#funny salon prank
yellowflwrss · 8 months
“i’m so sorry baby”;dick grayson
• in which dick does the “shut up” prank on his girlfriend while she’s already having a bad day
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- fluff but some angst
it had been all over tik tok, an app dick was constantly on when he wasn’t patrolling or beating people’s asses, annoying his siblings or girlfriend. it was videos of boyfriends doing a prank on their girlfriend, secretly filming in a car or in their houses as their girlfriend walks in and says something. they then cut them off with a “shut up.”
obviously, the prank can go many ways, getting amusing reactions out of the girlfriend and a funny video whenever it ends well. knowing how you are, dick wanted to see how’d you react to this prank specifically. you were sarcastic and kind and your attitude was probably what he loved the most about you. so, he was beyond excited to see what you’d say to him.
earlier that day, you had asked dick to pick you up from your nail appointment. first you had work but your boss said you’d get out early that day (for whatever reason you didn’t care to remember) and you had arranged to get your nails done afterwards for fun.
dick was going to arrive an hour earlier than he did, but he received a text from you simply asking if he could pick you up a little later, and of course dick agreed. he’s do anything for you.
parked outside the nail place he had gotten familiar with over time, dick decided to set up his phone to film the prank. a few moments later he saw you walk out of the nail salon and his smile brightened, the camera catching it all. when he saw you get closer his smile dropped, getting into character. dick unlocked your door and you sat in, putting your bag by your feet and getting comfortable. you didn’t seem as enthusiastic as he thought you would after getting your nails done, but dick continued on either way.
“hey babe. how was your day?” your face adorned a small smile.
“it was good.” was all he said. your face barely dropped, but it did nonetheless. you were confused as to why dick hadn’t asked you the same thing, when without fail that’s what he did.
“that’s good. sorry my nails took a little longer than usual, my boss made me—“ that’s when it was dick’s cue to cut you off, and oh he felt so bad.
“just shut up (y/n),” he felt like such a shitty boyfriend but he was too far in for the prank to back out now.” without looking at your face cause he knew he’d break character, dick continued “just—just shut up.” he shook his head and placed it onto the steering wheel.
your face had dropped to one of sorrow. the camera had captured you looking so sad at your boyfriend’s words and you felt so hurt. “oh. okay.” was all you said as you resulted to staring at your lap as you held back the tears that were threatening to spill out.
when all dick heard was silence for a second or two, he pulled his head to look at yours. and he knew he couldn’t go any longer when he noticed the state you were in. “baby—“ he started, about to apologize.
that’s when you started balling, tears streaming down your face as it covered the “sorry” that he repeated alongside a few apologetic words. your makeup soon got messed up as you rubbed the back of your hands to stop the tears from flowing, crying even harder when you noticed your makeup was messed up too.
dick tried to grab ahold of your hand as you cried, embarrassed. you pulled away and reached for the doorknob. not because you were mad at dick but because you were embarrassed, you felt like a child. before you could open the door, dick had reached over and pulled you to him onto his lap with two hands.
if it were any other situation, you’d be blushing and fawning over what your boyfriend had just done. but it wasn’t that situation. and despite the words he said to you, you buried your head into his neck as you cried some more. at that point you weren’t crying because of him, you were crying because of the day you just had.
“baby i’m so sorry. it was a prank—one of those tik tok pranks. i didn’t mean it at all.” he held your head as you slowly stopped the tears, still with your eyes full. dick killed your forehead and the top of your head then your cheeks and grabbed your hands softly and with care and kissed them as well.
“babe your nails look so beautiful, what’s wrong?” he keeps his grip tight but caresses your face, wiping the black mascara tears from your face.
hiccuping, you shook your head, “no, it’s fine don’t worry—“
“(y/n) tell me, i’m here to listen. do i need to beat anyone up? you know i’ll do it gorgeous.”
scoffing with a smile, you shook your head and intertwined your fingers with dick’s as you continued to sit on his lap in his car and tell him the reason for your bad mood.
“it was going all good. but then i had to stay longer to do some extra work that my boss assigned me. i hated it cause i wanted to get my nails done and see you. and then i had to call my nail salon and tell them to push it to a little later if they could—thank god they could or else i’d probably still be waiting to get them done.” you sniffled from crying earlier and continued on, “then the person who usually does my nails was sick and i had to have someone else do it. but they messed up my nails and i thought it was a quick fix so i asked if they could change a certain thing on it because im paying for their time and id charge them extra and everything.” you started to get teary eyed again and with a small squeeze of your hand from dick, you continued on with your story.
then the person doing my nails scoffed at me and rolled her eyes then started talking shit about me to their coworkers in their language. but i understood the language they were speaking. and i felt like shit.” you started to softly cry once again “i felt so bad to make them do it again and they were also making fun of me and everything else. a-and when i was thanking them profusely and all that, they all rolled their eyes at me and i payed them extra because i felt guilty. and they were just so rude. then when you said this to me i just had enough.” you were now spilling out tears once more.
“baby, it’s all okay don’t worry. those idiots are so rude. you don’t deserve any of that. and i’m so so sorry for what i said, the prank. you don’t deserve any of it you’re too sweet and you’re the best girlfriend, i’m so sorry.”
you smiled and ran your freshly manicured fingers through your boyfriend’s hair. “it’s okay dick. i forgive you. i probably would’ve forgiven you anyway.”
“i know you would’ve which sucks even more. i feel so bad. let’s go home and watch criminal minds with chocolate. and let’s cuddle. you’re getting so many kisses.” he profusely tried to say things he knew would make his girlfriend happy. even if being around him made her happy enough.
your eyes lit up and you wiped your face in fear of how you currently looked because of how much you previously cried. “i love criminal minds.” you whispered in excitement. over the past few weeks, dick had been so busy whenever the two of you had down time, so you weren’t able to chill out and be a lazy couple of couch potatoes. so when you heard this you were so happy.
with the same energy you currently had, dick said, “i know, you love criminal minds.”
“i love you.” your eyes looked lovingly into his.
“i love you more, and im so sorry for earlier baby.” even though your eyes were glued to dick and your mind was blank with the fact that you had such an amazing boyfriend, dick was practically 10x more in love with you, no matter how much you said you loved him more. his heart hurt when you hurt and when you were happy, he was even happier.
you had given dick permission to post the tik tok. he felt so bad about it but you kind of found it cute how much he visibly cared in the tik tok. and you were also greatful the camera didn’t catch what you thought was an ugly crying face.
user2 i wonder what bruce thought of this
therdh00d dick head you should get canceled for making her cry
imbatman tell (y/n) i said hello
imbatman you’re an imbecile for making (y/n) cry.
(later on, dick found out that it was damian using bruce’s private tik tok account to text these messages)
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katyaromanoffpetrova · 6 months
The only fool on April Fools'
Natasha thought she came up with the best prank ever. But she forgot exactly who she was trying to prank.
• Natasha Romanoff x Fem!OC • Wordcount: 2.7k • Warnings: suggestive talk Masterlist
Do not repost my work as your own or translate my work!!
A/N: a late birthday post from me :)
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Natasha could not stop looking at her hands on the steering wheel. More specifically, she couldn't stop looking at her nails. Every time they caught her eye when she went to change the song on the radio or flick her blinker, the smuggest smirk took over her entire face.
She'd been thinking long and hard about this year's prank. April Fools' Day was a serious occasion for her and Katya, a holiday they planned for for months. It started in 2010 when Natasha had been brave enough to prank her girlfriend at the time, and it developed from there. The only rule they had was that the pranks shouldn't be too humiliating. Just funny. So there was a lot of creative freedom.
This year, she really nailed it. It was hilarious. She was hilarious, and Katya was going to be so pissed. She thought Natasha had just gone to get a haircut, but she'd be getting the worst surprise of her life when she showed her what she'd actually been doing in the city.
Was it cruel? Yes. But Katya replaced all the Oreo cookie filling with toothpaste last year. Natasha's Oreo cookies. And she filled a donut with mayo. So Natasha wanted to let her feel that same pain. Only more subtly.
When she walked into the house, pushing her smirk aside for the sake of the prank, the smell of cake filled her nostrils. It smelled delicious, like chocolate and butter. A special recipe that Katya had been meaning to try. Too bad that Natasha wouldn't be eating a single piece of it, considering there was probably salt in it instead of sugar, but at least she knew where to find her darling wife. 
Prepared to feel incredibly smug and pleased, she strolled into the kitchen. Katya stood with her back turned, softly singing a song as she mixed something with the handheld electronic mixer. The noise drowned out the sound of Natasha's footsteps, so she didn't hear her come in. It only prolonged the excitement. "Smells good in here."
Katya jumped, quickly turning off the mixer. "Oh. Hi, baby!" An adoring smile spread across her lips as she turned around. Natasha almost felt bad for her upcoming prank. Almost. "Let me see your hair." A crease formed between her brows as she studied Natasha's long red locks. "It doesn't look any different," she said carefully, as if she was afraid to offend her new haircut.
Natasha smiled sheepishly, glancing down at her hands. "Yeah, well, you know… I was planning on getting my hair done, but then I passed a nail salon, and, well…" Instead of explaining, she simply brought her hands up, holding her nails out for Katya to see.
When the nail stylist asked her what shape she wanted, Natasha told her to go for the pointest, most stabby looking nail she could do, and she hadn't disappointed. Two inches long, all of them ended in a point that could seriously poke somebody's eye out. The deep red color and the black details turned them into the sexiest murder weapons she'd ever had. The sexiest, most inconvenient weapons ever. They were lowkey homophobic.
She saw the different emotions cross Katya's face one by one. Excitement, at first. Probably because she was happy Natasha spoiled herself, or she liked the nails. Then hesitation. Then realization. Then anger, which manifested with a slight twitch of her brows. And lastly…
Actually, Natasha couldn't decipher the emotion that slid over the anger. It was like Katya mentally paused before she could get really angry, and then decided on a different course. All of it happened within a second. Her brain was just that fast at assessing a situation.
An excited gasp flew from her lips. "They look so good, honey!" Katya exclaimed, carefully taking Natasha's hands in her own to see her nails better. "The design is so simple yet so elegant. It really suits you!"
Natasha inwardly frowned, her smugness plummeting. This was not the reaction she had been hoping for. Not by miles. But she wasn't giving up yet. "What do you think about the length?" She smiled, mirroring Katya's excitement. "I wanted to go even longer, but I've never had nails before so I didn't want to overdo it."
"No, I love it! It suits your hand shape really well." 
To Natasha's even bigger surprise, Katya let her hands go to grab her cheeks instead, pulling her close to press a sweet kiss to her lips. Her blue eyes sparkled joyfully. "I'm so glad you treated yourself to something nice. You deserve it."
Then she turned around and went back to making the icing for her cake. 
Natasha stood there, lost, wondering how this had gone completely the opposite way of how she wanted. Katya was supposed to be upset, asking her what she was thinking, getting long ass nails as a woman in a lesbian relationship. With those weapons on her fingers, she could not use them for her favorite activity whatsoever. 
But instead of getting pissed, Katya got the opposite. She happily sang, swaying her body as she finished mixing her icing. Not a care in the world.
Natasha's prank had dramatically failed.
"Look how good this looks." Katya suddenly turned around, a big scoop of chocolate icing on her pointer finger. Slowly, she brought it to her lips, sucking her finger into her mouth and pulling it out. "Hmm, so good," she moaned.
The very bottom part of Natasha's stomach twisted into knots. She couldn't find her words as she watched Katya lick off the icing in a way that was incredibly sensual. And not by accident.
''Yep, that's done!" She beamed. Katya covered the bowl with some foil and put it in the fridge, happily twirling around to a still frozen Natasha. ''I'm going to lift some weights. Could use a spotter.''
''I—'' Natasha mentally slapped herself, swallowing thickly. ''Sure.''
Katya perked up. ''Okay. Give me a minute to change.''
She wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what those nails meant. It meant her wife was an ass. An ass who didn't want to get laid for a few weeks, apparently. 
Her first instinct was to get pissed. Get pissed at Natasha for partly ruining their sex life. Because while they owned many replacements, Natasha's fingers would always be her favorite, and they were not going up there looking like that. 
But then Katya realized that getting angry was exactly what her wife was after. And what better way to ruin a prank by pretending not to see it? In fact, she was going to throw Natasha's own prank right back at her, make her miserable. Show her that getting these nails would come back to bite her in the ass. Fast.
Nobody messed with her.
Choosing her smallest sports bra and tightest cycling shorts, Katya threw her hair up and returned to Natasha. The woman seemed to be disoriented, or at least deep in thought. She was in the exact spot Katya left her ten minutes earlier, frowning at the countertop. When she did look up, Katya purposely flexed her biceps as she tightened her ponytail, drawing Natasha's gaze directly to her arms.
Her green eyes darkened as they took in Katya's figure. Everything that wasn't bare skin was skin-tight. And while her body didn't look the way it did when she was twenty-four—duh—Natasha still thought it was hot as hell. She wanted to grab it, bend it over the counter—
''Earth to Nat.''
Natasha rapidly blinked, pulling her head out of the clouds. ''Hm?''
Katya had a huge grin on her face that she tried to hide. ''I said; are you coming?''
''Oh, yes.''
She didn't even try to not stare at Katya's ass as the brunette walked in front of her. It was right there, shaking in those spandex shorts. The urge to grab it and press her nails—oh. With a frown, Natasha looked down at her pointy nails. She couldn't grab Katya's butt and press the top of her nails down at the same time.
''Hmm…'' Katya stopped in the doorframe of the garage—their home gym. ''What do you reckon I should do first?''
''Ass.'' Natasha was just in time to bring her gaze upwards when Katya spun around, staring straight into her raised eyebrow. Her cheeks heated up when she realized what her half-horny brain had thrown out. ''I meant squats.''
''Squats it is.'' Katya smiled.
Even the process of setting it all up drove Natasha up the wall. To get the weights on the bar, Katya had to lift them, and because she barely wore a shirt, her back, shoulder, and arm muscles visibly flexed for Natasha to see. Her hands itched, but she suspected Katya was playing a game, and she wasn't going to give in.
They both weren't going to give in. So it was going to be a game of who can hold out the longest.
If things progressed this way, Natasha was one hundred percent sure she was going to lose.
''Okay.'' Katya excessively bent over to put her resistance band down. She'd warmed her muscles—doing some very deep deep squats—and secured her ponytail once more. ''I'm ready.''
Natasha knew it was going to be a mistake when she stepped behind Katya. She knew she was digging her own grave. The brunette pressed her ass into her front and flexed her muscles way more than necessary as she adjusted her grip on the bar resting on her shoulders. Natasha clenched her jaw to keep still and quiet, but the frustration started to build. 
Down Katya went for the first squat, pausing a few seconds before she went up again. Natasha squatted along with her, forcing herself to pay attention to the bar and only the bar. She wondered if she could even close her hands around it in case Katya needed her help. Those damn claws of her were probably in the way. 
She was about to breathe out in relief when Katya didn't pull any stunts on the way up. 
Then she let out the sexiest grunt ever. 
Natasha nearly collapsed through her knees. Dirty memories of times where Katya grunted like that flashed through her head. Half an hour of teasing and she was on the very edge of damning it all to hell. Screw her dignity. She wanted something else to screw, and fast.
Down, Katya went again, audibly breathing out as she went down, and grunting when she straightened up. Down, breathing out. Up, grunting. 
Three times, Natasha kept herself together with great difficulty. On the forth grunt, her sexual frustration snapped.
''Put it down.''
Katya smirked to herself. She expected her wife to keep it together a bit longer, but obviously her plan was working. ''What? Why? I've just started,'' she said innocently, pretending to be extremely confused the same way she'd been pretending to be stupid.
''Put the thing down.''
Carefully, Katya racked the bar, furrowing her brows as she turned to face the fuming redhead. Before she could blink, Natasha had her pinned against one of the squat rack's poles. She felt all that frustration in the way her spine bumped against the metal. ''What's going on?'' Her eyes widened like that of a deer in headlights.
''Stop playing dumb.''
''Playing dumb?''
Natasha took one good look at her and knew she wasn't going to give in. Katya could play the innocent persona as long as she wished to, no matter what threat Natasha would sling at her head. Torture training as a kid clearly worked better for her. The only thing she had to do was grunt a bit and Natasha was a goner.
A groan of frustration filled the garage. This was cruelty in the most ruthless way. Dangling the richest, most tasteful, most expensive wine in front of an alcoholic but not letting them have a taste. Collecting all her self-control, Natasha backed away, stalking off without so much as another word.
Katya snickered proudly, smirking as she turned back to the squat rack. Her plan was going amazingly so far. These weren't the only tricks up her sleeve. 
The torture continued throughout the day. She was doing the dishes? She accidentally got the front of her shirt all wet, and didn't happen to wear a bra. The dinner table needed a good clean? She was bent all over that thing trying to get the spots in the middle. She was vacuuming? She was on her hands and knees on the floor trying to vacuum underneath the couch.
Wherever Natasha went, she also miraculously had to be. The redhead could not escape her. It was torture training. But in a way she'd never been tortured before.
The weapons on her hands had gone from ''the funniest things ever'' to ''I'm going to rip my whole nail off if it means I get to stuff my hand down her pants''. She couldn't take it anymore. Sexual frustration built and built until her stomach was in a permanent knot and her hands were constantly sweaty.
Two hours before Maya was meant to be coming home, Natasha couldn't take it anymore. The groans, grunts, and sighs, and the positions Katya bent her body in finally pushed her over the edge. 
Fine, her wife had won. But taking a hit to her ego and pride was worth it if she could finally get her hands between those legs.
She didn't even bother soaking her nails off. She simply took nail cutters to them and cut them all off as short as possible. Then she filed them down roughly, paying extra attention to the middle three fingers of her left hand, and tossed everything in the trash.
Katya heard her coming from miles away, her rushed footsteps before Natasha cornered her in the laundry room. She saw them immediately; her nails. Or the lack thereof. 
Concerned, she dropped a t-shirt back in the laundry basket, trying to reach for her hands. ''Oh, no, what did you do to your nails?''
But Natasha wasn't taking this innocent bullshit anymore. ''You drive me absolutely nuts. You pest,'' she grumbled. Her voice lacked serious anger as she slowly backed Katya up against the washing machine. Instead, it was laced with reluctant defeat and annoyance. Annoyance at herself.
A sly smile overtook Katya's features as she gripped the edge of the machine for stability. It looked like her wife had been through it. ''Ready to admit you made a mistake then?''
''I hate you.'' 
Katya chuckled softly. ''You dug your own grave, babe. Worst prank ever. Well, for you then. It was so much fun for me.'' She smirked teasingly as she slowly trailed her fingers up Natasha's arm. The game was still going on. Even now. The glare Natasha sent her was weak at most. ''Don't forget who you're messing with.'' 
Natasha rolled her eyes, leaning forward to connect their lips, thinking this was it. But Katya jerked her head back, amusement swimming in her eyes. 
''Nuh-uh. Say it.''
''Say it?'' The redhead grumbled impatiently, seconds away from throwing a fit. 
Katya nodded smugly, her fingers slowly trailing down Natasha's arm. ''I need to hear it. I…''
Natasha clenched her teeth together to swallow back the vile words and accusations that Katya would only laugh at. She didn't think she would be this cruel, giving her dignity another slap in the face by making her vocally admit her mistake like a child. Unfortunately, Natasha didn't have another option. 
She squinted her eyes, placing as much displeasure in her words as she could. ''I made a mistake thinking I could outsmart my mean, cruel wife.''
Happy, Katya grinned, grabbing Natasha's hips to pull them flush against her own. This victory tasted sweeter than her chocolate cake downstairs. She won April Fools'. And she didn't even have to do anything for it. ''You know, it's really not my fault you get so riled up.''
Natasha usually loved to bicker, but she couldn't take it anymore. Her gaze kept drifting down from Katya's eyes to her lips when she talked, and if she wouldn't get her mouth or hands on her body right this instant, she was going to explode. ''Respectfully, shut up. You had your fun, now it's time for mine.''
''Yeah, those nails aren't going up there looking like that.''
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swee7dream · 3 months
cg!127's cg names cg!nct 127 x f!regressor!reader
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genres age regression content, fluff warnings none . author's note this is the ilichil counterpart to this post ! i will get to wayv soon :3 dni if you sexualize age regression. i'm blocking and reporting you if you break my dni :P author's note requests are open ! especially wayv reqs are welcome <3
moon taeil (´ ∀ ` *)
moon(ie), illie
moon taeil is the most grandpa-coded cg i’ve ever seen in my life
but like, a cool grandpa. like the kind that listens to doja cat with you when her songs play on the radio as he drives you to the store for candy
on nights when the full moon is out he’ll point up at the sky, saying: “that’s my home” and you’re like “??? moonie’s an alien?”
duh! that’s why he gets you down for naptime so well, his alien moon powers! (his lullabies)
so when you begin slipping in public, taeil is well aware because you get giggly over nothing. your illie is an alien and nobody knows! just you! gotta keep it a secret so he doesn’t get taken back to the moon!
seo youngho (¬‿¬ )
basically the chenle of 127.
he just loves how sweet it sounds coming out of your mouth! makes him want to crush you in a hug and leave kisses all over your cute baby face!
likes referring to the two of you as a duo, a package deal, a 2-in-1!
“daddy and baby gotta go to bed now, okay?”
“daddy and dolly are going on a picnic today, isn’t that exciting?”
“daddy and bug gotta be nice to each other. none of that pranking business.”
really hates pranks because all he wants is to keep you safe and here you are acting like you broke something just because you find his reaction funny! not cool >:(
lee taeyong (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)
bubu + mommy
king does not care what you call him as long as you’re comfortable. if you asked him his preference, however, he would say those two
has been reading up on the most random of subjects because every time you call for him it’s always to ask a question. his curious baby!
“bubu, what’s that bird?”, “how old is the oldest tree in the world?” “mama, can i eat hair dye?”
he sat you down for that last one, chucking out any home dye under the sinks and letting you know that the next time you want to paint your hair any pretty color it’ll have to be at a proper hair salon
nakamoto yuta ( ̄ω ̄)
yuta + daddy
the way his name comes out like in a little song when you’re small warms his heart, how could he negate you anything?
daddy is more of a title he uses for himself. it comes out more natural to refer to himself as a daddy when talking in third person than his name
he says it reminds him of elmo so he doesn’t like it
has a strong hatred for elmo??? the one-sided beef is crazy and has no real origin. he just hates the red blob and namecalls it any chance he gets. he’s like an actual bully and only scoffs and rolls his eyes when you tell him he’s only 3 (and a half!)
“as if. and grass is purple, baby.” “it is?” “no, sweetheart. it’s not.”
acts so betrayed when you regressed by yourself and he catches you watching sesame street
kim dongyoung (´▽`)
you guys tried different names but ultimately, it was doie that stuck
fun fact: before you guys ended up finally choosing a proper name for doyoung, you called him bunny!
you were a bit sad to have to stop calling him that. you thought it was cute but also understood that doyoung didn’t feel like you could take him seriously when it was ‘bunny’ telling you it’s time to turn the ipad off and get ready for bed
to make up for it, doyoung took you to build-a-bear! you named your little rabbit bunny and he has a voice recording of doyoung’s voice playing the character of being doie’s rabbit twin!
it also smells like doie’s cologne and you always have it nearby to cuddle with at night when he’s away
jeong yunoh o(〃^▽^〃)o
hyunnie + mister
he loves- no, adores being called mister. he acts like it doesn’t phase him but he’s got his smug little smirk every time you call him so
for that reason you barely call him that. you like having the upper hand any chance you get and honestly? he hasn’t caught on yet
he likes hyunnie too though, he supposes. it sounds like honey! hyunnie and honey <3 the ultimate pair <3
hyunnie is used for common conversation and mister is used for manipulation I MEAN convincing for things like a second dessert or a new dress for one of your dolls ! MAYBE a kiss on the cheek helps too. you don’t even know what manipulation is! you’re just tiny!
dong sicheng ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
read here when published !
kim jungwoo (☆^ー^☆)
woo, also woowoo
jungwoo has a habit of starting random games of hide ‘n’ seek when you’re small, suddenly disappearing mid-chocolate milk preparation
when you call out for him (‘woo?’) he’ll reply with another ‘woo!’ until you guys are woo-woo-ing each other to find where he’s hiding!
he also likes playing ambulance
not doctor, ambulance.
you find a mystery bruise on your leg and all of a sudden jungwoo’s holding you up in the air and he’s going ‘wee woo wee woo wEE WOO’ all around your home until your stomach hurts from laughing so much
lee minhyung (ᓀ‸ᓂ)
read here !
lee donghyuck ʕ˙Ⱉ˙‧:ʔ
read here !
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tag list ( ask / comment to join ! ) @mystarsohee @cupofwyn @iwontlettheselittlethingsslip @aeriaeri
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sugar-omi · 10 months
do you have any hc for mc's who are blind or deaf? I'd send a request but I don't wanna pile up your already full inbox.
don't worry about stuffing my inbox!! i love seeing how many of you like to share your thoughts or have smth you wanna talk abt, or want me to expand on something you're thinking about, all that stuff, i love it its great
Fluff ofc, headcanons, blind or deaf mc/reader
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i'm assuming you wanna ask on how the boys are with a blind or deaf mc
n they're all so sweet, n so helpful so i know it goes without saying if you need help bc of your blindness he'll help you walk through say a crowded place
and if needed, they'd help communicate for you
like I've seen deaf/HOH people say they struggle to communicate their wants at the nail salon (this one girl says she mostly gestures or shows pictures of what she wants, n in one video she said the nail tech misunderstood what she wanted)
so if you're worried about messing up, or being a bother, or anything like that, he'll come join you n help you communicate what you want
(yes he's right next to you getting his nails/toes done, ends up looking forward to the trip every time)
but omg i started thinking abt step 1 and... yk cove was going through it, and he can be stand offish or selfish (for lack of better word)
but i imagine if you, despite your blindness/deafness and whatever struggles that brings you- (especially if its a hurdle in trying to befriend cove)
- you try to accommodate and include your new neighbor in your summer activities
ofc he warms up to you, and he starts accommodating you too
i can see him writing or signing for you if needed (if you use sign to communicate, i'm sure he'd try to learn sign, even if its just the basics)
now this applies to any of the boys, but assuming you are totally blind, or have any form of impairment that blocks part of your vision or shrinks it
(i'm thinking abt this youtube couple where 1 of the husbands can only see through a very small hole in his vision, can't think of their name rn, and when i figure out their name or the name of his blindness i will come back!!!)
*found the channell!! "matthew and paul official"
*FIGURED OUT THE NAME OF HIS BLINDNESS!!! its retinitis pigmentosa
whatever type of blindness you have, won't stop them from showing you stuff or doing stuff with you
i can see him putting something in your hand or bringing your hand up to touch something so you can get the feel of it.
or if it's something he has he wants to show you, of course he patiently waits for you to analyze it n get the full visage like Paul does in this video here, where his husband asks if he's seen his face
or he'll describe it to you..
baxter would use such fancy, big, and/or poetic words that it's easy to imagine it, and you can't help but imagine it being better than it is but you have to laugh bc of his grandeur, its quite funny
(no matter what he saw, he'd definitely floof something up, you being blind or not. he's funny like that)
cove would feel pretty awkward bc he's shy, yknow how he is. but he always does his best to tell you how something looks and tries to share the sight, especially if it's something beautiful
derek is very animated, moving his hands and even moving your hands to help you envision it if it's something really grand. he's so excited to share what he saw (would also do this even if you aren't blind, i think he's very excited to share his sights n memories)
omg i didn't think about this until i found that channel i was talking about, but i can see the boys pulling breaks on you like how matthew does to paul (paul is the blind husband, just for those who haven't seen their videos)
very harmless pranks of course, like this one: where matthew switches his chips n dip, or this one where matthew puts pengroom plushies in the fridge
i love them they are so cute
now if you think your blindness is stopping baxter from asking you to dance, you are very wrong
he won't do elaborate spins n dips if you don't want to, won't do anything you don't want of course.
but he'd be very willing to slow dance or do the salsa or whatever you want depending on your comfort
could totally see him, when you're reconnected n dating (or friends ofc), putting on music n a song comes on he rlly likes n he pulls you into a little dance
takes your hand n ask if you wanna dance, or he'll be badly singing and he'll shake his hips n wave your intertwined hands in the air... jfc just imagine his big smile. pls he's so cute
ohhh cove showing you his shell collection, letting you touch every shell and carefully puts them in your hands, tells you the lovely colors they're in if you can't see em
or pulling you into the ocean, doesn't have to be far, just enough to get your feet wet. and he'll walk w you down the shore and he enjoys it as always
now I just looked it up. n there's several sports blind ppl can play in, and football n soccer is one of em (not sure the details)
so if you wanna play ball with derek, he's very happy to find out you can play together
again, depending on your type of blindness/impairment, he's happy to go to the amusement park with you n get face painting
no matter what, it thrills him I just know it
especially since you're probably holding hands/locking arms, the place is crowded and even more so at certain times and days
step 2 derek is very flustered to be so close, bc he's still holding his crushes hand/locked arms, even if he's helping you go through the park safely, he can't help being a bit happy about the proximity
jfc this spiraled so bad LOL i didn't think i had much to say but this stuff is actually so cute, just imagine it <333
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ginnympotter · 2 years
I’ve been enjoying all your prompt fics!!! If you’re still doing prompts, I saw a tiktok where this girl was a natural redhead but pranked her husband and said something like “oh i need to go get my hair dyed again” and he’s like what do you mean get your hair dyed??? and she’s like “omg you’ve never noticed this whole time i dye my hair red?” Anyways I thought it could be a funny jily scenario! But also I just wanted to share that funny moment with someone lol you don’t have to write a fic about it if you don’t want!
thank you so much!!! lol i love this I'm gonna make it muggle au tho!!! thanks for the idea hehe
James stood by the bathroom doorframe and watched as Lily finished putting her mascara on. "Hey."
"Morning," she said, smiling brightly at him. "Had a good lay-in, yeah?"
"Mhm," he said, rubbing his eyes. "Had a good lay last night as well."
Lily snorted, shaking her head as she grabbed a lip balm from the cabinet.
He walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist, bending down and snuggling his chin into the crook of her neck. "You know what today is?"
"One month since we moved in together."
Lily smiled, bringing a hand up and patting James's cheek. "Well, what do you know. A terrible month, really."
"Truly horrendous. Is that why you're up so early? Packing your things?"
"Can't get rid of me that easily," she retorted, turning around and kissing his lips.
"Wouldn't dream of it," he said as he leaned in for more.
Lily indulged for a few sweet moments before pushing away sadly. "No, I'm actually off to the hair salon. Time for some touchups."
"Gonna do anything adventurous? Like, dye your hair blonde or something?" James asked, running his fingers through her hair.
He expected Lily to laugh, but she looked at him very seriously and said, "Why would I do that? I already am blonde."
James furrowed his eyebrows. "Lil, I hate to tell you this, but...you're a redhead."
Lily looked at him questioningly. "What, you really didn't know?"
"Know what?"
She sighed and patted him on the shoulder. "I guess living together means finally sharing all our secrets..."
"What are you on about, Lil?"
She took a deep breath, then looked up at him. "My hair is naturally blonde. I dye it every few months to keep it red."
James's face fell. "You're kidding."
"No, really, it's just like Sansa Stark, or Emma Stone, they do it too-"
"Neither of them are redheads?!" he asked in outrage.
She reached up and kissed his cheek. "Sorry you had to find out this way."
She walked out of the bathroom to the kitchen counter. It took a moment but James finally followed her.
"You're serious about this? But...I've seen pictures of you as a kid! And your hair was red!"
"You know my Mum. She's relaxed about these things. When I was 6 I told her I wanted to be like Ariel from The Little Mermaid and she let me do it. Never looked back."
"Aren't there laws against that or something?" James asked, exasperated. "The toxins in the hair dye dangerous for children or whatnot?"
"Don't think so, love."
James was utterly perplexed. "Why didn't...why didn't you ever tell me?"
She rummaged through her purse, making sure she had everything. "Well, the like, third compliment you gave me when we met was about my hair. What was I supposed to do? Crush your dreams right then?"
James looked despondent. He put his hands on his head. "Well, you could've at least broke it to me at some point! I mean, two years together, and nothing?"
"I'm sorry, James," she said, not quite meeting his eye. Then he noticed her trying to fight off the smallest smile.
James got a hold of himself. "Alright, well, why don't you just grow your natural hair color out, then?"
"Oh, James, neither of us want that-"
"No, I do, I do," he insisted, grabbing her hands, forcing her to look at him. "If we're really committing to each other, then I've got to love you for who you truly are. Sure, blondes have never been my type, but... I'll manage, I suppose."
Lily scoffed. "You'll manage?"
"Sure. I do it for love."
"So grow it out. Or why don't you get your hair stylist to just remove the hair dye?"
"Well, it's not that simple-"
"You know what, it's fine. I'll just text your mum for pictures from before you decided to become Princess Ariel," he said, taking out his phone.
"I don't know if she has any..."
"Hey, Mrs. Evans," James started. "Would love to see pictures of Lily while she was still a blonde. Send them all my way-"
Lily took his phone out of his hand and laughed. "Alright, alright! You caught me! I was kidding, okay!"
"I knew it," he said triumphantly, pocketing his phone and laughing.
"I had you there for a moment though!"
"Tah, barely a moment!"
"What if I did dye my hair blonde?" she asked, snaking an arm around his waist. "Would you really still love me?"
James contemplated it for a moment, then kissed her and murmured against her lips, "Eh. You'll still do."
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nicklloydnow · 2 years
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“To begin with, one only sees the funny side of things; it is only after some thought that the tragic appears.
It did not take us long to feel that this ruin and this death were the perfect and painful image of ruin and death, that were the political and military works of Louis XIV, eternally harmful works, later completed by Napoleon, by which miraculously France did not die, but which continually burden it with such a heavy and stifling weight. . .
Today, respectable and wise historians are undertaking to revisit the history of that abominable century, which, in democratic schools and liberal salons, is still called the great century. Truly, we no longer need to be ashamed of our own century, despite the Academies, severe guardians of the lies of the past.
What are our vices, our corruption, our venality, our poor little Panama scandals, compared with the vices, corruption, bribery, treachery of this famous court that is still held up to be the model of honour, of patriotism, of elegance and of virtue? Scarcely schoolboy pranks. . . My thought was turning, with a sort of grateful piety, towards our good old radicals and radical socialists who, like the nobility of former times, make up the privileged class of today, the class which, eternally, with different titles but with similar appetites, is stampeding towards, so it is said, the same quarry of honours and money. . . What decent chaps! And how I love them!. . . They are affable, polite, moderate in the public expression of their passions, totally against scandal, which is always ugly, against noisy intrigues which are sometimes dangerous. Excellent patriots, solid capitalists, skilful intermediaries between savings and banks, conventional property owners, who then could better defend the immortal principles of social stability, share out more equitably between the big businesses they protect, and the slender needs of the poor to whom they administer the manna of state budgets?. . . Furthermore, they have education, decency and virtue, a middling culture which makes them capable of carrying out all the brilliant and fruitful mediocre affairs, a moral refinement which makes their conduct of business pleasant and without surprises, electoral habits which bring them close to the people, and which teach even the grumpiest their benevolence and familiarity towards the poor. . .
Ah! how fine they look, when you compare them, in their severe black jackets, with these great lords, dressed in silk and lace, brutes and cads, ignoramuses and thieves, servants and pimps, whose so vaunted, so regretted elegance consisted of belching in each other's faces, receiving people with their breeches down as they sat on their commodes, daubing themselves with sauces like dogs which poke their nose in their food, cultivating, bacteriologists without knowing it, disgusting vermin beneath their wigs: walking graves, walking filth, who left behind them as they walked through the corridors of Versailles, of Meudon, of the Petit-Luxembourg, a persistent smell of musk and of shit. . . Prestigious servants of the monarchy and of religion, all they thought about was trading their roles, pillaging the treasury, the general taxes, the salt taxes, the public shops, cheating at cards, betraying their country, bringing their wives, their daughters, their mistresses, to the royal bed, their sons to the august sodomites of the House of France, and, better than on the battlefields where, it is true, they fought like lions, their chivalric pride was enhanced by presenting the chamber pot to the king, to changing his shirts, his breeches, his sheets soiled by the droppings caused by his purgatives. . .
A monstrous and fetid reign, of which the smell of the latrines, of the brothel, catches in your throat, and makes you feel so sick that you wish to vomit!. . . Neither the beauty of the palaces, nor the grace of the gardens and parks, nor the glory of de la Rochefoucauld, of Pascal, of de la Bruyère, of Corneille, of Racine, of Molière, nor - which is finer and greater than all that - the powerful, constructive genius of Colbert, nor - the accusatory strength of his confessions, of the portraits of the immortal Saint-Simon, could wipe away the shame and the crimes of it.” (pages 59 - 61)
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
Heyy! How will the Uchihas react to reader wanting to shave their legs? Also please add Naruto, Sai, Rock Lee, Kakashi &hv Guyy!🤭
I actually got some ideas for this and I'm going to make it more of a funny version . Sorry for answering so late !
Warning: none
" why?"
He doesn't ask more just answer him right and he'll let you do it .
Likes the feeling of the smooth skin and he will let you do it again without asking why
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Doesn't complain or so just let's you do as you please
No one except you can see it anyways
Will ask you if he can shave your legs , don't say no this man will be like " but then it would be fair"
Loves how they feel afterwards
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"sure but don't cut me" really doesn't care but will do it for you because of "fairness"
If he does it he won't stop squeezing your thighs and complementing them (no matter the size he will love them . Thighboy^^)
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Shortly thinks about whether you are joking or not but then just says no
You can't change his mind so that only leaves you with 1 option
Pranking him
He acts like he hates it but the truth is he loves his skin now
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Shisui (not entirely sure how he would act)
"sure " no problem at all
Will praise you and tell you you did a good job
Boy let's you shave them anytime as long as it makes you happy
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No , no no
You can't change his mind
But after he shows all of his feeling to you he might shave yours for you but his ? You gotta prank him to do it good luck with that
(you somehow managed to shave his legs and he wasn't happy about it at all)
Lucky you he won't kill you , maybe hang you upside down from a tree? Is amused at how helpless you are , hanging there .
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Doesn't see a problem at all , first he did it by himself and now you're doing it for him? Nothing wrong with it
If you want he'll teach you shaving faces too , maybe you'll open an salon? He is glad to be of help even if it's just teaching things and being the test personfor hairstyles
"sure " nothing special let's you do it whenever you want
Likes seeing you focused on not cutting him
Likes to lie about you having cut him just to get the spot kissed
But he'll never show that bc you might stop believing him Abt that then and he gets no kisses there
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Rock Lee
Agrees but really can't hold still
But he apologizes so often you can't be mad at him
Would like to do the same for you but is to shy to ask
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Confused at first but then sees it as the best thing
Pretends you cut him and knows you'll kiss it sweet but always says higher until you realize what he really means and playfully slap his thigh
Yelps quietly , his skin is really sensitive to pain when it's shaven
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Idk about guys reaction more than he'll be shocked at first but agrees quickly ;-;
Confused at first but after enough begging he'll let you do it
But in exchange he wants to shave your legs too
Mf just want to swish those pretty thighs and massage them
Thigh boy number 2
But will never admit it
I got a little motivation back yay
Ask box open
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usergreenpixel · 3 years
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1. The Introduction
Greetings, dear Neighbors. Welcome back to Malmaison Media Salon, where we review Napoleonic era - related media, have a good time and even joke every so often!
So, Soviet media. I suppose it was only a matter of time before it would pop up on my Napoleonic radar, as I have already talked about Flames of Paris (a ballet originally created in the USSR) in one of the Jacobin Fiction Convention reviews and also because the Russian Empire did play an important role in the time period.
Of course, when it comes to the history of the Russian Empire, the Russian Campaign of 1812 pops up the most before, during and after the Soviet era.
When it comes to this particular campaign, War and Peace (and its numerous adaptations) comes to mind very often, but today I would like to review something different. Hussar Ballad!
This movie was quite popular when it came out in 1962 and it was actually one of my favorite Soviet movies when I was a kid, so it’s safe to say I’m very nostalgic. I’ll still try to be objective though.
Anyway, before we proceed, I should warn you that I was unable to find any dubs for the movie but a version with English subtitles is available on YouTube so most people who don’t speak Russian will, hopefully, be able to enjoy it regardless.
Alright, let’s go!
2. The Summary
Alexandra (or Shurochka) Azarova is the only niece of Major Azarov. A tomboy who is good at fighting and horse riding, she joins the Russian army during the Patriotic War (that’s how that campaign is called in Russia) while disguised as a boy.
Oh, and there are also elements of a romcom involved.
Let’s see how the results have turned out now, shall we?
3. The Story
Okay, so I actually feel really bored when I see romantic subplots in media and don’t care about them much, but here it’s actually funny. Let me explain.
(Spoilers ahead!)
Shurochka is betrothed to one Poruchik Rzhevsky, who has never seen her before and imagines her as a stereotypical ingénue.
Thing is, that couldn’t be further from the truth, but Shurochka does play this role in order to prank her betrothed. However, she also serves with him side by side in the army (disguised, of course) so the revelation of how he got tricked comes off as pretty funny in the end, when she drops the charade.
The heroine’s banter with the poruchik is also quite hilarious and makes their subplot entertaining to watch. That being said, I much preferred other aspects of the plot, like the battle scenes, but that’s just me.
I also like the fact that at first Kutuzov wanted to kick the heroine out of the army upon finding out that she is not a man, and only changed his mind when a Russian general (who was saved by her) recognizes his rescuer.
Army was no place for a woman (not in combat roles at least) at the time, so it does make sense that the main character would only be allowed to stay in her disguise if she really proved her worth as a soldier.
Another detail I liked is that one of the major characters (Vincento) is Spanish, so there’s a historically accurate acknowledgment that the Grande Armée didn’t consist just of Frenchmen. There were plenty of people from other parts of the empire (the Russian army didn’t have only Russians in it either by the way ), so I’m glad that the creators included a non-French character.
There are filler scenes to balance out the action, but they’re usually the ones where the songs and comedy spice things up, plus those scenes also show how the characters bond, so I’m glad they’re included in the story.
All in all, I don’t have that many major complaints. For some the “woman disguised as a man” trope might be boring, but I think it works here, especially since the main character has a prototype who was a real cavalryman, Alexander Alexandrov (assigned female at birth and known as Nadezhda Durova before his service).
A friend of mine, @tairin , made a post about Alexandrov, so check it out if you haven’t already!
Okay, moving on. Let’s take a look at the characters.
4. The Characters
Shurochka is awesome! Witty, brave, with a mischievous side and also noble in character. For example, she gives her coat to an imprisoned enemy to warm him up and acknowledges that he is a good fighter, so she can definitely respect her enemies and show them kindness.
She isn’t devoid of a softer side though, and it shows when she sings a lullaby to one of her dolls before departing to join the army.
Poruchik Rzhevsky is a bit less interesting in my opinion, but still has his moments. Fun cultural tidbit: Actually there are plenty of jokes about him in Russia, so in a sense he is an iconic character, even if it’s mostly for comedic reasons.
The male character I like the most, however, is Vincento. Although they’re on opposite sides, he respects Shurochka (it’s mutual) and even fights with her at one point, so they do develop something of a camaraderie. It helps that he has a noble character as well.
Louise Jermon, a French singer and actress, is pretty cool as well. I like her singing and how she doesn’t want duels to happen because of her (at one point she thinks that two characters are about to duel because they’re competing for her affection).
Kutuzov is pretty cool here. He is a reasonable commander and keeps the heroine’s secret after allowing her to stay when it becomes clear that she is a capable soldier.
There are almost no historical figures in the movie. Naps and Murat are mentioned a few times but don’t show up personally, so it doesn’t really count, but I’d argue that it’s a good thing.
The focus is on original characters, after all, not historical figures, so the former should be in the spotlight.
5. The Setting
The backgrounds are fucking gorgeous! Apparently the movie was shot near Moscow, which is where I’m from, so that’s nice.
The costumes seem to be pretty accurate and colorful, so maybe it’s a good thing Murat’s fashion choices stay offscreen along with The Dandy Gascon himself.
6. The Music
The music is pretty iconic and catchy (when it comes to songs). It’s a musical movie, after all! 😉
7. The Acting
Larisa Golubkina (Shurochka) is my favorite here, but I’d say almost every actor is wonderful and knocks it out of the park.
8. The Subtitles
Okay, just a heads up. Like most things Soviet, the movie is in Russian. I already said that there’s a version with English subtitles and they’re good for the most part, but some things understandably get lost in translation (for example, all the lines in the movie are spoken in rhymes, while the subtitles are not rhymed).
But I personally know that translation is fucking hard so I’m glad that the subtitles are even a thing, because it’s miles better than nothing.
9. The Conclusion
Definitely recommend this movie as a classic. More lighthearted than most war movies and Romcoms definitely aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but feel free to check it out if you are interested.
With that, let us conclude our little soirée. As always, stay tuned for updates and stay safe!
- Citizen Green Pixel
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
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I posted 9,263 times in 2021
1240 posts created (13%)
8023 posts reblogged (87%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 6.5 posts.
I added 4,784 tags in 2021
#from the queue - 3217 posts
#answered - 454 posts
#last life spoilers - 313 posts
#hermitcraft - 226 posts
#ask game - 133 posts
#last life smp - 121 posts
#empires smp - 98 posts
#acacia - 86 posts
#stream liveblogging - 78 posts
#a bee fic - 58 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#(also this is scheduled because when i saw it i was still knee-deep in care and keeping of a minecraft player and didn't want to interrupt)
My Top Posts in 2021
thinking about various facts of the hermitcraft economy I continue to appreciate such as:
the way that builders seem to always sell redstone components (makes sense they aren’t using them but is a little funny)
the continued equilibrium between ‘hermit who needs to dig deep hole’ and ‘hermit who needs to do a lot of terraforming’
there are always a few shops that sell content/bits more than they actually sell goods or services and they’re always fantastic (the hair salon, for example)
law of end users: if your shop has any fancy redstone powering it, someone WILL break it.
redstoners who build elaborate farms because they can and then incidentally realize they can also sell the product, actually
every single underhanded horrible little capitalist deal that inevitably occurs, because hermits are apparently also horrible little capitalists at heart
ious are worth more than any diamond
there’s just a lot of fun things to appreciate here really, outside of like, the LOTS of individual plotlines that spawn from the hermitcraft economy. love a lot how much this is a part of hermitcraft
2355 notes • Posted 2021-10-25 22:12:22 GMT
can i just say. i find it immensely funny that, so far, the only group that seems to be entirely immune to derpcoins is boatem. grian is just like “these are useless fake money”, impulse called them toys, mumbo is... mumbo... the only exception here is pearl and that’s because she got conned in on the strider thing. scar took them at one point but that’s because he thought he was stealing them for free and he has not gone back since
i just find this really funny that boatem, pinnacles of common sense who think it’s a good idea to compete against each other in business, build a pit to the void, and move charged creepers. boatem. they’re the ones who looked at derpcoin and went “that’s a scam”. boatem,
2485 notes • Posted 2021-09-14 21:27:27 GMT
also, even DOCM77 isn’t sure if the lag bomb is a good idea to use. it’s, uh, that bad. it sounds terrifying. it’s apparently directional. also he was apparently given it, unprompted, by one of the hivemind over discord after his episode, his and ren’s original plan more involved. mass amounts of screaming goats?
honestly i hope he does both,
2684 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 04:59:09 GMT
okay for those of you who aren’t joe stream watchers I think an important detail to add to “boatem hole’s haunted” lore is:
so joe’s been convinced boatem’s cursed since like. at least september.
he had “we don’t go to boatem” up for an entire stream as a joke. people bring up boatem and he refuses to go. this is made worse by the fact that he gets anxious every time he DOES go, which inevitably snowballs. the root of this was that time he accidentally blew up grian’s base because nothing was lit properly after dying more than once to grian’s tegg trap. scar cemented it by creeper pranking a joe anxiously trying to shop in harmless harvests. now whenever he goes he’s so worried that he then does stupid things like try to sleep in the boatem pole. which then go wrong. which then further convinces him the whole place is cursed. etc, etc.
my point here is that joe clearly thinks boatem is haunted but I think it’s funnier if. it has nothing to do with whatever eldritch horror that’s lurking there. he’s convinced the place is a cursed no-go zone and he’s come to, perhaps, the correct solution, he’s just used the wrong formula. he thinks it’s haunted because he’ll accidentally break someone’s build. meanwhile the creature from the void is like “how does he resist my call so well”. and the answer is: the joe hills difference.
3375 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 19:21:48 GMT
3604 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 04:34:35 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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willywaldo · 3 years
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Salon film critic Dana Stevens’s first book is not so much a conventional biography of a silent screen comedy legend (for that you will have to turn to James Curtis’s forthcoming Buster Keaton: A Filmmaker’s Life) as it is a fascinating and appreciative cultural study of Buster Keaton’s (1895–1966) life in the context of his time. To understand Keaton, argues Stevens, is to understand the history of cinema. “Keaton’s birth and death were separated by a stretch of just seventy years, but in those years the country and the world had been profoundly reshaped by a technology born the same year he was: film." On December 28, 1895 when French brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière first screened their moving pictures shot on their patented Cinématographe machine to a paying public, young Joseph Frank Keaton (soon to be nicknamed Buster) was two months old, the first child of vaudevillian parents who would incorporate him into their traveling act. At that Paris screening, the world’s first film comedy debuted as a 49-second sketch involving a young boy pulling a prank on an older man with a garden hose. Stevens persuasively connects that cinematic precedent with the slapstick father-son conflict that made the Three Keatons’ act one of the most popular on the early 20th century vaudeville circuit, even if some of their most outrageous stunts barely skirted emerging child labor laws. It was a theme that Keaton would continue to explore as vaudeville gave way to an emerging entertainment form, the movies. A chance meeting with Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle’s stage manager on a New York street in 1917 led to the most creative decade of Keaton’s life, an exhilarating period when pioneering filmmakers were experimenting with what the new technology could do. In analyzing Keaton’s cinematic output during those years, from the classic two-reeler One Week (1920) to his Civil War epic The General (1926), Stevens writes admiringly: “The breadth of his output…was the result of being a consummate craftsperson and a singularly gifted entertainer at a time when the new medium was its most malleable. His curiosity and ambition grew to fit what movies were becoming, and the form, in turn, expanded to make space for what he could do.” With the arrival of talking pictures looming just over the horizon, Keaton’s independence as a filmmaker ended in 1927 when his production company was shut down and he signed a “fateful contract” with MGM. “The trajectory his career had followed from early childhood to early middle age, that smooth and steady upward arc, had hit its peak and was about to hit a steep, perilous drop.” What followed were miserable years at a studio that did not know what to do with Keaton’s talent, two failed marriages, a humiliating firing by Louis B. Mayer in 1933, and bouts with severe alcoholism. Yet unlike other biographies that depict the latter half of Keaton’s life as a Shakespearean tragedy, Steven’s book portrays the “Great Stone Face” as a stoic man who got on with his life despite its difficulties, finding happiness in a third marriage, exploring the possibilities of early television, mentoring rising stars like Lucille Ball, getting small roles in movies running the gamut from Limelight (1952) to A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966), and being rediscovered by a new generation of film lovers. Clearly preferring the “white rose of Keaton” to the “red rose of Chaplin,” Stevens writes with verve and deep affection for her subject. But her study is not hagiography; in examining the influence of Bahamian-born entertainer Bert Williams (1874–1922) on Keaton’s work, the author is clear-eyed about Keaton’s race-based humor in his films. “Buster Keaton was ahead of his time in many ways, but when it came to the ambient cultural racism of the Jim Crow era, he was unfortunately very much a product of it.”
Integrating wide-ranging cultural research into a cohesive, entertaining whole, Camera Man is a fabulous read and will inspire die-hard fans and newbies to watch Keaton's silent films (now being beautifully restored by Cohen Media Group and Italy's Cinecita di Bologna) to enjoy their magic with fresh appreciation. For readers on the East Coast, the author will be making several appearances along with screenings of some of Keaton’s films: https://www.simonandschuster.com/p/ca.... (less)
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tatestripedsweater · 3 years
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Prompt: ‘’It is a tradition in this house to play Judas by Lady Gaga on Easter, I don’t make the rules.” - Requested by @darlingkitt
Gallant x Male!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of sex
Wordcount: 658 - Sorry it’s not long!
AHS Taglist: @tatesimper @mxlti-fand0m-imaginess @mrs-march-ahs @darlingkitt @kitwalker02 @satanscomplex @mossybank @cleanup-aisle5
Easter Prompts (Still taking requests)
Easter was one of Gallant’s favourite holiday bar Christmas. Why? Because he got to gorge himself on everything sweet, yourself included. (He always said you were the sweetest thing in his life anyway.)
“Did you seriously close the salon today because it’s an ‘Emergency’?” You couldn’t help but laugh at your boyfriend as he looked at you as if you had offended him and his ancestors. “What? Easter isn’t a big deal babe.”
“Not a big deal? You do realise Easter is the one time of the year where I can eat as much as i want and no one will look twice at me for it?” The sass in his voice was evident as he spoke which caused you only to laugh at him, he always wanted his way whether it be about something as silly as this or him winning an argument. 
“Well, what about that tradition off yours?” Your mind went back to the first Easter you two had spent together, it was five months into the relationship, and he insisted on you ‘taking part’ since you were now family. 
“Hey! My tradition is just as good as anyone else’s. If not better.” Gallant crossed his arms over his chest, he wasn’t backing down from this. You could tell he was going to get his way yet again, but you didn’t mind. You just wanted to see his pouty face. 
“It’s a silly tradition. I’m not even sure it’s a good one.” As soon as those words left your mouth Gallant looked at you with an expression of disbelief on his face. “Did I offend you baby?” 
“You didn’t offend me, you offended her!” Gallant pointed to the poster on the wall of his one true idol. He had got a signed poster of Lady Gaga herself and ever since then he hasn’t not looked at the poster everyday. “It is a tradition in this house to play Judas by Lady Gaga on Easter, I don’t make the rules.” 
“And what about my tradition?” You didn’t seem to have any but the confused look upon his face made you laugh. The pranks you had pulled on him over the years made Gallant paranoid that he had forgotten yet another important aspect of your life. 
You had once made him think he forgot it was your birthday and the amount of panic that set into that boy's face was off the charts. The moment he noticed the little grin on your face, you felt him push you ever so slightly in a playful manner. 
“That was not funny!” Gallant often knew how to get his own way but so did you, as soon as you pointed your lips and gave him the puppy dog eyes. He whined. “That’s not fair. Don’t do that to me.” 
With you fluttering your eyes at him, Gallant took a deep breath before cupping your cheeks. His lips against your own tasted like heaven, you could tell he had ate chocolate as you could taste it on his lips. 
“How about we have sex to Judas instead?” You mumbled against his lips; Gallant pulled away from the kiss with the widest grin on his face. He got excited about the littlest of things, it didn’t matter how big or small the idea was. 
“Oh, fucking hell that’s the best idea you’ve had in a long time.” You could feel yourself getting hard as you felt Gallant’s crotch against your own, his sex drive wasn’t over the top, but it certainly wasn’t low either. You only had to say the word ‘sex’ and he would be bent over a surface ready for you to take him. 
“Hey! I got that butt plug that has a bunny rabbit tail on the end of it.” You weren’t surprised. In fact, you’d be worried if he didn’t have it in his possession. “We could use that because you know, the spirit of Easter and that..” 
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onf-headcanons · 3 years
ONF and their high maintenance S/O (mostly about makeups and manicures)
dislcaimer : I dont support the mentality of aegyoing/manipulating/sabotaging your partner to buy you stuffs. Gifts are gifts but its not their are not full responsibility. It is also not a duty/obligation for your partner to recognize delicate makeup product when they can't and buy you your makeup product as well.
What i am saying even though here is that bf gifting lipsticks it does not mean guys should do it and also does not mean that if your own bf could not do it then they dont love you. ok let go to hcs.
I think he will ask you to drop the heavy makeup after you two are comfortable with each other. To him it was not your makeup that impressed him to date you.
He is the type that "I don't get make up but ok you look good" type of person, I mean have you watched how he get ready to go out in the Berlin trip? He just do basic stuffs not even a delicate touch XD
I think because he has a sister back at home? But if you think he will at least know a bit of stuffs because he has a sister then you are wrong lol
But he does understand if you wanna doll up a bit. I think he personally appreciates those times when he caught himself felt that you are dazzling.
I think its cute that maybe you only do basic light make up when going out with him but then when you join him with his friends, you wanna look good so you will put on proper make up (not over heavy ones). But Hyojin be like , " oh, come on... Its just my friends XD"
He is the type that waits for you, unless you have really bad time management, he will come over to rush you. "Hey hey hey, we are gonna be late"
Does not interested at make up or beauty stuffs so he would always questions with curiosity when he saw stuffs like.. " Glue? for what? Eyelashes? Won't it be dangerous?" (Especially you are the type that watches make up vids)
Bonus, you are in charge of his skin care, most of the time.
another bonus, the type that laughs at you if you are the type that opens your mouth when you are drawing eyeline
Very similar to Hyojin so I will skip make up and focus on the nail polish
(Also expanding the Changyoon who loves your hand hcs)
He knows of nail polish and the basic stuffs like base, polish and top, but did not pay full attention on manicure and pedicure stuffs
So when the first time you brought out mini UV light to cure your nails, he goes " Woah they got stuffs like that? why no one told me? I spend minutes blowing at my nails to dry during BB era"
Bonus if you work in nail salon or pick up manicure as hobby, i think you might share a bit of design you found online and ask him his opinions. His will comment a bit.
Also you might grasp his hands and try out newly thought designs on his hands
Bonus if he blushes and burst into laughter until you jokingly snap at him, "Ya, its not the first time I do design test out using your hands? Why are you beet red?"
To go deep into his mentality, he does not hate make up, he gets it. But for manicure he acknowledges it as art expression of oneself as well.
I think he prefer short nail manicure, once you get a longer sharper designs and you cant do your task like how you did normally, Changyoon nags you.
Also Changyoon thoughts on fake nail stickers, "Super convenient!"
He would love to try do your manicures if he got the chance. Not just painting plain color, he might also try following designs that your show him.
He is a delicate boy hahahah (watch leaders Berlin trip then you will get it)
Not the type that can recognize different shades of lipstick or foundation, but he still have basic knowledge. I do see is the type that will keep in mind what color you uses and will present you your favorite lipstick color. Or even randomly choose 1 color that he thinks it might look good on you.
I think you two will stand side by side in front of mirror and do make up and help each other check a bit. Especially eye shadow color, and hairstyles (if it is outdoor date day)
The type that notices changes on you but will tease you by keep saying the wrong answers. "Hey you look different? Is it the eyeshadow? Or was it a new earring? eh I was wrong?*devilsh smile"
He has two sisters so he is used and knows that girls and high maintenance people wears makeup. BB cream at least.
Fascinated when he first time sees you do your own manicure, he saw Changyoon paint nails during BB era, but if it is his first time seeing you painting quite complicated nail design from scratch, he goes "OOOOOOH so thats is how it done? 0A0"
I think he might introduce his sisters to you if you are a makeup artist or if you work at nail salon
Bonus if you are the type that do really minimum skin care, because of his (idk if i am using the right word) eagerness of doing facial mask, you might pick that up too lol
Both of you having facial mask on and chilling on the couch watching TV
another bonus, you two bickering because either one of you made the other one laugh too much making the mask cracked if it is dried up cream type.
He is like a combination of Hyojin and Seungjun?
Not sure on his skin care stuff but he will do basic stuff and I think he focus on stylizing his hair more? (but unlike Seungjun, Jaeyoung is more on styling using wax and hairspray)
the type who cant tell difference in lipstick shade lol
He thinks light makeup with less procedure/product look good on you. Especially if you are the one who is super insecure and wakes up super early to do heavy but natural looking makeup before work
Owh special mention, natural shade/nude shade themed makeup is his favourite
He has high respect on people who are high maintenance, but if you are too over enthusiastic he will tell you to slow down and go light heart on it, "Its to boost confidence/feel good about yourself right? Its not to impress others by overdoing it right?"
If you are a tiktok-er. I think you might ask Jaeyoung to do the my boyfriend did my make up challenge (To add, you cant trust Hyojin and Seungjun on this cos high chance if their prank mode kick in, rip. Changyoon will do it tho but you need to persuade him. Jaeyoung and Minkyun are the easiest to ask)
If sometimes Jaeyoung caught seeing you watching manicure design vids or you happened to try out a new manicure design from tutorial you saw online, he will sit beside, try hard to not disturb you. But while watching he will goes "Uwa, Shingi hada/ this is intriguing/amazing." (Try watch Mini game heaven season 2 0316, when he is the one holding the word board, the face he make as he is watching the leaders appeared in my head when writing this lol)
bonus, if you are doing really intricate work like placing a small sticker or draw a small design or sticking a small trinket? on your nails, Jaeyoung will also focus with you by holding his breath as he watches you doing your tasks
You trusted this boy to do BF do my makeup challenge and you regret it soon after, but the view results are amazing lol
but i think their S/O might lowkey get trauma lol and always decline Minkyun offer to help do makeup hahah
But again, when he do try to do it properly, he is ok
bonus, you two had to get another mirror because Minkyun is standing in front yours to check himself out every time he styles his hair a single bit, and it delays your pace of doing your make up.
Appreciate effort of you wanna look good, also he is the type who sits behind S/O while waiting them to finish up makeup (others will wait outside, But Minkyun is the type I want see whole process of how their S/O "transform")
Also the one who will sit beside you as you do your own manicure, or, the bf who will sit beside their S/O at nail salon watching the whole process.
But his hands are busy as he is also curious, so he will reach out to check the nail polish bottle or even the UV cure machine
So, he is also the type that will follow you into Sephora or makeup selling shops (is not that the others wont follow, but I want to highlight specifically for Minkyun). Hands busy, checking out stuffs.
Unlike Seungjun, the type that really cant tell if you change new lipstick or switched new eyeshadow.
BUT I THINK THIS PERSON, HE WILL SUDDENLY DROP A NEON EYESHAOW OUT OF BLUE IN FRONT OF YOU WHEN YOU ARE PAYING. You are gonna fluster if you are not the type who do daring colors. Minkyun only giggles and say " You wont know if you don't like it if you try?"
the funny bit, its not even him paying when he wants you to try lol
He is more of skincare type person. Similar to Seungjun, both of you cuddling with sheet masks on.
The one who sticks to basic stuffs, skincare mostly
Also the type who will try to do makeup challenge diligently, asking you how should he do it rather than making a mess on your face.
The type that gives you thumbs up and affirming nods when you ask him how do you look.
He won't comment too much or nags/persuade you to stop doing heavy makeup eventually because he respects effort and confidence boost behind your makeup/high maintenance mentality
But he is flustered when you suddenly did a "I did a instagram summer gal makeup and show my bf" (for example) as it was way different and you look different. The moment you suggest to make this makeup theme as your usual, YUTO PANICKED, "Stop, stop, Mon sori yo? / What did you just say?"
IF you are office worker, he will nag at you if you are thinking straight to wear that makeup to office lol
The type that just quietly follows behind you when you are doing your shopping tour at Sephora or makeup shop.
But he will stop you if he sees your eyes gleaming as you stand at lipsticks corner lol (If you are the type who loves to collect and have too much lipsticks)
Occasionally surprise you with your fave lipstick color as well. Especially on early days of the relationship, you think he is the type that does not care. But turns out he is observant (because it is you so he is observant at your favorite stuffs)
Owh... i think he will be the perfume sensitive type person? He will mention what type of fragrance that he think you will go along well with.
Also I think the type who will recognizes if you changed perfume. Also the type who recognizes if you used his.
He might ask you to try on a sample and then you two might get a couple lover perfume/fragrance.
A/n : finally T^T this draft is in draft for like what... 6 months??? T^T
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[Gif credited to original poster, @zombiepenguin334​ , it just shows the dominance Dean would have in the bedroom.]
Warnings: Fluff, Pranks (including fake damage to a certain 67 Chevy Impala), some attempt at crack or comedy, language, kind of/sort of smut (Oral, orgasm denial, plus a daddy kink), rest is implied smut.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Sam pranks Dean, but Dean thinks the reader did it. But something tells Dean, she needs to be punished for her actions.
Word Count: 1,761
Mobile Masterlist
A/N: I started out smutty but then lost my smuttiness, don’t think I have it in me to make it explicitly smutty. Hopefully it was good enough.
a/n #2: All I can say is, think of the Simpson’s “I’m in Danger” meme it’ll be italics.
a/n #3: Named it after a song, lyrics are at the end. It’s just a few lines, I swear.
For @supernatural-jackles​ Bi-Weekly Writing Challenge
Prompts: “I’m laughing because you’re angry. I swear I didn’t do it!”, such a needy little thing, aren’t ya?, “I bet the neighbors know my name.”
“Perfect.” Sam mutters, applying another sticker on his brothers Impala.
To be fair, Dean started it with dying Sam’s hair neon pink by adding the die to his shampoo. Poor Sam had to go to a salon to remove it by dying his hair back to a reasonable color close to his original hair color. Now Sam has resorted to buying stickers, that you can easily remove, to make it look like his car was shot at and scratched. And it looked rather convincing.
Dean was going to be pissed. And pissed might be an understatement.
“Hey Sam,” Y/N says, entering the garage where Sam was adding flare by grabbing a knife and gun from the trunk and heading towards the unsuspecting Y/N. “Something just pinged, it sounds like the darkness but I’m not one hundred on – why are you handing me these?” she asks, as Sam hands her the items and runs.
“Sam!” she calls out after him but continues into the garage to investigate what the younger Winchester was up to. And sees the devastation done to Dean’s car.
“Sam,” she could hear Dean enter the garage.
“Oh shit, oh fuck,” she mutters under her breath, as she scrambles to get rid of the knife and gun.
But when she turned and she sees the older Winchester enter, but hasn’t seen the catastrophe. Not until he’s right at his car.
“What the fuck?” she heard him say. “SAM!” He shouts. Tearing his throat up.
He turns and sees her holding a knife and gun, completely ignoring her shocked expression which, for some reason, turned into fearful laughter.
“I know what you’re thinking, but Dean, trust me, I didn’t do it.” she says, heart pounding in her chest.
“Why the, what the, you did this!?” he stammers. Veins bulge out of his head, clearly angry. She laughs even more.
“This isn’t funny, look at my car!” he yells.
“I know, I’m sorry, it wasn’t me I swear!” she laughs, sounding a lot like she’s crying.
“Quit laughing!” he shouts.
“I’m laughing because you are angry, I swear I didn’t do it!” she shouts. “Oh god, I’m in danger!” she adds, laughing harder.
Her laughter, caused tears streaming down her cheeks, her cheeks burned as the blood flow continued to rise, even her ears felt warm.
Confused he could just look at her, then back at the car. Then back at her.
Since Y/N joined the Winchester’s, it was at first just a protection duty. A horde of werewolves from a pack Y/N’s family nearly wiped out was out for revenge. So, the boys protected her, even hunted down a good number of the members of the pack. Even the wolves, and the brothers learned that though her family continued to hunt, she doesn’t.
She went to school, became a freelancing graphic designer and writer. She had a life, a normal apple pie life.
Then she heard her parents died on a hunt, a witch hunt, when an unusual spell took hold of her dad, taking him out slow and painful, her mom was poisoned by the witch.
She never believed in revenge, but when she learned of this, the thought of following her parents lingered. Then the brothers came. Rescued her, the werewolves and her came to a truce, and an agreement. No hunting humans, or her, they’ll live all happily ever after. Sam even recommended them Garth, and added reinforcement, called Garth up to be on the look out to help them out.
Ever since that odd encounter, the brothers and Y/N have been really close. Especially with Dean. She was exactly like him. More ways than some. She keeps him in check. And he’s her rock.
But something about the way she’s looking, the way she’s dressed, is effecting him.
Her short ripped jean shorts, showing her perfectly toned legs and thighs, a black fitted t-shirt sporting YouTube entertainment. Her favorite gaming channel being Achievement hunter. And wearing his many flannels. His black and white flannel. He remembered when he knew he lost it to her.
After a hunt, the boys were gone a week longer than planned, she was scared out of her wits about them. He found her sleeping in his bed with his flannel on. He didn’t fight it, argue it, nothing. Not when he saw the fresh wetness on her cheeks when he returned. He slept with her close to him, even he needed to be reminded she was there.
“You know,” Dean’s voice was low, a different kind of low. It made Y/N stop laughing dead in her tracks. “That wasn’t cool, maybe you need to be punished, little girl.” He says.
“Huh?” she breathes. Out of breath from laughing.
“Does, a certain, naughty little girl need a, hard, and heavy, pounding.” He continues.
Her pussy clenches around nothing at his words. Causing a breathy moan to escape.
“Oh fucking destroy me daddy.” She mutters.
“Car. Now.” He demanded.
She walks over to the front of the impala, trips over her feet a bit before making it to the car.
“As punishment, you don’t get to touch any of this.” He says, grabbing his dick, rubbing it even through the rough denim material. Causing her to whine.
“Lean back.” He demands.
Her ass on the hood, she sets her hands back to keep her upright as she leaned back further away from Dean. But Dean kept close to her.
He lightly brushes her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. She squirms at his touch.
He slowly leans it, painfully slow. She can feel his hot breath on her lips. And his lips just barely touch when she found herself leaning in, needy. He places a gentle hand on her shoulder stopping her.
“Nah, uh, uh.” He says playfully. “Little girl’s being punished, remember.”
“But,” she says.
“You’ll get some, in time.” He says. His hands roam her body, slipping off the flannel. He tosses it aimlessly aside.
His hands go under her shirt. She can feel his warm, gentle touch on her stomach and sides as he guides the shirt up and over her head, and off her arms.
He lets in a deep breath, but comes out a growl when he exhales.
“Bedroom, now.” He growls.
Without hesitation she leads the way to Dean’s bedroom. Dean slams the door shut.
“Bed.” He orders. She lays her back on the bed, crawling back towards the head of the bed where her back is on the headboard.
His lips didn’t hesitate to make their way to hers in a needy kiss. His tongue teasing it’s way in, when her lips part enough his tongue claims hers, lips not leaving as their love is being poured ounce by ounce in the kiss.
His hands take hers, placing them over her head. He pulls away from the kiss.
“Keep them there.” He pants.
“Dean,” she whines. Squirming under him.
He works his belt off of his jeans, tying them around her wrists in away so he could have it tied above her head, unable to touch him.
His lips are back on hers in an instant, as he undresses her.
“So, fucking gorgeous.” He says in the kiss. She moans into his mouth.
He smirks. “Someone likes being praised.” He says. Making her smile as he pulls out of the kiss, pulling her shorts and panties away in one swoop.
His mouth is watering at the sight of her, and wastes no time. One flick of his tongue at her aching core, a strangled moan escapes her throat.
He knows when she’s close when her hips find a rhythm and she tries to get more friction with each thrust. Causing him to stop. This happens a few times.
“Dean, I fucking swear,” she growls, pleasure building in a state she’s never experienced before. “If you don’t fucking fuck me stupid, I’m not baking you anymore of my famous berry pie.” She threatens.
“Damn, such a needy little thing, aren’t ya?” Dean asks, with a smirk.
“I mean it, if you deny me an orgasm I’ll fucking murder you.” She growls.
“Sure you will.” He taunts.
“Watch me.” She adds.
Dean sheds his shirt before he continues his torture.
 Hot and sweaty under the sheets, they pant, still catching their breath after what seems like a pornographic marathon. But really it was just really intense orgasm after orgasm.
“Okay, who knew orgasm denial would grant me one killer orgasm.” She says. “I mean, I blacked out for a second there, it was that good.” She comments.
“Glad I was able to make you feel good.” Dean says, keeping his arm around her, holding her close. Feeling her place a gentle kiss on his chest.
The pair hear a groan out in the hall. Causing them to laugh.
“Something tells me he knows we did some things.” Dean says.
“Well yeah Dean, I bet the neighbors know my name now.” She says grinning. Making Dean laugh.
“Sweetheart, I bet everyone in China knows your name now.” He adds. Earning a cackle laugh in agreement.
After a longing pause, she sighs.
“Still with me sweetheart?” he asks.
“We did a thing, didn’t we? We’re now a thing?” she asked.
“I’m sure we can stop with the sneaking around, hiding and just admit that we have a thing for each other.” He says.
“Yeah, I was starting to wonder if we’d ever fess up?” she says.
“I’m sure we would have.” He said. “It’d either me doing something stupid, or us doing this. It would have been one of two ways.” He adds.
“Yep.” She says.
A yawn escaping her. “What do you wanna do tomorrow?” she slurs, as sleep is coming knocking.
“How about I take you out to dinner? And even another one of these nights just not so…”
“Pornographic.” She adds. Earning a chuckle from Dean.
“Yeah, that.” He says.
He places a loving kiss on her forehead, as he lets sleep take him in.
“Goodnight sweetheart.” He says.
“G’night Dean,” she says, yawning again. “Love you.” She adds.
He smiles, with a light chuckle so as to not jostle her. “Love you to baby.” He whispers.
As he brings her in tighter, she even helps by snuggling in more into his chest, as sleep takes them in.
 I can’t stop now, there’s no way out, I’m a goner. I’m falling fast, I’m gonna crash, I’m a goner. I am captivated by your treasure, and it’ll be this way now, forever. I’m a goner.
Dean tag list:
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dragonagecompanions · 4 years
Not much of a react but, what do you think the DAI’s favorite intimate (more fluffy) act is to do with their romance?
Cassandra: For Cassandra, her favorite act of intimacy would have to be a romantic dinner. She is a hopeless romantic underneath that shell of her and that means candlelight and roses are sure to have her swooning. Quality intimate time together and possibly delicious homecooking?? Nothing can be better and that is why the picnic is probably the best move the Inquisitor could have pulled with her. 
Solas: For Solas, literally nothing beats having tea together while him and his romance are both reading together. It is quiet quality time in the safe room together that feels precious to him. It is almost as relaxing to him as his fade walking and he can share it with his romance making it even better when they can each make comments to each other about their respective books. 
Varric: For Varric, there is probably a thousand different things that he could do with someone, but his favorite would probably be drinking together. Specifically, when he and his romance are the last two that remain after a good night of drinks and Wicked Grace. Some of it reminds him of the old days in the Hanged Man, but there is just this sense of… intimacy to be the last ones left after everyone else has gone home. 
Leliana: For Leliana, her act of intimacy would have to be singing together with her romance. As a former bard, she knows many songs but does not sing that much any more. After Orlais, she had mostly devoted herself to the chants of Chantry life, but there are just some times when she practice singing again. She likes the opportunities to sing for the sake of singing and when her romance can join in the song, she smile grows wide and her heart beats a bit harder.
Josephine: For Josephine, she will always appreciate someone just listening to her talk, whether she is telling old stories or just telling about her day. She has to do so much for the Inquisition and it is a relief to just be able to talk without having to worry about her words changing alliances, even if she adores her job as ambassador. She can go on a tangent for hours and sometimes she gets embarrassed about that if those tangents aren’t for the purpose of her work. That’s why she needs someone like the Inquisitor to reassure her that they like to listen to her talk. 
Cullen: For Cullen, he will always love cuddling and that makes him a true Ferelden when it means that he will cuddle like a mabari. This can make it a little hard when his withdrawal symptoms are very bad and he craves lyrium so badly that he can’t be touched. But with strength and time, those will pass and he can keep people close to him again. It might come from how close he was with his family before he went off to templar training. One can only guess that life in the Chantry has made him quite a bit touch starved in the meantime and any romance will need to be aware of that. 
Vivienne: For Vivienne, dancing will always be her favorite intimacy with someone since the first time that Duke Bastien swept her off her feet. The salons and parties within Orlais are frequent and popular enough that she gets to dance quite a bit outside of the Circle where she couldn’t. Bastien’s illness has taken him off his feet for quite a bit before it took him from Vivienne, so it has been quite a while since she was last able to dance with someone. 
Sera: For Sera, it is such a simple thing and yet it means the world to her. Baking cookies with her romance is always such a fun adventure that often leave the kitchens a disaster, but she thinks it is probably one of times that she laughs the most. It is funny how cookies used to be such a bad memory for her, but with the help of her romance, they can become one of her favorites. In fact, it’s not even eating the cookies that is the best part, but the process of making them, with flour thrown at each other and switching things in the pantry for the sake of a prank. That is what makes it her favorite. 
Iron Bull: For Iron Bull, he needs to cuddle as part of his own aftercare, and that will always be the most important thing. A lot of people do not know that it is not just the submissive one that needs the aftercare. Both parties need aftercare and for the Iron Bull, that means cuddling. The cooldown with skin to skin contact has always been calming to him in a reason that the Iron Bull can’t explain. He is just glad that his romance has understood this since the first time and allowed for him to have his aftercare too. 
Blackwall: For Blackwall, a person can not have that much hair and that lucious of a beard without loving to have someone play with it. This man lived alone in the mountains for five years so there is no freaking way that he isn’t touch starved as hell. At first, he probably would not think himself deserving of being touch so tenderly as his hair is played with, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting his romance to do it more and more. The biggest thing about someone playing with his hair is that it requires with closeness and trust with his hair so really once everything with his past is out in the open, there is nothing to stop him from requesting his hair to be played with literally all the time. 
Dorian: For Dorian, so many things in the South are different from the amount of secrecy everything in Tevinter required. One of his favorite things that are different would probably just being held. Not specifically in the cuddling sense, but more of the way his romance can just wrap their arms around his waist. Whether it’s when he is leaving bed or studying intensely in the library, there is just a part of Dorian that melts when he feels arms around him. It is the kind of open intimacy that he could not have in Tevinter, but he craved so much. 
Cole: For Cole, there is no way that the answer isn’t random acts of kindness. As a compassion spirit, even if Cole is made more human, he will always care about helping other. This means that in terms of a romance, it can be doing it together or for one another, he loves it all. Gift giving, or small little acts to help someone out. These are a core part of Cole’s being. That being said, when he is given a gift in turn, it leads to Cole treasuring it because he is usually the giver. 
Honestly I did everyone because like… it was fun to write. So yeah, even if not all of these characters are canon romances, people can still dream, ya know?
-Direct From Orzammar
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vanessasimplecare · 3 years
FUNNY!!! Try Not To Laugh | Funny Salon Prank😂😅🤣 #Shorts
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okayoonoh · 5 years
a/n here is jaehyun’s family! honestly, imagining jaehyun as a dad fills me with so much joy lmao
here’s a link to the masterlist with all things nct dad related! go and check it out if ya want!
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he has has two kids, 1 girl and 1 boy. jung lani is 4 years older than her baby brother, jung leon.
JUNG LANI: >> as a baby <<
smiles galore
she got her dad’s dimples
and she used them
she also got her dad’s little “smile whiskers”
jaehyun is honestly the best dad
like he is so caring
he did so much research and everything
he knew more than enough to raise lani
he was pretty calm throughout most of it
and lani was calm too
she really loved watching you and jaehyun
like if jaehyun was just walking around doing chores or something
or if you were working on something
her eyes were on y’all
like she had the biggest eyes too
they were full of wonder
jaehyun held her like she was the most precious thing in his life (bc she is)
he was confident in his skills from the start
she made it easy on him tho
she wasn’t a super needy baby
she could be pretty independent when needed
it was really easy to get her to smile
like all you had to do was play peek-a-boo with her and she’d smile instantly
she’s easily entertained
if you sat her down in the living room
a snack in one hand, a toy in the other
she’s occupied for at least 30 minutes lol
snacks are literally her favorite thing
she was a big eater from the start
but like snacks just hit differently for her
she had so much hair as a baby
like headbands were her aesthetic from the start
you had to baby proof anything and everything in your house
bc she really liked to follow you guys when she learned how to crawl
like if you guys had to put gates so she wouldn’t crawl into the kitchen
she just wanted to hang around her parents :,)
whenever you and jaehyun were both home, you would rock paper scissors or flip a coin for who’s cooking/cleaning and who’s playing with lani
the boys fell in love with lani
like jaehyun would bring her to practice and it would just be so much fun
they would be so amazed with how easy it is to make her smile
johnny would be like “it takes so long to make noah smile but if i just put lani in front of him, it’s all he can do... wth...”
honestly, most of the guys were just so amazed that she was so smiley and just chill overall
like if jaehyun left her with the dreamies, she wouldn’t freak out
even like if he left her with the newer artists she’s never met
just as long as she sees that they’re not weirdos she won’t freak out
she loves to friend everyone she meets
she’s just full with natural cuteness
honestly like return of the superman situations with lani and jaehyun would be the best
they would get so much content because everyday, lani would just bombard you with cuteness
she’s just really out here being the cutest.
>> as a child <<
still a sweetheart
she is still a huge daddy’s girl
she still loves to give the biggest smiles all the time
like even when she lost her front tooth, she still would flash her beautiful smile to the world
jaehyun is still so whipped for his daughter
he would buy her the most gifts every time he left for tour
she honestly wasn’t super defiant
like she would play a prank here and there
or something would go wrong with her playing
for example, one time she was playing salon with jaehyun
and he was kinda sleepy so he didn’t notice that much
then she grabbed the actually scissors and cut his hair
like a huge chunk of it right in the back
no one told him the whole day until you got home and noticed
he wasn’t even that mad lol
when she found out she was gonna be an older sister?
she was so happy
like she loved being an only child
but she was so excited that she was gonna have a baby brother to take care of
she’s honestly a pretty good older sister
she always makes sure leon is taken care of
like always
i cannot emphasize this enough:
that is your family aesthetic
jaehyun wears his 2/3 dollar headband
you wear your own
lani wears one
leon wears one
your pets wear one
omg imagine
like again, return of the superman situation lol
lani is marching around while jaehyun is cooking her breakfast
and she goes up to the cameramen/women in the tents and is like
“excuse me... do you think you can wear one too?”
and they don’t even hesitate
when jaehyun goes around to give the cameramen/women coffee or some breakfast
he starts to laugh when he realizes they’re all in headbands
she’s best friends with mark’s oldest, ethan lee and ten’s second child, somchai leechaiyapornkul (shawn)
they’re an iconic group
they all compliment each other so well
like ethan is pretty energetic and a little bit of a crackhead
lani is happy smiley and just good vibes
and shawn is super shy but he’s doing his best!
like lani and ethan really just do things to get shawn to be more daring and stuff
and shawn does!
they’re all pretty smart for their age
like if they go out to buy something, they’ll combine their money to get a value pack (i explained this a bit in ten’s family description if ya wanna check it out)
they’re just super cool and just a really good dynamic
lani is honestly the most empathetic of the entire group of kids
like from a young age she was already doing her best to listen and understand the emotions of others
and like from a young age her advice was actually good?
she’s really pretty
like a lot of the guys in her classes had crushes on her
the only dudes she cares for are ethan and shawn tho
pero yeah
like she was just a sweetheart who was really mature for her age and still shocked everyone haha
>> as a teen/adult <<
she becomes a solo artist
she does a lot of chill vibe songs
like she loves chill r&b songs
lani is just so aesthetic too
she films a lot of her music videos in nakamoto yui’s flower shop
she gets along well with yui because they’re both rather calm by nature
she’s honestly just super iconic
she inherited her dad’s poreless skin
like she’s so wholesome and kind
she’s more on the quiet side
she has so many fans lol
she get’s overwhelmed with them a lot tho
again, still jaehyun’s biggest fan
a lot of people like her because she’s not living the pish posh life
like you know those hidden cams that see the reactions of celebrities and stuff?
like her reactions are really really the same ones she shows on tv
like her personality is just so genuine and kind
everyone who meets her tells that she’s like that too
as a solo artist, she loves to learn more about music
she learns a lot from kun’s oldest, qian lei.
lani understands a lot about music and they work together to write songs and stuff
it’s definitely not a competition between her and the other music artists amongst nct’s kids
like they all are so supportive of one another with any and every concept
if the company has luna, youngmi, and aria’s group do something a little odd
all of the music artists in the group would still go nuts over it lol
they all support and love each other
the person she loves and supports the most is her brother tho
like they don’t usually quarrel a lot like kaleb and aria or noah and leo
almost every show/interview she’s on, everyone asks her about her brother
and she just fills with so much pride
she’s so proud of her little brother and all of his accomplishments
like no jealousy whatsoever
she’s also like super humble
she forgets that she’s an idol sometimes
like her manager would be like “lani, DPR LIVE wants to collab with you, are you down?”
and she’s like “THE DPR LIVE??? what??? why me??? what?? is this a prank???”
her manager is like “lani... don’t forget that your famous too...”
she takes a while to understand certain jokes
like her brother makes a lot of jokes but a ton of them just fly over her head lol
snacks are still her favorite thing
her manager has to stop her from eating snacks because her fans give her so many and she just wants to eat them all forever lol
ethan becomes a rapper and they collab the most out of all the people she collabs with
they honestly lowkey realize they like each other and just start dating haha
shawn is a pretty dense dude
but the second ethan and lani got together he was like “bruh even I COULD see that you two liked each other.”
they became the celebrity couple of the century™
they’re honestly that couple that’s like “okay, why haven’t they been together like this entire time?”
anyway, lani is just so empathetic and kind and just so happy to be alive and born into her big and beautiful family
JUNG LEON: >> as a baby <<
also inherited his father’s dimples and smile whiskers
he was pretty smiley like his sister
he also wore headbands a lot because he had so much hair lol
but honestly
he was an alien lol
he was weird
but it was so cute
like if people asked him a simple yes or no question
he’d answer incorrectly
allow me to provide an example:
“is your name jung leon?”
he was so giggly and stuff
loved to make people laugh from an early age
like whenever any of his uncles would watch him
he’d make them laugh so hard
like most days, leon would just be chilling in the living room giggling the day away
and like nothing is happening but he would find ways to make himself laugh
like there was a mirror attached to his little play mat
and he’d look at himself, smile, then laugh, then repeat
leon would learn this while jaehyun was on tour and like you would have to explain to him that your child isn’t insane
he just thought everything and anything was funny
those days were the best for y’all tho
like every single day, leon would do something that made you just laugh like crazy
whether it was somehow taking his socks off and putting them on his ears
or somehow moving his diaper from the front to the back
he just made you laugh
jaehyun was so happy to have a son
i mean, he’d be happy regardless
but still
i feel like he would just be so happy to have a mini him
and that is exactly what leon is
a mini him
lani looks a little more like you
but leon is all jaehyun
leon inherited the trait that turns his ears red when he’s crying/embarrased
he honestly loved to play too
like he honestly needed to be doing something all of the time
leon simply just didn’t know when to stop
he eventually learns, but still
he just can’t stop/won’t stop hahaha
>> as a child <<
still kinda weird
he’s really funny tho
like he’s genuinely a comedian
he makes you and jaehyun laugh a lot
he’s best friends with the squad™ of him, jungwoo’s middle daughter, kim jieun, hendery’s middle son, wong mochou, and haechan’s middle daughter, lee haeun.
all of them together is just a treat
they’re all so loud but all of their personalities are just so unique
leon is the oldest in the group so he’s sort of the leader
i’m just gonna say it
they’re all crack heads
the most calm out of all of them is kim jieun
but she even still has a huge personality
leon is like the clumsy leader
like he tends to fall a lot
but they’ll follow him when he falls lol
like if they’re just walking a line or just in a group
and leon trips
they’ll all fall with him lol
leon is definitely the class clown
but he’s not like super annoying
he has “class” (badum tsssss)
leon can just be so genuinely weird sometimes
he doesn’t really make any super inappropriate or bad jokes
he’s still a little bit of an alien
just a straight up weirdo sometimes
lani cares for him a lot
and he looks up to her
they don’t really quarrel with each other
like they’re both just chill with each other
every year, they work together to get a birthday gift for you and jaehyun
and every year they succeed in getting the best gift for the two of you
when lani was old enough to watch leon by herself, their gift to you was a date night lol
leon picked up a love for basketball at this age
he learned that he was lowkey really good at it lol
jaehyun would play basketball with him as often as possible
it was the sweetest :,)
leon is also really good with scary things
like he seems fearless
he is scared of one thing and one thing only
the pure and utter rage of the maknae of their squad, lee haeun
take all of the burning rage haechan has and put it in his daughter
that is haeun
when she’s mad, she’s MAD
leon isn’t scared of spiders, snakes, heights, etc.
he’s scared of angry haeun lol
he’s just a goofy soul that is just vibing tbh
>> as a teen/adult <<
ooh boy
he’s so handsome
he’s also so funny
he becomes a model™ 
like with a face like that? why waste it?
he works under noah seo
leon and noah both do a lot of modeling gigs together and stuff
leon is honestly following in noah’s footsteps
at first, a lot of the high class modeling agencies didn’t like leon because they thought he smiled too much and his dimples were too deep
noah teaches leon how to be an independent model and leon is honestly thriving
so many people use him in music videos like just because he’s so handsome?
people also started to realize that he’s like really really funny
like he’s almost always smiling
and his jokes are just so funny
they realized this and were like “okay, time to put him in front of a camera just to see what he does.”
and like
he’s just so goofy
not only is he a well known model
he becomes a well known comedian/tv personality
he embraces his goofy personality and honestly just vibes
he’s also really good at keeping up with the trends
like when he models, he’s pretty serious
but like right after? one of the funniest people you’ll meet
he’s just super quick witted and comes up with so many good jokes
lani can’t catch on to some of the jokes but it’s okay
he’ll give his sister a second lol
he’s also kinda dense when it comes to girls
leon is super confident in his looks and everything like that (like lucas level confident)
but when it comes to girls?
he just doesn’t think he’s good with it lol
which is a lie bc he’s actually really good with girls
he’s really really really good at making people like freak out over him
like he does the thing his dad does that makes everyone weak in the knees
he poses, runs his finger through his hair, and just stares
everyone melts whenever he does this
he still loves basketball
he plays a bit in his free time
when it comes to acting tho?
he sucks lmao
he just can’t stay serious for too long
like in front of flashing cameras, he’s fine
he can honestly fit any concept
but if you have him act like a serious role?
he can’t do it
he’s really good at doing the funny roles
but he honestly just can’t do serious roles
he still is scared of haeun
he also still respects his sister
he’s just a goofy dork who’s just living life lol
i honestly just can’T jaehyun’s my ult and just thinking about him as a dad just uGHHGHHGHG
also, i’m sorry if i started to get carried away, i just honestly couldn’t help myself
anywayyyy i hope you guys liked it! i’m so hyped for winwin’s family lol
again, requests are open and let me know if you want me to tag you so you can stay updated everytime i add onto nct’s family things!
- amy <3
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