#gave up on getting rid of it a WHILE ago & have just been riding the waves
wabblebees · 7 months
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alchemistc · 28 days
"When was it for you?" Buck asks, chin tucked over the nice rounded edge of Tommy's left pec, turning his eyes up through his lashes because every time he does that Tommy's eyes do something soft and sweet that Bucks still a little obsessed with. Tommy's fingers continue twisting into his curls, but he raises the 'need more context' brow. Buck obliges. "The - the spark. Like - I mean you had to kiss me for me to get what was going on but uh - I mean subconsciously I was in it to win it from like, the moment I saw how smiley you got seeing Cap and Athena reuniting. So. I'm wondering. What was it for you?"
There's still times when Buck feels like he's going too fast, too hard, pressing and pushing and reverting back to the neediness of yesteryear, but Tommy does this thing - this insane thing that shouldn't comfort Buck at all but somehow manages to both bring him back down to earth and make him feel like he's not alone in this: he takes his time. A measured breath, a quiet look, pressure on his scalp as Tommy thinks the question through without looking like he's being rushed at all. Measured. Processing both the new information he's been given, the little snapshot into what had first drawn Buck in, and the question he's been asked. If Buck had realized thoughtfulness meant so fucking much to him he'd have learned some patience years ago.
Tommy tips his chin, scratches at his cheekbone, stares at Buck like he's measuring out each word in his sentence recipe and setting up the ingredients of his response before he starts mixing.
"The handshake," he says, with a bashful little purse of his lips, like he hadn't expected he'd ever have to admit to it but he doesn't want to lie. "Just couldn't get a read on you for a while after."
Buck sort of wants to hide his face in Tommy's chest in response to the feelings that bubble up in his chest - the right-awayness of it, an immediate connection Tommy had felt even before he did, it feels like there are a thousand little pipe bombs bursting in his chest. No one's ever given him butterflies quite like Tommy Kinard.
"So it was like a physical thing for you," Buck says, fully fishing because Tommy has dated actual models and no matter how many minutes he spends each time they're naked together admiring the belly Buck's unwilling to dehydrate himself to get rid of, he likes hearing that his boyfriend thinks he's hot.
Tommy surprises him, though. "No, actually. You could barely get your name out but you wouldn't let go of my hand while you gave me five facts about helicopters you'd clearly googled on the ride over. Sorta made me want to stick you in my pocket and keep you there so you could provide me a fact-of-the-hour for the rest of my life."
Buck can feel his face going red. It's a mortifying observation, but it feels a lot like all the affectionate teasing he gets on the daily from Hen and Chim. Feels like Tommy knows him well enough by now to know he likes being read for filth when it means he's being paid attention to.
"You want weird facts, I'll give you weird facts."
Tommy chuckles. The hand in his hair tugs, just a bit, like Tommy wants Buck's face closer to his face but doesn't feel like asking. Buck shifts his weight up into an elbow to oblige, gets a thumb sliding along his cheekbone for his efforts and a primetime view of Tommy's serious face as his eyes flit across Buck's. "I didn't expect you," he says, in the serious voice, the teasing edge falling away. "I didn't expect butterflies and second chances and -." He cuts himself off, thumb slipping towards the curve of Buck's nose. "I didn't expect any of it."
Which is a bit of a revelation, if Buck's being completely honest. Tommy'd taken his hand and smiled while Buck did his level best to break the sound barrier with the pace he set at the beginning of all of this. "You thought I'd be an easy lay?" he teases, and Tommy wrinkles his nose.
"Thought you'd be bored with me before I paid the check if I ever managed to get you on a date with me."
It's actually laughable, with the benefit of hindsight, how terribly wrong that assumption had been. Laughable that Tommy thinks he could ever be boring. Buck could spend hours just staring at the subtle changes in his expression in complete silence and still not be bored with Tommy.
"That's stupid," he tells him, and Tommy thumbs at his bottom lip.
"Well I know that now. You're easily entertained. I've told you the Yellowstone flyover story six times and you still laugh at the punchline every time like it's the first time you've ever heard it."
"Moon moon," Buck repeats solemnly, and has to bite his lip not to laugh about it again.
"I like you a lot," Tommy says, and - they've exchanged I love yous, but there's something about this particular phrase - like Tommy's dug into the very heart of all of Buck's insecurities and learned the exact phrase to burn all those question marks to the ground.
"Ditto," Buck says, because Tommy had been insistent on trying to find a romcom that Buck didn't fall asleep to and Ghost had actually kept his attention decently well. Or. You know. Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore had.
Tommy rolls his eyes. "Howie keeps giving me shit for all new movie quotes you keep bringing out at inappropriate times."
"Quoting Clerks at Captain Fuckstache is always appropriate."
"We'll watch Dogma next. See if you can find any gems in that one that'll drive that asshole into an early grave."
"Are there dogs in it?"
"Are there -." Tommy's expression is so offended Buck thinks his eyes might explode. "Evan, even if you don't know the movie I know dogma is one of those SAT words you've found yourself on a Wikipedia black hole about."
Damn. And Buck had been hoping he'd get worked up enough to rant about Buck's serious gaps in knowledge in regards to pop culture. He hams it up a bit anyway. "It's when all the dogs are trying to get into heaven."
Tommy digs three fingers into Bucks side, and if they dissolve into a tickle fight five seconds later, Tommy has no one but himself to blame for the elbow to the face that nearly breaks his nose.
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klemen-tine · 8 months
Glass Bones and Paper Skin Part 2
Platonic! Bruce x Model! GN! Reader
First Part
Part 3
Trigger Warnings: Hint at suicide, Body Issues, Eating problems (not a disorder), Child Neglect, stalking
This is more of the family side than it is of Bruce. Next part will be everyone.
“Young Master Y/N, what a pleasant surprise.” Y/N smiled at Alfred, opening their arms and sagging in relief once they hugged the butler. The three hour car ride had been tense, with everyone asking questions and Y/N trying their hardest to be polite while not losing it. The fashion show still fresh in their mind, and the clothing Francesca had given them was gently folded and placed in the trunk of the car. 
“It is good to see you, Alfred. It’s been too long.” The old man huffed, “Indeed. A year of only phone calls and cards does make it seem like it was a century ago since I last saw your face… in person.” Y/N smiled, giving Alfred a playful look before remembering where they are and how they got here. 
The smile on their face became practiced, expression smoothening out as they turned to face the rest of the family who were all waiting patiently. Dick was smiling brightly, unraveling his scarf and walking forward, “Hey Alfie, you should have seen our Y/N walk. They really made the show.” 
“I find it insulting they made you walk last,” Damian chimed and crossed his arms. Y/N gave him a small smile, “Being a closer is as much of a compliment as being the opener.” The young boy scrunched his nose, “I preferred the show in Paris.” 
“Francesca Gabbana designed the piece, Alfred you’ll have to see it.” Tim was the one carrying the case that had the piece in it. The old man hummed, “I saw it on the television, but perhaps seeing it in person will be better.” Jason shrugged, walking in and gently nudging Y/N with his larger shoulders, “Although, did she have to make the Bat symbol just the front piece? It barely covered anything.” Y/N could see his jaw clench like the very thought of other people seeing Y/N’s stomach. 
Bruce was the last to walk in, shrugging off his coat and hanging it over his arm, “Fashion designers do not care about function, only beauty.” Y/N smiled tensely, “It is a form of art.” The older man smiled at Y/N, and the model couldn’t get rid of the image of the Bruce they saw backstage. 
“Of course it is. One of the most demanding forms of art as well.” Y/N couldn’t place the tone, but there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere. Alfred shuffled, “Well, dinner is almost ready. Young Master Y/N, if you want you can wash up in one of the guest bathrooms. Your room is currently being used as a trophy room.” Y/N chuckled, “Oh dear, you’re not hanging up my photos are you?” 
“I did tell you I would be.” Y/N shook their head, “Thanks Alfred, but I don’t have any clothes here.” An arm swung around their shoulder, and Y/N stiffened under the sudden touch. Jason was smiling at them, “C’mon Y/N, we have some clothes for you.” Y/N felt the sudden spike again in their spine, alerting them that something was amiss and only bad things would happen if they asked questions. From how everyone was looking at them, Y/N specifically, it was like they were waiting for Y/N to ask. Impatiently waiting for that landmine to explode in front of them. 
“How kind of you, I wasn’t expecting that.” Y/N jumped over it. 
“Of course! How could we not have clothes ready for when our younger sibling comes home. Even though it’s been almost three years, I hope everything still fits right.” Just to land on another landmine. Y/N kept the smile on, years of being talked down to by photographers have helped them create the perfect mask of politeness. 
“So, which bathroom in which guest room?” Tim stepped forward and gently guided Y/N out from under Jason’s arm and further into the manor. Y/N stayed half a step behind, taking in the gothic manor and the decorations littering the hallway. 
Out of all the siblings, Y/N is closest with Tim. Not really siblings, and not really even friends, but if his relationship could be described as a length rope attached to each person, Tim’s would be the second shortest. Right after Alfred. They are close in age, and Tim was the first one to comment on Y/N’s photo when Y/N had first started modeling. 
It was only once, and it may have been in passing, but Y/N had held that interaction close to their heart. The first and last comment from a sibling about their modeling. An acknowledgement of sorts, that made Y/N momentarily believe that they were noticeable, only for that to be squished that same day. 
“You’re photo in the Cosmetology magazine, it looks really good. Red suits you.” 
The way that color looked on Y/N was the same as how a red rose looked on a green stem; like it was always meant to be. Y/N has seen the comparisons between them and their mother. M/N L/N was a beautiful woman, with large eyes and pouty lips, the very definition of innocence. A puppy-dog look that fit so naturally on her face. 
A white rose. 
While Y/N had a more sultry tone, a more powerful presence, one that demanded attention. 
A red rose. Not so innocent, or pure, but who can be when you see your own mother dead in the bathtub. Drug allegations and the loss of her popularity caused her downfall, and she loved her popularity more than she loved her child. Y/N finds it hard to blame her, because after they have gotten a taste of what beauty can get them, they can see why their mother got addicted to the camera flashes. 
The assurance that yes, they are beautiful. They are beautiful and worthy of the cameras. 
But with every camera flash, is a terrible comment. A terrible blog, highlighting their faults and insecurities. Someone dissecting every motion they made, every microexpression, ever comment. 
“Here you are, Y/N.” Y/N’s attention snapped back and sure enough they were in front of the door. Tim waited patiently for Y/N to enter, “Thank you, Tim.” The young man shrugged, “Sure. Clothes can be found in the dresser and shoes in the closet.” Y/N nodded, waiting for the other to leave. Instead Tim turned around and faced Y/N, waiting for the other with a raised brow, “You’re not going to ask about the clothes?” 
Y/N gulped, “I feel like if I ask, I won’t like the answer. I’d rather live in ignorance for now.” They walked past Tim, opening and closing the door, but before they saw Tim grin and a smile played out on his lips, “Smart.” 
They locked the door, and when they turned around Y/N nearly collapsed. They pressed their back into the door as they stared at the room in mild terror. Their room from their condo, fully paid off condo, was present in front of Y/N. The same color palette, the same furniture, hell even the bookshelves are the same. Gulping, Y/N walked further in and when they opened the dresser, their jaw clenched and fingers shook. 
The exact same clothes. 
The bathroom was their saving grace, or so they thought. It didn’t look like their bathroom in the condo, save for the same colored towels. That was until they opened the shower and saw full bottles of the same brand soap, shampoo, conditioner, masks, everything. 
“Just like home. It is just like home, Y/N. Only in the Manor.” They mumbled to themselves, stripping in front of the shower stall and jumping in and not even waiting for the water to get hot. They wanted in and out as quickly as possible. Washing their hair, their body, and not even bothering to do the usual masks and scrubs. 
Jumping out, they quickly towel dried themselves and threw on the robe that was so familiar. 
“Routine… keep to the routine…” Body lotion, while the skin is still damp so it can absorb into the skin better, followed by an oil. For the face it was a double cleanse, first an oil based then water-based, followed by toner, retinol, serums, hyaluronic acid, moisturizer, and face oil. Teeth will be after the meal, but hair… 
“Moisturizer, blow dry, and then oil.” Y/N continued to mutter, trying desperately to not go crazy as the familiar brands flashed across their face and they had to use it like normal. They had too. Cause if they don’t, then Y/N knows that they will go crazy. 
They don’t bother to look in the dresser again, already on the verge of having a nervous breakdown, and instead they opted to flop onto the bed. Y/N buried their face in the pillow, and tried to not think about anything. They tried to force their mind blank, just how they did on the runway. 
“Y/N, are you ready?” Only it wasn’t working. Sitting up, Y/N stared at the door and contemplated answering. The carefully crafted facade was cracking and Y/N doesn’t know if they can keep the mask on any longer. From the multiple shows this week, to the shows earlier today, then this, the mask had outworn its use and now it is slowly begging to be taken off. 
“One minute please.” Only they can’t. Not here. Definitely not here. 
Peeling themselves off of the bed, Y/N stripped out of the robe and grabbed the first shirt they saw, underwear, and jeans. Their house slippers were right next to the dresser, and Y/N wanted to cry. All of it was getting too much and they're not sure how much longer they can be doing this. 
Opening the door, Dick and Jason were the ones waiting for them. Dick grinned, “How insulting of you to look so great in only jeans and a crew neck, making the rest of us look like toads.” Y/N chuckled, closing the door behind them, “I am a model, its my job to look good in every style of clothing.” 
Dick laughed, wrapping an arm around Y/N’s shoulder he pulled the other close. Close enough that Y/N could smell the detergent used on Dick’s clothes, and body heat radiating off of the other. They started walking, Jason keeping silent while Dick chatted to Y/N, catching the other up on the past year. 
“There are more to the family now, but they won’t be at dinner today. Cass is with Steph, Duke is studying, and Barbara has dinner with her own family to join.” Y/N nodded, ignoring the small sting that others can be welcomed in while they couldn’t be. Instead, they kept the conversation polite, “How nice! It must be worthwhile to have so many people here.” Dick grinned, and there was a type of sharpness to it that had Y/N squirming. 
“Yeah, but it was never really a full house because not everyone was here.” A jab at Y/N, who muscled through it, “Well, modeling is a travel-heavy job. There was no time to come back.” The brothers stayed quiet, leading Y/N to the dining room table where everything and everyone was sitting and waiting patiently. 
Bruce caught their eyes, and motioned for them to sit at the empty seat next to him, Tim on the other side. Y/N walked over, and took the seat graciously, trying to ignore the weight in their stomach that was making their throat close. Alfred emerged, and like the true butler he was, he began setting their plates in front of them. Perfectly made and being presented beautifully on the white ceramic plates with gold leaf designs. 
Their favorite meal, one that always had Y/N running down the stairs when Alfred would announce his plans to make it, sat perfectly in the center of the plate. Its been so long since Y/N had it, no one quite makes it like Alfred does, and plus its just not really in Y/N’s diet. 
But Alfred made it. Alfred put his time and effort into making it, and Y/N is not going to spit on that. Once everyone had their plate, the dinner table became loud with chatter. Just like hoow it used to be. Dick would carry the conversation for the entire table, Jason would make sarcastic remarks, Tim intelligent ones, Damian’s would be snide, and Bruce would look exhausted the entire time. However, he still partook in them, letting his kids have the family moment of conversing with their parental figure. Smiling and chuckling as he did so, Bruce tried to be that good father figure. 
And Y/N just sits there. They eat quietly and think about their next photo shoot, the next trends that they need to hop on, the workout routine they need to adhere by. Questions do not get thrown their way– 
“Now that fashion season is over, what are your plans Y/N?” E/C eyes blink owlishly, staring at Dick in wonder as all eyes focus on them. 
“Oh, uh, um, well its normally rest season for us, but I have plans to schedule a few photoshoots, commercials, and I know Maya has been talking about me becoming a brand ambassador.” Y/N wants to keep the momentum. Y/N wants to be kept busy to get and stay away from here. 
“You’re not going to rest?” Jason questioned, raising a brow and Y/N shrugged, “I plan to take a few weeks off, but modeling doesn’t really have a set time.” It isn’t a 9-5 job, or vigilante job. Y/N will have to make public appearances, showing up to Galas, grand openings, other fashion shows, fashion shoots, and a lot of traveling. 
Bruce hummed, “Sounds like you’re running yourself thin.” Y/N gulped, “It sounds like a lot, but most of it is traveling and getting ready. Besides, I like being busy.” In high school, Y/N would go from school the the modeling agency where they would schedule photo shoots and commercials. Then it would be meeting with dieticians, personal trainers, estheticians, and then more meeting for future goals. The next steps. 
Y/N was always busy, but so was their mother and she managed. She was a single mother and a high end fashion model. If she can do it, then there is no reason Y/N can’t. 
“But there are other stuff right? Like you need to get facials to make sure your skin looks nice, and working out,” Damian chimed in, and Y/N blinked in surprise at the youngest contributing to the conversation. They smiled, “That’s not really tiring, it’s just time consuming.” 
Alfred walked back into the dining room, a dessert platter in his hands, “Then it is good you will be resting here. Take a few days to enjoy being free.” A cheesecake was set down in front of Y/N, and Alfred pointedly stared at the half eaten meal. He gave Y/N a raised brow, and while the model would normally smile and reassure the man that they would eat later, their face was full of shock, “What do you mean a ‘few days?’” 
Bruce wiped the corner of his lips with a napkin, “A few days. Rest here for a few days, it’ll be good for you and for everyone else.” Y/N gulped, “Why is it good for everyone else if I stay?” 
“Of course it’s good for us. Family sticks together obviously, and with you running off, it really sent things haywire.” There it was again. The phrase ‘running off’ as if it was something Y/N actually did. They smiled, “You’re sounding like Tim. I did not run off, I moved out.” Bruce’s brow furrowed, “ ‘Moved out,’ huh. I didn’t realize moving out meant leaving without so much as a goodbye.” 
“The things you left behind, you scheduled people to grab them and throw them out. Alfred was the one to stop them from touching your room,” Dick stated. Those blue eyes keep Y/N locked in their seat. The smile on the oldest sibling’s face was anything but kind, “It’s like you wanted to erase yourself from this manor. You left behind almost nothing that would trace you to us.” 
“Not a number to call. We had to get it from Alfred,” Jason chimed, taking a bite of the chocolate mousse cake. 
“Or a letter explaining where you went.” Damian took a sip of the tea. 
“Or an address.” Tim gulped his cup of coffee, all of them watching Y/N. They way their sibling’s shoulders tensed and that fake smile became more and more downturned. Bruce spoke once more, “It seems like you don’t even want to be a Wayne. Taking your mother’s last name despite the controversies.” 
Y/N’s smile turned bitter, “I took her last name because Wayne is more influential and I wanted to start with as little influence as possible. Plus, legally my last name is still L/N.” Bruce met Y/N’s gaze, “And look how many speculations you got for drug use.” 
“...Since when did you read gossip?” 
“The moment my kid’s photo is attached to that piece of gossip.” Y/N is still aware of all the blogs accusing them of drug-use, the same blogs that accused M/N. People using her photos to compare their features and just cause more drama. 
Y/N took a bite of the cheesecake, and the tension at the table was thick. Usually it was between Dick and Bruce, or Jason and Bruce. Never between Y/N though. Although, Y/N never spoke at the table so maybe that is why they were arguing? Can this even be considered an argument? 
Alfred cleared his throat, “While talking is appreciated, arguments stay away from the dinner table.” So it was an argument. Y/N apologized to the man and took another bite of the cheesecake. Their mind filled with the workout they are going to have to do to burn this off. 
Alfred watched the child he considered a grandchild drink their tea, brewed in the darkness of the kitchen and now sitting at the dinner table again. While a year may not seem long, for Alfred it was. Y/N, who had been there for half a decade, had been glued to Alfred’s side. The man always taking the teen to and from school, and then sometimes to their gigs. 
It was Alfred that took Y/N to their first audition to be a model, and it seems like it was only a few days before he received a call from a woman claiming to be M/N L/N’s manager, and while she may not be Y/N’s manager, her daughter will be. Alfred liked Maya. The young woman always let him know of Y/N’s gigs, she would pick the young teen up and drop him off, and she tried to be as helpful as she could. Maya was a woman born to manage models and their busy and demanding schedules. 
What Alfred didn’t like, was that Maya still had the old school model critiques. Alfred gaped at the woman when she handed him a list of diets for Y/N to ‘lose weight.’ A 15 year old Y/N, who was already slender, now being told they had to be skinny but toned. A child being told that ice cream was no longer an option, and their favorite burgers were banned. 
He furrowed at the training regime, wondering how agencies can expect a teenager to be toned like their already full adult models. Nonstop cardio, ab workouts, and toning exercises. Then strut practice, because if Y/N was M/N’s child, then they were made for the runway. Born to walk in front of cameras and audiences. 
“If Y/N wants to be a model, then sacrifices have to be made,” Was Maya’s response to Alfred's inquiries. She assured him that Y/N would still be eating, and she encouraged Y/N to eat, but now those meals were restricted to certain foods. 
Alfred watched as Y/N struggled at first, their own plate different from the others, and how the blisters on their toes and heels bled through their socks and bandaids. The old man watched as the training and strut practice became an everyday routine. Y/N walked on the wobbling plyboard, barely wide enough for one foot, and the amount of times they fell off of it. The books stacked on their head for good posture and balance, followed by walking on an incline in those uncomfortable shoes, then training the muscles to the point of exhaustion. 
He had watched the child-like baby fat on Y/N’s cheeks melt off and expose cheekbones that looked tight against the skin. Y/N still looked beautiful, not more or less, but Alfred could see the exhaustion in those young eyes and how Y/N juggles modeling and being a student. 
Y/N didn’t even go to their high school graduation, choosing instead to head to Paris for their first ever abroad photoshoot. That kickstarted the traveling and runway model career. Once Y/N got their highschool diploma, they were out the door and becoming busier and busier. 
“I see you still drink onion skin tea so late at night.” Y/N smiled up at Alfred, “Of course. I was shocked to see that you still keep the skins.” The older man sat across from Y/N, nursing his own cup of tea “Of course. In case you ever visited, I thought it would be great to have some in stock.” Y/N gave Alfred a ‘really?’ look, continuing to sip on the still hot tea.
“I saw the piece you wore today,” Alfred started the conversation. 
“It truly is a beautiful piece of work.” Y/N’s jaw clenched, “Did you know about-” Y/N waved a hand in the air, “- about Bruce calling to commission a piece?” The old man took a sip of the earl gray. Y/N shook their head, unable to be upset, “Alfred, a call about that would have been appreciated.” 
“An address would also be appreciated but seeing as you have withheld that information, I saw no harm in sharing Master Bruce’s commission.” Y/N deflated, rubbing their forehead with their fingers, “Alfie-” 
“You only use that name when you know you’re about to be in trouble, so you might as well just say it, Young Master Y/N.” Y/N’s cheeks blushed and their lips pouted, “Alfie, I told you that the reason I didn’t tell you my address is because I am always traveling. I’d feel awful if you showed up and I wasn’t there.” 
“There’s a wonderful contraption called a cellphone, Young Master Y/N. I would call before making that trek over.” Y/N groaned, setting his cup down and trying not to crumble in front of the grandfather figure. Answering to Alfred was always harder than answering to Bruce. 
“Young Master Y/N, I understand your hesitancy is sharing in your life with others. Life was lonely here, and I understand wanting to forget that. However, having only a number to call you is terrifying. What if something happens and I cannot help you?” Y/N gazed sadly at Alfred, “Life wasn’t lonely, Alfie. I had you, right?” 
Alfred Pennyworth, Y/N’s saving grace and lifeline. The person who is proof that Y/N was not alone in the Wayne Manor. The butler always willing to lend an ear when Y/N vented their frustrations, and when tears escaped their E/C eyes. He is Y/N’s biggest supporter. Always buying a magazine that had Y/N in it, and he would listen to Y/N critique the pose and the facial expression. Then he would give Y/N a slice of cheesecake and compliment Y/N, in both the photo and in person. 
Always reassuring the other that a cheat day will not set him back, and rest is what the body needs the most. Reassuring Y/N that their mother would be proud, that Bruce notices them, and that Y/N’s siblings do in fact love them. 
“Besides, why would you even want to visit? My place wouldn’t be as grand as this–” 
“It would be to make sure your fridge is stocked and that you are eating. You have always been the worst when it comes to eating, and I worry that your fridge and pantry are empty.” Alfred doesn’t have to guess that Y/N’s fridge is empty, because he knows it is. 
He knows that Y/N’s fridge is empty besides some drinks, and that the pantry is only snacks. While Y/N may have the excuse of being gone for so long, traveling and whatnot, Alfred knows that Y/N does not spend a lot of money on food. Y/N spends more money on clothes, jewlery, facial and hair care products, than they do on groceries. 
Y/N doesn’t even look ashamed. Nervous, yeah, but not ashamed. They sip their tea without making eye contact. Time to change the subject. 
“Why is Bruce, and all the boys, all of a sudden interested in what I do?” Alfred didn’t Y/N out on the obvious change in conversation, but he let it slide. The old man sighed, “Why would a parent not be interested in what their child is doing?” 
“Young Master Y/N, you have worked tirelessly to get to the position you are now. With no help from the family, you had spent your late mother’s money to audition, then to pay your managers, and now you are making it big within the industry. Is it wrong for a parent to congratulate their child?” Y/N bit their  lip, “So its because I’m finally someone now? Was I not worth attention because I chose not to be Robin?” 
“Young Master Y/N–” 
“I don’t care about that. Like I told Bruce, it wasn’t abuse or anything, he just simply didn’t have time for me and that’s fine. I’m not mad about that.” Alfred watched Y/N get worked up, and E/C begin to shift in nervousness, “What I am talking about is why did Bruce pay off my Condo, and why does he have access to my bank account?” 
Silence fell across the table. Y/N staring at Alfred expectantly, while the butler finished his tea. Once done, he grabbed his and Y/N’s tea cup and headed towards the kitchen. 
“Perhaps, that is a Master Bruce question.” Y/N made a sound of annoyance, throwing themselves back into the chair and scrunching their nose. Standing up from the table, Y/N said goodnight to Alfred, and proceeded up that stairs and into dark hallways. Y/N wasn’t ready to go back to the guest room, feeling their heart rate spike whenever they thought of the replicated room. 
Instead, they walked down familiar halls towards a room-now-turned-trophy room. They reached for the doorknob, but found themselves unable to open it. Y/N didn’t want to see all the photos Alfred had kept throughout the years. Rather, what caught Y/N’s attention was the lacking of doors in the hallway. There used to be two more doors on their left, but instead there was now one. The area where the second door was, was perfectly sealed and now blended into the wall. 
Y/N took a deep breath, and opened the door. They used to be guest rooms as well. The two rooms had queen-sized beds and armoires for the unexpected guests that popped up. Y/N’s room used to be a guest-room, but they ended up liking the privacy because no one else’s room was around their’s. In fact, it was the guest room across from Y/N’s room that they had turned into the practice room, seeing that no one came down this hallway. 
However, clearly people were not because of the renovation done. 
When the door opened, Y/N sought out the light switch. The room was pitch black, and the last thing Y/N wanted to do was trip over something. Feeling around the wall, Y/N rejoiced when they felt the familiar switch and flicked it on. Once the bright light filled the room, Y/N took a deep breath. They were expecting a game room, or an indoor swimming people because that seems like something a rich person would do. Turning two guest rooms into a pool despite it being on the second floor. 
Something not exactly normal, but expected. 
Y/N didn’t expect this. Gone was the wall that separated the two bedrooms, making it one long room, and all the furniture was absent. No more beds, armoires, and it looks like even the bathrooms were gutted and turned into part of the room. All the tables, rugs, sofas, everything that was once in those rooms, were now gone besides the chandeliers that hung on the ceiling. Filling the room with a bright light, that didn’t fit the manor aesthetic at all, and illuminating everything that was in the room. 
While the furniture was gone, the room was not empty. Mannequins lined the walls, on their own podiums and glass cases. While seeing them bare would have been scary, seeing them dressed in the clothes that Y/N had worn on the runways was more terrifying. Y/N, in the runway season alone, walked 86 shows. That is the runways season alone, not including the other smaller shows they have done since graduating high school almost a year ago. 
These weren’t all of the clothes they have worn, there was still a large amount and they were the most iconic pieces. Pieces that a designer would never want to give someone. 
Y/N walked further in, taking in the first mannequin on the right, and they noted that the mannequin looked eerily similar to Y/N. Only missing the facial features and hair, but it looked like the proportions were almost spot on. 
The plastic doll had on the outfit from a runway show earlier in the year, when Y/N walked for Versace. A simple long blazer with deep V cut, stopping mid-thighs where only an inch of skin was shown before thigh boots bedazzled in gold, diamonds, emeralds, and other precious jewels took over the rest of the legs. The earrings they wore were poked into the mannequin's own ears and the bracelets hung off the dainty wrists. In the glass case, next to the mannequin, was the photo taken of Y/N when they were walking. 
The next case was a piece they wore when walking for a newer fashion-designer, one that Y/N did for free just to get to their name out there, and the piece was a gorgeous suit, dyed a beautiful vermillion red that had the slighted shimmer of gold in it. Y/N’s runway photo was once again next to the mannequin. 
The entire room was full of these iconic runway looks, with Y/N’s photo right next to them, and they surrounded all sides of the room and some of them in the middle. Almost like an art gallery of sorts, and Y/N looked at every single one of them. Not in amazement or judgment, but more of horror. 
Y/N knows some of these fashion designers. They have known some of them since they were a child and watching their mom get fitted by these exact same designers. No matter how much she begged, they would never let her take one of their creations home. These clothes were meant to be either safe-guarded in a museum, in their own collection, or in some cases bought by a celebrity and worn to an award ceremony as advertisement. 
In other words, Y/N knows that some of these designers would rather gnaw off an arm then give away their precious creations. Yet, here some of those precious creations were, hanging on the mannequin shaped like the model. 
In the center of the room, like it was the main show, was the Batman-inspired piece. All that was missing was the photo, which wouldn’t be published for another few weeks. 
Taking a deep breath, they stared at the reflection in the gold-plated bat. They were trying to process all of this. It’s one thing to have photos, because Y/N is a model and photos are expected, but to have the actual clothes they wore. Clothes that Y/N knows the designers would kill for, dressed on mannequins that looked almost exactly like Y/N was another thing.
Y/N backed out of the room, turning the lights off and shutting the door silently. They stared at their own door, sweat beginning to break out on their forehead, and they went against their instincts and opened that door. 
A trophy room, Alfred had said. The walls are decorated in their photos, and the bed is still as immaculate as the day they left. Turning the lights on, Y/N couldn’t help but to smile as the time capsule in front of them. From their very first photoshoot, when Y/N was a gangly 15-year-old with still chubby cheeks, to the most recent photoshoot of a now 18 almost 19-year-old Y/N. Their confidence can be seen in their pose and gaze, something their younger self lacked. 
Y/N walked closer to the walls and looked at all the different photos. Some candid, some posed, some in the water, and there’s one where they are in Greece. Some had Y/N fully clothed with barely and inch of skin, and some were of Y/N with barely an inch of clothes. From makeup, to shoes, to perfume, to clothes, Y/N’s photo was pinned on the wall or framed. 
A photo caught their attention though. It wasn’t one from a website, or a magazine, but an actual photo. Y/N looked closer, and they recognized the set from when they were 16-years-old posing for an editorial magazine. 
However, the angle in which this photo was taken from, Y/N knows there were no cameras there. All the cameras were in front or on the side, not behind. Another photo caught their eyes, and it was the same thing. A photo from behind. 
Once they started looking for them, Y/N could begin to spot them all. Photos that they know no photographer took. There was one that had their blood chilling and fear rising in their chest. It was a photo, taken at night and through one of the windows in Y/N’s condo. Y/N had one wall in the living room that was basically all windows, letting in the morning sun and led out onto the gated terrace. It was high enough that they had no neighbors that could look through those windows. 
In the photo, Y/N was wearing their pajamas and their hair still looked wet. They were sitting on the counter of the island in their kitchen, eating raspberries and watching Youtube on their TV. It was such a close photo, close enough that the reflection can be seen in the glass. 
Y/N recognizes the blue and black, and when Y/N’s eyes drifted to another photo of them in their home, bile rose into their throats. The morning sun illuminated the warm neutral color palette in the living room, and Y/N was out on the terrace sitting at the patio table they had set up out there drinking a cup of coffee and reading a book. They had their shirt off, exposing ribs pulled tightly against skin and abs that remained toned even when Y/N wasn’t flexing. The shorts they had on exposing soft skin and pedicured feet, their slipped laid forgotten under the chair they were sitting in. 
They recognize that book. It was a book they read in the height of summer, meaning that this photo was taken half a year ago, when it was okay to sit outside in the warm summer mornings and let the skin begin to circulate. 
What chilled Y/N even more was that whoever took this photo was on their terrace with them. They were on Y/N’s terrace, and Y/N didn’t even know. The Wayne family has known Y/N’s address the entire time. They knew where Y/N was staying, they knew Y/N’s photoshoot schedules, and they knew Y/N better than Y/N thought they did. 
“I didn’t think you’d come in here.” Y/N’s head whipped around and there was Dick, or Nightwing, still in costume and smiling at them. 
“The hell is this?” Y/N held up the photo of them on the terrace, and Dick shrugged, “I’ll admit, those photos we took. But we didn’t take the other ones.” 
“What other ones?” “The ones of you at the photoshoots. I know you saw them, but we didn’t take those.” Y/N glared at Dick, and pushed themselves close to the wall as Dick walked in. Damian was right behind him. The oldest brother walked to the photo that originally caught Y/N’s attention, “You had a stalker, can you believe that? He took hundreds of photos of you, and all we did was make him stop.” 
Y/N’s lips pursed, “How do I know you’re not lying?” Dick unpinned the photo, and with Damian’s help, trapped Y/N against the wall next to the photo of them outside. He held up the photo, “Because, Y/N, as you can see we prefer more… candid photos then staged.” 
Y/N snapped, “There is nothing candid about that photo! That is an invasion of privacy! Trespassing! So is that one!” They pointed to one of them sitting on the counter. Damian grabbed their arm, and Y/N wanted nothing more than to shove the kid off. 
“And so is that one.” Dick pointed to one of Y/N wearing only a large shirt, a towel around their shoulders as they walked into their kitchen. 
“And that one.” 
“And that one.” 
“That one there.” 
“There’s that one too.” Y/N looked at all the photos, hidden next to the magazine photos, and they were all of them in their home. Horror morphed on Y/N’s face when there was one photo of Y/N in the bedroom, in the midst of taking their shirt off. 
Dick continued to smile, and Y/N could see Jason and Tim peeking in from the doorway. 
“You did a lot on your own, Y/N. You built a name for yourself, became a highly sought after model, it really is amazing.” Dick walked closer, “But you know what all of those photos have in common?” Y/N stared into blue eyes, terror swimming in those E/C eyes of theirs. 
“You aren’t even aware of your photo being taken.” The truth unsettled Y/N enough to try and squirm out of Damian’s grip and to get away from Dick. They didn’t need to be pointed out. Y/N is aware that in every photo taken without their permission, they were not once aware of it. Even when they looked like they would be only a few feet away, Y/N not once looked bothered. Y/N doesn’t even remember that feeling of being watched. 
Tim and Jason stepped in the room, making it seem crowded and even if Y/N got out of Damian’s grip, there was no way they were getting past all of them. 
Large hands gripped Y/N’s forearms, feeling like they would bruise the skin if Y/N struggled. 
“So tell your big brother Y/N, how do you expect us to trust you on your own when you can’t even notice someone on your terrace?” 
Part 3 is coming soon....
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myanmy · 7 months
Lack of Sleep
This one is made to leave you guys wanting more ;)
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Summary: You can't sleep and consequently put yourself in danger.
Word count: 1531
Warnings: None
I have to thank everyone who read, liked and resposted my other one-shot. I was surprise by the amount of interactions and while it may not be a lot for other people, it is for me. Thank you so much.
Sleep has never been an easy task for you. Even before all this nightmare, the smallest of things managed to steal any chance of your brain shutting off for at least a few hours to give your body some rest. Now with the noises of those things hunting you and the fear of the smallest of noises, the chance of you getting actual sleep is the same chance you had winning the lottery and you never even bought those things, so to say that the chances were almost zero is an understatement. 
The group had taken in you a few months ago. You had always been more of a reserved person, so you hadn’t particularly made any friends. No one bothered you and you bothered no one. You were called in almost every run, somewhere in your life you had learned to be very quick and silent and that was useful. In almost every of those runs you had the same people accompanying you, mainly Daryl, Gleen, Michonne and the leader Rick. You had taken a liking to all of them, each having something to add to the group and together you had managed to go on some of the most successful runs.
Today was one of the days you didn't manage to catch a blink of sleep and were called to go on a run. You splashed some water on your face, hoping to get rid of the tired look, but unfortunately it didn’t do much. You walk out of the prison, seeing some of your colleagues near the truck you're going on today. Glenn muttered a ‘good morning’ while Michonne gave you a simple nod. You were somewhat grateful for them not doing small talk, the lack of sleep and the warm sun shining light on your face doing nothing to better your mood. Not long after Daryl and Rick walk out, heading towards the truck and with that all of you get inside. Luckily you’re sitting on the window side, giving you something to lean your head on which you gladly do. You remembered how in the old times the sound of the engine and the gentle rocking of a car would get you to sleep within seconds and for a while you let yourself go back to those moments, where the most serious thing you had to worry about were your grades or what you would have to do in the future. You open your eyes a few seconds later, reminding yourself that’s unfortunately long gone and immediately the first thing you see is a walker stumbling through the street trying to get to the truck only to be left behind. 
The run had gone surprisingly well, that is, for the others, for you it had been another story. You had separated to make the run faster, Daryl and Glenn had searched the front of the market where most things were and with least walkers while you, Michonne and Rick had searched the back where there were a few more walkers, but had valuable things. You had stumbled more than you would like to admit and nearly got bit a few times, with Rick's help you ended up only with a few scratches from the stumbles and not a single bite, you honestly had no idea how you had done it. Apparently all the nights not slept were catching up to you. Unbeknownst to you, Rick had noticed. On the drive back you weren’t able to handle the tiredness and fell asleep. Rick sat in the passenger seat and kept looking back at you, looking for any wounds or bites and just checking if you were still asleep. He thought about making an excuse to have to drive a little more, seeing that you had found solace in the car and he understood why, as his own son also got sleepy during rides, but he knew there wasn't any and could only hope you would be able to find sleep again back in the prison. 
As soon as the car stopped your eyes shot open, seeing you were back inside the prison gates. As everyone got out you saw people coming to welcome the group, Maggie practically jumping on Glenn, Carol walking to Daryl and starting a conversation while Carl jumped and hugged his dad. You and Michonne had no one in particular to say hi to, so you both walked side by side inside the prison, separating when going to your cells. You enjoyed Michonne’s company, you two practically never talked and that’s why you liked her, you were able to enjoy silence with someone and while that may seem weird to other people, it wasn’t for the two of you.
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After the small nap in the truck you thought sleep would find you and for once it almost did, that was until you heard a small noise of something dropping and your eyes flew open. You knew it was most definitely someone walking and lost their hold on their cup or something like that, but your brain had already awakened and it wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon. You laid in your bed, looking up at the ceiling, no thoughts running through your head. Eventually you grew tired of waiting for something that you knew wasn’t going to arrive, so slowly you stood up, trying to make no noise. It’s not because you weren’t able to sleep that you had to take someone else’s sleep. 
Just by walking outside into the fresh air made you feel a lot better, you looked up to the sky and were greeted by the moon standing proudly on the sky with stars surrounding it and you smiled. It was a tiny smile, but it was something.
“Pretty, righ’?” The thick southern voice speaks from behind you, startling you. “Sorry.” He says, stepping beside you.
“It’s fine.” You answer, feeling your heart slow down. Rick had this thing to him that made you feel safe, you couldn’t really explain it, but you felt it.
“Can’t sleep?” He asks, his face turned to the sky.
“No, you?” You wonder, knowing Rick wasn’t on patrol tonight.
“Saw you leaving.” Your expression turns into a confusing one and he gets the hint and continues talking. “On the run today, you were acting weird. You got in danger way too many times, what’s going on?” 
You sigh, not really wanting to talk about it, but he was the leader, he had brought you in and given you food and a roof. “I’ve been having a hard time sleeping, that’s all.” 
He nods and hums in understatement. “You are safe here. Those things out there are scary, but if you’re going to fight them, you have to be strong to do it. You’re one of our best and you’re needed, so please, take care of yourself and rest.”
You let out a chuckle at that. “You have a better chance at knocking me out, that way you’ll be sure I'll get my share of sleep.” The man lets out a laugh, one that makes your stomach do funny things.
“What keeps you up?” He asks, trying to find some way to help you.
“The fear, the nightmare and mainly the noises. Every little snap gets my heart racing.” You confess, something that only Rick would manage to make you do. 
He sighs, looking at the sky again, seeming to be thinking. “The cell next to mine is empty.” He mutters, in a tone of a simple observation. You start thinking about it and come to the conclusion that it may help you. Rick is the leader, he is intelligent, quick and strong, that much you knew. It definitely wouldn’t hurt having someone like that next to you, the only divider being a thin wall. 
“Can I…” You hesitate, feeling silly, then his eyes leave the sky and meet yours. He had yet to figure you out, but he had come to learn a few things about you and one of them was that you did not like to appear small or fragile to people.
“Sure, it'll be easier for me to knock you out if you’re there.” He jokes and you can’t stop the laugh bubbling through you.
“Thank you Rick-” You mutter, your voice low. “-for everything.” You add, not looking him in the eyes.
“It’s no problem.” He says and puts his hand on your shoulder squeezing it, reassuring you. He follows you to your cell and helps you move the little things that belonged to you to the one next to his, your hands accidentally brushing against each other a few times and you try your hardest to hide the blush on your cheeks. “Good night…” He mutters your name with that thick accent of his, his voice low, trying not to disturb anyone.
“Good night Rick.” A small smile makes its way in Rick’s lips and you can’t help but return it. That night you fell asleep and had one of the best possible dreams ever, with Rick placing his hands not only on your shoulder but throughout your whole body and later cuddling you on his chest while you listened to his heartbeat.
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bryngmemoney · 8 months
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
tw: none
Writing at the end!!
🪡Chapter Ten: Late
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You had been sitting there long enough, and under any other circumstances you would have left by now, but a part of you was hopeful that he wasn’t doing it on purpose. Plus it gave you time to work on your other model’s practice garments, so you were at least productive with your time. A bit of your suspicion was confirmed by Nobara’s singular “Megumi’s on his way he says he’ll explain everything when he gets there” text. If he didn’t arrive within the next ten minutes however, you agreed with yourself that you’d leave.
Coincidence that at that moment you heard the doors slide open, revealing Megumi, who while he still held himself together with his calm demeanour, he seemed a bit out of breath. “I’m so sorry y/n, I swear it wasn’t on purpose,” he began before even giving you the chance to greet him. “I was filming with Yuji, but I ended up giving him and his friend a ride and they took longer packing up, then there was traffic and I forgot my phone so I couldn’t answer I hadn’t even realized I did till Yuji asked me where it was in the car.” Processing the information he had just told you, you thought before responding. He seemed to slowly grow more anxious with every passing second waiting your reply.
“It’s okay, I mean you’re here now so we can just get it over with.” You turned to go get his outfit only to feel him grab at your hand.
“Let me make it up to you,” and once you were face to face you could see he looked more nervous than he did a minute ago, more nervous than you’d ever seen actually. “Let’s,” he took a second to gather his thoughts before continuing, but decided that if he wanted to keep whatever progress he’s made going forward with you, he needed to do something or at least try to do something to make it up to you. “Let’s go get dinner, on me, i’ll take you out.”
Was he asking you out on a date? “Like right after this?” “Yes, it can be-” he then remembered about Yuji he had left in his parked car, he couldn’t say it was a date if he had to bring his friend along. He could go home and drop him off, but that would just force you to drive along with him back and forth. He was thankful Junpei lived on campus, at least it made it only one person to worry about. “Well, do you mind if Yuji tags along?” he asked before even thinking of another way to get rid of his roommate. “Yuji Itadori?” Well it was too late now, “It’s just, he’s my roommate and dropping him off would just-” “It’s okay Megumi, I don’t mind, we can go right after I make sure these fit you.” That eased his nerves a bit, “Okay then, sounds good,” he replied while smiling.
Author’s Note: better late than never ig🤷🏻‍♀️ also dw megumi will find his phone
hope you guys enjoyed!
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thatonegenshinsimp · 1 year
Memories (Xiao x reader NSFW)
I finally got around to writing part two of the "Memories" series. I will likely be doing another poll in the future so stick around for that. For the time being, I will probably focus on Mondstadt and Liyue characters before moving on to Inazuma, Sumeru, and the other nations. Anyways, enjoy~
Warnings: reader has draconic anatomy (tail, horns), spoilers for Xiao’s backstory and the Archon quest in the Chasm, NSFW, riding, belly bulging, creampie, marking (fangs, claws)
NSFW content, Minors DNI, by scrolling down past this point, you have chosen to read the content below of your own accord!
Summary: The world is cruel to those who are weak, Xiao knows this, and has seen it countless times. His one and only comfort in this cruel world is you, a fellow Adeptus, and the only child of Morax.
Xiao remembered the day he first met you very clearly. He had just been freed from his former master by Rex Lapis, and was now joining his side of the Archon War. It was the day that he first joined the other four Yakshas for the first time.
“So, who’s this?” A voice asked behind him, causing him to turn around quickly to find the owner of that voice. When he turned around, he saw a pair of horns that looked much like Morax’s did. Xiao looked down at your tail, noticing how it was the same color as your hair, with a cloud tip at the end. He looked at your face next. You gave him a gentle smile as you spoke. “This is Xiao, he joined us a few weeks ago while you were gone.” Bosacious explained, watching as you nodded. “I’ve heard of you. Guizhong and Cloud Retainer vaguely mentioned you. It’s nice to meet you, Xiao.” You said, looking over at the other Yakshas. “Anyways, what’s the move for today?” You asked. “There’s a group of serpents near the foot of Mount Tianheng. We’re going to go get rid of them.” Bonanus said, looking over at Xiao as she spoke. “However, this one was put on bed rest for the week, and the same goes for Xiao.” Indarias said, pointing to Menogias. You crossed your arms and looked at Menogias, sighing deeply. “You should know better than to push yourself, it’s important to rest when your body needs it.” You looked over at Xiao. “The same applies to you, regardless of how well you think you can fight.” You scolded lightly. He shook his head. “I’ve rested enough, I’m tired of being bedridden, and I want to help to repay Rex Lapis for his kindness towards me.” Xiao explained. “You think you can handle a fight against what’s out there?” You asked, watching Menogias leave to get more rest. “Yes, I am positive of this.” He said. “Alright, then that must mean that you can hold your own in a fight against one of us, since we’re stronger than these creatures we’re about to fight.” You said. “In fact, I’ll make you a deal. If you can beat me in a fight, you won’t need any more bed rest.” You said. Xiao summoned his polearm and gripped it tightly, glaring at you as he nodded. You summoned your own weapon, a claymore, and held it at the ready. “Bonanus, care to count us down from three?” You asked, your tail twitching in eager excitement. “Alright, three, two, one, go!” She called, with Indarias pulling her back as Xiao launched himself at you. You easily blocked his strikes with your claymore, before swinging it and cutting his side. “Feel free to forfeit any time you wish, you will not win this.” You said, your eyes boring into his as you launched yourself at him and landed a punch against his jaw, sending him flying. You watched as he tried to get up, only to fall back down on his face. He looked up at you as you approached, before seemingly giving up on fighting. However, he yanked you down and pinned you against the ground when you got close enough for him to grab you. Xiao pinned your arms behind your back, before feeling himself being yanked upside down by something. Your tail was wrapped around his ankle as you spun in circles, smirking as you threw him to the ground and pinned him down completely. “Like I said, you need rest, and you won’t win this. Give up, already.” You said, teeth gritted as you spoke. Xiao let himself go limp, watching as you got off of him. He slowly stood, before stumbling forward, right into your waiting arms. “I told you that you needed rest.” You scolded, picking him up and hoisting him over your shoulder. Xiao could only watch as you carried him back to the camp, leaving shortly after to attend to your own duties.
During the next few weeks, while Xiao healed from the injuries he’d sustained from his time serving under his former master and the injuries you’d given him, Morax practically dragged you back to get you to apologize to him.
“Father, you must be joking. He was literally asking for it!” You protested. “However truthful that may be, I’m insisting that you apologize to him, and that you oversee his recovery yourself.” Morax hissed, lightly shoving you through the tent flap before he left. Moon Carver was tending to Xiao’s injuries, wrapping them in fresh bandages. “Good evening, (name). One is pleased to see that you have returned safely.” He said, looking back at you. You nodded in response to his comment, and waited for him to finish dressing Xiao’s wounds and leave before speaking to him. “I… ok, where to start? First of all, I’m sorry for, you know, hurting you. I didn’t mean to let go that much and use that much strength.” You said, looking at him. Xiao glared at you, before reluctantly speaking. “It’s… fine. You only wished to make sure that I was able to properly fight. It’s more than I’m used to.” He said, watching as you looked at the bandages. “Are you in any pain?” You asked, looking him over. He slowly nodded, pointing to his side. You hovered your palms over the spot he’d pointed to and called forth your Adeptal energy to numb the area. “Is that better?” You asked, watching as he nodded again. “Alright then, I’ll check on you at dinner and bring you something to eat. Get some more rest, or at the very least lay down. It puts less strain on your muscles.” You said, getting up and walking towards the tent flap. “Wait.” He called hoarsely. You looked back at him. “Yeah?” You asked. Xiao braced himself on his forearms. “…Thank you.” He muttered, watching as you smiled softly before exiting the tent.
The next memorable time Xiao could recall with you was when everyone was celebrating the first Lantern Rite together. You had dressed up in one of your favorite outfits, which was a gift from Menogias, and sat beside him as the two of you watched the lanterns together. You could tell that he wanted to be alone, but you decided to keep him company, anyways. He was perplexed by the fact that he actually enjoyed your company, and more so by the fact that you enjoyed his. He shouldn’t be enjoying your company, but you were the only person whose company he genuinely enjoyed, save for the other Yakshas. His Karmic Debt felt much lighter whenever you were around, and you always asked him how his day went before asking anyone else. He decided to sit on these feelings, and think about them further to find why he enjoyed your company so much more than anyone else’s. Turning his attention from the lanterns to you, he saw that you were also looking at him, your face reddening when you saw that he returned your gaze. You smiled shyly, turning away to look at the lanterns again. Perhaps he’d ask Morax about these feelings on a later date.
The day he asked Morax about these feelings, he had never seen someone more surprised in his life. “The way you describe how you feel about them almost makes me think that you’re developing feelings for them.” He said, giving him a look. “Could you explain that, please?” Xiao asked. Morax gave a gentle smile. “Tell me what you think it means, first.” He said. Xiao racked his memory for the words to say, but words failed him now. “I don’t really know how to describe it. It feels like my Karmic Debt is lighter whenever they’re around, and I look forward to their visits every day. That’s all I can think of.” He said. The Geo Archon could only smile as he spoke. “Karmic Debt accumulates thanks to negative emotions and hatred. The counter to those things are positive emotions like joy or happiness, or in your case, love. You’re falling in love with them.” He explained. Xiao thought for a moment, before the realization that he was right finally hit him. His face flushed at the realization, and he could only sigh deeply as Morax smirked at him. “A word of advice, if you’ll listen.” Morax began, looking at him. The moment Xiao’s eyes locked with his, it felt as if he couldn’t look away. “Treat them well, a heart of stone is a heart, nonetheless.” He said, getting up to leave.
You noticed that Xiao had been acting differently ever since he went to speak to your father last week. He was more distant from the others, preferring to spend more time with you. Of course, every time you tried to ask him why this was the case, he brushed it off and told you that he just felt like your company helped relieve him of his Karmic Debt. You, however knew that wasn’t his only reason to be around you. Eventually, you decided to confront him properly about it.
The next evening, you walked up to him in the middle of dinner and sat beside him, eating with him. After you were done eating, you turned to look at him. “Hey, Xiao, would you mind joining me on a walk?” You asked, watching as he nodded. You smiled and got up from your seat, motioning for him to follow you. Once you were a considerable distance away from everyone else, you turned and looked at him, pulling back the leaves to reveal a waterfall that ran into a pool of sorts. “What is this place?” He asked, causing you to giggle. “This is my favorite place to go and relax. It helps me to focus on things that are happening in my life around me, and to process the things that I need to mentally unpack. Since you like the quiet, I was hoping to take you here to tell you something you may need time to think over. If you need time to yourself after this, that’s fine, but- why are you staring at me like that?” You asked, smiling softly as you saw the gentle look he was giving you. He knew he’d been caught staring at you, and his face turned red as he tried to come up with an excuse. “I- um- I’m-” he stopped trying when you giggled softly, looking at him. “Xiao, are you… embarrassed?” You asked, watching as he hesitantly nodded before looking down at the ground. “I feel like you’re far ahead of me, and that I don’t deserve your attention, and yet you give it to me anyways. I feel like you should be spending more time around people more worthwhile to you, and yet you choose to spend your time with me. Why is that?” He asked, looking up at you. You looked down at him and smiled softly, walking over to him and gently cupping his face in your hands. “It’s because you’re worthwhile to me, Xiao. I don’t know how you can’t see that.” You whispered, watching as he leaned into your touch. While he wasn’t looking, you gently wrapped your tail around his waist, pulling him close to you. He jolted slightly, looking back at the scaly tail, before looking up at you. “I can’t believe I have to say this aloud, I figured I was being obvious, but…” you gently pressed your forehead against his, closing your eyes as you spoke. “I’m in love with you, Xiao.” You whispered, gently cupping his face in your hands. “And I want you to know that no matter how much you push me away, or try to ignore me after this, I will always love you.” You continued, before eventually pulling away. You opened your eyes again and watched as he looked at you, awestruck. “You… what?” He asked. “I love you, Xiao.” You repeated, looking at him and gently grasping his hands in your own. His face went completely red as he fully processed what you said. He then frowned slightly, before looking at you again. “There is so much blood on my hands from people who didn’t deserve to die. I’ve done terrible things in my life, things I cannot even begin to justify. You deserve someone better than that.” He said, pulling his hands away from yours.
You looked at him, crestfallen, before gently grabbing his hands and lacing your fingers together with his. “I know my worth, Xiao.” You tried to reassure him, but he pulled away from you, getting up. You got up as well, and rested your forehead against his as he looked at you again.
“If blood is what these hands are covered in, then I’d rather be stained crimson for the rest of eternity than live a moment without you in my life.” You said, sighing softly as you cupped his face in your hands. “You should think higher of yourself. Morax wouldn’t have let you join us if he didn’t trust you. If he trusts you not to hurt any of us, then so do I.” You said, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly. Xiao’s eyes widened slightly, and he went stiff as you hugged him, before he hesitantly raised his arms and hugged you back. He rested his head against your shoulder, not meeting your gaze. “We don’t have to do anything other than this, but I love you far too much to lose you, even to yourself.” You said. And although you couldn’t see it, for the first time in a long while, Xiao smiled slightly against your shoulder.
Just when he thought things were getting better, when he felt like he had finally found people he could trust, Indarias’ Karmic Debt got the best of her. He could only watch as she screamed at the top of her lungs, tormented by the hateful wrath of bygone gods and monsters. She went mad with fear, going on a rampage that lasted days, before bursting into flames. You held Bonanus back from running at her to try and put the flames out, knowing it would do no good for anyone involved. Even after you all mourned her death, there was a deafening silence in the days following her death, especially anytime someone needed cheering up after a particularly rough day.
Next was Menogias, who died in your arms after Bonanus went mad and stabbed him in the chest. She had tried to go after you, but Menogias refused to let you die, and used himself as a distraction to hold her off while you got Xiao and Bosacius to safety. He died with a smile on his face, knowing a peaceful afterlife awaited him. You were the one who buried him with the help of the other Adepti, and you held onto Xiao as he shook with silent sobs that evening. The next day, Bonanus had come back again, trying to attack you once more. However, Xiao was the one who protected you, and the one who fell dead at the end of the fight was Bonanus.
Bosacius disappeared next, his Karmic Debt having made him go mad as well. However, he didn’t try to attack anyone, and instead left one evening after mumbling to himself in a corner of the encampment. Even after searching for him for days on end, you never found any trace of him. Guizhong was the one who comforted both you and Xiao, since you both viewed him as family in a way. After his disappearance, there was a distinct lack of enthusiasm as Morax finally told Xiao that he was the last Yaksha alive.
Guizhong’s death hit everyone the hardest. You and Xiao had arrived just as she was saying her last words to Morax, a smile on her face as she crumbled into the finest dust, carried off by the wind. Everyone mourned her the longest, since she had been so kind and caring towards everyone she knew. All that she had left behind for Morax was a stone dumbbell that she had created alongside the other mechanisms and such she had made. You remember very distinctly that your father had looked at the dumbbell for a long time, before eventually giving up on opening it. You knew you should comfort him, Guizhong was his closest friend, and yet, you still stayed beside Xiao, comforting him and making sure he was alright.
The day of your wedding with him was the happiest day Xiao could remember in his lifetime of sadness and loss. It was a small ceremony, but a meaningful one, nonetheless. He was ecstatic when he finally slipped the ring on your finger, smiling softly when you slid the ring onto his finger. The rest of that evening, you both danced together, and he smiled almost the entire time, although it was a smile reserved for your eyes only.
Your honeymoon with him was very peaceful, having spent it with you in your Sereniteapot. He remembered helping you decorate, thinking how peaceful things could be if you were both mortals, or if you both didn’t need to protect Liyue all the time. Perhaps if he hadn’t made that contract with Morax, he would’ve been able to spend more time with you. However, this month away from everything related to his duties as a Yaksha, while the other Adepti gladly helped keep Wangshu Inn safe, was… different. It wasn’t the bad kind of different, but the kind of different that made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Xiao was about to get in the bath for the evening when you asked to join him, causing him to nod. “Why do you want to join me, anyways?” He asked, looking back at you as you both undressed. You smiled softly. “Because I like spending time with you, and couples bathe together all the time.” You reasoned. He shrugged, before looking at you again. “Your tail would be too big for the bath, but we could bathe in the hot spring, if you don’t mind.” He suggested. “The outdoor hot spring? Ooh, actually, that would be good for stargazing, sure!” You replied. “The stars in the Realm Within are fake, you know that, right?” He deadpanned. “It’s supposed to be romantic, Xiao, I know they’re fake and that they’re just based off of the actual night sky outside of the abode.” You said, before getting dressed again and grabbing some towels. You also grabbed the shampoo and conditioner, as well as some soap, too. You then walked with Xiao to the hot spring and closed the door, locking it behind you. Even though the two of you were alone, you still took extra precautions when it came to privacy. You slowly stripped of your clothing, keenly aware of the pair of eyes burning into your back as you did so. “Like what you see?” You asked teasingly, watching as his face went bright red. He looked away, coughing awkwardly, before he started to remove his own clothing. He got into the warm water of the hot spring and waited for you to join him, jolting slightly as your tail made contact with his bare waist, pulling him closer to you. “Hey there, why so far away?” You asked, smiling at him. He was lost for words, and looked away, not quite sure how to handle the situation despite bathing with you in the waterfall pools of Jueyun Karst many times before this. “No need to be so nervous, Xiao, you can look at me, I don’t mind.” You cooed, causing him to look back at your face. “You know I’m not used to doing these things in this type of setting, (name).” He said, seemingly annoyed at your actions. However, you knew that he thought they were endearing, and that he didn’t mind you doing this sort of stuff, so long as it didn’t make him uncomfortable. With his words in mind, you gently placed your hand against his chest. “Well, we don’t have to do anything like that tonight if you don’t want to.” You said, smiling at him gently. However, he wanted to, he just didn’t know how to tell you. After a couple of minutes, Xiao pulled you into his lap, letting you straddle him. You gently grasped his shoulders, looking down at him as he looked at you. “Please.” He whispered, telling you what you needed to know. “Are you sure?” You asked once more, receiving an almost breathy “yes,” in return. You nodded, before lining him up with your entrance and dragging your hand up and down his shaft, pumping him a few times and then slowly sliding him inside. He gasped softly as you lowered yourself on him slowly, squeezing around him as you adjusted to the feeling of his thick girth dragging against your walls. Xiao gripped the edge of the hot spring tightly, letting himself relax as he bottomed out inside of you. The two of you stayed like that for a little bit, giving yourselves time to adjust before you slowly rocked your hips against his.
He tried to cover his mouth with his hand, only for you to swivel your hips and move them faster. You watched as his hands flew to your hips to still them. “Don’t cover your mouth like that, I want to hear you.” You cooed, gently grabbing his shoulders as your eyes drifted to gaze at his neck. It was as if he knew you wanted to do something, because he sighed softly, before slowly tilting his head to the side to expose more of his neck. You took the opportunity, leaning in and sinking your sharp fangs into the skin of his neck. You sucked on the skin until it was purple, and pulled away after a few long seconds. Xiao panted softly, leaning against the rim of the hot spring for support as you started moving a little faster. There was a warm sensation in his lower stomach as he felt you squeezing around him tighter. “Nh~ feels s’good, Xiao~” you gripped his shoulders tightly as he bucked his hips up against yours. “Ah~ right there, please~” you gasped softly when his spongy tip hit the sensitive bundle of nerves deep inside of you. He pulled out to where only the tip was in, before he angled his hips to where he would hit that spot again. He slammed his hips against yours, watching as you squeezed his shoulders tightly, digging your nails into his skin hard enough to draw blood. He didn’t mind, though, and kept bucking his hips up against yours as he leaned up and kissed you. You moaned against his lips, whining softly whenever he slowed down. He trailed kisses up from your shoulder to your neck, before biting into the soft skin and tugging at it lightly with his teeth. His yellow eyes gazed into yours before he hid his face in your neck, his thrusts starting to get sloppier. He twitched slightly inside of you as you felt your own orgasm getting closer. “M’so close, please don’t stop- Anh~” you moaned softly, reaching up and tugging at his soft hair. He twitched harshly inside of you as you continued tugging on his hair, before he started fucking into you at a brutal pace as you continued to do so. You wailed his name as you came, tugging hard on his hair as you rode out your high. You clenched and squeezed around him as he slammed his hips into yours one last time and came, thick spurts of white filling you up and making you tremble from how full you felt. You wrapped your legs around his waist, doing the same with your tail as you kept him inside of you. After what felt like hours more, he slowly pulled out, causing you to whine quietly as he grabbed the soap and cleaned you up. He then shampooed and conditioned your hair, taking great care to be gently with you while he did so. After he was done, he did the same to his hair, before grabbing the towels and drying you both off. He wrapped you up in one of the towels and wrapped his waist with another. Xiao then carried you in his arms back to the house, stopping to grab your clothing and his along the way out of the outside hot spring area.
When he got back to the house, he took you to the bedroom and laid you down under the covers, before getting under them with you after putting the towels and clothes away. He fell asleep easily that night, holding you close as the two of you slept.
When Xiao started to succumb to his Karmic Debt, he knew even you wouldn’t be safe from him. “Xiao, what’s going on? Are you ok?” You asked. He used his last threads of sanity to scream at you to run, run far and run fast. You refused, using a shield to protect yourself as he launched himself at you. Even after the shield broke, you fought back against him as best you could. But you were losing your strength, unable to keep up with his fast attacks and his immense strength. Eventually, he had you pinned down, his polearm pointed at your neck. He was about to stab you when the sound of a flute pierced the air, calming him as the wind blew calmly around the two of you. His eyes, once glazed over and filled with hatred, softened, and the light in them returned. When he saw you, and the way you had been pinned down by him, tears filled his eyes as he dropped his polearm to the ground and stepped off of you. He stepped back when you got up, falling to his knees as he sobbed. However, he stopped when you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close to you. “It’s alright, I know you didn’t mean to.” You whispered into his hair, gently rubbing his back as you cradled him against you. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, over and over, repeating the sentiment like a mantra. He eventually passed out, leaving you to carry him somewhere safe, but he never forgot the fact that he’d almost killed you that night.
Xiao saw true terror during his time in the Chasm, when he spoke to Bosacius. It was obvious that he was a malevolent spirit now, making the space they were in chaotic with the Karmic Debt he once held running rampant. It had taken what felt like centuries for him to get through the rift to everyone, but things gradually played out from there, and he discovered that Bosacius had fought to the bitter end for Liyue, even after his Karmic Debt had driven him to madness. When he teleported the others to safety as he ran out of Adeptal Energy to work the Fantastic Compass, he pictured you, smiling at him whilst standing in a field of Glaze Lilies as his eyes slipped closed. He still loved you dearly, he knew you knew that. He just wished he could say goodbye to you before being trapped in the Chasm forever like this as he fell into the seemingly endless darkness below…
But there was no darkness, only blinding golden light as two forces pulled him out of the Chasm together. When he opened his eyes again, he saw everyone around him who had been in the Chasm. When he looked up at the ledge, he could’ve sworn that he’d seen Zhongli standing there. And when he looked back, he saw you again. You ran to him, fighting back tears as you tackled him to the ground and hugged him tightly. “Don’t you ever do that again. I could’ve lost you.” You whispered, holding onto him like it was your last chance to do so.
You didn’t let him walk back by himself to Wangshu Inn, you teleported the two of you to the balcony, walking inside with him in your arms. You carefully tended to his wounds, healing them until he was properly patched up, before cupping his face in your hands. “Why do you insist on sacrificing yourself so often for the sake of others?” You asked quietly. Xiao knew it was a rhetorical question, and let you continue. “Please stop throwing yourself in dangerous situations like that. You’re lucky me and my father got there in time. You could’ve…” you didn’t finish the thought aloud, but he knew what you were thinking. “I… I didn’t mean to upset you, and I’m sorry, but it is my duty as a Yaksha to protect the people of Liyue from danger.” He reminded you. He held his constant glare until you looked up and he saw the tears in your eyes. He rushed forward and wrapped his arms around your waist, letting you lean against him as your knees went weak. You went limp in his arms as he held you, gripping his shoulders tightly as you sobbed into the crook of his neck. Xiao picked you up bridal style and carried you to your shared bed, sitting down under the covers after taking his and your shoes off. “I’ve already almost lost you once, please don’t make me lose you for real this time.” You whispered, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly. Your tail wrapped around his waist, keeping him close to you. He sighed deeply, hugging you back as you started to relax. After you’d slightly calmed down, your grip loosened a little, and he pulled away slightly to wipe away your tears. “I still must protect Liyue, but I will try to be more careful if it means that your worries will be eased.” He said, reaching up and running his fingers through your hair. You leaned against him, melting into his touch. “Thank you.” You whispered, looking at him. His gaze locked with yours, and his eyes went half lidded as he spoke. “I love you, you know that. I will continue to do so until we’ve both crumbled into the finest dust, and all of Liyue has forgotten our names. Never forget that.” He said, cupping your face in his hands. He leaned forward and kissed you, pressing his lips firmly against yours as he held you there. You smiled tiredly at him, resting your head against his shoulder as you started to doze off. Xiao did the same, having decided to get some much desired rest after today’s events. However, just before he fell asleep, he heard a soft “I love you too, Xiao,” fall from your lips, as he, for the first time in millennia, fell asleep peacefully.
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winterchimez · 1 year
Love Me Right | Ju Haknyeon
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summary: perhaps you and your best friend Haknyeon were destined to be lovers after all
pairing: best friend Haknyeon x f!reader
genre: best friends to lovers, fluff, slight angst & suggestive (only in the beginning)
warnings: bad breakup & arguing (with ex), lust (slightly)
word count: 3,530
a/n: me? writing fluff? unheard of 🤪 jokes i'm usually much better at writing angst/crime fics, but our precious boy hakkie deserves a sweet fluff fic 🥺 i love him sm he's literally my fav comfort person ever, and yes he is my bias wrecker alongside hyunjae lmao 🤧 hope you guys enjoyed this! 🫶🏻🩵
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buzz buzz!
The alarm on your smartwatch goes off, giving you the signal that indicates the end of your shift. 
It has already been 14 hours, and you stood up from your chair and did a stretch as you submitted the final report of one of the patients you had to deal with throughout the night.
You originally would’ve ended your shift 2 hours ago, if only one of the ER nurses didn’t call in sick this morning. You shrugged, it happens almost every fortnightly in your department, always being understaffed that is. 
Packing up your belongings, you waved goodbye to all of your co-workers where some were just finishing up as you were while the others had just clocked in for the day and headed straight to your car. 
To make matters worse, it was snowing pretty heavily as you made your way to your vehicle. You had to use your handy-dandy ice scraper to get rid of the snow that formed on the windshield and the sides of your car doors. With that, the first 10 minutes right after your shift ended were gone in the blink of an eye. You hopped into your car real quick and gave yourself a heavy sigh, hoping at least the car ride home wouldn’t be too bad.
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Stepping onto your front porch, you dug into your backpack for the keys to your apartment. You wasted no time trying to unlock the door and quickly kicked your boots off as you closed the door behind you. 
Making your way into the living room, you spotted the familiar figure laying down on the couch.
Your boyfriend, Daniel. 
At the beginning of your relationship, the two of you would gladly wait for each other to arrive back home and chat away about how the day’s been for both parties. Now, getting a “welcome home” from your partner is already better than nothing. 
However, tonight was different as you muttered those two words to your boyfriend laying down on the couch. Instead of responding, he stood up with his back facing you and muttered a deep “we need to talk” right back at you.
Already exhausted from your shift, you so badly wanted to ask him to save it till morning when both of you are in much better shape, but that won’t happen tonight as he wasted no time trying to make his way to you.
“I can’t do this anymore, Y/N. This relationship we’ve been having? I don’t see the spark nor commitment no more.” 
“Please Daniel, what are you trying to imply here-” 
“You work for 12 hours straight each day, God. Sometimes even more than that. I’m off to work while you’re asleep, and you're only back in the house during the wee hours of midnight. What happened to us spending quality time as a couple?”
Your boyfriend certainly had a point there. It has been months since the both of you truly had a good bonding time with one another. As work started piling up for you, you had to always sadly turn down the multiple ideas of your boyfriend’s well-planned dates and vacations. 
Of course, he’d be frustrated and sad. But it was also his responsibility to understand your situation here. You’re a nurse gosh darn it, and he should know damn well how whenever duty calls, you can never say no. That is what he agreed with when you both started your relationship 3 years ago. 
But apparently, the spark that the two of you have been sharing for the several years you both had up till now, has been completely burnt out. 
“Let’s end this, Y/N.” 
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To say that you were in tears would be an understatement. 
Hell, you have been bawling your eyes out for the past 2 hours and breaking down in your living room as your boyfriend left your shared apartment after a heated argument. 
You kept blaming yourself, for how much you have ruined this once so-called perfect relationship you have built with your now current ex. Everyone around you said that you both were perfect for one another, that you both were a match made in heaven and the wedding invitations are bound to arrive at your friends and relatives' doorstep in another 2 to 3 years' time.
Including your best friend, Ju Haknyeon. 
Feeling weak and vulnerable, you desperately needed a warm embrace, and to hear some comforting words from someone who cares about you deeply. 
It was now 3 in the morning, and there was only one place you know that you’ll be accepted in. 
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You stood right outside of the door that reads Apartment 309. 
You knew this apartment from the back of your mind. The drive route from your apartment, even up to the passcode or where the extra pair of keys are hidden on the front porch.
Instead of trying to open the door on your own, the owner of the apartment has already been expecting your arrival and they were the ones welcoming you at the front door instead.
The brunette male, wearing a white t-shirt with black sweatpants, opened up the door for you. His eyes widen as he examines your red swollen eyes, puffy cheeks, and a wet soaked nurse uniform you were still wearing. 
Before he could ask you what happened, you were pushing the male into the apartment while slamming the door shut with your leg. Guiding him all the way to his bedroom and pinning him down on his bed. You climbed over him and were about to kiss him right on the lips. 
What was going on in your mind? Has the break-up made you feel a sudden surge of lust towards your best friend? Desperately wanting a hug and a kiss to see if it could make you feel better or at least forget about your ex. 
But the male was clearly stronger than you were and he turned the tables over within seconds, and now you’re the one who’s being pinned down on the bed instead.
“Y/N, what is this all about?”
With that one sentence, you then broke down into tears again, leading the male to pull you up and hold you tight against his embrace. 
It’s been a while since Haknyeon has witnessed you in such a fragile state, the last time probably being in college when you and your ex were going through some tremulous times to fight against all odds in order to be together. 
And he hated it. Hated how vulnerable you were at that moment. He hated seeing you cry the most. 
Especially when he still had feelings for you after all these years. 
After calming down for a bit, you finally fill Haknyeon in with all that has happened the past few hours prior. You can’t help but to sob and sniffle from time to time and Haknyeon manages to wipe away your tears and calm you down each time. 
Without having much thought, you blurted out “Haknyeon, be my boyfriend” right there and then. 
Deep down you know very well that this was your best friend’s dream for the longest time, and he would definitely be delighted to accept the offer.
Or will he?
What you didn’t expect was the straight rejection he gave you right after you said that.
“Why not Haknyeon? You’ve had your eyes on me and loved me since day one of high school. Isn’t it always your dream to date me?”
“Y/N. I love you with all my heart. Hell, I would give up anything if it’s for you and to make you the happiest girl alive. But not like this.”
Haknyeon then lets you out of his embrace and cups both of his hands on your cheeks, staring deep into your eyes. 
“I want you to love me when you’re at your best. I want you to truly see the man that I am, and how much I’ve grown. I want you to truly make up your mind because I will not let you go when you’ve decided to begin a relationship with me. I want you to love me right.” 
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You have been crashing at Haknyeon’s apartment most weekends for the past two months, and he couldn’t be happier if it makes you feel better. 
During the weekdays though, Haknyeon would make the effort to come to visit you instead while bringing you the best take-out meals from all of his favourite restaurants in town. Your best friend clearly does not mess with food. 
Knowing how messed up your eating schedule was, he has even taken the initiative to plan out your diet.
No consuming those nasty junk food when you’re already low on sleep.
You’d constantly be reminded of your bestie’s words every single time you’re about to head to the drive-thru at Mcdonald's at two in the morning after your shift at the hospital. 
Tonight was different though as your manager informs you that you get to finish your shift way earlier than your usual post, as your department is getting a handful of transferred nurses from the capital. That was good news especially how your hospital has been understaffed for like two to three years now. 
And that 2 - 3 years had to be the time when you were with your ex. 
You shook off the negative thoughts you had in mind and quickly got out your phone to text Haknyeon about you coming home early for the night. 
You were certain he was definitely on his phone when you sent the message because it took him less than a minute to give you a reply. 
Hakkie 🐷: sweets!! I’ve had a big night planned ahead of us, can’t wait to see you at home 😊
You can’t help but smile at the message, thinking about how cute he was at times when he was all giddy and excited, which makes you wonder if you both are really the same age at all. 
Your co-worker noticed your excitement and how a big sincere smile was plastered all across your face. It has been a while since you’ve been this jovial anyways. 
“You got a date tonight?” She nudges your shoulder while giving you a wink. 
Smiling back at your co-worker, you looked back down at your phone staring right at the newly changed picture your friend has chosen for his iMessage profile. 
“I guess you can say that.” 
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“Woah Haknyeon, what on earth have you done with your apartment?”
You were astounded by what your best friend has done. The entire living room has been cleared out and Haknyeon took the largest blanket he owned and turned it into a fort. A comfy throw was laid out nicely on the floor with pillows scattered above it. As a finishing touch, fairy lights were hung around the blanket to give it that true cosy movie night experience. 
“You sure are an ambitious young man.” You replied. 
“Since when have you ever gotten off work this early Y/N, I’d say this calls for a celebration, and of course thank heavens that tomorrow is the weekend!!”
“Okay okay, kiddo. What are we watching tonight?”
“Big Mouth, the infamous K-drama everyone’s been talking about recently.”
“And why is that?”
“Well, both you and I are huge fans of crime shows, and we love Im Yoon-ah, so I’d say it’s a win-win situation!”
“More like you are the one who’s obviously obsessed with her.” You protested. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at your bestie's enthusiastic comment. Eventually, you gave in and decided to make yourself comfy. Haknyeon went ahead and made some warm honey butter tteokbokki in his so-called best portable pot that he owned. Of course, a comfy night movie wouldn’t be complete without a warm mug of cinnamon latte according to the food master himself.  
You never expected to have enjoyed the drama this much as it’s been such a long time since you've been to the cinemas, let alone watched a tv series or show at home. You missed this feeling of excitement as you engross yourself in the show’s plot, and of course, having someone to share the same experience with you in the same room. 
As the show progressed, you can’t help but have tears well up in your eyes whenever a sad or frustrating scene appears on the screen. Haknyeon notices your demeanour and quietly puts an arm around your shoulder. Naturally, you decided to lay your head down on his shoulder. None of you said anything but just enjoyed this little comforting moment you both were having. 
Haknyeon truly was your best friend, you definitely didn’t deserve a fine young gentleman like him. 
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“So where are we off to this time Mr Ju?”
It was another rare occasion where you’ve gotten a day off from work as your manager has seen all of the extra hours you’ve accumulated over the past several months. 
Since the hospital wasn’t understaffed anymore, your manager has even managed to free up your Sundays from now on. It definitely has improved your physical and mental health as compared to your previous self when you were working 14-hour shifts straight for 7 days a week. 
Your best friend was beyond ecstatic to find out that you’re free for the day, and he wasted no time coming to pick you up early in the morning, insisting on bringing you on a day trip.
So now you are sitting in Haknyeon’s car, and god knows where he’s bringing you to because he wouldn’t tell you what the itinerary even was for the day ahead. 
It was now the beginning of summer, and Haknyeon clearly was taking you somewhere away from the city. Both of you passed all of the highways and eventually ended up on a riverside road just a little outside of Seoul. 
It was kind of a long drive, around 4 and a half hours to be exact. Many times you’ve offered to take over the wheel, but the male insisted that he was fine and you deserve to be in the passenger seat instead. 
“Rude Haknyeon, I’ll show you that I’m just as good as a driver like Sangyeon and Jacob oppa.” You pouted and crossed your arms. 
“Yeah, rather convincing, Y/N. Remember how you were desperately calling for me in the middle of the night back during your first year in college when your car swerved right into a tree because you got too nervous to drive on your own? And oh, may I add, you were also crying over the phone and it took me a good minute to try and figure out whatever you were trying to tell me.” 
“Shut up. We don’t talk about that.” 
Haknyeon was clearly winning this whole debate, and he begin singing his lungs out on his so-called victory song, Young Tak’s Jjin-iya. You on the other hand, were sulking and decided to turn your head towards the window, trying your best to ignore the ever-so-slightly annoying song that was getting on your nerves while taking in the scenery in front of you. 
After 10 more debate topics and bickering (because your friend is a tease like that), you both eventually arrived at your destination. Your friend has brought you to Haeundae, one of the famous beaches in Busan. As you both stepped out of the car, Haknyeon immediately went to the boot of his car and brought out a huge basket filled with whatever items he brought for the day.
He quickly grabbed hold of your wrist and brought you to the beach. There were quite a number of people here today, reasonable as most families and couples would’ve come to spend the good weather out at the beach. But Haknyeon manages to find a quiet spot where the both of you could truly enjoy the peaceful time today.
Haknyeon wasted no time in taking out the first item from the basket, a huge blue beach cloth and laying it down on the sand. Slowly, he took out all of the remaining items from the basket, most of them being food, to be honest.
What surprised you was that he picked out all of your favourite food and snacks that you literally consume whenever you wanna have a cheat or fulfilling day. Japanese fruit sandwiches, onigiris, chips, you name it he has got them. Oh, and yes he brought along his handy-dandy trustworthy Bluetooth speaker he’s been using for years that he loves and swears by it. 
“Since when have you become a chef, Mr Ju Haknyeon. I thought you were a business consultant, not a restaurant owner.” 
“Anything for my bestie, am I right?”. He gives you his signature cheeky smile, and you have to mentally ask your heart to stop beating so quickly. 
Stop being so cute for the love of God. 
With every bite you had, you couldn’t help but constantly give out this mmmmm pleasure sound, indicating how delicious every single meal was, and your friend couldn’t be much happier as it felt like he had gotten a trophy from a race or something. 
You both enjoyed the meal and had a good chat about every single topic that comes to mind. You both reminisce back on the good old high school and college days, where multiple times Haknyeon has saved your ass from being called to detention for being late to class to almost missing your graduation day in college because you somehow lost the high heels that you planned to wear with your matching dress that day. 
It was hilarious catching up with all of the crazy adventures you both had throughout the years, and Haknyeon with his bright and gagman persona made it a lot more memorable.
“I’m so glad you were with me from the beginning, Haknyeon. Never would I have thought to have gone through heaven and hell if I was alone.”
“Likewise, Y/N. I couldn’t have had a better bestie than you.”
You smiled and gave your best friend the biggest hug. “I just wish for us to be together for as long as we can.” 
With that, Haknyeon breaks off the hug and grabs hold of your shoulders, looking deep into your eyes. He hesitated for a few moments, before deciding that it was the right time for him to speak about that certain topic that he has been desperately wanting to for the past couple of weeks now. 
“Y/N. I know you’re probably sick of hearing this from me, but still, I want to make it clear to you. I still love you, even after all these years. I’ve never once given up hope on you.” 
He swallowed. “A-and. I mean, y’know we’ve been getting a lot closer for the past few months, crashing into each other’s place throughout the weeks, having tons of fun and cute movie and date nights at the restaurants in town. I just… wanna let this thing that has been bothering me for weeks now. I don’t mind if you don’t give me an answer, but just hear me out. I-I just… I want-” 
“I’ll be your girlfriend.” 
“Wa-wait what?”
You chuckled. “Oh my god, Haknyeon. I swear I’m gonna be dosing off to sleep waiting for you to blurt those words out. I know you still love me since the first day we met back in high school in the science laboratory. I gotta say I admire your persistence, young lad. Even what I was still with the ex who shall not be named.” 
A burden was taken off of Haknyeon’s shoulders, and he immediately jumped right back into your embrace while rubbing his cheeks against yours. He was like a puppy who has just gotten their biggest treat yet. 
“Thank you, Y/N. Thank you thank you thank you!!!” 
The hug lasted for a good few minutes, both of you taking in each other’s scent while resting both of your heads on each other’s shoulders. 
That was until Haknyeon broke off the hug for the second time now, as he moved his fingers right onto your plump lips. 
“May I?”. 
“About damn time, Ju.”
No words were needed. He lowered his head and crashed his lips onto yours. It’s like you both have been waiting for eternity for this to happen, how long you both have waited for this day to come. He wasted no time in exploring your lips, kissing you deeper as he tilted his head, and you did the same. 
Breaking off the kiss, he eventually scooped you up bridal style and brought you straight into the waters. As the sun starts to set, you both spend the rest of the remaining time kicking and splashing each other with water at the shore. By the end of the day, you both were soaking wet, but no regrets were made.
Haknyeon then lifts you up in his arms once again, giving you another kiss on the lips as you lean down and wrap your legs around him, both resting your foreheads with one another.
“I love you, Y/N. More than you could ever imagine.”
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a/n: yes there will be a part 2 😌
taglist: @deoboyznet @flwoie @hokupi @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 (join my permanent taglist here!)
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mj-iza-writer · 10 months
This came from an ask request I received, but was asked not to publicly answer. I'll have at least two more stories from that request. I appreciate the person who asked. I hope everyone enjoys. - MJ
Whumper had kidnapped Whumpee years ago. It started off fun for him. Whumpee's screams were the sweetest, but it got boring for Whumper, or so he said.
Honestly he hated to admit it, but Whumpee grew on him. Their relationship became fairly civil.
"I tried to squash the bug, now all they do is bug me. I can't get rid of them either", Whumper often joked.
Whumpee would just role their eyes while Whumper laughed.
"Where were you?", Whumper met Whumpee as they came inside, "you know you have a curfew, and you passed that an hour ago."
"What, are you afraid I'll get kidnapped", Whumpee taunted.
"Oh by all means, if that's what you want, we can go back to that without troubling someone else", Whumper reminded, "If you think that is the only thing that crosses my mind when I have no idea where you are you're sadly mistaking."
Whumpee started to go up some stairs to their bedroom, "I lost track of time, I'm sorry."
"Where were you?", Whumper frowned.
"At the park, I was watching some kids skateboarding", Whumpee turned, "do you think I could try skateboarding."
"Whumpee you have a hard time balancing on solid ground, and you want to put wheels under you. Plus your body isn't exactly in good shape", Whumper stated.
"I wonder why", Whumpee stopped.
"YOU DID THIS....", Whumpee yelled as they turned. Suddenly, their knees gave out, and they fell down the steps.
"Whumpee", Whumper frantically yelled as Whumpee fell down the stairs and landed right in front of him.
Whumper quickly knelt down, "Whumpee, Whumpee talk to me."
Whumpee shot a scared look at Whumper as they struggled to breath, "it.... it h-hurts", they managed to groan.
"Okay, what hurts?", Whumper hurried and pulled their phone out, "did you hit your head?"
"N-no", Whumpee winced, "leg... my leg and shoulder... can't breath."
Whumper dialed Caretaker.
"Hello Caretaker, I-I need help", Whumper frantically spoke into the phone, "Whumpee, Whumpee fell down the stairs, we were arguing, they turned to say something. Their knees buckled, and they went down. I-I can't drive them, and an ambulance is impossible to get out here."
"My cars in the shop. They're awake, they said they didn't hit their head, but they are in pain", Whumper was practically in tears, "please, hurry."
Whumpee tried to sit up.
"Whumpee don't move, I don't know how injured you are", Whumper held them down as they listened to Caretaker.
Whumpee whined.
Caretaker rushed to the house.
"Oh my", Caretaker turned pale as they saw Whumpee.
Whumpee started to shake as they whined. They knew it was bad, but for Caretaker to say that it must have been really bad.
"Okay, shh", Caretaker contained his shock and knelt down, "we are going to get you into my car. We are going to the hospital right now."
Whumper hurried up the stairs, then back to Whumpee's side.
"I had to get their information for the hospital", Whumper pocketed his wallet, "I have your insurance with me", he looked at Whumpee.
"Okay, do you have any neck pains?", Caretaker asked, "I can't lift you if you do."
"No, my shoulder and leg, and....and this hand", Whumpee shook in pain, "my arms covered my head, so my head is okay."
"Okay", Caretaker sighed, "Whumper lift them carefully, and take them out to my car."
As gently as possible, Whumpee was carried out to the car.
Whumper spoke apologies and reassurances to Whumpee the whole ride to the hospital.
"So what happened?", Caretaker sighed.
"Whumpee was past curfew tonight, and we had an argument", Whumper sighed, "they were going upstairs, they turned to yell something at me. Their knees buckled, and they fell."
Whumpee started to cry again.
"What's wrong back there?", Caretaker glanced in the rear view mirror.
"It hurts... I should have gotten back in time. This wouldn't have happened if I was back on time", Whumpee groaned.
"No need to think about the past", Whumper spoke, "let's focus on this now."
Caretaker pulled into the hospital, and Whumpee was taken right back.
After initial care came the abuse questions. Whumper and Whumpee were honest about what happened that night. Yes there was an argument, Whumpee's didn't have the strongest knees, so they buckled, and Whumpee went down. They both purposely left out the hostage situation, Whumpee was in to much pain to care, and where would they go anyway.
Early in the morning Whumper carried Whumpee into the house and sat them on the couch.
Whumpee winced as Caretaker placed pillows under their legs, arm, and shoulder.
"You need to ice and warm this constantly", Caretaker reminded, "try to get some rest."
Caretaker and Whumper talked.
"Thankyou so much for helping us", Whumper looked apologetically at Caretaker, "I'm sorry we had to bother you. I didn't know what else to do."
Caretaker sighed as they rested their hand on Whumper's shoulder, "I'm glad I was able to help, but you really need to apologize to Whumpee, and maybe consider a few rule changes, like curfew. They are older now, and you are very lucky they didn't say anything about being kidnapped. I would have sided with them, you know that right."
"Yes", Whumper looked down and nodded, "why didn't you say anything while we were there."
"As of right now I believe they are safe, so I'm not messing with it. The moment I feel that changes, I will remove them personally."
Whumper sighed, "I don't want them hurt. I don't want to cause anymore damage. I promise you that."
"Do you need any help taking care of them?", Caretaker looked around, "how long has your car been in the shop?"
"I have everything right now", Whumper nodded, "a few days, I think I can manage."
"I don't know. You were frantically pacing back and forth in the waiting room. Are you sure you're okay?", Caretaker smiled, "you nearly dug a trench with your pacing."
"Yes, I'm okay. I was scared", Whumper took a deep breath, "I'll take good care of them, I promise."
"I'll check in and bring you some things tomorrow", Caretaker spoke as they left, "I'm tired."
Whumper walked into the living room, and eyed Whumpee.
Whumpee gulped.
"Broken leg, sprained hand, and dislocated shoulder", Whumper sat across from them, "were you trying to get a reward on how many injuries you could accumulate", he leaned back, "plus bruising and a scrape. You did more damage than I ever did."
Whumpee looked down, "I'm sorry", they whispered.
"You didn't mean to, but I've told you not to stand on the stairs for a long time because of your knees being weak", Whumper frowned, "I'm glad you're okay.... well for the most part."
Whumpee whimpered, "not just for that. I'm sorry for missing curfew, I truly did lose track of time. The skateboarders were so cool. I'm sorry for making you worry, and then I do this and stress you even more. I'm sorry for everything."
"Whumpee, I don't know what I would do if you got taken from me. That's why I was so stressed", Whumper leaned up, "I know when you first got here I was a nightmare to you. Now, I don't want to see you get hurt. I don't want someone to hurt you or kill you, that's why the curfew is strict, but I will rethink a few things and maybe change it."
"You're a helicopter kidnapper, I already know that", Whumpee giggled, but winced.
"I guess I am. Now let's get you iced up", Whumper stood, "how about we both take a nap down here, we've been in the hospital all night", Whumper yawned, "I know I'm tired, Caretaker looked tired to."
Whumpee nodded, "can I have heat to sleep with, please."
"Yes, I'll get the heating pad", Whumper nodded.
Once Whumpee was comfortable, Whumper laid down on the floor beside them.
"Wake me if you need something, get some sleep though", Whumper sighed as he wiggled around to get comfortable.
Whumpe didn't answer.
Whumper sat up and looked at Whumpee.
Whumpee had already drifted off to sleep.
Whumper laid back and listened to Whumpee's breathing until they too fell asleep.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @monarchthefirst @porschethemermaid @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @weirdthingweee
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rabbitreader09 · 2 years
What about a little bit of Fluff and comfort with the Boys Vincent, Victor and draco?
Wooo one shots!
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Pairing: Vincent Edgeworth x reader
You buried your head in Vincent’s shoulder, feeling him rest the book he was reading on your back, every few minutes or so, he pressed a small kiss against your forehead or cheek, then went back to laying his head against yours.
You fondled with the buttons on his top, popping them open and closed, he didn’t mind it, he had already gotten rid of his blazer and shoes a long time ago, and now you just laid on top of each other in silence. You were sleepy, but didn’t doze off, just wanting to feel his embrace a bit longer. You loved the feeling of his affection, it felt so trusting, and even with his usually dark demeanor (even towards you) so comforting.
He pressed another light kiss against your head, you smiled, leaning further into his chest, it was cold, and as hard as metal, but you didn’t mind, and he knew you didn’t. Some people would long to listen to their partners heartbeat, but you didn’t need that to love him. Your finger gently ran down to his collar, pulling ever so slightly so he‘d look at you, which he did. You gazed at him, god he was beautiful, it was mean sometimes. You pulled harder, swaying him in to kiss you, his lips honestly felt a bit dry, but that you didn’t mind either, you just kissed him because you wanted him close to you.
The air always felt cold when you parted, so much so you always had to hold yourself not to reconnect yourselves. He looked at you, his lips forming a thin smile, inside you melted, you loved seeing him smile, not his cocky smirk, or the often fake laughs he gave from himself, no, that nearly transparent smile he wore at night, when you were close, you loved more than anything.
Without much hesitation, you knocked both of you down on his bed, a loud thump echoing trough the previously silent room, he didn’t say anything to it, he didn’t even make a face. As you laid back down on him, wrapping your arms and legs over his body, he simply put his hand down at your head.
„I would‘t feel complete without you…“
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Pairing: victor blake x reader
The sound of cars rushed by as the dim moonlight shined in trough the car windows, the cold breeze coming in from the only rolled down one gave you goosebumps.
You and Victor were originally just going to take a small trip in the car, but traffic seemed to have decided that today it was gonna throw a tantrum, the 3 hours car ride turned into 8, and then 10. And as it slowly got darker and darker, with 3 a.m fast approaching, you decided to just park at a pit stop, get some sleep and hope for better luck tomorrow.
While the situation might‘ve been quite stressful for most, you were honestly quite comfortable with it, Victor let you climb over into the drivers seat on top of him and gave you his vest while he smoked a few cigarettes out the car window.
You heard him exhale, sending a line of smoke into the outside air, before throwing away the burned off cigarette and rolling the window back up. You were quite lucky he used a decent amount of cologne so he wouldn’t reek of cigs, otherwise holding him this close would take a lot more out of you.
He hummed as you repositioned yourself a bit, now more sitting in his lap than laying on top of him, you made brief eye contact, he smirked pitifully, „don’t kiss me, I‘ll taste like shit“ he chuckled, you narrowed your eyes at him, then connected your lips without hesitation, they were warm but as expected he did indeed taste of tabac.
You pulled back again, your slightly scrunched up expression telling him more than enough, „told ya“ you smacked his cheek jokingly, opting him to be quiet, „im flattered you‘d still wanna kiss me like this darlin‘…“ he leaned his head into your neck, his breath was warm and steady, gently brushing up and down your neck. You both leaned back.
„I adore you, mi amor…“ he hummed quietly, making you chuckle.
„You are such a hopeless romantic dear..“
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Pairing: Draco Edgeworth x reader
A weak fire sizzled in the chimney in front of you, it had been burning for a couple hours and was slowly eating up the last bits of wood inside, despite its dying flames, you just stared into it, laying on the couch in front. The atmosphere was cozy, but also suffocating, the heat coming from the flames was both comfortable and unbearable, it just seemed to switch, outside it was storming, thunder fast approaching, so the places in the house the heat didn’t reach were very cold.
„miss/mister y/n?“ you opened your eyes, only then realizing you had closed them in the first place, you looked up to see Draco standing next to the sofa. „What with the formalities Draco?“ you asked, a hint of mixed sarcasm and annoyance in your voice.
He paused before speaking another sentence, „Its getting late, you should sleep in a bed.“ you rolled from your side to your back, looking up at him, his eyes always looked lively despite looking like single beads sometimes.
„Is everything alright miss/mister y/n?“ he asked, still not breaking eye contact with you, „So we really aren’t any closer than that, Mister Edgeworth?“ you raised an eyebrow, and you swore he smiled and chuckled for a quick moment.
He sighed, a few strand of his bangs falling out of place before he sat down in the couch next to you. You grabbed his arm, leaning your head on his shoulder, „Thats more like it.“ his lips twitched up, he was obviously trying to hide his amusement.
You sat in complete silence for a few minutes, the presence felt so calm, almost even calmer now that he was here, the fire cracked quietly every few seconds or so, and the wind howled past the windows.
„Should I stack on some more firewood?“ he asked after a while of you fondling with strands of his hair. You shook your head, „not when I get to sleep by you tonight…“
He was unimpressed by your prompt decision that he didn’t even have the choice to disagree on, but its not like he would‘ve declined in the first place. You swooned to the side, eventually laying your head down in his lap and hooking your legs over the side of the couch. He reached up and pulled off his glove with his teeth, moving down to draw lines trough your hair and to caress your face, so softly you felt you might just fall asleep right here and there.
„You fill my heart, dear.“ he hummed, but you didn’t even really hear, his touch and the atmosphere were already rocking you off to sleep, he smiled pitifully.
„Its better to sleep now honey, its not pleasant to miss the morning.“ his arms snaked around you body, and before you fell to sleep, you felt him lift you up.
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websterss · 2 years
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REQUEST: The reader visits her grandma’s farm over the summer. During her stay, she meets an unexpected stranger.
WARNING(S): Fluff    
PAIRING: Tom Holland x fem!Reader
A/N: Reposting old fics!!! Hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed!
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If you had a favorite place to spend your time at it would be your grandma’s farm. You basically grew up there, but as you got older your parents got new jobs and were forced to move out to the city, making your visits less and less. But since you were finally an adult visiting her was the best way to spend your independence
You were driving up the driveway seeing your grandma already outside on her swing sitting down with a cup of something.
You parked the car and stepped out. You looked all around you taking in the fresh air and peacefulness.
“Beautiful isn’t it!” Your grandma stood up on her porch.
“It feels good to be back here.” You walked up to her embracing her in a hug.
“It’s good to see you. I mean look at you! So grown and beautiful.” She cupped your cheeks.
“I’m not a child any more grams.” You smiled at her.
“Oh, I know.” She nodded.
“How’s your mom?”
“I don’t know she’s your daughter.” You shrugged not being able to keep the smile off your face. 
“Mom is...mom. I hardly ever see her though due to work.” You frowned.
“I told that girl to not go into business.” Your grandma shook her head.
“What can you do?” You shrugged.
“I know what you can do.” She smirked.
“Grandma, this is incredible!” You exclaimed as you both arrived at her stables. There were many people around you who you didn’t think you knew. The workers were either on horses or tending to other things that needed to get done.
“Cost a fortune, but it’s home.” She smiled proudly.
“You outdid yourself, grandma!” You went up to give her a hug.
“Speaking of home I think there’s someone who would be thrilled to see you!”
She ushered you forward. She walked you to the stables where some horses were in their stalls. You walked down the stalls gazing at the beautiful creatures. “Now where is that boy!”
As if on cue a guy walked out of a stall wearing a dark shirt, worn-out jeans, and work boots. You’d be lying if you said he wasn’t the least bit attractive. All he was missing was a hat.
“You called Ms. M/l/n?” He approached you two.
“Tom what did we say, call me Martha.” She playfully gave him a stern look.
“Oh and this is my granddaughter Y/n.”
“Right, sorry Martha. Y/n, nice to meet you.” He shook your hand.
“Same here.” You gave a small smile.
“So what can I help you, ladies with?” His eyes lingered on you a bit longer. You caught his gaze and averted yours bashfully.
“Is Noir in his stall?” Your grandma asked.
“Yeah, I just brushed him an hour ago.” He pointed over his shoulder.
“Noir?” You walked past them noticing the black mare horse poking its head out of its stall.
“Is it really you?” You slowly stroked his hair up to his head. “I can’t believe you’re still here boy.” You muttered
“Like I would ever get rid of such a beauty, especially if he’s yours, to begin with.” Your grandma walked up to you.
“I thought…When we left.” You stammered.
“Your mother may not have wanted him, but she can’t get rid of my horses that easily. Why do you think I started this place?” She gestured around her. 
“Thank you so much, grandma.” You hugged her tightly.
“Anything for you my dear.” She held your face in her hands.
“Can I ride him?” You smirked at her.
“Yes thank you so-”
“But only if you take Tom just in case something happens.” She cut you off.
You were about to argue your half until she spoke again.
“Even though Noir is your horse Y/n, you’ve been gone for too long. You may not be that great of a rider you once were.” She pointed out. You knew she had a point. It has been a while since you’ve ridden on a horse. “Noir may not be comfortable around you.” 
“Fine.” You sighed.
“Be safe. I have to go take care of a few things.” She walked off.
“So…” You turned to Tom.
“We need to get you geared up.” He pulled a saddle off one of the walls and practically shoved it into your chest. You groaned.
“You’re a long way from home Y/n. It’s about time I show you how we folk do it.” He placed a hat on your head, but it tilted to the side. He gave you a cheeky smile before grabbing a saddle of his own. Here goes nothing.
Getting onto Noir was more difficult than you expected it to be. The bond you two once had would take a while to gain back. Once you were sitting properly on top of him. Tom got on top of his horse and pulled the rope of Noir making him move forward, and you four were off. “So how long have you been working for my grandma?” You looked at him.
“A couple months. A year at most.” He shrugged.
“She seems to like you. She doesn’t just hire anybody.” You offered a smile.
“Well, she is friends with my parents so I guess it was just an easy way into the job.” He smiled back at you.
“So what’s a city girl like you doing out in the country?”
“I missed my home. It was about damn time to visit it.” You looked forward to it.
“Home? You lived here before?” He lifted an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah. My uh parents and I had to move due to their work, so we had to leave behind everything we’ve ever known. My mom hasn’t come back here since then.” You gazed down at your hand wrapped around Noir’s ropes.
“Sorry to hear it.” He smiled sincerely.
“It doesn’t matter now. What matters is that I’m here now and I can enjoy it in peace.” You closed your eyes and breathed in.
“Yeah, it’s quite the scenery here.” He looked out into the open.
You did the same.
You weren’t paying attention to the ground. You didn’t see the snake that had made its way out in front of Noir and he neighed out in fear. He stood up on his hind legs knocking you off him in the process. You fell back hard. Noir took off in the opposite direction you were going in. You landed on your back and the air was sucked right out of you. You were desperately trying to get air in your system.
“Y/N!” Tom hurried off his horse and was at your side in an instance. You were feeling a little numb to the pain in your back. You were huffing in and out quickly. Tom had noticed this and picked you up in his arms. He carefully placed you on his horse and climbed on holding you tightly not wanting to let you fall. He tugged the horse’s ropes and galloped back to the stables. He saw Noir ahead of you guys and knew he wouldn’t get lost. That horse always knew how to get back.
He came in fast past the gate that was open and halted his horse to a stop. One of the workers noticed Tom holding you in his arms and came rushing over in concern.
“What happened?!” He helped you two down. Once you were on your feet you lost your balance. Tom steadied you picking you up again.
“Noir got spooked and threw her off him.” Tom nodded towards the open gate. “Did he go far?”
“No, he was close to the fence when we arrived.”
“Alright. I’d get her to Nancy for a check-up.” He said before taking off.
“I know,” Tom called out.
“I’m fine.” You mumbled.
“Sure you are, love.” He said amused.
He walked into a door. “Hey, Tom how-” Nancy noticed you in his arms and her nurse state kicked in. “Oh god, is she okay?” Tom sat you down on the bed gently. “Noir threw her off his back. She fell pretty badly.” He informed her.
“Poor thing.” She muttered. “What’s your name sweetie?”
“Okay Y/n I am going to need to look you over. Don’t worry it won’t take long.” She smiled reassuringly. You nodded in response.
She did the normal basics. Following the light with your eyes. The stethoscope is placed on your chest and back, and she’d tell you to breathe in and out. Making sure nothing was broken. She examined your back and said it was a little red, but it wasn’t anything serious. Nancy told you to take it easy for a few days just to be sure. You and Tom were sent on your way out. “See, I told you I was fine.”
“And what would have happened if you weren’t.” He rolled his eyes.
“But I am.” You softly said.
“Just stay away from the horses while you’re here.” He nodded at you.
“Then what else am I supposed to do here during my stay?”
He smirked. You did not like the look of it, but man was it sexy.
“You could always help me out in the stalls. Help out with the manure too if you’d like.” 
“Ha, you’re on your own buddy!” You patted his chest and walked off. 
“Oh come on!” He shouted after you.
“Maybe I could help you in other ways.” You suggested. You smirked at him.
“I’ll take you up on that offer.” He smiled brightly at you knowingly.
“See you later, cowboy!”
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punchdrunkdoc · 1 year
Part 2, Chapter 15
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 3 parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics
Posting this a bit early because I’m out of town the rest of the week.
Chapter 15
20 minutes earlier…
Calina picked the lock on the rooftop access door, relying on feel rather than sight. She'd stashed her motorbike in an alleyway two blocks over, then scaled the back of her and Matt's apartment building under the cover of darkness. Suddenly waving a flashlight around up here would defeat all her attempts at stealth.
And she needed to be stealthy - if Volkov's men were watching this place, she couldn’t let them see that she'd returned.
The lock gave way with a quiet *snick* and Calina slipped down the stairs into Matt's apartment. It was empty, as expected. At this time of night, he’d be out Daredevilling, and would be gone for another few hours at least.
She dumped her bag on the floor and flicked on the lights…then stifled a laugh at the sight of the new sofa sitting in the middle of the living room - with the plastic wrap still on it.
“…the new couch was delivered yesterday. But I couldn’t bring myself to sit on it. It feels like our couch. And it didn’t feel right for it to be there, in the apartment, without you…the place feels so lifeless now. So cold and empty without you…”
The suppressed laughter turned into a sob and she covered her mouth to hide the sound. Her emotions were all over the place. And all the joy and love and guilt and fear that she was feeling kept spilling over as tears - she’d spent half of the four-hour ride here crying beneath her motorcycle helmet. Thankfully the roads were fairly deserted, so her blurred vision hadn’t endangered anyone apart from herself.
She just...needed to be here. Despite her annoyingly fragile emotional state, and her barely-healed wound, and the risks involved…she needed to be here.
She needed to see Matt.
Yelena had freaked out at the idea, of course. “It’s too dangerous! Volkov knows you spent months living in that apartment building - and now that we got rid of the trackers, its the only place he has to start his search for us.”
“I get that, Yelena,” Calina had argued. “But I still need to speak to Matt.”
“So call him!”
“I’ve been calling him. For hours! He won’t pick up.”
The moment she’d finished watching the footage of Matt’s confession…she’d pressed play and watched the whole thing again, unable to believe the words spilling from his lips.
“I deluded myself that I didn’t feel this way about you…”
“You need to wake up so that I can tell you I love you.”
“There was just something about you, standing there on that rooftop”
“I’ll always be here - if you’ll have me.”
“Please come back to me…”
Each line was a euphoric, impossible jolt of pure joy to her heart. And watching him say those words while clutching at her hand and stroking her cheek and pulling her into his arms to hold her all night had been like watching all her dreams play out before her.
He loved her.
He really and truly loved her.
He’d dropped everything to come to her. He’d put his life in the hands of women he barely knew and didn’t trust, and he’d bared his heart and his soul to her.
And then she’d ghosted him for a week and a half.
She couldn’t imagine how he must be feeling. He must think she was still angry with him. That she was still hurt by what Foggy said in the bar and was ignoring him on purpose.
After the second viewing of the footage, she’d scrambled off the bed and grabbed her phone then punched in the number she’d memorised months ago, desperate to tell him the truth - that she’d been sick. That she hadn't known about his visit. That she felt the same way he did.
But he never answered.
She’d paced the floor of her room, the device pressed against her ear as she listened to it ring and ring. She’d stood on the balcony and stared out over the harbour, the phone clutched in her hand as she’d tried again.
And again. And again.
But each time it just rang out.
And with each failed connection she started to worry that they’d missed their chance. That each miscommunication and separation was pushing the possibility of them further away.
The need to speak to him grew more urgent with each passing moment. Until she’d finally given up on the phone and grabbed her rucksack from under the bed. If he wasn’t answering…she would just go to him in person.
That’s how Yelena had found her - shoving clothes into her bag and trying to ignore the twinge of pain in her side from the rough actions. “At least wait a while,” Yelena had said, trying a different tack. “You only got back on your feet a few days ago.”
“I have to go now, Yelena. I can’t explain it - at least, not in any logical way. I just…need to go. I promise I’ll be careful. And I’ll be back as soon as I’ve talked to him.”
“So you are coming back?”
The hint of vulnerability in Yelena’s voice surprised Calina. She paused her packing to look at the other Widow, who seemed uncharacteristically…anxious.
“Yes, of course,” Calina answered. “I know the risks about staying in New York. I know it would just put Matt - and us - in danger.”
“Good. That’s good.”
“What’s this about, Yelena?”
Yelena picked at the chipped polish on her nails. “I was worried that you hated me. For what I did. And that you were leaving for good.”
Calina laughed bitterly. “You’re not exactly my favourite person in the world right now…but I don’t hate you. You made some choices - some very questionable choices, like dumping Matt in Connecticut and then not telling me - but I know you didn’t do it out of malice.”
Calina zipped up her bag and slung it over her shoulder then grabbed her winter biking gear from the closet. She stopped next to Yelena on her way out the door and issued the ultimatum she’d been contemplating ever since she found out what Yelena had done. “But you have to accept that Matt is part of my life now. You can’t keep making unilateral decisions that affect both him and me - especially decisions that serve to keep us apart. If you can’t do that, then I will find somewhere else to live.”
Yelena shook her head. “This is your home, Calina. As much as it is ours. I’ll…respect your relationship with Murdock.”
Calina squeezed Yelena’s shoulder. “Thank you.”
“Be safe.”
“I will.”
“And keep in contact. I don’t want to have to send any Widows to come find you in New York if you go off the grid.”
“I will,” Calina had repeated.
And in that spirit, she fired off a quick text message to Yelena and Katya: Arrived safely.
Then she shrugged out of her leather jacket and unzipped the heated liner underneath. It had done a good job of keeping her warm during the ride here but she was starting to feel over-heated in Matt’s cosy apartment.
She wandered over to the new couch and started stripping off the plastic wrap, eager to have something to do to pass the time. It felt wrong to just make herself at home again after everything that had happened…but she wasn’t sure what else to do while she waited for Matt to return.
Halfway through the task, there was a loud banging on the front door, quickly followed by Foggy’s bellowing voice. “Matt? You better be in here, you son of a bitch! MATT!”
Calina raced to the door and swung it open.
“Calina?” Foggy’s double-take at her sudden appearance would have been comical under other circumstances, but he looked frantic…and scared. And she started to get a very bad feeling.
“Foggy, what’s wrong?”
“Is Matt here?”
“No. I assumed he was out…doing what he usually does at this time of night.”
Calina pulled him into the apartment and closed the door behind them. “What’s going on?” she demanded.
Foggy raked his hand through his hair. “I met up with a contact tonight, to see if he knew anything about our fear pheromone problem. And he did know something. Something bad.”
“Whoever’s in charge of the operation - and my contact didn’t know that, unfortunately - knows we’re snooping around. They know Daredevil is snooping around. So they set a trap for him.”
“What kind of trap?”
“They’re going to lure Matt to some old base of theirs and blow it up.”
Calina's bad feeling exploded into full-on panic. “Where was Matt going tonight, Foggy? You guys must have narrowed the next location down by now. Where was he going?”
“He wasn’t supposed to be going anywhere tonight. He agreed to take a break - he hasn’t been doing so well these past couple of weeks.”
Guilt slammed into Calina, but she pushed it aside. There would be time for that later - once Matt was safe. “Regardless of what Matt was supposed to do, he’s obviously out there. So where, Foggy? Give me somewhere to look!” She was practically shouting at the other man, and she had to fight the urge to shake the information out of him.
“Down by the Chinese Consulate. But I’ve just come from there - there’s no sign of him.”
Calina pushed passed Foggy on her way to the stairs. “I’ll look again. I’ll look everywhere.”
She raced up to the roof and backtracked her earlier movements. Within minutes, she was swinging her leg over her bike and roaring down the street towards the Hudson. She didn’t have a plan beyond getting to Matt’s last known location then scouring the city - street-by-street and building-by-building if she had to.
But it turned out she didn’t need to. She’d only managed to travel a few blocks when thunder rocked the night and a fireball lit up the horizon.
Calina stomach tried to lurch out of her throat. But she ignored the spike of terror and steered the bike towards the site of the explosion. She rolled the throttle and accelerated, veering in and out of the sparse traffic at a reckless speed.
Minutes later she skidded to a stop on the street behind the destroyed building. Her throat went dry as she imagined Matt beneath that flaming pile of rumble.
No. She couldn’t think like that.
Matt was smart. He wouldn’t have fallen for a trap like this. He would have made it out before it blew up. She just needed to find him - preferably before the sirens in the distance got here - and the best way to do that was from a high vantage point.
She dismounted her bike and ran through the lot behind the building - it looked like a taxi depot, with rows and rows of yellow cabs. She jumped up on one and used the extra height to grab the drain pipe of the adjacent building. She shimmied up it onto the roof then ran along the edge, peering over the side to survey the damage below. 
But her view was obscured by all the smoke.
“Matt, where are you?” she whispered, her voice tight with fear.
She swore as she saw the firetrucks peeling down the street. She heard sirens come from the opposite direction and swivelled her head to see a bunch of cop cars racing along the greenway.
And then a sliver of dark red caught her eye, peeking out from the other side of the water tower.
“Matt?” she called. “Is that you?”
There was no answer.
On alert now, she inched around the structure, until she could make out more than a sliver - it was an arm, clad in familiar material, holding an even more familiar baton.
She exhaled sharply in relief. “Matt.”
She reached out her hand to touch him…and he exploded into action.
He batted her hand away and swung his club in her direction. She ducked, and just managed to avoid taking a hit to the side of her head.
“Matt! It’s me!” She grabbed the baton before he could swing again, and hit the nerve cluster in his elbow. His fingers jerked as a result, making him drop the baton to the ground. The move had been a reflex on Calina’s part - she’d seen a weapon and disarmed its holder. And a moment later she was glad she had, because Matt attacked her again with a fast series of punches.
She blocked most of his strikes, but took a few hits to the arms and one that glanced off her cheek. “Matt!!” she yelled again, her voice desperate.
What was wrong with him?
Had he been dosed with the fear pheromone?
Her confusion led to a moment of distraction, which Matt used against her. He grabbed one of her arms and trapped her wrist. Then he spun her around and caught her other arm, pinning both behind her.
It was a familiar hold - and one she knew she could escape. She used her Aikido training to free herself and send Matt rolling to the ground.
He sprang to his feet again, but the move was clumsier than usual. Slower, and less graceful.
And that’s when she realised - he wasn’t in the grip of some adrenaline surge.
He couldn’t hear.
The blast from the explosion must have damaged his ears. She’d seen that type of injury before when one of the widows she’d trained with had strayed too close to a bomb while out on a mission. The Widow had suffered tinnitus for a week and never recovered her full hearing.
And she'd never returned to the Red Room as a result.
“Matt?” Calina called, testing her theory.
There was no response. He just stood in front of her looking lost and confused.
“Oh, Matt.”
He must be so scared. Without his hearing, he was as good as blind. She remembered what he was like when his ears were affected by the common cold. This must be a million times worse. A million times more disorientating and terrifying.
And she had no way of reassuring him that he was safe. No way of letting him know who she was - the minute she got close to him, he would interpret it as another attack.
The sirens were right below them now, and the night sky was lit up by the flames of the building next to them. They were completely out in the open, visible to anyone who looked up at this rooftop too closely. And she had no way to get him out of here if she couldn’t convince him who she was.
At the sound of her whispered name, she nearly cried with relief. He recognised her somehow!
But he sounded so tentative and unsure, as if he couldn’t believe that it was true.
To be fair, from his perspective, her presence here was a little unexpected. She took a few steps closer to him, until his body blocked the warm heat radiating from the fire behind him. She carefully took his hand, and tugged of his glove, exposing his bare palm.
And she spelled out a single word in braille in answer:
He grabbed her hand and let out a shaky breath. Then he dropped his head to rest his forehead against hers. “Hi,” he breathed.
“Hi,” she replied, despite knowing he couldn’t hear her. She wound her arms around his waist and leaned into him, the waning adrenaline making her feel unsteady. She’d spent the last twenty minutes terrified that she would never see him again…
The thought made her clutch him tighter.
He seemed to need the contact as much as she did. He wrapped his own arms around her shoulders and dragged her close, until every inch of them was pressed together. He dipped his head and buried it in the crook of her neck. He breathed deep, as if trying to capture her scent, but ended up barking out a series of hacking coughs instead as whatever was in his airways protested.
She leaned back and used her hands to lift his head up, wanting to look at him properly. Black soot rimmed his nostrils and there were streaks of ash on his skin. There were no major injuries that she could see, but she’d need to get him home to check more thoroughly.
And they needed to get off this roof before anyone saw them.
She grabbed his palm again and tapped out the braille for ‘GO’, trying to use as few a words as possible to get her message across.
It seemed to work. He nodded and grabbed her hand. “Lead the way,” he croaked out. It sounded like he was trying to make light of the situation, but she knew him. She knew how much his helplessness must be killing him.
She squeezed his hand and used it to guide him along the rooftop, back the way she’d came. Luckily, the first responders were all congregated at the front of the building, and the back route was still clear.
But getting Matt down to ground level would take a bit of work. They couldn’t descend the drain pipe she’d used earlier - Matt’s spatial awareness had been thrown off by his deafness and there was too much risk that he’d fall.
So she found the access door leading to the stairs and kicked it open. Then the two of them slowly descended through the - thankfully - deserted building. When they reached ground level, she disengaged the tight grip he had on her hand and tapped out another single word, ‘WAIT’.
He nodded so she took a couple of steps away, ready to scope out the street for any bystanders…but he immediately tensed up, his hands clenched by his sides, and his his head locked at an angle, as if he was desperately trying to hear the world around him.
The sight of him - the man who normally seemed so strong and invincible - standing there, seemingly lost without her guiding touch made her heart ache.
She rushed towards him again, uncaring of the time she was wasting, and the risk she was taking with their safety. She grasped his head in her hands, leaned up, and pressed her lips against his cheek. She lingered there in the kiss, trying to convey everything that she couldn’t say with words. She wanted him to know that she knew he was scared, but she was with him. That he could trust her. She would get him home.
That she loved him.
He leaned into the contact, his own hands latching on to her waist and holding tight.
After several long moments, she broke away and approached the front door. She checked the street outside, but it seemed deserted - all the action was taking place around the corner where the firefighters were still tackling the blaze.
She twisted the lock and stepped outside. She raced to her bike and wheeled it closer to the door, then rummaged through the top box for her windbreaker. It was sized to cover her bulky winter riding gear, so it should hopefully fit Matt and hide his suit on the ride home.
She dashed back into the building and shook out the coat. She guided one of Matt’s arms through the sleeve, and he seemed to grasp what was happening because he took over and slipped the jacket on. It was snug across his broad shoulders and wouldn’t zip up, but it would do the trick.
The last thing to do was remove his mask - there was no point hiding his suit if he still looked like The Devil from the neck up. She reached up and tucked her thumbs under the edges of the mask - and his hands immediately shot up to stop her.
She paused, and brought her thumbs down to stroke his cheeks, trying to calm his fears - it must make him feel even more vulnerable to be without that last layer of protection.
She kept caressing his face, running her fingers over his cheeks and his lips, even down the back of his neck where she pressed into the knotted muscles beneath his skin. She kept soothing him with her touch until she felt his spike of anxiety pass.
Eventually he nodded and dropped his hands, permitting her to remove his mask. The fact that he didn’t do it himself, but left it to her, felt symbolic of…something.
Something she really didn’t have time to contemplate just now.
She allowed herself a second to smile at his ruffled hair, before smoothing it down, knowing how much the wayward strands annoyed him. Then she pulled the hood up over his head, grabbed his hand again and led him onto the street.
She guided him onto the back of the motorcycle then slipped into the space in front of him. His arms immediately wrapped around her waist, and she smiled again. Her grin widened further once she kick-started the engine and accelerated away from the burning building.
Away from danger, and towards home.
Matt shifted his weight until his front was pressed against her back, and tightened his hold on her. She had the feeling it had nothing to do with the unfamiliar mode of transport, and everything to do with being close to her.
She knew the feeling.
She leaned back against him and tilted her head to the side, allowing him to rest his chin on her shoulder. She ignored the smoke and ash she could smell on his skin and tried to imagine they were just two people in love riding together through the streets of New York for the sheer joy of it.
Maybe she could convince him to try this again, under better circumstances. Once they’d cleared the air between them. And once the Widows had resolved the Volkov situation and she was free to live her life again, maybe they could just…enjoy each other. Without mind control and misunderstandings and explosions.
They could just be two people in love.
The thought kept her warm as they sped through the cold, dark night.
Chapter 16
Be sure to check out the reference page - updated with the building on Google maps that I decided to blow up!
@hollandorks @acharliecoxedfan @yanna-banana @tearoseart-blog​ @chezagnes​ @stilldreaming666​ @freckledbabyyy​ 
If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!
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vievecorcityevents · 16 days
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The suspects have been chosen after a tension filled morning. These five suspects are led to the hangman's nooses to hang...
Divya Effendi
Daphne Blackwood
Atlas Westwood
Max Rogers
Joanna Vörös
As their bodies thrash in the air, the one who struggles the longest is the only ONE of them starts to transform into that familiar monstrous Creature.
It is... Atlas Westwood.
The townspeople gasp in shock, but they are also glad to have caught one more killer and they hope Atlas was the last one...
Unbeknownst to them, there is still ONE MORE in their midst. One more who has gone by undetected for so long. And now that the town's population has dwindled down by such a significant degree, he can complete his task of ridding Phantom Creak of the living before moving on.
As the night descends and the sun rises the next morning, the final killer has done the job of killing every last individual in town. He looks down as his blood soaked claws transform back into human-shaped ones and a smile spreads across his lips as his eyes shift to the dying face looking up at him.
The last killer left standing is Leon Blachedone.
FINAL VERDICT: The town of Phantom Creak is no more and THE VICTORY GOES TO THE MURDERERS!
OOC Info:
The suspects have been listed in order of who received the most votes in this round. This concludes the murder mystery portion of our Spirit Event! Thank you to everyone for playing such an amazing game~ This event will officially end at September 8th, 11.59pm EST. We've moved the timing a little later to give us all more time to start more event-related threads if needed! :)
Players will find more information behind the different plot elements in this section under the cut. While not everything was revealed, we all did a great job at piecing together so much information!
Gideon Caldwell - Gideon Caldwell is the 20 year old son of Sarah Caldwell. He was sickly as a child and his mother spent a lot of her efforts making sure he got well. After turning into a monstrous Creature by accidentally drinking one of Sarah's concoctions a few months ago, Gideon became out of control and only managed to regain his sense of self with further help from Sarah's continual experiments. The Cure-All was the thing keeping the monster at bay. His venture down into the hidden temple allowed him to gaze upon the glowing bowl within and the Creature inside gained more control and gave him a mission -- to kill others as sacrifice and to spread the creature's curse far beyond Phantom Creak. He turned Leon Blachedone, Artus Westwood and Atlas Westwood into fellow monsters at random and entrusted them to further the temple's agenda by killing more people... Gideon was eventually hung by the townspeople of Phantom Creak and died before his (or the Creature's) vision could be realised.
Sarah Caldwell - Sarah Caldwell is the 50 year old apothecary in Phantom Creak. She lived all her life in this town and has been experimenting on townsfolk with her various remedies and medications, a majority of which were not life-threatening. That is until she decided to experiment with some plants she found in a hidden temple deep within Phantom Creak's mines. She tried her best to keep Gideon under control while finding a cure for him and she was so close. It was just that the creature inside Gideon was stronger... Her research at the hands of Vivian Ambrose was instrumental in figuring out what happened after she was also put to death by Phantom Creak's townsfolk...
Maanika Sarkar - Maanika Sarkar is 26 years old and came to Phantom Creak about 3 months ago. She fell pregnant with a lover's child and to escape the scrutiny of society, she decided that a small mining town was the place to go. She approached Sarah Caldwell early on wanting to get rid of the child, but was persuaded not to and had been taking remedies from Sarah to help with her pregnancy ever since. She comes from the city of Oseford which is about a 1 week ride from Phantom Creak by horse carriage. She befriended Gideon Caldwell and she was one of the few people he would willing tell his problems to. She tried to contact her lover in the city to help sponsor Gideon's move out of Phantom Creak, but she never heard back from him. Maanika refuses to believe that her lover would abandon her and still hopes to see him in Phantom Creak one day...
Ezekiel Voss - Ezekiel Voss is a 60 year old miner who has been in Phantom Creak for all of his life. He is old friends with Sarah Caldwell since they were both original residents of the town and treats her and Gideon as family as he has none of his own. He uncovered a hidden temple beneath the mine a few months ago and was fascinated by it. He initially kept it a secret from everyone, but eventually took Sarah down there to show it to her. He was the one Sarah called for help when Gideon was accidentally turned into the Creature and he has tried to help the Caldwells as much as possible. When the authorities came knocking on his door, he was unable to lie in good conscience and brought Sheriff Fleischer and Deputy Blachedone down to the temple. This was an especially integral decision as he was already suspecting that Gideon had something to do with the first murders. Ezekiel was eventually hung by the townspeople of Phantom Creak...
The Underground Temple that Ezekiel Voss found deep beneath Phantom Creak belongs to an ancient religious order that was buried under the earth for millennia and was eventually forgotten by the world. It worshipped a long-forgotten deity and its followers used the altar inside the temple to keep a monstrous aquatic Creature from wreaking havoc on earth.
The glowing bowl in the temple room was filled with the Creature's essence and the slimey plants that grew around its rim that had thousands of years to evolve into what made its essence digestible and contagious in Sarah Caldwell's concoction... The leafey plants that grew around the glowing bowl and outside in the rest of the temple were the last vestiges of protection that the ancient deity left behind to protect the temple and its surroundings from the Creature. It would have stayed trapped in this bowl forever had Ezekiel not found the temple and brought Sarah down to investigate...
The Creature is an aquatic monster from ancient times and said to be the temple deity's arch nemesis. It was sealed in the temple by the deity and their followers many millennia ago.
What Gideon Caldwell turned into was a weakened and smaller version of the Creature's original form. This is why it took some time for the Creature to take over Gideon's body. The take-over process was also being hindered by Sarah's attempts to cure her son with the Cure-All which was working to a significant degree. The mixing on these two essences in Gideon's body is what allowed Gideon to transform into a monster at will, but only at night.
It was only after Gideon visited the temple with Ezekiel that the Creature was able to get into his mind even more sway his thoughts. It was after this that Gideon received a new mission in life -- to kill others as sacrifice and to spread the creature's curse far beyond Phantom Creak. Every kill the monsters committed, even when they did not know it, would allow them to become stronger and stronger.
Gideon was able to infect others by dripping his own blood into a human's open wound, but this is only possible in his transformed state. This blood is what allowed these individuals to also transform at will at night and their minds This was how he infected Leon Blachedone, Artus Westwood and Atlas Westwood and these individuals were chosen by him at random to carry on the work... He came about this information after he visited the temple and the Creature was able to speak with him more clearly.
The message the randomly chosen murderers received on the night they were attacked...
You have been selected to be a MURDERER! As you walk home alone after the sun has set, you are ambushed by a large Creature with slimy skin. You attempt to fight it off and it overpowers you easily, but not before you manage to cause it to bleed in the scuffle. The creature retreats and you get up, bruised and battered and you find that some of its blood has entered your open wound which is somehow miraculously healing! What happens next is some of the most excruciating pain you have ever experienced in your life. Your body starts to bend and stretch and your skin starts to peel to reveal that same sliminess you felt on the creature before! You are turning into one of them! When the pain is finally over and the transformation is complete, you uncurl your monstrous form and look up, only to see that same Creature that attacked you staring back at you. They knew exactly what they were doing when they attacked you and now you are one of them... The Creature turns and leaves you behind to wander in your new form. It is only when the first faint light of the sun starts to show that your body goes through that same excruciating pain to return you to your human form. As you lay there on the ground after the transformation, trying to come to terms with what happened, you come to the consensus that you need to keep this a secret from the townsfolk lest they find out and kill you in cold blood...
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highpriestofptah · 3 months
Hotep & Huy Prince of Egypt Canon Tings
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A list of what I would consider "canon" information about the High Priests as they appear within the 1998 DreamWorks film, Prince of Egypt. All sources reference merch and media created or affiliated with the production and development of the original film such as art books or novels based on the film.
Hotep and Huy tutored Rameses and Moses as children at the Palace, and gave Pharaoh occasional progress reports; they taught the princes maths, astrology, history, arts, music, and civics.
Of course they had many things to learn, but their tutors--two high priests of the temple called Hotep and Huy--dared not insist if their pupils grew bored, or ran away from their lessons. Only a stern word from the Pharaoh (to whom the priests were obliged to give truthful reports of the boys' progress) would force them back to the schoolroom. There, they learnt mathematics, astrology, and the complex history of Egypt... They learnt to engrave pictograms, write and paint on papyrus, and impress hieroglyphs into clay tablets. Rameses... had to learn much about the skills of government. They also studied music, art, and declamation. Most vital of all, they learnt the names and functions of the many gods and how they must be served. [source]
Hotep's "new thing" in the film was a new robe!
[Moses to Rameses] "I happen to know that Hotep has a new robe. Wouldn't it be some relief to soak it for him?" [source]
The priests didn't capture Tzipporah; they only offered her.
[Hotep to Pharaoh] "Majesty," said Hotep smoothly. "A raiding party has brought back a tender prize stolen from the Midianites, one of the desert tribes. May we offer it to Lord Rameses?" [source]
Once he ran away, Moses spent 15 years with the Midianites before returning to Egypt.
Riding past them on camelback, Moses was stricken with anguish. For fifteen years he had lived in peace and happiness, while these poor wretched people have been suffering and struggling, living their short, blighted lives... [source]
Hotep, Huy, Rameses, and others at the palace are celebrating a festival for Ra during the scene where Moses and Rameses reuinite at the palace.
Rameses was enthroned on a raised dais, conferring with a number of richly dressed foreign ambassadors, and some of his own officials. The two high priests, Hotep and Huy, much aged, were among the rest. The room was full of people celebrating the festival... [source]
Hotep and Huy get rid of the boils they run away with in the film.
The boils dried up miraculously overnight. The people rejoiced, blessed Pharaoh, and his priests paid homage to their gods. [source]
Moses and Rameses used to hide from the priests when they were younger (probably their equivalent of playing hooky and avoiding their lessons).
...the old days, when we climbed into the lap of Horus to hide from the priests. [source]
Rameses wanted to get rid of the priests even before the plagues sequence.
I have sent those two idiots, Huy and Hotep, packing. I should have done it years ago. [source]
Hotep is described as grumpy and chubby; Huy is described as shy and thin--Huy is a shy boy confirmed!
Steve plays the grumpy chubby magician and Martin plays the shy thin one. [source]
The animator for Hotep and Huy, Patrick Mate, says that Hotep is the leader of the two; Huy tries to be, but can't... (Take this as you will...)
Hotep is the chubby guy, nervous with a bad temper. Huy is the tall, thin guy who would like to be the chief but can't. [source]
Patrick Mate also says he doesn't think neither Hotep nor Huy believe in their own magic; they just value their reputation.
[Hotep and Huy] are comic in their personalities, but they are not slapstick characters at all. They're con men, always trying to make themselves look good. I don't think they believe in anything except money and power: they don't believe in their own magic, because everything they do is a cheap trick. And they think everyone is as crooked and greedy as they are. [source]
The excerpts linked above are photos of the novel based on the film called Moses in Egypt: a novel inspired by The Prince of Egypt and The Book of Exodus by Lynne Reid Banks (1998). I own physical copies of each source, including the photo I took with my phone for this post which originates from the The Prince of Egypt: A New Vision in Animation hardcover book by Charles Solomon (1998).
Moses in Egypt: a novel inspired by The Prince of Egypt and The Book of Exodus by Lynne Reid Banks (1998)
The Prince of Egypt: A New Vision in Animation by Charles Solomon (1998)
The Prince of Egypt: The Movie Scrapbook by Thomasine Lewis (1998)
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thistransient · 1 year
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Destination revealed: Kuala Lumpur! (yet another place I visited with my ex exactly ten years ago- not intentionally a factor in my choice, but perhaps subconsciously). Ok, I did spend a night at a hostel by the airport in 2018, but that doesn't count. I honestly don't remember the original trip very clearly (besides the kindly Filipino guy who intervened as I absolutely butchered a mango in my first ever attempt at peeling one... also the hostel employee who gave me a haircut while slightly drunk, and was completely clueless when I told him I wanted to look like G-Dragon who was on a billboard across the way). But I digress.
The flight was uneventful, for possibly the first time ever someone hot sat next to me but they barely looked over and I had no desire to make things awkward for the next five hours. When I'm stuck in the middle row, I like to fold my arms, cross my legs, and then bend forward, balance my forehead on my uppermost knee and go to sleep, which I have never seen anyone else do but y'all are missing out.
Landing was even less eventful, Malaysia doesn't even have landing cards. No questions. Just fingerprints, photo, stamp, goodbye. I know airport currency exchange kiosks are a rip off but when I have small amounts of random cash I want to get rid of, they're convenient. I was exchanging baht this time. The kiosk guy said something to me that I thought was about baht, but I couldn't quite make it out, so I kept saying "what?" and after the third time he yelled "PASSPORT!" Oh. I was shamed. I wanted to say, it's not your accent, it's me, but by that point fleeing was more of a priority.
The wifi would not connect on the airport train, and my phone's GPS function was doing precisely the opposite of functioning, but I had looked up directions to my hotel already in the morning, and thus resorted to the old-fashioned tactic of examining posted maps and looking at the street signs. (Perhaps this dates me a bit, as a younger friend of mine refused to even leave his immediate neighbourhood without a smartphone when his was away for repairs.)
Ironically I am staying in Chinatown (why even leave Taipei, huh). After finally arriving and collapsing in bed for a while, I dragged myself back out to a nearby Chinese restaurant open late, impressed one waitress by ordering in Mandarin, tried to ask a question to another waitress only to discover she only spoke Cantonese (I wanted to know what these bowls of hot water were for, lest I do something embarrassing with them- turns out they were just for washing the cutlery, which was new for me because iirc people usually do it with a teapot and cup in China/Taiwan), ate a ton of noodles, and was convinced by a wandering fruit-selling lady to buy a pack of cut guava, partly because she was willing to have a conversation in Mandarin, and partly because the last time an old lady hassled me to buy stuff at night I told her I would if it had been fruit and I might as well stick by my principles. (Also I haven't had guava in ages but I was ogling it at the fruit stand back home lately.) I don't know what's in that lil packet for sprinkling on it but it was fantastic.
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I have no idea what I'm going to do here (for a week), I suppose just wander around taking photos and trying not to overheat. I had half a mind to take the overnight train around the east coast just for the heck of it, but it leaves at odd hours and I'd just be going there and back. If I'm determined to take a long train ride I could just...go down to Singapore...(I may have been investigating the remote browsing feature on the dating app, and Singapore was the only Asian city available). We shall see how things unfold!
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zerocarina · 6 months
Some random thoughts about life and how things move I guess.
Had some old books in my room that I didn't really care about, they've been there for a while and I never really read them because I'm not a reader. Decided to sell them, because I like having money. Realized I probably wouldn't get much out of it anyways, so instead I placed them in one of those boxes where people can place books and borrow them. I wasn't planning on taking one at all, but I saw one about the place of photography in society through time, and somehow here I was taking a book home.
It was in pretty bad shape, I thought it probably was in there for a while. Turns out it was printed 50 years ago, in 1974. My mom was 3 years old. It's always weird to think of the age of things. This specific copy of the book was there when the Berlin wall was destroyed. It was probably sitting on someone's shelf. Maybe someone was in the middle of reading it when they saw it on the news. I'll never know.
Suddenly, something happened. A hair. There was a hair in my book. Wasn't mine. Probably belonged to whoever used to own this book. Or someone who borrowed it from them at some point. So what did I do when that happened? I put the hair away, not thinking about it. Until I thought about it. This is someone's hair. Someone I don't know, just like they don't know me. Or maybe we know each other by coincidence. But it's more likely that I now have a stranger's hair in my house. This person has no idea one of their hair is currently in a stranger's house. When this hair was on their head, they never could've known it was going to end up here.
It reminds me of when I dispose of things in the trash. Let's say I buy a croissant, on the paper bag the bakery's name is written. It's specifically one from my city. Let's say I take the train and go to the other side of the country (France). During the ride I ate my croissant. When I leave the train, I put the paper bag in one of the many bins that I can find outside. And now, there's a paper bag in that bin, that comes from a bakery on the other side of the country. When I was given that paper bag with my croissant, the person who gave it to me never could've known it was going to end up here. It's fascinating I think. Probably. I don't know.
Maybe if I looked inside bins around the train station, I'd find things from different cities far away, maybe even other countries.
That hair in the book also reminded me of another book I got at some point. It was a Zelda Ocarina of Time manga. I knew it was second-hand when I got it as a teenager, but I wasn't expecting what I found inside. There was a note. An actual proof of someone else having held this book in their hands before me. It said something like "here's your sweatpants back, also read this manga you'll like it". Who wrote this? Who did they write it to? Of the both of them, who sold it so that I could eventually buy it? I'll never know. No one ever will. Unless something crazy happens, which is always possible. At some point this manga was lended to a friend with sweatpants, and now it's on my shelf.
So of course at some point I think of the opposite. Things that I used to own and are now someone else's property. I absolutely sold some stuff in the past. The books I put in the box are probably still in there, but they won't be forever. That same day I sold a CD in a thrift store. I knew I wouldn't get much out of it (0,05€ if you're curious) but I just wanted to get rid of it. I originally bought this CD to support the band because I used to know one of the guys. I hate him now so I can't stand having his band's name on my shelf. Maybe someone will buy it one day, and wonder what was the reason for me to sell it. Some video games I've sold in the past have probably been bought by now. They're in someone's house. Someone I don't know.
Some years ago, my mom gives me a ring. She tells me something like "your father gave it to me when we were together, I think you'd like it". Indeed, I liked it. It felt weird having a ring older than me on my finger, but I liked it so much I was wearing it everyday. Tragedy struck however, because of my very sweaty fingers. Some conditions have surprising side effects, and it's one of them. It damaged the ring very badly to the point where it broke in half. It had a weird shape ok. And right there, a ring that was in perfect condition for years, was broken so suddenly. Such is life, even for lifeless things.
That's enough rambling for tonight. Not sure if I accurately portrayed how interesting and fascinating all of this is. In any case, I've been thinking all this for a while and never really had the opportunity to put it into words. So here it is I guess.
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anonymousfoz · 1 year
Doomsday Uprising Part 4: Revenge & Confusion
Previous | Next The wall of fire rose as the battle continued. “Sir, I can’t hold them anymore. We should retreat!” The girl held onto the wall, attempting to keep control of the only thing that kept away the combined Rebels and Trolls force. She had to get her commander’s approval or the other troops would execute her on-site for leaving her battle position. But Galaxy was not there. He already had left to follow Demi to get his revenge. “Sir?” Before she could turn around. She got an arrow in her left eye. The wall of flames had fallen, and she could not focus on keeping the wall up. Before she knew what was going on, a Troll warrior tackled her and she hit the ground. Falling unconscious as blood soaked her long black hair. All she heard was her name being repeated to her.
“Sodan. SODAN!” the veteran woke up and grabbed her eye patch to put it on. She put on a shirt, leather pants, and a cloth jacket. She came out to see the 8-year-old messenger calling her name. “The hell you want, pipsqueak?” Her tone was much harsher than it was then. After she was abandoned by Galaxy almost 8 years ago, she survived civil wars, warfare, and torture. The kind-hearted version of her was as gone as her eye. “Watch your fu-CK-ing mouth!” Sodan rolled her eyes as the pipsqueak’s voice squeaked and cracked. “The emperor has a mission for you. The horse is already there.” She looked to see a horse in the stalls. The kid tapped her, gesturing for a tip. “Fuck off.” She hissed at him before opening the stall and leading the horse out. She slowly pets its lush mane as she gave it a ripe apple. After a while, she mounted the horse and rode it to the emperor’s castle, in the capital of the planet. When she arrived, someone came to collect her horse. She gave it goodbye with another pat and then headed inside. She headed into the castle, where she suddenly bowed her head as her emperor came in. Not out of respect, but out of habit. “Sodan, you do not have to bow. Your honor, here is enough” What a load of bullshit. Emperor Daffy always hated her since she was living proof he was a failure. He was a coward in the wars and murdered the previous well-liked emperor Vite. Sodan was the only one who knew of the assassination. “I have a mission for you, as the child had told you.” “What is it?” She scowled. This meant nothing good for her either way. “To murder him. You know who.” She did, “but if you fail, don’t plan on coming back.” This caused her to stop. It was a suicide mission. He was just trying to get rid of a loose end. With a grin on his face, he knew she figured it out. “You either come back the hero or die the unknown veteran. Understood?” He put his hand on her shoulders as he looked down at her. “Understood, sir!”
“Good. A spaceship with supplies is being prepared. I do believe you have already been planning for this day. Good luck.” She walked off, wishing she could had murdered him right where he had stood.
She sat on the spaceship she was given. The ride to this nuclear wasteland was long and tiresome. However, for a nuked planet, she could barely tell that it at one point was bombed with atomic weapons. She had gotten all the information she needed on Galaxy’s routine. Galaxy came out to hunt the nearby elk population towards the start of sunrise. It gave Sodan enough time to prepare for an ambush. This had been the day she was waiting for, for over 8 years. Today was the day. She had camouflaged her outfit and wore a black cloak with leather armor meant to help fit into the wild. A black fox mask was to hide her identity in case he remembered her, if he did. She headed out of her spaceship early. She had her bow and sword. She did not need arrows, as she could make some appearance with her spells. While being out of combat, she took up on her studies. Her magical abilities had exceeded most, however, her physical ability could have been better. But it was too late now to improve. She spent the next hour building traps and waiting. She had decided to get into a tree to get to higher ground. She climbed to a spot where the sun would directly hit her. It was not long before she dozed off. The veteran did not get any sleep on the long ride to the planet. Accidentally, falling asleep is the best thing to happen to her, as she needed to be well rested for the battle upcoming.
The painful cries of an elk that fell into a trap had awoken Sodan. The trap intended for Galaxy, but an elk and fallen victim to its devices. She looked over and saw the ginger man look confused at why his prey suddenly died before sensing there was something wrong. Before he could arm himself, Sodan had summoned an arrow and put it in her bow. She pulled back the string and aimed to hit his arm. The arrow had made contact, but didn’t seem to pierce skin instead of hitting his chest plate. The chest plate’s metal was made of some black material, it could be obsidian. However, she had no time to think, as the battle was now on. He summoned an axe in his hand. The wood was one that Sodan could not name off her head. It must have been wood native to this planet, and the blade was the same as the chest plate. She had teleported down to behind the man and swung her sword. The two clashed, the sounds of the blades clashing scared off many birds. Sodan didn’t realize that Galaxy was remaining defensive and not attacking that much, only deflecting. After one miscalculation from Sodan, Galaxy had swapped from defensive to offensive, applying pressure and forcing the female warrior into a vulnerable position. Sodan was beginning to run out of options, as Galaxy was much stronger than he was in the past. Her anger was quickly rising as she began frustrated at herself and at the ginger man. She suddenly tackled Galaxy, pouring her anger out at him with every punch. Her anger blinded her to realize that Galaxy was purposely getting hit. She wasn’t focusing on anything but making him suffer. Using some magic, Galaxy had made a tree limb above Sodan begin to fall. The branch had landed on Sodan’s head with a loud crash, and the veteran fell unconscious. Galaxy pushed Sodan off of himself and started to take deep breaths to calm himself down. His nose was bleeding from the beating he took from Sodan. He looked over at the veteran, who was now not getting up. He went over to check her pulse, the impact could have enough to kill her, but it gladly didn’t. The man heard more footsteps to see some hunters coming up the hill to aid him. However, the conflict was over. “Galaxy, are you alright? Do we need to torture the attacker?” One had asked. “Or grab some bandages from the village?” “No, Erbus, I am fine. I will deal with the attacker. There is a herd of boars west of here.” Galaxy informed the hunter. “Make sure everyone is fed and I will take the leftovers.” “On it, Galaxy! Let’s go troops.” The head hunter led his group west. Galaxy picked up the veteran and walked back towards his village.
Sodan had awoken in an unknown place. She was surprised that she was not tied up and not under any known supervision. The assassin had been bandaged and had a serve headache. She attempted to get up up before something pushed her back into the chair, sitting her back down. “Please stay seated. It’s for your health and to make sure you hurt no one else,” Galaxy coldly reminded. He was clearly upset, but Sodan did not give a fuck. He could rot in hell for all she cared. “Like I would want to listen to you” “You’re magically bound to that chair. If you get back up, you will be pushed back into the chair.” He had a point. Who cared? After that, she stopped talking. A couple minutes of silence went by. “Why are you here?” He asked, curious. “To kill you for-“ “For your clan of Firey Rebels. Because it will show Daffy is a success if I die during his reign. I already know.” He paused and talked off to grab a sandwich. “But that’s not the true reason you came. Sure, it’s keeping you alive, but you could have run off to another clan. You decided to come and attack instead of trying to take me out of my sleep. It’s almost as if you have a personal vendetta against me.” Sodan took off her, quickly took off her mask. “That is because you left me on that battlefield to keep that wall of fire up. Which costed me an eye. I should had retreated since death would had been better than the suffer I been through the past 8 fucking years!” She had yelled more. All the years of pent up anger suddenly came out then and she could not recall what had happened during that time. After Galaxy had gone silent. “Look who is quiet now. Do I not matter? Because you made it seem I didn’t when you left my side that day!” “I’m sorry.” “You’r- what?” “I’m sorry. I forgot about the retreating rule and ran after Demi to try to get revenge for someone who didn’t deserve it. The defeat was my fault. I should had stayed with you on the battlefield, but I was lost in anger, like you were a minute ago. My defeat was quick and was exiled here. My hubris got in the way of my leadership and victory, but in the end, it would have led to the loss of more lives.” He truly sounded sorry. His voice had lowered. He walked over and handed her the sandwich he had got. “What revenge did you need to get?” She took the sandwich and took a bite out of it, her tone still aggressive, despite 8 years of rage was now out of her system. She seemed to change to a more relaxed stance. Sodan was still slightly upset, but it seemed to not be at Galaxy. She wasn’t expecting him to be sorry. She was just angry at the universe now, but this anger would bubble down into confusion. “Revenge for my father, Drippy. A villain to tried bring down clans and make it everyone fend for themselves, including me and my other father. I was too dumb to realize it until Demi told me. But over the years, she’s become my family with everyone else here.” There was another brief silence. “So you are aware that Daffy is coming, right?” Sodan paused, taking another bite before responding. “He is?” “Yes. He won’t get close to the village. He should be landing shortly nearby where we fought. We can head there after you finish your sandwich.” Sodan hadn’t noticed that the binding keeping her to the floor was gone. Galaxy had walked off to prepare some armor and to tell his village about the incoming threat as she finished the sandwich.
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