#general fiasco
thecruellestmonth · 4 months
We love Bruce's tragic ignorance of Sheila's role in Jason's death.
We love Jason never telling another soul what Sheila did, because he loves her, because he's grateful she showed him compassion as soon as it didn't cost her anything, because nobody needs to know.
We need to go further.
Jason's last act as Robin got an innocent woman killed. His own mother, a doctor who should've lived many more years making the world a better place.
Poor Doctor Haywood might've survived being forced to work for the Joker, but Jason dragged her into a dangerous confrontation instead.
It's obvious what happened: Jason was trying to show off. He wanted to impress his mother by revealing himself as Robin and taking down the Joker. Treating everything like a game, never considering the consequences.
And despite losing everything to his recklessness, Sheila still used her dying breath to praise him. It's a tragedy that such a sweet woman dedicated her life to caring for others, but her own son doomed her with his carelessness.
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quietly-sleeping · 4 months
Shen Qingqiu wanted to kill one of his fellow Peak Lords. 
At least, that was what the rumors swirling around Cang Qiong said. The disciples couldn’t seem to agree on who the Qing Jing Peak Lord wanted to kill; just that he had sent his disciples out with an order to retrieve. 
Shang Qinghua was the first of the Peak Lords to hear the rumors, his disciples had gotten more chatty than usual, the typical workload for anyone on the peak not leaving much energy to do much of anything. Other than gossip, as it turns out.
“Shizun,” His poor, overworked Head Disciple spoke up while they were sorting out yet another tower of papers into only mildly less intimidating stacks. “This disciple was wondering, has Shen-shibo said anything…worrying lately?” 
“In what way, Wu Xiaoli?” Shang Qinghua didn’t stop his work, he really couldn’t, he barely had any time at all to himself after working to the bone every day, if he stopped at all he’d have to forgo sleep to get it all done. “In a murderous way?” Wu Xiaoli was hesitant as she said this, her hands barely slowing as well, what a good disciple. 
“Your Shen-shibo is almost always like that, is something specific supposed to be happening?” Shang Qinghua glanced over at her, her prolonged silence stretching for a moment more before she spoke again. “In the way that most of Cang Qiong believes he is trying to capture and then kill one of his martial siblings.” Wu Xiaoli let that sit in the air for a moment before adding, “It should be fine, right Shizun?” 
Shang Qinghua really regretted being reborn. “Yes, you could say that Wu Xiaoli.” He felt faint. The paperwork, just the thought of the paperwork a murder like that would spawn nearly sent Shang Qinghua into a panic attack, nausea starting to build in his throat already. 
Which would lead to a visit from Mu-shidi, who while nice, was still trying to drug him with anxiety meds that Shang Qinghua did not need, thank you very much. He could feel Wu Xiaoli staring at him as he pondered how viable throwing himself off the mountain would be for knocking him unconscious, very viable, with only a mild threat of death, before she looked out the window and jolted. 
“Forgive this disciple, Shizun, Tan-shijie requested a meeting about the salary allotted for building a new garden on Qiong Ding.” Wu Xiaoli hurriedly sorted the last few papers in her hands before standing and nervously brushing at her yellow robes. 
“Don’t get scammed too badly this time.” Shang Qinghua said around the lump in his throat as he fished another very late work order for Bai Zhan, thank you Liu-shidi. Wu Xiaoli pouted for a moment, looking ten years old rather than nineteen before turning on her heel and marching out the door. “This disciple will try her best, Shizun!” She called out behind her.
Shang Qinghua did not hold back on the panicked sobs of dread now that his disciple was gone. He was more open with his sobbing response to issues when she was younger, but that led to a good year or so when Mu-shidi was very blatant in drugging his food and tea with anxiety meds. 
The despondent Peak Lord angled himself so any tears wouldn’t hit the delicate paper covered in ink. He may have to appear red and puffy later, but by the gods that had forsaken him, he would not ruin his paperwork.
Qi Qingqi was the next to hear about the rumors. Her usually on-top-of-things Head Disciple, Shi Fa, was distracted by the adorable new addition to their Peak, little Liu Mingyan. The four-year-old giving the poor girl a run for her money. 
It was amusing, but it did prove that perhaps Shi Fa wouldn’t be a great fit for Peak Lord. Which was an utter shame, the girl was perfect in every other aspect, Qi Qingqi mused on the issue for a moment before nodding to herself, a Hall Master then. 
They’d do better only interacting with the students in a more detached manner, still there to advise or support the Peak Lord’s decisions. Qi Qingqi looked back down at the report that had made its way onto her desk, the handwriting hurried with ink blotches and missed strokes. 
Shi Fa had heard the rumor while attempting to track down Liu Mingyan on Bai Zhan and extract her from the feral child colony that populated the Peak. One of the eldest of the feral children had been hired by a disciple of Qing Jing, needing their help since they had left the sect more often and to varied places. 
Shi Fa had located Liu Mingyan and managed to contain the delightful ball of fury while gathering more information, Shen Qingqiu had ordered a fetch mission on a martial sibling. None of the Qing Jing disciples actually fessed up to which martial sibling it was, but Qi Qingqi was certain it was not one of the Peak Lords. 
Since a murder had not happened during the last Peak Lord meeting, and Shen Qingqiu had been no more nasty than usual. The true question was, out of the martial siblings wandering the world, which had managed to offend Shen Qinqiu so deeply while having not stepped foot into Cang Qiong in roughly ten years at this point? 
Truly, what an amusing situation, Qi Qingqi could barely keep herself from giggling like a young maiden at the possible reasons this whole situation played out. Her darling wife would suggest something along the lines of a romantic falling out, which Qi Qingqi would normally agree with, as her wife was always right, but it was Shen Qingqiu they were talking about. 
Honestly, the man wouldn’t know romance if it bit him in the ass. 
Shen Qingqiu heard the rumors and felt deep distaste for his gossiping martial siblings. They must be the ones to fuel this, the rumors wouldn’t have spiraled out of such control that they suggested he was hunting down a romantic partner that had scorned him. 
Truly, the imagination in his disciples was utilized in everything other than their studies. He’d be much more comfortable in sending his disciples out into the world if he didn’t have to read multiple poems about bamboo after every assignment. 
Other plants existed on Qing Jing, they had gardens, and they didn’t have to write about Qing Jing specifically. He could only read so many synonyms of the color green before he began to feel a deep frustration at the mere mention of poetry. 
However, there had been progress, of a kind. Sightings of his wayward shidi were documented in various areas along the border between the Human and Demon realms. Shen Qingqiu was reluctant to mark them as true sightings, at least the sightings given to him by his disciples. 
His network of spies, at the very least, gave more reliable sightings. He’s thrown out so many reports in the last year of a tall man with dark hair and some sort of pet. They fit the most basic description of his shidi but lacked any truly distinctive markers. 
It was infuriating. Shen Qingqiu knew that his shidi wasn’t hiding on purpose at least not anymore, his shidi probably wasn’t even aware he had forgotten about their meeting. A broken promise, Shen Qingqiu seethed. 
The only thing keeping Shen Qingqiu from actually ordering his spies to hunt his stupid, airheaded shidi down was that it would freak the man out, drive him into actually hiding himself. It had happened before, roughly around the time of the Qing’s ascension. The previous Ling You Peak Lord had ordered a manhunt of their youngest shidi. 
The forgetful man had hidden so deeply that the previous Peak Lords were half certain he’d died in some remote hidden realm. Of course, anytime Shen Qingqiu felt like vanishing for a while, he was always dragged back. 
If this continued for much longer, Shen Qingqiu might have to, with deep disgust, call in the brute to track down his shidi. Shen Qingqiu shuffled through the papers stacked neatly on top of his desk, however, other measures could be implemented before he had to rely on the brute. 
He paused, long fingers tapping on the paper he was holding as he hummed thoughtfully. This could do. Qi Qingqi certainly had contacts of her own, even the sniveling rodent of An Ding had his channels. A polite request for tea from his shimei was certainly unexpected, ah her wife must be coming along. 
Shen Qingqiu felt the corner of his lips twitch slightly, for a woman of such brutal background, Qi-shimei’s wife was such a stickler for formalities. 
Yue Qingyuan, despite the pains he went to keep an ear and eye on his Xiao Jiu, couldn’t keep track of everything the strategist did. So when Wei-shidi mumbled over his cup of tea about a manhunt, Yue Qingyuan felt a deep twist in his gut. 
He knew that Xiao Jiu had his reasons, but his Xiao Jiu had grown even more reticent since the ascension, but that had never stopped Yue Qingyuan. Wei-shidi had fled quickly, muttering about checking on a volatile sword, but the sect leader barely heard him, just nodding with a small polite smile. 
Blankly he stared at the wall for a moment, lost, before he called out. “Tan Liu?” Soft steps walked towards the office, “Yes, Shizun?” Tan Liu was the oldest of the Head Disciples and her command over her shidi and shimei made Yuq Qingyuan certain she knew about what was going on. 
“What is this about a manhunt?” He asked, his thumb rubbing along the teacup. Tan Liu hesitated for the barest moment before she straightened, “Shen-shishu issued a retrieval order for a martial sibling of the Qing generation. The general description has made its way to this disciple's ears, but not the name. I apologize.” 
Yue Qingyuan hummed for a moment, gently setting his teacup down on the low table. Tan Liu scuffed her feet gently on the wooden boards before speaking up again, “This one knows she should have reported this earlier to Shizun, however, this one felt she didn’t have enough information or evidence.” Yue Qingyuan glanced over at her with a small smile, “This master understands, the description?” 
Tan Liu relaxed slightly, before reciting the short description she had made sure to memorize. “A taller man of slight build, favors lighter colors such as white and pale blues and greens, wears a simple hairstyle, typically braided, dark green eyes, with a slightly crooked nose.” Tan Liu paused a moment before continuing, “Likely to be spotted with a creature of some sort, the creature will be tame, likely rare. Will take requests regardless of reward or how simple the request may be.” 
Yue Qingyuan closed his eyes as his Head Disciple’s voice tapered out. He knew exactly who his Xiao Jiu was hunting. The man was difficult to pin down, even harder to keep in one place, the only person who had succeeded before was the man’s own Shizun, who had defaulted to tracking talismans. 
“Good. Thank you, Tan Liu.” Yue Qingyuan didn’t look over at the woman as he waved his hand. They both had paperwork to return to, and she didn’t need to be standing around waiting for him to come to a decision. He heard her soft footfalls as she left the room, the door shutting behind her. 
Yue Qingyuan sat in silence for a long moment, a deep exhaustion beginning to form deep within his eyes, Xiao Jiu was certainly hunting someone. Their youngest shidi in fact, someone they hadn’t managed to track down before their ascension, his courtesy name still sealed within a final letter from the Previous Ling You Peak Lord. 
It had been ten years, perhaps the man had slipped out of hiding, his guard falling enough for them to herd him back to the sect. If Xiao Jiu didn’t bring this up at the Peak Lord Meeting next week, Yue Qingyuan would, if only to bring their shidi and shimei into the hunt. 
Shen Yuan, the missing Ling You Peak Lord, and the youngest shidi of the Qing generation. He was still out there, at the very least, Shen Qingqiu believed he was, which knowing the man, was probably as good of evidence as Yue Qingyuan would get. A soft sigh left his mouth before he stood, his paperwork was still waiting for him, and if he was going to be ascending another Peak Lord soon, he’d need his schedule as free as possible to plan a ceremony. 
part two
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clowningaroundmars · 3 months
listening to rakim and the pharcyde rn and just thinking it's actually kinda weird that more ppl haven't pointed out how much miles' taste in music affects his life and viewpoint in general
and how being raised by his uncle who's into more old school stuff on earth-42 would affect him and his development
i'm imagining 42 actually clowning 1610 for listening to post malone while placing a labcabincalifornia vinyl on his record player while they chill in his room one day lol
42's tastes would probably be more varied and just... like more developed in general bc he has a man who was more than likely a Part Of The Culture helping to raise him. aaron was out on the streets of brooklyn as a kid most likely swapping diy mixtapes and buying local rap cd's with his allowance/summer job money (assuming he was born like around 1978-1980, then he was most likely on the streets in the mid 90's during the Golden Age of Hip Hop).
not to mention that for aaron to even Do What He Does as the prowler, he is still out on the streets til this day, shooting the shit with fellow neighbors and shaking hands with black market merchants. he's dapping up store owners and trying to get on local gang leaders' good sides for intel. he's making connections! he is most def still swapping music recommendations with ppl in the hood and ordering vinyls online if he can't get his hands on them in physical brick-and-mortar stores
and music seems to be a super important thing to a man like aaron. that would definitely influence miles. interesting that i haven't seen more posts mentioning that actually!
#mine#miles g morales#aaron davis#miles morales#spiderverse#New York by rakim started playing while i was writing this too lol#but anyways#aaron stepping in all Cultured and shit#most likely growing up around elders when HE was a kid just knowing abt the black panthers#and the general revolutionary spark in the air that him+his neighbors lived with for a while#hearing stories of little rap cyphers being performed up and down brooklyn streets. maybe watchin some of them?#political raps and songs and anecdotes flying around the streets#and then eventually in the hallways of his and jeff's school#growing up listening to krs one. common. rakim. lupe fiasco. nwa#yanno what i mean?#the streets of nyc were Woke yall. lots of black ppl in the hoods were radicalized af#so i imagine it would be quite! important! for aaron to pass that culture and wisdom down to his nephew#and since he's obviously spending more time with miles in 42 as opposed to 1610 aaron with miles#42 would be Much More Influenced by him#yall pickin up what im putting down? 👀#anyways completely unrelated but do you guys think miles g and hobie would get along way better than most ppl would think? :)#IM JUST SAYING#aaron and miles42 are confirmed to be vigilantes on e42 instead of villains#and i think its bc the writers of spiderverse took into account what a spiderman-less earth would look like#but more than that. what a spiderman-less PROWLER would look like#now that the prowler isnt being thwarted by a dude in a spandex costume all the time#and we KNOW aaron is not a bad man. he never had a choice in his circumstances and he loved miles so so so much#so considering all that.... goddamn yall you know what?#we might get to see a Woke Ass Miles in btsv maybe. hm!#a more mature miles. a miles that 1610 could quite.... possibly even.... yearn to be....? 👁 👁
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redlenai · 10 months
One thing I've noticed while playing the Sims 2 in storymode.
Is that with any other Sim I never get back from work earlier if they get demoted or fired, yet I only see this happening to Mary-Sue Pleasant
Considering you can actually play the household in a specific order to build the story, imagine if by following this, Mary-Sue began to suspect Ned Fulmer Daniel since the fiasco at Cassandra's house.
Mary-Sue witnessed that Dina, Nina and Kaylynn were involved with Don, who ran away from the wedding. She couldn't get out of her head that Kaylynn, her maid, was involved with an engaged man.
Her gut telling her something is wrong is what makes her either get demoted or fired from her work since she can't focus at all, with a heartbroken best friend, the maid involved in the drama with taken men, she confirms her suspictions when she comes back and caughts Daniel in the act.
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top-lil · 2 years
I think the best explanation for how people can justify severe harassment over things that are entirely non-issues is that they're trapped in a sort of endless feedback loop as far as morality goes
after all, if you oppose the Bad People, you must be good. but who are the Bad People? well, you're good, so it's anyone who opposes you. and if you're a Good Person opposing the Bad People, then pretty much anything goes, right?
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metalbrainz · 7 months
i've given it some thought and i've decided that i will be continuing to post here regardless of the ai scraping slop but i NEED u all to understand that now more than ever u HAVE to reblog the art u like. i refuse to be replaced by ai.
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transingthoseformers · 4 months
Here's my first, VERY rushed, sketch of Kadatchi!
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I'm imagining they take after mostly Kaon, though their later frame upgrades take some after Tarn's current design (but I'm imagining there's still elements of his original one, thus the orange)
Yes I gave them a little raccoon mask because why not?
Their altmode is currently undecided, as may be obvious, though I want to work their inherited coils into it without making them an outright torture device like their various parents are (while Kadatchi is genetically only related to Kaon and Tarn, they consider the entire DJD as their family)
I've decided on they/them pronouns for Kadatchi, but I see them as vaguely identifying more as generally masc nonbinary
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thissmycomingofage · 7 months
To swifties out there always finding a loop to make it look like everything Taylor does is a shade toward Joe and is reproducing his work and words one way or another : Why do you want for her to be unoriginal and obsessed ? Why do you only see her art as a 'gotcha!' thing rather that a thought through process and creation ? Don't you realize you're her worst detractors ? Why do you not enjoy her art as art ? Why do you hate her so much ?
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tasmanianstripes · 1 year
Sometimes I remember absolutely batshit insane discourse topics I saw when I was a teen and I am just. Amazed
Also, the fact that adults also said this just adds to the insanity tbh
#thylacines can talk#aces stole purple from bis#homosexual/romantic is a slur#aspec actually means autism spectrum and you cant use it if youre acearo. sources? just trust me bro#the mooncourse#people acting rude and entitled because you didn't include a lesbian flag in something. even when it WAS included just in a different post#when a certain art project was split into multiple posts. or they used a lesbiaj flag that they made on their own or that was less popular#because it was back when people still weren't set on which lesbian flag to use. or if it was by-request project#thay one time a lesbian candle maker was harassed because she made a lesbian candle hut didnt use the pink lipstick flag so people accused#her of being lesbophobic despite it saying thats a lesbian flag Right There on heretsy shop#either the same person or another lesbian crafter getting harassed because she made an ace artemis soap#the entire discourseprincessa fiasco#the queer is a slur argument and it's useless anyway because its too vague (thats the POINT)#it was tiring and so stupid when it all was happening and i regret wasting my teens on that bs. but man is it funny in hindsight#i dont miss old tumblr discourse though#I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT ANOTHER ONE. APPARENTLY 'PISS YOUR PANTS' WAS A DEATH THREAT#alsp the fact that i still see people. ADULTS. arguing against the aspec or pan/mga is laughable#what are you? 13? get off the internet. go outside. touch grass. interact with actual queer community. stop being so chronically online#these are just words. if they saw the type of terms older generations use theyd fucking combust on the spot
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general-kalani · 9 months
Ty Spotify for kicking me out whole I was listening to music last night, refuse to log me back in with my Google account, then say no user is found with my email account.
I'm going back to YouTube.
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simminnikas · 2 years
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I left Johnny on the computer to work on tasks for his comedy routine, but this proved to be a bad idea. Combined with his diligent research, great mood, and the playful buff, things turned deadly.
Grim came to visit.
Thulien Generation 3 will forever be traumatized by their Daddy's death.
I'm sorry babies.
Game Stats:-
Torch Holders: 2
Single Births: 2
Self-Wettings: 2 (TH)
Pass-Outs: 5 (TH-3, NTH-2)
Multiple Births/Triplets: 1, Twins: 1
Failing School: 1
Skills Maxed: 5 (TH-4, NTH-1)
Unused Satisfaction Reward Points: 3
Accidental Deaths: 1 (TH-0, NTH -10)
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burned-lariat · 2 years
Oh boy, the weekly preview!! I can't wait to see what's gonna-
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memie-art-blog · 2 years
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Made an OC based off of the one result from Dall e mini. Fucker does not know what Julia looks like
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Naming her Verena (means protector in German, which works for her!) This is what I think her proficiency spread is! Picrew
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woahjo · 7 months
UNFORTUNATELY, i am not a kpop stan ;( i do like a few songs from certain groups and i think the whole concept of the kpop industry is rly interesting from a marketing standpoint.. but i would not consider myself a stan by ANY means
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crowbiotic · 1 year
[“doctors” here specifically referencing healthcare professionals treating physical ailments that are likely not related to your mental illness]
i never walk away from a doctor’s office feeling like i was treated with any sort of dignity, respect, or even sincerity anymore and it’s extremely exhausting, so i would very much like to hear other peoples’ thoughts pls ty
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batman AU where everything is the same, exept that the Al Ghuls are the official royal family of the soverain city state of Nanda Parbat.
Like, its a very small country, but a powerful one and absolutely fuckall is known about their royal family, or the nation itself bc it's impossible to send spies inside without never hearing from them again. Nobody, exept for immidiate family even realizes that Damian is an actual crown prince of an actual country.
Like, just, him, on twitter. and then someone makes a joke about him and the way he is so overly formal in public. And Damian is like, 'yeah, I'm representing my whole country here, I'm the crown prince of my nation', and the person on twitter is like...
And then Dick comes in the comments like. 'Look up the royal liniage of Nanda Parbat before you embarras yourself, I am begging you.' que a small twitter freakout bc holy shit, the youngest Wayne kid is actual fucking royalty, also, apparently Brucie Wayne fucked a princess, what's up with that?
the consequences this would have. Imagine this. They're at a gala, and IDK Black Mask shows up to rob/kidnap/kill them. The hired security never stood a chance. Bruce is there and is already making plans to slip out, and appear as batman.
interestingly enough, Damian is not making similar plans.
Damian just waits.
No more then two seconds later, at least 12 shadows crash trough the roof and absolutely massacre everyone there. No mercy, just murder, before making a protective ring around Damian, who is still completely cool and composed.
The cops try and make a stink about the 2 dozen dead henchmen and the dead Black Mask, but Crown Prince Damian just calmly walks over and tells commissioner Gordon that these were his body guards, and are therefore allowed to do these things if they judge it to be in favor of the crown prince's safety.
Nobody can really argue with that.
Two days later, at school, there are some upperclassmen who are being bitches, and are like. 'Where are your bodyguards now?'
'Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they're not here.'
And a red dot appears on the boys forehead.
I just think it would be really funny if Damian Al Ghul was a genuine prince, in an official, international way. PS.
Even better if the Al Ghul's adopt Jason along the way, and Jason just, straight up also becomes a prince. He's not blood related tho, so he's still in line behind Damian, even though he is the oldest.
That would be insanity. After the Black mask fiasco, Jason just orders the shadows around like. 'okay, after we're done here, escort the crown prince to the secure location.' or whatever.
Someone films it. It goes viral.
People are like; 'what the fuck, why can you order them around like that.'
And Jason is like; 'I am the second prince, therefore, by tradition, the General. The Nanda Parbat fighting forces are under my command.'
and all of twitter is like; ????????
Do you see my vision here???
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