#gandalf the annoying
emyn-arnens · 1 year
Gosh I just love book Legolas. He's immortal. He's a teenager. Elrond picks him instead of Glorfindel because he's average and won't draw attention to the Fellowship. He's the comic relief guy and resident Little Shit, but he can also shoot a Nazgul out of the sky in the pitch black like a one-man elf anti-aircraft defense system. He wants everyone to know that he's, like, really old. He forgets the task at hand because he wants to look at trees. His greatest qualities are that he can become friends with anyone and his loyalty is unending. He shows up to Valinor a century late with Starbucks in hand and his dwarf bestie at his side. Iconic.
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call-me-cosmic · 4 days
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Gandalf is Gan-done
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ROUND 4: GOOSE (untitled goose game) VS GANDALF THE GREY (all natural baebay!!)
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I love Hobbit fanfics where The Company finds out how old Bilbo is and get furious at Gandalf because they think they’ve accidentally brought a kid on a quest because of different ages in their cultures they’re so funny because Bilbo is just stood there like “I’m an adult 😒”
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oingomyboingos · 6 months
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happy halloween from gandalf the slay 🪄🧙🏻‍♂️💖
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lotrlorien · 4 months
I miss the time when tumblr gif size limit was smaller and the gifs were smaller in sizes (245px or 500px, 10 gifs/pics max). Now all the posts are so large because the gifs are so big: multiple 540px gifs. Don't get me wrong: the edits & gifs are gorgeous but I just miss the time when the posts were smaller. I just miss old tumblr & I'm stuck in the past.
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justpostsyeet · 1 year
Why you all are sleeping on Celebrimbor!?
Even when TROP has dilf-ied him 🤨!?
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imperialstark · 7 months
Honestly, the st*cky/Team Cap, side of the MCU fandom are SUCH yt Americans filled with American exceptionalism (that they’ve deluded themselves is somehow moral and progressive) I can see them doing a jan 6 if they had like, any ability to do anything but be annoying
(stuck as a ship was like the prototypical 100% were u queerbaited or did you just ship it? question they have never asked themselves lol. At least most other MCU ships were based on actual chemistry not a story that ended up being about Steve wanting to save the last piece of his old life who he then immediately abandoned to actually go return to said old life, didn’t even take bcuk just noped out of there, so much for devotion lololol turns out Steve did it all for mental a pathological inability to let go and move on it was never even bout buck as like a person it was about Steve’s untreated PTSD lol)
((I’m being mean because stickies are SUCH assholes, it would be an ok ship but fuuucccckkkkk they suck);
ship and let ship but don't be an asshole about it
also i have Thoughts about the way bucky was written especially in relation to steve but that's another post and i do not feel like kicking the hornet's nest
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cosmicrhetoric · 1 year
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me when i make a simple and easily fixed faux pas at work and people laugh react on ms teams
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gayremlinwithguitar · 3 months
Me: flattens my chest, wears only masc clothing, has a mustache
My voice:
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emcant · 7 months
Had a very elaborate dream about Peter Jackson's Long Expected Party scene, except the band struck up "Thank God I'm A Country Boy" and everyone LOST it
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asteromorph · 1 year
i love polls B)
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georgethem · 3 months
ok so i know everyone is joking about gandalf bringing a firework shaped like a dragon to bilbo's 111th birthday given bilbo's dragon trauma, but actually i think that was kind of the point? the rest of the hobbits (incl frodo) were freaked out by the firework, but not bilbo, because he'd seen an actual dragon and immediately knew the difference between that and a firework. if you look closely during the scene, he's not at all distressed and is just annoyed with the other hobbits for freaking out. it's a scene that's meant to show how naive and provincial the hobbits (with the exception of bilbo) are, and it's a rare moment of frodo's pre-quest innocence. bilbo is the only hobbit in hobbiton who has seen The Horrors, but that's all going to change soon.
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mushroomates · 9 months
legolas headcanons:
is, by all accounts, the worlds most awkward elf
most of the fellowship doesn’t even realize how weird he is
thranduil did not socialize his boy well. legolas is not aloof he just has no idea what he’s supposed to be doing.
will walk very slowly with exaggerated movements around hobbits because he thinks they won’t see him otherwise.
the hobbits thinks this is elf custom. frodo theorizes this is because elves want to rest their eyes and ears when they’re at home, so other elves like to announce themselves so no one gets spooked.
this is aided by the fact that legolas loudly announces his presence whenever he enters the room, just incase you missed it.
this conclusion is false. legolas will approach other elves by charging at them, full speed. alternatively, shooting an arrow in their vicinity for a vibe check.
he also likes shooting at people to wake them up and/or scare them
legolas likes that it’s a gentle reminder to his companions that he could kill them at any time and they should be honored that he doesn’t.
aragorn has options about this. legolas tells him that he should be grateful that such a skilled elf is on his side and cares for him. aragorn maintains that if legolas really cared, the elf would stop waking him up with ‘good morning’ shots. he also would like to note that legolas’s loud singing is only slightly better than an arrow flying at you first thing in the morning:
legolas tries to make friends by staring at them from afar and when they look at him he looks away. like a cat. he will also blink at u as if to say “look! i like you! i’m closing my eyes!!!” again, like a cat.
will bring you small gifts to curry favor, also like a cat. interesting rocks and pretty feathers, samples of dirt, fallen leaves in different shapes and colors, and whatever flowers are near by and catch his eye. gets very upset if you don’t marvel at them for the appropriate amount of time.
will eat bites off of your plate. this is a form of endearment. he’s showing he trusts you and likes you. he’s also showing his inability to cook and hopes you’ll take pity on him by sharing your food.
sometimes will intentionally walk loudly around the camp if he’s bored, angry, or lonely so he can wake aragorn up and they can be awake together :)
likes to sing, loudly, at inappropriate times
no one in the fellowship has seen him piss. some of the hobbits are under the impression that elves don’t pee. aragorn and gandalf do not correct them.
up at the asscrack of dawn. this is annoying, because he’s chipper, looks amazing, and is a tad judgements that you aren’t as well.
captain obvious as well as worlds most unhelpful elf ever. will point out your mistake, claim to know how to fix it and half the time not offer the solution or his assistance.
cannot do laundry. he doesn’t even get dirty enough to consider it, and with how little people in middle earth wash their clothes anyway, none of his clothes have been cleaned for easily centuries.
is very confused by dogs. doesn’t understand what he’s supposed to do with them. they’re always so happy and want (physical???) attention and,, it’s not a one and done thing either. you’re supposed to keep petting them? after you already pet them.
they’re like wolves, but smaller and maybe stupider. they also stink. boromir has explained to him many times that dogs are man’s best friend and are beautiful creatures. this worries legolas, because that means either dogs are more evolved than they let on,, or men are significantly further behind than elves than he first thought..
can not play the harp. is upset by this fact.
never really bothered to learn how to harp, either.
he believes he should be able to play the harp regardless because the harp is just a big bow with many strings. this is, in fact, false.
will eat anything. mushrooms and questionable berries mean nothing to him.
this upsets aragorn as he believes legolas is setting a bad example for the hobbits, dispite hobbits having the most durable digestive systems. (note: elves can eat almost anything, but hobbits have the stomach of a labrador retriever. they are always hungry, can can eat anything, even what they’re not supposed to)
DID set a bad example for boromir, who mistakingly ate some of the berries legolas offered him and had the shits for weeks.
is like 90% sure who frodo is. it’s definitely one of the hobbits. it’s probably not the one with the pony.
is faceblind. he can’t recognize other people’s faces for the life of him. if you asked him to pick out aragorn in a sea of humans, he’d panic dispite knowing the man for 50+ years.
this also goes for all races, including dwarves. gimli thought he might just be racist and covering his ass, but then watched him stall for like 30 minutes making small talk with some lorien elves and try (and fail) to pick celeborn out of the crowd.
does know what galadriel and thranduil look like. has a hard time pointing out elrond.
will forget your name almost immediately after you tell him. guys like 3k old and has met a lot of people give him a break
to be fair he does know who you are and what you sound/look like. defining features like voice and hair help a lot. it’s just if you were to give him a book of cropped faces and ask him to name, just one,,, he’d panic and throw it at you.
feels robbed of the golden ages,, resents the fact that the world he knows is drastically different that the world he could have been. wishes there were more elves his age and just more elves in general.
that being said he wouldn’t change this for anything as the world he’s in gave him the friends he’s made and the adventure of a life time :)
he doesn’t wash his hands. like ever or at all.
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spinningalbinoturtle · 5 months
Thanksgiving headcanons for the Lotr crew
Its hosted in Rivendell but Elrond lets people extend the invite to others so everyone comes
Sam is in the kitchens from 6am cooking a million things-he also brought several side dishes premade
Frodo is all over the decorations and setting the table but he also made some cookies
Arwen is also very particular about this particularly the table
She has made a seating chart which she hopes will minimize squabbling
She has also set some ground rules like no dissing on your child’s interracial marriage (for Elrond and Thranduil)
Bilbo helps Sam cook in the morning but then he starts drinking around midday and doesn’t stop til he is dragged to bed by Frodo and Erestor
While Elrond is hosting he doesn’t do much just sits around and judges
He and Thranduil will be breaking Arwen’s rules
Thranduil and Gloin out drink Bilbo. They are having a silent drinking contest which has not been spoken of. Each one just decided to out drink the other
Thranduil wins cause he drinks like three bottles of a wine a day
Gimli and Legolas are just trying to avoid their parents
Thankfully Arwen sat them at the opposite end of the table
Unfortunately near Elrond who asks several awkward questions about how elf/dwarf sex works (he’s curious from a medical standpoint)
Bilbo drunkenly tells them how he had a dwarf boyfriend once so he totally understands what they’re going through at which point Frodo cuts off his wine supply
Frodo is actually trying to slow down Bilbo’s drinking all evening but with little success
Elladan and Elrohir have bonded with Merry and Pippin who introduced them to pipeweed. The four of them are stoned out of their minds and consequently eat more than everyone else. Arwen doesn’t understand what’s wrong with her brothers.
Aragorn is in charge of the turkey. Its excellent
He is mostly trying to hide from Elrond the whole time
Boromir tries to assist him with helpful turkey roasting tidbits but Aragorn would rather just do it himself
Eventually he assigns Boromir to the stuffing- its actually not bad
Erestor keeps Elrond occupied, they hang out and play chess in the middle of all the chaos
Glorfindel is the guy who is just ready for the holiday season to start
He keeps pestering Maglor to play Yule carols but Elrond’s rule is not until after dinner
Gandalf sits around and smokes and occasionally yells at Pippin. He takes turns hanging out with Bilbo and getting him drunker, hanging out with Elrond and Galadriel
Galadriel intimidates everyone no one knows where she was before or after dinner
Celeborn brought lembas rolls and cranberry sauce
Faramir makes a mean pumpkin pie
He’s just happy to be included. He fangirls over all the elves who indulge him mostly
Eowyn is enjoying watching the antics. She can’t cook for shit so she doesn’t bother to help with that but she does help clean up
So do Merry and Pippin but only because Gandalf forced them
Eomer brings “traditional Rohirric appetizers” and its smoked horse meat. Pippin and Sam are horrified to learn this.
Everyone has their favorite: Sam’s is obvs PO-TAY-TOES. Frodo likes cranberry sauce. Merry inhales stuffing. Pippin loves rolls.
Drunkest in order of most to least would be: Thranduil, Gloin, Bilbo, Gimli, Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Aragorn (but you can’t tell), Eomer, Eowyn, Glorfindel, Sam (he would’ve drunk more but he was busy cooking), Elladan, Elrohir (they’re so high they don’t drink much) Arwen (not a big drinker), Frodo(alcohol fucks with his anxiety so he just has one glass of wine) Faramir (who’s a teatotler cause he thinks if he did drink he’d become an alcoholic).
Lots of songs are sung before people start to retire for bed
Legolas and Gimli have sex really loudly between their fathers’ rooms to annoy them
Galadriel shows up around midnight and helps finish cleaning up
The clean up crew includes Eowyn, Merry, Faramir, Pippin, Gandalf, and Legolas and Gimli. They have a great time.
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elven-sisters · 10 days
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I've always wondered if elven children are also annoying? 🤔 Gandalf with little Arwen ✨
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