comic-art-showcase · 2 years
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Namor by Stephen Byrne
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lukegote · 2 years
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afraid of sharks?? HAHA
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dranger78official · 4 months
cho pan has galeophobia?
so i saw beyblade x episode 33 and i saw the scene that when maiden summons shark edge and then, cho pan gets scared and the shark almost ate her, bursting rhino horn, making cho sad. so, that makes me think of: does cho have galeophobia? well, yet that is not confirmed in the anime, so i will record it on one of my unsolved mysteries.
here's the theory: cho pan has galeophobia, the fear of sharks. this literally opened the door to jaws refrences (have you heard of the movie? i'm JP and less of the people of the country know this movie) and the reason she got it is maybe she watched too much jaws or something (idk just...) or maybe she had watched documentaries of sharks eating people.
so, here's a point: i predict that in episode 45 when team persona is going to the beach for blading, team zooganic (except for toguro because he is dead in my prediction) (see why toguro is more likely to die in the anime) were snorkelling underwater, finding animals to put in the lion's jungle (i don't think the lions jungle has an aquarium or something) and\or feeding carnivorous animals. then, when cho dives even more deeper a great white shark shows up, making cho run away. she almost got killed and screamed and went back to the shore, telling king what happened. maiden said that this situation is really bad, so cho got a heart attack and went to see the doctor.
that's all for today, and i have HHH chapter 5 in progress, and if you think cho is afraid of sharks, comment below. good luck!
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toxic-bile · 1 year
Omg I literally cannot scroll on my dashboard anymore there was an already awful shark ad but somehow, this game that I hate so much has just made even worse ad with scarier and gross sharks… i have galeophobia and it’s not a joke. Pictures and videos of sharks give me huge anxiety and fear to an insane degree where I need to close my eyes/look away. My heart squeezes every time and my heartbeat becomes faster, I start feeling like I’m lacking air. Happens as well with other deep ocean monsters creatures they are terrifying me.
Do I really need to pay for the ad free tumblr? Fr? Theses ads have been there for weeks
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
All of those fears are unhinged asf but why bald people 😭😭😭
I was trying to remember specific weird phobias! Peladophobia is a real thing and usually also has an element of being scared of hair loss in general!
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ink demonth day 17th : sailor
tw : mentions of uss indianapolis, ww2 and mention of the shark attacks on the uss indiapolis survivors.
march 8th 1942 the us had entered ww2 a few months ago after the bombing of pearl harbor henry was skimming through the mail he grabbed a letter and opened it,
it was a letter from the us navy.
Henry read carefully for a moment before he realized what the letter was. He had been drafted into the Navy. His stomach dropped to the floor as he read the words. Join the US Navy today!
"I'm being sent to war..." he whispered to himself as he sat down at their kitchen table, letter still in his hands, staring at it blankly. Linda walked in to see him. "What's wrong Henry?" She asked.
henry spoke quietly, his voice betraying his
feelings. "The Navy's drafted me." He muttered, looking back down at the letter.
Henry put the letter down with a shaky breath. "They want me to report at the base tomorrow morning.." he said.
-the next morning, henry put on his navy sailor uniform that was sent to him through the mail, he
Henry packed a small bag and, after giving a final hug and kiss to Linda.
he spoke lovingly.
" i'lll be back as soon as i could....i love you very much...."
linda looked up holding back tears.
" i love you too sweetie... i'll be here waiting for you " linda said.
henry soon got on
headed to the base, leaving her at home.
He had to do his duty, even if that did mean fighting in a deadly war .
Henry reported to the base and soon began his training. He learned how to use and maintain equipment, how to respond quickly to orders and various other things that came with the job. He began to bond with the other navy men around him as he went through the training.
soon Henry was assigned to the USS Indianapolis, a heavy cruiser with a great reputation for her service. He was sent to this ship with many of the men who went through training with him.
linda would work in a factory during ww2 to not only help with the war effort but help pay the bills, henry would write to linda as much as he could
Henry would sit and write in his bunk, on his bed with other sleeping men around him. He would write letters to Linda almost every night, telling her of what had happened each day and how much he missed her and hoped to return to her soon.
he would list the many battles and missions the Indianapolis had been in, detailing all the events that went on. He explained how he and his comrades had formed a strong bond and looked after one another, and just how difficult the battles could be.
soon on july 16th 1945, the USS Indianapolis and Henry we’re on a vital mission. They were transporting an important element for the construction of an atomic bomb, which would be used later in the war
The whole ship’s crew was on high alert, the job was extremely important and there could be no mistakes. it was carrying cargo and This cargo was a classified secret, as the atomic bomb had not been announced and used at that point. The Indianapolis would travel to Leyte Gulf and begin preparing to deliver the cargo, unknown to the crew of the Indianapolis as to what exactly the cargo was.
-Once arriving at Leyte Gulf, the crew spent most of the time working on and off the ship to make any last minute preparations to deliver the important cargo, with many not understanding the true importance of this specific cargo.
-By the time August was already a few days underway,
but then... Linda had not received a letter since july 27 . This worried her, but she could only hope that he was fine and that he had been unable to find any time to write.
By the time the 15th of August rolled around, she had not received any letters from Henry, and would read the news paper and learn of the Indianapolis's sinking, her eyes widening in horror.
she soon got a letter,
Linda's heart skipped a beat as she read the letter. Henry had survived, but was badly injured, with several issues that he was being treated for. She was thankful for the fact that he was alive, but at the same time worried about the severity of his injuries.
henry was hospitilized at the
Naval Base Hospital No. 20 in Peleliu,
henry had suffered deyhydration, salt water poisoning, starvation and inffected wounds, and shark bites, The letters described the struggles that Henry faced, including the many times that he'd nearly been killed by the sharks that attacked him. He had tried to fight back, punching and kicking at the sharks' gills to try and get them to release him, but he had suffered many injuries in the process, though he still managed to survive.
-Henry spent 11 days in the hospital, being fed and given fluids to help with his dehydration. His wounds from the sharks' bites and the sharp metal pieces that had injured him were cleaned and bandaged, and he was given medical care to help him recover properly.
once he was declared well enough, Henry was discharged from the hospital and the Navy. He was awarded the Purple Heart for his bravery and for his efforts in saving the other sailors from the sharks' attacks.
With his time in the Navy now over, Henry finally returned home to Linda.
but Henry found himself suffering from the effects of the ship being torpedoed, the ship sinking and the five days spent floating in the shark-infested water. the shark attacks He was plagued with PTSD, trauma, and many other issues from the incident.
Henry's experiences had left him with numerous phobias, including a fear of sharks galeophobia, a fear of deep bodies of water thalassophobia and a fear of explosions ekrixiphobia, He also developed a fear of loud noises phonophobia as well, The memories and the sounds of the other sailors screaming, thrashing in the water and being pulled under by the sharks were seared into Henry's mind. The image of the torn and bloodstained life jacket bubbling to the surface remained a vivid reminder of the horrors he had endured. -Due to his phobia of sharks, Henry found it very difficult to visit aquariums, especially those with large shark exhibits. The sight of a shark would trigger strong negative reactions and memories of the traumatic experience he had endured.
Linda would comfort Henry whenever he struggled with the memories and phobias that his experience had left him with. She would do what she could to calm him down and make him feel relaxed and at ease, helping him cope with the traumatic memories that still plagued him.
In January of 1949, Linda discovered that she was pregnant with their first child. The news brought joy and excitement to the couple, who had been looking forward to starting a family together, soon in october of that year their only daughter, jacqueline was born, which brought joy and happiness to both of them especially henry, Henry saw his wife and newborn daughter as a source of comfort and healing from the trauma he had endured. The sight of his family and the love they shared helped to soothe his memories and fears, reminding him of the good things in life and giving him a reason to keep moving forward.
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lgcbaekhyun · 11 months
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nota-deviant · 2 years
Gavin was in the deep sea section of the aquarium a little too late again
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yanderecrazysie · 9 months
Galeophobia (Kirishima)
Please don’t request any phobias. I just felt like making this for fun.
Be kind to me, I'm still not good at writing NSFW
Title: Galeophobia
Pairings: Kirishima Eijirou x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, mershark Kirishima, pirate reader, marking, NSFW, NON-CON, belly bulge, excessive cum
Phobia: The fear of sharks
Normally, the setting sun is something that makes you smile, its beautiful pink-and-orange hues are a feast for the eyes. Here and now? It feels as though it is taunting you as your water sloshes over the deck of your sinking ship.
How can nature be so beautiful, yet so cruel?
The storm is completely gone- there’s no sign that it ever happened. No sign, save for one wooden ship taking on water. The jolly rogers above you wave feebly in the light wind before crumbling in on themselves as even the air falls silent. You sigh wearily.
After all the danger you’d put yourself in to get rich, sinking serenely in the middle of calm waters, all of your comrades having fled on lifeboats. Leaving the captain to go down with the ship.
It’s a dumb tradition that the pirates of your country take part in, you thought dully, so why did I bother following it? You wished you weren’t quite so honorable. 
The water ripples below your lazy perch on the ship’s front railings, now reaching past the deck and slowly inching towards you. Somewhere off in the distance, you see something shimmer in the sunset’s pink-tinged water.
You squint, confused, as something bright red begins rising in the clear water right below you, on the end of your ship and the open ocean. Water breaks at the surface as the crimson object reveals itself to be spiky hair on the head of a handsome tan-skinned man with equally-red, intense eyes.
At first, you think he must be dead. After all, how else could there be someone out here in the middle of the ocean, unless they were from a ship already sunken below? But no, the man gazes at you with a lively expression, smiling brightly at you as though he’s never been so happy to see someone else. 
The next conclusion fills you with hope: there must be land nearby! Surely he had swum from an island to your ship. But how far away was it? You look in every direction and see nothing but water.
“Where do you come from?” You ask urgently, “It’s not too far is it? I’m not a strong swimmer.”
The man laughs loudly, “Don’t worry, I got you, babe.”
You wrinkle your nose at the pet name but hold your tongue. After all, this redhead was the only thing between you and the bottom of the ocean.
He holds out his arms as though he’s ready to catch you, “Come on down, babe. I don’t bite. Much.”
He flashes you a smile and you gasp. His teeth are unnaturally sharp and triangular, nothing like a human’s. For the first time, you feel a sense of foreboding and your heart pounds in your chest. 
Your gaze falls below his bare abs under the water and you’re shocked to see that instead of bare legs, there’s gray and white smooth skin that ends in a sharp fish tail. From the shape and the earlier glance at his teeth, you surmise he’s some sort of shark merman. Not human, in any case.
“What are you?” You shriek, wrapping your arms around your legs protectively, all too aware of how close the water was to you now.
The shark-man grins, flashing those sharp teeth at you once more, “My name’s Kirishima. What’s yours, babe?”
“Stay away from me, you fish freak!” You seethe, pulling your compass from your pocket and heaving it at him as hard as you can. It bounces off his chest with a thunk but he doesn’t so much as flinch. “Wait until after I’ve drowned to eat me!”
Kirishima sighs, a soft pout to his features as he tells you, “List babe: you’re either coming down on your own or you’re going to sink.”
The reality of the situation dawns on you just as you feel water licking at your toes. You were going to be eaten by this half-shark, half-man creature. All that would be left of you would be your bones on the bottom of the ocean, alongside your trusty ship. 
Hot tears prick your eyes as you let yourself slide off the railing into the water. If my death is coming, then let it be quick, you thought sadly.
Kirishima blinks in surprise before a smile spreads across his face. This time, his lips are pulled over those vicious teeth, and you can’t help but think it’s a little cute. He reaches his hand out to brush away a few stray tears, but that just causes more to spill.
Strong arms wrap around you and you close your eyes, ready for death. It doesn’t come. Instead, Kirishima nuzzles into your neck, cooing softly into your ear as he holds you close.
He pulls you away from the sinking ship, most of which is already underwater. Your first and only ship- you feel more tears slip down your cheeks. It’s gone now, there’s no getting it back.
“Shh, it’s alright, babe.” Kirishima shushes you softly as he swims farther away, tugging you along through the water. You shiver in his grasp and he takes notice, stopping immediately to run his hands over your body, “Oh man, you’re cold all over.”
The grin that cracks across his face is mischievous and predatory at the same time, “I know how to fix that.”
Something cold and hard brushes against your butt and your heart stops all together before it starts up tenfold again. Don’t tell me he means…
Incredibly sharp teeth pierce through the skin on your neck and you let out a scream. Warm blood pools on the surface as he sucks gently before releasing with a pop. He takes a look at his handiwork- at the wound swelling on your neck- and has the audacity to look proud. 
Kirishima presses against you as he begins peeling your clothes from your skin. Something very large and very hard pokes against your thighs and, although you cannot see it, you already have an idea of what it is. Curiosity has you briefly wondering if it looks like a human’s or not.
You don’t have a chance to look down at it from the angle he’s holding you but, once he tears your pants from your body in a violent, eager motion, you quickly get to know what it feels like. It seems to be shaped the same as any human male’s dick, but it’s much larger than what you thought was possible. 
The bulbous head pushes against your unguarded pussy, pressing and pressing until pop- it forces its way inside. You expected unimaginable pain, but you’re instead overrun with pleasure.
The cock fills you out with each inch shoved deeper. It stretched your insides out and, when you look down, you see a visible bulge in your stomach. He’s crammed into you so much your little human body can barely take it.
Kirishima holds you still while he forces his shark cock deeper and deeper. The bulge in your belly is bigger than ever when he comes to a stop. Unconsciously, your hand moves and puts a hand over the bump in your stomach and you hear the man behind you moan with pleasure as you accidentally massage his cockhead.
The thrusts begin, more brutal than you could ever anticipate. Kirishima uses his arms to keep you in place while he fucks into you, tearing apart your vagina and womb easily with his monster cock. 
You writhe with pleasure, barely able to move from your positioning but trying all the same. It’s all too much- his dick is pressed up against every nerve and pleasure spot you have, each thrust hits all the right places.
Kirishima grabs your hips and bend your body a little, moving you into a position where he can fuck you even deeper and harder. It isn’t long before you come undone on his cock, twitching and spasming from the intense pleasure he’s giving you.
Your pulsating walls prove to be too much for the redhead, and he follows you shortly after. His cum floods your insides, inflating your belly a little around the bulge and filling you so completely that some escapes around his cock and into the water around you, making the water turn more milky than clear.
Your eyes roll back in your head as he rolls his hips, getting out those last few drops of cum. His giant cock finally softens and slips out, dirtying the water even more with the cum that escapes your stuffed-full womb.
“Yeah, I’m keeping you.” Kirishima says, grinning widely as he pulls you close. You don’t bother fighting it as he gives a kick of his tail and takes off swimming with you snug in his arms. 
You can feel cum still rushing out of you as he whisks you away to wherever it is he plans to keep you.
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what do you guys like?
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Illustration Time: 7hrs 4min
(More doodles n'stuff below the cut!!!!!)
Anon . . . Whoever you are . . . I am so sorry. For no reason at all my brain went into FULL panic mode every time I thought about your ask. I literally had a mid-life crisis over it, I’m not joking. (Also I didn’t realize until after it was drawn how grainy the jpeg ended up, that’s because I made the canvas a billion times smaller than usual! 😅 (Stupid Procreate, Stupid Math)
(I ultimately decided/forgot to actually add fish to the scene that's why there are bubbles instead. I'm not about doing extra work when it's literally 7hrs into the project)
Tunip Redesign (of a Redesign)??? 👀👀👀
It really went . . .
Shellington: Autistic Powers Activate!!!!
Tunip: Father they must know the holiness of the biscuit fish!!!
Y/N: Not again . . .
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(Poor Tweak has no idea what’s going on, Sry for the bad handwriting it’s 2:40am I’m not conscious enough to write well)
[ For context Fae *cough, cough* “me”, has major Thalassophobia/Aquaphobia (Fear of deep water/water itself “swimming, being near/in water, concept of deep water”). Which also plays well with my Galeophobia (irrational fear of sharks—yes yes I’ve heard everything and seen everything to justify sharks (orcas don’t help omg). I truly do love them and everything they do for the environment but just looking at pictures/videos of them sends me into a spiral. This is an actual fear stemming from childhood)
It’s actually been a real struggle in my life because I used to be such an avid swimmer when I was a kid. So this is my way of coping with my fear . . . by making fun of myself for comedic relief. You’ll see more of this play out in my doodles and anything involving Y.N. & Fae ]
In another life I may very well have been a Marine Biologist but nope, I get to work in a retail kids store at $10.50 an hour :)
Bonus of the Bonus:
(For fun, duh)
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Y/N & Fae Refs
[ This is a Octonauts AU, in no way is this canon to the OG storyline. ]
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greengold-c · 22 days
Semeru already knew you were interested.
At first he thought your heart raced because you were anxious around guards, but it didn't happen near other guards. Then he thought you might be nervous around figures of authority, until he noticed you were comfortable near the royal family. Galeophobia? Couldn't be, you often visited Jannu.
It wasn't until his own heartbeat accelerated when he looked at you one day that he realized what was happening. But…you'd been reacting to him for so long and hadn't said anything. Was his form too alien? But he visited you as a human too! Was it the futility? The two of you were duty-bound to different worlds, which created logistical hurdles even if you didn't want to go beyond FWBs. Or maybe you thought he was uninterested or unattracted or too busy with work or didn't see himself committing to anyone?
Semeru tried dropping hints. Little compliments. Comments on how work wasn't perfect for him- the ways it was exhausting, annoying, or generally subpar. That he had free time and hobbies, implying there could be time for you too. You know, he was actually open to having a family some day. Maybe he could be your personal guard…
Despite his efforts, nothing changed. He tried not to think about it, tried to lose himself in long swims and work and drinks. But then there'd be a quiet moment in his room, nothing for his mind to do while sharpening his spear, and he'd find his mind drifting to you. You clearly kept making time to visit him, your heart hammering in your chest and your ears sometimes blushing, but you neither took his bait nor acted surprised by anything he said. Some small, hopeful corner of his brain noted that you also didn't shut him down.
He wanted to respect your silence on the matter. You hadn't grown up near Merfolk, hadn't had aquatic anatomy like everyone else, so you probably didn't even know he could hear your heartbeat. Merfolk often avoided him (and Rysy) because they found it invasive. Would you feel betrayed if he asked why your heartbeat quickened near him and told you he could hear it? Yes, and that betrayal would only worsen the longer he waited. What if someone else referenced it in passing at the tavern? It'd be even worse if you learned it from someone else. How could he preserve your dignity and maintain your friendship without committing little betrayals via his silence all day? It was an impossible position. It was agoni-
And there it was. The ghost of your heartbeat in the hallway, just outside his room. It couldn't be an emergency- you hadn't hurried into his room and, in fact, you had stopped just out of view. Semeru looked at the inky waters outside his window. It was far too late for a social call. Semeru willed you to come in, to not retreat to your own room, but you didn't move.
It was as though the eddies outside halted. The seaweed in his bed moved in slow motion. You remained still. He couldn't stand it. He had been waiting for you to make a move for at least a full minute. (Or for months, depending on when one started that clock.) He caved. Letting his spear sink, Semeru swam to the doorway.
Swimming out, he found himself face to face with you, impossibly close. Your mouth opened slightly in surprise at the sight of him. A creeping red colored your ears, your telltale blush. Semeru found his hands reaching for your ears, tracing the blush as it curled. Was it the shark in him, drawn to the blood? He leaned his head toward yours wordlessly, transfixed- surely this meant something. That you were here, that you didn't flinch away, that he couldn't distinguish between his thundering heartbeat and yours. He wouldn't take what wasn't readily offered and so he stopped, hovering.
The currents stopped.
The lights dimmed.
The barracks, the others, every thought and worry, all of time, everything washed was washed away.
There was only you.
Your lips crashed into his. The force propelled the two of you back into his room. Tails intertwining, his hands in your hair, an unending kiss, months of silent apprehension washed away in a moment.
Shark facts:
Great white sharks have ampullae of Lorenzini. These are electroreceptors that allow sharks, rays, and other creatures with the same feature to detect weak electric fields at short ranges. They are useful for finding food and may play a role in navigation.
Strictly speaking, the range of detection is only believed to be a few inches and the ampullae are found in various spots on a shark's head, which is obviously absent on Semeru's body. I think we can apply artistic license to the biology of mythical creatures, allowing Semeru to retain the ampullae of Lorenzini and expanding their range so he can detect the heartbeats of those within a large range.
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comic-art-showcase · 2 years
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Batman by Chris Samnee
Batober prompt: Crash
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yingyue-draws · 8 months
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Here's an oc for an incredibox mod: evadare(or it's just a normal incredibox oc idk 🤷) and her name is Emily. She is a girl who have power to transform into a mermaid, but she have Galeophobia, which means she is afraid of shark.
I hope you like her! Btw she is in love with Rafe from Evadare(yep).
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athanza · 2 years
“Shell” (Part 2)
Eric Coulter X fem reader
Tags: Enemies to lovers (sort of??), hurt/comfort, slow burn, a sprinkle of fluff.
TW: Canon violence (blood, fighting, knives, guns etc), angst, abusive past, self-destructive behaviour, crying. (This part: claustrophobia, thalassophobia, galeophobia, physical and verbal abuse from a parent)
((Authors note: This was supposed to be a one shot but I guess it’s gonna be longer lmao. I don’t usually edit these very much so I apologise if there’s any mistakes. Hope you enjoy ^-^))
Part 1 Part 3
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You had to get to a room with a window which meant you had to get out of the simulation room but the water flooding in was just too powerful.
You stopped to think for a moment before waiting for the room to fill, taking in one more deep breath before diving under. Now that the room was full there was no more water gushing in and stopping you form getting out. You swam as fast as you could out of the open doors and down the hall where you knew there was an opening to the pit, you were on the ground floor so you knew that you would be able to get to the surface that way.
Down a few more corridors you realised you were running out of air a lot quicker than you thought you would and started to panic, but just like you did back home, you turned off your emotions and charged forward, you had no time to hesitate. You made it to the pit and swam as fast as you could to the surface, unsure if you were going to make it, but you did. You gasped for air like it was your very first breath and took in the air for a few seconds before you realised you were suddenly in open ocean. No land in sight, and it was getting dark.
Your heart began to race like it had never done before as you looked down around you and all you could see was pitch black beneath the reflections on top of the water. Your breathing became jagged and hard and you could feel yourself start to panic, but when you felt something touch your foot you screamed and kicked instinctively, it was a great white shark. You could barely see it underneath the reflections on the surface so you took a deep breath and dived, able to see clearer now, the shapes and colours at least, it was lighter than the water around you. You saw it coming and as it approached, despite the fear, you straightened out your fingers and stiffened them, jabbing them as hard as you could into the sharks gills as you dodged it, it looked agitated and came back for another go but you repeated again, this time harder, not caring if you broke a finger, and eventually it went away.
Just as you started to relax you saw walls begin to rise out of the depths and start to enclose you. Immediately your heart rate was back up again and you tried to swim away before they could get to you but it was too late. Before you knew it you were in a pitch black cube, the water had drained but the cube was getting smaller and smaller faster than you felt comfortable with. You desperately felt around for something to use to keep the walls from moving and it wasn’t long before you felt a crow bar resting on the floor and you quickly picked it up and jammed it into the tiny gap you felt between the floor and one of the walls. You yelled in frustration as you pushed the other wall with your feet and slowly felt them both stop moving.
Suddenly a hatch opened on one side of the cube and you crawled out desperately, taking a moment to catch your breath before hearing thumping footsteps outside the door of the room you realised you were in, then you realised it was your bedroom.
“Open the door!”
It was your father’s voice. You were frozen, you found yourself stepping backward into the corner of your the room, pressing yourself against the wall.
Your father kicked down the door and charged in with that look in his eye that let you know that you weren’t going to be able to sleep on your side for a few weeks.
“No.” You said. “No, no, please, please, don’t.” You cried.
“You worthless slut.” He hissed, nothing but sheer fury in his voice. “Dauntless! You chose dauntless after everything I’ve done for you!”
You had your arms raised, ready to protect yourself as you always did, tears running down your face.
“I raised you you ungrateful little bitch! And now you desert your family!?”
Suddenly it hit you. The word Dauntless striking a chord in you like a hammer hitting a piano. Dauntless. Dauntless.
The tears stopped. You stood up straight. You looked him right in the eye and spoke clearly. “I never had a family. You never did anything for me other than beat me when I wasn’t as good as your precious erudite son. I’m dauntless now. I don’t fear people like you, and I never will.”
He leant back and took a swing at you but you used the same boxing combination Eric tad taught you and blocked it, knocking him out with an upper-cut that knocked him to the floor.
Suddenly you jolted upright in the chair, Four and Eric standing over you.
“Hey, hey, it’s ok.” Said Four, his voice a little softer and more empathetic than before. “It’s over.”
You leant your head back and swallowed, trying to slow your heartbeat as Eric took the device off your temple. You thought you noticed a flash of compassion on his face but thought you must have imagined it. But the glint of pride you couldn’t miss.
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ultrawesmess · 5 months
Vee has Galeophobia since in mythology, weasels are the natural predator of Basilisks.
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Hey guys it's me the Scarecrow from Batman.
DNI if you're the Joker or the Penguin because I don't like either of you.
Scopophobia Hemophobia myriapodophobia Melissophobia spheksophobia vehophobia automatoraphobia arachnophobia carnophobia proditiophobia ophidiophobia autophobia herpetophobia kenophobia paruresis scoleciphobia aibohphobia ornithophobia pantaphobia thanatophobia amaxophobia somniphobia epidoptorophobia nyctophobia catoprophobia monophobia musophobia autophobia sygiophobia chronophobia diokophobia metathesiophobia amathaphobia gamophobia melanoheliophobia glossophobia anthropophobia globophobia atychiphobia eurotophobia taphophobia trypanophobia formidophobia hoofdaphobia paraskevidokatriaphobia carcerophobia alluraphobia cynophobia antomophobia pugophobia equinophobia chiroptophobia genuphobia podophobia gynophobia haphephobia capgras,syndrome muxiphobia mirephobia acrophobia coulrophobia filophobia cafephobia aerophobia thalassaphobia itchyophobia ergophobia bovinophobia algophobia foniaphobia agoraphobia dementophobia amaxophobia Galaphobia Androphobia Acousticophobia Anginophobia microphobia anthophobia astraphobia ataxophobia apeirophobia Atelophobia dipsophobia phobophobia (Did I say that one already?... agh, nevermind) anatidaephobia mysophobia myrmecophobia barophobia kabourophobia botanophobia mycophobia cacophobia galeophobia chromophobia sonophobia cyberphobia kyrofelanoshopophobia dendrophobia dentophobia dometiphobia ecophobia megalophobia noctiphobia obesiphobia samhainophobia hombrephobia pathophobia elaiophobia heliophobia hydrophobia hypochondria lycophobia melanophobia microphobia (Did I say that one already too? Damn.) Sanchephobia (New one I made for the fear of pickles.)
Anyway, Ask box is open I guess.
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