#geek's lmk art
justanothergeek77 · 1 year
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MK going feral is the best thing to happen in this show. I just had to do a little thing about his thought process in this moment!
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skz-streamer · 8 months
The First Date - Hyunjin
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Simptober First Dates M-List
Pairing: Hyunjin (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff ;))))
Warnings: idk lmk
Notes: hes so prettyyyy :(((
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
The story of your first date with Hyunjin begins with the foundation of a budding friendship in a college art class. From the very first time you laid eyes on him, you were captivated by his striking beauty – the silky strands of his hair, the depths of his eyes, and those lips that you couldn't help but wish to kiss. He was someone you admired from afar, never daring to hope for more.
Then, one day, he asked you out, and your heart soared. You had tried to conceal your excitement and act calm, but the moment you said yes, it came out a little too loudly. You both burst into laughter, sharing a moment of lightheartedness that set the tone for your date.
Hyunjin had instructed you to dress nicely for the occasion, and he arrived to pick you up. It was a thoughtful gesture that warmed your heart, as he remembered your conversations about a new gallery that you had often discussed. One of your friends had their artwork displayed there, and it touched you that he had paid attention.
You strolled through the gallery, taking in the art with a sense of shared enthusiasm and awe. You were both art geeks, and the connection you shared over your shared passion for creativity was truly special. As you reached the end of the gallery, Hyunjin asked you to wait at the cafe.
When he returned, he was holding a bouquet of flowers. Your heart melted at the sight. The gesture was sweet and thoughtful, and it made you realize that this was no ordinary date. It was a moment of connection that went beyond the surface.
You reached out for the flowers and embraced him, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. As you pulled away and looked into each other's eyes, you both hesitated, your gazes lingering. The unspoken connection between you was undeniable, and in that charged moment, your faces drew closer.
As your lips met, it was a rush of emotions – excitement, longing, and the sweet sensation of a first kiss. It was an electric moment, one that held the promise of a future filled with affection and shared feelings. The intensity of the kiss made it clear that this was not just any first date; it was a beginning, a turning point in your connection.
You broke away first, your cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration. You hid your face in your hands, but Hyunjin didn't miss a beat. He pulled you into another hug, both of you laughing and giggling. You couldn't help but feel like you had known him for an eternity, even though it was just your first date.
Tag: @anny-bah @eee5533 @mixtape-racha @cherry-edibles @ren0325  @felixvsp @hwangrimi @sanriiolino @painstakingly-juno @herarcadewasteland @dabiscrustyfeet @kai-jilee @sungiesoonie @slvtty4channiee @revelaffee @buckys-pillow, @staygirl86 @chlodavids @jinnie-ret @bbygrlhannie @rebecca-johnson-28   @turtledove824  @interstellarairwaves @yearofthetiger25 @minhos4thkitty @fiqire @backintomykpopphaseagain @liknws @tinyelfperson @aaasia111 @yangbbokari @hafsah-ali @sleepyleeji @skzhoes @yamaguchiwestad @leonswifesstuff
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p3rry-pi3 · 6 months
I am so sorry for the people who followed me I completely forgot abt this acc
But anyway
I made a lil’ thing.
TW!!!!! I mention lots of violence, lots of cussing, lots of mentions on injections, i trauma dump for a bit (I think), uh, uh, uh, yeah. That’s it. Lmk if I needa add more.
It’s complicated but I was wondering what it’d be like if my sona was a miguel variant!
He looks a lot different each drawing I make of him due to me playing around with styles so keep that in mind that consistency is nonexistent to me.
I hope this reaches the right ppl lol
I was a little nervous to show this to such a big fandom but then I remembered this is tumblr! I can do whatever, be cringe, and survive!!!
So here’s this, it’s all gonna be under the cut cause I took this as an advantage to geek out lol (a blessing and a curse)
Okay! So! His face, right.
Facial features.
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This face. I did a lil’ sheet of him with and without glasses. He looks scared but bare in mind this is technically my sona and if you know me almost all of them I make are in this constant state of anxiety, and this is my way of projecting. So shhh.
In contrast to Miguel’s heightened sense due to the injects, Perry’s senses are erratic. This man’s vision gets worse TENFOLD. I’m already blind as is irl (that’s sarcasm) and the injections being unpredictable due to this dude’s like. Whatever, it makes it WORSE. Also the overstimulation is BAD with him.
As a reference to Miguel’s slicked back hair, he has his hair behind his ears. It’s a habit he does and will often fidget with his hair by constantly tucking it behind his hair and he refuses to tie it up.
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This man is somewhat chubby but all that action will definitely muscle him out. Here’s him in the suit btw.
I think he would wear clothes overlapping the suit but because it’s like holographic and emits SO MUCH HEAT, he can’t do it during summer.
Cause imagine how hot that thing is!!!
I’ve seen the speculations that miguel could be very well naked underneath that suit, and I’ve seen how it’s like a running joke, like sure, it’s funny
BUT IMAGINE WEARING THAT THIMG EVERYWHERE WITH NO A/C!!! NO FANS!!! I imagine it being just as bad as wearing fursuit during summer (not coming from experience, but I see the struggle)
It must be super hot! I don’t know how but it LOOKS like that thing just RADIATES heat.
But no, my sona isn’t naked.
And the little fangs ref is from me being half asleep and dreaming while being awake somehow, and I guess I drew that??? Who knows.
He has natural fangs but the injections 100% make them more pronounced.
I’m not gonna overpower him and make his venom more dangerous but I’d say in addition to paralyzing his opponents, it also causes skin irritation.
Just picture it.
You’re can’t move and have to wait it off, but, your skin starts itching. It gets itchier and starts to burn BUT YOU CAN’T SCRATCH IT!!!
So you’re just laying there like “AAAAAAAA” cause then you’re worried it’ll blister, (it won’t), and you can’t check cause you can’t move!!!!!
I’m an evil genius I know 🤓
Being bit by him would be the equivalent of having to use your teeth cause no matter how many times you scratch that one part of your hands as a kid (even as now) it wouldn’t stop itching!
Character personality/arc/dev
This part was trickier. I didn’t know if I wanted to make him completely different from canon or make him similar but not too similar. It was hard.
So I focused on small traits I knew I wanted him to have.
And I think I went bonkers.
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Uh yeah. I told you the art style changes quite a bit.
I think this man would love to see Miguel’s year but not long enough to figure out all the futuristic stuff. He’d be an iPad peepaw 😞
Also I’m half Samoan myself irl, so I wanted to sprinkle in that Samoan rep in this. I see little to none in most of the media I explore around, and it makes me a bit sad but if there’s like an explanation lmk.
I know there’s some Polynesian rep in the community, just not as much as I like, so here I am adding to that in pride of my own culture. (I’m still doing research on it as someone who isn’t all that connect to my heritage so it’s not good rep but bare with me, I’m getting there. As these reference pages evolve so will the rep.)
I like making a lot of these sonas so I might remake this one in particular.
I figured I’d give him a more animated character while keeping miguel’s stoicism and attitude, so here’s the characteristics I did wanna give him.
Moody. Has mood swings due to various reasons but for Miguel’s character’s sake we’ll leave it vague.
Constant state of worry and paranoia. I have been showing signs of paranoia so I’m not pulling this one out of my ass, but I do see miguel showing signs of it during high stress. It’s a headcanon I have, but I’d imagine what years of being aware of the fact there’s more people like you in a whole strand of endless possibilities, and one of them is where you’re a fictional character and being conscious of that 4th wall, it can cause you to think some stuff.
Opinionated. That’s. That’s it.
Sassy. He’s so zesty and for what lmao.
Smartass and witty. I imagine him having huge yelling matches with miguel if they were to ever meet, but in the end would get along like an old married couple. Would miguel even remotely like him? No. Not even close. This man would HATE my sona. My sona would hate him back, but as someone who’s had yelling matches with other people he’d prolly be like “damn. I can respect that.” But wouldn’t DARE to tell miguel.
Intelligent. Yeah, he would’ve been better off being an art student or a lawyer, but because of the whole canon event he had, he’s stuck as spider-man. His civilian wear is a lot more cozy in duality to him being spider-man.
Forgetful. I imagine him going to the shop and just going “shock! I forgot to change!” And he’s already almost done with his grocery list in his spider-man suit so the people there are just like, “OMG SOIDERMAN WHAT R YOU DOING HERE???”
So uh, there’s that. One last thing I’d like to add is that I may or may not have studied Miguel’s character just for his personality and to take inspo.
Doodle time!!!!!1111!!1!!11!!1!1
I made doodles here.
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I think it’s clear I don’t take him seriously lol
I also think this man would have bad nightmares since I do (fun fact! I don’t dream. It’s constant nightmares) and because of that this man would 100% sleep with a nightlight and some background noises of crowds talking bc nostalgia is the best medicine.
But it gets awkward at other people’s houses and he’s afraid to ask so he ends up staying up all night in pure terror of his nightmares. His nightmares are enhanced due to his senses. (For me, it’s imagination and having a constant active mind, but since this is my sona and I don’t have an arc for him, it’s gonna be bc of the injections.)
I think he’d be just as gay and trans as me.
Being in a big multiverse, I think he’d learn quickly that life is just too short to live while being worried of the norm and what others think.
There’s two different types of social anxiety (<- sarcasm) and he has both.
Also here’s some other doodles of his face I did
Sometimes I like drawing them completely crazy, off the deep end, scared, or just having some loves :3
My sona would be very touch starved so he isn’t used to stuff like hugs and will often become flustered! It’s cute imo but gawd damn!!! Someone cuddle this boy and tell him he’s alright
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His lyla would prolly be named lyla too. I think she’d just be a bit of a prototype.
But perry loves her like best friend. his lyla would be the lesbian in the dynamic while perry doesn’t care what gender you are, just please don’t use his coffee mug or mess with his pile of endless papers.
I also think he’s chose her own outfits and hair styles so while sure I’ll have her in pigtails to give movie lyla’s playfulness and duality a moment recognition. But you’ll also see her in black hairstyles with actual hair texture as her avatar varies cause I made her black for 1) practice and 2) just cause. Okay? Okay. (keep in mind i’m HORRIED with fashion. So I have no idea what I’m talking abt with her character design. You’ll have to learn with me and realize that I’m pretty much clueless on how the color wheel works, so be patient plz. I take constructive criticism tho btw.)
I think his lyla would be bossier and a lot more chatty. She’d sit there and rant about whatever information asked for and because he has ADHD this lyla would involuntarily speak like she has it too, but wouldn’t really show signs of it. If she were humanized i think she’d prolly have autism more than she would ADHD but because he works under conditions he prefers, he might make her a little all over the place cause I myself rlly hate routine and familiarity is hard for me to let go of in a certain way, so I think lyla would indirectly be made to where only he knows what works and what doesn’t with the important stuff
If miguel were to ever switch lylas he’d go crazy with this one. This lyla would stare at miguel like he’s speaking some other language since my sona would probably start with some bestie banter before getting into business so if miguel were to just start barking orders at her she’d be like “Uhm. Excuse me? 🧍” she’d put him in his place as she does with my sona but at the end of the day she’s still an AI so it doesn’t get so bad to where she can’t function and can’t get work done.
She would prolly have to remind my sona the time and other stuff like that cause if the forgetful factor but considering she has social skills my sona does, she’d prolly end up talking about something else entirely but at the end of the conversation she’d always remind him.
My sona would 100% giver her a stupid nickname like “android” or for shits and giggles a more human name “Andrea” and wouldn’t tell lyla abt it, but secretly whenever he’s talking abt lyla to civilians and family he’d refer her as “Andrea” for laughs but since it’s not in lyla’s code SHE’D HAVE NO IDEA!!!
I know it’s canon that lyla is canonically a small bit sentimental and somewhat secretly crushes on miguel in the comics (correct me if I’m wrong) but I’m p sure that happens and to that I say, she wouldn’t even remotely like my sona in that way, I see these two more as siblings in this universe than I do with the originals, so these two variants are seen as siblings and often times act like so!
Universe headcanons
I think what would separate the two from each other is my sona’s world would be a lot closer to what the 90’s kids thing we’d have in modern day society much rather what 2099 would have.
Like if you were to ask a kid from 1995 or something about what they think would happen and they said “flying phones” then so be it, bam it exists now lol
That’s just an example.
So it’s like what the 60s-90s predicted, or tried to, but a lot more realistic and the economy is better by 6%. Which isn’t a lot, but by today’s standards, it might as well be.
I like to think that his universe is WAAAAAAYYYY more diverse.
A lot more necessary items would be more available.
I also think my sona would be from the capital of oregon, Salem, much rather New York just because oregon has a special place in my heart.
This man’s civilian life is boring.
Before he was spider-man, I’d imagine him as an art guy. When he had time for it and used it as a job.
He’d probably be an artist with a psychologist degree. Which, yes, far from each other, but he uses it to the best of his ability to combine the two things.
Transportation would be funky, as flying cars would technically exist, but man would it make traveling easier.
Money would work the same way since I don’t really know how to make systems that would work out for the futuristic shit 2099 would offer, at first glance it seems a lot of it costs a lot, so I’d imagine it being a struggle.
And in any case, this also means my sona’s lyla isn’t his! This man stole got it from his brother.
My sona had two brothers as a reference to my own brothers, but for purposes of staying true to Miguel’s character (which I have not been doing well at doing) he’ll have to stick to having 1 that’s consistently mentioned. Which brother? I have decided to keep that vague.
In conclusion: I just needed to rant abt this character and have been anxious to post abt him since this means a number of things and because I saw a bunch of other people come up with this idea many times before, but I really wanted to make this a thing since it’s been in my head nonstop.
Admittedly I thought abt this idea before I saw everyone else’s ideas, but after seeing them all I was super scared to post my version, but after some consideration i figured I’d just take down the post no problem if it comes down to it.
I don’t really like miguel as a person (this is not miguel hate/slander in any way), but man, he’s a great character. Like, sure. He’s an asshole with too much of an ego to save himself, which I’ve noticed is a running joke in the fandom.
But after seeing the script, I’ve noticed that this man is just misunderstood. Miguel is nothing more than an antagonistic hero who has nothing better to do than do what he views as right.
What he did is unforgivable, but it makes sense.
I will forever stay by Miles’ side of the whole plot, but it made sense why miguel would go to this extent. (Not saying he’s in the right. Miguel really isn’t and his cut and dry reasoning to why he does shit ARE NOT valid reasons as it’s completely unreliable, but if I were in his shoes and trying super hard not to fuck shit up, I’d PANIC.)
His biggest flaw is getting too caught up into the past and using his trauma as a reason for everything he considers logical, just to get by and help others the way he needs that help. The way he thinks is help for everyone, or the way he thinks is best TOO help.
Using trauma bonding (which is implied) to then “help” others to “not make the same mistake”, being so fixated on it to the point you can tell he hasn’t had human contact in any normal way for a while.
This also may explain the touch starve and touch adverse headcanons going around the miguel tag.
In a way, I admired miguel in that sense. He was like me, just if he was a bit grumpier.
He acted how I used to, and his shame was just as matched as it was with trauma.
And I felt that.
So, I decided to make a sona based off him. I promise I’ll make a more original one, but for now have this miguel rip-off.
While I hate miguel, I also respect his character as a whole.
(And because of the arguments of opinion and mischaracterization, no. This isn’t canon, this is my interpretation. And no, I will not demonize him just because I hate him. I honestly think he deserves just as much good as miles does, but miles needs a lot more attention as of recent events.)
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atrashmammall · 2 years
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Introduction time!
(Ignoring the fact that I made one and then changed a bunch of things on my blog and also forgot to pin it lol)
I'm geek! I'm 22 and use she/he/they pronouns (in no order of preference) I mainly write SBI and awesamdad fics but honestly I may as well say fuck it and call myself multifandom the amount of other fandoms I want to start writing in!
Check out my ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ATrashMammal
I also have a carrd with a bit more info you can check out here: atrashmammal.carrd.co
For my friends from twitter! I'm using the tags #ref and #for my friends! to tag helpful things to know about tumblr, things to help make the site more functional, tips and tricks that sort of thing!
I'm using the tag #this hellsite is going to claw me back in and i'm going to become the worst human you ever did see :) to tag the more shitposty of things i reblog so feel free to block that tag if you just want to see mcyt stuff!
Other common non-mcyt tags i'll be using are #TMA, #wolfstar and #ineffable husbands for their respective fandom things, although most art i tend to reblog without tagging unless it's something potentially triggering!
If you want me to tag something specific drop me and ask or an inbox and I'm more than likely going to oblige!
I have a fic masterlist which can be found here: atrashmammall.tumblr.com/fic-masterlist
I'm also going to be posting on here when i update/post a fic as well as on twitter so if you want to be tagged here too lmk! I'll be using the tag #my writing for all my fics!
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lichlichen · 3 years
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noo dont become host to a malevolent goddess your so sexy aha 
(lovely dnd oc belongs to @pixelpastry!)
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eldritchocs · 5 years
the freakshow has arrived!
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𝓁𝒜𝒹𝐼𝐸𝓈 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝑔𝐸𝓃𝓉𝓁𝐸𝓂𝐸𝓃, 𝓈𝓉𝐸𝓅 𝓇𝐼𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒰𝓅, 𝓈𝓉𝐸𝓅 𝓇𝐼𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒰𝓅!
𝒷𝐸𝒽𝐼𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝐸𝓈𝐸 𝒸𝒰𝓇𝓉𝒜𝐼𝓃𝓈 𝒜𝓇𝐸 𝓌𝒪𝓃𝒹𝐸𝓇𝓈 𝓁𝐼𝓀𝐸 𝓎𝒪𝒰'𝓋𝐸 𝓃𝐸𝓋𝐸𝓇 𝓈𝐸𝐸𝓃 𝒷𝐸𝒻𝒪𝓇𝐸!
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𝒻𝓇𝐸𝒜𝓀𝓈 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝑔𝐸𝐸𝓀𝓈 𝓁𝐼𝓀𝐸 𝓃𝐸𝓋𝐸𝓇 𝒷𝐸𝒻𝒪𝓇𝐸! 𝓂𝒰𝓉𝒜𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝒰𝓃𝓉𝒪𝒰𝒸𝒽𝐸𝒹 𝒷𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝐸 𝓁𝐼𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒪𝒻 𝒹𝒜𝓎! 𝓉𝒽𝐸𝓇𝐸'𝓈 𝓈𝒪𝓂𝐸𝓉𝒽𝐼𝓃𝑔 𝒽𝐸𝓇𝐸 𝒻𝒪𝓇 𝐸𝓋𝐸𝓇𝓎𝒪𝓃𝐸, 𝓇𝐸𝑔𝒜𝓇𝒹𝓁𝐸𝓈𝓈 𝒪𝒻 𝓉𝒜𝓈𝓉𝐸!
𝓌𝐸'𝓋𝐸 𝑔𝒪𝓉 𝓉𝓇𝒰𝐸 𝓁𝐼𝓂𝐸𝒷𝓁𝒪𝒪𝒟𝓈! 𝓉𝓇𝒪𝓁𝓁𝓈 𝓌𝐼𝓉𝒽 𝓉𝒜𝐼𝓁𝓈, 𝓉𝓇𝒪𝓁𝓁𝓈 𝓌𝐼𝓉𝒽 𝐸𝓍𝓉𝓇𝒜 𝓁𝐼𝓂𝒷𝓈, 𝓌𝐸'𝓋𝐸 𝑔𝒪𝓉 𝓉𝓌𝒪 𝒸𝒪𝓃𝒿𝒪𝐼𝓃𝐸𝒹 𝑔𝐼𝓇𝓁𝓈 𝓌𝒽𝒪 𝒸𝒜𝓃 𝓉𝐸𝓁𝓁 𝓎𝒪𝒰𝓇 𝒻𝒜𝓉𝐸 𝓌𝒽𝐸𝓃 𝓎𝒪𝒰 𝒹𝓇𝐼𝓃𝓀 𝓉𝒽𝐸𝐼𝓇 𝓉𝐸𝒜, 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓂𝒰𝒸𝒽 𝓂𝒰𝒸𝒽 𝓂𝒪𝓇𝑒!
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𝒽𝐸𝓇𝐸 𝒜𝓉 𝓁𝒰𝓃𝒜𝒜𝓃'𝓈 𝓈𝓅𝐸𝒸𝓉𝒜𝒸𝒰𝓁𝒜𝓇 𝓈𝒽𝒪𝓌 𝒪𝒻 𝒻𝓇𝐸𝒜𝓀𝓈! 
𝒸𝒪𝓂𝐸 𝓋𝐼𝓈𝐼𝓉 𝓌𝒽𝐼𝓁𝐸 𝓉𝐼𝒸𝓀𝐸𝓉𝓈 𝒜𝓇𝐸 𝓈𝓉𝐼𝓁𝓁 𝒸𝒽𝐸𝒜𝓅! 𝐼𝓉'𝓈 𝒜𝓃 𝒜𝒷𝓈𝒪𝓁𝒰𝓉𝐸 𝓈𝒸𝓇𝐸𝒜𝓂, 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝒜𝓉'𝓈 𝒜 𝓅𝓇𝒪𝓂𝒾𝓈𝐸!
( lunaan’s sprites are all done! he’ll now be open for asks and rps! you can check out his bio here! )
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06hee · 2 years
the little things
male idol of your choice x female!reader | fluff and fluff only | a/n: i think of jake when i read this :’) lmk!!
he adores the way you walk into the classroom in the morning, eyes droopy with a slouch to your posture and the way you plop into your chair. your head comfortably laying in the pillow you make yourself with your arms as the teacher begins taking attendance.
he admires the pop in your walk, the way you present yourself with confidence even on the days that were lasting longer than others, and the way your little legs just tend to get you places faster than anyone else.
he always appreciates the little things. like the way your baby hairs stick out the bun sitting atop your head, the way your leg bounces when class starts getting longer by the second, or when your highlight shines a little brighter than normal, spotlighting your already beautiful face and making him attracted to you more.
he notices how a new color of paint adorns your fingernails everyday from having art class the hour before, and how they stay hidden behind the sleeves of your oversized hoodie. he wishes he could be the one to hold your hand to make them warm instead.
he loves the way you scrunch your nose when you’re confused in class, the way your eyebrows furrow and lips pucker with focus. you always get the highest grades and teachers love you, who wouldn’t though.
his favorite moment was when he walked into class and found you sitting in the desk right beside his, doodling on a random page as you chew on the last piece of gum left in your pack.
he replays the moment you looked up at him with the warmest smile and welcomed him like you’ve sat together forever.
he finds out that you enjoy doodling, but on his paper the most. on the top left corner you’ll never find the same drawing twice, and he always looks forward to the suspension of a new post it note of art to add to his collection later that day.
he discovers that you’re currently working on a relief print in art, a piece that has you continuously dipping into jars of color, and the constant washing of ink never leaves you with clean hands at the end of the hour. you promised him a copy of his own once you were finished with the unit. let’s just say he was geeking when he went home with a new piece to add to his already filled wall.
he learns that you used to play basketball, and although you quit you’ve gone to every one of his games so far this season. you snickered a little when he spotted you at his most recent game. he doesn’t know that he’s the reason why you’ve been to every single one.
he finds out he enjoys your laugh, the way your head tilts and your body flails into his, hands clapping with delight and the way your baby hairs frame your face so perfectly. he likes tucking them behind your ears to get a better look at how gorgeous your eyes are.
he loves that now he’s the one you make eye contact with across the room when you know the teacher is explaining something wrong. he finds it so endearing that you’re comfortable enough to just look at him and can read minds.
and he loves being the one to comfort your impatience when your leg bounces in class, the way you look over and take a deep breath thanks to him. it’s your favorite when he leaves his hand there a little longer, and the warmth of his skin makes your body relax to focus. he likes knowing he calms you down.
he loves how you wait for him after classes, and the way you walk at a speed fair enough for him to keep up, although you desire to get places earlier than later.
he loves how you run into his arms after a win, the way you never care if he’s all sweaty and sticky, how you automatically know which fingers to tape up and where before games, and how you always know what to say after a rare loss.
he’s so entirely grateful for you and adores every single thing you do. the things you say, the way you tap your fingers to a beat of a song or the way you hold hands with your little cousins and nieces and nephews, how their little fingers find home wrapped around your pinky and the smiles never leave their faces when you arrive.
the fact that you’ve never been in a relationship before surprises him the most. he wonders how such a charming, kindhearted, and overly energetic person like you could have never possibly been asked out before.
but he’s so glad that he gets to be the first.
so when he asked you to be his girlfriend,
he watched the way you dropped your chin and smiled the biggest, most breathtaking smile he’s ever seen. he watched as your cheeks turned to cherries and the way your eyes glittered when you looked into his.
that way when he gently cupped your face, and brought his lips to yours,
he knew the little things meant the world to you too.
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wisemins · 3 years
✧༻❀!Starshine’s Self-ship Promo!❀༺✧
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𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙤𝙙𝙚...
𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛-𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙! ⋆✧—— ✧ *⋆* ✧ * ⋆* ✧ * ⋆* ✧——⋆✧ ❝𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒔𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐!❞ ⋆✧—— ✧ *⋆* ✧ * ⋆* ✧ * ⋆* ✧——⋆✧ ❥ Hello all, I’m Starshine, your local self-shipping goblin here to finally make a promo/pinned post!  ❥ Paragirl | She/her, they/them, zhe/her | Bisexual, Ficto, ace spectrum | INFP-T ❥ If you’re in need of a new self-ship pal, need a gush pass or simply want to read this, travel onward! ⋆✧—— ✧ *⋆* ✧ * ⋆* ✧ * ⋆* ✧——⋆✧ Carrd (something to get my sillies out with. Other info too. Graphic design is my passion *blaring Star Wars intro*) (Sidenote, right as of 4/5/24, haven't paid my yearly carrd yet, so info is missing. Bottom line for dni: don't be weird. treat people right. and no fuckin pedophiles.) Full F/O List (I recommend you take a gander at this since I sometimes I’m too lazy to update my carrd. I’ll always update this list though.) FYI (tidbits about me, stuff you might not need to know but I wanna share. Includes list of fandoms.)
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Before we move forward, I must mention these few things!
❥ I do not tolerate ship discourse or any discourse for that matter on my blog, don’t bring it round’ these parts please. I do not care to discuss it or perpetuate it, thank you!
❥ I am not comfortable with sharing romantic F/Os as romantics, platonics and familials are completely fine though (queer platonics are the exception here!). I have a butt-ton of f/os by the way, if that bothers you I recommend you dip out. But if we only share like one or two, I can just block your tags too! Just lmk!
❥ I am 21 years old, please be aware of this! I might post some NSFW things, keep this in mind! I also swear a lot in text. Plenty of my men and women are also whores, sorry about that.
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Now that’s out of the way, here’s a little bit about me!
❥ I’m an artist in almost every regard, mostly digital and traditional art! I also write a lot (peep my Etsy I write love letters for people like us ❤️❤️❤️ ) do art commissions there too, and make jewelry for myself and my close ones!
❥ I’ve been self-shipping for as long as I can remember, I still have my very first f/o on my list that I actively inserted myself with over 8 years ago!
❥ I’m a massive fan of music, a self-titled music geek if you will, I also have over 200+ confirmed playlists. I take it a little too seriously, blame the autism.
❥ I’m native american and very proud of it!
❥ I’m incredibly gay! Like man. Really gay. Anyways--
❥ I’m a punk, feel free to ask me about it!
❥ I’m gaming. A lot. Pew pew pew
❥ Maladaptive daydreamer! ❥ CEO of AoT f/os, Marvel f/os, Star Wars f/os, CoD f/os, and biker f/os! Probably more to come knowing me
❥ Talk to me about my favorite fandoms and I’ll lichrally explode   ❥ I run an imagines blog! @selfshipseaside​
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Tagging system
I usually have two tags for each romantic f/o, sometimes just one! Platonics and familials only have one tag. Keep in mind I haven’t been using this system for very long, my old posts are tagged with no emojis, just the tags themselves. So be aware of that! 
Romantic ships will be tagged with: ❤️: [tag]  Platonic ships will be tagged with: ✨: [tag] Familial ships will be tagged with: 🏡: [tag] Crushes will be tagged with: 💌: [tag] Retired/Exes will be tagged with: 💔: [tag] Queer-platonic ships will be tagged with: 🫶: [tag]
Note: I might sometimes post something suggestive or NSFW. Block this tag: “Starshine’s feelin’ spicy 😳” if you are either a minor or just don’t wanna see it. Thank you!!
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❥ If you got this far and you seem to enjoy my vibes, please feel free to follow or dm me! I am in love with my babes, and I’d love to hear your love stories! I absolutely adore making new self-shipping friends, do not be afraid of me fellas!
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chibicalzones · 4 years
what the characters of haikyuu smell like pt. 3
featuring: 𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐚, 𝐟𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢, and 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐢  
read part one and two! 
DISCLAIMER: (just in case) this is my sister’s first impression on some of the boys so don’t take it too seriously! 
warnings: touches on gender and sexuality at some parts.
post made by: alex 🍒 - ALSO I FIXED OUR ASK BOX AND SUBMISSIONS! i didn’t even realize they were disabled i apologize :c but yes, feel free interact with us!! maybe we shall open requests? or at least on my end hehe 
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— kuroo: nail polish
a strong aura
has a superiority complex but he knows bc he genuinely believes he’s better than everyone else
a cheater... in every way
wanted to be cool but then he created his own level of c00L B)
was popular - like the freshman that was friends with the seniors for nO reason
wears platform shoes
prefers vans over converse
drinks straight up expresso shots instead of coffee
uninterested in finding a relationship
(little does she know that this actually geeky science loving nerd is the loml so)
— kenma: wet fall leaves
tired of everyone’s bs
wanted peoples’ approval when he was younger but he’s grown out of that. already figured out it doesn’t matter 
“i dont care if my roots grow in”
hangs with the boys
has a mysterious vibes
his old friend group kicked him out and is now a lone ranger
started playing volleyball to find friends and get his emotions out
has his own superiority complex because he wants to feel that he’s better than everyone else but he knows it’s unhealthy 
acknowledges his own problems
likes edgar allan poe
— yaku: apple cocktail with vodka
mix of things: nice but also gets ticked off real easily
if he went to parties, he’d just be playing beer pong
has a girlfriend - one of the few things keeping him nice
doesn’t look he cares for people’s approval of him but he really does
B student
likes science but thinks astrology is stupid
jealous of vinnie hacker on tik tok
straight now but will become gay
— yamatoro: leather
grew up in a uhm... unfortunate place? 
originally dyed his hair to look cool but went with the mohawk 
people think he’s cool but just wants approval
dresses different than everyone else 
but now since it’s becoming a trend, he’s really annoyed that he used to get bullied for it
had a michael jackson phase
likes edm
really bad at showing his emotions
— lev: pool / chlorine
the kid that pushes you into the pool when you didn’t wanna be there in the first place
makes fun of you for watching anime but recently started watching it
grew up watching pokemon as a kid but he only liked team rocket
ALSO has a superiority complex
capricorn energy, moon in aries
actually dresses up scary for halloween
parents are sweet but he can be a bit of a meanie 
had a toxic relationship with a woman... because he’s actually gay
— bokuto: gasoline
infatuated with cars
specifically owns a tesla in which his dad probably bought for him
spoiled as a kid
the popular kid
every popular person has at least dated him twice
everyone thinks he’s attractive 
the class clown but may unintentionally make fun of people in the process
“iTs mEnTAL iLLnesS isN’T IT?”
has rich parents but at least he has morals!!!
but also might take your lunch money
taken, straight
changes girlfriends every two weeks
my sister basically thinks he’s your every day local fuckboi
— akaashi: burnt pasta
really trying his best 
has good intentions but his execution’s either subpar or just awkward
likes science, specifically physics
really likes making paper airplanes and that’s how he flirts: he writes love notes and sends them your way 
bad at showing emotions so he writes them
doodles and writes in class a lot
a transfer student
hasn’t had his first relationship yet
doesn’t like swimming but he likes pool floaties
knows how to play piano
straight... for now
— konoha: miso soup
a warn person
people who don’t know him are afraid to approach him but to people who are friends with him thinks he’s very comforting
hard on others because he’s hard on himself
has an arch nemesis that fights for his position
passive aggressive but means well
was bullied for the smallest reason... like he owned a spiderman lunch box in third grade
one guy stole his girl and his is SALTY
he’d be very startled if someone came up and hugged him
with that being said, his love language is acts of service
— kita: ink
he does calligraphy
dabbles in spray paint
a bit conservative 
enjoys watching skateboard falls, parkour gone wrong, etc.
cheated in elementary school
a- a bully
doesn’t let people get close to him
people don’t know what to think of him
rather good at things that people may not realize, but he really doesn’t care if they realize or not
prefers iced tea over lemonade
takes health very seriously and doesn’t drink soda
uses they/them and states he doesn’t need a relationship
but he’s had one in the past and that’s how he figured out
— osamu: cotton
a reliable person
doesn’t necessarily have a lot of friends but cherishes to make sure they feel appreciated 
has a creative side
specifically sketches using pencil
likes movies and goes on movie dates
people like him for how forgiving he is
a hopeful person
has a realistic outlook on life 
very practical 
has several friends that are girls that think of him as an older brother
a lot of people like him but he he already has his eyes on set on someone 
a closeted bi
— atsumu: butter beer
a popular kid with a quirk
a marvel geek, his favorite superhero is the th3 classic iron man
likes girls who don’t wear a lot of makeup, also goes for bruh girls
genuinely a nice person
tries his best to be a approachable person but his geeky-ness gets in the way
has strange intentions?
puts a lot of thought into what he does but does it in a not-so-logic way 
needs guidance
questioning life
is NOT like his brother
wants people to like him but he portrays himself weirdly
also questioning his sexuality
takes a gap year before college because he doesn’t know what he wants to do yet
— suna: battery acid
“there’s a potency to his presence”
takes all AP classes
does things for himself but he’s not that full of himself
wants to make it far in life
he doesn’t know what he wants to do but he knows he wants to make a difference in the world 
always chooses to pick up trash for volunteer work
likes math because it’s straightforward
his dream significant other is someone just like him: he needs someone to care for him and soften him up
people say he’s intimidating but his friends say otherwise
into alternative rock
he would dress the way he wanted if he didn’t get bullied :(
pan and single
— sakusa: the inside of a missionary
overwhelmed by his own thoughts but whatever he thinks, stays there 
not much of a talker 
he tutors people in math and science
reads a lot of fanfic
has a famous tumblr account - swashbuckler26 and posts abstract and contemporary art
desperately wants to graduate
wanted to become a doctor until he actually started researching
now wants to be an artist
owns peacocks
he has one best friend because they share the same interests but that leads them to argue a lot 
goes by they/them and doesn’t care for a relationship 
this is the last part but i’m sure i missed some :/ if you guys have any other characters that you would like her to react to, lmk! hopefully i’ll be able to write for them soon!!! - alex 🍒
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hyliandude · 3 years
Learning Music Log - Day 1:
I am someone that has never played an instrument, never been part of band, never even known how to start. For the past year I’ve been fascinated with Lo-Fi music, so I figured I’d try making some myself. Again, with no experience in anything myself, I figured I’d need some tools to make electronic music. An old friend of mine from high school had some songs signed and sold through Beatport, and I remember him using FL Studio at home. Just messing around with the tools was interesting to watch, but the interface and process always intimidated me.
Another artist I follow on my art blog, Artem Solop, is also big into making his own electronic music and beats. Although I do not know him personally, I have always liked his style. The unique thing about his method, is that he utilizes his Nintendo DS and Switch as instruments. Synths, Compressors, and Drum Machines have always intrigued me, but I could never tell one thing from the other, and here was this guy using them from his Nintendo consoles to make something sounds good. Cables routed from one system to another – how does he do it?
I figured I’d plunge in headfirst – well, as “headfirst” as I could while still adhering to baby steps…I know the hobby can be expensive if left unchecked.
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I bought KORG Gadget for Nintendo Switch about 2 weeks ago to start this journey – an inexpensive grab through Amazon for just 30$. I have no idea what it is, but it’s what Artem seems to use in his videos. The tool is described as such:
-Robust music composition/production tools in a compact cartridge
-Simple to use and easy to understand; anyone can create music anywhere and everywhere
-16 different synthesizer and drum machine gadgets with additional DLC gadgets available
-Gadgets have retro-inspired tactile control knobs that you can turn by rotating the Joy-Con controllers
And to be honest, it did not disappoint. It was a great way to wrap my mind around the synths, tracks, and “scenes” as they are laid out in the simple to use interface. I was determined to begin this journey in a self-taught, but organized manner. I had googled a few things before starting anything:
1. Simple music theory – I had no idea that notes/scales determine how well something sounds. A lot of you may think that that’s obvious, but again, my music knowledge started in 4th grade with a mandatory recorder recital and ended with the 5 colors on the guitar hero guitar. At the most basic level, I learned that scales could be set (C Major, A minor, etc.) and most tools used to create music (a digital audio workstation, or DAW for short) had a setting to allow “helpers” that would highlight keys in any given scale. From there on, I figured out that experimenting and playing randomly sounded better if I followed the scale guidelines.
2. How different chords on a piano/keyboard evoke different emotions depending on what scale you’re in. Major chord happy. Minor chord sad.
3. After talking to my fiancé (a former band geek that played flute!) I also learned that the concept of “chords” did not apply to the flute, so I also realized how different instruments were from one another…
Aside from those few things, I didn’t really look into anything else before attempting to ‘craft’ a song on the Switch.
Immediately, I could tell that the different synth gadgets varied and specialized in different things. The Marseille gadget had some great piano, electric piano, and orchestral instrument presets; the Helsinki gadget was great at ambient/relaxing sounds; the London drum gadget was great at…well…drum sounds and beats! Each of the city inspired gadgets brought something unique to the table. The Switch’s controls were intuitive. Copying and pasting, moving notes, playing tracks vs. just playing scenes was something that I was able to pick up in around 30 minutes without even ‘sniffing’ the user guide. By messing around I actually learned more about notes, half beats, and chord progressions all on my own.
Before I knew it, I had crafted a song that was about 3 minutes long. Deep, ambient intro, catchy simple melody, and the typical ‘lo-fi’ drums set to 79 BPM. I was impressed at how good it sounded. I knew there were things I was messing up, or could probably do better, but I was still proud of it.
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Hopping on to YouTube I found a TON of tutorials covering music theory, lo-fi beat making lessons, “dos and don’ts”, best plugins for DAWs and more. Before long, I invested in an AKAI Professional MPK Mini Play USB MIDI Keyboard controller (hastily, as it seems like the Arturia Minilab might have been a better grab? Lmk), got set up with a subscription to Melodics HQ to learn the basics of playing a keyboard, and installed FL Studio on my computer. After a week of using the Korg Gadget on Switch, I found that FL Studio had a bunch of the same principals in its interface, and I found myself digging in with minimal research into how to use the tool.
By purchasing the Korg Gadgets online, I was able to continue using the same tools I was already familiar with on the Switch inside of FL Studio’s more robust interface.
I was able to recreate the song I made on the Switch in FL Studio. This was a great way to familiarize myself with the tool in an almost step-by-step tutorial I had already made for myself.
After I had gotten a grip with using FL Studio at a basic level, I decided to try mirroring some Lo-fi beat YouTube tutorial videos. To my surprise, I found myself not really liking the final product, even after following the instructor’s guidelines. I don’t think I am a fan of “oh you NEED to do this and this for it to be a good song”. I do think that a basic understanding of music theory is key before even starting, but I don’t know how I feel about new and upcoming musicians following strict rules about how something should sound when it’s literally an art form used for expression and fun.
I was happier with the first song I made just messing around on my Switch than the song I made trying to emulate a Lo-fi beat guided by a professional producer on YouTube… and it got me thinking…I think Giorgio Moroder was right in that one Daft Punk song:
“Once you free your mind about a concept of
Harmony and of music being correct
You can do whatever you want
So nobody told me what to do
And there was no preconception of what to do”
I’m looking forward to learning more – after all, it’s only been a few days!
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designatedtrash · 3 years
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the Lily Evans counterpart to my James Potter art!!!
y’all have no idea how proud i am of this, i literally paused every five minutes geeking over how stunning she looks. the detailing is truly unprecedented for me.
lmk what y’all think!!
like and reblog but pls do not repost!!
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jaehyunhour · 4 years
rules: answer the ten questions, write your own, and tag ten people!
tagged by: @lucas-wongs 🥰
1. would you classify yourself as prep, geek, or jock? why? hmm, i think geek! i don’t really identify with prep or jock to begin with, but i care a lot about school and learning new things and channel my energy into those things! so i guess geek.
2. hogwarts house? slytherin through and through babyyyy.
3. do you believe in astrology? yes! to an extent. 
4. name one good thing that you did or happened to you today. i’ve been working on making one of my friends and i matching nomin stickers/keychains because we haven’t been able to find any we like, and today i finished jaemin’s part! if anyone wants to see it lmk🥺
5. what model phone do you have? white iphone 11!
6. favorite NCT unit (127 / Dream / WayV)? i think 127! i really love them all though, but i feel like a lot of my energy is directed to 127 since i spend the most amount of money on them, watch their videos the most, etc. 
7. first NCT bias and current NCT bias? very first bias in 127: jaehyun, very first bias in dream: chenle, very first bias in wayv: ten. current bias in 127: jaehyun, johnny, mark, current bias in dream: jeno, jaemin, current wayv bias: xiaojun, yangyang.
8. ideal first date location and why? the beach at sunset!! it is so beautiful and romantic, if you take me there i can absolutely guarantee i will fall in love with you.
9. what is something new you’ve been doing because of quarantine? if you haven’t done anything new, then what is one thing you’d like to learn? i’ve been doing a lot of ipad art! i downloaded procreate for $10 and am going wild lol.
10. something you’d like to say to someone but you haven’t told them? hm... i feel like there’s a lot that i have already said to people, but i really want to meet johnny and tell him to his face how proud i am and how much i love him! one day it’ll happen, one day.
i am tagging: @somekid-someplace @dimplyjae @catkastrophe @air-wreckaaa @choipetals and anyone who wants to do it!!
here are my questions for you!
1. what got you into kpop?
2. what is the last picture you saved to your phone?
3. do you have any tattoos? if you don’t, do you want any?
4. do you have any piercings? if you don’t, do you want any?
5. what’s your go-to feel good song (kpop or not)?
6. what’s your favorite OG disney channel (or nickelodeon, or cartoon network) show?
7. if you could meet one person dead or alive who would it be?
8. when you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? do you still want to be that?
9. what’s your favorite scent?
10. what is your most prized possession?
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Just got this Art from @artofwilltorres Will Torres to Donate to Heather for the Wonder Woman Day Charity Auction for a Women's Shelter. If anyone has anything they can donate for this Charity Auction which benefits an INCREDIBLY Important & Great Cause, PLEASEEE comment below, lmk, & I'll put you in touch with Heather (or I can send her whatever you donate & shipping cost can be reimbursed). Also, it doesn't have to be of Wonder Woman, It can LITERALLY be anything from Comic Books to Action Figures, Statues, Artworks (if you're an Artist please draw something to donate) of any size too, Shirts/Accessories, Graded Books, Signed Pieces, Prints, & anything that is Comic Book or Superhero related. PLEASE Find it in your heart to donate something. It doesn't have to be an expensive item, there have been a lot of Dollar books donated, so anything you can donate, PLEASE DO... anything Comic Book related or even just something cool. THIS IS A VERY WORTH CAUSE & CHARITY, SO PLEASE #DonateWhatYouCan #WonderWomanDayCharityAuction #WomensShelter #donate #HelpYourFellowHumanBeing #BeKind #THANKYOU #LoveYa #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #truecollectorshelptruecollectors #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #SupportART #HelpOthers #KeepCalmAndCompassionOn #DoGoodFeelGood #DoGoodLikeSuperman #wonderwoman #igcomicfamily #igcomiccommunity #charity #altruism #igcomiccollection #comicbooknerd #comicstrip #comicbookcollector #dosomethinggood #comicbookgeek #geek #goodpeoplefeelgood #BeKindDonate (at Long Island, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDSfsTNhLZ9/?igshid=1dm1o1hr25b0j
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artcmisz-blog · 7 years
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 hello loves, ‘tis i, admin marls/lisse, here to present you with my soft!son, artemis. please see below for more details & plot ideas for him. like this if you’d like to plot ! 
tw: death, fire
artemis ‘artie’ park is 21 (twenty two in less than a week!)
he’s an only child
deFINITION of a libra
he’s been in stone harbor ever since he was five years old.
his parents are actually his aunt and uncle. his birth parents died in a fire when he was a kid. he doesn’t remember much but he gets bits and pieces from time to time. he has significant trauma from the fire -- mostly in the form of night terrors 
artie started drawing when he was like 6 years old as an outlet for all his angst and frustrations and he was hooked from the start. he branched out to different medias but his favorite has always been sketching. 
it’s been one of the major ways that artie has been able to reach out to others and make friendships -- relying on his craft. 
that being said his parents have been amazing and wonderful -- always trying to look out for his best interests. they know that artie doesn’t like people knowing about what happened to his birth parents so they keep an eye on him but make no references to the tragedy he experienced so early in life
in high school, he was a major art geek -- helping out building sets for everything from homecoming to the drama clubs plays. 
he’s just really fcking soFt okay? always checking in on people, offering a smile or an ear for people’s problems. he has a HUGE heart.
he’d honestly do just about anything for you.
unless you mess with one of his friends and then you can probably go chOKe for all he cares. 
he went to college in jersey for business administration but returned after he graduated in may. artie always comes back home in the summers and this is his first time sticking around in the fall since he was in high school.
artie spends time volunteering and several summers he has spent as a camp counselor in the area. 
he loves kids. 
works at shore tees full-time now, he mostly put drawing and sketching on the shelf but he still pulls out his check book every now and then.
aLSo he is very gay and he discovered this in high school. 
a note on some past connections: 
artie dated rowan and he was pretty much head over heels for him. they recently broke up and it was really hard on artie. he’s finally making strides and moving forward now though.
astrid, mina, cia, and summer are probably the girls he would lay down his life for. (he also lost his virginity to astrid)
minsoo was his high school sweet heart and probably his first serious relationship with someone. he broke it off when he went off to college because a long distance relationship was too much for him to handle. 
another counselor from camp over the summer that recently moved full time to stone harbor. things are different in the fall than they were in the summer time. this connection could go a lot of ways anywhere from super summer besties to a cute crush. (alliteration ftw)
co-workers at shore tees
next door neighbors that have disagreements 
sexual tension ~ they run into each other and the eyes they give each other make people blush at times
fake couple ? possibly ? i think it’d be funny
bad influence
bromance - he’s got lovely lady friends out the wazoo BRING ME SOME BROS ! 
rivals -- sometimes artie being the libra he is just gets jealous at other people in the spotlight. but he’s totally not jealous okay. he just has to do better.
one night stand
best worst date - they went on a date once and it was awful but instead of being upset about it. they had an amazing laugh.
party buddies
i’ve seen you naked awkwardness -- they dated once upon a time and to their credit they really tried to make it work. only it didn’t. and they agreed to be friends but they’re still trying to move past the ‘ive seen you naked’ thing.
confidant - they don’t really talk much but they always end up spilling their guts to each other
and idk let’s just work on the chemistry ! see what works ! lmk if you want to plot 
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