#gathering everyone to answer is…. a task. Our head hurts Lol.
dragabond · 1 year
🔀💗❓ For everybody~! - @moonlitstroll
🔀 How canon-divergent vs. canon-compliant are you?
Benrey: uhhhhhh I mean a lot of stuff that’s canon about me is mostly vague so I guess that depends lol but uh. For the stuff that isn’t vague, I guess I’m pretty canon compliant??
Corvo: very canon compliant until the second game. I’m mute. Can’t say much beyond that as I’ve avoided playing the second game myself for that reason mostly, but I keep on and off reconsidering that…. I’m curious.
Data: Incredibly compliant when I first arrived. I’ve grown and changed since then though, as people do overtime. Most would think me very canon-divergent now, I believe.
Gascoigne: In between, I think.. Hard to elaborate further than that without writing a million and one words..
Franz: VeryVeryDivergentAndGlad
Jado: well!! I mean, I guess I’m pretty canon compliant?? Mostly?? That’s a little hard for me as well considering my source has more than one canon, technically….
Maximilien: very canon divergent, and quite grateful for it
Zant: a mix of both but definitely more canon divergent than canon compliant.
💗 What helps you feel closer to your source (in a positive way)?
Benrey: honestly just watching hlvrai. It’s nice and stuff and I’m not sure what other things might do that for me yknow?
Corvo: our roommates rats… I love them.
Data: Hard to say. I also want to say watching videos about my source but I also get irritable and combative if there is anything wrong or incorrect about it to my canon.
Gascoigne: it’s bittersweet but most bloodborne content involving me and my family and friends.. I say bittersweet because of course there’s the very sad fanart.. doing anything outside at night is probably the most positive way for me to feel closer to my source, simple as it is..
Franz: Don’tWantToFeelCloserToMySource…
Jado: Well!! I’m not really sure…. Never really thought about it!! Honestly not all that bothered about it either
Maximilien: not much honestly, but I don’t particularly care or not if I feel close to my source
Zant: the sky just at the edge of night, especially if the weather is at least half cloudy. its pretty, and reminds me of home. also seeing that specific aesthetic the Twilight Realm has in any art is rather nice, too.
❓ Do you prefer when people are familiar or unfamiliar with your source when they meet you?
Benrey: don’t matter to me bro I’m gonna talk to them all the same way regardless
Corvo: ehhh? not sure. Haven’t had any issues with anyone either way, so….
Data: Familiar. They know what to expect of my personality a bit better, most the time, when they are familiar.
Gascoigne: I don’t have much of a preference either.. Same as Corvo, there’s been no issues either way..
Franz: UnfamiliarAllTheWay
Jado: ehhhhh maybe familiar?? Mostly because not a ton of people seem to know my source and the few who did seemed pretty excited about me, both positively and negatively!! I thought it was a little funny
Maximilien: im… admittedly not very social so im also unsure. I feel like I would prefer if people were unfamiliar, though
Zant: also hard to say for me, especially because it depends on what way I’m familiar to someone. Some of the fan base is… hm… though most of the people I’ve spoken to and are familiar with me have been quite nice and respectful.
Fictive Ask Game!
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It’s Hard Sometimes
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,975
Warnings: Yelling, arguing (gets a little physical, really just a little bit!), high risk-pregnancy, slight mentions of fertility issues, mentions of anxiety and overthinking, and a lot of angst.
Summary: Jay and the reader are married, but start having a hard time after they found out that (y/n) is pregnant. 
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: I made this piece of almost pure angst mostly because I feel like Jay is such a well-built character, who gives us a lot of space to talk about mental health and anxiety (even though I don’t think I developed it very well, lol), so I wanted to use this space to try and add to the conversation with him. Anyways, I hope it doesn’t suck too bad and, please, feel free to give me feedback, cause I’m also here to learn!!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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Your Saturday morning just couldn’t get any worse. 
Or, at least, that’s what you thought after having been mugged at the subway and then asked to go pick up your stuff at the 21st District, where your husband works. You had to go in because they had apprehended your bag as stolen property. But you were hoping that,  maybe, you’d be able to sort it all out without Jay seeing you. 
“(y/n), hi! Here to see Chuckles? Cause they’re all out working on a case now.” Trudy said with a small smile on her lips, while you just prayed she wouldn’t notice how relieved you were to hear that.
“No, uh, I’m actually here because there was an incident at the subway and the responding officers told me I had to come in to get my bag back. Also, sign something, I think…” You answered shrugging your shoulders to make it seem like nothing. But, of course, Trudy knew better, she always does.
“Oh my God! I heard about that, just didn’t know you were one of the victims! Are you okay? García, go get (y/n) a glass of water!!!” She quickly shouted at the young officer, not waiting long to turn back to face you with a concerned glare: “Can I get you anything else?”
“Oh, no, Trudy! You don’t need to worry about me! It wasn’t a big deal!” You said, also noticing that she was already going through some evidence bags, looking for the one that contained your things. “But there is one thing that I’d appreciate from you…” Hearing that, she didn’t even let you finish:
“Yes, of course! Anything, just name it!” At that, you shot her your brightest smile. Maybe Jay was right and the tough Sergeant Trudy Platt did have a soft spot for you. 
“Well, it’s just that… You know how Jay can get, so maybe you could not mention any of this to him? I just don’t want him worrying, the way I know he will, over something like this…” You would’ve continued but Trudy had the weirdest look on her face and, then, you got it. “He’s standing right behind me, isn’t he?” She didn’t bother to answer as your husband turned you to face him and the other members of the Intelligence Unit.
“So, what is it you don’t want me to worry about, huh?” He had a playful smirk on his lips, but his eyes showed you he was already worried. And now you had no other option but to tell him what happened.
“Well, um, there was a little confusion at the subway today and the officers said I had to come in…” You would gladly stop at that, but you knew that Jay wasn’t gonna let it go until you told him everything, so you just went on: “To retrieve what I, um, lost.” God, you couldn’t even look in his eyes right now. 
“What you lost? What kind of confusion are you talking about exactly, babe?” In spite of the pet name, his voice was already showing off a bit of irritation.
“It was a, um, robbery,” at that his eyes almost jumped out of their orbits, so you quickly added, “but it wasn’t a big deal! Nobody got hurt! The officers tackled the guy pretty fast, as soon as he stepped out on the station! And everything is here,” you said raising the bag  Trudy handed you a few minutes earlier, “so, really, there’s nothing to worry about!” You told him, not being able to conceal the exasperation in your voice.
“Nothing to worry about? You just got mugged, (y/n)! We heard a call about that over the radio, it was an armed robbery! Or did you happen to miss the gun on your face when he was getting your bag, huh?” He asked and, even though you knew that the only reason why he was lashing out like that was the concern, the way he said what he said made you feel really small and brought tears to your eyes. “Actually, what I’d like to know, to begin with, is why were you even riding the subway alone, after our talk from the other day, huh?” You could feel the eyes from every person in that District on you and, as much as you knew where Jay was coming from, it was starting to really bother you.
“I was just going to the library. Sorry I didn’t think I needed an escort to do that!” You wish you wouldn’t have said it with those exact words, but you were reaching your limit.
“But we talked about it!” He snapped and you jumped back a little. Then he added, more calmly: “You should have called me.” He was pinching the bridge of his nose, like he always did when he was disappointed and upset about something, and you just felt yourself getting smaller and smaller, as the tears started falling. As if all of it hadn’t been enough, he asked: “Are you okay, though? Because, you know, given our circumstances, you’re to avoid going out on your own to prevent this kinda stress from hitting you, babe.” He explained that to you like he was talking to a child. Like he was the only one who heard what the doctor said. And that was it for you. As much as you loved the man, you just didn't have infinite patience towards his overprotective dad-to-be mode. 
“Oh, really? Why don’t you just go ahead and say ‘I told you so’, huh? Because I can tell you’re dying to do it!” God damn those pregnancy hormones because you were fuming with anger and the tears just kept going down at full force.
“Babe, that’s not what I-”
“The hell it isn’t!” Part of you really wanted to let it all out. All the hurtful words that were just waiting for a go-ahead at the tip of your tongue. But the other part of you, the rational one, knew that wasn’t gonna do any good for you or Jay. Or your baby. So you decided you’d leave instead. “You know what? It’s probably best if I go home now!”
“Okay, then, I’ll drive you.” You heard Jay saying, with a deep sigh, but you couldn’t even begin to think about an entire drive home with him at that moment.
“No way! I can do that by myself! And don’t worry I’ll get a cab this time!” As you headed towards the exit, you felt a strong grip on your wrist. You turned around and it was Jay. He’d never done that before. “Jay, you’re hurting me!” You breathed out, trying not to be too nervous. When your eyes met his, he let your arm go quickly, looking absolutely stunned by his own behavior. 
You knew that the healthiest thing to do right then would be to try and talk to him about it, but you couldn’t. At that point you needed the space more than ever, so you took the opportunity to just leave the District and go home.
After you stormed out crying, every cop in that building laid their eyes on Jay. To say they were completely shocked by the previous scene was an understatement. Almost everyone there knew you and Jay and how you two were great together. But, more importantly, they knew Jay Halstead wasn’t that kinda guy ⎯ or at least they thought so ⎯ and now they were all wondering.
Still, Trudy Platt, who wasn’t about to have any more of that drama at her District, ordered loudly for everyone to get back to their tasks, while shooting Jay a worried look, because, as much as she knew for a fact that he wasn’t that kinda guy, she cared a lot about you and had, obviously, witnessed the whole thing. 
After the little gathering of cops had been dissolved, it was Voight’s turn to speak up: “Alright, Intelligence, let’s get back upstairs, we still have a lot of work to do on this case. And, Jay, you should go home now.” He said with a stern look, despite his concern for the detective.
“But, sarge, I-” Jay started to protest, like Hank knew he would.
“I don’t wanna hear it, Halstead. I know your head is not gonna be on the case until you fix whatever that was, so, now, the best thing you can do is just calm down and go home.” This time Jay knew there was no point in arguing, so he accepted the defeat and went upstairs to get changed in the locker room before leaving. 
As he got there, he saw his reflection in the mirror and that was when it hit him. All of it. From your incident to your tears, to his aggressiveness. He really messed up. He let his fears get the best of him and he hurt you, he made you cry, fear him, even. So he started crying himself, like a little child whose favorite toy had just broken, like there was no tomorrow. By the time Voight went there to check up on Jay, maybe give him some advice, that’s what he saw: a grown man sitting on the floor crying his eyes out. So he did the one thing he could think about doing, to try and make that man he considered like a son feel better: he sat there by Jay’s side and put a hand over the detective’s shoulder until the crying sufficed. 
“So, you and (y/n) been on the odds lately?” Hank asked after a while.
“No, uh, not really.” Jay started whilst sniffling. “It’s just that this week we got some news that messed with our emotions a little, but, Hank, I swear I have no idea why I did that! I would never do anything to hurt her, you gotta believe me! Please?” He pleaded, in desperation, for someone who knew it, who knew him.
“Jay, Jay!” By then the sergeant had to shout to get the frantic young man’s attention back. “Jay, I know you wouldn’t hurt her, you hear me? I know. I know you love her more than you love yourself, hell, everyone here knows it! They were just… A little surprised to see you two arguing, that’s all.” Hank tried to make it sound a lot less bad than it actually was, and Jay appreciated that. “Now, why don’t you tell me what’s really going on between you and (y/n), huh? Maybe I can help you somehow… Or maybe you just need to vent.” Hearing that, Jay decided that he should take Voight’s suggestion and just talk about it already.
“Well, here’s the thing, sarge, (y/n/n) and I, we’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while now. And, um, we were having a bit of a hard time with it. But then last weekend we found out that it worked, she got pregnant, and we were so happy about it!” He almost smiled at the memory. “But then we went to the doctor to check it and all that, and found out that it’s a high-risk pregnancy, meaning she’s gotta take it real easy from now on, otherwise the baby’s life and her own would be in danger! And I’m terrified ever since we left that hospital! Because the simplest thing could take her away from me! My everything, sarge, she is my entire world and I can’t live without her.” He said shaking his head in a way that made even Hank Voight feel a bit of sadness. “So when she said she’d been robbed at gunpoint… I just lost it, you know? What if I’d lost them?”
“Ah, Jay…” Hank knew exactly what the detective was scared of, after all, he had already lost a wife and a son. “Look, I know this can be hard, trust me. Camille and I had our issues before Justin came, as well… But you said it yourself, you’re both happy, aren’t you?” Jay didn’t even need to think before answering that question.
“Yes, of course, sarge! But-”
“No buts! Look, Jay, I know what a big heart you have and I know how much you care, how- how intensely you care, I know, okay? But sometimes, with things like this, you just gotta keep going and hope- just hope that everything is gonna work out. So here’s what you’re gonna do: go home, make up with your wife and start planning a nursery, or whatever else you, parents-to-be, have on your to-do lists these days.” At that, Jay chuckled a little, feeling grateful to have this second father to set him on straight.
“I know you’re right, and I really appreciate you saying this to me… I’m pretty sure that (y/n/n) said something among those lines after we got back from the doctor’s appointment too. The problem is that sometimes it seems like I can’t control my own thoughts. Then, next thing I know, I’m freaking out…” Hank thought that he sounded so frustrated saying that… He really felt for the kid.
“Listen, Jay, you- you just try, okay? You just try your best. And talk to (y/n/n) about it, just let her know what’s going on in there.” He pointed to Jay’s head, as they had already stood up.
“Alright, I will try. Thank you, sarge. Thank you so much, I really needed this.” They half-hugged and the detective went home to you.
The thing he wasn’t prepared for, at all, was finding you: the woman he loved more than anything and anyone in the entire world, sitting on the floor, leaning your back against the bed in the bedroom you two shared, crying and shaking. You were scared of him. That broke him in a way he never thought possible. He wanted to hurt himself, as punishment for hurting you, but he knew it wouldn’t be fair to you. So he gathered some courage to speak through his shame instead. “B- babe?”
You shivered, but you didn’t wanna be afraid of him. That was Jay. Your Jay. The man you loved. The man who loved you. You knew he would never hurt you or your baby. But your body didn’t seem to be listening to your brain. Still, you wanted to say something. But you couldn’t. You wouldn’t know what to say, so you just stayed silent, trying to stop the sobs. He decided to make a move: He sat down on the floor like you, but still giving you some space. “I’m sorry,” he said softly, almost whispering, “I’m so, so, so sorry. You don’t need to say anything, or to forgive me, or do anything, really. I came here willing to talk to you. To do anything to get you back. But now I see just how much I hurt you, so I’ll give you all the space and time you want.” You still couldn’t seem to find your words. It was that same man, you knew it. Why couldn’t you just tell him that? “I’ll sleep in the spare bedroom, or even go to Will’s if it makes you more comfortable?” Just by the sound of his voice, you could tell he meant it. And that was your Jay.
“No,” you spoke so lowly, that you weren’t even sure he’d heard it, “I want you to stay.” And you really did. But you needed to understand, in order to be able to forgive him. “Just- just tell me what happened there? Why?” You tried, a little louder this time.
“Long story short? I was scared to death.” He said with a long and heavy sigh, looking so much older than he’d ever done before; at the same time, you could see the bags under his eyes, from all those sleepless nights he’d been having lately.
“Scared? Because of the robbery? Baby, you’re a cop! You’ve heard of that kind of thing a million times before, and you know it’s not that big of a deal!" You tried to reason with him, even though you were afraid too, at the time.
“I know!” He said, in a tone that made you flinch a little and, then, more calmly: “Look, I know. And I know that you’ve been through tougher stuff. And that you can handle yourself. But that whole thing could’ve gone badly for you, for the baby, for us, in a thousand different ways. Besides, it’s not just that. Ever since we left that exam room, on Monday, I’ve been scared, worried. Because, according to the doctor, the tiniest problem could get you on edge. Because of the tiniest problem, I could lose you. I could lose everything, babe!” You could only stare at him in shock, after hearing that. Of course, you understood his concerns, but you had been so absorbed in your own fears, that you never thought about how much the whole situation was affecting him. Your formerly brave soldier, now tough detective, was also a very anxious man ⎯ who always overthought every single detail of everything when it came to you ⎯ and was, now, crying his eyes out, sobbing like a little kid by your side. So you did the one thing you thought could make him feel better: you pulled him closer to you, letting him break, into your chest, as he listened to your soothing heartbeat.
“It’s alright, my love, it’s alright. Shhh, I’m right here and I’m safe. We both are. You don’t need to be afraid, because we’re not going anywhere, baby.” You promised him with tears already pricking through your eyes, as well. 
And, like that, you two stayed, crying in each other’s arms, just holding each other. With a renewed hope that everything was gonna be okay.
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 3 years
That Escalated Quickly
Summary: Reader goes to a party with her friends to gather info on a new group of vampires in town that want Klaus dead. However, she’s kidnapped and Klaus must rescue her. The result? An eternity with the love of her life I suppose.
TW/CW: Klaus Mikaelson x Female!Reader. Canon violence ig? Blood, gun and gunshot wound, knife and stab wound, yeah canon violence about sums it up well.
Requested?: No
Word Count: 1,788
A/N: So, I googled whether a human dying with Klaus’s blood in their system would actually make them a vampire but I didn’t find anything so let’s just assume it would lol. Also, this turned out way longer than I had expected/planned. It’s been quite a while since I’ve watched tvd so I apologize if the transition is inaccurate :/ Anyway, I hope you enjoy the read! Requests are open and as always, love to all! P.S. when I say I would simp for this man... he and Elijah would be the death of meeeee.
Prompt: “Too bad the party is going to be hosted by people who want you dead. I heard they have a chocolate fountain.”   “Don’t tempt me.”
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Your POV
    I adjust my outfit in the mirror as my boyfriend enters the room behind me. “My don’t you look ravishing,” he says as he wraps his arms around my waist and places soft kisses along my neck. I giggled at the tickle of his stubble and worm my way out of his arms to add the finishing touches to my outfit.  
    I notice him pouting out of the corner of my eye and make my way back to him as I finish my outfit, “Too bad the party is going to be hosted by people who want you dead. I heard they have a chocolate fountain.”
    “Don’t tempt me,” he responds as I kiss his cheek and make my way out of our room to head downstairs and join the others. He follows closely behind and when I finally come to a stop downstairs, he wraps me in his arms once again and this time he full on buries his face in my neck. I can tell he’s not happy about the current mission. There’s a new group of vampires in Mystic Falls, the leader of which does not like Klaus at all. From what I heard it’s probably for a good reason but I’m not exactly keen on letting my boyfriend get killed for a mistake he made in the past.
    Klaus is under orders to stay home and Elijah and Rebekah are staying behind to ensure that he follows said orders. Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie, Matt, Alaric and myself will be mingling among the party guests in attempts to pick up any information we can about the new vampires but of course at the request of Klaus and supply of Alaric and Jeremy, we’ll all be armed with stakes. Damon, Stefan, Caroline, and Tyler are all tasked with discretely patrolling the perimeter and listening for whatever they can. For the most part, they’re there in case we need back up.  
    I take the stake offered to me by Alaric and stuff it into the sleeve of my jacket and look around to make sure everyone is ready. As they are, I pry myself away from Klaus and press a quick kiss to his lips before heading out, “I’ll be fine, babe. Try not to worry too much while we’re gone.” I join the others outside and then we head off for the party.
    Upon entering the house, my senses are already overwhelmed by the smell of booze and the deep bass thumping music. I follow Elena and Bonnie off towards the kitchen for a drink and leave the guys at the door looking around like lost puppies. I glance back and chuckle at the looks on their faces before turning back around to make sure I don’t lose Elena and Bonnie. We somehow manage to find something non-alcoholic in the kitchen and pour each of ourselves some to drink before departing the kitchen to wander among the crowd filling the large house.
    Everything goes without a hitch for quite some time but the information pool is pretty dry. Finally, I decide that my bladder can’t take much more and head for the bathroom with promises to Elena and Bonnie to meet them and the guys back in the kitchen when I’m done. I find the bathroom without any issues, do my business, and then start to head back to the kitchen when I bump into a man who’s blocking the long hallway. “Uh, dude? Could you move? I need to get through,” I say as I try to go around him but he sidesteps to block my path.
    “You’ll make excellent bait,” comes a scratchy voice behind me.
    I turn around to face the newcomer, “Excuse me?”  
    “His scent is all over you. Don’t act stupid,” is his only answer. Shit. I drop the stake out of my sleeve and into my hand but before I can even begin to think of an escape plan, the man behind me grabs the stake and tosses it off behind him. Next thing I know, everything goes black and I have a splitting headache.
Third Person POV
    Elena and Bonnie pause their conversation as Alaric, Jeremy, and Matt make their way over. Elena tilts her head, “Hey, did you guys happen to see (Y/n) on your way in here?”
    They all shake their head and Alaric answers, “No, why? Should we be worried?”     Elena and Bonnie share a look. “Possibly,” Bonnie answers, “She went to the bathroom about 20 minutes ago and still isn’t back.”
    “I’ll go outside and let Damon and the others know. You four split up and see if you can find her,” Alaric orders before heading to the front door, the others splitting up to search as he does. Once he steps outside, Alaric pulls his phone out and dials Damon’s number.  
    It only rings once before the oldest Salvatore picks up, “Yeah, what’s up?”
    “We’ve lost track of (Y/n) the girl’s said she went to the bathroom about 20 minutes ago but they haven’t seen her since. They’re inside with Jeremy and Matt looking for her now,” Alaric answers promptly.
    “Alright, looks like they took the bait. I’ll let Elijah know, we’ll need Klaus to track her down,” comes Damon’s response.
    “Are we sure that’s a good idea? This guy wants Klaus dead,” Alaric inquires once again for the third time this evening.     “I told you, Klaus can handle himself. The only reason he’s not here is because (Y/n) insisted that he stay out of danger,” Damon replies with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
    “Okay, if you say so. I’ll round up the others and we can head back to the house for him,” Alaric says before hanging up the phone and heading back inside. Almost immediately he finds Elena, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Matt waiting for him.
    Elena who’s on the phone perks up, “Hello! (Y/n)? Where are you?” She’s quiet as whoever is on the other end of the line says something. She looks at the others with concern plastered across her face, “I swear if you hurt her-” she’s interrupted and listens for a moment before hanging up the phone angrily and storming out of the house with the others in hot pursuit. Elena stomps over to where the vampires and werewolf have gathered, “They have her. They gave an address and said to make sure Klaus comes alone.”
    “Oh, he’s going to be pissed,” Tyler adds.
    “What are we going to do? We can’t just send Klaus in alone, can we?” Caroline questions the group.
    Stefan, Damon, and Alaric all seem to share a look before Stefan answers, “We’ll leave that decision up to him.” With that, everyone climbs into the vehicles and heads back towards the Mikaelson’s home.
    When the group piles out of the vehicles and steps inside the house, Klaus storms over, “Where is she?”
    “Klaus, would you slow down and get your head on straight before you go barging into danger?” Rebekah pleas with her brother.
    “Where. Is. She?” Klaus barks.
    Everyone exchanges glances at each other, silently arguing over who will be the one to tell him. Finally, Elena speaks up, “There’s an old warehouse just outside of town. They have her there. They said to come alone.”
    Without saying another word, Klaus is gone. Everyone looks to Elijah who takes a deep breath, “We’ll follow but we’ll keep our distance. If I know my brother, he won’t want to put her in any more danger than she’s already in, even if it means risking his life.”
    As they all head off in pursuit of Klaus, Rebekah speaks up again, “Surely, they can’t actually kill him, can they? He’s a bloody Original for crying out loud.”
    “I don’t know, Rebekah. All we can do right now is hope for the best,” Elijah answers.
Your POV     I open my eyes slowly but the bright lights overhead still hurt my eyes. I look around and find myself in an old abandoned warehouse. My arms are chained to a rafter above my head and my feet are shackled to the floor. A tall, scraggly looking man steps into view, “Ah you’re awake.”
    I recognize that voice as one of the men that ambushed me, “You’re pretty brave, you know that? You must be to kidnap the girlfriend of an original vampire.”
    “Awwww boo hoo, he’s getting what he deserves,” the man mocks. Then the front door of the warehouse is kicked down and in walks my boyfriend.
    I glare at him with a frown on my face, “I thought I told you to keep your ass out of danger?”
    “Did you really think I’d listen?” he responds before launching himself after the men around me. It seems almost instantly that the men are wiped out. However, not before one of them manages to run me through with a knife. I can tell I don’t have long but Klaus breaks the chains holding my arms up and gently lays me on the ground, placing my head in his lap. He bites a gash into his forearm before placing it to my lips. I can sense the others gathering around us as I let Klaus’s blood enter my system. Within mere seconds the wound on my abdomen closes up and stops bleeding. Klaus helps me to my feet and we begin to follow the others back out to the vehicles. Suddenly, I hear a gunshot and feel immense pain in my back.  
    The man swears but is quickly cut off by Elijah who rips the man’s heart out of his chest. Klaus clutches me close to him, “I’m sorry, love. I should’ve been more careful.”
    I laugh softly, “It’s alright, this was bound to happen eventually.”
    When I wake up again, I find myself in mine and Klaus’s bedroom. Upon entering the room, Klaus notices that I’m awake and offers me a glass of what’s presumably blood. I down the glass as he climbs into bed beside me and wraps his arms around me. He presses a kiss to my forehead before asking, “What did you mean when you said that this was bound to happen eventually?”
    I shrug and wipe my mouth, “It’s not like I want to grow old and die when I have such an amazing boyfriend and friends that I’d leave behind.”
    “I suppose that’s fair, but I’d much rather you not have to go through all this,” he replies quietly.
    “Don’t start blaming yourself. That will only make matters worse. Besides, I have basically have the professionals of how to be a vampire to teach me, I’ll be okay,” I laugh softly and cuddle closer into his chest before dozing off to sleep.
Taglist: @emiijemii​ @akshi8278​ 
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour, and Goodfellas - Chapter 3
Chapter 3: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Dad!Mob!Tom Holland x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x reader, Parker Holland x Charlotte Owens
-Warnings: Language, Blood, Death, Fighting
-Words: 3.6K
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Author note: I really love this chapter. I love all the comments and would appreciate nice constructive criticism (please don't butcher my work lol) if you want. Feel free to leave in the comments or message me directly your feelings while reading the chapter :))
Chapter 3: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Word: 3.6K
“Haz are you okay mate?” Tom asked, seeing Haz freak out, they were about to land at Heathrow, on their way back from Dublin.
“No, I just heard from my neighbor that Henry never came home last night. With everything that happened yesterday, I’m just worried. I hope he is not lying in a ditch somewhere.” Harrison explained.
“He probably crashed at ours, everything will be ok.” You said as you comforted Haz. Oh boy, were you wrong.
Back at home, Parker awoke to his impending death once you and Tom, his parents’, find out what happened to their beautiful mansion. One party did all this damage. The curtains were torn down, there was red party cups everywhere and all the liquor bottles were displayed on the table. One amazingly epic party did all that.
“Bloody hell! That’s it I’m dead. I’m dead. I will never be allowed to leave this house ever again.” Parker said to himself. Picking up his phone he noticed 4 missed calls from you. Each one had a message and if there was one thing he knew about you is that you only left more harsh and frantic voice messages the more you called.
He only played the most recent one, you sounded really peeved “PARKER JACKSON HOLLAND! Please call me, I’m worried about you. I can’t get in touch with the staff either. I will be home in 20 mins, you better have a good fucking explanation for everything.” Parker’s eyes nearly flew out of his head when he saw that was sent 15 mins ago. Any moment now he would hear the Rolls pulling into the driveway.
The poor kid could only move so fast, he quickly gathered the liquor bottles and threw them into a plastic trash bag along with all the red solo cups that seem to be multiplying. All the meanwhile corralling all the squatters, from last night, who crashed there. He found some people by the pool and others passed out in the dining room. Running like a madman through the house, he caught a glimpse of what would be the reason for his demise. The door to Tom’s office was open. He swore to god he locked it, someone must’ve broken in. They could’ve taken anything, all the information about the mob was stored in that one tastefully decorated room. Parker quickly shut the door and hoped nothing would happen, he couldn’t live with himself if this one stupid party cost his family their livelihood.
“Rosie? Henry? Where are you guys? Mum and dad will be home any minute, I need your help.” Parker called out throughout the house. He didn’t expect Rosie to show up because of their fight last night, but where the fuck was Henry.
You and Tom pulled up along with Harrison in the black Rolls Royce, coming to a screeching halt. You all walked along the cobble stone path to the two large, intimidating front doors. You all simultaneously freaked out when you saw the door was ajar. Tom and Haz pulled out their guns and made it a priority to keep you safe by shoving you behind them. You all had no idea what you could be walking into.
Tom whispered to Haz to split up, Haz took the East Wing while Tom checked the main rooms. Rounding the corner he could her footsteps.
“Darling, stay behind me. I don’t want you getting hurt,” Tom whispered and you nodded in response.
“On the count of 3. 1, 2, 3,” Tom screamed as he jumped out, holding his gun straight ahead. He found his son disheveled, carrying grocery bags filled with empty beer cans and liquor bottles.
“DON’T SHOOT! DON’T SHOOT! Holy fuck! Dad is that you?” Parker screamed, dropping the bags to the ground, glass shattering and raising his hand up in innocence. Scared for his life her quickly caught his breath when he realized who it was.
“Parker, what the hell? Why the fuck was the door opened…. wait? Did you have a party!?!” Tom thundered as he realized what his son did. His voice gradually growing more furious. Parker just stood there with a shameful look on his face.
“Mum, dad. How was Dublin?” Parker sneaked to quickly change the subject.
“Don’t try to get out this, explain now!” You scolded, just as furious as Tom
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did it, I just needed to blow off steam.” “What the fuck do you think a sorry is going to do? I run a fucking mob, Parker. Are you a fucking idiot? Parker, for fucks sake, anyone could have stolen some information from my office or gotten into the gun room. What the fuck were you thinking?”
“I’m not that much of a div, I locked your office and I don’t know,” Parker explained.
“You’re not as dumb as I thought. Hope you were smart enough to lock the liquor cellar too,” Tom concluded.
“Yeah…about that,” Parker mumbled as Tom ran off to his liquor room. A loud clash and curse sounded throughout the house when he laid his eyes on his ransacked priceless collection.
“Mum, say something?” Parker pleaded with you as you just stood there in silence.
“2 months. You’re grounded for 2 months. No dates or parties, just school and home. I don’t think you understand how lucky you are that nothing serious happened here.” You said, your voice drenched with disappointment. “I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking about what dad and you asked me and —” Parker whispered as he was soon cut off by Haz walking in.
“Did you find Henry?” Haz interrupted.
“No, I’m going to check upstairs. Will you check on Tom?” Harrison nodded as you ascended the staircase. Making your way through the halls, coming upon Rosie’s room.
“Roo, honey you awake?” You said walking into Rosie’s room
“AHHHH! Oh my fucking god! Rosie!” You screamed at the sight in front of you. Your sweet, slightly bad tempered daughter asleep with a boy in her bed.
“Darling? You alright?” Tom yelled from downstairs after hearing your scream.
“Mum, what are you doing here?” Rosie exclaimed frantically.
“Hi, Y/N.” Henry whispered, praying he wasn’t going to be berated. You were a mother figure to him after his own mother left his father and never looked back. “This is my house and hi Henry. What the fuck is Henry doing here in you bed? What the fuck are you doing here?” You questioned bouncing between the two of them to get some answers.
“I can explain. But, firstly are you gonna tell dad?” Rosie inquired.
“The fact that he is already fuming downstairs, no. Not right now. And please explain, you have 5 seconds, but first you need to get Henry out of here.”
“Thank you mom, I just don’t —.“
“Ehh, eh, eh! Shut it, I’ll deal with you later,” you barked.
“Henry, I suggest you take the window and your dad is looking for you,” you said.
“Shit! Thanks Y/N… I mean Mrs. Holland” Henry said as you shot him a glare.
The moment Henry was in the clear, Tom barged in with his gun in hand. Someone needs to tell this man to put it down. All morning he has been traumatically scarring his kids for life, first with Parker and now Rosie.
“What? Is everyone all right? I heard a scream.” Tom exclaimed out of breath.
“Umm, yeah. I just saw a spider.” You stuttered.
“Oh love, you can kill a man in cold blood but can’t handle an itty bitty spider,” Tom joked as he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“You're afraid of them too, Thomas.” You quipped with a side eye. If looks could kill, yours definitely would.
“And for you missy, you’re grounded along with your brother.” Tom said, looking down on Rosie. “Me? What did I do?” Rosie asked in a high pitched voice. “You attended this party correct? And since this is also your house, you threw it by association. Am I right?” Tom inquired.
“I guess so,” Rosie huffed.
The twin’s exile was worse than they prepared for. Not only were they responsible for cleaning up the entire mess but they were given a list of chores to complete. This was no ordinary list. It was devised by you and Tom along with inputs from the maids and capos.
On it read:
Wash the Rolls
Clean the guns
Reorganize the pantry
Mow the lawn
Re-order all stolen liquor and stock the liquor room
Drain the pool, clean the pool, fill the pool back up again…
The list was never-ending. Each task more pointless than the next. It went on forever. The household staff was happy for their load was to be lessen for a couple weeks, unlike the kids. Harrison even forced Henry to partake in the chores.
The kids were only a couple days into their quarantine and were already going stir crazy. Parker was having withdrawals from Charlotte, missing her even more. The boy was whipped for her, really smitten. They would talk the night away. Some nights never getting any shut eye as their conversations would prolong hours.
Parker couldn’t believe this was where he was now. One night of unadulterated juvenile fun equated to 2 months of misery. Today was Charlotte’s birthday and he was supposed to take her to the London Eye on a surprise birthday trip, but all his plans were ruined the moment his parents came home and grounded his sorry ass.
“I can’t believe your parents grounded you. Assholes.” Charlotte said over the phone, fuming he couldn’t celebrate with her.
“I can’t go babe. I really wish I could but I’m grounded for life remember.” Parker said, the cold shoulder Tom and you had been giving him was killing him.
“Parker its my birthday. You have to come,” Charlotte pleaded
“There’s no chance in hell I’m allowed to leave.”
“Geez you just threw a party, it’s not like you killed someone,” Charlotte added. He might as well have. If he killed someone he wouldn’t be burdened with this punishment, probably praised instead, carrying on the family tradition.
“Just sneak out. Come on, we are all going to this nightclub downtown. It’s gonna be awesome. And I’m such a good girlfriend, I can’t let you miss it.” Charlotte pleaded.
“Alright, Char you wore me down.”
“I knew it. Pick you up at 11 tonight.”
“Park around the block, I’m going to have to climb out my window. Remember my house is like a fortress.” Parker said. He wasn’t lying.
Meanwhile, Tom was in and out of meetings in his office all day. He received one odd phone call in particular from his dad, Dominic Holland. “Hi dad, how are you” Tom said as he picked up the phone.
“I’m fine son, so how did the talk with Parker go. I’m excited to teach him all my mobster tricks,” Dom exclaimed. “Actually dad, he reacted like I did.”
“Oh well, he will come around just like you did” Dom said encouragingly.
“I don’t know if he will. Anyway it wouldn’t be so bad if he had his own path in life.” Tom murmured trying to stick up for his son’s decision.
“Tom, you know what will happen to this family if that happens,” Dom yelled.
“I know dad. I just don’t want him to feel trapped, like you did to me,” Tom exclaimed growing more annoyed by the minute.
“What I did to you got you to where you are today. Your life is thanks to me son and don’t you forget it,” Dom said with a stern, menacing voice.
“Understood sir,” Tom quipped. “Maybe Parker needs a push, in the right direction.” “Dad, I swear to god, don’t fucking do anything. Y/N and I are handling this” Tom yelled. “We’ll see how that turns out” Dom ended the phone call. Leaving Tom frustrated that his father sees him as his own puppet.
The night soon fell and Parker’s plan had been put into motion. He bribed a few of the Tom’s men with his allowance to let him sneak past. He jumped out the window, carefully walked on the roof as to not slip and make any noise. Finally on the ground, he scaled the iron fence to be met with Charlotte’s ice blue eyes. She was dressed in a pink party dress that hugged her figure perfectly.
“Wow princess, you look *chef’s kiss. Happy birthday baby,” Parker said while making his way back to the ground.
“Thanks doll. Now come on, before someone catches us,” she yelled whilst hopping into her silver Mercedes.
Arriving at the nightclub, everything was in full swing for 11 o’clock at night. Parker, Charlotte and her other friends were treated like royalty the moment Parker let his name slip.
“Right this way Mr. Holland and I will have someone bring you a bottle of champagne, on the house of course,” the hostess said as she sat them at their table.
“Oooo fancy, you should drop your name more often,” Charlotte whispered in Parker’s ear.
“Oh it was nothing, love.” Parker said while pouring himself and Charlotte a glass of bubbly. “Seriously Parker, how’d you do this? If I didn’t know any better I’d say your dad owned the club or something,” Charlotte said dumbfounded, causing Parker to choke on his champagne at her remark.
It was amazing what power could do. Having enough power to make your enemies disappear was unimaginable. Parker knew what turning down his father meant. He would have the name and the look of a Holland, but he wouldn’t be one anymore.
How could he give all that up. He enjoyed his cushy lifestyle. Sure it was day after day of worrying about your image but, he felt as though he belonged in that world. How could he go on being a kid for two more years knowing there was a metaphorical expiration date on his life.
He desperately wanted to want to be like them, his family. You, his mother, are the strongest person he knows. Having you in his life keeps him grounded, literally at the moment. Also his dad, Tom is a very loving and amazing father. He was there at all the football games (English football) cheering him on and at the spelling bees, also when he felt his first heartbreak, Tom was there.
Family has been the one constant in his life. Now it was being eclipsed by power, a power that could ruin lives or affect change. Turning his back on his family means they would never get see his future.
No one would be there at his graduation from college or when he first child was born, only Charlotte would be there. The girl he hoped to marry and have his kids. He couldn’t give up his future with her, no way. Parker eyes glanced at her, mesmerized by her beauty. He thought to himself, “This was it. This, she is all I’ll ever need, my princess.”
Most of Parker’s pet names for Charlotte were derived from Tom. He had heard his dad refer to his mother as: princess, queen, doll, darling, love. The list goes on. As long as Parker had his princess he knew he would be ok.
They danced the night away. Song after song. Feeling like the only two people in the room. Getting more drunk as the night progressed and other guests started to fizzle out. Leaving Charlotte and Parker alone on the dance floor.
“Char, I think it’s about time we head home. We are the only people left,”
Parker chuckled.
“Just two more songs please,” she muttered with her head nuzzled by his neck.
“It’s two hours til sunrise!” Parker exclaimed.
“Just a little while longer, I don’t want this moment to end.” “Me neither baby, I want to stay in your arms forever” Parker said. In a moment of love, coupled with champagne and a few tequila shots, Parker whispered, “We should get married.”
“What? Are you serious? Do you mean now or in like 5 years?” Charlotte asked as her voice slowly diminished
“Umm… yes and now. I love you,” Parker murmured. “YES! I will marry you!” Charlotte exclaimed pulling her boyfriend into a deep, passionate kiss. Parker’s dream was coming true and all he had to do was leave his family.
Just then a group of tall, stocky men, all dressed in black, funneled through the door of the club. They didn’t bother with sitting down, they just stood there blocking the only exit.
One of the men spoke up, “Parker Holland? I have a message for you.”
“Can’t it wait til morning, just tell him I’m sorry and he can ground me even longer,” Parker replied thinking the message was from Tom.
“It’s not that kind of message,” all the noise drifted away as the other man drew his gun. Both Charlotte and Parker grew tense at the sight of his pistol.
“Charlotte, get behind me,” Parker whispered, scared for both their lives.
“Boy, it’s not from your daddy,” said the leader of the men. “Do you know who my father is? He will have all of your heads if you so as much lay a finger on me,” Parker responded
“So the girl is up for grabs?” “Charlotte, RUN!” Parker Screamed
“Eh, not so fast. I’m going to enjoy this one.” The guy said, seizing Charlotte in his grip and motioning for this associates to grab Parker. Two arms holding Parker back from protecting Charlotte.
“Why you hanging out this rift raft? I’m sorry but he needs to atone for his mistakes.” “Parker..” Charlotte whimpered.
“Such a pretty girl and such a waste” the man snickered as he pressed the gun into her abdomen. Tears slipped down her face as she felt the cool metal against her.
It was the shot heard round the room. Everything stood quiet as Charlotte collapsed to the floor. The leader of the men shouted he need a drink. “NOOOOO! ” Parker screamed as he was let go and raced to Charlotte’s side
“Hey, hey, baby look at me. Look at me,” Parker said as tears flooded down his face.
“I’m sorry, we should’ve left.” Charlotte whispered with labored breaths while blood poured out of her wound. “Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for.” Parker cried while rubbing his thumb on her cheek. Blood pooled around them and he could only be focused on one thing, the love of his life dying in his arms. “Parker, it hurts so much,” Charlotte cried. The pain was mind-numbing. Threatening the life inside her.
“I know, love. Just keep your eyes on me love, keep’em open”
“I’m so tired Parker… I want my last words to you to be I love you. I love you ok? So much.” she whispered, then broke into a coughing fit. Blood filling her mouth and running down her chin, scaring Parker.
“Don’t, don’t fucking start that now you, hear me. You’re gonna be fine, we’re gonna get married and have kids and grow old together,” Parker exclaimed as her eyes threatened to shut.
“You said yes, Char. You have to be okay. You said yes. I asked you to marry me and you said yes.” Parker cried as tears refused to stop coming. Charlotte’s eyes growing more and more to a close.
“Please, don’t leave me baby. Charlotte don’t leave me. Don’t fucking close your eyes. You hear me. Don’t.” And with that, the hand Parker held so close to his heart was limp. Her eyes had closed and heart stopped beating. She was gone.
“No! No, no no, hey hey hey, come on, come on baby stay with me. Stay with me please.”
“Wake up, darling. Please. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Just come back to me baby. , I need you,” Parker whimpered. He burst into a fit of sobs and hugged her close to his body, not wanting to let her go because then it all became real.
The woman who changed his life, no longer walked this earth. The love of his life was gone. All the bubbling life inside of her, vanished like it had never existed in the first place. Parker’s demeanor flipped like a switch. His sadness became infused with anger, he was out for blood.
“You bastards! Why did you do that? She had nothing to do with this?” Parker thundered as blood coated his knuckles. “I’m sorry kid, but it had to be done” The leader spoke.
In a fit of rage, Parker grabbed the empty champagne bottle and smashed it over one of the guy’s heads, knocking the muscular guy unconscious.
“Big mistake, kid. Thought you were smarter than that.” The leader said as he stood in front of Parker and delivered him a swift punch to the jaw, flooring Parker.
“She really wasn’t enough of a message? Want her death to be in vain?” He spat as he kicked Parker in the stomach.
Several kicks followed, two more to the stomach, one to the groin and one final blow to the head, demobilizing Parker. He laid on the ground coughing up blood, trying to gather enough strength to get home.
He looked once more over to the girl he had loved, lifeless with a whole in stomach, knowing if it weren’t for him she would still be alive. Charlotte was the only thing on his mind as he succumbed to all the pain and everything faded to darkness.
Guns, Glamour, and Goodfellas Series Masterlist
Taglist: @thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @dummiesshort
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merakiui · 4 years
Day Team Slumber Party
(I wrote this on a whim based off of Ethan saying he’ll get nightmares if there’s too much on his mind and if he forces himself to rest, and June suggesting that everyone should sleep together to solve the problem. lol There’s no point in this, but I want to think it’s an enjoyable read. Now I’ll get back to working on everyone’s requests!)
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It’s Louis who complains about the not-so-perfect sleep he had the other night. His fellow teammates look at him, and it���s June who asks for an elaboration. Ethan wishes he wouldn’t, and Theo can only force a small smile while he takes extreme interest in his chopsticks.
“What could be giving you trouble, my brother?” June practically shouts, slamming his drink on the table. “Are you suffering from any nightmares? Is it a vengeful spirit? Tell me and I’ll make sure no one gives you trouble! We’re brothers for a reason!”
Louis, having been given an opportunity, feigns a forlorn expression, holding a gloved hand over his chest. “Your overwhelming kindness is but a mere balm to soothe my pain! Surely you understand the horrid imperfections an improper sleep brings.” He sighs, wiping a faux tear from the corner of his eye. “If this continues any longer, my beautiful skin shall be tarnished! The mirrors may crack if I walk past, and I simply cannot let that happen.”
“Ah.” It slips from Theo without his meaning to, and he figures a small explanation won’t hurt. “Louis, I’m sure you’ll sleep better if you stop worrying.”
“Worry? ‘Tis a silly implication, my handsome Theo! Alas, what shall I do if I’m not as beautiful as the sun? Which, if you haven’t noticed, must shine brighter than everything else!”
“Well, you are the sun, aren’t you?” He means it as a joke, but he knows better than to assume Louis will laugh.
June grins. “I agree with brother Theo! It is just as he says. We must fix this problem of yours so that you can continue to shine as bright as the afternoon sun. That’s what our team represents, isn’t it, my brothers?!”
Ethan rolls his heterochromatic eyes. Though these types of shenanigans are a common happening within the Day Team, it doesn’t do anything to dispel his annoyed state. “We really shouldn’t be enabling such a narcissistic fool. Don’t you have anything better to do than to weep about something so insignificant?”
“How can you say that, brother Ethan? A good rest leads to a healthy mindset!”
“And a lovely lifestyle,” Louis adds, posing dramatically before the three Reapers.
“Why don’t you drink something that’s bound to make you fall asleep? Chamomile is known to treat insomnia, so I could brew you a cup if you’d like.”
“A perfect prince such as myself would never fall victim to that disease you call insomnia!”
It was worth a shot, Theo thinks, deflating. I’m afraid there’s no getting through to him.
“I doubt you’d know what a disease is,” Ethan says, crossing his arms. “You’re quite the disease yourself.”
“Your words wound my already fractured heart!” Louis slumps against the table, woefully sighing. “How cruel of you.”
“Insults won’t fix anything either. Maybe you’re reading too much into this. Everyone’s had their fair share of sleepless nights. You’re no different, Louis. The problem might lie in the fact that you’ve been sleeping in an uncomfortable position, or you’ve had too many heavy thoughts. Whatever it may be, I’m sure you’ll be able to overcome it in no time,” Theo says, shifting so he’s slightly in between Ethan and Louis. “You just need to fix your sleeping habits.”
“That’s it!” June jumps up from his seat. “The answer to your problem is simple! We’ll spend a night together!”
“Excuse me?” Ethan raises a brow.
“Um...” Theo trails on his words. “I don’t think that’s—”
“A marvelous idea! Truly spectacular, my dear June.” Louis applauds him, all traces of sadness gone from his face. “Please tell me more.”
“I’ve heard about it from the manager. They used to participate in a tradition where their closest friends came together for an evening of fun! Something called a slumber party.”
“That sounds too noisy. I’m not going to lose sleep because someone can’t seem to turn away from his own reflection at night.”
“Ethan’s got a point. Aren’t parties a bit too exciting for a time when we should be asleep? Won’t the manager be upset if we’re too tired to work the following day?”
“Nonsense! The manager should join us! They’ll get a chance to see the flawless Prince Louis in his silken night clothes. ‘Tis a sight to behold. Manager may go blind from how perfect I am, even in the late hours of the night.”
“If the manager’s going to be there...” Theo’s cheeks redden at the prospect of spending time with the manager outside of work hours. “I guess it wouldn’t be all that bad.”
“Brothers!” June gathers everyone’s attention, which isn’t a difficult task because he’s practically got the entire cafeteria watching him. “Have you forgotten about brother Louis? We must help him get a good night’s sleep! Therefore we’ll try this slumber party the manager mentioned, and it’ll restore his well-being!”
“I’m declining, so don’t ask again.” 
“I’d rather sleep by myself, if I’m being honest.”
“A little company never hurt anyone.”
“We have to stick together in times like these. When one of us falls, the others should be there to help him up! That’s why we’re brothers!”
There’s not much of an argument here, and it’s not like either of them will give up—or listen to logic for that matter. Besides, a slumber party—whatever that may entail—can’t be entirely bad, right? Theo’s willing to give it a try if it means hanging out with June more, but Ethan refuses to even accept the idea. He thinks it’s a waste of time that’ll only make the issue worse. And he can’t be blamed for his thoughts, no matter how cold they may be. 
If only any of them knew the true purpose of a slumber party.
“All right! Everything has been prepared. The futons are laid out, tea has been brewed, and we’re dressed appropriately. Let us commence our first slumber party, brothers!” June laughs energetically, pumping a fist in the air.
“Sure.” Theo already regrets agreeing. The manager is absent, and somehow Ethan’s managed to join. “I’m glad everyone’s here.”
Ethan scoffs under his breath. “What’s the point in trying to sleep alone now? I’ll just hear you from outside my door.”
“What are we supposed to do, though? I’m a little confused.”
“Good question! Allow me to enlighten you.” Louis is holding a rose between his fingers as he speaks, twirling it as though it were a lock of hair. “You are to sleep wonderfully with the deepest of dreams! Naturally, that shouldn’t be a problem for us. After all, it’s called a slumber party for a reason. With this, I’ll finally be able to catch up on all of that precious beauty rest I missed.”
“Oh. We’re just supposed to sleep, then?”
Theo turns to June for confirmation, who says, “We’ll do all sorts of things to tire ourselves out so that we can sleep without fail!”
“That sounds fun, but I’m already tired. I’ll just finish my tea before heading to bed.”
Ethan nods, agreeing with Theo’s easy escape method. “I suppose I’ll do the same.”
“That’s hardly enjoyable,” Louis states, admiring the flower’s vibrant petals while letting out his signature laugh. “Doesn’t this color match Ethan’s charming hair? Perhaps he was born amongst the rose bushes to have gained such a blessed hue!”
“You talk too much.” 
“And you hardly talk at all! We should enjoy this night to its fullest potential. I propose we admire my beauty for the rest of the evening! My face will surely lull you to sleep, as will my splendid voice. Consider yourselves lucky! I’ll sing a lullaby for you, my sleepless friends.”
Louis makes a motion to begin singing, and he’s promptly cut off when a pillow is thrown at him, hitting him square in the face. On the other end is Ethan, whose brow lowers in a fierce glare. The perfect prince is shocked, mouth slightly agape at the audacity of his fellow teammate.
“My face!” he exclaims, bolting upright to get to the nearest reflective surface. 
June lets out another laugh, grabbing the pillow and testing its softness. “Excellent aim, brother Ethan! This seems like a worthwhile game. Catch, brother Theo!” 
Theo has just enough time to set his teacup down before the pillow makes contact with his chest. “Junee, I wasn’t ready!” There’s a hint of a smile on his features. “Louis, your face is fine. This pillow couldn’t hurt even a vengeful spirit.”
“How can you be so sure? Check the material! Anything could be a hazard to my endless perfection.”
June stands up to drag Louis back, an arm slung around him. “Fear not, brother! You’re glowing!”
“If you say so, then it must be true. You have an eye for perfection, June!” He swoops down to grab another pillow, eyeing it with a hint of mild distrust. “This should tire us out thoroughly!” 
The three Reapers toss pillows back and forth with the objective of hitting one another. Catching seems to be thrown out the window in favor of playing such a childish game. Every now and then, a pillow grazes Ethan, and despite his grumbling he ends up returning the throw, whacking June in the side. So begins a worthless contest of agility, strength, and endurance between Reapers who are far too giddy to continue this strange version of a pillow fight. 
“Isn’t this great?!” June asks when the constant barrage of pillows has slowed down. “I’m proud to spend this night with my brothers!” 
He tackles all three of them at once, which results in a pile of Day Reapers landing on the plush surfaces of their futons. Louis crows about his face once more, while Ethan sighs, more so bothered by the sudden act of affection than the actual fall itself. And Theo is just glad to have tried something new, despite the arbitrary implications of the events that led up to this moment. Nevertheless, it’s oddly fun. He’s never experienced this sort of glee before, and he’s certain the others haven’t either. For once, they’re closer than they’ve ever been, and that’s not just because they’re still on the ground in a tangle of limbs.
“This is like a new type of training! Let’s do it once more!” June is the first to get up, already gathering his own arsenal of pillows. 
In the beginning, Ethan wanted to ignore them and simply sleep like any normal person. Now he just wants to get the others to settle down. Against his better judgement, he reaches for a pillow. 
Theo chuckles, sensing where this’ll lead. Thankfully, he managed to clean everything earlier, so dust and germs won’t hold him back. “Junee, let’s do this together.”
“Nothing can stand in our way, brother!”
“I’ll be unable to forgive either of you if you leave so much as a dent on my fragile appearance! Have mercy on those who are good-looking.”
“Stop whining and get a pillow. This battle won’t be in their favor.” 
There’s an air of pride to Ethan, and rightfully so, as he’s ready to put a swift end to their antics. Just for tonight he’ll team up with the self-loving prince. He must be extra tired if he’s willing to side with him and take part in such a senseless game, but there’s nothing he can do now. He’s already committed, and he isn’t one to regret his decisions.
The Day Team stands before both (Name) and Nyang Lead Manager the following morning, dead tired and yearning for a few more hours of coveted sleep. 
“We received lots of noise complaints—meow. Would you mind explaining yourselves?” Nyang hisses at the quartet, a bone-deep scowl on his furry face. 
“I’ll take care of it. You’ve got a lot of work to get to, so you shouldn’t have to stress over this,” (Name), their ultimate savior, offers kindly.
Nyang looks like he wants to protest, but he decides that they’ll execute a punishment per his orders. “Then don’t let me hear their ruckus again!” With another hiss, he exits (Name)’s office.
“So,” they say, analyzing each Reaper’s expression. Three out of four appear guilty, but they all seem groggy. “Now I know why June was asking me so many questions about slumber parties.”
“Manager, please forgive us. We’re truly sorry.” Theo attempts an explanation, but (Name) holds up their arm to silence him. 
“Are you kidding? You guys had all that fun and I wasn’t invited? We should hold a slumber party for the entire 14th Department! Then everyone can join in on the chaos.”
June overcomes his tired haze to nod enthusiastically. Theo looks like he could just faint on the spot, and Ethan is stone-faced. As usual for such an icy Reaper. 
“I’m just surprised Louis isn’t worried about his hygiene. You know, all of that beauty sleep and whatnot.”
“The light in here is simply horrendous!” Louis waltzes over to the windows, peeling the curtains aside so that he can bask in the warm light. “That’s much better.”
To everyone’s surprise, there’s no sign of sleep deprivation.
“Aren’t you lively today?” (Name) smiles, taking in Louis’s refreshed appearance.
“So you noticed! I slept like an infant in a castle of clouds. Ah, this is truly a wonderful morning. I’ve awoken, beauty sleep reclaimed, and have blessed everyone in the Department! Rejoice!”
Theo rubs his eyes, at a complete loss. “He...actually slept.”
June blinks twice, holding back a yawn. “Brother Louis truly is as radiant as the sun. So cool!”
Ethan sighs, already intent on moving forward from the previous night. “This was pointless to begin with.”
66 notes · View notes
chelsfic · 4 years
The Hot List, in which the NYC Familiar Discord Ranks their Masters - Nandor x Guillermo Fanfic (one-shot, crack!)
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Summary: The familiars of New York City use Discord to connect and blow off steam...and also to rank their masters’ hotness. Nandor discovers this impertinence and throws an internet fit.
Tags: Crack with a touch of angst
A/N: I don’t know. 
NYC Familiar Chat #thirsty
Celeste-is-Best: nngh, have you guys seen Mr. 50ss’s’s’ss instagram story????
Celeste-is-Best: He’s so pretty! it’s like turn me, already!
Imurdad | colby: I know, right? I can’t believe he’s only 7 on the hot list…
[Gigi the great and sam teh pretty like this]
Gigi the great: Don’t forget to vote on this month’s poll!!
Best Hair!
We’re the ones who make them look pretty--but who’s the prettiest one of all? This month we’re voting on the NYC vampire with the best hair. Cast your vote!
A. Simon the Devious
B. Nandor the Relentless
C. Tilda
D. Evan
E. Houston
F. Nancy the Relentless
Guillermo locked his phone with a little smile. If he could he’d vote a hundred times for Nandor’s hair. It was unlikely that his master would win against the likes of Evan, Tilda and Nancy. He’d thrown Simon on there as a joke and was kind of horrified by how many familiars seemed to be into the limp mullet look. To each their own, he guessed.
On that note, it was almost nightfall and Nandor’s hair wasn’t going to brush itself. Guillermo made his way into the crypt, lighting candles and gathering the soft brush, comb, detangler spray and hair oils. Nandor was what he lovingly referred to as “high maintenance.” He was also surprisingly pitiful for a 750-year old warlord. It took Guillermo ages every night to carefully tease out and brush the knots from his hair without hurting him. It should’ve been annoying after so many years, but the chore remained one of the highlights of Guillermo’s day. 
For one thing, he got to touch his master without being scolded or hissed at. So that was nice. For another thing, Nandor’s hair was as soft as his personality was prickly. Guillermo would often drag out the task, running his fingers through the silky strands and lightly touching Nandor’s jaw to get him to tilt his head this way or that. 
He was doing just that, as well as admiring the expanse of cream and bronze skin revealed by the open collar of Nandor’s loose shirt, when the vampire opened his mouth. 
“Guillermooo...Did you happen to get any virgins for tonight?”
Guillermo’s fingers momentarily tightened around a hank of his master’s hair. He imagined giving it a sharp tug. He forced himself to loosen his grip and replied, “No, master, I’m sorry. Virgins are getting pretty thin on the ground lately. I managed to pick up a couple people from a bible study class, though. They should taste pretty innocent, right?”
Nandor made a disgusted sound in the back of his throat before answering, “You’d be surprised.”
NYC Familiar Chat #the-struggle
Gigi the great: I know we all jealously guard our sources, but I’ve been in a dry spell for a few weeks and my master is going to lose it and drink me one of these nights. Anyone have any new leads on virgins in the area?
Gigi the great: I’ve tried the usual stuff...LARPers, church socials, chastity clubs (surprisingly unhelpful…). I’m kinda desperate!
Direct Messages
Celeste-is-Best: only because you had my back last month when I ran out of burial sites…
Gigi the great: OMG! Celeste, please!! 🙏 🥺
Celeste-is-Best: there’s a magic the gathering tournament in brighton heights this weekend...😈
Gigi the great: You are like the virgin whisperer, Celeste. Thank you!
Celeste-is-Best: np
Celeste-is-Best: hey! Are you posting the poll results soon? I voted for Tilda--don’t tell Houston!! LOL
Gigi the great: The results are in! The vampire with the best hair in NYC is……..EVAN!
Check out the Google Form for the full results...
Evan (26%)
Tilda (22%)
Nancy the Relentless (17%)
Simon the Devious (16%)
Nandor the Relentless (13%)
Houston (6%)
“What are you typing over there on your intelligent phone?”
Guillermo hurriedly tucked his phone away and looked up to find his master mopping blood from his mouth with a lace-trimmed handkerchief. They were in an alleyway a few buildings down from the comic shop. The limp body of Nandor’s victim lay discarded on the dirty ground. Guillermo smiled affectionately at Nandor trying and failing to clean himself. He took the hanky from him and set about doing the job himself. The snow white fabric was quickly drenched in dark red arterial blood. 
“I was just, um...checking on another potential virgin source,” he lied. 
The familiar Discord was strictly secret. If any of their masters ever found it and saw their human servants’ uncensored discussions... The thought sent a panicked tremor down Guillermo’s spine and he thought--for the thousandth time--that he should delete the app and not look back. But the idea of continuing with this emotionally draining, thankless job without his little support system was just as disturbing. Besides, the server had really come through for him tonight.
“Well done, Guillermo!” Nandor praised him and Guillermo’s heart swelled pathetically. A small, shameful part of him imagined Nandor patting him on the head and he didn’t hate it. “That was the most delicious virgin I’ve had in months!”
“Thank you, master,” Guillermo smiled sweetly, his cheeks dimpling. Nandor watched him for a long moment and he could swear he saw his master’s eyes linger on his mouth. He shut that thought down before it could bloom into a hope that was only doomed for disappointment. 
“Well…I’ll see you back at the house.” Nandor vanished before his eyes, taking his bat form and darting out of the alley with a high-pitched squeak and a furious flap of his leathery wings.
Guillermo sighed, looked at the broken body and wondered if he’d be able to fit his car down the narrow alley or if he’d have to drag the corpse to the opening. He fished out his keys and started the short walk back to his parking spot. All the while thinking, with distracted horror, Simon the Devious beat out Nandor for best hair?!? Really?
Direct Messages
Gigi the great: Hey, thanks! The Magic tournament was a hit!
Celeste-is-Best: i do live to serve…
Gigi the great: Har har.
mish-bish: Ugh!!! Pretty sure my asshole master is hypnotizing me again.
call-me-karen: That’s rough, Misha! You wanna talk about it? My master lets me take the car whenever I want. I can come pick you up…
mish-bish: Yeah, like...I definitely have a huge black hole in my memories from last night. Fuck.
mish-bish: Oh, that’s ok Karen. Thanks.
Gigi the great: Hey @mish-bish. Sorry you’re having a hard time. If you feel up to it, check out the #support channel. A lot of other familiars have gone through this and talked about it there. Sometimes it helps to hear how others cope!
“Guillermo! Guillermoooo!”
Nandor’s panicked bellow reached him all the way in the basement where he was checking his lye supply. Guillermo huffed it up the stairs and raced into the fancy room where he found his master staring aghast at his laptop.
“Wh-what is it, master?” he asked, bent over and catching his breath.
“Someone named...Rap4Unlyfe has sent me a fake news!” Nandor wailed, gesturing to the laptop as if the device was personally responsible. 
Guillermo suppressed an eyeroll and walked over to sit beside his master. He watched in dismay as Nandor scooched farther down the couch but he tried not to let it sting too much. 
The browser was open to Nandor’s Hotmail account. He leaned forward to read the open message, unsure what to expect. The blood drained from his face as he read.
subject: rofl bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah
Has ne1 else seen there familiars on this site??? I hypnotized mine last nite to give me his phone password and...👀 
Mierda. There were two screenshots attached. One was the survey results page from the “best hair” poll. The other was an excerpt from the chat, specifically Guillermo posting the winner of the poll and the link to the results. 
Guillermo’s face fell into an adorably distressed frown. He darted a glance at Nandor but the vampire just looked confused. It wasn’t clear if he yet suspected that his own familiar might be “Gigi the great.”
“Huh…” Guillermo leaned back and smoothed his expression into one of untroubled amusement. “You’re right, looks like fake news. You should probably just ignore it.”
Nandor punched his fist into his thigh and snapped, “But Guillermo! I cannot let this go unanswered! This...this...ludicrous insult! Imagine...me losing a hair contest. Everyone knows I have the most beautiful hair!”
Guillermo blushed magnificently, “Of course, master! This is just...a prank. Someone playing a mean trick on you. You shouldn’t give them the satisfaction--”
The laptop chimed. Guillermo dove to prevent Nandor from reaching it but the vampire simply slapped him away with a petulant whine, “Give me that! Fucking guy…”
Nandor’s lips curled into a snarl as his eyes scanned over the screen. 
“Oh, no! Now they are making a mockery of me on the ether net!”
subject: RE: rofl bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah
Oh! That is too delicious! Suck it, Houston and Nandor! 
It gets even better. Have you seen this, yet?
“Guillermo, what is a hot list?” Nandor asked with a worried frown, clicking on the attachment. 
“No, master! Don’t--”
It was too late. He watched as his master’s eyes lit with understanding and then intrigue and finally outrage.
“29?! I am number 29 on your dirty hot vampire list!? What is the meaning of this?” Nandor bristled like an angry porcupine, his eyes shooting metaphorical quills into Guillermo’s soft flesh.
“It’s not my list, master!” he insisted and then, guiltily, “Not only mine…”
“Guillermo!” Nandor gasped, his eyes returning to the screen for a moment before pinning him with outraged accusation. “So, it is you!? You are...Gigi the great? Well, I do not think you are so great, little guy! In fact I think you’re pretty un-great right now! And disrespectful!”
Guillermo sank into the couch cushions, melting under his master’s ire and replying miserably, “It’s not as bad as it looks!”
Nandor turned back to the screen and began reading off names from the top of the list, “Viago! Nancy the Relentless! Evan! I suppose these are all vampires you’ve been dreaming of doing the hanky panky with! Putting them on the top of your list above your own master! That’s two demerits, Guillermo!”
“What!? No! Master, I didn’t make the list! We vote on it! Everyone gets a say. If I made the list of course you’d be at the top--”
Guillermo snapped his mouth shut. His face was on fire and he felt like crying. Nandor must have some inkling of his crush, right? After ten years of service? This couldn’t really be the life-ending mortification that it felt like. He waited, wide-eyed, for his master’s reaction. Nandor stared at him, his huge, dark eyes filled with shock and anger. After a long minute he turned back to the laptop, waving a hand dismissively in Guillermo’s face.
“Go to your room now, Guillermo! I need to think of how to punish this impertinence!”
Guillermo stood, barely holding in humiliated tears. He gestured to the device in Nandor’s lap, “My laptop…”
Nandor held it out of Guillermo’s reach and hissed, “No! Vampire only computer time, Guillermo!”
Guillermo left, trudging out of the room with a sinking feeling in his stomach as the sound of Nandor’s flop-wristed typing followed him out the door.
Gigi the great: Is everyone okay?
call-me-karen: not fukcing great!
Imurdad | colby: Seriously! WTF!!?
Gigi the great is typing…
Guillermo lay on his little cot with the crocheted blanket his amá made for him pulled up to his chin. Tears streaked down his cheeks and the phone’s glare reflected in his glasses. He thought back to every off handed complaint, every silly photo turned into a “master-shaming” meme, every confession, every joke. All of them laid bare to the world. The Discord server started out as goofy, harmless fun. The hot list was the perfect embodiment of that. But it became so much more. Being a familiar could be lonely. You were isolated from other humans and surrounded by cold, uncaring monsters all the time. Guillermo loved Nandor. Everyone knew this...there were even memes about it on the server! But sometimes his master’s aloofness got to be too much and he needed to reach out to other humans who understood him! 
He threw his phone down onto the mattress, angrily pawing at his teary eyes and wondering if this was it. Not just the end of NYC Familiar Chat, but the end of Guillermo the Great, his long-dreamed-of vampire alias. There was no way Nandor would keep him as a familiar after this…
Direct Messages
Celeste-is-Best: OMG! Guillermo, have you seen this?
Celeste-is-Best: http://familiar-hot-list.colinrobinson.net
Celeste-is-Best: hey, if this is Nandor’s big revenge scheme I think you’re going to be ok
Celeste-is-Best: we miss you! 
Guillermo heard his master calling him and cringed. It had been a week since the hot list incident and Nandor had spent every waking moment making little jabs at his familiar and grousing about how he’d been betrayed on the internet. But to Guillermo’s surprisingly intense relief, he hadn’t been fired. After ten years of disappointment and hopeless pining, Guillermo half-expected to welcome the prospect of finally being put out of his misery, so to speak. He was kind of shocked, therefore, to feel happiness and gratitude that his master had decided to keep him around, even if only as a verbal punching bag.
He found Nandor in the library, smugly brandishing the purloined laptop. 
“Come have a look at your punishment, Guillermo,” Nandor patted the couch beside him. “This is what happens when you disrespect vampires on the ether net.”
Guillermo swallowed the lump in his throat and collapsed beside Nandor feeling like a man condemned. Their thighs pressed together but for once Nandor didn’t move away. He shoved the laptop at Guillermo and handed him a yellow sticky note with Colin Robinson’s handwriting on it.
“Colin Robinson has assisted in creating a webpage for your disgrace. We have done our own hot list! A familiar hot list. All of the New York vampires voted. So, now you can see how not nice it feels to have your hotness besmirched for all the world to see.”
Guillermo typed in the URL and blinked as the neon green background scorched his retinas. The page was a hideous callback to the internet of the late 1990s right down to the hit counter at the bottom. There was a border of pixelated dancing Draculas surrounding bright orange text.
NYC Familiar Hotness Ranking
1. Guillermo (Nandor the Relentless) - 19%
Guillermo looked at the screen, then over at Nandor, then back to the screen again.
“Master? Have you looked at the results yet?”
Nandor’s brow knit with confusion, “No, why? What does it say?”
He grabbed the laptop and squinted against the garish colors. Guillermo watched Nandor’s face carefully as he read the results. He looked surprised and almost...pleased at first, before giving in to his patented aggravation.
“Fucking Colin Robinson!”
New NYC Familiars Group! #welcome
Imurdad | colby: Hey @everyone! Welcome to the new Discord server. Guillermo has stepped down as a mod but he’ll still be around. We don’t have a perfect solution for the security problems we had with the last server. We’re asking everyone to be vigilant about hypnosis and if you feel like you’re losing time, please be sure to secure your phones/computers away from your masters….
subject: Something you might want to see…
Hey Nandoorman! How’s it hangin’?  
Listen, I’m sorry that your revenge didn’t go as planned. I noticed you’ve been a little short with Gizmo ever since this whole thing started. As someone who cares about my roomie, I want to advise you to knock it the hell off. Also, I don’t relish the thought of returning to the days before Gizmo came along. Do you even remember what the house used to look like? Pools of blood everywhere. Dead bodies. Melted candles all over the place...
I digress… I managed to snag this screenshot from Count Rapula. I think you may find it interesting.
Your pal,
Colin Robinson 
Gigithegreat: Hey guys. This isn’t easy for me to share but I know I’m not the only one who’s dealt with this and if I can help one of you feel less alone then I’ll be glad. As most of you know, I recently “celebrated” my 10th anniversary as Nandor’s familiar. I was convinced, absolutely convinced, that my master was going to make me into a vampire. Well, once again it didn’t happen. He made me this weird portrait out of glitter instead. And the thing is...like, I should leave, right? He’s never going to turn me and that’s the basis for our whole arrangement. I serve him faithfully, he turns me into a vampire. It’s simple, right? So why am I still here? Why am I still burying bodies for him and making human sacrifices? Dressing and feeding him? Treating him like he’s some kind of god and not an ancient cranky baby?  It’s because I’m in love with him. Hopelessly, stupidly, self-destructively in love with my vampire master who thinks of me as nothing more than a really well-trained poodle who can talk. Why? WHY? Because he makes me laugh. Because he’s fiercely protective of his vampire family and (sometimes) that includes me. Because when we’re alone he can be so adorably, painfully vulnerable and it feels like a privilege that I get to witness that side of him. Because he does ridiculously stupid but considerate things like spending hours making me a glitter portrait. When he’s happy with me I feel like I could float and when he’s disappointed I feel like being swallowed up by a sinkhole. And, yeah, he’s also man-of-my-dreams outrageously hot and I cannot believe you cretins have him ranked #29 on the hot list. It’s a crime. 
Gigithegreat: So, yeah. That’s why I stay. I’m no longer hoping for a bite that will never happen. Now it’s a kiss, a hug, a touch, a look. Anything he’s willing to give me I’ll gladly hoard in my little closet-room along with my glitter portrait. Because I’m pathetic. That’s it. That’s the confession.
Imurdad | colby: Brave words, Guillermo. Hang in there, friend.
blood_princess: this is a mood
sam teh pretty: Sending you healing head scritches ❤️
Celeste-is-Best: look, i think i speak for us all when i say we need to see this glitter portrait!!!
[You’re Viewing Older Messages … Jump To Present? ↓]
Nandor looked uncharacteristically thoughtful while Guillermo readied him for sleep. The familiar guessed he was still angry that his little revenge plot had backfired. He couldn’t help but feel a little smug about his position as the hottest NYC familiar. Even if he was pretty sure it was mostly due to the other vampires messing with Nandor. Guillermo couldn’t really enjoy his victory, though, not with Nandor’s feelings of betrayal still weighing on his heart.
Nandor’s face was a stoic mask as Guillermo helped him undress. He cooperated listlessly, picking up his feet for Guillermo to remove his heavy boots, lifting his arms up over his head as Guillermo took off his brocade tunic. Finally, he placed his giant hand in Guillermo’s soft, small one and stepped up into his coffin. Guillermo stood by the side of the coffin as he always did, watching over Nandor with affection choking his throat. Nandor smoothed his hair down and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Sweet dreams, master,” Guillermo whispered, leaning across him to catch the lid of the coffin.
“Wait, Guillermo,” Nandor spoke without looking at him, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. “I wish to say something to you.”
Guillermo’s heart sank in his chest. Oh no...his stupid middle schooler revenge didn’t work and now he’s going to send me away… Tears pricked his eyes and he choked, “C-can’t it wait until tomorrow, master?”
“No. I must say this now,” Nandor responded, oblivious to his familiar’s internal drama. “I want to say to you that--and I think I’m being extremely gracious and lenient here--it is fine for you to have your little, pathetic familiar group on the dark internet.”
“O-oh,” Guillermo quickly swiped the tears from his eyes, “thank you, master…”
“But no more mee-mees, Guillermo! Master-shaming...very disrespectful!”
“Of course!” Guillermo laughed, delirious with relief. 
Nandor looked up at him with a final warning glance before softening, “Alright, then. As long as we are clear on that…”
There was a long beat of silence during which Guillermo found himself locked inside his master’s gaze. Nandor’s eyes were like pools of rich, melted chocolate. Guillermo imagined himself as the German kid from Willy Wonka and for a second he was in danger of breaking down into giggles. But then his master spoke in that soft, uncertain tone he only used when they were alone and he was feeling fragile.
“Guillermo...did you really vote for me to be the number one hottest vampire?” Nandor toyed with the buttons on his shirt and looked up at his familiar with a shy, open expression.
Guillermo’s cheeks burned and he wanted to laugh and hide and kiss his master on the mouth all at once.
“Yes, master, I did. You’re…” he cleared his throat and tightened his grip on the lip of the coffin, “so handsome, master. So beautiful...”
He watched his master’s chest expand with pride and his lips twitch into a haughty smirk. 
“That’s true, Guillermo. Good job for noticing,” Nandor praised him in a voice that was a little too loud. It rang with a false sense of self-assurance. After a few seconds he went on in a quieter tone, “Do you know, I--this is very silly, Guillermo, you mustn't tell anyone this--I voted for you, too. As the hottest familiar…”
Guillermo’s stomach did a little swoop and his lips curved into a blinding smile. His dumb, beautiful master thought he was attractive? Guillermo tried to reel himself in; he tried to remind himself that Nandor probably only voted for him to boost his own reputation. But--wait?--hadn’t the list been meant as a revenge against Guillermo? God, what a handsome idiot.
“Thank you, master,” Guillermo gushed and now he was certain that Nandor’s eyes strayed too long on his smiling lips and red, dimpled cheeks. 
“Alright then!” Nandor pulled the emergency break on the moment. “Time for my evil slumber. Night night, Guillermo!”
And in a slow motion moment that would feature in Guillermo’s dreams that night, Nandor reached up and put his hand over his. Nandor’s cool, smooth palm rubbed over the back of Guillermo’s warm hand and his fingers squeezed slightly. The breath rushed from Guillermo’s lungs and he could only squeak in reply, shutting his master into his coffin and moving away with a dazed smile on his face.
A muffled sound came from the coffin just as Guillermo reached the door to the crypt.
“...And I don’t think of you as a poodle…”
“What was that, master?” Guillermo called.
“Nothing, Guillermo!”
Guillermo shuffled off to his little room feeling like he was carrying a happy little flame inside his chest. For once he gave himself permission to hope without fearing disappointment.
New NYC Familiars Group! #thirsty
Celest-is-Best: SORRY NOT SORRY!!!! Simon can get it…
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blood_princess: ummmm thirst after your own master, Celeste. Oops sorry she’s 12.
mish-bish: Lmaooo. Gross Celeste!
Celeste-is-Best: listen.
Celeste-is-Best: ...i got nothin. I want his evil dick.
Gigi the great: Please look respectfully at this photo I snuck of my master the other night. Do I really need to explain myself further???
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Celeste-is-Best: that’s it. guillermo, ask nandor if he needs another familiar. my body is ready!
Gigi the great: Back off, bitch!!!!
Gigi the great: jk love u
Gigi the great: but srsly back off
mish-bish: submitted without comment
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[Imurdad | colby, Gigi the great, Sam teh Cat, and 6 others like this]
Gigi the great: 🙄🙄🙄
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Gigi the great: I hate him I love him
black-peterrr: ohohoho, has anyone talked to Guillermo lately…..?
black-peterrr: a little raven told me he and Nandor were seen HOLDING HANDS in the park the other night…
call-me-karen: WHATTTTTTTT
Celeste-is-Best: @Gigi the great, CONFIRM OR DENY!! GIIIIIGIIII!
Gigi the great: ……...I don’t kiss and tell 😉
Imurdad | colby pinned a post
Imurdad | colby: This is momentous.
Gigi the great: hot take…
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Imurdad | colby: bahahaha, okay…
Imurdad | colby: 
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Gigi the great: But have you considered…
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Imurdad | colby: lol compelling
Call-me-karen: I mean…..👀
Celeste-is-Best: Ha...ha...ha…*sob*
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Direct Messages
Celeste-is-Best: Gigi! we miss you! ur never online lately... 
Celeste-is-Best: too busy getting that ottoman empire dick, huhhh??
Gigi the great: OMG Celeste! You’re out of control!
Celeste-is-Best: that wasn’t a denial…
Gigi the great: Hey guys...sorry I haven’t been active lately
Gigi the great: Quick update though....
GIgi the great:
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blood_princess: OSDFJweoiflkdfaf omgggggg gggggiiiiiiigiigigig!!!!!!
Jameson: Holy shit, man. Congrats.
Celeste-is-Best: GuillerrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmooooooOooooO!O my baby! you look amazing!
call-me-karen: DO YOU NEED A FAMILIAR!!?!?!?!?
Celeste-is-Best: jesus, karen lol
blood_princess: my master is having an orgy right now. I just locked myself in the bathroom--I’M FREAKING OUT!! What is it like? IS that blood on your collar??? OMG how was ur first feeding?
Imurdad | colby: I’m kidding. OMG I’m so happy for you! (And burning with jealous rage)
Celeste-is-Best: look how fucking happy Nandor is
Celeste-is-Best: i’ve been shipping you two from the beginning, Gigi!
Celeste-is-Best: …..hope you’re not going to forget who helped you out with those virgins last month…
“Guillermo!” Nandor’s voice was half whine, half growl. “It’s very difficult to sleep with that light filling the coffin! What are you doing anyway?”
The screen illuminated Guillermo’s grin as he answered, “Just posted that selfie we took to the familiar chat. They’re freaking out.”
Nandor turned onto his side, nuzzling his face into Guillermo’s neck and tickling him with his beard, “That’s nice. Sleepy time now, Guillermo.” 
“Yes, master,” Guillermo breathed and Nandor purred low in his chest. Some things had changed since becoming a vampire and others had stayed the same. Calling Nandor “master” had taken on a new, thrilling subtext.
Nandor’s arms snaked around Guillermo, tugging the smaller vampire into his chest. He let out a contented sigh and his body went still as he began to fall asleep.
“I guess I should probably leave the group,” Guillermo yawned--force of habit. “Since I’m not a familiar anymore.”
Nandor wrenched himself from sleep with the power of his own petulance, “Hey! What do you mean ‘not a familiar anymore’? Just because a guy gives his boyfriend the gift of eternal life he thinks he can quit being his familiar!? Who’s going to brush my hair?! ‘Not a familiar anymore’...fucking guy…”
39 notes · View notes
vikingsarememes · 4 years
I love your Modern Ivar fics. Could you write something about Ivar coming home after a long day’s work, in pain and angered (maybe because of Sigurd). How would the reader react? A bath? A massage? A glass of wine? It’s up to you! 💖
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Pairing: Ivar x Y/N
summary: Ivar had a very bad day at work and when he returned home, Y/N was there to make it all better
warnings: mention of bullying
word count: 1701
A/N: I really hope you like this one just like I enjoyed writing it!
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After months of trying you were finally pregnant with Ivar’s child, you and your spouse were finally expecting a child of your own, after everyone told you it was impossible since Ivar’s productivity was questionable, you were four months pregnant and ever since Ivar discovered the news he’d create conversations with anyone he meets just to share the news and the updates on his child’s health.
You used to work as a high school teacher, but Ivar convinced you to take a break until you safely deliver the child, at first you opposed, but then he played the cripple card, and talked about his fears, the way his voice breaks when he speaks about those subjects was your weakness, so you ended up staying home, not that it was a bad thing, it was a little boring for your likings, but eventually Ivar would return home and make it up to you, whether with endless making out sessions or cuddles.
So it wasn’t unusual for you to prepare a nice meal and wait for your husband to return from his work, he was the IT specialist at Lothbrok’s company, family business, but your man was the best in his field, you were a little worried when he was twenty minutes late, he’d usually be hugging you now but he wasn’t here, and after an hour of being late, you started panicking, it wasn’t like Ivar to be late without giving you a notice, you called his brothers and they all told you he went out on time.
After two hours your husband came, the minute he opened the door, you rushed to him and hugged him, he didn’t hug you back, you knew something was wrong instantly, you pulled away and noticed the scars on his lips and forehead “Ivar, what happened?” you asked, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he limped to the couch, without answering, that was his way of telling you his legs hurt, you helped him sit down and pushed the coffee table closer to him, unstrapping his leg braces and lifting his legs up, Ivar looked down the whole time, even after all those years together, he still feels embarrassed of being in so much pain, he’d never admit he’s hurt, not because of his legs at least.
You went to the kitchen and brought the first aid box from under the sink and returned to your man, treating his injuries and giving him his painkillers which he took gratefully, you sat down next to him and placed your head on his chest, he immediately wrapped his arms around you, holding you made him feel at peace, you took his free hand and placed it on your belly bump, it took him a while to soothe himself down, to gather his thoughts, you didn’t say anything, you knew your husband well enough to understand he had a terrible day, you knew him well enough to know he’ll tell you what happened when he’s ready.
“Sigurd is an asshole” he finally muttered, you looked at him, waiting for further explanations “he pushed me off the stairs” he added, you decided that Sigurd was a dead man “accidentally but not that he tried to help me get up, I hate him” he continued “what happened love?” you asked so sweetly, he breathed “Bjorn and I were talking, you know, Gunnhild is pregnant as well, five months now, so he told me about how soon we’ll be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat, he said he cries every time he hears his little ones’ heartbeat, and that the minute I’ll heart it too, I’ll be a changed man” you smiled a little, remembering in your next visit to the doctor, you’ll finally meet your baby.
“Sigurd heard, he kept acting like a bitch, Ubbe stopped him eventually, but when I was heading out, the elevator was under maintenance, I hate the stairs, I fucking hate them but I wanted to come back to you, as soon as possible, so I took them, and Sigurd was there, we descended together” he sighed and took a deep breath, “he told me to stop talking about baby stuff, it was making him sad, if the child lives, it will be a cripple or sick, and if not, then it will be even sadder because eventually they’ll learn how to walk, while I still crawl my way around sometimes” his voice was breaking with each word until you were able to see tears in his eyes, you caressed his cheeks “I talked back, of course, I did, like I always do, but he shoved me in the arm, my hand slipped from the crutches and I fell, he just walked away, without a second glance” 
“Sigurd is the worst brother of all time, don’t pay him attention” you heartened him and brushed his tears off, you got up and placed a kiss on his forehead “I’ll be right back” even though you hated leaving him alone, but after a day like this, your husband needed to relax and there’s one thing he loved to do when he wanted to relax, a fancy shower, you headed to the bathroom, and filled the bathtub with warm water, just the way he likes it, a little hotter than warm to stop his legs from aching, you put his favorite bath bomb, Jasmine’s scent, and candles, you put essential candles everywhere, your bathroom looked like a fancy one from a movie or Pinterest in ten minutes.
You returned to your man with his wheelchair, he hated it sight but he didn’t argue, he sat and allowed you to push him, being too exhausted to argue that he’s fine to walk, you pushed him to the bathroom and he raised an eyebrow at you “what? If you think I’ll let you sit and feel sorry for yourself you’re so damn wrong” he smiled a little and nodded, taking off his clothes, piece by piece, this you didn’t help him with, Ivar’s pride would be damaged the moment he thinks that you see him incapable of doing such a simple task when he’s in this state, he then helped himself into the tub.
You stood in front of him and took off your clothes, he likes watching you get naked, if it was up to him he’d keep you naked all the time just to admire your beautiful body, even more, that you’re with his child now, but this time, his eyes were focused on your belly, you sat down on his lap and relaxed on his body, letting the warm water take away all of your stress, you cuddled for a while quietly, until you decided it’s time to address the elephant in the room “Sigurd is just bitter, that he’s all alone now, and he sees his younger brother, loved, successful, better man than he’ll ever be, don’t mind yourself with his words, he’s jealous and pathetic” 
“Y/N, I didn’t think you had this darkness in you towards my dearest brother!” he laughed, you traced circles on his chest “I don’t like people who hurt my family, you are the man I love, and Sigurd just made a  pregnant woman very angry at him” you pouted, he placed a kiss on your lips then looked at you nervously “do you think it’s true? I mean, mother knew something was wrong with me before anyone else, do you have a similar feeling?” you sighed and shook your head “our child is okay, and next week we’ll visit the doctor who will only confirm my words, I feel radiant, so I suppose it means our child is healthy, your legs, it doesn’t happen genetically, you have my word as a biology teacher” 
“They’ll be ashamed of me, for being a cripple” he grumbled and you held his face, making him look you in the eyes “Ivar Ragnarsson, have I ever told you anything that didn’t come to reality?” he shook his head no “then hear me, and hear me well, our child will be born healthy, with kicking legs, and they’ll grow up to be strong, and loved by us, they’ll see you as the strongest man alive, they’ll be so proud of their father who told everyone who told him he can’t walk, get married, have children, be successful on his own, to kiss his ass! They’ll do the impossible  because that’s what they learned from you, they will be smart, and they’ll be loving” 
Ivar gave you a little smile which you returned “they’ll have everything good from us, I know this because mothers always know the best! It will be alright, I promise you that” you assured him again “what would I do without you in my life? My queen, the only person in this world who makes me feel complete” he whispered against your ears, his hand was on your belly, this time, his touch was soft, warm, it only made you happy, he was feeling better now and you loved it.
However, his other hand gave your breast a squeeze, only earning a moan from you and a smirk from him, “you know, I’m starting to think the whole bad day act is just to get it your way tonight” you giggled, teasing him a little, he did it again and you bit your bottom lip “so what if it was? You don’t seem to mind”, “get your ass to our bed, I want you now” you whimpered and got up.
The two of you dried your bodies then headed to your bedroom, Ivar can’t physically pick you up, but he can definitely set you on his lap and make out with you until you reached the bedroom, the two of you had a very hot sex, both so lust for each other, by the time you were done, you were exhausted, Ivar ended up falling asleep on your arms a few minutes later, but you, you picked your phone and sent a text to a particular Ragnarsson “the deal between us is off, I will come after you Sigurd for hurting him” you turned off your phone and fell asleep.
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Tags: @flowers-in-your-hayr @lol-haha-joke
116 notes · View notes
somenewsarah · 5 years
Betrothed Pt. 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Word Count: 5.2k+
Genre: Idk anymore, tbh, it’s a story lol
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw Reader
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this took so long to get out! I work in the entertainment industry, specifically film and television and this is a hot season for ATL right now, so I’ve been working and traveling and just haven’t had time to write! I appreciate your patience and hope you enjoy!
If you’re a part of my taglist and you changed your @, please let me know so I can get that fixed on my end! <3
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Succumbing to the flu was not in your original plan when you were told you’d get to spend a month alone with your boyfriend/husband-to-be in your childhood home, but that’s what was happening. It’d been a long couple of days- you’re weak and nauseous and cranky and a being a bit of a bitch, but Draco overlooks every snide remark, every whine, every sprint to the bathroom to throw up. He holds your hair every time.
You laze on the couch, a cool rag over your feverish forehead. Draco paces the living room, his bottom lip between his teeth as he mutters to you in a voice so low you wonder if you’re even hearing him correctly.
“Draco,” you whine. “Stop pacing, you’re gonna make me sick again.”
He’s quick to kneel next to you, wiping stray hairs from your forehead.
“Can I get you anything? Some soup, water, a bath? Anything?” His eyes are wide and grey and they make your heart clench.
“A bath sounds really nice,” you whisper. You haven’t really wanted anything but to lie on the couch and sulk for the past week, so hearing you want to shower is music to his ears. “And then maybe you could call your mum? I’m really not feeling well.”
“Of course,” he concedes. He helps you to your feet, then hauls you to the bathroom where he runs a bathtub of warm, soapy water.
“Thank you,” you whisper, your cheeks heating up. Draco kisses your forehead once before he slips his hands under your shirt and tugs it over your head, following swiftly by your underwear.
“Step in, darling,” he says, holding you steady over the water. “Careful… In you go.”
You sink into the water, feeling grateful for the bubbles and the way your stomach was instantly soothed.
“You can get in, too, if you want,” you offer, keeping your head against the cool tile wall.
Draco nods once and removes his clothes. He slips in behind you and wraps his arms around your torso, tugging you to his chest. You let yourself be held for a while, wrapped in his warm embrace where everything was safe and the outside world doesn’t exist.
Narcissa’s hand is cool on your clammy forehead.
“Maybe we should get her to the healers,” she murmurs to Draco. “She’s really warm. And you said this has been going on for how long?”
“A little over a week,” you answer for him.
“She won’t eat, she won’t drink, and anytime she does she just throws it back up,” Draco explains, looking worriedly at his mother. “I can take her.”
“Nonsense,” Narcissa quiets him. “I’ll accompany you so we can get her seen about.”
St. Mungo’s is crowded and moves faster than you ever anticipated. With Narcissa’s arm wrapped around you, you stumble through the crowd of sick and injured wizards and into a small office, where a witch sits with a clipboard, shuffling through papers.
 Narcissa clears her throat and the witch immediately looks up.
 “I’m so sorry, I didn’t hear you come in. What seems to be the problem?”
 “She’s really sick. Feverish, throwing up, not eating or drinking,” Draco explains in a rush for you. “Is there anything you can do?”
 “Of course,” the witch smiles kindly. “We’re a bit backed up today, but we’ll have you in tippy-toppy shape in no time.”
 Narcissa cuts her with a look that’s anything but kind. “Perhaps you aren’t aware, my husband is Lucius Malfoy, who is a very large contributor to St. Mungo’s. We came in hopes that we could have her seen about rather quickly.”
 The witch’s brown eyes are wide as she stares at the three of you. “Of course, Mrs. Malfoy, right away, ma’am. Right this way.”
 You’re ushered into a small room with an examining table and a few chairs. The walls are lined with empty potion bottles and small cauldrons. Next to them, posters hang depicting small wizards and witches, all with different injuries and how to heal them at home.
 Narcissa lets out a deep breath, her shoulders relaxing. This is the first time you’ve ever seen her look so relaxed.
 “I’ve always despised using my husband’s name,” she explains. Draco places a comforting arm around her.
 “Thank you,” he whispers.
You’re in and out of St. Mungo’s and back home rather quickly. You’ve been fed a potion that made the nausea subside, but it was up to you to eat soft and drink plenty of water. Draco disappears into the living room, gathering up your dirty, sickly sheets on the couch to replace them with new ones.
 “What shall I make for dinner?” Narcissa asks, clapping her hands together. She looks around your meager kitchen, planting a smile on her face. “Soup? Something heavier?”
 “Soup sounds nice,” you smile. “Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy, for taking me today. I already feel an awful lot better.”
Narcissa smiles at you and places her hand on your cheek. “You’re family now, darling. We take care of our family.”
Days fly by and although you’re weak, you’re slowly getting better. Narcissa checks in on you often, but doesn’t hover. Draco slowly allows you to become more dependent on yourself instead of him, and soon you’re eating more solid foods and sleeping in your own bed again, tucked against Draco’s chest.
Morning comes and you wake up alone, something you aren’t used to doing. You clamber out of bed, wrapped in Draco’s t-shirt and your underwear, and pad to the door. Down the hall, you hear voices coming from the kitchen- your own father’s voice, Lucius Malfoy’s voice, Draco, Narcissa, Bellatrix.
“Aw, now sissy, I don’t think it’s necessary to involve them,” Bellatrix drawls. “I rather think they’d only get in my way.”
“They deserve to know,” Lucius says. “It happens tonight, Draco.”
 You step out of the bedroom and into the hallway, edging closer to the dining room so you can listen better. The floor beneath you creaks, and everyone falls silent.
“She’s awake, then?” Your father asks. You hear the telltale sound of his chair scraping against the hardwood floor as he stands.
“I’ll go check,” Draco is quick to interject. He rounds the corner almost immediately and his hand reaches out for you. “Come, now.”
He pulls you back into the bedroom and begins rummaging through your dresser drawers, producing a pair of his own sweatpants.
“Put these on, love, you need to hear this for yourself,” he whispers, handing you the sweatpants.
“What’s going on?” You ask as you pull the pants on, staring up at him.
“They’ve settled on it,” he murmurs. “They’ll explain everything out there, come on.”
He takes your hand once again and pulls you into the dining room. Four pair of eyes stare at you. Two of them look delighted, seeing you in their son’s clothes, all trussed up and sleepy. One pair is sad and one is just disgusted. Draco pulls out a chair next to his own empty one and you sit down.
“How are you feeling?” Narcissa whispers, leaning over to you.
“Much better,” you smile. “Thank you.”
“Get on with it,” Bellatrix dismisses everyone in the way only she can. “I’ve got things to do, tasks to carry out.”
“Right,” your father says, stumbling on his own words. “I think you should know that the Dark Lord has chosen tonight to attack.”
“Attack?” You ask, looking up at Draco. His hand slips into your own under the table. “Attacking what, exactly? Where?”
“Hogwarts,” Lucius says. “He’s taking over Hogwarts tonight. And his target is Harry Potter.”
“Y/N,” your father starts as he stands in the doorway of your childhood home. The others already apparated out, but your father stayed behind, much to your dismay. “I think we should talk.”
“I think it’s unnecessary,” you shrug, moving to close the door in his face. His foot stops it.
 “Y/N, I’m sorry… After your mother died, I went off the rails. But let me make it up to you,” he pleads.
“And how do you expect to do that?”
“I can get you out of the deal,” he rushes. “I don’t have much time to explain, but I can get you out of it. I can free you from the Malfoy’s. I will do this for you.”
Before you can answer, he’s out of your face, closing the door himself. Draco stands just behind it, his eyes wide with fear, hurt, you’re not sure, but they’re wide and gazing at you as if the fate of his world is in the hands of you and your father.
“I-“ You start, but cut yourself off.
“Do you want out?” Draco asks, his voice cracking only the slightest at the end.
You shake your head immediately. “No, Draco, I don’t.”
 “Would you tell me if you did?”
You move towards him at once, taking his face in your hands and kissing him hard. It wasn’t the sweetest kiss, but it was all you could muster right now. “Draco, I love you. I don’t want out. If I did, I would’ve been gone a long time ago.”
“Alright,” Draco sighs. His body relaxes and he pulls you against him, wrapping you in his arms again. “The only way to get out of the deal is to… To kill my father. Y/N, he’s going to kill my father tonight.”
He’s panicked and shaking, releasing you to pace immediately.
“Draco, we can’t let him. We must fight. We don’t have a choice. We have to go to Hogwarts tonight,” the resolve in your voice is surprising to even you, but you don’t let it sit there for long.
“They’ll kill us for not being loyal to them,” Draco says. “We’ll have to invade with the Death Eaters.”
“What if someone tries to kill us?”
“I won’t let that happen,” he promises. “Come on, let’s shower. You’re still weak and we need to get your strength up before tonight.”
“I’ll be fine, Draco,” you assure him, though you know it’s a lie. You can’t walk from the door to your bedroom without being winded. “I’m a lot tougher than I look.”
“I know you will be, but that won’t stop me from worrying about you, darling.”
“Promise me something,” you say immediately, turning to him and taking his hands in your own. “Promise me that if things don’t go as planned, we’ll run. If by some miracle we get out, we won’t go back in. We’ll leave it all behind and we’ll run away. Just you and me.”
Draco’s hands caress your cheeks. His eyes are sad and you know he’s thinking specifically of his mother. He nods once.
“I promise, Y/N, that we’ll run away together if that’s our last hope of staying alive,” he whispers. He pulls you to him and kisses your forehead, then rests his cheek against your head. “I won’t let anything happen to you out there. That’s my promise to you.”
Draco’s hand slips into your own as you’re brought back to Malfoy Manor. It’s as bleak and dull as ever, and it takes a lot for you to breathe through it and just walk through the gates.
“Ready?” he asks, squeezing your hand.
“Not in the slightest,” you murmur. But, you pull him through the gates and off you go, up the long path that leads to the vast marble steps that case the front of the manor.
Draco pushes the front door open, and a rush of warm air from inside hits your face.
“Ah, it seems we have visitors,” a ghostly voice echoes.
As soon as you step inside, you see the room full of Death Eaters, gathering together in the parlor around Lord Voldemort. His face is turned to you, his eyes wide with sheer excitement.
“Young Malfoy and his bride to be,” Voldemort smiles. “Welcome. I presume you’ve come to join us?”
 “Yes, My Lord,” Draco says dutifully. “We’ve come to join the fight against Hogwarts.”
“I see,” Voldemort says, stroking his chin. “Very well. I know it can be hard to remain on the losing side. Find a seat. We attack at dark.”
The wind hits your face as you stand atop a hill with a clear view of Hogwarts. Although it’s May, it’s never felt chillier to you. Draco shrugs his suit jacket off and wraps it around your shoulders. Your father looks at you from the group of people. You shake your head at him, trying to communicate that you didn’t want what he was offering.
“Come,” Voldemort says. “It’s time.”
 Draco takes your hand and helps you down the steep hill, one step at a time until you’re at the very bottom.
“Y/N,” you father says. He approaches from your left and pulls your arm, tugging you away from Draco. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Father, I’m fine. And I’ll be fine,” you assure him. “I won’t let you or Draco go into this fight without knowing that I was there to help at any point of the way.”
“Yes, Draco,” you snap. “I don’t know what you were thinking, plotting to kill Lucius, but they’ll kill you before that can ever happen.”
“Just say the word and I’ll do it,” he says, full of blind determination.
“I don’t want out, father. I didn’t like it at first, and I didn’t like Draco at first. But, things changed. I love him, and deal or not, I will marry him someday,” you say with confidence. “Whether on your terms or our own.”
Your father stops walking, taking your arm to stop you as well. Death Eaters shuffle around you, and you make out Draco’s mop of blond hair turning to look for you.
“You love this boy?” Your father asks, searching your eyes for any form of lie.
“Very much,” you nod. “So, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t go rogue and try to kill his father.”
“You have my word,” he nods, releasing your arm. “You’ll do what’s right, I know you will. I never wanted you caught up in this mess.”
“You put me in this mess,” you snap. “And now I’m digging myself out of it. Once this is over, I want you out of my life for good.”
 You turn on your heel, walking away from him, leaving him standing there. You’ll never forget his face as you left, but it’s for his own good.
“There you are,” Draco says as you match pace with him. He wraps his arm around you, making you walk a little more awkwardly than you’d like, but you welcomed the comfort. “I was starting to worry.”
“It’s alright, I just needed to speak with my father.”
“Everything alright, love?”
“It is now,” you smile up at him.
Together, you trek towards the castle that’s always felt like home to you. You know that security measures would be put in place, and you know that it’s protected and there are students and professors there, waiting to attack and fight back. You just didn’t know how many would need to die before the nonsense is over.
The protective charms around Hogwarts are broken. Your group of Death Eaters charge towards the school, you and Draco in their midst. He tugs you one way, and you’re met with a wand in your face, Luna standing just behind it.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” she utters in her wispy voice.
“No!” Draco says, knocking her off her feet. “I won’t let you.”
“Luna!” You say, quickly kneeling next to her. She stares back at you, then at Draco. “We’re on your side, we just couldn’t get in on our own. We’re here to help fight back, and we know their plan. Let us help.”
Luna nods and you help her to her feet. Spells and curses rage all around you, and you take it all in little by little. Draco’s body continuously shields yours to the best of his ability, and you do your best not to look into the faces of your classmates that have already been bested.
“We need to move,” Draco says, ushering the two of you farther down the corridor. You run together, dodging spells and curses, throwing out counter-curses when you can. You turn the corner and almost collide with Crabbe and Goyle.
They raise their wands at once, both terrified and alert, but when they see Draco, they breathe. “Sorry, mate, thought you were one of them.”
A spell blasts your group apart. You and Luna are flung back, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle are flung to the side.
Amycus Carrow walks down the hallway, sneering at you.
 “I should’ve known you were traitors from the start,” he snarls. He raises his wand, but Luna is quick to her feet.
She duels him and you soon join, blasting him with every jinx, hex, and curse you can think of. He fires back at you, hitting you with the body binding curse before you can dodge it. Your back is cold on the floor, and the terror of not being able to move sets in quickly.
Draco is quick to unbind you as Luna throws the final killing curse at the death eater.
“Brilliant, Luna,” You beam at your friend. “Come on, we can’t stay here long.”
Together, the four of you round corners and hide in corridors. You’ve done well so far, but even the adrenaline can’t help you as you rest your palms on your knees, taking deep, steadying breaths.
“Are you alright?” Draco asks as he holds you up.
“Yeah, I’m just tired,” you nod. Your body protests as you stand, and that’s when you notice them. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley, all running towards you, wands raised.
“Run!” Harry shouts. “Go! Run!”
You don’t ask questions. You’re the first from the group to run, stepping over Amycus’ body and turning down a seemingly empty corridor. The footsteps behind you fade, and when you turn around, you’re all alone.
“Draco?” You call, peering around the corner. It’s as empty as before.
“Well, well, well,” a voice drawls. You turn, your eyes wide as your own father approaches you. “Thought we wouldn’t notice that you and Draco jumped sides, then?”
“Father,” you start. “Please, let me explain.”
He shoots a curse at you, but you quickly deflect it.
“You want me out of your life so bad, my darling daughter? Take me out, then.”
He fires another curse at you, and it blasts you backwards into the middle of the corridor.
“I don’t want to fight you,” you cough, stumbling to your feet. “I won’t fight you.”
“Then I’ll kill you,” he shrugs. He fires another curse, but you deflect that one. He growls at you, standing his ground. “Fight me, Y/N. Fight me!”
You shoot a curse at him and he counters it quickly. He’s faster than you, better even, and you know there’s only one thing to say to stop him.
“Mum wouldn’t want this!” You shout at him, your eyes welling with tears. “She wouldn’t want us trying to kill each other, she wouldn’t want you to be with him, she wouldn’t want you to hurt this much!”
Your father laughs a menacing laugh, almost doubling over. “Your mother is dead by her own accord. She lied, she kept secrets, she died because she couldn’t handle not having any drama in her life!”
“That’s not true,” you say, your anger overcoming your sadness. “You wouldn’t know mum, you were always worried about the ministry! Well, where’s your ministry now, dad? Where’s your job now? You were so quick to betray them and join the other side!”
He throws a curse at you, growling under his breath as you deflect it.
“I did what I had to!” He starts, stalking towards you. He throws another curse and you counter it with ease. He’s getting weaker as he becomes more and more enraged. “I vowed to keep you safe and that is what I am doing!”
“By trying to kill me?” You shriek out another curse, and this one blows him back only slightly.
“Because you’d be better off dead!” he says with finality. He shoots a curse at you, but you move just in time for it to blast bricks from the stone wall.
“Avada Kedavra!” You shout, aiming directly at your father’s chest. The curse hits him, and you watch as his face pales, his eyes wide as he falls to the floor, unmoving.
You wipe at your running eyes and nose, hiccupping slightly as you step over his body. You take his wand from the floor and pocket it, vowing to burn it as soon as this was all over.
Hunched forward, you move quickly down the corridor, looking over your shoulder to make sure you weren’t being followed. Outside is chaos, fires blaze inside the castle, and Draco is nowhere to be found.
You round a corner, watching as smoke billows from beneath a door. It bursts open, and Harry rides out on his broom, Draco holding onto him. His clothes are ashen and burned, his face covered in soot. His blond hair is something you commit to memory as you bound to him. The minute Harry’s broom touches the floor, you fling yourself at Draco, sobbing into his neck.
“Where did you go? I was so worried,” you cry, holding onto him. “You promised, Draco, don’t ever do that again!”
“I won’t,” he whispers, holding you tightly. His face is buried in your neck as you sob, clinging to him like he’d died himself.
“Where’s Crabbe?” You ask.
Draco just shakes his head. You nod, standing straight and wiping at your eyes.
“I killed my father,” you say, your bottom lip trembling. Draco’s hand lifts your chin. He cups your cheeks tenderly, almost as if he were committing your face to memory. “I want this to be over.”
“I know, my love, I know,” he nods. An explosion rings above you in a nearby corridor, and Draco takes your hand, pulling you with him ahead.
“Where did Harry go?” You ask, looking for him.
“I don’t know, but we need to move,” Draco urges, pulling you down the opposite corridor. As you round the corner, you collide with Ron and Hermione.
“Hermione,” you gasp, flinging your arms around her. “Did you find all of the horcruxes? Are they gone?”
“Almost,” she says. “We’ve got two left. One we know of, the other we don’t.”
“How can we help?” Draco asks, pulling you protectively against him again.
“We have to kill Nagini,” Ron says. “Harry’s gone to take care of Snape, but we have to get to Nagini.”
“Take care of Snape?” You ask. Hermione only nods.
 “Come on,” Hermione says, turning to run in the opposite direction, towards the large explosion that’d only just occurred. Hermione cuts a sharp left and enters the Great Hall, which had been reorganized to place bodies of those fighting for Hogwarts.
It was then that you saw that mop of red hair. Your heart constricts and you shake your head, tears pricking the back of your eyes.
“George,” you whisper, moving closer. Ron shoves past you, falling to his knees in front of his sobbing mother. “Is that Fred or George?” You demand, moving closer.
 “I’m here. I’m George,” he whispers. You turn, flinging yourself onto him, holding him tightly as you sob once more. “Shh, it’s alright…”
 “But Fred… What happened?” You choke out. You bury your face in George’s neck, holding him as much as he was holding you.
“The explosion from the Room of Requirement. He was inside, so were Remus and Tonks,” George says, his voice quivering as he stares down at his twin.
 “I’m so sorry, George,” you say, sniffling again as you continue to hold onto him. “I’m so sorry.”
George releases you, his hands in his pockets as he falls to his knees next to Fred, next to Molly and next to Ron, all sobbing quietly, rocking as they say their goodbyes to Fred.
 Draco pulls you into his arms, shielding your eyes from more of the students brought in from the fight.
 “I can’t do this anymore,” you whisper, fighting to catch your breath. “I can’t fight anymore, Draco.”
 “I know,” he whispers, stroking your hair. “Just a little more, love. We’re almost done, I promise. Just a little more fight. Can you do that? Just a little more.”
 “I can’t,” you choke, pulling his jacket tighter around you. “I can’t do it anymore.”
 Draco pulls you back. He wipes the tears from under your eyes with his thumbs as he gazes down at you. “You have to. I know you don’t want to, I don’t want to, either. But we have to stop this.”
 “Harry’s gone to sacrifice himself to Voldemort,” Hermione rushes out, the words barely audible from her mouth.
 “What?” You ask. “He can’t do that, Hermione, we have to stop him!”
 “I tried, but he won’t listen. Voldemort killed Snape and fed him to Nagini, so Harry is going to stop the fight.”
 “The fighting won’t stop,” you say, feeling the anger and the rage and the desire to stop flowing freely through you. “The only way to stop the fighting is to get rid of him once and for all. Killing Harry won’t do what he thinks it’ll do.”
 You stand on the side of Hogwarts, facing the Dark Lord as a unit instead of individual students.
 “Harry Potter,” he begins dramatically, a large smile on his face. “Is dead! And now is the time to declare yourself. Join us! Or be killed…”
 Hagrid hold Harry in his arms, weeping silently over his body.
 “And I have his wand!” Voldemort laughs again, tossing it to the side on the ground. He looks at his group of Death Eaters, taking in each of their ashen and worn faces. He turns, looking at the group of students until his eyes land on Draco.
 “Draco,” Lucius says over the deafening silence. He motions for him to join. “Draco, come.”
 You begin to move with him, but he stops, turning to you. “Stay here. Please. I’ll find you when this is over, I promise.”
 “Draco,” you start, but he silences you with a quick kiss. It doesn’t last nearly as long as you desire, but he’s soon turning his back to you and walking to Voldemort. He wraps Draco in an awkward hug that makes you cringe.
 “Ah, well done, Draco,” Voldemort says as he wraps his arms around him. “Well done.”
 Voldemort continues to groan and moan as he hugs Draco, praising him over and over again. You make eye contact with Narcissa across the way, and her throat is tight as she nods almost unnoticeably at you. Lucius tries to step forward, reaching out to his son, but Narcissa holds him back.
Soon, Draco is standing with his parents and you notice Narcissa ushering him towards the back of the crowd. Neville Longbottom hobbles forward. His face is ashen and burned from the fight and blood drips from his forehead.
“Well, I must say I hoped for better,” Voldemort laughs. His followers laugh, mocking Neville. “And who might you be, young man?”
“Neville Longbottom,” he says. Death Eaters laugh, continuing to mock him.
“Well, Neville, I’m sure we can find a place for you in our ranks,” Voldemort says, smiling widely at Neville.
“I’d like to say something,” Neville starts. He swallows hard, bracing himself. “Doesn’t matter that Harry’s gone.
“Not now, Neville,” Seamus says.
 “People die every day,” Neville snaps back. “Friends… Family… Yeah. We lost Harry tonight. But he’s still with us. In here. So is Fred. Remus. Tonks. All of them. He didn’t die in vain. But you will.”
Voldemort laughs, but Neville continues.
 “Because you’re wrong! Harry’s heart did beat for us! For all of us,” Neville says. He pulls the Sword of Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat. “It’s not over!”
 Harry falls from Hagrid’s arms, getting to his feet. You watch as Draco ducks, running across the clearing. He stoops, grabbing Harry’s wand. “Potter!” he shouts as he tosses him the wand.
 Harry catches his wand and aims it at Nagini, trying to kill her, but to no avail. Harry and Voldemort go at it again, shooting spells at each other, hitting bricks and stone of Hogwarts and exploding them.
 Draco runs, grabbing your arm and pulling you inside the burning castle, hiding you in a small corridor that’s hardly ever been used.
 “Are you alright?” He asks, his eyes searching your face for any damage that he knows wouldn’t be there.
“I’m fine, are you alright?”
 “Better now,” he smiles, pulling you tightly against him. “It’s time to run, my love.”
 “We can go?” You ask, leaning your forehead against his shoulder.
 “We can go,” he says. He leads you down the corridor and through a burning archway to the back bridge of the castle. It’s the same bridge that you stood on as you blew up Hogwart’s defenses and invaded the castle. You look behind you, watching as Death Eaters flee from the fight, and for the first time since it began, you have hope that it could truly end.
“What’s wrong?” Draco asks, stopping beside you.
“We can’t go yet,” you breathe. “We have to go back.”
“Is that what you want?”
“Draco, we can’t leave them to fight on their own. We have to go back,” you say again, already turning on your heel. Together, you rush back into the fight outside the Great Hall.
“Not my daughter, you bitch!” Molly Weasley shouts. You turn, watching as she turns Bellatrix to ash and stone.
The fighting dies down, most of the Death Eaters already fled, though Narcissa stands behind you and Draco in the Great Hall, her hands on each one of your shoulders.
“I’m so proud of the both of you,” she whispers. She strokes Draco’s hair lovingly, kissing the crown of his head. “I couldn’t ask for a better woman to love my son than you, you darling girl.”
 She leans down, her hand resting against your cheek.
 “Where’s father?” Draco asks, looking horrified at his mother’s behavior. Narcissa only shakes her head.
 “He’ll be serving time in Azkaban for conspiring against the Ministry,” Narcissa says. Her smile is tight, but you could tell she was doing her best to hold it together. She moves to stand in front of you, holding one of each of your hands in her own. “Take care of each other. I’m going to go away for a while, wrap my head around everything. I’ll write to you both, but please, take care of each other.”
“We will,” you assure her, wrapping her in an unexpected hug. Draco joins in, and though it’s awkward with all the eyes staring at you, it’s what you all needed.
“What now?” You ask. Harry took no time ridding the world of Voldemort, and at last, things feel at peace.
“Now we go,” Draco says, encasing your hand in his own. “Anywhere you’d like to visit?”
“Surprise me.”
 Taglist: @hecatemacbeth7​ @bladeofanarchangel​ @accio-rogers​ @nerd-domland​ @mclfoybaby @emoshawnall @mccloudchloe​ @travelnottogoanywherebuttogo​ @kaibie​ @thecrazytealady​ @shelby1baby @meaganjm​ @the-celestial-kitsune​
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firenationember · 4 years
Destruction, Everywhere (OC Fic)
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Previous Chapters
Authors note: My story takes place in Book 3 BUT  Ba Sing Se Tea/Shop Zuko is underrated. He’s so soft and his hair !!! so anyway yea that’s why I chose this gif lol also this chapter is v short, I’m sorry about that
I was pacing back and forth in a random hallway, dreading the conversation I had to have with my friends. I paused at the thought. Friends. I knew I had to do it sooner rather than later, and hopefully be done before Zuko showed up. I took a deep breath and made my way to the courtyard. I saw Aang and Toph earthbending, Katara watching from the side. She smiled and waved when she saw me.
“Draya finally! Here for our daily training lessons?” She asked, hopping to her feet, probably hoping to spar, boredom clear on her face. A sad smile spread across my face as I shook my head. Noticing my expression, Aang told Toph he wanted to take a break.
“Is everything okay Draya?” He asked, concern in his voice. Sokka was already bounding over and I realized it was now or never. I rubbed my hands together, knowing I just had to get this over with as fast as I could.
“I know this is probably the worst time to do something like this, but when I first joined Team Avatar, we agreed that I could leave when I’m ready. I’ve been ready for a while now, I just never knew when the right moment to do it would be. I realized there would never be a right moment. Aang, I’m sorry, but I’ve taught you what I can. You should reconsider Zuko’s offer, he’s the only chance you have to stand up to Fire Lord Ozai.” My words came out so fast, I was surprised I didn’t have steam spilling out with them. I could see the different emotions dancing across my friends’ faces- confusion, anger, hurt. Aang opened his mouth to say something before he was interrupted by Toph.
“Your timing couldn’t be more perfect, firecracker.” I look over to see Zuko walking up behind everyone, the overwhelming urge to cry suddenly gone. Zuko caught my gaze first, a small smile on his face before he greeted everyone else, leaving Toph for last.
“I didn’t realize we were already on a nickname basis uhhh...” Zuko was drowned out by Sokka, angry confusion clear on his face.
“Toph was obviously talking to Draya, Zuko. We still don’t want you here.” He looked at him, never breaking his fighting stance.
“Aang needs his help, Sokka. If you want Aang to defeat the Fire Lord, he’ll have to stay.” I say, jumping in to Zuko’s defense. Aang looked between Zuko and I, holding my gaze before nodding his head.
“If you think Zuko should teach me, I believe you. It’s been an honor learning from you, Draya. I wish you the best on your journey.” Aang says softly, clear that he was trying to control the sadness in his voice. He bowed his head to me and turned to Zuko. “You can join us to teach me firebending. If Draya trusts you to teach me, I can learn to trust you too.” Aang bowed to Zuko before turning to his friends. Everyone reluctantly agreed, knowing they were running out of time.  
Katara walked up to me, even though I was avoiding everyone as best as I could. She hovered next to me before pulling me into a hug, catching me by surprise.
“I am going to miss you so much. It was nice having someone else other than Sokka around who’s close to my age. You’re like the firebending sister I never had.” She laughed, hugging me tighter. “I never thought I would say something like that.” I wrapped my arms around her and smiled.
“I’m going to miss you too, and everyone else, so much. You’ve all shown me nothing but kindness. Thank you.” I looked at the others, who have now gathered around to also say goodbye.
“Friends don’t have to say thank you. We did it because we care.” Sokka said, holding his arms open for a hug. When I pulled away, I saw Zuko’s expression and I could tell the wheels were turning in his head and he was trying to figure something out. My heart sank when his face lit up with recognition as he looked me in the eyes.
“Wait, Draya… I remember now. You were one of those children training with my fathers’ army, weren’t you? I… I remember training with a few of you once or twice before…” Zuko paused, his voice falling quiet as his face filled with regret when he noticed my panicked expression. He realized he said too much.
“Draya, what is Zuko talking about?” Aang asked, everyone looking at you with confusion. I shook my head, heat rushing to my face; I could feel the flames threatening to spill out of my palms.
“I- I don’t know. You’re confused Zuko… you’re wrong…” I said, backing away, trying to figure out a way out without the use of Appa. Tears filled my eyes as I started running, not sure where to go. I could hear everyone running after me, their footsteps heavy and voices calling out. I found a small space in the wall and crawled in, trying to control the tears now rushing down my face.
“She’s over here!” I hear Toph say, cursing her superior bending. I didn’t bother getting up to run, there was no point. I was out of options. Everyone gathered around me, and I was surprised to see Zuko sidle up next to me, apology dripping in his eyes before spilling out of his mouth.
“I’m sorry. Last night, I couldn’t remember where else I’ve seen you. I was just so surprised when I realized who you were that… I mean, what are the odds that we’ve ran into each other twice before?” Zuko said quietly, seeming to have forgotten our audience. Sokka cleared his throat before Katara sat next to me.
“What have you been keeping from us Draya?” She asked, sounding more concerned than angry. I took a deep breath and sighed, realizing I couldn’t hide everything from them anymore.
“When I met you guys, I wasn’t just running away from those guards because I stole some food… I couldn’t risk being caught by Fire Nation soldiers. I’ve been, successfully, trying to avoid them for years. I knew once I disappeared, they’d just think I died like the others. Fire Lord Ozai wanted to recruit smaller, younger benders to carry out some “simpler tasks” for him.” I looked over at Zuko, seeing a range of emotions on his face. “I was one of the first young firebenders they recruited, never letting me forget how… disposable I am. ‘Fire Lord Ozai wants to save his best soldiers for real war, you’re nothing but a distraction.’ As if I wanted to be involved with the war at all.” I scoff, shaking my head before continuing. “The idea was that they would send us in, with the plan for us to always get captured while the real soldiers took the opportunity to strike.” I choke out a sob, remembering everything we had to endure between trainings. “They taught me how to fight, sure. They also taught me how to be tortured, how no matter what happened to me I wasn’t to speak ill of the Fire Lord, give up his plan.” I didn’t want to say more, the pain in my voice slicing through the air. I felt Zuko’s body tense next to me before I felt his hand on my shoulder, giving a firm and reassuring squeeze. I reached up, grabbing his hand, and returning the gesture before looking over to give him a small smile. “I’m surprised you remember my face from the time we trained at the palace, there were just so many of us. The Fire Lord had asked the general who oversaw us at the time to take us to the palace to make sure we were getting proper training. I remember seeing Queen Ursa yelling at him, although I couldn’t make out anything she was saying. All I could remember was how… hurt she looked. I’m kind of happy they took us to the palace though because after that, I knew I had to find a way out.”
“Draya… If I knew you had such negative memories tied to your bending, I never would have asked you to relive it by teaching me.” Aang reached his hand out in solidarity, and I smiled as I reached for it. I shook my head.
“You had no way of knowing, I never talked about it. I never wanted to, and honestly I’m not sure if I ever want to.” I said, glancing at Zuko to make sure he understood I wasn’t just talking to Aang. A soft nod gave me his answer. “Besides, it’s not like I can avoid firebending forever just because of what happened. I was able to teach the Avatar how to fight Lord Ozai back, with his own training. That feels pretty positive to me.” I say, noticing the forced, almost reluctant chuckle that escaped Aang’s throat. After a long pause of silence, Sokka clasps his hands together.
“Well I think I can speak for everyone when I say you should stay with us, Draya. Why not have two firebenders on our side?” He smiled at me, hoping I would agree to his words. I opened my mouth to reply when I was cut off by Zuko.
“I’d be more than happy to teach you, too. Firebending to protect yourself as well as fight, not just as a weapon but as a tool.” Aang’s face lit up and he sprang with excitement.
“We can learn together! I can finally study with someone else again!” His arms wrap around me, his excitement clearly building, and I can’t help but laugh.
“Yea okay, I’ll stay.” I finally said, a smile spreading across my tear streaked face. Katara gave me one final hug before standing up, Zuko extending a hand to help me get back on my feet. I could feel the heat building in my palm as our skin touched and I felt my cheeks blush. I’ve never been happier to be hiding in the dark. We all made our way back to the courtyard, and I couldn’t help by sigh with content. I bought myself more time with my friends, knowing I still had to leave eventually.
Chapter 5
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crackimagines · 5 years
Hi! I had an idea about dumb M!Byleth x Shamir stuff where Shamir acts as a reluctant teaching assistant because Byleth recruited too many students and now all these kids are stuck with these emotionally distant and blunt ex-mercs for educators, I'm sorry, its just too cute and funny to me lol
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Hey there, anon! First of all, I’m in LOVE with this request, and I’m gonna have a LOT of fun with this! And no need to apologize, it’s a great ask!
Alright, let’s get the fun going! Thanks for the ask anon, I hope you enjoy!
And honestly? I think you’re one of the only people I’ve seen that actually requested for Shamir in an ask. Props to ya for that!
Teacher’s Helper (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Byleth asks his dear Shamir to help out with teaching the children of his class.
She’s…less than thrilled to.
the things you do for love
Shamir pulled up a stool and sat down next to Catherine, throwing out a gold coin onto the counter.
“Ale, half ice please.” Shamir said, sighing.
“Jeez, had a fight with Byleth?”
She shook her head, turning to Catherine.
“Nothing like that. Byleth asked me to help teach the class tomorrow.”
Catherine almost dropped her drink, then laughed it off thinking she was joking. Shamir wasn’t smiling.
“…Oh, you’re serious? Well crap, that’s gonna be fun.”
Shamir and Catherine joined Byleth’s class as overseers a while back. Overtime they saw the class extend from the Black Eagles class to incorporating most of the Blue Lions and at least one girl from the Golden Deer. In other words, it was a very packed class. It’s no wonder Byleth needed help with it.
“So on that note, what are you doing here? Don’t think you should be hungover when you’re teaching his kids.”
“I’ll be fine. I’m just…kinda nervous is all.”
Shamir looked off to the side, slightly embarrassed that she admitted that.
“Hah, I’d be too, ya know! Byleth treats them as if they were his children! On that note, this’ll be good experience for you too! When you two have-”
Shamir punched Catherine in the arm, hard.
“Ack, sheesh! It’s a joke!”
“Ugh, what am I going to do…?”
She put her hands on her face, mumbling as she took a sip from her drink.
“Come on, this isn’t like you! How many times have we fought with them at this point? I’m sure you’ll do fine teaching!”
“I’m…not great with people, much less kids. You know that by now.”
“Tell ya what, I’ll do you a solid and help you out as well. How’s that sound?”
“…I’d appreciate that.” 
Catherine patted Shamir on the back and went back to her drink.
“Get some sleep, teach! You’re gonna need it!”
She grunted and left the bar.
Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
The Next Morning…
The students began pouring in as Shamir awkwardly made sure her clothing was fine and nothing stood too out of place.
“Hey, you alright?” Byleth asked as he was getting a paper of everyone’s name out.
Byleth pecked her on the cheek smiling.
“You’ll do fine. Just try to relax.”
Shamir blushed for a moment trying not to be too visibly shocked by his smile.
(Dorothea) “Hey…why’s Shamir at the head of the class?”
Some of the students took notice and talked to each other about what might be happening.
(Sylvain) “Hey, they might be getting engaged!”
(Felix) “I seriously doubt the Professor would be too childish to announce that during class…”
(Caspar) “I dunno, he’s done weirder things before.”
Catherine took a seat near the front, a grin overtaking her face as she waved to Shamir who facepalmed.
(Bernadetta) “I-I’m afraid to even ask what’s going on…”
(Ashe) “Come on, Bernie! I’m sure it’ll be alright!”
Byleth loudly cleared his throat once the bell rang, and he had everyone’s attention.
“Today’s lecture is going to have to be split into two today, seeing how complicated the task would be if it were only me giving it. So, half the class is going with Shamir, while I’ll be teaching the rest. The people going with Shamir will be:
Catherine, Sylvain, Petra, Ashe, Bernadetta, Caspar, Mercedes, Ferdinand, and Marianne.
Please split off to the side of the room with your group, and we’ll begin today’s lecture. Today will be the only time the class will be split like this.
The students gathered over to Shamir’s side of the room and she cleared her throat.
‘Alright…how hard can this be?’ She thought to herself.
“Alright, so here’s the battlefield and the type of infantry the enemy platoon has. What’s the best way to approach this?” She asked as she pointed to a chalkboard.
(Mercedes) “You’d approach from the forest using our reserve of spear fighters, right?”
(Shamir) “No, they’d get slaughtered. Lances are weak to axe units.”
(Caspar) “Er…no offense miss Shamir, but how does that make any sense?”
(Shamir) “I…Huh.”
She honestly didn’t know about that. That was one of the first things she learned as a mercenary. That fact never stood quite right to her either.
How did swords beat axes, lances beat swords, and axes beat lances?
She remained silent for a moment before carrying on.
(Caspar) “She didn’t answer my question…”
“Ashe, as a sniper how would you go about taking out a foe in a fortress wearing heavy plate armor. Assume no friendly reinforcements would come in time to help. How do you occupy the fort before the enemy regroup?”
(Ashe) “Simple ma’am. Crit them so hard they explode.”
(Catherine) “Um, surely you’ve noticed right? How sometimes your bow and arrows just one shot a general?”
“…I suppose that’s correct.”
That was another thing she never understood. It would  explain that one time she saw a villager with a stick somehow kill an enemy bandit just by slapping him hard.
“Ah, there’s your problem. Sorry to say, but that would’ve gotten your unit killed.”
(Marianne) “I-I see…”
She looked extremely troubled by the thought of that, which made Shamir flinch by her sheer depression.
She awkwardly walked over to Byleth and told him about the situation.
“…So she got sad is what you’re saying?”
“Yeah, sorry about that-”
Byleth kissed her on the lips and sighed.
“No worries, I can fix this. SOTHIS!”
[Ugh, are you seriously making me do this, Byleth?]
“Ah, there’s your proble-”
Byleth stepped in, tapping Shamir on the shoulder.
“You can go ahead and take a break, I got this for now, my side has been pretty quiet.”
“O-Oh alright.”
She took a deep breath as she walked outside the class to get a breath of fresh air. Catherine followed her out as Byleth was carefully explaining the mistakes to Marianne.
“It’s only been an hour and I’m already losing my mind…”
“That’s quitter talk! I think you’re doing a fine job, Shamir!”
“I appreciate it, Catherine but I don’t know how to properly talk to those kids. I think Byleth stopped me from doing so cause I might hurt someone’s feelings at this point.”
“That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?”
“Come on, it’s only a few more hours you have to deal with, I believe in you and so does Byleth!”
“At least that makes two of you…”
Few Hours later…
Classes had finally ended after what seemed like an eternity. Byleth stood confidently waving some students off. Meanwhile Shamir sat in Byleth’s chair and faceplanted onto the desk.
“S-Shamir? Are you okay?”
Catherine walked up and laughed heartily.
“She’ll be fine after a few drinks!”
Byleth smilled and gently held her hand.
“You did great today, Shamir. Thanks for the help.”
She got up and kissed him, rolling her eyes after.
“I…won’t be doing that again. That was just for you.”
Byleth hugged her, which made Shamir go dead quiet while Catherine watched the two with a smile.
“Come on, why don’t we enjoy ourselves for a little bit, it’ll be my treat for helping out!” Byleth said, putting away his papers.
“Come on you two, we’re drinking proper tonight!” Catherine shouted, wrapping her arms around both of them.
“I’m uh…underage…I think?” Byleth said.
“Like hell you are! You’re…actually what are you?”
Shamir raised an eyebrow and looked at Byleth as well.
“Yeah, you never told me that too. You certainly don’t look much older than the kids but…”
“Bah, let’s say you can! No one’s gonna question! Come on, love birds!”
She went ahead of them and Byleth awkwardly followed along, leaving Shamir behind smiling to herself.
“…Maybe kids won’t be so bad now that I had firsthand experience with em…Heh, that’s a fun thought.”
She joined in with the two, and they all went to drink out in town.
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kegareki · 5 years
What are your top three stories from each list?
i could’ve answered this a lot quicker if i didn’t write summaries for the stories in 2 of these lists LOL the bolded two are the ones i 100% recommend
from the “engaging reads” list:
in “the earth is online”, strange black towers appear all over the world. for six months, they do nothing; as people research their origins and possible effects, they become strange parts of the landscape. conspiracy theories abound. what do the towers mean? how did they get here? what will they do?
then, on november 15, 2017, an announcement comes from the black towers. “the earth is online. in three days, all players are asked to eliminate any player. this is including, but not limited to, games.”
at the end of those three days, 400 million people are left on earth.
the black tower provides them three rules. one: the black tower will explain everything. two: the game time is between 6:00am and 6:00pm. and three: all players, please strive to attack the tower.
this is a survival/adventure/mystery, and it’s done so well. i cannot recommend it enough. the worldbuilding is incredible, and the characters actually fit into the world and are shaped by it. the characters--from the main characters to recurring characters to side characters--are all individual and distinct; i forgot names sometimes but i’d always remember who they were through their words and actions.
there is romance involved, but it doesn’t take precedence over the story being told, and the attraction and progression of their relationship from wary strangers to people that they understand and trust without question is believable.
(trigger warnings: depictions of violence and cruelty, as well as (the aftermath of) cannibalism and monsters eating humans. there’s a lot of death and murder.)
"don’t pick up boyfriends from the trash bin” follows the typical chinese transmigration system BL pattern of “at the time of death, the main character is offered a second chance by a mysterious system, on the condition that the main character completes a series of trials”.
the main character, chi xiaochi, transmigrates to a certain number of worlds of varying difficulties into the body of someone who has been wronged in some way, and the completion of his trial depends upon the “regret level” of that person’s partner. when the “regret level” reaches 100, he moves on to the next world.
in-story, it’s mentioned by his system that most players increase the partner’s “regret level” by becoming a tragic figure and allowing themselves to be abused and then die. chi xiaochi is unique in that he thinks mainly of the original owner of the body that he has transmigrated into: how can he seek justice for the ways in which they have been hurt? how can he put them into a better position? how can he give them a future?
from what i’ve read so far, there’s a level of care for the original owners of the body that just... isn’t present in a lot of other transmigration stories, and the direction that this takes the worldbuilding looks promising
(trigger warnings: implied/referenced rape and abuse of varying natures. the first arc involves emotional abuse and isolation tactics employed by the partner. the second arc involves implied/referenced rape and physical abuse.)
“i play the role of (villain/heroine) in a japanese-style otome game” takes a long look at the isekai genre and follows the typical pattern of “the heroine is a beautiful and naive young lady with a special gift rare in its occurrence and power; everyone is attracted to her as a result” until it doesn’t. what does it mean to have a special gift if that gift will inevitably cause someone to try to kill you? what does it mean to have a special gift if that gift is, by its nature, something coveted by an entire species, and your non-human classmates want to eat you?
what does it mean to have a special gift if you can’t save your best friend with it?
i haven’t read this in a while so my memory’s rusty, but i remember being really taken aback at the direction it went in. gathering a reverse harem isn’t for love; it’s to figure out a way to save the “villain”, chako. the “heroine”, yui, keeps going back in time and keeps doing things differently and keeps approaching different people in hopes of controlling the increasing variables involved in chako’s death
(trigger warnings: a lot of death and manipulation of characters’ feelings.)
from the “feel-good” list:
“ghostly masked prince xiao: pampering and spoiling the little adorable consort” involves a 20-year-old college student of the modern age transmigrating into the 9-year-old body of chu qingyan in ancient china. through circumstances that are meant to harm both her and the 19-year-old male lead, they become engaged. the male lead, xiao xu, is the first prince, but his mother--despite being empress--had not been beloved and therefore neither is he. he’s very much a tragic hero: although filial and of upright character, although his actions have always been for the betterment of the empire, he has never been loved by his family and has always been viewed as a tool.
all of his previous fiancees have been murdered before their wedding. chu qingyan is a child, and he doesn’t want her to die. he gives her opportunities to leave and orders his subordinates to aid her in her escape--but, unexpectedly, she stays, and thus begins one of the fluffiest stories that i have ever read. xiao xu doesn’t know how to take care of a child and asks his military generals how to treat children. as you can imagine, their response is “dote upon them!”
xiao chu is earnestly doing his best to treat chu qingyan right, and in her own way, chu qingyan is doing the same for him--especially as the story progresses and she discovers more and more about his past and the ways in which he has been treated by people that were supposed to love him.
i’m sensitive to age gaps in relationships and i don’t know how i’ll feel about, like, actual romance between the two of them, but right now it’s just. a teenager is given a child and is experiencing a “loving family” for the first time in his life. is experiencing what it is to look at a child who depends on you and know that you would do absolutely anything for them. and it’s so sweet and heartbreaking
in “reborn little girl won’t give up”, the titular character is reborn into a world that involves magic and monsters. she is born to a noble family that maintains the barriers that surround their kingdom in order to keep the monsters out. her mother dies during childbirth, and for the first while of her life, her father and her older brother cannot stand to see her as a consequence; but once they begin interacting with her, they can’t not love her.
things go well until they don’t.
the main character is kidnapped to the boundary of the barrier, and moments before she can be saved, her mount--a dragon who has come to see this child as one of its own--flees to the frontier outside of the barrier. if not for a group of hunters that come across her, she would have died.
now her goal is to find her way back to her family--while also making new family along the way.
“death progress bar” follows shi jin, who transmigrates at the time of his death into the body of a character with the same name, from a novel that he had read. the novel’s shi jin has five older brothers who had tormented him and eventually led to his death; the transmigrated shi jin enters this world soon after the death of the novel shi jin’s father, and discovers that he has a “death progress bar.” as his system explains, when the number reaches 999, he will be taken over ‘by the story’ and be led to his death.
the bad news: the progress bar is only a few points away from 999.
one of the ways in which to lower the progress bar is to get as far from his brothers as possible, so he gets away from them--only to stumble across a new person and a new progress bar: the system’s “darling,” lian jun, whose death factors seem completely different from his own. lian jun is also the head of an underground organization whose protection greatly decreases shi jin’s death progress bar.
new goal: find a way for both of them to survive.
the romance is slow and sweet, and--very uncommonly--the male lead is compelling in his own right, separate from his relationship with the main character. i find him likeable as a person, not just as a romantic prospect.
this is a feel-good without being necessarily fluffy or sweet. reading it just makes me happy.
(honorable mention to “there will always be protagonists with delusions of starting a harem”, which is written by the same person who wrote “death progress bar”. it’s another transmigration system story where the main character has to go to a certain number of worlds and complete a task; in this case, the task is to “prevent the protagonist’s harem,” because the harem will somehow result in the end of the world. the main character and the male lead fall in love during their first world together, and at the end of the task when the system asks if he would like to move on to the next world, the main character chooses to stay within the current world. it is only after the male lead’s death that he continues on to the next world… and, there, he discovers that his partner has reincarnated, as well. in every world, they find each other.
in order to aid with the prevention of the harem, there are progress bars for every harem member that are “the likelihood of falling in love with the protagonist.” they begin at 100, and the goal is to get them to 0, thus breaking their flag and ensuring they will not become part of the protagonist’s harem. the main character’s thoughts on these characters and the dropping of their progress bars are frequently funny.)
for the “guilty pleasure” list, i’m not going to write summaries because these are. very guilty pleasures.
“nurturing the hero to avoid death”
“if i happened to tame my brother well”
“our binding love: my gentle tyrant”
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When Maxwell Met Stephanie: Pt. 2- Christmas Eve
This is another bit of backstory for Maxwell and Stephanie within the Cordonians Gone Wild AU created by @speedyoperarascalparty , @ao719 , @leelee10898 and @cocomaxley. Thank you guys so much for letting me be a part of this fantastic AU!
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me.
My tags: @fullbeaumonty @brightpinkpeppercorn @hopefulmoonobject @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @blackwidow2721 @choiceslife @dancetothestoriesinyoursoul
CGW tags: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @ooo-barff-ooo @tornbetweentwoloves @ownworldresident
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     Pam opened the door of the Walker cabin to find Anitah, Alicia, and Genevieve.      “Hey guys. What do Drake and I owe the pleasure?” She asked, stepping aside as the girls filtered in.     “We're scheming of course.” Anitah giggled.     “It's a good, Christmas spirit scheme.” Alicia assured.    “Maybe just a little bit selfish too.” Gen shrugged. The ladies gathered in the living room, spreading around the furniture.    “Okay, I'm listening.” Pam perched on the arm of the couch next to the queen.    “So you know how everyone keeps commenting about how we have to find Max a partner right? He's always alone when we all get together…” Gen started.    “And we kind of feel like, at least Alicia and I owe Maxwell in a huge way.”   “Right. I mean without Max, she'd have never gotten to marry Liam. And if she'd never married Liam, I'd have never met Leo.” Alicia shrugged.    “So you want to play Christmas matchmaker for Maxwell?” Pam asked quirking an eyebrow. The ladies all nodded.    “Okay, so I take it you guys have someone in mind then?”   “Well you weren't here to see it, but our little Maxie was quite smitten with Drake's cousin, Stephanie. She and her mom stayed at Ramsford for a couple of weeks after your wedding and he's been texting her and talking to her on the phone and Pictagram ever since.” Anitah said slyly.    “No. Absolutely not. I'll be damned if I watch another member of my family get involved with the Beaumonts. Not happening. Leave my cousin out of this.” Drake said entering the living room, folding his arms across his chest.   Pam rolled her eyes. “Drake, stop being so dramatic. Don't you want to see Maxwell happy?”   “Sure if it keeps him out of my hair. Can't he be happy with someone that doesn't share my DNA? Lady Hana? Lady Penelope thinks he hung the moon for Christ's sake.”  “But we like Stephanie too.” Alicia piped up.   “Plus she seemed to really like him. You can't choose who she likes, Mallow-man.” Gen added.   “I'm in. Don't pay any attention to my grumpy husband. He'll get over it. I'll make it up to him later.” Pam gave him a coy wink.  Drake came up behind his wife, sliding his arms around her waist and planting a tender kiss to her cheek.  “If you swear he'll be too busy with Stef to bother me on our vacations, I suppose I'll survive. Just don't pressure her or anything. She's like my little sister. And I swear if he hurts her…”   “Drake, Maxwell is a good catch. I don't think you have to worry about that.” Anitah defended.   “So what's the plan?” He asked reluctantly.   “The Christmas Eve ball. We wanna invite Stephanie to attend. And surprise Maxwell with her!” Gen exclaimed clapping her hands together.    “Right,” Alicia began. “That's where you guys come in, since she's your family and all.” ***********************      “What am I doing?” Stephanie wondered staring out the window of the royal jet.    Drake had called her out of the blue and invited her to attend the Cordonian Christmas Ball. He'd talked with her a little bit about her relationship with Maxwell. Was it even a relationship? It was weird whatever it was, but she couldn't wait to see him.    Her cousin had also filled her in on the plan the ladies had to surprise Maxwell with her attendance, and so far it was proving to be so hard not to tell him she was on her way to see him.   Her phone lit up with a text from Maxwell.    M: I hate getting fitted for a new suit. Why can't I just go in a suit I already have?   S: Go where?   M: this  Christmas Ball. I'd rather skip it and FaceTime with you on Christmas Eve.   S: awww I bet it'll be so much fun! You have a hot date? Lol   M: well I have this girl I wanna take, but she's in Texas. I don't think she'll make it    Stephanie beamed down at the screen. She had never been the type to be giddy over text messages, or guys for that matter; but something about Maxwell made her that way.     They'd been inseparable during her time in Cordonia after the wedding, and despite the huge time difference they'd kept in touch since she'd returned home.     Stephanie peered out the window as the pilot announced their descent. Her body buzzing in anticipation at just the thought of seeing Maxwell again. She wouldn't have to wait long as the ball was tomorrow night, but as she glanced back down at his words on her screen the task of keeping quiet even just one more day seemed insurmountable. ***************      “So, Maxwell huh? You really like Maxwell?” Drake asked taking a sip of his beer. Stephanie peeled at the label on her own before taking a swig.    “It's hard to explain and I know it sounds crazy, but I think I more than like him, Drake. I've never felt like this before. It's like... we're connected somehow.” She shook her head and averted her eyes from her cousin's probing gaze.   “It doesn't sound that crazy. It's exactly how I felt about Pam. Like I'd known her all of my life, but I couldn't get enough of her.”   “Yeah, but you were here with her. Touching her, smelling her...you were with her. Max and I have only had text messages and phone calls. What if once we're together he can't stand my perfume. Or what if I can't stand the way he bobs when he walks? The little things that get lost in a long distance communication.”    Stephanie's eyes were clouded with confusion when she looked back at Drake. He could tell she was nervous about tonight. Her eyes searched him for answers to her unspoken questions.     “Why did you come all this way to surprise him, Stef? I mean there had to be a reason right?”   She screwed her eyes shut trying to find the right words. Finally she exhaled.    “I... I love him, Drake. I know it like I know that the sky is blue and the grass is green. I felt like maybe...maybe being invited here was Fate's way of telling me that what I'm feeling is real. And that he feels it too. I'd never forgive myself if I didn't take the chance.”     He opened his mouth as if to reply, but was interrupted as  Pam came down the hall, slinging her purse over her shoulder.     “You ready, Stef? The girls are waiting for us at the salon.” she said grabbing her keys off the hook. She strode over to Drake, kissing him warmly.     “I'll see you guys tonight.” He told her, reluctantly releasing her lips, but never breaking eye contact.    Stephanie gulped the rest of her beer, sliding the empty bottle toward her cousin.   “Guess it's now or never.” *************       Stephanie was thankful for the queen's penchant for pre-gaming events like this. The ladies had already had their nails, hair and makeup done, donning bathrobes before they put on their elaborate gowns for the evening, and they were already a bottle and a half of champagne deep.    “It seems like such a waste to get this hot just to sneak away from the party later.” Alicia laughed. They all knew it would happen at some point in the evening, so they didn't bother arguing.    “How're you feeling, Stef? Ready to surprise Max?” Pam asked.     “Nervous? Excited? I'm not sure how I'm feeling but I could sure use a whiskey sour.” She laughed.    “Definitely related to Drake!” Anitah giggled hailing one of the staff over. “Let's get Lady Stephanie a whiskey sour, please. She needs the liquid courage.”      Stephanie's whiskey sour had arrived promptly and she sipped it quietly taking in the chatter from the other ladies as they headed into the boutique. There was a giant red velvet bow adorning one of the changing stalls along with a sign which read “reserved” . Anitah sauntered over to the door and removed the sign. “This,” she began proudly, spinning on her heels to face her new friend, “is where we're going to stuff you once you're dressed to surprise Beaumont.”        “Sounds good. Guess we should get to getting dressed then.” Stephanie replied.     She selected an emerald green dress, simple satin with a trumpet skirt. It would hug her curves nicely. She slipped into the changing booth to put it on, careful not to disturb the elegant side-swept hair do the hairdresser had given her. The off the shoulder straps and sweetheart neckline showcased more of her cleavage than she had intended, but hopefully Maxwell would enjoy that. Drake, however, would likely flip his lid even if he was quiet about it.  She stared at her reflection in the floor length mirror before her. She'd paired the dress with an heirloom string of her grandmother's pearls and her hand landed upon them absentmindedly as her phone lit up with a text from Maxwell.   M: I think your cousin in broken :D   S: broken? What do you mean?  M: well he's been pre-gaming this ball more than usual. We just had a very weird conversation about the proper way to court a lady and the importance of safe sex practices. Stephanie laughed out loud at the text. She couldn't wait to see him. Just the knowledge that somewhere within these very walls he was hanging around shooting her these rapid fire texts, totally oblivious to her presence was enough to make her heart ache for him and she sighed hearing Pam's voice from the main boutique “Drake said Liam just left with Maxwell. They'll be here any moment. All done in there, Stef?” *******************      Maxwell was filled with so much excitement he feared he would burst. As he and Liam made their way through the palace towards his Christmas surprise from his girl squad it was all he could do not to take off in a sprint.    “Slow down, they're putting the finishing touches on now. You'll spoil the whole the if we arrive early.” Liam chuckled clapping his old friend on the shoulder.  “Sorry, Li. I'm just...no one ever surprises me. I'm usually the surprise-er, and I love surprises. I just want to know what it is already!”  His pocket buzzed and he pulled out his phone, a text from Stephanie, of course.    He stopped dead in his tracks to read the message, his face lighting up like the many Christmas trees throughout the palace.   “Come one, Max. I thought you were excited.” Liam joked.   Maxwell held up a finger. “Uno momento, compadre.” he shot off another reply before he resumed his bouncy steps.   “Are we? Is my surprise in the boutique?”   Liam placed his hand on both of Maxwell's shoulders and steered him into the boutique, the ladies were standing around looking as excited as their best friend.   “God, you all look so hot!” He exclaimed making his rounds, pulling each lady into a brief but warm embrace.    “ Merry Christmas, Beaumont!” Pam shouted.    “You don't look so bad yourself, Max.” Alicia told him.   “Are you ready for your surprise?” Gen asked as Anitah rubbed her hands together in anticipation.   “I can't believe you guys have a surprise for me! Of course I'm ready for it.”   “Well it's right in there,” Anitah started gesturing to the door with the velvet ribbon. “Go on and open it!”     The room was buzzing as Maxwell crossed the distance to the door. He reached for the handle, but abruptly recoiled his hand.    “I know you ladies too well….this is gonna jump out and scare me isn't it?”   A collective groan rang through the room just as the decorated door swung open.   Stephanie raced out of the changing booth, leaping to close the foot height gap between herself and Maxwell as she threw her arms around his neck.    “SURPRISE!”  She shouted.     Maxwell's eyes were like saucers as he spun her around, clinging to the petite redhead for dear life.    “Stephanie?! How did you..? You're really here?!”    He peered momentarily over her shoulder  to look at Anitah, Pam, Genevieve, and Alicia. They all stood with wide smiles, and Gen and Anitah were clapping. “Thank you” he mouthed the words at them as he settled Stephanie back on the ground holding her at arm's length for a moment.   “I've never seen anything more beautiful and elegant in my life.” He commented, drinking her in.   “God I've missed you, Red.”  “I've missed you too. Are you surprised? It was so hard not to tell you!” She told him with a smile that reached her eyes.   His arms snaked around her waist, pulling her close.    “I'm totally surprised. Looks like I have that hot date for this Christmas Ball after all.” He winked. “You will be my date, right?”   Stephanie laughed. “ I dunnooooo...I was thinking I'd let Drake escort me.”   “Not a chance in hell, Stef. Drake's already got Pam. I still need a hottie to walk in with.” Maxwell feigned a whine.   “Well, I suppose. I mean fair is fair.” She giggled. ***************     “His majesty King Liam and Her majesty Queen Anitah, Duchess of Valtoria.” The herald loudly announced.    Stephanie shifted her weight uncomfortably and gripped Maxwell’s hand a little tighter.    “Hey, you alright?” He asked rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.    “Yeah. It's just, I didn't realize that I'd be announced or anything. I've never done this before and I'm kind of nervous. I don't like it when all eyes are on me.” Stephanie told him in a low tone. She cast her eyes to her feet, but Max lifted her chin with his thumb and index finger to look into her hazel eyes.   “But that's where they should be. You're amazing, Stephanie. And tonight you're on my arm, so I want everyone to see just how lucky I am to have you here with me.”    She gave him a weak smile as the herald continued.    “The honorable Prince Leo and the Lady Alicia of New York.”     Stephanie watched as the couple stepped through the ballroom doors arm in arm with wide smiles. She unlaced her fingers from Maxwell's, wiping her palm on her dress. “I'm sorry.” She whispered, cheeks flushing.    “It's okay. I get sweaty palms too.” He laughed, re-capturing her hand.    “Sir Drake Walker, Guardian of the Realm and the honorable Lady Pamela Walker.”    Pam and Drake disappeared into the ballroom.    “Lord Rashad Domvallier of Domvallier and Lady Genevieve of Illinois”    Maxwell turned to Stephanie, taking her hand and draping it in his elbow. “We're up, Red.” He told her gingerly placing his lips to her temple.   “Lord Maxwell Beaumont of Ramsford, Guardian of the Realm and the Lady Stephanie of Texas.”   Maxwell proudly led her  through the doors of the ballroom, pausing only a moment for the brief applause as they made their way toward Drake and Pam.        The evening seemed to fly by in a whirlwind of champagne and waltzes. Stephanie felt like she was in a fairy tale of some sort; but the thing about fairy tales is they eventually end.    She and Maxwell had scarcely let go of one another all evening. They both were silently afraid that if they stopped touching, even for a moment, the other may disappear. As if they would suddenly wake up from this dream they seemed to be walking through.      The last of the guests were beginning to trickle out as the clock struck midnight. Stephanie gazed over the almost empty ballroom and sighed.     “Merry Christmas, Maxwell.” She said without turning to face him.    “Merry Christmas, Stephanie.I guess the evening is just about over, isn't it?”  “I guess it is, but I'm not leaving until the new year. We still have time.” She smiled sweetly finally turning to look at him. He smiled back and have her hand a squeeze.  “I can walk you to your room if you're ready, milady.”    The couple walked slowly towards Stephanie's room, her arms around his waist, head nestled against his rib cage while his hugged her shoulders close.    “This night has been spectacular, Max. I never imagined I'd ever be at party so fancy. I feel like Cinderella, now it's time for me to go turn back into a farm girl.” She joked as they approached her door.    “ You'll still be a princess in my book.”    Stephanie giggled, taking both his hands in hers as she stepped in front of him. Even in her 4” heels she was dwarfed by him, and she peered up into his eyes with just a hint of sadness.    “It isn't just the fancy dress and the fancy party, or even that its Christmas eve, that have made tonight feel magical. It's you, Maxwell. After all these weeks of phone calls and texting…..and the amazing sexting…. I'm just...I'm so happy to finally touch you again.”        He grazed the backs of her hands with his thumbs, tracing tiny figure eights.      “I really wanna kiss you, Stef.” He told her, his tongue flicking out of his mouth to nervously wet his lips.      “Well, Lord Beaumont,  I've been waiting all night.”      Maxwell gently cupped her cheek with his hand, his long slender fingers tangling in her strawberry blonde hair, still draped over her shoulder. He leaned in slowly, and after what felt like an eternity his lips finally found hers.    Stephanie sighed softly into his lips, gently pulling his bottom lip in between her teeth as he deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist.    She leaned into him and they stumbled a bit until his back landed softly against her door, Her hands planted firmly on his chest. Reluctantly she broke the kiss, her lips swollen and her cheeks flushed, the feeling of butterflies in her stomach at full force.   “Will you come and see me tomorrow?” She asked, her eyes darting quickly over his face in anticipation.    “Of course I will. And everyday until we figure out how this is going to work.”   “What do you mean?”   “There is no way in hell I'm letting you get away again, Stephanie. Either I'm going to Texas or you're staying here. Either way I never want to spend another night without you.” His thumb caressed her cheek as he spoke and her eyes seemed to sparkle. He kissed her lips once more. “That's a talk for tomorrow, perhaps. But I've dug in my heels on it. I want you to be mine.”   Stephanie beamed up at him, firmly grasping her doorknob. “Good night then, Maxwell.”  She twisted the knob and entered the room.   “ Good night, sweetheart. I'll dream of you...again.” he told her.   It took all of the strength in her body to close the door behind her and she sighed as she leaned against it. After a moment she flung her hands into the air, spinning and flinging the door open.    “Maxwell!” She exclaimed, louder than was necessary as he had only taken a few steps from her doorway.    He turned to face her, hands jammed in his pockets, and he quirked a questioning eyebrow.   “I….I just wanted to say….” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth a moment inwardly debating her next words.   “I... I love you, Maxwell Beaumont.”     He smiled, taking wide steps back to her as his hands cupped her face once more and his lips crashed against hers fervently.   “I love you too, Red.”
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kdenbibi · 6 years
Ya Rouhi
Authors note: “(H/n)” stands for hero name. My hand slipped and I wrote an angsty dami fic no one asked for lol if y’all want a part 2 let me know//??////////?//////??////?/ also i used google translate for the Arabic so forgive me if theres any mistakes, Ya Rouhi should translate to “You are my soul.” 
Warnings: A N G S T Y as heck, blood, and violence, swearing
Summery: You have bad timing.
He had contingency plans for everyone on the team, back ups for his back ups and his glorified fanny pack of a belt had nearly everything one would need in case of emergency, the family business only went so well because of the almost concerning amount of planning that went into every patrol and every mission.
He prided himself on being ready for anything life threw his way.
So why didn't he see this coming?
Your mission was supposed to be simple, boring even, you were tasked with Terra to investigate a suspected gang hide out.
You bid everyone a casual goodbye, your eyes lingering on Damian's longer than the rest, it caused the corners of his mouth to twitch upwards.
"See you around pretty bird." He nodded biting back a grin, turning and going to the monitor room to be your look out for the mission.
At this point no one questioned why he happened to be look out every time you went on a mission without him, they were too scared of his reaction but they knew, something was definitely going on between the grumpy boy and yourself.
This unspoken thing between the two of you was understood throughout the team, anyone who looked at the two of you together could pratically see the love you had for each other rolling off of you in waves, which would be the first step to your downfall.
A few hours after you headed out with the newest Titan, Damian checked in for a status update.
"(h/n) report? Any signs of the gang?" He'd never admit it out loud but he was obviously nervous anytime you had to go on a mission without him, it's not that he doubted your abilities but he always felt better if he was there to have your back.
After a few tense moments the com cracked to life lifting a weight off his shoulders.
"Negative Robin, so far it's just this weird warehouse and a whole lot of dust."
"Me and Terra are going to split up, she'll sweep around outside and I guess I'll- wait hold on I think I found something." Damian leaned on the edge of his seat waiting for more information.
"Be careful (h/n)." He spoke trying not to sound as concerned as he was.
"Don't worry about me R, I'm a big girl I can handle myself- sides' if I don't come home who's gonna put up with you?"
Damian felt himself smiling before he cleared his throat and responded.
"Any sign of activity?"
"That's the weird part, this place is more ghost town than it is active gang hide out- where'd we get that tip anyway?"
"It was anonymous ." I answered, the gut feeling that something wasn't right crawled into my mind. "Do one more walk around then head back-" your voice suddenly interrupted him.
"Just out of curiosity, on the blue prints for this building did it mention anything about a super creepy elevator leading down to an equally creepy high tech lab?"
"Okay then, either this gang is selling something other than weed or we got a problem on our- "
The line was suddenly overtaken by static, which caused the young Wayne's eyes to go wide, they were on one of the most advanced systems in the world there shouldn't- no couldn't have been interference that bad.
Unless someone sabotaged your equipment.
"(N/n) get out of there now, this is bigger than you, I repeat grab Terra and retreat now- wait for back up." At this point he'd left the desk he was sitting at and began to dress himself in his gear. After another thirty minutes of trying to reach you he prepared the team for a rescue mission, they all gathered in the monitor room to play back your audio transmission in case they came across anything.
"Are we clear on the plan? I'll take the-"
Your voice spoke out so suddenly, taking everyone in the room by surprise, the screen flickered to life showing your bruised and bloodied face.
"Hey." You called giving your team a bloody crooked grin.
He stared at the screen in disbelief.
"Damian I don't have much time." You wheezed out struggling in vain against the tight rope that had you bound.
"What the hell is going on (Y/n)?! Where is Terra? Who attacked you?!" He yelled, hands clenched so tight they began to hurt. The team watched on in silence and fear.
Instead of answering you swallowed thickly and glanced off screen, soon a figure walked on screen to gently pet your head.
"I'm glad you could join us baby bird, me and (Y/n) here have just been getting to know each other, she's a sweet girl, I see why she caught your eye."
Deathstroke's unmistakable voice called out from the screen.
Damian's blood ran cold.
"You picked a firecracker I'll tell you that much." He said rubbing his jaw where a crack in his mask had began to form no doubt from your famous right hook.
"Slade if you touch her again I'll send you to hell myself."
This earned a deep chuckle from the man as he walked towards the camera.
"You'll what? Throw me in jail? Let's not kid ourselves here runt, you've lost your edge, all that hard work and for what? You to go soft." He slowly made his way to your crumpled form.
Yanking you upwards by your hair he bared your throat only to casually press a knife to the soft skin.
"You're weak Damian, you can't hope to save anyone let alone her."
Damian began to panic even more, he knew Slade could end you with a flick of his wrist right now, no matter how much he wanted to lash out he had to play his game until he came up with a plan.
"This is a personal matter between me and the runt, would you mind giving us some privacy?" He spoke to the rest of the team who ahd gathered around the screen.
They all shared a look, knowing it was best to listen to them they silently left the room.
All Damain could do was nod his head, never in his life had he felt this helpless.
"I will admit this kid has some guts, wouldn't tell me anything even when I started cutting away at her."
"What do you want?" Damian asked, voice deadly calm. His chest heaved in ragged breaths at he switched from looking at Slade to the knife.
"Everything she knows about the Titans."
This earned a laugh from your broken from,
"Never gonna happen asshole."
Slade quickly threw you to the floor, chair and all, before swiftly kicking you into the wall.
"-As you can see, she's more stubborn than you, so I'm switching tactics."
"I want personal records of everyone on the team delivered to this location in thirty minutes, just you, no back up, no bats."
"Okay, let her go, I'll have them on a drive for you as soon as I know she's safe." Damian spoke without missing a beat. A part of him was ashamed for folding so soon, but his fear was making rationalizing impossible.
A deep rumble of a laugh left the assassin's mouth.
"Looks like you're not a big an idiot as they say." He walked off screen once more only to come back with a timer.
"It's been a pleasure doing business with you, though if I were you I'd hurry up, your girlfriend here won't last much longer."
Damian went to work typing at the computer, pulling up his friends files and information, he didn't know what the timer was counting down too but it didn't take much imagination to know when it got to zero you'd be out of time.
Slade appeared to have left because you shot up like a bullet. Apparently his last kick sent you crashing so hard the chair you were strapped to broke, giving you a chance.
"That dickhead sure packs a punch."
"Don't worry I'm going to fix this-"
"It's pointless Damian don't do it."
His head snapped up to glare at you before he continued typing.
"Shut up, I'll give him the information, save you then get it back before he knows what hit him, I just need you to stay awake for me can you do that beloved?"
A goofy grin found its way on your bruised face as you got closer to the screen.
"You called me beloved."
"Yes, I'm going to be calling you that for the rest of our days because you're getting out of this you understand me? This is going to be a story you tell our kids."
"Now we have kids? You haven't even taken me to dinner."
He looked away from his task to give you the best half of a smile he could manage.
Your smile fell as you looked off screen to take in your surroundings.
"Dami stop."
"No I can do this I just need to concentrate."
"Damian please." Your voice was stern, despite your shaking form.
"The elevators down, I got a useless leg and even if i somehow managed to make it up all those stairs-" His typing finally stopped as he looked at you.
"Look I'm no Batman but I'm pretty sure this place is rigged to blow." You spoke glancing at the timer with a look he couldn't pin down.
 Fear, anxiety, acceptance.
"Don't come- I know what you're thinking but there isn't a way out this time." Your voice cracked as you stared at his face through the gritty camera .
"This was never about information, he wanted you to come here so you'd be killed too."
"Stop talking as if you're already dead!" He yelled trying to hold back his own tears.
"I can do it..." He spoke in a broken voice trying his best to think of a way out.
"This isn't on you Dami you hear me?" You spoke through your tears completly ignoring him.
"I love you- and I know I have the worst timing ever and these are kinda shitty last words but I'm freaking out a little and I know it's selfish to ask but please stay here- with me."
He looked up from the floor to meet your eye.
"Ya Rouhi." He spoke in his mother tongue, and you didn't know Arabic but you didn't need to, to know he felt the same.
Seconds felt like hours as your screen began to shake, alarms wailed in the distance as whatever device Slade had set began to go off throughout the building.
Your hair fell loosely around your head, the blood and dirt caked on your skin did nothing to hide your beauty, now with tear stained eyes you managed to look like star. You graced him with a smile, never looking away from him, despite the growing destruction around you.
You opened your mouth to say something, what that was he'll never know, because in an instant the screen went black. 
A lost connection logo blinked at his still form.
Everything and nothing ran through his mind all at once.
He felt his knees hit the floor. Ice spread through his chest as he tried to move, to go to you, to tell someone, to do something-
But the ice in his veins had settled, and the light in his eyes was gone.
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eloiseduval · 6 years
challenge 5
a/n: the group date in which eloise is the epitome of poise and grace. lol no, but this was fun to write. thanks to everyone for rping! @nathaniel-schreave @clove-teasdale @camille-marshall @victoria-seaberg @ladyallegrahannon word count: 2640
Apparently I was a master at avoiding someone, princes specifically.
It had been about a week since that day on the beach with Nate, and I had managed to avoid any semblance of a mature conversation with him. I was well on my way to a successful lifelong relationship.
I winced at that thought, wondering when I had become so sarcastic. I blamed Clove.
He had tried more than once to catch my eye at dinners, but even then I focused solely on my food and conversations with the girls around me. At this point, I wasn’t even angry with him. I was guilty, and that guilt was welling up inside to the point of me not being able to face him for fear of what he might say or do.
Now, I couldn’t avoid him any longer as I was headed to a group cooking date with him and a few other Selected. Some merciful twist of fate had allowed Clove to be put in my group, something I was eternally grateful for when Nate stepped up to the few of us gathered outside the kitchens.
“Hey, sorry I was running a bit late. The meeting went a little over…”
Did he have to look so good all the time? That one little piece of his hair curled over his forehead, his suit jacket unbuttoned for this more casual activity.
“Don’t sweat it.” Marshall reassured, joined in by Clove who mentioned something about not ruining his suit. Although at her words, I slowly maneuvered myself so I was practically half hidden behind my taller friend.
I only heard Nate’s chuckle as he guided us into the kitchen. Clove eyed me behind her, not missing a beat when it came to my awkward interactions around him, though began talking to Marshall with a grin. We learned upon entering the kitchens that we would be making lasagna, all of the ingredients set out before us.
Nate turned to face us. “Marshall could you get the pasta cooked and stuff? Allegra you could help Marshall with that. And Victoria you could… measure the cheese? And Clove and Eloise can you come with me to help cut some vegetables...?”
Clove nodded, sparing me a glance before turning back to Nate. She knew me too well. “Sure… Where to?”
I could only nod at his request, though silently wishing I could have been helping one of the other girls.
“Just to that island,” Nate instructed, pointing to the other far side of the kitchen.
The other girls separated to do their tasks, Clove gesturing for him to lead the way. “We all know how to use a knife, right?”
I shot her a flat look. “Yes, we do.”
Nate merely walked to the island with a “We have a lot of veggies to cut.”
“It was just a question.” She raised her hands in surrender before following Nate, making me feel guilty for snapping at her. It wasn’t her fault I felt so uncomfortable.
“Yeah, sorry,” I muttered before following suit to the island.
Once I stepped up next to Nate he handed me a knife and a cucumber, giving Clove the same with a different vegetable. “Could you dice these?”
I didn’t even look at him as I took the offered knife and slowly began to dice the vegetable on a cutting board. Being this close to him after so long was doing weird things to my head, so I did my best to focus on the task at hand. Though after a brief glance I noticed Clove looking between us awkwardly.
I hated being like this. Why couldn’t I get my act together and just talk to him? This wasn’t who I was, shrinking away from the people I truly cared about. And I did care about Nate, more than I wished to admit. But if I was being honest with myself, this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened with me. First with Alex, our mutual avoidance lasting for almost two years, then with Isaac, although with him I had been avoiding my own feelings rather than a conversation.
Still, this pattern was becoming too frequent to sit well with me, and I hoped that I could summon up the courage to fix this… thing with Nate.
I almost groaned out loud at my thoughts, only to be drawn out of them at Victoria’s question of what our favorite food was.
Allegra moaned hungrily. “Mac and cheese.”
As I sliced a few more cucumber pieces, I moved them into a bowl only to accidentally brush my arm against Nate’s. I doubted he even noticed as I quickly brought my arm back, pressing my lips together to continue with the cutting.
“Lasagna isn’t in too bad a spot on my list,” Clove replied.
Marshall commented something about burritos and s’mores, to which Allegra and Victoria both agreed with. Though I quickly found myself caught up with the sudden awareness of Nate standing next to me. Every little movement he made — shifting his feet or his hand coming close to mine as we dropped our vegetables in a bowl — I was hyper aware of.
Snap out of it, you’re just cutting vegetables. You’re fine.
To clear my head, I answered Victoria’s question. “I’m a fan of baby carrots.”
I heard her say something else curiously to which Allegra replied, but I couldn’t register the words as Nate chuckled at my comment, the first real acknowledgement I had from him besides instructing me. That simple action alone made my attention waver and my hand with the knife slip to cleanly cut across the palm of my left hand.
“Ow.” I immediately dropped the knife, moving away from the counter to grab some paper towels and press them against the alarmingly bloody cut.
I was an idiot. Who let one laugh unsettle them so much to the point where they literally cut themselves?
“Eloise… are you okay?” I heard Nate ask. Glancing up for a moment I noticed how he had paled at the sight of all the blood. “Uhhh.”
I looked back down at my hand to focus on anything other than the embarrassment of the situation. “I’m fine, it’s fine. I’m just— I’m going to go get this taken care of.”
Leave leave leave.
“Is there a first aid kit?” Allegra asked. I turned to face her, desperate for an opportunity to get myself together, out of this group date.
”No really, you guys just finish here and I’ll go to the hospital wing.”
“Are you sure? I know how to bandage wounds.” The offer was kind but my hand was starting to throb painfully. I had a feeling I would need more than just a bandage.
“Um Clove could you take Eloise to the hospital wing please.” Nate sounded concerned from behind me.
I shook my head at Allegra. “Don’t need any more blood anywhere than necessary.” I flashed a small smile and moved to leave with Clove who had come over to me.
After another brief goodbye, we left. As soon as we were far enough away to be heard, I groaned in pain. “Ow dammit this hurts.” I pressed my lips together and furrowed my eyebrows, not wanting any more colorful language to slip out.
“And you judged me for asking if everyone knew how to use a knife.” Her dry remark went unappreciated as she merely stared straight ahead, evoking a glare out of me.
“I wasn't exactly in the best mood.” I paused, sighing at my temper that rarely came out. My lack of sleep over the past week wasn’t a positive contributor to my mood either, though that wasn’t a good excuse. I needed to get my act together, and fast. “Sorry, we just— Nate and I still haven't talked yet.”
“As the mature adults you are.”
I couldn’t help but tense at her blunt words. Clove wasn’t one to sugar coat anything. “It's not the easiest topic to broach.”
“You just... talk about it. It's better than waiting for the perfect moment.” But she hadn’t seen his face. She hadn’t seen how torn he looked at the sight of me angry at him, so torn that I wondered if he even wanted to forgive me anymore. He could’ve sent me home and dealt with someone else who wouldn’t lash out at him irrationally. But Nate wasn’t one to do that, and I knew that deep down.
I shook my head, both at her words and my wandering thoughts. “I'm not that doing that either, I—” I took a deep breath. “I'll talk to him soon. I think.”
“You think.”
This conversation was going nowhere and I needed to think about something other than Nate and myself, so I looked over at her pointedly. “And how are you and Brooks? You never did tell me about your little New Year's getaway.” After covering for the pair of them on New Year’s Eve, they had never found the time to tell me what they were doing, both that night and since the beginning of the Selection.
“Oh... that one’s a complicated one.”
“You two are nothing but complicated. Spill.”
She considered my words for a moment, sparing the hallway a glance. “After the hospital wing we're making a stop at your room.”
I nodded once. “Perfect.” It’s about time.
“So… do you want the actual info or do you want to know about Brooks and I?” Clove rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. “Because there's news on both sides.”
“Both. Feel free to start with whichever you want.” I moved to sit on my bed, crossing my arms to prepare for her overdue stories while she stayed standing in front of me.
“Good or bad first?”
“I guess the bad.”
“Alright, so...do you remember the first time we talked at breakfast?”
An odd thing to bring up, but I tilted my head to one side as I tried to recall the conversation. “Vaguely, but yes. Why?”
She scratched the back of her ear. “Remember you said it was funny I got Selected?”
“Oh yeah, I think I said it was crazy odds or something like that.”
“Right, um, well...turns out it wasn’t really in the hands of odds.”
I raised an eyebrow. “What does that mean?”
She hesitated before getting her words out. “The whole raffle thing...it's not really at random. It's fixed to have as many high castes as possible.” Wait, what?
I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. “But... why would they do that? Out of 35 girls they're bound to get high castes already.”
“Yes, but did you realize the amount this time? It's pretty high.”
I took a moment to recall all the girls who had been Selected, and my eyes widened as I counted about half of us who had been of high caste at the start of the Selection. That was too many to be considered random, yet no one had noticed. “Oh. What I still don't understand is why, the people would have been happy with almost any girl Nate favored, high caste or not.”
“It's not the first time they've done this. Nate would've never agreed on taking castes into consideration though, so we're guessing they decided to keep things under wraps and make most of his options close to what they considered good for a Queen. It's not like he would find out anyway and it was easier than trying to convince him on accepting their "advice". They would have to leave some of it to chance, but with half the girls being high castes at the beginning, the Elite was bound to end up pretty much the same. No one is under Four and half of us are Twos.”
I bit my lip, taking in all of the information. “I’d say I feel honored but... that feels wrong.” My teasing wasn’t making itself known in the best of times, but I didn’t know what else to say. I hadn’t been chosen by chance, there were a group of men and women who had looked at my application and thought “She’s good enough,” yet discounted so many other girls who hoped for a chance of a lifetime. The whole point of the Selection was not just for Nate to find a wife, but to give opportunities to those who may have have never had one, and they had violated that.
Nate. One fact of what Clove stuck out in my mind, making me frown. “And you said Nate doesn’t know about this?”
“It feels wrong because it is, but no, he doesn't know. And we're not telling him yet, okay?”
My eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t like the idea of keeping secrets from him, Clove. We have this,” I waved one hand, “thing of being honest with each other and even though we’re... not in the best place with each other, I just—” I couldn’t even finish my thought, rubbing my forehead with a sigh. This was a lot to process in one day on top of everything else.
“Oh, we're definitely telling him. I promised him I would explain why I was being weird on our first encounter,” she frowned at herself, “I never thought it would get to this though…”
She sighed. “I just don't want him to get angry and do something stupid. Now that Brooks is involved I don't even know if he'll want to be the one to tell him. We'll look for a better time, okay? We're still looking into it.”
She moved to sit next to me on the bed, though I kept my gaze ahead, considering her suggestion. Nate deserved to know, but it wasn’t my place to tell him. I trusted Clove enough to realize that it would be better for them to inform him of everything. Still, I wanted to be there when they did.
I peered over at her. “Can I be there when you tell him?”
She returned my gaze. “Sure, if that's what you want I'll tell Brooks about it.”
I nodded. “Thank you.” Looking down at my hand, I played with the bandage a little, only to look back up at Clove when I remembered this wasn’t the only thing she wanted to tell me. “Wait, you said you had good news.”
“Oh.” She seemed to snap out of the serious mode she had been in, her cheeks reddening slightly. I took that as a good sign. Her and Brooks had an unspoken thing for too long, and it was encouraging to see her on better terms with him. They had a long way to go, though I had a feeling that in the end, they would end up happy with one another.
She told me all about New Year’s eve, and after some well worth the wait teasing on my end, we made our way back to the date. The time away had given me a chance to get my thoughts together and realize that being so caught up in myself wasn’t the way to handle the situation. I would work up the nerve to talk to Nate eventually, but for now I would talk to and be myself around the girls.
When we got back, I did exactly that. Talked with Marshall and Clove, even helped with some of the cooking without making a mess of things. Everything was good, and by the time we finished our lasagna I was ready to leave in a much better mood. I was considering when I would find a good time to approach Nate when the opportunity found me instead.
As we were all headed to leave the kitchens, I felt a tap on my arm and a familiar prince whisper, “Can you stay for a bit?”
Well shoot.
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his-lost-horn · 7 years
morethananyking: I love thinking about young Cyclonus (mainverse) knocking boots with young Scourge, the two of them at the academy together
morethananyking: hanging out in Galvatron's apartment(s) together lol
morethananyking: I guess Galv + Cyclonus' apartments since he lives in them as well since like the 3rd day of knowing Galv
vxtum: Bum around like college kids
vxtum: Daddy coming home and not happy that they've played hooky and drank all day
morethananyking: OH god that would be so hot. Fucking Galvatron coming in and finding those two, armor pieces thrown around the floor, in bed together, a few good bottles of highgrade around, empty. Both of them had many things they should have done, and yet did nothing. Galvatron standing there, and wakes Cyclonus by dragging his index finger along the youth's nude form. He wants to blame Scourge for this but knows better.
morethananyking: And a few days later Dinobot shows up banging on the apartment door.
morethananyking: Daddy couldn't bring himself to spank his naughty boy, so he found someone who would do it for him xD
vxtum: Jesus fuck, what if that's the turning point that Galvatron sees he's losing control of Cyclonus and he requests Dinobot have actual 1-on-1 training with him?
morethananyking: I do love the idea that Cyclonus was starting to slip into defiance and ... I don't want to say "luxury" because that had no allure, more avoidance, seeing he didn't have to do things that were difficult, that he could be with Galvatron and Scourge and have what he wanted and defiant in the sense he wanted to walk at his pace but Galv wanted to push him- asked greater things of him...
morethananyking: Galv brings Dinobot into it when he knows Cyclonus stands the chance of being "consumed by my position" or something along those lines
vxtum: Because he actually starts to
vxtum: becoming so spoiled
vxtum: starting to become rotten
morethananyking: Galv frowning, "Did you have a /trying/ day, my little devout?"
vxtum: Cyclonus sitting up in the bed, absent of armour, wrinkled sheets across his lap, hiding his spike housing and valve folds; processor is pounding from high-grade as he strokes a servo over his helm and over his optics, scowling, moody and bratty. "/Indeed/, my lord."
morethananyking: Scourge sitting straight up in bed, still with a healthy fear of Galvatron, his fields turning pale, "My Lord!" And scrambling out of bed to put his armor on and get out of the space.
morethananyking: Galvatron sneering, "Many have devoted years of diligent service for a chance to enter the Academy and I have given you, both of you, a chance to better yourselves as future leaders and I find you here. Cyclonus- you are a star pupil, my chosen right-hand. There is no rest."
morethananyking: "He was stressed, it's different, being away from the Temple, everything. The Academy is intense for-" Scourge began.
morethananyking: Galvatron's optic flared and his teeth showed, snarling, "That is the intention, idiot!"
morethananyking: Scourge's wings dropped and he looked away, fields shrinking.
vxtum: Cyclonus still sitting in the bed, not at all impressed or frightened, face resting in his servo, trying to block out the light, grumbling under his breath
vxtum: Oh god, but Dinobot shows up and galvatron announces for the first time to Cyclonus that he will training privately with Dinobot and that he has 30 mins to gather what he can because he's leaving with the old beastformer for an extended trip.
morethananyking: Dinobot would show up and as soon as Cyclonus answered the door push inside without giving his name, bring Cyclonus down to the floor, and then, looking down on him smile wicked and all sharp teeth with a loud snore, "I am Dinobot, do not worry, boy, we will smite the weakness out of you," He tilted his head. "I give you my word."
morethananyking: I have been waiting years for someone to let me write the "I will free you from your mortal coil" as a line from Dinobot
morethananyking: I think young Cyclonus may drag that one out of his mentor
vxtum: Super confused, indignant Clavis Aurea, scowling from his place on the floor. "I care not who you are. What is your purpose here? Are you permitted to be on this apartment floor?"
morethananyking: "How fortunate, your care is not required for our exchange," His optics narrowed, he assumed the youth intended the question as an insult. The beastformer. Of course he wasn't permitted in this fine luxury apartment, the top floor owned by Galvatron himself. "I am the traitorous beastformer instructor from the Academy," He knew that would trigger the youth's memory blocks. Everyone knew him as that. "On abrupt leave of absence to personally train our future General." He gripped the front of Cyclonus' collar and hoisted him up, the stocky bot's strength like a backhoe plowing the earth. He put him on his pedes. "We are leaving, follow." There would be no goodbyes. He'd been asked to shock this child's system and he intended perform admirably for his Lord.
morethananyking: I can see Dinobot, strong, strange body unlike anything Cyclonus has seen up close. The mix of 'organic' and metal, substance twitching along his muscled arms, his noises, his intense flashing optics, his wild twitchy movements, his scars, his scent. He's not 'normal'. Sounds and speech pattern odd, everything odd. And shows up and takes him, not allowing him to say goodbye to Scourge or explain anything (that I am sure was part of Galvatron's orders).
vxtum: Oh god, what if Cyclonus refused to follow??
vxtum: Like, naturally he's still too confused and thinks this is a prank
vxtum: Would demand to spreak to galvatron
morethananyking: Dinobot would wait.
morethananyking: He'd wait in the doorway for Cyclonus to at least call Galv, I'm sure Galv knew a call might come.
morethananyking: He'd prolly answer the commline before Cyclonus could speak, "Go with him now."
vxtum: "I-- My lord, I do not understa-- Why? Where is he taking me?"
morethananyking: "Ask him. He is your Master." The commline ended abruptly. Galvatron had never hung up on him before.
morethananyking: Dinobot clicked his tongue in the doorway, "Now follow or I will drag you by your horns. I have everything we need on the ship."
morethananyking: And as they walked, Dinobot having been pre-told by Galvatron of Cyclonus' close bond to Scourge, snoring, "Absence makes the spark grow fonder and if he is gone when you return, weeeeelllll, I think you will owe me a drink. Pick up your pedes, you have an organic world to rub all over that glossy frame of yours. Aeliek buzzards, boy, they like shiny things. We will soon be dull as saltworn copper."
morethananyking: And Cyclonus realizes he's being taken off Cybertron alone with this beastformer he doesn't know but for a few stories, and wasn't given a chance to call Scourge, and has never been to an organic world before... or off-world. Scary.
morethananyking: Poor thing T__T, trust me, Galvatron is sitting with his helm in his hands fighting the want to call it all off.
vxtum: sdfklsdfljksdf oh god, I want to cry lol.. he has never felt more alone, abandoned, desperate to beg for Galvatron's forgiveness; he'd be trying to call galvatron over and over and over the entire time he's following Dinobot, growing more and more frantic and stressed the closer they get to the ship
vxtum: The scorn Cyclonus comes back with on that first trip towards Galvatron
vxtum: But the second trip is going to be the hardest - when Dinobot is at the door, and Cyclonus' spark /drops/; knowing that he's coming to be retrieved for another long training session, far from galvatron and scourge. And his spark breaks, wanting to beg galvatron to forgive him already, that he doesn't want to leave; that he'll continue to do better in his studies - that he'll do more if that's what he demands of him. But the words just don't come out, so he's staring at him with an open, helpless expression - willing him to /know/ and decide to cancel the trip.
vxtum: That's when the rage - built frustration, emotional pain, loneliness, physical hurt and exhaustion - starts to come out. When he starts resisting Dinobot, challenging his authority and refusing to do as he's ordered, willing to fight Dinobot before he does another damn 'meaningless', torturous task
morethananyking: Yes, poor Dinobot has the shitty task of breaking down Cyclonus so he can be remade a warrior, better.
morethananyking: Dinobot's respect is earned over time. As he spends a lot of it with Cyclonus. But yeah Dinobot was probably the drill instructor from hell not because he's sadistic or enjoyed Cyclonus' hardships but because he honored Cyclonus as a warrior, the potential he knew was there, he treated Cyclonus the way he would have wanted and Galvatron, as a future warrior. Cyclonus was special.
morethananyking: Dinobot will leave him be on the ship though. Unless Cyclonus seeks him out to ask questions, which he will answer (I think)
morethananyking: But yeah it's not easy for Galv either, trust me. He's hurting.
morethananyking: But he has to do this T_T;
morethananyking: and he trusts Dinobot will help Cyclonus see what this is about, why it means so much :/
morethananyking: poor thing though he's such a baby
vxtum: Cyclonus would probably avoid Dinobot like the plague for the first leg of the trip on the ship, too wary and still dealing with the hurt in his spark over the separation with his mates
morethananyking: Man how cute Scourge and cyclonus would be when they saw one another again
morethananyking: Scourge waiting there when the ship landed, running to Cyclonus and hugging him tightly, "Primus!"
morethananyking: Then seeing how awful Cyclonus looked and his spark twisting with stress, optics growing big, "What happened," And wanting to growl at Dinobot.
vxtum: Cyclonus clutching Scourge to him, wanting to bury his face in him, breathe in his scent, his spark small and hurting
morethananyking: Scourge ... he'd be so upset, he'd hate when Cyclonus had to go train.
morethananyking: Then Cyclonus starts to change and kick ass and grow strong and confident and Scourge's like Ohhhhhhh right... wow.
vxtum: If Scourge didn't know he was arriving, once they docked, Dinobot wouldn't have made it all the way down the ramp, to call for Cyclonus to follow, before he's nearly blown over by the warrior exploding out in jetmode, burning his reserves to get away from Dinobot and the ship as quickly as possible and get to the apartment desperately, needing to see his mates
morethananyking: lmao awwww
morethananyking: Dino would smirk, /I will give you that, young one/
vxtum: Would Dinobot learn from intuition that Cyclonus is somewhat unique in the bonds he forges, seeing how deeply, terribly it impacts him when he's forced apart from them compared to what he sees when he's with them? Or would he actually need to inquire on it with Galvatron?
morethananyking: I think it would be safe to say he could, by scent, and intuition that Cyclonus is that way and he would try to help him but Dino knows there's no cure for that, you learn to tolerate it :/
vxtum: That he catches on, at the very least, that the only way he's going to be able to get through to Cyclonus without breaking him entirely is to somehow get him to forge some sort of bond with him?
vxtum: Because he resists too hard
vxtum: And each trip gets so much worse
vxtum: Because Cyclonus doesn't want to be a leader - and everything Dinobot throws at him doesn't make sense and is torturous, and he feels utterly alone.
vxtum: So he doesn't understand why the hell he's enduring this at all
morethananyking: Hmm I like that a lot, while I don't think it would be the driving force behind Dinobot wanting to bond it would sure help and make sense. I know he felt a strong need to protect Cyclonus, to offer himself as a rock, as a stable source that Cyclonus would always have no matter what, that he'd care for that youth, take on the burden of his happiness as much as possible and I'm sure that unfolds by watching how deep that youth loves and feels
vxtum: No, the Legata Endura bond is something for much, much later. -grins- It's more that there's a single barrier between them that needs to come down, or else Cyclonus will just keep resisting and treating the lessons and trips as 'punishment' rather than stepping stones to greatness
morethananyking: well dinobot would tell him 'you are not being punished, do you not understand?'
vxtum: "No. I do not," Cyclonus would retort, stoic mask carefully in place. Resisting.
vxtum: When Cyclonus is easily the worst student Dinobot ever had, at the beginning anyway
vxtum: To the point that it was as much hell for Dinobot as it was for Cyclonus
vxtum: the training would not be reaching Cyclonus' spark, and Dinobot would see it
morethananyking: Gosh Dinobot is torn because he hasn't been able to observe enough in my head but if Cyclonus was badly suffering and not rising up to the hardships, seeing it as punishment, faltering, if it continued and Dinobot saw that Cyclonus wasn't reacting to being trained like a soldier... if that holds true hmm, he would change his methods
morethananyking: because the goal is to make Cyclonus stronger so he will survive, to make him a weapon Galvatron is able to carry at his side... this is about Cyclonus, it's all about Cyclonus, but Dinobot is a good teacher and if he saw red flags that this youth was cracking in a way that would damage him--- and then begins to see Cyclonus is sweet and sensitive... and deeply bonded to his mates
morethananyking: and this has little to do with strength or warrior hearts, this has to do with anxiety over not being with his partners...
vxtum: Cyclonus can't be alone
vxtum: If he's going to be away from his mates, then he needs to be able to shift his bond to the one in his company
vxtum: Tettares learns unity and needing the family together for a reason - it's the core of Cyclonus' own soul
vxtum: Ever since his youth
morethananyking: I think Dinobot would withdraw, take Cyclonus back to the ship and bind any wounds he had himself and allow him to clean himself up. Wait several days. Do nothing. Allow him to calm down, allow him to call home and talk to Scourge and talk to Galvatron, while he is thinking, seeing he is dealing with someone highly sensitive but special. Then walk up to him and say, "Are they your weakness or your strength?" Before he added. "Or can they be both? That is your choice." He has not cleaned nor treated his wounds, he didn't eat, he slept outside, and trained as if Cyclonus had never left him. "I am asking you to stay with me as my protégé. When you better yourself, Cyclonus, you better your mates. Galvatron means to bring us into an age of Expansion, that means war, war on alien land. Your mistakes could take one of them from you forever and if you seek a true matebond with him, if you die, so does our greatest General. What do you owe Cybertron? Allow me to teach you to be vicious. Defend your life, defend your partners, and be unstoppable together-- glory brought to the world you love. Do not trust in happy endings, child. If such fortune came to us all so easily we would not have guardians and you were born a guardian, were you not?"
morethananyking: // something like that
vxtum: Oh god.. that would be /perfect/
vxtum: Just those words; the seriousness, but the carefulness in how it was spoken
vxtum: The mentioning of failure possibly costing him Galvatron or Scourge..
vxtum: He would have never had it put in that perspective for him
morethananyking: I am glad Dinobot's guts were right then, his character was telling me to say that and I wasn't sure, but he's like no this youth hurts, his passion must have focus first, play with him later- test him later, today he must know what he trains for. In Dinobot's mind he can see battlefields, he knows how someone in a second can be taken, a look over the shoulder to catch a grin--- and they're gone. That if Cyclonus loves them, he will rise up, it's in his CNA to protect. I think Dinobot may be the first to see that Cyclonus can lead and will lead but not for power and not for pleasure, he'll rise up out of loyalty and a sense of guardianship towards those he loves.
morethananyking: Though Dinobot still wants to push Cyclonus to tolerate doing stupid tasks for no reason LOL but that must come after they have a foundation together.
vxtum: LOL, Cyclonus will accept the ridiculous tasks that have no meaning, because he'll come to trust Dinobot that he won't fail in his methods so that he won't fail Galvatron and Scourge on the battlefield
morethananyking: I think it will be Dinobot who steps in, in private, to talk to Galvatron. To tell him Cyclonus cannot be the next General but will be everything, and more, for his mate and Galv should now embrace that - do not make the mistake of causing him shame, support his strength where it truly lies. And Galv would lift his chin and grin darkly, "You are right, my friend, who wants to retire anyway?"
morethananyking: And those stupid fucking tasks Dinobot made him do end up helping him survive the Void, the endless looping of days, the shitty draining on and on drag of it all.
vxtum: Oh god.. Didnobot would do that? lol.. you don't know - hell, maybe /Dinobot/ doesn't know - what that would do for Cyclonus' trust and mounting respect for Dinobot. Cyclonus has been trying for so long to convince, to explain to Galvatron that he is not interested in becoming a 'leader'. That Primus did not design him to be that way (when he should be saying that he genuinely has no interest to lead as Galvatron does). And Dinobot somehow gets through to Galvatron with this.. removing so much fucking pressure to perform from Cyclonus' spark; removing the guilt, the sense of failure and disappointment he must be bringing to Galvatron; the sense that he is lying to his to-be-sparkmate every time he continues to strive for excellence in a field he does not wish to be in
morethananyking: I think Galvatron would tell Cyclonus that Dinobot "explained things"
morethananyking: Dinobot would bring it up if Cyclonus wanted to talk about it... but yeah I want that to have happened.
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