but also a few questions from fans, and we are going to get into your teeth today!
𝗧𝗜𝗠: Or maybe into my bedroom. *laughs* Depends on how private the questions get, I guess! Bring it on, I'm ready.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: Alright! We start with a very straight-forward question: Why are you not currently in a relationship? Or has something changed? Is there something we don't know?
𝗧𝗜𝗠: Huff, I didn't expect such a difficult question. First of all: nothing has changed! I'm a happy single-guy in the prime of my life and I enjoy every minute of it. And I believe that it is very important for me to feel that way and experience this freedom of heart, because I have been in some tough situations in the past three years, always suffering under enormous pressure in my past relationships, so I enjoy the lightness and ease that I'm feeling now. It's grounding, really.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: So, you say that you are no stranger to relationships that didn't work out well and took a toll on you?
𝗧𝗜𝗠: Oh, yes. And with many situations where I haven't been myself, in terms of experiencing so much trouble that I never knew before and didn't know how to react and response to it so it became very messy and self-destructive and depressing. I mean, I leaned from the storms of the past, but a little bit less hurting would've been nice as well.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: What has been your most formative and drastic experience in one of your relationships?
𝗧𝗜𝗠: That's a good question. I would say what affected me the most is when things became for granted. The moment you realise that you lack gratitude in yourself or you sense the lack of it in your partner – that's when you can be very sure that things are going downhill from there. Love cannot be taken for granted. No gratitude means no respect. And where is no respect love can never bloom.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: So, do you believe in the concept of true love?
𝗧𝗜𝗠: Yes!
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: And how about love at first sight?
𝗧𝗜𝗠: No. Definitely no.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: We have actually done some research and found out, that there has been quite a few partners by your side! (Tim: Yeah.) From normal people to actor and music colleges, to business names and maybe shadows of the society – It seems like that you aren't selective of your partners. Would you say that's true?
𝗧𝗜𝗠: Yes, definitely. For me, it is not so important what profession someone is in. First and foremost, I want to know whether I harmonise with this person. Are we on the same wavelength, do we have similar interests, how do we behave towards each other in conflict situations? Those things.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: So the profession is not in the foreground. What is the first thing you look for when you meet a potential partner?
𝗧𝗜𝗠: Oh, that's easy: Humor. Because I am one of the goofiest persons on earth, if my partner is not able to laugh at my pranks and funny side – it's not going to happen.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: Does this mean that your relationships have been unhappy in the past? Of course you wouldn't be single now if it worked out.
𝗧𝗜𝗠: I wouldn't say that they were unhappy. I truly believe that just because you broke up doesn't mean the relationship wasn't beautiful. There are hundreds of reasons for breaking up that have nothing to do with the loss of love. You can grow apart or realise that you don't work as well together as a couple as you thought at the beginning. And there is no shame in saying: »Baby, we're done.« It's a very mature thing to say, I figured.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: Are you looking for a new love, currently?
𝗧𝗜𝗠: No pressure, no. I travel a lot for work and of course I have a son to look after. A partnership is not my top priority at the moment. But if it comes up – and I have a feeling that great luck is waiting for me! – then I won't say no.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: So, here is a question from Jason. Jasons asks: What advice would you give to people who are single but would like to have a partner?
𝗧𝗜𝗠: Take it easy. Really. Enjoy your single life! If you are at peace with yourself, if you have a great circle of friends and are happy all around, then love will knock on your door. I promise you that. I promise!
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: Lisa wants to know: what do you think is the key to a good relationship?
𝗧𝗜𝗠: Two things, actually. First of all, good communication, because communication is key. And second of all, good sex! *laughs*
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪𝗘𝗥: Marlene wants to know if there is a way to get to know you. Get into contact with you. Actually, we received a few hundreds of those questions, so we bundled them together! *both laugh*
𝗧𝗜𝗠: I'm on tinder so, yeah! *laughs* Hit me up!
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kemakoshume · 3 years
can i request a drabble for stepcest/incest with megumi, nsfw, and female reader for your follower celebration? i read your bokuto stepcest one and reallyliked that one! thank you :3
a/n; hi baby, ofc you can. i just now realized i haven't published any of my wips for megumi yet lmao so wow what a way to introduce my writing about him
btw yes i am currently doing a milestone event!! come send a req my way. i'm doing short drabbles/hcs for whatever your little hearts desire ~
warnings: stepcest, "p in the v" sex, oral (f!receiving), "feminine cycle" mention (specifically ovulation, not the 🩸phase). i imagine megumi either being older than you or exactly the same age as you here but idk lmao either way you're both adults. [1.2k words].
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It's been a few years since the first time he made a move.
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Megumi had always been a pretty stoic guy. From the first day your parents introduced the two of you all the way until now, his demeanor publically had always remained much of the same. In private though, he let you see parts of him that you never would've guessed were there.
He was funny. Like, properly funny. The first time he made you laugh you feared you'd pass out from not being able to take in enough air. He was distractingly handsome. Of course, you had noticed that but there was a softness to his features that only appeared in the shadow of nighttime that he reserved for you. He was caring, and loved the people around him very deeply, and god, he was afraid to admit it at first, but he was so smitten with you.
What started innocently as two newly minted siblings being forced to spend time together to "bond" had slowly but surely turned into something more. Your clothes got more risque with age and his eyes began to linger longer. He came to spend more time in your room even if you weren't home and you did the same to him in turn. One night, your late-night studying and working and movie watching turned into soft kisses under your fairy lights. Then, eventually, it turned into more.
The flood of despair that crept into your bones every time that he left your bedroom has yet to stop, still even at your age, no matter how many times you've allowed him into both yourself and your space. But still, night after night he would enter your room, not always for sex but often for something, and you would accept him with open arms every time.
You don't flinch anymore when you hear a soft knock at your door in the late hours of the weekday evening anymore, knowing immediately who the visitor would be. The soft rasps of his knuckles tapping in beats of three against thick mahogany wood mimicking that of your fluttering heartbeat.
You don't have to get up from your desk chair to let him in, instead, you allow him to enter on his own as he always does. You say little when he crosses the space between you in your bedroom, coming up behind you where you're sat on your computer. Your legs are in your signature sitting position: one leg crossed beneath your body, and one slid up parallel against your thigh.
You don't say anything when he glides his warm hands down the sides of your face, squishing your cheeks in to make your lips puff out like he's always done since you were young, too young and green to the ways of the world to know what the influx of hormones and carnal desires would do to your relationship.
You try to swat his hands away playfully, but settle for holding one of his hands with yours instead. You shift your neck with his movements when he trails those hands down to your shoulders, rubbing and kneading the firm knots of muscle tangled up beneath your skin.
"Hard day?"
"Mhm," you hum, relaxing into the warmth of his large hands, "Lots of work."
"Poor angel," he says, leaning down to place soft kisses along the line of your jaw, "Hey, do you know what week of the month just ended? I think we can have a little fun that'll perk you up."
You did, of course. It was your cycle, so duh. The week of your fertile window had just come to a close. The little egg that could shatter your entire lives had come and gone from your body leaving way for fun without barriers.
"Oh shit," you said, thinking back to the alert you'd seen chime in a flash on your phone at some point in the day, "You're right. I forgot you've been checking."
"Of course I have," he said, his voice just a whisper in your ear, "I get to feel you, really feel you for the next few days without any fears. Well, besides my dad and your mom. Figures that this is the one week they decided to stay home."
You chuckle, turning your head to the side to catch his lips in a kiss. Your parents had become that couple in their forties that vacationed constantly as soon as you'd walked across your graduation stage and officially gained the badge of "adult." You both stayed home during university, commuting instead of shelling out money on separate places, and continued your trists under the security of the two adults rarely being home.
Most nights you didn't have to sneak around much these days, but there was something about the thrill when you did. It made you feel... grey to admit that it turned you on even more, but you couldn't help it. Having him all to yourself in secret was the best thing you could've ever asked for as you accepted your new life with this family.
It's routine on nights like this that you creep down the halls of your home to make sure Toji's deep snores can be heard through your parents' door in their bedroom. Your mom would have placed in her earplugs by now to ensure that she got some sound sleep. Still, you firmly close your door but don't lock it just in case, just so things don't look too suspicious. You grab a large blanket to drape over your laps in case someone decides to come in. You put on a movie you've both seen a million times to mask any of your noise.
You cry into a pillow when you cum, his tongue licking into your cunt while you drip onto his face. You don't complain when he puts his hand over your mouth while he fucks you, drilling into you at a bruising pace on the floor of your pale pink-themed room. You always avoid the bed, since your bedframe was way loud and creaky, even with the cloud of snores for protection, and you couldn't handle the shame of being heard.
What would your parents say? What would your family think? Would they chastise you? Make you show them exactly what "games" the two of you spent your nights playing? Would they judge you?
Honestly though... why should you care, really? When his cock fills you up like this, when he caresses your breasts and worships your body, and loves you unconditionally in a way that no partner you would ever have possibly could. How can you care about anything else when he makes you feel this way?
When he cums in you, crying your name into the crook of your neck and you cum around him doing the same, nothing else in the world matters but you two.
You couldn't have begged the universe for a more loving brother.
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