#ganyu x dainsleif
heaven-s-black-box · 2 months
Notes- They Teach you to Dance Furina & More
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Recovery date: April 3rd, 2024
Description: Your partner teaches you to dance. Includes Furina, Ganyu, Dainsleif, Zhongli, Traveler Twins
Notes: N/a
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The reason for these headcanons, one of her teapot voice lines is her offering to teach you how to dance
She definitely forgets to instruct you at first, she just starts leading you in a dance as she hums a tune
If you have some dancing experience, that probably won’t be a problem, if you’ve never danced before…
She definitely takes it slow, she’s just been dancing for so long she forgets to explain
She will step on your toes just as much as you’ll step on her’s because of this
She will twirl you to teach you how to twirl her, once you’ve got that down she won’t twirl you anymore
She will also throw herself into a dip, if you let her drop she will pout and sulk
The best fix for this is to pull her up and into another waltz with a twirl
Once you’ve learned how to dance she expects you to lead, even if she initiates
Loves big dances, both in number of attendees and flourish of the dance
Overall 8/10 teacher and 10/10 dance partner
She can definitely dance, Cloud Retainer taught her, she just doesn’t dance often
Teaching wise I think she’s a great instructor, at least verbally
In the beginning she gets so fixed on explaining and watching your movements that she trips up
Please reassure her that you’re following okay, she’s not used to being in charge
You’ll definitely learn faster with her then Furina because in teaching you she’s also reminding herself
She won’t teach you anything fancy, but if you go and learn a twirl or dip she will break
You will have to initiate any dances, unless someone has told her she should dance in which case she will ask you
Also preference dancing alone and not in a large group, sweep her away to a balcony during a Qixing event and you can dance all you’d like
Preferes swaying to music over an actual waltz
In the end, 8/10 instructor and 10/10 dance partner
He can dance, he was the captain of a royal guard, but it has been awhile
Seriously, you’re basically learning together
You also definitely have to ask him to teach you, Furina and Ganyu might offer but Dain won’t
Once you start dancing muscle memory kicks in and it sort of ends up like Furina teaching you
He can’t really explain what to do, so he kind of just drags you with him
By the time he figures out how to explain you’re halfway to figuring it out yourself
If he’s teaching you to dance before the fall of Khaenri’ah disregard everything before this, he is the best teacher on this list
Prior to the fall he will always initiate dances, if he’s attending and event and not on duty, after the fall you’ll have to initiate and he’ll be a bit reluctant
Chances are you aren’t at a formal event, so he sees no point in dancing, so if you want to dance you have to ask
Before the fall it is a point of honor to ask you to dance
Will always lead, another silly point of honor
Before the fall, 10s across the board, after the fall, 4/10 teacher and 9/10 dance partner
Can dance, not very fluidly and it is definitely a rusty skill now but he can
During his prime he was a good teacher, just a little stiff
Now he’s kind of like Dain, the muscle memory is there but very rusty
He will, however, ask Madam Ping to re-teach him how to dance so that he can teach you
So, you might step on each other's feet a few times but he will actually teach you
He prefers to initiate dances, like Dain it’s a point of pride, but he’s always happy when you do too
Will lead or follow your lead
Hu Tao as, on occasion, meddled to get him to ask you to dance
Like Ganyu he doesn’t really like big sweeping dances, he prefers being able to sway together to the music
Definitely a 9/10 teacher and partner only because he’s a bit stiff
They can dance, definitely, they’re usually eachother’s partner
They’re also definitely smooth, you cannot convince me they would start stomping wars when they stepped on eachother’s feet
Both twins will ask you to dance, and if they ask you to dance they’ll lead– unless you ask to lead
I mentioned the twins are usually each others partner, it worked the same way between them– Lumine has been smacked in the face by Aether’s braid while twirling him and they’ve both definitely dropped each other in a dip on purpose
The twins don’t mind waltzes that travel, but they aren’t big fans of partner swapping dances
Aether likes dipping his partner, and Lumine likes twirling hers, but they both like being twirled
Sharing a rating, the twins are 10/10 teachers and 10/10 partners
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beidousfavwh0re · 2 years
including: albedo, ayato, Scaramouche, Beidou, Ningguang, kaeya, Diluc, Heizou, Dainsleif, eula, Ganyu, xiao, zhongli, Kazuha, yelan, thoma, Lisa, rosaria and childe
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-I imagine a slow burn fanfiction, like the type of one where they almost kiss on the 50th chapter and then they’re interrupted
-omg and there’s definitely some kind of element where they’re both in denial for ages because they don’t know how to accept their feelings
-they find out about their feelings because jealousy
-I’m thinking a ‘spoiled rich kid meets the one thing he can’t just buy’ kinda dynamic
-like he really wants to have this person and has to work for them rather than buy their love
-but it serves as character development as well cuz he’s now just a really sweet person who now sees the world like everyone else rather than some kind of monopoly game
-cliche enemies to lovers .
-it’s not even a slow burn. They just realise they kinda do like each other actually. And they understand each other more than anyone else understands them
-even better if it’s dickhead meets even bigger dickhead.
-like they’re just so good at pissing each other off that when they are left alone in a broken elevator they just kinda bond
-I’m seeing a friends to lovers but one is a big extrovert and doesn’t have any shame whereas the other is an introverted nerd who dies if someone talks to them
-and then they get together and all of a sudden everyone notices the existence of this person
-Beidou invites the person to travel with her and they’re just chilling on the Crux, watching the sea while everyone else is chatting all the time
-Ningguang has a secretary or meets a business person who’s married
-let’s just say they fall in love but the person is married and in a controlling relationship so they run away for Ningguang
-just a shame the person has to be in the spotlight with Ningguang
-I’m genuinely just thinking about one of those high school AUs with the parties in the rich kids house
-truth or dare.
-except the person has to kiss their best friend’s brother, Kaeya, who’s a bit of an asshole.
-kaeya is a year older and is the guy in his year who could get with any chick he wanted but he doesn’t
-turns out he’s shy but still can’t help being kinda rude to everyone.
-I’m thinking hero meets villain
-the villain is kinda hot and is the only person Diluc hasn’t been able to just destroy and now they’re on his mind
-then they just keep coming back like one morning they’re sitting at the counter after making breakfast for diluc
-turns out they can’t stop thinking about him too even as everyone’s trying to kill them
-similar dynamic except he’s forced to arrest a person falsely convicted of murder and he releases them but they just keep showing up.
-not necessarily in his house but when he’s buying stuff, they’re always nearby
-they just awkwardly wave and pretend it’s not like he’s stalking them
-Dainsleif falls in love with the sweetest soul on earth like an absolute angel who happens to be a florist
-but he’s immortal and would put them in danger if they were to be together so he’s forced to distance himself and admire them from a distance
-but they have already fallen for him so he’s forced to protect them for the rest of their mortal life
-I’m imagining Eula loving someone simple
-they don’t have much going on in their life like maybe they’re just an ordinary baker who gets rude customers sometimes and likes to vent about them
-eula would settle down for a simple life with this person and be able to ignore her problems to listen about theirs
-I don’t imagine this being a complex love story. I imagine it to be a straight forward kinda story that’s just cute-
-hear me out
-Ganyu falls in love with some kind of model or actor/actress who is super confident and seems above the world
-Ganyu doesn’t have that self confidence and is just kind of shy around this person. They, however, see Ganyu as just stunning
-they help Ganyu to gain self confidence and worship her
-just some kind of cute, fluffy dynamics
-similiar kind of vibes as Dainsleif except I see Xiao being more vulnerable to someone who is also immortal and carries the same burdens as him
-this person is also kind. They don’t chase after Xiao like a rabid dog but were persistent enough to actually get Xiao to talk to them.
-he is able to talk to them about his problems and become vulnerable and they are able to slowly take down his walls.
-I’m thinking friends to lovers
-I can see Zhongli searching for some a person that is always there and he knows would never leave so I can’t see him liking a mortal
-I can’t see him having any kind of complex story
-I think it would be another friends to lovers except I can see it being someone he’d recently met that’s immortal rather than a long term friend
-met at a party hosted by Beidou
-both got high together while everyone else mainly stayed away from the drugs
-woke up on top of each other on the floor, half undressed and limbs tangled
-he gets apologetic about it but keeps in touch with the person and they hang out more and more, especially with everyone else
-I can see some kind of friends with benefits thing happening
-okay probably not gonna happen but
-the person is a treasure hoarder that’s plotting against yelan and then yelan catches them and they’re like MOMMY?!
-like mf really expected a Karen with wrinkles and npc features but got the hottest gambler in liyue
-just imagining someone who desperately needed help in inazuma like they got lost or don’t have enough mora for something
-then thoma just appears out of nowhere and saves them from trouble
-but this stuff keeps happening and Thoma is somehow always there
-and then they have to help thoma when his vision is almost yoinked
-bookshop. That’s all I have to say.
-Lisa finds a bookshop and picks out a book to read which the bookshop owner happens to love. Then they recommend a book that’s a lot better and happens to be their favourite
-Lisa goes back to talk about the books she’s recommended and they have really long conversations
-then they’re offered a job as library assistant and take it up part time while occasionally checking on the bookshop and doing small jobs there
-and then they slowly fall in love like just imagine one moment where Lisa and this person are on opposite sides of the bookshelf and their hands touch when they both reach for a book
-and then they share the book like that scene in DDLC
-just imagining an absolute saint like someone who loves peace and order and can never do anything wrong and then just the complete opposite
-this person who’s constantly trying to be nice to Rosaria and then is constantly denied
-until the person snaps and has a breakdown in front of Rosaria, shouting at her
-Rosaria is just slowly hating this person less
-then Rosaria just kinda changes them
-they start hanging out and they start to just become straight unholy
-I’m thinking something like his story quest
-a complete stranger finds teucer wandering around alone and is concerned so they take him to liyue harbour where they find childe
-childe asks if they can take care of teucer and they say of course because they love taking care of children
-when teucer meets childe again he’s talking about how he wants to see them again
-when they next meet the person has been hired as a babysitter for childe. They take their youngest sister as well so teucer and her can play together
-it doesn’t take long for childe to fall in love
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l0rdgeosupport3rr · 11 months
Underneath the stone mask
Tags: Rimming,tongue in ass, fucking a dead body (necrophilia)
Synopsis: (For continuity purposes, it is highly recommended that you read the first part called: Planet Befall. It's on my page before proceeding with this continuation of the series.)
Part 1:
Xiao stood on top of Mt. Hu Lao, staring up at the sky while breathing deeply and closing his eyes. He had come up to escape the noise and to mourn for his fellow fallen adepti when a screeching, ringing noise made him crouch down while slapping his hands over his ears.
“Dainsleif… save me!” a female voice screamed while sobbing.
‘Who…?’ Xiao’s thought was interrupted as the ringing noise intensified.
When he shut his eyes, he saw a vision of you being pinned to the ground, upper body exposed and littered with marks and small bruises. Your face was tear-stained, with irritated eyes and dried snot, and behind the swollen eyelids from crying so much, Xiao could see the sorrow, the defeat.
The ringing dissipated, and he slowly opened his eyes, letting go of his ears.
‘…Dainsleif?’ Xiao whispered, confused, and he put his hand on his chin, falling deeper into thought about this ‘Dainsleif’. He teleported to the Wangshuu Inn to see Zhongli.
Zhongli stood on the balcony at the Wangshuu Inn, peering over the landscape that made Liyue. Eyes the color of cor lapis, once hardened from war, softly gazed upon the region with fondness.
“My pride and joy,” he said right as Xiao materialized behind him with a flash of black and green.
“Rex Lapis,” he greeted, and while Zhongli did not turn back, he knew Xiao was bowing. Even though the latter gave up his Gnosis, the Adeptus continued to treat him like he was still an Archon.
“Xiao, you know you’ve always been my favorite, right?’’ Zhongli asked lightly with a chuckle.
Xiao did not speak as his face flushed from embarrassment.
Zhongli was smiling as he held out his hand to his Adeptus. “Come, let's get you home so I can give you your medicine for your karmic debt.”
Xiao and Zhongli return home. The former’s medicine is administered and he rests for a bit, with Zhongli overseeing him.
Zhongli deepened the kiss with Xiao, bringing the latter closer. When they were pressed together, Xiao could feel Zhongli’s clothed erection against his.
Zhongli lifted Xiao up without breaking the kiss and gently placed him on the bed before pulling away, leaving a saliva trail between their mouths. He lowered his head to Xiao’s neck, and Xiao felt his hot breath against his skin before the sensation of the latter’s teeth digging into the crook. Xiao gasped, which urged Zhongli to continue to attack that area with licks and sucking until he saw a hickey form.
Xiao let out a string of mewls and moans as Zhongli continued to leave hickeys in his wake.
“You were made just for me,” he murmured against Xiao’s neck before getting up and readjusting himself. He placed his finger on the hem of Xiao’s pants and slowly dragged it down to his clothed erection. Zhongli traced his finger around, teasing Xiao, and the latter bit back a moan.
“Don't go quiet on me now, General Alatus,” he teased as he palmed Xiao’s clothed cock, and they both could see the wetness of precum leaking through his pants.
“Hmm… It seems your body speaks for you, Alatus,” Zhongli mused, bringing back his finger to the hem of Xiao’s pants and pulling down his pants swiftly, exposing his underwear and straining his cock.
“These have to go now,” he said, and once those words were uttered, Xiao saw glimpses of a red sky and Zhongli’s archon form, holding a dagger with lust and hatred within his amber eyes.
‘This is the same woman from before in my other vision! Morax…? What is he doing…’ Xiao’s train of thought was interrupted by a wet sensation at his balls—his Lord’s tongue.
Zhongli trailed towards Xiao’s asshole before peppering the puckered rim with light kisses. He licked rapidly at Xiao’s hole, eventually slowing down only to enter his ass. The ex-Archon elongated his tongue to pleasure his subordinate, wrapping his arms around Xiao’s thighs to bring him closer.
At that moment, Xiao was brought back to the same scene of his previous visions, but this time, Morax was gripping your hips and moving you closer to his tip, while you lay there on the Khaenri’ahn soil, struggling against him.
‘Rex Lapis… did you violate a mortal?! No, no, that can’t be… Why am I only getting these visions with Rex Lapis…?’ Xiao thought in disbelief. Once more, he was brought back to the present by Zhongli’s hand wrapping his large hand around his cock, and the tip of his tongue hitting his prostate. Zhongli gave Xiao’s softening cock a few pumps to maintain his hardness but to no avail.
Xiao’s thoughts and the visions he received were messing with his erection and feelings toward Zhongli. Before he knew it, his Lord had reverted his tongue to its original shape and retracted from Xiao's ass. He took his hand off Xiao’s limp cock and petted his head softly.
“You seem distracted, Xiao. What is the matter?” he asked with a sad tone but with concern in his eyes.
‘I must think of something believable so he won’t be suspicious of me’
“Rex Lapis, I must hurry. Someone has called for me,” he said, trying to keep his tone even. Zhongli said nothing as he quickly gave Xiao his clothes and helped him get dressed. With a short goodbye, the Adeptus teleported away.
Right after his subordinate left, Zhongli’s look of concern quickly contorted into a disgustingly sweet smile.
“Well, well, it seems it’s about time to visit you, [name], my treasure.” He murmured quietly while letting out a low chuckle, getting up and approaching the door.
Ganyu was sitting on a rock on Mt. Tianheng, catching some rest when Xiao appeared. She woke up with a startle, eyes widened in shock. “X-Xiao? How may I help you?” she asked, her eyes scanning him for any injuries. Her attention was drawn to a bruise, peeking out of his collar.
“What are those marks on your neck—?” She was interrupted.
“Ganyu, you are the only other person I trust with this information,” Xiao stated gravely before continuing. “I need help investigating Rex Lapis.”
Ganyu’s eyes widened further. Investigating Rex Lapis? She knew her fellow Adeptus was fiercely loyal to him as Rex Lapis had saved him from his old Master, so to imply that their Lord has a dark secret… That is nothing to throw about lightly. She let him continue.
“And I need help reaching Lumine without arousing his suspicion. I have reason to believe he murdered a mortal, which goes against our core beliefs as Adepti.”
“But why…? And how—that doesn’t sound right..” Ganyu responded quietly.
Xiao’s eyes were downcast for a moment before he spoke further, locking her gaze with his own. “I know how bizarre it sounds, but I need your and Lumine’s help. We must investigate this ourselves without incident.
“Do not tell the others until we have solid proof.” He walked closer to Ganyu and reached out his hand to hers. After a moment of hesitating, Ganyu reached out to it with her own, and he held it tightly while looking directly at her.
“Ganyu, listen, this is serious. I know your feelings toward Rex Lapis may be positive, but if he went against our beliefs of never harming mortals, then there must be consequences for that.”
It was at this point that Ganyu noticed Xiao was shaking, barely holding back tears. He couldn’t believe that the same god who saved him and built Liyue with his own hands harmed mortals, even if they were from the fallen kingdom of Khaenri’ah.
Ganyu took her hand from his, only to wrap her arms around his back and bring him closer for a hug. She rested her chin on his head and stroked his hair, and immediately she felt his arms around her.
Xiao always enjoyed Ganyu’s hugs. They always grounded him, and she was one of the only people he would allow physical touch from. This continued for a bit until he sensed Zhongli’s presence at Mt Tianheng.
He pulled back. “Ganyu.”
She stopped stroking his hair and let him go. “What happened?” she asked curiously while keeping her voice quiet.
“Rex Lapis is here. It’s the perfect time to start investigating.” Xiao ordered. With a thundering heart, Ganyu nodded.
Ganyu and Xiao both looked around, trying to find the location of their archon. After twenty minutes had passed, Xiao finally noticed Rex Lapis.
“Look, Ganyu, it’s him,” He pointed at Zhongli’s figure as they stood just outside of his view, “and he’s heading towards that cave.”
Ganyu nodded and he beckoned her to follow him. From a distance, the two of them watched as Zhongli retreated into the cave. They both waited a few minutes before deciding to follow him, making sure to keep quiet.
Both adepti look around to find where Zhongli could have gone. Ganyu’s ears picked up a low humming noise and she followed the source until she ventured into a part of the cave that was full of petrified stone statues.
She stared in awe and shock, her jaw-dropping. She knew what Rex Lapis was capable of, but to see the figures up close like this… Clutching her chest from fear, Ganyu whisper-shouted, “Xiao!”
Xiao teleported next to her to witness the sight that fell before her.
“Listen to me, Ganyu. Take out your Kamera to take pictures.” He said calmly. “We must not let emotion affect our actions of exposing Rex Lapis—not to mention that we need to show this to the traveler and the other adepti. It is imperative we deliver these to the traveler because she could help us plead our case.”
‘Strange… I cannot sense Rex Lapis anywhere, even though we both saw him enter the cave.’ Xiao thought as he took photos of the statues with the Kamera. At the same time, Ganyu noticed a dagger with dried golden blood on the blade.
“Xiao,” she murmured, pointing at the dagger, “look at this. It’s Rex Lapis’s blood.”
Xiao immediately made his way to the rusty dagger coated with the blood of their archon, and took a photo of it.
“We should leave before Rex Lapis comes back,” he said softly. With a nod, both adepti teleported out of the cave.
‘Good thing the fellow adepti and traveler don’t know about Guizhong’s secret abode,’ Zhongli let out a dark chuckle after that thought.
“It feels amazing to take off that stupid weak facade about honor and such. Don't you agree, [name]?” He asked rhetorically, looking upon your face, never to portray an emotion ever again. He placed a large, warm hand on your cold body and slowly made his way up to caress your bare breasts.
“Even better, to release my true self onto those who deserve it and onto weaker beings… Isn’t that so fun? Killing anyone who finds out, mortals or adepti alike… ” He let out a deranged laugh, feeling his pants getting tight.
Just like that fateful day, five hundred years ago.
“[Name], why don’t you be a dear and help out the one and only rex lapis?” he chuckled darkly, looking down at your corpse with a mixture of lust and hatred. After climbing onto the table where your body had been resting all this time, all on display for him, he took out his hard cock and pumped himself a few times while he lined it up at your entrance.
“It’s unfortunate that you were from a godless nation. Maybe then I would've considered letting you live as my personal cocksleeve.” he pushed himself into you. He moaned when he bottomed out in you, harshly gripping onto your hips. Then he started to move, pulling your corpse closer. He didn’t care if your pussy had gone cold ages ago—it felt as good as it did five hundred years ago.
“You know, [name], despite being dead and gone, you’re good at being a stress reliever.” He sped up his hips.
Ganyu and Xiao made their way to the Adventurers’ Guild back in Liyue Harbor.
“Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild, Adeptus Xiao and Ganyu,” Katheryne greeted the two of them with her usual smile. “What can I do for you two today?”
“I have a letter that needs urgent delivery to the Traveler,” Ganyu stated calmly, handing the envelope to Katheryne.
“Understood. I shall have an adventurer deliver this for you.”
“Thank you for sending this mail out to the Traveler for us, Katheryne. We really appreciate this.” Ganyu smiled before both adepti walked away from the guild.
They stopped walking after descending the stairs, and Ganyu turned to Xiao. “I’ll see you when I get a reply from the traveler,” she said. Xiao nodded and watched her depart.
‘Do we really know who Rex Lapis is? Or has he put up a front with us and the entirety of Liyue this whole time? What exactly did he do in Khaneri’ah?’ Xiao thought to himself. Between the dagger with Rex Lapis’s dried blood and the visions he’d been experiencing… Liyue’s god was much more than he appeared.
Zhongli stilled himself as he came inside of you. He remained inside of you to make sure his cock was completely empty and soft before finally pulling out of your pussy. He got off the table and fixed his attire.
“[Name], do you know how difficult it was to get you back here? I had to hide myself and wait to see this ‘Dainsleif’ you kept screaming about.” Despite his words, Zhongli was smiling as he remembered the man you served, blonde hair tousled from running and blue eyes mourning you.
Not to mention Dainsleif’s companion.
“It was a bonus seeing the Traveler’s twin there as well. Their faces upon seeing you filled me with delight. Once they were gone, I took one of your teammates’ bodies and stripped her naked before swapping you out with her.
Then he laughed. “Ah, but here’s the kicker— I also made sure to perfectly replicate how they placed the flag and those disgusting flowers.” He paused to crack his knuckles and neck before he inched over to your cold body peering down at your defiled corpse with a grin.
“I had to place an Adeptus spell on you to preserve your body, so you can look nice and young for me to use forever.’’ A pause, as if to wait for a response that would never come.
“The finer details aren’t too important,” he continued, waving his hand like he was dismissing something. “But you’d understand the how’s and why’s of me switching your body out with someone else’s, don’t you?”
Finally, Zhongli stood up, brushing off imaginary dust and straightening the wrinkles in his clothing. “Well, things were as splendid as ever. I’ll see you soon, [name].” he said with a dark smile.
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rendrrrrr · 4 months
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Some new cheebs made into charms while Spy x Family and Link Click are both charms and a mini standee
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pleniloon · 2 years
People Meet, Always Part
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genre: angst(?)
warnings: mentions of death
note: i’m too tired to write anything substantial, but i haven’t posted in over a month and i don’t want people thinking that i’m dead. i know it’s not my best work, but i promise that i’ll be getting to requests next! i nearly tagged all of the immortals, but then i realized that this would probably be ooc for some of them.
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Okay, but imagine this with your fav…
How long had it been since they last heard your voice? The sound still remained so clear in their mind, it was as if you were standing next to them in this very moment. But, as their head turned to gaze upon your figure, all that remained was the void of where you once stood.
“Fate is such a cruel thing,” you had once said while lounging under the evergreens. Your lover did not respond besides tilting their head with a curious look sent your way. “Fate is cruel for binding our souls as one. One day I will wither away into nothing, while your beauty will remain forever unchanged.” You continued, your tone of voice sounding curiously content with the thought of your lover outliving you.
You joked about them finding new love after you’ve passed on and forgetting all about you, another mortal that held a brief claim over their affections. “When you pass on, so too will any of my amorous desires,” said your lover.
And as they stared out across the ever-changing landscape, they almost wished that their words had been in jest. It had been a great many years since your passing, yet the memory of you and your love remained fresh in their mind, as if it was yesterday that you had left. They had no fears about forgetting you, because as the seasons change and nations rise and fall, there is but one thing immovable.
Their heart, eternally belonging to you.
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taglist: @stygianoir
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kym-m · 2 years
Hi!! I have a isekaid reader brain rot and can't stop thinking about how different genshin men and women would react when you tell them their pretty:))
Hello! Thank you for the Req anon!!
Your perfect to me.
Ft. Xiao, Hu Tao, Beidou, Ganyu, Yae Miko, Itto, Zhongli, Dainsleif, Aether, Lumine.
A/N: This is inspired by @genshinluvr I absolutely adore their stories and I also have an isekaid! Reader brain rot cause of this amazing writer❤️❤️👏👏
Summary: With the genshin characters clinging onto you like a koala, you decide to pick the more.. Civilized people (your favorites..) to join you for lunch at the abode! But uh.. You end up complimenting them rather than eating. You just love them ok. Shhh..
You drag Hu Tao and Zhongli out of the funeral parlor, and threw them into the tea pot. You sigh relief to find everyone else already there "Aether! Lumine!" you wave at the twins, they nod and skip happily towards you, you hum while eyeing aether down "Your attire is different today?" you ask, he chuckles "Yeah.. Uh I thought it would be nice to be a little bit more formal for today. It does get kinda hard to wear the same clothing everyday." Lumine giggles "Yeah yeah aether. Let's go eat lunch!" Lumine drags her brother to the table. You come with them with the others trailing behind you.
While stuffing food into your mouth you see Xiao staring right at you, you swallowed your food and spoke up "Is there something wrong Xiao? Here eat up" you pushed a plate of almond tofu towards the yaksha. He grunted "Why did you choose me to have such absurd meeting mortal?" you knew he meant why did you choose him for lunch but like.. He's cute so what is he going to do abt it hm? Yae hummed in agreement "Yes.. Why did you choose us?" she asked pushing away itto's empty bowl and handing him a new one with food in it. Itto munched down nodding his head rapidly while stuffing his mouth with some dumplings. Dainsleif looked at you and raised an eyebrow "Awhh Come on now guys! Let them eat" Beidou yelled. Zhongli humming in agreement. You waved your Hand brushing it off "No it's fine, I chose you guys because your character and character designs appealed to me most. In short you guys are very pretty." you say nonchalantly.
They all stare at you dumbfounded, Ganyu was a mess. She was red and she hid her face in her palms, Zhongli and Dainsleif cleared their throats staring the opposite way to hide the blush creeping up on their cheeks, Xiao lowered his head but he was trembling as his cheeks were heating up. Beidou and Yae Miko smirked and stared at eachother before staring at you, the twins were smiling like dorks with a dust of pink on their cheeks. Hu Tao giggled while itto loudly laughed.
They asked you more about your thoughts on them after that, your just so flattering!
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
Guys send me a pic of your favourite character from genshin and I'll write for them <3 This is my event btw, you can send more than one!
Smile for me, okay?
We miss you <3
Adepti, mortals, and everything in between
Pretty boy
Sing for me please
Tell me you love me
Precious baby
Soft Diluc cuddles
How do you show your love?
Letters from Dawn Winery
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viharbinger · 2 years
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐜/𝐋𝐢𝐲𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
[last updated: 25/12/2022]
mondstadt m.list | inazuma m.list | sumeru m.list
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dating headcannons
what makes his heart race
domestic / marriage hcs
playing minecraft with them
beach hcs
body swapped
how he’d help you study
love and snowmen in the air
a fortune teller’s reading
what makes them blush
dancing with them for the first time
a fortune teller’s reading
seeing colours for the first time
how they'd celebrate your birthday
how they'd celebrate your birthday
love and snowmen in the air
miscellaneous .
how they'd celebrate your birthday
dancing with them for the first time
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mondaymelon · 1 year
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ੈ✩‧₊˚something on your mind? its time for an introductory post!
this also doubles as a masterlist!! :> please check my announcement!
i post fanfiction almost everyday, and draw, sometimes. call me ⁺₊ kanro or melon! either works ^^ any pronouns are okay!!
my genshin uid is 636737074! (am ar 57 hehe ☆) if you want to friend me please send me an ask first so ill know who you are ^^
my requests are currently closed!! but feel free to send asks or brainrots - i will make sure to read through all of them♡ feel free to suggest things that arent on this list too and ill make sure to take a look ^^
i will add to this as i write! the added names are the fics that are currently up :)
my most active fandoms are... (x readers)
genshin impact ☁︎⋅
mondstadt - venti coming soon!
liyue - kazuha, the first time you hold hands (xiao, childe, kazuha, ganyu, shenhe) white day 2023 xiao, zhongli
inazuma - scaramouche, yandere!ayato, when you first fell in love with them (ayato, thoma, itto, heizou, dainsleif), gorou, yandere!scaramouche, white day 2023 ayato, white day 2023 itto
sumeru - alhaitham, when they first fell in love with you (cyno, alhaitham, kaveh, wanderer), tighnari
shneznaya - dottore, yandere!pantalone
6reeze - meet me backstage (aether, xiao, venti, kazuha, heizou, wanderer)
project sekai ♪
wonderlands x showtime - rui, rui and tsukasa poly part 1, part 2
vivid bad squad - an
nightcord at 25 - mafuyu
mystic messenger 💬
twisted wonderland ☆
nothing yet ^^
jibaku shounen hanako kun ✿
kou and mistuba poly
⁺₊ extra fandoms and platonic masterlist!! ₊⁺ -
project sekai - rui,nene,mizuki besties fic part 1, part 2
honkai impact - elysia's travel guide (pt 1), a day with the archons (pt 2), eden's travel guide ← requested by 🪷 anon!!
☆ series masterlist!!☆
yandere!childe series!! (warnings! murder, kidnapping, blackmail, stalking)
read at your own risk. generally dark themes, total of 4 parts, ongoing.
never again (part 1)
hush. (part 2)
ever-watchful (part 3) coming soon!
✾✽✾✽ means your pov!
༘⋆♡⊹。°˖➴ - means tartaglia's pov! enjoy ♡
⁺₊ tags explained ₊⁺ -
#melonrambles - random comments and answering asks
#mondaymelon - oneshot fanfiction and important announcements
#mondayletters - love letters from characters
#melonrots - short little brainrots that i write/gets requested!
please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions without permission. many thanks!! ☆
i look forward to working with you! ♡
✩lets get it started!✩
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 6 months
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More about You | Genshin Impact x Male Reader
The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Celetsia's Divinity About you: About you | (You are here) About the family: About the family Prologue: Born from the stars | TBW Chapter 1: A child, the wolf, the dragon, and the god | TBW
WARNING: War and Death
Credit for picrew: Here
A/n: The picrew is just a reference and not what you exactly look like.
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Name: Y/n
Age: 6000+ years
Homeland: Uknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: H/L H/C hair, E/c Eyes, S/t Skin, L/c lips and Y/h tall
Personality: Sweet, Motherly, Kind, Understanding, Vengeful, Loving, Smart, Wise, Curious
Likes: Flowers, Butterflies, Taking care of kids, Helping others, Gardening, Baking, Learning new things.
Dislikes: Abuse, Bitter foods, Hurting others, Feeling vulnerable, Vane, His parents death.
Powers: Being able to control all elements, See other's dreams and enter them, see and speak to ghosts, seeing the future, flying
Other notes: Y/n was born along with the Seven Sovereigns, becoming an honorary dragon. He is able to form wings on his back to imitate dragon wings. Y/n has the power to see people's future, but it is just a brief vision, and it is always changing. Y/n forgot the powers he once had due to his mother hiding away his memories. His memories were hidden out of fear of his powers being used against him and being too dangerous for Y/n to handle on his own. Y/n see's ghosts and often helps those that want to move on. He also connects with them and brings a sense of happiness to lonely spirits. He is able to use the elements, but once he remembers his past. There is a reminence of the elemental power, but it isn't as strong as they used to be. Y/n knows all the gods, both before and after the Archon war and morns those that died during the war. He is often seen wearing a white two piece with a short crop top and a skirt, to resemble what his father once wore. It is mistaken that he is the ghost of Windrise because of his white apparel and his singing. Y/n wears more loose close that flow in the wind because of his brother and father.
Love interests:
Hu Tao
Yun Jin
Ei/Raiden Shogun
Yae Miko
Kujou Sara
The Tsaritsa
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miyaur · 1 year
ㅤㅤ ❀ᴗ͈ ᴗ͈)ㅤㅤ⁓ ㅤreq rules + byf/dni (updated 6/27/23 :P)
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⟢ byf/dni. basic dni criteria, i have NSFW/SFW content here, please be careful with what you read, minors please refrain from intereacting, in the end i dont rly care tho
⟢ will write. n/sfw content, yandere related, dark themes, tbh i dont rly mind anyth ⟢ will not write. character x character, eating disorders, footjobs — keep reading for my chrcter list!
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GENSHIN IMPACT ♡ will write. alhaitham, albedo, amber, arataki itto, beidou, candace, cyno, dehya, diluc, eula, faruzan, ganyu, gorou, hu tao, kaedehara kazuha, kaeya, kamisato ayato & ayaka, keqing, kujou sara, kuki shinobu, layla, lisa, mika, mona, nilou, ningguang, noelle, raiden shogun / ei, rosaria, kokomi, shenhe, shikanoin heizou, sucrose, tartaglia, thoma, tighnari, traveler (aether/lumine), venti, scaramouche/wanderer, xiangling, xiao, xinyan, yae miko, yanfei, yelan, yoimiya, yunjin, zhongli, baizhu, dainsleif, kaveh, pantalone, arlecchino, columbina, signora, capitano, pierro, il dottore, etc. ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. qiqi, yaoyao, klee, diona, dori, nahida, sayu ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic intereaction only/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. bennett, fischl, razor, xingqiu, chongyun, barbara ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic inteareaction/etc. for characters listed above
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BUNGOU STRAY DOGS ♡ will write. dazai osamu, chuuya, akutagawa, tecchou, ranpo, fukuzawa, kunikida, fyodor, (i dont remember anyone else i watched like 2 seasons) ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above
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VALORANT Protocol ♡ will write. jett, gekko, yoru, reyna, viper, brimstone, neon, pheonix, killjoy, astra, kay/o, cypher, omen, raze, sage, skye, sova, harbor, chamber, fade ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above (no im not gonna write for breach sorry lmao)
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Hunter x Hunter ♡ will write. kurapika, chrollo, feitan, hisoka, illumi, phinks, nobunaga, machi, uvogin, shalnark, kite, mereum, mr wing, most adult characters are fine with me ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. leorio, gon, killua ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic inteareaction/etc. for characters listed above
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Saiki K ♡ will write. saiki, toritsuka, kaido, hairo, kuboyasu ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. teruhashi, nendo, etc. ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic inteareaction/etc. for characters listed above
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Honkai: Star Rail ♡ will write. dan heng, march 7th, seele, bronya, sampo, welt, himeko, gepard, tingyun, natasha, sushang, jing yuan, blade, luocha, caelus, serval, stelle, yukong, pela, etc. ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. herta, arlan, qingque, fu xuan, yanqing ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic intereaction/etc. for characters listed above ♡ will write. bailu, hook, clara ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic intereaction only/etc. for the characters listed above
(specifically wont write for svarog, sorry!)
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Blue Lock
♡ will write. isagi yoichi, meguru bachira, hyoma chigiri, seishiro nagi, asahi naruhaya, ikki niko, jyubei aryu, michael kaiser, noel noa, rensuke kunigami, reo mikage, rin itoshi, sae itoshi, ryusei shido, wataru kuon, zantetsu tsurugi, gagamaru ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above
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axiina · 7 months
Genshin Impact:
Bennett  (aged up only)
Fischl (aged up and platonic only)
Noelle  (aged up only(?))
Razor  (aged up only)
Chongyun  (aged up only)
Hu Tao
Xiangling  (aged up (?) and platonic)
Xingqiu  (aged up only)
Xinyan  (aged up only)
Arataki Itto
Kaedahara Kazuha
Kamisato Ayaka
Kamisato Ayato
Kujou Sara
Raiden Shogun
Sangonomiya Kokomi (platonic only)
Yae Miko
Yun Jin
Vander (platonic only)
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Chica 
Montgomery Gator
Roxanne Wolf
Vanessa (platonic only)
Michael Afton
(I can also write character x character)
Chrome ( A New Era)
Karenn ( A New Era)
Huang Chu
My Candy Love:
(high school era only)
Alexy (platonic only)
Rosalya (platonic only)
Final Fantasy VII:
(I can also write character x character)
Claud Strife
Tifa Lockhart
Aeris Gainsborough
Vinvent Valentine
Zack Fair
Rufus Shinra
Genesis Rhapsodos
Reno Sinclair
Karasuno (aged up, 18>):
Kōshi Sugawara
Yū Nishinoya
Tobio Kageyama
Shōyō Hinata
Kei Tsukishima
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Kiyoko Shimizu
Keishin Ukai
Tetsurō Kuroo
Yaku Morisuke
Kenma Kozume
Lev Haiba
Aoba Johsai:
Tōru Oikawa
Hajime Iwaizumi
Shigeru Yahaba
Yūtarō Kindaichi
Akira Kunimi
Kentarō Kyōtani
Kōtarō Bokuto
Keiji Akaashi
Akinori Konoha
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Eita Semi
Satori Tendō
Tsutomu Goshiki
Kenjirō Shirabu
Kenjirō Shirabu
Kiyoomi Sakusa
Shinsuke Kita
Atsumu Miya
Rintarō Suna
Osamu Miya
Tears of Themis:
Artem Wing
Vyn Richter
Marius Von Hagen
Luke Pearce
The Arcana:
The Witcher:
(I can also write character x character)
Geralt of Rivia (platonic only if x reader)
Yennefer of Vengerberg (platonic only if x reader)
Fringilla Vigo
Emiel Regis
Tissaia de Vries (platonic only)
Milva (sfw only)
Eredin Breacc Glas
Caranthir Ar-Feiniel
Vesemir (platonic)
Hunger Games:
Coriolanus Snow (young Coriolanus only)
Lucy Gray Baird (platonic only)
Sejanus Plinth
Tigris Snow
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Johanna Mason
Finnick Odair
Stardew Valley:
Baldur's Gate 3:
Gale Dekarios
! I do not write works with children characters/characters who are physically children !
I might have forgotten someone, so ask me if you are interested in a character and they are not on the list
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heaven-s-black-box · 6 months
File- NSFW
One night, you stumble across a locked file in the archives. A warning appears when you try to open it. It would be wise to head the warning, but no one's around to stop you and the head researcher knows that telling you off isn't going to do anything. (She knows, she was in your shoes once too)
Back to directory
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Positive Reinforcement- Ganyu x fem!Reader
Includes- fluff, slight plot, praise, fingering, one mention of panty gag
Pleasurable Destruction- Phantyla!Tingyun x afab-enby!Reader
Includes- slight plot, non-con, sadistic!Tingyun, slight blood, biting/scratching, dacryphilia, wrist restraint, fingering, choking, overstimulation
Stress relief- Agent Washington x fem!Reader
Includes- slight plot, cumming in clothes
Desecration- Dainsleif x fem!Reader
Includes- No plot, public sex, voyeurism, sacrilegious, creampie
Do it Better- Dansleif x fem!Reader
Includes- No plot, ambiguous relationship, masturbation, a dildo, fingering, eating out, slight voyeurism, overstimulation, creampie
How to Date Fuck a Dragon- Ganyu x fem!dragon!Reader
Includes- plot, mentions of heat, half-dragon form, ripping of clothes, mention of breeding
Home- Zhongli x wife!Reader
Includes- plot, half dragon form Zhongli, slight angst(?), oral (f receiving)
Homecoming- Dan Heng x boyfriend!Reader
Includes- slight plot, bottom Dan Heng, Imbibitor Lunae Dan Heng, blow job, anal
Sparks- Lisa x Diluc (valentines event)
Includes- very little plot, blow job, public sex
Blurred Lines- Sunday x fem!Reader (Valentine's event)
Includes- slight plot, not much smut (sorry), office sex, fem receiving oral
Unwinding- Lumine x fem!Reader
Includes- plot, fluff, bath sex, fingering, oral (reader receiving)
Pact- Dainsleif x fem!Reader x Lumine
Includes- FFM Threesome, NO DAIN X LUMINE (Do not read this expecting DainLumi), Oral (both F & M receiving), voyeurism, Reader gets called brat, talk of punishment, Aether x Reader at the end
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versadies · 2 years
may the places guide you to my yearning [ 7k milestone prompt event ! ]
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make way as the penpal service officially becomes worldwide! come join us as we go on an adventure to many destinations and explore the unknown!
please follow the guidelines to have a smooth journey and understand a few things about this prompt event. if you understand the terms, you may proceed to the prompt list and ask away! (if otherwise, feel free to send me an ask/message/etc. for clarifications!)
characters available: diluc, kaeya, albedo, venti, zhongli, tartaglia, xiao, thoma, itto, gorou, scaramouche, ayato, kazuha, capitano, pantalone, dainsleif, jean, lisa, beidou, ningguang, ganyu, raiden shogun, and yae miko
please follow this format for your ask: (character) + (prompt-1) + (prompt-2) + (genre) + (format) + (optional/extra/etc.)
please submit 1 character (or more if you want the other character to serve as a love rival/etc.) + 1 prompt + 1-3 dialogue prompt/s per request. (you can submit another request that contains a different character and prompt)
regarding capitano and pantalone, there's a high chance that they'll be ooc (out of character) due to how there's not much to know about them as of this moment so please don't put any high expectations !!
please do not request nsfw content + characters who aren’t a part of the list. your request will be immediately ignored and deleted.
please refrain yourselves from mentioning the physical appearance and gender of reader in your request because i’d like to keep the reader as gender-neutral and appearance-neutral.
understand that there’s a chance that your request won’t be made due to my limit of accepting prompt requests. you’d most likely get ur request accepted if you have an idea/plot in mind for ur request (even if you don’t have a plot in mind, it’s alright since youll probably be accepted if the limit isnt too much for me!)
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kaeya alberich
diluc ragnvindr
jean gunnhildr
eula lawrence
lisa minci
albedo kreideprinz
kamisato ayato
arataki itto
kaedehara kazuha
raiden shogun
yae miko
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avidya forest - idol au
feiyun slope - bodyguard au
haar islands - streamer au
brightcrown mountains - post-apocalypse au
starfell valley - roommate au
windwail highland - neighbors au
galesong hill - coffee shop au
windrise - secret relationship au
sal terrae - single parent x single parent au
wangshu inn - royal au
dihua marsh - ruler x knight au
guili plains - hero x villain au
sea of clouds - soulmate au (specify which kind of soulmate au you want)
yanshang teahouse - fake dating au
inazuma city - android au
watatsumi island - internet friends au
evernight temple - flower shop au
grand narukami shrine - police x criminal au
ritou - vampire au
fort hiraumi - assassin/spy x target au
“you deserve better than me."
"...stay with me?"
"here, let me hold that for you."
"let. them. go."
"___ loves you, you know? he's/she's/they're just afraid of admitting it."
"shut up okay? i'm getting you out of here, we're going home."
"you mean more to me than you will ever know."
"ugh just get married already."
"but i love you, ___. it's you i want, not them."
"say it again." "...i love you."
"get away from me."
"tell me where it hurts."
"how long have you felt like this?"
"i don't like the way they're looking at you."
"is this a date?" / "are you trying to ask me out?"
"can i kiss you?"
"i like the sound of that."
"my family thinks we're dating."
"i'd do anything for you."
"they have no idea what they're missing."
WILD CARD! feel free to add a dialogue prompt that isn't a part of the list you want me to write for your request!
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GENRE ! (can be 2 or less)
morning - fluff
night - angst
dawn - comfort
dusk - yandere
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sunny - drabbles (500+ words)
cloudy - hc / bulleted format
rainy - longfic (2k-3k+ words)
windy - songfic
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once again, tysm for the wonderful milestone! i'm glad to have fellow comrades like you guys who enjoy my work. have a good day <33 !!
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69misato69 · 1 year
🐇 masterlist + request info + completed reqs
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intro post ✦ archive of our own ✦ twitter
alhaitham + kaveh
🍊 masterlist
control, i've got no
desperate times call for desperate measures
kavetham / haikaveh valentine week
halcyon — sfw
hostile — sfw
kashmir — sfw
zhongli + childe
game over
are you praying to me?
moonage daydream
happy birthday, ajax
forever and after — sfw
childe + kaeya
long lost words
childe + kaeya + kokomi
missing link
kaeya + dainsleif
my immortal
beidou + ningguang
madder — sfw
candace + dehya
lovers lost in silk pathways of tears — seven prompts
dain + childe + kaeya
pavo ocellus
thoma + ayato
now we're even
a housekeeper's chores
sweet dreams
childe + diluc
anytime (you want it)
a severe lack of father figures? — crack
never fade in the dark
zhongli + diluc
zhongli + venti
the wind
zhongli + xiao
dottore + pantalone
kokomi + hu tao
icing and sprinkles — sfw
fischl + collei
icing and sprinkles — sfw
childe + ganyu
qilin's allure prance
thoma + childe + diluc
iter vulpes part 1
tighnari + cyno
alhaitham + cyno
after hours
kaeya + albedo
welcome home
knights of favonius
old hills, new roads — platonic
jing yuan + luocha
above all else, guard your heart
ruby ribbon
🍊 request information
✦ asks and dms are always open. ☁️ 🍭 👽 🐣 🍁🎐emojis are taken by current anons. you can track request status on my pinned post!
✦ structured one-shots, drabbles, headcanon lists for a ship or character and imagines are all okay. feel free to scream about your favs in asks as well, i really enjoy reading and contributing.
what i will write
✅ popular genshin / hsr / hi3rd ships + rarepairs — platonic, familial or romantic. binary trans, non-binary and fluid identities, disabilities, chronic illnesses, bodily hcs are all okay. if not specified i will work out these details on my own.
✅ topics that may be triggering or uncomfortable to read such as depression, self-harm and dysphoria — will always be stated explicitly before the work
what i won't write
❌ incest, pedophilia, active rape / kaeluc, yaeyato
❌ omegaverse
❌ wlw pairs as mlm or mlw — nblw is alright
❌ reader inserts
keep in mind that i might reject things i am uncomfortable with even though they are not listed here, but i will always answer the ask even if my answer is no.
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🍊 completed
transboy kaveh in a skirt x transgirl alhaitham
alhaitham and kaveh playing truth or dare with classmates
childe and zhongli couples camboy show
kaveh with avoidant restrictive food intake disorder
childe and zhongli ramble
kokochaeya ship explanation
transboy haytham riding transgirl kaveh
haytham loves kaveh's eyes
dom transmasc zhongli x cis sub childe
cyno riding haytham's face
cytham fighting over who tops the other
childe kaeya drunk kissing
itto tending to gorou's wounds after battle
jing yuan luocha hand holding
please be respectful and patient with requests, enjoy!
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urdariingdoll · 1 year
hello hello!. you can call me doll!~ here is my masterlist of all fandoms i can write about. do note i am not a 5 star writer so expect errors here and there. here is where you can see all my rules also! anywho~ here you go!! xx
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** Rules!
//. anons are allowed to ask
//. i will try and do everything but smut since i am uncomfortable with that, also because im not good at it lol
//. i will try and do requests if i am not busy with school
//. if u wish to be on a taglist, please leave a note under the character's masterlist
//. not allowed: oc x character, character x character, child character x oc, child character x reader, child character x character
//. are allowed: character x reader, character x character, child character + reader, child character + reader x character
//. writings may have grammar mistakes and/or repeated words
//. masterlist and rules may be updated later in the future<33
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** Genshin Impact
Arataki Itto
Il Capitano
La Signora
Hu tao
Kujou Sara
Raiden Shogun
Scaramouche ( Wanderer )
Traveler (Both Aether and Lumine)
Yun Jin
// Platonic only
** Hazbin Hotel
Angel Dust
** Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuke Hashibira
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Kanao Tsuyuri
// Hashiras
Giyū Tomioka
Shinobu Kochō
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tengen Uzui
Mitsuri Kanroj
Obanai Iguro
Sanemi Shinazugawa
// Demons
Muzan Kibutsuji
Kokushibo (Uppermoon 1)
Doma (Uppermoon 2)
Akaza (Uppermoon 3)
Gyutaro (Uppermoon 6)
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