#general guide
avaetin · 1 year
I’m creating this masterlist so that it’s easier for everyone (myself included lol) to navigate around my own mess lol. Will replace the original pin to this one.
Fanfic Recommendation (PJO): HERE
2023 New Works’ Collection: HERE
A Kairos Moment Chapter Guide: HERE
Can’t Say Goodbye (I’m Still Drifting With Your Echoes) Chapter Guide: HERE
Active/Consistent Tumblr Tags:
Primordial God! Chronos x Ananke! Nico: HERE
Given AU: HERE
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dduane · 1 year
PSA: *Beware* AI-generated fungi guidebooks!!
…Not a phrase I imagined myself typing today. But, via @heyMAKWA on Twitter:
“i'm not going to link any of them here, for a variety of reasons, but please be aware of what is probably the deadliest AI scam i've ever heard of:
“plant and fungi foraging guide books. the authors are invented, their credentials are invented, and their species IDs will kill you.”
…So PLEASE be careful if you run across anything of this kind.
(ETA: Corrected egregious typo in the title. Apologies, as I was [a] in bed [b] typing hurriedly and one-handed on the iPad, and [c] I think its native keyboard may need recalibration, but also [d] I was upset about what I was having to post, because seriously, WTF?!!)
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underthetree845 · 1 year
I do really need help with formatting because I have absolutely nooo idea what I'm doing with that
arminsumi is another wonderful creator on here! I am obsessed with their writing style and their headcannons on Armin, so I'll definitely look out for any advice they put out about formatting :D
thank you so much for the support you're super kind!
Ooh okay! It took me a while to come up with a formatting style that I liked, so here’s a general template: (I hope this is what you mean!)
The Title In Big Text
Chapter One: Chapter Title (if it’s multi chapter) (I love doing chapter names instead of just numbering them)
Previous Chapter Link (I prefer to put this at the bottom, but some people link the previous or next chapter at the top) Chapter Index (link, if it’s multi chapter)
Person 1/Person 2 (the pairing)
Cws: (this means content warnings) I usually put whether Reader is gn or not, anything that could be triggering, specifics people may be looking for, essentially just what you would want to know before getting into a fic
About XXX words
Summary: Spoilers-free summary of the events
- - - I like to put these little things here to mark where the writing begins.
Story story story story story story story story story story story story words. “Make sure to start a new line whenever a new person starts speaking,” person X said. It’s a general formatting thing and makes dialogue easier to understand without keeping tabs on which name was used last. “Yup!” person Y agreed.
When the topic changes, I like to leave a space between lines like this.
When time passes, like a day or a week or even a few hours, I put a little dash like this. I also use this when it changes to show characters at a different location.
Story story story story story story story story story story story story words.
- or - - -
I put more dashes to mark the end of the story!
Link to next chapter (if it’s multi chapter) I prefer to put the link to the next part at the bottom, but it’s whatever you prefer! You could also put a link to the chapter index here. If the next chapter isn’t out yet, I usually leave a “Next chapter coming soon, thank you for reading!” Message.
Then you know, all the appropriate tags at the bottom to make sure your fic is discovered :)
Note: Everyone does things differently, so I encourage playing around with formatting in a way that makes sense for you and helps you run your page better!
I think that’s about it, good luck with your fic! I know it’s going to be amazing <3
P.S. I like arminsumi a lot too, their blog would be good to look at for organization with requests and categories and stuff like that!
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lucabyte · 6 months
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traveller tips! you can drink from any standing body of water. it's fine.
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tangledinink · 11 months
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hey gang! me and some of the other creators i talk with have been getting some not-so-fun messages and comments lately, so in wake of both that and the fact that i'm starting my new job soon and will likely be posting less for a bit while i'm adjusting... here's a quick, friendly reminder!
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nelkcats · 1 year
Parent's Day
Ghosts didn't have a father's or mother's day as such, but they did have a day where they combined both. A day to celebrate your guardians. Humans, Yetis, Amazons or Gods, it was a quiet day to thank them for your ghost adoption.
Dan and Ellie had spent a few years under the halfa's care but at the end of the day they considered him their guardian (although Dan did it reluctantly), so when they heard about Parent's Day they panicked.
They wanted to show Danny that they really appreciated him but a mug or coupons were not enough. In the end after some brainstorming they decided to give him the closest thing to a mug that was in the Realms: Constantine's complete soul.
John Contantine was a very annoying human, they knew this because they heard Danny complain about his paperwork many times. Apparently their father had 99% of his soul but couldn't do anything until he had 100%, and what better gift than to help him get rid of the paperwork? He hated paperwork! It was perfect!
With some help from Clockwork they traveled to DC's dimension, determined to take the last of the hellblazer's soul. Dan wondered if he should steal a star from the dimension while they were there (Danny liked space didn't he?), as an extra gift.
John Constantine was in the middle of explaining the holes in reality to the Justice League when a shiver ran through his body. He had an instant bad feeling.
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shiningmystic · 1 month
Messages from your Spirit Guides PAC 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
─── ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ───
Welcome friends, to your sprit guide reading whoever your guides may be they always respond to you.
I only call upon the spirits that look fondly upon you and see the being beneath all the judgement and ego, there is just essence. Unconditional love is what I always dip down to even if there are days that I cannot do it for myself, I know it is always present and that gives me much comfort on my worst days. Mental health awareness is real and always check in with yourself especially being chronically honed in on the bad shit that happens around you or is happening. Cultivating slowness is an everyday job for all of us but when we do it we do become thankful. I'm a bit rusty so forgive me if some of my words may be repetitive. Drop a follow to know when I post another general reading!
Pick your Photo:
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Pile I: colors of light 🧚🏾‍♀️
The lovers (rx), 6 of pentacles, 9 of pentacles, the heirophant (rx), 9 of wands (rx)
Back of the deck: ace of cups (rx), knight of swords, 7 of cups
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Pile one to begin, your guides sent me images of the sun peering through glass and reflecting rainbow colors which really makes me feel as though you are a deep person but from day to day you may feel dull. Your guides are reminding you, sending you messages of your inner light and how it shines out even if you hide it and reflects back in people places or things. There is a lot about beauty here and how to stay genuine to yourself; your beauty is unique and comparing your beauty to someone else’s is a crime against them and you. If you genuinely don’t think you’re beautiful on outside, then there are always ways to work with what we have when we are ready to tackle it (honestly sometime i need to cry it out). Now on with the card pull:
Wow, I feel a lot going on with so many messages, I’ll try and keep it concise.
First message: you will always be enough is a huge message. It doesn’t matter even if they left you, even if someone who you loved told you that you were too much or even feeling that way towards yourself and your guides do not agree. The more we believe that the more we hurt ourselves and continue to prove it right. Even if you are ‘too much’ there are people out there that would disagree. - huge lesson I’m learning is that two truths can exist at the same space even if they oppose the other. For example, when I talk about my trauma, I feel vulnerable and fearful yet after the fact I feel both emotions, strong and weak. Both fear and strength. You are not to much and even if they couldn’t handle you, your a whole lot of love and light especially from the energy from the image.
Message two: some of you are away from family or your country, things are changing and it’s overwhelming in many ways. There is a lot of choices and a lot of overwhelming feelings towards making them. Your guides are advising you to trust in yourself and ignore the voices around that do not harbor understanding. Trust in your own judgment and believe in what you’re doing because it is your life and your actions that shape it; you will be the one living with it so always believe in yourself, you know what’s best for you and even when we make that mistake, we need a gentle reminder that mistakes are apart of success. if you don't give yourself the space to learn then you will continue to never know what is for you.
Message three: it’s always you pile one that always gets the message to be kinder to yourself; life isn’t a strict fast paced all or nothing (obviously life is very hard now for many.) but your guides are reminding you life will have its downs and if you can’t take time for those downs then they will be crashes. I’m feeling loved ones coming through this pile, so just know your guides understand your struggle and want to remind you as well that they are always with you.
Lots of burn out energy, you are so strong, please believe me when I say you are enough.
To the lovely humans who broke up with someone or let go of a person who you love but was toxic, you did the right thing for yourself, i send you love my love.
Pile II: Stepping stones ☄️
8 of cups, the hierophant, 7 of cups (rx), ace of pentacles, temperance, the moon
Back of the deck: queen of wands and 2 of cups (rx)
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Right now you’re stepping up to the unknown, it’s natural to be fearful of risk. Pile 2 I sense that good things will come to you when you make the choice, even with hesitation don’t doubt the choices you have already made. all we can do is what we know now. the effort you put into your work will pour back into you. I can sense a lot of hesitation but still moving forward and that takes courage! Your guides are proud of you stepping up to the plate.
I can see some people going back to school and graduating scared that they will never find stability. Some of you are taking chances and starting businesses especially creative ones (relatable content). Your guides are supporting you on your financial endeavors and know the future feels scary for many.
It’s very unstable in many places right now so I understand the confusion and the fear but the pendulum always swings back and things always go back into balance again even by force (which we shouldn’t let it to come to an extreme but whatever.) You are strong people but this creativity needs to be grounded in reality when it comes to money; be realistic and continue with your motivated attitude towards your endeavors. honestly some of you are and are focusing to hard on the little details, relax and just do what's in front of you.
Believe in yourself pile 2. You have grown to doubt yourself and abilities at times because of push back and it’s actually super healthy for intelligent people to question themselves but to much self doubt only leaves us frozen. Now is the time to go ahead and shine!
The energy for you is ripe with opportunities your guides are saying go ahead, take the calculated risk, do the thing you want to but just know take time to do it with love and integrity you will succeed.
The moon and the 7 of cups reverse tell me about your doubt, anxiety and not knowing what may happen is the worst but life is all about the mystery and discovering your path. dear wanderer, not all souls who walk a lonely path are lost, maybe you'll run into another.
Pile III: Glowing mushrooms 🍄
Page of cups, Death, The Emperor, King of pentacles, strength (rx), Ace of pentacles, 4 of pentacles, Page of Swords
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Your path to transformation takes determination and strength, but understand the power is within you and how you have gotten far.
Mushrooms are pretty crazy! They grow in so many places and are resilient; I’m not saying you’re a mushroom (even though honestly, it’s a vibe) but your guides are bringing it up. Every photo is connected to the pile it is above and yours is about your strength and resilience (pile 2 as well but it's much more emphasized here).
I mean so many people are keeping it together right now and you’re no different but I feel an extra sprinkle of shit being thrown your way recently or this could be a theme. Keep doing what you’re doing is a message for many but to keep taking the steps to this new life and I mean new life. I don’t mean moving away and starting over (unless that resonates) but you are changing it up, starting new habits and new routines, taking steps constantly at a different pace but never stopping, (it’s a lot that you have been juggling I’m surprised I don’t see the 2 of pentacles) Your guides are like Dang they got this.
Lots are taking big steps in life atm and your frozen on a choice (pile 2 also has some of that energy) there is a message of that you’re only human and sometimes it’s alright to be vulnerable and look back at the good times but the here and now is calling, stay focused and channel your emperor energy guys.
Please don’t neglect your mental health, many of you may be overworking even when you feel like you haven’t pushed yourself hard enough *whacks head* stop! You are working enough it’s just that things in reality are kinda messed up and that’s why there so many of us like this. the world is dysfunctional so of course we will be too. But of course that doesn’t solve the issue of having to keep on when your anxious and depressed, but a minute of your day is all you need to cry, to get a hug from someone, I always recommend self care. You can be strong and vulnerable at the same time and I’m willingly absorbing the information from my therapist on how two truths can exist at the same time even if they oppose the other. Be upset and when you can get up and finish that assignment, project, shipment, sale, you seriously got this but I know this is more about the stress and anxiety all this work carries with it.
Stable energy is present in the spread which makes me feel like your guides are just cheering you on knowing how hard it has been and that you are reaching positive new things especially with Death and this transformation that been going on. Be wary of spending for right now (as i assume you are tbh) but know that finances energetically will grow , just stay on task and carry yourself with pride because you are amazing!
So those were the messages I picked up on, I hope they comfort and support you in some way, or even give you advice. Stay humble and lovely my friends.
Tarot decks used: Rider-Waite tarot deck
- ShiningMysticTarot ☀️
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mourningsbane · 28 days
So something is blocking starclan, and we know that some sort of cat afterlife has to exist because honey and her kits are around. Did Honey's death cause some sort of trigger event? Did starclan get closed off or did they willingly close themselves off?
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As above;
As StarClan looks down from the heavens, over the rolling hills and fields that make up LutumClan, they see nothing. A veil of shadows covers the land, pitch-black darkness deep and impenetrable.
A crowd of whispers emerges, but the only words that Flightpaw can make out is a hushed eulogy for the damned.
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brehaaorgana · 9 months
i ended up finding a therapist's guide to a CBT treatment program for clients with adult adhd. and in addition to clearly stating the primary treatment for adhd itself is generally medication, they also have session number #1 built around and literally ending with this practice to start:
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- Create an organizational system with a calendar and a task list. - Put all appointments on the calendar and start ONE master task list.
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Weinersmith and Boulet’s “Bea Wolf”
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On July 14, I'm giving the closing keynote for the fifteenth HACKERS ON PLANET EARTH, in QUEENS, NY. Happy Bastille Day! On July 20, I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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Bea Wolf is Zach Weinersmith and Boulet's ferociously amazingly great illustrated kids' graphic novel adaptation of the Old English epic poem, which inspired Tolkien, who helped bring it to popularity after it had languished in obscurity for centuries:
Boy is this a wildly improbable artifact. Weinersmith and Boulet set themselves the task of bringing Germanic heroic saga from more than a thousand years ago to modern children, while preserving the meter and the linguistic and literary tropes of the original. And they did it!
There are some changes, of course. Grendel – the boss monster that both Beowulf and Bea Wulf must defeat – is no longer obsessed with decapitating his foes and stealing their heads. In Bea Wulf, Grendel is a monstrously grown up and boring adult who watches cable news and flosses twice per day, and when he defeats the kids whose destruction he is bent upon, he does so by turning them into boring adults, too.
And Bea Wulf – and the kings that do battle with Grendel – are not interested in the gold and jewels that the kings of Beowulf hoard. In Bea Wulf, the treasure is toys, chocolate, soda, candy, food without fiber, television shows without redeeming educational content, water balloons, nerf swords and spears, and other stuff beloved of kids and hated by parents.
That substitution is key to transposing the thousand-year-old adult epic Beowulf for enjoyment by small children in the 21st century. After all, what makes Beowulf so epic is the sense that it is set in a time in which a primal valor still reigned, but it is narrated for an audience that has been tamed and domesticated. Beowulf makes you long for a never-was time of fierce and unwavering bravery. Bea Wulf beautifully conjures the years of early childhood when you and the kids in your group had your own little sealed-off world, which grownups could barely perceive and never understand.
Growing up, after all, is a process of repeating things that are brave the first time you do them, over and over again, until they become banal. That's what "coming of age" really boils down to: the slow and relentless transformation of the mythic, the epic, and the unknowable and unknown into the tame, the explained, the mastered. When you're just mastering balance and coordination, the playground climber is a challenge out of legend. A couple years later, it's just something you climb.
The correspondences between the leeching away of magic lamented in Beowulf and experienced by all of us as we grow out of childhood are obvious in hindsight and surprising and beautiful and bittersweet when you encounter them in Bea Wolf.
This effect owes a large debt to Boulet's stupendous artwork. Boulet brings a vibe rarely seen in American kids' illustration, owing quite a lot to France's bande dessinée tradition. Of course, this is a Firstsecond book, and they established themselves as an exciting and fresh kids' publisher in the USA nearly 20 years ago by bringing some of Europe's finest comics to an American audience for the first time. You can get a sense of Boulet's darker-than-average, unabashedly anarchic illustrations here:
The utter brilliance of Bea Wulf is as much due to the things it preserves from the original epic as it is to the updates and changes. Weinersmith has kept the Old English tradition of alliteration, right from the earliest passages, with celebrations of heroes like "Tanya, treat-taker, terror of Halloween, her costume-cache vast, sieging kin and neighbor, draining full candy-bins, fearing not the fate of her teeth. Ten thousand treats she took. That was a fine Tuesday."
Weinersmith also preserves the kennings – the elaborate figurative compound phrases that replace nouns – that turn ordinary names and places into epithets at you have to riddle out, like calling a river "the sliding sea."
These literary devices, rarely seen today, are extremely powerful, and they conjure up the force and mystique that has kept Beowulf in our current literary discourse for more than a millennium. They also make this a super fun book to read aloud.
When Jim Henson was first conceiving of Sesame Street, he made a point of designing it to have jokes and riffs that would appeal to adults, even if some of the nuance would be lost on kids. He did this because he wanted to make art that adults and kids could enjoy together, both because that would give adults a chance to help kids actively explore the ideas on-screen, but also because it would bring some magic into those adults' lives.
This is a very winning combination (not for nothing, it's also the original design brief for Disneyland). Weinersmith and Boulet have produced a first-rate work of adult and kid literature, both a perfect entree to Beowulf for anyone contemplating a dive into old English epic poetry, and a kids' book full of booger jokes and transgressive scenes of perfect mischief.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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circleturk · 1 year
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P. Stew just throwing thee sluttiest pose for TV Guide cir. early-mid ‘90s
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lily-on-the-fence · 6 days
Ahhh the Human Domestication Guide might be taking over my life >w<
I read the original and then started reading Dog of War yesterday and spent nearly the whole day readingg :3 Honestly it's so good and sweet and has just a liiiitle~ bit of tension to keep things fresh.
God it's such a dream of a setting I can't wait to sink my teeth into it and maybe write a little something or other!
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troublemakingrebel · 1 year
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cosmetichorror · 2 years
Pssst, hey, imagine this:
When the hero’s die, instead of moving on their spirits get sucked inside the mastersword, (don’t question how those who don’t use the mastersword get sucked in there) and they’re left to be a guide for the next hero to use them. Fi is there too btw.
Anyways as each person gains the mastersword, they also gain a handful of guides who can either be super helpful or super annoying.
POV Wild:
Legend: well well well! Look who finally decided to pick us up again.
Time: Ledge, don’t be rude, he died. He’s allowed to take a while
Hyrule: im just glad to see him back!
Sky: how are you, Link? Are you well? Are you okay now? That was quite the scare you gave us! How is your face? Do your scars hurt? Can we help?
Wild: Who the fuck are you?????
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jenokoi · 2 years
What attracted them to you, and what’s holding back this connection?
in this reading we’ll be be talking a bit about who you are as a person and how some perceive you, what attracted your person to you alongside a sneak peak of their intentions, and what’s preventing this union from flowing its natural course. It is a bit extensive, so please take only what resonates with you and leave the rest for your fellow companions.
Please take a deep breath and get comfortable. Let your intuition guide you to the answer you seek in the pictures below. Take as much time as you need.
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My tarot readings are guided by the current energy of my subject in question and my own spirit guides. Energies are prone to change based on our actions, and thus nothing is truly set on stone. Please take only what resonates, this is a general reading. It’s okay to not feel drawn to any of the images. If you have to force it into the narrative of your life, then it might not be for you. These readings are for entertainment purposes only.
This is the pile for the passive, sweet, and dreamy fairies. You don’t consider yourself an active player in life, often sitting by the side as it passes you by. The individuals who prefer to be left alone in their own world with a book and a cup. Head always in the clouds sweethearts. You do not disturb the peace of others and appreciate when they don’t disturb yours. Those who have tried are simply left dumbfounded at your lack of interest to play the petty game of revenge. You don’t meddle in other’s peoples’ affairs, because truthfully, you just don’t care. You are an spectator that isn’t really paying much attention to the show.
It does not means you are ignorant, however. Were someone to ask for your help you will gladly assist them as long as none of your morals or self-imposed rules are broken. You follow a guide of loose restrains that keep you safe and content. You are also a bit of a loner, very selective of your companions and to whom you give your energy to. People you don’t really interact much with think of you as apathetic, some might go as far as to say you are high on your horse. But truth is, you have no curiosity for the ways others chose to do life when you don’t play a recurrent role in their show.
You keep to yourself a lot, but aren’t shy to speak your feelings out loud with your circle of friends. And while it might take a while for people to get you to open up to them, being able to enter your loving energy is such a blessing. Your love is unconditional, unquestioned, secure. You would do anything for those you care about. And rest assure, for they would do the same for you.
You are very kind, pile one, but because you sometimes see it as a weakness you are careful when meeting new people. You have pretty strong boundaries, but you are too lost in your head that you forget to put them down when genuine individuals approach you. Some have no choice but to admire you from afar.
Unlike the other piles, your person’s attraction towards you started with a specific event.
Your person happened to witness an occurrence in which you offered your assistance to an individual without seeking compensation. For some it was to a friend of yours, for others it was a small animal in need of shelter or medical help. In this situation, you moved mountains and oceans to aid the subject in need, never once expecting something in return. It was the dedication to the deed that peaked your person’s interest in you. When before they had seen you as part of the background only, a newfound sentiment of respect brewed inside them after that event. Your person saw a side of you that is not often exposed, and they were mesmerized by it.
Your person then started to notice how fiercely protective you are of those you love and care about. How you treasure and respect your friends. How you bring out a childlike disposition (full of vigor and excitement) when surrounded by people you are comfortable around with. The way your energy seems to fuel the room when you come out of your castle in the clouds.
They want to take you out to explore, preferably where there is a lot of nature. Some of them practice skateboarding and they want to teach you. They want to be the person who makes you smile, and they want to make you feel the way they see you make your friends feel. They want to be the sun the shines upon your garden of roses.
Though they feel you are too closed-off, specifically towards them (this is their own fears projecting onto your passive nature). Your person thinks you are very careful of who you share your naturally bright energy with. They believe it would be hard to convince you to go out in adventures with them. Some of them might like spontaneous trips or late strolls/rides around the city.
They fear you are too out of reach for them. Your person would be grateful if you were to give them the opening to a friendship. They want to put the work into courting you, be the one to sweep you off your feet. They want the confirmation that you accept them as a friend. Your person is very bashful when thinking of being with you. They want to make you happy and make you feel safe around them. But they are afraid they will scare you away with their eagerness, and so they hold back from approaching you head on. They are being held captive by their own mind, both daydreaming of the two of you together and overthinking negative outcomes to your encounters. Your person isn’t shy, though. They just really want to get to know you but your closed-off vibes scare them a little.
One of you, or maybe both, was hurt in the past because you gave too much of yourself to someone else or was vulnerable with a partner that shamed them for loving too deeply. However, your person thinks you two are just the right amount of similar and of different to complement each other perfectly.
You might also know this person from work or mutual friends, but you two aren’t really that close or even on talking terms. They might have had tried to make light conversation with you but became shy at your silent demeanor around him.
Playing instruments, music, performing, skateboard, blonde hair, headwear, yellow beanie, bucket hat, flowers, children, sun, parties, rbf, caramel, city night, red brick.
Personal thoughts: if you give then the chance, they will take. They are a chaser, they are just waiting for the green light.
Okay, so there’s a very heavy energy for my pile 2. Lots of trust issues, a very guarded individual, ice queen/king vibes. For starters, you guys are beautiful and attract a lot of superficial suitors, the type who only want you for your looks, which you are aware of. You keep your passions a secret and carry a big burden in your back (some of you might be the primary supporter to your family or household). You are a no-bullshit-allowed, get shit done person. Many seek your attention but lack deepness to themselves. And when you do find a subject of your attraction you cut that shit quick. You have a logical mindset. You don’t let anyone get too close to you, always on the ready to back away if emotions get involved. You don’t really let anyone get to truly know you.
However, when it comes to your goals and aspirations you turn into an unstoppable force to be reckon with. You become a great leader who people respect and admire. Some of you might be in a position of authority or in charge of a group. I see young people look at you in awestruck. You are an inspiration to many.
It was the same for this person. They saw you commit to a project or a goal and were mesmerized by your efficiency. They saw you weren’t only a pretty (beautiful) face but also an intelligent person with set morals. Some of you might be students, potentially in law major, or working in something related to the law.
Your person is very intuitive, and they wonder if you give a break to yourself every once in a while. They also feel a very guarded person, as it is a bit hard to get into their energy. They are not emotionally unavailable though, and they most definitely are not insecure. Your person is quiet, an observer. They admire you from a distance and are respectful of you and your work. They are very attracted to your work ethic and they way you handle problems. Your person likes that you are reliable and they would like to be the same for you. They want to be a person you can trust, to be a source of aid to you.
Some of you might be in different areas of interest though, and conversations between the two of you is difficult to come by. Imagine two people in a big, crowded room, each against a different corner but in view of one another.
They see that you are beautiful, but above all, they respect you. They want to be an equal to you. Your person would like to take long, warm baths with you and have deep conversations (some of them might be into the sciences, biology specifically). However, they feel as if you are not looking for an intimate relationship (some of you might be married to your work or your studies). They feel a sadness to you, loneliness perhaps. You have flourished beautifully in life, and have achieved a comfortable financial stability or you are working towards it. They don’t want to ruin your momentum, your peace. Your person would love to approach you with a romantic offer, though. A connection of two intellects. They are emotionally stable, they have experience in relationships, but not in the sense of being a player. Some might have had a long term relationship that ended when they outgrew one another.
Your person has a calm aura to them. They are a formidable partner. They want to be your rock, your safe place where the heaviness of your shadows disperse into clouds. They want to know about your passions, the activities you enjoy, your favorite desserts, the places you want to visit, and inquire about your childhood. How you became who you are today. They want a connection based on trust and honesty and curiosity of one another.
But your person feels as if you would not be willing to let them in. You seem so very far away from them. Oh, but they see you. They don’t have much hope for this connection, yet they can’t help but think of a stable future with you. Some of them might like to cook or bake. They have genuine intentions, but the amount of suitors around you and your clear dismissal of them prevents your person from taking action. They don’t plan on doing so either, not because of lack of wanting, but because they think and see you are not looking for a relationship.
Shadows, suit, lipstick, formal events, sweets, cold weather, black hair, snow, clean, petals, money, skyscrapers, tall windows, damp hair, tired eyes, longing.
Personal thoughts: return their gaze, pile two. Show interest in their work, all your person needs is to know you don’t find their attention a nuisance. Things might be slow at first, but there is a burning passion in the both of you. This is an equal partner. For some, it might be someone you have been waiting for.
This connection is up to you, pile two. If you don’t feel ready for it it’s okay to not seek it. But do not allow fear to be in control of you. This is a wonderful partner. Have in mind, though, that they are looking for a long term relationship. If that’s not what you want at the moment then discretion is advised.
Dear pile two, please take care of your mental health. It’s okay to take a break every once in a while. Don’t be afraid to be selfish, you matter and are important. Please stay safe.
Well fuck, haha. Hello pile three.
You guys are loud. As in, you guys are not afraid of speaking out your mind and being vulnerable with your emotions and feelings. You guys are very fucking loud, cursing like a sailor and all. Some of you had a great childhood, others might have had a close relationship with your father figure growing up. But yeah, you don’t hold back when fighting for what you believe in. You actually enjoy getting into arguments, especially about silly stuff just to rile your opponent up (you are great at finding loopholes in their arguments and ideas).
You like to have fun and don’t have any trouble being around big crowds. You don’t necessarily seek to be the center of attention, but you attract a public with your charisma and conversation. You are very funny and a good storyteller. But you are also very stubborn, to the bone, stupidly so. Once an idea or belief is implemented in your head, good luck to the poor bastard who tries to swerve your mind. That aside, people just enjoy your company. Some of you might be the life of the party. You are everyone’s best friend and hanging out with you is always exciting.
Overall, you are very in tune with your emotions, even if they are slightly volatile and a bit obsessive. You are also good at expressing them, which sometimes (if not every time,) translates to you acting based on them.
Some of you might be an only child. You don’t like to share, and once you find something (or someone) you like it’s hard for you to let go, even when you know it’s bad for you or… doesn’t belong to you, haha. Happily ever after is something you believe in but don’t necessarily seek. Again, some of you had a good example when it came to relationships—specifically marriage—when growing up.
What attracted (and still does) this person to you is your honesty. How you are unapologetically you. Heart on your sleeve, mind in your mouth. They enjoy bantering with you, how easy the conversation flows between the two of you even when you disagree completely. They have fun with you (but who doesn’t, really). They find it endearing when you are stubborn during silly arguments even when they have proved you wrong, and they appreciate it even more when you accept defeat against them. You don’t take it too far when the joke stops being funny or threatens to turn into an issue.
They love the energy you bring into the room and how you challenge them to match it. But above all, they admire how deep your well of thoughts is and how you try to understand others without placing more importance to your own experiences and belief system.
Now, there seems to be a big issue here. An issue of three, to be more specific (come on, some of you saw this coming). This person might be already in a relationship or in a compromise of sorts that doesn’t allow for this connecting to flourish. It could be a family or religious situation. Family is very present in this pile.
This person might have a child. There is guilt in them, the aftermath of your encounters. The memory of you repeats in their head like an old film. Even if they try to go around the problem, a perpetual truth holds them back from you. The attraction is clear, even if some try to hide it. People notice, too, people judge in silence. This person is under the crowd’s eyes, and so are you, pile three.
This person is stuck or very grounded in their position/decision, which prevents this connection from evolving. This person yearns for you. You might catch them looking at you often but not taking any serious action, which might leave you confused and slightly hopeful. But they won’t come to you. There is something about running out of time or/and being too late to the game. External forces are also at play here, affecting this connection and pushing it astray. You are an addiction they are trying to cleanse, but both seem to share this obsessive nature when it comes to love.
There isn’t much I can say that isn’t already known. Feelings that can’t be spoken of. They don’t and won’t allow themselves to dwell much on fantasies of you, as it is mentally, and for some even physically, painful to them. It feels as if taking a step into this connection will ruin some kind of stability in their life.
Shots, parties, pillow thoughts, night, sky without stars, the number three, Taurus, arguments, beautiful smile, furtive glances, family, religion, loud music/noises, jazz, unhealthy addictions: alcohol, drugs, junk food.
Personal thoughts: I’m sorry pile three, it might not be what you wanted to hear, but sometimes it’s better to move on. No matter how hard it is. You got a lot of lions in your reading, so if you wish to work on this connection you must be strong and resilient, your energy alone is so powerful. Yet some stuff is better left unprovoked.
I apologize, there wasn’t much I could see about this person’s feelings towards you. They are very zealous of this information, a secret they want no one to discover. Please stay safe and be healthy in your decisions. I know you have the power to sway things in your favor, pile three, so whatever you chose, proceed with caution.
That’s it for tonight! Thank you for reading till the end. Any kind of feedback is much appreciated, and please don’t be afraid to talk to me! The more contact I have with you guys the clearer your energy feels! Stay safe, the universe loves you all <3
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that-howling-sky-kid · 9 months
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Just a small reminder that Passage Guide is the ONLY guide shown removing his mask in the promo art.
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