Day 0: Your Mystic Destiny Begins
there's some things i want to say about this post and all the character teasers if you click read more, but the important note to make is that i'm missing some images for this right now but i still want to publish the post on the right day, so i just won't be including them for now! also possible spoilers for the games in the read more, you've been warned.
And so the final day of our countdown is here! Have you been teased enough? Are you ready?
[missing image]
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[missing image]
Huh? What just happened? Looks like we got a glitch…
Well, we’re not sure what happened, this might take a week or two to fix, but since you’ve been so patient, we’ve decided to do a full character reveal!
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finally concluding the initial character reveals! for anyone who knows the characters, you'll probably see the resemblance between the final character designs and these ones. and yes, the suspicious ginger man smiling at the top of the post is galinn.
unfortunately, i don't have two images from this original post. there's meant to be one above and one below the image of galinn, assuming the wayback machine was showing me all of the images it couldn't load. i think i may have seen this full post before, but i don't remember where and i hadn't archived then, either because the original tumblr blog was still up or because i saw it back when i was solely interested in information about the game's characters and not so much in development. i only checked the wayback machine for this post, but since i'd collected everything from the other character teasers a long time before i looked for this day 0 post, i couldn't remember how i managed to find them all. if i have some time to kill (probably after the summer this year), i'll try finding the missing images to complete this post.
oh, and if you were wondering, i'm pretty sure the missing images were just glitchy text that hinted at something, like galinn be able to see people interacting with the post. i don't really remember the exacts though, so don't quote me on that.
the other thing is that i tried keeping these posts as close to the original posts as possible, like keeping wording like "we present" instead of changing it to "i present" since there's only one person running this archive.
i did make one pretty major change to the posts, which was basically just deleting all mention of the game's kickstarter. i didn't want a situation where someone manages to stumble across a post mentioning the kickstarter and then get confused when there wasn't one, or think that i was trying to act like this was my game and was in the process of starting a kickstarter campaign for it. this whole countdown was to the kickstarter, and day 0 was posted at the same time as the kickstarter announcement! (i think, i don't actually know since i didn't bother looking at any of the kickstarter posts o-o;;;)
and since this may be the only post where all the guys' original designs are, i might as well talk about them all together here! i'll be mentioning a little bit of trivia from one of serendipity of aeons' art books as well, and i plan on making a full post comparing the different art books (there are two, their content overlaps in some places and differs in others).
shou was the first character drawn and written for in the game's development. he was originally an "oresama" type and managed to do a complete 180 by the time development ended (reminded me a bit of riddle from twst who went from immature brat to serious rule-follower). i think shou's original design definitely gives off untouchable cool guy, it's almost unbelievable that he turns into the absolute sweetheart in the game lol. the original definitely makes shou being a party guy seem more believable (i remember telling my irl friend after we played his route together that shou's the super popular life of the party type of guy and she got so shocked bc his final design looked so innocent)
apparently, tatsu was meant to look younger than his age, which i can definitely see in this design. while it definitely got dropped for his final design, he does look a little younger in his confession cg by the fountain. i think one thing i particular i love about his original design is the way his lips were drawn. i think they're sooooo cute!!! in that confession cg, they're drawn in a similar way to the original design and whenever i see it i squeal. i call them "lizard lips" bc it reminds me of a lizard's smile, and also slightly of toothless and light fury from httyd (like yeji from itzy). i also think kayo and sakuko have similar smiles to original design tatsu and always sob at how adorable they look when they show up in the game (litr the ideal adorable younger sis... also hikki's got similar lips but i don't want him as a younger sister)
i love shinji so much, both old and new <3 his original design was made with basically all his key character traits in mind: a calm, mysterious genius with a rocker vibe and fashion loosely based on japanese visual kei. i have to agree with the note in the art book that his current design portrays him better, but they both have a special place in my heart!! the only other detail that really sticks out about shinji's design is that his original design has the dyed bits looking more red, like described in some trivia on the old blog and in the game, but the final design definitely looks more pink than red, and while i do have a history of being absolute shit at identifying colours in people's hair, i've heard at least three people also say that his hair looks more pink than when it's described as red in game. but either way, pink or red, i love it :)
from the way he's described in the art book, original taku just sounds like final shou. an innocent lil guy who doesn't have a single troublemaking bone in his body. but then they decided to change things up with the childhood friend troupe and ta-dah! the quirky rouge we all know and love was born. it's not mentioned in the art book, but taku actually had a two design changes: one being the change from innocent to troublemaker and the other being quite minor, with just a few changes to his facial features. i think the change is quite noticeable between all three designs that were featured on the blog, and in-between taku did feature in a few of the art/sprite response posts, though i don't know which of the two updated designs were used in the official game art for the main menu and banners (i suspect his final one as the in-between design has slightly bluer eyes)
hikaru was the project's local design problem child lmao. he's just too complex of a character smh (hikki is like my inner monologue's daily punching bag, my teasing is my affection for him and it reflects in my ocs). hikki actually has three designs like taku, but the difference between all three is definitely more noticeable than taku's. the final design for him was decided to be the most accurate to what xel had in mind while creating him, and they were all relieved when the true hikki finally stepped up. the in-between design for hikaru is like his original design in the updated art style, but the final design is definitely the one that most screams "HIKARU" to me, especially considering how the in-between design looks like the youngest of all the love interests when hikki is meant to be the oldest by a few years. while the in-between design isn't used within the game as a sprite, it's actually the design used on the official main menu and banner art, and the sprite is used for the cover of hikaru's "before i met you" story!
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Eric Gall Galinn, 2023
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dungeonmistrix · 2 years
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First | Previous | Next page 12/5!
Page 2 of 8 of a mini-comic I co-produced with my DM, Then Let it Die. The comic is both prequel and a continuation of events from the first arc of our campaign!
New ambitions rise in the Galinn Republic as the current Storm King constructs his bastions against the incoming storm that is set to destroy the islands of Ila - including Galinn itself.
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pastel-mask · 3 months
GALINN ("Frenzied, Crazy")
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Leontios, buddy, your crazy is showing
"Shattered Sunrise" AU belongs to @pastel-mask (is me)
Please do not use my art without asking beforehand
Thankies <3
(Click/Tap and Zoom In to see DETAILIES!!! Or open in a new tab and zoom in that works too hehe)
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leofrith · 4 months
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same picture.
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fantroll-rps · 3 months
When Galinn is mad at her twin or needs a feelings jam with Wynnie, she puts a sign on her door that says "no cis zone", aka only Linn and her moirail are allowed in. He thinks it's way easier (and funnier) than genuinely telling Sil he needs alone time.
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galinn-arts · 2 years
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Miss grumpy pants
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kynvillingur · 7 days
þráðlausa netið í mh er að gera mig galinn
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cicidarkarts · 9 months
Blood Defied - 11: Culmination
< Previous Chapter | Chapter List | Next Chapter >
Credence groaned as Lucan lined the roster with names that weren’t hers. It was so unfair to be left out of the tournament. Well, for her anyway.
“Don't worry, Credence,” said Lucan. “Once you get better control over your Protego, you'll be able to join.” “Thanks, Lucan,” she said, though she doubted very much that she'd be able to.
With a final wave of his wand, the roster was filled. It was quite far up on the wall, its large letters looming over the battlefield. Ominis aimed his wand high. 
“Damn,” he spat. “My wand can't pick it up from so far away.” “Looks like you're paired with Leander Prewett first,” she said. “Sebastian is on the other side, against Charlotte Morrison.” “That means I'll need to win all my matches to face him,” said Ominis.
His eyes wandered down and his features hardened. Three victories in order to face Sebastian. Credence put her arm around his waist and nuzzled into him. 
“You can do this.”
Since Ominis was paired up on side B, they'd need to wait on side A's match first. In the middle of the clocktower was a raised ring—large and dark blue, an obvious outline of the battlefield. Those thrown over the edge or disarmed for longer than ten seconds officially lost. Participants couldn’t use wandless or non-verbal spells, but could use a wandless Accio to call the wand back to them if disarmed. The crowd gathered around, hungry for the first fight to begin, roaring and hooting.
“Final bets over here!” called Garreth Weasley.
Credence and Ominis headed out into the courtyard to get away from all the noise. Once either he or Sebastian were to fight, they would head inside. Until then, Ominis’ clammy hands couldn't stop fiddling with his wand and he needed fresh air.
“Need me to get you anything?” she asked as they sat in their usual spot.  “No, I'm all right.” “Okay, just let me know.”
He smiled and brushed his hand over hers. But his face soured and his eyes hardened when someone interrupted them.
“Figured I'd find you two out here,” said Sebastian. “Sorry to hear Brattleby banned you from the tournament, Cree.” “Yeah, but he had to do it.” “At least I'll get to fight you, right Ominis?” Ominis’ lips twitched but he didn't respond. “You can't seriously still be angry with me,” said Sebastian. “Of course I am,” he replied. He snapped shut his mouth. Credence figured he'd bitten his tongue before saying something nasty. “I already told you I'm sorry.”
The words hung in the chilly late autumn air. Sebastian stared at the ground, lips pulled back, but didn't harp any further.
“Leander Prewett versus Ominis Gaunt is up next!” Lucan announced.
Ominis stood and walked past Sebastian. “We'll discuss this later. In the dueling ring.”
As Credence kept up, she was sure that Sebastian had smiled. 
“Bets over here! Quickly now!” Garreth called. “Ten sickles on Prewett!” “No way, a galleon on Gaunt!”
Credence gave Ominis’ hand a squeeze before he climbed into the ring. From the front of the room, with his wand up to his neck, Lucan spoke loud and booming.
“Prewett versus Gaunt is about to begin! Combatants ready?” “Ready!” called Leander, brandishing his wand.  Ominis spun the hilt around in his palm. “Ready.” “Three, two, one— Duel!”
“Levioso!” called Leander.
The yellow sparks raced toward Ominis, but his calm and muted Protego bashed the bolts away. He retaliated with an Accio. Leander was torn across the ring, but halfway through cast a counterspell. He thudded to his feet and flourished his wand. 
“Expelliarmus!” “Galinn Maxima!”
Ominis’ spell was much faster. A force of wind burst from the tip of his wand. Leander staggered, throwing his spell randomly toward the ceiling as the wind battered his body. His wand nearly slipped out of his hand as the gale made him stumble backwards. The crowd went ballistic. Ones who bet on Ominis hollered with glee while those who bet on Leander grumbled and called out their distress.
“Woo!” Credence screeched over the crowd, hoping she wouldn’t be drowned out. “Go, Ominis!”
Before Leander could regain himself, Ominis flicked his wand up at him. 
“Flipendo!” “Protego!”                                                                   
The shield battered Ominis’ spell away. Spells blasted back and forth, and Protegos glinted in the streaming sunbeams. Leander couldn’t quite get the timing right—his shield always ricocheted spells in wild directions. Ominis cast a perfect Protego, absorbing the force of Leander’s Descendo.
His powered up Stupefy bashed Leander’s chest. Leander swayed on the spot, eyes dazed and unfocused. A final Galinn Maxima threw Leander out of the ring.
“That's the match!” called Lucan. “Gaunt wins!”
While half of the crowd groaned their favorite had lost, the other half roared with joy, yelling and high-fiving. Credence leapt into his arms the moment he was out of the ring. 
“That was awesome, Ominis!” He held her close. “I heard you going off in the crowd.” “My throat is gonna hate me.”
Though Credence thought she was screechy and loud, she didn't compare to the small group of girls that squealed and cheered for Sebastian in the following round. They held a sign up for him: his name etched in pretty handwriting, little doodles of pink hearts and colorful flowers all over it. For a second, Credence thought she should make a sign for Ominis. Until she realized she was dumb. At least Sebastian could see his sign, judging by the light pink tinge of his cheeks and overly confident smirk.
“Looks like Sebastian has some fans,” said Credence. “Hear them losing their minds?” “I’m sure the barmy nonsense is going straight to his head.” Credence giggled. “What?” “Barmy,” she said, laughing a bit louder.
They had to calm down and be quiet, though, as Sebastian took the stage for his match. Ominis’ face stiffened into concentration as he listened. Sebastian caught Credence's eye and gave her a goofy and excited thumbs-up, his eyes smiling alongside his huge grin. She grinned, shifting a bit as she returned his thumbs-up.
“Sallow versus Morrison!” Lucan announced. “Combatants ready?” “Ready!” called Charlotte, giving a little jump of delight. “Ready,” said Sebastian, assuming his typical fighting stance that resembled a fencer, his wand as the sword. His fans squealed with delight. “Three, two, one— Duel!”
Sebastian snatched her up before she could move. She yelped as she was torn across the stage by her Hufflepuff robes. She hardly even stopped when Sebastian shouted,
The poor girl was smacked into the ground and given no time to regain herself before Sebastian called yet another spell.
“Everte Statum!”
Charlotte flipped, feet over head over feet again. She hit the floor and scrambled and clawed to stay in the ring. Her leg had fallen out but she pulled herself back in. Her wand nearly fell out of her hand. When she got to her knees, she was finally able to cast a Protego, blocking Sebastian's oncoming Arresto Momentum. She panted behind her shield, which stayed up for quite some time. Credence couldn't blame her. Getting tossed around by Sebastian's fast wand work was no joke.
She glanced at Ominis to see his concentration deepening—his brow slightly furrowed, his jaw clenched. The rest of him was unmoving, full effort put into listening and observing in his own way. She kept her hands to herself so she wouldn't distract him. 
“Incendio!” cried Charlotte.
Before Credence could look back, a sudden blast of flame flew toward her. She grabbed Ominis and ducked down with him, as did the rest of the crowd.
When Credence looked back up, Sebastian had absorbed it with a perfect Protego. He aimed a Stupefy right at her chest. Charlotte staggered, eyes glazed and unfocused.
“Got a pretty strong Incendio there!” said Sebastian. “Too bad you have no control over it! Flipendo!”
Flipendo threw Charlotte right out of the ring. 
“Victory goes to Sallow!” called Lucan. 
Screams and joyous cries erupted from the crowd. His little group of fans giggled and squealed and called out Sebastian's name. One of them was gutsy enough to shout, 
“I love you!!”
Sebastian's face glowed as he sauntered out of the ring. He winked at the girls who about died and went to heaven.
Ominis stayed quiet, pondering. Credence tried not to bother him too much. She knew he was taking great pains to come up with a decent strategy for Sebastian's insane offense. They fought through the crowd so he could sit outside and consider his next move.
“Want me to get you anything?” she asked at the threshold.  “Please, if it's not too much trouble.”
She gladly went to the refreshment table and picked up a couple of things for him—a sandwich, some water, chips (or crisps as they called them), and a few things for herself as well. Most of the afternoon, she spent either chatting with Ominis about his strategies, or watching him or Sebastian duel. With each round, Ominis refined his techniques and found patterns in Sebastian’s dueling style.
By the end of the evening, when the final duels for the day took place, Ominis and Credence relaxed in the fresh air of the courtyard. Rather than talking about the tournament, Ominis listened to Credence talk about the thestrals and other beasts.
He cuddled against her, his arm tight around her waist. She’d just recently had to make a very complex potion to heal one of their sick kneazles, which got her chatting about how well Jane was doing after they retrieved the bloated fungal caps.
Throughout her stories, his hand would brush her hip or he would place a tender kiss upon her hair. The more she carried on, the closer he drew. He nuzzled against her neck, kissed her forehead, ran his hand along her thigh.
“A little excited, are we?” she said with a giggle. “Far more than just a little. You’re stunning, you know—how much you care about Jane and the others. Hearing you smile gets me very excited, angel.” She paused, her senses shocked by that pet name. “That is the hottest thing anyone has ever said to me.” He ran his fingertips along her neck. “Mm, you like when I call you angel?” “I love it.”
He kissed her lips. The fingers at her neck cupped her jaw and pulled her near. He took control, deepening their kiss with his tender tongue. His opposite hand caressed her curves, down the dip of her waist, tingling her flesh as he dug his fingertips into her hip. She explored his chest and shoulders, feeling their broadness against her palms, his slight build pleasing to the touch. She squeaked into his mouth when his hand decided to explore her chest as well.
She pulled back with a surprised, "Ominis, we're in public." His erotic flushed face and soft smirk made her groin twitch. "So you're saying if we went somewhere private,” he said, “we could continue?" She bit her lip and her heart fluttered. "I don't see why not. As long as we get cleaned up first." "And just what are you suggesting, darling?"
Stifling their giggles, they snuck off out of the bell tower and toward the nearest Floo Flame. Ominis kept groping at her hips and waist, and placing featherlight kisses upon her hair and cheek.
In the Ravenclaw common room, there were only a couple of people around with their noses in books. Most of the others had gone home for the weekend. One of the stragglers, Amit, was heading out with his astronomy books in tow. He passed by them and gave them a wholly innocent look of confusion. She didn't get to see if the realization dawned on him as she took Ominis toward the girl's side. On the middle floor was the communal girl's bath.
Credence peaked inside and coaxed, "Hello?"
No answer. She took him inside and locked the door behind them. At the end of the bathroom beyond the sinks was the deep inground bathtub. Credence had just enough time to point her wand at the faucet and turn it on before Ominis distracted her with kisses. His gentle fingers ran through her hair, moving it aside to grasp for her school tie. Ominis stripped her down, releasing the sweat and dirt from all her layers, dropping her clothes casually to the floor.
She took opportunities to relieve him of his burdensome clothes here and there, between letting him run his fingertips along her skin and admiring his build. His undershirt relayed vague hints of his body, tight in the shoulders, flowing gently down his stomach. She watched his deft fingers release the buttons, shedding off his shirt and tossing it to the heap of soiled and weary clothes.
He held her hand as they entered the hot, steamy water and led her to the stone benches on the sides of the tub. He took a moment to ensure the bench was under him before he sat, then pulled her toward him. Their nude flesh connected as she straddled his lap, sending gentle pleasurable ripples along her skin.
He lathered his hands and ran them across every inch of her, learning how she reacted to his touch; at first amateurish and making her giggle or squirm, but quickly intuiting what she wanted and needed. She hoped he felt the same about her clumsy and unpracticed hands. She soon found all the right ways to tease and delight him.
"Feeling good, darling?" he asked. "Very. This is really nice, isn't it?" "Mm," he hummed, moving toward her throat. "Very nice indeed."
His lips pressed against the sensitive skin, making her murmur and grasp his shoulders. With her graces, he continued deepening their intimacy. The water rose higher up their hips, enveloping them in tender warmth. He placed another passionate kiss upon her lips, leaving her in a blissful haze through the steam. When he took his lips and tongue away, she begged for the culmination of all their passion.
"Please, Ominis," she said, breathless. "Tell me what you want, Cree," he urged, voice soft. "I want to hear it." "Make love to me, Ominis. Please."
Nothing could take away the passion and memories of the first few moments—out of their elements, inexperienced; longing to serve one another, bathing in the ecstasy of unfamiliar sensations. Credence had heard that her first time would be painful, but Ominis was gentle and safe, and the warmth between them kept her calm. He buried his face in her chest as he found a soft rhythm.
She tried to stay quiet, latching onto him and holding him tight. Trailing kisses along his head and cheek quelled her rising excitement. After the water had stopped running and its steam settled, Credence said,
"Let's continue in my room, before someone walks in."
They gathered up their things in a hurry, tossing on only a few things for cover, before jogging up a floor to Credence's dorm. Ominis' starved hands were all over her, caressing her in the ways he learned she enjoyed. They hurried inside her dorm and rushed to her bed. A discarded pile of things quickly hit the floor as they climbed onto her pillowy soft mattress.
Now Ominis was above her. His dominant position made her bite her lip and quiver in anticipation. His damp hair was tousled, locks hanging down upon his forehead, cheeks flushing red as he felt her body once more.
"Let me know if I'm being too rough," he said. "I will."
But he wasn't even close. She held him tight, occasionally pleading for him to go harder, move faster. He obeyed her wishes, only being as hard or as soft as she asked. Their fevered breaths intertwined. The more excited he became, the more he hissed serpens to her. He spoke fervently, but she could only pick out a few repeated words: šchaëƒ, hàseƒ.
She tried to keep up with whispers and murmurs of encouragement as they furthered their union. She moved so in-sync with him that she felt they were one, as though something higher than them had willed their love into existence, as though she knew exactly what to do despite not having a clue. Every motion, every appreciative moan, somehow felt perfect. Her nails ran along his back as he marked her throat with his lips in turn.
By the time it was all over and she was drinking up the fruits of their labor, she wasn't sure what time it was. Her body's climactic shockwaves still surged through her, releasing all her tension and worries, making her a cuddly melty mess. They settled under the covers. He put his arm around her so that his hand could grasp her breast. 
"That was amazing, šchaëƒ." "Yeah," she agreed, still catching her breath. "That felt so good." "You're quite loud," he said. "Were you trying to alert the whole common room?" "I couldn't help it, I was trying not to." He snuggled against her, kissing the back of her head. "I loved it, knowing you were enjoying yourself." "What did that one word mean?" "What one word?" "When you were speaking serpens, you called me something a couple times." His grip on her tightened. "I… I was?" "Yeah. I mean, it was no big deal, I'm just curious." "Oh… I didn't even notice, I guess." She heard the frown permeating his voice. "Are you okay?" "I don't know, Cree. I mean, I don't mind speaking parseltongue around you when I want to. At least, I thought maybe I didn’t. It's a little disconcerting to know I don't always have control over it." "Why? It's just us here." "I know, but… Losing control like that—what if it happened to the rest of my shitty genetics? Imagine losing control over my Legilimency." "God forbid you have unfiltered access to my mind."
This coaxed a laugh from his tense body, which relaxed against her once more.
“That word,” he continued. “Hàseƒ. I was calling you angel.” She embraced his arms, relaxing against his tranquil, warm chest. “That’s beautiful, Ominis. Even when you lost control of your parseltongue, you were still you: sweet, gentle. I never felt unsafe. I just wanted you to know that.”
They went silent, Ominis' usual contemplative air resting upon them. He snuggled against her back, face resting in her hair at the nape of her neck. Somewhere in the midst of his blustering thoughts, their rhythmic breaths, and the peace of her dorm, she fell asleep. 
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austerulous · 2 years
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◈   @ofspvrta​
Even now, she could feel Galinn’s teeth in her hand.  There were pieces of him she would never shake loose, fragments that remained splintered in her flesh, buried in the sinew of her bruised heart.  His betrayal poisoned her blood, infecting her with a terrible blight of mistrust.  Not even cutting his throat in retribution had offered a cure.  If anything, his demise had infected the wound.
Soma moved through the raucous merrymakers, set apart even in the crowd.  Loneliness stalked her through the longhall, but purpose drove her forwards.  Pricked by fury, bleeding from wounds that were invisible to the naked eye.  Duty over joy, always.  The needs of many over the few, over her own personal desires.
Eivor Varinsdottir was a generous host.  Wood smoke softened the stale stink of spilt ale, of fire-roast meat, of piss, of blood.  This hallowed space hummed with conversation and discordant bursts of song.  Displaced, the Lord of Grantebridge was drawn to another who was alone among the revelry.
“Kassandra, isn’t it?”  Soma made it her business to know names, to remember faces.  Eivor had pointed the traveller out to her, explaining that she had chosen to rest her road-weary bones in Ravensthorpe.  “You have chosen well – few halls offer as warm a welcome as this one.  A fine place to rest, to roost among the ravens.”
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polaris-paws · 15 days
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commissioned my girl from @galinn-arts !!! thank you so much!! i am so happy with her!
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skyshardmusic · 1 year
[Emotional Epic Orchestra] Skyshard - Portraits of Hope (feat. Darkspeen Shore)
First one of the last two uploads from Tiny Sky done!
Portraits of Hope is now on YT, featuring Darkspeen Shore
And also an amazing artwork by Galinn Arts which fits greatly for this!
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theunsinkablesappho · 4 years
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Galinn’s Betrayal Revealed
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dungeonmistrix · 2 years
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First | Previous | Next
Page 1 of 8 of a mini-comic I co-produced with my DM, Then Let it Die. The comic is both prequel and a continuation of events from the first arc of our campaign!
New ambitions rise in the Galinn Republic as the current Storm King constructs his bastions against the incoming storm that is set to destroy the islands of Ila - including Galinn itself.
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pastel-mask · 2 months
- -𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩- -
Started - July 17th, 2024
Last Updated - July 17th, 2024
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𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙎𝙪𝙣𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙚 𝘼𝙐 (Status: Ongoing)
- Introduction -
It's 4 years after the two-day invasion of New York City by the Kraang. The turtles were victorious over the Kraang, and everything has been more or less quiet ever since...
...Until Mikey starts to have strange dreams.
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𝙍𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙎𝙝𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙨
- 9th Century Turtles & Co. -
Thegn Draxum
Hamato Yoshi
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𝙈𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙘 (Status: Ongoing)
Content Warnings:
Slight? Eyestrain, Missing Limbs/Body Parts, Blood, Serious Injury.
(Lemme know if I missed any.)
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𝙑𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨
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𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙨 & 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩-𝙉𝙤𝙩
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Link Here!
It's 100% free and no AdFly or anything like that! <3
A Couple Preview Pics Below! There's a lot more than just what's in these four pictures! <3
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fantroll-rps · 2 months
For the record, if you wanna understand Galinn and Wynnie more, watch the movie Summer School (1987) and pay attention to Chainsaw and Dave. They're a similar vibe.
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