crybyemissamericanpie · 7 months
Puppy love - Felix Catton x Gn!Reader (soft fluff)
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Puppy love - Felix Catton x Gn!Reader (soft fluff)
I have been on a writers block for a while but im slowly climbing out of it so here is this oneshot
TW:Part-nudity,meantion of alcohol
The dim of light flashes onto you,the morning breeze quiet calming as you lean againts the balcony fence staring into the big backyard of the mansion.
"y/n?.."A small raspy voice says behind you making your head turn,your expression immediately softening as it was Felix who called you out,still in bed.
"yes?"A soft smile lingering on your lips,as you walk back to the bed.Felix squinting his eyes trying to get used to the sudden light
When you walked close enough to the side of the bed,he softly and lazily grabbed your hand,with a small groan,his eyes still squinting as he softly drags your hand to the bed
Didnt ask any question,you knew what he wanted.You got back in the bed pulling the blanket over your exposed chest as you turn towards Felix,and he almost immediately snuggles into you,his forehead on your shoulder,arms wrapped around you
You kiss the side of his head as playing with his hair"needy arent we?"You say,maybe a bit sounding mean as it came out
"no"Felix groans quietly,he was like a big baby,needing full attention on him,special attention,your attention. but never admiting it
"no shame"You whisper in his ear but only earn a 'mhm' in response
It was wierd but also lovely to see your boyfriend like this,he rarely ever let out his needy.It felt great that sometimes you could break his shell.
You stop caressing his hair for a second "mmm"Felix lets out against your shoulder
"whats that?"You asks"mm...play with my hair"Felix lifts his head up from you shoulder to speak his face in front of yours,his curls messy.His hazel doe eyes not leaving yours
You cant help but chuckle at his request"its not funny"Felix pouts"yeah..its not funny"You smile at him,and give his lip a small kiss,you could still taste the alcohol from his lips.Then he rests his head on your chest,and you continue to play with his hair.
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supercriminalbean · 2 years
Family Love.
BAU x GN!Reader.
Summary: Your getting married, and your team helps you get ready. When Rossi realizes how stressed you are he offers you some help. Rossi has been your father figure since you joined the team, always looking out for you even agreeing to give you away at your wedding.
Words: 3.5k
A/N: This was originally going to be a Rossi x reader father figure fic, but then kinda just turned into a full BAU x Reader fic. My bad. The reader is gender netural along with the readers partner.
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Most of the team was asleep on the flight back home. The Bau had just wrapped up a child abducting case that had lasted over 3 days. The case had ended badly for the families and the team. Once everyone had bored the jet, they all stayed to themselves. Most of the team had fallen asleep, except Hotch and Rossi and yourself who were all reading quietly. You were sitting on your own, with your notebooks, planners, and wedding magazines covering the table in front of you. Your wedding is approaching extremely fast and your maid of honour is now pressing you to hurry up and make the final decisions. You never could get how planning a wedding could take so long. You really don’t understand why picking a colour scheme is important and why couldn't you just have some basic flowers. Sighing tiredly, as you pick up your coffee, needing some refreshments before you continue. 
“You look like you could do with a distraction” Jumping slightly, looking up to see who broke the silence of the jet. Smiling weakly as you see Rossi sit down across from you.
“I would love one” You reply quietly so as to not disturb anyone. Glancing over you see Hotch is now asleep, his book forgotten on the table where he must have dropped it when he drifted to sleep.
“Wedding planning, ah the memories” He sighs, smirking.
“That right, you had 4 or 5 of those didn't you?” Teasing him.
“Hey hey hey, it was only 3 marriages, 2 proper weddings” Shaking his head at his own answer. “I thought Garcia was in charge of wedding planning?” He asks you, looking down at all the papers.
“Apparently due to the fact Im the one getting married, so she wants me to make the final decisions” You groan softly “I picked her as the maid of honour so I wouldn't have to do anything”
“Hey at least you have all the invitations out, and if everything else fails, you can get married in my backyard, which seems to be the place for weddings” He chuckles warmly, laughing along with him as you start to relax again. 
“We might do that, but I want to get married on a cliff, the sunset will be so pretty, also if anyone annoys me, I can simply, just push” Smirking at him.
“Remind me not to get on your bad side that day” He raised his hands jokingly pretending to surrender.
“Just don't get on my bad side at all Rossi” Rolling your eyes at him, glancing down at one of the magazines.
“So is the cliff pushing, for your partner or your family?”
“My family isn’t coming, the cliff is actually for the guest, anyone turning up in my colour, I will push them off” Picking up one of the wedding theme magazines flicking through it.
“Your family isn’t coming?” Rossi asks, watching you closely with concern.
“Nope, they made it clear they don't want to come, so I didn't bother inviting them, they would just cause drama, My wedding day is only going to be held with my real family” Smiling faintly as you turn the pages, looking at the different types of dresses and suits. You aren’t even bothered that your family isn’t going to be there. You only cared that your team will be there.
“So if they won't be there, who else have you invited, just the team?” He asks softly. Trying not to press you too much about your family, knowing it's a difficult subject.
“Just the team and their plus ones, plus Emily of course, also Ash is inviting their family and a couple close friends, we tried keeping the guess list to under 25”
“Small wedding” Rossi Comments.
“Well we both don't like people so” Smirking, shrugging your shoulders. “I only need the people that care for us to be there” Sighing you look out the window. There are a few things you always wanted in your wedding, that you simply just can’t have this time.
“(Y/N) what's really on your mind?” Rossi's voice breaks you out of your thoughts. Turning his head to the side, his eyes narrowing as he takes you in, reading you easily.
“It's nothing, it's just” Sighing, looking back up at him. “I'm really happy to get married, it's just going to be different than what I had pictured as a kid, instead of my blood family I get a better one” You smile gently, even though you're forcing it. It doesn't mean you're not happy with how things are. You couldn't be more happy, more healthier, now that you are no longer surrounded by a toxic family. “You know Rossi ever since I joined this team, you and Hotch soon became my father figures, I never thanked you for taking me under your wing” You look up at him softly. A small smile full of love playing on your lips.
“This team is our family, you will always be our kid” He smiles tenderly, watching you a little concerned. Rossi has always wanted to protect you, ever since you joined the team 6 years ago. You were 22 when you joined, freshly out of the academy. You managed to fit in perfectly with everyone, but Rossi had quickly become over-protective of you, and throughout the years, you two only grew closer. He always thought of you as his child, the bond you two have is one so similar to a father and Child relationship. It was something you both never knew you needed, until you had built it up with each other.
“Dave, can I ask you something, you can say no if you like” You take a deep calming breath, as you speak quietly.
“You can ask me anything kiddo”
“Would you walk me down the aisle please” Speaking softly as you look up into his eyes. Rossi's face softened, pride and warmth feeling him up, his heart swelling with love.
“I would be honoured to (Y/N)” Smiling, leaning over to take your hand, squeezing it gently.
The few weeks go by quickly and next thing you know it was the morning of your wedding, and gosh, are you nervous wreck with your stomach twisting and turning. You slowly sit up, having barely gotten any sleep last night. Having slept at Penelope's place last night, as you and Ash didn't want to see each other until the wedding. While you're sitting on the couch, your heart pounding away, feeling as if it may explode at any given moment. You hear your phone ding, picking it up to check the text you receive. Smiling softly as you see it's from your lover, Ash. The smile fades quickly as you click it, waiting anxiously as it takes ages to load. You know it wouldn't be anything bad, but that doesn’t stop the negative thoughts from intruding into your mind. Your mind and anxiety easing as you read the messages. 
Ash: Morning my love, can’t wait to see you today I love you.
You: Good Morning baby can’t believe todays the big day Love you See you later. 
Smiling at your phone, placing it down when you see Garcia walks in. 
“Thought I could hear you awake” She smiles softly at you, still looking half asleep. “I can not believe you're getting married today” She walks over to the kitchen, starting to make some coffee.
“Yeah, fuck” Staring at the wall, feeling as if you’re about to be sick. Your hands started sweating, You can’t seem to understand why you’re feeling this way. You love Ash, you two have been together for years, why are you suddenly so nervous? Penelope walks back over carrying coffee, passing you a mug. 
“You look like you need this” She smiles gently, as you take it.
“Thank you, you know I could do with something a little strong” Your laugh comes out a little shaky, sipping your coffee.
“I think it's a little early for that first, but I'm sure once we get to Rossi, he will have enough alcohol to help you out.” She speaks softly. Patting your lap gently, drinking her own coffee. 
“Good, because I can not be this nervous when I'm walking down the aisle” Rubbing your head, trying to calm yourself.
“How long before we need to leave for Rossi’s?” You ask after finishing your coffee.
“We need to be there around 10am, it's only 7am now, we have a little bit of time, we do need to go pick up your suit and a few items so we should leave here just before nine alright” Penelope smiles at you reassuringly. 
“Okay right, and are you sure the boys know what they are supposed to do, and where everything is meant to be set up, are you sure they even want to help, oh gosh I should message them” Your words start rumbling out, reaching out for your phone. You find that Garcia's hand is already grabbing your it, moving it from your reach. 
“(Y/n) try to relax, I was talking to Morgan and Rossi last night, they know exactly what they are supposed to do okay, and the team will be at Rossi place after we get there so then you can stress out at everyone then alright?” Garcia places your phone in her pockets as she speaks calmly. 
“I still don't know how you managed to get all the boys to agree to set up the wedding, you even got Reid on board, and even managed to get Rossi to let us get ready at his place today” Shaking your head lightly, letting out a breath trying to destress.
“Oh no one can say no to me sweets, it's one of my superpowers” You both start to laugh, slowly relaxing. Knowing deep down that when your best friend is in charge everything will be okay.
As you walk into Rossi’s house you can hear music and Laughter coming from the kitchen. You and Garcia walk in, seeing Rossi, Hotch, Morgan, JJ and Emily all standing around the kitchen drinking and talking. 
“Well hello you finally show up” Rossi teases smiling over at you two. 
“Someone had to check a thousand times that we had everything” Garcia laughs walking over hugging Emily tightly before taking the drink Morgan is offering her.
“Hey I was not the bad” Rolling your eyes up at her, hugging Emily after her. “Thanks for coming Ems”
“Like I would ever miss your wedding” Emily smiles, hugging you back tightly. You two pull aways slowly,turning to face the rest of the group.
“Reid and Alex not here?” You ask, taking the drink that Rossi is offering you.
“Not yet, Blake is going to be slightly later, and Reids going to just meet us at the place to set up” Morgan smirks over at you. “Ash was texting me this morning they seems just as nervous as you”
“Pfff I am not nervous” Shaking your head as you sipping your drinks, You feel everyone looking at you, holding back their smirks and laughter.
“You don't even need to be a profiler to see that was a lie” Garcia laughs at you.
“Hey! Yall need to stop picking on the newlywed here” Rolling your eyes laughing along with them.
You excuse yourself after a bit to use the restroom, locking the door behind you. Clenching the sink, looking up at the mirror, your stomach can't seem to stop turning. Due to the fact you have drunk 4 cups of coffee this morning, you don't know why you thought caffeinated drinks would help calm your nerves but, today wasn't a day you could think straight. Splashing some cold water on your face while taking a few deep breaths, once you have regrounded yourself, you walk back out. Only to stop when you see Derek leaning against the wall.
“Oh sorry didn't realise there was a line” Smirking at him.
“There isn't, I just need to talk to you” He sighs softly. Panic starts to fill you immediately at the tone in his voice. 
“Is it Ash you said they were nervous, are they getting cold feet, are they okay?” Your eyes widen watching him closely. Morgan laughs slightly, smiling gently. 
“No nothing like that, they are fine, You both are just nervous for no reason”
“Hey, do not say that, you will jinx something, so many things could go wrong today” You argue softly, relieved that Ash was alright.
“I just wanted to check that you were sure about this, getting married” Morgan watches you, worry in his eyes.
“What? Of course I'm sure about marrying them. I love Ash” You stare at him confused. 
“I just wanted to double check, you know I care about you both, Just don't want to see Ash get hurt, not after their last fiance” 
“I get it, you're worried about them, but Derek you know me, I never want to hurt them, they have been through enough I don't want to cause them more pain.” Smiling reassuringly at him. 
Smiling back at you he shakes his head. “You're right, I'm sorry I'm just a little protective over them.”
“I know you are” Shaking your head laughing at him. “I don't think I ever thanked you for introducing us to each other, I will always owe you for that”
‘Just glad my two friends are finally happy” Smiling as he pulls you into a hug.
The day passes by quickly, the boys all head away to get the wedding set up. As you and the girls sit around having a couple of drinks, doing each other's hair and makeup when Alex turns up. Garcia Works her magic on you, keeping your makeup a natural look, making you want to cry when you see it in the mirror. Your hair and makeup looked amazing, matching so well with your emerald green suit. Your emotions have been all over the place while getting ready. JJ had been quick to reassure you that it was completely normal, and that she started crying when she got into her wedding dress. Everytime you got nervous, and went to ring someone to double check something, one of the girls would grab your phone from you. It's now almost 4pm, and you're meant to leave at 4:30. Your wedding is going to take place just as the sunsets at 5pm.
With everyone seated around on the couch, everything was ready, all you guys had left to do was put your heels on, You were all drinking, you were drinking a bit fast trying to settle your nerves, becoming slightly tipsy. Giggling slightly as Emily asks an important question.
“So (Y/N), what are you wearing underneath your beautiful suit?” She smirks at you. 
“Ems really?” You laugh at her, rolling your eyes, sipping on your champagne. 
“Well it is a important question” JJ adds, giggling at you
“oh come on spill, I also want to know” Garcia smirks, placing her drink down. Rolling your eyes at them you turn to Alex, for some back up. 
“Hey, I can not help you, I mean it's them, come on” Alex laughs while sipping on her drink.
“Fine, I got a light blue lace lingerie, it's got a little bow on it, It's their favourite colour, never fails to turn them on” Giggling feeling a little tipsy as you talk.
“Wow hey hey hey, I did not need to hear that” Rossi walks in from the doorway. Shaking his head, holding his hands up in defence mode. 
“Neither did I, for the record” Reid says grossed out, walking in right behind Rossi. The girls can’t help but end up in fits of laughter, at the boys reactions. Instantly you hide your face amongst the pillows as your face starts to burn. Inside you're just hoping that the couch will swallow you up.
“What are you two doing here anyway?” You ask, when you finally bring your head back up.
“We are your ride remember?” Reid speaks, “plus we wanted to check up see how you all are doing and how the set up here is going” 
“Well everything is set and ready to go” You smile, sliping your shoes on.
You peek around the corner, seeing that everything is set up perfectly, watching everyone getting into their places. Smiling softly as you see Garcia fix up Reid's hair, those two getting the last minute things sorted. Looking over at Ash, you couldn't help the big grin slipping onto your face. They look so nervous, but seem so happy, Morgan was fixing their tie carefully, giving them words of encouragement. 
“Hey (Y/n/n)” Turning round you see Hotch standing there smiling at you, proudly. “How are you feeling, nervous?” 
“Oh extremely, More nervous of the face that I'm most likely going to fall flat on my face due to these heels” You both laugh softly, taking a deep breath. “Were you this nervous when you married Haley?” You ask softly, watching him.
“Oh I was more nervous, I vomited beforehand” He chuckles, trying to lighten up the mood.
“Yeah I'm surprised I haven't yet” You pat your suit down, looking down as you try to straighten everything out.
“You look amazing” Hotch reassures you with a small smile.
“Thanks Aaron, It means alot that you and Jack could make it”You smile up at him slowly, taking calming breaths.
“We would never miss this for the world. You are family, always remember that” He rubs your arm softly, quickly you pull him into a hug, hiding your face in his chest.
“I’ve got you (Y/n)” Aaron speaks softly, wrapping his arms around you. Pulling you close as he kisses the top of your head softly. 
Hotch walks away so he can find his seat next to Jack. Reid standing up front, ready to officiate your wedding. 
“You ready kid?” Rossi asks, coming to stand beside you. Wrapping his arm around you pulling you into a side hug.
“I sure am” Smiling, taking a deep breath, you loop your arm with Rossi. “Can you promise me something, Dave?” You whisper quietly, as you two start to approach everyone.
“What that kiddo?” He looks at you softly, a fatherly look in his eyes.
“Don't let me fall” Smiling softly glancing up at him, worry pure in your eyes.
“Never” He smiles lighty, placing a kiss to the top of your head. Coming to a halt at the top of the aisle.
The music starts playing as everyone turns to look at you. You catch Ash eyes, tears flooding to yours, as you take in how stunning they look standing up there. You can not wait to spend the rest of your life with them, forever. For your family to be even more complete. The walk down seems to take forever, Rossi helping you stay steady on your feet. Finally you reach your Love.
“You may Kiss the —-” Spencer smiles widely, unable to finish his sentence before Ash is reaching forward. Cupping your face as they kiss you passionately, you're unable to help it when you melt into the kiss. Feeling like this is the best kiss in your entire life, everyone around you is cheering and celebrating. You slowly pull away from them looking up at them with pure love.
“I love you Ash” You giggle, biting your lip.
“I love you to my Love” Ash smiles down at you kissing you again softly, only pulling apart hearing people laugh.
After all the photos get taken, including the ones with everyone in your newly extended family. Everyone is starting to head back to Rossi as it starts to get darker. You try to go and help with packing up, as you know there isn't too much to do. So you're happy to help, but Reid and Hotch keep telling you to go and have fun, refusing your help. You don’t listen to them, grabbing some of the lights to put away when Jack and Henry come running over to you. Both of them grabs your hands pulling you towards the ladies, saying they were sent to capture you. You laugh as you let the boys drag you away, once you reach JJ and Emily, they run off towards Will and Rossi. 
The rest of the night goes by beautifully. When everyone gets back to Rossi’s and you have your first dance with Ash. It was a clumsy dance, but it was one of those memories you will never forget. That night you get to dance with everyone in your team, having cute little moments with them all. You're dancing and laughing with Aaron, when the girls pull you away from him. Making you dance with the four girls, all of you laughing as you see Hotch standing there looking playfully hurt, and then shocked when Jack jumps on his back suddenly.
Tonight couldn't have gotten more perfect, you think to yourself looking around. Being surrounded by your chosen family tonight, those who will always love and support you no matter what. That's what a wedding is truly for.
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// 200+ FOLLOWERS!!!
Alright, boys! /gendernetural. Again, as a thank you, I'll be hosting an art raffle for y'all!
-Follow me
That's it! Which, don't follow me just to get art. You can follow my blog to see me art yeah that's fine, just like don't follow me for this post so you can't get free art and then leave. That's pretty shitty, my dudes! Let's all be cool here, aight?
Welp, let's move onto the art details.
What I will draw:
-Canon characters
-Animals/Pokémon (Depending on which)
-Any body type!💚
-Blood/Gore/Body Horror
-Basically anything that isn't on the "what I won't draw" list
What I won't draw:
-Complex designs. I'm super bad at it!
-Detailed backgrounds. Again! I suck at it!
-Robots. ONCE AGAIN I CAN'T DRAW THEM! (Unless it's like Mettaton or something.)
-Anything problematic. That just goes without saying.
What I MIGHT draw:
-Furries. I'm not that great at it??? But I might be able to??? We'd have to talk about it.
-Suggestive. Again it's a bit iffy but depending on how intense it is I might draw it. Please note I'm asexual and demiromantic, thanks.
-Ships. It depends on what it is, really. I'm not great at drawing "love" anyway.
-Food. 50/50 on whether I draw something that looks decent or not.
Here are examples of my art style:
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(Including a lot so you can get a feel for how I draw!)
If you win please specify how you'd like it drawn! (Ex: Normal style; chibi style.) And please... give me details to work off of. Plus a reference! Sent a picture of the character and say something like, "Please draw Billy running from the feds!"
Again!!! Reblog this post and that's it! Or, comment! Either works. Note that winners will be randomized. I'll be spending like an hour putting all your names onto a wheel or something, lol.
Reblogging/commenting multiple times will not get you on the wheel multiple times. Seriously, please don't flood my notifications.
Deadline is... whenever I decide to close it. Prolly when I'm not busy. This post will at least be up for 1-2 days. ^^
(Again tysm y'all for 200!!! Love all of you!)
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My favorite gendernetural term is “everypony”
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duckieluckylove · 2 years
I want to start making Krbk x yn poly content, but I don't want to have to type out Yn over and over again. SO yall are getting a character that is and will stay gendernetural. I won't make them lean to any gender. I also plan to make the react realistically to things and be a bit sassy. Their quirk will be shape-shifting and they will be able to change their appearance completely when ever they want- thus you can put yourself in their shoes. Now other than that they'll have to fight quirkless which I have written before just not on here so don't worry you won't me lame just not op. Also i will not be writing smut for this I also won't rush the romance with it either. Now I'll give yall your character profile.
Yuu Taku
Age- depending on the timeline
Quirk- shape-shifting
- can change their appearance how ever they like BUT they have to have physical, skin to skin, contact to change into another person
A draw back of this quirk is it does nothing for the offensive since they can't copy quirks, if they use their quirk to much they can pass out
To successfully and to reliably shift forms they need to eat a lot to keep up their energy.
Height- whatever they want it to be
Weight- again whatever they want it to be
Gender- depending on form taken
Pronouns - they them for fic purposes
Personality- bold, loud, happy, sassy , not afraid to talk back or stand up for themselves and others
Motivation to become a hero- to help everyone they can in anyway they can
I hope you like the character if you have any questions please comment and ask. I don't really use tumbler all that much so I'm getting used to the formatting but dm me anytime I'll try to get back to you in a timely matter!
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Thank you, girlypop, (I say girlypop in the most gendernetural way physically possible. it's just fun to say) for reblogging my post.
No problem! Epic is like a super niche little fandom and theres so little content for it, so the moment i saw it i just had to :)
~ NEO💜
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nuitthegoddess · 2 years
I have a personal Malleus headcanon 😂 when he wants to date Mc
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• He would reread his old classic romance novels to make sure he properly knows what to do or what to ask them out! He may get some new novels since he knows the old classic romance novels may not up to the new generation. Pfpf
•Of course maybe he would ask Lilia because he maybe nervous about MC. Lilia does the old “Go for it! You may never know unless you do ask.”
• So Malleus goes to MC one day to ask, and he asks. He’s kind of nervous but honestly would not be surprised if Mc does say no— Oh wait. They said yes. He is not big shook but was like “Oh they said yes.”. He’s glad!
•Of course planning where and what time. Malleus keeps in mind. He is excited! Finally his very first date!
•He would show up to MC’s door and hour early, waiting for them patiently for them to get ready!
•When they are out. Malleus does make sure they are comfortable and acts like a gentleman to them. Ofc there some be some flirting and teasing from the dragon man~
•They go to the museum to look at and walk around. Malleus May point out some facts about certain portraits or statues or whatever creative piece that he would remember from books or from Lilia or his grandmother. Interesting facts! Mc may poke fun at him being Mr. Know-it-all pfpf Malleus finds it adorable~
•He may make a come back with more flirting and teasing his darling that makes Mc punching his arm playfully while he is laughing about Mc being adorable PFPF
• They go to dinner, he is enjoying himself talking with Mc about how things are and whatever comes to mind! He is glad Mc is enjoying the dinner. Oop, he is the one that pays before Mc! Mc is like “I wanted to pay for the food!” Malleus be like “I was the one that invited you to go out with me so~” pfpf
•They go to the park, MC seems to be shivering. Malleus would offer them his jacket to keep warm! Gentleman~
•If it starts to rain, he uses his magic to deflect the raining from hitting his darling or himself
•He is having a blast with Mc! He was so glad Mc chose to go out with him when they could have easily rejected him!
•When taking them back to the Ramshackle. He nonchalantly asks if they had a good time. >>;
•They said they really enjoyed being with him and they should out again some time!
•Before they had the a moment, a furry gray creature with flaming ears opens the door and three ghosts interrupted the moment! Like “Why ya standin out here for?!” Gawd dang it!
•Mc does kiss him on the cheek with a happy goodbye.
•Leaving him outside. Malleus seems calm on the outside, the inside he is a very happy dragon prince~
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missfandom24 · 2 years
[14:09] it was a warm afternoon as you were strolling through where dilucs tavern laid, cheerfully waving at those who were working. it was a perfect day to go on a nice dip in the secret nook that you had found in a small cave; it looked like it had been set up beforehand but you thought nothing of it.
“i can’t wait to soak in the water,” you hum to yourself as you had reached the covered entrance (slightly thick leaves cover it). “these new candles will be great as well.”
you set your stuff to the side as the steam of the water had you sighing; reaching to remove any jewellery. you look back as you unlace your slightly lacy lavender spring dress bring your arms together as the dress drops.
your heart drops as you turn quickly to where the water was and there he was; diluc ragnvindr submerged in the water with his arms leaning against the wall. “well don’t stop on my account.”
suddenly it was hot so hot that your legs pressed together and the dress was suffocating. the man I front of you had been teasing you and flirting with you quite confidently which was out of character.
you had no clue that he had found out that you had returned his feelings as well therefore his confidence boost.
“diluc!” you squeaked slowly losing grip on the dress, your breath coming out short. he only tutted before gliding forward, the water nearly exposing him as he reaches where you were at. “how..how did you find out..”
“about this place? well I’ve known for ages,” he raised a brow before looking you up and down. it was then that your grasp on your dress slipped leaving you exposed. “sweet barbatos…”
he eyed you up hungrily causing you to flush but with a sudden braveness, you had approached him and lean down. “diluc…don’t stare at me like that”
“sorry beautiful but your hard to resist,” he said appreciating the view before grasping you and pulling down. it had caught you off guard that you squealed before being submerged and then rising to where your bare chest was touching him. his arms caging you in with no escape.
a hungry look in his eyes ready to devour you within a single second. you make eye-contact with him, his gaze so heavy causing a blush to erupt, his arms tightening, around you allowing now escape.
“diluc..!” you had whimpered bring your hands against his chest, nails scrapping against it leaving red marks.
“you’re going to make me lose my mind!” he grunted before swiftly meeting your lips with such passion that it made up for the clumsiness of it.
he was going to devour you; mentally, psychically and body.
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multifandomwriter56 · 4 years
Decorative Pumpkins
A/N: Day 6 of 31 Days of Halloween
Word Prompt: Pumpkin
Characters: G. Callen
Requested By: @desiredposion​ 
Warnings: language
Word Count: 414
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Callen jumps as something heavy thumps loudly on his desk. "What the-"
"Did you really sleep here all night, G? You have a perfectly good bed at home."
Instead of focusing on the face of the one talking, Callen frowns at the huge, orange object that's in front of his face.
"Y/n, why is there a giant pumpkin on my desk?"
Instead of smacking the man they considered like a brother, Y/n rolls their eyes and picks up the pumpkin. "It's October, G. HQ needs some decorations. You know I love this time of the year."
"Did you ask Hetty if you could?" The look he gets reminds him who he's talking to. "Right, Hetty can't tell you no."
"That's not true, Mr. Jealous." They tease. "Come on, get up and help me."
"Yes. I'm older than you, so you have to listen to me."
"Since when?"
Y/n stops organizing the decorations and looks at him in disbelief. "Since we've met, genius."
"That's not-"
"Children, children."
The two "children" look to their leader, mouths closed.
"Good morning, Hetty."
"Morning, Y/n. I see you finally started decorating. I was getting concerned when there were no pumpkins to greet me at the door on the first."
Y/n smiles while Callen rolls his eyes.
"Just a little behind this year. I don't have help like I usually do."
Callen's eyes widen when they turn to him; both of them clearly unimpressed with him. He throws up his hands, not even trying to put up a fight this year. "Alright, fine! I'll help."
Hetty nods approving before heading to her office.
"You owe me for this." Callen declares as he picks up decorative owls and pumpkins.
"I saved your life last week, we're even."
"Negative! I saved your ass."
"I don't think so." Y/n stops in front of Callen, their tone ending the argument. They smirk when Callen doesn't argue back.
The smirk turns into a genuine smile. "Thanks, G. For helping me."
Callen shrugs his shoulders as he turns on his heel and heads towards the entrance. "I do it every year. Might as well just give in and sleep at my desk so I'll be here early."
"Oh no! You're not blaming your stiff muscles on my, G. Callen."
"I can and I will."
Y/n huffs a laugh as their only family walks away with a grin over his shoulder.
Fine. He can win this time.
Forevers: @beautycinders @desiredposion @theseakrakence @simonsbluee
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mercurymilkshakes · 2 years
I honest feel like Your the only one who writes for Conan. Can I have a maybe Gendernetural reader, Where the reader is injured and he’s worried?
The reader just passes out from their injures and fluff at the end :)
You can always ignore this! Thank you!!
A Familiar Face | Conan Gray
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: conan gray x gn! reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): mentions of cuts and bruises
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: when a day in the park takes a turn and goes from relaxing to troublesome. at least a familiar face can always save the day.
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓(𝐒): reader gets hurt and Conan is worried.
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Travelling in the city always proved to be a hassle. Whether it was the undeniably frustrating traffic of Los Angeles or the crowded pavements of New York City, Y/N always seemed to have at least one day every couple of months that truly seemed against them.
It was a beautiful day out in the Empire City, the air surprisingly fresh considering the state it was normally in. The temperature and weather was a perfect blend of the warm sun pressing softly against their skin but a breeze running through their hair. A smile found it's place at home on Y/N's lips as they peddled along the pavement wavering throughout Cental Park.
Headphones in ear and a small basket on the front of the bicycle that held their bag, a book hidden inside for when they found a nice spot underneath a tree somewhere. People passed by quietly and by the serene looks on their faces, it was obvious that they too were enjoying the lovely weather.
Y/N had been peddling for a while to get a good feel of the brisk breeze. Their legs began to grow tired and it seemed due time to find a spot to sit for a while, but just before they could stop, they heard a quiet meowing from somewhere nearby.
They looked around in the ground, behind a trash bin, and finally up in the trees where they saw a small tabby cat stuck on one of the branches. It seemed to be hurt by the way it kept gnawing at it's paw. Worry overtook them as they began to try and stop the bike, but it seemed they were a second too late as it came to a crashing halt.
Y/N went flying forward, flipping off the bike and dragging on the ground in front of them before finally stopping. At first they didn't even know what had just happened and it hadn't registered that they were no longer riding along the sidewalk and were instead laying on the ground with people rushing to them.
They finally lifted themself up and tried to reassure the worried faces around them, it wasn't till they looked down at their hands and legs that they realised they were covered in nasty wounds. Hands and legs torn, covered in what they knew would soon be bruises. The stinging sensation of unwashed cuts finally start to set in and nausea creeped upon them.
They were so caught up in the overwhelming feeling that they hadn't even realised that a familiar face was now among the crowd.
Conan saw a small group of people clustered around and he decided to take a look, intrigued by what it could be. He wasn't expecting to see Y/N planted on the ground with cuts running along their arms, hands, and legs. He wasted no time to rush to their side and try to get their attention.
"Y/N! Hey, are you okay? What happened?" He felt the eyes of curious people burning into him, but in the moment, nothing mattered more to him than making sure they were alright.
It wasn't long before no recognition or response turned into Y/N being unconscious, laying in his lap as he took his phone out and called for an ambulance just to make sure that when they woke up, they were properly cared for.
And luckily within just a few minutes, the medics pulled up just as Y/N's eyes started to flutter open. Confused by the sight of flashlights and uniformed people surrounding them, but they were guided to slowly sit up. They proceeded to check for a concussion and thankfully found nothing but the cuts they had obtained.
Cleaning them and wrapping them up before letting Y/N hop off the edge of the vehicle. And in what seemed like the worst possible moment, the cute boy that they had gone on a few dates within the last month was standing in front of them, his hands planted on the handles of their bike and their bag slung over his shoulder.
He has a gentle yet excited smile on his face, he hadn't expected the next time they met again to be like this but he couldn't say he was mad. He had been thinking about them all morning and it seemed like fate to find them in the same place he decided to take an adventure to in a place as big as NYC.
"Hey stranger," he spoke jokingly, his smile never faltering.
Warmth grew in Y/N's cheeks as the visibly pinkish colour took to their skin, "On all the days I could have crashed my bike, I just had to get caught, didn't I?"
They both laughed, taking a moment afterwards to share a longing glance. Conan gestured his head behind him, "Come on."
Hesitantly, Y/N started behind him, "Where are we going?"
"Well, we might as well make a date out of this. It only seems right," a sly smirk crept onto his lips.
The only response that felt right in the moment was the giggle that escaped from their mouth as Y/N ran along to take his hand in their's, "I guess wouldn't mind that."
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AHHHH thank you so much for the request like omg 🥺🤚. I seriously never see anything for Conan and I literally love him so much. I'm so glad I could be of any service in filling the lack of writing for him. I hope this suffices for your request! Again thank you so much for requesting 🥺. -♥️
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✎ tags: @demigirl-with-problems
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
I just wrote for the first time in practically a week. Went for a drive with ice coffee, then came home and write I feel so God damn good.
I'm currently writing three fics at the moment. (Actually its alot more than that, but im focusing on these three today). I am so close to finishing them and it makes me happy mainly cos I wrote a Bi Dave like yay. So here's a summary of them cause I'm excited.
David Rossi x Male!Reader. Right person wrong time trope through out thier whole life's until they finially get a proper chance.
Alex Blake x GN!Reader. Given up at birth reader dislikes thier birth mum so what happens when it turns out to be the new team member on thier team.
David Rossi x GN!Reader. Reader is going through a hard time, and Rossi can't stand back and watch any longer.
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unprofessional-bard · 3 years
Kinktober Day 15
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Kinktober Masterlist (TBA)
Day 14 (TBA) • Day 23 • Day 28
Prompt: Masturbation
Pairing: Joel Miller x GenderNetural!Reader
Word Count: 900
Author's Note: I decided to take out the summary and warnings section for anything Kinktober as I don't plan on going outside of the given prompt, I hope that's okay! And I'll catch up with previous days, as well as LMR, I promise!
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Joel Miller isn't a man to masturbate often, because usually he doesn't have a reason to... but ever since you came into the picture, he can't seem to keep his hands off his zipper.
You're older than you look, which adds to your charm somehow, in his eyes. You're easy to speak with, warm and polite– all qualities that he adores.
But he also found you very attractive.
It all started one day, when he sees your body perhaps a little more naked than he should've been allowed to see. Not that he's complaining, of course, because it had taken him months to come to terms with his attraction to you, and since he's accepted it, he takes it back home with him. He practically sprints the way back because if he can't get himself out of his pants, he'll actually die of the agony.
He politely ignores a few people on the way when they want to ask him about something, closes the door behind him when he finally reaches his house and bolts upstairs as quick as he can, then throws himself into the bedroom.
He enters his bathroom and washes his face, suddenly feeling like his younger ages again, but the way you make him feel was simply too hard to ignore– like a church bell ringing right next to his ears.
He also feels a little ashamed, but all of that goes out of the window one by one when he takes a deep breath and focuses his attention to the bulge in his pants. It's becoming a little painful now, so he leans back against the first wall his hand touches and starts rubbing himself through his pants.
A delighted, silent moan escapes his lips at the sensation and he takes his time to undo his belt– he feels himself grow harder as he does and a strand of hair falls in front of his face but he doesn't care, naturally.
With a clink, the belt hits the floor and he unbuttons and unzips his pants, feels the pressure on his erection decrease a little and grabs himself through his briefs.
Fuck... he's not entirely sure if he's said it out loud or not, but it doesn't matter, because a second later he's finally holding the veiny, warm length in his hand, then his head falls back against the wall. The tip is leaking, his face is probably a little red because he could feel the heat on his cheeks– the same way he did on his cock.
He starts rubbing it slowly and god it feels fuckin' heavy. He hasn't felt this way in a long time– hasn't done it in a while, too. It feels slightly overwhelming, so a jolt of excitement shoots up and a shiver runs down his spine at the same time.
He sighs quietly and rubs his length up and down very slowly, gently. He likes building the tension and make it last as long as he could, and after rubbing himself for some time, he starts feeling desperate.
Desperate enough to suddenly shove himself off the wall and take quick steps towards his bed with one purpose in mind: He needs a different kind of friction, something more.
So he bunches his blanket in his hands, rolls it up and–
"Fuck–!" He gasps when he shoves his dick between the softness of the sheets. He imagines it's your waist, then presses it down and shoves his cock until the whole length disappears and groans.
What am I doing?
He can't really hear the end of the sentence in his mind, because he starts moving, and a frustrated grunt escapes him a bit louder than he expects. After thrusting a few times experimentally, the rest comes easily.
He sets a rhythmic pace, enjoys it more than he probably should and growls; he thinks of having you under him like this –on your back or stomach, doesn't matter– and thinks about how your moans would sound, how good he could and would make you feel.
If only you were his.
And his heartbeat becomes faster, his grip tightens, more salt and pepper locks move out from behing his ears to the front of his eyes– which he doesn't notice because his eyes are shut tight and brows are drawn together, jaw switching between being hung open and clenching the faster his pace gets.
"Oh– oh shit," He chokes on his words, realising how the wrong aspect of the whole situation was turning him on even more; which is around the time all shame and care goes out of the window completely.
He starts letting out curt, frequent, loud grunts; sort of animalistic, like a primal, caveman side to him emerges as he thrusts, and thrusts, and thrusts...
Until he moans your name and comes. His voice cracks and he doubles over– whatever control he had over his hips now completely gone as his jerking motion continues with oversensitivity while he collapses forward.
"Christ..." He groans and breathes heavily, his forehead against the bed, and his mood turns slightly sour when he feels the stickiness of his seed against the sheets: "Shit."
It takes him a moment to get back on his feet, he's a little bummed because he has to clean and change the sheets (possibly the blanket as well), but it was worth it.
With you? Everything's worth it.
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🌑 Moondrop x Child! Reader HCS: 🌑
I’m a sucker for Moondrop right now, and this came into my mind. I personally see Moon acting a lot more nicer towards small children who can't fall asleep. So here's some fluff.
Reader is a small child and gendernetural in this. ---------------------------------
It was late at night and way, way past your bedtime by now.
You weren’t sure what time it was, nor how long you’ve been awake for. All you knew is that you couldn’t manage to fall asleep.
This doesn’t go unnoticed by Moon of course who caught eye while wandering around the daycare late at night.
He would creep up on you, naughty children must be punished after all..
Him creeping made you more frightened and start to tear up.
‘’Naughty, naughty it's past your bedtime…. Bad children must be punished’’.
Scared it was the end for you, you started to cry.
He took notice of this of course and seemed to freeze, as if he was scanning over you.
You’d apologise to him ‘’I-I’m sorry mister I didn’t mean to.. I just can’t fall asleep..’’
Hearing how you said you couldn’t sleep, he would soften up. ‘’Can’t sleep?’’
You would nod at his words, wiping your tears away as you covered your head, fearing the worst from him.
After nodding at his question, he’d become more gentle with you, apologising for how he acted towards you, before scooping your small figure into his arms. You couldn't bring yourself to look at him though since you were too frightened.
‘’Don’t worry, I’ll help you’’ He would reassure your now very frightened self, moving himself to a different part of the room as he grabbed a blanket.
Once he did, he would sit down, laying you in his lap as he placed the blanket around your still fairly shaken up figure.
He considered reading you a story, but you looked too upset for that right now. So he tried something else..
He would gently rock you, reassuring you’d be alright and he’d take care of you.
That managed to comfort you as you started to calm down from his words and began to slowly get more drowsy.
It would take some time before you did fall asleep, but he had patience since he’s dealt with children like this in the past.
When you did fall asleep, he would watch over you to make sure you slept soundly.
He knew he had a job to do, making sure no intruders would get in, but he wanted to make sure you would be okay.
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h2bakugou · 3 years
Can I have bakugo x reader who acts a lot like kenma? You can do gendernetural!
Please hydrate!
a/n: of course!! i do be using the wiki to find out his personality cuz half the time i forget, i haven't seen haikyuu in a minute, i might rewatch the first two seasons-
summary: quiet, composed, analytical. the three words most students in your class use to describe you. despite your reserved nature and awkward aura, bakugou decides to approach you.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
word count: 2.5k
;cut for length;
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It’s a cool autumn day, the cool wind rustling the bright-colored leaves on the trees. With the air getting much colder, it was time to break out your winter costumes when it came to training.
You stood by yourself like usual, listening to instructions. Of course, the exercise today was grouping you in pairs. And despite being possible acquaintances with at least half of your peers, you didn’t really consider them friends.
It wasn’t because you hated them, you were reserved, quiet, and rarely showed any emotions, often having others perceive you as cold and hard to read.
“It’s just a simple team-building skills exercise. You’ll most likely have several occasions in the field where you’re working together with other heroes and agencies, especially on bigger cases. Your pairs have already been chosen for you so when your names are called find your partner.” Aizawa’s look hadn’t changed at all. In fact, you almost wondered if his outfit had changed during the summer or not.
But it seemed like what he wore during the hottest days of June or July was currently fitted on him now. 
Name after name was called, slowly dwindling down the remaining students that could be paired.
“Kirishima, (Y/n).” It wasn’t that much of a surprise to you when you heard your name. Kirishima meandered over to you, shooting you a sharp-teethed smile before glancing back at Kaminari and Sero, who had been paired together.
“Bakugou, Todoroki.” That was a pair you certainly hadn’t expected. Watching as Bakugou’s eye seemed to twitch he teamed up with the half-and-half boy, not very thrilled to do this exercise with him.
The training was fairly simple, you were to rescue a training dummy from a random hazard under thirty minutes.
In your case, your dummy was trapped in a sinking car.
You hadn’t expected to get wet today, and even if your quirk allowed you some help under the water, it was still going to be cold. It didn’t help that Kirishima kept asking you questions.
You were thinking of a strategy as you rushed to the scene. 
“I think the best plan is to try and get the car out of the water.” 
No that is a stupid plan. You can’t lift the car, with water inside of it you’d just sink to the bottom.
You didn’t have a solid plan, but you could finish fairly early if you could break the window and retrieve the dummy.
Using this plan, you’d need Kirishima to harden and break the window.
After reviewing the area where the car had begun to sink, you could feel the cameras on you, your entire class observing you. It was uncomfortable, you frankly wished you’d been paired with someone like Mineta so your fight would hopefully be uninteresting to those who despised the purple-’haired’ boy.
“Harden and break the window when we get to the car. Trying to save the car is just going to slow us down.” You spoke plainly, kicking off your shoes as you stared at the strikingly blue water.
“Break the window, got it!” Kirishima was ready. Jumping into the cold water, you fought the urge to swim back out. Pushing on, you swam to the car, hoping you’d be able to hold your breath long enough to get the dummy out.
Kirishima swam beside you and quickly hardened part of his body, noticing how much harder it was to move underwater.
After a few attempts, the glass hadn’t budged. You needed air. Swimming back up, your heads popped up above the water.
“We need momentum.” Kirishima wasn’t getting anywhere. 
“Use your feet on the window behind the driver's side. I’ll swim through and get the dummy.” You ducked back under, sucking in a breath to keep with you. Kirishima came back down, finding that hardening allowed him to sink faster.
Using your advice, he hardened his feet and lower calves, kicking through the hard glass of the window behind the driver’s side. You kicked out any remaining glass and swam through, quickly navigating for the seatbelt buckle.
It was hard to see, the water made things blurry, but after some searching you found it. 
The dummy was heavy, but with enough force, you were able to pull it out of the seat and bring it into the back seat, handing it off to Kirishima. 
However, as you were preparing to swim through the broken window, your foot got caught in a seatbelt. From the thrashing and moving trying to maneuver the dummy, your legs had gotten tangled.
Yanking your legs did nothing and you were running out of air. Kirishima had taken the dummy back to shore only to realize you hadn’t popped back above water.
Quickly diving back in, he was lucky to find you still moving.
Squeezing through the window, he helped free you from the seatbelts, cutting them free from your legs before helping you back above the water.
Gasping for air, you choked on water that spewed from your mouth and nose, completely unaware of just how long you'd been down there for.
“That was a good plan, next time don’t get stuck!” Kirishima’s cheery voice guided you back to reality as you swam back to shore, resting as soon as your body no longer had to float to hold itself up.
Training was over for you and Kirishima, and you’d passed with three minutes to spare. You were handed a towel and escorted to change out of your wet costume.
However, you had to return after changing into the regular training uniform.
That’s when Bakugou approached you.
“How’d you think of that plan so fast?” Bakugou’s question doesn’t seem like much of a question at all. He’d gone before you so he was done with training as well. You didn’t respond at first, opting to try and seem as invisible as possible, hoping that maybe he was talking to Momo who was within an earshot of your conversation.
“It just made sense.” Was all you could conjure up to say, proceeding to move away from Bakugou after answering. However, Bakugou wasn’t pleased with this. He then decided to follow you around like a lost puppy, trying to catch up with you every time you migrated away from him.
“What’s your deal?” Bakugou finally cornered you away from the class, pushing your back against a wall.
“Please stop following me.” You didn’t want to look the blonde in the eyes. Your heart was beating faster than before. This was such a vulnerable position. You couldn’t place your finger on what it was exactly you were feeling, but the thumping of your heart was starting to hurt your head.
“Tch, dumbass.” Bakugou grumbled, his cheeks pink as he walked away, folding his arms over his chest. You didn’t mind standing still for a bit, no one could see you, but you feared you’d get into trouble which would only cause a scene. You slowly added yourself to the back of the class, opting to pay minimal attention to the lesson.
A week later, a similar scenario happened. Bakugou cornered you in the library while you played a hand-held console during lunch. You chose to eat quietly somewhere else and spend the remainder of your time in the library, safe from the noisy cafeteria.
However this time, Bakugou didn’t say anything to you. He took a seat in front of you. He debated on saying a few things to you, but it appeared that as long as he was quiet, you seemed unbothered.
Though you would occasionally catch him staring at you, which caused him to grumble something under his breath.
And then there was the day where he showed up with some sort of snack.
You can’t eat in here.
“I didn’t see you eat lunch. Eat dumbass.” Bakugou passed you the snack bar. You stared at it. 
Is this some sort of peace offering? If so, why in the one place where food isn’t allowed.
You left the snack bar in its spot for the remainder of your time in the library, only reaching for it when it was time to go. Bakugou glared at you as you opened it as soon as you got outside of the library, only to watch you nibble on the bar before throwing it away, conveniently by the sign that says ‘no food or drink in the library.’
This wouldn’t be the last sort of ‘offering’ Bakugou would give to you. You seemed to tolerate him as long as he was quiet, and he was determined to find out why. Which is why he eventually asked to study in your room.
When he walked in, he was surprised to see how different your room looked.
He half expected it to look as normal as possible, similar to Ojiro’s room.
However, your room was decorated to your liking, with a poster or two on the walls, a comfy-looking blanket draped over your bed, a desk, a tv, and other various decorations.
“Why are you so quiet?” Was the first of many questions Bakugou had to ask you during your study session which you had reluctantly said yes to since he’d asked you during breakfast around other students.
It felt weird to be sitting with him privately in your dorm. Your heart was beating fast again and it was weird. You hadn’t been able to get Bakugou out of your head since he had started all these surprise visits.
“Not much to say.” You replied simply, working on your homework swiftly.
“There’s gotta be something you like, you’re not that fuckin’ boring are you?” Bakugou’s words were harsh, but they weren’t meant to be mean.
“I like video games. But you do not.” You lifted your gaze to meet his, his lips parted in awe.
“I do too play fuckin’ games.” Bakugou stood his ground.
“What games do you have?” This was the first question you’d ever asked Bakugou.
“C-cooking Mama.” Bakugou hung his head in defeat.
“They have multiplayer challenges, correct? We could play together after we finish.” You weren’t at all judgmental of his seemingly childish game choice, but it seemed that you had a copy of the game as well.
After work, you sat on your bed alongside Bakugou and the two of you competed against one another in cooking challenges. You won most of them considering you’d completed the game in its entirety and knew the in and out’s of doing the most with your time, how to get perfect dishes, etc.
You decided to let Bakugou win a few times, but it was almost as if he could tell you were letting him win. 
Throwing down his console softly onto your bed, he forced your back against the mattress as he hovered over you.
“Stop going easy on me!’ Bakugou semi-shouted. You stared up at him with a seemingly blank expression, but the heat that burned your face was clear to you. 
Bakugou’s warm features, albeit a bit brash and rough, were gorgeous to look at. His tough crimson eyes and his explosive blonde locks, you were almost sure this feeling you were having was one of affection, not that you knew anything about it though.
Let alone how to act on those feelings. And you had observed that Bakugou struggled to be upfront with his feelings too.
Staring down at you was mind-blowing to Bakugou. He could see your face so clearly, your eyes were wide and full of some sort of emotion even though you acted as if you were simply just observing what was happening.
His eyes couldn’t stand to stare at just your eyes though. They travelled all over your face, finding little details to look at before they found your lips.
An unknown force pulled him closer to you, his lips landing on yours. Moving against them softly, he kissed you. Your eyes widened ever so slightly as you felt his lips on yours.
You couldn’t move. It was electrifying. Yet you were slightly confused.
You didn’t know how to move your lips against his, though you gave it your best effort, now you felt embarrassed as he pulled away staring at you.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve asked if you-”
“I don’t know how to kiss.” You cut him off, explaining that it wasn’t that you didn’t want to kiss him, but because you didn’t know how too.
Bakugou’s eyes widened as he stared at you. Almost as if he found your statement horrifying. But he began to grin, trying not to laugh.
“If you’re going to laugh about it you can leave.” You knew you shouldn’t have said anything. Bakugou’s serious expression returned.
“Just follow my lead, it’s not rocket science.” Bakugou grumbled, leaning back down to kiss you. You did as he said, closing your eyes, trying to follow what his lips were doing.
You began to move your lips against his, trying to mimic what he was doing, until he swiped his tongue along your bottom lip which drew an embarrassing mewl from you. Pulling away, Bakugou couldn’t help but chuckle at you.
“You- what was...” You were in the middle of catching your breath and trying to ask what he had just done.
“Let’s continue our lesson.”
After half an hour of more kissing, you were completely exhausted. You’d tried to keep up with Bakugou, but every time he felt that you were getting cocky he’d pull some trick, like licking your lower lip. He also ran his hands into yours and raised them above your head, all while his lips attacked yours.
You were in some sort of haze after, completely astonished from it. But one thing was on your mind.
“Are you my boyfriend now?” You asked quietly. Bakugou’s face began to turn red.
“Yeah sure.” Bakugou stared at you for a few seconds as you packed up your things.
You were hard to describe. His peers had labeled you as quiet, composed, and analytical, and while those were true, you were also clearly intelligent along with cute.
Watching you get flustered was adorable, and he couldn’t place a finger on why. Perhaps it was just your innocence or being confused on how to kiss someone, but regardless of the fact, you were dating now.
Keeping it under wraps was easy. Bakugou spent more time with you alone, away from everyone where he learned more about you.
“I have a hard time making friends.” You expressed in his arms. Explaining to Bakugou about why you were quiet, or always by yourself, he began to learn more about you just by listening to you.
But no matter how strange you seemed to make yourself sound, he couldn’t think that it was quite the opposite.
You said you were awkward and dull? You weren’t. You were pleasant to be around, always calming Bakugou down. And you were so nice to look at you, Bakugou honestly thought you were some sort of beautiful angel.
Pulling you in for one more kiss, Bakugou held you in his arms, interrupting your story-telling. You kissed back almost instantly, now educated in the art of kissing someone back.
Pulling away, Bakugou gave you a small smile to continue. You nuzzled into him, resting your head on his chest as you continued to talk about little things.
You’d found someone who understood you, even if you had to explain it to him along the way. You’d also found someone to play cooking mama with.
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backseatloversz · 2 years
i love you reverse bear trap i love you costume designer for david and adam and amanda and daniel saw i love you sleepy tired miserable young guys(gendernetural) i love you evil pig woman i love you big wide scared eyes i love you james wan directing i love you bluegreenyellow movies
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mcrcuryai · 3 years
haikyuu dating head-canons
(gendernetural + my opinions)
semi-long thread
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Suna Rintarou
I also see lots of head-canons of him cheating, playing people, etc as well. Though I feel as he is more closed off so he takes a while to open up, but once he does he shows endless affection to them.
He calls his significant other in the middle of the night asking to go to the store with him, or on a late night drive.
Since Suna isn’t really expressive, he’ll show his affection either physically or materialistically.
Him and his significant other make snarky remarks to each other on Twitter. It just makes sense.
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Atsumu Miya
Atsumu and his significant other are almost polar opposites. I don’t think he could handle his personality on somebody else.
Atsumu is very clingy. He wants to be his significant other’s side at all times, and if he isnt they’re either texting, or he’s talking about them. like nonstop.
They sometimes get into petty arguments thst Atsumu started. It takes Atsumu a minute to finally realize what he did, but when he does realize his apologies are the best.
His significant other has to, and I mean has to wear his extra jersey to all of his games.
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Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Tanaka is a complete sweetheart to his significant other. Giving them everything they ever wanted.
Tanaka doesn’t like anybody looking at his partner for too long, eventually he’s gonna say or do something to let the person know his partner is off limits.
Tanaka’s partner needs to wear his extra jersey to every game. They also need to be at every game. He calls them his ‘goodluck charm’.
He compliments them everyday, whether he’s seen them or not. That also just makes sense
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
Tendou and Ushi’s partner make fun of Ushijima together. Ushijima likes it because his bestfriend and partner get along.
Since he isn’t good with words of affirmation, he shows his love materialistically, hoping that his partner understands.
Every time his partner shows up to a game he says ‘you didn’t have to come’, but is secretly happy that somebody came to watch him.
Him and his partner harass Oikawa about not going to Shiratorizawa. His partner does it just for the laughs.
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Kenma Kozume
Kenma isn’t very affectionate, and doesn’t respond well to affectionate. So when he does show it or respond to it, his partner tells him that their proud he’s growing.
They throw hella shade about each other on their Twitter accounts. Finding it funny how their followers go hate on the other account.
Kenma feels like he can be real self without being judged with his partner. Speaking his mind and showing some emotion with another person that isnt his team or Hinata.
Kenma and his partner are equally good at video games which keeps him entertained since he isn’t always winning. They have game nights every Friday.
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